MyMurrieta March2015

Page 1







19 10


departments 5 Publisher's Note

20 12 6

Cover Story 6 Temecula Valley Real Estate Investors

Rising Star 10 Cole Trabucco



12 18 26 30

I Do, Redo Handmade Reality Rally Community Corner

16 Ask the Expert 13 15 21 28

Business Buzz 16 Pee All You Can Pee

Blazing Tales 20 The New Pets

Beyond Murrieta 22 Tyler Wade

Meet Your Neighbor 24 Kip A. Cothran 4


Teeth Your Taxes Health Your Money




Publisher’s Note /////////

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Happy Spring, Murrieta! Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Creative Director

Fara Asay

Content Development

Heather Rawlings Contributors

Brittany Rose

Smith Marion & Co. CPA’s

Laurie Blanscet, D.O.

Valerie Scola, DDS

Duane Johnson Photographer

Stevie Dee Photography

MyTemecula Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562

office | 951.801.5332

mobile | 951-265-3173

For Advertising Contact:

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

This was such a fun issue to put together. We are debuting a few new features. One is a focus on local crafters and handmade products. This month we found local artisans who are in the baby niche. Next time we’ll be featuring local artisans and crafters in another niche. This months crafters are made up primarily of young moms. I’m so impressed by their ability to raise little ones while selling their hand made items on the side. Many sell their items locally by using social media sites or having their items displayed in a larger retail store. Some market to a wider audience by using sites such as Etsy where they can reach people in search of high-quality, custom, and unique items. When you see their products, you'll be sure to love them. (Page 18-19)

Another fun thing was interviewing, Tyler Wade, a young man who was drafted right out of Murrieta Valley High School to the New York Yankees! Sure, I was in awe that he was picked in the fourth round and given a hefty sum for signing, but what is most impressive is his character. Those who know him well, describe him as humble and hard working. In the same way raising a “good kid” with solid character is a source of pride for parents; I feel it is the same for us as a city. He is representing Murrieta well and I feel so proud of him! (Page 22) You’re gonna love our neighbor Kip Cothran. (Page 24) But to get the full effect, you’ll have to meet him in person. He is one of those BIG and bright personalities that draws you in. I’m pretty sure the guy can make anyone smile without even trying. Also, be sure to check out I Do, Redo on page 15. We all have something we wish we could do again, but a group of local wedding vendors held a contest for people who wished they could get a “do over” on their wedding. Jodi and Dave Matthews, the Murrieta couple who won the contest, were so excited with their wedding makeover which was photographed right here in our beautiful city. Well, I’m looking forward to planting a garden this spring! I visited a master gardener’s exhibit and was wowed by their lush vegetables growing from bales of straw. I learned the basic principles and am looking forward to trying it out. I’m not a master gardner… I’m more of a beginner, so I’ll let you know how it goes. Don’t forget to spread a little sunshine every day. Your Neighbor,

Tracy Blanscet |


Temecula Valley

//////// Feature

Real Estate Investors


ver since reading Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, more than 10 years ago, Kendall Stock wanted to invest in real estate. “The book itself is great for expanding people’s thinking about wealth and investing; however it’s not a map on how to do it,” says Kendall. He was determined to become a successful real estate investor, so he purchased training courses to help him learn. “I was studying a lot of great things, but the biggest chal-



lenge I faced as a new investor was the lack of a real support system. All I had was a toll free number and an email address, and what I was really searching for was a mentor,” Kendall recalls. After a lot of trial and error, Kendall found a training program that did live up to his expectations. Through a series of classes and mentorship Kendall began to flip houses and experienced quick financial growth. He made his first

million dollars in real estate before turning 30! Along the way

Kendall joined forces with Darren Davis and the two have flipped

Feature /////////

“He made his first million dollars in real estate before turning 30!”

more than 100 houses in the Temecula Valley as well as over 40 houses out of state! (Flipping is the term used for buying, rehabbing, and selling a home for a profit.) In fact, Kendall and Darren had such great results that they were invited to teach courses to other investors across the nation for the company that mentored them! They are two of only 17 elite trainers for the highly successful real estate investing program and fly to cities all over the US to teach and mentor

student investors. In order to be invited to instruct these courses, one must be an active, full-time real estate investor and have made more than one million dollars in net profits in their respective field of expertise. Kendall’s goal is to share the lessons he’s learned by trial and error to help make the path more clear for others. One local student that Kendall and Darren mentored is Kim Evans. “I am so grateful that I had Kendall and Darren to walk me through every step of my first few investments,” she smiles. Kim’s introduction into the world of real estate was when she and her husband learned about the self-directed 401k (or selfdirected IRA). This type of retirement account is used by the wealthy and not as well known among the general population. They were excited to learn how many options there

