My murrieta magazine issue 1 final

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A note from your neighbor, Mayor Rick Gibbs


hat could be better t h a n living in

California? Living in Murrieta, California. My wife and I were from New York but first came to California in 1969, where two of our three children were born. We were happy Gibbs grandkids to return to the state in the 1990's, after living away for so much of my military service and career. We were living in Palmdale and commuting 268 miles every other weekend across the most dangerous desert road in the state to see our first two grandchildren in Lake Elsinore (we now have six-pictured above). Eventually, we decided it would be safer to just move to Southwest Riverside County. I had been through Murrieta on the way to business meetings in San Diego many times and had actually driven around Clinton Keith Road. The beauty of the area was striking and I had always been impressed with the small town feel here. So in April of 1999, we made the move to Murrieta and knew it was the right place to call home. My wife and I were thrilled to settle in after 25 moves over the course of our marriage. Our city puts quality of life above all other goals and I agree Every day we live up to the PROMISE we made 15 years ago . . . Join us as we continue to make an impact in OUR communities.

that as Murrieta grows it must be preserved. But, as a long distance commuter to my aerospace job, I was very aware of the fact that two thirds of our residents were on the road just as much as I was. And that included my daughter and son-inlaw. Since they were commuting so far, my wife and I spent much time with our grandchildren as the primary weekday caregivers. While we enjoyed having such close involvement with our grandchildren, seeing their parents miss out on so much family time put this issue at the forefront of my mind. Quality of life includes families spending time together. I thought of all our other commuters missing out on that quality family time. Thus, my driving passion became working economic development issues to attract high technology jobs to the valley that are similar to the jobs our residents hold elsewhere. Our city has seen some success in bringing some of our long distance commuters home to work locally, as there are a number of technology companies now in our area. More manufacturers are also expanding in Murrieta. There is much work left to do on economic development and our city is fortunate to have a first class team working every day on your behalf. I hope one day, the phrases used to describe our community such as patriotic, friendly, safe, and affordable will joined by the one that will ensure our future - job center. I believe time, once spent commuting to work, is being enjoyed taking walks, attending children's activities, and in conversation over dinner with the family. As we scout great companies to share our city with, we hope to take even more of our commuters off the freeways to work locally.


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table of

CONTENTS 03 05 06 09 10 12 15

A note from your neighbor,

Mayor Rick Gibbs




Temecula Wellness Center & Dr. Terry Rondberg



Robotics Whiz Bryce Longacre


A Fantastic Day of Charity Golf


Personal Development





Anita Milner

Chaparral Coin



22 24


Blaze Days

Bulldog Brewery


26 28







LOCAL ARTIST Verna's Visions

Holy Molé, That’s Good! - Don Pancho's Mexican Restaurant




my murrieta magazine


PUBLISHER'S LETTER Dear Readers, Welcome to the first issue of My Murrieta Magazine! We are happy to bring you a positive, upbeat community magazine that celebrates the city where we live and work, as well as the amazing people who live here. Our goal is to make this magazine better each month. With this in mind, we are open to any suggestions, constructive criticism and/or ideas that will make this magazine a “must read.” As the magazine grows, so will the content. We seek to make My Murrieta Magazine as unique as the community therefore we welcome your contributions. If you’ve ever wanted to be published, this is a great opportunity. Please e-mail story submissions and ideas to as well as any events or content you’d like considered for publication. For as long as I can remember, I’ve genuinely loved getting to know what makes people tick. Their stories fascinate me. I connect with people on an emotional level and believe that when we meet someone, whether a friend or a stranger, there is something to be gained. One or both parties will leave with something they needed to hear or learn. I’ve learned so much from people I’ve crossed paths with. I believe I’ve also had many opportunities to give to others, by sharing my life lessons and experiences. It’s so heartening to see how people overcome the obstacles in their path to reach their goals. I’ve mentally collected those stories throughout life choosing to share them with others when they fit a situation, and can help someone get through their own challenge. I’ve had plenty of my own challenges to navigate. Much to my parents chagrin, I was a kid who learned through experience. Mom, says, “Don’t touch that, it’s hot.” I think, “hmmm, how hot?” and touch. I’m not proud of this, but on the bright side after getting burned, I would be the one telling my younger siblings not to touch, and WHY. Showing my scars to keep them from repeating my mistake. I think maybe that means I’m a teacher. I love to deliver sincere compliments, whether I know a person or not. For me, when I’m so impressed by someone, it’s just natural to share it. I call this positive gossip. My Murrieta Magazine will focus on local people doing some amazing things. People like Anita Milner, who is always learning and pays no attention to age. People like Bryce Longacre, who turned a passion for building with Legos into a passion for building things that could someday change the world. People, who overcome obstacles, get involved in something they care about, or follow a dream. This magazine comes from my heart. I am a regular girl, following my dream, to inspire my neighbors with the stories that inspire me and connect us more closely as a community. Your Neighbor,

PUBLISHER Tracy Blanscet


Mayor Rick Gibbs Barbara Bigham William Joyce David Stanfield Timothy Beck Rachel Shay Dave Johnson Dr. Laurie Blanscet Rebecca Marshall Farnbach Cy Rathbun April Vidal Amy Watson


Clinton Keith Rd, Suite D-306, Murrieta, CA 92562 Phone: 951-801-5332

FACEBOOK Reproduction of any content in My Murrieta Magazine without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. My Murrieta Magazine's publication of information provided by advertisers, other companies, or individuals does not represent an endorsement or verification of accuracy. My Murrieta Magazine assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or liability for the content of advertising placed in the publication (or on the publication's website).





