Money Mindset Advice
the underfed kids, plant the seeds, and change the future. That takes money. As women we have the opportunity to harness the tool of money and consciously turn it in the right direction. But we have to give up the guilt. Start by choosing one cause you care about (because otherwise it will be overwhelming) - and imagine yourself easily giving them a million dollar check. How does that feel? Connect to that feeling every time you feel guilty or angry about money. You are a force for good. Let’s get to work!
Dear Denise, I’ve just been speaking to a friend about money mindset, we are both highly ethically aware and have difficulty reconciling the imbalance that money has created in our world. It’s a massive hurdle. We can see that money can be used ethically, and yes, you can evidence good things occurring. Still, the imbalance is so stark, and so powerfully out of alignment with the Earth that it’s challenging to want to be involved in the system of money. How can we circumvent this?- Anna Kristina
totally get it Anna. Can I tell you a secret? Greedy people sleep soundly at night. They spend zero time or energy on feeling guilty. They don’t care if you judge their fifth yacht or their unethical investments.
Now there are almost zero barriers to entry. You can start a business with your phone in between cluster feeding sessions. You can start a magazine (like Tammie!). You can help people all around the world with your knowledge and expertise.
But the women I know - we lie awake and worry - about the planet, about hungry kids, about the ethics of our last purchase.
The only thing that will hold you back is guilt. You are conditioned to believe that you should give yourself away for free - that your knowledge and time shouldn’t be monetised. That money is bad.
Women for centuries have been bartering, endlessly working for free, and giving away our talents to help our communities. Because we couldn’t legally own property, have bank accounts or get loans. We were locked out of business opportunities in a myriad of ways.
It’s going to take people like you and me. Money can change the world - in both short and long term ways. We have to fund organisations we care about, amplify leaders we want to see, fund the green technology, feed
Denise Duffield-Thomas Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives. Her books Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneur give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout. Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students from all around the world. She’s a lazy introvert, a Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia. Find her at...