Muslimah Girl Magazine May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 issue #8

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the magazine every Muslimah should read! May/Jumada Thanee

MuslimahGirl 2012/1433 issue #8

g n i r p s r u o y wardrobee! insid


SYRIA STUDYING: the dos and the don’ts

How can I make my mother happy? Read Little Aunties answer! May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 1


6 40 22




Dina Mostafa interviews Alisa Ahlam about her debut novel, The Arab Season.


10 14 17 34 42



Learn how to make the Syrian salad: Tabbouleh and more!


THE DOS AND DON’TS OF STUDYING Your mates can wait, but your studying can’t!


You don’t need make-up!


Read the story that made us realize that EVERYDAY is Mother’s Day in Islam.

THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISLAM Who can deny that women’s effect is very great in the life of every Muslim?

dear little auntie


2 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

My life is a mess and I’m the worst daughter in history! How can I make my mother happy?


12 13


18 22 28



30 32 47 49 50

others FUN STUFF





book review



31 48

your top 5



May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 3

Editors Note Assalamu Alikum girls!

The last issue, alhamdulilah was a huge success. I’d like to dedicate this note to the MGM team to thank them for their effort. May Allah reward you ladies! (p.s. we even got interviewed!) When I was planning this issue I felt like I just HAD to make the theme about Syria. Hundreds of innocent Syrian people were getting killed every single day and nobody was paying enough attention to them. What can we do about it though?- you may ask. Well, sadly, all we could possibly do is make lots of du’aa for them and raise awareness about the Syrian situation. If you would like to visit a particular country next issue, tell us where and why on our facebook page, tweet us or email us at! We’re waiting for all your lovely suggestions! I hope you enjoy this issue!

Menna Fateen Editor-in-chief

! t u o t u shoswah to Uwalde :12, USA

e e Turkish Ag th l al g in er sw an r fo ns correctly! competition questio

MuslimahGirl Issue’s writers Afnan Nehela Alaa Qassim Asmaa Ehab Dina Mostafa Haleema Bello Halimat Little Aunties Madeline Molly Mariam Ashraf Mariam Syed Menna Fateen Rahma Fateen Rahma Elsiesy Romaisa Sebaihia Shaira Hafsa Unaiza Faiz Uswah Walde Yasmeen A. Yumna Hassan Editor in chief Menna Fateen Editor Asmaa Ehab Design and Layout Menna Fateen Cover Photo Mariam A. Any comments, suggestions or questions? Email Find us on: @muslimahgirlmag

Muslimah Girl Magazine

4 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433



meet the is a 16 year Afnan Nehela who likes old hijabi girl g, hanging reading, writin s and going out with friend ter. Her favoron the compu Math and she ite subject is chicken! adores eating

Alaa Q is basically your typical Muslim girl who’s really into fashion and cooking. She believes that as Muslim girls it’s very important to care about style and what you wear! So don’t be afraid to ‘mix and match’!

Dina Mostafa is a 16 year o ld girl who has a passion for fa sh ion and readin g. She’s a ve ry talented artist with creative ideas and lots of ho bbies!

Asmaa loves doing exciting things because she suffers from a serious case of quick boredom. She’s a 15 year old supergirl who can do almost anything if she’s determined enough. Uswah loves to read,

Mariam S. is a golf Halimat loves jock who adores readreading write, bake, and craft! poetry and en ing and writing and joys African She’s a shy Africanliterature. She loves to swim. She has been American hijabi who writing her ow Yas me positvely loves traven is a 17 year n poetry likes reading realistic since winning old homeschooled eling and shopping. a poetry fiction and fantasy. competition o Mu slim She’s a geek who’s a Am eric an girl! n stunninOne day she’d like to jock and a fashionista! C Her dre am is to be an heck her become a doctor or a poetry out at Islamic scholar and her http://goldfood scientist enamanah.blo hobbies are reading the Quran, blogging, writing ho w l ir g a is a and iz excersing! Una for Madeline is a senior in high has a passion ’s got school, and on her way to blogging; she onal Little Auntie a converting to Islam. She 2 blogs! (pers nd Little e h S ) g M n e ki n o n a M co Fateen is the iss Aunty are enjoys painting, sewing, and and [real] founder, the d ading twin sisters! writing and is really a sucker e also hearts re si gner and They’re editor-in-chie conservative, anything! for anything artsy or fashionf of this magbut not azine! Menna exactly conve loves writ- related. Her "passion for ntional, ys reading and readin sl ig h Rahma F. enjo tly g novels. A fashion" is what drives her n eurotic and d playing cho total nerd righ co ing, writing an t? la te addicts.Oh Visit her biggest ambition in life, which d soccer. and th b n lo a g ll a a t tb w e w sk w a .m b ey’re 23 year ennasblah- is to one day bring modest old rested te in o ls g a .b ’s lo e! Sh fashion to the masses, both Egyptians. y.You in photograph Muslim and non-Muslim. log at can visit her b Shaira is an 18 year old oud. An engineerin www.chococl g st u d girl who likes reading Ism e n t Rahma Elsiesy loves who lives in P a ki st lamic books especially the a n n a is cooking and baking as loves reading Haleema Bello and writ- Quran. She loves playing iN h tis well as art. She likes ri B in , g n . Yumna also e America njoys sports like volleyball, table ly te lu so b running, swimming, and sw a imming and a gerian who erobics! tennis and badminton. e h S ! S T soccer. loves the AR hop Mariam , A. g , like the rest of the team, in w ra d enjoys Romaisa is a 14 year old girl who lives in d n a loves g readin in g and d writing. She adores a re tography, England. She’s a vanilla loving girl who to s e readin p g poems o and h writing them. writing and adores reading. ra g to o become a ph teacher. rt a n a pher or

