February 2016
The Spire Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
WHY UNITED METHODISTS? What makes a church a church and not just another civic organization? I have to admit that in some cases it can be hard to tell! I think a church is best defined by what people believe about life, what they do and what they desire to become in light of eternity. Churches answer the basic question, what is life about? At its core, the church is a community of Christ-followers who are inspired in worship to become something more, they are intentional about learning and doing what Jesus taught and commanded and by their very presence they impact the world by their service and witness. This, in a nutshell, is the core of the United Methodist Church. You may be surprised to learn that I did not grow up in a United Methodist church, but was confirmed into a Lutheran church in my home town in Pennsylvania. So why the change? Does it really matter? Perhaps you’re in the same boat and have questions about what United Methodist believe. Beginning Sunday, February 21 at 6:30 pm, we will host a Starting Point conversation during Lent that will address fundamental questions about God, faith, and church. I hope you’ll join me! So let’s get started. What is a United Methodist, anyway? Well, I suppose I could give you a big definition, but I like word pictures better. So here’s my attempt to engage theology and have some fun at the same time! Enjoy! We are part salmon. Essentially, we’re all homesick for a place we’ve never been. And so we live as nomads, journeying together toward a destination we can’t quite define. The best way I know to explain this desire is with the analogy of a salmon. Against all odds and at great personal sacrifice, a salmon leaves the open waters of the sea only to struggle against the current of a conventional wisdom. Salmon will expend all their energy to return to a place of their origin, a place they’ve never known, guided by a force they do not understand. From our perspective it seems absurd. But inside there is a driving need to return home. I hope I’m not taking this analogy too far, but as United Methodists we too are on a journey home, struggling against the current of a consumer culture to a place we know exists though we’ve never been there. We are guided by a Spirit we do not fully understand but feel compelled to do what at times seems impossible. For us, becoming a Christian is not the end of the journey, but the beginning a whole new one. It is the beginning of a whole new, exciting adventure home. We are part of a hive. Bees are fascinating little creatures. They work in complete harmony, each doing their part, doing what each bee was designed to do for the good of the hive. I don’t imagine there are many bees who walk around the hive saying they haven’t found their niche yet, and neither do we. Bees live in a beautiful connectional system, living, working and growing all because they are part of something bigger than themselves. In the United Methodist Church, we are all part of a local church that functions through the prayers, presence, gifts and service of each person as we do our part to reflect the glory of Christ. The church is not just a place you go, it is something you become. This is why I love to talk about our partnership here at Mt. Pleasant, everyone doing their part. When asked about her success, Mother Teresa said “I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.” That pretty much sums it up. Finally, we’re all a bit like worms. How’s that grab ya? Perhaps I should clarify. Actually I think we’re a bit like caterpillars to be precise. All you can see now is our ordinary, boring caterpillar lives; what you don’t see, but you may someday, is our glorious lives God is revealing in us as we live (or are perfected) beyond the worm stage. We are not bound by our ‘worminess’ but experience our true radiance and glory in worship and through the sacraments. Someday we will undergo a metamorphosis and receive a body you would never guess by looking at us now. This is what Paul meant when he wrote, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9 That promise makes United Methodists the most joyful, most hopeful and them most grace filled people around. We don’t focus on the frailties and faults of people now, but a stage we grow through into the beauty and the perfection Christ is bringing out in us. Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church is a great place to learn how to be a salmon, a bee and worm all at the same time. How’s that for advertisement! It’s a place where no one is ordinary, no one is without a purpose and no one feels lost, alone or useless. If this is what you’ve been looking for and feel ready to take the next step, I look forward to seeing you at the Starting Point. Blessings,
Study During Lent: Feb. 21- Mar 20, 6:30 pm Everyone is born with questions and curiosity. We are ALL explorers. We’re built to Explore from the moment we’re born untilthe day we die. In order to start a God sized journey, you have to be willing to venture out and Explore. If you’re exploring who God is, have recently begun a relationship with Him or started the journey and got distracted…it’s time for a new starting point! Starting Point is for three types of people. Cautious, Curious and Committed. If you are cautious about church from past experiences and have questions about God and faith, then this is a great place to start. If you’re curious about the Bible, Jesus orchurch practices in general and want a safe place to ask questions, Starting Point is for you. If you grew up in church and are committed to be the best disciple you can be and want to reignite your life and faith then Starting Point is exactly what you’ve been looking for. February 21
3 Ways to Know God Exists
February 28
Why Church?
March 6
Basic United Methodist Beliefs
March 13
4 Stages of Discipleship
March 20
Planting Your Flag.
