
Page 1





Cover Story 6 Richie’s Diner


Rising Star


10 Hank Bachmeier

Meet your Neighbor Tom Cronin



Ask the Expert 12 Your Credit 21 Elders 22 Real Estate 24 Estate Planning 27 Pest Control



Business Buzz


14 Walters Management



16 Hostel Life 23 Health Tip




Community Corner


Blazing Tales


Publisher’s Note /////////

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Associate Editor Alexa White Creative Director Fara Asay Contributors Tiffany Hazelaar Brittany Rose Eve Mailly Stefan West The Ashcraft Firm Photographer Stevie Dee Photography MyCommunity Magazine 27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562 office | 951.801.5332 mobile | 951.265.3173 For Advertising Contact:

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and

Happy summer, Murrieta! Well, it’s mostly happy anyway… Except those days where the thermometer is reading over 100 degrees. The animals don’t actually love that much heat. Nor do I for that matter… Working on the farm is something I actually look forward to every day. It went from being on my “dream board” to a reality right in my backyard right on schedule. The farm is my secret plan to always have my grandchildren (present and future) asking to go visit grandma’s house. Who doesn’t love the magic of collecting fresh eggs? Even after having the chickens a couple of years, I’m still delighted to collect eggs. Now that I’m a “real” farm girl we decided to add a pot belly pig to the mix. Although Wilbur is a lot more high-maintenance than our chickens, he is awfully cute… and sometimes mischievous. He loves having his back and belly scratched and standing in the baby pool we put in his pen. We had a little break from the farm last month when we took a trip to Idaho for our little granddaughter’s first birthday. Goodness she is fun! On the drive out there, my son introduced me to Snapchat. This app consists of a bunch of photo filters to take goofy pictures with. I’m including a little photo reel below so you can see what I mean. It’s highly entertaining. Business-wise I have some fabulous news. We have a new editor! Alexa White is one of the best writers I’ve worked with and she’s only a senior in high school! You’ve already been enjoying some of her work, but she is stepping up to help out even more. She’s an amazing student in the International Baccalaureate program at Murrieta Valley High School and she plans to major in journalism in college. We are lucky to have her until then… Well, my dear neighbors, I hope you are staying cool. Remember to look for the good in others and in life! After all you’re likely to find whatever you’re looking for… Live intentionally! Your Neighbor,

do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

Tracy Blanscet |


//////// Feature

25 Years


Growing a strong tree takes some work:

Strong roots, good soil, and plenty of water and sunshine. So, when Jack and Linda Williams decided to plant

their roots here in the Temecula Valley (where sunshine is plentiful), they chose well. A solid community would provide great support and nourishment as they grew their lives and their business here.




ack already had decades of experience in the food industry working with successful restauranteurs such as the real Colonel Sanders of KFC, Carl Karcher of Carl’s Jr., and Rich Snyder of In-N-Out Burger. He had also helped Jim Collins pioneer the Sizzler chain of restaurants, owning and managing 35 restaurants at one point. However, the couple’s greatest work was planned and carried out right here in this valley. Everything begins with a good recipe! So, when Jack and Linda, began dreaming of creating a restaurant concept that would capture the American spirit, they believed the ingredients to success were delicious country cookin’ served with good ol’ fashioned manners… sprinkled with a hefty dose of patriotism, or course. Their dream became a reality when Richie’s Real American Diner opened it’s doors in 1991 right here in the city of Temecula. It was a hit! People loved coming to Richie’s and grew to expect “Better Everything.” Better flavor. Better choices. Better service. Their tree continued to grow new branches as they opened a second location in Murrieta in 2007. According to Basil the Great, “a tree is known by its fruit.” Though the peaches in Linda’s famous cobbler are sweet, the fruit of friendship and serving their community for the last 25 years has been sweetest reward for Jack and Linda throughout their restaurant’s success. Linda’s personal roots are in the south, where she grew up in Alabama. Southern hospitality was a part of life as far back as she can remember. Jack grew in Texas where his family were farmers and ranchers and common courtesy was highly valued as part of everyday life. When the two decided to develop Richie’s Real American Diner, those backgrounds blended beautifully to create a solid corporate culture that reflected their Christian values. It also resulted in a varied and tasty menu featuring everything from wood smoked meats and BBQ to biscuits and gravy and chicken fried steak. While the menu offers patrons delicious, high quality meals the place itself captures the spirit of

