MyMurrieta Nov

Page 1



For Better or For Worse:





departments 5 Publisher's Note

Cover Story 6 Dedicated Credit Repair

Rising Star



features 13 16 20 23

Christmas Tree Lane Non-Profit Profile PWR Unity Award Health Note

10 Nadia & Bella Scorza

Ask the Expert 21 22 26 30


Law Your Taxes Your Weight Your Money

Blazing Tales 25 Giving

Business Buzz 15 OsteoStrong 19 Always Best Care

Community Corner 28 Local Happenings







Publisher’s Note /////////

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I know this is unusual compared to my normal random thoughts, Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Creative Director

Fara Asay


Alexa White

Brittany Rose

Robert Skversky, MD

Smith Marion & Company

The Duane Johnson Group


ramblings, and observations, but I wanted to share a poem with you. I wrote this while I was a dental hygiene student on a mission trip in Brazil. We were there to provide health services to remote areas where there was literally no access to care. It took us nearly 30 hours by boat to get to a gigantic lake where we travelled from village to village. By day I was cleaning teeth, sterilizing instruments, and teaching kids hygiene, but after dinner we went back onto our boat where our hammocks hung from the top, so close to each other our hips touched. While others stayed up playing games around a table I went to my hammock by 7pm where I spent time waiting for divine inspiration ...and writing. I was struggling with a few challenges at the time (ask me about that someday) and I went on the trip armed with my journal, some “good” reading, and a desire to connect with the Big Guy upstairs in search of some answers. This is what came together. You Are MY HAnds I felt your pain when your heart was sad. I sent my comfort through a talk with your dad.

Stevie Dee Photography MyCommunity Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306

I saw you struggle with a problem for a while. I sent my peace through a little one’s smile.

Murrieta, CA 92562

office | 951.801.5332

mobile | 951.265.3173

I saw you frustrated at your wits end, I sent you a hug through the arms of a friend.

I send my love through the caring of others. I want you to give back by serving your brothers.

When you feel in your heart to do something kind, That is my will coming into your mind.

For Advertising Contact:

so please don’t ignore or put off with a shrug When others need comfort, some peace, or a hug. some think there are no miracles these days. Perhaps, they do not understand my ways.

If you look with your heart, the wonders are there. We change people’s lives when we show that we care. Whether at home or in faraway lands, I work through You! You are my hands.

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

Whatever your beliefs may be, I think all can agree that service to others benefits the person giving and the person receiving. In fact, the ripple effect probably extends beyond what we can even grasp. Your neighbor,

Tracy Blanscet |


//////// Feature

For Better or For Worse:


Credit Despair to Credit Repair |

Feature /////////

“I would have done anything to be able to have a reliable source to help me during our crisis.”


hen newlyweds, Jared and Tiffany Hazelaar moved from san diego to Temecula in 2005, the real estate market was at its height before the big plunge. Purchasing their “dream home” in Temecula rather than an average home in san diego saved them nearly $400,000! “The home we found was the smallest home model in the neighborhood, but since we only had our new puppy and our shiny new wedding rings, the four bedroom home seemed perfect to us,” recalls Tiffany. Their mortgage lender encouraged them to act quickly or

they might be “priced out” of the real estate market. so with a mix of trepidation and excitement they said, “Yes!“ In the Hazelaar’s first year of marriage and homeownership, they face some unexpected obstacles. “I quickly learned that my commute to La Jolla for work wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought,” Tiffany remembers. she found a similar job in Murrieta, but it paid 1/3 less than her former job. not long afterward the market began its terrible decline! details of their mortgage that hadn’t really stood out before came to light as the mortgage went adjustable and increased by nearly $1,000/mo. They would’ve refinanced if they could have, but their mortgage had a high prepayment penalty and the home values had dropped significantly. They were stuck! Like many homeowners during this time period they began using credit cards to try to save their home. Within just a few months they would max every card they could get just to keep up with $4200.00 mortgage payment. still believing they could save things, Jared cashed out his 401k in a last ditch effort to stay afloat. Jared and Tiffany sat in their kitchen heartbroken, buried in debt, stressed to the max, and about to lose their home. They were contacted by an auction company that wanted to sell their home; desperate for help, they agreed. What they didn’t realize was that the auction would take place on their property

rather than the courthouse steps! “I remember like it was yesterday. I was sitting reading a book with the back door slightly cracked when all of a sudden I heard yelling. I peered through my front windows to see what all the noise was and saw a man standing on a giant box with a blow horn. A BLOW HORN! He was auctioning my home off IN MY DRIVEWAY!” Tiffany explains incredulously. she was humiliated as the neighbors watched. “I look back now and realize that THIS was the pivotal moment in my life where my pride was broken and I was forced to humble myself to my circumstances,” Tiffany continues. The years that followed this harrowing experience gave the Hazelaar’s new purpose in life. Although their financial troubles could have ruined them, they took time to rebuild and came out on top, with a stronger marriage, a more comfortable lifestyle, and the best credit of their lives. In rebuilding their lives, the couple downsized by renting a small house 20 miles away from Temecula. Although it was lacking the luxuries of their former lives, there they found peace. Living simply, they worked together to pay off their debt and recover from the stressful situation. As they learned the ins and outs of “credit recovery,” it became a passion! Though the price of their expertise came at a high personal cost, Tiffany and Jared are thankful that their |