Kim was hooked. She wanted to learn everything she could about the real estate side as well. “I took every opportunity to pick their brains for information, but after a few months, they suggested that if I wanted to know what they know and do what they do, I should learn what they learned.” So, the stay-at-home mom of five signed up for the course and was on her way. Kim recalls, “The first project I worked hands-on with Kendall and Darren went smoothly and we flipped the home in 122 days. We were ecstatic to see we made $26,000 in profit and had only invested $30,000 capital!” In addition to it being a profitable project for them, the three were equally as pleased that they were able to create a win-win scenario for the homeowner. “The homeowners were so happy with the solution we provided

were for investing compared to a traditional 401k and immediately began the process of starting their own self-directed 401k. After rolling over their retirement money, using it to finance real estate deals led to quick and hearty gains. Since Kim didn’t know much about investing at the time, she and her husband partnered with Kendall and Darren on their first deals. “We acted as an equity partner with the money from our retirement account while the guys provided the knowledge and expertise on flipping the houses and managing the deals.”

that they have since given us referrals to others.” The next property Kim flipped created a net profit of $50,000 in 182 days. Since then Kim and her husband have continued on with other equally profitable projects branching out and partnering with others within their growing community of investors. “It’s awesome to see our students taking the reigns of their own businesses, using the tools we’ve provided and creating profits for themselves” Kendall says. Kim is obviously passionate about sharing with others as Kendall |


//////// Feature and Darren shared with her. “Our satisfaction comes from helping individuals to reach their goals of financial stability and long-term wealth by creating smart investors,” says Darren.

work with one another, participate in joint ventures, and associate with like-minded individuals. They are able to see projects in various stages of rehab and learn from them. “We saw a need in our community for quality real estate investment training and made it our goal to provide better support and hands on experience than any of us had in the assorted educational programs we each participated in,” explains Darren. “We have a genuine earn while you learn model that provides our students the opportunity to generate income while they are getting comfortable as investors,” adds Kendall. Though Kendall, Darren, and The three worked well together Kim all had different reasons for on Kim’s ventures and they were deciding to dive into real estate like-minded in their approach to investing, they share one thing in helping others. After many discuscommon: All wanted control of sions about what would help more their own personal economy. This new investors to succeed, they includes their income, their taxes decided to start an educational and even their healthcare. They investor’s club right here in have found that real estate investing has been the ideal vehicle for creatMurrieta. “Real Estate School 4U, ing stability. is like a Real Estate Investor’s What sets Real Estate School Association on steroids,” Kendall 4U apart from other investor prolaughs. “We don’t just provide a grams is that they connect the dots room for people to talk about the between learning in theory and deals they have going on and to learning by experience. Kendall network: we teach, connect people, walk through flips that are shares, “I know what “I know what in progress, and even partit’s like to start from ner with newer investors to it’s like to start ground zero. When I from ground help them succeed.” started over in 2009 zero. When I The purpose of the during the worst econgroup is to facilitate collab- started over omy since the Great oration among investors, at in 2009 during Depression, I had no any stage of learning. “Our the worst money, no home, and a classes, workshops and credit score of 473. I economy since other events are specifically the Great really tested the claim that ‘you don’t need designed to teach and train Depression, money or credit to others to be financially I had no invest in real estate’ smart and personally profmoney, no and found it to be itable in their business and home, and a absolutely true.” real estate pursuits,” says credit score Kim. Those who attend Kendall, Darren, of 473.” meetings are able to netand Kim all participate 8


in leading meetings every Thursday evening from 7-9pm. “Real Deal” tours are offered free of charge where attendees can walk through local properties being rehabbed and ask questions. Participants in this real estate investing group also get together the first and third Saturday of each month for a “CashFlow Game Night” which helps to teach financial literacy and investing in a fun, no-risk environment. On a larger scale, the group also brings in experts from all over the county to speak on various topics from real estate to legal structure to capital options. With so much education and support offered, this group is proving to be the hub for investors in the Temecula Valley. Darren says, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a business owner, a stay-at-home mom, a college drop out, or a W2 employee; you can be a successful real estate investor too.” He finishes with the same advice he gave Kim, “If you want to do what we do and know what we know, we invite you to learn what we learned.” To find out more or to register for an FREE class or live event visit us at or call us at (951) 398-4447.

Real Estate School 4U 26377 Jefferson Ave, Suite F Murrieta, CA 92562 (951) 398-4447 |


Cole Trabucco: Dancing Feet

//////// Rising Star


By Brittany Rose

here are three things that make five-year-old, Cole Trabucco, happy; “My friends, my dogs-Parker and Quigley, and dancing.” It seems Cole has been groovin’ since his feet hit the ground. “He’s has always danced to music since he was a baby,” says his mother Natalie. “He’s very active, so putting him in a dance class just seemed like a natural choice.” Natalie recently enrolled Cole in a Hip-Hop class at Miss April’s Dance and is seeing improvement in more than just his dancing skills. Once a week Cole goes to the class for 4-6 year olds and prepares for a recital. He’s got a personality that commands the room and showed great promise even on the very first day of class. “I was explaining the definition of practice,” says April Vidal, “and Cole raised his hand within seconds of my explanation and said ‘Miss April, I have practiced already.’” Cole clearly marches to his own drum, and Miss April encourages her students to do just that! As the only male in his class, Natalie has received some interesting comments from other parents. “Someone said that he should be in something more masculine,” she shares. “Some of the best dancers in the world are men, and they are very



