MunatyCooking Magazine

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Contents 4

Scalloped Potato


Quick Tiramisu


Chocolate Crepes


Author Jenny Twist


Pasta with Spinach


Roasted Garlic Bread with Cheese


Author Toni . V




Scalloped Potatoes

8 Chocolate Crepes


Roasted Garlic Bread with Cheese

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This is the first issue of our second year, we

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every step of it.


In this issue we bring you two very-loved

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desserts; Tiramisu and Chocolate crepes. Both are prepared in a time-saving way. By the way, the best activity while enjoying

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your dessert, is reading a novel. Why not check out our authors' novels? You can promote your blog or book at MunatyCooking's blog and magazine. Just

Photos on pages 10 - 11 by Author Jenny Twist. Photos on page 14 –15 by Auth or Toni .V. Photos on page 17 owned by Auth or Su Halfwerk. Photos on page 18 owned by Sandra Mihic.

drop us an e-mail and we'll take it from there. As much pleasure we get from introducing

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you to new dishes, we would love for you to share with us your favorite recipes too.

Hope you enjoy this read!

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Muna Kenny

Scalloped Potato •

Preheat oven to F350/180C.

Sauté the onion in butter and oil until light brown.

Add the flour, salt, and pepper and stir for 1 minute.

2 tablespoons all purpose flour

Gradually, add the milk while stirring.

2 cups milk

Cook until the sauce thickens.

Add the potatoes to the mixture and stir for 2 minutes.

Bake for 35 minutes then sprinkle the cheese on top.

Bake for another 10–15 minutes or until potatoes are tender and the top is golden in color.

2 medium potatoes cut in thin circles 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon oil

Salt Black pepper 1 large onion chopped 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

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Quick Tiramisu 150gm cream cheese

heavy cream.

2 tablespoons condensed milk 4 tablespoons heavy cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

In a bowl, add the cream cheese, condensed milk, vanilla, and

Beat the mixture until smooth and well combined.

Dip the biscuits in the coffee for 2 seconds then line them in serving glasses. Add a layer of the cream mixture, then add

1 teaspoon coffee granulate

another layer of the biscuits. Cream layer should be the last

dissolved in 3/4 cup w arm


water ladyfinger biscuits

Sprinkle the top with coco powder.

1 tablespoon coco pow der

Refrigerate for 2-3 hours before serving. MunatyCooking | 5

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Chefs Would you like to be interviewed? Perhaps you’ve written a cookbook and would like to promote it? Being part of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is one of the best avenues to promote yourself and your work. A recipe is a nice addition to showcase your talent. Whether you send us an article about your career choice, or any topic related to your passion for cooking, we would love to hear from you.

Authors Did one of your characters prefer a particular dish? Were you inspired by a certain taste to write a scene? Be as it may be, you can submit an article about all or any of the above along with a brief bio and a pitch about that book. This is a great chance to fleshen up your characters to future fans. Everyone is either into food and cooking or at least practices one. Pique people’s interest, increase their curiosity. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Readers and bloggers If you are part of the foodies world, you’ll love it

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Our goal in MunatyCooking Online Magazine is to present people with simple-looking yet delicious recipes. Your recipe photos, if you are sending any, need not be professionally photographed.

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Chocolate Crepes Ingredients : 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 1/2 tablespoon unsweetened coco powder 3 tablespoons sugar

2 eggs 1 cup milk 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Sift flour with coco powder.

In another bowl, beat the eggs, vanilla, and sugar. Gradually, add flour mixture and mix well.

Add the milk and whisk until well combined.

Add the melted butter and whisk.

Pour the mixture in a bowl, cover, and refrigerate for 45 minutes to an hour.

In a nonstick pan, add 3 tablespoons of crepe batter. Remove pan from heat and swirl it to coat the bottom of the pan. If you get holes in the crepe, pour little batter on it to cover the holes.

The batter will dry quickly. The moment it looses its shine, flip it.

When crepe has finished cooking, gently slide it out onto a plate.

Tip For toppings, use chocolate sauce, whip ped cream, caramel sauce, or fruits syrup

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Jenny Twist other than the stuff we were taught at school. I knew that it was the Spanish Ferdinand and Isabella who financed Christopher Columbus and so conquered the Americas. I knew about the Spanish Inquisition and I knew about the Spanish Armada. But I had no idea, for example, that Spain was under Moorish rule for hundreds of years and had a rich heritage of Moorish architecture and culture. Moorish recipes still form part of the Spanish cuisine, especially here in the South of Spain, which was the last stronghold of the Moors before they were driven out by the Christian

Hi everyone. This is the first time I’ve visited

Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella.


