MyMurrieta Sept 2014

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departments 5 Publisher's Note


Cover Story 6 An Optimal You

Rising Star 10 Patience Snow


Realty Teeth Seniors Law

Business Buzz 30 Hospice of the Valley 33 Meet your Mechanic 34 Love to Clean Your Home

Restaurant Buzz 23 The Broken Yolk



12 14 20 18 28

Meet the Trier Family Take a Hike Healthy Smiles Benefits of Coconut Oil Your Health


Ask the Expert 16 25 26 35


35 16




Publisher’s Note /////////

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Creative Director Fara Asay

Content Development Heather Rawlings Contributors

Brittany Rose

Valerie Scola, DDS

Catherine Shepard

Samuel Lockhart, Esq. Cover Photography by BlinkIt Photography Photographers

Stevie Dee Photography Cy Rathbun

MyTemecula Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562

office | 951.801.5332

For Advertising Contact:

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

Hello Again Murrieta, This was a fun issue to put together. I absolutely love health and nutrition, so it was great to feature Dr. Laurie Blanscet on the cover. In case you are wondering, yes, we are related. She’s my sister-in-law. It’s funny, I have learned so much more about her from meeting her current and former patients, randomly out in the community. She is well respected and I feel proud to share her last name because of the quality of care she gives. People recognize when someone really cares and this is what they are eager to tell me when they connect us by our last names! I hope you’ll get a little glimpse of who she is through her story on the next page. Between my career as a stay-at-home mom and starting MyMurrieta Magazine, I graduated from Loma Linda University with a bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene. Going back to school was my dream for so long and completing that goal, opened up my imagination to even bigger dreams. The very act of accomplishing this goal (which seemed so out of reach when I started) made me feel like I really could do anything! One of the benefits of my dental hygiene degree is that I get to keep going back to school forever! (I’m not kidding… I love school!) As with others in the field of healthcare, I take continuing education courses every year. What I love about the courses is they include current research in so many different subjects. I am an eager learner who is unafraid to sit up close and get involved in discussion. I hope this will be a benefit to my community, as I am able to share some of the things I’m learning. Over the past three to four years I’ve noticed a couple of things that come up in multiple courses with different topics that many don’t seem to be aware of. Specifically there are two things you can start doing right now to improve your health. These are: Add a Vitamin D supplement (more in a future article) and add coconut oil to your diet (see page 18). The range of mental, physical, and emotional benefits from these two things is so incredible; I just wanted to share it with you. I’ve garnered this information from courses on nutrition, mental health, oral health and self care. In this issue we have a special focus on seniors. I hope you’ll take the time to remember to give a little gratitude to those with some real experience under their belts. I am awaiting the day my kids will finally exclaim, “Hey, mom was right!” I still remember when I was a teen and my parents didn’t know anything… Luckily as I’ve grown older, they’ve grown wiser. ;) Happy Reading! Your Neighbor,

Tracy Blanscet |


//////// Feature


After barely surviving a hysterectomy complicated by a ruptured appendix in 2006, Dr. Laurie Blanscet decided it was time to make a major change.


r. Blanscet had a thriving family practice in the Temecula Valley, but she managed to arrange her schedule to return to school to study preventative and integrative medicine. Studying hormones, and learning to balance her own, made her acutely aware that others needed this treatment as well. Integrative Medicine is a growing field focused on prevention. It is an approach to care which seeks to integrate the best of science-based Western medicine with an understanding of the nature of illness, healing and 6


wellness. It is also referred to as Lifestyle Medicine because it incorporates lifestyle changes that can help prevent disease: such as diet, exercise, and stressmanagement. Balancing the hormones is a part of integrative health. After completing the many extra courses on antiaging, regenerative medicine, and bioidentical hormones, Laurie was excited to bring a new level of care to her patients in the valley. However, it was disappointing to see where the nation’s healthcare was headed. She got

Feature /////////

“It is so comforting to have such a kind, caring, and conscientious doctor who attends to every detail about every condition I present to her,” – RoseMarie

into medicine to help people, but it seemed that insurance companies, rather than doctors, were dictating patient care. The medical community was headed to a lower standard of care than she was comfortable with. Since the traditional medical model is based almost solely on what is covered by insurance, patients are not offered the best care. Instead their doctors only offer them what is “covered.” Insurance, like any other business, is concerned about the bottom line. Often the people making the decisions about your healthcare have no medical training whatsoever! Do they really have the patient’s best interest in mind? After contemplating her choices, Dr. Blanscet opted to be true to her ideals, breaking away from the “traditional” practice to retain the power and choice to provide the best medical care possible to her patients. Thus, began her concierge practice, An Optimal You. Concierge practices differ from the norm in a few ways. The number of patients seen in a concierge practice is usually 300 or less compared to over 1,500 in a traditional practice. In the typical practice, the doctor may not even see a patient, sending in a PA or a nurse practitioner instead. The reduced patient load of concierge care allows the doctor to see every patient, with

“Concierge patients have Dr. Blanscet’s personal cell phone number and email to access her after hours.”

plenty of time to conduct thorough appointments. Dr. Blanscet loves knowing each of her patients individually. This level of care is supported differently in each concierge practice, but all involve a fee for service, whether annually, monthly, or otherwise. At An Optimal You, patients pay an annual fee, which covers a comprehensive annual wellness visit including special lab work and other in-office testing. Other visits for treatment or illness are billed either to the patient or their insurance at an affordable set rate. Concierge patients have Dr. Blanscet’s personal cell phone number and email to access her after hours. Laurie is happy to be able to give the kind of attention to her patients she envisioned while in medical school. Patients can get same day appointments; enjoy thorough and unhurried visits; and receive integrative medicine counseling, including bio-identical hormones. Because Laurie is really able to get to know her patients, she can offer customized care. Patients, who have experienced the difference in attentiveness, can’t imagine going back to an insurance-driven practice. Here, the doctor knows you by name and many are on a first name basis with her. “It is so comforting to have such a kind, caring, and conscientious doctor who attends to every detail about every condition I present to her,” says current patient, RoseMarie. “She is totally present and listens openly and compassionately while imparting a positive and confident attitude. My calls and emails are always answered, no matter what else is going on that day.” Laurie’s background and training in family practice mean she can treat the whole person from head to toe, but she understands that not everyone can switch to concierge care. Therefore, Dr. Blanscet also offers nutrition counseling, IV chelation and nutrition therapies, and bioidentical hormone balancing separately on a private pay basis while those patients stay with their current physician for their primary care. These visits do not fall under the concierge program. Patients who use Dr. Blanscet for all of their primary medical needs have been open with their praise. “Dr. Blanscet couples technical medical excellence with an exceptionally positive way of interacting with people,” |


