Mu Lambda is Alpha's eleventh alumni chapter, chartered October 1, 1923, in Washington D.C. The chapter was established, in part, in response to the desire of graduate brothers, many whom were initiated into Beta Chapter at Howard University, to give aid to the undergraduate brothers and continue the work of Alpha. Chartered by 22 distingushed men of Alpha which included Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray and Jewel Robert Harold Ogle.
There has been six members who served as the General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and two whom served as the Eastern Region Vice President. Mu Lambda is equally proud of our current brothers making their mark in the Washington D.C. community and beyond. Our chapter has many entrepreneurs, activists, political leaders, philanthropists, academicians, ministers and so much more. Our diverse brotherhood age range is between the ages of 25 and 98. We all work together to maximize the brotherhood of Alpha by following the Objective, Mission and AIMS of our Fraternity.
The officers elected at the first meeting were Brother Harold StrattonPresident, Brother John Lowery-Vice President, Brother Victor DalySecretary, Brother Daniel W. EdmondsTreasurer, and Brother Nathaniel Allison Murray (Jewel)-Chaplain. Mu Lambda was thus established and was on its way into history!
Torch Cover - Oct 2024 - Happy 101 Mu Lambda
1. Chapter Cover Image - The MIGHTY
2. In this Issue
3. Executive Board, Committee Chairs, Charter Members, Past Presidents
4. The Presidents’ Message
5. The Vice-Presidents’ Message
6. 101 Years of SERVICE
8. Mu Lambda Birthdays | OCTOBER 2024
11. Recap - Mu Lambda FIRST BREAKFAST
17. Mu Lambda is SERVICE - House of Ruth
19. CBC Weekend 2024
21. Freedom Bus Ride to PHILLY! - VOTER REGISTRATION
23. Mu Lambda is DIVERSITY
25. Mu Lambda is PRESIDENTIAL
30. The Beta Gamma Plot comes to life! VCU
32. 10 TIps to get your home WINTER READY
33. Federal Donations to Mu Lambda Foundation
37.. The Mu Lambda HEALTH CORNER - Mental Health Awareness MAY
39. Recipes - Healthy Eating and a Little Drinks
41. Chapter Standard Meeting Calender 2024
42. Chapter Brother Business Advertisements
51. Message from the Editor
52. Espirt De. Fraternite
Mikael E. LaRoche
Vice President
Joseph Gibbs
Recording Secretary
Rakeem Mosey
Corresponding Secretary
Swain Riley
Financial Secretary
Antonio King
Michael Young
William “Tony” Hawkins
Ameer Baker
James Heck
Intake Coordinator
Karl Bruce
Assoc. Editor/Sphinx
Randall Clarke
Dir. Ed. Activities
Sean Perkins
Marcus Spells
Daniel Mushala
Director of Technology
Mark Jones
Editor of the Torch
Daniel Mushala
Member at Large
Jason Jefferson
Risk Management Officer
Joseph Gibbs
General Council
Brent Radcliffe
Immediate Past President
John “Tony” Wilson
Brother’s Keeper
Joseph Housey
Budget and Finance
Antonio King
Communication and Technology
Garrett Miller
G.D. McNeal
DC National Pan Hellenic
Daniel Mushala
Swain Riley
Auditing Committee Chair
Juan Powell
Health & Wellness
Dr.Reginald Salter
Timothy Fitzgerald
Hospitality/Men Who Cook
Swain Riley
Beta Chapter Advisor
James Harmon, III
Ritual Committee Chair
Garrett Miller
Samuel Armstrong
Demarcus McMillan
Public Policy
George Walker
Social Committee Chair
Stanley Smith
Community Service Chair
David Gaston
Jeffery Taylor
40 & Under Chair
Johnathan Brown
Social Media Chairmen
Justice Brown - Duso
Noah Harris
Arthur Curtis*
Merrill H. Curtis*
Victor R. Daly*
Eugene L. C. Davidson*
Arnold Donawa*
Walter Garvin*
William L. Hansberry*
Charles H. Houston*
Edward Howard*
Joseph R. Jones*
R. Frank Jones*
J Edward Lowery*
Clarence H. Mills*
Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray*
Norman L. McGhee* FN4
Jewel Robert Harold Ogle*
Louis H. Russell*
James N. Saunders*
Emory B. Smith*
Harold C. Stratton*
J.H.N. Waring*
Charles H. Wesley* FN3
6th General President 1915-1916
General Secretary 1915-1916
7th General President 1916-1917
14th General President 1931-1940
General Secretary 1920-1926
8th Eastern Regional Vice-President 1950-1953
