Mu Lambda Torch December 2024

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In this Issue


Mu Lambda is Alpha's eleventh alumni chapter, chartered October 1, 1923, in Washington D.C. The chapter was established, in part, in response to the desire of graduate brothers, many whom were initiated into Beta Chapter at Howard University, to give aid to the undergraduate brothers and continue the work of Alpha. Chartered by 22 distingushed men of Alpha which included Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray and Jewel Robert Harold Ogle.


There has been six members who served as the General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and two whom served as the Eastern Region Vice President. Mu Lambda is equally proud of our current brothers making their mark in the Washington D.C. community and beyond. Our chapter has many entrepreneurs, activists, political leaders, philanthropists, academicians, ministers and so much more. Our diverse brotherhood age range is between the ages of 25 and 98. We all work together to maximize the brotherhood of Alpha by following the Objective, Mission and AIMS of our Fraternity.


The officers elected at the first meeting were Brother Harold StrattonPresident, Brother John Lowery-Vice President, Brother Victor DalySecretary, Brother Daniel W. EdmondsTreasurer, and Brother Nathaniel Allison Murray (Jewel)-Chaplain. Mu Lambda was thus established and was on its way into history!

Torch Cover - Dec 2024 - FOUNDERS’ DAY EDITION

1. Chapter Cover Image - The MIGHTY

2. In this Issue

3. Executive Board, Committee Chairs, Charter Members, Past Presidents

4. The Presidents’ Message

5. The Vice-Presidents’ Message

6. 118th Founders’ Day Message

8. Mu Lambda Birthdays | November 2024

9. Mu Lambda’s JEWEL Spotlights - Murray & Ogle

11. BLACK ICE - get your tickets

12. Mu Lambda Informational - See you there!

14. Mu Lambda Chapter Roster

17. ERC 93 Convention Call

19. Mu Lambda is SERVICE - Project Giveback 2024

23. We are our BROTHERS’ KEEPER

29. THIS IS BETA - Howard University Undergraduate Chapter

31. Mu Lambda TECH CORNER - Password$

33. The Art of Following Up!

34. 7 Tips to make your home Cozy this winter!