//////// Feature experiences have led them to help thousands of others in repairing and rebuilding bad credit. Jared researched every possible credit restoration technique, every law, every disputing method, every ethical credit repair organization, and more. each technique was proven on their own credit. Through this difficult life experience and their own credit disaster, the couple founded dedicated Credit repair ten years ago. The couple has a huge sense of compassion for others facing the heartbreak of losing everything. “I would have done anything to be able to have a reliable source to help me during our crisis,” Tiffany explains. Their team has grown to include several skilled professionals who share their passion for restoring credit legally, ethically, and affordably. The heart of their business is driven by compassion since each of the team members have experienced firsthand the heartache of financial challenges. dedicated Credit repair is different than debt consolidation or debt restructuring. Their thorough approach has produced major results. After a Free evaluation, they assess a client’s overall credit scenario and tailor a credit repair campaign that includes more than just letter writing. dedicated Credit has a “real time” web tracking tool which allows clients to watch precisely how they are performing in the program. Clients can see their percentage of improvement, how many derogatory items have been deleted, and each collection account that has been settled… up to the minute. Most of the referrals to dedicated Credit repair come from real estate agents and mortgage lenders who refer their clients in 8


order to help those with poor credit qualify for home mortgages. Tiffany and Jared are pleased to be part of this process and watch their clients go on to own homes once again. They are often invited to speak to realty professionals on credit repair and have proven to be a knowledgeable and trustworthy company that delivers excellent results. “Seeing people come out on the other side of a credit crisis makes us so grateful to do what we do,” says Jared. “Like us, they can start with a clean slate and enjoy owning a home again.” Happily, after rebuilding their credit, the Hazelaar’s have flourished. They now live with their two children in a six-bedroom home in Murrieta with excellent schools that they love. They hope that their story gives hope to others who may be facing difficulty with their credit. With Tiffany taking on most of the day-to-day management of dedicated Credit repair, Jared also works as a full time engineer/ Paramedic for the fire department. He’s been recognized twice this

year for saving lives in extreme situations. Clearly this couple’s heart for helping others extends beyond good credit! Finding a reputable company to restore your credit can be challenging because not all companies operate legally or ethically. dedicated Credit repair is the only credit repair company in the valley registered with the department of Justice (a requirement in the industry). Although they have a “mom and pop” feel, they are large enough to have some serious pull with creditors. Their credibility in the community has come from years of successful results. Although the majority of their business is in southern California, dedicated Credit repair has assisted thousands of families all over the country to qualify to purchase a home, buy a car, or obtain employment by improving their credit scores. If you’ve experienced a financial crisis, it’s time to dust yourself off and move forward again. The Hazelaar’s would love to walk you down the path to your bright future and bring the smile back to your face. Together YOU GOT THIS!

//////// Rising Star




ock climbing is a physical activity that the scorza family enjoys together. But it is much more than that. It’s great for the mind! The mental challenge of rock climbing is similar to working a puzzle, and many climbers notice an increase in their ability to problem solve in climbing… and in life! nadia scorza is 13 and loves doing anything active. she and her sister Bella, 10, have been rock climbing for two and a half years now and love the challenge. “Being a short climber, it’s much harder for me to reach what most others can,” explains nadia. But she has learned to overcome her fear and fight through problems. Her parents Kurt and Melinda note, “She pushes hard to achieve what she wants and doesn’t give up.” Besides working hard at school and in the gym, nadia is the only female setter at rock Fitness.




“I hope to inspire other girls to chase their dreams, even if it looks impossible,” she proclaims. Bella, too, has learned there is always a way up. she says most climbs are set for adults, but she finds her way to the top even when others think it’s not possible. Climbing has taught her that nothing is impossible. Bella also loves playing basketball and volleyball. ”She has a huge heart and love for animals,” Melinda adds. The scorza’s love having fun while staying active, but the most noticeable benefit of their shared hobby is a WInnInG attitude. When things look hopeless, climbing has taught them to stay calm, trust themselves, take their time, and find a solution. With this attitude, there are sure to be no obstacles in life these girls can’t scale. over, around, or through: “Every Mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”