athletic and masculine.” Miss April elaborates on how some males are apprehensive to take her Funk and Hip-Hop classes due to social stigmatism, even though they have an innate talent. “It’s so wonderful to see parents encourage their child’s talent, rather than stifle it because it’s ‘for girls.’ Dance is for everyone to enjoy.” Off the dance floor Natalie has noticed her son has learned some other great lessons from dancing. He has become a better listener, has increased his ability to focus during activities, and has better coordina-

tion. “When he was in pre-school, teachers thought he had signs of ADD, but dance has given him an outlet for his high energy and no treatment has been necessary,” Natalie explains. This enthusiastic kindergartener shines on and off the dance floor. Discovering his talents is a journey in itself and those closest to him are there to encourage and cheer him along. In the words of Fred Astaire himself, “Chin up. Chest out. Put your best foot forward.” |


//////// Wedding


R , E O D D O I

hen a few wedding vendors got together to do a contest for a wedding “do over,” they were excited to create some very special memories for a local couple. Murrieta residents, Jodi and Dave Matthews, were chosen in a random drawing out of about 70 couples. After seven years of marriage, three beautiful daughters, and a few



Jodi and Dave Matthews, were chosen in a random drawing out of about 70 couples.

pounds lost, both were excited to relive their wedding day compliments of the “I Do, Redo” contest.

The photo shoot took place at the Murrieta Wine Field, a real ranch with horses and chickens! The property has a lot of charm and was the perfect setting for the outdoor, rustic wedding shoot. Rickety Swank offers a large collection of vintage furnishings and accessories available for rent and owner, Teresa, was happy to lend some style and romance to the scene with pieces such as a settee, dresser, chandelier and more. Jodi’s hair and makeup were done by Crystal Salitore (Hair by Salitore). She gave Jodi a soft whimsical hairstyle and smoky eyes to compliment the romantic feel of the flowers and the setting. The flowers were designed by Tre Fiori Floral Studio and featured a display of pretty pinks and greens. Floral

Find these vendors on Facebook

designer, Lisa Montecinos, says, “We were trying to create a romantic, whimsical look. I think the ranunculas and garden roses brought in the romance while the hanging green amaranthus, kale flower and succulents achieved the whimsical feel we wanted.“ The cake was more than a stunning focal point; Laura Maries Cakes are rumored to be the best tasting cakes in the valley. Behind the camera, Jennifer (Jennifer Demo Photography) captured the beauty of the day that is sure to be treasured by Jodi and Dave for years to come! Congratulations to all on a successful “Redo.”

Ask The Expert / Teeth /////////

3-D Technology in the Field of Dentistry

By Valerie Scola, DDS


omputed tomography (CT) scans have been used in medicine for years. X-ray equipment is combined with a digital computer to obtain cross-sectional “slices” of the target and thus can stitch all the images together to produce a three dimensional image. 3-D CBCT stands for Three-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Cone beam differs from the traditional CAT scan, in that cone beam scans use a cone-shaped beam that is directed at a detector that rotates around the patient. This has allowed dentists to utilize this amazing technology right in their offices. CBCT scans are able to focus on a much smaller area, even just a single tooth! The radiation exposure is significantly lower, making it much safer for the patient. Because it is a limited field of view, the cost for the image is also much less than a medical scan.

But what value does this technology bring to the dental office? After using this high-tech device in my own office for nearly a year, I can answer emphatically, “a lot!” 3-D imaging makes diagnosis and treatment planning much more precise. The use of 3-D imaging has become the standard of care in the placement of dental implants. There are things that become apparent with 3-D imaging that simply cannot be seen on the traditional 2-D films. For example dentists can now see exactly how wide the bone is, where the nerve canal is, or if there are any defects or abnormalities. Dental implant planning software can be integrated to determine the size, shape, and number of implants before they are ever placed. In the world of root canal therapy, dentists can visualize fractured roots, more easily see infection around the roots, and even see additional microscopic canals within the tooth. We can even see where wisdom teeth reside in proximity to the nerve, which allows for safer and more precise removal of teeth. I have seen abnormalities within the sinuses, which has helped to diagnose and treat chronic infections. Dentists can view the relationship of the jaw to the rest of the skull, leading to better understanding of jaw (TMJ) pain. We can see the exact spacing between baby teeth and adult teeth, which helps orthodontists in treatment planning for braces. It really is remarkable how far

technology has come. With the advent of smart phones and tablets, we have harnessed this technology and have it right at our fingertips. Shouldn’t your dentist be on the cutting edge? 3-D imaging allows dentists to more accurately diagnose, create a unique, personalized treatment plan, which in turns leads to the best possible patient care. Each and every patient has different needs and desires when it comes to taking care of his or her smile. Most dentists have only moved from old xray films to digital images. With the addition of 3-D imaging in dentistry, a whole new world of possibilities has been opened when it comes to patient treatment. There is no reason why dentists must be limited to the technology of the past. We can truly say the future is now!