News from the Preschool We are off to a great start in 2016! After a very busy December, January is “Let It Snow” month in our three year old class. We focus on winter books and fun, wintery activities. February brings us ”All About Animals” for the three year old class. We will talk about animals that live on the farm, in the zoo, in the arctic, and in our homes. We will visit the Mineral Wells Veterinary Hospital and have our Valentine’s Day party. Our four year old class moved right along in their quest to master the alphabet while focusing on the letters L, M, N, and O. Now they will focus on letters P, Q, R, and S. We will introduce the last of our 18 sight words, enjoy our Valentine’s Day party, and will be working with flashcard volunteers most days. Assessments for upcoming Parent/Teacher conferences with both classes will continue, and we will release some winter energy at our annual preschool skating party! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Mt Pleasant Preschool registration for the 2016-2017 school year begins Monday, February 1, 2016 for families currently enrolled and for those who are on our waiting lists ONLY. Open registration will begin Monday, February 8, 2016. I do expect classes to fill that day. If you are interested in a spot, please plan to stop by the Preschool between 812:30 to register your child. There is a one time fee of $40 to hold your child's position. After classes are full, we will continue to accept registrations and place them on our waiting lists. (No fee to be placed on waiting list). NOTE-Our new fall hours will be 8:30-12:30! Our three year old class will attend Tuesdays and Thursdays, and our four year old class will attend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For more information, please call (304) 489-3100 during the hours of 8:30-12:30.
Valentine's Day Party Sunday, February 14th, 6:30-8:00 pm ! Join us for Valentine’s Day crafts, games and goodies! This is our first meeting in 2016!
Looking for a way to
Do you need to get off the couch and into the game? Then come and join us! A group from Mt. Pleasant and other’s from the community meet at Stout Memorial Church for 2 hours on Sunday evenings for some friendly full court basketball. We meet at Stout Memorial United Methodist Church (3329 Broad St, Parkersburg, WV 26104) each Sunday evening from 6:00-8:00 PM. It’s a pretty typical evening of basketball. Why basketball? Well I found this article online titled “Using Sports As Intentional Ministry” at http:// www.upward.org/blog/articles/using-sports-as-intentional-ministry. Here is a portion of that article: In the late 19th century, a young Ontario man named James Naismith sat down to do what so many young people of a certain age still do every year: decide where to go to college. Naismith was very religious, a Presbyterian, and he thought long and hard about going to seminary. Ultimately, however, he chose to pursue a degree in Physical Education at McGill University in Montreal. The reasoning? He felt he could reach more young hearts for the Lord through sports than with anything else. The rest is history: needing an indoor activity to occupy the winter months at the YMCA he later worked at, Naismith invented basketball. His vision for the sport: “To win men for the Master through the gym,” Naismith was quoted as saying. It’s probably safe to say that Naismith’s creation is still going strong more than 100 years later: a 2012 study by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) concluded that over 26 million Americans play basketball in some format. Rodger Oswald, who founded the sports evangelism ministry Church Sports International, once estimated that 98% of Americans watch, read about, or participate in sports at least once a month. Aside from maybe food and music, there is no bigger cultural influence in our society today. So while we are not yet a full-fledged Basketball/Sports Ministry, we acknowledge that there is spiritual gain in physical activity. This is one way we can provide you, your family, friends or coworkers an opportunity to play some HOOP! So we prayerfully hope you will join us! For more information please contact Pastor Scot at 304-580-1943 or scot.clark07@gmail.com.
