MyTemecula Feb2015

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The Science-based Weight Loss Solution that Works! Asperger's syndrome | Paleo Meal Delivery | Lake Wolford




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5 Publisher's Note

Cover Story 6 Weight No More

Rising Star 10 Zachary Lawrence

Special Features 11 Asperger’s Syndrome 14 Just Around the Corner 16 Primal Cravings 28 A Love Story

Ask the Expert 13 19 21 26

Health & Hormones Real Estate Senior Care Your Taxes



Meet Your Neighbor 22 The Martinellis

Community Corner 30 Local Happenings

Business Buzz 24 Pest Control

Blazing Tales 27 Puppy Love







Publisher’s Note /////////


2015 is underway and Temecula is buzzing, as usual. February is the month of love and I have a love story to share with you. This story is of friendship-love not romantic-love.

Publisher & Editor in Chief Tracy Blanscet

Creative Director

Fara Asay


Heather Rawlings Brittany Rose

Laurie Blanscet

Catherine Shepard

Smith Marion & Company Cover Photography by

Stevie Dee Photography

MyTemecula Magazine

27890 Clinton Keith Road, D-306 Murrieta, CA 92562

office | 951.801.5332

For Advertising Contact:

Back in 2005, it was the first Valentine’s Day after my divorce. I got two very special valentines that year. One was a card and some candy from my parents. The other was from my best friend. The reason these little gifts were so special was that I had never had a thought of my single friends on Valentine’s Day. So it was my first exposure to being mindful of others in this situation. It wasn’t something they did every year, it was something special for me while I was in transition. It was an act of kindness that has stuck with me ever since.

We all have experiences that help us to be sensitive to others going through something similar. It is your tough times that help shape you to be caring and thoughtful of others. So who are you thinking of right now that you can send a thoughtful note to this month? The romance part of the story is that I have been remarried, happily, for 2 ½ years. Our blended family keeps us hopping and it’s great to have someone in my corner full time.  I firmly believe that you must know what you’re looking for in order to find it.

Just for fun, I’ve got a photo from my single days of keeping a positive mindset and one from my wedding. Don’t forget to nurture your love, no matter how long you’ve been together.

Editorial content is provided by advertisers and is expressly intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only. Editorial content is not offered as advice, recommendations, or as an endorsement. Editorial content is intended only as statements of opinion, not statements of fact. The publisher makes no representations or guarantees, express or implied, to the accuracy of any information contained in editorial content or advertisements. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. Express written permission must be granted to re-print or copy any material contained herein.

Your Neighbor,

Tracy Blanscet |


//////// Feature

Weight No More The Science-based Weight Loss Solution that Works! 6


an overweight patient to eat less and exercise more is paramount to telling the diabetic patient to “eat less sugar” or the depressed patient to “think happy thoughts” as the sole treatment modality,” explains Dr. Skversky. When he set out to find better solutions for his patients, he found that short of aggressive and risky intestinal bypass surgery, there really wasn’t a safe and effective solution. Then a groundbreaking study in 1992 changed everything. The research showed for the first time in medical history that long term weight-loss could be achieved and maintained by taking a combination of two medications. It also concluded that when the medications were discontinued after three and a half years, nearly everyone put back all their weight regardless of being continued on the same diet and exercise protocols for the last five months of the study. This clearly showed the efficacy of drug therapy and what happens when medications are stopped. No different, really, than what happens when diabetic or hypertensive medications are stopped: Blood sugar and blood pressure return to pre-treatment levels. Unlike other chronic diseases, obesity cannot be hidden from those around you. Many suffer in silence from the psychological, prejudicial and discriminatory aspects of this disease. This can have a profound effect on one’s quality of life. In addition to outside criticism, comes the inner criticism people tend to beat themselves up with each time they look in the mirror. “Obesity is a metabolic, chronic, and progressive disease with a significant genetic predisposition. It’s very much like diabetes and hypertension, which obesity can cause, or make worse,” Dr. Skversky explains. “Chronic diseases, in most cases, need long



he Temecula Valley is fortunate to host many business leaders who are at the forefront of their fields. Robert Skversky, M.D. is one local business owner who has gained national attention for his role as a leader in treating obesity safely and effectively. Dr. Skversky has been a guest on Good Morning America, the Today show, and the Dr. Oz Show (among others) discussing his protocols for long-term weight loss. He has been featured in several publications including the Wall Street Journal and More Magazine. He has also been a featured speaker at the American Society of Bariatric Physicians’ annual conference, where he has educated other medical providers on medications for long-term weight loss. One of the things local patients love about Dr. Skversky is that before turning his attention full time to obesity medicine in 1994, he gained over 20 years of experience in family practice and emergency medicine. His solid background has made him very well rounded in treating each person’s individual needs. Often his patients have other conditions that require special consideration. His medical background and passion for science set him apart from a typical weight loss center where patients are seen by nonmedical personnel rather than a physician, PA, or RN with a full scope of medical experience. Dr. Skversky’s interest in helping people lose weight began early in his career, as he saw some of his family practice patients struggle with their weight. Many complained that they could not lose weight even by severely restricting calories. He knew that a person’s weight is primarily determined by genetics and saw that the typical advice of diet and exercise failed most. “Telling

Feature /////////

After giving birth to her second daughter at the age of 42, Ellen really had trouble getting her weight down. For more than 10 years afterwards, she was stuck in the yo-yo cycle many dieters experience. It was discouraging to see the numbers on the scale fluctuate so much and she blamed herself for the weight. When her general practitioner suggested Gastric Bypass surgery, it really jarred her. “I wanted to find a less invasive solution, but I didn’t want to go to another ‘diet doctor,’” Ellen recalls. “I asked around to see if there was a highly respected medical doctor in the valley with a focus on weight loss. My physical therapist told me about Dr. Skversky.” Ellen made an appointment at Weight No More, and has never looked back! She has lost over 50 pounds and now wears a size 8! She has managed to keep the weight off and has grown to understand why other medical professionals hold Dr. Skversky in such high regard. “I have so much more energy now,” she exclaims. Ellen’s advice to others struggling with their weight is simple: “Don’t keep telling yourself, you’ll start a diet on Monday. We all know diets don’t work; you have to make a lifestyle change. One of my favorite sayings is ‘I’m not on a diet; I’m on a live it!’” |


