MyMurrieta jan

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The road to happiness A good substitute for sugar? Business planning

The Dr. Oz show

MyMurrieta_issue5_Layout 1 1/3/14 9:07 PM Page 2



Murrieta: a city that really wants your business

Take Note /////////

By Bruce Coleman and Kimberly Davidson

“Government” often gets a bad reputation for not being business-friendly, for not understanding the business owner and for putting too many regulations in place that hinder business success; but one City government is fighting to be as business-friendly as possible. Welcome to Murrieta.

they face in starting a new business or expanding an existing business. Within hours, the Economic Development Department can assemble a team of department heads including planning, building safety, police and fire (if needed) to work though issues in a timely manner with the business owner. Murrieta has also created the Fast-Track Program and the Priority

While the city government cannot waive federal, state, or local regulations, Murrieta is working hard to create a business ecosystem that helps business to grow; and not just in Murrieta, but in the region as a whole. The most important aspect of this is the Ombudsman Service that Murrieta offers through their Economic Development Department. This ‘business concierge’ program helps business owners with any possible hiccups or challenges

Projects Committee, both of which are in place to make sure there are no unforeseen issues with development projects that are under way or just starting in the city. Every business, no matter how big or small, is of equal importance to Murrieta. As such, the Economic Development team realizes the value of the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, SBDC and other business-service related organizations and partners with them to create free workshops throughout

the year for local business owners. The Murrieta Business Roundtable, Coffee with the City, and Murrieta Lunch with Friends are just a few of the ways the city government is partnering with other organizations to help promote and grow business in the Murrieta Valley. As a rare government service to local business owners, Murrieta’s Economic Development Department offers free marketing consulting meetings to help expand business. Murrieta’s in-house marketing expert will review a company’s current marketing efforts and brainstorm with the business owner for ideas on how to gain more recognition from their target audience. No challenge is too big or too small for Murrieta. Whether you need more financing for your business, a larger (or smaller) space to run your business, help getting through the permitting process or just want to be more involved in the community, Murrieta’s Economic Development team can make the connections to help you accomplish your goals. Murrieta does want your business here and will work hard to make it happen. For more information, please contact the City of Murrieta’s Economic Development Department: Bruce Coleman or Kimberly Davidson, at (951) 304-2489 or at or |






departments 5 Publisher's Note


Cover Story 6 Weight No More

Rising Star 10 Kyle Lograsso


19 6



Non-Profit Profile 13 Habitat for Humanity

12 Science


Blazing Tales 16 New Years Goals

Neighbor’s Recipe 18 Chicken Noodle Soup

Students of the Month

20 The Road to Happiness 27 Business Planning

29 December 2013

Community Corner 28 The 411 on Murrieta

24 Carol Bradshaw



19 Health Tip 20 AeroSports Trampoline Park

Ask the Expert

Meet Your Neighbor

14 Positive Thinking

23 Homemade Laundry Soap


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Publisher

Tracy Blanscet Editor

Rachael Shay

Contributors Stephanie Constantino Rebecca Flansburg Laurie Blanscet, D.O. Dr. Terry A. Rondberg Samuel G. Lockhart, Esq Bruce Coleman Kimberly Davidson Photographer

Terina Matthews photography Graphic Design Fara Asay

MyMurrieta Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562

cell | 951.265.3173

office | 951.801.5332

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Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommenda-tions, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.


Publisher’s Note /////////

t’s a new year!! To me each new year is an opportunity to learn new things, find new insights to existing situations, and approach life with a new resolve to do better. I’m one of those people who love to make resolutions. I’ve had a few of those years where I never look at the goals again after writing them, but for the most part, I love looking 2003 back and reviewing my progress toward the goals I make. For someone who is, umm, scattered… writing lists has been a key for me in accomplishing goals. Is it just me? or does it feel GREAT to put a checkmark next to something on your list? I actually put some of the tasks that are a given on my list just so I can feel good about getting some checkmarks right away: Things like ‘wake up’ or ‘drop kids off at school.’ ;) Hey, you may laugh, but if I get a couple of easy ones it starts me off feeling accomplished and makes me go after more. Lists are one of my secrets to accomplishing BIG things. I really believe people can achieve anything we set our minds to. On page 10, see how this month’s “Rising Star,” Kyle Lograsso, is achieving success in sports despite losing an eye to cancer as a toddler. I’m going to share a couple other secrets for achieving goals in “The Power of Positive” on Page 20. Humans are capable of so much. I heard somebody say the difference between us and the rest of the animal world is choice. We can get annoyed, or have our feelings hurt, or get kicked, and we can choose how we react. Will we return the hurt or choose to respond differently? I remember driving in a parking lot once and I sort of cut someone off. As I raised an apologetic hand and mouthed the words “I’m sorry” I read the other drivers lips as she mouthed, “It’s ok” while smiling. It was so quick: there was never even a pause in the course of our cars, but I still remember it over 10 years later. I love people like that: No finger, no anger… just polite acceptance that another human made a mistake. We can all see strengths and weaknesses in the people around us. Learn to look for what’s right. Then when you share a story with someone, share the positive (positive gossip)! While learning to do this, you’ll notice the people that often grab your attention are annoying, loud, or inappropriate… maybe that’s the perfect trigger to look for something good. Complimenting the good stuff you find will actually lead to more good behavior. In this way, we can all help to shape the world around us. Happy goal achieving in 2014! Your Neighbor,

Tracy |


//////// Feature


WEIGHT IS OVER Weight No More’s treatment plan isn’t a fad diet: it is proven science that is helping people to lose weight and improve health



