Mu Lambda is Alpha's eleventh alumni chapter, chartered October 1, 1923, in Washington D.C. The chapter was established, in part, in response to the desire of graduate brothers, many whom were initiated into Beta Chapter at Howard University, to give aid to the undergraduate brothers and continue the work of Alpha. Chartered by 22 distingushed men of Alpha which included Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray and Jewel Robert Harold Ogle.
There has been six members who served as the General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and two whom served as the Eastern Region Vice President. Mu Lambda is equally proud of our current brothers making their mark in the Washington D.C. community and beyond. Our chapter has many entrepreneurs, activists, political leaders, philanthropists, academicians, ministers and so much more. Our diverse brotherhood age range is between the ages of 25 and 98. We all work together to maximize the brotherhood of Alpha by following the Objective, Mission and AIMS of our Fraternity.
The officers elected at the first meeting were Brother Harold StrattonPresident, Brother John Lowery-Vice President, Brother Victor DalySecretary, Brother Daniel W. EdmondsTreasurer, and Brother Nathaniel Allison Murray (Jewel)-Chaplain. Mu Lambda was thus established and was on its way into history!
Torch Cover - June 2024 - We May’d It!
1. Chapter Cover Image - The MIGHTY
2. In this Issue
3. Executive Board, Committee Chairs, Charter Members, Past Presidents
4. The Presidents’ Message
5. The Vice-Presidents’ Message
6. Welcome Back Brothers!
8. Mu Lambda Birthdays | September 2024
11. Chigaco - Constitutional Convention Recap.
15. The Divine 9 and Presidential Election - Bro.G. Parks
20. Key Election Dates 2024
21. Welcome Back to School - Mu Lambda & Beta at Ballou High !
23. Mu Lambda is Service - Summer with FCAC
25. Chapter Retreat 2024 Recap.
28. Life happens FAST....
29. The Summer Birthdays
30 Federal Donations to Mu Lambda Foundation
35. The Mu Lambda HEALTH CORNER - Mental Health Awareness MAY
37. Recipes - Healthy Eating and a Little Drinks
39. Chapter Standard Meeting Calender 2024
40. Chapter Brother Business Advertisements
48. Message from the Editor
49. Espirt De. Fraternite
Mikael E. LaRoche
Vice President
Joseph Gibbs
Recording Secretary
Rakeem Mosey
Corresponding Secretary
Swain Riley
Financial Secretary
Antonio King
Michael Young
William “Tony” Hawkins
Ameer Baker
James Heck
Intake Coordinator
Karl Bruce
Assoc. Editor/Sphinx
Randall Clarke
Dir. Ed. Activities
Sean Perkins
Marcus Spells
Daniel Mushala
Director of Technology
Mark Jones
Editor of the Torch
Daniel Mushala
Member at Large
Jason Jefferson
Risk Management Officer
Joseph Gibbs
General Council
Brent Radcliffe
Immediate Past President
John “Tony” Wilson
Brother’s Keeper
Joseph Housey
Budget and Finance
Antonio King
Communication and Technology
Garrett Miller
G.D. McNeal
DC National Pan Hellenic
Daniel Mushala
Swain Riley
Auditing Committee Chair
Juan Powell
Health & Wellness
Dr.Reginald Salter
Timothy Fitzgerald
Hospitality/Men Who Cook
Swain Riley
Beta Chapter Advisor
James Harmon, III
Ritual Committee Chair
Garrett Miller
Samuel Armstrong
Demarcus McMillan
Public Policy
George Walker
Social Committee Chair
Stanley Smith
Community Service Chair
David Gaston
Jeffery Taylor
40 & Under Chair
Johnathan Brown
Social Media Chairmen
Justice Brown - Duso
Noah Harris
Arthur Curtis*
Merrill H. Curtis*
Victor R. Daly*
Eugene L. C. Davidson*
Arnold Donawa*
Walter Garvin*
William L. Hansberry*
Charles H. Houston*
Edward Howard*
Joseph R. Jones*