35. Federal Donations to Mu Lambda Foundation

39.. The Mu Lambda HEALTH CORNER - Diabietes Awareness Month

41. Recipes - Healthy Eating and a Little Drinks

43. Chapter Standard Meeting Calender 2024

44. Chapter Brother Business Advertisements

52. Message from the Editor

53. Espirt De. Fraternite

Executive Board


Mikael E. LaRoche

Vice President

Joseph Gibbs

Recording Secretary

Rakeem Mosey

Corresponding Secretary

Swain Riley

Financial Secretary

Antonio King


Michael Young


William “Tony” Hawkins


Ameer Baker


James Heck

Intake Coordinator

Karl Bruce

Assoc. Editor/Sphinx

Randall Clarke

Dir. Ed. Activities

Sean Perkins


Marcus Spells


Daniel Mushala

Director of Technology

Garrett Miller

Editor of the Torch

Daniel Mushala

Member at Large

Jason Jefferson

Risk Management Officer

Joseph Gibbs

General Council


Immediate Past President

John “Tony” Wilson

Committee Chairs

Brother’s Keeper

Joseph Housey

Budget and Finance

Antonio King

Communication and Technology

Garrett Miller


G.D. McNeal

DC National Pan Hellenic


Daniel Mushala

Swain Riley

Auditing Committee Chair

Juan Powell

Health & Wellness

Dr.Reginald Salter


Timothy Fitzgerald

Hospitality/Men Who Cook

Swain Riley

Beta Chapter Advisor

James Harmon, III

Ritual Committee Chair

Garrett Miller


Samuel Armstrong


Demarcus McMillan

Public Policy

George Walker

Social Committee Chair

Stanley Smith

Community Service Chair

David Gaston

Jeffery Taylor

40 & Under Chair

Johnathan Brown

Social Media Chairmen

Justice Brown - Duso

Noah Harris

Charter Members

Arthur Curtis*

Merrill H. Curtis*

Victor R. Daly*

Eugene L. C. Davidson*

Arnold Donawa*

Walter Garvin*

William L. Hansberry*

Charles H. Houston*

Edward Howard*

Joseph R. Jones*

R. Frank Jones*

J Edward Lowery*

Clarence H. Mills*

Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray*

Norman L. McGhee* FN4

Jewel Robert Harold Ogle*

Louis H. Russell*

James N. Saunders*

Emory B. Smith*

Harold C. Stratton*

J.H.N. Waring*

Charles H. Wesley* FN3




6th General President 1915-1916


General Secretary 1915-1916

7th General President 1916-1917


14th General President 1931-1940


General Secretary 1920-1926


8th Eastern Regional Vice-President 1950-1953


23rd Eastern Regional Vice-President 2000-2001

Executive Director MLK Memorial

Past Presidents

1. Harold Stratton* 1923 - 1924

2. Howard H. Long* FN2

3. Charles H. Wesley* 1926 - 1928

4. Frank Adams*

5. R. Frank Jones*

6. James B. Browning*

7. Jewel Henry Arthur Callis* FN1

8. U. Simpson Tate*

9. Claude Ferebee*

10. George O. Butler*

11. C.C. House* 1938 - 1940

12. Verdie L. Robinson*

13. Walter M. Booker* FN5

14. Jack Bond*

15. Millard R. Dean*

16. Frank Davis*

17. Clifton Hardy*

18. Herman Johnson*

19. Howard Jenkins*

20. C.C. House* 1952 - 1954

21. William F. Nelson*

22. Aubrey E. Robinson*

23. Joseph Waddy*

24. Edward J. Austin*

25. Elgy Johnson* 1964 - 1965

26. George H. Windsor* 1965 - 1967

27. James T. Speight* 1967 - 1969

28. Harold Sims* 1969 - 1970

29. Eddie L. Madison* 1970 - 1972

30. Wilbur Sewell* 1972 - 1974

31. Charles Walker Thomas* 1974 - 1976

32. Theodore Taylor* 1976 - 1978

33. Elmer Moore* 1978 - 1981

34. William E. Calbert* 1981 - 1983

35. Osmond Brown* 1983 - 1986

36. Vernon Gill 1986 - 1988

37. LeRoy Lowery, III 1988 - 1990

38. Morris Hawkins* 1990 - 1992

39. C.C. Jones 1992 - 1995

40. Vincent Orange 1995 - 1997

41. Melvin White 1997 - 1999

42. LeRoy Lowery, III FN6 1999 - 2001

43. James Haynes 2001 - 2002

44. Rudolph Harris* 2002 - 2004

45. Edwin Norwood 2004 - 2006

46. James McDonald 2006 - 2008

47. Timothy Fitzgerald 2008 - 2010

48. Kwame Ulmer 2010 - 2011

49. LeRoy Lowery, III 2011-2013

50. Eddie Neal 2013 - 2015

51. LeRoy Lowery, III 2015 - 2017

52. Joel Grey 2017 - 2018

53. Eddie Neal 2018 - 2020

54. John “Tony” Wilson 2020 - 2023

* Omega Chapter Brothers Footnote (FN)

The President’s Message


Greetings to the Brothers of Mu Lambda Chapter,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits as we transition into the colder months and reflect on the meaningful work we’ve accomplished together.

Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude for an unforgettable month of November. From our impactful community service projects to our fellowship and shared commitment to Alpha Phi Alpha’s mission, each of you played a vital role in ensuring our chapter’s continued success.

As winter sets in, bringing with it ICE COLD temperatures, let us embrace this season with the same tenacity and focus that have defined us for the past 101 years. December holds special significance for us, as we commemorate 118 years of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., founded on the campus of Cornell University in 1906. This milestone reminds us of the responsibility we have to honor the Seven Jewels’ vision by remaining steadfast in our commitments.

This month, we have the privilege of celebrating our brotherhood and achievements at events like the 11th Hosting of Black Ice and the MAAC Annual Prayer Breakfast. These moments of unity and reflection offer us opportunities to deepen our bonds and recommit ourselves to the transformative work ahead.

Our community depends on our leadership and resilience to move Onward and Upward. Together, we will build on the foundation laid by our founders and create a brighter future for the communities we serve.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication, my brothers. I look forward to celebrating this season of Alpha with each of you and stepping into the new year ready to expand our legacy of service, advocacy, and leadership.


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Vice President’s Message


Happy Founders Day Brothers!

We’re celebrating 118 incredible years of being Men of Distinction! Let’s take a moment to reflect on what our brotherhood truly means by reaching out to Brothers we may not have seen or heard from in a while. A quick call, text, or message can go a long way in keeping those bonds strong.

For me, Founders Day is always a time to reflect and rededicate. After 31 years in this Fraternity, I’ve noticed how December 4th—right between two major holidays—presents the perfect moment to focus on strengthening my connection to the brotherhood, family, and community.

Speaking of rededication, don’t forget about our final IMDP certification training session coming up next Saturday, December 14th. Let’s finish the year strong together!

Also, a quick heads-up: make sure your Risk Management status is recertified by December 31st. It’s a small task, but it’s critical in keeping our Chapter and Fraternity running smoothly and safely.

Here’s to honoring our Founders and keeping their vision alive. Let’s keep striving, building, and growing—together!

Thank you, Brothers!

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Mu Lambda Chapter


For 118 years, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® has stood as a beacon of hope, progress, and transformation, breaking barriers and inspiring greatness across the globe. Since its founding on December 4, 1906, on the campus of Cornell University, Alpha men have exemplified unparalleled leadership in their communities and professions, serving as trailblazers in education, civil rights, politics, the arts, sciences, and beyond.