//////// Feature

31537 Rancho Pueblo Rd., Suite 105 Temecula, CA 92592 Temecula Office: 951.699.0848



At Weight No More, patients are keeping their weight off long term! Dr. Skversky customizes a program for each individual, selecting from multiple medications which act to suppress appetite, control cravings, improve insulin sensitivity, slow carbohydrate absorption and lower the metabolic set point. Patients are monitored monthly or as medically indicated until their desired weight-loss is achieved. At each and every visit all vital signs are taken, side effect profiles reviewed, physical exam done, questions answered, and treatment plan (including lab tests) evaluated. Once desired weight-loss is achieved, a maintenance program is started. Medications are continued at the lowest effective dosage, and previously noted protocols remain intact. Patients are seen every 3 months, or as medically indicated to monitor maintenance. It’s the end of yo-yoing! Patients are happy to report more energy then they’ve felt in years! Their steps are not just lighter due to carrying fewer pounds, they just feel happier when they look in the mirror or receive a compliment from a friend. Seeing the transformation of their patients physically, mentally and emotionally, is what gives the whole team at Weight No More a sense of purpose. Dr. Skversky’s reputation as a leader in his field is well deserved! His commitment to changing lives in the Temecula Valley and beyond is unparalleled.


term drug therapy as an essential component for control, not cure. The same is true for treating obesity.” Once it was scientifically proven that obesity could be treated with medication, Dr. Skversky became a pioneer in the field. As he began helping his patients change their lives, he saw an entire transformation; their self-confidence rose, they smiled more, and other areas of their lives improved as well. As patient’s shared the secret of their successful weight loss with their friends and family, Dr. Skversky’s practice grew tremendously! People even travelled from other cities to be treated by this leader in weight loss treatment. Within two years, he made the decision to focus his practice exclusively on weight loss. He now has offices in Temecula and Newport Beach. Dr. Skversky explains that all diets work initially because they are based on caloric restriction. However, after a short period of time, one’s body will try everything to return to one’s predetermined weight. Metabolism will slow down and energy expenditure will decrease. The result is that weight loss stops and regain occurs often to pretreatment levels and beyond. These ups and downs in weight are how the term “yo-yo” dieting was coined. With hundreds of “weight loss” supplements on the market, Dr. Skversky warns that most are designed to slim your wallet, not your waist.

320 Superior Avenue, Suite 210 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach: 949-645-2930

Temecula resident, Wendy, struggled with her weight most of her life, but it was even harder after having children. Over the years Wendy had tried many well-known programs, such as Weight Watchers, Lindora, and Jenny Craig. She also tried to exercise the pounds away at the gym, but never had lasting results. For the first time ever, “lose weight” is not at the top of her New Year’s resolutions for 2015. “Weight No More has helped me to drop five sizes and over 70 pounds,” Wendy smiles confidently. She has been able to maintain her weight loss (even during the holidays) thanks to all that she has learned from Dr. Skversky and the rest of the staff. “I feel balanced,” she explains. “I’m more active now, I feel better than ever, and I’m finally in control of my appetite.”

//////// Rising Star

Introducing, the GREAT, the TALENTED, the EXTRAORDINARY

Zachary Lawrence

“Life’s challenges are opportunities for personal growth.” ~Lailah Gifty Akita

When Zachary Lawrence moved to the valley from Louisiana in 2008, it was a tough time for him. He was only in first grade and having Asperger’s syndrome (an autism spectrum disorder) made it difficult to make friends. Thankfully, he’s always had parents Dane and Amanda Norem, along with siblings Haleigh and Nathan in his corner. By second grade, Zach had several bullies at school and was anxious to find a way to connect with others. Although many people with Asperger’s are highly intelligent, the social challenges can be problematic. “He’s had an extensive vocabulary since the age of three, and has an easier time conversing with adults than his peers,” recounts Amanda. “Kids can be cruel sometimes.” His parents report that it was an amazing teacher, that really helped Zachary to come out of his shell. “He decided the summer before 5th grade that he was going to have to



make kids like him,” remember parents Dane and Amanda. “So he began learning magic and beat-boxing.” Ironically it was another Asperger’s trait that helped Zach accomplish this goal: The ability to deeply focus on an area of interest and gain comprehensive knowledge. Nearly 12 now, Zach has improved his social interactions with people by becoming an entertainer… Magic tricks, beat boxing, voice impersonations, and playing the guitar are all talents that he uses to help him relate to others and make friends. “I’ve learned all four of these talents by teaching myself,” reports Zach. Magic may be Zach’s favorite talent, but he’s been impersonating voices since he was only four years old. “He is still working on mastering this skill,” says Amanda, “but you can tell which voices he’s doing.” Although Zach wants to be

a herpetologist (a scientist who studies snakes and other reptiles) when he grows up, he’d like to keep up with being a magician too. He has made it his business to make others smile with his magic tricks. “Seeing people’s reactions to my magic makes me really happy,” he shares. Zach is inspiration because of his ability to overcome obstacles, but he’s had a great example. “My dad always tries to do his best and be his best,” he shares. We all have challenges to overcome, and seeing our friends and neighbors conquer theirs is a terrific motivator to go head-tohead with our own!

