MunatyCooking Magazine

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Contents 4

Spaghetti with Garlic & Olives


Egg & Vegetable Fried Rice


Lemon Curd


Almond Sugar Scones


Author Deborah Cater


Qeemah Paratha


Author Su Halfwerk


Chocolate Chip Cookies


Food for Beauty

Spaghetti with Garlic & Olives 4 8 Lemon Curd

Qeemah Paratha 13

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We are sure this issue will catch your

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attention. We have included some dear to

heart recipes from India, Italy, and China. In


addition, we have slipped in a very popular

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and kids' favorite cookies' recipe as well. We are pleased to introduce a new author to MunatyCooking, author Deborah Cater, so try not to miss her recipe. Author Su Halfwerk

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makes a return visit and is bringing with her romance and action from her new paranormal romance release.

Photos on pages 10 - 11 by Author Deborah Cate r. Photos on page 14 –15 by Auth or Su Halfwerk. Photos on page 20 owned by Auth or Su Halfwerk..

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Just drop us an e-mail and we'll take it from there. As much pleasure we get from introducing you to new dishes, we would love it if you would share with us your favorite recipes too. Hope you enjoy this read!

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Muna Kenny

Spaghetti with Garlic & Olives 2 cups cooked spaghetti (keep ½ cup of the water) 4 garlic cloves thinly sliced ½ cup chopped black olives Salt/ Black pepper Parsley to sprinkle on top 1 ½ tablespoons olive oil

- In a saucepan on medium-low heat, add the olive oil, garlic, and chili. - When the garlic turns light golden in color (not brown, be careful) pour the ½ cup water. - Add tomato paste, spices, and stir for 2 minutes. - Add the olives and stir for another minute. - Add the pasta and stir for 1 minute. Turn off heat, sprinkle parsley ,and serve hot.

2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 red or green chili chopped MunatyCooking | 4

Egg & Vegetable Fried Rice 2 cups long grain cooked plain rice (cold) 1 medium egg beaten

- In a wok, heat ½ tablespoon oil. Let it get really hot. - Add the egg and stir to get scrambled eggs. Keep aside

2 minced garlic cloves

- Add the rest of the oil and let it heat again. Add onion and stir until translucent then add the garlic and stir for 20 seconds.

1 tablespoon soy sauce

- Add the vegetables and stir for 1 minute.

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

- Add the rice and keep on stirring. Add the seasoning and the sauces.

1 medium onion chopped

Salt Black pepper 2 tablespoons oil 1 cup mixed vegetable

- Stir the rice for 2 minutes then add the eggs and stir for another minute. - Turn off heat and serve hot. MunatyCooking | 5

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Chefs Would you like to be interviewed? Perhaps you’ve written a cookbook and would like to promote it? Being part of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is one of the best avenues to promote yourself and your work. A recipe is a nice addition to showcase your talent. Whether you send us an article about your career choice, or any topic related to your passion for cooking, we would love to hear from you.

Authors Did one of your characters prefer a particular dish? Were you inspired by a certain taste to write a scene? Be as it may be, you can submit an article about all or any of the above along with a brief bio and a pitch about that book. This is a great chance to fleshen up your characters to future fans. Everyone is either into food and cooking or at least practices one. Pique people’s interest, increase their curiosity. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Readers and bloggers If you are part of the foodies world, you’ll love it

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Our goal in MunatyCooking Online Magazine is to present people with simple-looking yet delicious recipes. Your recipe photos, if you are sending any, need not be professionally photographed.

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Lemon Curd 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 medium egg ¼ cup sugar 1 teaspoon lemon zest 1 tablespoon butter

- Beat the egg with sugar. - Transfer to double boiler. - Add the rest of the ingredients and keep whisking until thick. May take around 6–7 minutes. - Remove from heat and run through a sieve to get a smooth creamy texture. - Cover with plastic wrap. Let the plastic touch the surface of the curd to avoid forming a skin on top. - Can be kept in the fridge for 1 week. * This recipe makes ½ a cup. MunatyCooking | 8

Almond Sugar Scones 1 medium egg 1 cup all purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon baking pow der Pinch of salt 3 tablespoon chilled butter 2 tablespoon evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla or orange zest

- In a bowl mix flour with baking powder, salt, and sugar, add butter and rub with flour using your finger tips, until you get a breadcrumbs like texture. Keep in fridge. - In a different bowl beat the egg with rest of ingredients until well combined. - Pour the wet mixture in to the flour and stir just until the dough comes together. Over mixing will result in tough scones. - Transfer the dough on to a floured working surface, knead 3 times, pat the dough into a circle about 1 1/2 inches thick. Cut this circle in four triangles. - Place the scone in lightly greased baking pan. Bake for 15 minutes. MunatyCooking | 9


Deborah Cater of travel memoirs – City Chronicles: A Tale of Nine Cities. One of the wonderful things about travelling is the chance to taste the culinary delights of each place you visit. In A Tale of Nine Cities my friend and I were moving through central and eastern Europe by train and ate our way through mountains of dumplings, schnitzels, and potatoes. Currently I live in Spain and enjoy the local foods that are fresh and tasty, but it is Italy that has inspired my dish. Italy is the setting for the second of the City Chronicles trilogy,