Feature ///////// By Stephanie Constantino and Tracy Blanscet

“Being overweight or obese, in many cases, is not your fault,” is the

refrain that new patients often hear when they first meet Dr. Robert Skversky. As the medical director of Weight No More Medical Associates, Dr. Skversky is often the first to educate patients about the multiple factors relating to one’s weight. “Surely the fast food companies, processed food, and refined sugar add insult to injury to our obesity problem,” he states. “However, there is a significant and often overlooked “genetic” influence.” Clinical studies with identical twins have concluded that upwards of 77% of one’s weight may be genetic, with the remaining 23% related to social, economic and environmental factors. For many, this information validates what they seem to have known, intuitively, but have never had anyone explain. Originally from Philadelphia, Dr. Skversky is a third generation physician spanning more than 100 years beginning with his grandfather, Frank, who graduated from medical school in 1910. Dr. S, as his patients affectionately call him, began his career as a family practice physician, including time spent as an emergency room physician, before focusing his full attention on obesity medicine in 1994. His many years in family practice have proven invaluable to his patients, not only in treating their weight issues, but also in treating the various co-morbid conditions associated with obesity. For the past 22 years Dr. Skversky has been at the forefront of obesity medicine. He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and More Magazine, as well as numerous other publications. He has

appeared on Good Morning America, the Today show, The Dr. Oz Show and others discussing his protocols for long-term weight loss. He was a featured speaker at the American Society Of Bariatric Physicians annual conference, where his topic was “Pharmacotherapy for Long-Term Weight-Loss; What Works, What Doesn’t and Why.” Earlier in Dr. Skversky’s career, while in family practice, he remembers working with some of his patients who constantly struggled with their weight. Many complained that they could not lose weight even by severely restricting calories. He could see that many of these patients had accomplished remarkable achievements educationally and professionally, which had required tremendous discipline. He knew these individuals did not lack self-control. Dr. Skversky’s interest in medical weight loss began in the early 1970’s. He often reflected on the words of one of his visiting professors. After stating that obesity was largely genetic, this professor shared his belief that “One has as much chance of changing their weight, as they have of changing the color of their eyes.” (This was before color contacts!) “There is only one way to lose weight,” the professor concluded. “One has to learn to live in hunger. As long as you are hungry you are burning calories!” At that time there were no effective medicines and nothing worked, short of aggressive and dangerous “intestinal bypass surgery,” so Dr. Skversky remained committed to his family practice for the next 20 plus years. Then in 1992, the heralded, four-year “Fen-Phen” study was published, which had two important conclusions. It showed for the first time in medical history that long

term weight-loss could be achieved by taking a combination of two medications; and equally important concluded that when the medications were discontinued after three and a half years, nearly everyone put back all their weight regardless of being continued on the same diet and exercise protocols for the last six months of the study. This, from Dr. Skversky’s perspective, was “proof positive” of the efficacy of drug therapy and what happens when medications are stopped. No different, really, than what happens when diabetic or hypertensive medications are stopped: Blood sugar and blood pressure return to pre-treatment levels. Although Fenfluramine was later taken off the market, the results demonstrated in the study remained valid. Unlike other chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, obesity cannot be hidden from those around you or the mirror in front of you. As a result many suffer silently from the psychological, prejudicial and discriminatory aspects of this disease. This can have a profound effect on the quality of one’s life. Many people become vulnerable, out of desperation, to the multiple “weight-loss scams” that frequent our airways and magazines. Realizing the potential to improve the lives of some of his overweight patients, Dr. Skversky began to treat a few of them with combination drug therapy in addition to diet and exercise. After a short time his medical weight-loss practice was ‘growing’ almost as quickly as his patients were “losing” and within two years he decided to devote the rest of his professional career to the medical treatment of the overweight and obese patient. Two decades later his commitment is as strong as ever. |


///////// Feature

MISINFORMATION ABOUNDS: Dr. Skversky ardently believes there is no disease in which there is more misinformation, lack of information and yes, even deceit, than there is in the safe and effective treatment of obesity. The traditional “dogma” of diet and exercise has failed miserably for the vast majority of patients for sound physiological reasons. “Just ask Oprah, Chris Christy, or Kirstie Alley,” Dr. Skversky quips. “Surely, all diets work, initially because they are based on caloric restriction. However, after a short period of time, one’s metabolism will slow, body temperature drops, and energy expenditure decreases.” Dr. Skversky elaborates, “The result is that weight loss stops and regain occurs often to pretreatment levels and beyond. This explains much of what people refer to as the “yo-yo” effect of dieting.” “To treat an overweight patient simply by telling them to eat less and exercise more is paramount to telling the diabetic patient to “eat less sugar” or the depressed patient to “think happy thoughts” as the sole treatment modality,” explains Dr. Skversky. “This is, of course, is doomed to failure.” “Obesity is a metabolic, chronic and progressive disease with a significant genetic predisposition. It’s very much like diabetes and hypertension, which obesity can cause, or make worse,” Dr. Skversky explains. “Chronic diseases, in most cases, need long term drug therapy as an essential component for control, not cure. The same is true for treating obesity.” EXERCISE IS OVERRATED: Dr. Skversky acknowledges that exercise is an important adjunct in any comprehensive medical weightloss program, but it needs to be 8


placed in “proper perspective.” Simply stated, the amount of calories burned with exercise is not nearly as many as most of us think! For example if you weigh 180 pounds and want to lose one pound of fat (3500 calories), you’d have to swim 25 yards per minute for seven-and-a-half miles or walk at four miles per hour for eight hours and cover 32 miles! There are a myriad of benefits from consistent exercise including weight maintenance but unfortunately for most, weight-loss is not one of them. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS BUYER BEWARE: “There are now over 55,000 dietary supplements on the market with several hundred of them touted for weight loss,” explains Dr. Skversky. “B6, B12, HCG, pyruvate, garcinia cambogia, etc, etc etc… These all work to slim your wallet, not your waist!!!” Dr. Skversky says, “The only over the counter weight loss supplement that had some effect was ephedra, but it was removed from the market years ago due to abuse.” At Weight No More, patients are treated with respect and understanding. Their weight problems are treated and managed with combination medications in addition to diet and exercise protocols. Dr. Skversky customizes a program for each individual, selecting from multiple medications which act to suppress appetite, control cravings, improve insulin sensitivity, slow carbohydrate absorption and lower the metabolic set point. Patients are monitored monthly or as medically indicated until their desired weightloss is achieved. At each and every visit all vital signs are taken, side effect profiles reviewed, physical exam done, questions answered, and treatment plan (including lab tests) evaluated.

