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Wednesday • November 6 • 2013
Illinois Law Now!
Founded 1980
Question: My husband and I are thinking of using a surrogate to carry our child. What does Illinois law say about this option? Answer: The Gestational Surrogacy Act makes Illinois a popular state for couples considering this option. Illinois law states that when a gestational surrogate (one who is the carrier but not the egg provider) gives birth in Illinois, parenthood immediately passes to the intended parents, whether they are traditional or same-sex partners. The parents’ names are on the birth certificate, so there’s no need for the couple to go through the court adoption process after birth. Question: If I take out a reverse mortgage on our home, can it be under my name alone or should it also include my spouse, who is younger? Answer: Some legal experts advise against leaving the spouse off the reverse mortgage. If the borrower dies, it may mean that the surviving spouse must pay off the mortgage or face foreclosure. Leaving the younger spouse off the mortgage may have enabled the borrower to get a larger loan, but this could put them at risk. More information is available on the National Council on Aging website ( or by contacting your lawyer.
Managers Chad, Damian, Syneca & Dave promise...
We are “Your Guys” for hassle-free service, NO pushy sales, clean shops & fast service. We Promise! Art Lukowski, President, Featuring ALL Major Brands Of Motor Oil
For more information about Illinois law, visit w w w. If you have a legal question, send it to
From The Publisher
Base Price Oil Change with DuraMAX bulk oil is regularly $36.99. Other brands more.
VEHICLE HISTORY REPORTS The work we do becomes part of your vehicle’s CARFAX history, and we can look up your history for you when you come in for service.
DuraMAX Motor Oil in bulk to save you money! We do not use recycled oil; your dirty oil is given to EPA Licensed users for fuel in manufacturing.
9615 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 924-7840
6747 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 924-7840
Transmission Service Radiator Flush Fuel Injection Cleaning
Exp 3/31/14
Question: Our neighbors burn garbage, leaves and other refuse, and the smell is not only awful but it bothers our daughter who has asthma. We complained to the town officials who haven’t done anything to stop it. Do we have legal recourse? Answer: The Illinois Environmental Protection Act prohibits the open burning of refuse. Landscape waste generated onsite is not considered refuse under the Act, however, the burning of landscape waste may be regulated by local ordinance. Consider contacting the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency if you believe that your neighbors are burning refuse or garbage. You may also consider hiring a local pollution expert to test the air and determine if any state, federal or local laws are being broken. If laws are being violated, contact your local officials or the Illinois Attorney General with the test results. You may also want to have a lawyer send a letter to your neighbors with the results of the test, stating that you may file a lawsuit unless the burning stops.
These services take up to one hour, not available after 5:00pm on weekdays or after 4:00pm on Saturdays. Prices may vary based on vehicle and fluid required.
235 w 162nd (Rt.6)
(708) 339-3111
1700 Sibley Blvd
(708) 891-2470
Full Service Oil Change
up to 5 qts DuraMAX & new oil filter & lubrication plus 21 point inspection in just 10 minutes
99 plus tax
reg 36.99 $
Exp 3/31/14
Veterans Day ARLO KALLEMEYN America is founded on the principles of freedom, just ice, a nd liber t y for all. This is why so many people dream of coming to America. Our country prov ides t h i s f reedom and liberty that few other countries can offer. Our nat ion’s sold iers ser ve every day to protect our count r y a nd its idea ls. On Vetera n’s Day, ta ke a sacred moment to remember t hose who sacrif ice t heir lives to ac h ie v e p e ac e a nd democracy. A whi le back, a n unknown author wrote, “A vetera n is someone who, at one point, wrote a check to t he Un ited States of America, payable in any amount, up to and including his life.”
Put another way, freedom is not free. It comes at a price — a very high price indeed. It has been reported t hat a s ma ny a s 1,200 World War II veterans and a like number of Korean War veterans are passing a w a y e v e r y d a y. T h e average age of a World War II veteran is 92. This Veterans Day make it a point to thank a veteran – especia l ly t hose who ser ved in World Wa r II and t he Korean War. It may be the last thank you they hear from a person grateful for their freedom. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of veterans - both past and present.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
2 November 6, 2013
Appliance Repair
Automotive Services
Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
Carpentry/ Construction Custom Kitchen cabinets, i n s t a l l k i t c h e n s, re p a i r furniture, doors & wood floors, upholster chairs & booths. Midwest Custom Cabinets & Furniture, 2800 Bernice Rd., Lansing. 708530-0222 or 708-288-0196.