R. Frank Jones*
J Edward Lowery*
Clarence H. Mills*
Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray*
Norman L. McGhee* FN4
Jewel Robert Harold Ogle*
Louis H. Russell*
James N. Saunders*
Emory B. Smith*
Harold C. Stratton*
J.H.N. Waring*
Charles H. Wesley* FN3
6th General President 1915-1916
General Secretary 1915-1916
7th General President 1916-1917
14th General President 1931-1940
General Secretary 1920-1926
8th Eastern Regional Vice-President 1950-1953
23rd Eastern Regional Vice-President 2000-2001
Executive Director MLK Memorial
1. Harold Stratton* 1923 - 1924
2. Howard H. Long* FN2
3. Charles H. Wesley* 1926 - 1928
4. Frank Adams*
5. R. Frank Jones*
6. James B. Browning*
7. Jewel Henry Arthur Callis* FN1
8. U. Simpson Tate*
9. Claude Ferebee*
10. George O. Butler*
11. C.C. House* 1938 - 1940
12. Verdie L. Robinson*
13. Walter M. Booker* FN5
14. Jack Bond*
15. Millard R. Dean*
16. Frank Davis*
17. Clifton Hardy*
18. Herman Johnson*
19. Howard Jenkins*
20. C.C. House* 1952 - 1954
21. William F. Nelson*
22. Aubrey E. Robinson*
23. Joseph Waddy*
24. Edward J. Austin*
25. Elgy Johnson* 1964 - 1965
26. George H. Windsor* 1965 - 1967
27. James T. Speight* 1967 - 1969
28. Harold Sims* 1969 - 1970
29. Eddie L. Madison* 1970 - 1972
30. Wilbur Sewell* 1972 - 1974
31. Charles Walker Thomas* 1974 - 1976
32. Theodore Taylor* 1976 - 1978
33. Elmer Moore* 1978 - 1981
34. William E. Calbert* 1981 - 1983
35. Osmond Brown* 1983 - 1986
36. Vernon Gill 1986 - 1988
37. LeRoy Lowery, III 1988 - 1990
38. Morris Hawkins* 1990 - 1992
39. C.C. Jones 1992 - 1995
40. Vincent Orange 1995 - 1997
41. Melvin White 1997 - 1999
42. LeRoy Lowery, III FN6 1999 - 2001
43. James Haynes 2001 - 2002
44. Rudolph Harris* 2002 - 2004
45. Edwin Norwood 2004 - 2006
46. James McDonald 2006 - 2008
47. Timothy Fitzgerald 2008 - 2010
48. Kwame Ulmer 2010 - 2011
49. LeRoy Lowery, III 2011-2013
50. Eddie Neal 2013 - 2015
51. LeRoy Lowery, III 2015 - 2017
52. Joel Grey 2017 - 2018
53. Eddie Neal 2018 - 2020
54. John “Tony” Wilson 2020 - 2023
* Omega Chapter Brothers Footnote (FN)
My dear Brothers and Supporters of Mu Lambda,
I hope this message finds you well and in the best of spirits. As the summer draws to a close, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to the causes and programs that define our beloved Mu Lambda Chapter.
Throughout this summer, we have truly exemplified the spirit of our fraternity. From our full delegate strength traveling to Chicago for the “Leaven of Self-Examination” Constitutional Convention in July, to the heartfelt support you extended to me personally by attending my daughter’s fourth birthday party, the bonds of Brotherhood have been as strong as ever. We have not only supported each other and our families, but we have also upheld the principles of Alpha by actively engaging in our community.
Our collaborative work with the Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., - Xi Omega Chapter to do a Virtual Voter Registration Education event, and the work with the Federal City Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are shining examples of our work ethic. Together, we helped their chapter move hundreds of back-to-school and aid items to benefit the Ward 7 and Ward 8 communities and educated over 50 members of both organizations and the community on “how to” create effective voter registration drives. This collective effort has undoubtedly made a lasting impact, and I am proud to have worked alongside such committed and compassionate sisters. I hope we continue to foster lasting relationships in the area with our partnerships.
