Tumble Tots Member's Handbook 2018/19

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Member's Handbook

The springboard to confidence for your child 2018/2019

In this issue Details of membership privileges Tips on getting a good night’s sleep How to cut down on sugar Fantastic offers & discounts from JoJo Maman Bébé, Childs Farm, Haven, Reading Eggs, Stabilo, Polarn O. Pyret and many more!!


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Welcome Dear Member, WELCOME to a year of brilliant active FUN! Be prepared for a great time with plenty of excitement. The specially designed bright and colourful equipment will help your child develop their physical skills of agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination. The tasks will be challenging and lots of FUN! And they will have Tumble Tots staff to help, guide and encourage them through their sessions. Whether they’re a Tumble Tot, or Gymbob, they’ll be proud to wear their T-Shirt of Confidence to sessions as all their friends will be wearing theirs too. They’ll know then, that they belong to a club of very active and healthy children. Without a doubt your child will enjoy being a Tumble Tot or Gymbob this year. As a member there are all sorts of opportunities for them to participate in the various activities that we do. Within the pages of your Member’s Handbook we’ve teamed up with carefully selected partners to bring you their latest and most up to date products and services, including fantastic offers, discounts and competitions. Be sure to regularly check your new Member Offers website at www.tumbletotsmemberoffers.com as it will be updated every month throughout the year! On the site you’ll find more great offers, competitions and the latest product news from our partners and much more! So, have a wonderful year ahead, have fun and keep active!

Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd


Contents Session Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Objectives and Benefits 6 Months - Walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Walking - 2 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 2 - 3 Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Years - School Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Gymbobs (School Age - 7 Years) . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Circuit Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Membership Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Certificate of Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Features How to get a good night’s sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Outdoor playgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Membership handbook checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Understanding Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ‘Secret’ learning through play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Tumble Tots Member Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd 49G Pipers Road, Park Farm, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 0HU T: 0121 585 7003 E: info@tumbletots.com W: www.tumbletots.com

Member’s Website Once again, we’ve teamed up with a selection of perfect partners to bring you incredible offers, the latest product news and fantastic competitions. We’ll also be including topical features, useful hints and tips, time saving ideas and great recipes! So please visit the new look Tumble Tots Member Offers website at www.tumbletotsmemberoffers.com every month to save you and your family save £££s! TERMS & CONDITIONS Tumble Tots and Gymbobs are registered trademarks of Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd, 49G Pipers Road, Park Farm, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 0HU Tumble Tots Members Handbook is published by LincolnBrody Ltd, 98 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 1JS. Design Copyright © LincolnBrody Ltd, June 2018. All rights reserved.

Tumble Tots or LincolnBrody (the publisher) cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of any information herein and are unable to accept and hereby expressly disclaim any liability for the consequences of any inaccuracies, errors or omissions or any implied warranty and other terms contained or related to within the editorial, offers and promotions in this publication. Any claims which arise pursuant to the offers should be directed exclusively or pursued against the proprietor of the relevant offer. Although every effort has been made to ensure that all information is correct at the time of going to press, prices and offers may be subject to change. Should you have any queries in relation to any offers in this book, please contact LincolnBrody at info@lincolnbrody.co.uk



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Session Guidelines To ensure you are at ease with the programme contents and structure, we would like to highlight a few important points:

necessary for a parent to sit in during the first few sessions.

Sessions are run by trained Leaders. Please do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have about your child with the Leader or Centre Manager.

 

All staff are responsible for maintaining safety and guiding both you and your child throughout the session.

During the 3 Years - School Age and Gymbobs sessions, parents must remain on site at all times.

Siblings who are not participating in the session must keep off the equipment at all times.

Parents are actively involved in the Tumble Tots 6 Months - Walking, Walking - 2 Years and 2 - 3 Years sessions. We ask that you work directly with your own child to fully understand and enjoy the benefits of the programme. You can best do this in the following ways:

Braces and jewellery should not be worn by children whilst involved in sessions.

   

Bare feet are best for Tumble Tots. Please ensure that suitable leg-wear is worn to allow free movement.

 

Support your child by holding the back of his/her Tumble Tots T-Shirt.

Hair should be tied back, again for safety.

Avoid holding his/her hands as these need to be free for climbing and to aid balance.

Children quickly gain confidence when allowed to solve their own problems. It is vital however, that you remain alert at all times to support and encourage where necessary.

In the Tumble Tots 3 Years - School Age and Gymbobs sessions, the children participate without an adult but on some occasions, particularly if a child is new to the class, it may be

All Tumble Tots and Gymbobs should wear their T-Shirts to sessions as this instils a real sense of being part of the Tumble Tots club.

We suggest that parents/guardians wear comfortable clothing and footwear.

Please, do not wear high heels or stilettos as they can damage little hands and feet as well as our equipment.

It is important to arrive on time for the start of the class as this allows your child to feel fully involved from the beginning.

Birthdays are given special attention, so please help us to ensure your child enjoys this experience by telling the Leader when you arrive.

Please do not allow your child on the equipment outside class times.


Objectives & Benefits 6 Months – Walking The class offers a parent and baby an opportunity for exploratory play using our unique equipment whilst being guided and advised by specially trained staff. Through exploratory play, the class aims to assist your baby through one of their biggest stages of development. Babies can start the class when they reach 6 months and can sit up unaided, through carefully designed equipment set ups they have the opportunity to develop the skills and strength needed to move onto each developmental stage at their own individual pace. During the class circle times encourage parents to join in with development exercises

which aim to build the strength of a baby’s both upper and lower body strength and aids a baby’s gross motor skill development.

