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Fiber reinforced concrete consists of a concrete mixture that is reinforced with dispersed, randomly oriented fibers. Engineers, architects, owners, specifiers and concrete contractors are increasingly turning to the use of fibers as a means of reinforcing their concrete, making fiber reinforced concrete one of the fastest-growing segments in the concrete industry. There are sll the tradional methods of concrete reinforcement using steel reinforcing bars and weld mesh – however there are other opons which are to acvely seek technology that will help solve the inherent flaws in concrete and tradional reinforcement.Ultra-Fiber is one of those innovave products, and its popularity is quickly gaining tracon worldwide. It is made using a 100% virgin polypropylene fibre of 0.85mm diameter, with a connuous deformed profile. Its “X” shape anchorage is specifically designed for shotcrete, normal pouring methods, mining, tunnelling and various other applicaons as opposed to the convenonal rebar or welded mesh. Concrete is widely recognized as a cheap and versale construcon material, yet it is also beset with several drawbacks that are inherent to its composion. By generally accepted engineering standards, concrete is relavely brile and lacks flexural strength. Concrete also has the propensity to crack in both its plasc (early-age) and hardened (long-term) state. In either case, these cracks can jeopardize the overall integrity of the concrete and not allow it to maintain its maximum performance capability. Ultra Fiber reinforcement stands out from other reinforcing products through its ability


to make concrete more pliable, and therefore it offers ulmate flexibility in the design and construcon process. Working with fiber reinforcement not only means less steel, but it also eliminates and reduces the labourintensive process of steel fixing. Ultra Fibers are added directly to the concrete matrix and evenly distributed throughout. The result is an advanced, mul-dimensional reinforcement system that can be placed quickly, accurately, and safely Innovaons in engineering design and construcon call for new building materials. Due to the enhanced performances and effecve cost-benefit rao, the use of polypropylene fibers is oen recommended for concrete structures


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