23rd Eastern Regional Vice-President 2000-2001
Executive Director MLK Memorial
1. Harold Stratton* 1923 - 1924
2. Howard H. Long* FN2
3. Charles H. Wesley* 1926 - 1928
4. Frank Adams*
5. R. Frank Jones*
6. James B. Browning*
7. Jewel Henry Arthur Callis* FN1
8. U. Simpson Tate*
9. Claude Ferebee*
10. George O. Butler*
11. C.C. House* 1938 - 1940
12. Verdie L. Robinson*
13. Walter M. Booker* FN5
14. Jack Bond*
15. Millard R. Dean*
16. Frank Davis*
17. Clifton Hardy*
18. Herman Johnson*
19. Howard Jenkins*
20. C.C. House* 1952 - 1954
21. William F. Nelson*
22. Aubrey E. Robinson*
23. Joseph Waddy*
24. Edward J. Austin*
25. Elgy Johnson* 1964 - 1965
26. George H. Windsor* 1965 - 1967
27. James T. Speight* 1967 - 1969
28. Harold Sims* 1969 - 1970
29. Eddie L. Madison* 1970 - 1972
30. Wilbur Sewell* 1972 - 1974
31. Charles Walker Thomas* 1974 - 1976
32. Theodore Taylor* 1976 - 1978
33. Elmer Moore* 1978 - 1981
34. William E. Calbert* 1981 - 1983
35. Osmond Brown* 1983 - 1986
36. Vernon Gill 1986 - 1988
37. LeRoy Lowery, III 1988 - 1990
38. Morris Hawkins* 1990 - 1992
39. C.C. Jones 1992 - 1995
40. Vincent Orange 1995 - 1997
41. Melvin White 1997 - 1999
42. LeRoy Lowery, III FN6 1999 - 2001
43. James Haynes 2001 - 2002
44. Rudolph Harris* 2002 - 2004
45. Edwin Norwood 2004 - 2006
46. James McDonald 2006 - 2008
47. Timothy Fitzgerald 2008 - 2010
48. Kwame Ulmer 2010 - 2011
49. LeRoy Lowery, III 2011-2013
50. Eddie Neal 2013 - 2015
51. LeRoy Lowery, III 2015 - 2017
52. Joel Grey 2017 - 2018
53. Eddie Neal 2018 - 2020
54. John “Tony” Wilson 2020 - 2023
* Omega Chapter Brothers Footnote (FN)
Brothers, Families, and Supporters,
As we step into the month of October, we stand on the shoulders of giants, reflecting on the incredible legacy that our Mu Lambda Chapter has built over the past 101 years. Our charter members, who forged this chapter on October 1, 1923, had the foresight and courage to create a lasting bond that continues to impact the lives of Black men and boys in Washington D.C. and beyond. It is through their resilience, vision, and unwavering commitment that we have been able to carry forward the mission and values of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® for over a century.
We are grateful for all of you who participated in the many events and initiatives that made September a monumental month for our chapter:
Community service efforts, such as our donation drive for the House of Ruth, where we provided vital resources to support a family in need. Your contributions of toiletries, women’s clothing, and pull-ups were a lifeline for those we serve, and the staff at House of Ruth sends their heartfelt thanks. Our End of Summer Cookout, which, despite a venue change, turned out to be a day filled with laughter, good food, and fellowship. Special thanks to Brother Stanley Smith and the Social Committee for their leadership in curating an unforgettable experience for all. Our participation in voter advocacy efforts, with Brother Thomas Pierre, Brother John “Tony” Wilson, and Brother Swain Riley joining the Howard University Class of 1986 D9 Bus Trip to Philadelphia to rally voters ahead of the upcoming election. Their dedication, alongside our Divine Nine partners, underscores our chapter’s commitment to civic engagement and democracy.
But as we celebrate these past 101 years, let us not rest on our laurels. The future is bright, and we are charged with the task of continuing this legacy of service, advocacy, and leadership for another 99 years. We must remain committed to transforming lives, building communities, and moving the mission and vision of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® forward into a new decade of service.
I challenge each of us—brothers, families, and supporters—to remain engaged, inspired, and dedicated to ensuring that the next century of Mu Lambda is as impactful and successful as the first. Together, we will continue to make a difference in Washington D.C. and beyond.
Thank you all for your dedication, passion, and unwavering support.