Once desired weight-loss is achieved, a maintenance program is started. Medications are continued at the lowest effective dosage, as previously noted protocols remain intact. Patients are seen every 3 months, or as medically indicated. The goal of Dr. Skversky and Weight No More extends well beyond weight loss itself. The increase in self-esteem and empowerment are the welcome accompaniments of long-term weight-loss success. Weight No More’s treatment plan isn’t a fad diet: it is proven science that is helping people to lose weight and improve health, while gaining confidence they never knew they had. “This disease, obesity, needs to be taken seriously and treated seriously,” states Dr. Skversky. “Most importantly, people suffering from this medical condition should be treated with respect.” Sometimes good medical practice requires challenging the status quo; Dr. Skversky and a small group of obesity specialists in this country have been doing just that for years.« Weight No More Medical Associates Robert Skversky, M.D. 31537 Rancho Pueblo Rd, Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92592 951-699-0848 | |


///////// RISING STAR

Kyle Lograsso Striving to Find a Cure-One Drive at a Time

By: Rebecca Flansburg

here are many inspiring young people in our community, but one young boy who caught our attention is Kyle Lograsso. Kyle is a cancer survivor who lost his left eye to cancer at the age of two. Over the past nine years, Kyle and his family have worked hard to raise awareness for Retinoblastoma, the most common eye cancer in children, and to offer support and information to other families dealing with this diagnosis. What sets Kyle and the Lograsso family apart from other organiza-




tions striving to raise awareness for this disease is the unique and wonderful way Kyle has chosen to spread the word. You see, young Kyle absolutely loves sports: especially golf. He doesn’t just enjoy it: he’s really talented! He’s even golfed with some of the best pros. This young athlete has done everything from participate LPGA Kraft Pro Am Golf Tournament in Palm Springs, to being a star soccer player who helped his team win the championship game this year. He participates in many of these activities out of a sheer love of sports, but he and his family also have a goal to raise

awareness for Retinoblastoma and Kyle’s organization, “Through Kyle’s Eyes.” “As a parent, I am proud of Kyle for so many things,” shares Kyle’s mom Regina. “One of our proudest moments came several years ago at one of the first LPGA golf tournaments Kyle attended. Because Kyle was so young (seven at the time) I always struggled a bit trying to instill why we share his story and emphasize that helping others and inspiring others is what it is all about. But when Kyle met golf pro Lexi Thompson and received a signed golf ball from her, he prompt-

RISING STAR ///////// ly gave it to a little girl that had been staring at Lexi in amazement. Kyle looked at the autographed ball, looked at the little girl and then handed the ball to her and said, ‘here ya go, buddy!’ At that point I had to choke back a tear because I knew then that Kyle understood why we do what we do and how important it is to give to others. It was a very proud moment!” Regina also shares that Kyle is your typical eleven year-old. He is very witty, loves to make people laugh. Since he was two, Kyle has had a prosthetic eye that resembles a hard, thicker contact lens. He’s been able to pull off all kinds of practical jokes on his sisters with the removable eye. Besides sports, Kyle also loves to fish. He likes to fish at Harveston whenever he gets a chance, and is proud of the fact that he once caught a 12-pound catfish from that spot. Enjoying life to the fullest has a primary objective for the Lograsso family, as is their desire to offer inspiration and comfort to other families struggling with a Retinoblastoma diagnosis. The Lograsso family has made it a goal to let others know that there is life after cancer and cancer does not define you. “Kyle’s attitude has always been so positive and I believe that goes a long way in how you can get through some of life’s hardships,” Regina shares. Though Kyle’s Eyes uses all of the donations it receives to help affected families and children battling Retinoblastoma. “We are a small organization, but we have managed to donate over $150,000 in the last four years to Retinoblastoma research, the Ronald McDonald House, Specs for Little Heroes (who provides protective eyewear for Retinoblastoma children) and many other organizations that help these children,” adds Regina. From battling cancer to making his first hole in one, Kyle has always let his spirit shine through. Despite his young age, he and his family are proud of the way he’s spread more inspiration and has had more opportunities that some people may experience in a lifetime! « For more information on the Through Kyle’s Eye Foundation visit their website here: |


