MyMurrieta Feb2016

Page 1



Weight No More

Medically Proven to Keep

Weight off for Good







Cover Story 6 Weight No More

Rising Star 10 T.J. Fagót

Business Buzz 14 DeJong’s Dairy



6 Ask the Expert 12 Your Credit 19 Hormones 23 Law

Blazing Tales 15 Our Grrrowing Family

Meet Your Neighbor 16 David Lyons

Community Corner 20 Local Happenings





Publisher’s Note /////////

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hey there, Murrieta! Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Creative Director

Fara Asay


Alexa White

Madison Stark

Tiffany Hazelaar Rachel King

Optimal You Photographer

Stevie Dee Photography

MyCommunity Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562

office | 951.801.5332

mobile | 951.265.3173

For Advertising Contact:

So far, 2016 is looking bright. Every once in a while your attitude may need a tune up. (I know this from experience.) It’s important to step back and first take a look at yourself from different angles. Are you a positive contributor to the lives of those around you? It’s easy to see what they should fix… but you are the only person you have control of. So, start there. Once you are tuned up and choosing to be happy despite your circumstances, it kind of spreads. Really! That slight (or not so slight) adjustment can make you more tolerant of others, which takes a little pressure off of them and allows them to be more cheerful too. Pretty soon you’ve truly got your “Happy” back. For a little while there it seemed our entire household was moody… Mom, Dad, teens… Even the dog seemed grumpy. But once I fixed my outlook and took accountability for my grouchy mood, it seemed everyone brightened. Speaking of bright people, our neighbor David Lyons figured out how to find his happy too. Read his story on page 16. Another bright spot in our community is this month’s Rising Star, TJ. He’s got a goal that keeps him dedicated to being his best and his attitude is just one of the great things about him. Read more on page 10. Also, I’m excited to share one of our family’s favorite places with you. You’ll adore this old style dairy where you can see the cows that are producing the milk in the store. This business is not following the trend of back to the roots…. They never left their roots! Read about DeJong’s Dairy on page 15. If you have a child or teen that likes to write be sure to read the Community Corner and see how their story can be featured in My Murrieta Magazine. We want to learn about Murrieta family life through their eyes.

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

Have a terrific month and smile at someone new this week! Your neighbor,

Tracy Blanscet |


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//////// Feature

Weight No More

Medically Proven to Keep

Weight off for Good


Contributed by Robert Skversky, M.D.

s a physician, I have devoted the past 24 years of my professional career to Obesity Medicine, the medical treatment of the overweight and obese patient. I am convinced that misinformation, lack of information, deceit, and greed are in large part responsible for the 90 plus percent of people who in their earnest attempt to lose weight are sooner than later doomed to failure. Obesity is a metabolic, chronic and progressive disease with a significant genetic predisposition. The traditional “holy grail” for 6


weight loss - diet and exercise - has failed miserably for most people for sound physiologic reasons. Briefly stated, dieting lowers body temperature, slows metabolism and energy expenditure, and decreases fat and muscle oxidation. This halts weight loss and the body will soon regain weight to pre-existing levels or even higher. Exercise has a myriad of well-documented benefits, but it is highly overrated when it comes to weight loss. The phrase “go work up an appetite” speaks volumes about the increased fuel requirements the body demands from exercising. The many “dietary

supplements” touted for weight-loss are worthless and serve only to “slim your wallet…. not your waist.” Finally, I believe commercial weightloss programs play on the vulnerability of the overweight population who are susceptible to the exploitations of celebrities who claim great success with photo-shopped pictures, half- truths, and false hope. Over the years I have compiled a sampling of our patients most frequently asked questions. Hopefully these answers will help you to make a wise choice when searching for a weight-loss program that fits your needs.

Feature /////////


At Weight No More, we treat obesity as a chronic disease using combination drug therapy in addition to diet and exercise protocols on a long-term, or “forever,” basis. Just like a physician treats other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, the goal with obesity is control, not cure. Once desirable weight-loss is achieved, a maintenance program is started using the lowest effective dose of prescription medications. This is the way our patients have maintained their healthy weight loss for years and even decades.


There are three primary factors that will determine your success, as well as speed of weight-loss. They are genetics, sensitivity to medication, and compliance. You only have control over the latter, ie; taking your medications as directed and following our diet and exercise protocols as best as possible. Fortunately, most patients respond very well to the medications. At Weight No More we stress consistency of weight-loss more than speed. Remember the first 20 lbs. will come off easier than the next 20 lbs., etc, etc. Patients are initially seen monthly, with office visits being extended to every two to three months, or as medically indicated.