Honoring Our Founders

The legacy of Alpha Phi Alpha began with seven visionary young men, our Seven Jewels:

Henry Arthur Callis – A physician and medical


Charles Henry Chapman – A professor of agriculture and advocate for education

Eugene Kinckle Jones – An executive of the National Urban League

George Biddle Kelley – The first registered African American engineer in New York

Nathaniel Allison Murray – An educator and advocate for lifelong learning

Robert Harold Ogle – A Capitol Hill legislative staffer and pioneer in civil service

Vertner Woodson Tandy – The first registered African American architect in New York

These visionaries laid the foundation for a fraternity built on the principles of scholarship, service, and the betterment of mankind. Today, we honor their courage and foresight, which ignited a legacy of leadership that continues to inspire.

Pioneers Across Fields

From the halls of academia to the stages of Hollywood, Alpha men have left an indelible mark on the world:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Peace Prize laureate and civil rights leader, whose dream reshaped the moral compass of the United States.

Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court Justice, whose groundbreaking legal advocacy led to the dismantling of segregation.

Dr. Charles H. Wesley, the 14th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha, renowned historian, and president of Wilberforce and Central State Universities.

Paul Robeson, actor, singer, and activist, who broke racial barriers in the arts and international diplomacy.

Lionel Richie, Grammy-winning artist and cultural icon.

W.E.B. Du Bois, a founding member of the NAACP and intellectual force behind the PanAfrican movement.

David Dinkins, the first African American Mayor of New York City.

Herman Branson, physicist and co-discoverer of the alpha helix in proteins.

Brothers Leading in Education

Alpha men have also shaped higher education, leading some of the nation’s most prestigious institutions:

Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President Emeritus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and advocate for STEM education among minorities.

Dr. Henry Ponder, past president of Fisk University, Talladega College, and Benedict College.

Dr. M. Christopher Brown, President of Alcorn State University.

The Washington, DC Legacy

The brothers of Washington, DC, have long exemplified the fraternity’s commitment to service and leadership. The Mu Lambda Chapter, established in 1923, has been home to titans like:

Charles Hamilton Houston, the “architect of the civil rights movement” and mentor to Thurgood Marshall.

Rayford W. Logan, civil rights activist and 15th General President.

Belford V. Lawson Jr., civil rights attorney and the first African American to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Today, the chapter continues its mission of transforming lives through education, advocacy, and service.

A Vision for the Future

As we celebrate 118 years of Alpha Phi Alpha’s existence, we are reminded of the timeless relevance of our mission: to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence, and provide service and advocacy for our communities.

We salute the brothers who continue to serve, break barriers, and exemplify excellence. From organizing community service events to advocating for equality and justice, Alpha men in Washington, DC, and around the world carry forward the torch lit by our Seven Jewels.

To every brother, family member, and supporter, we say thank you for your dedication. Together, let us forge a future worthy of our illustrious history. Here’s to 118 years of service—and many more to come!

Long live Alpha Phi Alpha!

Fraternally, Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche President

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter



Bro Yohance Fuller - 2nd

Bro Mark Ross - 4th

Bro. Rylan Harris - 6th

Bro. Harold Joe - 10th

Bro. Brian Moore - 13th

Bro. Marcus Spells - 13th

Bro. James E. Harmon III - 15th

Bro. Marcel Desroches - 17th

Bro. Paul Hoggard - 23rd

Bro. Marcus Ware - 28th

Bro. Kevin Magby - 28th

Bro. Garrick Francis - 29th

Bro. Lloyd Henry - 29th

Bro. Kelvin Brown - 31st



Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray, born on April 10, 1884, in Washington, D.C., hailed from a distinguished lineage known as the “Washington Colored Aristocracy.” His parents, Anna Jane Evans Murray and Daniel Alexander Payne Murray, were trailblazers in education and civil rights advocacy. His mother, a graduate of Oberlin College, was a passionate kindergarten advocate, educator, and civic leader who championed child welfare and education reform. His father, a librarian at the Library of Congress, was a prominent scholar, community leader, and one of Washington’s wealthiest African Americans. This environment of intellect, service, and activism shaped Jewel Murray’s future contributions to education and Alpha Phi

Murray pursued higher education at Cornell University, entering the College of Agriculture in 1905. During his time there, he became one of the seven founding members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the first intercollegiate fraternity for African American men. He was instrumental in transforming a social club into a formal fraternity, serving on key committees that laid the foundation for the organization. Reflecting on the challenges faced during the fraternity’s formation, Murray recalled the verbal struggles and opposition they overcame to establish a lasting brotherhood.

After graduating from Cornell, Murray dedicated his life to education in Washington, D.C. He taught agriculture and biology at Armstrong Manual Training High School and participated in numerous educational initiatives. In 1923, Murray co-founded the Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in Washington, D.C., where he served as chaplain and remained deeply engaged in fraternity activities, frequently attending national conventions. He used his platform to advocate for fraternity values, economic empowerment, and civic engagement among African Americans.

Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Murray’s speeches and writings revealed his deep concern for the fraternity’s legacy and the well-being of African Americans. He emphasized reclaiming inactive brothers, promoting economic stability, and nurturing young African American talent. He also condemned hazing and urged chapters to uphold the fraternity’s founding principles of service, scholarship, and leadership. At the 28th General Convention, he passionately addressed the need for economic empowerment and political engagement, reinforcing the fraternity’s role as a force for racial uplift.

In his later years, Murray relocated to Los Angeles to be closer to his daughters. Despite health challenges, he remained committed to Alpha Phi Alpha, receiving financial assistance from the fraternity to address his medical needs. He entered Omega Chapter on December 12, 1959, leaving behind a legacy of service, perseverance, and dedication to the fraternity and the African American community. His life stands as a testament to Alpha Phi Alpha’s motto, “First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.”

Jewel Robert Harold Ogle (1886–1936) was an influential figure in American history, celebrated for his pioneering role as an African American professional staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations and his contributions to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity for African Americans.

Ogle was born in Washington, D.C., attended the esteemed M Street School, and later graduated from Cornell University in 1909. At Cornell, he played a pivotal role in shaping Alpha Phi Alpha, serving as its first secretary, proposing its colors (Old Gold and Black), and co-writing its first fraternity song. His meticulous research and attention to detail helped lay the foundation for the fraternity’s rituals and principles.

After college, Ogle returned to Washington, D.C., excelling in his career on Capitol Hill, where he developed expertise in parliamentary procedures and federal fiscal affairs. He was instrumental in the fraternity’s expansion, moving its influence beyond Cornell to establish Beta Chapter at Howard University and later

co-chartering the Mu Lambda Chapter in Washington, D.C.

Throughout his life, Ogle emphasized loyalty, integrity, and the fraternity’s commitment to uplifting communities. He contributed significantly to the fraternity’s historical documentation, co-chairing its first Historical Commission and influencing the publication of The History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in Negro College Life in 1929.

A devoted family man, Ogle was married twice and had two daughters. He passed away in 1936, leaving behind a legacy of dedication to fraternity, education, and public service.

Brother MIkael LaRoche President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter




We appreciate all of the Alpha Phi Alpha

Matthew Aaron

Lamont Akins

Brett Allen

Craig Allen

Quran Allen

Sulaiman Almaroof


Lamar Arnold

Nigel Atwell

Franklin Austin

Gamal Awad

Ameer Baker

Lewis Barnes

Mario Beatty

Kent Benjamin

Clyde Blassengale

Sylvester Booker

Pierre Boynton

Ronald Braxton

Arlester Brown

Charles Brown

Jonathan Brown

Kelvin Brown

Lucius Brown

M. Christopher Brown

Michael Brown

Justice Brown-Duso

Karl Bruce

Legand Burge

Stevaughn Bush

Christopher Butts

Chinelo Cambron

Anthony Campbell

Miguel Capers

Malcolm Carter

Lionel Castro

Benjamin Champion

Albert Cheek

Glorie Chiza

Lawrence Clark

Michael Clarke

Randall Clarke

Travis Clarke

O. Cole

Cubie Coleman IV

Michael Collins

Louis Cook

Austin Cooper

DeAngelo Copeland

Eugene Cornelius

Paul Cotton

Anthony Covington

Melvin Crenshaw

Theodore Darlington

Horace Dawson

Carlos DeBose

Marcel Desroches



Caeden Drayton




Benjamin Dutton

David Edgerton Jr.

Dedrick Edwards

Drew Emerson

Richard English

Hilton Etienne

Dezmond Evans

Timothy Fitzgerald

Jeffery Fleming


Quintin Floyd

Waldo Ford

Garrick Francis

Arsene Frederic

Yohance Fuller

Warren Fuselier

David Gaston

Jon Gee

Joseph Gibbs

Brent Gilmore

Nicholas Gobern

Anthony Goliday

Barion Grant

Eathen Gums

Robert Gunn

Justin Hansford

James E. Harmon III

Noah Harris

Rylan Harris

Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda members who make uo our 227 man roster. We look forward to building and growing Mu Lambda in 2025 and beyond.