Feature ///////// America at it’s finest. Colors reflect brightly from stainless steel accents; patriotic artwork adorns every wall; while the long bar facing the open kitchen displays all kinds of bottled soda pop from the America’s past. Jack and Linda have captured the feel of days gone by in the retro style of Richie’s Real American Diner. Richie’s mission statement, “Pleasin’ People,” is foundational to the company’s culture of service. Even into their eighties, Jack and Linda continue working in the restaurants on a daily basis! “We really love our guests and have a tremendous amount of respect for them” Linda says sincerely. “We rarely take time away, because we enjoy staying connected to them.” “Some of our customers have been coming for years and some even come on a daily basis,” Jack adds, “so we try to always be here to let them know how much they mean to us.” Though Jack started this endeavor with loads of experience, Richie’s Real American Diner was the first time Linda was involved hands on. And boy, did she jump right in! She put in hard work learning how to do everything from bookkeeping to the daily management. Rolling up her sleeves, she began testing new recipes, baking wonderful deserts, changing the decorations with every season and she could even be found in the kitchen pan frying the chicken! This restaurant has really been a joint success. Married for over 62 years, Jack and Linda have had a lot of time to develop their team work. They each have many responsibilities within the restaurant, but when looking back over the last two and a half decades, both agree that their favorite aspect of the business has been being a part of so many people’s lives. In fact, each can usually be found in one of the diners greeting guests as they dine. It’s this culture of caring that sets Richie’s Real American Diner apart from so many other restaurants. “We’ve watched as guests who started coming here in their childhood, grow up and have children of their own,” says Jack. “We love to be a part of their lives and we are honored to serve our guests from the heart.” |


//////// Feature The example that Jack and Linda set in truly caring for guests has become the standard of the company. Management and staff have had great footsteps to follow, but the caring goes beyond ensuring guests are happy and well fed. They have great relationships with their team as well. “Our management team is just phenomenal,” Jack gushes. “We really feel our team mem-bers are one of our greatest assets.” The philosophy “Hire to Retire” reflect the couple’s desire to keep their team long term. Of course, there will always be those who are with Richie’s for just a season and move on, but Jack is so proud to have many employees who have worked with Richie’s for 10 years, 20 years, and even more! Linda explains, “We’ve been through the ups and downs of life with our staff and that has bonded us like family.” Richie’s is the ultimate, old-fashioned diner and it has become a treasured part of the Temecula Valley, standing out for their culture of caring, great food, and fun atmosphere. But their impact has stretched much further than our own little part of the world… In 2014, the couple were delighted to learn of their nomination by one of their vendors for the the highest award in the foodservice industry, the coveted Silver Plate award!




THEY WON!! Richie’s Real American Diner was honored by the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association when they received the Silver Plate Award naming them “THE BEST SMALL RESTAURANT CHAIN IN AMERICA!” Jack and Linda couldn’t have been more proud! The strong values Jack and Linda build their business upon have been the roots of Richie’s Real American Diner: courtesy, friendship, trust, quality, kindness, and love. It is these values that continue to keep their business strong like the trunk of a tree. The comfort and care the Williams and their staff provide welcomes all those who step into the diner is like a cool shade beneath the branches on a hot day. Careful nurturing of the tree continues to produce good fruit year after year in the relationships that blossom with guests and staff alike. In the words of Basil the Great, “He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” Whether you choose to dine in or dine out, be sure to stop in this month to join in the celebration and congratulate the staff on a quarter century of success! Jack, Linda and the entire team are eager, as well, to give their thanks to the community for its continued support over these amazing 25 years. |


Hank #19


m By: Alexa White

aking the varsity football team as a high school freshman is not an opportunity many have. Hank Bachmeier not only made the team, he was the starting quarterback, leading the Murrieta Valley High School Nighthawks to a 9-3 record and a trip to the CIF Southern Section Playoffs for the 2015-2016 season! Hank’s talents did not go unnoticed as the freshman received an offer from the University of Colorado. As we approach the 2016-2017 season, spectators are excited to see what Hank brings to the field as a Sophomore. Parents, Michael and April, say Hank has demonstrated commitment and perseverance from an early age. As they signed him up for different sports, starting at age five, they noticed how he practiced and tried to improve even if he didn't particularly like a sport. It is this dedication and 10


the coaching of Juan Coria, Eric Gonzalez, Pete Duffy and Henry Banks that have allowed Hank to develop the skills needed to succeed in football. While many individuals have shaped Hank into the person he is today, the individual that has had a major impact is his late grandfather, William Lawrence Henry, who Hank is named after. Besides excelling on the football field, Hank was selected for the Junior Olympics last season for baseball and even became the winning pitcher. In the classroom, Hank is just as determined and earned a 4.0 GPA for his freshman year. Hank is the oldest of five children and strives to be an example for them with regards to both academics and athletics. When Hank isn’t practicing or under the Friday

Background photo by Mike Clary

//////// Rising Star

night lights, it’s the little things like hanging out with friends, relaxing with his family and enjoying an extra large vanilla milkshake that make him happy. While Hank’s proficiency in football has made him popular amongst his peers, he is known for being compassionate and full of personality. Although Hank is sure to have the opportunity to play for some top colleges, he is looking for the school that will give him the best chance to excel in the classroom and on the field. Hank has future goals of receiving a college education through football, earning a degree in business, and eventually playing in the NFL. Judging by Hank’s success so far, it seems he’s got the dedication to take him wherever he decides to go. Keep your eye on #19!