Walking – 2 Years Your child should be walking confidently when they start the class which aims to build upon their agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination skills. Parents and children are encouraged to work around the circuit of equipment whilst being supported and guided by trained staff.

Tumble Tots understands the importance of repetition in the learning processes of children. The circuit of equipment allows for repetition of an activity to take place which builds upon not only a child’s learning processes but builds confidence whilst on the equipment! During the class parents and children are encouraged to take part in carefully constructed Circle Times which aim to enhance a child’s language development through body identification rhymes and action songs. Children who attend the class also continue to build their social skills by interacting with other children in the class.


2 – 3 Years The third class in the progressive Tumble Tots programme offers children attending a more structured play class whereby, with parental support, they make their way around activity stations focusing on continuing the development of their agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination skills. The equipment becomes more challenging with the introduction of higher pieces which aim to further a child’s gross motor skill development. There is a bigger emphasis put on social development in the class during circle times and also train times. Children will learn to interact with others around them and are encouraged to build their confidence whilst expressing themselves in a group environment.

3 Years – School Age skill set. The children are individually challenged during the class and learn to work positively with others around them.

The format and structure of the class follows the same pattern of the 2 – 3 Years class however, the biggest challenge and emphasis comes from children taking part in the class without the support of their parent. The class aims to provide an opportunity for children to take part in independent learning whilst being guided and supported by trained staff members. Children are given the opportunity to listen to instructions to enable them to work around the activity stations which are still focused on building their agility, balance, climbing and co-ordination


Gymbobs (School Age – 7 Years) Gymbobs is the pinnacle of the Tumble Tots programme where many children who have worked their way through the previous classes finish their journey! The class starts when children begin school and finish when children reach the term of their 7th Birthday. Gymbobs offers far more demanding challenges through the equipment that the children explore, the warm up games they are encouraged to join in with and with the relay races that conclude the class. The children who attend Gymbobs classes are given the opportunity and introduction to develop their physical literacy and to build up movement memory that can be utilised away from the class.

Circuit Fun (Walking – 5 Years) Tumble Tots Circuit Fun is a recent addition to the Tumble Tots programme. It is designed to offer a flexible play programme for children who are walking – 5 years old. The sessions combine all the fundamental values of the regular Tumble Tots programme. Along with parental involvement Tumble Tots are able to explore and gain physical confidence along with improving their social and language skills.

Equipment is laid out in a circuit formation allowing Tumble Tots to freely explore the equipment as they wish, combined with co-ordination items in the middle of the circuit. Each session will also include Circle Times in which Tumble Tots will develop their language and social skills with the use of body identification rhymes and action songs.


Membership Privileges Standard Membership:

 Tumble Tots T-Shirt  Inflatable Ball & Frisbee*  Action Songs CD  Member’s Handbook  Right Start Online  Personal Accident Insurance Cover  Membership Card

Membership PLUS:

 All of the above PLUS:  16 Page Sticker Book  Action Songs DVD  £5 Online Shop Voucher

Multi-Centre: Membership not only provides you with access to your local centre, but the whole network of over 450 centres across the UK. So, if you move to a new area, or you want to continue attending sessions whilst on holiday in the UK, call 0121 585 7003 or visit our website at www.tumbletots.com for more information. We are sure that you and your family will enjoy all the benefits of Tumble Tots membership.

*Gymbobs Standard Membership and Membership PLUS items differ, please see website for more information. *Inflatable Ball & Frisbee from September 2018. *The £5 voucher can be used only at www.tumbletots.com/ shop when spending £9.99 or more excluding P&P. Membership terms and conditions apply: membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year. Please note individual class fees may vary across the country. To view the full terms and conditions, please visit www.tumbletots.com

Certificate of Insurance This is to confirm that Tumble Tots (UK) Ltd has taken out Personal Accident Insurance for members (and non-members using the equipment for the first time) which is in respect of death, loss of limbs and /or eyes, or permanent total disablement sustained while engaged in Tumble Tots centre activities. This policy has been effected with a leading insurance group and since cover is (as with all insurance contracts) subject to policy terms and conditions, details can be provided on request.


HOW TO DETECT AND TREAT A FEVER What to do if your child has a high temperature

ST JOHN AMBULANCE SHARE THEIR TIPS ON WHAT TO DO IF YOU THINK YOUR BABY OR CHILD HAS A FEVER A fever is when a person has a persistent high temperature above 37°C (98.6°F). This is normally caused by a bacterial or viral infection and often associated with a sore throat, earache, measles, meningitis or chickenpox. Beware of recent overseas travel. If a young child’s temperature rises above 39°C (102. 2°F) this can be dangerous and might trigger a seizure.

IT CAN BE WORRYING WHEN YOUR CHILD IS UNWELL, BUT FEVERS AND BUGS ARE A PART OF GROWING UP – BEING PREPARED IS KEY. One of the first indicators that your child is not well is a high temperature, and a reliable way of determining this is with a thermometer. If you detect a fever in your child, it is important to be prepared to take appropriate action. Kinetik Wellbeing works in partnership with the UK’s leading first aid charity St John Ambulance to empower families to look after their health in the home. They have joined forces on a range of healthcare products designed to monitor, manage, and support people’s health, including digital thermometers. Use the guide opposite to select the right Kinetik Wellbeing thermometer for your family.