More on Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s /////////

Asperger’s syndrome is considered a high functioning form of autism. People with Asperger’s have difficulty with social interactions and may have other behaviors associated with the syndrome such as “robotic" speech, challenges with nonverbal communication (gestures, facial expression, etc.), lack of eye contact or reciprocal conversation, awkward mannerisms and more. here is a list of strengths and Challenges shared at strengths


attention to detail

grasping the “big” picture

Often highly skilled in a particular area

Uneven set of skills

Deep study resulting in encyclopedic knowledge on areas of interest

Difficulty in developing motivation to study areas not of interest

tendency to be logical (helpful in decision making where emotions may interfere)

Difficulty perceiving emotional states of other

less concern for what others may think of them (can be a strength and a challenge). also known as independent thinking. Often results in novel "big picture" insights due to different ways of looking at things, ideas, and concepts.

Perceiving unwritten rules of social interaction. But can learn these rules through direct instruction and social narratives social as Power Cards (gagnon, 2004) Difficulty processing in non-favorite modalities such as aural, kinesthetic, etc.

Usually visual processing (thinking in pictures or video)

Difficulty parsing out and summarizing important information for a conversation

Often very verbal (Propensity of giving detailed descriptions may be useful in providing directions to lost persons)

sensory integration problems where input may register unevenly, distorted, and difficulty in screening out background noise

Direct communication



generalization of skills and concepts


Difficulty expressing empathy in ways that others expect or understand

nonjudgemental listening average to above average intelligence

executive functioning resulting in difficulties planning long-term tasks |




Ask the Expert / Health & Hormones /////////

Hi Dr. Blanscet, Thank you for the great information on the hormonal changes that women go through as we age. I was wondering if guys go through something similar. I always tease my husband that he is going through “Man-o-pause.” Is there such a thing?


ndeed there is! Andropause is the medical term for the decline in hormones that occurs as men age. Testosterone is the main hormone that declines in men, although other hormones should also be checked. Testosterone has many roles in the body. Not only is it key in drive and stamina, it is essential for many other functions in the body. Testosterone plays a role in bone density, muscle mass, and red blood cell levels, among other things. Men make up a large percentage of the patients who seek out hormone replacement therapy (HRT). They are often referred by their wives or have heard about the great results from some of their guy friends. The symptoms men may experience include: decreased energy, more aches and pains, changes in mood, trouble concentrating, issues with erections and/or libido, increased body fat, poor muscle tone, slower recovery after workouts, sleep issues, and they may generally feel like they’ve passed their peak. You may hear him complain that he’s “getting old.” A man with low testosterone may not necessarily experience any change to his sex drive, but other symptoms will be evident. Men’s hormones drop more gradually than ours do, so it can often be overlooked. Generally testosterone will decline slowly beginning in the thirties. Our toxic environment seems to be accelerating this decline. Often your primary care provider may overlook hormones as the cause to these symptoms because his levels are “normal.” Remember that “normal” is subjective and based on a population that is overweight, fatigued, and stressed. A doctor with special training in hormones will look for “optimal” values. Before you assume that the man in

~Heather V. your life is doomed to suffer because his lab work is “normal,” trust your gut feeling that something is not right. A specialist will treat him as a whole person, not a set of numbers. The great news is that, when done correctly, it is safe and effective for men to have Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Men on optimal HRT report feeling at their prime again. Improvements in motivation, mood, memory, energy, sleep, libido, and even their physical appearance have many men loving life again! There are several ways to restore hormone balance in men including bioidentical pellets, creams, or injections. Each man is different and needs a personalized HRT program that addresses his unique needs. Don’t rely on your insurance to pay for optimal wellness: If you want to feel balanced it is in your hands. For the men and women out there experiencing the decline in health and vitality that comes with a drop in hormones, act now and stop suffering. Schedule a consultation with a hormone specialist! Dr. Laurie Blanscet owns and operates a concierge medical practice specializing in anti-aging, bioidentical hormones & integrative health.

Laurie Blanscet, D.O. – An Optimal You 29995 Technology Dr, Ste 203 | Murrieta, CA 92563 | 951-541-3577 |


o h W l f e o k r d a : L

//////// Just Around the Corner

Rustic Setting, Angling Excellence


by George Kramer

hese days, I suppose you can blame satellite mapping for taking some of the sauce out of a weekend adventure. Pick a spot, click on and zoom in. No more surprises around the bend. And yet, if the opportunity afforded itself, wouldn’t it be nice to actually sample a destination—one with a little history, a bit of rustic, postcard charm, yet less than an hour away? Lake Wohlford, east of Escondido, is clearly such a spot. The little reservoir, first created in 1895, and enlarged and renamed by 1923, spans a period that once saw horse trails, primitive roads, and fish camps all attendant to the city’s earliest attempts to provide water for local agriculture. Today, the citrus and avocado groves are largely gone from a town whose name in Spanish means “hidden.” But when compared to other inland, watery destinations, the name still fits. Lake Wohlford, with its quiet waters, accessed by a winding two lane road climbing a 1000 feet above the valley, is surely hidden from all but the stellar view. Angling is certainly a focal point here and with good reason. Trouters find the winter months well-suited for the regular stocking of Nebraskaraised rainbows—a colorful, fin-per-



fect species known as Tail Walkers. Later in the springtime, largemouth bass of trophy proportions are often caught, while crappie and channel catfish fill out the menu. For the avid outdoor-minded, the fact that restroom facilities are not the flush variety will not diminish the experience. What will surprise some anglers, however, is that no private boats are allowed, a consequence of attempting to block invasive quagga mussels from the water system. Instead, the lake features a fleet of rental boats (with special days and rates for seniors and veterans), lots of shore fishing, plus picnic areas, hiking trails and presently, a large grassy field for group sports. I say “presently” as a new replacement dam is in the works and expected to be completed sometime in 2017. That new structure will allow the lake to reach its full capacity, something that hasn’t happened in more than a decade. Of course, a quick Internet search will turn up RV camps in close proximity to the lake. One of those is fronted by Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Café, where daily angling permits are secured, not to mention, a hearty meal, a pleasant lake view and walls adorned with vintage angling photos may be enjoyed.

