If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you need to be an influencer – period. By Sandra Stepan “YOU THINK TOO HIGHLY OF YOURSELF AND I THINK YOU JUST LIKE THE WORD ‘INFLUENCER’ A LOT”… … IS WHAT SOMEONE I SAW AS A FRIEND ONCE SAID TO ME.
y partner and I were on vacation in Belize with another couple that I considered close friends. One morning I was working very angrily, sharing a situation where someone was trying to steal our business name when my “friend” said to me “you just think what you do is so important; you think so
highly of yourself and I think you just like the word ‘influencer’ a lot”. I was shocked to hear that, especially since he was in the same line of business as us and especially since my partner propelled his marketing career just a short three years earlier. I’ll be honest, as much as I try not to base my self-worth on other people’s opinions, I felt awful. Suddenly this person I considered a close friend opened up about how much of a fake person he thought I was. In his eyes I was giving into the ideology of “influencers”, thinking my opinions matter on social media (how dare I). It got me thinking: is that the truth? Is that what I am doing with my career: posing as someone important, thinking I am an influencer when in fact my opinions don’t really matter? 5 years ago Sandra would have said “maybe”, but recently Sandra came to the conclusion that I am in fact an influencer. I’m not talking about having a six figure following on Instagram and signing cosmetic deals left and right – although, how awesome would that be (hello free cosmetics!) No, I realized I am an influencer in the more traditional sense: a person who has the capacity to have an effect on
the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself (definition taken straight from the Oxford dictionary). And I realized that I have to be an influencer if I want to be a successful business owner – which, by my own and my network’s measure, I am. You see, having influence is not about posing and posting. It’s not about your followers. It’s not about the media at all. It’s about having influence: with your team, your business partners, and with yourself. And you need to have influence in those areas if you want to be a successful business owner.