August 2016
Restoring Hope in the God of Second Chances!
A Church Divided or United? The United Methodist Church is facing its greatest challenge in my memory. Recent events around the country are straining our unity, our witness and potentially our future, perhaps to the breaking point. Lines are being drawn and attacks are being made against brothers and sisters in Christ in the public forum. These events are as tragic as they are confounding, calling into question who we really are and especially what we believe. Our Resident Bishop, Sandra Steiner-Ball, has taken this opportunity to address the churches of the WV Annual Conference in a letter you will find on the next page. In the weeks and months ahead it will be increasingly important for us to remain focused on who we are and what we believe. Some will be tempted to abandon ship and seek calmer waters elsewhere. But I learned some time ago that storms often serve a deeper spiritual purpose. These storms often reveal the strength of our convictions and the value of our connection. I am confident, however, that the people of Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church will be drawn together because of the deep inner calm you have in Christ, because you care deeply for one another and because you have learned the sacred art of listening and laughing with one another! So despite the uproar, I remain optimistic about our future. As we move forward, there are a few points I hope you will remember… God is with us. These are the dying words of John Wesley. They remind us that even when we see only one set of footprints in the sand, God has not abandoned us. So don’t freak out! Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” John 14:1 (CEB) Let’s do that! We’re all a little broken. We must acknowledge that we all have baggage, we all have egos that are easily bruised and we all have fears that torment our minds. This can make for a very volatile combination in any marriage, family or church. The only thing that holds us together is our faith in Christ, who gave his life for confused sinners like me. So let us not demonize, but re-humanize the broken places in our world. We come together as wounded disciples in order to confront who we are, pursue who we could be, and build a better world.
( A Church United or Divided … continued)
Be Patient. I’m a work in progress. Since nobody’s perfect, patience is a must. Not everyone will see eye to eye on everything. Duh! But when we don’t all fall in line or hear the same drum beat, it does not mean we are enemies. It may mean that I may not have travelled as far as you have in life, so don’t give up on me. I am a work in progress, be patient, walk with me, and share the journey. We don’t quit! At the heart of all relationships, and especially the church, is a sacred vow, a covenant with Christ to always be there for one another. No relationship will ever survive the threat of abandonment in order to get what you want. All relationships grow and mature by working through differences and facing the critical test of me vs. we. Those things that challenge us, change us.
If you have learned to walk A little more sure-footedly than I, Be patient with my stumbling then And know that only as I do my best and try That I may attain the goal For which we both are striving. If through experience, your soul Has gained heights which I As yet in dim-lit vision see, Hold out your hand and point the way, Lest from its straightness I should stray, And walk the path with me. So, will you walk with me? Steve
July 16, 2016 Dear members of the West Virginia Conference, First, let me say I am honored and thrilled to be re-assigned to the West Virginia Annual Conference as your episcopal leader for another four years. I look forward to the ongoing and growing ministry and mission in which we are engaged for making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal of reaching 2400+ for Christ is not only doable it is what God in Christ has commissioned us to do so that all God’s children might come to hear and accept God’s invitation to salvation and eternal life. Having said that, I would request that you not become distracted from this mission by the Western Jurisdiction’s election of an openly gay bishop. The decision of the Western Jurisdiction is the decision of that particular Jurisdiction and can only impact the mission and ministry of our local congregations and the West Virginia Conference if we allow that decision to become the primary concern in our churches. I would argue that Christ would not want us to allow this incident to become the primary concern nor would Christ want this to distract us from our compassionate, loving care for all people or from our responsibility to reach all people for Christ. Additionally, let me remind you that the action of the Western Jurisdiction does not change our polity or The Discipline. Jurisdictional Conferences and Annual Conferences do not have the authority to change The Discipline. Only the General Conference has the ability to change disciplinary statements and positions. In a statement to the United Methodist News Service, Bishop Bruce R. Ough, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, said, “This election raises significant concerns and questions of church polity and unity.” Ough clarified that the Council of Bishops does not have constitutional authority to intervene in the election, but “is monitoring this situation very closely.” He acknowledged that some in the church will view this election as a violation of church law and a significant step toward a split, while others will consider it a milestone toward being a more inclusive church. “Our differences are