I am filled with anticipation and optimism as we look to the year ahead. The Brothers of Mu Lambda continue to exemplify leadership and excellence, turning challenges into opportunities with every project and program we undertake. Our journey into the next century of this chapter is not just a continuation but an elevation of our mission and purpose. One hundred and one years of Excellence begins now, and I am eager to see all that we will achieve together.
Thank you, once again, for your steadfast commitment and the Brotherhood that makes Mu Lambda a beacon of service, leadership, and excellence.
Brother Mikael E. LaRoche, (10-Mu Lambda-13) President
2024 - 2025
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
Greeting Brothers,
Welcome to the new fraternal year! I hope everyone had a restful summer. I enjoyed some downtime and a few trips during the warmer months, and now I’m ready for the year ahead.
I am excited about the 2024-2025 fraternal year as we continue the momentum from our Centennial year and enter Year 101. I want to acknowledge the brothers who have taken on the role of committee chairmen this year. We have some returning veterans and several new Brothers joining the executive committee. I encourage everyone to connect with these brothers, learn about their committees, and explore opportunities to serve and contribute to the important work ahead.
A special thank you to all who attended the chapter retreat on August 17th. Using the three themes of Economic Development for Brothers and Community and Large, Brotherhood Engagement, and Securing the Mu Lambda Legacy; the retreat gave us a strong framework for our projects, events, and programs this year. I’d also like to recognize Brother David Edgerton Jr. for his instrumental role in shaping the retreat’s success.
I’m confident we’ll have a successful year, and I look forward to working with all of you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, ideas, or suggestions. Onward.5!
Brother Joseph Gibbs
Vice President (2-Beta-93) 2024 - 2025
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
The fraternal year 2024-2025 has begun, and we are thrilled to welcome all Brothers back to the HOUSE! As we approach the final stages of returning to our beloved home at 2405 Alpha Phi Alpha Way NW, I am proud to share the progress made over the summer. We are just a few short strokes and a final cleanup away from stepping back into our chapter’s historic home. The foundation has been hard at work, and I’m excited to see the fruits of our collective labor as we prepare to move back in.
As President, it is my duty and honor to welcome our Executive Board, both returning and new members. Our Vice President, Brother Joseph Gibbs, continues to bring his steadfast leadership to the role. We are also joined by our new secretaries: Recording Secretary Brother Rakeem Mosey and Corresponding Secretary Brother Swain Riley, whose enthusiasm and dedication are already making an impact.
Returning Financial Secretary Brother
Antonio King, one of our longest-serving board members, remains a cornerstone of our chapter’s financial integrity. Our Treasurer, Brother Michael Young, continues to provide invaluable service with his expertise and commitment. We are also blessed to have the resilient Brother William “Tony” Hawkins as our Chaplain, and Historian Brother Ameer Baker, who has found great success working alongside Archivist Brother James Heck.
Brother Karl Bruce, our Chapter Intake Coordinator and my line brother, has been working tirelessly over the past nine months, ensuring the strength and continuity of our chapter. We are also pleased to welcome our new Associate Editor of The Sphinx, Brother [Name], into our leadership team.
Our Director of Educational Activities, Brother Sean Perkins, continues his outstanding leadership, and alongside him, Brother Marcus Spells serves as Sergeant-at-Arms, ensuring order and discipline. Parliamentarian Brother Daniel Mushala, who also takes on the role of Editor of The Torch, brings his sharp mind and editorial skills to the table. Director of Technology Brother Garrett Miller joins us to advance our digital presence, and Brother Jason Jefferson, now serving as Member at Large, steps away from the secretary position to hold our board accountable to the membership.
Finally, I want to extend a special acknowledgment to Immediate Past President Brother John “Tony” Wilson, whose leadership and vision guided us through our centennial
year. His legacy of service and advocacy in Washington, D.C., continues to inspire us all as we move forward.
To all of the chairs we have selected: you are the life source of our programs and the frontline of our army of Brothers. Your commitment to giving your time, talent, and treasure is what makes Mu Lambda MAGNIFICENT.
As we embark on this new fraternal year, let us continue to move ONWARD & UPWARD, united in our mission to serve and uplift our community.
Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
Bro Lopez Matthews Jr. - 2nd
Bro Ronald Flowers - 5th
Bro Matthew Aaron Jr. - 5th
Bro. Jason Jefferson - 7th
Bro. Eugene Jones Jr. - 8th
Bro. Sean Jones - 9th
Bro Karim Marshall - 9th
Bro. Eddie Neal - 12th
Bro. Guy Durant - 14th
Bro. William Hawkins Jr. - 15th
Bro. Bruce Rivers - 15th
Bro. Deron “Pops” Snyder - 16th
Bro. Garrett Miller - 16th
Bro. Timothy Fitzgerald - 16th
Bro. Caleb Ross - 17th
Bro. James Morgan III - 19th
Bro Paul Cotton - 22nd
Bro. Mario Beatty - 26th
Bro. Mikael LaRoche - 26th
The 2024 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Constitutional Convention, held at the McCormick Place in Chicago, was a significant gathering for our Brotherhood. This event, hosted at the second largest convention center in the United States, provided a stunning view of Lake Michigan and set the stage for critical discussions on our Fraternity’s Constitution and By-laws. We extend our deepest thanks to Brothers Swain Riley, Sean Perkins, Antonio King, Samuel Armstrong, Joseph Gibbs, G.D.
McNeal, and Mario Simpson, who represented the Mu Lambda Chapter with distinction.
Spanning five days, the convention was marked by passionate debates and thoughtful discussions that addressed the present and future of our Fraternity. Brothers from across the nation engaged in civil discourse, showcasing our ability to disagree without being disagreeable. The event highlighted our collective commitment to the principles of Alpha Phi Alpha, as we worked together to refine the documents that guide us and to ensure they remain relevant in today’s context.
As we look ahead to the 2025 General Convention in Philadelphia, the outcomes of this convention will guide our efforts in upholding the values of Alpha Phi Alpha. The 2024 Constitutional Convention in Chicago reinforced our unity and dedication to the Fraternity’s mission, leaving us prepared and inspired to continue our legacy of leadership, service, and advocacy in the years to come.
Brother MIkael LaRoche President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Across Divine Nine Organizations, there is a legacy of racial uplift. Central to this legacy is the National Non-Partisan Lobby on Civil and Democratic Rights, established by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in 1938 as the first full-time congressional lobby for minority group civil rights. In 1948, it gave way to the American Council on Human Rights—a partnership among the majority of the organizations to get Congress to pass civil rights legislation, the Executive Branch to enforce civil rights already on the books, civil rights litigation, and financial support for Freedom Riders.
The various Divine Nine Organizations are 501(c)(7) entities under the Internal Revenue Code. 501(c)(7) entities cannot be partisan—i.e., support political candidates or political parties. They can be political—i.e., support policy issues.
In 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFFA) v. President’ Fellows of Harvard College and SFFA v. University of North Carolina that race-based affirmative action policies of Harvard and UNC violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. American Alliance for Equal Rights recently sued several large law firms to end their DEI hiring initiatives. In Faculty, Alumni, and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences (FASORP) v. Northwestern University, plaintiffs claim its law school discriminates against white men in faculty hiring and in the selection of articles that appear in its flagship law review. Broader assaults on DEI have been underway in higher educational and corporate spaces. Muldrow v. City of St. Louis, Missouri, recently argued before the United States Supreme Court, could open the door to reverse discrimination claims against certain workplace DEI programs. In addition to the broader dynamics for the Black community, it also narrows the pool of students of color matriculating through college and into the professional workplace. That impacts the pool of eligible men and women from which Divine Nine organizations must draw their membership. It impacts the sustainability of College Chapters, specifically at predominantly white institutions, and Alumni Chapters, generally.
