MUHAMMAD RIPS PRESIDENT'S SPEECH! August 20, 1965 By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

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Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah

VOL. 4—No. 39

TOuhammadSpeaKs AUGUST 20, 1965

> Hi



Massive Cobo Arena Audience in Detroit Hail The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, right ,See Page 5



AUGUST 20, 1965

M u h a m m a d Rips President's Talk hammad, to Whom praise is due forever; the Savior of the American lost-found socalled Negroes.

from the earth and mount into the air at a terrific speed of 2,000 MPH, while the little toy plane has no motor and no way of conquering space. I say there is no victory for you under the Voting Law. We must be careful and not swallow everything that is offered to us without examining the thing.

HE C A L L E D IT A TRIUMPH MR. JOHNSON, the PresiMy people, the so - called American Negroes, are now dent of the United States of faced with the prospect of America, in his speech Frimaking a decision between day, August 6. 1965, as rethe two peoples, the black ported in the New Y o r k and the white (God and the Times newspaper, at his devil), due to their lack of signing of the Voting Rights knowledge, they are prophe- Bill, enabling our southern THE SO - C A L L E D Negro sied of as being spiritually black people to vote said, has had the right to vote In blind, deaf and dumb and in "Today is a triumph for the North for many years. this condition can easily be freedom as huge as any vic- His vote up here has not tory that's ever been won on made him an equal to the deceived by the enemy. any battlefield." white citizen of America, However, according to the prophesy of the Bible and Just who is making such nor has it given him any the Holy Qur-an, God would a triumph for freedom "As victory to really go for himraise up a Messenger from huge as any victory that's self (independence). among them to teach and to ever been won on any battleHe is a beggar for freewarn them against b e i n g field?" dom, justice and equality deceived by their enemy. Just who is making such here as well as in the south. But who among you ap- a triumph for freedom that His head is also beaten by preciate accepting a Divine equals any victory that ever brute police force. He is shot guidance? If you only knew was won on any battlefield? down at will by that same that this is the time and the Is the President referring to froce as in the South. He has fulfillment of the B i b l e himself or the so-called Ne- to vote for the white man in prophesy of Revelation 12:9, gro? If to himself and his the South or one of his Uncle 13:14, that the enemy, devil people, is this victory of Toms who the white man of would be charged with hav- : granting a slave the right to the South will allow in office. ing deceived the whole world <' vote for his master to conHe must be okayed by the and that God and His Mes- tinue to rule him greater senger must make manifest I than the victory of the United white man regardless as to this deceiver, those he has S t a t e s of America in the w h e t h e r they outnumber deceived and the type of de- winning of the war between him (the white). ceit that he used. In voting, you will not rule France, England; or t h a t on the Election Day; your j over the aboriginal people GOD THROUGH His Messenger makes these things [here, the American Indians; choice must be their choice. known to you in a time of or her obtaining the in- If time will allow this to magreat importance, in a time dependence to call herself terialize, you will shed many that is very serious, a time j the U n i t e d S t a t e s of tears and be kicked around as a slave for many years in which you must make a America? before your vote in the South decision as to whose side If the President referred you will take; the side for to the so - called Negro's will do you much good in the your life and the future lives right to vote in the south as way of freedom, justice and of your children and your ; a greater victory than any equality. The time is too children's children's ; victory that has ever b e e n short for you to take this statement to mean your salchildren. won on any battlefield, it vation and that with it you The time is 6,051 years would be like saying to a will become the equal of the from the time of the creation ; child that his toy airplane is white man in America. No of the deceiver. We are 4,051 greater than any real airy e a r s from the time of • plane which can raise itself (Continued on page 1 1 ) Moses. We are 2,051 years from the time of Jesus. We are 1,384 years from the time of Muhammad. There was 2,000 years between the time of the making of t h i s race ( A d a m ) to that of Moses, which was called the 'dark history,' inasmuch as they were unable to make a record of it. There was the darkest of ignorance in those 2,000 years. This darkness was their divine punishment for their trouble-making in the Holy Land of Arabia. They were cast out and run into the hills and cavesides of Europe without a guide and leader. The above time, which I have summed up to you. is to bring your mind and your theology into reason with me as God has taught me in the Person of Master Fard Mu-

By Elijah Muhammad

MUHAMMAD SPEAKS Published Weekly Vol. 4—No. 39

Aug. 20, 1965

P u b l i s h e d by

Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 634 E. 79th St., Chicago, III.. 60619 ABerdeen



Year Years

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Issues) Issues!

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DISEMBARKING FROM Turbo-prop plane and going by auto to Detroit's Cobo Arena, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, attired in New Muslim uniform, returns to the city from whence he was first missioned by the Savior, Master W. D. Fard.

AUGUST 20, 1965


H o w 1 I v f f

The Benefits of Eating Once a Day


T o E a t I V h U I

T o I V

L i v p h l f v

The Fruit Of Islam

"As Taught To Me By Almighty God, Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad" By Elijah Muhammad The Messenger of Allah Since many people are writing me for personal answers as to what we should and should not eat, I think it would lessen my work and be wise if you would clip these articles out and keep them where you can refer to them when needed. M a n y of my followers food, we should not eat the write and tell me of the above mentioned food. Many benefit they are receiving write and ask if they should from eating one meal a day eat meat at all. It is not a or one meal every other day. sin for you to eat meat, but This will produce good re- it is a sin for you to eat the sults and lengthen our lives. hog-meat. But children should not be If we want to prolong our forced to fast or to eat once lives, it is best that we do a day or once every other j not eat meat or do not eat it day. ; so often. Beef is very coarse Children and babies should! and many of our people do eat at least twice a day. If not eat it because of that. you are now eating three Horsemeat can also be eatmeals a day and you would en. It is cleaner than the like to eat one meal every a v e r a g e meat. But we other day, you should n o t - should not eat it unless we all of a sudden :— change are extremely hungry and from three meals a day, have nothing else to eat beevery day, to one meal ev- cause it is a domestic ani! mal and is gentle and close ery other day. FIRST DROP to two meals Jto t h e home. platform as the Messenger of Allah delivers I T I S N O a T sin to eat MEMBERS OF FOI attired in new white suma day, then one meal a day, mer uniforms stand at ease around speaker's address to cheering audience in Cobo Arena. and then one meal every even, rabbit. But since Allah said that the rabbit is so other day. It is better to do it this way so that you will near kin to the house cat be eaten. Please do not eat all sorts of processed foods healthy cow's milk or anj not make yourself sick. And, that they are relatives, we coons, opossums, turtles, (such as cereals), if you can animal's milk. You may givt if you eat every other day, do not eat it. The rabbit, turtle eggs, or frog legs. give them fresh foods. And your babies cow milk, but ii do not begin your meal with however, is cleaner than the None of these are good for do not give your child ready- you can breast-feed them prepared food. Prepare it yourself — as nature in house cat because he eats us. heavy food. yourself as mother used to tended — then you should dc vegetables, roots and herbs MILK AND BREAD that I have received m a n y do a long time ago. You so. You will have a healthier and he does not eat anything has not been robbed of its questions in regard to meat, value is good for us. If you were more healthy in those baby and a baby who will fish, and poultry that have alive. Allah has said that no wild must have some type of fat days than you are now. Pre- love you. When a baby is not been mentioned in my game should be eaten at all. take the fat from milk (but- pare your child's food and nursed on cow's milk, t h e column. The main thing AlRegardless as to how you ter"). Cheese is also good for give it to him; but do not baby may love the cow more lah, as well as the Holy love deer meat, the deer is us. Some people will make feed it to him out of your than he loves you. (smile) Qur-an, reminds us of is that not good to eat. No game a meal of cheese and eat it mouth as grandmother used Eat good food so that you when it comes to meat and that runs wild in the woods as though they were eating to do (smile). But still, we will be able to give youi fish, Allah forbids us to eat or birds that fly, with the ex- bread. But, we should not survived from that better baby good, pure milk. the flesh of a swine and a than we are surviving from fish weighing over 50 pounds ception of baby pigeons that eat too much cheese. Please these processed foods today. You can drink cow's milk; do not eat cornbread, and do have never flown away from (or even w e i g h i n g 50 your own milk glands will the nest where they w e r e not fry your foods. A SICK mother's milk is pounds). born, (called squabs) should Do not feed your children better for her baby than a ( C o n t i n u e d on page 11) SOME P E O P L E will not even eat fish at all. There are many fish that we can eat; some even weighing as little as one or one and a half pounds. When e a t i n g fish, we should confine our fish-eating to those fish weighing between one and ten pounds. As I previously said in this series of articles on "How to Eat to Live," do not eat the scavengers of the sea such as o y s t e r s , crabs, clams, snails, shrimps, eels, and catfish. The fish last mentioned (catfish) is a very filthy fish. He loves filth and is the pig of the water. Some people w r i t e in complaining about the fish that swim on their sides, but these fish can be eaten. ALLAH HAS taught me that chicken is not good for us to eat. They are q u i t e filthy (inasmuch as they do not eat the cleanest of food), but we eat them. We eat beef and lamb; but Allah also said that it is not so good for us. It is not a sin for us to eat it. It is not a sin for us to eat, cam- 1 els. But if we can find better j -


ieatty's jCandid

AUGUST 20, 1965



Named Him


Negroes Split on African Aid in Rights Struggle bers of all races and pressure from any faction will In view of President Johnson's apparent disregard ultimately c r e a t e another for world opinion in his aggressive policies in Viet Nam pressure g r o u p , thereby and Santo Domingo, many now see his steps toward better causing a situation which race relations in America—the Civil Rights Bill and Voting will benefit no one in the Bill especially—as being made with the purpose of en- long run. hancing America's image, particularly in the eyes of the newly emerging African and Asian nations. Eldorie Rucker, student: I A popular Negro perform don't think they should fight er recently said, "In view of replies representing the var- for us, because it would not the atrocious bombings of ious shades of opinion: really help them. It's our N o r t h Viet Nam, which freedom and we are the ones shows Johnson, in his true J o a n n McElroy, house- who should fight for it. light, I wouldn't be sur- wife: Yes. All the major naprised if he gave less than tions of the world are countLonzell Jones, druggist: a damn for black people, ing on and seeking the friend- No, I don't think the black ship of the African nations, including America. Therefore, I think the voice of the African nations would help speed up the tempo in our struggle for complete equality. (Pan-African Research Associates)

Deidra Scott, cashier: No, mainly because the African nations do not see themLane McElroy selves in the same category Robinson Rucker except that such a view of the American Negro. Also would jeopardize American because of race discrimina- African nations should presholdings in Africa and Asia." tion perpetrated by Euro- sure the U.S. into ending peans and because of the race discrimination, because The performer went on to this is a problem that the say that Johnson feigns symU.S. will have to settle thempathy with Negroes in their selves. Outside pressures struggle for equal rights, would only create more of not because he is genuinely a problem. concerned about the problems of Negroes, but beSTONEWALL EDWARDS, displays signs aimed at Uncle Toms, Lawyers Plan to Aid cause it is good politics at whom he considers already in aldermanic jobs in Chicago. home and abroad. Premier Ben Bella With hand-made signs and placards, the one-man picket line has devoted his life to championing the causes of the poor. ALGERIA — All quarters ALTHOUGH this view may be exaggerated, it is of the Afro-Asian world have "Stonewall" (name given to him at birth by his parents) has Scott written letters calling attention to cases of injustices to four certainly no exaggeration expressed concern for the that American policy is gov- discrimination among the mysterious whereabouts of United States Presidents. They include: Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman and Johnson. He has received answers from all. erned to some degree by various t r i b e s of Africa, the opinions of African and their voices would never be former Premier Ahmed Ben heard even if they wanted Bella, including 32 Iraqui a few days before the pub- Premier, former F r e n c h Asian nations. lawyers who have informed licized June, Afro-Asian con- Army sergeant and hero of But should the black Af- to help us. the new Government of their ference here, was arrested ; the Algerian revolution. rican nations use the power by Col. Boudemeine's facA passionate foe of neoVincent Robinson, s t o c k of their influence to help readiness to defend him, if tion and snatched from pub- colonialism, Ben Bella was a the black man in America clerk: I think the black Af- he is to be tried. lic life. Nothing specific has moving force in the Afroricans and all the non-cauachieve equality? Ben Bella, victim of a coup been heard of the former Asian conference. casian races should put their PAN - AFRICAN research shoulders to the wheel and PLEASE ORDER N O W associates took this question push for freedom for the to a cross-section of black long-exploited people. A BEAUTIFUL Americans — some 1,800 in 1 0 " x l 2 ALBUM SET OF J.C. Lane, photographer: the South and 2,100 in the PHOTOS OF No. I think the problems will North: have to be solved by memThe question: IN INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Do you think the black AfVISIT rican nations should help pressure the United States Ml II VMM A i r s MOSQCE to end all race discriminaa t 2 9 0 5 N. C L I F T O N tion? WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. EVERY SUNDAY 2:00 P.M. The answers:



IN THE Yes No No opinion IN THE Yes No No opinion

SOUTH 45$ 40'/, 15% NORTH 45';; 42'/; ' . . . . 13%

MUHAMMAD S P E A K S ' roving photographer, George Beatty, a s k e d the same question of Negroes on the streets of Chicago and received these characteristic





Autographed by the Champ/. 1. A Personally Autographed Photo of the Champion. 2. A Montage of Photos Showing Knockouts of Charlie Powell, Archie Moore, Henry Cooper, Sonny Liston and Others AS PREDICTED by the Champion. e» _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONLY $2.00 POSTAGE PAID. SEND MONEY ORDER OR CHECK TO: JOIN HERBART STUDIOS Attention: Muhammad Alt








AUGUST 20, 1965


On the Site of the Savior:

Thousands Hail C o b o A r e n a w. DETROIT—Braving thundershowers and hours waiting outside modern Cobo area, a massive, enthusiastic audience of Muslims and non-Muslims from throughout the states and many parts of Canada heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad blast the evil hypocracy of America and present his Divenly-inspired solution to the Negro problem. " I am very happy to be again in the very city where DERS of Kansas City. Mo. I started," the Messenger said: "1 came here for my said, pointing out that the first Muslim Savior, Master W. D. Fard meeting. Muhammad had once walked I think Islam a m o n g many in the audiis a nice orence. gan i z a tion. but I d o n ' t "God in person w a l k e d quite underamong you 34 years ago, stand everyright here in Detroit," t h e thing. At the Messenger said, "and you same time, I didn't know it then and many hope to unof you still do not know it. derstand more and I'm "THE SOLUTION TO THE enjoying p r o b l e m (of the black everything." man in A m e r i c a (is not found in Viet Nam; it is not found in China; it is not MISS JOYCE N E T T L E S found in Central America; it of Trenton, N.J. said: is not found in Egypt or In "This is my first time seeMoscow or in Arabia or Af- ing the Messenger in Derica—it is found right here troit. I think it's a wonderful on the speakers stand," the program that he has and I Messenger told the wildly go along with everything he cheering audience. says." Thus, the astonishing success of the Honorable Elijah MRS. OTHELLA WELLS Muhammad in delivering his of Chicago. 111. said: prophetic message to the 22 "Every time Muhammad million b l a c k people of comes to town. I come to America despite all obstasee him. I encles and misrepresentations joy e v e r ywas a g a i n demonstrated thing about here as he spoke to a rephim e v er y resentative cross - section of time h e. black men and women of all m a k e s an groups and classes. appearance. To pin-point some of the I believe in opinions of this cross-section. c_veryl hing Muhammad S p e a k s West he's teaching Coast correspondent. Harand I think riet Muhammad, s o u g h t he's a wonthese frank opinions from derful p e rWells members of the audience son." and obtained the following answers: MRS. MYRA E E R E R of New York. N.Y. said: MRS. TRUDY M I L L E R of "This is my first time seeHolly. Mich., said: "This is ing the Messenger, but I lismy first time s e e i n g the Messenger. I come from a school where | a b o u t nine t e n t h s are w h i t e . We were taught t h a t Islam was a r e l i gion t h a t Sims Ferrar t a u g h t haJones tred. Where I ten to him usually e v e r y go to school - Flint Junior Sunday. My husband is a College—I met some people Muslim and we abide by all that belong to Islam and I the rules and I think Islam tried to disprove the things is beautiful. I wish more of that they said, because I've our people would b e c o m e always believed that we've Muslims. always had "good" w h i t e people, but I'm finding out CHARLES SIMMS of Mildifferent. I think Muham- waukee. Wise., said: mad is wonderful and I plan " I believe that these are to join." the true teachings of AlMRS. E L B E R T A S A X - lah — the true God. I believe



OUTSIDE COBO arena, thousands wait through thundershowers until doors open. Hosted by members of Muhammad's Mosque that every Negro should believe in everything that Muhammad says." TAYNK GONZALES of Detroit, Mich., said: "This is my first convention and I'll be joining shortly. I've heard the teachings from the Minister here, and after being raised in a Christian home — the son of a minister—I've seen the light of Islam and I want to take heed to the message."



of Islam No. 1, the audience represented all sections of the black community. Scientist


Auto Fumes M a y Make Man


LOS ANGELES—The automobile and its internal combustion engine is one of the greatest threats to mankind, according to a University of California -meteorologist. Morris Neiburger said if ' ~ fumes from automobile ex- not from a sudden catahause systems continue clysm like a nuclear war, flooding the air at present but from gradual suffocarates the planet will be tion in its own wastes." smothered in smog within 100 years.