Just one little tip for travelers: Your GPS might not acknowledge a portion of Escondido’s East Valley Parkway is “one way,” not far from the I-15. The secret is to get to North Ash Street, which bypasses the problem and intersects your eventual route toward Lake Wohlford Road for the final 3-mile leg to the water’s edge.

George Kramer, a resident of Lake Elsinore, has been covering fishing and outdoors-related topics since 1973, and was inducted into the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame as a Legendary Communicator in 2012. For more fish tales, his blog, Ranger Supervisor Jim Dayberry is a great source of information on the lake’s many opportunities. Information on the lake is available by calling the ranger station at 760839-4346. The Escondido Dam was first built in 1894-95 and the lake enlarged and renamed in 1923. |


///////// Center Feature

Primal Cravings:

The Taste Of Good Health By Tracy Blanscet

Six years ago, Lea Roberts, did something that changed her life! She had been working out at a CrossFit Gym and committed to a “Whole 30 Paleo Challenge.”

951.252.7757 16


For 30 days she cut out all packaged foods, opting for “clean” meats, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. She felt so amazing after only two weeks that she became a passionate advocate of the lifestyle. As an active competitor in CrossFit, Lea was around a lot of athletes and others who were working to stay healthy and fit. She constantly heard others complain that they didn’t know how to cook this way or that they didn’t have the time to cook from scratch. Lea loved cooking and found it was easy for her to transition to preparing Paleo meals for her family using fresh, natural foods. She had many friends who wanted her to prepare their meals, and soon she talked to the owner of a gym about an idea to prepare and deliver paleo meals to others. He absolutely loved her idea and gave his full support from

Center Feature ///////// the get-go. In fact, he became one of her first customers. When Lea started Primal Cravings three years ago she did everything herself: planning the menu, cooking, portioning, packaging and delivery. As a recently divorced mom to her three young children, there was no other option but to succeed. “In the beginning, I remember bundling up the kids and packing them into the car while it was still dark, so we could deliver the meals before people woke up,” Lea remembers. Three years later, Lea has six kitchen staff and seven drivers who all pitch in to help run the business. Lea shares, “It’s hard to balance being a single mom, running a business and finding time for myself, but I have learned to walk away from the computer and my phone to spend time with my kids. They will only be young once and I don’t want the time to pass us by.” Lea started with about 20 clients, but as the word spread about Primal Cravings, her business has increased by leaps and bounds over it’s duration! They have moved into a commercial kitchen in Murrieta and have grown their services to include grab and go items as well as catering. Although her original clients were members of her gym and competitive athletes, she is glad to see a more diverse population taking advantage of her service as more people become educated about the health benefits of the Paleo Diet. “We are starting to work with all different types of clients and I love that,” Lea explains. “This includes single guys that don’t know how to cook, working moms trying to squeeze in everything they need to do, people with health problems who have no choice but to eat healthier, and especially the average working people who just don’t have enough hours in the day.” It is not cheap to eat high quality, healthy foods. A person converting to buying organic produce and eggs, grass-fed meats, and healthy oils and fats could see their grocery bill double or triple! Primal Cravings is able to keep costs affordable by purchasing in

bulk for their clients. “I added up all of my receipts for a week of preparing my own paleo meals and realized what a great value, Primal Cravings was,” says Eric Salcedo, owner of Boombox CrossFit. “I’ve been an avid supporter of Lea’s ever since. Her meals have really helped our clients at the gym to eat better and see results.”

In the kitchen, Lea is proud to have assembled a talented team of chefs. She had worked with head chef, Harvey Dickerson, in the real estate industry years before, so when she ran into him after he graduated from culinary school, they already knew they worked well together. Johnny LewisGill, grew up in Trinidad bringing a Caribbean influence, that incorporates a lot of the unique flavors and spices that clients often compliment. Pedro Dominguez works hard to create all of the delicious house-made sauces and dressings with no additives or preservatives. (The paleo ranch dressing is to die-for!) The baked goods are prepared by Kiara Hensel and Andrea Maue. Andrea is known locally for winning the Cupcake Wars on the Food Network. This appealing combination of cooks has kept a lot of variety and flavor in the meals and clients raving. Lea has really given her all to this business, but getting such positive feedback is what has kept her going when things have been tough. “I love getting the emails about people losing weight or getting off of medications,” she explains. “So many people say that they have more time with their families or for themselves because their meal prep is done for them. They’re eating foods they would have never eaten prior to Primal Cravings and that

Go Paleo! You may have heard of the “Paleo Diet,”(aka caveman diet) but it’s not a diet at all. It’s really a lifelong way of eating that promotes health and longevity. This ideology focuses on eating like our ancestors did. Since it’s based on real foods, rather than packaged products made in a factory, there are no additives, preservatives, or chemicals. The Paleo Diet incorporates high quality, healthy fats, such as coconut, olive and avocado oils, which provide anti-inflammatory benefits. All of the fresh fruits and vegetables provide the body with anti-oxidants, helping to protect you from those annoying free radicals that cause damage to your cells and can lead to cancer. Overall this lifestyle helps to balance blood glucose, create leaner muscles, reduce inflammation, and prevent disease. Because there are no grains, refined sugar, or sugar substitues, there is no inflammation caused by wheat or gluten and no empty carbs that can add excess weight to your frame. Paleo advocates say that they feel fuller longer, sleep better, and have more energy. They like that there is no counting calories or measuring portions. The problem is our own personal habits are so ingrained; it can be hard to make the switch to cooking with whole foods. And, grains seem to be in everything! (That’s because grains are a cheap filler.) Grains, (especially corn) are used to fatten livestock… and they have the same effect on people. This is why one of the side effects of eating Paleo is weight loss. We challenge you to try out the Paleo Diet for the next 30 days and let us know how you feel! |


//////// Center Feature makes me feel like we’re making a difference in their lives and in their health.” Meal plans are posted each week on the website. People can sign up for one week at a time with no contracts. You don’t pay for days that you don’t get delivered; so if you need to skip a day, just let them know. To keep the food fresh, deliveries occur Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Most of Riverside County is included in their delivery area as well as portions of San Diego and Orange Counties. As you set your goals for the new year, working out may be at the top of your list, yet 80% of your body composition is determined by what you eat! It’s much easier to cut out certain foods then to try to exercise them away. Changing your diet will have the most impact on your body inside and out! Of course, really living the Paleo Lifestyle means you will also be active. As the saying goes, “Eat well, play well, and stay well!”