A persistently high temperature – above 37°C (98.6°F)

Kinetik Wellbeing thermometers give every parent a simple and accurate tool for checking their family’s temperature. Our range includes a choice of functions to suit your family’s needs.

F eeling cold, with goose pimples, shivering and chattering teeth

Digital Non-Contact Thermometer


Quick – takes a one second reading at the touch of a button.

Requires no physical contact which is ideal for multiple children and monitoring during sleep

Can be used to check the surface temperatures of bath water and milk

Ambient room temperature mode ensures your child’s sleeping environment is safe and comfortable

H ot, flushed skin and sweating A headache G eneral aches and pains



I f someone has a fever help make them comfortable and keep them cool, ideally in bed with a sheet or light duvet. Do not use a sponge to cool them as there is a risk of overcooling.

Affordab size tha le, compact t’s well designe to grip, d intuitive to use

Kinetik Inner Ear Thermometer


Give the casualty plenty of cool drinks to replace any fluid loss through sweating.


I f they’re feeling unwell, you can give them the recommended dose of paracetamol tablets or aspirin for an adult, or the recommended dose of paracetamol syrup for a child.


onitor their level M of response until they recover. If you are worried, seek medical advice.

Easily and comfortably inserts into your infant’s ear for a quick one-second reading

Additional probe covers included and available separately when required.

Easy to use with soft operation keys to avoid disturbance

Comes with a handy travel pouch

Inexpen use, po sive, easy to rtable a with a tr nd comes avel bag

Visit our website to find out more: www.kinetikwellbeing.com Tumble Tots Members receive 15% off ALL Kinetik thermometers purchased directly via our website with code TUMBLE15


How to get a good night’s

SLEEP LEFT: The Moore family from Glengormley in Northern Ireland – mum Anna, dad Phil, Ava (15 months) and Leo (4) – trialled the Bath, Book, Bed routine and say it is now an important part of their day.

Did you know that a regular nightly bedtime routine is associated with improved sleep in young children? We think there’s nothing better than snuggling up and sharing a soothing bedtime story to send them off to the land of nod


ookTrust, the UK’s largest children’s reading charity, understand how exhausting the bedtime battles can be. That’s why they’ve devised the Bath, Book, Bed routine: a simple solution to sleepless nights. The campaign aims to help ease the strain sleeplessness can have on families by following a simple book focused bedtime routine. Sweet dreams start with a simple routine. Research by BookTrust reveals new parents are completely sleep deprived in the child’s first few years, losing out on a whopping 657 hours per year, which equates to almost four weeks of less sleep a year.

The survey1 polled over 1,000 families on bedtime routines and sleeping habits and revealed that half of parents who don’t follow a Bath, Book, Bed routine would favour a night of uninterrupted sleep over a romantic weekend or a night out with friends. Health, productivity and sense of humour also suffer in those who aren’t following the nightly routine with 34% eating poorly, 24% nodding off during the day and 34% taking a knock to their sense of humour. The annual Bath, Book, Bed campaign aims to solve these problems in three easy steps, encouraging parents to stick to a simple bedtime routine and asking families to share stories as a regular part of bedtime to help their little ones sleep soundly.

The research also found: S leep deprivation is the most stressful challenge about becoming a parent, second only to worries about children’s health

Diana Gerald, CEO of BookTrust said: “ BookTrust understands how troublesome it can be for parents to get young children to sleep and we know that sometimes it can feel like a neverending struggle. We sent out 450,000 copies of our Bath, Book, Bed booklet filled with advice and tips to help families tackle bedtime head on and ensure everyone gets a good night’s sleep.”

A fifth of new parents (21%) have taken a day off work in order to catch up on lost sleep  Children not following a Bath, Book, Bed routine are less relaxed at bedtime, get up more often during the night and get fed more frequently 12

little to understand what you’re saying. The experience of snuggling up and listening to your voice can help a baby relax. And it’s great for bonding between the both of you. And there’s no age you should stop reading together either! Keep bedtime stories going even once they start to read on their own, and your support can help develop a love of reading that will carry on into adulthood.

Jo Frost, worldwide parenting expert and BookTrust Ambassador said: “ The campaign is a really straightforward approach to tackling a problem that most parents with young children face – the bedtime battle. Bedtime routines do not need to be complicated for especially-tired parents on their last legs. Implementing healthy sleeping habits, and a consistent bedtime routine will not only calm down the child and parents but provide an environment so that both child and parent can read together helping them both relax and wind down. Meaning everyone will be well-rested, happier and healthier.”

 Keep it regular When it comes to bedtime reading, having a routine can really help. You can be as flexible or structured as you like, but a regular nightly routine will signal to your child that it’s time to wind down and relax. A routine gives children consistency and reassurance and a reading a story together is very comforting.


 Get them ready for bed first Try to get your child into their pyjamas with teeth brushed before you start reading so they’re ready to drift off once you get to the end of the story.

Reading a story or two at bedtime is one of our favourite parts of day. Not only is it a chance to enjoy lots of brilliant books, it’s also a great way to get your little ones to wind down after a busy day and have some special time together.