“every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” –Barry Finlay

//////// Education

Study Abroad in 2016

school activities are about to get a lot more

adventuresome for students at the Mt. san Jacinto College campus in Menifee. For starters, how about zip-lining through lush rainforests, exploring ancient temples, and marveling at a prehistoric rock formation—all of them thousands of miles from home? These new opportunities for travel study trips are possible because of the dedication of two Mt. san Jacinto College professors, Jason Hlebakos and Ted Blake. next year, students, non-teaching staff, and teaching colleagues are invited to join the professors on guided tours to Belize, a natural paradise located along Central America’s Caribbean Coast, and the history-rich countries of england, Ireland, and Wales. everyone who goes can do research, earn college credits, study different cultures, and/or simply indulge their sense of adventure. “When students experience something directly, it has the greatest impact on them,” said Hlebakos, who teaches environmental studies on the Menifee Valley Campus. “And with the increasing globalization of our world, it’s more important than ever.” Hlebakos earned his doctorate studying rain forests from Panama to Mexico and will lead a week-long trip to Belize in Central America next March over spring break. Blake, an english professor, will lead a group on a 10-day tour of england, Ireland, and Wales in June over summer break. one of the highlights of that tour will be a visit to the mysterious stonehenge formation. Travel study trips range from $2,770 to $3,864 and include airfare, lodging, most meals, and guided tours. Payment plans are available, and each adventure is limited to about 20 students. december 15 is the deadline to apply for the upcoming trip to Belize. As one of the Inland empire’s most innovative and acclaimed educational institutions, Mt. san Jacinto College believes that learning takes place in the classroom and the world around us. For that reason, students are given many opportunities to explore different environments. For further information, please contact the professors via email: and TRIP DETAILS: Belize: www.EFCST.COM/1725759DJ England, Ireland and Wales: www.EFCST.COM/1725792ED



Christmas Tree Lane

Non-Profit Profile /////////


abitat for Humanity Inland Valley is proud to usher in its ninth annual Christmas Tree Lane fundraiser at the Promenade mall in Temecula. Twenty exquisitely-designed Christmas trees with themes such as star Wars, Chargers, Charlie Brown, Minions, butterflies, and more will be on display for the public to view near the entrance to the Macy’s Women’s store on the lower level. each of the trees will be raffled off on december 15th at a drawing ceremony at the mall. Tickets are on sale now for a dollar apiece or 20 tickets for ten dollars. supporters can place their tickets in the collection boxes in front of the trees they like most. Proceeds from the fundraiser support the nonprofit Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley.

For many, seeing the beautiful display of trees adds to the holiday joy. “The magic of Christmas Tree Lane is contagious,” smiles Tammy Marine, executive director for the nonprofit. Tammy Marine, smiles, “Many of the larger companies in the region are involved in one way or another, and it’s rewarding for them to contribute in such a positive and impactful way.” This year’s theme is “The Garden of Hope and Love,” which correlates with Habitat for Humanity’s belief of spreading God’s love to one another and offering hope to those who need it. The event, chaired by Vicki Puterbaugh, is fueled by the tireless work of the Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley staff and hundreds of volunteers. “Volunteers design and decorate the trees, set-up and break-down the

event, and sell tickets,” Tammy explains. They fuel the event! From high-schoolers to business owners to seniors, their volunteers are diverse.

For More




Tree LAne,




or VoLunTeerInG VIsIT or call 951-296-3362 |




Making an Impact: osteostrong

Business Buzz /////////

“Nine times more effective than traditional exercise or medication”


Dr. Derek Albrecht

any amazing feats have been accomplished when a loved one's life or health is on the line. That level of personal motivation can lead to great discovery! dr. John Jaquish was in college working toward his Phd when he came home to find his mother in distress. she had just been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and she dramatically shared the detrimental complications associated with the disease. He reassured her that he would do some research and see what could be done. He would not have guessed his mom’s diagnosis would lead him to the focus of his career in scientific research. What he uncovered was somewhat disappointing. Lifting weights, supplements, improvement to diet and all other “lifestyle” changes had little to no impact on improving the condition. With medication it was possible to achieve an average 1% gain in bone density, but the condi-

tion was thought to be irreversible. sadly, osteoporotic fractures are the leading cause of hospital visits in the us, and the fifth leading cause of all deaths. According to the International osteoporosis society, deaths from osteoporosis in women outpace breast cancer and heart disease! dr. Jaquish read everything he could get his hands on and found his answer studying gymnasts and the effects of high impact forces on the bones. In 2007 he built a device to apply a similar type of brief force called osteogenic loading. In just six months of helping his mother to use the device, her bone density improved to 8%! eighteen months later his mom’s osteoporosis was completely reversed! Her bone density improved to that of an average 30 year old female. Her doctor was speechless. This new therapy had blown away all of the other accepted methods of treating osteoporosis. osteostrong was founded in 2011, and since then, many people have been able to experience the benefits of osteogenic loading. The device is a completely natural way to build stronger bones and muscles, improve balance and agility, and even eliminate back and joint pain, leading to better quality of life.

Although many of osteostrong’s clients are seniors with osteoporosis or osteopenia, osteogenic loading has so many other benefits that people of all ages have come to appreciate it! Pro athletes have discovered measurable improvements in performance and reaction time in only 30 days! The most recent researched benefit of osteogenic loading includes lowering A1c levels in Type 2 diabetics. It is nine times more effective than traditional exercise or medication; however many people are still unaware of this natural way to lower blood sugar. Murrieta is fortunate to have one of the first osteostrong locations on the West Coast overseen by dr. derek Albrecht, a musculoskeletal expert who has helped people maintain physical functionality for over 24 years. one of the most important aspects of osteostrong’s culture is its commitment to keep this technology affordable to the public. After all, dr. Jaquish started this project to help his mom… and she taught him to help others.


