Little Book of Motivation

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Š 2012 By Mark O’Hara. All rights reserved First published in Great Britain 2013 By Good Mood Publishing. The moral path of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Every effort has been made to trace copyright owners. Please notify author of any omissions and they will be rectified. Contact author at: or


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... THE AUTHOR ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 YOUR LITTLE BOOK OF MOTIVATION - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 6

ARTICLES ................................................................................................................................. JUST DO IT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING .............................................................................................................................................. 11 INDIVIDUAL TEAM PLAYER ............................................................................................................................................ 12 HOW STRONG IS YOUR ‘WHY’? ................................................................................................................................... 13 COMPUNDING – THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLE ................................................................................................................. 15 THE GREAT COMPLIMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 18 TEAMWORK – COMMUNICATION / RESPECT / LOYALTY ........................................................................................... 19 YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR LATITUDE ............................................................................................................ 21 SOLOUTION SUCCESS ................................................................................................................................................... 22 THE FASTEST WAY TO THE TOP IS BY FAILING ............................................................................................................... 23 HIT ROCK BOTTOM TO GAIN PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 26 INTEGRITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27 THE ALARM OF OPPORTUNITY...................................................................................................................................... 29 CONQUERING WITH QUIET CONFIDENCE .................................................................................................................... 30 COUNT YOUR DAILY SUCCESS ...................................................................................................................................... 32 IQ DOES NOT PREDICT FUTURE SUCCESS ................................................................................................................... 34 NOBODY SUCCEDS ON THEIR OWN ............................................................................................................................ 35

QUOTES ................................................................................................................................... ORIGINAL QUOTES ................................................................................................................................................. 39 - 41

POEMS .................................................................................................................................... SOMEONE THEY CAN’T CONTAIN) .............................................................................................................................. 45 BE SOMETHING .............................................................................................................................................................. 46 PRAY TO THE ONE IN CONTROL ................................................................................................................................... 47 DEVELOP YOURSELF) ..................................................................................................................................................... 48 MY LIFE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 49




ark is a Sports development and performance graduate and former Scotland Rugby League u18’s, student and A-team representative player. Having started

his own fitness consultancy and nutrition retail company in 2004, Mark then proceeded to write a self published book; The Winners Monologue. Having worked in New York by invite from industry pioneer, Stephen Holt M.D, Mark then went on to become Store Manager for The Nutri Centre where he successfully turned around a struggling store and then became Online Sport & Fitness Manager for The Nutri Centre Sports whereby he, with Relton Herron, co-drove the development and launch of




otivation is to success as fire is to heating a room, both require a spark to commence and this book is the matchstick.’

Motivation is an internal energy that determines all aspects of our behaviour and provides us with the potential to succeed in any aspect of our lives, providing we learn to focus our efforts when this fire ignites. Life requires a high level of motivation in order to achieve those dreams you so greatly envision and has been widely seen as a prerequisite in getting results in any area of your life, whether in health and fitness, career or family. When you go out looking for motivation, it often ends in a series of unsuccessful attempts to change an area of your life. Motivation as mentioned is an internal force and can only be of use if acted upon and momentum maintained. Many writings on motivation lead to a collection of ‘theories’, all of which contain legitimate statements, principles and information but fail to inspire. If you are wishing to motivate yourself into making life changing decisions today, it makes no sense to search the understanding of motivation. It doesn’t matter how you get motivated, all that matters is whether you get motivated I have no doubt in my mind that this collection of literature will help spark a fire in the hearts of those wishing to make changes in their lives, but it is your responsibility to keep fuelling that fire, nurture it and use every small success you achieve in your life as the gasoline to your dreams. By no means do I expect every word to relate to you; it would be a great result for us both if it did. What I do expect is that at least one line, quote or paragraph will stand out to you. It will create a realisation that we all have what it takes to become what we want to be, if only we had the courage to act on our impulses and believe in ourselves. Mark O’Hara, FD(Arts), BA(Hons)







ever has Nike’s famous slogan been so apt to a generation. The illustrious, ‘Just do it’ catchphrase has captured the attention of millions of people across the world. But despite

the number of people who are aware of Nike’s motto, its familiarity leads many people to overlook the simplistic meaning behind the world’s most famous tag line. Whatever your goals or aspirations, just do it. Don’t wait for the ‘perfect’ time, becausee the perfect time will never come. There will always be something to wait for, something you feel isn’t right. But those who truly succeed in life - just do it. How does it feel to know that everything you could have been, all the accolades you could have won and all the achievements which slipped from your grasp didn’t happen for one reason? To think that one simple action may have changed your life forever! Many people are led to believe that they have to be outstanding in order for them to achieve within their chosen industry; this is not so. The world is full of wasted potential. There are people considered naturally gifted who remain the best kept secret because they lack the courage to act. Granted, some ability needs to be present but the courage to act on your passion is what will make the biggest difference. The moment you take action, you increase the chances of success by 100%. To put this into perspective think back to a time in your life that undeniably changed it. A moment where you were presented with a choice. It may have been asking somebody on a date who ended up being the love of your life, or making the choice to go back into education to become a successful executive. That is the power of acting now, and the fear of the potential downfalls should be outweighed by the impending possibilities. The following are examples of people who saw opportunities to follow something they had a true passion for, to which they are now amongst some of the most successful people in the world.


