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The SPIRE Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
The Art and the Artist Francis Schaeffer used the description 'glorious ruin' to describe the condition of humans in this world. He used an old metaphor of an old soiled painting. No one was certain who the artist had been, but so much about the painting seemed to indicate that it was done by a great master, someone with superb gifts, someone who poured a lot of themselves into their art, someone with a profound message to share. The masterpiece, though terribly marred and discoloured still had hints of the brilliance that was hidden beneath layers of neglect. It was eventually taken to an expert who lifted the stains, lifted and repaired the canvas, examined distinctive brush strokes, analysed the style, discovered the time period and so on. After careful scrutiny, he was able to declare who the artist was beyond any doubt, even though the work was now badly broken and in ruins. So, too, when we think carefully about the unique qualities of this creature we call ‘human beings’, we can find ample evidence of the handiwork of some great Artist. But who was it and why was it created? The Bible is the amazing story of what this Artist has done, not only in designing and bringing to life the original painting, but what he has done in order to restore the painting to its full beauty in which the character of the Artist will be admired by all who share in the restoration. When we understand the basis of the painting, we will begin to experience the heart of the Artist and what the Artist was trying to give the world. In the coming year, I would like for you to join us in re-discovering this great Artist, find the masterpiece in your life that you were created to be and the message the Artist is trying to convey. Mark Twain once said that the two most important days in a person’s life were the day they were born and the day they asked why? “Sometimes I feel as though I were born in a circus, came out of my mother’s womb like a man shot from a cannon, pitched toward the ceiling of the tent, all the doctors and nurses clapping in delight from the grandstand, the band going great guns in trombones and drums. I unfolded and find flight hundreds of feet above the center ring, the smell of popcorn, the clowns gathered below in utter amazement at my grace, all the people chanting my name as my arms come out like wings and move swanlike toward the apex where I draw them in, collapse my torso to my legs, roll over in perfection, then slowly give in to gravity, my body falling back toward the earth, the ground coming up so quick I can see the center ring growing beneath my weight. Falling faster, ever faster. And this is precisely when it occurs to me there is no net. And I wonder what is the use of a circus, and why a man should bother to be shot out of a cannon, and how fleeting the applause of the crowd, and ... who is going to rescue me?” Donald Miller in Searching for God Knows What. Come, Join the Journey with us,
The SPIRE Family Ministries will sponsor a Birthday luncheon, Sunday, January 24th after second service. Bring a covered dish and come to fellowship. Tables will be decorated for each month of the year and everyone will sit with others from their birthday month. It’s a fun way to meet different people in the congregation. Volunteers are needed to decorate tables and bake cakes for each month. Please call Melanie Matheny if you would like to help (304-489-1541 or 304-615-5332) .
We are women with a Purpose! "United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” On January 10, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. the United Methodist Women will sponsor a presentation by Rick Woodyard and Larry Fought on drug awareness entitled: “Sharing RISK, IDENTIFICATION and PROTECTIVE FACTORS thru DRUG AWARENESS” in an effort to build an awareness society, through educating parents, neighbors and the public – for a strong society of tomorrow. Please join us for this very important presentation. The United Methodist Women will hold their Pledge Service on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you will be able to attend.
Happy New Year! We hope you had a great New Year and are ready to tackle 2016. If you have some free time, stop by. There is always Melanie Matheny is starting a book club in her home. The first book to read will be “The Screwtape Letters” by CS Lewis. We will meet to discuss the book and have light refreshments and fellowship on Friday evening, January 22, at 7:00 pm. PLEASE let me know if you will be attending. Melanie Matheny (304-489-1541 or 304-615-5332)
a project or two that needs to be done … just check with the Trustees for a list. We welcome two new trustees on board for their three year tour, Charlotte Valentine and Debbie Anderson. (Please don’t tell them it’s a three year commitment. We don’t tell them that until they show up for the first meeting). Those remaining on board are Brian Moore, Lisa Smith, George Brown, Jon Mader and Greg Cappadona. As a trustee, our role is an integral part of building upon the kingdom of God and helping the church grow. Our role is governed by The Book of Discipline. Being a trustee of Mt. Pleasant UMC is an important role and one in which we take great pleasure. Our challenge is to fulfill our responsibilities of helping the church run effectively and by providing a secure environment for worship and mission. Our goal is to support Mt. Pleasant’s strategy to inspire others to follow Jesus, to intentionally invest in becoming like Jesus, in order to impact the world as disciples of Jesus. Please contact one of the trustees with any concerns, problems or is-
The Thursday morning Bible study will begin meeting again on January 14th at 10:00 am. For the study of the book of Ruth, we will use Liz Curtis Higg’s The Girl’s Still Got It. For more information, please contact Lori Full at 304-489-1424.