I have personally been using Primal Cravings for 6-8 weeks now and can't speak highly enough about the program! I have lost 11lbs and cut from 13.5% down to 10% body fat in this short amount of time. Many of our fitness clients are now jumping on board and having the food delivered to them as well now. It takes the guesswork out of eating and allows you to eat Paleo and have portioned meals each day of the week! Highly recommend! Josh Hubby Owner P4L Fitness, Temecula On September 8, 2013 I could tell you the entire caloric content of any food product almost from memory. On September 9, 2013 I discovered Primal Cravings and found out I no longer had to. I WAS that girl that ran half marathons and did hours on the stair climber hoping to "work off" last night's dinner. Today I can tell you I am the calmest I have been when it comes to eating "what-

ever I want" and the most relaxed I've EVER been with my weight and size. I discovered that eating 1500 calories of junk, (corn, processed flour and the like) meant absolutely nothing and left me hungry after an hour, which then led to binge eating after a couple of days due to simply starving my body of the key ingredients it needed to live and flourish. I spent 15 years of my life trying to do what her food did in 15 days… gave me peace of mind with my struggle to find balance between sweating off calories versus eating the right things for my body. I struggled for so long trying to always write down exactly what I was eating, not realizing it wasn't how much I was eating but WHAT I was eating. I smile as I open my front door on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and see my favorite package at my front door, all ready for me. Thank you, Primal Cravings and thank you, Lea! Patricia Schuler

Home For Sale…

Ask the Expert / Real Estate /////////

Millennials Wanted


omeownership has long been considered the American dream, but why are there so few homeowners in the rising generation of 25-34 year olds? The mainstream media puts a spin on the actual stats so it’s hard to find the truth. The truth is the millennial generation has been pushed out of the competition for home ownership. Buying a home has generally been dependent on household income for a down-payment. However, with the growing economy of the 1990's there were a few ways banks helped people buy homes irrespective of down payment. Well Toto, we’re not in the 90’s anymore. Since 1998 the average household income, in the United States, has steadily declined. The fact is there are many factors preventing the millennials from laying down the “welcome” mat to a new home. One such factor was the banker’s ability to lend copious amounts of money in the 90’s. They were extra lenient with their lending standards because their risks were very low. Also, the government hoped to increase home ownership by developing programs to make the terms easier for individuals with bad

“There are many new programs targeting millennials to help them with making their first home purchase. In fact, some of these programs can help new homebuyers get into a home for as little as $1400!”

credit. Cheap credit was the driving force of the 1990s and 2000s housing boom. In 2005, the "No Income No Job Assets" (NINJA) loan was demonstrative of the "wink-wink" relationship between debtors and creditors. This relationship literally siphoned money from the debtor’s bank accounts to the creditor’s banks. Also, the “house flipping” craze that the media hyped made home ownership seem easy. The concept was sold as a home business that is guaranteed to make money. When the market crashed many were left with properties they could neither afford nor sell. Because of this, banks have become more conservative and bankruptcy laws more stringent, which makes getting a loan even tougher for Millennials. Most college-educated Millennials are struggling to payoff student loans with entry-level wages. Unemployment (and underemployment) has this younger generation feeling uncertain about the future. The demand for housing is there, but it’s clear why homeownership in this age group is below 45%! The GOOD NEWS is the United

States housing market continues to recover; and it’s a buyer’s market. This means buyers have more negotiating power. There are many new programs targeting millennials to help them with making their first home purchase. In fact, some of these programs can help new homebuyers get into a home for as little as $1400! The best way to get on the road to home ownership is to speak with a realtor at Twin Cities Realty and set a goal. A mortgage professional will also be a valuable part of your team. When you work with these professionals, they will help you create a plan to follow for 2015 and realize your dream to own a home really is within reach. Let’s create your foundation together!

27710 Jefferson Ave. 102 Temecula, CA (951) 699-3788 |


Free Estimates


Licensed & Bonded #038740



Long-term Care Costs & Payment Methods

Ask the Expert / Senior Care /////////


By Catharine Shepard

Co-Founder of Senior Care Referral Specialists, Inc.

amilies exploring long-term eldercare are generally unaware of the costs involved. Costs can range between $2000 and $6000 per month depending on care level, choice of care community, living arrangements, and location. Families can become discouraged when they learn the costs involved in obtaining quality care for their loved ones. As experts in this field, we help families find ways to meet those costs to obtain the care needed.

MEDICARE AND MEDI-CAL Most people are surprised to discover that Medicare and Medi-Cal do not pay for the care and private pay costs are significantly higher than expected. Medicare is a government program providing senior health care insurance that also pays for rehab care after a hospitalization; however, it will not cover long-term care. Medicaid is another government program, overseen by each state individually. In California, it is referred to as “Medi-Cal.” Medi-Cal will pay for long-term nursing home care if one qualifies financially, but only pays for some assisted living care on an extremely limited basis.

care. If certain requirements are met, there may be benefits of up to $2400 per month available to help towards qualified care costs at any state licensed care setting. We have discovered that many of our clients qualify for this program, even though most felt sure they would not. Those who are already receiving a military pension may also qualify. Anyone who has ever served in the armed forces should explore this resource.