 Choosing a bedtime story The best book to read with your child is the one they want to read, whether that’s a classic novel, an interactive picture book or even a football

 It’s never too early to start Babies love books. You can absolutely read to your newborn baby, even though they’re too

Bring bedtime stories to life! Creating a truly magical, immersive storytelling experience that fuels your child’s imagination like no other is Moonlite™ – a story time projector for your mobile phone. Already an award-winning product and a firm favourite with parents across the pond, Moonlite™ brings a modern twist to traditional storytelling. Launching in the UK in October, this small device clips onto your smartphone and uses the torch to project vibrant storybook images onto any surface. While projecting the storybook images, the Moonlite™ app displays story text and plays charming sound effects, creating a special story time experience for you and your child. Designed to be soothing and calming, Moonlite™ automatically operates in Night Shift mode to create a relaxing environment. Children will love reading classic stories including Mr Men, the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Beatrix’s Potter’s the Tale of Peter Rabbit as their favourite characters come to life right in front of their eyes! 13

Visit www.mymoonlite.com for more information and share your very own experiences with #mymoonlite

annual. When they’re enjoying the story, you’ll enjoy reading with them. If you’re reading to a baby, why not pick a bright and touchy-feely book that they can play with as you read. Books with rhyme and repetition are also brilliant for babies

 It’s special time for both of you Shared reading has enormous benefits for your child, but it’s really important time for you too. Reading with your child is a chance for you to take your mind off the pressures of the day and just focus on making lasting memories together. A bedtime story might only take ten minutes, but you’ll feel the benefits for much longer!

 Make it cosy Once you’ve decided on a book, snuggle up together and get as comfy as you can! If your child is old enough, sit close together and get them to hold the book themselves or turn the pages. Babies will find being close to you and hearing your voice relaxing, and older children will love having special one-on-one time where they can have a cuddle and unwind.

Families can download a digital version of the booklet at booktrust.org.uk/bathbookbed

 Have fun! Just because it’s a bedtime story doesn’t mean you have to be really quiet. When you read with your child, try to make it fun and engaging – you could use actions and silly voices for the characters, or choose a funny story for you to laugh along to. Try not to feel self-conscious when you read, after all it’s just you and your child and they’ll think you’re the greatest storyteller in the world! 15

BOOKLIST To help families find a brilliant book to get their little ones dropping off into a happy slumber, we’ve picked out some fantastic stories that are sure to do the trick. Whether you’re settling down a tot or a toddler, you’ll find beautiful illustrations, enchanting rhymes and gorgeous fantasy worlds. Take a look below, and sleep well...  Are You Sleeping? Author: Constance von Kitzing Publisher: Barefoot Books Little Lion is desperate to find someone to play with, but all the animals in the savannah are going to sleep! A beautiful book to help settle your little ones.

 A Recipe for Bedtime Author: Peter Bently Illustrator: Sarah Massini Publisher: Hodder You’re feeling sleepy, but how can you have the perfect recipe? Peter Bently’s sweet lullaby will give you step-by-step instructions to the best bedtime ever.

 Babies Can Sleep Anywhere Author: Lisa Wheeler Illustrator: Carolina Buzio Publisher: Abrams Appleseed Little ones will love learning about all the places that their favourite animals go to sleep... and the gentle rhymes will soon have them drifting into a deep slumber, too.

 One Moonlit Night Author: Zanna Davidson Illustrator: Seo Kim Publisher: Templar A little girl sets off on a magical journey on her little boat in this truly stunning pop-up book that you won’t be able to resist.

 Sweet Dreams Peter Author: Beatrix Potter Publisher: Puffin The perfect introduction to the world of Peter Rabbit, as Beatrix Potter’s beloved bunny settles down for a lullaby at the end of a busy day.

 Goodnight Tiger Author: Timothy Knapman Illustrator: Laura Hughes Publisher: Little Tiger Press The animals in Emily’s wallpaper can’t get to sleep and they’re keeping her awake... so she decides to climb into the wallpaper to show them how to settle down. A fun way to reinforce the idea of a bedtime routine – with lots of laughs along the way.

 Good Day, Good Night Author: Margaret Wise Brown Illustrator: Loren Long Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s From the author of the children’s classic Goodnight Moon, this charming tale of a bunny saying hello to their world in the morning and goodnight when the sun comes down is a lovely way to think about the day.

1 The research and statistics are from a nationwide survey conducted in association with Mortar, of 1,000 parents with children aged three and under, looking at children’s bedtime routines and sleeping habits of families.


charity; each year we reach 3.4 million children across the UK with books, resources and support to help develop a love of reading, because we know that reading can transform lives. We work with a variety of partners to get children excited about books, rhymes and stories, because if reading is fun, children will want to do it. Our books are delivered via health, library, schools and early years practitioners, and are supported with guidance, advice and resources to encourage the reading habit. booktrust.org.uk

ookTrust is dedicated to getting children reading because we know that children who read are happier, healthier, more empathetic and more creative. Their early language development is supported and they also do better at school. Bath, Book, Bed is a national campaign from BookTrust to encourage parents to make stories part of every child’s bedtime routine. The campaign is supported by BookTrust ambassador and worldwide parenting expert Jo Frost and the much-loved Daddy Pig. The campaign is supported by Arts Council England. We are the UK’s largest children’s reading 16


Magical Moonlite ™

Innovative new story projector brings children’s favourite tales to life


reating a truly magical, immersive storytelling experience that fuels your child’s imagination like no other is Moonlite™ – a story time projector for your mobile phone. Inspired by her daughter’s love of shadow play before bedtime, mother and former Google veteran, Natalie Rebot created Moonlite™, to bring children’s favourite characters to life. With a modern twist on traditional storytelling, Moonlite™ makes reading fun and memorable for both children and parents.