hen Dr. Terry Rondberg moved to the Murrieta-Temecula area after working forty years in the alternative health care field, he planned to retire. “It seemed like such a peaceful, restful place,” he says. “A place where the natural beauty and friendly atmosphere combined to create a kind of serene retreat.” It wasn’t long before he realized first impressions were deceiving. “This area definitely has a quiet, tranquil side to it,” he admits. “But I quickly realized it’s really a dynamic, energetic place with a vibrant community of people interested in everything from world culture to natural health. There’s too much to do here to even consider retiring.” Instead, Dr. Rondberg opened the new Temecula Wellness Center to use the skills and knowledge he’d accumulated during his four decades of being involved in integrative medicine, and clinical research to establish the Temecula Wellness Center. Terry is a diplomate of the College of Energy Medicine, a diplomate of the College of Mind-Body Medicine, he has a chiropractic degree, and is a certified massage therapist. He also studied acupuncture at the Beijing Hospital in China as well as Ayurvedic Medicine in Northern India. No longer practicing chiropractic, and after more than forty years in that profession, Dr. Rondberg has chosen to focus his practice on energy healing. After studying and researching the most advanced natural health care techniques, he chose to focus on an integrative approach that honors the body’s own innate intelligence and healing ability. Terry still serves as the president of the World Chiropractic Alliance a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 with thousands of members worldwide. “Science, including quantum physics, has proven that we’re all electromagnetic as well as chemical beings,” he explains. “When energy flows through


my murrieta magazine

our system properly, not only can we prevent illness, the body’s intelligence always strives to regulate and heal itself of every abnormal condition.” Yet, his extensive investigation made him aware of a missing element in the currently available techniques: a way to relieve tension from what’s called the sub-occipital triangle, in the upper cervical area known as the brain stem. When these muscles are tight or tense they affect the membrane covering the brain and the spinal column, called the dura mater. This can lead to painful trigger points that can cause headaches (including migraines), back and neck pain, and referred pain throughout the body. More critically, the muscle tension can cause mechanical deformation of the brain stem, which disrupts functioning of the cardiac and respiratory control centers located in the brain stem. To address this serious problem, Dr. Rondberg developed the Bioenergy Technique, which is specifically aimed at releasing the tension in this area and correcting any tension or dysfunction of muscles, fascia, nerve and blood vessels in the upper neck. “By working directly on the muscles in the sub-occipital triangle region, rather than on bones in various areas of the body or spine, the Bioenergy Technique directly affects the brain, where all pain, stiffness and dysfunction, originate,” the doctor explains. “After releasing tension in this area, the brain will always strive to adapt to stress so you can express your greatest health potential.” Numerous members at the Temecula Wellness Center have already reported incredible life changing results. There are also several You Tube videos you can watch of very happy members and neighbors on the centers website. One posted a message on the Center’s Facebook page saying: “OMG! I am feeling amazing….. I am noticing a difference with your procedure. … Who would have thought I will be 50-years old in 2-years, but I am feeling better now than when I was in my 20’s. I am telling everybody they need to come and get WELL.” When Dr. Rondberg saw this post he noted: “Reports like that mean as much as all the awards and accomplishments I’ve had in the past.” Those awards and accomplishments read like a “Who’s Who” in alternative medicine: President of the World Chiropractic Alliance, the only chiropractic organization to be recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information; founder and publisher emeritus of The Chiropractic Journal and the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research; author of the book “Chiropractic First,” which has sold more than two


and a half million copies; being appointed a special member of the Department of Defense Chiropractic Advisory Committee in 2005; and too many more to list. “I’m proud of all those achievements,” Terry admits. “But they were in the past. I always strive to live in the present moment and what I’m doing now to help bring health and wellness to the people in this community is really important to me.” The Bioenergy Technique isn’t the only service offered at Temecula Wellness Center. There are other innovative healing methods, which are part of the four-station wellness circuit. The first station uses the Power Plate, a revolutionary harmonic vibration system that delivers 20-50 vibrations per second to the body. “The technology actually stems from experiments conducted by the Soviet space program back in the 1960s,” Dr. Rondberg explains. “Maybe that’s why they won the space race at the beginning!” It’s since been shown to offer a wide range of health benefits, from accelerating rehabilitation in physical therapy rehab patients; boosting strength, balance, and endurance; and speeding up recovery after an intense workout. The second station is the Correction Station, where we analyze the body for energy interference and make the necessary corrections so the brain can return to doing what it does best: helping us to better adapt to internal and external stressors, making possible our highest expression of health and vitality. The third station is the Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) which has been shown to assist the body to heal and prevent more than 200 health and wellness disorders. It recharges the 75 trillion cells of the body and stimulates the body's energy meridians. PEMF got a boost of attention on the “Dr. Oz” show, when Dr. Oz called it one of the most important breakthroughs in pain management he has ever come across. He added, “With Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy you don’t just feel better, you are better.” The fourth and final station on the circuit focuses on hydration, a widely misunderstood and ignored aspect of health. The Temecula Wellness Center educates clients on the absolute importance of consuming enough liquids offering members free ionized alkaline water and even makes available a specially formulated organic green juice consisting of a blend of nutritious fruits and vegetables made fresh daily. The entire circuit takes only about 15 minutes and the cost is as low as $47 monthly for unlimited visits. Although many of his clients say they have had incredible results from the care they received at the Center, Dr. Rondberg doesn’t take any of the credit. “Their own

Science, including quantum physics, has proven that we’re all electromagnetic as well as chemical beings.



bodies wisdom is responsible for getting and staying well,” he emphasizes. “We help them correct interference, and allow their bodies to express themselves as they were designed to, but the real credit goes to a far greater power than me. I often remind my patients that God does the healing and the doctor collects the fee.” Although the Center has only been open since March, it has attracted a large membership that keeps Dr. Rondberg and his Director/Fiancée Ruth Kincaid very busy, which is just the way they like it. “Why slow down when you’re feeling this good?” he asks with a grin. At 62, he brims with a level of health and enthusiasm more common in a man decades younger and follows a workout schedule that starts with an early morning meditation then a daily five mile walk. He also loves going to the gym and to yoga classes. Not bad for a man who was told, 30 years ago, that he suffered from a rare type of cancer and wouldn’t make it past his 33rd birthday. “I walked out of the M.D.’s office and began a green juice regimen which also included bodywork, chiropractic, exercise, meditation, yoga, and a positive attitude that never accepted the possibility of me dying of cancer.” Later, his cancer was gone without chemotherapy and he’s been cancer-free ever since. “The body’s wisdom is the only thing that can heal you”, he states emphatically. “The wisdom that made the body is the only power that can heal the body, but we must correct the interference.” Terry’s energy and enthusiasm aren’t all directed towards his work, however. He lives life to the fullest and is enjoying all that the Temecula-Murrieta area offers. “Best of all,” he says, “I’m getting to enjoy it with my fiancée, Ruth, who works side by side with me at the Center has also dedicated her life to wellness and serving others.” Dr. Terry loves his two grown daughters and their children. “There’s nothing like having grandchildren to keep things in perspective,” he notes. “We spend a lot of our lives doing things for ourselves and our peers. But when you have grandchildren, your attention shifts to the future generations. You want to leave a legacy to them so their lives will be healthier, happier, and more fulfilling.” Our mission is to help you live a healthier, happier and more energized life. To learn more about Dr. Rondberg and his approach to a wellness lifestyle, visit the Temecula Wellness Center at 28780 Old Town Front St. Ste. D-7, or go to www. The Center is open MondayFriday, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. No appointment is required. Walk-ins are welcome. Or you can call 951-699-5000 for an appointment. Dr. Rondberg is available for speaking engagements, or you can visit the center and receive a free tour of the facilities and information on the complete wellness system. n For more information on this story or for any additional information on wellness care please text WELL to 96000


my murrieta magazine


HOW DO I KNOW IF I AM OVER OR UNDER INSURED? By William Joyce, Insurance Professional