sues you may have. And you are always welcome to any of the trustee’s meetings. We usually meet at 7 pm on the first Monday of the Month. The Trustees
The SPIRE SAK Pak has had a busy year. We could not have started a second year without your donations, prayers, and support. You have helped in so many ways … with our various fundraisers such as the Golf Tournament, buying RADA knives and other things they offer, decorating our Christmas bulbs, by helping sort, count and pack food for so many weeks … I would like to name each of you but I know I would miss someone. Thank you to everyone that purchased Christmas ornaments in memory or honor of someone. I have received lots of positive comments about them. Some have said this is a two way gift giving idea. They can purchase an ornament to help feed children and honor or remember someone special in their lives at the same time. We are planning to continue providing the ornaments again next year. We have been recipients of several food drives. This has been a great benefit and helped stretch our budget. Many thanks to Amanda and the youth, Cassie Hitt with Energy Express at Mineral Wells School this past summer and our Preschool for collecting food and monetary donations. Lowdell UMC had a bake sale in Rockport in October. They raised $560.00 for SAK PAK. One of the families that helped co-ordinate this event is a SAK PAK family. The children wanted to help give back since they are blessed by this ministry. I am so proud of them! With the money we raised from the golf tournament, I purchased a new refrigerator for SAK PAK. We now have two freezers and one refrigerator which makes storing our food so much easier. This past week, we packed for Christmas break. A family came to pick up their box. I walked out to the car with them. The mother put the box and bag in the car and came back to talk with me about some of the things going on with their family. The little boy, yelled, “ Mom, look!!!” It was a small package of sliced ham for sandwiches. After they left. I just wanted to cry. He was so excited about having ham. Sometimes we look in our refrigerators and say, “ Ham sandwiches again!”. This just reminds me that we are blessing these families, helping feed little children’s bellies and that what we are doing is right.
I want to give you an update on some of the families I have met during this program. There is one mother who may be having a heart transplant soon. She is still doing testing. Another mother is ill but can’t get a clear diagnosis. Five families of children are being raised by their grandparents or great-grandparents. One father lost his job two weeks before Christmas.
Please continue to pray for and support this program. Mr. Matthews, principal at Mineral Wells, is very pleased with how it is working and providing for these families. I want to say thank you to everyone that prays for, supports and helps pack and deliver food to the children. I started SAK PAK wanting to feed children. I never expected to receive such blessings that have come from smiles and hugs from the kids, tears from parents when they pick up the food boxes, from the crew that packs every other week with me, the kind words and hugs from the congregation. Thank you! Sherry The next pack day will be Wednesday, January 6, at 4:30 pm. If you haven’t joined us before, come, fellowship, laugh, eat and pack. It makes for a fun evening.
Thank You from the “Shared Blessings” Food To everyone who has contributed to our “Shared Blessings” Food Pantry in so many ways … by volunteering your time to open the doors of the pantry to serve our families, by contributing food and money to purchase the food, for Ronnie and Carla Rhodes for purchasing our food and keeping our shelves stocked, by clipping the labels for the preschool, to businesses in our community that have contributed special items, to our Youth for their food drive, for our Preschool for their food drive, to people who don’t attend our church but give faithfully to keep the doors of our “Shared Blessings” Food Pantry open, to SAK PAK for contributing special items. What a blessing you have all been!
