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Contents 4
Butter Bread
Mini Potato Cups
Spicy Italian Sausage
Semolina no bake cake
Carson Buckingham
Kofta with Yogurt sauce
Pistachio Ice Cream (Kulfi)
Veganism an Easy Choice By
Leyla Hur
6 20
Grilled chicken with butter sauce
It’s lemony magic
Kofta With Yogurt Sauce
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up with a cold and soothing recipe that will
refresh you.
Leyla Hur is on the path of Veganism
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which have helped improve her overall health and have experienced great benefit from. In this issue, she demonstrates that it’s easy to become Vegan.
Copyright: The conte nt of MunatyCookin g Online Magazine is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without permissio n. You may prin t or download MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazin e fo r your personal and non-commercia l use only.
Don’t miss Author Carson Buckingham and her witty article. After enjoying it, don’t forget to tryout her soup.
Photos on pages 6 –10 owned by Leyla Hur. Photos on page 16-19 owned by Author Carson Buckin gham. Photos on page 26 owned by Auth or Su Halfwerk. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that adverts, deta ils, and articles appear correctly, MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazine makes no state ments, representa tio ns, or warrantie s, expressed or implied, that the content and info rmation in MunatyCooking Online Magazine are accurate , comple te , reliable or free from errors or omissions. MunatyCooking Onlin e Magazin e cannot accept responsib ility fo r any loss or damage caused directly or in directly by th e contents of this publicatio n. The vie ws expressed in this magazin e are not necessarily those of its publisher or editors. The info rmation conta in ed in MunatyCookin g Online Magazine is provid ed for general info rmational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as medical or emotional advice. The information may not apply to you and we urge you to seek professional guidance befo re you use any of the in formatio n provided in the magazine. If you utilize any info rmation provid ed in this magazine, you do so at your own risk and you specifically waive any rig hts to make any claim again st MunatyCookin g Online Magazine, its officers, directo rs, emplo yees or representa tives as th e result of th e use of such info rmation.
As always mouth watering and easy recipes are included for you to try and share with your loved ones. Hope you enjoy this read!
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Muna Kenny
Butter Bread 1 cup all purpose flour 6 tablespoons water 1 cup warm milk 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar
- Mix yeast with water and sugar. Keep aside for 15 minutes. - In a bowl, mix flour with salt and butter. Knead for 3 minutes. - Add the yeast mixture and knead, then slowly add the milk and keep kneading for about 8 –10 minutes. - Cover the dough and leave it to rise in a warm place, may take 1 and 1/2 hour. - Knead again and then transfer the dough to the buttered baking pan. Cover and let it rise again. - Bake in a preheated oven at 400F/200C for 6 minutes, then reduce t o 350F/ 180C and bake for 30 –35 minutes. * To make the bread soft, keep a pan with hot w ater in the oven nex t to the pan you are baking in . MunatyCooking | 4
Potato cups 200gm minced beef 2 medium siz e potatoes Salt /Black pepper 2 tablespoons oliv e oil
- Peel the potatoes and cut in chunks. Boil for 20 minutes and keep aside. - In a hot pan, add olive oil and beef. Fry until the beef’s water evaporates. - Add all the spices to the beef and stir on medium heat until the beef is done (around 12– 14 minutes.) - In a bowl, mix the cheese, potatoes, and beef. Either beef or the potatoes should be hot when mixing to allow the cheese to melt and mix well with the rest of the ingredients.
5 tablespoons cheddar cheese
- Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
3 garlic clov es minced
- Grease the cupcake pan with butter or cooking spray.
3 tablespoons bread crumbs for garnish
- Spoon in the potato mixture, until it reaches the top of each cupcake mold. - Sprinkle the bread crumbs on top of each potato cake. Bake for 10 – 12 minutes.
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Veganism an Easy Choice
Leyla Hur I have often heard that changing to a vegan lifestyle is very “difficult” and takes a lot of “discipline”. Before taking the plunge into veganism, I too fell into that trap of thinking that it must be very difficult. Even the idea of living a 100% vegetarian life was thought of as being “difficult” to me.
“difficulty” may very well enter your mindset. But don’t worry; I’ll get to my reason why it’s different this time for me, and why I will never go back to eating animal flesh, or consuming animal products, again.