Mt. San Jacinto College Interns Help to Design Human Evolution Exhibit

MSJC /////////


even MSJC students taking part in an Occupational Internship Class, have been busy building an exhibit on human evolution for the Western Science Center in Hemet. The exhibit is the brainchild of a creative, new scientific partnership between the college and the museum in Hemet. “A key part of our mission is to educate the public about science, and a great way to do that is to involve students in every step of the educational process,” said Dr. Alton C. Dooley Jr., executive director of the museum. “Our hope is that this will be the first of many such collaborative exhibits.” The public display will open in November at the Western Science Center, which ranks as Riverside County’s top repository for archaeological and paleontological treasures. The museum has more than one million specimens ranging from Ice Age fossils to an array of Native American artifacts unearthed during construction of Diamond Valley Lake by the Metropolitan Water District. The exhibit will trace the biological changes of humans and their ancestors going back six million years as they adapted to their environment, including walking upright and making and using of tools for cutting, scraping, chopping and hunting. The upcoming museum display will feature strictly hand-made replicas of skulls and skeletons manufactured by Bone Clone, Inc., a company specializing in reproductions for museums and colleges. At the exhibit, visitors will be able to see a replica of a Neandertal skull, our closest extinct human relative and the bones of Ardipithecus ramidus, our earliest human ancestors. MSJC recently purchased the two dozen casts, primarily of skulls, for the exhibit using grant money. The casts will be used in MSJC classrooms once the exhibit closes. MSJC partners with a variety of industries, agencies and other colleges and universities to ensure students are receiving relevant and quality education. The innovative, student-focused internship program with the Western Science Center was the result of discussions between Dr. Dooley and Professor Erik Ozolins, who chairs the Anthropology Department at MSJC. “With this program, we’re focusing on our history in the biological world,” Ozolins said. “What makes us ‘us’!” |


///////// Ask the Expert / Your Credit

“Credit repair done legally and ethically can actually be FAST and PAINLESS”


The Pain of a Low Credit Score

By Tiffany Hazelaar

Facing credit challenges head on can be as “fun” as going to the dentist to have a root canal. However, after experiencing both situations, I wish I had acted sooner. In reality, most people don’t proactively fix their credit. They know they have low FICO scores and accept it. Many procrastinate fixing their credit until they experience negative consequences like getting turned down for a dream job or being denied a mortgage loan. Just like a root canal, people wait until the “pain” is great enough before they finally act. Credit repair done legally and ethically can actually be FAST and PAINLESS. A credit report is not a reflection of one’s character - low FICO scores can happen to anyone. Most of our clients are everyday people who at one time have had either a short term financial difficulty or any wide array of ordinary life events that took them by surprise. So what should you do if you’ve got bad credit? The first thing a consumer should do is educate themselves on what credit repair is and what it isn’t. Most think credit repair is the same as debt consolidation or consumer credit counseling.



Credit Repair is the EXACT OPPOSITE of those two categories. Credit Repair is done to increase your FICO scores. Debt consolidation is to help one manage their debt. Debt Settlement and most consumer credit counseling companies do provide value, but in almost EVERY situation those programs will literally murder your FICO scores. In fact, many mortgage underwriting guidelines view a debt settlement program as equivalent to a bankruptcy, preventing the consumer from getting financing for a home. It's important to realize that the credit industry includes many different facets. CREDIT REPAIR is the solution that should be considered FIRST. After all, the goal for most consumers, is to remove the “pain” and receive the reward. Negotiating debt will not increase your FICO score, but Credit Repair will. The second thing a consumer should do is to get a free consultation from a credit repair expert. If you want to do it yourself but don’t have

time for trial and error, why not find a trustworthy company who works with the credit reporting agencies on a daily basis? The consultation will explain how to manage your existing credit limits to raise your FICO Score quickly. You will also learn how your account’s date of last activity impacts your removal strategy and how to negotiate the lowest possible settlement on your open collection accounts. If you’re ready for a clean slate, give our office a call for a no obligation, FREE consultation. Don’t wait until you need a credit report root canal! You have nothing to lose but BAD CREDIT! |


//////// Business Buzz / Walters Management

your community. our commitment.


By: Alexa White

ntegrity can be rare to find in the business world. But for John Alioto and Joe Farinelli, the owners of Walters Management, integrity has allowed their business to maintain a position as an industry leader for over 40 years. Walters Management is a full service community association management company that works with both homeowners associations and condo associations. Established in 1973 this management company has made community their business. Their guiding business principle, “Employing best management practices with integrity in everything we do,” has been key to their longevity and solid reputation. In thier role as a community association management company, Walters Management provides communities with financial services, maintenance programs and administrative services. In addition, the company assists associations in planning events, which is fundamental to creating a cohesive neighborhood.

The company enables communities to reach their full potential and owners to take pride in their community by ensuring that curb appeal and home values are maintained at all times. A privately owned company, Walters Management is most passionate about customer service. Alioto and Farinelli have been focused on providing excellent customer service as a cornerstone of their business.

“Employing best management practices with integrity in everything we do.”