Natalie launched her initial prototype and concept on Kickstarter.com where funding goals were surpassed ten-fold, with more than 40 million views to date on the product’s original video. As a result, Moonlite™ caught the attention of retailers, celebrities, receptive mothers and Spin Master who embraced the partnership. Already an award-winning product and a firm favourite across the pond, Moonlite™ launches in the UK this month, set to delight parents and children alike. The small device clips onto your smartphone and uses the torch to project vibrant storybook images onto any surface. While projecting the storybook images, the Moonlite™ app displays story text and plays charming sound effects, creating a special story time experience for you and your child. Designed to be soothing and calming, Moonlite™ automatically operates in Night Shift mode to create a relaxing environment, perfect for bedtime. Children will love reading classic stories including Mr Men, the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Beatrix’s Potter’s the Tale of Peter Rabbit as their favourite characters come to life right in front of their eyes!

The clocks changing is a time for parents to embrace bedtime storytelling As the darker nights set in ahead of the clocks changing at the end of October, celebrity 18

mums and experts are encouraging parents to embrace this time of year to bring back a love for storytelling and reading that will last a lifetime! With recent research* showing that only half of pre-school children are being read to every day, a figure which has dropped by a fifth over the last five years, a new campaign champions the importance of reading in those early years to fuel children’s imaginations and build early literacy skills. Storytime is also a moment that bonds children and parents, creating forever memories that are passed on generation to generation. With a new study from the National Literacy Trust** showing that children feel happier and calmer when read to at home, embracing story time should be at the top of the parenting agenda. Amanda Gummer, child psychologist comments, “There’s a magical time between ages 3 to 7 when children expand out beyond verbal communication and start to develop written language skills. Reading to your child activates the creative side of their brains. They begin to visualize the words we are reading to them, which helps develop their creative intelligence and vocabulary”. “Creating a truly magical reading experience for children is very important. Building story time, in whatever form it takes, into a bedtime routine is essential for a child’s early development. I am a big advocate of innovative products like Moonlite™ that make this simpler for parents and fun for children’ Amanda concludes. Natalie’s dream is for Moonlite™ to be a household name. She says, “Moonlite™ has already brought so many families closer together and it would be my dream to have everyone experience this with their children! I would also

love to see Moonlite™ become an essential early learning tool in classrooms. With our new educational content in the pipeline, the classroom would be a natural fit. It gives learning a fun, new twist and keeps children engaged”. The perfect children’s gift, Moonlite™ inspires a love for story-telling in a truly new and unique way as well as promoting those all-important early literacy skills.

You can buy Moonlite™ from Smyths Toy Stores, The Entertainer and Amazon. The products and titles include: T he Moonlite™ Starter Pack (SRP £19.99) featuring Eric Carle’s popular The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Busy Spider  The Moonlite™ Gift Pack (SRP £39.99) featuring Mr Men and Fairy Tales  The Moonlite™ Story Reels (SRP £7.99 each) featuring Spot the Dog and Beatrix Potter The Tale of Jemima PuddleDuck & The Tale of Peter Rabbit, and more classic titles Moonlite™ is for toddlers, kids, and adults who love to read! No batteries required. Compatible with most Android and iOS devices. For more information visit the Moonlite™ website at www.mymoonlite.co.uk and share your own special experiences on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with #mymoonlite Research Sources **The annual Understanding the Children’s Book Consumer survey from Nielsen Book Research in Autumn 2017 (1,596 parents of 0 to 13-year-olds, and 417 14 to 17-year-olds in the UK) **National Literacy Trust Annual Literacy Survey 2018


PLAY Credit Michael Hefferman Woodland Trust

odland Trust Credit Ben Lee Wo

Outdoor Playgrounds Woods offer one of the world’s most wonderful playgrounds. They are full of opportunities for children to explore, roam and grow. And being outdoors together allows families to create precious memories


ho can forget the wild eyed wonderment on a child’s face as they pick up a stone and see a myriad of insects scurry away? Or the sound of laughter as a wiggly worm tickles a hand? Who hasn’t loved jumping in puddles or scuffling through a carpet of golden autumnal leaves? Being outdoors stimulates the senses and the Woodland Trust’s Nature Detectives initiative really helps to inspire curiosity and fire up the imagination. There’s never been a better time to nurture a love of nature in your little ones. A recent survey commissioned by the Trust and carried out by YouGov revealed nine-year-olds are more likely to identify Britain’s most iconic trees such as the oak and holly than people in their twenties. It’s only by children getting up close and personal with nature that brings that knowledge and maybe even a passion they will carry with them into adulthood. The Woodland Trust wants children, no matter where they are, to start enjoying the benefits of