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 5



yrian ituation The critical condition o

By: Mariam Syed


o I sat down this past month in front of the computer, all set to write a fun article on Syria. I grabbed my chocolate and mocha frap – and realized that I knew next to nothing about Syria. I mean, sure, I knew the gist. You know, revolution, evil monarchy, scary dictator, massacres, death. Pretty much every word attached to the words “Middle East.” But I didn’t know why it

was only spoken about in the Masjid, or around Muslims. How come Syria wasn’t getting the attention that Egypt, or Libya was? What was behind all this? So, to answer my question, and hopefully inform all you other people who know next to nothing about Syria (like me). To begin. Syria, in March 2011, followed Libya’s and Egypt’s revolution, in hope of winning their freedom and democracy from President Bashar

6 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

f Syria

al-Assad. Syrians hoped, that with a little outside help, like the one received in Egypt and Libya, they could over throw the dictatorship. Our brothers and sisters in Syrians had been brutalized for the past 48 years by the regime. Many children didn’t know it was not normal to be abused daily. So the revolution began. With only Syrian rebels fighting, Syrians began asking for help. The government closed the borders, so that no person could come in or out

of Syria. Most people expected the help Egypt received. But the aid never came. The United Nation was debating on whether or not to send troops to Syria, but for reasons unknown, Russia and China vetoed the bill. So Syria never got the aid it asked for. And by then, it was too late to back down. And so you are probably asking, like I was, why is no one helping Syria? Well, the answer lies in the cause of the revolution. Power and greed. Libya held priceless oil the world needed, Egypt had thousands of years of history, the Nile, and the Suez Canal. And Syria? A vibrant, rich, historical culture that meant nothing to the rest of the world. So Syria was wiped off the screens for many, many people. Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but here in the U.S., I haven’t heard a non Muslim mention Syria in relation to the failing uprisings. Egypt, however, was on everyone’s mind, screens, and paper. Syria is probably lost in space. According to CNN News, more than 8,000 people, most being innocent women and children, have been killed in conflict. As the fighting between the government and rebels rise, other small terrorist groups have also caused mayhem. In March, there were reports of a massacre in Homs, “…where dozens of women and children were reportedly stabbed and burned to death…” according to CNN. Over that past year, more than

30,000 Syrians fled to neighboring countries. But the death and destruction doesn’t just stop there, my friends. The following is an excerpt from an article from “An 18-year-old identified as Karim told researchers his interrogators used pincers to gouge flesh from his legs while he was held for 25 days in Daraa in December. Detainees also were forced to witness abuse and hear others – sometimes relatives or friends -- being tortured and raped, the report said. "I heard the screams of those being tortured for 24 hours a day," a 29-year-old identified as Musleh told researchers. "While in the cell, we were busy praying for the safety of those who are being tortured."” And yet, President al– Assad denies the responsibility for escalating violence in Syria. According to ABC News, al –Assad says "They are not my forces," al-Assad told ABC's Barbara Walters. "They are forces for the government. I don't own them. I'm president. I don't own

more than 8,000 people, most being innocent women and children, have been killed in conflict

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

the country. So they are not my forces." Apparently, being head of the government does not make you part of the government. I see. Yes, it’s perfectly clear. Being President does not make you head of the government. So who, then, may I ask, is in charge of the government? Who is responsible for the violence? Who do we turn to? I’ll let you answer those questions. I read about two articles, and I didn’t want to read anymore. I couldn’t handle it. And the fact is, I couldn’t handle the truth. Because that’s what it is. The plain, hard truth. And the thing is, most people can’t handle the truth. It’s easier to turn away and pretend reality doesn’t exist anymore. But for how much longer can the world sit and wait? Sisters, don’t forget to keep Syria in your dua everyday. They need our help. No one else will stand by them, but they are our brothers and sisters. Our Ummah. And so I’ll end this in the words of Rami, a Syrian Rebel. "Either we all die," he said, "or we get victory at the end.”

It’s easier to turn away and pretend reality doesn’t exist anymore. But for how much longer can the world sit and wait? 7

8 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Who is Fatima Krayim? Duma, a Fatima is a young woman from the city of suburb of Damascus. . She was She had recently graduated from university man who pregnant with her first child. A young wo has got her whole life ahead of her. ima was

On the fateful day of August 12th, 2011, Fat killed.

testing She was not killed on the streets while pro nds of her against the regime that had killed thousa life while own people, no, a sniper's shot ended her safety of her she was peacefully reading Quran in the own home. shooter One bullet that targeted her balcony, one to the life of and feelings of utter hate, bought an end Fatima and the life within her. Picture and caption by: Mariam Alazem visit her blog: http://midnightsilver.blogs

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 9


Tabbouleh Are you a massive fan of salad and have wanted it to fill you up like dinner or maybe wanted to eat only salad for dinner but you know it can’t fill you up? Well then this filling and scrumptious Middle Eastern salad will sure do that for you- Tabbouleh please!