Listening has been the key to their success in this industry. The staff at Walters Management understands that hearing out the complaints and conflicts within a homeowners association is key to effective problem solving and successful management. Walters Management remains a first choice for many communities

25109 Jefferson Avenue Suite 300 Murrieta, CA 92562-8119 Tel: 951-698-8511 | Fax: 951-698-8911 14


due to its versatile range of employees that includes community managers, administrators, accountants as well as other specialists. The entire team makes it a priority to establish a personal relationship with the client they are working with as a way to give the highest level of service. As an accredited management company recognized by industry leading organizations such as Community Associations Institute, California Association of Community Managers and Institute of Real Estate Management, Walters has earned the trust of the communities they work with. Walters Management has prospered for the last 40 years by building positive interaction between individuals and associations, offering effective solutions to challenges, maintaining third-party objectivity in decisions, and responding to homeowner requests promptly. These skills, along with a dedicated executive team, have enabled Walters Management to succeed in building stronger communities in the Inland Empire and beyond. |


///////// Travel By Brittany Rose

y introduction to braving the hostel life started with Rita. She was a younger student in my Spanish study abroad class. One day when the Profesora turned around to write on the board, Rita leaned toward me and whispered, “Hey! What are you doing after the last day of school tomorrow? Are you going back to The States?” “No,” I replied forlorn. “I’m going to stay here in Madrid and wait for the next semester to start.” “What?” She crinkled her nose, “Don’t do that! Come with me to Portugal. We’ll stay at a hostel. It’ll be great!” My first though was, No thanks! I’m American; I don’t stay in hostels. However, my alternative was bleak. I’d be left behind with no friends and just enough Spanish for the waitress to roll her eyes and bring me a plate of mussels when I thought I ordered a sandwich. After some thought, the hostel sounded like a risk worth taking… And it was. The hostel in Lisbon had a state-ofthe-art, stainless steel kitchen, billiards table, crepes for breakfast and a chef that made dinner every night (for twelve extra Euros). The place was gorgeous, complete with a reading room, movie room, and the cleanest bathrooms, albeit co-ed. Of course, we slept in bunk beds (that’s the norm) but each bunk had a reading light, a plug for electronics and a locker. It was surprisingly private considering there were 10 people in the room. Most travelers prefer hostels because of the people you can meet. In a hotel you are isolated and the sites are long, lonely corridors and fancy foyers that no one uses. But at a hostel your view will be of educated, world travelers sitting around a roman style table sharing pasta. You can hear an array of accents as the house erupts with voices from all over the world – voices quizzing one another about their respective home countries and where they are tavelling next.


I’m American; I don’t stay in hostels.



Travel ///////// People from the same home country always celebrate when they meet abroad, especially if they’re German or Greek! Opa! Staying at the hostel in Lisbon that week not only changed my views on hostels, it completely changed my views on traveling. Vacationing is running away from the world, but traveling is running into it. Hostels are not just a place to stay – they are a place to thrive. Hostels are a total communal experience. Each one varies in its culture and personality. The worst hostel I ever stayed in, is still my favorite. It was in Scotland where I walked into a neglected, converted home with sometimes hot water and no napkins (I know, random). The 22year-old manager from Greece sang loudly from the shower and constantly had a variety of music playing in the common areas. I love that hostel not because of the comfy floor beds, or the cereal offered 24/7, or even the variety of left over toiletries we could use at will; it was the electric energy. Each day the housemates would gather around food in the living room and discuss funny false stereotypes of our

own cultures and discuss what we learned that day in our search of adventure. We talked about real life, and laughed until early morning, every morning. That hostel was a magical place where friendships were born and given the chance, I wouldn’t stay anywhere else. I have become an expert in choosing hostels, thanks to an equation Rita taught me before we parted ways in Granada, Spain where we stayed in a tree house hostel with hammocks and a pool. My personal algorithm for finding great hostels has satisfied even my mom’s high requirements for accommodation: 1) Use – there are other sites but I really like this one because they rate each location based on reviews. And usually the reviews are very accurate. 2) Must Haves – It’s all about location. The closer you are to the city center, the more convenient it is to get to public transportation. Try to stay within 2 miles of the city center. Wifi is necessary. If they have WIFI in common areas that’s nice, but having it in all rooms is ideal. Opt for free breakfast when possible. It’s never

extravagant but can save money and sometimes you can pocket a bread bun for lunch too (#deals). 3) There are some hostels that have rooms with only 2 beds, giving more privacy. In a hostel you pay for the bed, not the room. Never worry about your things in a hostel, no one wants your sweaty pillow or iPhone, I assure you, they have their own. 4) Always check the “Free” shelf in the kitchen, it will save you from buying the 4th bottle of olive oil. And leave something on the shelf when you leave, it’s just good karma. I left a pizza once in the fridge and put “free” on it. Later, one of my former bunkmates said they ate it with the people that took my spot in my room. It’s fun to think of your place in an everrevolving world. The hostel life isn’t about eating out every night at a restaurant. It’s cooking with bunk mates, reading next to strangers on bean bags, and forming friendships that will give you cause take a train to Frankfurt, Germany just to have a schnitzel with someone you had a six-minute conversation with in an Italian hostel. No matter if you’re in a gorgeous state-of-the-art hostel, or a converted home, staying at a hostel will change who you are! (And I’ve never heard anyone say that about the Ritz Carlton) Of all the places I’ve been in the world, my favorite place is a hostel. But that’s just my view from the window seat. |