Sure, I’d ventured into the bonds of vegetarianism a few times over the years, but the enticement of cooked meat would often lure me back into its grips and that “phase” of my life was over.
There are varying degrees of vegetarian. The main premise that vegetarians live by is cutting out meat from their diets. But even within those realms, there are Pescetarians who do not eat meat from cows, pigs, chickens, etc, but who will eat fish.
So what makes this so different? You may ask. Why do I think I can handle living, not only as a vegetarian, cutting out all animal flesh, but going to the extreme limits of being a vegan? Well, let me first explain what the difference is. And as you read the next few paragraphs, you may balk at how we vegans live and the idea of
Vegetarian vs. Vegan
There are some “vegetarians” who won’t eat red meat, but who will occasionally eat fish and poultry. There are lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians, and lacto-ovo-vegetarians.
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So I am sure you can gather that lacto-ovovegetarians will consume eggs as well as dairy products, but they will not consume animal flesh. And then, there are vegans5 For many, veganism is the most extreme and rigid of all vegetarianism; as vegans, do not consume any animal flesh or animal byproducts. That means, besides cutting out animal flesh of all kinds, we also do not consume any dairy products, eggs, honey, nor do we wear/use any item that comes from animals, or where animals have been used in the production of, or testing of, the product(s). Vegans usually operate on the basis of animal ethics and living “cruelty-free” and gaining the advantage of living a much healthier lifestyle at the same time. Why Vegan? In my interview in the July issue, I explained why I became vegan. One of the first reasons “why” was because when I looked at the cost of foods, I saw that it was more cost effective to be vegan than it was to eat meat products. As I was presenting this fact to my husband, and as we have found out since being vegan, this is an absolute fact. Meat has always been what the wealthy would eat, it distinguished the classes. But over the centuries, we have also seen that the wealthy were always overweight whereas the poorer classes were thin. In this day and age, that stereotype has been reversed, and we find now that those in the lesser income brackets are fraught with obesity whereas those who are in a higher income bracket are more often more fit and slim.
The truth is, society has changed and so has the market place and food manufacturers. We see that the most inexpensive foods to purchase are those that are processed, packed full of chemicals, sodium, sugars, and cheap fillers that do nothing but bulk items up at the cheapest cost possible to the manufacturers. Even if you purchase a package of fresh chicken breast or ground beef, the meat has been so induced with chemicals, steroids, antibiotics, and other nonsensical and unnatural things, that they grow faster than what their bodies can handle. Some of the common things that are fed to farm animals are gross amounts of antibiotic drugs which are now creating a superbug http:// and http:// that is multi-drug resistant and as we ingest these animals (and their by-products); we also ingest these chemicals into our bodies. As I did further research into veganism, I learned about the health benefits of removing animal products from my diet. Being Type 2 diabetic with a host of health issues, I found that there was no purer form of aiding my health than to change my diet, and change it drastically. Recently, I watched the movie “A Delicate Balance” which can be viewed for free online by clicking the link) which focuses on the effects of animal proteins on the human body, as well as the effects of what factory-farming and over-fishing in our oceans, are doing to our environment.
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Continue Veganism an easy choice
Ovo-vegetarians will eat no animal flesh, or even dairy products, but who will consume eggs.
Often, the e xcuse has been that the wealthy can afford the time to go to the gym and have private trainers, etc.
Lacto-vegetarians will eat no animal flesh, but who will consume dairy products.
Veganism an Easy Choice By Leyla Hur Plus, having done research into Dr. Neal Barnard’s work as well as Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s “China Study”, I was absolutely hooked on living a healthier lifestyle. There is no reason why the human body needs to consume animal products. We can get all our proteins, calcium, and nutrients from eating a 100% plant-based diet. The more we consume animal flesh and animal products, the more we expose our bodies to increased risk of heart disease, cancers, diabetes (Type 1 and 2), osteoporosis, and so many other lifethreatening, and life-demising health issues. One thing that stood out clearly in A Delicate Balance was Dr Barnard talking about the effects of cooking meat. There are chemicals in animal flesh that, when heated up (cooked), produce chemicals that cause cancer on the surface of the meat called Heterocyclic amines (HCAs). So the obvious thing would be to cook the meat less. However, most meat on the grocery shelves are filled with Salmonella and other harmful bacteria which needs to have high heat to kill them. The cycle continues and the body becomes increasingly damaged. In our modern world, we are constantly exposed to chemicals such as pollution, pesticides, etc. Our bodies have a natural defense system against these chemicals. When we eat plant based proteins, the cells in which the enzymes that are natural defenses in our bodies, are activated and neutralize the harmful chemicals. However, when we ingest animal flesh/products, our natural defense mechanism turns against our bodies and turns the chemical into carcinogens. These cells then begin to eat through our DNA structure which then divides the cells, and when the cells divide, they produce cancer cells. Eating animal protein is what activates this negative reaction that creates cancer in our bodies.