What you will need: • (Bulgar) wheat • Tomatoes • Parsley and mint leaves • (Spring) onions • Cucumbers • Olive oil • Lemon juice • Salt

10 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

by: Romaisa Sebaihia

Tabbouleh is originated from Syria and Lebanon and usually consists of different herbs mixed with tomatoes and seasoned with other ingredients which you will see in the recipe here

Steps: 1. Place the wheat in a bowl and cover it with 50ml of boiling water – leave the wheat to soak and absorb the water for around 30 minutes, then drain off the excess water. 2. Chop up the tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and parsley and when done, put them all in a bowl together – then add the mint leaves, salt, lemon juice and olive oil and mix them all up. 3. Refrigerate at least two hours before eating/serving. Such a simple recipe and filling for a salad – it can be served as an appetizer, a starter or even a main course! Shows how filling it is! I hope you all enjoy creating this recipe inchallah – Have fun making it!



by: Unaiza Faiz

s: t n e i d Ingre s – 450 gms s ickpea 00 gm • Ch ed Meat – 2 c cup • Min n Juice - ¼ o • Lem Oil – ¼ cup ve • Oli n – ½ diced ashed io • On c 2 cloves m rli • Ga lt 2 tsp • Sa er to taste pp • Pe




1. Mix lemo and bl n juice, oliv end u e oil, 2. Ad d chick ntil for abou garlic, salt a t nd pep p 3. Co per ok me eas and blen a minute. at and d u n t il diced onions pureed. Servin . g • Se Suggestions rve hu mmus : • Se , toppe rve w marke arm pita bre d with meat ad ts an cucum ) and raw ve (can be fou d onion! g bers a n nd cel etable such d in superery. as car rots,

Shish Kebab Dire

: s t n e i Ingred st - 6 n Brea d e k ic h es slice v • C lo c 3 lic • Gar mashed and 4 tsp per- ½ p grounded p e P • ts pice- ½ ¼ cup s ll A • eon juic zed m e L • squee freshly ¼ cup e oil• Oliv



by: Unaiza


1. Cut c hic 2. Add a ken into 1-inch ll p 3. Marin the ingredients ieces. at and mix well 4. Heat e for about 4-5 grill to h hours. igh. (Be elder w careful hile doin and tak g so.) 5. Place e the as chicken sistant o on skew keep tu f an rning fre ers and quently. cook fo r 10-15 minutes ,

Enjoy your chicken with the hummus dip!! It's finger licking good! ;)

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 11


y k S e h T n i y l F I Want to Fateen By: Rahma

the sky I want to fly in high Chin up, head y look at the sk , re e th r e v o Look e creature, The small littl ings Flapping its w athers, Covered in fe sings Listen while it

the oceans, Flying across flee ntinents they Above the co eely, Moving very fr ea From sea to s eir feathers, Let me take th them Let me be like s r the meadow Let me fly ove their freedom Let me taste come and where to o g to re e h w I decide I’ve done do, and what to t a h w w o n Ik the sky, I want to fly in birds, Like the little h Up, up and hig birds. With the little

Without You

by: Haleema Bello

Mother, without you, th ere would be no me.Your love, your attention, your guidance, have made me who I am. Without you, I would be lost, wandering aimlessly, without direction or pu rpose. You showed me the wa y to serve, to accomplish , to persevere. Without you, there wo uld be an empty space

I could never fill, no m atter how I tried. Instead, because of yo u, I have joy, contentmen t, satisfaction and peace. Thank you, mother.

12 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Pray for Syria


by: Halimat

It was the beginning of the Arab spring, Tensions and feelings ran high, Country by country had risen to protest, Egyptian lands to Libyan skies. Blood is still shed, tears still flow, Prayers are said for oppressors to go, The stories grow in unbearable tragedy, People fear to walk their own streets. This is the lives of many Syrians now, Many stories and voices unheard, Women and children victims of torture, The world seemed to silence their words. Remember the pains of your Syrian siblings, We are all one family in this deen, Pray that in these trials they are facing, They will be rewarded with ease. May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 13



s t ’ n o D & s Do udying of st


ih a b e S a is a m o R : y b


alam MGM girlies! Now you are probably reading this article somewhere in the first few weeks of the summer term after coming back from that lovely spring break, and around this point you must have some exams coming up, if not now then maybe in a few weeks – so I guess it’s time to study to get that A you are trying to achieve. But with studying you can easily get distracted because (as you all already know) you would obviously want to be doing something else that you prefer to do – this is why I am writing up this article of the dos and don’ts of studying. To (hopefully) help you focus more in studying and not let yourself wander to other things which could distract you from something that you should be studying only to find it in your test and miss out on that one mark which could have got you an A.

14 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433




the teacher Scan over what – the told you to revise you don’t things you know em down understand list th

! one or iPod DON’T yo ve ur ph

Don’t lea t near you so tha switched on or n’t distract you notifications wo

Get a piece of paper and make a colourful poster with notes you need to know and memorise – this will draw your attention to this revision poster rather than other distractive objects (e.g. your phone, iPod, TV).


mIf you are using your co and puter to look things up studyfind out more for your ceing then don’t leave Fa blr book or Twitter (or Tum r or Polyvore or any othe r tab distractions!) on anothe esand don’t leave your m ur Yo senger running too! ur mates can wait. But yo studying can’t.


or your phone...

place like your Study in a quiet en take a walk room, office or ev ry for a quiet to your local libra good walk for place to study, a fresh air fitness and nice,


May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


like a distractive place Don’t study in a g ur family are goin yo re he w om ro living d on. the TV is switche re he w d an be to

DO! Layout all the things you need to study (e.g. revision books, pen, notebook, text book, etc) in front of you so that you don’t have to keep getting up to get them and stop for a snack in the kitchen or find that your fave TV show is on and stop to watch it. 15

pictures found on:

studying lots ole night as as well as your Don’t study for the wh replenish yourself and to ll we ep sle to ed ne you also y to study lf awake for the next da se ur yo ep ke d an h alt he even more.