Mikael E. LaRoche, (10-Mu Lambda-13) President
2024 - 2025
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter
Greeting Brothers,
Cheers to 101 Years!
Over a century of Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for all mankind is something important that we take a moment to acknowledge. In the midst of our busy lives, we sometimes take for granted the deep history and the significance of our daily actions in keeping Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter’s legacy alive. Today, I encourage each of us to pause and reflect on what it means to be part of this brotherhood, especially in the context of our chapter’s continued growth and accomplishments. Charter Day and Founders’ Day have always given me a chance to not only reflect but to renew my commitment to the Fraternity.
Looking ahead, we have a busy schedule for the next couple of months, National Elections are quickly approaching, and we have a series of service and social events lined up, ensuring we stay connected with the needs of our Washington DC community as the holidays approach.
I want to give a special round of applause to Brother Stanley Smith, as he has taken the reins of his role as Social Committee Chairman with the successful execution of out Chapter Cookout to the exciting slate of events he has planned for the upcoming year. His efforts will most certainly get us back on the scene as we continue our post Covid reemergence.
We still need all hands-on deck. It’s not too late to get involved and contribute. Our committees are always open to new members, and your participation can help bring Mu Lambada’s vision to life. I urge you all to step up, get active, and help us make this year an unforgettable success.
Brother Joseph Gibbs
Vice President (2-Beta-93)
2024 - 2025
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter
On October 1, 1923, in the heart of Washington, D.C., 22 distinguished professional men and Howard University alumni came together to form Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® These founding brothers, each accomplished in their own fields, were bound by a shared vision to foster leadership, advocacy, and service among Black men in a time when America presented great obstacles for African Americans. As we celebrate 101 years of service, it is imperative to reflect on the remarkable legacy of these men and the chapter’s enduring commitment to uplifting the Black community.
In 1923, Black men in Washington, D.C., faced systemic racism, segregation, and exclusion from many of the nation’s institutions. The city, though home to prestigious Black universities like Howard University, was rife with inequality. Jim Crow laws and racial violence were prominent across the country, and despite the presence of a strong Black middle class in D.C., access to opportunities in business, medicine, and law was still severely restricted.
It was in this environment that the men of Mu Lambda came together, using education and professional networks to create pathways for Black excellence.
Among the 22 charter members were several pioneers in their respective fields, setting a high bar for future generations of Alpha men. One of these trailblazers was Dr. Arthur Curtis, MD, a former surgeon who became a professor of surgery at Howard University Medical School. Dr. Curtis also served as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedmen’s Hospital, a critical institution that provided medical care to the Black community and is now the site of Howard’s School of Communications.
Another remarkable brother was Brother Victor R. Daly, a decorated World War I officer and writer. Daly, an initiate of Alpha Chapter at Cornell University, became the first Secretary of Mu Lambda and helped shape the chapter in its formative years. Daly also wrote one of the first novels inspired by the experiences of Black soldiers in World War I.
Dr. Merrill H. Curtis, MD, another charter member, continued the legacy of his father, Arthur Curtis. Like his father, Merrill Curtis was a physician with a private practice in Washington, D.C., serving the community with the same dedication and passion that defined his father’s career.
Eugene L.C. Davidson, a Harvard University graduate and Howard Law School alum, was not only a war veteran but also a successful businessman, founding Davidson Investments. His work in real estate and investments laid the groundwork for future Black entrepreneurs.
These are but a few of the men who planted the seeds of Mu Lambda’s rich history. Each of them contributed to the chapter’s mission to support Black professionals and fight for equality in every sphere of life.
Notable Brothers: Past and Present Leaders
Mu Lambda has always been a chapter of leadership. Throughout its century of service, the chapter has produced several General Presidents of Alpha Phi Alpha, including:
Jewel Henry Arthur Callis, the 6th General President
Howard H. Long, the 7th General President
Charles H. Wesley, the 14th General President and distinguished historian
Rayford W. Logan, the 15th General President and civil rights scholar
Belford V. Lawson Jr., the 16th General President and civil rights attorney
Dr. Henry Ponder, the 28th General President and renowned educator
In addition, the chapter has contributed leaders to the Eastern Region, with Walter M. Booker serving as the 8th Eastern Regional Vice President and Leroy Lowery III as the 23rd.