Richard Branson, of the ‘Virgin Group’ first decided to take action selling ‘cut-out’ records from the boot of his car In London. Despite poor school grades and dyslexia, Over the coming years his competitive spirit and self admitted desire to set himself ‘huge, apparently unachievable challenges’ allowed him to build the self confidence and business acumen to overcome a bank overdraft of millions, momentarily putting his whole empire at risk. There are now numerous enterprises which operate under the Virgin brand, to which Sir Richard Branson has amassed a personal wealth in excess of £3 billion. I wonder how different his life would have been had he thought that his school results reflected his potential. J.K Rowling, the British author, best known for her creation of the ‘Harry Potter’ fantasy series progressed from living on welfare to a multi-millionaire status within 5 years. Having been diagnosed with depression and suffering suicidal thoughts whilst writing the Harry Potter series, she persisted despite being a single parent. From the point of taking action it took Joanne Rowling 5 long, hard years to complete the concept which has now earned her the title of one of the richest people in the U.k with a fortune worth no less than £500 million. What kind of life would Joanne be leading had she used her depression and single mother status as an excuse not to act on her life changing idea? These are two great examples of how an idea has manifested to the point that a decision was made to take action. To act on something is not always easy, but when all is said and done the worst that can happen is your idea doesn’t work, or somebody says ‘No’. Don’t be tempered with regret for the things you did not do. In our lives we don’t remember days, we remember moments. The next time you have an epiphany make sure you act on it and make that one of many moments you remember. I will leave you with one of my favourite ‘act now’ quotes by ‘Og Mandino’. “I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labour of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person. “ ….Og Mandino




ave you ever noticed that your belief in attaining a goal is increased once you have witnessed somebody else successfully achieving the same feat? Or that something that was

once considered ‘impossible’ is achieved more frequently following its initial attainment. Like climbing Mount Everest and walking the moon, running a sub four minute mile was deemed a physical impossibility. That was until Roger Bannister ran the 1609 meters in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds on the 6th of May 1954. Following Rogers successful attempt, in only three years a further 16 athletes managed to break the four minute mile. The confirmation that something can be achieved seems to be a strong positive influence when assessing our personal belief in attaining the same or similar success. It is as if we are given permission to excel and fulfill what is often a reserve of untapped potential. Whether it is positive or negative, the beliefs we hold influence what we are willing to attempt or avoid; limiting or expanding the world around us as a result. “What we aspire to be is more than what we are yet less than what we are capable of.”

……Don Williams




have always enjoyed the camaraderie of working within a team. What ever the result, I find the feeling of a combined effort towards an agreed goal and the celebration of success or

group communion following an undesired result, extremely rewarding. The importance of teamwork when trying to achieve results is well known. Research has consistently shown that a team will produce better results than an individual. However, it is each individual’s contribution that produces the team result. Your idea of an individual player may be that of an over-arrogant, self-indulged work colleague or team ‘mate’ that overbearingly voices their involvement in any success in which they were loosely involved, whilst pointing out the flaws of a task that has failed without showing any unity towards their associates. Although these types of people do act within their own guidelines; it is often a result of their narcissistic personality and not their extraordinary ability. A true individual performer is somebody that has accountability towards the tasks that needs to be done in order to achieve a goal. They have a level of confidence that allows them to step out beyond the comfort zones of the other team members, yet they still act for and with the best intention towards the team. These people often end up being authoritative figures within a team, a leader. Those that work or compete within a team environment wishing to step above and beyond what is required of them, need to understand that part of the criteria which effects our own and other people’s perception of whether we performed at a high level is our willingness to involve and encourage other team members. Although the two are often cited as opposites it is true that an outstanding individual performance requires and exceptional amount of teamwork. Some individuals can make a huge difference within the dynamics of a team, but most people don’t accept their power to make or break the collaborative effort. If you work within a team atmosphere and feel passionate about the desired goal it is time to start taking personal responsibility. Take action towards what you need to do to improve the chance of success. If that means you have to help others with their tasks or take on more than you initially intended, so be it. Remember an outstanding individual is and has to be a great team player. "It is not a question of how well each process works, the question is how well they all work together’……...






ere’s a scenario. You know that idea you have for a new venture in your life? Success or fail you will receive £3 million if you pursue it for five years regardless of the problems that you

encounter along the way. Despite all the setbacks you come across, or the money you lose, you will receive £3 million for your efforts. The only catch is that you have to pursue this venture and make it part of your lifestyle for the following five years. You have to spend year after year pursuing this goal without any loss of passion or ambition, and if at any point you contemplate giving up you will not receive the money. Let’s say this venture was for a business, but one year in you become a victim of credit card fraud which bankrupts the newly found company. What would you do? Chances are you would take the loss on the chin and revise the errors you made previously to come back as a new and improved company. Now, imagine there was no guaranteed £3 million at the end of the five years. After such crippling setbacks would you still have the courage to support the venture with such a passion? Probably not, most would give up with the notion that they had ‘tried’. Another scenario would be if you received a phone call from the hospital regarding a loved one who had been seriously hurt, with only a very short time left to live. You would most likely get in your car and head straight to the hospital. What, if on the way, a series of freak road accidents happened, blocking the route between you and the one you loved? I am almost certain you would get out of the car and do what ever it took to get there, be it walking, running or hitch hiking. Would you take such great lengths if this visit to the hospital was for a check-up? My guesses are you would go home and re arrange the appointment. The difference between these two situations is the strength of the ‘why’. If your ‘why’ is big enough, the ‘how’ is usually not a problem.


