1 minute read

8 Tips to help you to become more resilient

By Santa Buiko

As mumpreneurs, we have multiple tasks to fulfill; preparing foods, helping kids with homework and keeping sane for the sake of the family. Juggling family life and business can be very tough, to say the least. It adds up with comparing yourself with "more successful women on Instagram" out there: How do they do it? How do they manage to feel so good? It is overwhelming and being mothers and entrepreneurs ourselves, we have been there just like many of you and still are. But resilience is not a trait, it is not something you are born with; it is something you are learning as you go, we’ve distilled essential tips on how to become more resilient.


You have to accept the fact that changing difficult situations is not always possible, do not blame yourself, accept the reality and head to the next point.

Santa Buiko

I have been a mumpreneur for the last 7 years. My last project is Nordic Lemon- Latvian brand for babies and kids. Our inspiration is to make beautiful organic products suitable for kids and families, promoting green living in the jungles of everyday city life.

Read the complete article in the new issue of Mumpreneur Movement Magazine, Building Resilience: A Must For Successful Women.

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