By removing all animal products from our diets, and eating a pure, 100% plant-based diet, we eliminate the risk of ingesting foods that actually cause cancers and other disease. Not only can it eliminate the risks, but research has found that changing to a 100% plant-based diet can actually reverse heart disease, cancers, diabetes, as well as other diseases. The “Difficulty” Factor The idea of going vegan was something I had been toying with for a little while, getting my husband on board was another matter. As I do all the cooking at home, he told me that he didn’t really have a choice, but that he would probably consume meat and animal products while out. I told him that the choice was his. Once he began to investigate veganism himself, he became much more in tune with living the lifestyle. Many people will say “ease into” the diet change – replace a couple meals a week with vegan, and build up to one meal a day, and then increase it further. We didn’t do that. We launched head first into it, and we found that it couldn’t be easier. However, we do encourage replacing at least a couple of meals a week, or even make one day a week that is completely vegan to start with. Popular trend is “Meatless Monday”, replacing all meals on Mondays with meatless alternatives. The things that we thought we’d miss, we actually did not. There are so many amazing vegan alternatives for everything you can think of, that it makes the choices very easy. We have not missed animal products one bit in the four months of being vegan. My husband and I feel healthier, we have so much more energy, and our minds are so much clearer, not to mention we have both lost a significant amount of weight.
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Don’t think that you are limited to purchasing foods only at specialty stores. You can find vegan items at places like Walmart! Regular supermarkets are bringing in more vegan-friendly items, and Costco is a great source of vegan items, as is Trader Joe’s. In fact, PETA has a whole list of items that are “Accidentally Vegan” vegetarian-living/accidentally-vegan.aspx – things like Oreo’s! I must say that as far as pre-made vegan foods go, there is such a long list that it would take an entire issue simply to present everything. The options are so many and really so delicious also. Out of frustration of not having as many vegan restaurants in the Phoenix area, and realizing that as frustrating as it is for us, how frustrating must it be for vegans who work and can’t just “order in” as easily. Unless they bring their lunch with them, having to take the time to make it, which can be rather inconvenient, a vegan’s options are not that great. Based on this idea, and these frustrations, I created a business called “Vegan Lunchbox” where I make and deliver fresh vegan lunches in the Arizona Valley area. The need has obviously been one that has gone unfulfilled until now.
The beauty about Vegan Lunchbox (hyperlink, is that not only is it 100% vegan, offering amazing meat substitutes that would appeal to even the most discerning meat aficionado; since all the meals are 100% vegan, they are automatically Kosher and Halal. These appeal not only to those in the vegan community, but the service transcends the divide and appeals to vegetarians, people looking for tasty and healthy alternatives, as well as to those in the Muslim and Jewish communities. We’ve just finished our second successful week, and I am beginning to see that a dream that I had since I was a little girl of one day owning my own restaurant, may be coming into realization. This is simply the start, with hopes of expanding into other cities and possibly countries.
Leyla and her husband are the owners of “Vegan Lunchbox”, a business making and delivering fresh vegan lunches to individuals in workplaces in Phoenix, Arizona. Learn more about Vegan Lunchbox at and follow Leyla’s cooking blog at:
MunatyCooking | 9
spicy Italian sausage
There are great groups on Facebook that give a lot of information. In joining these groups, and meeting people, you can get a lot of answers to questions and feel a sense of camaraderie also.
It was amazing how fast our first customers signed up. Within hours of putting up our “tester” page on Facebook, to see if there was a market for our services, we already had our first customers. We hadn’t even set up a PayPal account or purchased a website address! It was amazing.