Safety and side effects of medication should always be the first priority versus efficacy, i.e.; how well they work. The combination of medications we use have been proven safe and effective over many years of use. For example, phentermine, an appetite suppressant often used in combination with other drugs, was approved by the FDA in 1959 almost 60 years ago! Contrary to what many physicians believe Phentermine is a “non-amphetamine, non addictive drug.” Most of the additional medications we use have been used worldwide for over 20 years. |


//////// Feature


Medications we use for longterm weight-loss are divided into four main groups. Appetite suppressants, such as phentermine are used to decrease appetite; low dose anti-depressants, such as escitalopram, help to control cravings; antidiabetic medications like metformin, improve insulin sensitivity and slow absorption of carbohydrates; and anti-convulsants and anti-migraines such as topiramate, work synergistically with other medications to enhance weight-loss or to break through a plateau. Most patients are prescribed two medications in combination. Recently approved FDA weight loss drugs such as Contrave, Belviq and Saxenda are used as occasional adjuncts to above. Qsymia (a combination of phentermine and topiramate) approved in July 2012 is not used since we have been using the above combination since 1999.



Your physician’s experience can make the ultimate difference between success and failure. Dr. Skversky and his staff have been dedicated to the long-term success of their patients medical weight-loss for over two decades. At each visit a patient's vital signs are taken, side effect profiles completed, laboratory values reviewed; in addition to a physical exam and treatment goals established. Long-term weight loss does more than change one’s outer appearance. Keeping your weight at a healthy level may help to prevent, delay the onset or slow the progression of other conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. And, of course, improved self-esteem is a natural side-effect of looking and feeling healthier. For the past 24 years Dr. Skversky has been at the forefront of obesity medicine. He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal

and in More Magazine. He’s been interviewed on Good Morning America, the Today Show, the Early Show, and E! He also made an appearance on the Dr. Oz Show to discuss his protocol of continuous use of pharmacotherapy for safe and effective weight-loss. Besides educating the public on the effective treatment of obesity, he has been a featured speaker at the American Society of Bariatric Physicians where he presented his topic “Combination drug therapy; What works What doesn’t and Why” to other physicians who treat obesity. If you are ready to make 2016 the start of a healthier you, TAKE ACTION. Come and meet the team that has earned their reputation by delivering lasting RESULTS. Now is the time – Weight No More!

31537 Rancho Pueblo Rd., Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92592 Temecula Office: 951-699-0848 |

320 Superior Avenue, Suite 210 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach: 949-645-2930 |


//////// Rising Star


By Alexa White

ix foot eight inches tall and size 17 feet are definitely not average traits. However, for 16-year old Murrieta Valley High School junior and basketball player, Thomas Joseph (T.J.) Fagót, this is just where he’s at so far. As a basketball player for both the Murrieta Valley Nighthawks and Wether's Elite AAU, T.J.’s height is just one factor that makes him stand out on the court. His talent and positive attitude are also big factors that have contributed to his increasing success. T.J. has worked hard to become the basketball player he is today. Starting at the age of ten, he found many of his teammates had already been playing for several years, but he was dedicated to learn quickly and match the skill level of those around him. T.J. has




followed a rigorous training schedule with high school basketball practices five days a week and playing and working out on his own or at Rock Fitness six days a week. Ultimately, T.J.’s six years of playing basketball have taught him that perseverance pays off. The court is not the only place where T.J. makes a statement. T.J. is committed to excelling in his academics just as much as he is committed to training for basketball. This has definitely been beneficial for T.J. as shown through his astounding grades and test scores. In the future T.J. hopes to be accepted to Stanford University, to major in engineering and eventually become an Aerospace Engineer. It is clear that T.J.’s already successful ability to balance his academics and athletics has him on the right path for accomplishing

his tall dreams. Basketball and school aren’t the only things that he is involved in. T.J. is very involved with his local church and youth group. He enjoys spending time with his friends and is known for his outgoing personality and his positive, supportive attitude. Nevertheless, T.J. still makes time for family in his busy schedule and loves spending time fishing and hunting with his dad. T.J.’s tenacity, work ethic, aptitude to be such a great friend and teammate and goals are just a few of the things that T.J.’s parents, Thomas and Pamela, get to be proud of on the daily. There is no question that by continuing to work hard and press forward, Thomas Fagót will reach great heights, both in stature and in life.