//////// Feature shares Charles. “She really listens to what her patients are saying and gives honest advice about possible alternatives in treatment options.” Charles feels she has been his “partner in wellness” as he’s been able to stop taking prescription drugs by incorporating alternative therapies. When asked if she has a particular specialty, Dr. Blanscet talks about Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. Women over the age of 35 often begin to experience the effects of hormonal imbalance as they enter perimenopause or menopause, however hormonal issues can occur at any age. Laurie currently sees patients ranging in age from early 20s to the 70s for hormone treatment. For women it is not always the hot flashes or night sweats that lead them to seek hormone balancing: Women can experience headaches, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, increase in weight, palpitations, loss of libido, increase in aches/pains, etc. Contrary to what you might believe, hormone replacement is not just for women. In fact, 30% of Dr. Blanscet’s hormone patients are male. As men age, testosterone can decrease due to numerous factors. Low testosterone causes fatigue, low energy, loss of libido, increased belly fat, a loss of vitality, etc. There are other hormones including thyroid and cortisol, which may be out of balance, as well as nutritional deficiencies that can occur in both men and women. All of these issues are addressed and treated at An Optimal You. Once the hormones are balanced, both men and women report feeling at their prime again. Dr. Blanscet’s patients have been thrilled with the fantastic results, as they’ve experienced relief from symptoms. They are sleeping better, have more energy, improved mood, increased memory, and just feel good again overall! Once An Optimal You began growing, it seemed a natural transition to bring other like-minded professionals together, who shared similar ideas on wellness. In 2012-2013 Dr. Blanscet brought together a network of patient-focused providers with a similar goal: optimal wellness. What is optimal wellness?? Optimal wellness is when you are living your life at the top level of your personal capabilities. This is different for each person. It may be living without medications, having the energy to run after your kids or grandkids, being able to run a marathon, remembering things well, living strong despite having cancer or some other illness. The definition depends on you! The Optimal Wellness Network (OWN) was formed



to provide one convenient location where complementary services could be found and all providers could communicate easily to offer the best integrative care. “OWN your health” is the motto of this amazing network of traditional and complementary health professionals, which is comprised of an acupuncturist, aesthetician, colon therapist, counselor, fertility specialist, iridologist, thermographer, yoga teacher, massage therapist, nutrition coach, physical therapists, prp/stem cell specialist and an onsite lab. There are even practitioners that can help you look even better on the outside—offering permanent makeup, botox and fillers, laser tattoo removal, hair removal, teeth whitening, etc. OWN is happy to add to community education and wellness through regularly scheduled FREE health talks, weekly yoga classes, GeriFit classes, and support groups. Each practitioner operates their own business but all work together in order to enhance each patient’s health. It is said that it takes a village to keep you healthy—at OWN the village is under one convenient roof! Dr. Blanscet’s dream was to bring the ability to attain optimal wellness to people in the Temecula Valley. Her practice, An Optimal You, and the network of wellness professionals comprising the Optimal Wellness Network, have made that dream a reality. « If you would like to meet Dr. Blanscet or any of the other wellness practitioners at OWN, join them at their health fair on Sept 24 from 3-7 pm. Go to for a list of health talks.

Laurie Blanscet, D.O. An Optimal You 29995 Technology Dr. Ste. 203 Murrieta, Ca. 92563 951-541-3577 Optimal Wellness Network

MDVIP (Concierge Medicine) |


c n e e i t Pa with

//////// Rising Star


By Brittany Rose

lbert Einstein said; If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. Books in general, can be a great escape from the real world. Eleven-year-old Patience Snow, has lived exciting adventures through the pages of countless books. She started reading on her own at fouryears-old and says she reads for a break from reality. No doubt this has contributed to her intelligence and oh-so colorful personality. Her love for reading began when her parents gathered their four children onto their bed to read A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Patience beams as she recalls those days, “Dad would chase us around the house, pointing his finger and shouting, ‘Do you have a nickel? Well do you?’” They’d laugh hysterically and their home would be full of silliness, a nice break from their difficult trials.

Patience has had to live up to her name. She and her family suffered the loss of her two-year-old brother, Triumph, to a rare genetic disease. During his years in the hospital, Patience would crawl into his bed and read stories to entertain him. These precious moments of cuddling and storytelling are some of her favorite memories. Patience also has her own share of medical problems. Yet her optimism overflows as she proudly shows off the brightly colored ostomy bag from her most recent surgery. She uses her expansive vocabulary to brag, “My friends want one of these bags now, but I tell them it’s an exclusive accessory.” Despite Patience’s love for the fantasy world, she’s incredibly grounded to reality, evident by her frank description of herself; “I am spunky but still your typical, annoying kid.” Her ability to conduct intellectual conversation is often interrupted with impromptu song and dance

“I feel better after I read stories.”



a Book!

skits from the most recent adventure she’s read (probably mermaid related). “When I read it’s to get-away. I want to read when I feel happy, or sad, or frustrated with my circumstances. I feel better after I read stories.” Reading is more than an entrance into a new world; it’s an adventure waiting to be had and memories waiting to be made. When it comes to the effect fairytales have on children, surely Patience is exactly what Albert Einstein had in mind! |



//////// Local Family

Trier Family James and Jennifer Clarity, Mason and Truman Samson, the big brown lab James is a Sr. Staff IT Engineer at Qualcomm and Jennifer is a stay-at-home-mom Favorite quote: “God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” –Billy Graham

Parents: Children: Pets: Parents Occupation:

By Heather Rawlings Photos by Stevie Dee Photography

LOVE. The story began nearly 18 years ago when James and Jennifer met in San Diego, where they grew up. They dated for four years and then married. Young and naïve, they had no idea what was in store for them and all the wonderful things they would learn along the way. ROOTED. They started their family journey and moved to Murrieta in 2004. They love the small town feel of this community.



JOYFUL. “We have fun, love each other, sacrifice, communicate and give grace to others,” James says. COMMITTED. When asked about how they keep their marriage fresh they reply, “We believe in date nights, forgive quickly, and make time for each other.” DEVOTED. The Trier’s are devoted to one another and to God. This shows in the way they treat each other, how they spend their time, and their commitment to giving.

FAMILY. Four years ago, the Trier Family was inspired to become a foster family to a child in need of a safe home. They welcomed a delightful, active three-year-old to the family and were able to complete the adoption process just a few months ago, officially making Truman a Trier. PLAYFUL. In their free time, the Trier family spends time together at the beach, swimming, and watching movies together. They also attend the kid’s athletic events including gymnastics and football. After all, a family that plays together stays together! |


//////// Family Time

Take a Hike!