The Path Forward: Building a New Century of Legacies
While Mu Lambda stands firmly on the shoulders of its storied past, we must not rest
on history alone. As we move into our second century, the chapter continues to forge a path of excellence and advocacy, addressing the challenges faced by the Black community today. The struggles of 1923 have transformed, but inequity in healthcare, education, and economics persists. Just as our founders rose to the occasion 101 years ago, Mu Lambda’s brothers continue to make strides to meet the needs of our community.
Notable brothers like Dr. R. Salter, Dr. Cheek and Dr. Alvin Reaves exemplify our ongoing commitment to mentorship and healthcare equity, serving as leaders in their fields and inspiring the next generation of Black professionals.
We honor the past, but we look to the future, working to create new legacies of impact. Whether through voter mobilization efforts, community outreach, or partnerships with organizations like the House of Ruth, Mu Lambda is ever committed to service and leadership.
As we celebrate 101 years of Mu Lambda Chapter, let us recommit to the values that have sustained us. We honor the vision of our founders and past leaders, while embracing our responsibility to push the mission and vision of Alpha Phi Alpha forward into a brighter future.
Brother Mikael LaRoche
55th President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.®
Mu Lambda Chapter,
Bro. Frank King - 7th
Bro Charles Smith II - 9th
Bro. Samuel Puryear Jr. - 13th
Bro. Lloyd McGriff - 16th
Bro. Eric Washington - 16th
Bro. Lamar Arnold - 17th
Bro. Eric Herndon - 18th
Bro. Joseph Housey III - 18th
Bro. Melvin Crenshaw - 20th
Bro. Kelechi Ononiwu - 22nd
Bro. Alvin Reaves III - 23rd
Bro. David Edgerton - 23rd
Bro. Nnamdi Olebara - 27th
Despite a last-minute pivot from our original plan to host the event at Rock Creek Park, the Mu Lambda Chapter’s End of Summer Alpha Cookout was an overwhelming success! On behalf of the chapter, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to every supporter who came out and made the event such a memorable experience.
Under the new leadership of Brother Stanley Smith, our Social Committee worked tirelessly to create a day of fellowship, fun, and family. From delicious food to vibrant music, the energy was high, and the atmosphere was filled with joy as brothers, family members, and friends gathered to close out the summer in style. The weather couldn’t stop the great turnout, and it was clear that the brotherhood and camaraderie were the real highlights of the day.
Special shoutout to everyone who contributed donations to support the House of Ruth, a cause that remains close to our hearts. The toiletries, women’s clothing, and hundreds of pull-ups will make a significant impact on the family we’ve adopted through the program, and the staff of House of Ruth was deeply grateful for our chapter’s generosity.
Additionally, the event perfectly capped off CBC Weekend (Congressional Black Caucus), ending it on a high note for us as a chapter. From new friendships formed to long-standing bonds strengthened, the cookout was an incredible reminder of the power of community and brotherhood.
Thank you again to all who supported, donated, and participated. We look forward to even more fellowship and service as we continue our work in the community.
Brother MIkael LaRoche President, Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
The 2024 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Constitutional Convention, held at the McCormick Place in Chicago, was a significant gathering for our Brotherhood. This event, hosted at the second largest convention center in the United States, provided a stunning view of Lake Michigan and set the stage for critical discussions on our Fraternity’s Constitution and By-laws. We extend our deepest thanks to Brothers Swain Riley, Sean Perkins, Antonio King, Samuel Armstrong, Joseph Gibbs, G.D. McNeal, and Mario Simpson, who represented the Mu Lambda Chapter with distinction.
Spanning five days, the convention was
marked by passionate debates and thoughtful discussions that addressed the present and future of our Fraternity. Brothers from across the nation engaged in civil discourse, showcasing our ability to disagree without being disagreeable. The event highlighted our collective commitment to the principles of Alpha Phi Alpha, as we worked together to refine the documents that guide us and to ensure they remain relevant in today’s context.
As we look ahead to the 2025 General Convention in Philadelphia, the outcomes of this convention will guide our efforts in upholding the values of Alpha Phi Alpha. The 2024 Constitutional Convention in Chicago reinforced our unity and dedication to the Fraternity’s mission, leaving us prepared and inspired to continue our legacy of leadership, service, and advocacy in the years to come.
Brother MIkael LaRoche President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
The Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all who participated in our recent chapter cookout. Your generosity shone brightly as you brought toiletries, women’s clothing, and hundreds of pull-ups to support the family we adopted through the House of Ruth, a vital program assisting women and children in need.
The staff at the House of Ruth expressed immense gratitude for our donations, sharing how impactful these contributions will be for the families they serve. As Chapter President, I had the privilege of delivering these essential items, along with Brother Vice President Joseph Gibbs, to their headquarters. It was a humbling experience to witness the appreciation and
see firsthand how our efforts are making a difference.