Avoid Making this Credit Mistake

//////// Ask the Expert / Your Credit


Contributed by Tiffany Hazelaar

Often I will see a post on one of our local Facebook Exchanges from a consumer asking for a reliable credit repair company. Seconds later, our loyal Facebook current and past clients, will scream our praises as a company to refer who has a proven record of success! But typically a few posts down, will be multiple comments from well-intentioned people stating a huge amount of false information. I think this is a GREAT time to address one of those topics. One of the first things people post is that all the person needs to do, is take a Dave Ramsey course and begin living a debt-free life, and that “over time” your credit will fix itself by correcting the budgeting habits of the family. To this advice, my response is to immediately state that I LOVE DAVE RAMSEY. His Financial Freedom class is actually one of the best debt management courses offered. However, being “Debt Free” and “Having high FICO scores” are very different objectives. Dave Ramsey encourages consumers to cut up their credit cards. This advice is an absolute FICO killer! So becoming debt free is fabulous but if you become debt free and have cut up and closed credit cards accounts, you will not be in a position to



“Being ‘Debt Free’ and ‘Having high FICO scores’ are very different objectives.” finance a home unless you plan on self-funding the purchase with all an all-cash investment. Where am I going with this? If you are not going to be in a position to self-fund your home purchase by paying cash for the home, you will need to prove your credit worthiness to a lender. The second largest component of the FICO score used to determine credit worthiness , is what FICO calls the “Revolving Credit Utilization” factor. Ideally a consumer should have at LEAST 3-5 lines OPEN lines of revolving credit. The best advice, is to never charge more than 30% of your available credit limit. And yes it is ok to pay them off completely…but NEVER close the account. And even more importantly, NEVER NEVER NEVER be late on a payment. Even just one 30 day late on a credit card will result in a potential loss of 60 FICO score points. Nuts

right? I know! So as in everything in life, keep in mind that there are always multiple sides to every scenario. Not everything that makes good “Financial Sense” will also make good “FICO sense”. And that is where Dedicated Credit Repair comes in! Next time I will discuss the difference between credit repair, debt settlement, and credit consolidation. Three VERY different approaches that are far too often confused or mislabeled as under the umbrella of “Credit Repair”. |


//////// Business Buzz / In Our Own Backyard



In the MOO-d for Farm Fresh Milk?


By Madison Stark

n the midst of the quiet, scattered neighborhoods in Wildomar stands a quaint dairy that has rejected the fast-paced nature of Southern California projecting instead a charming, peaceful feeling. DeJong’s Dairy does not need more than its modest, vintage sign to draw in customers; its reputation speaks loud enough. Established in 1958, husband and wife, Jon and Hanny DeJong, came to the US from Holland eventually starting their own dairy with just one cow. The first thing you’ll notice upon your arrival to the farm is a wood cut out of a farmer milking a cow with a hand-painted message, “WELCOME TO DEJONG’S DAIRY.” If your windows are down you’ll immediately smell fresh hay and hear the sounds of the many ani-



mals, which reside at DeJong’s. Besides the happy cows, the dairy keeps an array of other animals for its visitors to view and enjoy. Kids and adults alike will be delighted by chickens, turkeys, peacocks, ducks, rabbits, goats, sheep, pigs and the other animals sharing several enclosures in the front. DeJong’s Dairy is a great spot for a play date or a relaxing afternoon with the family. Beneath the cool shade of the trees are several picnic tables where visitors can enjoy lunch or a snack from inside the market. The beautiful expanse of land, leafy scenery, and a barnyard setting, provide plenty of photo opportunities. Although the environment makes DeJong’s a fun place to visit, the rich and creamy milk is the center of their success. You’d have a difficult time finding its equal in any grocery store. The chocolate


(951) 674-2910

milk is a customer favorite and is sure to leave a smile (and a chocolaty mustache) on your face. Jon and Hanny DeJong’s legacy continues to thrive in the able hands of their children and grandchildren. One of the special things about DeJong’s Dairy is that they still do things the old-fashioned way: Breeding and milking the cows, processing the milk, and selling all in one location. Perhaps it’s this now rare way of doing things that is the secret to this exceptional milk. If you are looking for a fun place to visit right in your own backyard, try out DeJong’s dairy. It’s a place you can’t help but love! You’re family will be udderly delighted by this adorable and historic place. DEJONG'S DAIRY TOUR Bring the whole family and join My Murrieta Magazine for a tour of DeJong's Dairy on Saturday, March 19th at 10am. All ages are welcome. $7 per person. 951.265.3173

Blazing Tales /////////

Our Grrrrrowing Family Guess what? Guess what?

