MunatyCooking Magazine

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Contents 4

Coffee Cheesecake in Chocolate Cake

Creamy tomato soup

24 5



Caramel Fudge


Vanilla Cheesecake in Vanilla Cake


Kelly A.Harmon


Blood Soup


Prawn Pulao


Tagliatelle with mushroom & sausage It’s sweet and good for

David Chilcott The One Pot Chef




Tagliatelle with Mushroom & Sausage 20

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positive comments, and support show your appreciation. Thank you. In this issue we have David Chilcott, a chef and author of The One Pot Chef Kitchen

Copyright: The conte nt of MunatyCookin g Online Magazine is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without permissio n. You may prin t or download MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazin e fo r your personal and non-commercia l use only.

Companion cookbook, Author Kelly A.Harmon brings you an unusual soup, along with a sneak peak of her book Blood Soup.

Photos on pages 6 –10 owned by David Chilcott. Photos on pages 16-17 owned by Auth or Kelly A.Harmon. Photos on pages 11-19-26 owned by Author Su Halfwerk.

As always, mouth watering and easy recipes are included for you to try and share

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that adverts, deta ils, and articles appear correctly, MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazine makes no state ments, representa tio ns, or warrantie s, expressed or implied, that the content and info rmation in MunatyCooking Online Magazine are accurate , comple te , reliable or free from errors or omissions. MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazin e cannot accept responsib ility fo r any loss or damage caused directly or in directly by th e contents of this publicatio n. The vie ws expressed in this magazin e are not necessarily those of its publisher or editors. The info rmation conta in ed in MunatyCookin g Online Magazine is provid ed for general info rmational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as medical or emotional advice. The information may not apply to you and we urge you to seek professional guidance befo re you use any of the in formatio n provided in the magazine. If you utilize any info rmation provid ed in this magazine, you do so at your own risk and you specifically waive any rig hts to make any claim again st MunatyCookin g Online Magazine, its officers, directo rs, emplo yees or representa tives as th e result of th e use of such info rmation.

with your loved ones. Hope you enjoy this read!

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Muna Kenny

Creamy Tomato Soup 2 medium tomatoes chopped 1 medium onion chopped

- In a hot pan, add olive oil and onion. Stir for 3 minutes on medium heat. - Add tomatoes and garlic. Stir for 4 minutes on medium heat. - Add the hot water and let it boil for 3 more minutes.

1 garlic clov e minced

- Let the soup cool down. Pour it in a blender and blend for 2 minutes.

Salt / Black pepper

- Strain the tomato soup through a sieve.

2 1/2 cups hot w ater

- Return the soup to the pan, turn on heat, add salt and black pepper.

1 tablespoon oliv e oil 1 tablespoon butter

- When it comes to a boil, pour the corn starch mixture while stirring. - Now add the butter and stir for a minute. Turn off the heat. - Serve hot with croutons.

1 tablespoon cornstarch dis solv ed in 3 tablespoons of w ater

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Tip You can squeeze 1/4 of a lemon in the soup .

Futtoosh - Arabic Salad 1 cucumber chopped

For the dressing

Making Futtoosh

1 medium onion chopped


- In a big bowl, add all the vegetables.

1 medium tomato chopped

Black pepper

5 lettuce chopped

2 tablespoons lemon juic e

1 pita bread cut in medium squares and fried until golden in color

1 minced garlic

1 bell pepper chopped 2 tablespoon chopped parsley

- Sprinkle the sumac on the vegetables. - Mi x the dressing ingredients together, then pour it on the vegetables.

2 tablespoon oliv e oil 1/2 teaspoon sumac powder

- Add the fried pita bread squares and toss well. - Serve immediately.

1 tablespoon chopped mint MunatyCooking | 5

David chilcott


One Pot Chef David Chilcott began making recipe videos

recently released his eagerly anticipated first

on YouTube in 2007. Since then, his channel

cookbook "The One Pot Chef Kitchen

"OnePotChefShow" has become one of the

Companion" which is available for sale as a

most popular cooking channels in the world.

soft cover book or an eBook digital download.