“don’t leave Facebook or Twitter on another tab!”



d a half schedule with 1 hour an a ve ha – dy stu t jus Don’t of free time and ½ an hour – 1 hour out – 2 hours of studying ll also stress yourself wi u yo h uc m o to dy – if you stu for that when there is no need

the person If you find that you’re instrumenwho can easily listen to ad/do your tal music and study/re e then create homework at the sam that to help a playlist and listen to vironment – you focus in a nice en ental music remember only instrum ything. not one with lyrics or an

dying, always remember to Those were the dos and don’ts of stu m with the h (say bismillah) and start your exa start studying with the name of Alla name of Allah too. one – Oh wait! Shouldn’t you? But here’s Oops I should be studying write now more thing: tube you y32’ and click on his channel on You ‘ald led cal e eon som up rch sea you If en to while on his piano and this is great to list will see he plays recent pop songs while writing this up and I found it sic mu his to ng eni list ly ual act s wa studying – I on writing whilst it was playing. was easy to concentrate and focus

16 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


y t u a Binea Muslimah


by: Yasmeen A.


isters, you don't need any makeup to make you look beautiful! There's no need to cover up with what Allah (swt) has given you. Make-up can actually end up making you look worse. Plus, it has so many bad chemicals that can actually harm you. It's best to go with the natural look--the look Allah gave you! Be happy with it! Don't let others put you down because of the way you look. Covering up what Allah has created is like saying that Allah didn't make you pretty enough (or perfect enough) and we all know that no matter how hard we try, we can never be (or look) perfect. We should know that we are pretty inside and out!

our own ways and that's the beauty within all of us! Instead of seeing something as a mistake or "imperfection" on our bodies, let's start to think of it as a unique beauty mark.

Make-up is just so unrealistic and usually you can tell when somebody wears it. Make-up is just's a waste of money and time! Make-up doesn't make you feel confident or mature. Realistically speaking, make-up makes you feel fake...not the real you.

Let's face it sisters, the only reason we wear make-up is to beautify ourselves. In other words, to attract attention and we should know that attracting attention (especially from men) is haaram in Islam. Now there are some people who make excuses and say that they don't wear make-up for anyone else except themselves. This is not a very good excuse and they know deep down inside their hearts that they are wearing the makeup for one reason and that is for attention. I see it all the time! It's as if I never saw a Muslim sister without make-up before. It's as if their face was a magnet for make-up. Sisters, we shouldn't be obessing over make-up and wasting our time on applying it.

I have never wore makeup and I don't plan on wearing any. I'm confident in my own skin and I feel happy the way I am! We are all unique in

But keep in mind, if we are going to wear makeup, we are to cover our faces (wear a niqab) when around maharam.


We are all unique in our own ways and that's the beauty within all of us�

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 17


z z a o t z z Pi

h a r i m A l



olly M e n i l de by: Ma

hen I opened my e-mail hijab have been to wear it under more and found my task to sheer-like scarves for better covercomplete for the upcoming age. After a little experimentation I May issue, I was extremely excited found some different ways to add a and curious. I had a lot of fun with little pizzazz to the al amirah. I was the last issue. It was my first time to excited to discover different ways to write any kind of magazine editorial, wear this hijab, not only out of perso anticipation prevailed throughout sonal interest, but because I've heard that whole girls express their writing prodistaste in this By adding a small cess. As it type of hijab. I accessory or draping came to my know many girls attention that a flowy scarf around shy away from the I was going the al amirah you can al amirah because to write about of its unflattering overall create an un- tightness around Syrian fashderstated, fashionable the face. The ion, I was left unsure. Usutightness can be look ally fashion is a problem, which my strength, usually results but the only in discomfort or things I knew about Syria were the dismay with the look. After I did a little more important things, like the politi- experimentation with the al amirah I cal corruption and the horrendous, found that sliding the al amirah closer violence occurring there. After obser- to your face eases the tightness. Acvation through the power of Google, cessorizing the al amirah can really I began to discover the dominance aide in making the look less constrictof the al amirah hijab in Syria. Fortu- ed and more personalized. By adding nately for me, a good Syrian friend a small accessory or draping a flowy of mine gave me a few al amirah scarf around the al amirah you can hijabs. Right away I began to experi- overall create an understated, fashment. ionable look. I've never really worn an al amirah I have compiled step-by-step phohijab by itself, only because I felt tos of different styles I created using like it didn't fit my face shape. My various colors of al amirah hijabs. I’ve only experiences with this style of found that most al amirahs don’t give

18 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Fashion full chest coverage, so if you are uncomfortable with that I recommend pairing a loose shirt with it, or draping a solid colored scarf around the chest. These styles can easily be accomplished by using accessories, materials, and

thin scarves you have lying around the house.

Step 1 Lay scarf on head with one side shorter.

Step 2

Criss-cross the sides behind the neck.

Step 3 Begin tightly twisting the longer side.

Step 4 Bring twisted side to other side of your head.

Step 5 Tie both ends of scarf together

Step 6 Bring the knotted sides to one side of your head. May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 19


Step 1 Tie lace around undercap

Step 2 Slip on headband

Step 3 Add other piece of AlAmirah

Step 4 Drape scarf around chest

20 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


Step 1 Lay scarf on head with one side being shorter.

Step 2

Bring the long side around the head

Step 3

Add a flower to the side of the head

Step 1 Lay scarf on head with one side shorter.

Step 2 Bring the long side around the head loosely.

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 21



g n i Sprwardrobe!

In Captivity Necklace $20.00 www. simplyzeena. com

London Rebel Ditsy Floral Wedge £49.99 www.newlook. Paisley Pa radise Wra com p (made of s ilk and loo ks breathtakin g!) $20.00 www.simp m

Rocket Dog Eco Shopper £15.99

Classic Denim Skirt $64.00 imwww.s . a n plyzee com

22 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Garden Party Lace Maxi £55.00


Spring Essentials An allover floral! - spring blooms with beautiful flowers..and floral prints! STRIPES! Whether thin or thick, horizontal or vertical, stripes will definitely fit into your spring wardrobe! Bright blazing colors! What speaks ‘it’s spring!’ more than colorful clothes? Bring fushia on! Print and plain hijabs! (in all colors!) With a simple plain (bright!) outfit, a print hijab is a must. But with a floral or print outfit, you should definitely go for plain simple light hijabs!