My family adopted a dog brother! When mom told the family we were going to visit the animal shelter, I got very excited. I had my paws crossed that my family would let me pick out a brother or a sister. I have been trying to drop hints that it is sometimes lonely being the only dog around here. I have plenty of people brothers and sisters, but I want to run and play with someone who can keep up with me. Not to complain, but people only have two legs, so they are not very fast. I just knew I’d be the best big brother ever to some little dog in need of a family. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty mad when they told me I had to wait at home when they left for the shelter. After all, I should have some say in picking out my little brother… I’m sure you will understand my shock when they brought “Junior”

home from the shelter. He’s not little! He’s a giant! And I thought he’d be younger than me, but he’s six and a half. I looked at the giant with a frown and sniffed him a little. He was a pretty impolite as he sniffed me back. “Hey buddy, back off,” I barked. Junior did not wait for me to show him around. He walked over to my water bowl and had a little drink. I saw him backwash and I looked at dad and whined, “I’m not drinking that now!” He tried to get in my kennel, but he couldn’t fit. Dad said, “Junior is a Great Pyrenees and he has a lot of fur. He’ll prefer to sleep outside. Plus, this breed is protective, so he’ll make sure that coyotes and other predators steer clear of our property.” I can protect our family too, I thought. “Hey Junior,” I growled, “let me show you where you’ll be sleeping.” We went outside. I tried to show him some stuff in the backyard, but

he just showed himself around, sniffing along the fence line. I gave up. This is not the brother I had in mind. I was lying down in the grass when Junior came up to me with his tail wagging. “Look,” my people said. “Now that he checked out the yard he wants to play with Blaze.” He nudged me with his nose. I got up and barked at him. He barked back. Then I ran to the far side of the yard and looked back. He was right on my tail. I picked up my speed and soon we were running everywhere. I showed Junior all the spots we could have fun together in the backyard. He ran everywhere with me. It turned out to be one of the best days ever. Even though my dog brother wasn’t what I was expecting, he turned out to be all right after all. Junior and me are gonna be best friends! |


//////// Meet Your Neighbor

We want to

encourage others in their fight for HEALTH &


Fighting for Good Health David Lyons


oming from the streets of New York, David Lyons had a rough background. In fact, he grew up fighting for everything he had in life. This fighting spirit has been one of his keys to success in life. David propelled into his adult life ready to take on the world. He opened a gym in New York in his early twenties and had tremendous success. His degree in nutrition and his results in training members had his business thriving in no time. Over the next decade, he opened and ran six more gyms in multiple states and working with celebrities helped David make a name for himself in the fitness industry. Despite his incredible success, he really didn’t have satisfaction with his life until he became spiritually connected at the age of 33. This really helped him to align his priorities and lifestyle and gave him a



solid foundation to build a more meaningful life. “I have always had this attitude of conquering a challenge and moving on to my next feat,” David explains. So, after his series of gyms he moved on in his 30s to working as a business consultant. In this role he was able to help take a person’s product idea through the steps of production and distributions and realize success. His next big career challenge was to break into television and film production. He had gone to New York Institute of Technology, so he reconnected with some of his college buddies and began writing and creating TV shows. David is the kind of guy that puts everything into what he’s doing, so it’s no wonder he was a success here as well with his production company Lyons Entertainment. His first animation project

“Creepers” about super hero rainforest creatures won 30 international awards and accolades! Next, he developed two sports competition reality shows, which were picked up by Fox. Several years later David merged his company with another successful producer, to form BishopLyons Entertainment. Partnering with producers on film and television projects has been something that David absolutely loves. Perhaps the biggest challenge of David’s life came in 2006. While working out at the gym, he began to experience pain and numbness in the left side of his body. “I was a body builder, so I did the typical thing and ignored it,” David recalls. He thought maybe it was a pinched nerve. But after several weeks he was numb from the chest down and couldn’t walk without holding onto something. A trip to his doctor and a five-

Meet Your Neighbor ///////// day hospital stay gave him an answer he was unprepared for. He was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) and told he’d soon be navigating life from a wheelchair. “I had no idea what MS even was,” he remembers. Over the next several months, it was hard not to succumb to depression as he read about the disease that damages the nerves and has no cure. He withdrew from work and the gym and waited for his body to deteriorate. It took about a year for him to mentally take control of the situation and realize that this obstacle would require his fighting spirit like every other challenge in his life. He decided to fight the disease with nutrition and physical training. “When I started working out again, I immediately felt better,” David explains. “The symptoms did not go away, but training allowed me to take control of my body and mind and make progress.” In 2009, David entered a body building competition at the age of 50 and won the Most Inspirational trophy. Later, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society gave him the Milestone Award for his achievement.