With nearly 4 million video views and nearly 30,000 YouTube Subscribers, "The One Pot Chef" is one of Australia's most popular and

When did you discover your passion for cooking?

successful YouTube video creators. With a

I started cooking from an early age. Food has

philosophy of keeping recipes as simple and

always been a central focus in my family. My

quick as possible, David has inspired

parents would frequently host family

thousands to step back into the kitchen and

gatherings which would always involve lots of

try cooking for themselves. David has

amazing food. I would always help my mother

uploaded over 140 high quality, easy to follow

with preparing a wide range of dishes. Food

recipe videos to date, and continues to upload

has always been a great way of keeping the

new recipe videos every week. David has

family together.

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When did you decide to ha ve your own show

book. It's the culmination of my work on

on Youtube? And why?

YouTube and I'd like to think that people will get

I discovered YouTube in early 2007 and was

a lot of use from my book for years to come.

instantly addicted. I loved how ordinary people

What type of recipes shall we expect to find

were creating entertainment from their own

in your cookbook?

homes and sharing it with the world. I decided

The One Pot Chef Kitchen Companion is a

YouTube would be the perfect way to show off my cooking skills and

“I upload two new

exercise my creative side. Despite

recipe videos to

having never used a video camera before, and not knowing how to edit

YouTube every

collection of recipes based on my YouTube cooking channel. All of the recipes are quick, easy, economical and can be prepared with basic ingredients

the footage on a computer, I gave it

week, although I

and without the need for

a go and discovered an amazing

spend about 4-5

complicated or expensive

online community who were happy

days a week

to support me and offer assistance. Before I knew it, I was uploading


recipe videos on a regular basis.

kitchen equipment. The recipes are divided into three sections: •

Snacks and Side Dishes:

food suitable for snacks, as Why did you choose to write a

part of a larger meal, or party food.

cookbook? •

I had received many requests from my viewers

Main Meals: dishes suitable for dinners and hot lunches.

to write a cookbook. I'd never really considered •

doing it before as I have no real writing experience. So I decided since there was so

Desserts and Sweet Treats: desserts and treats for all occasions.

self-publish my own book. I spent months

first kitchen – an essential for people moving out

writing, testing the recipes and making sure

of home for the first time. Also, I have

everything was perfect before the big launch. I'm

included a measurement and temperature

very proud of this book, and I hope everyone

conversion chart – so everyone in the

enjoys it. I'd like to think that everything I've done

world can enjoy my recipes.

over the last 4 years has been leading to this MunatyCooking | 7

Continue Interview

There is also a special guide to setting up your


much interest, I would give it a go and

David chilcott The One Pot Chef What is your fa vorite cuisine? I enjoy all sorts of cuisine. I love Asian food,

hours to make, and the recipe is a closely

particularly Chinese and Thai cuisine. I love

guarded secret (I'm taking it to my grave!) but

how colorful and vibrant those dishes can be.

it's a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. My

The combinations of flavors and aromas can

house gets filled with the smell of herbs and

be magical!

spices. I love the sensual experience of stirring

I also love any food that can be cooked with a

the béchamel sauce, and feeling it slowly

minimum of fuss. That's my passion. Not

thicken. I love how the different elements come

everyone has time to spend 6 hours in the

together to create a dish that is as close to

kitchen everyday making elaborate and

heaven as you can get. Abo ve all else, I love

complicated meals. Sometimes, you just want

that sense of satisfaction when I lift the

a big bowl of pasta with a rich, creamy sauce!

finished lasagna out of the oven, and see that

Plus, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love desserts! There is nothing like the smell of freshly baked

gorgeous golden surface, bubbling and steaming.

cookies or that first bite of a moist, decadent

My favorite dish to eat is pizza. It's the great

chocolate cake.

equalizer. Everyone eats it with their hands, there is no formality. Just dive in and enjoy!

How often do you come up with new

Plus, it's such a versatile dish. You can literally


put anything on a pizza and it's amazing. I've

I upload two new recipe videos to YouTube

recently been introduced to dessert pizzas –

every week, although I spend about 4-5 days a

and I'm an instant convert! Triple Chocolate

week filming. I try to record at least 3-4 recipe

Pizza? Yes Please!

videos a week so I am always ahead of schedule. That way, if I want to take a week off now and then, I can without worrying about running out of videos! What's your favorite dish to cook? What’s

“I love how the different elements come together to create a dish that is as close to heaven as you can get.”