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Beige Wrap aterials (Blended m eaven in feels like h tips!) your finger $18.00 lyzeewww.simp 23


Pale Pink Lady Bow Bag £25.00

Rose Print Step-hem shirt £36.00 www.topshop. com

Vacation Lace-up Brogues £36.00 www.topshop. com

Flower Burst Skirt $56.00

24 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Eva Blouse By Goldie £36.00 www.topshop. com

Fashion Pink Embellished Beach Bag £27.99

Long Sleeve Stripe Shirt £38.00 www.topshop. com

Cherry Maxi Dress £150.00

Spring Sneak Peek outfit from Zeena!

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Native Bracelet $15.00

Bright bold colors are perfect for spring! 25


Honeysuckle Scarf

Spring Clover Necklace Spring Sneak Peek scarf from Zeena! Crew Neck Top

26 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


Green Glamour Necklace $20.00 www.simplyzeena. com

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 27


g n i ! r g p n S has spru assim By: Alaa Q

You get that amazing refreshing feeling when you hear the birds singing and the flowers blossoming. Then when you look at the dark hues in your closet that you wore in fall, you know that something isn’t quite right. Well I am glad to tell you that it is finally the time of the year in which you can mix and match the lovely bright and pastel colours and floral refreshing patterns. No matter where you live or what your style is, spring is a season that you can simply mix the colours you love with patterns you love. They say a picture is worth a thousand words! So I decided to put together a couple of spring outfits to help you create your spring wardrobe. This first outfit is combination of a pastel colours and a slight hint of floral pattern. I think that the three colours go very well together and complement each other. I put this outfit together to demonstrate an example of how you can mix and match your favourite colours and make your outfit all about spring.

28 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


This next outfit is definitely for the brave ones that dare to wear bright colours. This outfit has limits and is not for any occasion. However, if you are ready to embrace your spring style at gathering with your girlfriends then a similar combination would make you look outstanding and fashionable.

I hope that my ideas inspired you and gave you some hints and tips for creating your spring wardrobe. Remember it’s all about having fun with colours and adding floral patterns to your outfit!

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 29

Fun Stuff

Riddles 1. What candy do you eat on the playground? 2. What are two things you wouldn’t eat for lunch? 3. Why do french people eat snails? 4. What kind of soup never gets hot? 5. How did the burger propose? 6. What do you call it when you see a fruit punch and a cereal box? 7. What candy is never on time?

Knock, Knock! Who's there? Honey bee. Honey bee who? Honey bee a dear and get me a soda. Knock, Knock! Who's there? Ice cream! Ice cream who? Ice cream if you don't let me in! Knock, Knock! Who's there? Cousin! Cousin who? Cousin stead of opening the door, you're making me stand here! Knock, Knock! Who's there? Mikey! Mikey who? Mikey doesn't fit in the keyhole!

30 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

One third of our lives is spent sleeping. Send us pictures that made you LOL on our fb page, twitter or email! :D

Answers to the Turkish competition (february issue)

1. Instanbul 2. The North-Western part 3. Ankara 4. Turkish Lira 5. Blue Mosque 6. Instanbul 7. Islam 8. Instanbul 9. Europe and Aisa 10. Red


Knock-Knock Who's there? Abe! Abe who? Abe C D E F G H...!


1. Recess Pieces 2. Breakfast and Dinner 3. Because they don’t like fast food 4. Chilli soup 5. With an onion ring 6. A food fight 7. Chocolate



Top 5



od o f t s ie m yum 5 e h t e r What a ten? a e r e v e you’ve

on w i t s e u q ’s issue

Nouran Wael, 15:

Habiba Waleed, 13 Pizza Sushi Lasanga Macaroni French Fries

Grilled Salamon Lasanga Tuna Wrap Mushroom Pizza Chicken and Cream soup

Salma Ayman, 15 Fried Chicken Stuffed Vegetables Pizza Pasta MGM is going to ask you girls a quesCrepe tion each month. If you want your an-

Mai Ali, 22

Cinnamon rolls White sauce pasta Grilled beef Grilled fish Molokheia

Menna Hassan, 16 Pasta Pizza French Fries Grape Leaves M&Ms

swers to be featured in the next issue send your answers to along with your name, age and country. (optonal: your picture) OR tweet it to @muslimahgirlmag Next issue’s question is... ‘5 things I’d get if I were stranded on an island”

Diary of A Depressed Student

by: Mariam Ashraf


It is that doomed day again; with its golden yellow sun and sparkling blue sky, the first day of the school week crashes through my bedroom window, points its blinding morning light into my eyes, jolted my idling brain into a sudden wake and showed me the way to a new boring school day... Sorry, did I doze off there for a second? my bad The truth is, the genius that I am has not slept for two days. Why, you may ask? Well, because I am the world’s no. 1 procrastinator- took me a full minute to spell that right. I get home and do nothing till lunch. After lunch, I sit down on my desk to do my homework but I just cannot resist the haunting sounds of the

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nearby open computer humming my name so softly to come and surf the internet. And so, I do as it says obediently, leave the books and turn my full attention to LCD screen of ultimate joy. Meanwhile, my biology book sits on the other side of the desk, lonely, forgotten and probably collecting cobwebs, until, within a second’s notice of using the computer, the clock strikes midnight. How delightful it feels to be awake at midnight when you have to wake up at 6am. How fantastic it feels to be awake at midnight with none of your homework done. Quite frankly, I guarantee that I have a bright future after getting kicked out of high school. Maybe I should send my resume to McDonald’s and get it over with. 31

Did you know?