VERSE OF THE WEEK The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.
Internet Edition
South Suburban College seeks tutors for Adult Volunteer Literacy Program South Suburban College is currently seeking tutors and participants for the Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutoring Program. The program is structured to train volunteers to become one-onone tutors for adults in need of basic literacy skills. Instruction in basic literacy includes t he development of phonetic reading skills combined w it h com mu n icat ion sk i l ls. SSC is encouraging residents to take this opportunity to volunteer as a tutor or encourage someone you know to take advantage of this free program. New tutor-training sessions will take place on the Main Campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. from November 19th t h roug h December 12t h i n Room 1243c. The tutor training is an 18-hour program that culminates with literacy training certification. Once certified, the tutors will go out to visit their adult learners at locations in or near their neighborhoods. Tutoring sites have already been established at the follow ing locations: Acorn Public Libra r y, Oa k Forest; Ca lumet Cit y Public Library; Grande Prairie Library, Ha zel Crest; South Holland Public L ibra r y ; Sout h Subu rba n Col lege Libra r y, Ma in Ca mpus; Universit y
a nd Col lege Center L ibra r y, Oa k Forest; Lansing Public Library; Dolton Public Library; and Midlothian Public Librar y. Tutoring is scheduled by the availability of the tutors and the learners, and the availability of space and hours of the tutoring sites. Illiteracy is an issue that can be debi l itat i ng i n so ma ny ways for adults who never received the proper instruction. Adults who are unable to read have a much more difficult time with many daily activities that others may take for granted, along with a clear disadvantage in today’s competitive job market. SSC’s Office of Community Educ at ion ad m i n i ster s t he Adu lt Volunteer Literacy Tutoring Program i n add it ion to Genera l Educat ion Development (GED), Eng l ish as a Second Language (ESL), and Adult Basic Education (ABE). Tu t o r s w i l l r e c e i v e o n e f r e e professional development hour through t h is prog ra m i n Adu lt Educat ion, Reading, Writing, and many ot her subjects. Successful tutors are also el ig ible for let ter s of suppor t or recommendation for jobs, scholarships, educational opportunities, and more. These opportunities are made possible by a grant awarded by the Illinois State
— Matthew 13:22
Book Sale Room Open
Attend the church of your choice.
The Book Sale Room is now open on the main level of the library (1919 W. 81st Avenue -US30) on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2 to 8 pm and on Saturdays from 9:30am to 4pm (except for holidays). There shoppers will find a huge selection of hardcover, paperback and children’s books, as well as magazines, cd’s, videos, dvd’s and audio books. Prices range from $.25 to $1 for each item. These materials are in excellent condition. Stop in to take advantage of these incredible bargains.
Ceramic Tile Cer a m ic a n d g l a ss t il e design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492
WOW! Carpet Cleaning
708-429-6200 35+ YEARS EXPERIENCE!
2390 Glenwood-Dyer Rd., Lynwood, IL • 708-474-2070
Slice of Pl. Cheesecake, Cup of Soup, Med. Pop or French Fries with Single Sandwich or Dinner Only
Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person, Per Visit. Expires 12-4-13
Please call for an appointment
with this coupon only EXP. 11/20/13
Watch Battery with this coupon Expires 12/4/13
17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 (708) 895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am
Dine-In, Carry Out, Drive- Thru, Delivery
ffers. ith other 4o Not validpw /1 1 /3 Ex ires 3
Shopper—NOV 2013
An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Library (ISL), a division of the Office of Secretary of State, using state funds designated for literacy. In just its four year of operation, SSC’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Program has enlisted hundreds of volunteers to date and is already an award-winning prog ra m, ea r ning t wo prest ig ious Spot l ig ht (SOS ) Awa rds f rom t he Secretary of State and Illinois Press Association. Volunteer tutor Mar y Gercken won a Spotlight on Service SOS Awa rd in 2012 a nd a literacy learner Tennie Fitts won the Spotlight on Achievement SOS Award in 2013. Gerken and Fitts are featured in a video accessible on YouTube entitled Improving Lives through Literacy. Also featured is author Ruth J. Colvin–a 95 year old SSC alumnus. (Visit w w w. to see the video or access it from www.ssc. edu under the “Adult Education” link.) If you would like to volunteer or k now someone who would benef it from these services, please contact Christopher McElroy, Coordinator of the Adult Volunteer Literacy Program, at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2558, or email South Suburban College is located at 15800 S. State St., South Holland, Illinois.