It is so great to live in this city and still be so close to nature. Here are a couple of ideas for places to explore while hiking with friends or family:

The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve has about 40 miles of hiking trails with 4 trailheads to start from. Hike from sunrise to sunset. Certain trails allow mountain biking, dogs, and horses. Cost is $3 per adult and $2 per child.



Daley Ranch in Escondido is just a short 30 minutes away. About 30 miles of trails exist throughout the 3,000-acre preserve. The diverse terrain offers hiking for any level whether you are a beginner or on the more adventurous side. The ridgeline offers spectacular views. Dogs on a leash are welcome, as are horses. Check the website for guided hikes with a naturalist.


Ask the Expert / Teeth /////////

Dentistry and Medicine


By Valerie Scola, DDS

cientists have recently announced a new medical breakthrough. After years of research, they have discovered that the mouth is actually connected to the rest of the body! In all seriousness, the health of your teeth and gums really does have a huge impact on your overall health. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is caused when bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that forms in the mouth) builds up between the gums and teeth. When the bacteria begin to multiply, the gums surrounding the tooth can become inflamed. This inflammation is what causes the gums and the bone surrounding the teeth to deteriorate and break down. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and has been linked with other chronic diseases affected by inflammation, including diabetes and heart disease. It has also been linked with pre-term and low birth weight babies when present in pregnant women. Recent research from the Centers for Disease Control indicates that 64 million adults have some form of gum disease. Many signs of periodontal disease remain silent until the advanced stages, but there may be some of the following warning signs: • Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth

• Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard food • Gums that are receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before • Loose or separating teeth • Pus between your gums and teeth • Sores in your mouth • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite • A change in the fit of partial dentures The good news is that in the early stage, called gingivitis, gum disease is completely reversible and preventable! Together with your dentist, the disease can be managed. It is important to visit your dentist on a regular basis. Every adult should have a comprehensive periodontal evaluation at least once a year. This exam will evaluate your teeth, gums, bite, plaque levels, bone structure, and risk factors. The dentist and hygienist, will complete an assessment and determine a plan specific to your needs. Many chronic diseases have symptoms that manifest in the mouth. In fact, it may be your dentist who notices the first signs of problems including diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease. Your health really is a partnership. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure you are comfortable with any treatments and understand everything. You have just one life and one body. Make the decision to take charge of your oral health. You’re worth it!

Dr Scola says, “Good daily care will help you get on the right track.”

BRUSH YOUR TEETH Especially after meals, in order to remove food debris that can cause plaque to build up on your teeth. Don’t forget your tongue!

FLOSS DAILY This can help remove plaque that builds up between the teeth where the toothbrush cannot quite reach.

RINSE WITH MOUTHWASH Swishing is not just for your breath, it can help remove any remaining particles that the brush and floss have missed. Know your risk factors. Age, smoking, diet and genetics can all increase your risk for periodontal disease.

Valerie A. Scola, DDS Providing Classic Quality Dental Care 25095 Jefferson Ave. #103 Murrieta, CA 92562 951.677.9604 |


Choosing the Right

//////// Ask the Expert / Real Estate

Real Estate Professional


any homebuyers are unaware that there is a difference between a real estate agent and a Realtor® So, what’s the difference, you wonder?





Realtors® are held to a strict Code of Ethics with the core message being to “treat all parties honestly.” Because this Code of Ethics clear understanding of your wants is legally enforceable, many people and needs. feel more comfortable using a Working with the right agent can Realtor®. The National Association be the difference between a pleasant of Realtors reports that only about experience and a headache. Buying half of all licensed real estate agents a house shouldn’t be a quick, emoin the US are Realtors®. tional decision. If you begin by Finding the Right Realtor® finding the right professional to help Choose the broker or agency. Don’t in your real estate transaction, you pick an agent just because you saw should be satisfied with your purtheir ad or their sign. Choose a repchase for years to come. « utable agency and then ask for recommendations to their top agents. Contributed by Twin Cities Realty This allows you pick from several At Twin Cities Realty EVERY agent agents by qualities that are imporis a REALTOR®. tant to you such as education, years of experience, or specialty. Your needs may differ if you are a buyer vs. a seller. Education, Education, Education. Although real estate professionals 27710 Jefferson Ave. 102 Temecula, CA are required to take a minimum of (951) 699-3788 45 hours of continuing education, a top-notch brokerage may double or triple that number in a year. Going Licensed by the Dept. of Business Oversight under above and beyond to the minimum the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. requirements sets a professional License #4130785 Corp NMLS #2973 Not a commitment to lend or extend credit apart from the rest of the pack. David Fitzpatrick NMLS #259057 Choose an agent that listens to you. The right agent will help you to identify your goals and put you on the right path to get there. Whether you are ready to find your dream home now or make a more modest 27708 Jefferson Avenue, Suite #105 purchase as a step toward reaching Temecula, CA 92590 your dream, give your Realtor® a Office 951.296.6066 Cell 951.377.3692


Whether you are a first time buyer or a moveup buyer, you should look at the projections housing experts are making in two major areas: home prices and mortgage rates. PRICES Over 100 economists, real estate experts and investment & market strategists were recently surveyed. They were asked to project where home prices were headed. The average value appreciation projected over the next twelve month period was approximately 4%. MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES In their last Economic & Housing Market Outlook, Freddie Mac predicted that 30 year fixed mortgage rates would be 4.8% by this time next year. As of last week, the Freddie Mac rate was 4.14%. What does this mean to you? Honestly, what you are looking at is affordability and living space. What we look at is ‘timeliness vs. the cost of time’…the affordability example is below. However, if you need to stay at $1,218.17/month, you just may have lost that extra bedroom for one of your children. No kidding. The ‘waiting factor’ can affect several aspects of your home purchase drastically. If you are a first time buyer currently looking at a home priced at $250,000, this is what it could cost you on a monthly basis if you wait to buy next year:

If you are a move-up buyer currently looking at a home priced at $500,000, this is what it could cost you on a monthly basis if you wait to buy next year:

BOTTOM LINE With both home prices and interest rates projected to increase, buying now instead of later might make sense. |


The Wonderful Benefits of Coconut Oil

//////// Health Tip

“In island cultures where 30-60% of the caloric intake comes from coconut oil, heart disease is virtually nonexistent.”