Fun facts On Syria


The official name of Syria is ‘Syrian Arab Republic’.



The official language of Syria is Arabic. Apart from that, Kurdish, Armenian, Aramaic, Circassian and French are also spoken there.

Majority of the people in Syria are Sunni Muslims, followed by Ismailis, Shiites, Alawite and other Muslim factions, Christians and Druze.



Bosra was the first city in Syria to convert to Islam.

Ugarit is the place where the oldest alphabet of the world is believed to have originated.

32 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Our brothers and sisters in Syria are desperate for help. So lets all raise our hands and make duaa for them. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “He who does not care about the affairs of the Muslim community does not belong to it�

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Mother’s Day by: Afnan Nehela


we should its mothers year, we sh mothers, he them feel ex


others Day is celebrated in over 46 countries across the globe. Though Mothers Day celebrations take place at different times around the world, what is remarkably same are the feelings with which people celebrate Mothers Day. This is so because mothers are as caring in East as they

are in the West. The difference between mothers from one part of the world to the other simply does not exist and so are the feelings of children. All over the world people love to celebrate Mothers Day with their mothers and shower love on them. However, we as muslims should celebrate mothers day everyday! People ask why and where we got this statement from? Well here's the story that made us realize that EVERYDAY is

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mothers day in islam. One day a man came to see the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It seemed that he was trying to solve something but couldn't quite work it out. So he asked the Prophet. ''Tell me, O Prophet!'' I have many relatives and many friends whom I love, and whom I wish to care for and help. But I often find it difficult to decide which of them has the greatest claim upon me? Which


treat each day like s day, not once a hould respect our elp them and make xtra special�

of them should come first?'' The Prophet replied immediately, ''Your mother should come first and before all others.'' The man was very pleased to have this clear guidance from the Prophet. But of course there were all his other relatives and his friends, so he asked ''and after my mother, who has the greatest claim upon me?'' The Prophet's reply

this second time surprised him. ''Your mother!'' he said again. The man wondered why the Prophet was repeating himself. Perhaps he had not spoken clearly, the man thought, so he asked the question again, ''What I want to know is, after my mother, who has the greatest claim upon me? Again the Prophet said ''your mother!'' Your mother, your mother, The Prophet said it three times!!!!!!!! Slowly, the man realized why he had done so. ''The Prophet means that my mother is extremely important, so much so that my duty to her must be stressed over and over again. Even so, the man's thoughts ran on, ''what about all the others I love and wish to care for?'' Still uncertain and wanting to know more, he once again turned to the Prophet and said, ''and after my mother, who comes after her? Is there anyone besides her?'' The Prophet then replied ''after your mother, your father.'' ''And then?'' asked the man. ''Then people who are nearest to you,'' said the Prophet. Allah's peace and blessings be upon the Prophet. What can we conclude from this? The religion of Islam places high regard to the status of motherhood. You owe your mother since you were a fetus, passing by the process of childbirth, infancy, childhood until he comes of age. A child normally forgets the hardship which his mother underwent during pregnancy. That’s why

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Allah draws your attention to such hardships, laying emphasis on her great status in Islam. Therefore we should treat each day like its mothers day, not once a year, we should respect our mothers, help them and make them feel extra special! 35

Book Review

A Stone in My Hand Review by: Uswah Alade A story about a girl named Malak who lived in Palestine when the Israelis ruled it. She waited for her dad to come back home after he left to find a job in Israel. She waited for months but he didnt return. Read this great book about compassion and hope.


By Gail Carson Levine Review by: Uswah Alade Aza has the most beautiful singing in Ayortha but certainly not the most beautiful. She soon leaves her family's inn and follows the Dutches to the castle. She meets a new friend, Ivi who is the new queen. Find out what happens to her as she encounters ogres, gnomes, magic potions, and more! This book is one of my favorites. I never get tired of reading it. It is a must-read fairytale!

Just Listen, by: Sarah Dessen

Review by: Asmaa Ehab She, Annabel Greene, has it all. Or maybe that's just how it seems on TV commercials. Annabel's life is maybe the farthest thing from perfect, even though some people think she has it all. But wait, doesn’t she? Well, quite not. All Annabel wants is to live a normal life, which seems far outta her reach. She broke her friendship with Sophie the evil drama queen on a night that she just can't bear to remember. Her sister moves back because of an eating disorder, making her distant a bit. Annabel wants to quit modeling but she can't afford telling her mom that. Then, she meets Owen Armstrong, the boy with anger management problems...

36 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

Find us on: @muslimahgirlmag Muslimah Girl Magazine

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 37

we are totally


gir ly web designer

for more information: p.s. we’re looking for volunteers :) 38 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 39


s l ir g s im l s u M g n u o y f A lot o ir e p x e t s e w e h t in p growing u is is r c y it t n e id l a r u t l u c ence a m

a l h A a s i l -A


: Dina M y b d e w ie v r inte


lisa Ahlam is a Somali author and journalist who writes under a pen name. Her debut novel, The Arab Season talks about muslim girls who live in the UK. Alisa, as a journalist has written for Al Jazeera and The Guardian newspaper and worked as a fashion and lifestyle magazine editor. Dina Mostafa, for MGM interviews her about her novel:

MGM: Can you give a brief description of “The Arab Season?" Alisa: “The book is ultimately about belonging. A lot of young Muslims girls growing up in the west often experience a cultural identity crisis at some point in their lives. Their families might expect them to uphold certain cultural and religious values that they might not understand or even resent because it can seems as if it is limiting their freedom. Of course, many other Muslim girls don’t struggle in balancing their Muslim identity with western culture, they navigate and adjust without issues but this story is about those who do struggle, painfully so,

40 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

and for one girl, with a tragic outcome.”