Nice people Fast Service Hassle-Free NO Pushy Sales Clean Shops
HIGHLAND 9615 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 924-7840 HAMMOND 6747 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 844-9919 SOUTH HOLLAND 235w162nd (Rt.6) (708) 339-3111 CALUMET CITY 1700 Sibley Blvd (708) 891-2470
16424 Cottage Grove Ave., Suite A South Holland
Open Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to 5:30pm Saturday 9:30am to 5:00pm
rogram P g in t r o ep Co u rt R n Ho use Ope 7, vember o N , y a d Thu rs p.m. 7–8:30 mpus, est Ca Oak For 230 Room 5 -2000, 8) 596 0 7 ( ll a C 17 ext. 32
Say I saw it in The Shopper
3 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Get premium paint, inspirational ideas, helpful color tools and expert service in our redesigned paint department
Paper Lawn Bags
2/ 3 .
Exp. 11/15/13 Not valid with any other offer or discount. (63451)
GUS BOCK’S 3455 Ridge Rd. Lansing, IL
3/ $999 Exp. 11/15/13 Not valid with any other offer or discount.
60 Lb Quikrete Tube Sand
$ 99
Outdoor Foam Faucet Cover
2/ 3 $
(5095021 (4044327) Expires 11/15/13.
(42413) Expires 11/15/13.
1150 Sheffield Ave. Dyer, IN
1820 - 45th Ave. Munster, IN
Say I saw it in The Shopper
4 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Girl Scouts Build Awareness Of Breast Cancer
Ask The Party Planners
How to Plan the Perfect First Birthday AMY VELTMAN - “THE BALLOON LADY” Our favorite themes for first birthday parties include: Cupcakes, Butterf lies, E l mo, M ic ke y a nd M i n n ie Mou s e, Winnie the Pooh, Princess, The Hungry Caterpillar, Polka Dots, Thomas the Train and Dora the Explorer. Up and coming themes that we are starting to see more of include owls, mustaches and safari. Giant #1 balloons are a sure hit. Used as an entr y way piece, t hey welcome guests with their color and size. Since there are generally a variety of age groups at a first birthday party, consider a balloon twister to entertain the children with balloons. We have twisted ba l loons at dozens of f irst bir t hday parties and it provides entertainment and laughter for the older children.
Put a balloon arch behind the high chair and smash cake. Since you will be taking several pictures of the smash cake, highlight the areas with an arch and it will look fantastic in pictures. W hen ta k ing “one year pictures,” be su re to i nclude ba l loons i n t he background for a few of the poses. Over the past 4 years, our customers have given us dozens of photos of their children and our balloons. It’s a beautiful combination. We have many more ideas in our store. Our First Birthday Experts will help you every step of the way. It’s My Party 835 Joliet Street, Dyer, IN 46311 219-322-7777
60322 Troop Members pictured from left to right: Shayla Crozier, Milan Savage, Addison Perkins, Lundyn Williams, Maya Jones, Paisley Namowicz, Tyra Dukes (not pictured), and Mrs. Leslie Adams – South Suburban Coordinator. ______________________________________________
October is Nat iona l Brea st Ca ncer Awareness Month, and Girl Scouts across the country are working to raise awareness and money to help find a cure and foster an environment supportive of greater breast cancer education and research. This month is special in the hearts of all scouts as its founder, Juliette Gordon Low died of breast cancer January 17, 1927. Girl Scouts Brow nie Troop 60322 of South Holland w ith their troop leaders Cheryl Crozier and Qiana Savage presented a special Breast Cancer Awareness Project to the mammography department at South Suburban Hospital in Hazel Crest, Illinois. Mrs. Leslie Ada ms, Coordinator of t he Radiology and Mammography Department, educated the troop on the importance of early detection and screening of breast cancer.