Are you Spiritual Want to
stuck in a funk? know
more about the Bible? Do you desire to grow Spiritually? Then join us for Part II of:
1 2 3
John Moore ~ Ben Province Macy Winebrenner Elaine Cappadona Kim Sheppard
Brad & Sue Burge Parker Sheppard Wayne & Barb Bargeloh Jacque Henry Roger & Jo Dene Hodges
5 6 7 8 9
The course is comprehensive, giving the complete story from Genesis to Revelation. It puts into context all those individual stories we’ve heard so that the big picture finally makes sense. The study materials and the video clips are so easy to follow that students are asking to become teachers when the next session starts. Feedback I’ve received from my classes: they can now relate to the Israelites in the OT, they can now relate to the early Christians in the NT, they now have a closer relationship with God. Disciple Fast Track changes lives and there’s no better endorsement than that. Classes meet for a total of 12 weeks Sessions are held during Sunday School 9:30-10:30 Easy to join in, there is a class for you! 2 adult classes 40+ led by Jeff Matheny and Pastor Scot Young adult class led by Pastor Steve & Youth class lead by Charlotte Valentine For more information contact Pastor Scot or simply show up for Sunday School… Bring your Bible we supply the materials!
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Rickey Bailey ~ Mike Duckworth Mike Hicks Robyne Burdette ~ Susie Lieving Carrie Moore Betsy Offenberger Rick & Connie Dellinger Brandy Caltrider Bob Parker Corey Hess John Bargeloh ~ Carol Dobson Pam Fought ~ Lori Full Marshall McPherson John Grygiel ~ Greg Eagle Ann Somerville ~ Janet Spaur
19 20 21 22 23 Rose Armstrong 24 Alexa Anderson Brian BrSheppard 25 Ted Pratt 26 Peyton Collins ~ Oria Daugherty Melanie Garrett ~ Janet Hinton 27 Hanah Coe 28 Chase Anderson ~ Abigail Gedon Randy Sheppard 29 Don Cunningham David Daugherty 30 Sherry Hinton ~ Eddy Sheppard Heather Winebrenner 31 Myrtle Deems ~ Larry Fought Jessica Taylor
The SPIRE You have a choice!
Drug Awareness Presentation By Rick Woodyard & LarryFought Mr. Rick Woodyard’s bio includes teaching our local authorities this same presentation we offer to the public. Drugs have grown to an epidemic - our children, loved ones and neighbors need each of us to help identify the people that have caused this epidemic.
Reducing drug sales/usage will also reduce crime in our community—proven FACT! Sharing awareness that saves lives—we all hear, read and continue hearing about the losses in overdoses. Learn to identify new drugs in this area — some are deadly. We explain how to identify different drugs, user’s habits and the destruction to the human body. Presenting the importance and method to help your friends and love ones during the usage, with drawl, and recovery stages. Showing methods Meth is manufactured, how to identify, how Heroin is boosted and what it has done to those using this drug. Very detailed explanation! Exposing how to identify suspicious activity in your community, how to report the questionable activity.
Bring your children & neighbors - as this is very important for everyone.