Kristen Eichamer holds a Project 2025 fan in the group’s tent at the Iowa State Fair, on August 14, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa. A constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second White House term for Donald Trump. The Project 2025 effort is being led by the Heritage Foundation think tank [Charlie Neibergall/AP Photo]
• Reverse the FDA’s approval of abortion medication Invoke a 150-year-old defunct law called the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of abortion pills, enacting de-facto national abortion ban
• Compel states to report the “reason” for every abortion performed within their borders
• Allow states to ban employers from providing health benefits that cover abortion care
• Complete ban on abortions without exceptions
• Ban contraceptives
• Gut the federal workforce and install loyalists by making tens of thousands of civil servants
• fireable at Trump’s will
• Allow Trump to deploy the military against American citizens
• Continue to pack the Supreme Court, and lower courts with right-wing judges
• Eliminates federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more
• Defund the FBI and Homeland Security
• Use the military to break up domestic protests
• Elimination of unions and workers protections
• Promote and expedite capital punishment
• Reverse the Biden administration’s student debt relief efforts
• Eliminate the Department of Education
• Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools
• Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools
• End free and discounted school lunch programs
• Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education
• Ban books and curriculum about slavery
• Further lower taxes on big corporations
• Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1%
• Higher taxes for the working class
• Put Medicare on the path to privatization
• Repeal President Biden’s Medicare drug price negotiation program
• Threaten Medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans
• Cut Medicare
• Raise prescription drug prices
• End the Affordable Care Act
• End no fault divorce
• Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”
• Raise the retirement age
• Cut Social Security
• Make Federal government establish marriage between a man and a woman as the “ideal, natural “family structure”
• Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students
• Reimplement Trump’s transgender military ban and expel transgender service members
• End marriage equality
• Withdraw from the U. N. Framework Convention on climate change and the Paris Climate Agreement
• Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden’s landmark climate law
• Shred greenhouse gas regulations and gut clean energy programs
• Replace the White House climate advisor with someone focused on boosting the fossil fuel industry
• Give Trump the power the reject all climate science research directed by the Biden administration
• Ending climate protections
• Increase Arctic drilling
• Deregulate big business and the oil industry
• Cease support for international organizations that promote LGBTQ+ equality
• Remove all references to “abortion,” “reproductive health,” and “sexual and reproductive rights” from U.S Agency for International Development’s materials
• Allow ICE to conduct raids at schools, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and other sensitiveareas.
• Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”
• End birthright citizenship
• Ban Muslims from entering the country
Voting in the 2024 election is of paramount importance, not only for individual citizens but also for the collective strength of our communities. As members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., we recognize the power we hold in advocating for the rights of those we serve. In a politically charged landscape, it is crucial for fraternities to remain bipartisan, ensuring that our focus stays on the well-being of our members and the communities we represent. Our program, “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People,” serves as a reminder of our responsibility to prevent disenfranchisement and to fight against policies that adversely affect underserved communities. By voting and encouraging others to vote, we safeguard democracy and uphold the principles of justice and equality.
The Brothers of Mu Lambda and Beta Chapters united once again for the annual tradition of welcoming Washington, D.C. high school students to their first day of school at Ballou Senior High School in Ward 7. Led by our outgoing Programs Chair, Brother Jeffery Taylor, ten of our fraternity Brothers stood proudly on the steps of the school, creating a powerful presence to inspire and support the young scholars as they embarked on their academic journey. This ritual has become a cornerstone of our community engagement, demonstrating our
commitment to uplifting the youth in our nation’s capital.
We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to continue serving at Ballou High School, where our efforts are strengthened by the leadership of Brother William Haith, the school’s principal, and Brother Sean Perkins, our Director of Education. Both Brothers are exemplary role models and educators who consistently make a positive impact on the lives of young men in the DC Public School system. Their dedication to fostering a supportive and empowering environment for students is a testament to the values we uphold as members of Alpha Phi Alpha.
The collaboration between Mu Lambda and Beta Chapters at Ballou Senior High School is more than just a tradition; it is a meaningful expression of our fraternity’s mission to develop leaders, promote brotherhood, and provide service and advocacy for our communities. As we continue this annual ritual, we reaffirm our commitment to being a positive force in the lives of young people, helping them to see the potential within themselves and the bright futures that lie ahead.
Bro: David Gaston Community Service Chair
The Brothers of Mu Lambda Chapter proudly stepped up to assist the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Federal City Alumnae Chapter (FCAC), during their 17th Annual Community Day and Health Drive, held at the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center on 701 Mississippi Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. This event, a hallmark of community service and outreach, provided essential resources and health services to residents of Southeast D.C., and we were honored to be part of this impactful day.