25190 Hancock Ave. | Murrieta |


//////// Non-Profit Profile

Purpose Found in tragedy J

By: Alexa White

im Zetz was a tough guy. As a contractor, he had his share of injuries and brushed off the pain. But in 2013, Jim experienced intense abdominal pain so great that he agreed to go to urgent care after some urging from his wife, Grace. He was admitted to the hospital where he underwent a battery of tests. Jim and Grace were devastated to learn that Jim had inoperable, stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He was sent home with an estimated 3-4 weeks to live and told to put his affairs in order. He beat his estimated departure time by going through chemotherapy, but despite the treatment, he passed away just over nine months later. The last of Jim and Grace’s children still in the home was 11-yearold Josie. All their other children were married, so it was clear that this last daughter would never have the experience of walking down the aisle with her father. But magic comes in many forms… a local photographer staged a fairy tale wedding and father and daughter created beautiful memories for Josie to treasure on that special day somewhere in her future. The fairy tale wedding was memorialized on a video entitled “daddy Walk Me down the Aisle” and received over 2 million views on YouTube. The attention led to the video being featured on the Today show, ABC news, and in People Magazine. Grace often finds



that people in our valley are familiar with the touching video, but have no idea that the father and daughter featured were their own neighbors. The Zetz family story brought a lot of attention to pancreatic cancer and touched the hearts of so many. The outpouring of support that followed led Grace to find purpose amidst the tragedy. Grace, who is a nurse with over 20 years of experience, was frustrated that there was no early testing for pancreatic cancer. “By the time pancreatic cancer is detected, it’s too late,” she explains. “In fact 75% of those diagnosed with this horrible disease die within six months, and only 7% will survive 5 years or more. It’s shocking.” Jim was not the only member of the Zetz family to fight against pancreatic cancer. For many generations back, members of Jim’s maternal side of the family had been stricken and taken by pancreatic cancer– eight members that they knew of. But it wasn’t until Jim’s passing that the family was told that the cancer was genetic. The stark reality that the disease may affect one or all of her children was difficult to ignore. Grief-stricken, Grace decided to take action in the hope that others might be spared the sorrow of los-

ing a loved one to pancreatic cancer. With the support of her children, Grace founded the Zetz Family Pancreatic Cancer research Foundation. Grace knew that many nonprofits filled different needs within the pancreatic cancer community, and she aimed her efforts at an unfilled need. The Zetz’ foundation reached out to Johns Hopkins university with a goal to fund the collecting of blood samples that the research center can use to advance their

Non-Profit Profile /////////

“We are so grateful for the support of all those helping us to create a new future for pancreatic cancer detection & treatment.”

progress in finding a cure. “I was surprised to find that one of the biggest obstacles in developing early detection and finding a cure was that there were so few blood samples for researchers to study,” says Grace. “When Jim and I learned this, he donated two vials of blood to be used for scientific analysis. Although we knew this would do nothing to help him, we felt good knowing it might help to save lives in the future.” Grieving, raising her daughter,

working her job as a nurse and running the nonprofit can be very overwhelming for Grace at times. “But then I remember why I took this road,” she says with strength. “If I can help one person avoid the pain… It is worth it.” on a national level, the nonprofit has gotten a lot of attention and support. The family-run foundation was recently recognized by the north American Pancreatic Cancer Alliance as one of the top 20 leaders in pancreatic cancer advocacy.

The Zetz Family Pancreatic Cancer research Foundation held their first gala on november 7th, welcoming leading medical researchers, celebrities, and other supporters from across the county. The event took place at Pala Casino spa and resort and featured a superb four-course dinner, live auction, live entertainment, and a couture fashion show with gorgeous gowns donated by Project runway and other top designers. “We are so grateful for the support of all those helping us to create a new future for pancreatic cancer detection and treatment.” ~The Zetz Family If you'd like to help, please consider making a donation to or sponsoring a patient sample kit for $200. |




Business Buzz /////////

Driven by the Heart Always Best Care I

f you ask her friends what stands out most about rebecca Prouty, it’s practically unanimous: “she is extraordinarily kind.” Whether meeting rebecca personally or professionally, her caring and compassionate nature is evident. Those who work closest with her believe these qualities have resulted in her amazing success in providing senior care in the Temecula Valley. When rebecca approached her husband, Jim, with an idea to leave her job in the corporate world to start a senior care business, she was nervous. It was tough to think about diving into the unknown when she had a terrific job with steady income and benefits, but her husband’s absolute faith in her gave her the courage to move forward. “I have always adored seniors, and I wanted to make a difference in their lives,” rebecca says sincerely. After looking at several ways she could get involved, she found a business model she really loved - a service company that provides in-home care to seniors when they need