MGM: When and why did you start writing? Alisa: “I am a journalist by profession, so I write pretty much all the time. In terms of creative writing, I started this book about two years ago.”

MGM: Of course the most common question....was your novel based on a real story? Alisa: “Haha, this is a very popular question! If we are honest with ourselves, those of us living in the West probably recognize people we know, if not ourselves in the girls. “

MGM: What would you tell young Muslim girls that have a passion for writing? Alisa: “People see the finished product and think completing a novel is easy, in reality its bloody hard work. To quote

Ernest Hemingway: “there is nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a type writer and bleed.” It takes a lot of commitment and once you are done with your labour of love, you have to be ready for people to criticize your work and accuse you of all sorts. But if you can commit and take the criticism, go for it! Writing and creating stories that people love can be one of the most fulfilling thing there is.”

MGM: What are your top favorite 5 books....and why? Alisa: “The list changes all the time-- but I am currently re-reading some Jane Austen classics that are available to download for free on Kindle. I am a big fan of her work. Last year, I had the opportunity of visiting her hometown of Bath, and I absolutely loved it!”

Alisa’s debut

MGM: novel cover, Last The Arab Season. but not least... what should we expect next?

Alisa: “A lot of people have asked for a sequel of the Arab Season, but i think the story ended at the right place and I have no plans to write a follow up. But inshallah, soon I hope to start on my second book and I am constantly looking for inspiration.”

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of Women

in Islam T

he status of the Muslim woman in Islam is a very noble and lofty one, and her effect is very great in the life of every Muslim. Indeed, the Muslim woman is the initial teacher in the building of a righteous society, provided that she follows the guidance from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet (P.B.U.H). Since adherence to the Quran and the Sunnah distances every Muslim - male or female - from being misguided in any matter... The secret of her importance

by: Yumna Hassan

lies in the tremendous burden and responsibility that is placed upon her, and the difficulties that she has to shoulder - responsibilities and difficulties some of which not even a man bears. This is why from the most important obligations upon a person is to show gratitude to the mother, and kindness and good companionship with her. And in this matter, she is to be given precedence over and above the father... A man came to Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) and said: "O Messenger of Allah! Who

42 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me? He replied: "Your Mother." The man asked: Then who? So he replied: "Your Mother." The man then asked: Then who? So the Prophet replied again: "Your Mother." The man then asked: Then who? So he replied: "Then Your Father." (Sahih al Bukhari) So this necessitates that the mother is given three times the like of kindness and good treatment than the father.

Advice As regards the wife, then her status and her effect in making the soul tranquil and serene, has been clearly shown in this verse: "And from amongst His Signs is this: That He created for you wives from amongst yourselves, so that you may find serenity and tranquility in them. And He has put between

you love and compassion. Indeed, in this are signs for those who reflect." (Surah Ar Ru'm 30:21). ...And do not forget about Hazrat Ayesha and her great effect. Since even the great Companions used to take knowledge of Hadith from her, and many of the female Companions learn the various rulings pertaining to women’s issues from her... And I have no doubt that my mother had a tremendous hand in encouraging me to study; and she assisted me in it. May Allah greatly increase her reward and reward her with the best of rewards for what she did for me. And there is no doubt also, that the house in which there is kindness, gentleness, love and care, along with the correct Islamic education and cultivation will greatly affect the man. So he will become successful in his affairs and in any matter - whether it be seeking knowledge, trading, earning a living, or other than this. So it is Allah

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alone that I ask to grant success and to guide us all to that which He loves and is pleased with (Ameen). 43

Dear , e i t n u A e l t t i L Islam but um, daughter in od Assalamoalik go be to mother portant an to be! My me t I know its im n’ do I at I m lazy- but ing myself th is om pr ep its hard! I’ ke I she ery day and pressure b/c ny ma so h works hard ev ug thro pressure. r. She goes s high blood ha will help he e sh w No everyy long!!! s, she does he ot cl works all da e th om Allah. eans, washes rgiveness fr fo she cooks, cl g be d an but I have guilty with chores thing! I feel er th mo my k right? n’t help wants a brea ne yo I admit I do er ev ke redo. And then my life is li t Bu e. homework to il wh My mother online for a ther happy? mo So I just go my ke ma & I don’t w can I m almost 16 I’ r. ally busy! Ho he e am ss! Where I don’t bl life is a me My n! hates me now. ea cl cook, sew or know how to ??!? helpp! do I start ?! y er in histor -worst daught

Dear Sister,


irst of all! I don’t think you’re a horrible person or that your mother completely hates you, sweetie. She maybe just feels underappreciated and resents the fact that she has to do everything for everyone all the time. Let’s face it. That is a lot of work. She wants to feel like she has a little support from you guys, that’s all. And I know that you said that you want to help her but your day already feels done by the time you come home from school and finish your home-

work….. and all you want is some time for yourself. I know how that feels. I do! But, let’s stop for a moment and let’s think about our Prophet sallah Allahoo alyhee wa salam. Can you imagine how busy he was? I mean, he was literally responsible for spreading the deen of Allah to everyone….. and yet, he found the time to help out a bit in the

44 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

house and let his wives know that he understood how much work they did. If he could do that, and he literally had the weight of the whole Ummah on his shoulders, then you can do it, too! You just need a little time management and planning and you can turn this all around =) Because remember, as tired as you are- you said it yourself….Your mom is equally tired. And let’s

time for her to “ It’s start getting royal treatment and to feel like she has raised some strong, capable women!