SOCIAL SECURITY For those whose sole income source is social security income of approximately $1000 or less, the options for care settings are very limited. Seniors in this situation who require care may need to move to a more affordable area and share a room with another person in care settings that accept this method of payment. LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance that can be purchased to offset the costs of in-home

care or assisted living communities. This insurance must be purchased before care needs occur. Long-term care insurance allows those covered the ability to choose from a wider selection of care options because out-of-pocket costs are greatly reduced. PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Whether it is a combination of monthly income, family contributions and/or savings, personal funds are the primary way most families pay for care. It’s important to have someone who knows all the options available when making decisions on this important subject. Exploring every source of benefits may help make eldercare more affordable when the time comes and it is needed. Do you have a question or concern about a senior in your life? SENIOR CARE REFERRAL SPECIALISTS, Inc. Phone: 951-824-8299 Email: website:

VETERAN’S BENEFITS The VA Aid & Attendance program is an earned benefit that can offset costs for veterans and their living or widowed spouses who need |


//////// Meet your Neighbor

“ Neither of us lets anything stop us. If there is a road block we go over it, under it, or around it,”

The Martinellis

Partners in (defeating) Crime


By Brittany Rose

inda and Ron had never met and lived in separate parts of California, but they were both politically charged and glued to the polls during the Bush/Kerry election. That year, AOL invited people to take an online survey about the debates. Linda and Ron took the survey and answered the questions 100% the same way! Shocked at their political similarities, Ron e-mailed Linda not knowing her gender, age, relationship status or any personal information whatsoever. Soon they began an e-mail friendship. Fittingly, they chose the President’s Bar in Riverside for their first meeting in person. It turned out these two had a lot more in common than politics. Both had been police officers and had thoroughly enjoyed being undercover detectives in the past. Each was a single parent and owned a successful business; Linda ran a promotional product company and Ron a forensic lab and a criminal



expert team. Ron recalls that first meeting, smiling, “We told ‘war’ stories all night; even today our experiences as cops bond us.” Ron keeps busy as a forensic criminologist, commentating for several forensic television shows and news stations and providing law enforcement training and security assessments. In addition to running her own company, Linda participates in Ron’s business as the CFO, marketing manager and a consultant. What a power team! “Neither of us lets anything stop us. If there is a road block we go over it, under it, or around it,” Linda explains. Their relationship is as strong as ever now even after 10 years of marriage! The Martinellis happily live in Temecula, where they love the country setting of their ranch home. Besides romance and work the two own a championship line of bucking bulls. Linda is a proud member of a group of female bull owners called LOGANA, which stands for “Ladies Only Gents Are

Not Allowed.” Ron loves her courageous nature. “She’s an inspiration and does so many things other women don’t do,” he beams. “She’s my hero.” Their work in law enforcement has given them great instincts. During their last vacation to Rome they were sitting at a local café during the Italian Independence Day celebration when they noticed some suspicious men handling a backpack. They began filming their behavior and Ron followed the individuals, while Linda alerted the police. The suspects were later apprehended and deemed terrorists. Needless to say, Linda and Ron were honored for their bravery by the Italian government. This dynamic duo is obviously a force to be reckoned with! From their common backgrounds in work and politics to their newly shared hobbies around the ranch, the Martinellis have forged a solid partnership. The strength of a community is in its people and we are proud to claim them as our neighbors!

25th Anniversay Quilt /////////

Celebrating of Temecula

25 years

ecently the Temecula Textures Fiber Art Club donated a beautifully hand crafted, three-panel art quilt to honor Temecula’s 25th anniversary as a city. Club members designed the panels to depict Temecula ‘s rich history as quaint cattle town, it’s scenic wine country and our stately Civic Center. Carol Niles, a local artist and the project coordinator met with the city staff last summer to discuss the project with the idea that the quilt would be hung in the Civic Center for the public’s enjoyment for many years to come. Carol and a group of local textile and fiber artists spent several months developing the design concept and then spent countless hours stitching the handcrafted quilt. The quilt is hanging prominently in the main lobby of the Temecula Civic Center located at 41000 Main Street and open to view Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. Thanks to our local artists for such a beautiful gift to the city! Carol Niles, Carol Carpenter, Eileen Wintemute, Sharon Reese, Phyllis Binkley, Christina Smithberg, Muna Elias, Catherine Baltgalvis, and Laura Bisagna.

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//////// Business Buzz / Pest Control

~ A Business to Buzz about P est control may not be a glamorous business, but it’s a prevalent need here in the valley. It seems as if most homes in the valley were built on an anthill with lots of other neighboring creepy crawlers. This keeps Craig Bloom, owner and operator of Lakeside Pest Control, busy as a local exterminator. “I don’t let my family live with bugs and I make sure other families don’t have to either.” Craig started Lakeside Pest Control two years ago after working 28 years in the business. He had worked for a few major pest management companies and found that as each corporation grew the personal service diminished. “I was being asked to take 5 to 10 minutes on a house that should take at least 30 minutes,” Craig recalls. This, combined with some of the other quality control shortcuts he was asked to make, is what made Craig want to start up his own company. “I believe that each customer deserves the same service you would give to your own home.” To start his company, Craig earned the highest license attainable in the pest control industry. The grueling test lasted several hours, but he felt pride in knowing he was laying a solid foundation to build his business upon. Being bonded and insured gives him and his client’s peace of mind. Lakeside Pest Control is family owned and operated. Craig’s stepdaughter, Brittany Tribulski, manages the daily operations of the company. “Craig is a wonderful