Thank you, brothers, for showing up and showing out with your unwavering commitment to service. This is just the beginning of our work to uplift the women and children of the House of Ruth, and I look forward to even more impactful service projects in the future. Together, we continue to uphold our fraternity’s mission of advocacy, community support, and leadership
Brother MIkael LaRoche President,
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
From the First of All, We Vote Reception hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, at Hook Hall on Friday September 13th, 2024 to the Omicron Lambda Alpha Reception at the Park on 14th St., the streets were abuzz with the presence of Alpha Men around the city. We laughed, we danced, we made new friends, but most importantly we worked hard for the agendas and policies that affect the Black Community at the policy level. From the our most local legislators, to our most distant. the brothers of Mu Lambda are proud to continue to advocate for the community, create representation in places were we are not often seen, and break down walls of negativity and stigma. , WE ARE MOVING ONWARD & UPWARD!
Voting in the 2024 election is of paramount importance, not only for individual citizens but also for the collective strength of our communities. As members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., we recognize the power we hold in advocating for the rights of those we serve. In a politically charged landscape, it is crucial for fraternities to remain bipartisan, ensuring that our focus stays on the well-being of our members and the communities we represent. Our program, “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People,” serves as a reminder of our responsibility to prevent disenfranchisement and to fight against policies that adversely affect underserved communities. By voting and encouraging others to vote, we safeguard democracy and uphold the principles of justice and equality.
On September 28th, 2024, several Brothers from the Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® joined forces with the Howard University Spring Greeks of 1986 for a monumental bus trip to Philadelphia to rally voters. This initiative, designed to inspire voter registration in one of the nation’s critical swing states, saw the dedication of our brothers through rain and challenging weather conditions.
Brother Thomas Pierre, Brother John “Tony” Wilson (Immediate Past President), and Brother Swain Riley represented
Mu Lambda as part of the Divine Nine’s collective effort to empower communities in this key battleground state ahead of the upcoming election. Alongside fellow Divine Nine members, the group hit the streets to register voters and ensure that the voices of Philadelphia’s citizens were heard.
This collaboration between the D9 and Howard University Class of 1986 exemplifies the ongoing commitment of Mu Lambda Chapter to civic engagement and community leadership. We commend our brothers for their tireless work and dedication to supporting our democratic processes, even in the face of inclement weather.
Thank you, Brothers, for upholding the Alpha Phi Alpha legacy of service and advocacy. Your contributions continue to make a lasting impact!
Bro: Swain Riley
Hospitality Chair / N.P.H.C. Co-Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Brother George Walker Speaks at CHCI Leadership Panel on DEI: Latino Voices in Corporate Leadership
Brother George Walker, Chief Equity Officer, of Planned Parenthood recently joined other esteemed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) leaders on the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) panel, Upholding DEI: Latino Voices in Corporate Leadership. The event brought together thought leaders and advocates to discuss the importance of diverse representation in corporate spaces, with a particular focus on amplifying Latino voices.
Brother Walker, a champion of equity and inclusion, shared his insights on the evolving role of DEI in corporate America, the challenges faced by underrepresented groups, and strategies to cultivate inclusive
environments. His contributions to the panel emphasized the importance of equitable leadership in creating pathways for both Latino and Black professionals to thrive.
Notably, Congressional Black Caucus Leader, Brother Steven Horsford (NV4), also played a key role in the event as a sponsor of the panel. His involvement underscored the significance of crosscultural collaboration in the DEI space, as both Black and Latino communities work together toward shared goals of equity and representation.
The panel provided a powerful platform for addressing the persistent need for diversity in leadership and fostering a more inclusive future in corporate sectors. Brother Walker’s participation exemplified the work being done by Mu Lambda Chapter members to advance the principles of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® on a national stage, and the importance of continued advocacy in both public and private sectors.
We applaud Brother Walker for his dedication to these critical issues and his ongoing efforts to shape a more equitable society for all.
Bro: Mikael LaRoche President
On the afternoon of Monday, September 23, 2024, His Excellency Joseph Nyumah Boakai, President of the Republic of Liberia, was awarded the Alpha Award of Merit. The presentation to Brother Boakai was made in New York City during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) by a delegation of Alpha Brothers led by Brother General President Dr. Willis I. Lonzer, III.