Valerie A. Scola, DDS Providing Classic Quality Dental Care 25095 Jefferson Ave. #103 Murrieta, CA 92562 951.677.9604 |


Free Estimates


Licensed & Bonded #038740 14


Preparedness Equals Dollars When it Comes to Your Taxes

Ask the Expert / Your Taxes /////////


By Smith Marion & Co. CPAs

f you would like to improve your tax situation by getting a better tax return or to paying less in taxes you should start by preparing well for your tax appointment. Gather together all your official forms such as W2’s, 1099’s, and Brokerage Statements showing income from all sources. Don’t forget any distributions you may have taken from IRA’s or 401k’s. It is up to you to report your income, even if the company you worked for did not send your official form.

The following receipts could help offset taxes if you are itemizing:

1. Medical expenses. Remember, if you were born after January 2, 1950 these expenses must be more than 10% of your Adjusted Gross Income. Miles driven for medical purposes are deductible! If you have not kept a log, you can figure out your miles by tracing your appointments with your calendar and mapping them online. 2. Taxes Paid. Last year’s state Income tax is deductible on your federal return, as are real estate taxes and the vehicle license portion of your DMV fees

3. Interest paid. Watch the mailbox for official forms coming from your mortgage company (form 1098). If you paid your mortgage to a private individual, more information is required, such as their name, address and social security number. Don’t forget student loan interest. 4. Gifts to Charity. Giving really is a win-win. You help a charity you love (including your church) and you get the write off on your taxes. In order to take this deduction, you are required to have a letter from the organization listing the amount given during the year and also stating “no goods or services were exchanged for this gift.” Miles incurred while volunteering for a charity are deductible. Donations other than cash may also be deductible, but here more documentation is required. Who did you give the gift to, when did you give it, what was given, what was the dollar value of the gift given? Usually for household goods, the value of the gift given is the thrift store value. You can look up the thrift store value by visiting thrift store web sites. Be careful with overvaluing non-cash gifts. The IRS does scruti-

nize these donations. It is not a bad idea to take a picture of items donated and save this in your records along with the receipt received from the organization for your non-cash donations. 5. Casualty Loss. Did you have a casualty loss this year such as a fire, storm damage, or flood? If your insurance did not cover the replacement, a portion of this loss could be deductible as well. 6. Miscellaneous Expenses. Nonreimbursed job expenses can be deducted as well. These include the prior year’s tax preparation fees, brokerage investment fees and safe deposit box fees. To be included as a deduction, these fees must exceed 2% of your Adjusted Gross Income. There are many more deductions you can take if you are a landlord, are self-employed or have a home office. Contact a reliable tax preparer to find out how to maximize your tax situation.

38605 Calistoga Dr, Ste. 120 | Murrieta, CA 92563 | 951-461-2045 |


//////// Business Buzz

ack in the days of diapering (before disposables were ever a thought), moms spent dozens of hours each week prepping, cleaning, and folding for their little ones. Then disposables took over and convenience was the “in” thing. But today’s conscientious new generation of parents have returned to cloth and clearly these modern diapers are making an impact by reducing landfill waste, helping families save money, and keeping baby bums comfy and stylish! One family who made the choice to use cloth diapers were Jennifer and Ruben Avila. “I loved the idea of making a difference in the world. Cloth diapers are a viable, green and financially sound alternative to disposables,” Jennifer explains. When the couple had their first son and Jennifer became a stay-athome mom, they were willing to make sacrifices to keep expenses down. Being environmentally conscious also resonated with both parents. “I knew it was going to save us money, but we were so surprised at how easy cloth diapering was,” recalls Jennifer. “The diapers were so durable we were able to use them again, with our second child.”




Jennifer became such an advocate of cloth diapering that she couldn’t help but share her excitement with others! Before she knew it, she was considered the diaper expert among her friends. She tossed around the idea of creating a business around diapers for two years before she and her husband determined she should move forward with the idea. Ruben’s former carreer in the Army was a major influence in naming their retail cloth diaper business: “Pee All You Can Pee” became official in January of 2014. “When I was first started cloth

diapering, I visited a home based cloth diaper boutique,” Jennifer remembers. “I found that talking to a seasoned cloth-diapering mom was far more beneficial than the countless hours of research I did online, by myself. I wanted to create that kind of support for others who would be venturing into this new experience.” “I love being able to walk parents through the process of selecting quality diapering products that fit their budget and lifestyle,” Jennifer shares. She offers service above and beyond a typical retail store and considers herself something along the lines of a coach; offering home shopping, educating parents on options (with personal feedback on all of the brands she carries), and helping them work through any issues that arise in their diapering experience. “I really love feeling like I have helped make a difference in people’s lives and in the world,” smiles Jennifer. The biggest challenge Jennifer faces in her industry is overcoming the common belief that cloth diapering involves rubber pants, diaper pins, and toilet dunking. People who explore the possibility with an open mind find that the new generation of cloth diapers is remarkably convenient! Snaps or Velcro fasteners make

Business Buzz ///////// changes quick and easy, while waterproof covers and absorbent liners keep baby’s clothes and skin clean and dry. The fashionable exteriors of the diapers from brands like Coqui Baby, Thirsties, and GroVia are adorable, yet functional. “Many parents are unaware of the potential health risks with the use of disposables, but if they take the time to research, they will find potential hazards such as crude oil and carcinogens,” Jennifer warns. She also cautions parents to beware of the low-end cloth diaper manufacturer’s that are beginning to saturate the market with inferior products. Today, parents are finding that cloth diapering has its rewards… Saving an average of $1,000 a year has those on a budget smiling. One study showed that each family

choosing to use cloth diapers prevents one ton of waste from entering the solid waste stream each year! So, maybe even the earth is smiling.