A Closer Look at The Artificial Eye

///////// Science


fter reading about our Rising Star, Kyle Lograsso (page 10), in this issue, your curiosity may be piqued as ours was about eye prosthetics. So after researching online and talking with a couple of professionals we wanted to share our findings. “Today’s advances in science and medicine have allowed some remarkably real-looking ocular prosthetics to be possible,” explains Doctor of Optometry, Brett Larson. If the eye is actually missing, an implant is placed in the socket. Four of the six eye muscles are sewn to the implant allowing



for real movement, which is in sync with the healthy eye. The prosthetic eye, which is like a thick acrylic contact, fits over the implant and allows the eyelid to open and shut just like the healthy eye does. If no implant or artificial eye is placed, the tissues will likely shrink and close up causing discomfort and deformity. With an eye that is present, but damaged or misshapen, having an artificial eye made can help maintain normal anatomy and muscle function. “It’s not always the best choice to have a damaged eye removed,” says Ocularist, John Stolpe. Part artist, part medical technician, an Ocularist is a professional who commonly does the fitting, design, and maintenance of the artificial eye. Stolpe elaborates that even if sight is lost, a per-

son may still have light perception. Light is important in balancing our body chemistry and besides allowing the eyelid to open and close properly, a prosthetic eye can be specially made to permit light in. Stolpe, whose grandfather began working to develop high quality artificial eyes in 1946, during World War II, approaches his work from more of an engineering and scientific standpoint. He is the first Ocularist to pass his certification digitally, meaning he used technology to create a realistic eye prosthetic, where others hand paint their pieces. His innovative ideas are helping to make tremendous advancements in the field of ocular prosthetics. «

Happy New Year from…

Habitat for Humanity /////////

The new year brings new opportunities for Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley and local residents and businesses to work together to serve low-income families, stabilize neighborhoods and provide a meaningful way to improve the community through volunteerism. Since 1991, the local Habitat affiliate has served hundreds of families through new home construction, rehabilitated homes and home repair and maintenance. One of the most common misconceptions about Habitat homeowners is that they accept a hand-out. “Quite the contrary,” states Tammy Marine, Executive Director. “Habitat families must meet specific requirements for need, have the ability to pay their home loan and maintain utilities and possess a willingness to partner with Habitat on theirs and other projects.” While most Habitat families are required to invest 500 volunteer hours, most end up becoming lifelong supporters. They might volunteer at an annual fundraisers or donate time working at one of the affiliate’s two Restore locations. Additional programs that will bring together community volunteers, generous businesses and Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley include:

CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC: Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce the relocation of their annual charity golf tournament. This year the event will take place at Temecula Creek Inn on Saturday, March 15. Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, sponsors, volunteers and golfers are invited to celebrate everything ‘green’ on the greens at Temecula Creek Inn. A BRUSH WITH KINDNESS: Recently re-launched to help local homeowners improve the exterior condition of their house. Mainly targeted to seniors, veterans, disabled individuals and those families in financial distress, the program now requires a small payment to cover the cost of supplies. CARS FOR HOMES: Donations of motorized vehicles including cars, RVs, boats and motorcycles are converted into cash to help build homes. HEALTHY HOME SERIES: A series of workshops dedicated to helping local residents save money, learn new skills and save the planet. RESTORE: Finally, Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley offers local residents the opportunity to save up to 70% off regular retail prices on new and gently used furniture, appliances,

building materials, household items and more through their two Restore locations. By recycling donated merchandise through the Restores, the organization and its supporters have diverted nearly 1,858 tons of waste from local landfills. With so many great causes in the Inland Valley, it is a difficult task for local residents and businesses to decide where to donate their time, money and attention. Each organization serves a purpose and makes the Inland Valley a better place to live, work and play. Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley is thankful for the gracious community that has helped Habitat stay strong and grow during a time of financial uncertainty. Their hope is that every person they touch experiences that “warm fuzzy feeling.” For more information on Habitat and how to get that warm fuzzy feeling, call (951) 296-3362 or visit « |



///////// The Power of Positive


By Tracy Blanscet

am an absolute believer in the power of positive thinking. I’ve read a lot about it and have incorporated positive thinking into my own life for many years with successful results. At one time I truly lacked the ability to dream. I remember someone asked me to picture my dream car, and I could only conjure up the tires… the problem was my dream car was ANY car. So, here’s how I learned to tap into the power of positive thinking and start dreaming again. First you have to choose a goal. This works whether it’s a big goal or a little one. BELIEF It doesn’t matter if no one else believes in your goal as long as YOU do. You can actually trick your brain into this even if you don’t believe in yourself right now. They say, “You are what you eat.” Well, I believe “You are what you think.” How do you trick yourself into believing you can reach your goal? Saying things out loud. If I ever hear my kids say, “I can’t,” I quickly shush them and remind them their brain is listening. It sounds kooky, but it’s true. Don’t ever say negative things about yourself out loud. Try these tricks instead: AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations are just positive phrases you (or someone else) repeat to yourself. These are best when stated out loud, because of the variety of ways that it is entering your brain. (You think it, say it, & hear it.) I had a college professor that made us start class by repeating seven times, out loud “I’m a winner!” Of course if you’re in



public, just keep it in your head… I used to think the following affirmation in my head to “work-out” my brain while passing time on the treadmill at the gym. “I am smart, I am beautiful inside and out, I am fit.” PRAYER AND MEDITATION are both forms of affirmation. Especially time spent in gratitude. Gratitude, I believe, brings more abundance. Some people like to word their affirmations as if their goals have already happened. Like this: “I’m so grateful to be a published writer.” SONGS are a great way to sneak thoughts into your subconscious. (So you should be careful what you listen to!) Kids learn a ton of information in song format: the alphabet, the days of the week, bible stories, and more. Songs are catchy and we can memorize so much information if something is in song format. I made up my own songs after reading books with principals I wanted to remember. It totally boosted my positive thinking. Here’s an excerpt from one song I made up in the car after reading one particular book: “I can do anything, anything that I can dream, If I want to achieve, all I have to do is believe. I will make a goal; I will plan it out, Spend my extra time just thinkin’ about How to get from here to where I want to be And ideas will start coming to me.”