real and cannot be glossed over, but they are also reconcilable,” Ough said. “We are confident God is with us, especially in uncharted times and places.” I hope that you will continue to keep our United Methodist Church in prayer. In the days ahead, the Council of Bishops, as you heard from the General Conference, are pulling together a Commission to discern a way forward for The United Methodist Church in the midst of good church members who have differences in biblical and theological interpretation on matters of human sexuality and marriage. Please pray for the work of this commission. Above all, remember that each person is God’s chosen one, holy and beloved, created in God’s image, and because of that we all are called to put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3: 12 – 17) Above all, put on love and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Keep the Great Commandment and the Great Commission as the priority in your personal and congregational life. There are many who still need to be reached for Christ. God is calling us and empowering us for this work. Let us not be distracted from the mission and ministry to which Christ has called us. Grace and Peace, Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball
Sunday School
2016 Avg Weekly Attendance YTD
68 General Budget
2016 Avg. Weekly Offering YTD
1st Sv
2nd Sv
Five Symptoms of Healthy Congregation 1. Inspirational Spirit (Average worship attendance) - 215 2. Intentional Spiritual Formation (measured by small groups) 3. Inviting Attitude (measured by visitors each week) – TBD (we should be intentional) 4. Impacting Ministries (measured by people in engaged in outreach) – to be determined VBS, St. James Mission Week, Flood Relief, Sak Pak, Baby Hats, etc. 5. Invested (measured by the avg. given per giving unit) - $1,006 for 200 giving units
1 2 3
Ann Fallon ~ Maddie Jo Archer Bev Davis ~ Lila Flesher~Barb Pifer Jeff & Janet Beeson ~ Steve Starkey Jared Schmidt Brian & Daneen Moore Ian Schmidt
4 5 6 7 8 Daneen Moore 9 Brandon Bargeloh ~ Connie Dellinger 10 Mary Jane Carder ~ Steve & Linette Gedon Blake & Christina Johnson ~ Donna Linsell Treva Province ~ Saran Heavner 11 John & Treva Province ~ Kyndal Ann Tincher Amber Bagley 12 13 14 Gage Dillon 15 Dee Hammond ~ Mike Hudson 16 17 Natalie Hess ~ Ethan Daugherty 18 Bob & Lillian George 19 Jonathan Caltrider ~ Butch & Carol Dobson Jeanne Hughes ~ Bob Ruble 20 Tonja Bailey ~ Larry Reeves ~ Mary Louise Smith~100th Birthday 21 Leslie Coe ~ Kyna Hill ~ Thornton & Vera Smith Jenifer Moore 22 Charlotte Valentine 23 Jean Evans ~ Justin & Jessica Taylor 24 Chris Heavner ~ Alexis (Ali) Smith ~ Thornton Smith 25 26 Allan Chenoweth 27 Aren Evans 28 Lyle & Mary Jane Carder ~ Cory Metz 29 Mike Coe ~ Rich & Bev Davis ~ Bill Davis ~ Bill Hess Jerry Pifer ~ Ronnie Rhodes ~ Susan Whited 30 Bob & Linda Duckworth 31 Donna Keller ~ Tammy Moore ~ Nancy Barton David Bee
Acolytes 7 Gabi & Rylee Davis 14 Aiden & Ashton Garrett 21 Garrett & Lucie Cline 28 Addison Deems & Abbi Fransisco Bread Bakers 7 Elaine Smith 14 Ann Sommerville 21 Helen Wright 28 Ann Mayhew Children’s Church 7 Brenda McKnight 14 Dana Mader 21 Gina Starkey ~ Kaylynn Lantz 28 Communion Stewards ~ 8:15 am Service 7 Larry & Pam Fought Communion Stewards ~ 10:45 am Service 7 Youth Greeters ~ 8:15 am 7 John & Linda Bargeloh 14 Butch & Carol Dobson 21 Ann Mayhew & Jean Evans 28 Cyndy Goldsworthy & Roger Hodges Greeters ~ 10:45 am 7 Cory Chambers 14 Rick & Connie Dellinger, Josh Dellinger 21 Kevin & Tina Evans, David Evans 28 Steve & Gina Starkey, Ben Starkey
Family Events
A Special Thank You There will be an Ice Cream Social for our church family and Mineral Wells Community on Sunday August 28 from 2-5 pm. There will be free ice cream, toppings and deserts.
Inflatables will be available for the kids. We will have corn hole games to enjoy. Everything is free. Come enjoy an afternoon of food and fellowship, and be sure to invite friends and family!!
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, Thank you for the wonderful senior recognition and for the best wishes as I go to college. It is very comforting to know that I have the support of such a great church. Thank you for welcoming me into the church as well.
Emily Gersper
Summer is coming to a close, but it has been a GREAT and blessed one! We have been blessed to have Pastor Anthony and his wife, Cori, and family join our youth activities and lessons, and we look forward to continuing our work with them on our team! God has used this summer to allow us to serve in many ways in the community, at VBS and at Crossroads. As we move into a new school year, look for a NEW AND AMPED UP version of our student ministry program! We are looking to dive really “DEEP” into God’s word to strength us and encourage us to “GO WIDER” than ever before!! Ways to get involved… August 7 August 14
Back to School Pool Party!! Hosted by Greg, Elaine, and Alex Capadona 6-9pm Day at the Park Event @ Mineral Wells Ball Fields. Sign up to play and to serve! There are signup sheets in the office and moving around the church on Sunday mornings or text Amanda 304-482-0535.
*Youth Room Work Day: Planning to revamp the youth room! Looking for a day in August but has not been scheduled yet. Sept 11
CONFIRMATION Classes. We invite ALL youth to participate in the confirmation classes. During these classes students will study about who God is, what it means to be a Christian in the United Methodist Church and who they are in Christ. These classes will be led by Pastor Anthony, Amanda Eagle and Cori Farr. *There will be a retreat October 14-16 for all participants to finish the last of the sessions. More information to come.