You will be so amazed to find how easy it truly is to be vegan, with so many various options out there for you. When you venture into shops like Whole Foods Market (WFM), you will find everyone so helpful and many vegans working there.
Spicy Italian Sausage
2 1/4 cups Vital Wheat Gluten Flour (I use Bob's Red Mill) 1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast 1/4 cup Chickpea Flour 1 TBSP Mushroom flavouring (you can also use vegetable bouillon cubes, or “no-chicken” flavouring - if using these adjust amount up to 2TBSP depending on sodium level) 2 TBSP Granulated Onion 2 TBSP Granulated Garlic 1 TBSP Fennel seeds (optional) 2 tsp Fresh ground black pepper
By Leyla Hur
2 tsp Sweet Paprika 1 tsp Smoked Paprika 1 tsp Chili Powder (optional) 1/2 tsp Dried Oregano 1 tsp salt (or to taste) 1/8 tsp Allspice 2 1/2 cups cool water (never use warm or hot water with gluten flour) 8 cloves garlic 2 TBSP Oil (I used Canola, but you can also use Olive Oil) 2 TBSP Soy Sauce
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1. Mi x very well together the dry ingredients. Set aside. 2. Blend together the wet ingredients, until the garlic is completely dissolved into the liquid. The liquid should become a dark, creamy colour. 3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and using a wooden spoon or spatula, mix together until it forms a dough. 4. Prepare 8-10 sheets of aluminum foil about 6" x 6". 5. Using a 1/2 cup measuring cup, measure the mixture (don't pack it in) and then form into a log on a sheet of the aluminum foil. Then roll up the foil so that it looks like a Tootsie candy. Make sure it is tightly wrapped. Repeat until all the mixture has been used. 6. Place the sausages into the steamer over a pot of simmering water. Steam for 45 minutes. 7. Remove and let sit for about 10-15 minutes. You can eat them immediately, or cool completely and then refrigerate. They will have a more bold flavour once left overnight.
** The sauce is a simple mix of vegan mayonnaise and yellow mustard** Leyla and her husband are the owners of “Vegan Lunchbox”, a business making and delivering fresh vegan lunches to individuals in workplaces in Phoenix, Arizona. Learn more about Vegan Lunchbox at http:// and follow Leyla’ s cooking blog at
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Chefs Would you like to be interviewed? Perhaps you’ve written a cookbook and would like to promote it? Being part of MunatyCooking Online Magazine is one of the best avenues to promote yourself and your work. A recipe is a nice addition to showcase your talent. Whether you send us an article about your career choice, or any topic related to your passion for cooking, we would love to hear from you.
Authors Did one of your characters prefer a particular dish? Were you inspired by a certain taste to write a scene? Be as it may be, you can submit an article about all or any of the above along with a brief bio and a pitch about that book. This is a great chance to fleshen up your characters to future fans. Everyone is either into food and cooking or at least practices one. Pique people’s interest, increase their curiosity. Don’t miss this opportunity.
here. Display your passion for cooking and share it with many online readers, this will tempt them to visit your website/ blog and see more of what you can do. Through your participation, you will be able to benefit the readers by introducing your tips, techniques, and new ideas. Your dish will be presented with your article.
Our goal in MunatyCooking Online Magazine is to present people with simple-looking yet delicious recipes. Your recipe photos, if you are sending any, need not be professionally photographed.
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Readers and bloggers If you are part of the foodies world, you’ll love it
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MunatyCooking | 14
Semolina No-Bake Cake Ingredients : 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons chocolate chips
2 tablespoons shredded coconuts
1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/4 cup milk 4 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup semolina
Mi x the vanilla with milk and sugar, stir until sugar dissolves. Keep a side.
In a hot pan add butter and semolina. Stir until semolina turn beige in color.
Pour milk on Semolina while stirring. Add the coconuts.
When the semolina is thick and is separating from the pan, remove from heat and pour in a pan to cool.
Using the back of a tablespoon even out the surface of the semolina. Should not be more than 1 inch in height.
Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top and press it down using the back of a spoon.
Leave it to cool, refrigerate for at least an hour.
Using a cookie cutter cut the semolina.
When serving this dessert, it should be at room temperature.
Tip You can omit the coconuts and use dry fruits or nuts.