Brother MIkael LaRoche President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.,

William “Tony” Hawkins

James Heck

Lloyd Henry

Eric Herndon

Edward Hill

John Hinkson

Paul Hoggard

Fabien Holder

Frankie Hoskey

Joseph Housey III

Gregory Hutchings

Brian Ingram

Malcolm D. Jackson

Adrian Vincent James

Rexrian Jarrett

Jason Jefferson

Harold Joe

David Johnson

Arnold Jolivet

Ernie Jolly

Aranthan Jones

Clinton Jones

Eugene Jones

Mark Jones

Michael Jones

N. Rashad Jones

Sean Jones

Antonio King

Frank King

Mikael E. LaRoche

Damon Larry

James Laws

Coy Lindsay

Ross Lloyd

LeRoy Lowery III

Andre Lucas

Rhett Lucas


John Mabry

Kevin Magby


Quentin Mansfield

Karim Marshall

Lopez Matthews

Kelvin McClinton


James McDonald

Lloyd McGriff

Keith McIver

Marquial McMillan

George D. McNeal

Garrett Miller



Anthony Moore

Kellen Moore

James Morgan III

Rakeem Mosey

Frederick Moss

Daniel Mushala

Eddie Neal

Edwin Norwood

Vernon Oakes

Kenechukwu Okocha

Nnamdi Olebara

Kelechi Ononiwu

Vincent Orange

Rodney Parker

Zachary Parker

Sean Perkins

Dustin Pickett

Jean Pierre

Thomas Pierre

Sean Plater

Corey Ponder

Fernando Porter

Juan Powell

Carlos Powers

Alexander Pullen

Samuel Puryear

Brent Radcliff

Alvin Reaves

William Rice

Robert Richardson

Jamie Riley

Swain Riley

Bruce Rivers

Ali Roberts

Talmadge Roberts

Myron Robinson

Paul Robinson

Frederick Rogers

Barrington Ross

Caleb Ross

Mark Ross

Reginald Salter

Kawaun Sankar

Rudol Scipio

Cheo Scott

Jordan Scott

Lavert Seabron

Khama Sharp

Marquise Sheehy

Robert Shepherd

Mario Simpson

Kirk Sinclair

Charles Smith

Stanley Smith

Deron Snyder

Marcus Spells

Wilbur Swanson

Jamison Taylor

Jeffery Taylor

Xavier Thompson

Kweku Toure

Todd Valentine

George Walker

James Walker

Roderick Walton

Marcus Ware

Eric Washington

Irven Washington

Junious Whitaker

Melvin White

Walter Whitley

Albert Williams

Byron L. Williams

Gerard Williams

Jerry Williamson

Charles Wilson

John “Tony” Wilson

Silas Woods

Bryant “Mike” Young

Chatman Young



Calling all BROTHERS TO THE FLOOR! All roads lead to Bethesda Maryland, as the Mid Atlantic Region of Alpha Phi Alpha ChaptersThe MIGHTY M.A.A.C., hosts the 93rd Eastern Regional Convention - “SECURING THE LEGACY, BRICK BY BRICK”.

I look forward to seeing you all in BETHESDA in 2025

Laughs, Happy Hours, Toasts .... Here is to 93rd Convention for the books!

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter


A Season of Gratitude and Service: Mu Lambda and Beta Chapters Shine at Project Giveback 2024

As the holiday season unfolds, we pause to reflect on the spirit of giving and the profound impact of community service. On Saturday, November 23, 2024, brothers from the Mu Lambda and Beta Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® joined forces to participate in the 30th Annual Project Giveback, delivering over 5,000 Thanksgiving meals to families in need across the DMV region.

This extraordinary event epitomizes the Fraternity’s motto: “First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.”

Strengthening Brotherhood and Service

The partnership between Mu Lambda Chapter and Beta Chapter continues to grow under the dynamic leadership

of Brother President Casey Morrissett and Brother Community Service Chair Philip Cook, Jr. Together, these chapters demonstrated the power of collaboration, ensuring that every volunteer felt supported and inspired. Special recognition is due to the award-winning Wesley Pair, whose leadership in crowd engagement and management brought unparalleled efficiency and a positive atmosphere to the event.

This year’s Project Giveback also saw representation from multiple Area Six chapters, showcasing the collective commitment of the DC Alphas to addressing food insecurity in our region.

Acknowledging Leaders in Service

A heartfelt thank you to Brother David Gaston, Mu Lambda’s Community Service Chair, for spearheading this initiative. His coordination ensured a seamless operation, mobilizing volunteers and resources to meet the ambitious goals of the day. We also extend gratitude to Brother Jeffrey Taylor, whose support was instrumental in the success of this project.

Brothers are encouraged to share their

personal photos and memories of the event in the Mu Lambda Historian’s Log to document this milestone of service.

Upcoming Opportunities to Serve

As we look ahead, we invite all brothers and supporters to join us for the following community service activities:

December 14, 2024:

DC Child and Family Services Toy Drive

Saturday, December 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM DC CFSA Headquarters, 200 I St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Activity: Sorting and organizing holiday toys (items under 20 lbs)

Attire: Alpha paraphernalia

January 18, 2025: MLK Day of Service

When: Saturday, January 18, 2025 (Time TBA)

Where: Location TBA

Activity: Community service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Attire: Alpha paraphernalia

May 3, 2025: March for Babies

Saturday, May 3, 2025, at 9:30 AM (Check-in begins at 8:00 AM)

Where: Nationals Park, 1500 S Capitol St SE, Washington, DC 20009

Activity: Supporting March of Dimes in raising awareness and funds for healthy pregnancies and babies

A Legacy of Service

As we celebrate the accomplishments of Project Giveback 2024, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of service that has defined Mu Lambda Chapter for 101 years. Let us continue to honor this tradition

by creating brighter futures for our communities and exemplifying the ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha in all that we do.