As a property and casualty insurance professional I get asked this question quite often. The best answer I can give is to communicate with your insurance agent at least once per year. Life changes and so do your needs. Many of us started off with a used car or truck that wasn’t worth very much. We moved out of our parent’s house, went to college, got a part-time job, shared a rented apartment and didn’t have very many assets. As our lives changed – so did our needs. Once we started a family our lives changed dramatically. Now, we had to protect more than our old car or truck and a used guitar. We had to think about protecting our spouse, children, autos, homes, toys and eventually providing for them in the event we were no longer here. It is a big responsibility for parents to raise a family. Aside from many important things to consider – insurance is at the top of the list. Health, dental, auto, homeowners and coverage for the boat and RV are essential considerations. But am I properly insured? Am I paying too much? This is where having an agent is comes in. Call or visit your agent once a year to conduct

a customer policy review. Let your agent know if there are any changes in your life. Did your assets change? Do you have a teen driver that will need to be added or removed from your policy? Do you have your insurance policies spread out with different companies costing you bundling discounts? Do you have your limits of liability set properly? Do you need a personal umbrella policy to protect your assets? Are you getting all the policy discounts you are entitled to? Once you provide this information, your insurance agent can properly advise on recommended levels of coverage and how to take advantage of bundling and discounts to make sure you have the best coverage at the best price. n

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Robotics Whiz

Bryce Longacre


By Tracy Blanscet



my murrieta magazine

Photo by Janice Rumsey

Photo by Bryce Longacre Bryce’s mother, Janet Rumsey, knew that her son had a unique talent at a young age when her child brought her creations that seemed well beyond his age-level, some including electrical parts from other toys or household items. His talents were fostered in programs and camps geared around Lego engineering and different types of robotics including Mindstorm, Technic, and Vex. Bryce even managed to become a part of the high school robotics team in his 8th grade year. When it comes to robotics, Bryce is a Jack-of-all-trades. He does everything from the design and engineering to programming and electrical work. He’s been a team leader for one of the Murrieta Valley High School’s 3 competitive robotics teams since his sophomore year. The robotics advisor, Mr. Kevin Bradley, stated, “He has the most mechanical mind I’ve ever witnessed.” The MVHS robotics teams go head-to-head against top teams from around the world. Each year the goal is different, so the robots are specialized to perform certain tasks known in advance. According to the Vex competition manual, the program is designed to help students “cultivate life skills such as planning, brainstorming, collaboration, teamwork and leadership, as well as research and technical skills. Bryce

has even developed his speaking skills, since part of competitive robotics involves being able to explain the project and design to the judges. A natural leader, Bryce is the go to guy for all of the robotics teams at his high school. This Eagle Scout also volunteers with Thompson Middle School’s robotics program teaching them how to turn the bots they dream up into functioning machines. Recognizing Bryce’s exceptional talent, step-dad, Mark Rumsey, has involved him in projects with his engineering company since the age of 13! One such project in which Bryce took the lead was designing and building a prototype for a “dance” wheelchair. The chair, commissioned by the University of South Florida’s dance department, had omnidirectional wheels and sensors in the seat that allowed graceful changes in direction with minor body motions. This rewarding project has remained his favorite because it allows those without the use of their legs to dance. Last summer a private company recruited Bryce to work on a top-secret

engineering project. The company not only trusted his technical skills, but his discretion as well. Engineering isn’t Bryce’s only passion. He helped to start the mountain biking team at his school and earned his letter in the sport. He is also a gifted photographer. He’s combined his love of science and art to create some unique and interesting long exposure shots. Bryce’s future is certainly bright and promising, but he’s not waiting for a company to discover him. He’s already been researching companies that he’d be proud to work for someday. Wherever this kid lands, he’s sure to build a successful future! n


CommUniTy nEWS


CHARITY GOLF Story & Photos By David Stanfield

Over 25 Fabulous 4-somes


It had it all… good friends, lots of laughs, some incredible, great giveaways, various fun prizes for shots closest to the pin and longest drive, along with box lunches togo and a wonderful dinner after the round.


my murrieta magazine


he 16th Annual Southwest Healthcare Auxiliary Charity Golf Tournament took place on Friday, June 7, 2013, at The Journey at Pechanga. It had it all… good friends, lots of laughs, some incredible, great giveaways, various fun prizes for

shots closest to the pin and longest drive, along with box lunches to-go and a wonderful dinner after the round. Over twenty-five foursomes took part in the 16th

Annual Southwest Healthcare Auxiliary Charity Golf Tournament at Pechanga’s ‘The Journey’ golf course. As the saying goes about The Journey golf course, “You have to play it to believe it.” Beautifully rolling terrain

between Pechanga Creek and the adjacent mountainside perspective when he once commented, “It took me 17 weaves its way through numerous stands of mature years to get 3,000 hits in baseball. I did it in 1 afternoon California live oaks and provides stunning vistas of the on the golf course.” Temecula Valley and the surrounding mountains.

The three keys to success on this gorgeous day were

This popular annual charity event saw over one- timing the gusts of wind that blew from the back, to use hundred men and women golfers put their game-faces- “less club” than normal, and favor the right side of this on, because there were some big incentives to hit the ball drop-away downhill challenge. Fortunately for all, it was in-the-hole with just one swing. Several notable prizes a wonderful day of golf, on a stunning course, for a worthy were offered, like $10,000 in cash from Paradise Chevrolet- cause. Unfortunately, no one drove off with the keys to Cadillac, and at another hole there was a two-year lease the BMW. Hole-In-One Prize from BMW of Murrieta

on a Lexus.

