3.2. Re ection -What are the clues that have helped you identify each character?
3 Documents for historical study
-What role do these characters play in the Civil War?
3.1. Recognise the main characters of the war in the Basque Country that appear in the cartoons.
-How are they portrayed and what are their characteristics according to these cartoons?
Participants will have to identify the main characters of the cartoons using an interactive game.
8 minutes
The entire group
3.3. Analysis of the cartoons
The game
-Each group will choose one of the suggested topics. -They should look among the cartoons on display that t their topic. -Subsequently, they should explain to the rest of the groups https://view.genial.ly/619e0242316d240de3d4729c/ga me-breakout-cartoonists-the-characters-game
what they have discussed in their group. -To do this, they should read and look carefully at the cartoons they have chosen.
10 minutes
In groups of 2-3 people
-The questions suggested in each topic can be helpful for re ection, identi cation and contextualisation.