woods more regularly and often this is about making their visits fun. By visiting the Nature Detectives website parents can download a wealth of free age-appropriate activities, all aimed at encouraging and enabling children to love, value and engage with the environment. Nature Detectives resources are exciting, engaging and appeal to children and adults alike, from den building and woodland art, to getting muddy and wildlife spotting. There is a wealth of information to access online with an emphasis on fun and learning in the great outdoors. Parents can search for things to do by age, season, topic or type and download all the inspiration they need to make a really memorable day out. And the beauty of many of the activities on offer is that you don’t need to go to a wood to do them. Many can be carried out in any green space, whether that’s a local park or the bottom of your garden. There’s also plenty of indoor activities to keep young minds stimulated on those wet weather days. 20

t s Woodland Trus Credit Jill Jenning

HERE’S JUST A FEW TO CHOOSE FROM: Butterfly Footprints For the youngest explorers aged 0-2, why not paint their feet with bright colours and make a butterfly using the downloadable template. Layer the footprints in different colours – the more the better. Every new beautiful picture is totally unique to your little one and you could create a new print every month and watch your family of butterflies grow. Cut them out and stick them together to make their very own butterfly garden.

Autumn Shaker Credit Jill Je nnings Wood land Trust

An autumn shaker is great for the little ones. All you need is a plastic bottle, acorns, conkers and beech nuts, and rhythm! This is a fantastic sensory activity for tiny Nature Detectives. Shake the bottle or roll it along the floor – but take care they don’t put anything in their mouths!

Build a Giant Nest

Trust ferman Woodland Credit Michael Hef

For older adventurers aged 3-5 try building a giant nest. Birds put a lot of effort into making nests that are strong and comfortable for their chicks. See how comfy you can make yours. First find a nice flat patch of ground on the woodland floor. Stack sticks in a circle taking care to overlap them as you build up the sides, then fill the middle with soft things like grass, feathers, moss and fallen leaves. How comfy can you make it and how many of you can fit in it? You could then make a memento of your day out by taking some of your sticks and leaves home to make a mobile. Using a needle carefully thread string or strong cotton through a leaf then tie it to your sticks. Cross the sticks over in the middle then tie together. Your mobile can be as big or small as you like. Try using leaves that are different shapes, colours and sizes. You could paint your sticks for an extra splash of colour before hanging it up for the family to admire.

Credit Ben Lee Wo odland Trust

If you’re inspired to get outdoors and explore a new world visit www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/ naturedetectives to find your next adventure. You might even be inspired to join the Woodland Trust. When you become members you’ll help the Trust care for the UK’s trees and woods, and the animals, birds and minibeasts that rely on them. You’ll get a fantastic welcome pack plus your children will get their own exciting post – activity packs every season, full of ideas to help them explore our amazing natural world. 21

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ead for the heart of the countryside and you will find a holiday experience like no other! Farm Stay UK offers unique short breaks and holidays spanning the length and breadth of the UK with some of the most warm and welcoming hosts you will find. There’s no denying the benefits of a spell in the countryside; the hustle and bustle of everyday life seem to ebb away as they are replaced by a sense of wellbeing and an appreciation of the things that really matter. Book a holiday adventure in a yurt, a farm cottage, a shepherd’s hut, a lodge or a country B&B. You will find Farm Stay holiday accommodation from the most southerly tip of Cornwall to the most northerly point of Scotland, throughout majestic and beautiful Wales, and taking in Northern Ireland too. Take time out with family and friends. As you immerse yourself in a world of new experiences you are guaranteed a memorable holiday in some fabulous accommodation; get back to nature, relax and enjoy spectacular views of the countryside. Many of our rural properties are located on working farms and you will soon learn that our farmers are extremely proud of their work. So, if you opt for a hands-on Farm Stay property with a tour of the Farm included expect to see some really interesting animals. You will always receive a warm welcome. Farm Stay hosts will want to share their love of the

There is no other holiday destination like Farm Stay UK. Visit farmstay.co.uk today and find your next family holiday adventure!

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Learning Made Fun! Children learn through play and we are passionate about developing games and jigsaws that strike the perfect balance between education and fun.

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Membership Handbook Checklist To help you and your little ones get the most out of this year’s classes, we’ve compiled a handy checklist of achievements to complete in each class. 6 Months – Walking Class

3 Years – School Age & Gymbobs

■ Crawled for the first time ■ Stood up with assistance ■ Cruised with ease ■ Took their first steps ■ Walked confidently

ained further confidence away ■ Gfrom the class environment

■ Gained independence with activities emember what they did ■ Rduring the class what they did during ■ Rtheepeat class

Walking – 2 Year

Refined individual physical skills i.e. limbed up the ¾ Frame and turned ■ Jumping/Hopping ■ Caround backwards

General Checklist

nhanced hand/eye ■ Eco-ordination

■ Was a Healthy Hero in February part in National Children’s ■ Took Activities Week in October

■ ■ Joined in with both circle times out a forward ■ Crollarried over the Barrel Better foot/eye co-ordination

up for Christmas Clothes ■ Dressed Week in December

■ Received a Moving Up Award in with Tumble Tots Fun ■ Joined Adventures on Amazon Prime

2 – 3 Years Class xpressed themselves during circle ■ Etime

■ Actively took part in Train Times arried out a forward roll down the ■ CLarge Wedge at and listened to the station ■ Sexplanation mproved hand/eye/foot ■ Ico-ordination skills