help with the activities of daily living. After researching the company she was excited to move forward and in the winter of 2012, she began Always Best Care of Temecula Valley. Preparing to really provide the BesT care, rebecca knew hiring the right people was essential. “I knew I only wanted to bring on people who were warm and loving,” she shares. “It’s easy to see that immediately.” After 25 years of work in human resources, managing people is one of rebecca’s top strengths. Local resident robin Frye met rebecca while working at Brookdale senior Living in Menifee when rebecca came to introduce herself and check out the place. robin shares, ”I could tell right away that Rebecca leads with her heart and is truly in this business for the right reason… to help others. I meet many people in my role with Brookdale, and she stands out as someone of integrity and a true caring nature.” When the time came that robin’s own mother needed assistance, she never thought twice about who to call. “Rebecca was the first and only one I called,” robin recounts. “She took time to really know my mom and her personality before choosing the perfect companion.” This heart-driven management approach is unusual in the business world and yet this has absolutely been rebecca’s key to success! “My caregivers provide incredible service, so I really treasure them,”

she smiles. This bond has allowed her to grow from four caregivers just over a year and a half ago to 61 employees today! By putting together such a remarkable team, rebecca and Always Best Care have received some truly amazing accolades that touch the heart. Caring for seniors with loving compassion has been a perfect match for rebecca’s personal qualities, but her role extends to serving their families as well. “I don’t live in Temecula, so when my 92-year-old uncle was discharged from the hospital after having a stroke, a social worker from the hospital recommended I speak with Rebecca,” shares donna desantis. “She really understands how difficult serious illness of a family member is on everyone in the family and works to assist and support not only the patient, but the rest of the family too.” As her company has grown, rebecca has not waivered in her dedication to support seniors and their families in every way she can. In robin’s words, “She has really found the magic that it takes to run a business with compassion, excellence and dedication.”

41593 Winchester Rd. #200 Temecula Ca 92590 (951) 375-4588 |


//////// Unity Award



The New Divorce

Contributed by King Law Firm

Ben and Jen, Gwen and Gavin, Blake and Miranda, Miss Piggy and Kermit, your loving aunt and uncle. separation and divorce can happen to anyone. Celebrities may be used to being in the media and having their lives scrutinized, but they’re people just like everyone else. no matter who you are, a divorce is difficult. divorce often leaves families hurting and confused, and with the anxiety of everything at stake, the process can be painful emotionally and financially. Those involved are unsure how to even start the process, let alone how do it without making it excruciating. How can a couple headed toward divorce make the process less painful overall? When money is involved, it can be difficult. But perhaps we can take a cue from Gwyneth and Chris and go the “conscious uncoupling” route. The trend of “divorce mediation” is growing and for good reason. It saves time and money, has increased confidentiality and results in better child custody and visitation plans and agreements that are specifically designed for your family. Divorce Mediation In mediation, the couple meets with a neutral third party (the mediator) to work through tough issues so the

marriage can end as amicably and cost effectively as possible. Private divorce mediation is often faster, more affordable and less emotionally exhausting than a traditional divorce through litigation. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DIVORCE MEDIATION VS. LITIGATION? •Cost savings: divorce Mediation can cost between $2,000-5,000 total versus an average of $20,000 per person. •Time savings: Finalize a divorce in 3-6 months versus an average of 2 years. •Better child custody agreements: on average, 80% of voluntary compliance with child custody agreements versus 40%. Increased confidentiality: Financial information, accusations and decisions are kept out of public records versus in litigation where hearings are open to the public. WHAT IS THE PROCESS? •Phone call: The couple will speak with the mediator to provide some background information about your family and what issues are on the table. •First meeting: In this meeting, you’ll get to know the mediator. The mediator will explain the process and ask you to fill out any necessary paperwork. each person will

Ask The Expert / Law /////////

41690 Ivy Street, Suite B Murrieta, CA

951-834-7715 Fax 951-319-7129

have an opportunity to make a short statement about the situation. The mediator may ask several questions and will help you develop a plan to reach a point of agreement. You may need to gather additional information related to property issues and child custody before your next meeting. •Negotiating: This process may take one additional meeting or several. Most importantly, all parties involved should be prepared, willing to listen and be open to compromising. •Finalize the agreement: once the couple can come to terms, the mediator will write an agreement and a parenting plan, if applicable. This paperwork will become part of your divorce judgment. The “new divorce” gives parting couples more power and control in their own lives. The decisions for their assets and their children are in their own hands rather than in those of a stranger. Compromise can save time, money, and heartache! If you know of someone exploring divorce options, be sure they know about private mediation. If you and your spouse are exploring divorce options and are interested in learning more about divorce mediation, please contact us at or 951-834-7715. |


//////// Ask the Expert / Your Taxes

With a Pro Tax Planning


By Smith Marion & Co. CPAs

ach year many people go to see their tax professional with no idea of whether they will owe additional tax or if they will receive a tax refund. often they are surprised, upset or downright angry to find that they owe additional taxes and don’t understand why. Meeting with your CPA a couple of months before the end of the year is the solution to this problem. A certified public accountant can help your family and/or your business to accomplish your financial goals in the most tax efficient way possible. This consists largely of minimizing your tax liability. Your tax professional will start by examining your taxes from the previous year. They should ask about any changes that may have taken place in your financial life in order to estimate your taxes for the current year. Having an idea of where things will be year-by-year will allow you and your tax professional to come up with a tax strategy. Tax strategy is especially important to taxpayers who are self-employed, either as a sole proprietor or as an s-Corporation.