As a side note, I also put my particularly difficult college coursework into a song, so I could remember it for tests. Now that you know that you can actually put things into your brain that influence your thoughts, try to stop all negative self-talk. No more saying, “I’m fat, I’m too busy, I’m not smart enough.” Replace all of that with positive self-talk. Even if you don’t believe your own words at first, a change will take place in your subconscious that will affect you. VISUALIZATION Try to picture yourself at your end goal. Some people can visualize themselves 20 pounds thinner, receiving that college diploma, or whatever their goal may be. For me, it was hard to image myself at my end goal, so I actually cut out pictures and quotes and made a dream board next to my bed. This way I could look at it everyday to keep my eye on my goals. While I was working on my prerequisites at a junior college, I created a very real-looking diploma from Loma Linda University to put on my dream board with their actual logo, which I found online. It had my name on it and next to it I wrote, “I made it through Loma Linda!” About three years later, I replaced my “dream document” with the real thing! The funny thing is that I really wasn’t focused on going to that particular school since it seemed out of reach academically and financially, but they had the toughest requirements, so I made that my temporary goal. When I actually met all of the

The Power of Positive /////////

“For me, it was hard to image myself at my end goal, so I actually cut out pictures and quotes and made a dream board next to my bed.”

requirements for the best school around in my chosen field, there was nothing to hold me back from actually going there. I’m so glad I put it on my board while I was learning how to dream big! Some examples of the other goals on my dream board from that time period were: SMILES Lots of smiles to represent two things: 1) I want to make people smile in life. 2) I was going to school for dental hygiene, so I’d be a part of maintaining a healthy smile.

GREAT ABS You may think this is a joke after having five children… Even though I’m still working on that one, I’m much closer than I was 10 years ago!

STOCK CERTIFICATE Next to this picture I put a note saying, “Remember, I’m an entrepreneur at heart!” I didn’t want to forget that I love being my own boss. ADVENTURE I taped up photos of snorkeling, swimming with giant sea turtles, and kayaking with a note that read “Explore my world with wonder and awe.” Over just a few years I have accomplished nearly everything that was on my first dream board (circa 2006). Dream boards should be adapted regularly to reflect your current goals. Tune in next issue for more on the power of positive. « |


New Year’s Goals

///////// Blazing Tales


om says we should all decide on some goals to work on this year, even me. She says if we aren’t moving forward we’re moving backward… whatever that means. I have goals. Last Spring I really wanted one of dad’s grass-fed beef burgers. I don’t know what the difference is between that and a regular burger, but he was going on and on about how much better it tasted and how good it is for you, so I made it a goal to try one out. When he opened the fridge to get some cheese, I jumped up quick and got one from his plate on the counter. You know, he was right… It really did taste better. But, boy did I get in trouble. That’s why I know dad really loves those burgers. I was in time out almost all night and dad seemed grouchy for two whole days. Maybe that should be dad’s goal this year… Sharing. Then I remember I had a goal to get more exercise last year. I had to follow my people all over holding my harness or my leash to get them to go with me. Those boys certainly need to work on that. It’s sort of irritating that they are always doing homework in the evenings. I like it better when we wrestle and roughhouse on the floor. They should make 16


their goal to play with me more. My sister’s like to put clothes on me sometimes. Even though, I really don’t care for this much, I’ve tolerated it because they often give me delicious snacks. However, I put my paw down when it comes to anything frilly: I’m no girl. My sisters should make it a goal to give me snacks with no strings attached. Mom is pretty busy these days, and when she comes in the door I race to make sure I’m the first to greet her. Sometimes she doesn’t give me the recognition I deserve for being such a good boy. Mom’s goal should be to give me more pets, pats and praise. There is one more goal I have. I’ve got a goal to be welcome on the couch. It’s just not fair that everyone else gets to sit up there on that cushy, soft, fluffiness. Why am I always the one on the floor? When I try to be assertive and take a spot, it’s always, “No Blaze,” or “Off!” It seems so much better up on the couch. One family member shouldn’t be left out of all that fun. :( There we go. That’s my list. I’m sure if my family will work on these goals this year I will be much happier. « |




///////// Recipe

Chicken Noodle Soup LeBaron’s




A recipe from your neighbor


Natalie LeBaron


A perfect way to warm up on a chilly winter evening

4 large cans of Chicken Broth with 2 cups of Water 5 boneless chicken breasts boiled and shredded (OR an easier way…. buy a rotisserie chicken and take skin off and shred chicken pieces to put in soup) 1 TBSP of fresh garlic Salt and pepper to taste Thinly sliced baby carrots about ¼ cup 3 to 4 TSBP of Cornstarch mixed with a little water (just to mix it up to be pourable and thicken the broth a little) 2 packages of “Grandmas” frozen egg noodles (buy in freezer section at Grocery store by the frozen pasta and bread dough area.) Parsley (sprinkle a little parsley for looks and a bit for flavor, if desired)


Bring chicken broth and 2 cups water to a boil. Add egg noodles and continue boiling for 10–15 minutes. Add in all other ingredients and boil 15 minutes on mediumhigh heat, then reduce to a simmer for about 20 minutes.




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Health Tip /////////

Do you think that Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is a good substitute for sugar?

By: Laurie Blanscet, D.O.

Let’s see what you believe after we have a discussion about its safety.