Hello, I’m Deborah Cater and I am a travel

A Little Bit of Italy, which is due for publication

writer. That sounds like a confession, so I may

in April/Ma y 2012. My Spaghetti Bolognese is

as well continueBI am also a foodie. I would

much loved by my Italian boyfriend, so I must

be lying if I said I have always been interested

be doing something right!

in food. As a child, potatoes, peas, and chicken were just about all I liked. As I grew, my taste buds developed and now I am found in the kitchen daily experimenting with tasty combinations or creating tried and tested

If you would like to know more about my books, you can find them on my website: http://citychronicles-

favourites. I have recently published the first in a trilogy

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A TALE OF NINE CITIES Spaghetti Bolognese (serve s 4 )

600g dried spaghetti Dash of olive oil For the sauce: 1 red onion 2 fat cloves of garlic 1 tbsp olive oil 350g minced beef Worcestershire Sauce 400g tin of chopped tomatoes 1 tbsp tomato puree 100 ml beef stock Oregano Marjoram Thy me Ground black pepper

- Chop the onion and garlic, put in a deep pan or pot and gently fry in the oil until they are soft. Keep the heat low so they do not colour. - Add the minced beef. - When the beef has brow ned drain any excess fat from the dish. - Return to the heat and add the tomatoes, puree, vegetable stock, a couple of splashes of Worcestershire Sauce and the herbs. (The amount of herbs depends on w hether fresh or dried are being used and individual taste. I like to taste the oregano so I add a liberal sprinkling of dried oregano to the pot).

- Meanw hile add the spaghetti to a pan of boiling w ater into w hic h a dash of olive oil has been added. Keep it at a boil for betw een 8–12 minutes, depending on how you like your pasta. MunatyCooking | 11

Qeemah paratha

- I like a smoother sauce and so blitz it w ith a hand blender before serving.


- Bring to the boil and then simmer until the sauce is reduced by a third.

For the Qeemah 400gm minced beef Salt /Black pepper 1 teaspoon garam masala 1 1/2 tablespoon chopped cilantro 1 medium onion chopped 1 green chili chopped 1 cube chicken bouillon Oil 1 teaspoon curry powder 1/2 cup boiling w ater MunatyCooking | 12

Qeemah Paratha - Indian Stuffed Bread


- Heat oil and add the chopped onion, sauté until light brown. - Add the beef and stir until the water from beef evaporates. - Add the spices and stir for two minutes. - Add the chili and stir for 3 minutes. - Add the water and let it cook until beef is done. - Add the cilantro and stir for two minutes. - Make sure the beef mixture is dry, otherwise the parathas are going to be soggy and won’t hold the filling. For the Paratha 2 cups all purpose flour Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons oil or ghee Water

- Mi x flour with salt. Add water slowly and knead. Add oil and continue kneading. - Keep kneading the dough until you get soft textured dough that’s not sticky. - Leave the dough to rest for at least 20 minutes. - Make small balls from the Paratha dough. - Sprinkle the working surface with little flour and roll a dough-ball to form a circle. - Place 1 1/2 tablespoon from the qeemah to the dough and close it. - Press the dough with your fingers to form a small circle. - Roll the dough again —sprinkling flour if needed— to a thickness not more than 1/4 an inch. - Add 1/2 tablespoon butter in a pan, place the bread on the pan, and keep on medium heat. Flip when the bottom has dark reddish spots. Repeat the same with the remaining balls of dough. MunatyCooking | 13


Su Halfwerk day you're okay and the next your life signs hit high notes in the presence of your loved one. I still get that when my mother looks at me with pride or when my husband glances at me with a secret smile in his eyes. When I write romantic novels, I go beyond the

physical aspect of romance, past the possibility

Can't Help Falling in Love

(for my characters) that it might not happen. I allow my characters full control in their fights for their love, with punches and kicks as well as wit and sincerity.

Love is an exceptional emotion that can't be

Many times lust is mistaken for love. Falling in

matched. It can add to our strength but can

lust is easy and instantaneous, falling in love,

also weaken us. Its constant companion is

on the other hand, is different even though it

dependability, that knowledge that someone

sometimes happens in a split second. Falling in

has your back.

love is irrevocable and is for always.

Always. Is it a wonder that the first love of our lives is our parents?

In Seeker, Andrew is in love with the memory

Love; that deep, heart palpitating, pulse racing

of his dead wife, yet—without falling out of love

passion that catches us by surprise. There is

with her—he falls head over heels for one of

no preamble, no warning before its onsetBone

his security guards, Adoria.

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To complicate matters, Andrew, the famous romantic flicks actor, moonlights as a spirit hunter in charge of dispatching rogue spirits, sort of a modern day exorcist. He accepted this responsibility to be able to avenge the death of his wife and daughter. There is only one condition to keep his hunting license. He should remain pure. There's a scene in Seeker where Adoria brings Andrew to her house to care for a cut in his hand. On their way up the stairs, the smell of burritos is overwhelming. While she's ashamed of her dilapidated building and the strong odors in it, Andrew admires the aroma of those burritos drifting from her apartment. Did the smell of

their eyes met; she disinfecting his cut while he

Without further ado, flip this page for wet

made a thorough study of her dark tresses?

burritos recipe.