your fa vorite dish to eat? I love cooking my special Lasagna. It takes

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Do you use cookbooks as references? I have an enormous collection of cookbooks. Every time I walk into a book shop, I'll walk out with 4 or 5 new cookbooks. It's sort of an addiction. I rarely use the recipes in cookbooks, rather I use them for inspiration. If I'm out of ideas and need to get the creative juices flowing, I flick through a few of my old favorites – and in no time I have a thousand ideas. I'd be lost without my cookbooks. I can only hope that my cookbook will have this same effect on others. Where can we find your cooking videos? I have o ver 140 recipe videos on YouTube, ranging from basic snacks to full meals and desserts. You can find all of my cooking videos at: Where can we order or buy your cookbook? My cookbook is available as either a soft cover book or and eBook digital download (PDF format) and can be purchased at:

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David Chilcott’s

Caramel Fudge Ingredients : 150g of Butter 500g Brown Sugar 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract 1/2 Cup of Milk 400g Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk

Method: - Grease a 20cm square cake tin and line with

further 10 minutes until fudge has thickened.

non-stick baking paper.

- Pour fudge mixture into prepared tin and

- Combine butter, sugar, vanilla, milk and

refrigerate for a minimum of 6 hours.

condensed milk in a heavy-based saucepan

- Using the baking paper as handles, gently

over medium heat.

remove fudge from the tin and slice up into

- Gently stir until butter has melted and sugar


has dissolved.

- Store in an airtight container in the

- Once butter and sugar have melted, stir

refrigerator for up to 5 days.

continuously for 15 minutes. Take saucepan off the stove and beat with a wooden spoon for a

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Would you like to be part of MunatyCooking Magazine?

Chefs Would you like to be interviewed? Perhaps you’ve written a cookbook and would like to promote it? Being part of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is one of the best avenues to promote yourself and your work. A recipe is a nice addition to showcase your talent. Whether you send us an article about your career choice, or any topic related to your passion for cooking, we would love to hear from you.

Authors Did one of your characters prefer a particular dish? Were you inspired by a certain taste to write a scene? Be as it may be, you can submit an article about all or any of the above along with a brief bio and a pitch about that book. This is a great chance to fleshen up your characters to future fans. Everyone is either into food and cooking or at least practices one. Pique people’s interest, increase their curiosity. Don’t miss this opportunity.

here. Display your passion for cooking and share it with many online readers, this will tempt them to visit your website/ blog and see more of what you can do. Through your participation, you will be able to benefit the readers by introducing your tips, techniques, and new ideas. Your dish will be presented with your article.

Our goal in MunatyCooking Online Magazine is to present people with simple-looking yet delicious recipes. Your recipe photos, if you are sending any, need not be professionally photographed.

For submission guidelines please visit announcement-and-invitation.html


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Readers and bloggers If you are part of the foodies world, you’ll love it

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Cake batter: 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk 1 tablespoon yogurt 1 cup + 2 tablespoons all purpose flour Pinch of salt 1 1/4 teaspoon baking pow der

Cheesecake batter: 1 cup cream cheese 4 1/2 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon all purpose flour 2 medium eggs

MunatyCooking | 14

Vanilla Cheesecake in Vanilla Cake To make the cheesecake batter: - Preheat oven to 350F/180C. - Whisk the cream cheese with sugar until mixed. - Add the eggs and vanilla. Whisk until well combined. - Add the flour and whisk gently for 20 seconds. - Cover the cheesecake batter and place it in the fridge until the cake batter is ready.

To make the cake batter: - In a bowl add, eggs, vanilla, oil, milk, and sugar. Whisk until creamy in texture. - In a different bowl, sift flour with baking powder and salt. - Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and whisk gently .

Making the cake cheesecake: - Grease the cupcake pan. [If possible, it's better to use cupcake liners.] - Pour 3 tablespoons of cake batter into each cupcake liner. - Pour the cheesecake batter gently on top until it fills 3/4 of the cupcake liner. - Bake for 16 minutes. When done let it cool while still in the pan. - When the cake cheesecake cools down, keep it in the fridge.

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Author Kelly A. Harmon

Kelly A. Harmon used to write truthful, honest stories about authors and thespians, senators and statesmen, movie stars and murderers. Now she writes lies, which is infinitely more satisfying, but lacks the convenience of doorstep delivery, especially on rainy days. Which Came First, the Story or the Recipe? In this case, the recipe came first...and it was strong enough to inspire an award-winning medieval fantasy with the same name: Blood Soup. I'm an avid genealogist At the time I was writing Blood Soup, I was completing some research on the Polish side of my family and putting together a family-recipe cookbook. One of the recipes I found was for a special-occasion soup called czarnina (char-NEE-nah). In English, it’s referred to as Blood Soup.