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
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10 Year Parts & Labor Warranty or 12 Month 0% Financing on 14 Seer & Above Central Air Conditioner and / or 95% Efficiency Variable Speed Furnace Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales excluded. Expires 10/31/2013 11/30/13 SS
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Do you have itchy eyes and runny nose... We have the solution!
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High-Efficient Air Cleaners Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offer. Previous Sales
excluded. Expires 11/30/13 SS 10/31/2013
Through this project these second grade Brownie Girl Scouts have encouraged women to get annual mammograms in hopes of detecting breast cancer in its early stages. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year and affecting countries at all levels of modernization. In recent yea rs, perhaps coinciding with the decline in prescriptive hormone replacement therapy after menopause, we have seen a gradual reduction in female breast cancer incidence rates among women aged 50 and older. Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, in part to better due to screening and early detection, increased awareness, and continually improving treatment options.
Cleaning Services House Cleaning Homes, Condos & Businesses. Dependable & trustworthy. Budget pleasing pr ices. Excellent references. Insured & bonded. 708-474-0233 or 708-280-8399
Computer Sales/ Repair Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana Computer and TV repairs. BIG T Technologies. Windows installations, virus removal, virus removal hardware and software specialist. Call Larry. 773-407-3591
Computer Repair. A plus certified. Broken laptops bought, refurbished ones sold $150, repairs, $50/up. Spyware specialist. Save Ad. 708-268-7075
Concrete Work Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523
Day Care Joyland Home Day Care, 247, planned curriculum and activities. Serving ages infant thru pre-schoolers. 708-2483718 Labibbes Headstart 8am1pm, before & after-school care, 6am-8am then from 3pm-5pm. Daycare also. Certified Degreed teacher. Miss Johnson. 708-915-0258
FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.
16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473
Neuromas are a scarring of a sheath surrounding the nerve. They usually occur between the 3rd and 4th toes but can be found elsewhere as well. Symptoms include feeling a click in the ball of the foot, or electrical shocks shooting to the ends of the affected toes. Surgery is nearly always needed to alleviate the symptoms although injections, padding or physical therapy can help. If you have any questions concerning neuromas or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
5 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
10 YEARS IN LANSING You will find our award winning food, Beer & Wine. Illinois Lottery and Video Gaming by Accel Entertainment available. We Also have 5 TV’s for your sporting events
Stop in for a
Complimentary Glass of Domestic Beer
Domestic Draft ...................................................$1.45 Import Draft .......................................................$2.25 Domestic Bottles ...............................................$1.75 Import Bottles ....................................................$2.75 32 Oz. Domestic Pitcher ....................................$2.75 32 Oz. Import Pitcher ........................................$4.25 60 Oz. Domestic Pitcher ....................................$6.95 60 Oz. Import Pitcher ........................................$9.25
with the purchase of a meal Must be 21 or older
WE OFFER: A Taste of Greece;
Our famous ½ Greek Chicken as well as Gyros, Souvlaki, Spanakopita & More...
$3 a glass. White Zinfadel, Chardonnay & Moscato
Dinner Platters;
Rotisserie Chicken 1/2 or Whole, Slab of Ribs, 1.5lbs Lg. Rib Tip with 2 sides & More...
Sensational Sandwiches;
Ribeye Steak, Italian Beef, Reuben & More...
Seafood Delights;
New Fisherman’s Platter, Shrimp, Catfish, Perch & More...
Red Hot Chicago;
Hot Dogs, Polish & More...
South of the Border;
New Gyro Burritos, Gyro Tacos, Fajitas & More...
Gyro, Roast Beef, Club, Meatball, Salami & More...
Low Carb Wraps;
BLT, SouthSide Combo, Veggie, George’s Chicken Caesar, & More...
Freshly Made, Patty Melt, Gyro Cheeseburger, Royal Burger & More...
Italian Favorites;
Spaghetti, Mostaccioli, Chicken Parmesan with soup or salad
George’s Famous Caesar Salad, Garden, Greek & More...
Kids Menu;
Fish & Chips, Hot Dog, Tenders, Hamburger, Grilled Cheese & More...
Fabulous Desserts;
Homemade Cheesecakes, Premium Ice Cream, Shakes, Smoothies, Sundaes, & More...