Please attend—Mt. Pleasant Church (Mineral Wells WV) January 10th — 6:00 PM
The SPIRE Greeters for 2016 ~ 8:15 a.m. Worship Service January 3
Pearl Buchanan
Janet Hinton
January 10
Dave & Betty Jo
July 3
Pearl Buchanan
Janet Hinton
July 10
Dave & Betty Jo
January 17
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
July 17
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
January 24
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
July 24
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
January 31
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
July 31
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
February 7
John & Linda Bargeloh
August 7
John & Linda Bargeloh
February 14
Butch & Carol Dobson
August 14
Butch & Carol Dobson
February 21
Ann Mayhew
August 21
Ann Mayhew
Jean Evans
Jean Evans
Cyndy Goldsworthy
Cyndy Goldsworthy
February 28 March 6 March 13
Roger Hodges
Pearl Buchanan
Janet Hinton
Dave & Betty Jo
August 28 September 4 September 11
Roger Hodges
Pearl Buchanan
Janet Hinton
Dave & Betty Jo
March 20
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
September 18
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
March 27
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
September 25
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
April 3
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
October 2
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
April 10
John & Linda Bargeloh
October 9
John & Linda Bargeloh
April 17
Butch & Carol Dobson
October 16
Butch & Carol Dobson
April 24
Ann Mayhew
October 23
Ann Mayhew
Jean Evans
Jean Evans
Cyndy Goldsworthy
Cyndy Goldsworthy
Roger Hodges
Roger Hodges
Pearl Buchanan
Pearl Buchanan
Janet Hinton
Janet Hinton
Dave & Betty Jo
Dave & Betty Jo
May 1 May 8 May 15
October 30 November 6 November 13
May 22
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
November 20
Bob & Debbie Sheppard
May 29
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
November 27
Dave & Jan Bargeloh
June 5
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
December 4
Eddy & Ruth Ann Sheppard
June 12
John & Linda Bargeloh
December 11
John & Linda Bargeloh
June 19
Butch & Carol Dobson
December 18
Butch & Carol Dobson
June 26
Ann Mayhew
December 25
Ann Mayhew
Jean Evans
Jean Evans
If you are unable to be here on your designated Sunday, please make arrangements to switch with someone or call Elaine Smith – 489-1965. Thank you so much for welcoming everyone to our church.
The SPIRE Mt. Pleasant UMC Bread Baking Schedule ~ 2016 January 3 ~ Ann Somerville
July 3 ~ Ann Mayhew
January 10 ~ Helen Wright
July 10 ~ Carol Dobson
January 17 ~ Ann Mayhew
July 17 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
January 24 ~ Carol Dobson
July 24 ~ Rose Armstrong
January 31 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
July 31 ~ Jeanne Dye
February 7 ~ Rose Armstrong
August 7 ~ Elaine Smith
February 14 ~ Jeanne Dye
August 14 ~ Ann Somerville
February 21 ~ Elaine Smith
August 21 ~ Helen Wright
February 28 ~ Ann Somerville
August 28 ~ Ann Mayhew
March 6 ~ Helen Wright
September 4 ~ Carol Dobson
March 13 ~ Ann Mayhew
September 11 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
March 20 ~ Carol Dobson
September 18 ~ Rose Armstrong
March 27 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
September 25 ~ Jeanne Dye
April 3 ~ Rose Armstrong
October 2 ~ Elaine Smith
April 10 ~ Jeanne Dye
October 9 ~ Ann Somerville
April 17 ~ Elaine Smith
October 16 ~ Helen Wright
April 24 ~ Ann Somerville
October 23 ~ Ann Mayhew
May 1 ~ Helen Wright
October 30 ~ Carol Dobson
May 8 ~ Ann Mayhew
November 6 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
May 15 ~ Carol Dobson
November 13 ~ Rose Armstrong
May 22 ~ Roger & Jodi Hodges
November 20 ~ Jeanne Dye
May 29 ~ Rose Armstrong
November 27 ~ Elaine Smith
June 5 ~ Jeanne Dye
December 4 ~ Ann Somerville
June 12 ~ Elaine Smith
December 11 ~ Helen Wright
June 19 ~ Ann Somerville
December 18 ~ Ann Mayhew
June 26 ~ Helen Wright
December 25 ~ Carol Dobson
J3: Join the Journey in January
We invite you to join us as we discover the purpose of Christmas in the weeks and months ahead. So no matter where you are in your faith, let your faith be bigger than your fears. New Sermon Series starting January 10th. “Awakening: Finding your way back to God” We all want to know that our life matters. We want to know God but often become bogged down by the pressures of work, family and schedules. Now is the time to wake up to who you really are and dream God-sized dreams again. Christmas reminds us that God wants to be found even more than you want to seek him. Finding your way back to God, back to peace, back to your deepest purpose really is possible with some help. Join us! “Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” ― John O'Donohue