Summary of the January Parent Meeting
Shirley Bush
Cathy Cunningham
Rob Mayhew~Matt Spaur~Brittin Dugan
MarrLee Hammond~Betty Ball
Rick Armstrong ~ Theresa Burdette ~ Ben Starkey
DJ Daugherty ~ Janet Thompson
Rick Dellinger ~ Kendal Mader
10. Jeffery Tucker 12.
Sarah Owen
Jean Bush ~ Zach McPherson ~ Josh Poe
14. Steve & Angie Pratt ~ Danny & Doris Cook Elaine Smith 16.
Wilma Pratt ~ Chris Fox ~ JB Skidmore
Ben Hudson
20. Steve Bailey 23. Mykalyn Fallon 24. Jennifer Drake McClelland 25. Jo Board 26. Christina Johnson ~ Hallie Moore ~ Christy Archer 29. Dan Barton
During our parent meeting on Wednesday, January 13, Amanda shared about her experiences at the National Youth Workers Convention. She felt it was a blessing and a quality experience. She shared how the convention offered many new ideas to help with planning lessons and activities for our youth as well as opened her eyes to faith issues that may need to be addressed with our children. From this, Amanda plans to work with Pastor Steve to organize a mission trip to The House of the Carpenter in the near future. This trip will be preceded by youth meetings and lessons to prepare their hearts for the mission that will be required in order to go. Amanda also plans to coordinate a time with Pastor Steve and/or a speaker to come speak to the youth about issues surrounding ideas they are learning in their science classes and how it relates to our Christian beliefs. At the convention, Amanda was connected to youth pastors from across the country and took away many new ideas for games and ways to implement the use of technology during her time with the youth. She has already started using those ideas. There was discussion regarding upcoming events and fundraising. Here is a list of ideas discussed: February 6 Sweetheart Dinner: This will serve as an opportunity for the youth to serve the congregation and as a fundraiser. Reservations will be made for couples or groups to have dinner in our fellowship hall. Babysitting will be offered in the nursery for ages (0-3) and in the youth room for ages (4 and up). March 4-5 Dare to Share Conference The youth group will be traveling to Dayton, OH for the Dare to Share conference. Dare to Share offers “Large-scale, life-changing weekends where students are trained and equipped to live out Christ’s calling to make disciples who make disciples.” For more information about the conference, you can go to http://www.dare2share.org/training-events/ March 19 G.L.O.W. Youth and friend’s lock-in at Mt. Pleasant UMC. More info to come …
Other events/activities discussed: If we miss your birthday or anniversary in any month, please let us know by adding it to the friendship pad or contacting the church office. We want to celebrate your special days!
Ping Pong tournament: Our youth vs other area youth and/or any of our congregation that thinks that can handle it. ;) The youth is still working on the details and the date for this. Please contact Amanda Eagle if you have any questions about this events or ideas pertaining to the youth group ~ 304-482-0535 or eagle_amanda@yahoo.com
SAK PAK ~ Serving All Kids Someone recently asked me, “What is SAK PAK?”. SAK stands for Serving All Kids. We serve meals to children at Mineral Wells School whose families need assistance feeding their children. We serve each child in the household. We do not ask financial information from the family. All we want to know is, “Do you need help feeding your children?” Each day there is no school at Mineral Wells Elementary School a breakfast, lunch and snack of nonperishable food is provided for each child. There is no cost to the families ...the cost for us is $2.50 per day. This year we are serving 50 families, 70 students and 36 siblings. We pack every other Wednesday evening. Our next SAK PAK is Wednesday, February 4th. Some volunteers come in at 4:30 to sort and count the items; at 5:30 we share a covered dish dinner and fellowship; at 6:00 pm we bag the items and usually finish by 7:15. Please join us. We love to see new faces helping with this ministry. We deliver the bags to the school each Friday morning. During holiday weeks, the parents come to the church to pick up food boxes. In those boxes, we provide fresh fruits, vegetables, and perishable items. We have fundraisers throughout the year and always welcome donations to help cover the cost of this project. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Sherry Hinton 304-481-5064
SAK PAK Crafting We will be participating in various craft shows this year. This is a new event to help support our SAK PAK Ministry. We will be meeting each Friday morning at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall to create items to sell. Please bring your crafting ideas and join us! Everyone is welcome! This is a great way to get to know people and have some fun. If you can’t join us on Friday mornings, but would like to donate an item (s) or your ideas, please contact Sherry ~ 304-481-5064. If you know the dates and places of some Spring Craft Shows and the people we need to contact to be able to participate in them, please let us know. The first one we are planning to attend is at the Quality Inn in Marietta , Ohio on March 5th. We want to share the information and encourage community participation as we raise funds to support this very special ministry.
Please add the following dates to your calendars and help support our college kids! On February 7th, we will be sending $1o.oo Gift Cards to each of our college students. If you want to donate money for the gift cards or for postage, Daneen Moore will accept that at any time. The postage for sending a box of baked goods is around $6.50. You may either give it to her directly or place it in the offering plate with the words “College Care Packages” on your check or envelope. On April 17th we will be sending a box of goodies ~ brownies, cookies, etc. ~ to each student.