We thank each brother, family member, and supporter for your unwavering dedication and look forward to your participation in the impactful service activities to come.


Bro: Jeffery Taylor / David Gaston

Community Service Co-Chairs

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter



On Saturday November 9th, The Brother’s Keeper Chair, Brother Joseph Housey, coordinated a mass recertification training for the senior brothers of the Mu Lambda Chapter.

To fully and actively participate in the activities of the Fraternity, annually the members of the fraternity are expected to become risk management certified. For some of our senior brothers, who face challenges with technology, it is imperative that the brotherhood craft methods to

continue to enrich our seasoned brothers in the workings of the organization.

With breakfast in hand, laptops, pens and paper available. Brothers enjoyed an early morning of class, conversations and community at a DC Library, encouraging brothers as ripe as 98 years old to enjoy the fellowship of our fraternity whilst understanding the importance of avoiding risk.

High praises to the Brother’s Keeper chair and his committee for a flawless execution and upskilling of over 33 brothers. Our mission is internals as it is external and we applaud you for getting this event done.


Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter




Beta Chapter November Recap:

November 1-2nd Beta Chapter achieved an incredible trifecta of victories, during the MAAC conference. First, they proudly claimed first place in the MAAC Step Competition, marking Spring 2024’s second step competition victory. In addition to their victory in the step competition, Beta Chapter’s Royal court won the MAAC Ms. Black & Gold Pageant, showcasing the court’s grace and poise. To cap off a remarkable weekend, Beta Chapter, alongside Mu Lambda Chapter, earned the esteemed Charles H. Wesley Award for their commitment to excellent joint programming. Beta Chapter also won the award for highest GPA. Showcasing their unwavering commitment to academic excellence.

On November 19th, the Chapter Held its Alpha Informational on Howard University’s campus. The Informational was very well attended (over 60+ HU Students) and makes us look forward to Intake in the spring.

On November 23rd, Beta Brothers, along with Mu Lambda and other Area Chapters, participated in the 30th annual Project Giveback food distribution drive at Stadium Armory!

Brothers lead and supported the charge of the development of over 3000 meals that will be distributed across the DMV region.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

Beta Chapter


providing IT and Cybersecurity tidbits for your personal use

Pa$sw0rd Manag3m=nt

“…the overarching goal in password security is the same as running from a bear, for your best result, try to outrun the guy next to you, because the bear is coming….” (Brother Marcus Spells)

Ideally you want all your passwords to be:

• Minimally 12 characters long (preferably 16 characters)

• A mix of lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols

• Not directly written down

• Minimally shared:

o even for online streaming sites

o create a “guest” related password for home Wi-Fi guest usage

• Not associated with your name, D.O.B, address or SSN Tips: (adding a degree of complexity while attempting to not forget your password)

• Using paraphrases may make it easier to remember

o Password# 4 changes to YetAnotherPassword

o 1234abcd changes to IcantRemember

• Exchange normal letters for characters

o S = $

o i (lowercase I) = !

o e = 3

o l (lowercase L) = 1

o a = @

o o (lowercase O) = 0 (zero)

o Example: ThisIsStupid changes to Th!$I$Stup!d

Helpful Password Tools:

• Random Password Generator and/or Password Manager

• MultiFactor Authentication (MFA):

o Biometrics: fingerprint or iris

o Time-based One -Time Password (TOTP)

o Physical tokens/smartID cards



Did you know that a staggering 70% of networking opportunities fizzle out due to lack of effective follow-up? It’s a figure that really makes you think, doesn’t it?

If you’re like me, you’ve probably found yourself reflecting on a conversation, pondering the next steps. “Now what?” is a question we’ve all faced after exchanging business cards or LinkedIn connections. It’s a common junction in the networking journey where many paths, unfortunately, come to an end.

But here’s the good news: this is precisely where you can differentiate yourself from others in the market and enhance your personal brand.

Crafting an impactful follow-up email is less about performing a task and more about laying the foundation for a relationship that could lead to unforeseen opportunities and collaborations.

To start, always begin your follow-up with a personalized touch. Recall a specific detail

from your initial conversation. This shows attentiveness and interest, making your connection feel valued.

Expressing genuine gratitude is your next step. A simple thank you for their time and insights goes a long way in establishing a warm relationship. It’s not just courtesy; it’s acknowledgment of the potential value of your new connection.