Dad to me and my three sisters,” she says. “Even though he never had children of his own, he dedicated his life to all of us girls (and even our dog Candy) when he met our mom 12 years ago. When he decided to start a business, we were happy to support him in any way we could, just like he’s done for us.” His girls call him the “Expert Exterminator” due to his constant research on bugs. Craig is a man of few words, but don’t get him started on the difference between an Africanized bee and a Honey bee. While many larger companies just treat bugs, Craig’s knowledge and desire to offer more allow him to treat a larger array of pests including bees, wasps, hornets, rodents, cockroaches, beetles, ants, and birds. He is always working to expand the services he is able to offer his clients. Lakeside Pest Control serves residential and commercial properties in most parts of the Inland Empire. Their products effectively rid any environment of unwanted pests. Hand picking each product himself, Craig is very particular on using the most effective products. Lakeside is also proud to offer an all-natural “green” line. These rosemary-based products can safely be used around children and animals. “All of our products are safe and highly effective,” explains Brittany,

“but equally important is how each product is applied. We know which product will be best for our clients and fit their individual needs. We ask the right questions to develop a treatment plan that is specific to each problem and family’s lifestyle.” As an honest, hard-working pest control expert, Craig founded his company on his dedication to provide his community with quality service and exceptional customized treatment. His experience and education is why people ask for him by name, but his customer service is why they call him back again. Lakeside Pest Control is a family in itself and from their family to yours; they provide clean, healthy, pest-free living.

“I beleive that each customer deserves the same service you would give your own home”

Call today for a FREE inspection with Lakeside Pest Control (951) 678-1812

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Preparedness Equals Dollars When it Comes to Your Taxes

//////// Ask the Expert / Your Taxes


By Smith Marion & Co. CPAs

f you would like to improve your tax situation by getting a better tax return or to paying less in taxes you should start by preparing well for your tax appointment. Gather together all your official forms such as W2’s, 1099’s, and Brokerage Statements showing income from all sources. Don’t forget any distributions you may have taken from IRA’s or 401k’s. It is up to you to report your income, even if the company you worked for did not send your official form.

The following receipts could help offset taxes if you are itemizing:

1. Medical expenses. Remember, if you were born after January 2, 1950 these expenses must be more than 10% of your Adjusted Gross Income. Miles driven for medical purposes are deductible! If you have not kept a log, you can figure out your miles by tracing your appointments with your calendar and mapping them online. 2. Taxes Paid. Last year’s state Income tax is deductible on your federal return, as are real estate taxes and the vehicle license portion

of your DMV fees. 3. Interest paid. Watch the mailbox for official forms coming from your mortgage company (form 1098). If you paid your mortgage to a private individual, more information is required, such as their name, address and social security number. Don’t forget student loan interest. 4. Gifts to Charity. Giving really is a win-win. You help a charity you love (including your church) and you get the write off on your taxes. In order to take this deduction, you are required to have a letter from the organization listing the amount given during the year and also stating “no goods or services were exchanged for this gift.” Miles incurred while volunteering for a charity are deductible. Donations other than cash may also be deductible, but here more documentation is required. Who did you give the gift to, when did you give it, what was given, what was the dollar value of the gift given? Usually for household goods, the value of the gift given is the thrift store value. You can look up the thrift store value by visiting thrift store web sites. Be careful with overvaluing

non-cash gifts. The IRS does scrutinize these donations. It is not a bad idea to take a picture of items donated and save this in your records along with the receipt received from the organization for your non-cash donations. 5. Casualty Loss. Did you have a casualty loss this year such as a fire, storm damage, or flood? If your insurance did not cover the replacement, a portion of this loss could be deductible as well. 6. Miscellaneous Expenses. Nonreimbursed job expenses can be deducted as well. These include the prior year’s tax preparation fees, brokerage investment fees and safe deposit box fees. To be included as a deduction, these fees must exceed 2% of your Adjusted Gross Income.

There are many more deductions you can take if you are a landlord, are self-employed or have a home office. Contact a reliable tax preparer to find out how to maximize your tax situation.

38605 Calistoga Dr, Ste. 120 | Murrieta, CA 92563 | 951-461-2045



Blazing Tales /////////

Puppy Love

A few months ago, I overheard Mom giving one of the girls in our family some advice. She said, “Sometimes when a boy picks on you it’s because he likes you but he’s not mature enough yet to know how to get your attention in other ways.” Mom said that people “mature” as they grow up.

That made me realize I had some bad habits to work on myself. So first, I stopped biting and chasing the cute girls at the dog park. Then I stopped stealing their toys and running away to get them to chase me. Now I even take turns letting them catch a ball or play other games with me. Now that I am “mature,” I’ve decided to train the boys in our family on how to treat a female.

SHOW OFF. Get her attention by doing something cool; like jumping really high, chasing your tail, or running really fast.

Sometime my brother and I plan something cool together. Like when I pull him on his skateboard… It works for him and for me! SHARE. Instead of grabbing her stick and running away to get her to chase you. Bring her a stick and invite her to play.

TAKING TURNS. When you play together, let her catch the ball, stick, or Frisbee sometimes. GIFTS. When you find a girl who can chase rabbits, dig holes, and run super fast you might want to let her know you really like her. Instead of rough housing, you could dig up a rose bush for her, give her one of your toys, or invite her to the dog park for a play date. |


