MunatyCooking Magazine

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Contents 4

French Toast




Chicken with Spinach Sauce


Chappli Kabab




Author Rose Anderson


Potato Pancake


Pound Cake


Walking the walk


Basboosah Stuffed with Heavy Cream

French Toast 4

Lasagna 10

Pound Cake 16

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Care for a tour around the world? Then you've come to the right place since in this

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issue we take you to Italy, India, the Middle

East, and UK through our recipes. In your kitchen you will have the tastes of different


cultures pop out of your pot for you and your

Draw larger audience to your business and products by advertising on MunatyCooking Online Magazine.

family. To add more spice, we are featuring Author Rose Anderson whose novel touches on a

Photos on pages 6 –15-17-20 By Author Su Halfwerk.

subject women experience at some point in

Photo on page 12 By Author Rose Anderson.

their lives. Just a warning, her novel really Copyright: The content of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. You may print or download MunatyCooking Online Magazine for your personal and non-commercial use only.

sizzles! Don't forget: You can promote your blog or book at MunatyCooking's blog and magazine.

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Just drop us an e-mail and we'll take it from there. As much pleasure we get from introducing you to new dishes, we would love it if you share with us your favorite recipes too. Hope you enjoy this read!

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Muna Kenny

French Toast 1 egg 1/4 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder 4 one day old sliced bread 1/4 teaspoon vanilla Oil 1 tablespoon powdered sugar

1- In a bowl whisk the egg, milk, and vanilla. Set aside. 2- Cut the bread in halves (if you wish) and dip it into the milk mixture. Allow it to soak for 10 seconds and then remove it to a plate and let it sit for 1 minute. 3- Heat oil or two tablespoons of butter in a pan. 4- Place the slices into the pan and cook until golden brown on both sides. 5- Sprinkle powdered sugar, and cinnamon. Pour honey or syrup on top. Serve hot with fruits or cream on the side.

Honey or syrup MunatyCooking | 4

Hareesah 1/2 a chicken

1- Soak the wheat grain in warm water for 30 minutes to an hour or till the grain increase in size.

2 cups of wheat grain 2- Boil the chicken, cardamom and cinnamon powder. Salt to taste 3- After 10 minutes add the wheat grain and salt. 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder 7 - 9 cups of water

4- When the chicken is very soft, remove the bones. You can do that while the chicken is still on stove but if you find it difficult then take the chicken out and do so. Never take the bones out before you boil the chicken, half of the flavor will be gone.

4 whole cardamoms 5- Once it thickens, transfer it to the mixer and mix it well. When done return it to the pot to cook for 10 minutes more. Leave it to rest for at least an hour. 6- Serve it on a plate and pour melted butter on the surface. MunatyCooking | 5

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Chefs Would you like to be interviewed? Perhaps you’ve written a cookbook and would like to promote it? Being part of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is one of the best avenues to promote yourself and your work. A recipe is a nice addition to showcase your talent. Whether you send us an article about your career choice, or any topic related to your passion for cooking, we would love to hear from you.

Authors Did one of your characters prefer a particular dish? Were you inspired by a certain taste to write a scene? Be as it may be, you can submit an article about all or any of the above along with a brief bio and a pitch about that book. This is a great chance to fleshen up your characters to future fans. Everyone is either into food and cooking or at least practices one. Pique people’s interest, increase their curiosity. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Readers and bloggers If you are part of the foodies world, you’ll love it

here. Display your passion for cooking and share it with many online readers, this will tempt them to visit your website/ blog and see more of what you can do. Through your participation, you will be able to benefit the readers by introducing your tips, techniques, and new ideas. Your dish will be presented with your article.

Our goal in MunatyCooking Online Magazine is to present people with simple-looking yet delicious recipes. Your recipe photos, if you are sending any, need not be professionally photographed.

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1 chicken cut in to 10 pieces 1 tablespoon cumin powder 1/2 tablespoon coriander powder 1 tablespoon chopped ginger 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder 4 whole cloves 4 whole cardamoms 2 chopped tomatoes Salt to taste 1/2 tablespoon curry powder ...

Chicken with Spinach Sauce 4 chopped garlic

1- Fry the onions, when transparent add the cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and black pepper,

3 chopped onions 1 cinnamon stick 6 whole black pepper 4 cups of chopped fresh spinach or 3 cups of frozen spinach

2- When the aroma of the spices starts to come out, add the chicken and keep on stirring. 3- When chicken turn golden add, tomatoes, garlic and ginger, stir for 2 minutes. Add rest of spices. 4- Now add the spinach and stir, after 3 minutes add water and leave to cook on medium heat.

2 cups water or more.

5- When chicken is done and around 1/4 cup of water left in the pan, your dish is ready.

