The Muslim Link - April 27, 2012

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Muharram|Safar|Rabi Al-Awaal |Rabi Al-Thani| Jumada Al-Awwal|6 Jumada Al-Akhir, 1433|Rajab|Shaban|Ramadan|Shawwal|Thul-Qedah|Thul-Hijjah

Montgomery County Awards Local Muslim

Sentencing Statement That Shook the Courtroom

PG 6

PG 18

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6 Jumada Al-Akhir - 19 Jumada Al-Akhir, 1433 A.H. |

The Muslim Link

MD, VA, and DC Metropolitan Area Bi-Weekly Newspaper | FREE

April 27th 2012 - May 10th 2012

Lack of Low Income Housing Leaves Few Options for Struggling Area Families


Group Aims to Bridge US Muslims, Govt | pg 4

By Wafa Unus

Muslim Link Staff Reporter

Alexandria Cabbies Protest Yellow Cab Control | pg 5

Few employment opportunities, numerous foreclosures and rampant lay-offs are creating a perfect storm for financially struggling families. Many forced to downgrade lifestyle and living expenses are being rudely awakened by the limited options for low income housing in the D.C. metro area. Recent years have seen a drop in low income housing options.

>> housing Pg 15

Emergency Response Training Offered As Act of Faith | pg 5

Emergency shelters like this one in Fairfax, Virginia provide only temporary housing for the increasing number of struggling families in the region. Permanent, low-income housing is extremely hard to find in Northern Virginia.

A Dangerous Mind? By Andrew F. March LATE last year, a jury in Boston convicted Ta r e k M e h a n n a , a 29-year-old pharmacist born in Pittsburgh, of material support for terrorism, conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to kill in

a foreign country, after a 35-day trial in which I testified as an expert witness for the defense. O n A p r i l 1 2 , M r. Mehanna was sentenced to 17 and a half years in prison. Hearing this, most Americans would probably assume that the F.B.I. caught

a major homegrown terrorist and that 17 and a half years is reasonable punishment for someone plotting to engage in terrorism. The details, however, reveal this to be one of the most important free speech cases we >> mind Pg 18

JHU Students Hold Forum On New “Orwellian� Reality| pg 6 Court of Appeals Upholds Sentence for Chandia | pg 8 wpress: Spy Agency To Put Agents in Businesses | pg 22 ISLAM: In Islam, Every Day is Earth Day | pg 23 The Muslim Link

Coupons PG 29

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