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Carson Buckingham And worst of all, she hasn’t ever realized it. She mistakes desperate efforts to keep from moaning in pain for what she refers to as “yummy noises” and dishes up another helping. She feels that green complexions are becoming and that continued rushes to the bathroom are less to throw up than to “powder one’s nose.” Even the men.
Most people do not leap from the womb with an innate interest in cooking. As we become older and increasingly aware of the world, this interest can develop—usually with help from our mothers or other female relatives who spend the weekends creating a symphony of irresistible aromas in those tabernacles we call kitchens. It is with growling stomachs and drooling mouths that we gather eagerly around the table when a meal is served and really, really mean it when we thank God for the bounty we are about to receive. We will actually feel sorry for God that he can’t partake of the steaming deliciousness set before us. Unfortunately, that wasn’t my house I just described. My mother is a lousy cook.
My brother had no idea what a bad cook our mom was until he joined the army and began sending recipes home. Last year, for Christmas, I gave her a year of cooking lessons. I knew she’d be offended, but I also knew that she’d never be willing to hurt my feelings by not going. Tough love, I know; but sometimes it is necessary to meet drastic situations with equally drastic measures. I mean, our land line is set on speed dial to the Atlanta Poison Control Center5and we are on a first-name basis with all the operators there, for heaven’s sake! So she began her cooking lessons. I had to promise to stop by and sample her “homework” every weekend; so I was at the table that first Saturday morning, along with my brother and my father. Her first project was Eggs Benedict. I can promise you one thing—if Pope Benedict had sampled these, shortly thereafter everyone in Rome would have been standing around watching for white smoke.
‘My brother had no idea what a bad cook our mom was until he joined the army and began sending recipes home.’
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HOME I should also mention that there are three dogs in the house; but after begging scraps from the table as puppies and being laid up at the vet’s for a month or more, they’d growl at a steak if my mother had cooked it. Therefore, feeding the dogs under the table was a closed avenue to digestive escape. At any rate, we choked it down, then raced to the bathroom. This time, ipecac was not going to be necessary.
that’s b etter, I thought. How can you mess up a pickle?
It’s only the first week, I thought. Give her time. The following Saturday, we sampled her second assignment. It was the first time I’d ever seen a soufflé that had to be cut with a chain saw. After we complimented her to the sky, we hid the pieces under the table. Later on, my dad took them into his workshop and trimmed them down so we could paint them and use them as croquet posts.
On the sixth Saturday, she treated us to Clams Casino—and the odds were against us, believe me.
Okay, I thought. It’s just week two. Things are bound to get better. Only the y didn’t. Next Saturday, Mom favored us with Jambalaya, which she had cooked in a tempered steel pot. When she served it, it dissolved the china, the table, the floor, the ceiling of the basement, and the sump pump. However, if sufficiently diluted, it would remove paint5from anything.
What was I thinking? One bite of those kerosene cucumbers and all smoking at the table immediately ceased. It took an entire tube of toothpaste and a bottle of Listerine to get rid of the taste. But we gamely hung in.
We hastily convened a family conference in the next room while Mom was doing the washing up. After much discussion, we decided to give it just one more week. Saturday number seven saw pork chops, mashed potatoes, and broccoli that were almost good. Things were looking up.