My husband does most of the cooking in our





introduce myself.

household and one of his favourite dishes

My name’s Jenny Twist (it’s my real name)

(and mine) is Patatas a lo Pobre, meaning

and I’ve been writing now for about ten years,

Poor Man's Potatoes.

but have only recently had my first book published, Take One At Bedtime, which came out in June 2011. My novel, Domingo's Angel, came out shortly afterwards, in July. It is set in Spain in the 1950s when Franco, the dictator,

If you would like to know more about my books, you can find them on my website: jennytwistauthor/home

was in power. We retired and moved to Spain ten years ago and I am ashamed to say that before I came to live here I knew nothing of Spanish history MunatyCooking | 10

or my Amazon Author Page

DAMINGO’S ANGEL PATATAS A LO POBRE (serves 4 – 6 persons) 8 medium potatoes 2 medium onions, thinly sliced (about 3mm, a mandolin grater is ideal for the potatoes) 1 large green pepper, cut into thin strips 2 cloves garlic, finely minced Salt, pepper, olive oil

- Preheat oven to 190C. - In a heat-proof casserole assemble the ingredients as follows. - Line the casserole with a layer of one third of the potato, then a layer of half the onion, sprinkle over this half the pepper and garlic and season with salt and pepper. Pour over some olive oil. - Repeat step 1..

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Pasta with Spinach

- Cover the casserole and place in the oven for about 1 hour or until the potato is well cooked.


- Finish with the last of the potato and pour over some more oil.

Pasta with Spinach - 300gm minced beef

1- Fry the onion in hot olive oil until transparent. Add the garlic and stir.

- Salt to taste - 3 tablespoons olive oil

2- Add the meat, black pepper, and cayenne pepper and stir for 3 minutes.

- 3 cups cooked pasta

3- Add the tomatoes and stir until the tomatoes’ water separates.

- 2 cups chopped spinach - 2 chopped cloves of garlic

4- Add the spinach and keep stirring. The tomato and spinach water will cook the beef.

- 1 chopped tomato

5- Add salt.

- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

6- When the beef is cooked, add the cooked pasta and mix gently for 2 minutes

- 1 chopped onion - 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

7- Turn off the heat and let the pasta rest for 20-30 minutes. This will allow the pasta to absorb the sauce and the spices. Serve hot.

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Roasted Garlic Bread With Cheese 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Olive oil Mozzarella cheese

- Preheat oven 350F/180C. - To roast the garlic, cut less than quarter of an inch from the bottom of the garlic head, drizzle with olive oil. Wrap with aluminum foil and bake for 15 minutes or until soft.

1 head of garlic 1 medium roll bread

- When cool, squeeze the garlic out of the skin and mash it with a fork. Mix with parsley and olive oil. - Cut the roll in half and spread the garlic paste over it. - Sprinkle the mozzarella over the roll. - Broil the roll until the cheese melts. - Serve hot. MunatyCooking | 13


Toni V. Sweeney

Hi, my name's Toni V. Sweeney and I have a few novels floating around in the e-book world as well as in print, so I suppose it's possible you may have heard of me. If not...well, now's your chance to meet an author! I have a new book which has just been released and I'd like to tell you about it. It's called Sinner, the first installment in my new series, The kan Ingan Archives. Sinner is the continuation of a Family Saga, and has a slightly unusual history. Taking a breather from writing a Sword-and-Sorcery

series called The Chronicles of Riven the Heretic, I finished a completely unrelated book called Blood Sin, set in the 23rd Century. It was the story of a man exiled from his home planet for a crime he didn't commit, kept from proving his innocence because to do so would reveal he'd committed an even worse crime. About ten years after I wrote the book, I was in an idle mood one day and looking around for something to do, and got to thinking about the background to that story, and ended up writing about what happened before Blood Sin took place--about the crime he committed, and the acts leading up to it. So the first book was actually written second! Later, after much editing and amending and a lot of cross-referencing, I changed the title to Sinner because that fit the first novel much better than it did the second, then re-titled the second book Exile. (Is all this a little confusing?) During all this switching and re-writing, I also decided to relate the stories to The Chronicles of Riven the Heretic by having my hero (Erik Brand) be a direct descendent of the hero of The Chronicles. That necessitated a name change, so he became Aric kan Ingan. Since Riven was considered the ancestor of the ruling family in the Emeraunt Galaxy, Aric became the Crown Prince of the current branch. The story came mostly out of my own imagination but I will admit it has more than a vague resemblance to the ancient Greek myth of Phaedra.