Sudan Amendment Hit

"ALL CIVILIZATION," JOHNNIE JONES of De lu said, "will pass away. troit. Mich., said: "This is my first big meeting, but I've heard the teachings before. Although I'm not as faithful as I should be. and I know this, nevertheless I a 1 vv a y s encourage any black man or woman to come on and be a Muslim. Elijah Muhammad is a wonderful man." SAN FRANCISCO — Civil suits were filed in Federal ARLANDIS ABBINGTON Court seeking S39 million in of Detroit. Mich., said: damages by six converts to "This is my first time see- Islam, followers of the Honing Muhammad or actually orable Elijah Muhammad, hearing him speak. I r e a d charging California prison officials with the denial of religious rights and their fr.eedom .to worship as they choose. The suit accused prison officials of subjecting the inmates to "undue harassment, cruel and unusual punishment and Klan-type terrorism." The prisoners, Joel BevNettles erly. Billy H. Walker, Ralph my first paper (MUHAM- Roy Williams, William A. MAD SPEAKS) just a week Chariot. Claudell Cooper and ago. and thought that I would John A. Geeter, are filing come and hear what he had • he p e t i t i o n themselves, *o say. I haven't found any- pointing out that they are thing wrong with what he's petitioning as paupers. said. Fael is. He's very much Each man asked $6.5 miltight " 'ion damages for "malicious acts" on the part of the deendants which caused "sufS U P P O R T rering. mental, phychologiMUHAMMAD'S religious indignities and humiliation and nervous tensions of a non-rectifiable MOSQUE OF ISLAM nature." They also asked a "perpetual injunction" to be orYEAR dered by a three-judge panel ECONOMIC ihey requested to be set up 5AVINGS PLAN to- hear their case.

Muslims File $39 Million in Law Suit

KHARTOUM — The new, Sudanese Government's proposal to amend the present temporary constitution has met with strong resistance from various members of the Sudanese Constituent Assembly here.

State Visits Mapped SOMALI — President Abdullah Osman of Somalia is to make state v i s i t s to China, B u l g a r i a and USSR.


Imported African-Asian Objects of Art J e w e l r y • Leather • Gift Items


AU I -0428 NOW: 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. (MON.-FRI.) 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. (SAT.) ATTEND A BLACK PAGEANT AND PARADE at the AMERICANA HOTEL 57th Street & 7th Ave. (NYC) AUGUST 29. at 8 P M Admission $5.00 * * * ON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 6 JOIN MOTORCADE TO:

AFRICAN PAVILION (For Crowning and Ceiemonies) eave fromYork Hotel Theresa at the New World's Fair 125th Street & 7th Avenue at 2 p.m. For information and Reservations 1 CALL: DATE ENTERPRISE:

| Mil ^JJJJjJJJJ^jj

AUGUST 20, 1965



Witchdoctor—More Doctor First to Face the Mobs: Than Witch?

Daisy Bates Stricken; Led Fight of little Rock 9'

L I T T L E ROCK, Ark. — Mrs. Daisy Bates, the petite senger. Negro woman publisher whose explosive war against segreIT WAS WHILE acting as gated schools here forced then-President Dwight Eisen- president of the Arkansas hower to send in Federal troops to enforce the Supreme State NAACP that Mrs. Court's decision, was reported recovering from a serious Bates led the successful illness which took her out of the current Negro voter regis- drive to end segregation in tration campaign. Little Rock's public schools. She had been stricken and because she acclaimed the Together with nine Negro hospitalized since July at Ar- work and program of the boys and girls she walked kansas Bap- Honorable Elijah Muham- through howling, anti-Negro tist Hospital. mad, for furthering t h e mobs to escort her students The fiery cause of black unity and dig- to Central High School. She and militant nity, Mrs. Bates had refused was later awarded the Spinf i g h t e r to back down on her un- garn medal for distinguished for " e q u a l stinting praise of the Mes- achievement. justice f o r ; h e r people had recently finished a nation-w i d e speaking tour Mrs. Bates aimed at unifying black DOVER, Dela. — On the heels of the strong denuncialeaders in both northern and tion of the Ku Klux Klan by Gov. Charles L . Terry Jr., as southern communities. "having no place in our way of life," five men were seized Once severely criticized in Greenfield, Ind., for the distribution of white supremacy literature. ONCE-SCORNED witchdoctor, as this practitioner in Kenya, Gov. Terry's scathing re- box from which to distribute gains new status with investigation of medical and psychology I British medical school has established a foundation to marks were made at a news the Klan newspaper, "The studies into some of his cures as well as his curses. | study the psychology and conference before a sched- Fiery Cross." j devices used by these once- uled Klan rally at the crossdespised witchdoctors i n roads hamlet of Bear, Del., O T H E R S ARRESTED sections of Kenya and Ugan- about 20 miles south of Wil- FOR KLAN activities were da. Mwila pointed out that mington. Marvis B r o w n , Indiana Zambia would only be catchchairman of the party; the ing up with the modern studTHE GOVERNOR, WHO Rev. Dallas Bellar, 51, Day7 ies now going on in Kenya SAID he knew of no present- ton; R.D. Eldridge, 53, Dayand Nigeria and that ob- day supporters of the white ton, national organizer of LUSAKA, Zambia—The modern medical supposition viously there were m a n y supremacist organization in the party and Joe Junior that there is perhaps more to African witchdoctors than maladies and sicknesses not the state, commented fur- Hignite, 43, Dayton. mumbo-jumbo and superstition gained support here as yet fully understood by West- ther: " I am not in sympathy Zambia's Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, U. G. ern science. with any organization whose Mwila, called upon the government to allow so-called policy is contrary to our con- G h a n a ' s Gold Output "Witchdoctors" to practice in hospitals. G h a n a i a n Inventor cepts of government." ACCRA, Ghana — A total Witchcraft is, of course, Meanwhile, the l a t e s t of 64,790,347 fine ounces of outlawed in Zambia, how- m o r e conservative mem- : ACCRA—A Ghanaian has jKlansman to be arrested in gold was produced in the naever, Mwila noted that there bers of the Zambian parlia- designed, in Moscow, Rus- the Indiana town was 61mines in May, 1965, were too many cases occur- ment, came as no surprise sia, an engine for sea-going year-old Claude Parnell, In- tion's the Commercial Industry ring which baffled ordinary to medical authorities, many launches, capable of operat- dianapolis plant guard who physicians and that people of whom have undertaken a ing in the tropics. The in-! was said to have admitted Bulletin has reported. The died from diseases t h a t serious study of some of the i ventor is Aaron Adjari Dar- renting a Greenfield postal total annual production was 337,032,583 fine ounces. could not be scientifically ancient methods, herbs and ko, one of the first "power analyzed. roots used by "witchdoctors," often with miraculous specialists" to g r a d u a t e ; • from the Lumumba FriendMWILA'S CONTENTION, effect and actual cures. NEW YORK C H I C A G O ship University in Moscow. AT LEAST ONE NOTED while shocking some of the 616 EAST 71st STREET


Nabs 5 KKK

Passing Anti-Negro



Zambian Sees Witchdoctors Healing Sicknesses Where 'Regular Doctors Fail


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i.w P.M.

AUGUST 20, 1965

MIAMI BEACH, FLA. — A survey of 15 southern cities by the National Urban League reveals that between 47 and 69 percent of all Negro families in them are povertystricken. The study, based on offi- aid Negroes help themselves cial U.S. Census figures, ex- in cooperation with white citamines income and educa- izens through education and tional levels, unemployment, information, retraining, and and social disorganization youth-motivation efforts. among Negro residents in The study, by Sherwood typical urban centers in nine Ross of New York City, news states. The figures, accord- director for the L e a g u e , ing to Clarence Coleman, reached these conclusions: the League's southern re* MEDIAN M A L E INgional director, points to the need for setting up League COME in all cities is below branches in Montgomery and the "poverty line" of $3,000 Mobile, Ala., Jackson, Miss., a year, ranging from a high S h r e v e p o r t and Baton of $2,466 in Norfolk, Va., to Rouge, La., Columbia, S.C., a low of $1,496 in Raleigh, Raleigh and Durham,, N.C., North Carolina. Columbus a n d Savannah, Other m e d i a n male inGa., Norfolk, Va., and Nash- comes: Mobile,, $2,265, Chatville, Chattanooga and Knox- tanooga. $2,217. B a t o n ville, Tenn. R o u g e , $2,185; Knoxville, Savannah $2,126; "THE P O V E R T Y AND $2,127; DESPAIR among Negroes in Durham, $2,107; Columbus, $1,993; N a s h v i l l e , $1,967; these urban centers can be Lexington, $1,931; Columbia, reduced. But we will need $1,654; J a c k s o n , $1,627; cooperation of w h i t e busi- Shreveport, $1,547, and ness and civic leaders if we Montgomery, $1,541. , are going to help p e o p l e march off the relief rolls * MEDIAN FAMILY INand onto the job rolls. COME reflecting working "We do not issue these fig- women, (mostly domestics) ures in condemnation of the bettered the picture somehistoric indifference of many what, but not a great deal. w h i t e southerners to the In only two cities, Norfolk, plight of Negro citizens. We ($3,169) and Baton Rouge are willing to forget the past ($3,051) was the average Neas long as white citizens will gro family above the povercooperate with us to build a ty line. All other cities fell new future with justice and below. prosperity for all." Durham, $2,875; Mobile, Coleman told reporters at $2,856; Chattanooga, $2,833; the League's 55th a n n u a l conference in the Eden Roc Lexington, $2,813; Nashville, hotel here that the interra- $2,788; Knoxville„ $2,769; Sacial Urban League works to vannah, $2,704; Columbus,


$2,536; R a l e i g h , $2,310; story is probably as bad as Shreveport, $2,268; Colum- the figures indicate." bia, $2,267; Jackson,254; Baton Rouge and Montgomery, $2,184. UNEMPLOYMENT * MOST NEGRO SOUTH- AMONG NEGROES stood at E R N E R S require vastly im- 12 per cent in Baton Rouge, proved schooling to prepare where 2,436 out of a labor them for the world of work. force of 20,734 are unemThe best showing of school ployed; 11 per cent in Moyears completed for adults bile, where 3,528 out of 30,over 25 is 8.6 years in Lex- 859 are jobless; 9 per cent in ington. The lowest is 6.3 Durham,, where 1,089 out of years, recorded for Shreve- 12,770 are jobless; 9 per cent port. Others are: Knoxville in Norfolk, where 4,132 out of 8.4; Nashville, 8.3; Norfolk, 47,418 are jobless; 9 per cent 7.8; Jackson, 7.6; M o b i l e , , in Savannah, where 1,879 out 7.6; Chattanooga, 7.6; Dur- of 21,019 are jobless; and 9 ham, 7.5; Raleigh, 7.4; Bat- per cent in Columbus, where on Rouge, 7.1; Savannah, 1,353 out of 14,696 are job7.0; Columbia, 7.0; Mont- less. gomery, 6.9; Columbus, 6.4; and Shreveport, 6.3. Shreveport * "Unemployment among Also, in Shreveport, 8 per Negroes stands at near de- cent are unemployed, some pression levels," Coleman 2,464 out of 30,410; Lexinga s s e r t s , "Our figures are ton, 8 per cent or 585 out of high but they do not reflect 7,449; Knoxville, 8 per cent,, the 'discouraged worker' 765 out of 9,972; Montgomwho has dropped out of the ery, 8 per cent, 1,688 out of statistics because he has giv- 21,281; Chattanooga, 8 per en up hope of finding work cent, or 1,688 out of 21,281; or acquiring the necessary Raleigh, 6 per cent, 850 out skills to get work. The real of 14,597; Jackson, 6 per

cent, 1,546 out of 25,008; Columbia,, 5 per cent or 1,050 out of 21,531; and Nashville, 5 per cent, or 1,505 out of 28,770. * " S O C I A L DISORGANIZATION" a m o n g Negro families is high, as reflected by the large numbers of children not being brought up by both p a r e n t s . "Only programs aimed at strengthening f a m i l y life, involving bread-and-butter gains and dignity and respect or the Negro father will change this situation," Coleman s a i d . The percentage of children under 18 not living with both parents ranged from a Tow' of 35 per cent in Mobile to 44 per cent in Columbus. Mobile Only 30, 188 out of 46,411 Negro youngsters in Mobile live with both parents; 35 per cent do not. Only 17,700 out of 27,173 in Baton Rouge live with both parents; 35 per cent do not. Only 12,094 ( C o n t i n u e d on Page


And the Truth Is Still Untold:

County By County It's 'Beyond Our Worst Fears' MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — An unprecedented survey by the National Urban League of 460 counties in seven southern states issued here today discloses what League officials call "an appalling portrait of squalor and misery among Negro citizens which goes beyond our worst fears." The county-by-county study issued by Clarence Coleman, counties in Mississippi; 93 of A t l a n t a , the League's in Tennessee; 97 in N o r t h southern director, shows a Carolina; 66 in Florida; 28 in high correlation between the South Carolina; 46 in Georpercentage of Negro resi- gia, and 53 in Alabama. dents and poverty by counAt a press conference in ties "due to a pattern of segregation and discrimination the Eden Roc hotel, site which must be changed." It of the interracial League's is believed to be the first 55th annual conference, Colestudy of its kind ever made. man said, "Due to the absence of equal opportunities, ANALYZED W E R E 1960 in counties having predomiU.S. CENSUS figures for 77 inantly N e g r o populations,

the percentage of families groes make up 59 per cent with incomes under $3,000 a of all residents, between 50 year tends to fall between 65 to 65 per cent of all families and 80 per cent." The pov- are poverty-stricken. erty rate rises in proportion Of 46 Georgia counties surto the Negro population, he veyed, 21 are predominantly said, although the survey re- Negro. Nine of these have veals a high percentage of poverty indices of 50-65 per poverty a m o n g southern cent and 12 show poverty whites. levels ranging from 65 to 80 FOR INSTANCE, IN DU- per cent. VAL county, Fla., (Jackson- C O L E M A N A S K E D ville) where Negro families "FAIR - MINDED" w h i t e make up 23 per cent of the leaders to "join with responpopulation, fewer than 25 sible Negro leadership" to per cent of all families are help get more Urban League poverty - stricken. B u t in affiliates established across Gadsden, and J e f f e r s o n the South. The Leagues would work counties, Florida, where Ne-

to retrain unemployed men, get families off relief rolls and onto job rolls, improve h e a l t h and medical care, and obtain higher educational levels. "We don't expect miracles," C o l e m a n declared, "and we don't want a hand out. We want a hand up. We want a chance to be trained and educated for good jobs, to get paid a fair wage for honest work, to be able to save enough to buy a decent home and improve our lot. OF



on Page




'Naked Before Mine Enemies':

!< 61 ,DK Te I 'D J AUGUST 20, 1965


Bitter Fruit

6/ac/c M i s e r y out of 18,589 in Raleigh live with both parents; 35 per cent do not. Only' 40,880 out of 63,908 in Norfolk live with both parents; 36 per cent do not. Jackson Also, only 21,829 out of 33„506 in Jackson live with both parents, 37 per cent do not. Only 17,181 out of 27,312

