Physical activity guidelines for children (under 5 years)
Physical activity in the early years is important for children’s healthy growth and development, any form of physical activity is encouraged, and current legislation recommends children should be moving around for 180 minutes a day.
Babies (Under 1’s)
Throughout each day babies can be physically active in a variety of ways, even if they are not fully mobile.
Letting babies move around freely on the floor encourages physical activity, they are able to move their bodies how they feel most confident in doing so. Engaging in floor play enables the baby to move their whole body and to learn about the world around them.
Whilst a baby is awake, legislation recommends that they spend 30 minutes throughout the day lying on their tummy. By spending time on their tummies, a baby’s brain development will be heightened and can help with initiating other physical skills such as crawling.
Whilst engaging in any floor play babies should be under close supervision.
*Cross-sectional analysis of physical activity in 2–4-year-olds in England with paediatric quality of life and family expenditure on physical activity | BMC Public Health | Full Text (
A 45 minute Tumble Tots class will contribute to most, if not all, of the physical activity that a baby requires each day, but for the days that your little one isn’t attending sessions we’ve come up with some ideas for them to try at home. Months - Walking
Tumble Tots at Home: a non Tumble Tots day babies can join in with a HomeTumblespecialTotsatSessionforbabiesonYouTube which are about 15 minutes each.
Non Crawlers:
If they're not yet crawling, encourage them to be physically active by reaching and theirpushing,pullinggrasping,andmovinghead,bodyand limbs during daily routines, and during supervised floor play.
Tummy Time: to include at least minutes of time
Several short 10 or 5 minute, moderate to vigorous bursts of activity can be just as good as an hour-long stretch, but to make sure they reach their target, consider something like cycling or swimming.
Free Play: This could be any of the light or energetic indoor or activitiesoutdoororacombination.
For children from 3 Years - School Age, the requirements are very similar to those aged 1 to 2. However, the 180 minutes should include at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical
3 Years - Schoolminutes180Age
A 45 minute Tumble Tots Class or two 20/25 minute Tumble Tots at Home Sessions will contribute to 25% of the physical activity required each day.
Walking Years
Object Play: use of objects such as building blocks, jigsaw puzzles, Tumble Tots class contributes to 25% of the physical activity that a toddler requires each day. For the rest, on a non Tumble Tots day, we’ve come up with some ideas for your little one to do either indoor or outdoor including both light and energetic
Dancing: can stream Tumble Tots Music on YouTube, Amazon, Spotify or iTunes and join in with the actions to our songs and rhymes. Dancing is a great aerobic exercise, and the songs help to enhance children’s language skills.
Tumble Tots at Home:
On a non Tumble Tots day children can join in with two sessions on YouTube which are 20-25 minutes each. Both Tumble Tots Classes and At Home Sessions promote development in all areas of early years learning.
Messy Play:
Messy play with sand, mud or other materials with properties,similarhelpchildrentoengagetheirsenses and build fine motor control. Play:
Active Play:
Active play is any activity that involves moderate to vigorous bursts of high energy such as ball games, chasing games like "it" and "tag", riding a scooter, and using playground swings, climbing frames and see-saws.
Fun physical play programme for babies, toddlers, and pre-school children to develop essential life skills and boost self-confidence!
Our progressive play programme is designed to develop your child’s physical skills. Using bespoke colourful equipment, we focus on agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination, which enhances brain development and builds
The journey begins for babies from 6 months old who can sit up unaided. Here’s how our classes break down:
6 Months - Walking
Babies explore the equipment in a happy and relaxed environment. This enhances their brain development and helps them to reach key milestones such as crawling, cruising and walking, taking them onto the next class.
Walking - 2 Years
Confidently walking toddlers are now introduced to an exciting circuit of equipment as well as hand held co-ordination activities, developing their fine motor skills. ‘Circle Time’ helps language development through rhymes and action songs.
2 - 3 Years
Working together in small groups, little ones are introduced to stations with more challenging equipment to refine their agility, balance and climbing skills. Following instructions and learning to take turns develops their listening and social skills, as well as confidence.
is supervised by our amazing specially trained staff, getting the best out of each child. Up until 3 years, grown-ups participate as well so that parents, carers and even grandparents can spend time with little ones as they develop.
3 Years - School Age*
Children now take part independently without their grown-up, putting into practice their skills for life. Our staff challenge each child individually to their full potential, preparing them for school, physically, socially and mentally.
Gymbobs (School Age - 7 Years)*
Gymbobs is the pinnacle class of Tumble Tots, bringing together everything children have learnt so far! Using challenging equipment setups, relay races, team games and warm-up exercises, Gymbobs is a perfect addition to a child’s school P.E. provision.
*For the 3 Years - School Age and Gymbobs classes, parents must remain on site.
Pre-booking is required. Annual membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year from the purchase date. To view the full membership terms and conditions, please visit
Class fees are additional and payable to the franchisee. Class prices and regional booking policies may vary.