Ironically, it was Boris Said (above), who had one of

However, sports car racing legend Boris Said, of BMW the better shots at the 8th Hole, who came fairly close to of Murrieta, up’d the ante, offering one of his beautiful winning the BMW that he was trying to give away. ultimate driving machines. A brand new well-equipped

A big thanks goes out to Southwest Healthcare System,

2013 Sedan 328i model. The Bimmer was yours if you hit a Inland Valley Medical Center and Rancho Springs Medical hole-in-one on the 8th Hole, Par 3, from about 175 yards. Center. The Tournament benefited Jacob’s House and Circle It indeed would take a shot of a lifetime.

of Safety. Congratulations to Brian Connors – Tournament

The BMW was to be given to the first golfer to hit a Director, along with the Pechanga Resort & Casino Golf & hole-in-one at the challenging mountainside 8th Hole at Spa Sales Manager Tracy Edmondson and The Director Pechanga’s The Journey course.

of Golf at The Journey Scott Mallory for staging another

Hitting a golf ball accurately takes exceptional skill wonderful event. or an enormous amount of pure luck. Major League Hall

Your next chance to win a BMW automobile will be this

of Fame baseball player Hank Aaron put the game in coming September at the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course,


at the beautiful Bear Creek Golf Club in Murrieta. BMW of Murrieta’s Ultimate Driving Machine give away, for a Hole-

Boris Said on the 8th Hole

In-One, will be at the popular Tom Pernice, Jr. Charity Golf Classic. The fun begins with a Gala Parings Party at the BMW of Murrieta dealership on Auto Mall Parkway. On September 15, 2013, from 6pm-9pm things will get underway with Cocktails, Silent & Live Auction and Dinner. The Golf Tourney is the next day, September 16, 2013 at Bear Creek Golf Club. Registration starts at 8am, with a shotgun start at 11am. The event is benefiting The Unforgettables Foundation & The University of Iowa Institute for Vision Research For those who attended the 16th Annual Southwest

M h & GFiiD InniiD

Healthcare Auxiliary Charity Golf Tournament at The Journey at Pechanga, thank you for your support.

Looking forward to the next event and we hope to see you in September at Bear Creek for the Tom Pernice, Jr. Charity Golf Classic.

For more Information Call:

(951) 533-4199 or visit the event on the web at: www. n


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ASK THE EXPERT Personal Development

What is a Personal Coach and Why Do I Need One? Albert Einstein once said “A problem cannot be solved from the same level of thinking that created it.” When you're in the middle of your problem it's hard, sometimes even impossible, to resolve it. That's where a personal coach comes in. A personal coach is someone who’s been trained to be objective and to see past the problem to the solution. Often a person will come in for what they think is the problem, but this problem may only be a symptom of the actual, underlying problem. A good coach will have an arsenal of tools to uncover the real issue and resolve it. Generally, a personal coach will create a unique plan to get to the root of your problem and release it. They will assist their client in working through their issues, releasing any mental or emotional blocks and setting powerful positive intentions. Take Matt for example. While he had a good relationship with his wife and was happy with his family life, Matt’s career was off track and his health was deteriorating. He’d tried other things to get back on track but didn’t see the changes he had hoped for. He scheduled an appointment with a personal coach to see if it might help him. In one of the first sessions, Matt acknowledged that he’d worn his body out when he was younger and was living with constant pain as a result. When asked where he was on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 was the most intense pain he’d ever felt, Matt said he was at a “9”. Thirty minutes later, after his

session, Matt rated his pain at a 1. Even though you’re not aware of it, your subconscious has been evaluating, judging and making decisions about who you are and what you can or cannot do your whole life. Since your unconscious mind is in charge of the majority of what happens to you, it’s important to make sure that your subconscious mind and is aligned with your conscious mind. Matt’s coach worked with his subconscious mind to release his pain, enhance his health, get his career back on track and generally improve his life. After only a few sessions Matt reported his relationship with his wife went from good to great, his family life improved 1,000%, and his business improved tenfold. But the most miraculous change was with Matt’s health. In only a short time working with a coach, Matt happily reported being able to sleep through the night and the pain has never returned at anything above a 1 on the pain scale. Working with a Personal Coach doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out process that helps in only one particular area of your life. It can and should be a quick, effective and life changing process that benefits all areas of your life. While Personal Coaching is not for everyone, it is great for people who want more from life. If you find yourself stuck, not progressing toward your goals, or feeling like there should be more to life, you should consider discovering for yourself the benefits of working with a personal coach. n

Timothy P. Beck is the Founder of The New You Academy. As a young boy, he read a book on using the power of your brain to achieve and make changes. He now holds sixteen certifications in the technologies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis and actively teaches, trains and works with clients to achieve their goals since 2006.

26413 Jefferson Ave • Murrieta, CA 92562 • (951) 297-3525



Meet Your Neighbor: Anita Milner Granny, Genius, Lawyer, & Comedian By Tracy Blanscet


he may look like an ordinary grandma, but looks can be deceiving. Although she doesn't wear a cape, we think she's a Super Woman! A resident of Murrieta for eight years, Anita Milner moved here from Escondido to be closer to her daughter and grandchildren. She had been volunteering in her grandchildren's classrooms at Murrieta Elementary School and over time, really grew to love the city. Plus, for her, it was a huge bonus that Murrieta has long been on the list of the country's safest cities. It wasn't long before the elder of her two daughters followed suit and moved her family here, as well. Now they all live in the same Zip code! Being an involved grandparent may be common, but this is where the “normal” ends. This granny rode roller coasters with her grandchildren until the age of 72. “I'd still enjoy it, but I'm afraid I might be too fragile, “ laughs Anita. Anita believes we should never stop learning and she has definitely lived her own life by this standard. Among several degrees displayed on her wall is a Master of Arts in Education, with an emphasis on the gifted, a great fit seeing how gifted she is. Although she's been a member of the Mensa society since 1971, which means her intelligence is ranked in the top 2% of the nation, she won’t allow me to call her a genius (as evidenced in my title). So, I am not alleging to any of you readers that Anita may or may not be a genius.