A-Bomb Club Grows

County by County, Poverty Beyond Our Worst Fears 154,000 in South Carolina, 118,000 or 76 per cent live in S U R V E Y E D , 94 were pre- poverty; of 123,000 in Tendominantly Negro in make- nessee, 78,000 or 55.6 per up. These were located as cent live in poverty. follows: Georgia, 21; FloriNOT A L L COUNTIES IN da, 2; South Carolina, 16; Alabama, 15; Mississippi, each state were included in 29; Tennessee, 2; and North the survey, S w e a t t said. Carolina, 9. Of these, in only Most of those included are four did median income lev- in or near major c i t i e s , els rise above the poverty where the Urban League has or is considering openline. ing new branches. "CondiThese counties are Berke- tions in the hinterlands," he ley, S.C.; Russell, Ala., and said, "are probably e v e n Washington and A d a m s , worse." Miss. Coleman said that the findings of the study, prepared N e g r o e s V o t e ' N o ' by Heman S w e a 11, the League's southern research o n M i x i n g C h u r c h director, were substantiated DALLAS, Texas — By a by data from the U.S. Cennearly two to one vote, Nesus which portrayed a like picture on a state-wide basis gro Methodists turned down for all the states listed In the a resolution which would League's survey, excluding have combined Negro and North Carolina, for which white Methodism in a fivesuch data was not available. state area into a single jurisdiction. The resolution, approved OF 195,000 NON-WHITE F A M I L I E S in Alabama, 132,- originally by the Central 000 or 67.7 per cent live in T e x a s Methodist conferpoverty; of 177,000 in Missis- ence (white), last June by a sippi, 146,000 or 82.8 per cent 390-0 vote, was defeated by live in poverty; of 224,000 in the Central (Negro) jurisdicGeorgia, 151,000 or 67.7 per tion by a 860-492 vote. States cent live in poverty; of 182,- affected would have b e e n 000 in Florida, 99,000 or 54.5 Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, per cent live in poverty; of Missouri and Louisiana. ( C o n t i n u e d f r o m page


in 7 States

in Nashville live with both parents, 37 per cent do not. ONLY 16,604 out of 26,667 in Savannah live with both parents; 38 per cent do not. Only 4,479 out of 7,167 in Lexington live with b o t h parents; 38 per cent do not. Only 20,411 out of 33,255 live in Columbia with both parents; 39 per cent do not. Only 8,845 out of 14,500 in Durham live with both parents; 39 per cent do not. Only 26,073 out of 43,219 in Shreveport live with both parents; 40 per cent do not. .Montgomery Also, only 16,874 out of 28,477 in Montgomery l i v e with both parents; 40 per cent do not. Only 11,970 out of 20,259 in Chattanooga live with both parents; 41 per cent do not. Only 6,036 out of 10,639 in Knoxville live with both parents; 43 per cent do not. And only 10,170 out of 18,035 in Columbus live with both parents; 44 per cent do not.

these figures to intimate a correlation between race and family failure. "The indexes of social disorganization among middleclass Negroes are actually lower than among whites. There is less suicide, divorce, crime, juvenile delinquency, and other antisocial traits in that e m e r g i n g group. The r e a s o n family disorganization is so high among southern Negroes is that poverty is high. Improve the life chances of Negroes through equal opportunities and you will reduce social disorganization.''

WASHINGTON — According to assessments by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, five nations of the COLEMAN ALSO warned world have the atomic bomb that "urban decline would now—the United S t a t e s , spread in the cities as long England, France, Commuas they harbor a large group nist China and the Soviet of undereducated, u n d e r Union; and seven are in poemployed and unemployed sition to produce it within a people, the prey of demafew years—India, Italy, Jagogues and slick politicians, pan, West Germany, Swethe v i c t i m s of despair. den, Israel and Canada. OthThey must be transformed," ers itching to join the atomhe said, "from disgruntled, ic club are B r a z i l , the C O L E M A N CAUTIONED chronic dependents into proUnited A r a b R e p u b l i c , AGAINST "the distortion of ductive, self-reliant citizens. Spain and Yugoslavia. Historic 1st Edition


TO £ the!

The long-awaited message millions will be reading! Reserve your copy by sending $5.00 contribution to Muhammad's Mosque of Islam, No. 2 Book Dept., 5335 S. Green-

wood, Chicago, Iff.

A Book Greater Than Any You Have Ever Read! A BOOK EVERY BLACK MAN AND WOMAN MUST READ!

AUGUST 20, 1965


M u h a m m a d ' s M e s s a g e W/>


Despite Intimidation, Challenges, Negroes Register In Deep South NEW ORLEANS, La.—The historic Voting Rights Act did not go into effect unchallenged as at least one white voter registrar, A. P. Gallinghouse filed suit challenging its constitutionality. However, as N e g r o e s promptly moved in to regis- lists by federal examiners. ter to begin a new political Negro Majorities season in the South, the real A r e c e n t MUHAMMAD challenge is expected to be SPEAKS survey of s e v e n centered around the strug- southern s t a t e s revealed gle to successfully nominate that Negroes outnumbered and elect pro-Negro candi- whites in at least 90 counties with the heaviest concentradates instead of the custom- tion around the Delta "Black ary c o r e of weak - kneed Belt" region. Uncle Toms and hypocritical In Mississippi alone, there 'white hopes.' are more than 29 counties E V E N AS Gallinghouse with Negro populations higher than 50 per cent, yet there filed his suit, however, Ne- is not a single Negro county groes were l i n i n g up in s h e r i f f in any state of Louisiana, Alabama a n d America. Mississippi to have their THE FOLLOWING a r e names placed on the voting

some of the southern states and the number of counties that have more than 50 per cent Negro populations. Mississippi counties 32 Alabama counties 12 Louisiana counties 12 S. Carolina counties 15 Tennessee counties 2 Georgia counties 35 N. Carolina counties 11 Arkansas counties 5 Florida counties 2

swim in the parish pool„ Mrs. Thelma Prout, also of Boothville, said: "Our kids have to swim in the river. And the river is treacherous. Just last week three kids from nearby were drowned." T H E MOST important issue confronting the estimated one - million n e w voters who are able to vote for the first time in the south is clearly one of finding canVoting Benefits didates who will honestly Voting to some of the new and faithfully represent Neregistrants means better ed- groes. ucation, equal recreational facilities and more job opEye Candidates portunities. T o Mrs. Allen "The vote won't do us Mae Floyd, of Boothville, much good if the ballot conLa., voting should achieve tains only the names of "better education for o u r Sheriff Jim Clark, or somechildren and better job op- one just like him," m u s e d portunities." and elderly lady, as she Eyeing w h i t e children stood in line waiting to reg-

N O W The



ister here. "That just means we're going to have to enter politics from every angle," a young man replied. "We're going to have to petition to see that the right people are on the ballot. Then we're going to have to see that t h e s e people keep their p r o m i s e s when and if they're elected." ANOTHER Negro woman said: "What I'm afraid of is that the clique and political machines will get strongholds in the South like the ones in northern c i t i e s . For instance, they have the vote in Chicago, but the Uncle Toms get into office and do things just like the white man says, so they may as well not have the vote at all."










On TV 4 s 3 0




ift iirtlT




W O O K -



AUGUST 20, 1965



The Holy Qur-An H o l y Q u r - a n : 2 5 - 2 7 "... A n d on the day when the wrongdoer w i l l bite his hands, saying: would that I had taken a way with the Messenger!" ,

Pakistani Muslim Tells:

'Why, At Times, I Refused To Cooperate With Malcolm'

ACCORDING TO the histories of the prophets of the know, Malcolm made past, all of their rejected enemies and mockers of the (The third of a four-part series to he concluded nextnever week) that call in my behalf . . . In people had this same regret when the truth of the mesfact, he never touched that By Abdul Basit Naeem sage that these prophets delivered was made manifest. subject again, though we As I stated in my article in last week's issue of MUAnd the disbelievers hated themselves for rejecting those warners and prophets of old. The people of Noah HAMMAD SPEAKS, I had reasons for refusing to cooperate met a number of times durshowed regret when they saw the f l o o d coming upon with the late Malcolm X in such matters as appearing with ing the weeks that followed. On another occasion, I rethem. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah regretted their him on his lectures at universities and on radio and televiignorant acts of disbelieving the truth of Abraham and sion interviews. These were not necessarily identical in member, Malcolm X gave Lot and wished that they had followed Lot out of the city all instances. I shall, therefore, mention specific reasons me a batch of newspapers— or rather, student publicaand that they had believed before the fire came so that for each specific occasion. tions issued by some of the their cities and their lives would not have been destroyed. Let us take, first of all, the this racist movement schools he had visited as a It was also the regret of Pharaoh and his people for famed Mike Wallace TV pro- Thus, it is that while Brother guest speaker. Each of these not believing the warning that Moses brought to them gram (produced s e v e r a l Malcolm gave enthusiastic contained a report on his from Allah. When these rejecters of the prophets saw years ago) called "The Hate approval to the W a l l a c e "local" appearance and a their doom approaching, they said — as the disbelievers That Hate Produced . . . " I project and eagerly cooper- few e x c e r p t s from his said in the 27th verse — that they wished they had followed had refused to have any- ated with the show's respon- s p e e c h . Brother Malcolm the prophet. thing to do with it because sible staff, I , for one, re- asked me if I would consider And so it will be—according to the Bible and Qur-an the idea of this program mained totally disinterested preparing an article describ—with those whom this particular 25th chapter refers to originated not with the pro- —and doubtful that the tele- ing his "lecture tour" based who reject the last one in the time we are now living in ducers but with an "ambi- cast, as projected, would ac- on the write-ups in the said (the resurrection and the judgment.) Those of my people tious" American Muslim (of tually benefit the Muslims' publications and s e n d it and the weak Orthodox Muslims who reject the plain West I n d i e s background) cause. I was not prepared, ("on your own") to MUtruth and warning that Allah has revealed to me and that known at the time to be therefore,, to participate in a HAMMAD SPEAKS. Curious I am teaching (to fly to Allah and His true religion of en- avowedly hostile to the Hon- program which, in my con- to examine those student tire submission and submit to His will), do so because of orable Elijah Muhammad. sidered judgment, was likely newspapers at length, I actheir love for the enemies of Allah, His prophets, and His It was he, according to my to do more harm than good cepted the assignmerit and religion, Islam. They reject this truth and me—the bearer information,, who had ap- to the "young and precious" told Brother Malcolm t h a t proached and, with the help Nation of Islam in America. I would try to oblige him. of this truth. They love the wealth and riches of this people who of "m u t u a 1 friends in the As I began to work on his A SECOND S P E C I F I C inlove not God, the giver of the wealth and riches that they networks," persuaded Mr. material a few days later, Wallace to produce the telestance I recall was when have been so abundantly blessed with. They wish to rehowever, I couldn't help but main-and enjoy the wealth with these people as well as cast—whose original script, Brother Malcolm invited me notice that practically all the incidentally, was supposed to come along with him to with intermarriage and their sport and play. to have included a lengthy appear at a series of talks write-ups glorified "Mr. X " They will say, like the formal rejecters said, when "anti - Muhammad tirade" he was scheduled to deliver and mentioned l i t t l e or they see the chastisement of Allah coming upon them volunteered by the " r i v a l at several eastern university (comparatively) nothing of and all of their wickedness, evilness and murder. The so- Muslim leader." campuses. On this particular the very source of his knowlcalled Negroes of America will also wish they had followed edge, eloquence and art of The Messenger's adver- occasion, I simply a s k e d persuasion — the Honorable me to Allah. the brother Minister to ". . . sary had h o p e d to gain, The biting of their hands as mentioned in this verse, through the Wallace expose, first secure for me the nec- Elijah Muhammad. Realizshows intense grief for their mistake of accepting the "much public sympathy" for essary approval of the Hon- ing, thus,, that my brother false friendship of this evil and murderous race. The his own Islamic propagation orable Messenger." (This Minister's assignment conwhite American citizens and the Negroes who are today movement. He had specu- was, I confess, my own spe- stituted a severe imposition, preaching friendship and intermarriage with their 400- lated, I believe, that even if cial way of ascertaining I decided not to go through year-old enemies, will say these same words — "O woe is the program failed to gener- whether or not Brother Mal- with it. . . . me, would that I had not taken such a one for a friend ate any support for his or- colm was actually keeping (28th verse)." IT SO HAPPENED t h a t ganization, it would "un- his leader and teacher, the And they will confess that certainly he leads me as- doubtedly cause irreparable Honorable Elijah Muham- the day I was to see Brother tray from the messenger after he had come to me with damage to the mission of the mad, fully informed of his Malcolm about this matter clear warning and with plain truth (29th verse) and will' Honorable Elijah Muham- v a r i o u s "non-ministerial" — I was to meet him, by admit that the devils' promises were all false and he only mad and hasten the doom of'undertakings.) As far as I deceived them, in the words given in that same 29th verse; (Continued on Page "And the devil ever deserts man." What we should set our hearts and minds on today is finding the right path and walking therein to our God, Allah, and His religion, Islam, that He may make a way for us on some of this earth that we can call our own and deliver us from our open enemies, our deceivers, and from evil and filthy doings. The God of Islam demands us to forsake our enemies and their names and religion and all that goes with them, and submit to Him 100 per cent. He (Allah) has said to me that He will set us in heaven at once. Allah's promise is ever true, He fails not in His promise but this race of devils will promise you and will fail to fulfill it, especially if it is a promise of good. I beg you as a brother and sister of mine, to fly to Allah. For the days of the resurrection are not to come, but they are here now and the dead are being risen as it is written. Let us repeat this prayer: "O Allah, guide me among those whom Thou hast guided aright and preserve me among those whom Thou hast preserved and befriend me among those whom Thou hast befriended and bless me in whatever Thou doest grant me and deliver me from the evils of what Thou has judged. Surely Thou judgest and none can judge against Thee and He whom Thou befriendest is not disgraced."

South Africa Bans Song ernment has, among other JOHANNESBURG — The Nationalist-led South African government is not about to et its b l a c k countrymen aunch a campaign of proest against apartheid, such .s is presently being done in he United States. The gov-

things, issued a ban on the singing of the national anthem of the American Negro civil rights movement, "We shall Overcome." The song, popular among local folk singers, has some new lyrics which are particularly irritating to the government.

AWARD-WINNING United Nations' Correspondent Charles P. Howard Sr. (insert), this week visited Muslim leaders in the Soviet Union as he winds up lengthy African-European tour before returning to his UN post. Muslim leaders in the USSR exhibited a vast

knowledge and interest in the program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah. Howard plans an exclusive series for MUHAMMAD SPEAKS on "Africans in Russia."