I to yed with using a play on words for the darkness of the soup and the darkness of the theme of my story, but time after time my mind returned to the idea of the blood in the soup itself being most important to the story.


The English translation of "czarnina" is "black." The soup is actually named for its rich, dark color, rather than its ingredients.

Despite the sound of its name, Blood Soup isn't such a sinister thing. Blood is involved, but it only constitutes a small fraction of what is used to create the broth. The other ingredients are fairly routine and include cloves, peppercorns, and fresh apples and pears which create a sweet-and-sour soup served with thick, chewy noodles called kluski.

‘The soup is actually named for its rich, dark color, rather than its ingredients.’

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BLOOD SOUP Besides, I said to myself, working through the plotting process, blood is a requirement for life! Right? Any great loss of it, and we perish. So, I began to think of ways blood could be used for healing or as a medicinal ingredient in the book. Taking it a step further, I wondered at the efficacy of using blood to save the life of another person:

Could blood from a healthy person pull a dying person back from the brink? Could it strengthen a weak constitution? I considered whether or not a person could subsist on a diet of mostly blood...human or animal. And, what happens to someone who develops such a taste, so much so, that it’s like an addiction? This line of questioning solidified Prince Amalric’s character: He was a weakling as a child and was fed blood to fortify him. He came to crave it as a youngster, often de-

More information about Blood Soup and other

manding it. He reveals his strong temper–like

stories written by Kelly A. Harmon can be found

an addict-- when someone has eaten the last

on her Web site:

bowl of soup which he considers his.

betrayal and comeuppance. It depicts how one person’s choices can cause the downfall of a family, and in this case, a kingdom.

MunatyCooking | 17


In short, Blood Soup is a tale of murder,

Author Kelly A. Harmon

Czarnina (Blood Soup) Ingredients: 5-6 lb duck OR 3-5 lb spare ribs 1 gallon water 2 bay leaves 4 whole cloves 4 whole peppercorns 4 T flour (Add more if a thicker soup is desired.) 1 T sugar 2 T salt 2 T pepper 1/2 c vinegar 1 c sweet cream or whipping cream Fresh Apples, Pears or both. (Peel, core and chop into pieces less than 1/2 inch.) Dried fruit: 1/2 lb pitted prunes and 1/2 lb raisins 32 oz prune juice with pulp Directions: •

In a soup kettle, cover meat with water and boil slowly for 1-3 hours depending on the size of the duck.

Add fruit to soup. Boil until apples or pears are soft.

Remove meat and spice bag from soup.

Reserve meat to be added back later.

In a separate bowl, blend the flour, sugar, salt and pepper into 1/2 c of prune juice.

Add cream to the flour mixture, the mixture should be a light paste.

Add the 1 cup of hot soup stock and mix until smooth.

While soup is still boiling, add flour mixture and remaining prune juice.

Stir constantly.

If a thicker soup is desired, add 1 c of pureed prunes.

Boil for another 5-10 minutes.

Meat may be returned to the soup.

Taste and adjust seasoning.

Allow to cool and place in refrigerator. Let the soup stand overnight before serving.

Skim off foam from top of soup.

Place spices in cheese cloth bag and add to soup.

Because of the raisins, prunes and fruit, the soup will be sweeter the next day.

Serve with kluski noodles or thick, chewy egg noodles.

Remove meat and spice bag from soup.

Reserve meat to be added back later.

Take out 1 cup of boiling stock and set aside. MunatyCooking | 18 Official website: MunatyCooking | 19

Prawn Pulao 8 peeled dev eined praw ns , defrosted if frozen

3 w hole clov es 1/4 teaspoon fennel seed

1 cup uncooked rice, washed and soaked in w ater

1/4 teaspoon chili flakes

5 snow peas chopped

1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 medium onion chopped

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon pow der

1 large or 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 medium tomato chopped

1/2 teaspoon cumin pow der

2 tablespoons oil

1/2 teaspoon garam masala

Salt to taste

3 w hole cardamom

5 black pepper corns

2 cups boiling water MunatyCooking | 20

- In a hot pan, add the oil and onion. SautĂŠ for 2 minutes. - Add the cloves, fennel seeds, cardamom, and chili flakes. Stir for 1 minute on medium heat. - Add the rest of the ingredients except the prawns and rice. Stir for three minutes. - Add the praw ns and stir for 2 minutes, then add the rice and stir for 1 minute. - Pour the boiling w ater to the pan and w hen it comes to a boil, reduce heat to the low est. - Cover the pan and let it simmer for almost 20 minutes.