By Tracy Blanscet

or many decades, most health care officials have been saying that saturated fats are bad for your health. As Americans became diligent about keeping fat out of their diets, the population’s levels of heart disease, obesity, blood cholesterol, and Alzheimer's climbed more than ever. Current research has debunked the low-fat diet myth and shown that healthy fats are essential to good health! “The fact is, all saturated fats are not created equal,” explains Joseph Mercola, Doctor of Osteopathy. While many have embraced this new thinking, it’s a bit harder for our parents and grandparents to let go of their beloved shortening. The Benefits of Coconut Oil While coconut oil has been a hot topic of research for a few years now, the information has really started to catch the attention of the general public. Dr. Mercola is one of the leading educators on the subject helping to distribute scientific findings to the public through his website Unlike the latest “super berry” on the Internet, coconut oil is no fad.



Researchers have examined cultures around the world who rely on coconut oil as a primary source of calories, as well as conducting studies in the lab and in clinical trials. Here are some of the proven benefits of coconut oil: • Promotes heart health • Promotes weight loss, when needed (especially harmful belly fat) • Supports immune system health • Supports healthy metabolism • Provides an immediate energy source • Keeps skin healthy and youthful looking • Supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland Why is coconut oil so much better than other oils? Well, one reason is that 50% of the fat in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature: lauric acid. When consumed this “secret weapon” can destroy bacteria and viruses, including lipid-coated viruses like HIV, Herpes, Measles, Influenza, and Protozoa. Besides wiping out those little bad guys that may be hanging out in your system, coconut oil enhances health in many ways. Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids, which are considered so nutritious that they are used in baby formulas and in hospi-

tals to feed the critically ill and others with special needs. Coconut oil is exceptionally helpful for pregnant women, nursing moms, the elderly, athletes, and those who just want to enhance their overall health. Like a carbohydrate, coconut oil metabolizes quickly and is a powerful source of instant energy to the body. However, it has no insulin spike, which is great for dieters and diabetics. They love that this healthy oil stimulates metabolism and is not stored as fat. Coconut oil has also proven to be a superstar for heart and brain function! In island cultures where 30-60% of the caloric intake comes from coconut oil, heart disease is virtually nonexistent. Just two tablespoons a day (with food) has shown to benefit mental health. In fact, many caretakers of those with Dementia or Alzheimer’s have reported drastic improvements in abilities, conversation skills and memory. Other healthy fats to include in your diet are avocado and olive oil. Olive oil is great for salads and should not be subjected to heat as it causes oxidative damage. Coconut oil has a high smoke point, is great for cooking, and tastes fantastic. The next time you’re at the grocery store, let go of the Crisco and reach for some healthy coconut oil instead.

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.� -Joyce Meyer |


s a teenager, Dr. Shawn Pesh experienced orthodontic treatment to straighten his teeth and correct his bite. This transformation has boosted his self-esteem tremendously over the years. Now he’s serving the Temecula Valley at Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics and paying it forward by helping others experience the benefits of a healthy smile. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, nearly 75% of Americans say the first feature they notice on a person’s face is their smile. As many as 80% of Americans don’t like their smiles or would like to change them in some way. We are a visual society. Your smile says a lot about you and can directly influence your personal relationships, career path, and overall success in life.



Shawn started his educational journey at Walla Walla College where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (’97). “I wanted to give people the confidence to smile, and I couldn’t think of a better way to do that than by becoming an orthodontist,” says Dr. Pesh. He finished his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (’01) and his Masters in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics (’05) at Loma Linda University, where he also served as an assistant professor for five years. Earlier this year, Dr. Pesh made the decision to partner and transition with Dr. Candide Petrol. Dr. Petrol has been practicing in the Temecula Valley for over 25 years, and has established offices in Temecula, Murrieta and Menifee. In order to better meet the growing needs of their patients, Pesh & Petrol

Orthodontics has expanded their hours from 9am-6pm Monday thru Friday at all three of their locations. Treatment options are customized to fit lifestyles of all ages using braces, clear braces and Invisalign®. Choosing an orthodontist can be challenging. Selecting a certified orthodontist who is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) ensures you have chosen a specialist who completed two to three years of additional study and training in orthodontics. Be cautious of six-month treatment programs. Most often, shorter methods are not comprehensive. Dr. Pesh stays current with the latest technologies by attending extensive continuing education courses throughout the year. He is an active member of the American Association of Orthodontists, Pacific

Healthy Smiles /////////

Coast Society of Orthodontists, California Dental Association, Tri-County Dental Society, Inland Valley Dental Study Club and Schulman Study Group. As a member of the Schulman Study Group, Dr. Pesh is committed to pursuing the most progressive and innovative treatment techniques. Excellence in practice and care through sharing is the mission that unites and drives the members of this group. The team at Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics is enthusiastic about continuously motivating and educating patients. They strive to be recognized in our community as the finest quality, patient-centered orthodontic practice. Dr. Pesh explains that straight teeth are not just for looks. In fact, an attractive smile is a side effect of a healthy, functional bite. Crooked teeth are more prone to decay, gum disease, and injury while misaligned jaws can contribute to abnormal wear of tooth surfaces and excessive stress on gums, bones and joints. Early detection and treatment can be less costly and can eliminate more serious, complicated problems in the future. Dr. Pesh recommends taking children for a complimentary orthodontic consultation by the age of eight to start planning for their specific needs. You’ll often hear him say, “Eight is great and nine is fine.” Many parents don’t realize that taking a panoramic x-ray can reveal missing or extra teeth. This important baseline information allows Dr. Pesh to assure parents that their child is being monitored closely and that they will get the proper care at the best time. He also checks for abnormal jaw growth patterns, functional habits, and problems such as cross-bites that are better corrected sooner than later. The transition between childhood

and adolescence can be especially challenging for a teen that isn’t comfortable when they smile. Negative self-image can hinder a child’s social and emotional development. The boost in self-esteem and confidence that comes with a smile you’re proud of is transformational. Orthodontics isn’t just for teens anymore. More and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment than ever before. Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics offers clear braces and Invisalign which are popular options for working professionals at no additional charge. “I’m most passionate about treating our patients like family,” says Dr. Pesh. In this way, “I believe our practice provides an exceptional patient experience. Together we’re committed to create beautiful smiles.” Dr. Pesh is a native Californian and moved to Temecula in 2007. He and his wife, Amanda, love Temecula Valley’s sense of community and its excellent schools. “We feel there’s no better place to raise our family,” says Dr. Pesh. As Shawn speaks of his family, he naturally transitions from professional to proud husband and father. Shawn and Amanda have two daughters: Chloé is 4-years-old and Stella is 9-months old. They are big baseball fans, enjoy country music, and entertaining friends. Shawn is most inspired by Amanda’s decision to leave an established 10-year career in the corporate fashion industry to be a stay-at-home mom to their girls. Shawn believes it’s important to serve the local community where he lives and works. Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics is dedicated to the community by sponsoring local sports. Dr. Pesh is an advocate for protecting smiles with their Community Mouthguard Program