The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s Alpha Award of Merit is the highest honor bestowed upon a member. It was established in 1952 to recognize efforts on behalf of African Americans. Some of the award’s distinguished recipients are Brother Thurgood Marshall (Member, U.S. Supreme Court), Brother Jewel Eugene K. Jones, Brother Robert F. Smith (Founder and Chairman, Vista Equity Partners), Brother Garrett Morgan (Inventor and Businessman),
and the Honorable Brother Robert “Bobby” Scott (Member of Congress).
Upon receiving the Alpha Award of Merit, Brother Boakai expressed his gratitude, stating, “I am honored, and thanks to all of you. Alpha has greatly contributed to our society, especially during the Ebola outbreak. Their significant contributions during this crisis have not gone unnoticed. Again, I am honored to be this recipient.”
His Excellency also mentioned that his son, Brother Maverick Boakai, is a member of the fraternity in Liberia. Both men are active members of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter in Monrovia, Liberia.
Last January, under the leadership of Brother General President Lonzer, Alpha Phi Alpha made its third organized delegation visit to Liberia (prior visits were in 1976 and 2012 for the inauguration of Brother Boakai as the 26th president of Liberia.
Before his presidency, President and Brother Boakai served as the Vice President of Liberia from 2006 to 2018 under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. His political career, which includes various ministerial and
governmental positions, has been marked by dedication and service to his country. The recent Alpha Award of Merit is a significant milestone in his career and for the country, further highlighting his commitment to public service.
The president’s affiliation with Alpha Phi Alpha adds a layer of significance to his achievement.
The Eta Epsilon Lambda Chapter is the first African chapter of the esteemed fraternity. Established on October 6, 1958, in Monrovia, Liberia, this chapter played a pivotal role in shaping the legacy of Alpha Phi Alpha on the continent.
Bro: Austin Cooper
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter Contributor
The Brothers of Beta Chapter have started off the school year strong and are more than ever eager to hold the light high in Howard University’s campus.
On September 6th, the Brothers held a “Rita’s & Registration” Program on Howard University’s Main Yard on First Friday of the school year.
The brothers registered HU students to vote and gave out free Rita’s while on the yard.
On September 24th, Beta Chapter had the event entitled “Your Rights, Your Voice.” The event served as an educational session focused on empowering our community with knowledge of fundamental rights. It covered critically basic rights in police encounters, voting, and community
advocacy. The goal was to equip participants with the tools and confidence to exercise their rights effectively and press for justice and equity in their communities.
On September 26th, The Brothers along with Ladies of the Quad Social Club held “A Depiction of the Black Experience.” The program was Designed to harness the transformative power of art to illuminate and address social justice issues, the event let participants create visual artwork that encapsulates their personal experiences and perspectives on racial equity, community struggles, and the ongoing fight for civil rights.
Currently the chapter is conducting their Fall 2024 Alpha Week. This years theme is: HOUSE of DICHOTOMY Dual Perspectives, One Vision
All programs for the week start at 7:06pm
This weekend on Saturday, the chapter will be providing entertainment and stepping at Limitless Endeavor’s Fundraiser Brunch on Howard University’s campus at the Blackburn Center.
Greetings, #HailState Family, Friends, and Alpha Brothers!
We are overjoyed to announce the completion of the 1926 Campus Plot Project! This historic journey has spanned over six incredible years, and we are beyond thrilled with the final result.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following individuals and companies who have played a vital role in the project’s success:
- Ms. Doaa Fahmy (Cairo, Egypt) for the design rendering
- Studio Z Architecture, Patrick Zampetti, RA and Donelle Bankston for developing the contract drawings
- Rosete Hardscapes, LLC for laying the concrete foundation and engraved bricks
- Pledge Stones, LLC for fabricating and installing the granite pieces with meticulous effort and precision
Please join us for the 1926 Campus Plot Project Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at Foster Hall (Student Union Building) on Friday, October 11th at 1:15 p.m.
Gamma and VSU Alphas Campus Plot Party Weekend:
Friday, October 11th (1:15 p.m.): Campus Plot Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Friday, October 11th (5:00 p.m.): Sunset Party #1 at Petersburg Area Art League (7 East Old Street, Petersburg, VA 23803)
Saturday, October 12th (11:00 a.m.): Beta Gamma Homecoming Tailgate at Virginia State University (Rear of Gandy Hall)
Saturday, October 12th (5:00 p.m.): Sunset Party #2 at Petersburg Area Art League (7 East Old Street, Petersburg, VA 23803)
We look forward to celebrating with you all at the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and the subsequent events!