If you research the approval process of Aspartame you will find that it was initially denied approval by the FDA. This denial was said to be due to the fact that brain tumors were seen in animals and there was a lack of studies in humans determining the long term effect of aspartame. Now, after political wheeling and dealing, Aspartame somehow found itself approved and on our shelves. You really should research the history of Aspartame and the legal background that it has. It will shock you! Now, what is Aspartame? (goes by NutraSweet and Equal) Basically it is about 180 times sweeter than sugar. It is made up of phenylalanine and aspartic acid— amino acids. These amino acids are harmless when you eat them as part of naturally occurring foods. The problem arises when they are chemically altered. When your body breaks down the bond that combines these two amino acids they are free. These chemicals in their “free” form can result in immediate health concerns such as mental fogginess, headaches, dizziness, and seizures. They are neurotoxic

(toxic to your nerves). Your body just does not recognize phenylalanine and aspartic acid in their free form, but your body will try to handle them. Ultimately, aspartame will be absorbed and 10% of what is absorbed will turn into methanol (wood alcohol). This methanol is then nearly all converted to formaldehyde in your body—a chemical known to be a poison. Formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in humans. Now, as if that is not bad enough, Aspartame has also been shown to cause nervousness, sweating, palpitations, etc if you consume too much in a short period of time. This is felt to be due to the flood of phenylalanine. The following symptoms are often experienced by people but they do not realize that it is from consuming Aspartame: headaches, change in mood, change in vision, memory loss, sleep problems, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, hives, change in heart rate, rash, abdominal cramps. It is amazing that this product is still on the market. Now, there are people out there who say this research is wrong and that Aspartame is safe for you. My opinion is that if I am wrong, what is the harm in avoiding Aspartame? Nothing! But, if I am right (and the research supports my opinion) then you will potentially lose a lot by continuing to consume products with Aspartame. My advice is to stop looking for the miracle fix for weight (which is why people consume Aspartame). Work on eating a diet made of foods that are naturally made in nature. If something sounds too good to be true (like Aspartame), than it most likely, is too good to be true. «

Dr. Laurie Blanscet has a concierge family practice in Murrieta and is a specialist in bio-identical hormones. She founded Optimal Wellness Network, located in Murrieta, over 13 years ago. |


///////// Business Buzz 39729 Avenida Acacias, Murrieta, CA (951) 696-5867

he American Heart Association recommends getting their bounce on. They even have childcare. kids get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigBesides quality family time, AeroSports is there for orous exercise each day. It can be a challenge you if you need a night away from the kids. Drop off to find activities that will entice your children the little ones while you catch a comedy show next-door away from the electronic devices they all seem at Ace’s and they’ll extend your kids jump time to to be plugged into. The cold winter match the show time at no additional charge. months make it even tougher to get This is a business that really cares about them outside and active. family. AeroSports Trampoline Park With all of the advantages of might be the answer to your technology in our days, we have dilemma: fun enough to definitely lost out on time spent in unplug for and plenty of runperson with our loved ones. Make ning, bouncing, and acrobatics it a goal this new year to unplug to keep activity levels high. your electronics once a week and Owner, John Desouza, plug into Family Time! Go to the "Families that PLAY park, play a board game, or be opened AeroSports Trampoline Park in April of 2013 with the active together. together, STAY goal of creating a recreational AeroSports is rare gem where together!" center that catered to every age the whole family can play and laugh group. With a friendly staff of 16, he together. The jump passes are a great value aims to ensure jumpers are having a great and fans of their Facebook page receive time while following the rules for safety. special deals. The best value, though, is The massive 34,000 square foot facility the great time spent being active with houses over 15,000 square feet of friends and family. trampoline surface! They’ve got a ICAN 100-foot-long tumbling track with a THE AMER large foam pit for your acrobatic HEART ASSOCIATION adventurers, two dodge ball rooms, a RECOM cageball court, and even an Eyeplay MENDS kids interactive gaming system. ge You won’t have to worry about t having toddlers and teens all sharing the same space, since there are special areas for the smallest visitors. Equipped with their own bouncy area and foam pit, the little guys won’t feel like 60 minutes o their missing out on any of the fun in the equally impressive toddler area. All this fun is not just for the kids. Grown-ups are encouraged to jump with their kids for some quality family time, but if that’s not your thing, they’ve got you covered. There are couches in several areas so you can get away from or be right in the middle of the fun; plus 13 flat screen TV’s and even free Wifi. Or parents can try a trampoline fitness class while the “deedlers” are



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The Road to Happiness

Ask the Expert / wellness /////////

By Dr. Terry A. Rondberg


here is a big difference between being a happy, joyful person and experiencing temporary pleasure. Buying something may give you a short-lived burst of gratification, but the long-term happiness that comes from inside of yourself is an important part of your overall wellness. It’s important to realize that happiness doesn’t mean a life without problems. Truly happy people still encounter difficulties, roadblocks, and challenges, but they are able to approach these situations with a positive attitude. A major component of inner peace and true happiness is being able to see a problem from a broad prospective: in other words seeing the big picture. Wellness is much more than physical health: it includes your emotional and spiritual health. Some

would call this a healthy body, mind and spirit. There are plenty of documented health benefits in those who are connected to a higher power. Whether you consider yourself “spiritual” or not, there are so many ways of connecting that most people can find something that fits their own style and belief system. Finding the means of connection you are comfortable with is important. Some choose prayer while others use meditation, positive thinking, connecting with nature, or some combination of all of these.