AUGUST 20, 1965



Muhammad Rips President anything. Now, the Presi(Continued from page 2) "that this is a dent says, Sir dear people, it is no vic- triumph for freedom as high tory for you. as any victory that has ever been won on any battlefield." THE ONLY victory for you Whose victory, Mr. Presiis your freedom from your- dent, the citizen's of Amerslave-master and his chil- ica or the b l a c k free dren on some of this earth slave's? that you can call your own. For 100 years, the people He said they came in dark- of America (white) h a v e ness and in chains. Our fa- t o y e d with the so-called thers and mothers were ig- American Negro telling him norant of the truth as to why he was already free. Where they were being sold into did the ancient shackles foreign hands and brought come from which had just to this country. The dark- been cut loose with the signness of the knowledge of ing of the Voting Rights self and the slave-trader Bill? To make a man feel were further darkened after that he is free when he is their arrival here. not is worse than telling I would like to ask the him that he is not so. President: Was it not his C O M P A R I N G NEGRO j people who put the black AND WHITE TO R I V E R S man into that same darkTHE PRESIDENT SAID, ness and ignorance of himself? And Mr. President, or in words to that effect, was it not your people who that the Negro and white were "like two great rivers put them in chains? welling up from Jamestown, "They came In chains," and it was your fathers who Virginia". He said, "They brought them here in chains. flowed through the centuries You said indirectly, that by a l o n g divided channels" granting them the right to (segregating N e g r o from vote, this was the last ma- white). The battle that has jor act which would cut been going on in the South loose those shackles that against marches, sit-ins and were so fiercely put upon stand-ins, up until this very hour, proves beyond a shathem. dow of a doubt that the AS YOU SAID, "Those Southern white man is not fierce and ancient bonds." ready for these two rivers Can the so-called Negro feel to be merged into one (white happy that his 400 years of and black). shackles and slavery have He hinted that in the passbeen cut loose and given age of the Voting Rights the freedom and equality Bill (for the Southern black with the American white cit- man) these two divided j izen by the passage of the channels will be united into Voting Rights Bill for the one people. Southern black man? This is an awful thing for He has nothing in the you and me to accept, being South he can call his own swallowed by the slavemas- to whom we can go and nor has the slave-master's ter when we have billions of plant 22.000.000 people and government offered h i m people on this planet earth they would never know we had been planted among them, rather than destroy. 22,000,000 (a whole nation) through the foolishness of leaders among us who would one meal a day. If you eat lead us into the open mouth (Continued from page 3) every two days, of the lion. They could be one meal put it into the right stage for three days or five days it is saved by returning them to your child. Be careful as to okay, but do not force chil- their own land and people, what kind of drugs you take dren under 16 years of age as it is written in the Bible. while nursing your baby. to do the same. They are I love my people, as the And do not take fasts while growing and most of them President loves his peop'e. you are breast-feeding an in- need two meals a day. fant or even while you are NO N U T S, whatsoever I will not stand idle or keep pregnant. If you like, you s h o u l d be eaten. Allah my mouth shut and allow may eat once a day while taught me that they take them to be deceived. Surelv pregnant or breast-feeding away five years of your life your baby, but you are not everytime you eat them. forced to do so. You should And stop eating that connot go for two or three days crete-like peanut butter. without eating. Do not eat popcorn; eg t IN ANSWER to your ques- jfresh corn in its milk stage tions on wholewheat cakes! (known as milk corn). And and muffins: Yes, you may i do not eat hominy or hominy eat them. But do not eat grits. them or any bread the sdme i DO NOT E A T crackers. day you bake it if you can As long as you have good avoid doing so. Do not eat; bread at home, eat your own fresh, hot muffin rings and cooked breads. Eat crackers hot cakes because they are! whenever you are traveling. half-cooked breads. Every-! This kind of food is made to thing in the line of breads jkeep you together until you should be thoroughly; can get to your own cooked cooked. There is no such: foods. Eggs are all right to thing as stale bread. The i eat in some cases, but do not bread you call stale bread is I try to eat all that the hens the bread you should eat. lay at one time, (smile) When children suffer from As I mentioned in the bebronchial - asthma or any ginning of my article, it asthmatic conditions, do not j would be wise to clip these give them too much milk. articles on "How To Eat To Give them more fruits and Live" and keep them where juices; (fresh juices, not they can be referred to when % canned juices). needed. Adults should try to eat More next issue.




the average, blind, deaf, dumb and fearful black man should be unwilling to accept anything that will draw him into these people, whom God has made manifest as our open enemy and the enemy of Almighty God, the nation of our kind, and the enemy of all of the prophets that our nation produced and sent to these people, from Moses to Muhammad.

great haters and murderers of God's prophets, but of all the aboriginal peoples w h e t h e r they be black, brown, yellow or red. Are you so f o o l i s h now, my people, as to refuse to think for yourselves t o d a y , towards your own betterment? Will you swallow both hook, line and sinker what is . thrown to you from a white HISTORY TEACHES US, hand, without questioning and has proven to us through what you are swallowing? our own experiences, that A m e r i c a n s are not only (TO B E CONTINUED)





Law Expert

AUGUST 20, 1965


Traveling Hog Has More Protection Than Negro MIAMI B E A C H , F l a . — civil rights statutes, could be There is more adequate pro- amended to protect rights tection for a hog moving workers. The constitutional from one part of America power for this law, he said, than a Negro, a leading con- is rooted in the power of the stitutional lawyer told the Federal government in inNational Urban League at terstate commerce. its 55th convention meeting ABRAM SAID that this here. act today enables the govAttorney Morris B. Abram, one of the League's Board ernment to take action in members called for the Fed- automobile thefts under the eral government to make Dyer Act, and narcotics, pilacts of violence against Ne- fering of interstate goods. groes and civil rights work- "Local officials are very helpful in aiding Federal law ers a Federal offense. enforcement officials in such R E F L E C T I N G A growing cases. The primary responconcern over the failure of sibility for enforcing amendsouthern police and juries to ed rights statutes will rest arrest and convict violators with local and State police." of the rights of Negroes or Asked if these might show their white allies, the state- r e l u c t a n c e to cooperment was approved hy the ate based on prejudice or League's Board of Trustees. indifference, Abram replied, Abram, who also serves as "Additional F B I s u p p o r t U.S. representative to the likely would be needed. It United Nations Commission will take some additional on Human Rights, forsees a Federal commitment just as larger Federal role in the in other areas. The question protection of rights workers is one of values: which is by the F B I and Justice De- more important, human life partment. or hogs, cars and foodRecent episodes in Boga- stuffs?" lusa, L a . , where local police He said that any of the officials looked on while Ne- rights acts could be amended gro demonstrators w e r e to empower the Federal govbeaten by angry whites and ernment to act against rights the murders of three civil violators. These he cited as rights workers in Mississippi having been passed in 1883, last summer, led Abram to 1957, 1960 and 1964. frame the statement. THE RESOLUTION s a i d Abram said that existing

the F e d e r a l umbrella for ) certain acts of violence, inrights workers is necessary I eluding murder, to the full "to build a sense of safety limit of the Federal constituand security absent in cer- tional power." Questioned on tain areas of our country in the kinds of acts implied, the Negro population, as well Abram said "intimidation, as in those who b r a v e l y beatings, threats," and other struggle in the cause of civil related crimes against the rights." person. The Urban League policy The statement calls for "further amendments to the statement also endorsed the Civil Rights Act (of 1964) creation of independent remaking a Federal crime of view boards more expertise

in handling racial incidents by police. Whitney M. Young Jr., executive d i r e c t o r of the League, has given the Abram resolution his wholehearted support. Young noted recently that southern justice tends to be "all-white, or nearly so" and asked for an end to the appointment of whites justices only to the Federal bench.

'Why I Refused To Cooperate With Malcolm' (Continued from page 10) ship gains appointment, at the Muslims' Shabazz Restaurant in Harlem—I found him in an unusually depressed mood. Never before had I seen him looking as dejected and worried as he did then. Af first, he did not e v e n wish to speak to me; he said he suffered from a h e a d a c h e , caused by sustained sleeplessness. Then, perhaps by a slip of tongue, suddenly he mentioned, almost in a whisper, that " . . . I've just had my ears : chewed . . . We

haven't had any memberon the east coast in over a year. . . . " My tongue, too, somehow slipped and in one quick breath I pronounced, "Maybe you've been spending too much of your time 'fishing' in the wrong waters . . . " Malcolm X was silent for a good, long minute. Then, with a faint smile and his head gently clasped between his fists, he muttered, "No . . . No, it isn't that . . . " Seconds later,, deciding all of a suddedn to "go home," he got up from his seat and as he walked toward the door,

he motioned to me and, with a grin that was not free of symptoms of anger, told me to "forget about that article . . . and keep those papers tf you want to. . . . " THE POINTS OF FRICTION such as t h o s e described above did not, of course, lead to a termination of the mutual, fraternal relationship existing between Brother Malcolm X and myself. They did, nevertheless, develop into a "gulf of iced water" b e t w e e n us that somehow only widened as time went on. . . .

THE V O I C E . . .THE W O R D S . . .OF MUHAMMAD THE D I V I N E M E S S E N G E R O F G O D . . . P R E S E R V E D

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THE BOOK destined to shake the foundations of 20th century civilization!












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AUGUST 20, 1965





East O' West By Asian-African Press Service Speaking at a banquet in honor of the visiting Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia warned last week that a "new scramble for Africa was on . . . which is worse than the old form of scramble (of pre-World War European powers). It is a complex compound of cold war and power politics, neo-colonialism, racialism and economic opportunism . . . "

, * *

The government of the Republic of Ghana has formally requested the Organization of African Unity to postpone ; its conference (of African heads of state) scheduled to begin here (at Accra) Sept. 5. The new date proposed by Ghana is Oct. 21. The Ghanaian government seeks the delay to "permit completion of several new buildings being erected just for the occasion . . . " -

Cnflineer-a for the irork*'.



STIRLING ASTALDI(«"" )II2 WHILE EUROPE ruled Africa they built only that transportation system which would facilitate white domination and left the remainder of the planet as isolated, hard-toreach regions with little chance of the people communicating with each other or establishing contacts. Newly i n d e p e n d e n t

states in Africa have moved ahead with the grueling task of setting up highways, airlines, and railroads to reach hitherto isolated areas. The Nigerian Railway Corporation,(above sign) is carrying out one of these fast-moving developments in West Africa.



* . •

The United Arab Republic employment figures have reached a record high—7,000,000—representing a 50 per cent increase over the 4.6 million figure for 1951-52. Likewise, the country's exports have increased from just over 425 million dollars in 1952 to nearly 750 million dollars in 1964-65. *



T H E SOVIET UNION has decided to establish diplomatic relations with the newly - independent nation of I GAMBIA (in West Africa). The two countries would soon exchange ministers with the rank of Ambassador. *



Two Korean commercial fishing organizations have joined hands with a Liberian enterprise to set up a large tuna fishing and canning industry in Liberia. Another company (a member of the international "Star-Kist" chain) will assist in marketing its product. *


. *

The small but affluent Muslim State of Kuwait—which is rightfully proud of having the world's highest per capita ! income (30 per cent higher than that of the United States) i —has agreed to finance an Institute for Economic and ; Social Planning in the Middle East (possibly at Amman, | Jordan). The staff for the institute would be provided by ! the United Nations Organization. I * * * HIS MAJESTY KING FAISAL of Saudi Arabia has i agreed to "support and provide generous financial assistance" for the Palestine Liberation Organization, according to a press statement issued by Hon. Elsayed Ahmed AlShukairy. (Elsayed Al-Shukairy formerly headed the Saudi Arabian delegation at the United Nations.) \ # * * A slaughter house complete with latest-type refrigera! tion equipment and capable of handling 10,000 tons of meat annually has been opened in Bamako, Republic of Mali (Africa). It is the first of a number of modern slaughter houses to be built in the country. The Mali Republic has sizable herds of excellent beef cattle. +



Work has started on extensions to the Ghana Textile Manufacturing factory at Tema. When completed—at a cost of nearly two million dollars—the plant would be able to double its present output of 35,000 "pieces" of grey baft and white shirting a day. *

MOVING IN UNISON, Nigerian workers put back and arm muscles into the job of laying track for the rapidly-expanding railway sys-



tem of their nation. Even most of the rails put S E V E R A L LEADING PERSONALITIES of Northern down under colonial domination have been I Nigeria were out of the country last week, each on a parreplaced by heavier-duty steel tracks. I ticular mission: The Minister of Internal Affairs, Alhaji j Muhammadu Kabir, the Ciroman Katagum, visited the j United Kingdom to "study 'British police methods and | prisons." At about the same time, the chairman of the | (Regional) Public Service Commission was visiting Jordan, I interviewing and recruiting qualified Jordanian engineers for service in Northern Nigeria. The Emir of Kano has just concluded a semi-official visit to Ireland. *



The Hon. Mr. Gamal Mohammed Ahmed, Sudan's ambassador to the United Nations, has been named his country's new ambassador to England. Ambassador Ahmed is a renowned literary figure of Sudan and author of numerous publications in Arabic and English. *

* *

Mr. Anthony K . Deku, head of Ghana's " F B I " has been elected chairman of the African (regional) conference of INTERPOL, the international criminal police organization. *

INDICATIVE of Nigeria's expanding and improved railway system is the photograph of the steam locomotive on the left and the diesel locomotive on the right, being admired



The Hon. Imam AI-Hadi al-Mahdi, grandson of the great Sudanese patriot and religious leader, the Mahdi (whose followers "finally caught up with and killed the British General Gordon at Khartoum in 1885), visited by steam locomotive engineers. The develop- Saudi Arabia last week. At a royal banquet held in his ment is aided by loans from the International honor at Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital, the "disBank for Reconstruction and Development! tinguished son of Sudan" was presented an ancient sword estimated at $116,000,000. ' as a gift from his host, His Majesty King Faisal.





Muhammad should


be the same

it is a MUST that we unite!

for the good

Buy farm land to grow land to build homes. food

Your nickels, program


of Muhammad.



and dollars Without


now, buy up some

to help feed

our own there

and clay

of the



will do all this under

the farmer,



food for self and children;

We should,

from the government

of us all here

Our aim and

is no











There are buildings already standing that would serve our purpose. But we will need 3 to 4 million dollars as our beginning fund.


Give all you can to this fund to re-educate our people into the knowledge of self

and the vital necessities for self-

control and independence. Get off your knees and stand up like a man! Qualify yourself to demand what you want . . . you can accomplish what you will without disgracing yourself!

N O W ! NO. 2,


AUGUST 20, 1965



While Bystanders Stood Idly By:

Father of 4 Saved 4 From Drowning UNIONTOWN, Ala. — A Negro family, enroute by auto to Vicksburg, Miss., from Fayetteville, N.C., was saved from drowning last week by the quick-thinking and action of William Fitts, 52, a Negro warehouse worker. "A fellow has to h a v e "see if there was anything I some m u s c l e and good could do to help." The car had landed upside nerves." down in the water and was With that laconic statement, the h e r o shrugged water-filled. aside the mantle of bravery SOME 30 SPECTATORS, w h i c h saved four from Negro and w h i t e , stood drowning, while 30 bystand- around, but no one tried to ers looked on, and achieved help. Fitts waded into the for him nationwide pub- c r e e k , wrenched the car licity. door open and crawled inFitts, himself the father of side. He helped free the fafour, heard of an accident ther, Jesse C r o s s , and his three children, Ronnie, Kenwhich p l u n g e d an auto neth and Sharon, and Cross' through a guardrail into a sister-in-law,, Sharon Gleese. creek near his job. He reThe mother managed to ceived permission to go and crawl out of the submerged



auto, and another child, a baby, was thrown clear. Lt. R. E . Ethridge of the state police said when he arrived at the accident s c e n e a crowd of whites and Negroes was "just standing and staring." " I can't understand it," Ethridge said. "Everybody just standing there watching those children die. "There was one little boy crying so pitiful. I don't see how they could stand there listening to him." SHRUGGING O F F HIS heroism w i t h three sentences F i t t s commented when asked why no one else did anything: "Well, a fellow had to have him some muscle and good


nerves. Maybe it was pride, or maybe they didn't want to get wet up. The water was only knee deep, though." There's postscript to the story. Fitts disappeared after rescuing the family gnd seeing to it that they were taken to the hospital in Demopolis where their condition was described as serious. HIS WHEREABOUTS was discovered a day later when he heard "the woman lost a pocketbook containing $60 in the wreck. So, I went back and looked for it. I found it and it had more than $160 in it." Fitts returned the purse to the owner and went back to work.

PANAMA-BORN Dr. Audley Mamby, now rated as one of the world's great heart specialists, continues to expand on knowledge and research into the critical problem of heart disease, the leading killer in America, points to sensible exercise and more scientific diets as major safeguards against such fatalities.