1926 Campus Plot Project Committee
Bro: Mikael LaRoche President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Below is the tentative schedule for the Beta
Summer has officially wrapped up, and as autumn settles in, winter is just around the corner! And with predictions of a brutal season ahead, now’s the perfect time to get your home prepped and ready. Don’t wait— take action now with these 10 essential tips to keep your home warm, safe, and winterready!
1. Roof Repairs: Winter weather can be tough on roofs! Inspect for missing shingles orother damage that could lead to leaks. If climbing up isn’t for you, hire a professional togive it a thorough check-up.
2. Seal It Off: Don’t let cold drafts sneak in! Inspect the weather-stripping around doors and windows, and replace any worn-out sections. This simple step will help keep your home cozy and cut down on energy bills.
3. Insulation Check: Make sure your attic, basement, and walls are properly insulated. Good insulation can prevent heat loss, making your home more energy-efficient and comfortable.
4. Hot Stuff: Ensure your heater and ventilation systems are in top shape. Clean out ducts, replace air filters, and schedule a professional maintenance check to keep everything running smoothly all winter long.
5. Chimney Sweep: Got a fireplace? Creosote buildup can cause chimney fires, so have aprofessional chimney sweep
inspect and clean it before you start lighting those cozy fires.
6. Gutter Clean: Clogged gutters can lead to ice dams, causing water damage to your home. Clean out leaves and debris, blast the gutters with a hose, and make any repairs now before freezing weather hits.
7. Pipe Protection: Prevent freezing pipes by insulating them in exposed areas, like attics and basements. Consider letting faucets drip during extreme cold to avoid bursting.
8. Exterior Caulking: Take a walk around your home and check for cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and other exterior openings. Seal them with caulk to block out drafts and moisture.
9. Test Detectors: Winter means more time indoors, so make sure your smoke detectors andcarbon monoxide detectors are working and have fresh batteries. Safety first!
10. Stock Up: Prepare for the unexpected! Stock up on essentials like salt or sand for icy driveways, extra blankets, flashlights, and batteries, so you’re ready if winter weather knocks out power.
With these 10 tips, your home will be a warm, safe haven all winter long! Stay ahead of the chill and enjoy the season.
Bro. Daniel Mushala Editor
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Brothers, it is that time of year when we begin to think in the spirit of giving and giving thanks. In that spirit, the Mu Lambda Foundation participates in two key funding programs through which federal and District of Columbia employees can share the gift of the giving.
The Combined Federal Campaign - CFC (https://www.opm.gov/combined-federal-campaign) is a resource that allows U.S. government employees to make regular payroll deductions in support of the Mu Lambda Foundation and its charitable and community service programs.
The DC One Fund (https://os.dc.gov/page/dc-one-fund-each-one-give-one) provides an opportunity for employees of the District of Columbia to do the same. All donations through these funds are tax deductible and deducted from your paycheck regularly. What could be an easier or better way to support the programs you care about?
As open season begins for 2023, you may plan your weekly, biweekly, or monthly contributions to the Mu Lambda Foundation by contributing to charity number 66770 in the CFC, and number 9556 in the DC One Fund.
Let’s make 2023 the best year yet for supporting youth and abused women in the DC area. Thank you for your continued support.
Bro. Kent Benjamin
The Mu Lambda Foundation meetings are monthly on the third Thursday of the month.
Next meeting is Thursday, October 17, 2024
Meetings are monthly on the First Saturday of the month. Next meeting is Saturday, October 5, 2024
• 6 strips bacon
• 4 medium boneless chicken thighs
• 3 tablespoons flour, for dredging
• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth
• 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
• 1 cup heavy whipping cream
• 2 tablespoons grated parmesan
• 4 cups uncooked pasta
1. Cook pasta according to package instructions. Reserve some cooked pasta water. Drain the pasta and keep covered.
2. Cut the bacon up and add it to a skillet. Fry the bacon over medium-high heat until crispy – about 10 minutes.
3. Once the bacon is done, remove it from the skillet and transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess fat. Leave about two tablespoons of the bacon fat in the skillet.
4. Meanwhile, prep your chicken thighs. Sprinkle them with the garlic powder and pepper and then coat them in the flour.
5. Add the dredged chicken thighs to the skillet and cook in the remaining bacon fat over medium-high heat for 4-5 minutes per side until golden and cooked through. Set cooked chicken thighs aside on a cutting board and slice using a sharp knife.