“some people get too caught up trying to avoid taxes, which can be counterproductive.”

If you’re going to owe money, a visit with your tax professional in october can help plan for what’s coming at tax time. Many small business owners are able to minimize taxable income in one or more of the following ways: funding their retirement plans, purchasing equipment before year end, accelerating depreciation, donating to charity. some people get too caught up trying to avoid taxes, which can be counterproductive. Your tax professional can help you achieve your financial goals by looking at the big picture and helping you to plan accordingly. switching to a seasoned tax professional can save you time and money if you are still doing your own taxes or relying on the guys who did a quick training. While filing your own taxes may have been easy when you were first starting

out, as you’ve accumulated “stuff” it’s become more complex. The biggest thing that people notice when they finally make the switch is that they were missing lots of deductions they could have claimed. This can result in less money owed at year-end or a bigger return. A CPA is trained to look at your financial picture from all angles and is more likely to catch things you might miss. And they keep up with the ever-changing rules in the tax world. If you are ready to step up to professional service, give smith Marion & Co. a call to set up your consultation.

38605 Calistoga Dr, Ste. 120 | Murrieta, CA 92563 | 951-461-2045



Health Note /////////

It is reported that vitamin d can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the body.

Are you A

ccording to dr. Joseph Mercola, “Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important substance.” Vitamin d is different than all of the other vitamins because it’s actually a steroid hormone. dr. Mercola explains, “Its ability to influence genetic expression produces many of its wide-ranging health benefits.” In fact, it is reported that vitamin d can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the body. Looking at the vast research on vitamin d uncovers a myriad of benefits. It can boost your immunity and your mood, prevent many chronic diseases, reduce your risk of cold and flu and more. even cancer fears this heroic vitamin! dr. Michael Holick, an endocrinologist with both an Md and Phd, has spent a lot of time researching vitamin d and writes that vitamin d deficiency is the most common


nutritional deficiency in the world. Vitamin d receptors are literally everywhere in the body, so basically every system and organ in the body need it to run efficiently. deficiency can wreak havoc causing a range of symptoms including depression, dementia, weight gain, fatigue, osteoporosis, infections, autoimmune diseases, cancers, heart disease, gum disease, PMs, sleeping problems… and the list goes on. so where do we find it? Your body converts sunlight to vitamin d as long as you are not wearing sun block. Many people don’t get adequate amounts of sunlight due to working indoors, wearing long sleeves, or living in areas where the sunlight absorption is hindered by pollution or cold weather. Luckily, we southern Californians are lucky to have access to the warm rays most of the year. A tanning bed will work if you can’t get outdoors, but don’t

think that you’re fine if you’re sunning through the window. Glass filters out most of the uVB rays needed to produce the vitamin. some foods provide vitamin d naturally such as salmon, sardines, egg yolks, and shrimp. other foods such as milk, cereal, yogurt and orange juice are supplemented with vitamin d. If you want to make sure you’re getting enough, you can take a vitamin d3 supplement. With supplementation, adding vitamin K2 will greatly enhance the benefits of vitamin d. As you age, your need for vitamin d may increase as your ability to produce it in the body slows down, so additional supplementation may be required. Getting adequate vitamin d is one of the simplest forms of prevention available. remember, You must be the advocate for your own health. don’t wait until you’re sick to take action. Choose health every day!

Read more at: |


//////// A Look at a Book



Reviewed by Brittany Rose

uthor shel silverstein is to children’s literature what shakespeare is to theater. His poetic proses are witty, catchy and leave children and adults to contemplate some of the most



important aspects of humanity. one of silverstein’s most well-known books is called The Giving Tree and features a boy and his best friend, a female tree. The tree is a provider through many aspects of the boy’s life. As the boy grows, the tree offers her branches where he can play, her shade when he is weary, her apples to sell for money, and her trunk to build a home for his family. Finally when the boy returns as an old man and needs a place to sit, she offers her stump. during the boy’s life, as she provided for him, “The tree was happy.” This beautiful story is simple, poignant and gives much room for personal interpretation. This short, little tale can open up discussion

amongst adults and children alike. In fact, this is the season to introduce such topics to our youth and hear their thoughts on the boy and the tree. After reading the book on your own or with your children, you can contemplate the following questions. What do you think the tree represents? Why do you think the tree was happy? What did the tree give to the boy? did the boy show gratitude? Are you more like the boy or the tree? What things do you have to be grateful for? Although, silverstein’s words are much less complicated than shakespeare’s, the question remains the same, “To be or not to be…” grateful, that is.