Offering something of value is where you can truly shine. Whether it’s an insightful article, a helpful resource, or an introduction to someone in your network, sharing something relevant and beneficial demonstrates your willingness to invest in the relationship. It shifts the dynamics from merely taking to giving, setting a solid groundwork for mutual benefit.

Suggesting a clear next step is crucial. Whether it’s a coffee meet-up, a virtual meeting, or a simple phone call, propose a concrete way to continue the conversation. This shows initiative and a genuine desire to build on the connection.

Remember, effective follow-up is an art that requires sincerity, thoughtfulness, and a bit of strategy. It’s not just about ticking off a to-do list but nurturing relationships that could lead to exciting collaborations, career growth, and even friendships.

So, let’s not let those initial handshakes end up as missed opportunities. Instead, let’s turn them into hand-in-hand success stories that enrich our professional journeys.

Embrace the follow-up not as a task, but as an opportunity to build something lasting. Here’s to creating a network that’s not just wide but deep and meaningful!

#Networking #CareerTips

#ProfessionalGrowth #RelationshipBuilding #SuccessStories


December is here, and there’s no better time to transform your home into a warm and inviting haven! Bright, cozy spaces are a delight to live in and can instantly lift your spirits. Ready to embrace the magic? Here are seven exhilarating ways to make your home shine with warmth and cheer!

1. Transform Your Light Fixtures

Your lighting sets the tone for your home. Upgrade old fixtures or add bold, stylish ones to reflect your unique personality. It’s not just functional—it’s your chance to create a luminous ambiance that says “Welcome home!” Experiment with dimmers or trendy designs to add extra charm.

2. Candlescaping Magic

Candles are the MVPs of cozy vibes! Arrange them in creative clusters or feature them in decorative holders to bring warmth and elegance into any room. Choose seasonal scents like cinnamon or vanilla for a festive aroma that enhances your cozy sanctuary.

3. Mirror Brilliance

Add mirrors to your décor for a dazzling double-duty effect! Mirrors amplify natural light and create an airy, open feel. Place them strategically in hallways, bedrooms, or living areas to make your home shine brighter than ever.

4. Outdoor Glow-Up

Bring the brilliance outside! Solar-powered pathway lights not only look stunning but also require no wiring or electricity. Line your walkways or accentuate your garden with these eco-friendly gems to create a magical nighttime escape right in your yard.

5. Welcome Natural Light

Daylight is the ultimate mood booster! Open those curtains wide and let the sunshine flood your space. Natural light makes your home feel brighter and adds a cozy warmth that’s perfect for chilly winter days.

6. Play with Colors and Textures

Incorporate cheerful throw pillows, plush blankets, or colorful rugs into your décor. Opt for warm tones like gold, amber, or cranberry to make your spaces pop while keeping them snug and inviting.

7. Greenery Galore

Houseplants bring life to any space! Choose easy-to-maintain options like pothos, succulents, or snake plants to freshen up your home. Add twinkling fairy lights to larger plants for an enchanting, cozy glow.

Take these ideas and transform your home into a bright and cheerful retreat this December! Which tip will you try first?


Brothers, it is that time of year when we begin to think in the spirit of giving and giving thanks. In that spirit, the Mu Lambda Foundation participates in two key funding programs through which federal and District of Columbia employees can share the gift of the giving.

The Combined Federal Campaign - CFC ( is a resource that allows U.S. government employees to make regular payroll deductions in support of the Mu Lambda Foundation and its charitable and community service programs.

The DC One Fund ( provides an opportunity for employees of the District of Columbia to do the same. All donations through these funds are tax deductible and deducted from your paycheck regularly. What could be an easier or better way to support the programs you care about?

As open season begins for 2023, you may plan your weekly, biweekly, or monthly contributions to the Mu Lambda Foundation by contributing to charity number 66770 in the CFC, and number 9556 in the DC One Fund.

Let’s make 2023 the best year yet for supporting youth and abused women in the DC area. Thank you for your continued support.

Bro. Kent Benjamin

The Mu Lambda Foundation meetings are monthly on the third Thursday of the month.

Next meeting is JANUARY, 2025

Meetings are monthly on the First Saturday of the month. Next meeting is Saturday, December 7, 2024




• 1/4 cup lower-sodium soy sauce

• 1/4 cup bourbon

• 1/4 cup unsweetened apple juice

• 1 tablespoon rice vinegar

• 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup

• 1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic

• 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger

• 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

• 1 & 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1/2-inch-thick strips

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch, plus 1 teaspoon, divided

• 2 tablespoons canola oil

• 2 teaspoons water

• 3 cups cooked brown rice

• Sliced scallions, for garnish


Combine soy sauce, bourbon, apple juice, vinegar, maple syrup, garlic, ginger and crushed red pepper in a small bowl.

Toss together chicken and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in a large bowl. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add the chicken; cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and crispy, 6 to 8 minutes. Add the soybourbon mixture; stir to coat. Cook, stirring often, until the sauce has reduced to a syrupy consistency and the chicken is cooked through, 6 to 8 minutes.