All students in middle and high school are invited to join “youth” activities. We meet regularly on Sunday evenings 6:30-8:00. If you have questions contact the church office 304-489-1965 or Amanda Eagle 304-482-0535.
Trustees Well, if you didn’t know, it’s summer. Isn’t it great? Don’t worry, winter is coming. Because it’s summer, the Trustees took some time off and did not have any meetings in June and July. Our next meeting will be August 1, 2016. If you want us to consider a project, please let us know. Meanwhile, below is a list of several projects we have recently completed and/or completing. PROJECTOR: New projector was purchased for sanctuary with designated donations. OFFICE: A new desk has been ordered for secretary. It will be a u-shaped desk with hutch, along with a matching file cabinet and low profile bookshelf. United Methodist Women donated $500.00 for desk. VAN: The church received a settlement check from the insurance company. LOCKS: A new electronic lock has been ordered from Runyon for the fellowship hall entrance. Once it is in place, keypad codes will be required for door. New locks for main entrance will be ordered and the keyed entrances for the education building will be removed. EDCUATION BUILDING: Old furniture has been removed and replaced with new used in-very-good condition furniture. Painting and removal of game tables is in the near future. LANDSCAPE: The majority of the work is complete. Some trees may be planted this fall near upper parking lot. Flower boxes are planned for top part of the block wall. PARSONAGE: Landscape to be completed this fall. Looking for a new lawnmower. Blinds and sunroom doors still need to be installed. AED: New battery installed. Looking into the possibility of a second AED. SHOWERS: Five temporary showers were installed outside the church for the St. James mission team. Cost: Approximately $2,700. All of the working parts are being stored for future use at the church or to be sent to an area in the case of an emergency. The shelter is being used as a temporary storage area for church tables, chairs, game tables, VBS items, etc. ROOF: Repair to the fascia is scheduled this week or as soon as a 45-foot lift is available. NEW OFFICE (Library): Doors have been ordered and doorway is being designed. FELLOWSHIP FOLDING DOORS: Repairs were made, but a portion will remain folded up until additional repairs can be completed. KITCHEN: Not done yet, although completely functional. Back splash (behind oven), wall trim and shelves, are yet to be finished. The island countertop is installed along with two new sinks and faucets. The three bay sink is operational with a new faucet and garbage disposal. FUTURE PROJECTS: Seal parking lot. Church sign near stop light. Large rug at narthex entrance. Back-up Generator. Tank less water heater for kitchen. Tank less water heaters for bathrooms. New fence around playground. Storage shed. Portico outside of laundry room. Painting narthex and sanctuary. Color Copier. Stage lighting for the Sanctuary. Gravel/Typar gravel driveway. Please contact one of the trustees with any concerns, problems or issues. And you are always welcome to any of the trustee’s meetings. We usually meet @ 7pm the on the first Monday of the Month. The Trustees
SAK PAK Our first craft/vendor/flea market was a success. We collected money from the table spots, hotdogs, bake sale and donations to help with SAK Pak. The total was $851.00. Some have asked to host another show in the fall. This will be in the agenda with a date to be announced Thanks everyone that helped in any way with the craft show. I really appreciate each and everyone of you. The next fundraiser will be on August 6. The 2nd golf tournament to be held at Woodridge golf course. We need tee hole sponsors and golfers. Please come and have some fun, food and help the kids. There will be pastries, lunch and prizes. Don't miss out on a great day of fun. School starts August 11. We will pack on August 11 it's a Thursday. Then we will start meeting again on Wednesday evening again with the date to be announced. This August is starting our 3rd year with SAK Pak. We have lost some families due to moving out of district and moving on to Edison middle school. Our letters will go to all parents the first week of school at this time we do not have a total of children in this program. If at any time you have questions or concerns about this program, please contact me. Thanks, Sherry Hinton
United Methodist Women Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall where we will begin our meeting with devotion and prayer. We will discuss how we can support our local, national and global ministries. This year we supported Pastor Steve’s mission trip to Haiti; Celebration of Mission Event; tee box for the Sak Pak Golf Scramble fundraiser; completed the purchase of additional chairs for the Fellowship Hall; additional items for the kitchen; new desk and shelves for the Church offices; and window coverings for the parsonage; We sponsored events such as Substance Abuse Presentation, and luncheon/program on Pastor Steve’s trip to Haiti. Upcoming events we will be sponsoring this fall are a Family Fun Fashion Show scheduled for September 17, and a session on Estate Planning with Attorney Gerald Townsend scheduled for September 20. There are opportunities throughout the year to participate in events such as the Spiritual Growth Retreat; Day Apart; District United Methodist Women’s meeting; and State United Methodist Women’s Conference. Membership is open to all women of our Church. We welcome any new ideas and suggestions and hope you will be able to join us. If you are unable to attend, but would like to receive updates and information, please send your email address to Pearl Buchanan, President