If World Up in Flames, Who Needs Integration? impression, it seems to us, Many factors enter into it. Administration p o i n t of when he seems to insinuate It seems that, a short time view. WE WILL LOOK P R E T T Y that the national office can ago, we heard civil rights We feel NAACP boss, Roy Wilkins, overstepped the speak for the big NAACP leaders making the absurd S I L L Y dining in integrated boundaries of his authority and of good judgment in membership in such a mat- observation that Martin King facilities and going to integrated schools and working asking NAACP members not to attend a combined peace ter. ought to stay out of the war- on integrated jobs and living and civil rights rally held in Washington recently. THE BUSINESS OF B E - peace issue. Now, we have in integrated neighborhoods We think he has no right ING PRO-PEACE is one of one of our principal leaders while we allow the world to, to use his high office to ask call for boycott of such a delicate and high conscience. weighing in to bolster the go up in flames. N A A C P members, among meeting could not prevent w h o m there those who support NAACP Mali Hits Conspiracy are probably from following their own int h o u sands MALI — President Modibo w h o do hot clination and conscience. MEXICO CITY—Mexican laws passed to protect them Keita of Mali addressing delagree w i t h But Mr. Wilkins gives a false women may have the an- and their children from ir- egates from Africa, People'? him on t h i s swer for the broken, or emo- responsible men who aban- China, North Korea and the issue, to boyMississippi's Private tionally disturbed home and don their families in pursuit German Democratic Repubcott a meethomemaker. They have de- of other women. The deing of citizens 'Head Start Program' manded jail sentences for mands came recently from lic in Bamako has accused interested in EDWARDS, Miss.—A pri- hubbys who spend t h e i r the women's council of the the colonialists of conspiring peace and op- vate version of the nation- wages in saloons. government's Party of Rev- to isolate African countries posed to our wide federal Head S t a r t from their brothers. What's more they want olutionary Institutions. c o n d u c t program' is being operated of the war... in 65 communities within the THE H O N O R A B L E ELIJAH Of course, the- fact that state by the Mississippi AcMr. Wilkins has issued the tion for Community Education (MACE). A project of the C h i l d Development G h a n a i a n s G o to W y o Group of Mississippi, MACE A Message of T r u t h . . . M i g h t i e r T h a n T h e Sword! ACCRA—Ghana will send has 83 day care centers in operation for 4,500 prea delegation of 41 students (TIMES LISTED ARE LOCAL) of the Kumasi Wesley Col- school children. CDGM was AREA STATION IAL, KC DAY TIME LISTEN to ATLANTA—GRIFFIN, GA WERD 840 SUN. 5:00 P.M lege, including 13 women, to conceived last summer as a result of the Freedom School ATLANTIC CITY—VINELAND, N. J WDVL 1270 • SUN. 3:00 P.M. the second annual W o r l d p r o g r a m initiated a n d BALTIMORE, MD WSID 1010 SUN. 1 2:30 P.M. Youth Organization confer- staffed by the Student NonBIRMINGHAM, ALA XERF 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. BUFFALO, N.Y WUFO 1 08C SUN. 7:00 P.M. ence to be held in Ibadan, violent Coordinating Com- Mr. CHICAGO—EVANSTON, ILL WEBH-FM 93.9 SUN. 6:30 A.M. mittee (SNCC). Western Nigeria this year. COLUMBUS, GA WCLS 1 580 SUN. 8:30 P.M DALLAS, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. DETROIT, MICH WGPR-FM 107.5 SUN. 1 2:00 NOON WJOB MUHAMMAD GARY, IND 1 230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. HAMMOND, IND. . .. WJOB 1 230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. now HARVEY, ILL . WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P. M. HOUSTON, TEXAS XERF 1 5 70 SUN. 7:30 P. M JACKSON, MISS XERF 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M Every Week I S T H E T I M E T O S T A R T H E L P I N G SELF! KANSAS CITY. MO XERF 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M LITTLE ROCK, ARK XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M LOS ANGELES, CALIF KAPP-FM by Supporting Muhammad's Mosques of Islam 93.5 SUN. 8:00 P.M MIAMI—FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA WFAB 990 SUN. 1 :00 P.M On the Radio MIAMI —FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA WMIE 1 1 40 SUN. 6:30 A.M. 3-YEAR ECONOMIC PLAN MONROE, LA XERF 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. NASHVILLE, TENN XERF WHICH WILL HELP OUR PEOPLE IN GENERAL 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. NEW ORLEANS, LA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. "YES I am going to SUPPORT THIS PLAN . . . Station NEW YORK, N. Y.—NEWARK, N.J WBNX 1380 SUN. 6:30 P.M I am going to enclose $ with this coupon, and every OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. PHOENIX, ARIZ KWBX coupon hereafter that is printed in this Newspaper, and mail to: 1440 SUN. 10:30A.M. PITTSBURGH, PA WAMO-FM 106 SUN. 8:00 P.M. In Your Area 3-TUR ECONOMIC PLAN, 5335 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, III. 60515 RICHMOND—PETERSBURG, VA WANT 990 SUN. 5:00 P.M. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS XERF I understand a receipt will be sent back to me. 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO—OAKLAND, CALIF KMPX-FM 106.9 SUN. 1 1 :00 P.M. ADDRESS. NAME SEATTLE—TACOMA, WASH K " JiO 1 360 SUN. 6:30 A.M. Listed ST. LOUIS, MO XERF CITY 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. TUSCALOOSA, ALA XERF 1 570 SUN. 8:30 P.M. TYLER, TEXAS XERF ZIP CODE STATE. . . 1 570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. WASHINGTON, D. C WOOK 1340 SUN. 4:45 P.M. Here . . By Glenn Douglass (Associated Negro Press)

What Women Want


.. NOW . . N O W

AUGUST 20, 1965


Biues For Mister Charlie

Book Review New


Magazine 1



FromLangston Hughes Simple Solution to V i e t N a m W a r : Draft All Older White M e n


"If I was white," said Simple, " I would be wondering what in God's name to do with the Negroes." "That is exactly what white.Americans are wondering By Donald Bratman these days," I replied. (ANPI) "Yes," said Simple, "because every From what I can tell, ^__^ time the white folks give Negroes a little after having read Volume 1, ^ ^ ^ ^ S f c k something, the Negroes want more." Number 1 (Summer, 1965) v • "A little civil rights is not enough," of AFRICAN FORUM: A fl I said, "just like a crust of bread will hardly Quarterly Journal of Con- f jpl Imt f d o f o r a m e a 1 - " temporary Affairs, an unA^ ' "Whoever made up that old saying usual publication is here; ilJrinfrx about 'A half a loaf is better than none,' for this volume, devoted to was wrong," said Simple. "A half a loaf the controversial topic, "Afjust whets the appetite for more. When rican Unity," is written by Negroes did not have no civil rights at all statesmen who know t h e in Alabama, nobody agitated for more civil ] problems that beset t h e i r respective countries in relaLangston rights. 'Give a Negro an inch, and he will want an el,' is a true saying for true. Take tion to the world. me, now, I don't want to be treated half right. I want to be Articles are written by: treated right." Nnamdi Azikiwe, Presi"The sit-in kids at A. & T. College back in 1960 dent of the Federal Recertainly started something which spread from Greenspublic of Nigeria Jomo boro, North Carolina, all across the country—Negroes Kenyatta, President of marching, picketing, sitting-in everywhere." . the Republic of Kenya "Something really got started," said Simple, "on Julius K. Nyerere, Presthe Negroes' part. But our white folks are too slow. ident of the United ReJust decreeing decrees and passing bills is not enough. public of Tanzania Alex Results Is what colored folks want to see, results. I wants Quaison-Sackey, Permaresults myself. Let me in them Jim Crow unions. Let me nent Representative of out of these Jim Crow schools. Give me a decent house Ghana to the United Naat rent I can pay. Tear down the slums. And let my folks tions (and President of vote in Alabama." the Nineteenth Session "You don't want much, do yOu?" of the General Assembly.) " I wants everything anybody else in this American country has. My ancestries worked three hundred years James Farmer, National without pay to help build this country up. Why shouldn't Director of the Congress I have everything which white Americans has? Why not? of R a c i a l Equality We earned it. My grandpa and my grandma and my great(CORE) Raymond W. grandpa and great-grandma and their pa and ma before Logan, Professor of Histhem, on back to when the first slave came, we earned tory, Howard University. it. If white folks don't intend to pay us our back wages— These men have written which they don't—then they can at least give us our back their personal reactions to civil rights, and cut the red tape. If they are going to keep events and ideas (that is on handing out civil rights bills instead of dollar bills, they what a journal is), many in better make some of them civil rights bills work. Am I first person, and there is right or wrong?" no equivocation when they j " I think you are right," I said. "That is why Negroes write, keep on agitating." e. g. James Farmer: "We have got to think up some new ways of agitating, JAMES BALDWIN, best-selling black author of "The Fire Next though," said Simple, "because the old ways is worn out. Time," "Notes of a Native Son," etc., now sees his Broadway- When I was in East Af- Speech making is not enough. Marching is not enough. rejected play "Blues for Mister Charlie" still circling the globe rica, many of the younger! Martin Luther King is not enough. The young Negroes is despite its short life in New York. The fiery writer is in Europe, East Africans told me that: impatient. Now, if they have to go in a draft to Viet Nam, hard at work on his next book. the United States should who knows what is going to happen? The young Negroes is liable to say, 'Gimme my gun right here in Harlem and Selma and Chicago and Cambridge, Maryland.' That is what they "is liable to say,-these kids nowdays. And what answer will the white folks have for that? You know all them Southern draft boards is going to draft the colored boys first, just to get them off the picket lines and far away somewhere where Sheriff Clark won't have to be bothered with them, and Governor Wallace can sleep in peace. You know Sheriff Clark and Governor Wallace and Faubus and folks like that is not going to no Viet Nam MAIL C O U P O N TODAY S A V E M O N E Y ! SAVE TIME! war themselves. I think the draft ought to start with old folks and work down to the young, myself. •M Draft all the old heads that vote for war, and see how they like being out there in Viet Nam in the rice swamps and jungles with snakes and moccasins that bite even with Check how you wish to Muhammad Speaks Newspaper your boots laced. And don't just start drafting with all the 6 3 4 EAST 79th ST. receive Muhammad old folks. Start with the old white folks first. They is the CHICAGO 19, ILL. ones that run the world. Let theni run from bombs and Speaks Newspaper bullets in Viet Nam a little. Then the old white folks don't Date be so quick as to want to send the young folks, white or • MAIL SUBSCRIPTION Enter my subscription to MUHAMMAD SPEAKS colored, over there." Enclosed is my money order for $. • HOME DELIVERY get out of the Congo, and I j the Organization for African told them frankly that I Unity (OAU) as the only thought this was nonsense. body likely to bring off a (Please Print) 6 MOS. $ c 20 I cannot conceive of any [26 ISSUES) ^ major power in the world cease-fire in the Congo. Name getting out of a place as But I was more concerned 1 YEAR $ -| f\00 important as the Congo; it with pointing out the direct(52 ISSUES) • V is both impossible and un- ness with which these artiAddress desirable. It seems to me cles are written. The Amerimuch more to the point for can Society of African Culthe United States to be in ture (AMSAC) has underCity Zone State the Congo on the right side. taken an informative and Farmer goes on to support worthwhile project.




• •





AUGUST 20, 1965

About You What to do About Spendthrift Wife By Harriett Muhammad DEAR H A R R I E T T : I'm 65, my wife is 49 and we have two girls, ages 15 and 19. Here is my story: Before the first child, my wife thought we would never pare your opinion with my get along, but after having own. I thank you sincerely." children I thought she would Orwell, Ohio change her mind. I w a s wrong. I've always tried to DEAR S I R : Marriages do my best by her, but I may not work out the way you would like for them to have my faults. " D u r i n g the depression work out for countless readays, I was a chauffeur, a sons. I couldn't tell you how butler — I did everything you've failed your wife just but the laundry for $12 a from this letter — she would week. At home, I would have to tell you this. But wash all the diapers for the going on what you've told kids. For 18 years I packed me, one of your differences my own lunch and fixed my seems to lie in personality own coffee and toast, which factors. Your wife seems to I still do. I even help do the be a person that is hard to work around the house now. satisfy materially. She has deemed material advance"EIGHT Y E A R S AGO, I ment more important even bought a house on five and than the future of her daugha half acres of land near a ter, which seems very selmain highway. I would drive fish on her part. 80 miles a day to do conYou are wise enough to struction work, both winter value a higher education for and summer so that I could your daughter over s o m e pay for this lovely place we new furniture. If by explainhave. Now I'm retired and ing this to your wife, y o u have an income of $350 a aren't able to get her to see month. this, then let her buy the "But, my wife is still not furniture with the m o n e y satisfied. She has caused me she's earning now and b e credit problems three times. sure she and the company All that is straight now, but understands the monthly bill I don't wish to be responsi- is her responsibility. T h i s ble for anything she buys. may be the only way s h e I'm trying to send my oldest will learn to appreciate how girl to college in September, it is to work hard for what but my wife wants Early she gets. American furniture, which I cannot afford, and she YOU F E E L AS THOUGH knows this. you have failed her, but responsibility for a successful "FOR 19 Y E A R S of the 22 marriage rests with both of we have been together, she you. You, alone, can't take was a housewife. Now she all the blame nor credit. has been going to work DEAR HARRIETT: This about two days a week. Somehow I've failed t h i s letter is aimed at Mrs. G. woman, but how? I'm writ- T. of Los Angeles, Cal. and ing you because you're a other mothers. woman and I want to comI am also on welfare with

WANTEDMUSLIM NEIGHBORS S a l e : R e s i d e n t i a l V i e w Lots 1 6 5 ft. x 1 6 5 ft. Location: Perris, Calif., Elevation 1 4 0 0 ft. 7 0 m i l e s f r o m Los A n g e l e s Elect., Metropolitan Water, Telephone Available Full price: $ 1 , 7 5 0 T e r m s : 1 0 % d n . B a l . $ 2 5 p e r m o n t h <3> 6 ' / , % i n t . for



C h i c a g o , III.




my two children. I agree with you on some of their tactics. But here (Phoenix, Ariz.) we have a program enabling you to help yourself. I am going to nursing school for an L.V.N, license. The welfare pays my tuition and pays for my books, shoes, stockings, etc. They also pay for my baby sitter (whom I may choose) and they supply me with bus tickets and lunch money. They do not cut my checks. If for some reason you don't like the course you're in you can change to another. I HOPE THIS INFORMATION helps you and others. You can c h e c k on this through your State Welfare Department or County Welfare Department. Ask f o r School Aid for Dependent Mothers. May you all be blessed. Mrs. E . G. Phoenix, Arizona. DEAR MRS. E . G.: Thank you for your thoughtful let- DELICIOUS corn pudding coming up! Edith Lewis, popular ter. I'm sure all those who Chicago waitress, displays some of the basic ingredients for are interested,, regardless of Muhammad Speaks' current "Recipe to Remember." the city or state, will check I into this further. I welcome all such letters that will be of benefit to others. Something on your mind? Write and tell me about it. The preparation and serving of food are big in the Harriett Muhammad life of Edith Lewis, representing both her job and her. Westwood Plaza hobby. Mrs. Lewis, who hails from Chattanooga, Tenn., Box 390 is a popular Chicago waitress and homemaker, whose culiLos Angeles, nary skills were handed down from her mother, a noted Chattanooga cook. California 90024 Waiting tables at a well1 teaspoon baking known steak house on Chipowder New Guinea & Papua- cago's South Side does not 2 teaspoons flour leave her much time for exV-> stick butter PORT MORESBY, Papua perimenting in the kitchen, black pepper — Self-rule is scheduled to but the young waitress finds N o r t h e a s t New Guinea the following recipe simple If using fresh corn, clean and Papua in 1968, when the to prepare, easy to serve and scrape corn kernels from next H o u s e of Assembly and delicious to eat. the cob. Chop the onions and elections are held. A select pepper and add to the corn. committee of the present asBeat eggs and add all ingreCORN PUDDING sembly has begun work on dients. Mix well and pour 6 ears of corn or 2 cans drafting a new constitution into a baking dish. Cover whole kernel corn to determine the basic form and cook in 350-degree oven 1 medium onion of the new government of the for iy2 hours. During the 1 cup milk country-to-be. E x p e c t e d cooking, stir from time to Vz green pepper name of the new land would time to prevent adhering to salt be Paradisea. the sides of the baking dish. 3 eggs

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Grocery and Meat Market

Tasty Corn Pudding Recipe Gets Waitress' Hearty O.K.

End Literary Tests GREENSBORO, Ala.—Negroes seeking to register and vote were spared the harassment of having to pass an usual, difficult literary test

when registrars hastily announced that the controversial test was dropped. The test has been widely criticized and protested by civil rights leaders.