//////// Meet your Neighbor

Stem Cell Healing for Jiu-Jitsu World Champ


hen Tom Cronin was injured in the finals match at the International Brazilian JiuJitsu Federation’s Chicago Open, he still managed to win bringing home double gold medals for the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team. However he was in a lot of pain and discouraged to find out he had torn his Meniscus, MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament), LCL (Lateral Collateral Ligament), and PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament). Tom is a competitive athlete and a six time world champion, 11 time national champ, and he is currently the undefeated F2W (Fight to Win) Pro title holder. This is an amazing list of accomplishments for someone who only took up the sport in 2008! With another tournament coming up, Tom immediately thought of stem cell therapy, which he had read about and researched in the past. He knew pro athletes were using the same procedure to avoid surgery and heal quickly. So, just four days after his injury in April 2016, he showed up to a doctor’s appointment for an adult stem cell procedure. The treatment was done in one afternoon and involved injecting stem cells and platelet rich plasma (PRP) into each torn ligament Stem cells have the ability to become whatever cells they’re injected into, rebuilding damaged bone, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Tom was confident the procedure would have great results, but he was not prepared for just how quickly he would notice a difference! In only one week, his pain began to diminish and his range of motion and stability increased noticeably. Just three weeks later he was able to compete at the San Diego Fight to Win Pro




competition and won the middleweight pro title! As a coach at Murrieta’s Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu gym, his students noticed the remarkable healing - as did many others. They wanted to know how it was possible. “I have referred dozens of students and friends since my procedure,” Tom explains. “It works!” It’s been about three months since the procedure and Tom he says he it is still working. Every day he continues to see improve ment. Literature on the procedure says healing continues for 6-12 months after the stem cell treatment. What Tom loves most about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is “mastering self control and then exerting technical control over a larger, stronger attacker.” With injuries being the number one reason athletes stop playing sports, Tom is thankful to be able to continue enjoying the sport he loves after such a severe injury. What would you be doing if you didn’t have pain? |


Ask the Expert / Elders /////////

4 Signs Your Loved One Needs Memory Care


o one knows your loved one like you do. You made a promise to them that you will always be there to take care of their needs. When a loved one is experiencing Alzheimer’s or other form of dementia, however, keeping that promise will involve making changes. You will reach a point where the most loving and caring thing you can do is to find an environment where he or she can get access to the very best professional care. How will you know if and when that time has come? A large part of your role as caregiver is recognizing the warning signs that your loved one has passed a point where they need more help than you are able to provide. Here are four key behavior changes to watch for: 1. Isolation (lack of motivation) 2. Depression (loss of social activity/interaction) 3. Forgetfulness (such as leaving a stove burner on) 4. Increased agitation, anger and aggression

Experiencing any of the above first-hand is frightening. And, it’s normal to hesitate to take action, because you want so much to keep them at home. However, caring at home for a severely memory-impaired individual, even with help, is mentally and physically exhausting. And, they are more vulnerable to experiencing a serious fall or other life threatening event. Then you may be forced into making a snap decision. The best time to prepare for this challenging transition is before you have an urgent need. Start by locating a good memory care provider in your community. They will have the resources and support services you need to help you and your loved one become better prepared for the road ahead. At Anthem Memory Care we understand the promise you made to take care of your loved one. And we are here to help you fulfill that promise. We will provide you with

information and resources so that, when the time does come, you can make your decision with confidence. We are 100% dedicated to serving individuals with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. You are welcome to attend one of our free local monthly support groups. For more information, please visit


Executive Director Vineyard Place

24325 Washington Avenue Murrieta, CA 92562 | (951) 397-4173 RCFE #331800073 (pending) |


///////// Ask the Expert / Real Estate

the value of a

PROFESSIONAL By Stefan West, aka “Mr. Murrieta”

y Murrieta magazine has asked me to man the Ask the Expert real estate desk for a bit. So I want to begin where anyone thinking about buying or selling should start – how to select a real estate broker and what to consider before signing a contract. Let’s get started… When buying a home, find a broker or team that has significant multi-year, local market experience with great professional relationships in the area. With all the search engines (Zillow, RedFin, Trulia,, etc.), finding a client’s dream home is no longer an agent’s primary role. Frankly, buyers have full access to all homes on the market, usually within 24 hours just like agents do. However, in the competitive Temecula Valley market having a broker who knows how to negotiate and leverage past successful transactions with local agents to give your offer the best chance is gold. Recently, I worked with a nice


showing activity, this “close couple that was pressured into using an out-of-the-area “A broker who friend” threatened to sue family member as their knows how to them for breach of contract! They stuck with the agent buyer’s agent. After losing two homes they loved, one of negotiate and and sold at a severely leverage past which had a fully paid solar reduced price all because they didn’t want to be consystem they contacted me. successful frontational with a family I was able to find out in one transactions friend – ouch! phone call what the seller with local really wanted and to get a That brings us to another agents to give lesson when selling— After good idea of the competing offers, which could have your offer the finding an experienced brosaved the buyers thousands ker with great references; best chance of dollars or the pain of insist on a written cancelis gold.” losing “THE” house. lation clause in your conWhen selling your tract, preserving your right to cancel if not in an active escrow home get an expert. You wouldn’t or contract negotiations. Yes, I will trust your physical health to a partget some agent hate mail on this one time doctor, so why trust your home but successful brokers do not want worth hundreds of thousands of dolunhappy clients – period. That being lars to someone less qualified. Treat said, if your agent spends money real estate as the very important promarketing your property, it is courtefession that it is, work with an expert! ous to reimburse them if you cancel One seller I met made the misthe contract prematurely. take of hiring a close friend of the family who does real estate part-time. When they wanted to cancel due to Mr. Murrieta has specialized in the agent’s poor quality pictures, Murrieta real estate since 2002. extremely limited marketing, and zero WEST REALTY 26856 Adams Ave, Ste 202 Murrieta, CA 92562