Call Jennifer today for your free consultation and discover the benefits of cloth!

(844) GO-CLOTH (462-5684) or |


//////// Handcrafted


handmade with love

here's nothing like a handmade gift. In our world of cheap plastics and disposable everything, handmade gifts really stand out. At MyCommunity Magazines, we know shopping locally is so important to a thriving and healthy economy. We love to support our friends and neighbors in their small businesses. There is an even a smaller level of local business often referred to as micro business. These types of businesses tend to offer unique, handmade items such as food (like homemade toffee), clothing, home decor, or other crafts. This month we are featuring local crafters who use their creativity to produce adorable and/or personalized items for the youngest people in our population: Babies! We hope you'll find something you love and help support “Momprenuers” in their business efforts!




Handcrafted ///////// |


//////// Blazing Tales

The New Pets ey guys, it’s me your favorite dog, Blaze! A few months ago my people brought home some tasty looking chicken nuggets. Now, I’m a hunting dog, so when those little nuggets started to walk around my backyard I was eager to show mom and dad how I could catch them… but mom said no. She said they were baby chickens, not chicken nuggets and we should protect them because they are our pets. Pets? But I’m their pet. I was determined not to make friends with the new “pets.” I heard the kids talking about how cool it will be when we have eggs from the chickens. I nudged the people to remind them




that I am cool too. One day a little chick came over to me in the back yard while I was relaxing in the sun. She tried to snuggle up to me. “No, little chicken” I frowned. “I am not your friend.” I moved away. A few minutes later that little red chicken was cuddling up to me again. One of the kids saw and said, “Hey look, Blaze has a pet!” Then all my people came out to look and said how cute we were. I love it when my people think I’m cute. So, I let the chicken snuggle… a little. Pretty soon the chicken was following me all around. I guess we are friends now that she’s my pet. One night, I heard coyotes howling outside. I whined and whined until my people let me go outside to

check on my chicken. I was relieved when I saw she was ok. Now I check all around the property each night before I leave my pet chicken in her coop to sleep. I love my chicken.

Ask the Expert / Health & Hormones /////////

Hi Dr. Blanscet, Thank you for the great information on the hormonal changes that women go through as we age. I was wondering if guys go through something similar. I always tease my husband that he is going through “Man-o-pause.” Is there such a thing?


ndeed there is! Andropause is the medical term for the decline in hormones that occurs as men age. Testosterone is the main hormone that declines in men, although other hormones should also be checked. Testosterone has many roles in the body. Not only is it key in drive and stamina, it is essential for many other functions in the body. Testosterone plays a role in bone density, muscle mass, and red blood cell levels, among other things. Men make up a large percentage of the patients who seek out hormone replacement therapy (HRT). They are often referred by their wives or have heard about the great results from some of their guy friends. The symptoms men may experience include: decreased energy, more aches and pains, changes in mood, trouble concentrating, issues with erections and/or libido, increased body fat, poor muscle tone, slower recovery after workouts, sleep issues, and they may generally feel like they’ve passed their peak. You may hear him complain that he’s “getting old.” A man with low testosterone may not necessarily experience any change to his sex drive, but other symptoms will be evident. Men’s hormones drop more gradually than ours do, so it can often be overlooked. Generally testosterone will decline slowly beginning in the thirties. Our toxic environment seems to be accelerating this decline. Often your primary care provider may overlook hormones as the cause to these symptoms because his levels are “normal.” Remember that “normal” is subjective and based on a population that is overweight, fatigued, and stressed. A doctor with special training in hormones will look for “optimal” values. Before you assume that the man in

~Heather V. your life is doomed to suffer because his lab work is “normal,” trust your gut feeling that something is not right. A specialist will treat him as a whole person, not a set of numbers. The great news is that, when done correctly, it is safe and effective for men to have Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Men on optimal HRT report feeling at their prime again. Improvements in motivation, mood, memory, energy, sleep, libido, and even their physical appearance have many men loving life again! There are several ways to restore hormone balance in men including bioidentical pellets, creams, or injections. Each man is different and needs a personalized HRT program that addresses his unique needs. Don’t rely on your insurance to pay for optimal wellness: If you want to feel balanced it is in your hands. For the men and women out there experiencing the decline in health and vitality that comes with a drop in hormones, act now and stop suffering. Schedule a consultation with a hormone specialist! Dr. Laurie Blanscet owns and operates a concierge medical practice specializing in anti-aging, bioidentical hormones & integrative health.