In the same way your body must be cared for and nourished, you must also care for your mind and spirit. One of the things that can “feed” your inner spirit is to act in accordance with your own beliefs. Happiness and personal fulfillment are the natural consequences of doing the right thing. When you do what you believe to be wrong, you are left with feelings of uneasiness or guilt. Over time this can actually affect your health. Another way to increase your emotional health is through meditation. This is much more than sitting down with your eyes closed and repeating a mantra. Meditation can

TEMECULA WELLNESS CENTER 28780 Old Town Front St. Ste. D-7 951-699-5000

help you develop greater awareness, while allowing you to see the bigger picture and feel spiritually connected. There are so many benefits of quiet reflection. Meditation has gained recognition and acceptance in the medical world as a way to decrease stress. Making this healthy habit a part of your daily routine can help to manage a whole host of chronic illnesses that are related to lifestyle factors. Meditation can help to set your positive attitude. It can help you to balance your thoughts at the beginning or end of the day. Some things you can focus on are the things you are grateful for, goals you’d like to achieve, what you can do to help others, finding a purpose for your own life, or even finding a solution to a specific problem. The only person that you can control is you! Trying to change what you cannot control will cause stress and take your focus off of enjoying the present. Although there are many things outside of our control, we can learn to choose our attitude in all situations. Remember that life is a journey in which we are always learning. When facing a difficult situation, it can be helpful to ask yourself, “What can I learn here?” You never know how your experience with a problem might allow you to help someone else in the future. «

To learn more about how to keep your body functioning at its highest level join Dr. Rondberg and Ruth Kincaid at one of their four educational workshops on whole food nutrition and purification, juicing and detoxing, healthy water, and meditation. |


"Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -Harriet Tubman



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Homemade /////////


//////////////////////Laundry /////////////////////////////////////////// Soap


magine the days when your grandmother or great-grandmother lived: many of the products we buy at the store today were made right in their own kitchens!

I learned to make this homemade laundry soap from my sweet neighbor a few streets over, Maryjane Bigler. You can find other recipes and old-fashioned ideas on her blog at The laundry soap smells fantastic! Plus, it’s affordable at less than 10 cents per load and perfect for sensitive skin. It’s great to know exactly what’s going into the mix. Try it at home and let me know what you think! 3 bars Fels Naptha* Bar Soap grated *Castile, Zote, Ivory or another bar soap also works.

You will need: 4 lbs. Borax 4 lbs. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda 4 lbs. Arm & Hammer Baking Soda




Your grandmother may have hand grated her bar soap, but we put ours through the food processor. The Fels Naptha bar is pretty soft and will clean off easily.

Pour in all of the other ingredients and mix with a large serving spoon.

5 4

Mix and store in airtight two gallon container. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons per load.

Try adding your favorite essential oil if you’d like it to have a different scent. I really enjoy the smell of the Fels Naptha bar, but if I use other soaps, I will sometimes add lavender essential oil. You can also try using pink or lavender colored soap to make it prettier if you wish. « |


///////// Meet your Neighbor

The Gift of a Caring Heart

By Rebecca Flansburg Many people are born with a gift. For some it’s a certain sport they can excel at or perhaps a skill like painting or design. Many would say of our neighbor, Carol Bradshaw, she has the gift of a caring, compassionate heart. A brief conversation with this lady will leave you with a new friend that you feel like you’ve known your whole life. Carol and her husband Bob have resided in Murrieta since 1989. Carol has always been a busy and active person, and with their children all grown, she looked for a way to serve her community with her unique gifts. “Carol is a fun-loving, compassionate woman who is always willing to lend a hand to a friend,” long-time neighbor, Jan Duran shares. Carol is such a people person, and has always felt her “calling in life” has been to serve others but she has a particular soft spot for seniors. This is what led her to her current work as a part of the Hope Hospice team. “Sometimes seniors have no one in their corner to help with decisions,” explains Carol. “There may be benefits or resources available to them that they might not know about, and I like helping them find those answers and options. Sometimes it might be helping to find a suitable assisted living home, a doctor who can help or a veteran benefit not being used... If I can’t find the answers, I have resources who can.” Along with compassion, it takes emotional strength and resilience to work with people at the end of life. Carol’s warmth has been a welcome asset in this field. She is not afraid to emotionally connect with hospice



M Bradshaw Carol

patients, where many might shield themselves from the impending loss. One role Carol greatly enjoys is educating the community on Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Her goals with these classes are: to promote awareness of these two conditions, support families and bring resources to our local seniors. “I feel like I’m serving our local community with compassionate care

at the end of life,” Carol related. “Listening is one of my best skills and I feel honored to listen to the stories our seniors like to share.” Carol’s friendly and upbeat attitude make her one of the bright spots in our community. Whether as a neighbor, friend, hospice worker, or even a stranger, Carol shares her warm smile and soft heart with others every day. |




The Four Essential Plans

Ask the Expert / Law /////////

By Samuel G. Lockhart, Esq


hen I speak to business owners about planning, they rarely disagree with the need to prepare for the future. Instead, they typically agree that a plan is necessary, but then proceed to tell me how they do not have the time to plan or that they have set some benchmark in time or financial success that once reached will trigger their “planning phase.” It is like focusing on flying to the moon with the idea that you will figure out how to make it back to earth once you get there. Wouldn’t it be better to plan for the roundtrip? Roundtrip business planning for every business owner should include: (1) an Estate Plan; (2) a Personal Financial Plan; (3) a Business Plan; and (4) a Succession Plan.

for Every Business Owner

The first, and most important plan, is your estate plan. A welldrafted estate plan provides for the orderly distribution of your assets (no matter how large or small) upon death to your heirs; grants powers of attorney to an individual to act in your stead if incapacitated; and provides instructions for end of life care. For business owners, an estate plan can also identify an individual to assist in the temporary operation and disposition of your business upon your death or if your become disabled. In order to truly understand the importance of leaving behind a set of rules and instructions for your family and business associates, take some time to contemplate the needs of your home and business if you were to pass away today with no estate plan. A personal financial plan is also of great import for every individual and particularly for a business owner. Meet with a financial planner. Most will not charge you for a consultation. And be sure to pick one that allows you to move at your own pace and does not feel like a car salesman who is pushing you to buy the most expensive car on the lot, because, well, it is the most expensive car on the lot. A business plan is absolutely crucial to the success of any business. As with all plans, they are living documents – meaning that a good plan allows for as many course LEGAL COUNSEL TO CLOSELY HELD BUSINESSES AND BUSINESS OWNERS