Many of life’s most successful people have the ability to find a compelling ‘why’ in everything they focus on. Because of this capacity they are able to produce outstanding results and complete what they initially set out to do despite the obstacles thrown in their way. “When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve”..........Napoleon





hat would you think if I were to tell you that everything you wanted to become could be a reality? That the job you aspire to is within reach, or the business you wanted to start is a

few small steps away from making you happy? On some level you will probably envision the possibility, but for many people this will soon cease when they start to question their resources. One of the psychological barriers to achievement is the limiting belief that you cannot achieve your dreams, that you have nothing to work with, that you were destined to be average. We are each blessed with an unimaginable amount of potential; this has been shown through the ages. People have achieved great things despite the odds being against them. But some people have yet to show they have the courage to follow their dreams and display true belief in their own ability. This limiting belief comes from not understanding one very simple principle, the power of compounding. It has been said that when Einstein talked about outstanding principles of the universe, one of them was the power of compounding, and if we can take the time to understand this most basic of principles we open ourselves up to an opportunity so great that our lives will be changed forever. Compounding works by investing time, diligence and analysis into a goal. If these things are continually reinvested and not expended or dispersed into other unimportant tasks, the goals potential for success compounds and increases. In the beginning it grows very slowly but in the latter stages there is explosive growth. Exercising is a great example; in the initial weeks your effort seems to be worthless, until you reach the second - third month. Suddenly you feel vitality, your abdominals are showing and you look and feel years younger. How easy would it have been to give up after one month when little improvement was noticed?


Thomas Edison is another great example of the compoundment principle. When trying to invent his version of a practical light bulb he tested over 3,000 different filaments before he succeeded. His accumulation of hard work, positive attitude and time all resulted in an explosive change which lit up the world. This shows what taking action, applying focus and determination can do, regardless of the setbacks we encounter. To illustrate the compoundment principle clearly, we can use currency as an example. You will soon begin to understand that a number of small positive actions that are consistently reinvested can accumulate into an explosive outcome. Let’s picture a scenario. It’s a gorgeous spring afternoon, the wind is calm, temperature perfect and the birds are singing in the trees. To take advantage of such a wonderful day you and I are going to get a football and have a nice relaxing penalty shoot out competition, 18 shots each. Now, with such a fantastic day ahead of us we decide to make things a little more interesting by playing for money - 10p a goal. To add further excitement we decide to double the money after each goal, making goal number one worth 10p, goal two worth 20p, goal three worth 40p and so forth. Goal


If you were to score from all 18 shots, how much

















In the initial stages, both the investment and return



are very small. If we are going to make mistakes, as we all



will, this is the ideal stage to do so. But through learning and



adapting we slowly increase our chance of success.





By goal 9, the stakes start to become higher than



originally thought. Can you see how this might relate to the



goals you have achieved in the past? They don’t happen



overnight. The potential for success snowballs with every



attempt you make. It’s up to you not to give up!



money do you think you would walk away with? Bearing in mind we only started with 10p. My guess is that you're thinking in the region of maybe £60; some of you may even be thinking higher figures nearer £300. What If I told you that £13,107.20 is the amount you could win. Look at the following table if you don’t believe me.


By the 15th goal, investment explodes. When people start out they say they don’t have the time or money to invest in their ideas, they work full time or they need to feed the kids. Devote one hour a night on your dream and momentum will occur. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Even those currently pursuing a goal may start to become discouraged by, say, ‘goal 14’. There is a quote I feel relates to this situation, ‘It is at times you feel like quitting that you should stick to it, for that is when the tide will turn’. Many successful people will agree with this statement which can be illustrated in the latter stages of the table, whereby the rewards jump from £1,638.40 to £13,107.20 in a mere three steps. Even if you’re starting from nothing you can make this happen. All successful and unsuccessful people have 24 hours in a day; the difference is the investment of their time. Successful people believe in their goals, see their goals and persist in spite of setbacks towards their goals. All of this accumulates into what we know as ‘experience’, leading us to a greater chance of success. Let’s go back to the football analogy. Remember that the 18 th goal was worth £13,107.20 but the 15th goal only £1,638.40…that’s a big difference. What if you joined the game three penalty attempts in, what if you said “Ah I don’t have time”, “I don’t have much money”, “When I get a little more time and money I’ll start investing” all the way to the third shot? At that point the most you can make by the 18th shot is £1,638.40 instead of £13,107.20. The lesson being, no matter how little you have, get started now! “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little” ….. Edmund





ne of the best compliments somebody can receive is ‘You have the potential’. I say this because it suggests that somebody has seen a deep and greater level of ability than you

are currently displaying. It means that regardless of your current position or any mistakes you have made, somebody has made a judgment on your ability and feels that you are still able to progress and improve. For many the concept of your own potential is difficult to comprehend. The ability to look at your own habitual patterns, skills and achievements objectively requires a great deal of analysis and a non-biased approach. Without this capacity for self-appraisal many people feel that they are performing at 100% with nothing else left to give. Believe it or not there is a reserve of potential that is left untapped in most people. The likes of Leonardo de Vinci, Beethoven and Einstein have provided us with a yardstick for what we may be capable of. There are even modern day examples of people who have displayed extraordinary level of positive human potential; Richard Branson, Leonard Cohen and Steve Redgrave. Each of these people has elicited a level of achievement that is only possible through the understanding of their own capabilities during times of mediocrity. Regardless of whether they have had to tell themselves or be told by others, the belief that they have the potential to move far beyond their present performance has allowed them to excel in more than just one area of their life. Fulfilling your potential may not correlate in additional income or national praise, but giving yourself the opportunity to progress will leave you with a great sense of fulfillment and a level of contentedness that is unmatched in those that are too afraid to nurture the power that lies within them. Uncovering what you are truly capable of lies in, the courage to take action and the awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses. Through identifying and developing these factors you increase your expectations and enforce a more positive belief of what you are able to accomplish. “What we aspire to be is more than what we are yet less than what we are capable of.” ……. Don

Williams, Jr




hen it comes to gaining results, the quality and speed of the outcome is improved by effective teamwork. Regardless of the task, it is generally best to work with a like minded

team. Through working with others we open ourselves up to multi-faceted thinking, which offers the opportunity to iron out any potential problems and the time to incorporate the necessary solutions Despite the benefits of working within a team, it still seems to be a concept lost by some. Some associate teamwork with groups of individuals talking over each other whilst trying desperately to do better than the person next to them. The selfishness of an individual is often the cause of many group or team breakdowns, an outcome that is ultimately determined by the competency of the manager or leader. Due to the many factors involved, creating an effective team can sometimes be difficult especially when larger numbers of people are involved. Despite the complex workings of individuals there are certain areas which can be manipulated in an attempt to improve a team’s level of success. Effective teamwork is the result of communication, respect and loyalty; and ‘results’ are faster achieved through teamwork.