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AUGUST 20, 1965



The Women

Dig In

By Tynnetta Deanar

In Christian theology, much emphasis is placed on the second coming of Christ—the same Jesus who lived and was crucified 2,000 years ago. I ask Christian women, many of whom are active in the church, how would you recognize the Christ if He were to appear? And if, indeed, Christ died for our sins on Calvary, who had been redeemed? Is not the condition of the world more corrupt and more completely organized on the basis of sin, for which Christ supposedly gave His life? How can one man, be he the son of God or the son of a of the earth in a terrible turcarpenter, die and live again m o i l and confusion. After 2,000 years, how are in a three - day miraculous feat, and have paid the full you able to receive Christ redemption price for man's better than the Jews and sins? He would have to be a gentiles of Galilee, Palestine reformed sinner himself to and of Rome? Can't you see serve as an example for the that the conspirators who opiniquitous. Where are the posed Jesus and planned His signs of this transformation death and execution have produced descendants of the wrought among the people? One simply cannot die in same rebellious nature? For atonement f o r another's surely, if they slurred His sins, for as all r e 1 i g i o u s name then, how twisted has scriptures reveal, each indi- the image of Jesus become vidual is responsible for his today, centuries upon cenown deeds and the conse- turies upon centuries after quences thereof. As the Holy his death? Qur-an s t a t e s in another The Muslims believe in way, no one is made to carry Jesus and honor His name, another's burden. even more so s i n c e the Sheorin, daughter of Charles Clinton SpouldWe must bear in mind the teachings of the Honorable A FEMININE TOUCH was added to the gala ing, the Company's third president; Mrs. discrepancies w h i c h have Elijah Muhammad. Before ground-breaking ceremonies for North CaroLyda Moore Merrick, daughter of Dr. Aaron developed through the cen- we cry anti-Christ and false lina Mutual Life Insurance Company's new McDuffie Moore, co-founder and s e c o n d turies between the real life prophet, answer this ques- multi - million - dollar, 12 - story ultra - modern president, President Spoulding and Mrs. work and ministry of Jesus tion: Did t h e Muslims or home office building at the famous "Four Martha Merrick Donnell, youngest daughter and what men have written their forefathers plan a part Acres" intersection of Durham, N.C. Assistof John Merrick, founder and first president. about him. For example, in the death of Jesus and the ing the Company's President A . T. Spoulding why would He sacrifice His prophets; or was it another ore (I. to r.) Mrs. M a r g a r e t Spoulding life for a cause which He people — today teaching us ANOTHER FIRST FROM THE BOOKSHELVES OF THE discovered was fruitless? He their version of the life of Specialty Promotions C o . , Inc. found all Jews and gentiles Christ—who are of the genTHE DENTAL to be, without exception, un- erations of those who perPROPHECIES OF THE HOLY QUR-AN By Ali Akbar der sin. He went so far as secuted and f i n a l l y were This is a n extremely timely publication just off the press a n d a v a i l a b l e only REHABILITATION from us. To be well informed this book is a "must" to condemn the Jews as be- responsible, not only for the CONTENTS: ing from their father, the death of Jesus but the death LABORATORY Warning to the Christians G o g and Magog devil, and prophesied that of many other righteous and European Christian Nations Signs of the Appearance of the Anti-Christ 888 PROSPECT AVENUE future generations would be holy men of God? Nuclear W a r Destruction of the Modern "one-Eyed" required as atonement for Bronx, New York Civilization Basic Dogmas of Christianty S U P P O R T the sins of their forefathers COST: O N L Y $ 1 . 0 0 + 2 5 c mailing a n d handling charges. CALL 3 2 8 - 7 4 7 5 for h a v i n g slain many MUHAMMAD'S O r d e r your copy today. Supplies a r e limited. FALSE TEETH MADE, prophets before him. A l s o A v a i l a b l e : My Arabic Alphabet Book by Abdul B. Naeem $1.50 M O S Q U E OF I S L A M Holy Qur-ans (cloth Bound only) M. Muh. Ali $9.50 REPAIRED, RELINED He prophesied disasters YEAR Golden Deeds of Islam $1.25 ECONOMIC that would grip the nations 4 8 HOUR SERVICE The Muslim Prayer Book by M. Muh. Ali $• . 7 5




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But a


U.S. Pushes Ignores

AUGUST 20, 1965

Birth Control Among




Blacks, Rate

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Although American Big Busi- than 1 per cent in Philadelness and the State Department are ardently pushing "birth- phia to about 10 per cent in control" programs for Negroes, Asians and Latin Amer- Detroit. icans, the marriage rate here continues to rise generally In New York, marriages forecasting a new baby boom. increased 3.2 per cent, from Based on statistics from 67,886 in 1963 to 70,053 in the Metropolitan Life Insur- per cent, and in New Jer- 1964. The gains were 4 per ance Company, about 1,731, sey 5.3 per cent. cent in Chicago and 8 per 000 marriages were perNew England recorded the cent in Los Angeles. formed in the United States smallest relative increases in 1964, a 4.5 per cent rise FOR T H E MAJOR cities over 1963. While no figures in marriages last year, for as a group, the n u m b e r a geographical area. Not one were released on the racial rose 3.2 per cent. In 108 citratio, it is assumed that the of its six states equaled the ies with over 100,000 populanational average. In Massaincrease a m o n g Negroes chusetts, marriages were be- tion, four-fifths reported an were proportionate. low the number of a year increase in marriages last year. Rockford, 111., headed IN CANADA, T H E num- ago. the list with a rise of 16 per ber of m a r r i a g e s rose E L S E W H E R E , only two cent. Next in order were sharply to an all-time high o t h e r states Arkansas and Kansas City, Kan.; Greensof 141,000 in 1964. The preboro, N.C.; Paterson and vious record was 137,398 in M o n t a n a — a n d in Elizabeth, N.J., and Yonk1946. In 1963 the figure was the District of Columbia had ers. All had increases of at a reduction in the number of 131.111. marriages, with Montana's least 10 per cent. Wedding bells in the Uni- 6.1 per c e n t decrease the OF T H E MAJOR CITIES ted States started to ring- greatest. that had fewer marriages overtime during the spring The five largest metropol- last year than in 1963, Duof 1963. And in September of that year married men itan areas reported a rise in luth, Minn., was the only were allowed draft deferrals marriages last year, the in- one with a decrease of as ABBEY LINCOLN, singer, actress and black cultural leader and the marriage market creases ranging from less much as 10 per cent. who once worked as a maid for white housewives in Illinois boomed further. and Indiana, now sees her former "mistresses" paying top Early Tuesday morning, Feb. 23, a hired prices to see her perform. Self-taught Miss Lincoln is wife of THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC drummer Max Roach and the star of the current artistic suc- states recorded a g a i n of Arsonist planted Fire Bombs in the building cess "Nothing But A Man" portrait of a Negro's life in the | 7.4 per cent, between 1963 South. and 1964, outranking every off Muhammad's Mosque No. 7 and other geographic division in the United States. PennsylDESTROYED it vania's 12.7 per cent rise was high for a. state. In New York the number was up 5.2




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WASHINGTON —President Johnson ordered an immediate check of why only nine Negroes are enrolled at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., following an inquiry by the NAACP's Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins. The President met with Wilkins in the first of a series of discussions with c i v i l rights leaders preparatory to j a White House conference on j implementing civil r i g h t s l laws. During the talk, the j NAACP official is said to j have complained that only nine Negroes were among ! the 4.000 midshipmen at Anj napolis. When" Wilkins left. President Johnson called McNamara and Nitze, urging them to look into the matter immediately, said Bill D. Moyers, Presidential press secretary.


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r 0- i <,i/i) J t. A U G U S T 20, 1965








With Amazing Stamina IS© I m m u n i t y tNv

K I T I K I T I , Tanzania — American scientists here conducted extensive probes into the amazing physical durability of the Masai Tribe and their seeming immunity from such "civilized" diseases as atheroschlerosis and hypertension— then left for home as puzzled as when they came.

Under the direction of Prof. George Mann of Vanderbuilt University, a team of researchers found no answer to the mystery of why the Masai never seem to get heart trouble nor atheroschlerosis (a thickening or hardening of the walls of the arteries, slowing the b l o o d flow), despite the fact that they regularly consume a diet which contains enough cholesterol to send the ordinary w o r r i e d middleage American fleeing in panic from the dinner table. These African herdsmen and warriors live exclusively on meat, blood and milk with a butterfat content that soars normally to about 6.5 I per cent. PHENOMENAL ENDURANCE of Masai Tribesmen astounds American scientists who found their ability almost doubled that of American students on difficult treadmill test. Even the older tribesmen have none of the symptoms of heart disease.

England Needs Water for LONDON—The island nation of England just couldn't be afflicted by a water shortage problem, but it is. The country, surrounded on three sides by water, and noted

its seemingly "every hour on the hour" rainfall, has taken to conserving water. The shortage is blamed on a record 205-year low of 45.1 inches of rain within the past three years.



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Made From Choice Ingredients

STUDIES O F T H E MASAI have shown that they ihave none of the symptoms jof Atheroschlerosis, a disease of the arteries. They lhave far lower serum cho! lesterol on the average than j do Americans. And the Masai have no hypertension, possibly due to the fact that from puberty until about the age of 30, a warrior has little to do but k e e p himself pretty, romance the girls, and lean on his thin spear s t a r i n g protectively over herds of tiny hump-backed cattle. Yet the Masai do walk,

six of the Masai were well past the warrior age group but liked the idea of a challenge and used their influence as elders to get in on the act, and some of the men in the experiment had walked five or ten miles through the bush just to get to the machine.

sometimes 50 or 60 miles a day w i t h o u t noticeable s t r a i n . Professor Mann brought his treadmill along to evaluate the fitness of the T W O OF T H E MASAI Masai and to see if exercise might be sparing them the walked the treadmill right off its maximum scale of 30 heart trouble. minutes and 30-degree elevation. Many Make Long Trip The youngster in the On this treadmill, which moves at a speed of one and group, much to the embara half miles an hour and rassment of t h e others, tilts upward at the front end lasted only 14 minutes, the one degree every minute, average for the American an average healthy college college. E V E N WITH HIS performboy in the United States lasts 14 minutes before he is ance and with old - timers spilled off the back, end, in the group, the Masai avlimp, exhausted and gasp- eraged 23 minutes on the treadmill. Not one of them ing for breath. sat down after his performTHE RECORD ON T H E ance. They all stood around machine was set by a stu- relaxing, their legs crossed dent at Peabody ^University and spread in the typical in Nashville who had worked Masai pose, waiting for the out on it once a week for chance they never got to six months and then lasted climb back onto the curious machine. 27 minutes before he was Their pulse rates had gone finally spilled down the 27degree slope and flung off up, rather like the Americans, but their respiratory the machine's back end. The 39 M a s a i warriors rates had not risen. For Professor Mann persuaded some reason the Masai were to get on treadmill did not not breathing very hard. present a perfect test: one, THEN, TWO W E E K S who just reached puberty AGO Professor Mann took and was only technically a warrior, was probably only his machine and his meas12 or 13 years old; five or urements and went home.

H e y Doc, That Tickles


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MASAI TRIBESMAN grimaces as doctor takes sample of blood to examine content after long spell of physical activity. With a population estimated at more than 150,000 the

Masai for centuries withstood foreign domination, refused to be assimilated into European culture.


AUGUST 20, 1965

Tanzania Takes in 7-Foot-Tall Watusi Settlers UNITED NATIONS—Still another Of-^frica's amazingly-developed awesome physical wonders, the 7-feet-tall W a t u s i , are moving into Tanzania to establish a new home and a new life. Nearly 60,000 Watusi refugees, some of whom fled across the Congo borders between 1959 and 1963, now await their first harvest in their new Mwesi Highland homelands near Lake Tanganyika in the southwestern sector of Tanzania. The tall, almost bone-thin Watusi, in whose image a popular dance was created in the black communities of America, w e r e expelled from the Congo by Premier M o i s e Tshombe because they a l l e g e d l y fought against white mercenaries selected to rule over their region. By air, rail and road, 3,000 Watusi refugees from Rwanda recently completed their second flight to freedom in six years, under the sponsorship of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. They were removed from Goma, on the shores of Lake Kivu in the Congo, to their new haven in the Mwesi Highlands. THE CONGO-LEOPOLDV I L L E GOVERNMENT expelled the Watusi in 1964, but it was not until 1965 June that they started their second flight to freedom and a permanent home. Land Grants The Tanzanian G o v e r n ment granted each Watusi refugee family 10 acres of land. And President Julius N y e r e r e gave them his

personal welcome. The reaction of the Rwandese to the first word of the resettlement plans was one of relief and excitement, as contrasted with their usual display of "calm stoicism whatever the circumstances confronting them." On Nov. 3, 1964, the first group of 240 Watusi refugees left Bukavu, on the southern tip of Lake Kivu, where they traveled 100 miles by boat up the lake before joining their countrymen in Goma for the arduous journey to Tanzania. In Goma, a C-46 plane, the first glimpse of an airplane for most, took 63 aboard for the 350-mile flight to Tabora, a town of 25,000 in West-Central Tan-

zania. A S E R I E S OF MEDICAL tests awaited the refugee g r o u p at Tabora, where each was vaccinated and received blankets and simple eating utensils. They lived in tents near the field until boarding the twice-weekly train to Mpanda, 180 miles away. When they arrived at Mpanda, they were loaded into trucks for the final phase, an 80-mile journey along a new access road to the Mwesi Highlands. The adult refugees, who speak French and Swahili in addition to their native tongue, are now learning English. Many youths are applying f o r scholarships for advanced studies. I

Ghana Graduates Largest Class Of Young Engineers ACCRA, Ghana — Hundred engineering students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, were successful in their final B.Sc. examination at the end of the 1964-65 academic year, Dr. R. P. Baffour, vice-chancellor of the university, announced at a press conference in Accra yesterday. Dr. Baffour said that with the overwhelming success of were successful out of the the engineering students, the total of 192 students. University has attained the This year's results, the highest f i g u r e of passes vice-chancellor added, were since its establishment. more encouraging than those of last year, when only 57 He said of the 117 engineer- students were successful. ing students presented for There has also been perB.Sc. examination, 89 per centage i n c r e a s e s in all cent were successful. F o u r students obtained s e c o n d spheres of the University exclass (Upper Division) and amination, averaging from five others second c l a s s a score of 100 per cent in (Lower Division). The rest agriculture to 89 per cent pass in engineering. obtained a pass. Dr. Baffour said the reIn all, 142 post-graduate, graduates a n d diplomates sults had b e e n achieved against a background of stiff external moderation, supported by reports from eminent scientists ail over the world which affirmed the very high standards set in the degree papers and the equally high standards of marking by b o t h internal and external examiners.

WATUSI REFUGEES who fled from persecution in the Congo, march to their new homeland in Tanzania.

High Blood Pressure Kills More Negroes Than Whites B E R K E L E Y , Calif. — More Negroes die of high blood pressure than whites, said a University of California sociologist, because Negroes do not have access to expensive drugs and proper medical care. Dr. Jan Howard said that in 1957, for example, ten vanced by the sociologist as times as many Negroes as the main reason for the difwhites died from hyperten- ference. sive heart disease. After extensive studies of the death Demand Wall Removal rate from hypertension from JACKSONVILLE, F l a . — 1949 to 1957, Howard noted that the death rate fell for The Florida NAACP branch both racial groups, but much has demanded that the Housmore sharply among whites ing, Home Finance Agency than Negroes. order the removal of a wall "Differential drug usage" constructed at a local FHA— the proposition that white lnsured housing project." It patients are better insured contends that the wall serves and have access to hospital- as a "buffer zone" to divide ization and medical care and segregate N e g r o and than Negroes — was ad- white residents.








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• • MASAI MOTHER with child on her back and native regalia e n r o u t e to marketplace. Despite a diet not considered "balanced" by Western authorities, the tribe enjoys amazing health and longevity.

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AUGUST 20, 1965



Powell Congratulates


Rum K v U I M Ml NEW YORK — Harlem's congressman Adam Clayton Powell recently sent greetings to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, commending their choice as convention site, Birmingham's 16th Street Baptist Church —where four little black girls died in a KKK-set dynamite blast in 1963. "How spiritually and his- and suffered a dark age of torically appropriate t h a t torture. Our spirit has been the . . . Conference would crippled but it has not died. hold its meetings at this Our faith has been tested, church," Powell said. but it has not been over"Rebuked and scorned, we come," the militant leader have walked in the wilder- said. ness of unmerciful sorrow "Through the bombings,

the scorched churches, the cowardly assassinations, and the officially condoned hate, we have kept pressing on the upward way, new heights we've been gaining every day" he continued. "Thirty y e a r s ago I walked the streets of Harlem leading the first freedom picket lines for jobs and human dignity. Today, Reverand King and SCLC's lead-

Nigerian Wants Negro Unity World-Wide BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—The Nigerian ambassador to the United Nations has called on Negroes to keep their struggle for equality, justice and freedom coordinated on a world-wide basis. Ambassador S. O. Adebo to look other men straight in of Nigeria, speaking before the face. the Southern Christian Leadership Conference here told "THAT IS A G R E A T vica cheering audience: tory you have won and we "Much r e m a i n s to be have won in Africa," Adebo done, but you are now able told a jubilant g r o u p of about 700 to 800 delegates

Leaky Heart Cured


TAMPA, F l a . — Stan E . Vann, who became famous 12 years ago as Tampa's "Leaking heart baby," returned to the city last week as a healthy, active teenager. And he is grateful to the community for contributing a total of $2,156.28 to pay his medical expenses, which included a delicate, costly heart operation. The son of Charles E . Vann and his former wife, Ernestine, the boy "dropped out of sight" after under going the successful operation to patch up the hole in his heart.

ers walk the streets of America in that same glorious tradition" P o w e l l pointed out. I SALUTE A L L OF YOU on this important convocation, mindful that now more than ever is the time to walk together, children in Jerusalem just like John, and be that greater black person, that mightier human being, that finer race of people," he concluded. last night at the S. C. L.C.'s annual convention. Adebo's speech highlighted a full day of activities and came on the eve of an even fuller schedule today — to feature an annual report by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., S.C.L.C. president, a visit by King to see voter registrars in action, and a demonstration to protest alleged discriminatory hiring practices.