Laurie Blanscet, D.O. – An Optimal You 29995 Technology Dr, Ste 203 | Murrieta, CA 92563 | 951-541-3577 |



//////// Beyond Murrieta

When Tyler Wade was drafted to the New York Yankees right out of Murrieta Valley High School in 2013, it was a source of pride to our whole community. My Murrieta Magazine checked in with him at spring training to talk to him about living his dream.

MM: How long have you been playing baseball? Tyler: I started off in tee ball at 5 years old. MM: What position do you play? Tyler: I play shortstop and have pretty much played there my whole life. MM: Has there ever been a time that you thought you wanted to quit or use your time for something else? Tyler: No, there was never a time where I wanted to quit or take time off. My parents were pretty good at not burning me out too soon. MM: Was there an athlete you looked up to when you were growing up? Tyler: I've always looked up to Derek Jeter. MM: What life lesson has playing baseball taught you? Tyler: Baseball has taught me to always be humble because baseball is 22


one of the most humbling games. It has also taught me to work hard and it's a great feeling to see all that work paying off. MM: What do you think is the number one reason you are where you are today? Tyler: Number one reason why I'm here today is my parents. Without them I would be nowhere close to where I am. All the time they have sacrificed for me is unbelievable. MM: What is the coolest thing that has happened to you since being drafted to the Yankees? Tyler: The coolest thing that has happened to me while playing for the Yankees is meeting Derek Jeter. I can say he is one of the easiest guys to talk to and always has pointers and things to say that are extremely helpful. Also, meeting lifetime friends and teammates. MM: What advice do you have for other young athletes hoping to play a sport professionally?

Tyler: My advice to younger players is to keep working hard and always try to stay positive. MM: What keeps you going when things are difficult? Tyler: Knowing that tomorrow is a new day. It's always good to forget about what's in the past and work hard the next day. MM: What do you like to do outside of baseball? Tyler: Outside of baseball I enjoy the beach and just relaxing. MM: What do you miss most about Murrieta when you're away? Tyler: When I'm gone I miss being around the family. MM: How do you spend your time when you come home to Murrieta after baseball season?

Beyond Murrieta /////////

Tyler: I love working with Kyle, at Rockwell Training Facility. He's one of the best guys to train with and is constantly pushing me to my limit and focusing to get me better each day. MM: What's a typical day like as a professional athlete? Tyler: My day is getting to the field early in the morning to practice for a few hours, play a game and workout after… And that's everyday. MM: Do you have a favorite quote? Tyler: "I love when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong." ~Derek Jeter

Those who know Tyler well may see a resemblance to the guy he looked up to most in sports. “Tyler is just a good kid,” says his mom, Jay Wade. Both his parents are most proud that he has grown up to be a humble, polite and thoughtful young man. Tyler’s agent, Andy Shaw of Paragon Sports International, explains that a first class organization like the New York Yankees looks for a solid makeup on and off the field. “Tyler is certainly living up to those expectations,” says Andy. His parents really did a fine job raising him.” Tyler is a great example that people can achieve their dreams through hard work and focus. So as you’re plugging away to reach your own goals, remember to keep your eye on the ball! |


Kip A. Cothran

//////// Meet Your Neighbor

“Loud and Proud”


ith a charisma that seems larger than life, Kip Cothran often brings fun and excitement into the world of business. He is a beloved part of the business scene and is often spotted behind his camera volunteering at events all over town. “Kip has a contagious personality,” says Rhonda Warner, VP of operations at the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce. “He is a mega presence, both in stature and in boisterous laughter. You can’t have a bad day if he’s around.” Kip often shakes up a meeting with a little impromptu rap, which is always met with cheerful laughter and an upswing in mood. From the time he developed his first photograph at the young age of eight and saw the magic appear before his eyes, Kip has loved photography. It has been more than a career for Kip; it has allowed him to travel the world, experience life, and share in so many beautiful moments. His photography career began in a 1-Hour photo lab and has continued to evolve ever since.



Formerly, a cruise ship photographer, Kip was able to travel extensively around Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Mexico. He loves the flexibility that photography provides him, but he thrives on capturing life’s beautiful memories from birth to passing beyond this world. “This generation of people living is the most photographed because of the camera phone,” Kip explains. “However, not a lot is happening with those images. Your grandchildren will not have baby albums like we did.” Kip feels it’s important to record special memories to pass down through generations. Before moving to Murrieta, Kip travelled to Southwest Riverside County in the early 1990s as an in home baby photographer. “In 1998 a friend told me how much he bought his home in Murrieta for and I started looking immediately. A couple of weeks later I had purchased my first home in Murrieta,” Kip laughs. “Life was awesome! From a two bedroom condo in Mira Mesa to a new 5 bedroom, huge home in Murrieta!”