Do you communicate direction? Clearly and effectively communicating a vision helps align the focus of each member of the team toward the same target. If each member of the team knows exactly where they are heading, a mutual understanding is developed. Don’t forget that communication is a two way concept and involves listening to those in your team. As a leader, what your team says or suggests can be just as important as what you have said yourself. Do you build respect? Through developing a vision and strategy that is agreed and understood by each member of the team, respect is developed, as each person shares a common goal with next.


As a result of effective communication, each person will understand the specific roles for themselves and other teammates. The clarification and understanding of how each role affects the other deepens the respect between individuals further. It is also very important not to lose the respect you have gained. This unfortunate scenario often occurs when an individual’s ego creates friction. Most notably when the leader of a team belittles another member’s ability or over exaggerates their own in attempt to reinforce their status. Remember, a lighthouse doesn’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine. Do you deserve loyalty? As a leader, consider your actions toward your team. Do you believe that you deserve loyalty? Have you communicated the team’s vision whilst listening to the suggestions and feedback of each individual? Do you accept mistakes as your own whilst crediting the team as a whole for any success? If you manage to keep the ‘team’ updated with any new developments or changes in direction, whilst truly and fundamentally believing that each individual deserves the same level of respect you demand toward yourself, then the bonds of loyalty will be much tighter than those being guided by a poorly organised, self-centered and power hungry leader. Loyalty can be sustained if the leader pays in blood, sweat and tears as opposed to financial incentives. Any team member worth their salt will find it much harder to turn their back on somebody they admire and respect than they would a small pay rise.

"The art of communication is the language of leadership." ……James Humes




ttitude is an important element when striving for success. One of the first and foremost things to do when wanting to transform our lives is to change our attitude. It is often said

that “there is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative”. This statement could not be truer. The attitude we take determines the level of success in attaining our potential and the intensity we put into our actions. The goals you are able to attain are in direct proportion to your attitude, because a positive outlook influences your determination when faced with new challenges. The one thing we must remember is that we can remain in control of our attitude; nobody dictates our attitude to us. People can affect our attitude but nobody can control it. When you have been dealt repeated failure and common sense would suggest you give up, a positive attitude interprets the failure as another opportunity to learn and adapt. It is your positive attitude which believes persistence pays off and that your efforts are compounding, with only a matter of time before the desired results present themselves. Any challenge facing us is not as important as our attitude towards it; this is what determines our success or failure. When facing a challenge the pessimist dwells on the problem, the optimist emphasises the solution. The pessimist blames everybody else, the optimist takes full responsibility. That is the critical difference in the two attitudes. The human mind tends to build onto itself, so if negative thoughts are present it becomes a slippery slope to failure. However, if like an optimist you see the solution in the face of adversity you present yourself with a light, a possible way through and a greater chance of success. It is important to remember that our attitude is a permanent fixture in the way we live. If we want to succeed in a goal we must let our attitude radiate regardless of the task at hand or the people watching. It is easy to do world-class work when people are looking, the real test is what you do when no one is looking; Does that world class attitude still present itself? High achievers are able to maintain focus regardless of who is there. “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.”…..William





t can be very difficult to assess the nature of our own attitude, but the simplest way to cut through our bravado is to understand how we deal with the problems and challenges that

face us. These observations can also illustrate the attitudes of those around us. When dealing with adversity, regardless of the scale, the outcome is often determined by the attitude we take; some people dwell on the issue, some focus on a solution. Those that dwell on a problem often struggle to find an answer due to their obsession on what they consider to be a hard done to disposition. However, those that actively try to rectify an issue are able to confront the problem with more efficiency, whilst remaining calm and controlled. Actions and emotions are more balanced when anger and resentment are not fuelled by negativity or cynicism. Having a solution based attitude does not mean that rage and frustration are absent; it is merely a case of redirecting the energy created from the stressful situation into a determined vigor which brings forth the ability to solve and overcome the problems you face. I have found that I was left with less patience and time to adjust to problems the more I concentrated on how much they irritated me. This spiraling cynical attitude was a difficult predicament to recover from and distracted me from the process of overcoming the failure and achieving the aspirations I aimed for. By observing the actions of other people who I felt handled tough times in a composed manner, I noticed that there was an important pattern emerging. This pattern made it clear that I had to stop asking ‘how can this happen to me’ and start saying ‘how can I make this situation better’. “The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper” …….

Aristotle quotes




f you reflect back on the times in your life when you grew the most, I think you would agree with me that they were the result of a failure or a bout of adversity. Maybe after a series of injuries your training restrictions resulted in you paying more

attention to nutrition and the quality of the exercise’s you perform, leading to a maturation in overall development and performance, or maybe after numerous failed sales pitches you stopped to analyse the rejections, again resulting in a different approach which improves performance. A level of growth which may have been unattainable had those obstacles not occurred. People are generally naïve about the benefits failure can bring and do not realise that small and occasionally large failures are essential for success, and not, as public perception would suggest, a failed attempt to become successful. Failure is a temporary condition, not a destination. If you take this attitude then failure becomes an opportunity: for learning what does not work, the strengthening of character in preparation for greater responsibilities and an intermission for learning. We have to think of failure as having an ulterior motive, not for us to lose faith and quit, but to stop us long enough to allow us to learn what works and what doesn’t work. This allows us to restrategise and start again, better prepared and with greater confidence in our potential to succeed.