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numbers M KNOW YOUR

Health Tip /////////

By Tracy Blanscet, RDH, BS

ore and more, science is supporting the connection between oral and systemic health. In fact, many researchers might even claim your mouth is like a window to the rest of your body. The bacteria in your mouth are often the culprits of diseases elsewhere in the body. One reason for this is that the pocket around each tooth in your mouth allows entry for all sorts of bacteria directly into the bloodstream. Inflammation in the gums, or gingivitis, is an indicator that there is Periodontal probe inflammation elsewhere in your body around healthy and inflammation is the underlying gums. cause for most diseases from stroke and heart disease to diabetes and chronic pain. Ridding your body of bad bacteria and inflammation in the mouth can cut off the spread of these problems through the rest of the body. The promise of better overall health can be just the motivation people need to take better care of their teeth! Your number one advocate for your health is you!! One simple thing you can do to take more control of your health is to know what’s going on with your dental health. Knowing your numbers can give you a good picture of whether you really have a healthy mouth or not. You may have to investigate a bit to find out what’s really going on. These providers shy away from telling you that you have periodontal disease preferring to say that you have a “little” inflammation or a “little” bone loss. You either have disease or you don’t, so the easiest way to get to the real story of your dental health is to ask questions each time you visit for a cleaning. The standard of care in a healthy situation is to take pocket measurements or “probe” once per year and this can be more frequent if disease is present. Beware of an office that does not measure annually! WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN Ask the provider for a printout of your measurements or discuss them with your provider making sure you see them written in the computer or your chart. Healthy

periodontal pockets are 1-3mm with no bleeding during probing. As inflammation creeps in these numbers can increase. The bacteria that grow at the deeper pocket levels tend to be destructive and will cause bone loss over time. When there is inflammation with no bone loss the condition is called “gingivitis” and when there is bone loss it is called “periodontal disease.” So if your provider says you have a “little” problem with your gums, it is one of these two. Find out which by asking if there is bone loss. Gingivitis is swelling and it’s completely Periodontal probe reversible if you can work on improving in a periodontal your habits. pocket. When your numbers are 4-6 mm with bleeding, some type of intervention is usually necessary. On the light side this may be one extra cleaning per year or a medicated rinse, but if it is more serious you might need a “deep cleaning.” This type of cleaning is called a scaling and root planing. What it means is that the provider will go into those deeper pockets and remove buildup and bacteria from root surfaces that are not attached to the gums because of the presence of disease. Removing the calculus (think barnacles) will allow the area to heal. Standard of care calls for a visit to remeasure the pockets in 4-6 weeks and see if the problem has improved or other intervention may be necessary. Pockets above 6mm are a more serious problem and should really be referred out to a specialist in gums called a periodontist. The ability of a provider in a general dental practice to handle these deeper pockets with their standard instruments is limited. Therefore, feel free to request a referral to the periodontist if your pockets are above 6mm. This might take a little push on your part. If you have anything but absolute health in your mouth request a cleaning with an ultrasonic. The benefits are amazing and the water flow flushes out millions more bacteria than a hand scaling. Take control of your health by knowing your numbers and your oral condition. Improving the health of your mouth can have positive effects on your entire body! |


///////// Ask the Expert / Estate Planning


Contributed By The Ashcraft Firm

rince once captivated the attention of thousands of fans in concerts across the world. Now that Prince’s estate is in probate court, he has once again caught the world’s attention. Claims on a piece of his estate have piled up and are now into the double digits. In unique, mysterious Prince fashion, the man who was once known purely by a symbol has created a big to-do even at death. Since Prince did not have a will or trust, his estate must go through the lengthy and often contentious probate process. Probate is not a tax, like many mistakenly believe. Probate is a court process that returns a deceased person’s property back to the land of the living. With all of the publicity surrounding the story of Prince’s death, you may be asking yourself what you need to do to be ready for your own death. While Prince’s probate is to carry on for some time, and the costly probate could wipe out almost half of his assets, the one solace his heirs can take is that they are not in California! California is the most complex probate system of all fifty states. In California, if you do not have a trust and your gross estate is valued