Kip is not just a photographer; he is dedicated to his craft. For this reason, he has continuously pursued knowledge, education, and improvement. Receiving a master’s degree in Photography from Professional Photographers of America was a meaningful milestone, but his business sense and artistic eye has landed him in many notable positions along the way. He was the director of West Coast School of Photography from 2006 - 2011, where he shared his love of the art and the business of photography with hundreds of others interested in pursuing a similar career. One of Kip’s recent achievements was having four images selected to receive awards in the 2014 International Photographic Competition. Two of those will be published in a “loan collection” book and displayed across the nation! Kip’s love of life is evident in his big, bright smile and robust laugh. He stands out as a bright spot in our community. In Kip’s words, “I am LOUD and PROUD in everything I do!” |


The reality rallY

//////// Reality Rally


fun for funds

ooking for a fun weekend that’s a little out of the norm? The Reality Rally Event is a fantastic and unforgettable weekend of games, schmoozing, wining, dining and more. Every event is helping to raise funds for an excellent cause. Reality Rally itself is a fun weekend of fundraising parties, an “Amazing Race” style game on the streets of Old Town Temecula, and the Reality Rally festival which will include a Celebrity Chefs Showcase. Come meet your favorite reality stars who all fundraised $500 minimum to attend. Fans can continue to donate to each individual stars’ cause by visiting 2015 Reality Rally Star Line Up page and click on the donate link next to the name of your favorite reality stars. All of the funds, raised by the stars and donated by friends and fans, along with 100% net proceeds raised by the two-day event, will benefit Michelle’s Place, Breast Cancer Resource Center. Established by the family of Michelle Watson, who was killed by breast cancer at the age of 26, the family embarked on a mission of service to make life better for others touched by this unrelenting disease. For more information on Michelle’s Place, visit Michelle’s Place website. Come to one event or the whole weekend! For a full schedule please visit




The event kicks off with the Red Carpet Parade of Stars and Feeling Lucky Casino Fundraiser at 5 pm, Friday night at Wilson Creek Winery. Mingle with the celebrities, enjoy hor d’oeuvres, casino games, food and music $25pp. Poker Tournament $100 buy in for a $6000 Safari prize. At 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, teams comprising of three members of the public and one reality star will converge on the steps of Temecula City Hall and subsequently flood onto the streets in a race to complete a series of challenges at checkpoints $50pp. The public is invited to follow along with the game. From 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Temecula City Hall Square transform into the firstever Reality Rally Festival. Only $10pp and 5 and under free, all inclusive. The reality stars will sign autographs at the meet and greet from 4 to 6 p.m. Autograph books are included in the $10 Also starting at 4 p.m. is the Kidz Challenge Checkpoint Games where children will have the opportunity to play a mini ‘Amazing Race’ game of their own. Character photo stations, Military photos, festival fun and games, sponsor booths, birds, snakes, Live Stream interviews,food and drink for purchase. Starting at 7 p.m., celebrity chefs (‘Hell’s Kitchen,’ ‘Chopped,’ ‘Cutthroat Kitchen,’ ‘MasterChef’ and Junior) will compete in the second annual Celebrity Chefs Showcase. Two chefs will pair up randomly to compete against the other teams of chefs until a winner is crowned. After the festival, plans are in place for post-event VIP parties at Old Town Temecula eateries, pubs and clubs where fans can experience the culinary and drink-making exploits of local establishments while in the company of the Stars. $10 |


Maximize Monthly Retirement Income Distributions…Within the Tax Guidelines

//////// Ask The Expert / Your Money


or years, financial professionals have encouraged people to save money for their retirement income through taxdeferred vehicles such as an IRA or company-sponsored 401(k) plan. In fact, many employers provide an additional incentive by offering to match a certain percentage of each worker’s deferred income. The premise behind tax-deferred accounts is that you do not have to pay taxes on contributions or earnings until they are withdrawn. This disciplined, long-term strategy can work well even for people who earn a modest income. Unfortunately, people who have diligently saved for years may find that once they retire they have a substantial income tax obligation if their retirement income withdrawals exceed their income during retirement. This may place them in a higher tax bracket. Take, for example, a couple who earns a combined annual income of about $90,000 during their high-earning years. Over a 50-year career, this couple may accumulate more than $1 million in retirement assets. During retirement, they may not need to draw as much money from their retirement accounts if they are already receiving maximum monthly Social Security benefits and perhaps a pension. But, generally, once they hit age 70½, they are mandated to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) and pay income taxes on the withdrawals. According to the IRS RMD table, a 73-year-old with 401(k)s or IRAs equaling $1 million would have to take out at least $40,485 this year.