that provides FREE mouthguards for Murrieta's youth athletes. Sport mouthguards are vital in preventing tooth fractures, concussions and other injuries. These valuable donations may be coordinated with your team’s coach and Dr. Pesh’s office. Pesh & Petrol Orthodontics also gives back to our community through their participation in Smile for a Lifetime Foundation. Each month their practice provides probono orthodontic care to children in the community who would not have the opportunity without financial assistance. The foundation’s mission is “to create self-confidence, inspire hope and change the lives of children in our communities in a dramatic way. The gift of a smile can do all this for a deserving, underserved individual who, in turn, can use this gift to better themselves and their community.” Being part of a profession that changes lives by building self-confidence gives Dr. Pesh a great deal of fulfillment. He’s grateful to live and work in our community and is passionate about creating and protecting smiles. Dr. Pesh embraces the opportunity to transform the smiles of our youth, as they become healthy and confident adults. «

41011 California Oaks Road, Suite 201 Murrieta, CA 92562 29826 Haun Road, Suite 101 Menifee, CA 92586 31537 Rancho Pueblo Road, Suite 205 Temecula, CA 92592

951-698-8200 | |


//////// Wisdom Shared

We asked these experienced Neighbors for the Advice they wish they’d have had (or listened to) at 18 years old...



“Live, Love & Laugh! Life is very short.” –Art

“Invest in land. You will never regret it.” –Terry

“Get a college education.” –Carol

“Follow your dreams!” –Bruce

“Stay focused. Keep your eye on the prize.” –Carl

“Be a great student.” –John

Restaurant Buzz /////////

A Peek Inside the Kitchen at

The Broken Yolk Café


hen Jennifer and Oscar Babb met at the Broken Yolk Café in 2009, it was clear they made a great team! Jennifer started as a waitress at the café in 2008 after finishing college. She was making plans for graduate school when she was moved to management. Oscar had started at the original location in Pacific Beach before there was a franchise. It was his first job in San Diego after immigrating from Barcelona, Spain. A few years later Oscar came to the Carlsbad location where he and Jennifer went to work together to open franchises of the Broken Yolk in San Diego County. “Eventually we became franchisees ourselves with our location in Temecula, the first location outside of San Diego County. Somewhere in the middle of all that fun, we married,” Jennifer smiles. The Broken Yolk Café opened in Temecula in 2012, yet it may still be one of the valley’s best-kept secrets. They deliver fresh, affordable, made to order food served up in a casual, comfortable and clean environment. This modern take on a diner, serves breakfast and lunch from 6am-3pm every day of the year!

FRESH. “We make our food from scratch, in house,” says co-owner Jennifer Babb. “Our potatoes are freshly shredded, not dehydrated or frozen.” While many restaurants use pre-packaged ingredients, and cooks have instructions to mix “Part A ” with “Part B,” it is noteworthy that the Broken Yolk, still values real food, served fast. Each day their chefs cut up fresh fruits and vegetables, prepare juices from whole fruits, and create each meal from high quality ingredients. Even the salsas, sauces and gravy are made in house! You won’t find jars or cans in their pantry! HEALTHY. Perhaps the most amazing thing to discover in this kitchen is the fact that they cook with coconut oil. According to many doctors and natural health practitioners, coconut oil is one of best oils you can eat and has a whole host of health benefits. (See page 18) The Broken Yolk has many glutenfree options, as well. Eating G-Free here won’t leave you feeling like you’re missing out on the good stuff.

AFFORDABLE. Breakfast “Happy Hour” is from 6AM-8AM everyday and is sure to put a smile on your face! Start the day off right with 8 specials for only $5.49! If you’re not the morning type, there are specials for you too: lunch specials are offered Monday-Friday for only $5.99. MORE THAN BREAKFAST. Besides their signature eggs and other breakfast items, the Broken Yolk has a fantastic lunch menu including many healthy choices! They also serve a variety of 100% Angus beef burgers. Planning an event? Parties of 10-65 people can book a private event room. Owners, Oscar and Jennifer, love living in Murrieta and feel grateful to the community for the tremendous support they’ve received. They recently opened a second location in La Quinta (Palm Springs Area) and look forward to expanding in the Temecula/Murrieta area, as well.

Broken Yolk Cafe 26495 Ynez Road, Temecula CA 92591 (855) 229-YOLK (9655) |


///////// Community Corner

Running for a Reason

On November 2, Ben Novell, of Novell & Novell Counseling Services will be running in the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon. Each participant in this run must join a fundraising group and Ben has selected Team for Kids to help raise funds for services provided by New York Runners Youth Program. This program helps to combat childhood obesity and empower youth via running and character building programs in low-income schools and community centers inside and outside of the US. However, Ben is taking it a step further and is matching donations, (up to $3,000) which will go to a local cause! The Boys & Girls Club of Southwest County is a youth development agency, which serves children ages 6-18 years old in our valley by providing positive, personal growth experiences in a safe, supervised and structured environment. To donate click here:

Your Lucky Day! Get Shamrocked is a 3-day Irish music festival put on by the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce. There will be ample food (and drink) with local favorites as well as popular food trucks. With thousands of Celtic revelers expected over weekend, Get Shamrocked II is now a major player on the California festival scene! Featuring the very best Irish and Celtic bands and musicians, creating a weekend of pure Irish magic. Friday night and Saturday will be 21 & over only with the music and entertainment geared to an adult audience. Sunday is a day for the whole family to enjoy together and will include Irish dancers, story telling, interactive characters and other fun surprises! Are you ready to Get Shamrocked? Get your tickets today!

Operation School Bell

As school resumes and families are headed to do their back to school shopping, it’s important to remember that there are some in the community that cannot afford the luxury of new clothes or a backpack. The Assistance League is happy to help support Operation School Bell, by providing new clothes for many local children in need in the communities of Lake Elsinore, Menifee, Murrieta, and Temecula. The fall shopping events take place at Kohl's in Temecula, Murrieta and Menifee and at Target in Lake Elsinore. Thank you to these stores and staff for working hard to help make it a special day for the children!