Dear Little Auntie

I’m almost 16 & I don’t know how to cook, sew or clean!

be honest…she needs a little help, especially, if she is like my mother and she’s getting a little older. It’s time for her to start getting royal treatment and to feel like she has raised some strong, capable women. So, I want you to just think about the different chores that need to be done around the house. There are those chores that need to be done each day (washing the dishes, doing the laundry, taking out the trash, cooking lunch and dinner, etc) and then, those that are done once or twice a week (cleaning

the kitchen and bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, etc- depending on your family’s views on cleanliness, hehe). And then there are the chores that need to be done every couple of weeks (cleaning the windows- washing the fridge- washing the carpet and curtains, etc). Now can you appreciate how much work your mother has been doing? Not to mention keeping everyone well fed, too, right? Ma’shaAllah. So, then, what can you do, then?

gestions. Start with the Simple Things: Make a little checklist for yourself with simple things you can do daily, such as: -Do your own bed each day-Wash your own dinner plates -Put your own dirty clothes in the hamper -Take responsibility for folding and arranging your laundry -Iron your own clothes

Well, here are a few aunty sug-

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Dear Little Auntie If you and your siblings leave things all around the house, try and get a little more organized. Put things back where they belong instead of waiting until everything is one gigantic mess. That will definitely help both you and your mom. If you need to get like some ‘little drawers’ to organize everything, do it! Since you don’t have that much time on your hands, you want every moment to really count. Ask your mom what are her least favorite things to do around the house are and agree to help her get those done. (Of course, it would even be more fantastic if you decided you’d do them, yourself.) Try to get up an hour earlier during the WEEKEND and dedicate that to making sure the house is nice and neat.

See if you can get everyone else involved in your family (too) to start helping out more. If you have younger sisters/ brothers, you can even make it fun…who doesn’t like water and bubbles, after all?

One thing I want to caution you about is getting all hyped up and cleaning the entire house in one day and then just totally losing any interest. That’s not really going to help your mom. Instead, your mom needs your commitment – so instead of

going all clean maniac on her, try to focus on making sure you help out a LITTLE each day. Remember the list in point 1. InshaAllah, all of this is going to put a big smile on your mom’s face. Remind yourself that the more you do it, the faster you’ll get at it, and the less time it will take.

your mom needs your commitment – so instead of going all clean maniac on her, try to focus on making sure you help out a LITTLE each day.

And remind yourself that this can all count as worship. Yup. Just don’t forget to make your intention sincerely to Allah that you want to help your mother. When you do that, inshaAllah, you’ll be getting lots of ajr, inshaAllah. Oh and sister, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m not a great cook (in fact, my brother describes my food as either really weird/ just disgusting) and I don’t know how to sew…But you know

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what? It’s never too late! A great way to learn how to cook is to hang out a bit with your mom in the kitchen. Just watch what your mom does and don’t be afraid to ask her questions. In fact, this is a great opportunity for you guys to have some daughter-mom time and I’m sure your mom will feel flattered. And then, don’t just stop there- ask your grandma/ aunt/ neighbor/ friend…anytime somebody makes something just delicious, ask away. Of course, you can always get some cooking books/ sign up for a cooking newsletter. Or how about watching some cooking TV shows? The same goes for sewing… if your mom knows how, ask her to help you get started. And check online for youtube tutorials… You can do this, sister. I believe in you. Looking forward to hearing from our readers about any cooking/ cleaning tips they may know that can help out.

P.S. How about letting ‘online’ come to you while you clean? Nah, I haven’t gone bonkers—I mean, do you like to listen to lectures and stuff? You could listen to them while you clean. The 2 in 1 method :)



— Ibn al-Qayyim

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e ! d k a s m a e m m r o i H ha by:

a m h ra

sy e i els

You’ll Need:

is nd sk a a r m hing find i a ’ll res sh n Thi e ref l you nts i t l e qui of a gredi t n bes the i nets! i all r cab u yo

1 tablespoon of water

1. 3.

3 tablespoons of olive oil 2 tablespoons of mayo (don’t freak out…it’s ok! Mayo helps make your hair softer and smoother!)

2 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons yogurt

And here’s what you need to do:

2. 4.

Mix the honey with the water.

Mix all the ingredients together (if you ran out of any of these, it’s okay…it’ll still work ;))

½ an avocado (optional)


If you’re going to use avocado then mash it thoroughly (it makes your hair healthier and helps it grow longer!)

Apply the mask to your hair and massage it in the roots of your hair.


a shower cap

Put on the shower cap because you don’t wanna smell that mayo!

Wait for at least ½ an hour then wash your hair with your shampoo and conditioner.

Enjoy your healthy and awesome hair!!

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g n i d i r n e h W a car... by: S

haira Hafsa

"Bismillah Walhamdulillah, Subhanalladhi sakharalana hatha wama kunna lahu muqrineen, wa inna ila rabbina lamunqaliboon, Alhamdulillah (3x), Allahu Akbar (3x), subhanakal-lahumma inni thalamtu nafsi fagfirli fainnahu layaghfiru thunooba ila anta."

[In the name of Allah and all praise is for Allah. How perfect He is, the One who has placed this (transport) at our service and we ourselves would not have been capable of that, and to our Lord is our final destiny. All praises is for Allah, All praises is for Allah, All praises is for Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. How perfect You are, O Allah, verily I have wronged my soul, so forgive me, for surely none can forgive except You.]

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p t a h t e b ’ t Don

w o n k who s i t u b

t g n i k l a t 50 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433


n o s r pe

t s a e l e h t ws s y a w l sa

t s o m e h t May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433 51

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52 May/Jumada Thanee 2012/1433

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