corrections as are necessary on your way to your ultimate destination. A well drafted plan will help you to balance work and play, allowing you to enjoy the ride. You can find sample business plans for free online and business plan templates may also be found on most word processing software. The process of drafting (and re-drafting) a business plan is an incredibly informative experience and will allow you see the forest, despite those pesky trees. Succession planning is not just for those looking to retire in the next three to five years. Succession planning is about maintaining value in the business you worked so hard to build. The folly of many small businesses is their extreme dependence on the company’s founder. While the founder is healthy and working the business flourishes, but remove the founder and the business may be less than worthless – i.e. it may not even be able to repay its debt. Succession planning will provide a plan for the continued financial viability of the company not only after the founder’s eventual retirement, but also in the event of his or her untimely exit from the business. Sir Winston Churchill summed up the need for planning best when he stated;

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” 41856 IVY STREET, STE 207 MURRIETA, CA 92562 PH: (951)461-8878 FAX: (951)823-5715 |


///////// Community Corner

New Skating Free PSAT Rink in Murrieta Practice Tests

EPiC Rollertainment breathes new life into the 28,000square-foot facility that once housed a furniture store. The environment is bright and fun with a beach theme. Owners, Joe and Shauna Grammatico, were delighted to open the doors to skaters last month, after six months of preparation. Shauna worked at roller skating rink as a teen and dreamed of opening her own rink at some point. The word has spread quickly among Murrieta’s youth and they’ve seen a great turnout among all ages! For more information, visit

The Murrieta Public Library offers free PSAT Practice Test and Results Workshop presented by Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. Students in grades 9 to 11 are eligible to participate. Events held in the Library’s Community Room. Register online at Choose “Practice Test,” “PSAT” and “Find a Free Event”, type in your zip code, scroll down to the Murrieta Public Library heading, and sign-up. For see other free events the library offers visit their webpage at

Emergency Animal Rescue

Community Heart Award

Joan Sparkman was recently named recipient of the 2013 Community Heart Award by the Women’s Council of Realtors, Southwest Riverside County Chapter. For more than 40 years, Sparkman has been an influential member of the community. She has been credited with helping to shape the area’s business climate, organize charities and advocate for improved education and healthcare. Sparkman currently serves as chairwoman of the board of governors for Southwest Healthcare System, which operates Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildomar and Rancho Springs Medical Center in Murrieta.



Riverside Emergency Animal Rescue System (R.E.A.R.S.) is a network of volunteers trained by Riverside County Animal Services to assist the department in large-scale emergencies, such as wildfires. The volunteers are dispatched through Animal Services’ command structure. The need for animal rescue during a disaster is not just for our small domestic animals. There is a need for helping with evacuations of larger animals including horses and livestock. Volunteering is open to all residents. For more information, please send an e-mail to Rita G utirrez at The REARS volunteer application form can be found at this Website for REARS -

Musical Teen

Community ///////// Corner city limits to Lake Skinner is expected be set in motion this month. The plan allows for the building of new hotels, restaurants, bed-and-breakfast inns and wineries. It extends the Wine County area to south of Temecula Parkway, also known as Highway 79 south.

French Valley Parkway

Murrieta Valley High School student, Andrew Tang, is a gifted musician. He began taking piano lessons at only five years old. The shy, 14-year-old, surprised even his high school band instructor with his ability at a recent performance. Andrew won 2nd place at the American ProtĂŠgĂŠ International Competition of Romantic Music and will be playing at Carnegie Hall on March 29, 2014. He has dedicated a lot of time to developing his talent, spending at least two hours a day practicing.

Wine Country Plan

Expect a lot of changes to take place in our valley in the next few years. The plan to transform the Wine Country area of Temecula into a vacation resort spot will begin soon. The Temecula Valley Wine Country Community Plan, which encompasses nearly 19,000 acres from the

The first phase of the French Valley Parkway, a longawaited exit designed to relieve congestion at the southbound Interstate 15 Winchester Road offramp, is set to open in the first part of 2014. Officials with the city of Temecula, the lead agency on the $200 million French Valley Parkway project, expect the offramp to open in February along with a wider southbound Winchester Road offramp. The goal is to shrink the long line of cars that forms ahead of the Winchester Road offramp, the gateway for business parks to the west and The Promenade mall to the east. The French Valley ramp initially will allow drivers to head west only. Years away still, plans for phase two include building a bridge over I-15, which will allow motorists to go east as well. |


Student of the Month ///////


ach month, a senior from each of the high schools in Murrieta is recognized for their character, their love of learning, how they’ve made a difference or how they have persevered through challenging life circumstances at the Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month Program. Local dignitaries, business owners, high school principals, proud parents, and others gather to listen to their stories. Those who attend are moved by these amazing, young people. We share their pains and their victories; we celebrate their accomplishments; cry with them for their struggles; and rejoice in their ability to overcome.


Murrieta Mesa High KENDALYN PEASE

River Springs Charter NADYA DOOLEY


Vista Murrieta High SAUL VELA

These are our kids. Murrieta’s kids. Murrieta Valley High PATRICK XU

Calvary Murrieta High SHELBY STIEFEL

For more information, or to sponsor this program, contact Margaret Jones, Chair. (951) 677-4856.

Shown sitting left to right are: Patrick Xu (Murrieta Valley); Kendalyn Pease (Murrieta Mesa); Shelby Stiefel (Calvary Murrieta); Princess Joy Jolly (Creekside); Nadya Dooley (River Springs Charter) Saul Vela (Vista Murrieta.) |


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