The best thing we can do when we feel

something has failed is ask ourselves, ‘What can I learn from this?’ Perhaps the biggest myth of all is that people will think poorly of you for failing, leading to unnecessary pressure and an increased risk of overlooking fine details, ultimately leading you to fail. The truth is that a vast majority of people will respect you for trying. There is an old saying, ‘we have nothing to fear but fear itself’. Fear is generally based upon your own assumption of something which is not true. The trick is to persist in spite of any fear you have or failure you encounter. The fear you generate can be channelled into making sure no mistakes are made; failure can ensure that those mistakes won’t be made again.


On your quest to success there will be many times when you want to quit, give up and settle for a life below that which you are capable of achieving. But the one quality that will guarantee your success is persistence. Approach your setbacks with intellect and see your dreams through to the end. Over 4000 years ago in China, Confucius wrote: “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but rising every time we fall�. The following people are perfect examples of this truth. - C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia) had over 800 rejections before he sold even one piece of writing. - Oprah Winfrey was not deterred when she got fired from her television reporter's job being told, "You're not fit for TV." - Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World) had lost his family to drink and became a homeless person before becoming an inspirational bestselling author selling over 30 million books. - Bill Gates and Michael Dell were college drop-outs. - Babe Ruth had more strike-outs then any other baseball player of his time. He also had the most home runs. - After auditioning for his band, musician Eddie Bond told a young Elvis Presley to "Stick to driving a truck, because you'll never make it as a singer." - Abe Lincoln lost his job and his sweetheart, failed miserably in business, was defeated for state legislature, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for nomination for Congress, lost the re-election, was defeated for US Senate, defeated for nomination of Vice President, and again defeated for US Senate, before being elected as the sixteenth President of the United States. He refused to allow his uncongenial circumstances to stop him. He refused to be a victim. He refused to accept failure. He refused to listen to people who told him he was crazy. He refused to stay down when he felt like nothing was going his way. Simply put, he picked himself up no matter what and kept on going after his dream. He educated himself and did whatever it took to keep moving in the direction of his passions. I think we need to remember that all of the people mentioned were, at one point, just like me and you. They had their strong and weak points; some people believed in them, some


people didn’t. But despite what anyone thought, they chose to make progress towards their dreams and refused to let failure stop them. They saw failure as a resting point, somewhere they could reflect on their situation to allow a greater chance of success on their next attempt. By no means am I saying that failure is easy to deal with, but it is a test and the way we handle that test determines the amount of success we are able to cope with. “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”

…….Ralph Waldo Emerson




f we wish to succeed we must take chances - the bigger the risk the greater the reward. What we often overlook is that with larger risk comes an increased possibility of hitting rock bottom.

Because this condition is often neglected, the impact when we hit the bottom often feels crippling because we don’t know how to perceive our situation other than in a negative manner. We must remember that in life, pain is inevitable, suffering however is optional. Sometimes in life we are exposed to such immense amounts of pressure we begin to become self destructive. Even the most level headed successful person will at some point in their life crumble under the strain. The only difference is their attitude and perception of hitting rock bottom. In fact many of today’s top entrepreneurs, self help speakers and sports athletes owe hitting rock bottom to their success.

Adversity has an effect of eliciting talents, which in

prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. It is said that alcoholics must hit rock bottom before they are willing to attempt to give it up. Now in many cases we may not reach these types of extremes; however, the stress of multiple bills or work related depression can lead many people to feel they are at their lowest. We all have different perceptions of what our ‘rock bottom’ is. Rock bottom is solid ground where we can build ourselves back up. When we hit our rock bottom the confusions of our life are quickly prioritised and we are left with two choices: to keep as we are doing and stay in the current state; or to start making changes towards a better quality of life. People’s lifestyles involve many different stimuli, both good and bad. This can cause great confusion and over complicate the most simplistic matters, from what we want from life to paying our bills. Before we know it we feel we are in too deep to change, when in fact all we need do is to break our problems down into the basic element. With the right attitude ‘rock bottom’ can bring clarity and simplify our lives and start afresh. If you don’t like how things are, change them! You have the ability to transform every area of your life. Any day you wish; you can discipline yourself to change it all. It all begins with your power of choice. If change makes you feel uncomfortable, you can remain as you are. You can choose rest over labour, comfort over ambition, security over happiness. The choices are yours to make but what you must remember is that you created your current circumstances by past choices. You have the ability to make better choices starting today. “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.“ ……..Ralph Waldo Emerson




ts 2009, there is a recession in which bank managers are still treating themselves to unjust rewards, politicians are covertly claiming expenses for luxury items and the role models to the

youth are displaying arrogant and thuggish type behavior. It leaves me wondering, has the concept of ‘Integrity’ been forgotten. Comments such as ‘it’s a dog eat dog world’ are continually reiterated giving those wanting to aspire to great success the belief that their dreams are attainable if they are willing to get there at the expense of others. There have been many ‘go getters’ that have achieved wealth due to their non existent moral code but this does not make them successful. Their lack of restraint towards situations that offer routes of honesty or deceit lead them to favour the option which guarantees a higher or faster rate of attainment, without any sense of fair dealing or consideration regarding the outcome for others. But with every self-interested decision that is made there is a proportionate decline in your reputation in the eyes of your peers. We are all guilty of making decisions which predominantly benefit ourselves with disregard as to whether it was morally right or wrong. Despite writing this ‘self development’ book I have still occasionally betrayed my personal belief system in favour of a short term, hollow victory. An example would be that I strongly believe that should an argument or disagreement occur the topic should not stray onto past, unrelated issues or personal insults. However, mounting stress and provocation often leads people to abandon their normal code of behavior. A great indication as to whether you have the potential to establish a strong sense of integrity is the feeling of guilt following a decision that resulted in you gaining an advantage whilst unjustifiably deceiving or insulting another. The feeling of guilt is an indication that you have a set of principles that have been neglected. This suggests that you have boundaries but they require further development along with your ability to exercise self control.


