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Common Hop
cer and anti-ulcer properties. Recent research shows that hops may provide promising preventive therapy for some cancers. Studies have found that hops may spur the ability to protect against some forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Hops act against bacteria and can destroy about 40 species of these germs, even the bacteria against which antibiotics have ceased to be effective. This property of hops has been scientifically proven many times. However, traditionally, hops are mainly used as a natural remedy for insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress, overwork, tension, irritation, heart pounding of nervous origin, and nervousness. Hops alleviate pain - especially in headaches and migraines - and prevents convulsions. It is diuretic and slightly laxative. Hops may be useful for rheumatism and inflammation of nerves or skin, and is able to mitigate the symptoms of menopause or andropause. Hops cleanse the blood and liver. In the past, it used to be applied as a remedy against high temperature and fever. Preliminary research shows hops can also be useful for stomach inflammation and stomach ulcer prevention. The herb encourages the release of gastric juice, and thus boosts appetite.
Hops infusion Fill a glass jar with a handful of fresh hops or two teaspoons of dried hops and pour 16 fl oz (0.5 l) of lukewarm water over it. Let it macerate overnight. Strain in the morning and the infusion is ready to be used. Ideally, take one tablespoon a day. The treatment should not last for more than three months. The infusion should be used for stomach problems, loss of appetite or abdominal pain. It calms, helps treat insomnia and acts as a diuretic.
Golden Mustache (Callisia fragrans)
Callisia fragrans, commonly known as the Golden Mustache, Basket Plant, Chain Plant or Inch Plant comes from the tropical forests of South America and belongs to the family Comemelinaceae. It is cultivated in Central America, the Pacific and the warmer parts of Australia. In Europe it is more commonly grown as a houseplant.
THERAPEUTIC USE The plant is a great supplement to treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases. Leaves of Callisia fragrans are utilized for treatment of various skin diseases, burns, and joint disorders. The leaves contain biologically active flavonoids, such as quercetin and kaempferol, neutral glycol and phospholipids and their fatty acid compositions. According to The American Cancer Society, quercetin helps provide resistance to infections, arthritis, asthma, allergies and mucous membrane disease, heart disease, diabetes, and can even control cancer cell growth. Kaempferol possesses diuretic properties and thus helps to treat urinary tract diseases and is effective for allergy relief, too. Beta-sitosterol, another highly active substance contained in Callisia fragrans, decreases cholesterol levels in the blood and both strengthens and cleanses the walls of blood vessels. Callisia fragrans is further utilized for the treatment of atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, the endocrine system, and inflammations of the prostate. It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and V15 (Panthotenic acid), vitamin RR (nicotine acid) and micro-nutrients, such as copper, iron, and nickel.
NATURAL MIRACLE The list of illnesses Callisia fragrans helps to treat is so extensive that it is hard to believe a single plant may be so universally healing. However, as it possesses such strong healing powers, it is necessary to stick to the prescribed doses of medication based on the diagnosis.. While taking Callisia fragrans preparations you should follow the advice of Paracelsus (1493-1541), a Swiss physician, alchemist and astrologer, who once said: “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.” There are no side effects when you adhere to the prescribed dose.
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT OF ALLERGIES Crush the leaves and stalks (ideally stored in plastic bags in a fridge), with a rolling pin, for example, to make one heaped tablespoon of Callisia. Pour 1 pint (1/2 liter) of water over it, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes. Let steep for two hours and strain. Take one teaspoon one hour after one of your daily meals for seven days. Then take a break for five days. If the symptoms still persist, repeat the cycle. If any undesirable reactions occur, stop taking Callisia fragrans and consult your doctor. Please note that with any type of allergy you should not be drinking milk, or eating dairy products, sausages, chocolate, hot dishes, oranges and kiwi. You should also be eating chicken from small domestic farm breeds, not from large-scale intensive poultry farms. If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, Callisia fragrans inhalations can help. Make 1 pint (0.5 liter) of a callisia fragrans infusion by mixing one teaspoon of dried callisia with water and bring to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Put a towel over your head and inhale the steam from a bowl of hot infusion for three minutes.