A. Clayton Powell

"Deacon's For Defense' Win Austin Austin, Texas — A group has been started here to aid the "Deacons for Defense and Justice", a recentlyformed Negro armed self-defense organization with chapters in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. The g r o u p , initiated by residents of Austin, Texas, where, and has offered to will seek to publicize the ac- send speakers and literature tivities of the Deacons and to interested groups or indito win favorable opinion for viduals to explain about the them. It will also raise mon- Deacons. ey to be sent to the Deacons. Stop Terrorists C A L L E D "THE COMMITMark K l e i n , spokesman T E E to Aid the Deacons," for the Austin group, said: the group hopes to inspire "Any civil rights supporter similar groups to form else- who is tired of reading about


b o m b i n g s , beatings and murders should be heartened to learn about the Deacons. Racist terrorism has stopped where the Deacons have organized. But they need our help. The power structure cannot tolerate men who stand up for their rights, and we can expect the Deacons to be denounced from all sides. So we must publicize their existence and their success—and hopefully raise money for them."

CORE Shakes up Cotton Town with Freedom Cries By Ray Winters

A chant began: "Before I be a slave, I MINDEN, La.—A black man was lynched in this quiet, would rather be dead and in sleepy little town 10 years ago, but this month more than my grave." a thousand Negroes shouted "Freedom Now, Freedom Now" on one of its main thoroughfares. Across the street, THIS SHOW OF b l a c k a thousand whites looked. . unity visibly disturbed the "When a white man asks white masses here. Not even This town, otherwise unknown, has a population of me why don't I go back to the oldest white man here 13,000, almost evenly divided Africa," Farmer said, " I re- could ever remember seeing between whites and blacks. ply that when the white man so many Negroes joined toOther than the fact that it is goes back to Europe and gether for a common pura 'hell hole' for Negroes, its gives the country back to the pose. main claims for fame is cot- Indians, the Negro will go A check of the Negro comton, petroleum and natural back to Africa. munity revealed that most gas-deposits. " I remind him that the thought the demonstrations James F a r m e r , nation- first man to die for inde- good, however, some refused al director of the Congress of pendence of the U n i t e d to join because of the pasRacial Equality, had come States was a black man," sive "turn-the-other" cheek to town to lead a spirited F a r m e r continued. "The rules. civil rights demonstration, black man has fought in all WHEN T H E Y REACHED then confer with local offi- wars in defense of this country and now we are willing the Mayor's office he sat sicials about grievances. to fight and die to gain our lently while they laid out a " I AM SICK and tired and j personal freedom at home." long list of demands, some have been sick and tired for j 30 years of the conditions in D E A F E N I N G SHOUTS OF of which he agreed to look which I find myself" said a approval came f r o m the into. spokesman for the local civil Then someone asked the rights movement. " I don't demonstrators as Farmer's Mayor: know much, but I do know, voice became inaudible. For "Are you a Christian?" I want my freedom." blocks, the demonstrators "Yes," said the white MayHeavily-armed local police could be h e a r d shouting: or uneasily, then got up and "Freedom Now, Freedom watched silently while F B I j walked away. Now!" agents sought facts.


Km* §m>

NEVER BEFORE in Hie history of this small town had 1,000 Negroes united behind their demands to end injustices. CORE Director James Farmer (upper left) waits for the Mayor while a white police peeks out of the City Hall doorway.


AUGUST 20, 1965


How Lost Soul Found Herself Through Islam

Lost And Betrayed,

Girl Saw Light of Islam By Sister Georgia X Thomas (Monroe, La.)

By Sister Joann X Bennett All praises are due to Allah, for delivering me from this wilderness of N o r t h America and giving me the true knowledge of self, which I have found in Islam. I will forever praise His name, for lost 1 was in this God-forsaken land.

ASSISTANT MINISTER Paul X. Kendall and family help account for the success of Mosque No. 34 of Durham, N. C. Beside him is wife, Dora Mae and Paul Jr. X; Donald X; Ricky X; Joseph X; Brother X; Travis X; Tynetta Dzanar X; Willie Mae X; Tressia X and Bohor X. The North Carolina Mosque, although small, is one of the most active of ail far-flung Mosques of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

The Messenger




I have been a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for nine months and the peace and contentment that has entered my once tortured mind is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I urge all my sisters to fly to Muhammad, there is no time to waste, hurry and join your own kind and become the goddess you are. The dead world offers you nothing, only shame and disgrace.

When I came into the Nation of Islam, I had one child and was pregnant with another. I was only 18 and had never been married. I knew a change had to be made; something was dreadfully wrong. I searched for strength in the church, but everyone there was doing as much wrong as I — or m o r e . Deep d o w n inside, I knew that God's t r u e religion had to have morSister als; yet ChrisGeorgia tians seemed to have none.

a better and clearer understanding of the Bible. ISLAM GAVE ME respect for myself and others. It lifted my morals. It gave me back my femininity. It taught me the right foods to eat. When I was eating the filthy swine's flesh I was often dizzy and had low blood pressure. Since I stopped eating pork and its essence, I haven't had a sick day; that was well over a year ago. I am glad I discovered that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the Messenger of Almighty God, whose proper Name is Allah.

All of my prayers seemed to go unanswered. I finally lost respect for my parents, myself and all whom I associated with. Although I was have children, I had no real SO I SAY to my brothers love for them. I knew I was and sisters throughout the doing wrong. wilderness of North AmerI used to look at my little ica, don't let false propaganboy, Tony, and shed tears of da keep you away from the frustration. I could see no truth. If you think as an infuture for myself because dividual, act as an individwhen a woman has two chil- ual. Visit a Mosque in your dren, marriage is almost out city or town and hear the of the question. truth for yourself.

IN ISLAM, your rightful religion, is dignity, y o u r s t r e n g t h and beauty. All praises are due unto Allah for our Divine leader and every moment of my exist- teacher, the Little Lamb, BY SISTER VIOLA X ence. the Honorable Elijah MuGARY, INDIANA Islam taught me to do hammad. Before I go further, I away with childish things, would like to introduce the actions, doings and thoughts I WONDERED W H A T man responsible for my new and walk in the way of womKIND of future I would be See KKK Voting Bloc Self Rule for Fiji life. I thank All-Mighty God anhood. able to provide my children. R A L E I G H , N.C. — A preSUVA, Fiji Islands—A del- I Allah for such a nohle man; had no education. I I was a mentally dead peregation of six Fijians, six dropped out of high school diction that by 1968, the Ku the Honorable Elijah MuKlux Klan will be "one of the hammad. May t h e peace son, with no sense of re- East Indians, and six whites in the tenth grade. most powerful voting blocs and blessings of Allah for- sponsibility, frustrated and has trooped to London to disdown trodden. Now, I feel cuss constitutional changes One day a Muslim brother in the nation," was made ever be on him. I have been completely reinvited me to visit the last week by imperial wizIslam has opened my eyes juvenated since I became a in the British-ruled colony Mosque with him. I had ard Robert M. Shelton Jr., that would lead to self-govand resurrected me from Muslim. ernment. The delegates, all heard about the Muslims but Tuscaloosa, Ala. Shelton, in the dead, taught me how to members of Fiji's Legisla- the things I heard were false his prediction made during eat, when to eat and how All praises to All-Mighty tive c o u n c i l , specifically reports. Naturally I ques- a Klan meeting now open to to conduct my life. A l l a h and His greatest stress that independence is tioned him about his reli- the public—where once they I thank All-Mighty God apostle — The Most Honor- not desired, rather the 500,- gion, because at this point I were held in strictest secreAllah for coming to us, ful- able Elijah Muhammad. 000 inhabitants—41 per cent had just about given up on cy—noted: filling the prophecy of the Fijian, 50 per cent East In- all religions. "We are not an organizaBible, and giving us The dian and the remainder Eution of bigots. We are not What he told me I had nevCongo Franc May Fall Honorable Elijah Muhamropeans, Chinese and immi- er heard before in my life. hatemongers. We don't wear mad to teach us our salvaLEOPOLD V I L L E — Congo- grants from other Pacific It seemed like the answer masks. We are not afraid to tion. Leopoldville, torn with re- islands — wish further prog- to all the questions which I s h o w ourselves. We will Islam educated me in the bellion since its independ- ress in self - rule within the had so o f t e n wondered show ourselves often—at the knowledge of God and the ence in 1960, is having trou- British sphere of influence. about. This religion gave me polls." ble keeping its e c o n o m y devil. I will be ever praising All- from toppling down upon it. M A I L Mighty God for coming to In an effort to strengthen the nation's economic picAmerica raising up the HonYOUR CLASSIFIED AD TODAY orable Elijah Muhammad to ture, economic advisors are R teach us the Truth and giv- suggesting that the Congo l franc undergo another devaling us life. W H E N Y O U W A N T TO RENT, SELL, TRADE, MOVE, HIRE, WORK, O W N , TEACH, Islam gave me a firm uation. Formerly at par with LEARN, E A R N , SEARCH, FIND, A N N O U N C E foundation on which to build the B e l g i a n f r a n c (50 my entire life — socially, francs to SI), the Congo MS CLASSIFIED WILL DO THE JOB economically and religious- franc went down in NovemCLASSIFICATION DESIRED ly. It is an overwhelming- ber, 1963, to 150 to the dol(For Example: FEMALE HELP WANTED force which hovers over me lar.

God Answers




50< ,N E




1 4 1 6 STEBBINS A V E .


DEADLINE 12 O'CLOCK NOON EVERY WEDNESDAY PRINT your ad on lines provided below (including all information to be published) FIGURE NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS FOR EACH LINE







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TELEPHONE NO. CITY. CLASSIFIED RATES 50c per line (3 line minimum $1.50)

Please Send Check or Money Order to


Kindly Address Replies To — ATT'N! Classified Ad Dept. 634 E. 79th St. Chicago 19, III.

AUGUST 20, 1965



Television Minus Cowboys, Gangsters, Bad Indians

Ghana Builds O w n T V Base ACCRA — Under the driving impetus of President Kwame Nkurmah this black nation of seven million this week turned on its first television sets and watched TV programs created by Ghanaians, enacted and produced by Ghanaians for the benefit of all Africa. This nation, n o t y e t t e n years a w a y f r o m colonial- now a Ghanaian citizen is i s m , o p e n e d i t s T V s e r v i c e its d i r e c t o r . with its own trained Ghana"Our a i m i s t o produce ian engineers, producers, p r o g r a m s w h i c h lift t h e cameramen, film men, edi- level o f understanding a n d broaden horizons," says h e r Deputy Director, Alex T . Q u a r m y n e . " W eexpect T V to h e l p r e v i v e t h e a r t o f o u r people, b r i n g scientific laboratories into the classrooms and heighten t h efeeling o f unity a m o n g t h e groups that make upour nation." W h a t wilt not be shown o n T V here?

BLACK CAMERMAN dollys in on Ghanaian woman newscaster in one of "made-in Ghana" programs now beamed throughout Accra. Below, is television building with its

"YOU WON'T S E E s t e r e o typed p r o g r a m s about gangsters, good cowboys and b a d Indians, middle-class love i n Chicago o r Liverpool o r A m o s n ' A n d y insults t o black people," DirectorD u Bois says. She pointed o u tthat there w a s o n e advantage i n beMrs. Shirley G. Du Bois ginning late i n the industrial field. " W e start out w i t h t h e t o r s , s c r i p t w r i t e r s a n d a n -m o s t modern equipment. nouncers. The installation o f G h a n a A n A m e r i c a n - b o r n N e g r o T V r a n k s w i t h t h e best i n w o m a n , M r s . Shirley D u the world." Presently i n black a n d Bois, w i d o w o f t h e late D r . W i l l i a m E . B . D u B o i s a n d white, Ghana's color T V will b e i n s t a l l e d b e f o r e 1967, s h e says.

Brazzaville Beats Revolt

DURING T H E INITIAL BRAZZAVILLE—A watch phase o f this country's T V fill Congo - Brazzaville govservice, pictures w i l l be s e e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e g r e a t e r ernment, reminded that it A c c r a , t h e C o a s t a l a n d K u - had overthrown the previous m a s a i a r e a s . I n t h e s e c o n d government, is said to have phase, however, T Vwill be e x t e n d e d t o T a m a l e , t h e foiled an attempt at retaliaN o r t h e r n R e g i o n a n d l a t e r tion. The present governcover the entire country. ment, headed by Alphonse UNITY BODY





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ing its leaders. The commandos were said to be recruited by exiled f o r m e r president Fulbert Youlou, with the help of an unnamed foreign country. DO YOU WANT MONEY? Let Us H e l p Y o u Fill O u t Y o u r Application For Small Business Loans Call Lorenzo 2 X at H Y 3 - 8 9 7 4 250 KINGSTON AVE. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK

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Massamba-Debat, disclosed the arrest of 13 of an 18-man commando group, w h i c h came from neighboring Congo-Leopoldville, intent upon seizing the country and kill-




B O D Y A N D FENDER REPAIRS Automatic T r a n s m i s s i o n G u a r a n t e e d SCHOOL GRADUATE Bus 3 6 1 - 8 8 9 8 Res SW 5 - 6 7 8 5 A s k tor AL


administrative annex, (rear) under construction. Plans calls for a TV set in the home of every Ghanaian by 1970.


P H O N E FA 4 - 9 8 4 0 \




Temple T Clothiers 553 EAST 79th ST. CHICAGO, ILL.


AUGUST 20, 1965


Best of the Block



For My


An easy made funnel for filling salt and pepper shakers can be m a d e by using the corner of an envelope and cutting off a small portion of the tip. *



Onions will not make the eyes water if scalding water is poured over them before they are peeled. *



N E V E R PUT COLD WAT E R in a hot utensil, until utensil has cooled to room t e m p e r a t u r e . Sudden changes in temperature may cause the metal to warp — resulting in uneven bottoms. + * * A common clothespin, split in half makes two ideal and economical p a n scrapers which do not rust or scratch enamelware or p r e c i o u s HORACE SILVER, proudly moves up into the top echelon of aluminum.

noted jazz composers with his sweeping hit "Song For My Father." Although Silver, has yet to reach the popularity of I F YOU HAVE TROUBLE Ellington, Basie or Jones, the more avant garde musical OPENING a jar of home groups regard his creations as even more exciting than those canned fruit try this: Turn BRONZE ORNAMENTAL mask (above) from the $300 million the jar upside down in- hot of the established composers. collection of art pieces from the African city of Benin, (Ni- water deep enough to cover geria) the mask was discovered during the 15th century. Now the lid. Let it stand for a few on exhibition in New York, the famed Benin art collection is miputes then unscrew it as regarded as the highest form of art achieved in bronze. Art usual. Curator Phillip Lewis of the Chicago Natural History Museum * * * says "Benin art is not primitive art; rather it is art arising in a Wax the rockers and legs society in many ways comparable to European societies." . . . of your chairs. They will not NEW YORK—A new summer series of jazz concerts Lower bronze is the famous 20-inch high bronze rooster, dis- mar the waxed floor when for the allegedly culturally deprived Harlem community covered in the 18th century. Since independence, Nigeria has moved about. will be sponsored by the Harlem Cultural Council with revived the city of Benin as an art center. * * » *



Summer Jazz Concert To Honor Famous

POUR BOILING WATER on oranges and let stand for five minutes. This will make the white lining come away from the skin and they will he easier to prepare.

Miss. White Terror L A U R E L , Miss. — Whites in Jones County, Miss., have launched a campaign of terror, including fire - bombing and shootings, against civil rights workers in the area, the Southern Reporting Service reported. SRS said the violence included 20 b u r n ings of home and businesses since Feb. 17.

Classified Ads FREE YOURSELF OF DEBTS! STOP w o r r y o v e r debts y o u con t p a y 1 S T O P garnishments and attachments W I T H O U T BORROWING! Quick relief Legal in ail 50 States Satisfaction Guaranteed S e n d $2 Box 4 1 4 C o l m a . Calif





Automatics — S t a n d a r d s & O v e r d r i v e s Guaranteed Workmanship 6 6 9 W M . H. T A F T R D . CINCINNATI 6, O H I O



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L & M "Phillips 6 6 ' Service Station

General Auto Repairing Tires — Batteries — Accessories Prompt — Courteous Service Le Vertis H o m e Prop. " 0 0 S. Wabash O p e n 2 4 Hours Chicago 1 9 , III.