“Since Prince did not have a will or trust, his estate must go through the lengthy and often contentious probate process.” at more than $150,000, your loved ones will be forced to go through full formal probate upon your death. When I say gross estate I mean that the court pretends like you have no debt (including a mortgage) when they calculate your estate’s size. So, if you owe $350,000 on your $400,000 home, they will treat this as a $400,000 asset, despite the outstanding loan. You may take solace in the thought that you do not have millions upon millions of dollars like Prince’s estate - so no one will care to fight. The truth is that no matter the amount of money in the estate, without a good plan it’s very likely there will be feuding among family members. I have seen families completely devastated by an estate worth only $20,000! In one instance a family I represented had to literally draw straws to see who could go in to take personal items out of their parents’ house, one item at a time. They had to be supervised by someone in my office the entire day! These kinds of family fights can be avoided with a well-crafted estate plan. Since we live in California, this plan should include the following documents: living trust, pour-over will, power of attorney, health care directive, living will, and possibly a guardian nomination. It is not enough, however, to merely have the correct 25096 Jefferson Ave, Ste A4 Murrieta, CA 92026



documents. You must execute a plan that is tailored to you and your family. A blended family with seven children from two different marriages needs a very different plan than does a family with one child and a half-dozen pets. After drafting a well-crafted plan, talk to your family about your decisions. If they disagree with the plan or have hurt feelings, it’s better to be able to discuss these things while you are living. Once you are gone it is all too common for a slighted beneficiary to take out their frustration on your other loved ones. If the circus surrounding Prince’s estate has got you thinking about your own mortality, pick up the phone and call a few estate planning attorneys. Procrastination is the biggest problem in the estate planning world. I recommend setting up consultations with a few professionals in your area immediately. Most estate planning attorneys offer free initial consultations, which will give you the opportunity to meet and find an attorney who will be a great fit for your goals.

951.293.0209 |




Ask the Expert / Pest Control /////////

THE OF PEST CONTROL pests, call a professional and let them use their strongest most effective products to get those critters out of your home. But if you see a few lone soldier spiders or ants here or there, start using essential oil diffusers, sprays and keep fragrant plants in your home to keep those unwanted intruders at bay. The following are the most used essential oils in pest controls: citrus and rosemary are known for getting rid of bugs. Peppermint is highly effective to kill insects, but it’s also a deterrent for rodents. Use these oils in vinegar and water to really pack a punch to those pests.

Pest Control Recipe: 1qt water, ¼ c vinegar and rosemary (fresh or 14 drops of oil). If you’re ever wondering the type of materials used in your pest control solutions, call your local professionals and ask them. They should know the main ingredients and be able to answer your questions for no charge. After all, you deserve to live clean, healthy and pest-free.


Pest Control Recipe: 1 QUART WATER 1/4 CUP VINEGAR 1/4 CUP ROSEMARY (fresh or 14 drops of oil)


here is one main question we get on a daily basis in pest control, “Are there any all-natural methods to prevent and get rid of pests?” Everyone wants to know the least toxic way to keep their home clean, healthy and pest free. But, everyone also wants highly effective methods of keeping the ants out of their cabinets. Can you have both? The answer is absolutely maybe! Truthfully, pest control can be convoluted for a couple of reasons. Mostly the confusion can come from the definitions of pesticides, chemicals and all-natural. Let me just clarify by saying anything used to kill bugs, even water is considered a pesticide and anything that comes from natural elements, like chemicals, are considered all-natural. Get it? So let’s answer the real question you want to know, is there effective pest control treatments made from healthy, food grade ingredients? The answer is yes. Believe it or not, there are some things that even cockroaches and rats don’t eat. Almost any essential oil will deter ants, roaches, flies, spiders and even bed bugs. However, when using essential oils be prepared to use them frequently in comparison to stronger pesticides. For example, many pesticides can detour creepy crawlers for about 3060 days. Even longer under the right conditions. However essential oil based products will last a few hours to a couple of days. Use this information to create a pest control treatment plan of your own. If you have an infestation and you’re sharing a home with your



Essentials |


///////// Community Corner

Chaparral High And the Pechanga School Performing Winner is… Arts Awards

[Pictured at the June 12 awards ceremony, held in San Diego, were: (Front Row, L-R) Matthew Hall, Inaijsa Betts, Kristen Brodeur, Erik Duenas; (Back Row, L-R) Diego Cruz, Dylan Robb, Chad Breece, Julianna Smith, Shannon McMahon, and CHS Teacher Chris Irvin.]

This past month the Chaparral High School Performing Arts Department was presented with seven awards and 13 nominations at the 11th Annual National Youth Arts Awards. The Addams Family show was awarded with the Outstanding Production Award and five actors/actresses from the high school received awards for their amazing performances. The talent doesn’t stop with the students. Even Chaparral’s own director, Chris Irvin, won the Outstanding Direction Award. Along with these spectacular awards, Chaparral received nominations for acting, ensemble, costume design, set design, choreography and hair/makeup. With over 500 productions being considered for awards, there is no doubt of the incredible performing arts department that Chaparral High School has created. There is no limit to where the talent of these individuals will take them in the future.

Murrieta Movies in the Park There’s still a chance to catch “A Movie in the Park” at California Oaks Sports Park on August 13th at 7:45pm. Held by the City of Murrieta. This FREE event is sure to be fun for the whole family. Snacks will be avaiable for purchase.



An extremely lucky guest at Pechanga Resort & Casino became the owner of a brand new Acura MDX SUV on Sunday, July 10th. After entering the “Summer Splash” drawing with several entry tickets, Aracely Maela was in awe to hear her own name announced as the winner and be able to drive home in the $44,000 prize. While many people believe they have little chance of winning such a fantastic prize, this Murrieta resident proves that it can truly happen to anyone.