The call to action came during our Constitutional Convention, when Brother President encouraged us to sign up and lend our support to this significant event. I took the opportunity to accept Brother LaRoche’s challenge and rallied with my fellow Brothers to join the effort. We
arrived at the courts at 8 a.m. to find the ladies of FCAC, dressed in their signature red and white, already hard at work. Their commitment and early start set the tone for a day of collaboration and community service.
Working hand in hand with Brothers from Omicron Eta Lambda Chapter, as well as some of the husbands of the Sorors, we tackled the task of unpacking a classroom filled with over 400 packages destined for distribution to the community. The day was filled with health screenings, vibrant performances, and delicious food, all meticulously organized to create a welcoming and supportive environment for the community.
One of the highlights of the day was meeting Soror Vanessa Grant, the President of FCAC, who leads one of the largest chapters in D.C. It was a pleasure to work alongside such dedicated and passionate women, and the collaboration between our organizations demonstrated the power of unity in service. We look forward to continuing this partnership and supporting the remarkable work of the Federal City Alumnae Chapter in the future.
Bro: Samuel Armstrong Associate Area Director - Area VI
On Saturday, August 17th, the Mu Lambda Chapter held its 2024 retreat at Howard University’s Law School, where 63 Brothers gathered with a shared purpose: to shape the future success of our chapter. Guided by the theme set by Brother President—MOVE, MAINTAIN & LEAD—the retreat was a day of deep reflection, strategic planning, and revitalization. This theme was dissected through the lens of three critical directives: Economic Development for both the Community and our Brothers, Enhancing Brotherhood Engagement, and Securing the Mu Lambda Legacy.
The retreat provided a much-needed opportunity to REFLECT | REFOCUS | RE-ENERGIZE | RESUME our community
work and internal growth. The day began with energizing icebreaker activities that not only got us thinking but also moving— literally! These activities set the tone for a day of collaboration and creativity, with prizes awarded to those who stood out during the icebreakers. It was a moment that reminded us of the importance of bonding and camaraderie as we work towards common goals.
Throughout the day, Brothers engaged in Think Tanks to explore the retreat’s theme and its implications for our chapter’s future. The afternoon session also included a summary of the key takeaways from the day, presented by three Brothers who encapsulated the collective wisdom and insights gained.
The retreat concluded with a focused discussion on the IMDP/Sponsorship and closing remarks that highlighted the next steps. The retreat was adjourned, leaving us all inspired and equipped to MOVE forward with purpose, MAINTAIN the integrity and traditions of our chapter, and LEAD Mu Lambda into a future marked by success and service.
Bro: Ameer Baker
I preface this message with ONE MESSAGE... Ask all around you if they are genuinely ok!
Life happens fast, and it can end just as quickly. This reality became all too clear to me on August 4th, when I was involved in a four-car accident while returning home from an event in Baltimore, Maryland. In the blink of an eye, I found myself at the end of a line of cars, caught in a crash that could have had far more devastating consequences. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and my friends and I walked away without any physical injuries. Though I lost my Lexus, “Lorraine,” and had to navigate the arduous process of insurance claims and replacing my vehicle, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to see another day.
I share this story with you, my Brothers, not to seek sympathy, but to be vulnerable and real. We all face challenges and unexpected events in life—accidents, health scares, children, debts, lost jobs, and countless other circumstances that are beyond our control. These moments remind us of how quickly things can change and how fragile life truly is. But they also underscore the importance of our Brotherhood. We are our Brothers’ keeper, and this Brotherhood is designed to support us through our darkest hours and help us thrive in our brightest days.
As I reflect on this experience, I am humbled by the realization that life is both short and uncertain. Yet, I am also filled with gratitude for the chance to continue serving, to continue striving to make a difference in
the lives of others. Every day is a gift, and I am thankful for the blessing of another opportunity to live, to serve, and to share in the bonds of our Brotherhood. Let us all remember to cherish each day, to support one another in times of need, and to be grateful for the time we have—knowing that life is precious, and we must make the most of every snatch worthy moment.