Tagliatelle with Mushroom & Sausage 2 cups cooked Tagliatelle (reserve 1/2

- In a hot pan, add the olive oil and onion. SautĂŠ for 3 minutes on

cup from the water it w as cooked in.)

medium heat.

7 button mushrooms chopped

- Add the mushrooms and stir for 2 minutes.

1 medium onion chopped

- Add the garlic and stir for 1 minute.

2 tablespoons oliv e oil

- Add the cream and heavy cream, reduce heat to medium low.

2 tablespoons cream cheese

- Add the Tagliatelle and the reserved water.

2 tablespoons heavy cream 1 garlic minced

- Stir for 1 minute. It should have creamy consistency. - Serve immediately.

2 medium sausages roughly chopped MunatyCooking | 21

It’s sweet

And it’s good for you

Today we picked a fruit. Dates are considered

These trees need less water and can tolerate

treasures and kings of all fruits. They have

hot and humid weather. In a way, the y take care

protein, fiber and are rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3,

of themselves.

B5 vitamin C and A1. So sweet yet fat and

-Dates have potassium which is needed to

cholesterol free, and are good for the heart.

maintain muscle contractions including the vital

Some people believe that this fruit has a

heart muscle. No wonder dates help in lowering

magical effect and can protect from the evil

LDL cholesterol.

eye . -Dates are laxative food. People suffering from Listing all of dates’ benefits will take more than

constipation can benefit from the dates’ laxative

one article, and we might not be just to this

effect. Soak three dates over night in half cup of

amazing and highly beneficial fruit.

warm water and drink it in the morning. Or you

In the old days, people looked at dates as one

can use it as syrup on pancakes.

of the valuable gifts from above. In some

-Dates provide a quick relief from alcoholic

villages, fish is rubbed with dates to keep it fresh for days. Dates were also used to draw

intoxication. -Since it contains Magnesium, it works on

poison or toxins from the body.

strengthening bones and assist in developing

In addition, dates were ingrained as part of

healthy bones.

some religious rituals. Arabs used to present

- The high amount of iron in dates is useful in

dates as part of the dowry.

treating anemia.

Beside all that, planting palm trees is not time

-Fluorine is found in dates too and it slows

nor money consuming.

down tooth decay.

MunatyCooking | 22

-One can increase sexual stamina by soaking three dates in a glass of milk over night, in the morning blend them together add honey and drink it. -Pregnant women can benefit from dates since they help in strengthening the uterine wall and reduce bleeding after delivery. And since dates help in enriching the breast with milk, lactating mothers should consume them.

* If you have migraine, suffer from high b lood pressure, diab etes, or taking medications for depression please seek your doctors advise, before consuming dates.

MunatyCooking | 23

Cake batter: 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk 1 tablespoon yogurt 1 cup all purpose flour Pinch of salt 1 1/4 teaspoon baking pow der 2 tablespoon unsw eetened chocolate pow der Cheesecake batter: 1 cup cream cheese 4 1/2 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon all purpose flour 2 medium eggs 1 teaspoon coffee dissolved in 2 tablespoons w ater

Coffee Cheesecake on Chocolate Cake

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Method : To Make the cream cheese mixture: - Preheat oven to 350F/180C. - Whisk the cream cheese with sugar until mixed. - Add the eggs, vanilla, and coffee. Whisk until you well combined. - Add the flour and whisk gently for 20 seconds. - Cover the cheesecake batter and place in the fridge until the cake batter is ready.

To make the cake batter: - In a bowl add, eggs, vanilla, oil, milk, and sugar. Whisk until creamy in texture. - In a different bowl, sift flour with baking powder, chocolate powder, and salt. - Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and whisk gently .

To make the cake cheesecake: - Grease the cupcake pan. [If possible, it's better to use cupcake liners.] - Pour 3 tablespoons of cake batter in to each cupcake liner. - Pour the cheesecake batter gently on top until it fills 3/4 of the cupcake liner. - Bake for 16 minutes. When done let it cool while still in pan. - When the cake cheesecake cools down, keep it in the fridge.

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