//////// A Love Story

A Snowy


By Heather Rawlings Photo By Amber Thomas

Is a Dream Come True for Locals in Love

amantha Lawless and Scooter Minegar have known each other since the first grade. Along the road to adulthood, the two became involved in student government at Temecula Valley High School. As they worked on projects together, Scooter mustered the courage to ask Samantha out. Their first date was at Harveston Lake and led to them being a couple for the remainder of their high school years. They continued their relationship from a distance as they went off to college. After Scooter finished his degree in city planning he knew he wanted to propose, but waited for the perfect time to pop the question. Samantha had always dreamed of a snowy proposal. “We’re from Temecula, so when she said she wanted me to propose in the snow, I told her we could get shaved ice 28


after she said yes,” Scooter teased. But, on December 30, 2014 something magical happened: temperatures dropped and with just the right amount of precipitation in the air, for the first time in ten years, snow poured onto the valley. The perfect proposal was set in motion. Scooter called up the love of his life and invited her to come out and play, as he had done since they were just kids. But this time, Scooter had the help of his sister, mom and brother to make this day unforgettable. Hiding in the place of their first date, his family watched as the magical proposal was caught on film on one of the most beautiful days in Temecula history. “I was just so excited to play in the snow,” beams Samantha. “When I turned around and he was on one knee, I became completely breathless. It was the

best day ever.” Samantha will finish up her teaching degree before their wedding, set for January 2016. They are excited to build a life in Temecula where they hope to live and work. Perhaps someday they will live in Harveston, where they have already created some beautiful and magical memories.

Do we need to have a funeral ceremony? ach of us can remember the elaborate ceremonies held upon the death of a president or princess or other public figure. Society rarely questions the value of such ceremonies in expressing the grief of a nation or group of followers. Yet, when the life ended is not as well known the question may arise, “Do we need to have a funeral ceremony?� Funeral ceremonies, both religious and non-religious have been a part of the human experience for thousands of years. Often, the most enduring relics of past civilizations are associated with the burial rites given to their dead. Each human life affects many others; often reaching far beyond those near its center. Funeral ceremonies give family and friends a time to celebrate and reflect upon the meaning of that association, a time to give support to one another in their distress and sorrow. Coming together to begin the healing process that must take place for each affected life to go forward. The funeral ceremony chosen should have meaning and value for the surviving family and associates. It should provide comfort, solace and a sense of closure for those who survive. The funeral service will be of greatest benefit to you when it reflects the life and personality of the person you are celebrating.

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///////// Community Corner

Free Exercise Program for Seniors

Granny’s Attic to Hold Annual Outdoor Spring Antique Show

Granny’s Attic will hold its annual spring outdoor flea market and antique show on Saturday, February 28 from 8 am-3 pm. Over 40 vendors will be participating this year. Admission is free and there’s plenty of on-street parking. Granny’s Attic Antique Mall is located at 28450 Felix Valdez, Temecula, CA. Vendor booths are available. For info, call 951-699-9449.

Geri-Fit® strength training exercise classes are offered FREE to seniors that have Medicare plans with Kaiser Permanente, Aetna, IVHP and others. The 45-minute, twice weekly, evidence-based exercise program is performed seated in chairs with a set of lightweight dumbbells. There’s no dancing or floor work. Morning and afternoon classes are held in Murrieta, Temecula, Hemet, Lake Elsinore, and Menifee. For eligibility info, call 1-888-GERI-FIT (437-4348) x1 or visit for dates and times.

Temecula Valley Dance Connection

Get Ready for Reality Rally 2015!

Temecula’s adorable granny and Survivor star, Gillian Larson, is busy all year ‘round preparing for the Reality Rally. The event will take place from April 10-11 and benefits Michelle’s Place, a Breast Cancer Resource Center that serves women throughout Southern California struggling with the disease. During the fun-filled weekend, Temecula will welcome 120 reality TV stars from 40 television programs, who will compete in a Amazing Race-style event. The community is invited to participate in the festivities, which includes red carpet celebrations, a Casino Night, and a Celebrity Chef Showcase. There are even mini-events for children. Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun with your family while contributing to a fantastic cause. Come on out and meet the reality stars from your favorite shows! For more information visit:



The Temecula Valley Dance Connection is a social club for young adults with special needs. Professional instructors provide guidance as they learn to line dance. Join in for a night of fun and friendship at the Stampede in Old Town Temecula. Feb 21, Mar 7 & Mar 21 at 5pm. Admission is $3. For more information call Leslie: 951-600-0357. Or visit the website at:

Indian Wells Arts Festival

The 13th annual premier fine arts festival attracts thousands annually. Presented Spring Break weekend, April 3-5, when the spectacular Indian Wells Tennis Garden transforms into an artisan village including 200 judged & juried artists displaying hundreds of one-of-a-kind art pieces and quality crafts for sale. Festival-goers will enjoy a unique Objet Trouvè’ “Found Art Festival” exhibit and discover hands-on presentations, demonstrations, live entertainment, cocktails and refreshments. A children’s area offers a variety of activities including face painting, chalk drawing, a “clay station,” holiday photo opportunities for both kids and adults, and a “Sunday Eggs in the Garden, Plus Champagne” brunch! Acquire the affordable – capture the collectable. Join the synergy as art comes alive! Adults, $13; Children, FREE. Free & valet parking available.

Grants to Local Educators

Community ///////// Corner

At the January 13 Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) Board Meeting, the Temecula Valley Foundation for Excellence in Education (TVFEE) presented 61 educators with funds to support arts and science programs benefitting students at 23 schools in the Temecula district. Funded applicants received up to $500 each and totaled over $26,000! Since 2012, TVFEE has awarded over $80,000 to Temecula educators. Formerly known as “mini grants,” curriculum support grants were available to educators in all TVUSD schools. Speaking on behalf of the district foundation, TVFEE Vice President Mark Katan congratulated teachers and principals. “We couldn’t be more proud to support educators whose passion and creativity make a difference in the classroom. Our mission is to enhance the teaching and learning experience for students through the donation of funds and resources from businesses and the community,” Mark commented. “We thank the community for its ongoing support.”

Indian Wells Tennis Garden - East Plaza grass concourse (Enter from Washington St. between Hwy. 111 and Fred Waring Drive, Indian Wells, California (760) 346-0042 or |


PO BOX 27890 Clinton Keith RD, Ste. D-306 Murrieta, California 92562

Local Postal Customer




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