Bro: Mikael LaRoche President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Kent Benjamin
LeRoy Lowery III
Chinelo Cambron
Ted Darlington
Mario Simpson
Antonio King
Randall Clarke
Marquial McMillian
Sean Perkins
Joseph Gibbs
Gerard Williams
Irven Washington
Eugene Cornelius Jr.
Samuel Armstrong
Rudolph Scipio
Jon-Michael Washington
Albert Williams Jr.
Brett Allen
Jerry Williamson Sr.
Christopher Montgomery
Robert Richardson
Kinnard Wright
Clinton Jones III
Sulaiman Almaroof
Ameer Baker
Frederick Moss
Lawrence Clark
Ernie Jolly
AJ Jones II
Mark Jones
Michael Brown
David Johnson
Damon Larry
Stevaughn Bush
Clyde Blassengale
Frankie Hoskey Jr.
Juan Powell
Andre Lucas
Patrick Major
James Heck IV
Michael Collins
Johnny Dotson Jr.
Ronald Braxton
John Hinkson
Anthony Campbell Sr.
Silas Woods III
Richard English
As Brothers, it is essential to celebrate one another and acknowledge the milestones that mark our lives—especially birthdays. During the summer months, many of our chapter members celebrate another year of life, but due to our recess period, some of these milestones pass quietly, leaving a space of disappointment for those eager to see their names recognized in the Torch. While we may not always gather as a full Brotherhood during this time, small groups of friends often come together to uplift and honor our Brothers. This summer, in a heartwarming gesture, we gathered to celebrate our former Director of Intake Membership, Brother Andre Lucas. With cake, candles, and a wish made, we embraced the joy of celebrating life.
Brother Andre’s birthday was a reminder of the importance of showing appreciation and love to one another, not just during special occasions, but throughout the year. Our Brotherhood is built on the foundation of support, camaraderie, and shared celebrations—whether large or small. Some of the Brothers who celebrated their birthdays during the summer months include Brothers Kent Benjamin, LeRoy Lowery III, Chinelo Cambron, Ted Darlington, Mario Simpson, Antonio King, and Randall Clarke, among others. These Brothers, alongside many more, are the lifeblood of our chapter, and their birthdays serve as an opportunity to reflect on the gift of life and the contributions they make to Mu Lambda.
We encourage everyone to reach out to these Brothers, find out how they spent their birthdays, and continue to celebrate them in the spirit of Brotherhood. Each year of life is precious, and we must not miss the chance to give our Brothers their flowers while they are still here to receive them. As we move onward into the next fraternal year, let us make it a point to honor one another’s milestones more consistently, and ensure that no Brother feels overlooked or forgotten, especially during times of celebration.
Let this be a reminder that Brotherhood extends beyond the formal meetings and events—it lives in the quiet moments of fellowship, the shared laughs, and the celebrations of life. To all our summer celebrating Brothers, we salute you and look forward to many more years of joy, service, and success together.
Bro: Mikael LaRoche President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Brothers, it is that time of year when we begin to think in the spirit of giving and giving thanks. In that spirit, the Mu Lambda Foundation participates in two key funding programs through which federal and District of Columbia employees can share the gift of the giving.
The Combined Federal Campaign - CFC (https://www.opm.gov/combined-federal-campaign) is a resource that allows U.S. government employees to make regular payroll deductions in support of the Mu Lambda Foundation and its charitable and community service programs.
The DC One Fund (https://os.dc.gov/page/dc-one-fund-each-one-give-one) provides an opportunity for employees of the District of Columbia to do the same. All donations through these funds are tax deductible and deducted from your paycheck regularly. What could be an easier or better way to support the programs you care about?
As open season begins for 2023, you may plan your weekly, biweekly, or monthly contributions to the Mu Lambda Foundation by contributing to charity number 66770 in the CFC, and number 9556 in the DC One Fund.
Let’s make 2023 the best year yet for supporting youth and abused women in the DC area. Thank you for your continued support.