BUY AND SELL WITH SHABAZZ REALTY 7 3 West 11 6th Street N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 876-5882






well-known orchestras for the performances. Frederick O'Neal, chairman of the council and president of Actor's Equity, said New African Magazine the purpose of the concerts NEW YORK—A new Engis to acquaint Harlem resi- lish language quarterly has dents with their cultural her- made its debut on the literitage. The musical units will ary scene, under the sponsorplay at various locations in ship of the American Society Harlem from a trailer lent of African Culture. The jourby P . Ballantine Company. nal, international in scope, will have as its editor, Dr. Randolph Honored John A. Davis, AMSAC presAccording to George Greg- ident. It is designed to reory Jr., a Civil Service Com- flect the contributions of the missioner and council mem- American Negro and the Afber, each concert will honor rican to world culture. an outstanding living resident of Harlem associated Kill 2 7 Portuguese with the concert locales. The f i r s t performance at A. MOZAMBIQUE—The MoPhilip Randolph Square hon- zambique National Liberaored labor leader A. Philip tion Army killed 27 PortuRandolph. guese Colonial soldiers when Money for the program has they sprang a surprise atcome from private or organ- tack on the invaders, a reizational sources. Between cent Mozambique commu$22,000 and $25,000 will be nique revealed. needed for the season. Local 802, of the American FederaFREELANCE tion of Musicians, in conjuncBoahhtaping and Accounting Service tion with the Recording In- T a x e s , Contracts a n d Incorporations dustries Trust Fund, is con- of Businesses. tributing $10,000. Musicians LORENZO 2X - 250 KINGSTON AVE. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK will perform at minimum CALL: HY 3 - 8 9 7 4 union scale rates.


RESTAURANT & BAKERY Cleveland's N e w e s t a n d Semi-Ultra M o d e r n A s i a t i c R e s t a u r o n t . W e serve Asiatic style a n d A m e r i c a n C o o k e d Foods. 1 2 4 3 4 Superior A v e . , C l e v e l a n d , Ohio MU 1-9841 OPEN 24 HOURS _ • — P r o m p t Delivery S e r v i c e " - ^ ^ —

Shabazz Supermarket and Carryout 1545 N e w Jersey Ave.,N.W. 387-9804 O P E N 24 H O U R S W A S H I N G T O N , D.C.



PR 3 - 8 6 9 0 D U A L I T Y o. S E R V I C E - O U R



AUGUST 20, 1965



Negro Riot Recalls Day Police Shot Down Unarmed Muslims in Los Angeles

They W a n t t o K n o w H i s Whereabouts

protested the police brutality revealed in the killing and wounding of the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and had demanded the removal of the openly anti-Negro p o l i c e chief, but nothing had been done.

LOS A N G E L E S — The savage history of KKK-type police brutality which this city has allowed to be inflicted upon its black citizens has finally touched off one of the wildest race riots in California—as Negroes, fed up with the customary Mississippi-like arrogance of white cops, over a relatively minor incident. The same gestapo - like police force which two years more Negroes reached t h e earlier had stormed a Mus- scene. lim M o s q u e , shooting, THE RIOTERS attacked wounding and k i l l i n g unarmed Muslims, were em- fire units at the scene, debroiled here for hours in stroyed a television station's almost hand-to-hand battle mobile unit vehicle, b r o k e with crowds of nearly 3,000 windshields with rocks and bottles and, all in all,, batblack people. tled for several hours before The riot was touched off t h o u s a n d s of policemen when a crowd of around broke up the crowd. 1,500 gathered as a policeObservers said the scene man was arresting a Negro was reminiscent of the night on suspicion of drunken drivtwo years ago when t h e ing. Eye witnesses sources report that the police officer young secretary of Mosque started pushing and punch- No. 26, Ronald X Stokes, ing the driver and, when his was shot to death by a pomother protested, the police- liceman — even while Ronmen started manhandling her. The crowd began boo- ald stood holding up his ing and started moving in on hands in surrender. the police. The officers Community organizations, called for help as more and including the NAACP, had

INSTEAD OF the police being punished for the unprovoked assault and mur- j der, some 14 young Muslims were convicted of trumpedup charges in a city court by an all-white jury a n d judge. Observers state that the recent riot is undoubtedly a culmination of the hostility which the Negro population feels toward the p o l i c e force. F U R T H E R T R O U B L E is predicted unless definite and immediate reforms are incorporated in the city government and the p o l i c e department.

ment and control of the disGhana Plans Mobile X-Ray ease." announced that a cenUnits In Fight Against TB tralHe tuberculosis laboratory basis of domiciliary treat-

ERNESTO " C H E " Guevara, famed right-hand-man of Cuba's Fidel Castro sits here laughing as though at a huge joke, as the white Western press desperately tries to analyze meaning would be set up to provide of his lengthy disappearance from public scenes in Cuba. Main ACCRA, Ghana — Regional tuberculosis c e n t e r s full facilities in higher tech- worry centers around fact that Guevara may be on mission to equipped with mobile x-ray vans and facilities for immuni- niques. encourage other Latin countries to shake off U.S. domination.

zation are to be built in the regional headquarters. These centers, which will act as bases for field serv- vaccination services, carry ices to enable the Ministry out tuberculin survey of the of Health and the Ghana adult population in the counSociety for the Prevention of try and maintain curative Tuberculosis to attack and services, both for in-patients control the disease on a com- and out-patients. munity bases, are among "There will also be sporathe health plans of the Gov- dic surveys of localised belts ernment. indicative of high incidence Announcing t h i s at the of the disease," he stated. annual general meeting of "The Government a l s o the Ghana Society for the hopes," the Minister conPrevention of Tuberculosis in Accra yesterday, Health tinued, "to establish on a Minister Osei Owusu Afriyie wider scale the system of announced Government's home visits to defaulted paimmediate plan to extend tients, to form the sound

Negro Officer Beaten In Mississippi Nightclub CANTON, Miss. — An all-oat investigation into the brutal beating of Negro Army 2nd Lt. Harry Bartee has been promised by Madison County Sheriff Jack Cauthen, while University Hospital physicians report that ugly facial injuries may require plastic surgery to remove. Victim of the beating, native here, was enroute to through the state. Bartee an army assignment in Cali- was commissioned a second fornia when he and his wife lieutenant when he gradstopped at the Stork Club, uated recently from North until 18 months ago owned Carolina A. & T. College. by Negroes, as they passed The Sheriff has no idea as

VISIT M U H A M M A D ' S MOSQUES OF Hear the Life Giving Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, W A S H I N G T O N ST. G A R Y . |ND. 883-7025 WED. & FRi., 8 P . M . - S U N . . 2 P.M.



UNWOOD AVE. DETROIT 6, M I C H . WED. a. FRI 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.


3 5 0 7 R E A D I N G RD., 2 n d fl. C I N C I N N A T I , C . WED. & FRI. 8 P.M S U N . 2 P.M.

2 4 6 3 N. 3rd ST.






2 2 0 4 N. B R O A D ST., P H I L A . , P A . PO 3 - 3 5 3 4 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.



SUPERIOR A V E . PO 1-8373 C L E V E L A N D 6, O H I O WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.


I N T E R V A L E ST. ROXBURY, MASS. WED. & FRi. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.



5 3 3 5 S. G R E E N W O O D A V E . C H I C A G O 5 3 , ILL WED. & FRI. 8 P M. S U N . 2 P.M.





M I C K L E ST. 9 6 6 - 2 8 3 0 C A M D E N , N.J. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.


N. G R A N D A V E . ST. L O U I S 6, M O . JE 3 - 2 4 9 / WED & FR.. 0 P.M S U N . 2 P.M.


MOSQUE NO. 33 1221



W I L S O N ST. B A L T I M O R E , MD. WED. a. FRI. 8 P.M. - S U N 2 P.M. KEARNEY AVE. J E R S E Y C I T Y , N.J. 435-6845 WED. & FR'. 8 P.M. S U N . 7 P.M



B U F F A L O 8, N.Y. S U N . 2 P.M.



HARTFORD, C O N N . S U N . 2 P.M.

MOSQUE NO. 37 359

W . B A R T G E S ST. AKRON, OHIO BL 3 - 4 7 1 1 T H U R S . & S U N . 8 P.M.





M I L W A U K E E , WIS. FR 2 - 5 7 3 3 & FRi. 8 P M , S U N . 2 P.M,

W . 1 1 6 t h ST. Ri 9 - 7 5 6 9 WED a, FRI. 8 P.M. S U N 2 P.M.


2 F.M. — W E D & FRi.. 8 P.M.

MOSQUE NO. 7-C (Brooklyn) N.Y.


Madison St. (Cor. Bedford A v e . ) ST 3 - 8 6 3 5 SUN.,




S. O R A N G E ST. N E W A R K , N.J. 622-9021 WED. a FRI. 8 P M . S U N . 2 P.M.


5 6 0 6 S. B r o a d w a y St., Los A n g e l e s 3 7 , C a t . WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. S U N 2 P.M.


2 P.M. — W E D . & F R I . , 8 P.M



1 51 V FOURTH ST., N . W . W A S H I N G T O N 1, D.C. WED & FRi. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.


1 0 5 - 0 3 N O R I HERN BLVD. HA 9-891 5 C O R O N A , L O N G ISLAND, N.Y.

PROSPECT A V E . ( N E A R 1 6 1 s t ST.) PHONE 323-9490 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.

to the identity of the assailants, friends of Bartee indicated here, but the Sheriff did promise that arrests will be made. " I can't say when," he whined. "Arrests will be made. We will get the people responsible. "It appears the participants in the beating were from outside of the county," Sheriff Cauthen said. Though "not In danger," Bartee is resting at University Hospital in nearby Jackson, suffering from "multiple facial injuries."



N. M O N R O E ST. W I L M I N G T O N . DEL. WED. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.



SAN FRANCISCO Fl 6 - 9 9 6 6 & FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.








of Allah

AUGUST 20, 1965


The Muslim Program What the Muslims Want K

This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed or class or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years—until we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since w e cannot' get along w i t h t h e m i n peace a n d equality, after giving t h e m 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in r e t u r n s o m e o f t h e w o r s t t r e a t m e n t h u m a n beings have ever experienced, w e believe our contributions t o this land a n dt h e suffering forced upon usby white A m e r i c a , justifies our d e m a n d for complete separation i n a state o r territory of our own. 5. W e w a n t f r e e d o m f o r a l l B e l i e v e r s o f I s l a m now held i n federal prisons. W e w a s t freedom for all black m e n and w o m e n now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the N o r t h as w e l l a s the S o u t h . We want every black m a n and w o m a n t o have t h efreedom t o accept o r reject being separated f r o m t h e slave master's children *xd establish a l a n d o f t h e i r o w n . We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. W e w a n t a n i m m e d i a t e e n d t o t h e p o lice b r u t a l i t y a n d m o b a t t a c k s a g a i n s t t h e socalled Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede t o see that black m e n and w o m e n tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land—or allow us t o b u i l d a n e w n a t i o n f o r o u r s e l v e s , dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. A s l o n g a s w e a r e n o t a l l o w e d t o - e s t a b l i s h a s t a t e o r t e r r i t o r y o f o u r o w n . w e dem a n d not only equal justice under the laws of the U n i t e d States, but equal e m p l o y m e n t opportunities—NOW ! W e d o n o t b e l i e v e t h a t a f t e r 400 y e a r s o f free o r n e a r l y free labor, sweat and blood, which h a shelped A m e r i c a become rich and powerful, that so m a n y thousands o f black people should h a v e to subsist on relief, c h a r i t y or live i n poor houses. 8. W e w a n t t h e g o v e r n m e n t o f t h e U n i t e d States t o e x e m p t o u r people f r o m A L L taxation as long as w e are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. W e w a n t e q u a l e d u c a t i o n — b u t s e p a r a t e s c h o o l s u p t o 16 f o r b o y s a n d 18 f o r g i r l s o n the condition that the girls b e sent to women's ->lleges a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s . W e w a n t a l l b l a c k ^ren educated, taught and trained by their achers. - such schooling system w e believe *--e a b e t t e r n a t i o n o f p e o p l e . T h e government should provide,

free, a l l necessary text books and equipment, schools a n d college buildings. T h e M u s l i m teachers shall be left free t o teach and t r a i n their people i nthe w a y o f righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. W e b e l i e v e t h a t i n t e r m a r r i a g e o r r a c e m i x i n g should be prohibited. W e w a n t the religion o fI s l a m taught without hinderance o r suppression. These are some of the things that we, the M u s l i m s , w a n t for o u r people i n N o r t h A m e r i ca.

What the Muslims


1. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e O n e G o d W h o s e proper N a m e is A l l a h . 2. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e H o l y Q u r - a n a n d in the Scriptures of a l l the Prophets of God. 3. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e t r u t h o f t h e B i b l e , but w e believe that it has been t a m p e r e d w i t h and must be reinterpreted so that m a n k i n d will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. W E B E L I E V E i n A l l a h ' s P r o p h e t s a n d the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e r e s u r r e c t i o n o f the dead—not i n physical resurrection—but in m e n t a l resurrection. W e believe that the socalled Negroes a r e most i n need o f m e n t a l r e s u r r e c t i o n ; t h e r e f o r e , t h e y w i l l be r e s u r r e c t ed f i r s t . F u r t h e r m o r e , w e b e l i e v e w e a r e the people o f God's choice, a s i t h a s been w r i t t e n , that God w o u l d choose the rejected and t h e despised. W e c a n find n o o t h e r persons fitting this description i n these last days m o r e t h a n t h e so-called Negroes i n A m e r i c a . W e believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e j u d g e m e n t ; w e believe this first j u d g e m e n t w i l l take place as God revealed, i n A m e r i c a . . . 7. W E B E L I E V E t h i s i s t h e t i m e i n h i s tory for t h e separation o f t h e so-called Negroes and the so-called w h i t e A m e r i c a n s . W e b e l i e v e the b l a c k m a n s h o u l d be f r e e d i n n a m e as w e l l a s i n fact. B y t h i s w e m e a n t h a t h e should befreed f r o m the names imposed upon him b y h i s former slave masters. Names which identified h i m as being the slave master's slave. W e believe that i f w e are free indeed, w e s h o u l d go i n o u r o w n people's n a m e s —the black peoples of the earth. 8. W E B E L I E V E i n j u s t i c e f o r a l l , w h e t h er i n G o d o r not; w e believe as others, that we are due equal justice as h u m a n beings. W e believe i n equality—as a n a t i o n — o f equals. We donot believe that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves." We recognize and respect A m e r i c a n citizens a s independent peoples and w e respect their laws w h i c h govern this nation. 9. W E B E L I E V E t h a t t h e o f f e r o f i n t e g r a tion is hypocritical and is m a d e b y those w h o a r e t r y i n g to d e c e i v e t h e b l a c k peoples i n t o believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of f r e e d o m , j u s t i c e a n d e q u a l i t y a r e , a l l o f a s u d d e n , t h e i r " f r i e n d s . " F u r t h e r m o r e , w e believe that such deception i s intended t o prevent blaSk people f r o m realizing that the t i m e in history has a r r i v e d for the separation f r o m the whites of this nation. If the w h i t e people are truthful about their professed friendship t o w a r d the so-called N e -

Honorable Elijah Muhammad

gro, t h e y can prove it by dividing up A m e r i c a w i t h their slaves. We d onot believe that A m e r i c a will ever be able t o f u r n i s h e n o u g h j o b s f o r h e r o w n millions of unemployed, i n addition to jobs for t h e 20,000,000 b l a c k p e o p l e a s w e l l . 10. W E B E L I E V E t h a t w e w h o d e c l a r e d ourselves t obe righteous M u s l i m s , should not participate i n w a r s w h i c h take the lives of humans. W e do not believe this nation should force u s t o take part i n such wars, for w e have nothing t o gain f r o m i t unless A m e r i c a agrees t o give us t h e necessary territory w h e r e i n w e m a y have something to fight for. 11. W E B E L I E V E o u r w o m e n s h o u l d b e respected and protected as the w o m e n of other nationalities are respected and protected. 12. WE B E L I E V E that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

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