A few years later David’s wife, Kendra suggested that they start a nonprofit foundation to help others suffering with MS. Since then, the MS Fitness Challenge ( has helped hundreds of people across the country fight the effects of the disease with nutrition and training. The foundation pays for gym memberships, personal trainers qualified to work with people who have MS, and a 12 week training program which participants have found immensely helpful. The range of benefits is fantastic from improved balance, increased endurance, and even people walking again! But the biggest benefit seems to be renewed hope which has allowed participants to regain a mindset of happiness and peace. Last year, for the first time, Arnold Schwarzenegger awarded David the Health Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award saying, “David shows us that there is no excuse not to be healthy and fit!”

You may wonder, what’s next for this tough New Yorker? David and Kendra have started a gym and medical center due to open in April of this year. Dedicated to training those with special medical needs, the gym will be a comfortable place where people of all fitness levels can strengthen their bodies and experience a shift in attitude. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or someone challenged with a physical obstacle, the gym will be a place to call home for your health and fitness goals. David’s story has inspired millions of people through his web column, MS Fitness Challenge, featured on Kendra’s compassionate nature and background as a nurse has been the perfect compliment to David’s discipline and determination. Getting to work in their own community is something that he and Kendra are very excited about. “We want to encourage others in their fight for health and happiness,” says David. “We are excited to open Optimal Body Personal Fitness here in Murrieta.” |



Happiness is excitement that has found a settling down place. But there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around. [E.L. Konigsburg]



Balance Your Hormones Balance Your Weight

Ask The Expert / Hormones /////////

) )

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Contributed by An Optimal You

Have you noticed a change in your energy levels in the last few months or years? How are you sleeping? Are you moody or depressed? Have you uttered the words, “I’m getting old,” in the past 12 months? Maybe you’ve been complaining about gaining weight… The integrative health approach addresses all of your symptoms and looks deeper to discover underlying causes of your complaints. For example, many of the symptoms listed above point to an imbalance of hormones. Naturally, when we balance a patient’s hormones, they are so grateful to feel good again in mind and body. They are feeling energetic and motivated, but often they are surprised to find that getting their hormones to optimal levels results in weight loss with no additional effort on their part. Most of us know that certain hormones such as thyroid and cortisol can affect weight. But many people don’t realize that increased estrogen levels in men and in women can actually be even more troublesome in causing weight gain and hinder weight loss efforts. When estrogen levels are off, it

doesn’t matter that you spent 10 Doctors trained in hormone hours at the gym last week or that therapy, look for other clues in your you said no to those cookies at test results and symptoms. One of lunch... Your body will make and the unexpected results that patients store fat like a machine. get excited about when we optiThe reason is a rise in estrogen mize the hormones is weight loss. creates resistance to insulin. This is just a pleasant side effect of Insulin’s job is to transport glucose optimizing hormone levels. to the muscles where it can be used If you are experiencing any of as energy. Insulin-resistance means the symptoms listed above, or wish less sugar will be delivered to musto learn more about hormones and cles and it will instead be dumped aging beautifully, take some time to in the bloodstream where it will read up on bio-identical hormones. eventually be converted to fat and Your body is sure to appreciate it! stored. Many chemicals can behave like estrogen in the body. These chemicals are found in pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified foods as well as in plastics and body care products, such as shampoo or lotion. Other chemicals found in products that we use regularly are known disrupt other hormones and can really throw off your system. Learning about the environmental sources that contribute to estrogen imbalance can help you to make lifestyle changes that can lead you to a healthier and more balanced life. Diets and medication don’t treat the underlying causes of weight gain in a large percentage of the population. If you show up at your family doctor with the complaints listed in the first paragraph, they may run some tests and 951-383-6625 find that you are “within 29995 Technology Dr., Murrieta, CA normal limits.” |


///////// Community Corner

National Champions

Congratulations to eight Murrieta Rams football players who were chosen to be a part of the San Diego Youth Football All-Star Team. The eighth-graders traveled to Florida in December where they were undefeated in the American Youth Football National Championship. Besides their excellence in the sport, each of the boys has maintained a GPA of 3.5 or above.