6. Add the chicken broth, lemon juice, a bit of pasta water and butter to the pan. Let it bubble until it’s reduced by half (about 3-4 minutes).
7. Stir in the cream and parmesan, and once it starts to bubble, add the bacon back into the pan along with cooked pasta. Reheat for another 2 minutes or so, stirring regularly until the pasta is coated with the sauce.
8. Top the pasta with sliced chicken and serve the creamy bacon chicken pasta immediately. Enjoy!
• One 750 ml bottle rosé (such as a Pinot Noir or Merlot rosé)
• 1/2 cup of sugar
• 8 ounces strawberries, hulled and quartered
• 2 1/2 ounces fresh lemon juice
1. To make the strawberry frosé: Pour rosé into a 13×9 inch pan and freeze until almost solid, about 6 hours–don’t worry, it won’t completely set, due to the alcohol content.
2. In the meantime, bring sugar and 1/2 cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan; cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes. Add hulled and quartered strawberries, remove from heat, and let sit 30 minutes to infuse the syrup with strawberry flavor. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl–do not press on solids to keep the syrup clear. Cover the syrup and chill until cold, about 30 minutes.
3. Using a fork, scrape the rosé into a blender. Add lemon juice, 3 ounces of the strawberry syrup, and 1 cup crushed ice and purée until smooth. Transfer the blender container to your freezer and freeze until the frosé is thickened, 25 to 35 minutes.
4. Finally, blend again until the strawberry frosé is slushy. Divide among glasses and garnish with a slice of strawberry. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 4
Saturday, January 6
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, January 17 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 1
Saturday, February 3
Wednesday, February 21
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 15 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, March 7
Saturday, March 9
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, March 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, April 4
Saturday, April 6
Wednesday, April 17
Thursday,April 18
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, April 25 -28 Eastern Region Convention
Thursday, May 2
Saturday, May 4
Wednesday, May 17
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, May 18 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 8
Thursday, June 20
Wednesday, June 19* TBD
Wednesday, June 19
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Juneteenth Day
July 2024
Chapter Vacation
July 2024 Constitutional Convention, IL
August 2024 Chapter Vacation
August 17 2024 Chapter Retreat
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 7
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Thursday, September 19 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 Eboard Meeting
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
101st Charter Day
Thursday, October 3 Chapter Meeting
Saturday, October 5
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, October 16 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, October 17 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, November 7
Saturday, November 9
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, November 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, December 4
Founders’ Day
Thursday,December 5 Chapter Meeting
Saturday , December 7
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, December 20 EBoard Meeting
Thursday, December 21 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas
CONTACT BRO. Mikael LaRoche for more info:
This official Mu Lambda Chapter App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, View Chapter Directory, View our monthly magazine (The Torch) Pay Chapter Dues and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community.
“THINK Alpha Phi Alpha, TALK Alpha Phi Alpha, PROMOTE Alpha Phi Alpha, and LABOR for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.”
Brother Henry L. Dickason, 5th General President
As summer fades into autumn, it’s time to refocus and recommit to the work that lies ahead for our Washington, DC community. We’ve set big goals, and now it’s time to deliver! With the Presidential election fast approaching, the stakes couldn’t be higher. This election will undoubtedly have far-reaching effects, but let’s not forget where we can make the greatest impact—right here at the local level.
While national politics often steal the spotlight, it’s our local elections that truly shape the fabric of our daily lives. These are the votes that determine who will lead our schools, protect our streets, and make decisions that directly affect our neighborhoods. As we rally behind our Presidential candidates, let’s not lose sight of the local leaders who will have the most immediate and lasting impact on our community.
Your vote is your voice, and every voice counts—especially in local elections. So as you engage in the upcoming election season, make sure you’re championing the candidates who will make the biggest difference where it matters most: right here at home. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant Washington, DC. Let’s stay focused, stay energized, and keep pushing forward!
Bro. Daniel Mushala Editor of the Torch
It is that time of year again.
The fraternity’s fraternal year runs January 1st to December 31st.
Mu Lambda’s 2023-2024 fraternal year runs September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The chapter does not meet during July and August.
It is now time to pay your 2023-2024 dues which will cover you from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Ways to make payment:
1. You can pay your dues on mulambda.org by clicking the dues tab at the bottom left of every web page.
2. Bring a check to the chapter meeting.
3. You can pay on the Mu Lambda App
4. Mail it to:
Financial Team
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served.
A member’s duties should be:
1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life.
2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course.
3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein.
4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.