my murrieta magazine

Her drive to learn matched with her desire to educate has given Anita many opportunities to be involved in her community. She was one of the original Florida Canyoneers, sponsored by the San Diego Natural History Museum and is a lifetime member and former president of the San Diego Genealogical Society. Anita has three published reference books on genealogical research. But wait! That's not all! In 1988, with four other degrees under her belt, Anita decided to go to law school. She was one of the oldest persons in her law class, passing the bar at 50 years old! She dubbed herself the “Change of Life Attorney.” “Law school was pure hell,” states Anita. “I'm glad to be a lawyer, but I'd never do it again.” She was staff writer for the Law Review and had her article cited by the United States Supreme Court. At the age of 77, Anita continues to work as an attorney specializing in elder law. She does wills and trusts for her clients as well as giving advice on various legal issues that may pop up for seniors. Anita uses her law degree to help others, volunteering at three Senior Centers including Murrieta, Lake Elsinore and Joslyn Senior Center in Escondido. “I think everyone should volunteer,” she says. “It's a chance to give back many of the gifts you've been given.” Another of Anita's gifts is the gift of humor. Anita is a professional comedian. Yep, that's right, a 77-year old comedian performing all over Southern California including Pechanga, Improv, and ACES, right here in Murrieta. Occasionally the crowd may have hecklers making comments like, “What's she going do, teach us to crochet?” “Hecklers don’t bother me,” says Anita with a twinkle in her eye, “I can’t hear them!” It’s not long until she gets those doubters rolling with her sweet old-lady, innocence about wearing thongs (the flip-flop kind) and skyping, among other things. She started doing comedy late in life while in law school, putting together an act for the school variety show, the “Law Revue.” Once she realized the power she had to make others laugh, she was hooked. Nothing slows this “vintage” girl down. Volunteer by day, comedian by night! This granny does it all without even wearing a cape. n

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ta’s Murrietown Homelar So tor c Contra Anita has five terrapins: two tortoises, and three box turtles. Four of the shelled creatures are adopted.

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By Rachael Shay ver since my son, Ethan, received a quarter collection for his fifth birthday a few months ago he's been obsessed with checking ever quarter for the state's he's missing. One day, while doing laundry, Ethan inspected all of the quarters in our

roll and was excited to discover a gold quarter. Two months later, Ethan found a double-headed quarter. He

auctions was rekindled by spending some time on

was amazed! We wanted to see if there was any value

eBay. That eventually grew into a second career for

in either quarter and brought them to our local coin

John and his wife, Denise who owned Chaparral Antique

expert, John Geurts, at Chaparral Coin.

Mall in Temecula before selling it 4 years ago to open

They explained to Ethan that his golden quarter was

Chaparral Coin In Murrieta. Their business serves people

coated with about 20 cents worth of gold plating and

well beyond our little valley and John’s skill in valuing

originally sold on QVS so it wasn’t really as valuable as

antiques has expanded well beyond coins and cars. The

it appeared to be. Ethan was excited to learn that the

shop works with a network of experts who each have

double-headed quarter, was a magician’s quarter created

a specialty such as: military articles, old glass, watches,

by cutting two quarters and fitting them together. We

name brands, autographs, fossils and even dinosaur

even got to look thru a jeweler’s loupe and see the cut


line on the face of the quarter. John, owner of Chaparral Coin, is an avid coin collector,

What’s really great about John is the time and dedication that he puts into his business. Researching

whose passion started when he attended auctions

the history of an item is such a fascinating part of his job.

as a young boy with his father. John got to raise the

Many local thrift stores and estate sale operators come

paddle for his dad who often bid on gems and bronzes.

to John to identify items of value and find interested

“Collecting is in his blood, “ says his wife, Denise. Coins

buyers at a fair price. This is something John’s customers

are his thing, but you’ll also see his face light up if you

know about him. He is a man of integrity. He always

start talking about Redline Hot Wheels.

looks for a win-win deal, and is not all about making a

Retiring after 20 years of service with West Covina Fire Department, John’s interest in collections and


my murrieta magazine

huge profit. He actually enjoys learning about an item and is excited to tell his customers about the history and

value of their items. Chaparral Coin hosts monthly online coin auctions, but they are known to buy “anything and everything” even buying entire collections of dolls, model cars, collector cards, matchbox cars, and more. John really loves seeing an “underappreciated” item find a new home. Maybe you have some old things hanging around, cluttering your space, not being loved. Bring your items over to John. You may be surprised to find out, what you thought was clutter may be a valuable treasure waiting to be cherished by the right person. Or maybe you’d like to find a piece of history that can add character to your home. This store is exciting to walk through, and boy does John have some stories! Some of the items in there bring me right back to my childhood! Maybe you can reminisce about your old Hot Wheels, Barbie’s, or Star Wars lunch box. If you have an item and have ever wondered if it’s worth anything, stop by to see John and Denise and let them work their magic! n


24710 Washington Ave. Ste. 1 • Murrieta, California 92562 (951) 894-7717 Mon. - Sat. 10:00am - 5:00pm





I guess he noticed the door was unlatched. I’ll go back just as soon as I get a little thirsty. He’ll get over it. Too bad, Maggie’s at the vet today so I guess I’m

kay, it’s Saturday morning and I’m up,

running solo. Usually when I get out on an adventure

I’m out and I’m happening. My name is

I end up with stickers between my paws so I need to

Blaze. They say I’m a Vizsla but really

be careful where I’m walking. Once I got some stickers

I’m just a dog. A fast dog. A really fast

stuck in the fur on my rear and I thought I’d go crazy.

dog. In fact, I can run so fast that I can

They were poking me so bad, but I couldn’t reach them

catch a piece of meat before it hits the ground in the

with my teeth! My dad had to pull them out one by


one. He was laughing the whole time. That’s just plain

Today is one of those lucky ones because my dad

mean. He says that’s what happens to naughty dogs,

(my people dad, not my dog dad) left the screen door

who sneak out and run through a field of weeds. Hey, I

open and I’m going on an adventure. First I’ll see if

could’ve gotten them out myself if I had hands instead

Maggie, the dog next door, can get away and join me.

of paws.