#1 - 5 TACOS, 1 FRY ........................................$11.99 #2 - 10 TACOS, 2 FRIES ...................................$20.99 #3 - 5 HOT DOGS, 1 FRY ..................................$11.99 #4 - 10 HOT DOGS, 2 FRIES .............................$20.99 #5 - 5 CHEESEBURGERS, 1 FRY .......................$16.99 #6 - 5 PIZZA PUFFS, 1 FRY ..............................$15.19 #7 - 5 MAXWELL POLISH, 1 FRY .....................$17.39 #8 - 10 JUMBO WINGS HOT or BBQ, 2 FRIES .....$15.49
MEAL SPECIALS TO FEED YOUR WHOLE FAMILY Plus up to 2 kids meals for 1/2 OFF with Purchase of Family Meals.
Serves 4-6. Includes 4 Cole Slaw or 4 Salads or 4 Soups with 4 Potatoes & Garlic Bread. 2 lbs. Rib Tips & Whole Rotisserie Chicken........... $26.99 1 lb. Gyros & 2lbs. Rib Tips...................................... $26.99 1 dz. Shrimp & 2lbs. Rib Tips .................................. $28.99 Rib Tips by the pound includes Cole Slaw Potatoes & Garlic Bread
2 lbs with 2 slaw & 2 potatoes................................ $16.99 3 lbs with 3 slaw & 3 potatoes................................ $21.99 5 lbs with 4 slaw & 4 potatoes................................ $32.99 Rotisserie Chicken (Whole) serves 3 or 4 .............. $16.49 with 2 potatoes & 2 sides & 2 garlic bread
2 Lbs. Rib Tips or 2 Lbs. BBQ Rib Basket, 1/2 Rotisserie Chicken and 2 Lbs. of Pasta & choice of Spaghetti or Mostaccioli & Garlic Bread.
HOUSE SPECIALTIES Char Chicken Gyro Patty Breast On Pita Melt
2 Tacos Beef Juicy or Chicken Cheeseburger
Italian Sausage
Maxwell Polish
2 Hot Dogs
2 Corn-Dogs
Mega Dog 12” Super Value Meal - $6.49
add 3 Potatoes or 3 Salads or 3 Soups for $3/ea. 3 Coleslaw for $3.00. Serves 4-6 People
17816 Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 895-1500 • (708)895-4900 Fax Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-2am Fri-Sat 10am-3am / Sun 11am-12am Dine-In, Carry Out, Drive- Thru, Delivery
Say I saw it in The Shopper
6 November 6, 2013
Lights, Camera, Save! How much do your teens know about saving and using money wisely? American Savings’ participation in the Lights, Camera, Save! video contest seeks to answer that question. “L ig hts, Ca mera, Save ! is a u n ique video contest that gives teens a really fun and creative way to express themselves,” e x pl a i ne d G r e g G or don , t he b a n k ’s Marketing Director. “What an interesting way to get teens thinking about money management and its place in their lives.” The v ideo contest encourages youth to use video to communicate the value of saving and inspire others to become smart money managers. “The goal is to get teens to become more mindful of their finances. We want them to learn more about saving and budgeting at a younger age,’” Gordon added. To participate, students aged 13-18 can stop by American Savings for an entry Chicago;Van Drunen Heating Co;A07377;5x7-4c (b1)form
Chicago;Van Drunen Heating Co;A07377;5x7-4c (b1)
Strategic Planning for a Prosperous Life
and contest details. Submissions must be delivered to the bank between November 1 and November 30, 2013. American Savings will host the first round of judging and will select and submit one video to compete on the national level. Students can win up to $5,000 to fund their savings goal, plus $1,500 for their school. American Savings was proud to have received the entry for one of the eight (8) national finalists for last year’s contest. “We look forward to another year of inspired entries,” says Gordon. Lights, Camera, Save! is a part of the Teach C h i ld ren to Save c a mpa ig n, a national movement of volunteer bankers who guide young people towards lifelong savings habits. Since 1997, the campaign has reached some 5 million young people with the help of more than 100,000 banker volunteers. Learn more about the contest at
Meet the company who knows comfort inside and out. But especially inside.
Internet Edition
Fall is coming, so put your system in top shape before the cooler weather gets here.