Coach Ted Johnson is pictured with Defensive End, Travis Johnson; Center, Joseph VanBuskirk; Quarterback, Nate White; Running Back, Raqueal Wagstaff; Linebacker, Dean Neeley; and Wide Reciever, Hunter Escorcia. Not pictured are Linebacker, Joseph Truebe and Safety, Joseph Dozier. Way to go guys!

February is Black History Month: When Carter Woodson created Black History Week in 1926, he never expected it to eventually transform into “Black History Month” with the importance that it holds today. Today, Black History Month embodies a time to celebrate the significant accomplishments of the African American people throughout American history. From Frederick Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr. to Rosa Parks and Maya Angelou, the achievements of many African American people were, and still are, a vital aspect to making America the amazing country it is now. With so much accessibility, from local libraries to the internet, make February the month to appreciate the remarkable actions of so many African Americans throughout history.

Writing Contest for Youth K-12

Do you have a kid who likes to write? My Community Magazines would like to invite youth in grades 2-12 to submit a story based on the topics listed below for the chance to have writer or your family featured in a future issue of My Murrieta Magazine! Submissions can be as short as two paragraphs for younger children and up to 300 words for older kids. Choose one of the following topics to write about: what makes your family special, why do you like living in Murrieta, or tell us about an inspiring person. One entry per topic is allowed. Please submit to with child’s name, age, and contact information.



Community /////// Corner

Temecula Rod Run

The Temecula Rod Run will take place on Friday, March 4th and Saturday, March 5th right in Old Town Temecula.This fun weekend includes the “Friday Night Cruise” from 5-8 pm on Friday night which features over 600 cars cruising down Old Town Front Street. The event will continue on Saturday from 9am-4pm for all those who want to get a closer look at all the classic cars by taking a peek under the hoods. The Rod Run is exciting for the entire family and includes music, delicious food and even some local vendors. It is free and open to all of the public. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event! For more information, call (951) 240-4268.

DeJong's Dairy Tour

Bring the whole family and join My Murrieta Magazine for a tour of DeJong's Dairy on Saturday, March 19th at 10am. All ages are welcome. $7 per person. Call or email to reserve your spot today! (951) 265-3173. DeJong's Dairy is located at 31910 Corydon Rd in Wildomar.


Place your community announcement in My Community Magazines “Community Corner” for just $75 per 100 words. Call today! Space is limited so call today (951) 265-3173 or send your submission to |


Planning for your Heirs

///////// Ask The Expert / Law

is Serious Business


41690 Ivy Street, Suite B Murrieta, CA

951-834-7715 Fax 951-319-7129

By Attorney, Rachel King

id you know that Robin Williams’ widow challenged his estate plan? This may seem even more unbelievable after you find out that she was completely provided for! It’s no surprise that this made front page news: Robin Williams was arguably the funniest man in history and a millionaire to boot. What you may not know is that this doesn’t just happen to those who gain celebrity status. In fact, there are a multitude of reasons that your estate could end up in probate court. Whether you’re a billionaire or of more modest status, there’s a lot to consider when planning for a smooth transfer of your estate to your heirs. An estate plan should be tailored to each unique individual or family. In this era of yours, mine, and ours planning ahead can help save money and family relationships once you’re no longer here. The legal process that takes place after someone dies, called probate, can be costly and eat away at the inheritance you thought would go to your family. Estate planning can help to avoid probate



court and allow your assets to transfer to your heirs without getting held up in a lengthy court process. You can take steps now that will limit the likelihood of challenges upon your passing. Including provisions in your will and trust can discourage beneficiaries from arguing over who gets what. One common way of doing this is to include a no contest clause. This means that if one of your heirs stands to inherit $15,000, but tries to sue the estate, he could wind up with nothing. Discussing your estate plan with those provided for in your will or trust is a good idea. The first time your child learns about how your property is going to be divided should not be when they are mourning the death of their parent(s). Make your intent clear in your

estate plan – why are you making the plan, what do you want to happen. If you are making certain decisions, have it be known why you are making these decisions. Remember, once you are gone no one will be able to ask you. Sometimes this can be done through conversation, sometimes it is better done in a letter kept in the estate plan that can be read. I think this is especially important when there are unequal divisions of property. For example: if one child is not getting a cash gift because you previously gave them the down payment for a house, explain that… Planning for your family’s future can be intimidating, but it’s so important. If you have questions about your estate plan, need an update, or would like to create a plan, don’t wait to call your local attorney.

PO BOX 27890 Clinton Keith Rd, Ste. D-306 Murrieta, California 92562

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