Maggie likes to chase cats with me. She’s not as fast

Oh, look! It’s the neighbor from across the street.

as I am though, cuz she got a big old scratch once when

I think his name is Honey because his wife is always

we were teasing the cat next door. That old cat can’t

calling him that. Honey and his wife are unloading

get me. I’m too quick for Mr. Whiskers.

groceries. I wonder if there’s anything tasty in those

Oops, what’s this? I hear Dad hollering my name.


my murrieta magazine

bags. Maybe I’ll just go have a peek. This is where it’s

real important to be fast. Now they’re both inside, so I race over there like a flash of lightning and jump into the back of their big car. I’ll just stick my nose in these paper bags and check it out. Pickles? Yuck, no thanks! What’s this? Beef jerky? Yessss! I take off like a bolt with my prize. Yeah!!! Who’s the dawg? I’m the dawg! Who’s the dawg? I’m the da“Blaze!” Uh oh, caught! It’s Honey. “Blaze!!” and Honey’s wife. “Blaaaaze!!!” and Mom. Mom says, “Blaze! Drop it.” I drop it, lower my head and give them my saddest eyes ever. Maybe I can convince them that I was helping to carry in the groceries? Mom looks mad. She apologizes to the neighbors and walks me home by the collar. She shuts and locks the front door then shouts, “Who left the screen door open?” Guess, Dad’s busted too! n



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Bulldog Brewery By Dave Johnson


Photo by Cy Rathbun

ne of the things I love about my job is traveling to areas I might not otherwise visit and eating at restaurants of the non-franchise variety – not that I have anything against the abundant restaurant chains other than they are, well… abundant. I’d rather ferret out the hidden gems that lie off roads less traveled. Heck, if this philosophy was good enough for Robert Frost, it’s good enough for me. Recently, while away from my North Carolina home on business, I stumbled upon such a place in Murrieta, CA. Bulldog Brewery, is off the beaten path near Date Street and Jefferson Avenue. I met the owner of Bulldog Brewery, Tom Caso, earlier in the day at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast event and he invited me to come to his brewery for a visit. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop by as my time in Murrieta was short, but as fate would have it, my hostess (who happens to be the publisher of the magazine you are reading) and I happened to be right in the area just as the lunch hour was upon us. There is no mistaking the entry to Bull Dog Brewery as you can see by the picture. We went through the doors into a large warehouse that had been transformed into what is now the brewery and restaurant. For me, a significant


my murrieta magazine

part of the dining experience is the overall atmosphere and ambiance. While not what one would consider a traditional pub setting, the minimalistic warehouse atmosphere works very well in this case. In fact, and somewhat ironically, it gives it a warm and inviting feel. We sat down and were immediately greeted by our server, Josh, who was very friendly and very knowledgeable. Bulldog has a great selection of beers, both their own and

"" Our intent was not to review the Bulldog, but the food was so good that I felt the people in this town should know about it.

a wide variety of “guest” selections. I consider myself somewhat of a beer connoisseur so I opted for one brewed on the premises. The Pug’s Porter is advertised as dark brown to black in color, with malty aroma and flavor, medium bitterness, and a slightly sweet finish. Usually I wouldn’t have ordered a dark beer for lunch, but I have found that the dark beers are a good indication of the

Photo by Dave Johnson

Photo by Dave Johnson overall quality of the brewery. When the beer arrived, I tasted it immediately. It was very good. In fact, had my afternoon had been free, I would have had a second or third. After we placed our order, Tom came over to our table and welcomed us. He told us about his desire to offer a good selection of beers and wines that partner well with his “tapas” style menu. He went on to say that the quality of the food was very important him and that he spared no expense in hiring his chef whom, consequently, was trained at the legendary school of culinary arts, Cordon Bleu. This only added to the excitement and anticipation of our food’s arrival. I ordered the Ankle-biters Tri-Tip Sliders (Tri-tip with provolone cheese and crunchy onion straws) and my colleague had the Fire Hydrant Panini (Marinated chicken breast with spicy, roasted serrano pepper sauce, provolone cheese, grilled onions and sliced tomato). Our intent was not to review the Bulldog, but the food was so good that I felt the people in this town should know about it. I won’t bore you with the many accolades that came to mind while I relished my lunch. Suffice it to say, it was phenomenal. And, certainly, my trip to Murrieta was made much more memorable by my visit to Bulldog Brewery. n

Bulldog Brewery

41379 Date Street, Suite B • Murrieta • CA • 92562 (951) 461-6200 Hours: Sunday: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM Monday & Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Thursday: 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM Friday & Saturday: 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM



26499 Jefferson Ave | Suite A Murrieta, CA 92562

(Off Corning Place between Elm and Pear One Mile North of Winchester Road)

(951) 251-4430 Email: Instagram: istylefix



eally? You dropped your iPhone again? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Statistics show over 10% of iPhone owners are walking around with cracked screens. So maybe the cracked screen is livable for now, but with the screen already weakened, the next drop may render the device useless. Most people avoid fixing the problem because they don’t want to deal with the expense. That’s exactly why Kyle Rangel opened iStyleFix iPhone Repair in Murrieta in September of 2012. According to Kyle, who is inspired by old school customer service, “We started the business to provide an alternative to Apple and the big cellular carriers. Their business model is to either offer some form of insurance or to offer refurbished devices at a reduced cost. In both situations, the cost is substantial to the customer. We offer a lower-priced option with a higher level of customer


my murrieta magazine

service. We also offer customization options that are only available through an independent company like ours.” The industry is experiencing a change with the emergence of high-end smartphones; repair is more cost-effective than replacement. Kyle and the team not only have extensive experience servicing Apple products including iPads and MacBooks, they are longtime consumers sharing the same needs and wants of the customers they come into contact with every day. Prior to September 2012, iStyleFix iPhone Repair was a thriving mobile business for two years. The transition to the Murrieta storefront took only two to three weeks from idea to securing the space. The key to their success was keeping the business simple. Opening the retail location allowed the business to expand what they offer for Apple devices. Advantages of the storefront include a larger workspace

Photo by Cy Rathbun

by: Amy Watson

for technicians, more time to perform advanced services, and a stable base of operations giving customers confidence and a predictable experience. Have a device that needs repair or customization? iStyleFix iPhone Repair makes it easy. Simply call for an appointment or just walk in. A friendly, knowledgeable staff member will listen as you describe the problem, and then educate you on the options available. While two iPhones may look the same, the insides may be incompatible. The iStyleFix iPhone Repair Team will help you understand what is going on inside your device. You will be provided the cost and most work is done within an hour. A little known secret: some small repairs are done at no charge. This business is based on well-worn principles, like customer service, fairness and affordability. Don’t let a cracked iDevice ruin your day! Turn that frown upside-down, and check out iStyleFix today!