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The next week, we had a wine tasting before the French cuisine dinner we’d been promised. We went through a case and a half, and were so drunk by the time she put the Boeuf en Croute on the table we were, as incredible as it sounds, eager to try it! As a matter of fact, we So much for week three. Saturday arrived again, far too soon for some of ate every last bite of it, b éarnaise sauce and all. us. We held our collective breath as she The next morning we were not only hung over unveiled5tad a5Baked Alaska. I think there but also suffering from symptoms of every was actually soil from Alaska in it. It was the only dessert you could eat and exfoliate with at disease imaginable. We were rushed to the same time. the hospital where we were transfused, pumped out, injected, examined, tested, Week four over5thank God. The next week, she produced dill pickles. Well, IVed, x-ra yed,
Carson Buckingham
CAT scanned and MRIed. The three of us even had tattoos, with no idea where they came from. The medical staff had never seen anything like it, and there was talk of indicting my mother for attempted murder. A judge solved the problem by placing a restraining order on Mom that kept her 100 feet from the stove at all times. When Christmas comes this year, I plan to give the whole family a gift. I’m hiring Wolfgang Puck. You may be laughing right now5at least, I hope you are. But the story I related to you really wasn’t so far from the truth. I have no idea where my interest in cooking came from, but I’m happy to have it. I love cooking Italian. I love cooking soups. I love cooking Italian soups and here’s my favorite: STRACCIATELLE with teeny tiny meatballs (Make a lot of this—it will go fast! I make a gallon at a time and, between my husband and me, it’s usually gone in a few days. You can also freeze it. I also love borscht, but haven’t included the recipe, as it seems to be something of an acquired taste. But THIS Italian soup, you’re sure to like! I’m going to give you the recipe that yields about a quart and a half and you can double, triple or quadruple up from there.) Ingredients For the soup: 1 quart of chicken broth, preferably homemade, but any of the better broth from the market will do) 2 cups of water (if your tap water isn’t great, use bottled drinking water. Over-chemicaled water can really ruin a good soup) ½ cup pastina
1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped (don’t use the dried parsley flakes—they don’t work well in this soup) 1 medium carrot, sliced thin ½ pound of spinach leaves, cut julienne style For the teeny tiny meatballs: ½ pound lean ground beef (you can also substitute ground pork, lamb or sausage if you prefer. But if you want to stay authentic, stay with the beef) 1 egg 2 teaspoons Italian flavored bread crumbs 1 teaspoon grated I talian hard cheese (parmesan, romano, etc. Take your pick.) 2 teaspoons fresh parsley, chopped 1 small minced onion (I prefer sweet onions, but any kind will do. You can even use shallots, if you want. If you opt to use a stronger tasting onion, then you’ll need about a quarter cup, minced. If you opt for a sweeter, milder onion, then use a half cup, minced.) 2 eggs Italian hard cheese Okay, here we go. This is so easy, you won’t believe it! Combine all soup ingredients in a soup pot, and bring it to a low boil. Mix the meatball ingredients in a bowl, make the tiny meatballs (about 3/4 an inch in diameter) and drop them into the boiling soup mixture. Now here’s the fun part. The name of the soup, Stracciatelle, for those who do not speak Italian, means “torn rags.” We are now going to make the “torn rags.” In a small bowl, beat the two eggs thoroughly. With a wooden spoon, stir the boiling soup constantly as you slowly pour in the beaten eggs. Watch what happens when the eggs hit the moving soup--Voila! Torn rags! Isn’t it great? Remove the soup from heat after you’ve finished adding the beaten eggs. Cover the pot and let it stand for a couple of minutes. Serve with warm crusty bread. Sprinkle the soup with grated hard cheese and enjoy. This will become a favorite among the soup-lovers in your family.
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HOME And while you’re waiting for everyone to get home for dinner, why not pass the time with my dark fantasy novella, Home? Published by Triskaideka Books. It will be available this Halloween (October 31, 2011) from Amazon and Smashwords in both ebook and printed formats. Here’s a bit about it: Following the deaths of her mother and beloved aunt, Kate Kavanagh inherits the family homestead in the Irish enclave of Three Oaks, Connecticut; b ut the house has changed since she visited a year ago--no more windows on the first floor and gaslights and a wood b urning stove in place of the modern appliances. It also appears to b e haunted. And that's just for starters. Once she moves into the house, Kate herself b egins a gradual b ut terrifying biological transformation that is part of her inheritance, too; though not mentioned in the Will. With the help of a Rottweiler that's more human than animal, a new friend whose farm stand is only open dusk to dawn, and the "Rat Boys," Kate will get some answers or die trying.
to actually study astrology, I make them all up. They, too, are updated once weekly on Sunday morning. Stop by and have a laugh.
And please stop by my blog: Under the REVIEWS tab, you can read about what some major reviewers think of Home before you lay out your hard earned. In addition, my blog also has a Captioned Photo of the Day—a humor feature which changes daily, as the name implies. I also have a humor column on the home page (much like what you’ve just read) which is updated every Sunday morning around 11:00 AM USA Mountain time. If you enjoy astrology, there is also a HORRORSCOPES page. I am the resident astrologer, but since I have no time MunatyCooking | 19
Kofta with Yogurt Sauce To make the koftas: 200gm minced beef Oil for fry ing 1 small onion minced 3 clov es garlic minced
- Mix all the ingredients and make ping pong size balls from it. Keep aside. - Fry the koftas in oil until cooked on medium heat for 8 minutes, or until the koftas turn brown in color. Keep aside.