Loma Linda Family Health Fair

It's Back! The Family Health Fair is on for Sunday September 28 from 12-4pm! Come on over for a healthy mix of live music from Southbound, fresh local food vendors, and free activities including climbing walls, bungee jumping, and petting zoo. The fair will be bigger and better than ever! We have a host of local non-profit organizations, physicians and hospital services, health screenings, CHP and Fire Department on hand to help with helmet safety and much more! Go to: — at Loma Linda University Medical Center Murrieta.


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The Search for Elder Care– When is the Right Time?

//////// Ask the Expert / Seniors

By Catharine Shepard

Co-Founder of Senior Care Referral Specialists, Inc.


– the word evokes feelings of love, loyalty, and responsibility. In years gone by, families were able to care for their elderly loved ones as they aged, and often took them into their homes. However, in today’s society, where most families require both spouses to work to provide for the daily needs of a household, the option to care for the elderly in our life is not always possible… yet, the need remains. In working with families to help them understand their options for eldercare, we often find one of the most basic questions asked are “How do I know if my elderly family member really needs care?” It seems obvious to the family that something needs to be done, because there have been indicators of need – a fall, a hospitalization, medication mismanagement, confusion, or even just the inability to accomplish the simple errands of life due to age and compromised abilities, such as driving. Typically, when there is concern there is a need. When you realize your loved one is not able to care for themselves properly or is in need of assistance to accomplish daily activities, it is time to take a serious look at how best to provide for the situation at hand, and take appropriate steps. Here are just a few ideas to begin evaluating their needs… • Check the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. Are the dishes and silverware thoroughly clean, or are



there remnants of food that might draw insects? Is there more spoiled food in the refrigerator than fresh? Are items where they should be? For example, maybe there are eggs in the pantry, and scissors in the freezer! • Observe your loved one cooking – how do they handle hot pans, and what are they putting in a microwave? Is their understanding of basic cooking skills beginning to be compromised by memory loss? Could this be a safety hazard? • How are they doing with medication management? Are pills scattered through drawers, or are the pill bottles too full for the timeframe in which they were ordered? Have you noticed any unusual behaviors in your loved one? Medication mismanagement is a key reason for many emergency room visits. • How is the hygiene of your loved one? Have you noticed repetition in clothing, or a fear of showering? Lack of personal hygiene can lead to urinary tract infections (UTI). UTIs are known to speed the progression of dementia and can also cause sepsis. • Have there been multiple falls, or multiple hospitalizations? This indicates an immediate

need for oversight! Prevention is key to your loved one's physical safety. With proper education and guidance, you can learn about the best care options for consideration. This could mean a combination in-home care services and family assistance, with preparatory steps for longer term care. If the care needs are more significant, you can learn which types of care settings would best fit the specific clinical and social needs involved, as well as gain an understanding of the regulations which may impact your choice. There are solutions – but the first step is to recognize the problems. In following articles, we will be addressing the types of senior care available, and the associated costs, as well as how to pay for senior care, including private pay and the various government programs that may be of assistance. Do you have a question or concern about a senior in your life? SENIOR CARE REFERRAL SPECIALISTS, Inc. Phone: 951-824-8299 Email: website: |


An Alternative to ObamaCare!

//////// Your Health


re you tired of paying more than ever, as the quality of healthcare seems to be slipping lower and lower? Temecula Medical Group offers an alternative: a high-quality, in-house care plan for the whole family. The best part is that it’s affordable and can be used in conjunction with your current insurance! Paying high premiums is hard enough, but all the copays and deductibles can really add up. In fact, when you consider other health costs such as chiropractic, physical therapy, x-rays, labs, etc.; the cost of maintaining your health can come with a huge price tag. Temecula Medical Group offers so much more than a conventional medical office all for one flat monthly fee. With plan pricing at $125 for an individual ($75 for minors) or $350 for the whole family, Murrieta residents have been delighted by the quality of care at this price point. “Most people are really surprised at all we include for our members,” explains Medical Director, Richard Rawson, D.O. “They are delighted to find out that weight loss, dermatology, osteopathic manipulation (Chiropractic), 24/7 urgent care, x-rays and even minor surgery are all included with no extra cost!” This plan has been especially advantageous to selfemployed families. “We love educating people about

how they can comply with the new healthcare laws, avoid the penalties associated with ObamaCare and get exceptional care at a lower cost,” explains Business Manager, Mark Kehoe. Stop allowing insurance to dictate your care. You DO have a choice. Get educated about your options. Without his hands tied by insurance, Dr. Rawson is free to practice medicine the way he was taught: focused on YOUR needs and concerns. Call or come by today for a FREE consultation and tour of Temecula Medical Group!

ARE YOU READY FOR • A doctor who has time to listen to you • Personal Attention • Flat fee for unlimited services • Same Day Appointments 24/7 Urgent Care, Onsite x-ray, Weight loss, Dermatology, Osteopathic Manipulation (Chiropractic), Minor Surgery, Hormone Therapy, Gym membership & More… ALL INCLUDED! 44054 Margarita Rd, #1 | Temecula, CA 92592 | 951.302.2526

How One Local Family Saved Over $20,000/year on Healthcare!


hen the *Jarvis family came in for a tour of Temecula Medical Group, they had a lot of complaints with their current insurance plan. As a self-employed family, the increase in their insurance premium was painful! It had jumped by almost $700/mo. To add insult to injury they felt the HMO coverage was the worst plan they had ever had, while they were paying higher rates than ever! We evaluated the family’s healthcare expenses and learned that they were spending $5015 per year, 28


over and above their insurance costs. Add on the cost of their HMO insurance plan and they had paid a whopping $26,615! Todd was in great health and just liked to stop into the doctor quarterly to monitor his blood pressure, which he was managing naturally. Amber was trying to lose weight and had been going to a weight clinic on and off over the last year for a total of 6 months. Both were paying for a gym membership. The four children each had separate and unique reasons for their

medical visits. Male, 17 – Gets a sport physical every year for high school sports. Sees a chiropractor regularly for pain from a wrestling injury. Female, 16 – Besides her annual sports physical, she was seeing a dermatologist every two months for moderate acne, which was not well controlled. Male, 12 – Neck pain and forward thrust of head had mom concerned, but she had not started him with the chiropractor because of the expense. (Mom reported he spent a