Life Coaching DEE COLLINS DUNAMIS WOM AN & R AM EMPOW ERMENT SEGMENT: I have adopted a quote stated by Dr. Myles Munroe, “If you don’t know the purpose of a thing abuse is inevitable” which I know is filled with profound truth. Abuse in many areas of life is becoming more prevalent. It appears that abuse (mental, emot iona l, sex ua l, a nd physica l) is an epidemic to the degree that hearing about it has become a dreadful norm. Everyone has experienced some form of abuse, especially relational. To eliminate abuse in your life requires mankind to build a wholesome relationship with Our Creator and Manufacturer. As a Dunamis Woma n; woma n of power, I was so emotionally and verbally abused at one point in my life that it required me to seek Almighty God like never before. I was really starting to believe that something was seriously wrong with me. In my search for Divine Truth, I discovered that anyone in my life must have a mindset to get to know Our Father in aim to get to know me, because I am truly fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalms 139:14) The truth was revealed that it wasn’t something wrong with nobody. I was just aligning myself with people who did not regard the heart of my Father like
unto me. I was casting my pearls before swine…(Matthew 7:6) I learned that I can’t teach anyone about the key ingredients to loving me until I learn these ingredients for myself. Then I don’t have to teach, because my process of attracting or settling for people who were naïve like unto me. As revelatory truths and insight about who I was created to be as opposed to I had become for the benefit of other were downloaded into my soul, it became my modus operandi to fulfill my purpose in avoidance to ever being abused again. Taking time to teach someone about how to love me is abuse of my time, because if t hey want me t hey w ill inquire of the One who fashioned me. Therefore, every season and time (kairos) I have embarked upon, He will let that person know what they need to know about me. Dee is so powerful that requires a Seek only to get a peek of who she really is. Dee Speaks…You Think! Join us on TCM Radio every Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. LISTEN LIV E ONLINE: w w For more informat ion about Duna mis Woma n Empowerment Clinics, contact us at 1-855-BE-DUNA MIS, w w w.du na m
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receive any appetizer & pitcher of pop
Electrician: Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Chgo, IN, IL. Service upgrades, rewires & new construction. Trenching, garage electric. Commercial & residential. Free estimates. Major credit cards accepted. 219-8530085
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4Fiesta Pizza 00
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Not valid with any other offers.708-333-0310 South Holland Location Only • Exp. 11/20/13
Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
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Open 7am - 3pm, Closed Monday 11220 Ventura Drive, St. John IN 46373
Not valid with any other offers.708-333-0310 South Holland Location Only • Exp. 11/20/13
All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.
In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .
601 E. 170th Pl., South Holland
Pizza, wings, sausage & pepper most., fettuccine, salad bar, and MORE! Just $8.50 + tax/per person. Drinks not included. DINING ROOM SPECIALS GOOD FOR SOUTH HOLLAND LOCATION ONLY.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
7 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
A South Holland Hero By Craig Kallemeyn Many veterans and heroes have come from the Village of South Holland over the years. Here is the story of one who may be unknown to most of us, but deserves more recognition than we can give. Second Lieutenant Leroy Messmaker of the United States Air Force was participating in a routine formation training flight on December 5, 1957. Due to a malfunction, there was an explosion inside his F-100 jet aircraft, followed by a fire. His squadron commander warned him to bail out of the plane and parachute safely to the ground. However, Lieutenant Messmaker believed that if he ejected, the plane could crash into one of the nearby towns of Hampton, Warwick, or Newport News, Virginia. Messmaker did not want to take the chance of a crash-landing in a populated area. He stayed with the burning plane and piloted the aircraft out over the Chesapeake Bay. Only then did he eject. Lieutenant Messmaker’s body was recovered a quarter mile from where his plane crashed. He drowned in the icy December waters at the age of 22. In attendance at the ceremony held in Messmaker’s honor were the mayors of the three towns his sacrifice protected. He was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross Citation by the United States Air Force. To this date, he is one of the few veterans to receive this honor outside of combat. The Department of the Air Force declaration reads. “Although at sufficient altitude to successfully bail out, and despite warnings from his flight leader to abandon the aircraft, Lieutenant Messmaker, without regard for his own personal safety and preservation, elected to remain with his aircraft in an attempt to maneuver it away from the populated areas over which he was then flying. With an exceptional demonstration of flying skill, he relentlessly persevered in his humanitarian efforts, deferring all thought of ejecting until he was positive that the stricken aircraft would crash land in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. In thinking only of the safety of the residents of these populated areas, Lieutenant Messmaker displayed heroism and a devotion to duty that reflect the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.” Don’t let this Veteran’s Day pass by unrecognized. Let’s all remember Lieutenant Messmaker and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Thank those who served our country. Fly the American flag proudly. Stop by and view Leroy Messmaker’s name at Veterans Memorial Park —alongside those of other South Holland heroes. But perhaps we should take it a step further. Perhaps appreciating our freedom, and those who sacrificed for it means more than saying thanks. Perhaps it means thinking deeper about what our freedom means to us.