Combine water and the remaining 1 teaspoon cornstarch in a small bowl; stir to mix well. Add to the pan; cook, stirring often, until the sauce thickens and coats the chicken, 1 to 2 minutes.

Divide rice among 4 plates; top with the chicken and sauce. Garnish with scallions, if desired.until the pasta is coated with the sauce.


Large nonstick skillet



1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 small apple, chopped

2 tablespoons natural peanut butter

2 teaspoons honey (Optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

4-6 ice cubes

Combine almond milk, apple, peanut butter, honey (if using), vanilla, cinnamon and ice cubes in a blender. Puree until smooth.

Thursday, January 4

Saturday, January 6

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Wednesday, January 17 Eboard Meeting

Thursday, February 1

Saturday, February 3

Wednesday, February 21

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Eboard Meeting

Thursday, February 15 Foundation Meeting

Thursday, March 7

Saturday, March 9

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Wednesday, March 20 Eboard Meeting

Thursday, April 4

Saturday, April 6

Wednesday, April 17

Thursday,April 18

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Eboard Meeting

Foundation Meeting

Wednesday, April 25 -28 Eastern Region Convention

Thursday, May 2

Saturday, May 4

Wednesday, May 17

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Eboard Meeting

Thursday, May 18 Foundation Meeting

Thursday, June 6

Saturday, June 8

Thursday, June 20

Wednesday, June 19* TBD

Wednesday, June 19

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Foundation Meeting

Eboard Meeting

Juneteenth Day

July 2024

Chapter Vacation

July 2024 Constitutional Convention, IL

August 2024 Chapter Vacation

August 17 2024 Chapter Retreat

Thursday, September 5

Saturday, September 7

Chapter Meeting

Alpha Wives Meeting

Thursday, September 19 Foundation Meeting

Wednesday, September 18 Eboard Meeting

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

101st Charter Day

Thursday, October 3 Chapter Meeting

Saturday, October 5

Alpha Wives Meeting

Wednesday, October 16 Eboard Meeting

Thursday, October 17 Foundation Meeting

Thursday, November 13

Chapter Meeting

Saturday, November 9 Alpha Wives Meeting

Wednesday, November 20 Eboard Meeting

Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day

Wednesday, December 4

Founders’ Day

Thursday,December 5 Chapter Meeting

Saturday , December 7

Alpha Wives Meeting

Wednesday, December 20 EBoard Meeting

Thursday, December 21 Foundation Meeting

Wednesday, December 25 Christmas


Get the Mu Lambda Chapter App

This official Mu Lambda Chapter App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, View Chapter Directory, View our monthly magazine (The Torch) Pay Chapter Dues and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community.


House of Ruth empowers women, children and families to rebuild their lives and heal from trauma, abuse and homelessness.

Vision: Much More Than Housing

House of Ruth offers comprehensive support for women, children and families. Our continuum of services encompasses enriched housing for families and single women, trauma-informed daycare for children, and free counseling to empower anyone, regardless of gender, who is a survivor of trauma and abuse. Our programs provide individualized support to rebuild safe, independent, and sustainable lives.

Message from the Editor



“THINK Alpha Phi Alpha, TALK Alpha Phi Alpha, PROMOTE Alpha Phi Alpha, and LABOR for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.”

Brother Henry L. Dickason, 5th General President

As the year draws to a close and the festive season envelops us with its warmth and joy, I extend my heartfelt wishes to you, Brothers, for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year. May 2025 usher in a season of peace, renewed purpose, and abundant blessings for you and your loved ones.

The holiday season offers us a moment to reflect on our collective journey, the milestones we’ve reached, and the challenges we’ve overcome. As we celebrate the successes of 2024, let us embrace the opportunities awaiting us in 2025 with unwavering enthusiasm and determination.

Brothers, as we prepare for 2025, let us do so with hope in our hearts, excitement for what lies ahead, and a shared sense of purpose. Together, we can make this chapter a beacon of light, not just for ourselves, but for all those who look to us for guidance and support.

Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday season filled with laughter, love, and cherished memories. May 2025 be a year of extraordinary achievements and lasting unity for us all.

the Torch





Esprit de Fraternite


It is that time of year again.

The fraternity’s fraternal year runs January 1st to December 31st.

Mu Lambda’s 2023-2024 fraternal year runs September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The chapter does not meet during July and August.

It is now time to pay your 2023-2024 dues which will cover you from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

Ways to make payment:

1. You can pay your dues on by clicking the dues tab at the bottom left of every web page.

2. Bring a check to the chapter meeting.

3. You can pay on the Mu Lambda App

4. Mail it to:

Financial Team

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

Alpha is a life long commitment

An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served.

A member’s duties should be:

1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life.

2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course.

3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein.

4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.

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