Boy did I start the year off on the wrong foot. In last month’s Spire, I forgot to add two very important members of the Trustee Committee. Although I don’t think it’s entirely my fault, because I think my editor should have caught my error. (You’re right Greg, I should have included them, so I add my apologies to Beverly Davis and Joyce Jarrell-Hicks along with Greg’s ~ Elaine.) Please do not forget these two wonderful trustees when having concerns and issues with the church. In addition to our regular responsibilities, here are some of the things on our list for this year: We are looking at a new projector for the sanctuary, a color copier for the office, moving our church sign, and adding a new sign on the corner. We will be putting a new lock on the Fellowship door, new locks on the main entrance, finishing the kitchen, filling the cracks in the parking lot and adding new landscaping around the church and parsonage. At the parsonage, we will have new blinds installed, put doors on the sunroom and add a new kitchen counter top. Along with this, we will review and maintain contracts concerning: Heating and Air, Pest Control, Elevator, Fire Extinguishers, Alarm System, Copier, Insurance, Bonding, Grounds Upkeep, Snow Removal and the Trust & Investment account. We also monitor the cost of the utilities of the church and parsonage, which include, telephone, internet, electric, gas, trash, water and sewer. Please contact one of the trustees with any concerns, problems or issues you may have. You are always welcome to any of the trustee’s meetings. We usually meet @ 7pm the on the first Monday of the Month. The Trustees
We are women with a Purpose! "United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. The next meeting of the United Methodist Women will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. In addition to our Pledge Service (canceled last month due to poor weather conditions), we will have a recap of the drug awareness presentation by Rick Woodyard and Larry Fought. A repeat session is being planned for spring. We will also discuss some other important projects that are being planned for this year. The West Virginia Conference United Methodist Women will hold the Fifty-Seventh Spiritual Growth Retreat at Cedar Lakes Conference Center this year Midweek April 7-8, 2016 and Weekend April 9-10, 2016. Dr. Heather Murray Elkins will be the leader for Spiritual Growth Retreat. She is Professor of worship, preaching and the arts of Drew Theological School at Drew University. Dustin McCune and Followers of Faith will be the music for the Spiritual Growth Retreat. Additional information and registration forms are available at http://mympumc.net/ministries/umw. The United Methodist Women
Join us for a new Book Club I am starting a book club in my home. Our first book to read will be "The Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis. We will meet to discuss the book and have light refreshments and fellowship on Friday evening February 6th at 7 pm. PLEASE let me know if you will be attending. Melanie Matheny 304-615-5332 or 304-489-1541.
Sanctuary Choir Join us for choir on Wednesday evenings! Beginning February 3, 2016 ~ 6:30 pm Everyone is welcome!
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church 2016 Leadership Team Administrative Council Dave Mendenhall~Chair Patsy Bee~Secretary Dave Bargeloh~Lay Leader Jeff Beeson~Lay Leader Greg Cappadona~Trustees John Bargeloh~Treasurer Rick Armstrong~Finance Secretary Sean Francisco~Staff-Parrish Relations Jeff Matheny~Lay Member to Annual Conference Jan Bargeloh~Member-at-Large(2016) Don Cunningham~Member-at-Large(2016) Janet Hinton~Member-at-Large (2017) Pat Province~Member-at-Large (2017) Ronnie Rhodes~Member-at-Large (2018) Carl Sizemore~Member-at-Large(2018) Staff-Parish 2016 2017 2018 Lisa Smith Jill Beane Cary Schmidt Janet Spaur Sean Francisco Ron Bibbee Eddie Sheppard Ann Somerville Doug Williams Leadership Development Ron Bibbee Mike Coe Scot Clark Elaine Smith Carol Dobson Tammy Pence Lori Full Charlotte Valentine Alice Reeves Trustees Brian Moore Greg Cappadona (Chair) Charlotte Valentine Lisa Smith Joyce Jarrell-Hicks Debbie Anderson George Brown Jon Mader Beverly Davis Finance Debbie Caltrider Lowell Jackson Whit Parrish Kyle Criss Erik Linsell Mike Coe Jason Schwendeman Doug Williams Andrew Lantz Nurture Ministries Youth~Amanda Eagle Compassion~Pearl Buchanan Children~Dana Mader Hospitality~ Gina Starkey Family~ Melanie Matheny Child Protection~Donna Linsell Senior Adults~Mary Jane Carder Prayer Support~Ann Mayhew, Janet Hinton (Ministry Teams will be listed Next Month)
I Corinthians 13 (NCV) And now I will show you the best way of all. I may speak in different languages of men or even angels. But if I do not have love, then I am only a noisy bell or a ringing cymbal. I may have the gift of prophecy; I may understand all the secret things of God and all knowledge; And I may have faith so great that I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. I may give everything I have to feed the poor. And I may even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing by doing these things if I do not have love. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, And does not become angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always continues strong. Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will end. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will be ended. These things will end, because this knowledge and these prophecies we have are not complete. But when perfection comes, the things that are not complete will end. When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child; I made plans like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. It is the same with us. Now we see as if we are looking into a dark mirror. But at that time, in the future, we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part. But at that time I will know fully, as God has known me. So these three things continue forever: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love.