Lieutenant Leroy Messmaker—United States Air Force
To me, it means not only being thankful for the good parts of our country, but for our country in its entirety. From little inconveniences, like potholes in the road, to bigger problems, like our elected officials in Congress refusing to work together, our country has its flaws. But that’s America. Tha t’s why this country is so great - because it’s not perfect. Our freedom gives us the opportunity to take on and overcome the challenges that face us every day. Without these challenges , we would not have the trying experiences that develop our character. We wouldn’t be able to appreciate the peaks, because we would not have experienced the valleys. True appreciation of our freedom comes from remembering our veterans, and also realizing that freedom is not perfection. Fre edom is being able to pursue our calling— something that is different for each of us, in the midst of all the challenges. Thank you, Lieutenant Leroy Messmaker. Thank you to every current and past member of our armed forces. Thank you for protect ing the freedom we enjoy, to live out our lives to our highest potential - however imperfect that may be.
Lieutenant Messmaker’s name etched into the granite memorial at Veterans Memorial Park in South Holland.
The Veterans Memorial located in South Holland Veterans Memorial Park.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
8 November 6, 2013
Home Improvement/ Repair
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295 Residential Electrical: Circuit problems diagnosed and repaired. Switch/Outlet/ Light Replacement small jobs OK! Call for information/ pricing/scheduling. 708-4748260
Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328 Discount Home Im p r ove m e n t : D r y w a l l , carpentry, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, laminate flooring, glass block, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. Also handyman services. Call. 708-207-0644
Miscellaneous Services Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing & Repair. Free estimates. Illiana Woodworking. 708-297-8191
Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450
Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241
Pet Care
Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354
Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901
Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re- gla ze wi ndows, st r i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and a ll, h ere’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335
South Holland Lions Club 11th Annual
Internet Edition Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693
Help Wanted O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999 Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225 Help Wanted: Drivers: Gully Transportation CDL A - 1 Ye a r E x p e r i e n c e Ho m e EVERY WEEKEND! Awesome benefits & Great Pay!! Call Don! 800-566-8960 Help Wanted: Dolton Animal Hospital. Par t time receptionist cum kennel assistant needed. Apply in person at Dolton Animal Hospital. 708-849-2608
Garage Sales in South Holland Nov. 7th, 10-5; Nov. 8th, 9-5; Nov. 10th, 8-5. 1911 E. 169th Place, So. Holland, IL. Fifty 100% wool coats, $20$30; winter white coats $30$50. Misc. items.
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
No matter how you SLICE IT, we’re the BEST IN TOWN!
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Any Large Deep Dish Pizza 3524 RIDGE RD. LANSING, IL 708-418-3500
17950 Burnham Ave Lansing, IL Say I saw it in The Shopper
9 November 6, 2013
STORE HOURS: M-F 9-8 / Sat 8-6 Closed Sunday NOW OPEN Till 8pm Weekdays
Internet Edition
E L A S FALL 17950 Burnham Ave | Lansing, IL
SINCE 1947
Dog, Cat & Bird Wild Bird
44# Canidae Dog Food ............................$49.97 40# Ted’s Deluxe Wild Bird Seed ............. $16.97 (No Wheat, Corn or Soy) 25# Oil Sunflower ..................................... $12.97 33# Eukanuba Lg. Breed Adult ...............$49.97 40# Garver Deluxe Wild Bird Seed ........... $13.97
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
10 November 6, 2013
Garage Sales in Dolton November 9th, 10-4. 14823 Grant Street, Dolton, IL. Dressers, kitchen hutch, f l ow e re d v a s e s , l a m p s , clothes, dishes, cocktail table, end tables, small fountain, remote-controlhelicopter, TV, bedframe.