Keep those hands clean with a fun washing routine! Little hands get everywhere! And bacteria are found in almost every environment on the planet spreading illness, disease and infection, from coughs and colds to tummy bugs and worse. The most common carrier of these germs is our hands so helping your children with a good hand washing routine is essential. FACT: Hand w teria live ashing with lion bac elbows il m so 0 ap 1 ki 2 lls d : 99 n T .9 a C % of germs! FA nds n our ha ent! e e tw e b m iven mo read rvive up at any g hands sp p FACT: Germs can su m a D s! : T e n o FAC ry skin if d s than to three hours on the more germ ! off they’re not washed

Here are our top tips to avoid those pesky germs:

 Wet hands with warm water.
 a natural, antibacterial  Apply hand wash to cover palms. palms together.  Rub one palm on the back of  Put the other hand and interlace fingers, then reverse.

ut palms together again, wriggle  Pfingers and make bubbles. Rub the of your fingers with  the palmback of the opposite hand. hold of each thumb and  Grab rub up and down. a fist and rub it into the  Make opposite palm, then reverse. rinse off all soap  Thoroughly with warm water. hands completely on a  Dry clean towel. dry, apply moisturiser  Once to prevent tiny cracks letting bacteria into the body.

SEE OUR FULL RANGE AT childsfarm.com Childs Farm and Dr Jennifer Crawley, Consultant Dermatologist, University College London provide this information as a general guide. Further information is available from the NHS and the National Eczema Society, and essential guidance should come from your GP or other medical professionals familiar with the details of your child’s case. Copyright Childs Farm Limited 2018.
















Sugars: Learn More, Eat Less


n the UK we love our sweet treats, but too much sugar in our diets can be bad for our health, especially for children. Too much sugar is linked to an increased risk of tooth decay, weight gain and type 2 diabetes. In particular, the type of sugars that we eat too much of are called ‘free sugars’. These are mainly sugars which have been added to food and drinks and provide excess calories with limited nutritional value. Some nutritious foods and drinks however, like fruit and milk, contain naturally occurring sugars and it is important not to confuse these with the ‘free’ sugars in our diets.

What is added sugar or ‘free’ sugars? Working out what free sugars are takes some practice. It is healthier to eat fruit and vegetables whole – whether fresh, frozen or dried – because when a fruit or vegetable is processed (e.g. into a smoothie, fruit juice or puree) the sugars become free sugars. Milk and milk based products contain a naturally occurring sugar (lactose), but any sugars added to create flavour are free sugars (e.g. in a chocolate milkshake or flavoured yoghurt). Honey, other syrups and nectars are free sugars and so if you’re looking to cut down your sugar intake, they are not a useful substitute.

How much sugar can we eat? The government recommends that free or added sugars shouldn’t make up more than 5% of the energy (calories) you get from food and drink each day. That’s a maximum of 30g of added sugar a day for adults, which is roughly seven sugar cubes. Children should have less – no more than 19g a day for children aged 4 to 6 years old (5 sugar cubes), and no more than 24g (6 sugar cubes) for children aged 7 to 10 years old. It is recommended that children under the age of 4 should avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and food with sugar added to it. You can offer small portions of sweet foods (e.g. chocolate, biscuits, cakes) or salty snack foods (e.g. crisps, corn snacks) occasionally but these shouldn’t be a regular part of a toddler’s everyday foods. 29

make healthier choices. Sugar is reported on packaging as total sugars, which includes both naturally occurring and free sugars.

HOW TO CUT DOWN ON SUGAR AS A FAMILY: Colour-coded Labelling

Top tips

Colour-coded labelling makes it easy to see at a glance if a product is high (red), medium (amber) or low (green) in total sugars, fat, saturates and salt. Guidelines for drinks are different to food because they don’t make us feel full and so are easy to over-consume.

R emove sugar (white and brown), syrup, honey etc from the breakfast table — out of sight, out of mind! C ut back on the amount of sugar added to things you eat or drink regularly like cereal, pancakes, coffee or tea. Try cutting the usual amount of sugar you add by half and wean down from there.

Check Ingredients If sugar, glucose, honey, syrups and fruit juice concentrates appears in the top three ingredients then it is high in free sugars.

 I nstead of adding sugar to cereal or porridge, add fresh or dried fruit instead.

Portion Size

T ry unsweetened natural yogurt with fruit rather than a sweetened variety.

Often, the sugar content on the front of the packet refers to a serving that is smaller than the amount that you may eat or drink. You can reduce your sugar intake by eating and drinking a smaller portion.

W hen baking biscuits, brownies or cakes, cut the sugar in your recipe by one-third to one-half or try using extracts such as almond, vanilla, orange or lemon.

Sugar Smart Shopping

A void fizzy drinks that are packed with sugar, try sticking to still or sparkling water.