Blazing Tales /////////

Giving Awhooo! What’s up people? It’s me, your

favorite dog, Blaze. Yesterday, mom was talking to the family about gratitude. she said that it’s pretty normal to take things for granted when we don’t have a “broad perspective.” one of the kids asked what a broad perspective means. Mom explained that we live our lives in a bubble (I think that’s like a kennel) and we sometimes think our little problems are bad, but if we look at some of the bigger problems others have, it can help us be grateful for what we have and be more compassionate toward others. Mom was telling the kids about some of the challenges other kids and families around the community and in other parts of the world are facing. This got us thinking about what we could do for others to show them love and give them encouragement. Then, my college brother (he’s a people, not a dog) told mom and the

rest of us about operation Christmas Child. You fill up a shoebox with some toys, hygiene items and school supplies for a little boy or girl and drop it off at a collection point to be given to a child around the world. You can even track it and find out who gets your gift. That got everyone pretty excited and we decided each member of the family would make a gift box for someone. They forgot to give me a box. The little guy noticed when I walked to my bed and laid my head down sadly. “Hey, I think Blaze wants to make a box too,” he told everyone. They put an empty shoebox in front of me. “Yesss!” I barked excitedly. I ran quickly to mom and dad’s closet where I had my best and biggest bone hidden. When I came out with it and dropped it in the box the kids laughed and took it out. But I put it in the box again. sometimes it takes my people a little while to understand me since I don’t speak

their language, but eventually they got it. “He wants to make a box for a dog,” laughed one of the girls. Mom’s words really made me think, if there are kids in need all around the world, I bet there are dogs in need too and I am making my box for a little dog. Maybe he doesn’t have a loving family like me… or a bed, or toys, or treats. I want to give a gift from my heart too. I’m thankful for my family and I hope that dogs in need will be able to feel secure and loved like me. Maybe this would be a good time to talk to mom and dad about adopting a dog brother (or sister) for me to play with. I’ll need to get the kids in on this to add a little more persuasive power with the parental figures. I may be a dog, but everyone can make a difference and I’m going to leave my paw print on this world! |



///////// Ask the Expert / Your Weight


for a Healthier Life

By Robert Skversky, MD

s a practicing physician specializing in obesity medicine, I often have patients ask, “So, what’s the harm in being overweight or obese?” The health problems that come along with excess weight are well documented in scientific literature. Among a myriad of health problems, some of the major ones that stand out are: coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, reproductive problems, sleep apnea, and metabolic syndrome. Those extra pounds even raise your risk for colon, breast, endometrial and gallbladder cancers. not to mention your joints must endure extra wear and tear with the extra pressure of obesity to due to excess weight. I can tell you “diets” don’t work for long-term weight control. obesity is a genetic, metabolic, chronic and progressive disease much like diabetes or hypertension. Although diets and exercise are important to good health, by themselves they are ineffective for longterm success. Though people may initially lose weight from their efforts, after two to three years,

“So, what’s the harm in being overweight or obese?” commercial weight loss programs have a 95% failure rate! The key to long term success is with combination drug therapy in addition to diet and exercise protocols. Why should this disease be treated any differently than diabetes and hypertension? one doesn’t stop their blood pressure medication once “control” is achieved, or their diabetic medication once blood sugar is brought to acceptable levels. Likewise, when desirable weight loss is achieved, treatment shouldn't be discontinued until a maintenance program is prescribed on a long term basis.

“Obesity has a significant genetic predisposition and thus, in most cases, is NOT YOUR FAULT! You should beware that most commercial ‘get thin quick’ products serve only to slim your wallet–not your waist!”

If you’re ready for a healthier life, maybe it’s time you get serious about “downsizing.” It’s not just looking better that will have you walking more confidently, you will feel better too!

TEMECULA 31537 Rancho Pueblo Road Ste. 105 Temecula, CA 92592 951.699.0848 NEWPORT BEACH 320 Superior Avenue Ste. 210 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.645.2930

Dr. Skversky has committed the past twenty-two years of his professional career to the medical treatment of the overweight and obese patient. He has been at the forefront of treating obesity as a chronic disease and has been featured in the Wall street Journal and has appeared on the dr. oZ show, Good Morning America, the Today show, and other programs discussing his safe and effective protocols for weight loss and maintenance. 26


Student of the Month /////////

ach month, a senior from each of the high schools in Murrieta is recognized for their character, their love of learning, how they’ve made a difference or how they have persevered through challenging life circumstances at the Chamber of Commerce student of the Month Program. Local dignitaries, business owners, high school principals, proud parents, and others gather to listen to their stories. Those who attend are moved by these amazing, young people. We share their pains and their victories; we celebrate their accomplishments; cry with them for their struggles; and rejoice in their ability to overcome. These are our kids. Murrieta’s kids.