Vista Murrieta High JROTC

Vista Murrieta High School has been doing great things with their JROTC program. The JROTC Unit has won the Distinguished Unit Award with Merit and the Air Force Unit has received the Outstanding Organization Award. Senior Cadet Commander Jason Masanque is the individual responsible for leading Vista’s 260 cadets to receive these two honors. He says that Vista’s unit “wanted goals that would challenge us and make the most difference for our schools and the community”. The JROTC program has done numerous things to benefit the community. In order to raise $1,000 for the school’s Make a Wish Club, the cadets sold flags for Murrieta’s Field of Honor. Ultimately, the students had a total of 6,000 community service hours and even donated 3,000 books to the Murrieta Public Library. With the multiple accomplishments the JROTC program can put their name to now, there is no doubt that the program will continue to grow and be successful.

Announcement Local Athlete Turns Heads

photo by Mike Clary

Got an event coming up you want people to know about? Place your announcement in My Community Magazines “Community Corner” section for just $75. Announcement will include title, photo, and 100 words. Free writing assistance available. Community Corner is the perfect way to announce sign ups, events, requests, fundraisers, or just to congratulate a team/group for a job well done. My Community Magazines are available in print and digital format and are delivered by mail and drop off to local homes and businesses. Space is limited, so CALL TODAY! E-mail announcements to: or call (951) 265-3173 for more information.

Community /////// Corner

Congratulations are in order for recently graduated Vista Murrieta High School track star, Michael Norman. The 18-yearold competed in Rio at the Olympic trials in July, taking fourth place. Recognized as the top high school, male athlete in track and field in the US, Michael holds multiple titles for 2016 including the Gatorade Boys National Track and Field Athlete of the Year. We’re sure to see this Murrieta athlete continue making headlines.

Join Baily Vineyard & Winery for Shakespeare in the Vines

Baily Vineyard & Winery will be putting on William Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona throughout the month of August as a part of the “Shakespeare In the Vines” Series. Beginning on August 11th, shows will be taking place every Thursday through Sunday. Come out and enjoy this spectacular show in a beautiful location. Tickets for a single show are $22 each with $30 for preferred seating and $17 for seniors, students and military. |


//////// Blazing Tales


wanted Pesky Squirrels

ast month I heard mom complain, “These squirrels are ruining our yard and eating our garden!” She was not happy and dad agreed. “Last year we probably would’ve thought it was cool to have squirrels in our backyard,” he said. “We sure don’t think they’re cute now that we have a farm and garden…” I knew just what to do. I would get rid of those pesky squirrels for my family. After all, I am a Vizsla so I should be good at hunting. Once I take care of this squirrel problem my family will recognize my true value and they will probably realize that I really do belong on the couch not the floor. Next time I went outside, I sniffed along the fence line and found more than twenty spots where the squirrels had breached our first line of defense! Besides the holes along the fence I found deep tunnels going from the field on the other side of our property right into some of the chicken pens! Those squirrels were eating our chicken’s food and drinking their water. There were more tunnels going to the garden and grassy area of our yard. Wait ‘til mom finds out! In order to check things out a little more closely I dug each and every hole and tunnel making it larger. This gave me a clear view right to the squirrel’s lair in the center of the field. When the holes got really large, I could pop my head right through and keep an eye on those critters. This was hard work so I politely tapped on the back door for some water. After a short break I was excited to show my people parents how much work I did. I brought them out to the yard and boy were they ungrateful! “Blaze!” Dad shouted. “What have you done?” Duh, I was digging for squirrels. Mom started covering up the holes with a shovel. “Hey, I worked hard on that,” I barked. 30


Just then a squirrel darted out of one of the tunnels and ran into the woodpile. I chased it, fast as can be and started scattering the wood so I could get to it. The squirrel was making a funny chirping sound, kind of like a bird. It was making me feel a little crazy. Finally I was down to the bottom row of wood and I saw that little critter's tail. I was barking loudly to let people everywhere know I was about to conquer the pest. I moved one log and the little guy hopped out toward me. I may have yipped a little because I was startled. I expected him to run away from me, but I regained my composure and chased him under the garden shed. I dug a huge crater under the shed, but I could not fit my head in to peek at him. Just then dad came over to the shed looking at my hole with a grouchy face. Don’t worry Dad, I got him cornered... “Blaze! What do you think you are doing? Go to your kennel,” he snapped, pointing up the hill to the house. Later my people told me they were disappointed in me for making a huge disaster in the back yard. Disappointed? Just wait ‘til tomorrow… I’ll catch that squirrel and then they’ll be proud. Even if it takes me a year, I vow to keep those squirrels off of our land. I will dig as many holes as it takes, I will knock over as many tools as I must, I will destroy any log piles that stand in my way in order to accomplish my mission. (Double eye twitch.) Then they will be proud. Call me the Squirrelnator. Aaahhhwoooooo! |


PO BOX 27890 Clinton Keith Rd, Ste. D-306 Murrieta, California 92562

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