Bro. Kent Benjamin
The Mu Lambda Foundation meetings are monthly on the third Thursday of the month.
Next meeting is Thursday, September 19, 2024
Meetings are monthly on the First Saturday of the month. Next meeting is Saturday, September 7, 2024
• 1lb (450g) salmon fillets
• 1/2 pineapple, halved and sliced
• 1 stick (115g) butter
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 4 large cloves garlic, crushed
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (juice of ½ a lemon)
• Chopped fresh parsley
• 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper
1. To make the salmon in foil packets: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low-medium heat. Add honey, garlic and lemon. Whisk until the honey has melted through the butter and the mixture is well combined. Add one tablespoon chopped parsley, mix well and set aside.
3. Cut 4 sheets of 14-inch (35cm) length aluminum foil. Divide pineapple slices among sheets layering in center in an even layer and sprinkle with pepper. Arrange salmon fillets on top and drizzle with the honey lemon garlic butter sauce. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and top with more chopped parsley.
4. Pull sides of foil inward and seal then roll edges up, try to leave a little room for heat to circulate. Transfer the packets on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven about 10-15 minutes. Enjoy the lemon garlic butter salmon in foil packets with brown or white rice if desired and remaining sauce. Sprinkle with additional chopped parsley if you like. Enjoy!
Properly stored, cooked salmon will last 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. Remove the foil and place completely cooled salmon in an airtight container; close and store in the fridge. You can also freeze the cooked salmon for up to 1 month.
• 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
• 1 cup pineapple chunks (fresh or frozen)
• 2 cups frozen banana slices
• 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, divided
• 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1. To make the blueberry pineapple smoothie recipe: Combine blueberries, pineapple, banana, almond milk and Greek yogurt in your blender. Cover and blend until smooth, scraping down sides if necessary.
Thursday, January 4
Saturday, January 6
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, January 17 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 1
Saturday, February 3
Wednesday, February 21
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 15 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, March 7
Saturday, March 9
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, March 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, April 4
Saturday, April 6
Wednesday, April 17
Thursday,April 18
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, April 25 -28 Eastern Region Convention
Thursday, May 2
Saturday, May 4
Wednesday, May 17
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, May 18 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 8
Thursday, June 20
Wednesday, June 19* TBD
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Wednesday, June 19 Juneteenth Day
July 2024
Chapter Vacation
July 2024 Constitutional Convention, IL
August 2024 Chapter Vacation
August 17 2024 Chapter Retreat
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 7
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Thursday, September 19 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 Eboard Meeting
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
101st Charter Day
Thursday, October 3 Chapter Meeting
Saturday, October 5
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, October 16 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, October 17 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, November 7
Saturday, November 9
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, November 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, December 4
Founders’ Day
Thursday,December 5 Chapter Meeting
Saturday , December 7
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, December 20 EBoard Meeting
Thursday, December 21 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas
CONTACT BRO. Mikael LaRoche for more info:
This official Mu Lambda Chapter App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, View Chapter Directory, View our monthly magazine (The Torch) Pay Chapter Dues and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community.
“THINK Alpha Phi Alpha, TALK Alpha Phi Alpha, PROMOTE Alpha Phi Alpha, and LABOR for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.”
Brother Henry L. Dickason, 5th General President
Brothers! What an incredible journey it’s been as the Editor of the Torch during our Centennial Year! Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter has reached a monumental milestone—we are rounding the turn to 101 years of excellence! Founded by 22 men of distinction, our chapter’s legacy is one of impact and service.
Bro. Daniel Mushala Editor of the Torch
It is that time of year again.
The fraternity’s fraternal year runs January 1st to December 31st.
Mu Lambda’s 2023-2024 fraternal year runs September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The chapter does not meet during July and August.
It is now time to pay your 2023-2024 dues which will cover you from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Ways to make payment:
1. You can pay your dues on mulambda.org by clicking the dues tab at the bottom left of every web page.
2. Bring a check to the chapter meeting.
3. You can pay on the Mu Lambda App
4. Mail it to:
Financial Team
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served.
A member’s duties should be:
1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life.
2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course.
3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein.
4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.