Mobile Business Empire

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Personal Digital Assistants are like an electronic notebook. They'll obviously cost more than just a pad of paper, but many people swear by them. They sort of bridge the gap between getting your words in a format that can't be transferred to your computer easily because you can synchronize and upload what you write in them to your computer. You will really have to justify paying for these fancy little toys as they can cost several hundred dollars. You won't be able to sketch any pictures for your ideas, but that may not be an issue. Send Yourself Reminders

If you have voicemail or email you can send yourself reminders. Just open up your email program and send yourself and email. The nice thing about this is that you can later file it in an ideas folder. The same can be done with voicemail if you have a way to leave yourself a message. The problem with some of these solutions is that ideas don't normally show up just when you sit down to the computer or when your phone is handy. Be A Copy Cat

Having trouble getting inspired for even 30 minutes? Why not check out what your competition is doing? If it is driving up their sales odds are the same strategy will also work for you. There are plenty of people who have made lots of money just copying other people. Japanese goods used to be mocked as cheap knock-offs until they started making copies that were even better than the originals! Then, they not only competed better in the market, but they made a ton of money. You can too. It doesn't take a genius to recognize a good idea when it shows up, even if it's not your own.

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