Many everyday nutritious foods like breakfast cereals, which contain fibre and important vitamins, can be high in sugar. Checking food and drink labels allows you to spot these sneaky sugars and compare products and brands to

C hildren love ketchup but it can contain up to 30% sugar. Look for reduced sugar varieties, watch the portion size or try making your own. T ry to substitute cakes, biscuits or ice cream with fruit salads, sugar-free jelly or simply a couple of squares of dark chocolate for desert. Avoid choosing fruits that are canned in syrup, instead choose fruits that are canned in their own juice. W hen eating out at restaurants try splitting a dessert or choose fruit instead. K eep non-sugar alternatives handy for when a craving strikes. Light and small snacks can be packed in a snap-lock bag or reusable container and most can be made at the start of the week, ready to go. Plain nuts, oatcakes with cheese or corn cakes make great low sugar snacks. U se FoodSwitch UK an award-winning free smartphone app, to help you find food and drink products with less sugar. Action on Sugar’s annual Sugar Awareness Week will take place from 12th -18th November 2018, check out our website for updates www.actiononsugar.org Follow us on Twitter: @actiononsugar and like us on Facebook: @actiononsugar 31


‘Secret’ Learning through Play Using everyday play to help your children develop their skills by Karen Brunyee, STEM Learning


oung children are naturally curious and want to explore their surroundings – this is the perfect starting point for developing their STEM skills. As a parent, you can play an essential role in supporting your children to develop these abilities. Through everyday play, you can encourage your child to talk about what they see and experience. This will help them to engage more with their learning and allow them to appreciate more fully everything that is around them.

What role can you play? Children can be very observant and when they do notice things, it gives you the opportunity to discuss what they have observed:

After exploring something, children might be able to hypothesize about how it might respond in the future. For example:

C an they notice the details in the objects they are looking at and describe them in detail?

W hat do they see when dropping a stone in a puddle?

W hat is different? W hat is the same?

W hat do they predict will happen if we drop a larger stone?

H ow are they moving?

They can then have a go and test their predictions. By doing this, they are performing simple experiments and having fun at the same time. Can they describe what it is they are seeing and can they explain this to you? If needed, demonstrate the correct vocabulary and the children will pick this up and use it to help with their explanations.

Learning through everyday tasks Children will often count as a rhyme up to ten and back, but do they understand that each number stands for one thing/object? Ask your children to count the plates at dinner time or fetch three oranges at the supermarket. 33

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car can travel the furthest down a ramp. Count the number of cars and park them in the correctly numbered carpark space. There are so many opportunities to support your children develop these crucial life skills, whilst still having fun! If you are looking for inspiration, our primary science resource packages are a useful starting point www.stem.org.uk/primary-science

Can they share the sweets out equally? Or build a tower that is ten blocks high? All of these activities help to consolidate the one to one correspondence needed for early mathematical understanding.

Find something that interests them The key to developing any skill is to follow the interests of the child and then find the learning in any situation. Playing with a magnetic fishing game can lead to an exploration of magnetic effect, what does it ‘stick’ to? What can we pull along with our magnets? When building sand castles at the beach, ask your child to build the tallest castle:  I s it better to have wet or dry sand? H ow many shells can you decorate your castle with? H ow deep does the moat need to be to get water from the sea without having to bring a bucket from the water? Playing with cars allows children to explore how wheels roll and which

Smart Games Smart Games, the worldwide leader in multi-level logic games, focuses on learning through play in a fun, challenging and adaptable way. Designed to encourage creativity, the colourful and safe magnetic construction sets from SmartMax focus on developing key skills for young children from 1 year+. Skills include hand-eye coordination, colour recognition, logical thinking, imagination, motor skills, and social skills. From the ‘My First’ range, which now includes fun and tactile animals and trains, through to the build and play-sets for maximum fun when building larger constructions, there are plenty of options to choose from.

All Smart Games are created alongside educational experts and are entirely STEM focused to help encourage concentration, spatial awareness, logic skills, imaginative play, and problem solving. All SmartGames include a grading system against each of the key cognitive skills, helping little ones to develop, making it easier for parents and guardians to review. For example, spatial insight and planning skills while playing the fairy-tale themed, Three Little Piggies; flexible thinking and concentration with the princess inspired Camelot Jr, or problemsolving skills and logic while solving the colourful, new IQ Stars.

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Tumble Tots Member Offers We hope you are enjoying this year’s Member’s Handbook. Once again, we’ve teamed up with a selection of terrific partners to bring you loads of fantastic offers and discounts. Furthermore, every partner in this publication will also have their own page on the new Member Offers website and many will be adding new offers and product news throughout the year so please visit www.tumbletotsmemberoffers.com every month so you don’t miss out! In the magazine:

In this section:

P3 CHILDS FARM Save £1 at childsfarm.com

HAVEN HOLIDAYS Save up to an extra £50* with Haven

P11 KINETIK WELLBEING 15% off all Kinetik thermometers purchased via their website

READING EGGS Free 4 week trial*

P28 MISS BEEZ Get £10 off!

DR. BECKMANN 10% discount when you buy online at www.dr-beckmann.co.uk

P30 PRO-VEN 20% discount!

POLARN O. PYRET 15% off!

P32 SMART GAMES Get 10% off at www.smarttoysandgames.co.uk

LITTLE LIFE Exclusive discounts at www.tumbletotsmemberoffers.com

P32 SMART MAX Spend over £25 via Amazon.co.uk and receive a free set of SmartMax tubes*

PARADISE WILDLIFE PARK Save 10%! STABILO PRIZE DRAW Win a STABILO Prize Bundle worth over £50!

P34 STABILO 20% off* any purchases at www.stabilo.co.uk

TUMBLE TOTS SHOP Save 15% at the Tumble Tots Online Shop JOJO MAMAN BEBE 10% off plus free delivery on orders over £35

Be sure to regularly check for New Member Offers at www.tumbletotsmemberoffers.com 37

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