If each spouse were to withdraw this amount, that’s more than $80,000 a year. For a married couple filing jointly, they’ll land in the same 25 percent tax bracket they were in before they retired. However, they may move to a higher tax bracket if they withdraw more than their required minimum distribution in any one year to pay for expensive medical bills, buy a new car or RV, put a down payment on a second home, replace the roof or renovate their kitchen. If they withdraw an extra $67,881 in a given year, this couple would be pushed into the 28 percent tax bracket – a higher bracket than they were in during their highearning years. The more you withdraw, the more taxes you may have to pay during that year. For example, more of your Social Security benefits may be taxed. If the base amount of your retirement income is less than $25,000 ($32,000 for joint filers), Social Security benefits are not taxed. Once your income exceeds that threshold, up to 85 percent of your benefits may be taxable. Furthermore, because Medicare premiums are established by your income level, they could rise as well. Medicare premiums rise when your adjusted gross income exceeds $85,000 for singles; $170,000 for joint filers. How to Calculate Your RMD To calculate your RMD, divide the adjusted market value of your retirement accounts as of Dec. 31 of the preceding year by the distribution period that corresponds with your age in either the Uniform Lifetime Table or Joint Life and Last Survivor Expectancy Table if your spouse is your sole beneficiary and is more than 10 years younger than you.

If you have more than one retirement account, you must calculate the RMD for each account separately each year. However, you may aggregate your RMD amounts for all of your accounts and withdraw the total from one IRA or a portion from your various accounts to equal the RMD amount. In other words, you are not required to take a separate RMD from each retirement account. Note that while you can withdraw more than the RMD for that year, you may not apply the excess amount toward RMDs for the next year. You also can spread out your annual RMD withdrawals throughout the year, as long as you withdraw the total annual minimum amount by Dec. 31 (or April 1 if it is for your first RMD). Also, be aware that if your total withdrawal in any one year is less than the RMD for that year, you will be subject to an additional tax equal to 50 percent of the undistributed RMD amount. It’s important to consider the types of retirement accounts and insurance products you may choose to utilize in order to accumulate your retirement assets and how these may affect taxes you will pay during retirement. It’s a good idea to speak with an experienced financial professional for help determining a strategy for your retirement income distributions.

41197 Golden Gate Circle #208 Murrieta, CA 92562 (951) 244-6702


The 5th Annual

Taste of Temecula Valley

he Taste of Temecula Valley (TOTV) is back and ready to rock your taste buds! This year’s event will span two days to include Friday, April 24, and Saturday, April 25, 2015 and will take place at the Town Square Park, in front of the Temecula Civic Center on 41000 Main Street in Old Town Temecula. Proceeds from the event support the Temecula Education Foundation which funds grants to local teachers and educational programs in the Temecula Valley School District. Friday, April 24, 2015, 6 PM – 10 PM: Festivities will include select menu offerings combined with live entertainment hosted by DJ

Nate Scott and emcee Timmy Daniels of Timmy D Productions. Music will be provided by classic rockers Darren Pritchard & Friends with special featured performers, the LEE KOCH BAND (the Voice). Other entertainment to include: Islanders Polynesian Fire Dancers, hot air balloons, and a unique “light the night” audience-participation event. Live auction will help to fund CSUSM scholarships for TVUSD graduates. Saturday, April 25, 11 AM – 7 PM: The full-day tasting event will include all-day family entertainment and access to more than 80 booths spotlighting the area’s best restaurants, wineries, and microbreweries.

Taste Of Temecula Valley /////////

Artisan booths and expanded Fun Zones will keep all ages busy. Musical entertainment in a full lineup of popular bands. Admission to Friday night is $15 per person. Admission to Saturday’s event is $10; kids 12 and under are free. Patrons may purchase admission to both Friday & Saturday events for $20. Taste tickets are $2 each; patrons 21 and over must show ID at entrance. Admission to Saturday event includes special tasting glass with appropriate wristband. To learn more about the event or about Temecula Education Foundation, visit |


///////// Community Corner

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15th Annual Paradise Kids Cup Golf Tournament

The Boys & Girls Club of Southwest County is preparing for another wonderful golf tournament Monday, April 6th at the Bear Creek Golf Club in Murrieta, CA. This year’s tournament will support the children of active military parents who come to the Boys and Girls Clubs FREE of charge. Having a military parent deployed overseas can be a difficult time for a child and the BGCSWC is happy to offer them a safe and stimulating place to come and do homework, enjoy sports, participate in challenging programs, and make new friends. What could be better than breakfast, lunch and a full 18 holes of golf? Why, the banquet dinner and awards, of course! There will be a live and silent auction along

Community /////// Corner

with a raffle prizes. This incredible day always brings business leaders, city and state officials, and community supporters together for a fun time. For more info contact Beth at 951-699-1526 ext. 107

Congressional Award for Murrieta Teen

Vista Murrieta High School senior, Caroline Dutzi, was recently honored with a Gold Medal Congressional Award presented by Assembly Member Melissa Melendez. The Gold Medal is the Congressional Award’s highest honor and Caroline is the first student in the district to earn this honor! Her journey to earn this tremendous honor began when she was a freshman. She has put in over 1,000 hours to complete the requirements to earn this honor while simultaneously participating in Vista Murrieta’s JROTC program during all four years of high school, taking advanced classes (including 5 AP classes), competing in swimming, and maintaining an impressive GPA. Caroline is a humble, yet dedicated and impressive young woman who is interested in pursuing a career in public service, possibly in politics. Congratulations on your fantastic achievement, Caroline! |


PO BOX 27890 Clinton Keith RD, Ste. D-306 Murrieta, California 92562

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