Salt / Black pepper 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon pow der 1/2 teaspoon garam masala 1/2 teaspoon cumin pow der 1/2 teaspoon coriander pow der 1 1/2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
To make the yogurt sauce 2 cups y ogurt. Salt / Black pepper 1 tablespoon chopped coriander leav es 1/4 teaspoon paprik a for garnis hing MunatyCooking | 20
- Mix all the ingredients, except the paprika. - Add the meat balls while hot to the yogurt mix. - Sprinkle paprika and chopped coriander for garnish. - Serve.
Grilled Chicken With Butter sauce 4 chicken thighs
- Clean the chicken and add salt, pepper and paprika. Grill for 30 minutes or until done in preheated oven of 350F/180C.
4 tablespoons butter 2 clov es garlic minced Tw o tablespoons all purpose flour
Making the sauce: - In a hot pan, melt the butter, add the flour and mix for 3 minutes on medium heat.
1 teaspoon paprika 2 cups chic ken broth or water Salt and black pepper
- Pour the hot broth over the flour while whisking until sauce is thick. Season with black pepper. - Serve Chicken on mashed potato, and pour the sauce on top. MunatyCooking | 21
It’s a lemony magic!
What can lemons do for you.
We enjoy the taste of lemon in our drinks and food, but there is much more than what meets
facilitates relaxation, and reduces mental
the eye.
Beside its soothing taste, lemons contain
- Drinking lemon juice purifies the blood.
vitamin C, which helps us recover from flue and - Applying lemon juice to the last rinse of hair cold. There are countless benefits of lemons wash, can naturally lighten the color of the hair. which we will disclose in this article. - Mixing sugar with lemon will produce a - Indigestion symptoms, such as bloating,
natural body, face, and lip scrub, which will not
belching and heartburn, can be cured by
only lighten the complexion and remove dead
drinking lemon juice made with warm water.
skin, but will also reduce the appearance of fine
- When having a sore throat, dilute lemon juice
- Rubbing a slice of lemon on the armpits, rids
with water and gargle 5 times a day. - Lemon juice helps the liver produce more
the skin from the accumulated residues of deodorants used. It also lighten that area.
enzymes. - When lemon is applied on the skin, it can remove wrinkles and blackheads. If applied to
- If you suffer from pimples and acne, lemon is a good cure if mixed with honey and applied on the face like a mask.
burn scars, it will help in fading the color. - Thanks to the high potassium found in lemon, it controls high blood pressure,
- For healthy looking nails, rub a slice of lemon on your nails to whiten them.
MunatyCooking | 22
- Rubbing a lemon slice on old kettles or a dirty stove will make them look cleaner and shinier. Few drops of lemon on chopped potatoes, apples, or bananas will stop their natural tendency to darken. - After cutting onion or garlic, rub hands with lemon and salt to reduce the smell. -To keep the refrigerator smelling fresh add few drops of lemon on a cloth and rub fridge’s interior. -To keep plastic or wooden cutting board clean and disinfected, after using it, rub it with a lemon slice, let it sit for half an hour then rinse. -And last, don't forget to drink lemon juice when having flue or cold, it also brings the fever down.
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Pistachio Ice Cream - Kulfi
MunatyCooking | 24
Ingredients :
1/2 cup heavy cream (whipping cream)
You’ll also need:
6 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon chopped pistachio for garnishing
3/4 cup evaporated milk
Plastic container with a lid
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder Pinch of saffron 2 tablespoons water 3 tablespoons chopped pistachio
Method :
Mix the water with saffron and cardamom. Keep aside .
In a bowl, beat the evaporated milk with sugar on high speed for 4 minutes.
In a separate bowl, beat the heavy cream until it gets a creamy texture. Do not over beat.
Mix all ingredients and stir using a spatula or wooden spoon.
Pour the ice cream mixture into a plastic container and cover.
Freeze for 45 minutes, take it out of the freezer and stir well using a spatula.
Do the same 3 times after every 30 minutes.
Keep in freezer at least 4 hours before serving.
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Tip To make it fun for the kids, pour the ice cream mixture in ice cream popsicles.
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