I'm not going to tell, but I can definitely share

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the recipe of that dish.

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My sister, Muna is the foodie in the family, but I


can stand my own in the kitchen. Well, kinda.

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Wet burritos

burritos set their affections for each other as

Recipe by Author

Su Halfwerk 1 chicken breast cut in small cubes 1 medium onion chopped 1/2 cup bell pepper chopped 1 garlic minced Oil Salt Black pepper Chili pow der 1 w arm tortilla Cheese Mustard For sauce 1 cup chicken stock 2 tablespoon enchilada sauce 1 tablespoon sour cream Salt 3 tablespoons tomato paste Black pepper

- In a hot pan add oil and onion, stir until translucent. Add the chicken and spices and cook until chicken is done. - Add the green pepper and garlic and stir for 2 minutes. If the mixture is dry add little water. Keep aside. - In a saucepan add all the ingredients and let it simmer until thick. - Place the warm tortilla on a plate, add the chicken mixture in the middle of the tortilla. Fold both tortilla side inward and roll it up. - Pour the sauce on top, sprinkle cheese and place in microwave for 40 seconds to melt the cheese. - Pour mustard on top and serve hot.

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Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients : 1/2 cup butter

3 drops vanilla

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/4 cup all purpose flour

3/4 cup chocolate chips

Pinch of salt 1/2 cup sugar

- Preheat to 350F/180C. - Beat butter with sugar until light in color and creamy in texture. - Add egg and keep on beating until well mixed. - Mi x flour with salt and baking soda. Add to the previous mixture and mix with spatula or wooden spoon for few seconds. - Add the chocolate chips and mix. - Take one tablespoon of the mixture and place it on a baking pan. Leave about 2 inches between cookies because it will spread while baking. - Place in the oven at for 11-13 minutes or until the bottom is brownish. - Cool the cookies on a rack.

Tip Add more crunch to your cookies by addin g chopped nuts.

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Food for Beauty Healthy skin requires eating balanced and healthy food. Still, at times you might notice your skin has lost its glow. This could be the result of stress, pollution, and lack of sleep.

1 teaspoon honey

Dull and tired skin can be the accumulation ½ teaspoon sugar

of dead skin and poor blood circulation. The good news is you can fix this at home

- Wet a face towel with warm water and

and see amazing results after using few in-

keep it on your face for 1 minute.

gredients from your kitchen. Below are few recipes for scrubs and masks that can be used on the face, hands, and feet.

- Mi x the ingredients together and rub your face gently with circular motion for 1 minute. - Rinse your face with warm water.

Olive oil sugar scrub (for tired looking skin)

Oatmeal Honey and yogurt scrub (for all skin types)

1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon oatmeal

1 teaspoon olive oil

2 teaspoons honey - Wet a face towel with warm water and

1 teaspoon yogurt

keep it on your face for 1 minute. - Mi x the ingredients together and rub your face gently with circular motion for 1 minute. - Rinse your face and wash with mild face wash to remove the oil.

- Wet a face towel with warm water and keep it on your face for 1 minute. - Mi x the ingredients together and rub your face gently with circular motion for 1 minute. - Leave on the face to dry for 20 minutes.

Salt and honey scrub (reduces scars and

- Rub the skin to remove the now dry

pimpless)2 teaspoons salt


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- Rinse your face with warm water.

1 tablespoon honey

* The warm and wet face towel will open up

Few drops of lemon juice

the pores, allowing deeper cleansing.

½ teaspoon olive oil

Your skin is now ready to benefit as much as

- Make sure your skin is clean.

possible from all the nutrients available in the mask's ingredients. To get maximum results from these masks, refrigerate the mask for 10-15 minutes after mixing it. A cold

- Mi x all the ingredients and apply on face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes. - Rinse with warm water.

mask soothes the skin, so try to lie down Banana and yogurt (for soft, healthy looking

and relax while the mask is on.

skin) Gram flour mask (for glowing skin)

1 banana mashed

1 tablespoon gram flour

2 teaspoons honey

1 teaspoon honey

2 teaspoons yogurt

½ teaspoon turmeric powder

½ teaspoon turmeric

Enough milk to make a creamy paste

½ teaspoon olive oil

- Make sure your skin is clean.

- Make sure your skin is clean.

- Mi x all the ingredients to get a not very

- Mi x all the ingredients and apply on face

thick paste.

and neck. Leave for 30 minutes.

- Apply on face and neck, and leave it to dry.

- Rinse with warm water.

Ma y take 20-30 minutes. These were simple, yet cost effective ways

- Rinse with cold water.

to cleanse your skin and then provide it with Honey Lemon (for even complexion and soft

nutrients to maintain its healthy glow.

skin) MunatyCooking | 21 MunatyCooking | 22

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