Those with integrity are guided by a set of principles that empowers them to behave consistently to a high standard. The principles of integrity are virtues, such as; dependability, honesty, loyalty, compassion, objectivity, respect and trust. On occasions these standards may not be met but that does not mean the person is dishonest and malicious to the core. There are many aspects of integrity that have to be built up over years of personal experience. Although our parents try to instil some fundamental sense of right and wrong to guide us as children our own code of conduct is a very personal journey which is determined by our own experiences throughout life. Depending on our willingness to continually question and critically analyse our current beliefs along with the scope of life experiences we encounter, the ability to develop and execute acts of integrity lies in every heart ache we encounter and goal we achieve. “It's not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we practice that gives us integrity.”

…….Francis Bacon, Sr.




hilst at university a friend of mine said something that has inspired me to take something that most people dread and turn it into a motivating factor to help make the most of my

days. He refers to his morning alarm as the “Alarm of Opportunity”. An opportunity to uncover his potential, day by day. Many people dread the closing minutes before their alarm sounds first thing in the morning, not Rob. He maintains that getting out of bed is not something that should be put off. Waking up is an opportunity, another chance for us to better our lives. Every new day gives us the opportunity to dream and achieve those dreams. We are blessed every morning we open our eyes because we are vitalised after a full night’s sleep. There is no excuse not to get out of bed wanting to better yours or your family’s life. We are all guaranteed at least one opportunity each day, the “Alarm of Opportunity”. “Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.”

……Orison Swett Marden




here is nothing more captivating than a person with a quiet confidence. They have the ability to remain calm when others feel anxious, make concise definitive statements and project a

determined vigor that is motivated through their personal beliefs. Their ability to outclass others without having to boast or gossip stems from the unpretentious, modest manner which they project as a result of their self belief and confidence. The most important aspect in developing self confidence comes from knowledge. As Sir Francis Bacon said, Knowledge is power. By increasing your knowledge you create a clearer understanding toward that which you have studied along with a level of self-assurance that responds confidently when questioned or confronted. As an example, through understanding and assessing your belief system, core values and motivations; you develop confidence in the rules and restraints in which you choose to abide by. You are made aware of what is and isn’t acceptable according to your moral code. You also recognize the genuine intent of your actions and the motivation behind them. By taking the time to explore yourself, you develop a clear picture of who you are and why you do what you do. This results in the confidence to act without the need to justify or shield your behavior. The same can be said if you were to improve your knowledge within a different area. Cooking for example, if you wanted to cook a Sheppard’s pie as a novice you would no doubt lack the self-belief of completing the dish without the aide of instructions or a mentor. If questioned on your methods and ingredients you would most probably stutter and fumble whilst pointing to your internet printed instructions. If on the other hand you took your time to learn things such as the ideal cooking temperatures, ingredient relationship regarding taste and even the history of the dish, you develop a commanding attitude towards the task. Although the two examples illustrate the same point, I believe that in order to create a consistent and sustainable level of genuine self-confidence the issue of understanding your personal values and motivations is essential and a prerequisite. Without this you leave opportunity to avoid attempting new challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone. By understanding ourselves we are able to snowball our success within one area into another.


If you were to ask me to create an effective weight loss program for somebody or landscape a garden, as a sport and exercise graduate my confidence levels would be highest when devising the fitness program. But as I learn more about myself I can say that I could tackle somebody’s garden with a degree of sureness. Despite having little knowledge within the area I know and trust my attitude in the sense that I would take time to learn the fundamental principles, improving the chances of success. Start looking introspectively and appreciate all of your previous successes, big or small. What ever your current expertise, remember that there was a point when you knew little about the area. Start believing that you can transfer the same calm confidence from your current specialism into a whole new area. To succeed with confidence knowledge is important but knowledge of self is critical. “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”

………Sun Tzu




hat is success? In today’s society of ‘MTV Cribs’ and easy celebrity has our perception of success been shifted into something that will lead us to ultimately fail? Can any of us think

of becoming successful without having the luxuries of a million pounds in the bank and a sports car? If I were to ask you what success is, chances are you would say something along the lines of being rich or never having to work … am I right? There is a problem with this definition of success. By associating success with lots of money and fast cars it becomes a far greater challenge to ordinary people like you and I. We find that if we don’t live up to what we believe to be success then we are failures. This can lead to a life of unfulfilled mediocrity where ‘I’m hanging in their’ becomes your automated response when asked by other people how we are doing. One of my favorite definitions of success is; ‘The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted’. So, if you desire to gain an honours degree and you get it, that’s a success! If you plan your day around looking after your children and work and satisfy both areas, that’s a success! If you attempt to try something you have never done and it comes off, that’s a success! These are what I like to call our ‘daily successes, achievements that we accomplish on a regular basis without being fully aware of just how successful we are. Through having awareness of these smaller accomplishments we gain the self confidence and momentum to gradually move onto bigger goals. By dreaming big from the start the chances of us giving up on the first or second attempt are greater than if we were to redefine what success means to us. When you put success on a pedestal every failure feels like a huge blow that is almost too tough to recover from, but by changing our perception of what success is we can manage each failure without losing too much enthusiasm and focus.


Although the journey to a larger success, such as a profitable business or well paid managerial role will take a little longer, it will be more attainable if we are aware of our ‘daily success’ like our ability to communicate or organize. It is important to remember that success is a sum of small efforts made each day and often takes years to achieve, it is not a sudden mammoth event. People can become successful the minute they decide to be, set backs and failures will happen. But those that succeed have realistic perceptions of what success is to them and raise the bar gradually with every success they attain. Success to one person might be earning £60,000 a year and success to another person could be helping their child gain university qualifications. Ultimately, success is relative to each individual, but by being realistic we are able to not just dream big but achieve big too.