Murrieta Rams Annual Golf Tournament 2013 September 6, 2013 7:00 Vendor/Player Registration 8:30 Shotgun Start 2:00 Awards Luncheon Field Limited to 144 Golfers $125 per person OR $400 for a Foursome

Menifee Lakes Country Club 29875 Menifee Lakes Dr. Menifee, CA 92584 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Mac McNeil Murrieta Rams Community Relations Director 480-388-2121• Fax: 951-489-0392




By Dr. Laurie Blanscet

t is easy to promise a rapid weight loss since that

do with weight loss. Do not just think about looking

is what people seem to want. However, everyone

thin. It may take you a while to get to that point and

knows that rapid weight loss means rapid weight

you will get frustrated if that is all you are focused on.



Focusing on the healthy aspects of weight loss will keep

question to ask yourself is the following: "do I want

you motivated as you lose weight gradually. Losing 10

a long term healthy weight where I feel good or

pounds may not seem like a lot to a 200-pound woman,

do I want to be thin now no matter what the long term

but it is a 5% weight loss! That will not get you into a size

consequences are??"

8, but it will certainly help your health.

It does not work for the long haul.

If you want to be thin now and have no concern about

Make a commitment to lose weight for the long term

your health and long-term weight, then this article is

so that you can live a life full of energy and vitality, and

not for you. There are plenty of get thin quick programs

hopefully medicine free. Write down the things that

out there who are happy to take your money. If you are

motivate you (being there for grand children, being able

interested in feeling good, and ultimately looking good,

to do activities you enjoy, being able to get off medication,

then keep reading.

etc). Look at these daily to motivate you. Enlist the help

It is understandable if you want to lose weight

of a loved one who can help motivate you when needed.

overnight and be thin quickly. However, many studies

An accountability partner can be huge!! Get a partner

have shown that the people who lose weight gradually

that has health as a goal and will be a positive influence.

by changing their overall lifestyle keep it off and live a

Above all, focus on progress not perfection. There will

longer, healthier life. Healthy weight loss is not about

be challenges and yes, you will eat the wrong things at

dieting, it is about a mind set and lifestyle. Losing weight

times. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you

is not easy but it is achievable. When weight loss is done

are focused on your health. Slow, steady progress is

correctly you lose fat, build muscle, increase energy, feel

the name of the game. Set short-term goals that are

satisfied, etc.

achievable. Yes, you will have a long-term goal but focus

The first step in achieving a healthy weight is to be

on the short-term achievable goals. Be realistic and

honest with yourself about why you want to lose weight.

honest with yourself. This is not a race against anyone

Focus on how you will feel and the things that you can

but yourself so take the time that you need to get to your


my murrieta magazine

goal. If you need help with this, ask your physician to This will take a while to achieve. Also, be aware that it is guide you.

likely that you will occasionally have desserts and some

The second step in achieving a healthy weight is processed foods. That is ok. The ultimate goal is to have

to work on what you are eating. Take a few days and 80% or more of what you eat be for nutrition and 20% or keep a diary of what you eat and drink. Then sit down and less be the fun foods. There are plenty of great books evaluate it. Do not beat yourself up! This is an awareness out there to help you to achieve a healthy diet--True Food exercise, not a chance to be cruel to yourself. Once you Kitchens in particular has a great recipe book. I also love know what you are doing, you can change it. My advice is using the lifestyle educator in my office to guide people to make a list of the things that you want to change about who need one-on-one help. your diet. Start changing one at a time. For example, if

The third step to achieving a healthy weight is to start

you drink soda every day and eat out at fast food often moving. If you do not move, it is difficult to build muscle do not stop both at the same time. First, work on getting and energy. Start with a commitment for five minutes a rid of the soda. Once that is easy to avoid, then you can day. When that becomes easy increase it to ten minutes. work on substituting the fast food for healthier meals. Work slowly until you can achieve 45 to 60 minutes 5-7 Start with small steps that you can do. That is the key days per week. Again, this will not happen overnight. to success. Do not overhaul your whole diet overnight. Enlist the help of a workout partner. Utilizing a trainer or This will lead to frustration and ultimately failure for most physical therapist (can use insurance) can be extremely people. Be patient with yourself. You helpful as well. If you are prone to injuries or have not will get to a healthy diet--it will take exercised in a while, I highly advise using an expert to help time to break any bad habits. you. Your ultimate goal is to drink

Please keep in mind that everyone's body is different.

water daily, avoid sodas, avoid What works for your spouse or friend, may not work for energy drinks, drink minimal you. Go at your pace and make changes at your pace. alcohol



avoid How fast you go is not the issue, it is the fact that you are

processed foods as committed to health and that you make daily progress, no much


possible, matter how small. Focus on progress not perfection! n




Your diet

eventually will be full of vegetables, some beans, and

fruit, nuts, healthy meats.

Dr. Laurie Blanscet has a concierge family practice in Murrieta and also is a specialist on bio-identical hormones. She is the founder of the Optimal Wellness Network located in Murrieta for over 13 years.



vERnA’S viSionS by Rebecca Marshall Farnbach


e r n a McGuire is a local resident who is p r o u d of where she lives and has found a way to merge her love for sewing with her joy of living in the great community of Murrieta. When Verna McGuire first visited the Temecula Valley in 1979 as a teenager, little did she dream that she would eventually call Murrieta “home”. As a young adult Verna moved to the Pechanga Reservation where Saralee Foster (Helm) told her the history of the Temecula Valley, starting with the Pechanga people and Temecula. Verna imagined the scenes described to her and enjoyed pondering them. In 1992 when Verna moved to Murrieta, her son’s grandmother Cathy Forkey told her the rich history of Murrieta and instilled a deep love and appreciation for the town and the people. Verna had mastered the art of making patchwork quilts and was pondering a new art form when friends came to visit her a couple of years ago. She decided to make them a keepsake to take back to their home in Indiana. She made them a quilt with a photographic imprint of a 1917 view of Washington Avenue in Murrieta. She added fabric with pictures of windmills and that started her business of making picture pillows. Now you can find Verna at the annual Firemen’s Barbecue and at other local events where she offers picture pillows for sale. Each handcrafted pillow cover shows a scene from the past that is framed in fabric. Verna is grateful to Marvin Curran who has shared historical Murrieta photographs from his mother E. Hale Curran’s collection. Verna hopes to begin a line of picture pillows that feature scenes from Temecula’s past soon. She sells 18” X 18” picture pillows for $35. She also makes textile arts with present-day or family photos. To learn more Verna’s unique, custom photo memory pillows, quilts and wall hangings, see her Facebook page “Verna’s Visions” or contact her at n


my murrieta magazine


CommUniTy CoRnER ConGRATUlATionS To HoPE SUHR Congratulations to Hope Suhr, owner of Hope’s Chest Co., a bra and lingerie boutique! She recently received the Small Business Administration’s 2013 Women in Business Champion of the Year Award. Hope’s Chest opened in 2011 inspired by Hope’s own life-altering bra fitting experience. Seeking to share with other women the positive improvements of wearing a properly fitted bra, Hope started up as a home-based business and eventually grew into her current space where she has several employees located at 31630 Railroad Canyon Road #15, Canyon Lake, California! She is active in several business organizations in the Temecula Valley and has been on the board of the National Association for Women Business Owners Inland Empire Chapter (NAWBO-IE).