Congratulations Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Students of the Month shown standing from left to right are: Patrick Kelley, MVusd superintendent; rick Gibbs, Murrieta Councilman; Margaret Jones, soM Chair; Jen Pham, soM Chair; and Patrick ellis, Murrieta Chamber of Commerce. shown sitting left to right are: Luke ekstrom (Murrieta Valley High school); Anjil dowdell (Tenaja Canyon Academy); dakota rios (river springs Charter school); Minji Kim (Vista Murrieta High school); Ashton Farrar (Murrieta Mesa High school); and dakota rios (oak Grove Institute). For more information, or to sponsor this program, contact Margaret Jones, Chair. (951) 677-4856. |


///////// Community Corner

Michelle’s Place Share the 2016 Scholarships Harvest Thanksgiving Event

Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer resource Center is happy to announce its 15th year of service to women and families impacted by breast cancer. Founded in 2001, Michelle’s Place has been a beacon of hope for thousands of individuals fighting breast cancer, by providing free resources, education and support services. The nonprofit will offer several educational scholarships totaling $6,000 in 2016 thanks to funding from the Temecula Valley Women’s Club. To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must be affected by cancer in some way or have a family member affected by cancer, and must utilize the scholarship funds for higher education purposes. Additionally, Michelle’s Place has the privilege to facilitate the Patricia deroeux scholarship on behalf of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, to a deserving student living in the City of Temecula who is in need of financial assistance for educational purposes and has lost a parent due to cancer. Both scholarship application will be available on January 1st through February 28th, 2016 on the Michelle’s Place website. For more information on these scholarships email or fill out an application online at



on saturday november 21st from noon until 5:00 pm. Murrieta Mesa High school, the Interact Club and Murrieta rotary will host their 7th annual “share the Harvest” Thanksgiving dinner and Fall Festival at Murrieta Mesa High school. While the outreach is intended for those experiencing economic challenges, all are welcome. A traditional turkey dinner will be served and the school is accepting donations of canned green beans, instant turkey stuffing, frozen pies and turkeys which will be collected at the school. Any unused items will be donated to local food pantries. For more information or to donate contact Michael Stowe at (951) 677-0568 x6303 or

Community /////// Corner |


The retirement Playbook

//////// Ask the Expert / Your Money

Lessons from retirement All-stars


Contributed by the Duane Johnson Group

espite the challenge of replacing income for an indefinite number of years in an everchanging financial environment, plenty of people have managed to do retirement right. Taking control of their future through planning and preparation helps individuals to live comfortably in retirement, prepared for whatever comes their way. Taking some time to learn their playbook can help get you started on planning for your own comfortable future! WHAT DO RETIREMENT ALL-STARS HAVE IN COMMON? They have a strategy. retirement all-stars often have a strategy for retirement savings written out in advance, as well as a specific strategy for generating income from their savings while in retirement. They take the time to calculate not only how much money they needed to save for retirement, but also how much income they needed to generate once in retirement based on their desired lifestyle. They start early. The sooner you start preparing for your retirement, the more likely you are to hit it out of the park! retirement all-stars typically give themselves plenty of time to save, to recover from any market losses and to allow their assets to accumulate. Those who can’t (or don’t) start early can start fast when the time comes, doing what they can to make up for lost time. 30


They stick to a budget. Tracking spending habits and not spending more than they earn is part of the all-star retiree’s playbook. For most people, cutting costs is the most powerful way to increase wealth; this may require sacrifices, even from affluent individuals. By developing and sticking to a budget, all-star retirees are able to remain focused on saving money, taking full advantage of their employers’ 401(k) plans or employer sponsored accounts. As a bonus, these cost conscious habits continue to benefit individuals as they live out their retirement years. They plan wisely. Those getting retirement right have good discipline, focusing on their long-term goals and sticking to their plan. They know how to weigh their goals against their risk-tolerance, diversify, and re-balance their assets when necessary. They use tax-efficient strategies. All-star retirees work toward controlling the amount of taxes they’ll pay in retirement, often enlisting the help of a financial professional and tax advisor to determine a tax-efficient retirement income withdrawal strategy that relies on a balance of taxdeferred and tax-free retirement vehicles. They factor in health care costs. Health care costs continue to be a top concern of retirees and those nearing retirement. The unpredictability of one’s future health, and rising medical rates, make budgeting for retirement health care quite a challenge. However, an effective retirement playbook includes careful consideration of potential health care expenses. They optimize their Social Security benefits. Those doing retirement right take time to educate themselves on the social security

system and use smart strategies to help optimize this benefit. Through research and/or the help of a financial professional, these individuals know how much they can expect from social security and carefully consider the right time to start claiming benefits, which can have a significant impact on taxes and monthly benefits. They make sure they’re ready. Being financially ready for retirement is only one piece of helping to ensure contentment once your working years are over. According to a 2014 Ameriprise Financial survey, many retirees ages 60-73 said being emotionally and physically ready for retirement helped them feel more in control of their retirement. Let us help you incorporate these all-star strategies for planning your retirement!

RETIREMENT BOOTCAMP Vail Ranch Steakhouse 27600 Jefferson Ave. Temecula, CA 92591

Tuesday, January 26, 2015 6:00 p.m.


Thursday, January 28, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Complimentary Dinner to Follow Please RSVP to 951-244-6702 Must be 55 or over to attend

41197 Golden Gate Circle #208 Murrieta, CA 92562

(951) 244-6702

Po BoX 27890 Clinton Keith rd, ste. d-306 Murrieta, California 92562

Local Postal Customer eCrWss




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