“Many of us spend our lives searching for success when it is usually so close that we can reach out and touch it”

…… Russel H. Conwell




rowing up we are led to believe that a persons I.Q is the dominant factor in whether we succeed or fail. Those with a high I.Q will score high in tests, achieve the right grades and

get the dream job. That sounds like a comfortable fate given that I.Q is hereditary and unable to increase despite your best efforts. I always wondered about those with an average or below average intelligence level, people like me. Are we to accept that our chances of success are lessened through no fault of our own, without any possibility of increasing? I may not be a genius but one thing I do know is that there are a number of traits and attributes which accumulate to give a more accurate reflection of our chance of achieving the dreams we believe in.

According to a recent article by Angela L.Duckworth and Martin E.P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science, self-discipline is a better predictor of academic success than IQ. This was supported by a study undertaken by University of Pennsylvania researchers, in which a number of tests were performed and monitored. One experiment offered teens the choice of receiving $1 immediately or $2 the following week. The conclusion was that those with high levels of self-discipline out performed their more impulsive peers on every academic performance variable. The self-control of an individual also proved more accurate than IQ in predicting academic performance over the school year. Having been an academic under achiever at high school, this information is extremely pleasing. It suggests that the deciding factor for success is not inherent and unchangeable, but something that we have a choice to exercise. We may not be able to increase our core intelligence but we can condition ourselves to pass up short term pleasure in hope of long term sustainable gain. “It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.”

…….Rene Descartes




espite what anybody says, achievement requires teamwork. Only the most egotistical and selfish person would put their success down to themselves and themselves alone. You may be thinking, ‘not all things required team work, I tied my shoe laces this

morning without help, that’s considered a daily success.’ But what you forget is that by your mother or father teaching you that skill all those years ago, teamwork was in play. Despite you now being able to fasten your laces unaided the initial achievement was a result of a ‘combined effort’; between you and the person that taught you. It is important to understand that teamwork is a joint action by two or more people, in which each person contributes with their own skills in order to achieve a common goal. In an attempt to make something of my life I began to make a list of things I wished to achieve by the year 2012. Most of what I wrote down will be perceived as being an individual achievement; completing my Honours degree, setting up a business, writing a book, representing Scotland Rugby League. Each denotes an individual effort. As proud as I am in accomplishing what I set out to do, I would be naive to believe that I did it by myself. For some it would be easy to accept the credit for the end result but my conscious cannot forget the lecturer that worked with me towards the completion of my degree assignments, the web designers that helped develop and build the company website without the requirement of finance upfront and the friends and family that critiqued my writing to allow me to continually hone the content of this book. All these people worked with me towards a common goal, the attainment of the goals I have set. I am very open in my thanks to those that have helped me and because of this I know that many of them will offer to work with or help me should I need their expertise again. The courtesy of acknowledging those that have assisted you toward the attainment of your goals is essential for anybody wishing to accomplish multiple successes. This appreciation illustrates gratitude toward those in the team, increasing the chances of them helping you with any future projects or targets. “There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.”


………George Shinn





How different would the world be had a handful of pioneers lacked the courage to act.

Action on its own won’t make you a success, but without it you will never achieve anything no matter how great your ideas. Action is what transforms a day dream into a reality.

Adversity tests our commitment to a goal. If we can cope with the pain, loss and stress leading up to the attainment of ambition, we prove to ourselves and others that we have the strength to carry the responsibility, pressure and expectation of success.

From every small personal success to every planned achievement our eyes are opened bit by bit to the power of our potential.

Imagine….Being well respected to being hated by a nation in a split second for one mistake. What if despite such hostility from everyone around you, somehow you managed to keep your focus…Who could you become?....David Beckham? What if you started a business and became millions of pounds in debt….But through belief in your own idea and persistence you pressed on when others said not to…Who could you be?....Richard Branson? Many of us encounter trials and tribulations when we are striving towards a goal. The secret is to press on, keep going forward and do not stop or slow down, otherwise you will lose momentum. Many of the people who have achieved great success are those who continued in the face of adversity. They travel through what may seem like hell, but something deep inside keeps them moving forward. What many of them will tell you is that the point at which they felt like quitting is the point that changed their lives forever. Whatever your goal there will come a point you will feel it impossible to carry on…it is at this point that you must push that extra one per cent, for this is when the tide will turn. I believe the reason some people undergo more adversity than others is to overcome it and inspire those with average lives, too scared to follow their aspiration, and show that we can all achieve great things, if we only try. Success is not easy to obtain, it requires 100% commitment. Whether it’s to succeed at a business, sport or raising a family, 100% commitment is needed. For every 1% you don’t give to your goal that is an extra 1% chance you are going to fail.


Success isn’t about being in the top position or the one with the most money. It’s about where you came from, the challenges you faced and the personal growth that took place on the way. This is what success should be for you. To succeed at anything in life we have to have determination. Whether it’s hanging on monkey bars or holding onto a dream. If we are competing against others we have to hold on until we are the only ones left. Being content with our failures makes us a failure. The successful person will fail, maybe once perhaps a thousand times. But they learn from each failure, honing their skill in what ever area it is needed, resulting in eventual success. One of the most fascinating elements in the world is fire. To be able to create this wonder from as little as friction and persistence is incredible. The same can be said about our internal fire, our ambition, the reason that we feel we are on this earth. Many people encounter opposition when they publicise their ambitions, but coupled with persistence this friction becomes so great that what was once a flickering flame is now an inferno that burns deep within us and through no shower of doubt or downpour of disbelief can it be extinguished. Like the fire outside of us changed the world so can the fire of ambition. Ambition is what drives us to give that little bit extra, run that extra yard, make that extra effort. Because deep down we know that giving that little bit extra is what sets us apart from the ordinary person.