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Chappli Kabab 500gm minced meat

1- Mix all the ingredients well and set them a side for 20 minutes. 1 egg 1 chopped onion 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 chopped green chili 2 chopped medium size tomatoes

2- Take 1 and half tablespoon from the mixture and shape it like a burger, then flatten it with your palms. 3- Fry the Kabab in very hot oil, this will give it the crunch from out side. After 2 minutes reduce the heat to medium and keep cooking, till done. 4- Serve hot with bread.

Salt to taste 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 2 tablespoons fresh coriander leaves MunatyCooking | 9

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- 4 chopped garlic

- Salt to taste

- 1/2 teaspoon oregano or thyme

- 2 chopped tomatoes

- 1/2 kilo (500gm) minced meat

- 1 teaspoon black pepper

- 3 tablespoons tomato paste

- Olive oil

- 3 or 4 tablespoons shredded carrot

- Mozzarella cheese - As much as you like

- lasagna sheets - 1 1/2 cup water

- 6 cups béchamel sauce (white sauce)

- 2 chopped onions

1- Fry the onion using olive oil, when transparent add the minced meat and stir for 3 minutes. 2- Add the garlic and stir. Then add the chopped tomatoes and stir for 3 more minutes. 3- Add black pepper, salt and oregano, stir well. Add the carrot and stir for 3 minutes more. 4- Add the tomato paste, and stir for 2 minutes then add water. Let it cook till meat is done. 5- In your baking pan, spread a thin layer of béchamel just to hold the lasagna sheets and to provide a nice cushion for it. 6- Place the lasagna sheets on the béchamel and cover it with the meat sauce. 7- Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on the previous layer. 8- Pour small amount of béchamel and then add another layer of lasagna sheets. 9- Keep adding layers, with béchamel as the last layer. Sprinkle it with small amount of mozzarella. 10- Put it in a preheated oven at 190 for 15-20 minutes, switch off the oven and turn on the broiler to make the surface of lasagna dark red.

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Rose Anderson I discovered my Vivienne had been on a student’s architectural tour in Greece several years before this sad chapter of her life. I was also surprised to discover she had herself a whirlwind romance there that ended in heartache. This brought the Greek gods to mind -- the myths are full of gods meddling in mortal lives. Winging missives between the gods and the mortals below, the god Hermes was often the messenger for this meddling. As the tale is a modern one, I chose the computer rather than a scroll to get that message across. Given a Sensual Reads Reviewers’ Choice Award for 2011, Hermes Online is an

Hermes Online is one woman’s journey as she

erotic romance.

travels from drab desolation to vibrant

Setting the stage:

possibility. It’s about self-rediscovery and returning from despair. At a low point in her life, Vivienne allows the cruel words of another to steal her vitality and dictate how she sees herself. As a woman of this world, I believe women in our culture do this all the time. We allow others to determine how we see

Envision if you will, a story begun in the halls of Mount Olympus long before this modern tale was conceived. It was a time when the god Hermes flew on his winged sandals and carried messages from the gods to the unsuspecting mortals below. And between that time and this, couriers became postmen

ourselves. Hermes Online is Vivienne’s road back to her true self, back to her confidence

and handwritten letters became bytes. It is said the gods still speak to those who listen…

and true feminine power. Imagine meeting someone who thoroughly It’s funny how our literary characters spring from our heads like Athena sprang from

compliments you. You share likes and dislikes, views and outlooks and a soul

Zeus. As the story unfolded in my imagination,

connection unlike anything you’ve ever

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HERMES ONLINE VAMPIRES ARE FOREVER chat, where cybersex leads to Skype, and C2C

experienced before. It takes your breath, quickens your pulse and consumes your every thought. When you make love for the first time,

sends both into the arms of a love they’d believed lost forever.

it’s as if every cell in your body confirms this is

Capturing the imagination:

your twin flame. Now imagine the timing is hor-

They have only sensual prose between them.

ribly off. In my first novel, Hermes Online,

To capture Vivienne’s imagination and coax

Vivienne joyfully discovers such a love amid

her out of her shell, S chooses his words with

the ancient ruins of Greece – a love complete


and soul satisfying, but one that just isn’t Take my hand, lovely V, follow me to my bed,

meant to be.

lie back on petal-strewn sheets and fan your As surely as seasons change, life moves on.

autumn-colored hair across my pillows. Allow

Grieving the love she found and lost beside

me to pay homage to the goddess you are. Let

the impossibly blue waters of the Mediterra-

me begin at your little feet. Feel me lightly kiss,

nean, Vivienne eventually takes another

and yes, you will feel me bite ever so slightly,

chance at happiness. Unfortunately, her next

for the need to devour you is great. Reply

relationship turns out to be one of betrayal


when her faithless boyfriend intentionally administers a low blow. After she finds him with someone else, he deflects his actions on to

I await, S

her – if she weren’t so dull a lover he wouldn’t have had to look elsewhere. His unaccountable attack becomes a yoke of self-doubt that spills over into every aspect of Vivienne’s life.

