The Muslim Link - July 13, 2012

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Muharram|Safar|Rabi Al-Awaal |Rabi Al-Thani| Jumada Al-Awwal|Jumada Al-Akhir|Rajab|23 Shaban, 1433|Ramadan|Shawwal|Thul-Qedah|Thul-Hijjah

RAmadan kareem! PG 6

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Expanded ramadan content PG 16 Like & Follow us

2 3 S h a b a n - 7 R a m a d a n , 1 4 3 3 A . H . | w w w. M u s l i m L i n k P a p e r. c o m

The Muslim Link

MD, VA, and DC Metropolitan Area Bi-Weekly Newspaper | FREE

July 13th 2012 - July 26th 2012

Shedding Light On A 6-Day Maryland Resident Reflects Black Out On June 29 Derecho Storm By Yaman Shalabi


MIST Diaries: D.C. Takes Third Place Overall in Toronto | pg 4 Muslim Authors Invest In Future With Children Books | pg 5

Muslim Link Staff Reporter

It was Friday night, and all I could think about was getting through the last week of summer session one classes. My weekend was planned out:

WPRESS: Morsi Takes “Servant” Leadership of Egypt | pg 8 WPRESS: Islamic Personality ‘12: Sheikh Yusuf Estes | pg 9

Saturday: Read a 400-page book about the 1972 elections and work on my final 6-10 page paper for Political Reporting for the 2012

CIVIL: Islamophobia: A Bipartisan Project | pg 15

>> blackout Pg 20

Dar Al-Hijrah Oasis of Light During Power Outages

ISLAM: Facebook Fasting | pg 16

By Mahmood Kibria

ISLAM: Crying in Front of Allah - It’s Not impossible | pg 16

Muslim Link Contributing Writer

On Friday, June 29, 2012 one of the strongest summer storms in years hit the DC region leaving more than one million homes without power. Fuel by the high temperatures and humidity, the storm generated winds of up to 80 mph.

In Falls Church, Virginia, tens of thousands of homes and businesses lost power, but the Dar-Al-Hijrah Islamic Center was not one of

them. All around the masjid houses were dark, but the lights remained on at the masjid.

The masjid leadership decided to extend their neighborly help to those who needed it, sweltering in hot homes with the temperatures into triple digits. The masjid would be a regional “cooling center”, open for the general public all day from fajr until 11 PM. Cold drinks and snacks were of>> outages Pg 21

ISLAM: What The Prophet Did In Sajdah | pg 17 The Muslim Link

Coupons PG 27

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