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You know...older man, young wife, young handsome male ingredients for disaster. That story's been played out a thousand times in a thousand variations-especially on the daily Soaps--since 428 BC, in fact, when Euripides first introduced the myth in his play Hippolytos Kalyptomenos (Hippolytus Veiled). The story of a young wife who falls for her stepson and eventually causes her husband to murder him wasn't well-received by audiences of the time. The ancient Greeks apparently thought Euripides' Phaedra a shameless hussy, who openly attempts to seduce Hippolytus. Taking his critics to heart, the playwright rewrote the myth and presented it again as Hippolytos Stephanophoros (Hippolytus who wears a crown), portraying Phaedra this time as a modest wife who fights her attraction for Hippolytus, though to the same tragic ending. Other writers, such as Seneca the Younger also fashioned their version of the play, giving it an even more complex psychological treatment of the characters. So that's the background, and here's my version: Aric kan Ingan is young, spoiled, and the designated heir to an empire and a galaxy. Raised since the age of twelve to be Prince of all he surveys, he is twenty when the story opens and about to get the shock of his young Royal life when his uncle, the Margrave, returns with a bride from an ambassadorial trip to a planet which has been in quarantine for nearly two thousand years--the Earth. The woman’s name is Elizabeth Sheffield. Suddenly, Aric is

not only no longer the heir, but he's also third down in the line of ascendancy, after his uncle, his new aunt, and their child. Swearing revenge, Aric rebuffs Elizabeth's overtures of friendship, embarrassing her at every opportunity, continually pointing out her differences, and Elizabeth returns his scorn with a hatred equal to his own. Although Aric isn't aware of it, there are others in the kingdom who agree with him that a Terran has no business on the throne of Arcanis, and insurrection foments in secret rooms of the Empire. And then, as will often happens when two individuals dislike each other so fiercely, Fate steps in with its usual perversity, and Aric and Elizabeth--discovering they are too similar in their personalities as well as their hatreds--fall in love. With their passion comes the breaking of a king's heart, as well as the beginnings of the toppling of an empire. I hope my variation on the story makes it a tale readers will enjoy, and while you’re reading, you can munch on some of the Pecan Macaroons made from the following recipe: 3/4 C b rown sugar 2 egg whites

2 C pecan halves pinch of salt

Beat egg whites until stiff peak. Add sugar and blend thoroughly. Add pecans. By tablespoonfuls drop onto cook sheet. Bake for 30 mins at 250 degrees. Cool before removing.

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Goo^night Whether we lead an active life or not, sleeping is an act enjoyed by all. But to get its maximum benefits, adults should get 7 to 9 hours of it. Read on to find out more about healthy sleeping and what happens during those hours. - Want to have a good morning? Then you should have a good night. Sleeping an insufficient number of hours during the night will lead to mood swings the next day. On the long run, it may lead to depression and fatigue. - While sleeping your body is in the process of regulating the hormones in charge of controlling your appetite. Sleeping less than 7 hours doesn't allow your body to do its job and those hormones are kept unbalanced. This results inHyou guessed it, more food craving. - A good sleep reduces blood pressure and help you relax. Regular undisturbed sleep will improve your memory and creativity since you have given your mind enough rest.

To sleep better, follow these tips: - Do not drink tea or coffee 3 hours before bedtime. - Take a warm shower 20 minutes before bedtime. - Don’t go to bed while feeling very full or hungry. Overeating will cause acidity, which will wake you up in the middle of the night, while hunger will wake you up to eat. - Don’t sleep with the TV on. Sudden loud noises or shifty lights from it may wake you up. - Don’t go to bed agitated. Try to relax before bedtime by doing something you like.

- 7 to 9 hours of sleep give your heart a break from stress and anxiety. - If you workout, especially if it was an intense workout, your body works on recovering the torn muscles and build new ones during your sleep.

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Sandra Mihic

Sandra’s website : http:// www.sandraseasycooking .com/ You can buy this book Buy here MunatyCooking | 18

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