Your Health /////////

“This is the best decision we’ve ever made! We are getting better care than I could’ve imagined!” ~Amber Jarvis

lot of time with his head bent looking at the screen of his tablet or phone.) He was seeing a podiatrist on average once per year and his parents were also concerned about a lump under the skin on his back. They were waiting for approval by the insurance to excise it for a biopsy and still hadn’t heard back after more than three weeks. Female, 10 – Over the last year she had seen her primary doctor four times just for her digestive issues in addition to her regular physical. She had also been to both urgent care and the emergency room for extreme stomach pain and had two appointments for nutrition counseling where she learned how

to identify gluten ingredients in foods. All of these costs can be painful after already paying the exorbitant insurance costs. Temecula Medical Group has a family rate of $350 per month. The annual cost to the family would have been $4200 for everything listed above! We connected the Jarvis’ with one of our favorite organizations and they were able to choose from an amazing comprehensive type of coverage ($478/mo) or add a catastrophic type of plan ($135/mo). The total cost for both our concierge plan and the catastrophic plan the Jarvis Family chose comes to only $5820 for the entire year! Best of all, their plan complies

with the requirements of the Affordable Healthcare Act (aka ObamaCare). In just 3 short months this family has received the following benefits at Temecula Medical Group: Unlimited doctor visits, acne treatment, weight loss treatment, nutrition counseling, osteopathic manipulation (Chiropractic), excised enlarged lymph node on the younger son and sent for biopsy, wart removal, sports physicals and even gym memberships! One of the things Amber loves most is that when a prescription is necessary, we find the lowest price in town and print coupons for our patients to use. Amber was thrilled to get the acne medicine for her daughter for only $10! That was less than the copay alone on their former insurance plan! Why not schedule your consultation or stop by today to see how we can help your family or small business get excellent care at an affordable rate! *Names have been changed for privacy. |


//////// Business Buzz

Hospice of the Valleys

A Mission of Caring

ou’ve probably heard of hospice, but many people really don’t understand what it is. Hospice provides support, care, and comfort for those with life-limiting conditions when medicine cannot offer a cure. Hospice of the Valleys (HOV) has been serving the community for over 30 years and is the only nonprofit hospice headquartered in the Temecula/Murrieta Valley. Back in the 1980’s, there were no services available for families dealing with end-of-life challenges. Two sisters from Sun City saw a need for help and made it their mission to provide this care. As volunteers, they received training in hospice care and raised funds for their cause. Their start as an allvolunteer organization is just one indication of HOV’s passion to care for people. Most patients with Medicare Insurance don’t realize that they (not the doctor or the insurance company) have the right to choose which Hospice will care for them. Although Medicare Certified Hospice Programs are required to provide a basic set of services, all hospice programs are not created equally. Medicare does not specify what percentage of funds must be spent on direct patient care, nor do they specify nurse caseloads. Medicare does not require that a Hospice retain a full time physician or that the physician have any specialty training in Hospice and Palliative Medicine. This is why HOV stands out! Being motivated by something greater than the dollar, they give from the heart! “We treat patients with love, dignity and respect and seek to alleviate the physical, spiritual and emotional pain which patients and their families experience during this phase of life,” explains Dr. Cochrane, Executive Medical Director. Hospice of the Valleys has a low patient to staff ratio, which allows a lot of personal attention. “One of the things our families love about Hospice of the Valleys, is the fact that our doctor makes house calls,” says




Lynette Cvar, Chief Administrator/CFO. They are not a franchise, so they are a hundred percent focused the needs of patients in our community. In fact, their staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors all live in our community and take care of patients like they were family because they are family to them. “My mom looked forward to her visits with the staff. They were her friends,” says Joyce Buchheit. “I was also glad she had someone to talk to about what to expect, when it was too difficult for me to discuss.” Murrieta resident, Vickie Walker, shares the challenges she faced before HOV began helping her to care for her ailing mother at home. “I had been taking my mother to multiple doctor visits every week as her health declined. It was an emotional time.” It was tough balancing her roles as a wife, mother, and business owner in addition to caring for her mother. She resisted when her mom’s doctor first recommended hospice care, but when she finally agreed, she explains that their quality of life drastically improved. “HOV has been such a blessing in our lives. They are angels. It is a special gift to be able to give the service they do.” Community support allows HOV to serve those in need. They never turn away a patient in need on the basis of their ability to pay. They also provide grief and bereavement services to the community at large at no cost. Hospice of the Valleys is fulfilling an important role in the community and the lives of local families. Their tender and dedicated service has prompted many of the families they have served in the past to begin volunteering with their organization. They consider this one of the highest compliments they could imagine. MISSION WORK IN HAITI |


full-page AD bleed

Meet Your Mechanic /////////


The Drive for Excellence By Heather Rawlings

ver since he was a little boy, Rocky Leal, has been fascinated with cars. As he grew, he transitioned from Hot Wheels to remote control cars to performance vehicles. In his teen years, his paychecks were spent on improvements to his ride. So, it’s no surprise as an adult he eventually found his niche in the car industry. As the owner of Murrieta Tire and Auto in Historic Downtown Murrieta, Rocky gets to talk shop all day. Great location, exceptional customer service, and state of the art technology make Murrieta Tire and Auto the easy choice when looking for a place to service your vehicle. Rocky’s reputation is behind each estimate, repair, or set of tires… and he takes that very seriously. “When you rely heavily on referrals, like we do, you have to be trustworthy,” explains Rocky.


“It is a great source of pride to the entire team to have a 5 star rating online.”


The trust built with his clients has translated into fantastic reviews! It is a great source of pride to the entire team to have a 5 star rating online. “Being able to provide the best customer service and getting such amazing feedback from the customer is the best part of doing what I do,” Rocky says. Each of the mechanics on the team is ASE certified. Although they work on all vehicles, they also have a specialist in German imports. In fact, they use the same diagnostic equipment as Mercedes Benz. Rocky is glad to have a dedicated team of mechanics that are committed to doing their best. Part of this can be attributed to the fact that Rocky treats his employees like family. In an industry where benefits are scarce, Rocky feels that paying a decent wage, including vacation and retirement plans will provide quality of life to a dedicated crew. The benefits come back to him in attracting better skilled, loyal workers who are committed to provide excellent service. Murrieta Tire and Auto is your friendly, neighborhood mechanic where you can have all of your auto needs attended to. Whether you need tires, preventative maintenance, repairs, or alignment, Rocky and his team are the mechanics you can trust.

Service Inc.

951-677-3252 |


Love to Clean Your Home

//////// Business Buzz

4 Move In 4 Move Out 4 Spring cleaning

4 Office 4 Home 4 Commercial

“Lost time is never found again.”