12 yEAR olD EnTERTAinS AT THE mACy'S BREAKFAST 12 year old, Robynne French, entertains at the Macy's Breakfast with the Mayor Pro Tem, to benefit the Boy's and Girl's



has been performing on stage since the age of 5 and has terrific stage presence. She was a top 5 finalist in last year's Boy's & Girl's Club Idol, the largest singing competition in the valley. The talent these participants possess is phenomenal!

Murrieta Resident, Philip Hayo and his wife spent a recent Tuesday afternoon playing in the matinee game at the newly opened Pechanga Bingo. The Murrieta, Calif. couple had been playing multiple bingo cards simultaneously on their handheld gaming devices provided by Pechanga. Philip recounted that he knew he had a bingo, but he said that a split second after he nudged his wife about it, she looked over and saw he had bingo across the “green line,” meaning he had won the progressive jackpot amount of $22,159.00. “It all happened so fast,” said Philip. Pechanga Bingo officials told Philip that his jackpot amount is extraordinary for the game and big wins like his certainly do not happen every day. Philip and his wife said they played Bingo at Pechanga when it first opened in 1995 and were amazed to see the modern facility that opened to the public on July 4th. When asked what he would do with the money, Philip said he would be spending it on his wife. I guess Phil knows the secret to a happy marriage! ; )

iDol 5 SEmi-FinAlS IDOL 5 SemiFinals is August 24th at Temecula CRC. Watch Phenomenal Talent from the County’s Largest Youth Singing Competition take the stage! Hosted by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest County and the Old Town Temecula Rotary Club, IDOL 5 consists of kids and teenagers from ages 6 to 18, from all over Southern California compete in the hopes to become the next IDOL 5 Winner! Tickets to the Semi-Finals are only $5 and Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest County. The Finals will be held on October 6th, at the Old Town Temecula Theatre. For more info. please visit or call Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest County at 951.699.1526.




Holy Molé, That’s Good! Don Pancho's Mexican Restaurant Story and Photos By Cy Rathbun

32475 Clinton Keith Rd • Wildomar, CA 951-678-9370


ou know how sometimes it’s the little holein-the-wall places that serve up the best food? Don Pancho's is one of those places. Hector and Yesenia De La Mora established this Mexican restaurant in 2011. Hector’s father & grandfather owned and operated a village butcher shop in Jalisco, Mexico, which was known for their excellent cuts of meat. Hector has carried on his family’s reputation, by serving only prime meats. You can definitely taste the difference. The chorizo is a favorite here and is particularly tasty as it is simply prime cuts of fresh, seasoned pork with no added byproducts. Yesenia adds the skill of exceptional service. She really strives to offer customers a top-notch experience. The delicious food combined with the terrific service, really make for a satisfying experience. The next time your having a craving for Mexican food; give Don Pancho’s a try. It only takes once to get hooked! n

Just Dance


By April Vidal Miss April’s Dance

ancing is an art that may be spiritual, passionate, healthful, expressive, and just plain fun. It is one of those universal arts that anyone can do. As a dance teacher for over 33 years, I

really love it when a child leaves class saying

“Mommy I did it!” Learning how to dance can really build confidence in kids and adults. It makes me happy to assist in this process. Try turning on some music at home. Allow yourself to move freely and feel the music. You should have fun with it. Help your children feel less intimidated by dancing with them. Even if you have 10 left feet, your dance is special because it’s just that- YOUR dance. n

Bladez Automotive 26871 Hobie Circle Suite B-8 • Murrieta CA 92562 (Off Jefferson, Auto Mall Parkway and Hobie Circle)

COMPlete AutO CAre fOr fOreign And dOMeStiC VeHiCleS Oil Changes • 30K, 60K, 90K Service Brake Service • transmission Service Monday - friday 8am-5pm • Saturday 9am-1pm

(951) 677-6059 •


my murrieta magazine


You are invited to join us for two workshops august 20, 2013 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. jewish-interfaith family workshop Explore ways in which mixed-faith couples, supportive non-Jewish spouses and extended non-Jewish family members can participate in Jewish lifecycle events and find social, spiritual and intellectual fulfillment within the traditions of Judaism.

 august 29, 2013 7:00 9:30 p.m. high holiday workshop Learn about the basic concepts and themes found in the prayers and music of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Discover why we sound the shofar (ram’s horn) and why we fast on Yom Kippur. Find out what goes on during the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Learn why we eat “sweet foods,” round challahs and dip apples in honey.

Come join us for the high holidays hear the inspirational words of student rabbi sandy rosenstein and Listen to the beautiful voice of Cantor jeff schwimmer

 High Holiday Tickets: $75.00 per person (active military & full-time students free)

Temple Membership Dues: $150 per person, includes High Holiday ticket

Located in the temecula valley Chamber of Commerce Building 26790 Ynez Ct., temecula, Ca. 92591 (951) 679-0419

sCheduLe of hiGh hoLidaY serviCes Selichot Service Saturday, August 31st at 7 p.m. Film, food and prayers  Erev Rosh Hashanah Service Wednesday, September 4th at 7:30 p.m.  Rosh Hashanah Services Thursday & Friday September 5th & 6th at 9:00 a.m.  Community Tashlich Service at Duck Pond Thursday, Sept. 5th at 4 p.m.  Kol Nidre Service Friday September 13th at 6 p.m. Yom Kippur Services Saturday, September14th at 9:30am to approx. 2:30 p.m.  Mincha/Yizkor Services Saturday, September 14th at 4:30 p.m.  Ne’ila service Saturday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m.

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