Real winners, real champions are known by many not because they boast or proclaim how great they are, that is the tactic of those with little self esteem and a fragile ego. The real winners are the ones who sit in silence content in their efforts, yet are on the tip of the tongue of all who know them.

Integrity is relative; we all have different beliefs and values. But I think one thing we must take into consideration when acting with integrity is how we can elevate our own life without pushing another’s down.

If we stand for nothing that is exactly what we will remembered for.

Don’t act to be praised by others, act because it’s the right thing to do. Integrity is doing the little things, when nobody is watching.

The looming inevitability of our own demise paralyses some into a state of defensive disregard and motivates others into a life driven by purpose.


All your past mistakes can not be undone and some may never be forgiven, but that doesn’t mean all your future decisions have the same fate. Your capacity to become a better ‘you’ can start today, bit by bit.

An oak tree alone in a field doesn’t need to scream of its presence or tell everybody of its strength. It stands silently letting all those that see it talk of its ability to overcome and surpass all that is thrown towards it.

Without confidence in your abilities, beliefs and self as a whole all that you have inside of you will lay dormant, untouched, unsown and unsatisfied.

The sun doesn’t stop shining because a few clouds block its sparkle. You shouldn’t stop radiating your potential for the sake of a few irrational and self limiting doubts.

Self discipline is a fundamental trait for success. We have to have the strength to say ‘No’ to the temptations which may distract us from the tedious tasks that will eventually lead to our success.

If you ever require confirmation of your commitment during your quest toward achieving a goal, think back to the opportunities you chose to decline in favour of what you wanted to attain.

Being a leader isn’t just about guiding others. It’s about leading yourself also. It’s about walking boldly down the shadowed hollows of uncertainty with your head held high and a goal in your sights. In times of pressure it is not cowardice that stops people from standing up and taking charge. It is a lack of purpose and organization.

If there is one thing that keeps a leader motivated it should be, that if they were to fail, they let down all those that believe in them. For the highest chances of success individuals must take personal responsibility for the tasks they are assigned and perform them to the highest level of their capability. Teamwork is the result of loyalty, respect and direction; and results are faster achieved by teamwork







Life can knock you down, life can let you down! It has a way of cramming all your hopes and dreams into a box the size of your self-esteem, the moment you realised you’ve wasted all you ever wanted, with almost nothing left for you to be. It has a knack of showing enough slack, in the rope; made up of all those individual strands of ambition to lead you to believe that you can actually make a difference. Then there’s the childlike spite that leaves you holding the rope with nothing at the end, not even hope, as if life is annoyed at the fact you have tried to achieve more than it has already given you. But inside you, despite all that’s gone wrong and the mistakes that have been made, despite losing yourself in an endless maze that holds your self-worth in the center, held down by chains…there is someone they can’t contain! Deep inside you, I mean DEEP inside you, beneath the years of criticism and the sly smiles that are given every time you reach out to an idea and offer it a place to grow, ……………..there is someone they can’t contain. There is someone inside you that believes so much in what you want to do that you’d best start living up to the image of that someone, that someone trying to break through. You’ve got to start listening to yourself and let other people’s opinions fall through the spaces in your mind that build up the self-image of you. They don’t have the right to dictate what you can or can’t do and they certainly don’t make their judgments from a universal truth. We know you feel a presence, I know it feels your pain – despite how they try to hold us back, deep inside………we each have someone they can’t contain.


BE SOMETHING I won’t ever be a doctor helping those that need me most; I won’t even be a musician composing melodic notes which heal the hearts of broken love - shot down by cupid’s stray bow. I won’t be the CEO or an MA or the CP30 from outta space. I sometimes pray for the opportunity to prove that I can be as great as I was in another time, another place, like when I used to be the world’s greatest gladiator, but that was another day. I want to focus on today on the things that are within touching distance, but I know I’m met with resistance when I stretch my dreams beyond this stage. I’ll never be the guy that changes the world, but I’d like to at least try, I’d like to at least attempt to move earth one degree closer to my side, the side where in my view there is glimmer of light………………….let’s face it, I’m not gonna move the world but if your open to me moving you - I’d like to at least try. As I go through life stumbling I realise that we can’t be anything we want, but we can each at least be something.



I bow my head and I Pray To the almighty powers that be Give me the strength to see that I can achieve All the dreams that were meant for me Whatever heaven sent for me If it’s matched by the devil, let it be Just give me the courage if the road is steep To keep on going Until I reach the peak Help me along if my arms are breaking From the load im carrying But please don’t take it I know that progress comes from the struggle But allow me to see it So that I don’t fumble If the fire inside me starts to die Help reignite it So that I can shine I’m asking for help But I’m not talking to the skies I’m praying to the one thing that has control of my life My faith lies in one thing That’s my mind



Reaching your potential Goes beyond positive thinking You can’t expect your dreams to come true From reading ‘I can do’ and adding it to a sentence Take notice of your inner workings Stop the façade Understand your purpose Understand your beliefs Understand the habits that are detrimental Understand the habits you need to keep Take action on what you have established Don’t set goals that are out of reach Self development is more than twee words on sheet It’s the proactive attitude Where self analysis, solutions and action meet



I'm destined for greatness The stars are my guide My spirit is strong I'm in charge of my life I’ll take my chances I’ll reap my rewards I won’t surrender I won’t fall My iron will My burning desire Every goal I achieve, will take me higher I can’t be beaten by mortal men I can’t see retreat as an option I can’t feel fatigue in times of stress When under pressure I give my best If fate is in my hands then success I will get Because I planned every target and challenge I met


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