Martha Mendoza

–Benjamin Franklin

In the rush of everyday life, it seems

there’s never enough time. Our neighbor, Martha Mendoza, started her housekeeping business with the goal to give back to others some of their most precious resource… Time. Martha has always been a hardworking woman with a keen business sense. Before moving to Southwest Riverside County, she was the coowner of a busy produce market and deli in San Diego for over 10 years. Upon relocating to the valley several years ago, she took some time off to be with her youngest children. Though she loved being a stay-athome-mom, the economy took its toll on her family, so she pushed up her sleeves and went back to work. When she started her cleaning business, she set high standards for herself and her team. First and foremost, she went through the process to become licensed and bonded to give her customers peace of mind. Then, Martha spent the time to properly train each member of the team to work quickly and thoroughly, leaving their clients homes cleaner than ever and exceeding expectations. “It makes me feel so good when I get a text from a client telling me they love the way their home looks,” she says, smiling. Martha knows happy customers mean referrals and this is solely what has built her business over the last two years. Martha explains that even her most tidy clients love knowing that things have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Everyone has their strengths and Martha takes pride in knowing that she is providing a service she excels at. Free Estimate

951-219-4989 | Licensed & Bonded #038740 34


Estate Planning by the Numbers

Ask the Expert / Law/////////

By Samuel G. Lockhart, Esq

“The first thing you need to understand is that the general rule is if you die without a trust your heirs will have to go through probate”


well drafted estate plan will save you and your estate time and money. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, but death and taxes.” We will all pass from this life to the next and the vast majority of us will have an estate that will need to be divided up among our heirs, whether large or small. Most people I meet know that an estate plan is a good idea…if you have money. However, I rarely meet a self-proclaimed wealthy individual. I have sat down with people with a few thousand dollars in the bank and others worth tens of millions of dollars who told me that they are not wealthy. When I inquire as to why they do not see themselves as being wealthy, the

response is typically the same – someone else they know has more money than they do. So, most individuals resolve to have an estate plan prepared when they reach the unobtainable destination of wealth. An estate plan will help you in a myriad of ways, but let’s look at the math behind the estate plan. The first thing you need to understand is that the general rule is if you die without a trust your heirs will have to go through probate. Probate fees that are paid to the attorney and executor are set by statute as follows: • 4% of the first $100,000 of the gross value of the probate estate • 3% of the next $100,000 • 2% of the next $800,000 • 1% of the next $9 million • 0.5% of the next $15 million The value of your probate estate is calculated based upon the gross value of what you own. So, if your home is worth $400,000, but you owe $300,000, the statutory fees will still be calculated based upon the $400,000 figure plus the value of the rest of your estate. LEGAL COUNSEL TO CLOSELY HELD BUSINESSES AND BUSINESS OWNERS

For Example: If the only asset in estate is a $500,000 home with a mortgage of $400,000. Filing Fee X 2 – “Petition to Probate” and “Petition for Final Distribution.” $870 Notice of Probate (at cheapest estimated rate) $100 Attorney’s Fees: • 4% of $100,000 = $4,000 • 3% of next $100,000 = $3,000 • 2% of remaining $300,000 = $6,000 • Total: $13,000 • Executor’s Fee: $13,000 • Appraisal Fee: 0.1% X $500,000 = $500 • GRAND TOTAL: $27,470!!!! The cost to set up a Revocable Living Trust and estate planning packet that will allow you to avoid probate completely, will typically cost you around a couple thousand dollars. If you aren’t sure whether an estate plan will be of benefit to you, give me a call and we can discuss your situation. «

PH: (951)461-8878 FAX: (951)823-5715 41856 IVY STREET, STE 207 MURRIETA, CA 92562 |


//////// Chamber of Commerce

And the winners are…

e LaRocqu e t t e n n A

Chamber Staff

Chairman’s Choice

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Ambassador of the Year

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Firefighter of the Year

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Chamber Member of the Year |

Large Business of the Year

Fisher Michael

Volunteer of the Year

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Davidson y l r e b m i K Citizen of the Year

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Entrepreneur of the Year

re ter & Mo n e C l i a M

Small Business of the Year

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Visionary Award 2014

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Police Officer of the Year

Chamber of Commerce /////////

8am meeting at

Broken Yolk |


//////// Temple Beth Sholom


A Different way to Celebrate

Contributed by Temple Beth Sholom

Unlike many secular festive celebrations that include merry making and partying, when the Jewish New Year arrives, Jews worldwide attend synagogue services. Through prayer they evaluate their lives and strive to find ways to improve themselves in the coming year. Individuals seek forgiveness not only from God but also from individuals they might have hurt. On Rosh Hashanah, Jewish people ask God to inscribe them, their families and communities into the Book of Life for the entire next year. The High Holiday period is also a time for those of the Jewish faith to spend time dedicating themselves to their families and communities. The two major holidays that make up the High Holidays are Rosh Hashanah (the “Head of the Year”) and Yom Kippur (the “Day of Atonement”). Jewish tradition teaches that on Rosh Hashanah, God judges all living beings (not just people), and decrees what the new year will bring for them. During the Ten Days of Repentance, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, any of God’s stern degrees may be softened by a person’s serious motivation to improve. This motivation is revealed to God through prayer, charity and repentance. The tradition teaches that at the close of Yom Kippur, God’s decree is sealed in the Book of Life. However, such degrees can still be altered after the Book is sealed by continued prayer, charity and repentance. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM WELCOMES ALL JEWISH AND INTERFAITH FAMILIES TO COME HOME FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS At this most sacred time of the Jewish year, Temple Beth Sholom, is reaching out to Jewish and Jewish Interfaith families in the Temecula Valley to attend High Holiday Services and participate in other scheduled services and programs, not only for the High Holidays,



but throughout the year. Student Rabbi Sandy Rosenstein, on behalf of all of the members of Temple Beth Sholom has stated that the theme for this year is to “Welcome all Jewish and Jewish Interfaith Families to Come Home for the Holidays” with the hope that those attending will “Stay for the Year.” Temple Beth Sholom is the only Jewish congregation in the valley affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, as well as the only Conservative Temple in the valley with an ordained Rabbi. With the lowest membership dues in the valley (and financial assistance available) the Temple has removed all barriers pre-

cluding participation in Temple activities and High Holiday services for those who would like to attend. Student Rabbi Sandy Rosenstein describes the congregation as “a Conservative temple, with a modern twist.” In addition to holding services Friday nights at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m., Temple Beth Sholom provides a variety of educational programs and social events. Temple Beth Sholom leases space in the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Building, located at 26790 Y nez Ct., Suite B, in Temecula. For more information visit

PO BOX 27890 Clinton Keith RD, Ste. D-306 Murrieta, California 92562

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