Rose’s book trailers on youtube: RoseAnderson--BookTrailers

ters a short story written during happier times

Hermes Online & Dreamscape found here & wherever ebooks & paperbacks are sold

in an online literature site and makes a con-

Visit Rose at

Hungering for a good word, on a whim she en-

S. The two soon embark upon the world of anonymous Internet communication where their suggestive emails lead her to try erotic MunatyCooking | 13


nection with a compelling man known only as

Grandma's Potato Pancakes Now here’s a comfort food for heartbreak! Recipe By Author Rosse Anderson

7 potatoes peeled and grated. (Grandma always used a box grater to grate her potatoes but you can use a food processor. Drain off any juice. Think of the texture as pulpy.) 1 yellow onion, grated to a pulp 2 beaten eggs flour salt, pepper oil for frying Optional toppings – applesauce and/or sour cream

To grated potatoes add the onion, eggs, salt and pepper, then add flour a little at a time until your mixture thickens to the consistency of sticky looking pancake batter. Your pancakes should keep their shape when you fry. Sometimes the potatoes will weep (from the onions? lol), just drain this water off carefully. Use as many potatoes as you like - simply adjust the amount of eggs, flour, and onion if you need to. Oil should be hot enough to skitter a drop of water on its surface. This is important. You don't want them soaking up the oil, just cooking in it. Turn when edges get golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Eat as is or top with applesauce and/or sour cream. Pyszne! (Delicious!)

**My Grandma had this recipe down to a science. She always used exactly 1 cup of oil and always got about ¾ cup back when she was done. The skittering water drop is her technique for limiting the amount of oil they soak up. Grandma was born in 1887 near Nowi Tauck Poland and made the long ocean voyage to a new world in her late teens. An amazing cook, she could tell you in one taste what series of ingredients made up any dish. Enjoy.

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Pound Cake

- 200 gm sugar

1- Beat the butter until light in color, add sugar, and keep on beating until it becomes a creamy texture.

- 200 gm butter - 1 teaspoon vanilla

2- Add vanilla, zest and the eggs, one at a time and keep on beating until well mixed.

- Pinch of salt

3- Mix baking powder and salt with flour and sift.

- 200 gm cake flour

4- Add sifted flour to the previous mixture. Use the lowest power when mixing, do not mix for more than 20 seconds.

- 200 gm eggs - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest (optional)

5- Pour the cake mixture in a buttered baking pan, put it in a preheated oven of 350ยบ for 40 - 45 minutes or until the toothpick come out clean from the cake. Let it cool. Serve with cream or Ice-cream on the side. MunatyCooking | 16

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Walking the walk If you are into losing weight but not fond of weight or strength training, then walking is the best exercise for you. This low impact workout fits everyone and the results are amazing. All you have to do is wear a proper and comfortable footwear and find a nice place to walk. Nowadays you can even walk at home on a treadmill. To keep yourself entertained and interested in the walking, you can listen to music on an iPod. Another way to remain interested is by changing the place and/or the time you walk. Remember to start the walking 20 minutes or more after your meals and start slow and easy. Walk at your own pace, in other words neither faster nor longer than you can handle. If you're new at it, keep in mind that your muscles are not used to doing this workout yet, it will take you few days to get used to it just like any other workouts. Drinking water while walking is essential since it will keep dehydration from setting in. Having small sips of water while walking or during intervals in the working-out will help you to go on with the routine without feeling light-headed or tired. Walking has many benefits, some of them are:

strengthens the leg muscles. - It improves the mood, especially if walking outside. The brain will actively capture new images instead of dwelling on inner thoughts. - It improves memory and brain function since the exercise will transfer enough oxygen to the brain. - Keeps the heart strong. - Since it burns fat, it reduces the risk of diabetes. - Walking 30-40 minutes every other day along with a low-fat diet can help in losing weight. - It reduces high cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. - Walking improves blood circulation, which in turn leads to healthier skin and hair.

- It moves different parts of the body and

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Basboosah Stuffed with Cream - 2 cups semolina

1- Mix the semolina and the baking powder well.

- 3/4 cup oil

2- Add the sugar and keep on mixing.

- 1 1/2 cups yogurt

3- Add the yogurt, vanilla and the oil and mix again.

- 1 1/2 cups heavy cream

4- Put half of the mixture in your baking pan, spread evenly. let it rest for one minute.

- 2 teaspoons baking powder

5- Add the heavy cream and spread evenly, keeping it away from the edges.

- 1 cup sugar - 2 teaspoons vanilla - 2 cups syrup

6- Add the second half of the semolina mixture and place it in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Then switch to the broiler for 5 minutes to give it a golden color. 7- Take it out of the oven and let it sit for 10 minutes, cut it into square or any shape you like, While still in the baking pan, pour the hot syrup and leave it to cool. MunatyCooking | 19 MunatyCooking | 20

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