Garage Sales in Lansing
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois
Nov. 8th-9th, 8-3. 3536-171st. St., Lansing. Antique furniture, stereo’s, records, tools, misc. items, bicycles, brand new cedar sidings.
Nov. 7-8, 10-6pm. 13250 Avenue M, Hegewisch, IL. Vee & Walter Wojcik Estate Sale. 70 years accumulationContents of 2-bdrm. home, basement & garage. 5-kitchen tables & chairs sets, bedroom set, living room furniture set, cabinet, 2-sewing machines, sewing items, Christmas, tools, antiques, more.
Garage Sales in Calumet City Nov. 9th, 9-4; Nov. 10th, 9-2. 500 East River Oaks Drive, Calumet City. Garage sale in the office: Clothing, furniture, and accessories nearly new.
Homes For Sale
Internet Edition
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale Top floor over lake,Lansing golf course, 2 bed, 2 bath, appliances, kitchen, dining sets. $91,900. Mike Kosich, Caldwell, 312-316-2314
Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1-bdrm. $650/mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803
Easy Clean Car800-287-1701 Wash
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Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields
Business Ads
Apt . for rent: Har vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean, pay utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514
Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome
Apt. for rent: South Holland, 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-7749100
Eye Site
Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473
1999 A MONTH
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Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713
Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
11 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
View Our Ad & Current Values at
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm South Holland Store Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm Young N Tender
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Green Beans
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Split Chicken Breasts
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California Whole Peeled Sweet
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Chicago Girl Cookies
$ 49
Walt’s Premium 80% Extra Lean
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“New Crop” Sweet
2/ 5 $
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6 Oz.
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5 Lb. Bag
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$ 49
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2/ 5 $
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Limit 6 Total, Add’l. 79¢
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$ 88
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¢ $ 69
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$ 49 Peanut Butter
$ 49
Whipped Cream
$ 79
Hot Cocoa
Must Buy Any 6 Con Agra Items & Save $3.00 Instantly
Say I saw it in The Shopper
12 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Catholic Charities Prepares to Honor Bishop Joseph N. Perry T he sout h Subu rba n Reg iona l Advisory Board of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago will host the 10th Compassion In Action Award Dinner, which supports its Emergency Assista nce Prog ra ms in t he Sout h Suburbs. The event is scheduled to take place at the Olympia Fields Country Club, 2800 Countr y Club Drive, in Olympia Fields on Saturday, November 16, 2013. The event begins with a reception at 6:00 pm, and guests will have an opportunity to bid on some great items in the silent auction, as well as tr y their luck in a variety of prize raffles. An excellent dinner w ill be ser ved at 7:00 pm, followed by the awards presentations at 8:30. A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the “Compassion in Action Award” to Bishop Joseph N. Perry, Episcopal Vicar for Vicariate VI of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Monsig nor Michael M. Bola nd, p r e s i d e nt of C a t h o l i c C h a r i t i e s states “Bishop Per r y has been a n Apt. for rent: Calumet City, very quiet bldg. 2-bdrm. Apt. located near Lansing. $750/ mo. + security & credit check. Available Nov. 15th, no pets. For more info. Call. 708-8682590 Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551
ex t r aord i na r y f r iend to Cat hol ic Charities and we are truly blessed with the love, faith and friendship he has shared with so many people whose lives he has profoundly touched.” Cat holic Cha rities is a lso post humously honoring t wo outstanding indiv idua ls were ver y dedicated to its mission to serve the
2 Bedroom Mobile Home in Burnham, IL. Older home in good condition in a quiet community on the river. $1000/down and $100/month for 36 months with good job history. Lot rent is $390/ month. Call 219-7428505. Calumet City Large 2bdrm Apts. Ha rd w o o d f l o o r s. Stove/Refrigerator. On-site laundry, $800/mo. Call Mr. & Mrs. Harris. 708-251-8563 A p t . f o r re n t : D o l t o n , 2-bdrm. Heat included, $900/mo. + sec. private parking. Sec. 8 welcome. Available now. 708-299-8995
The “Real Life” Real Estate Column
poor—Fred Sha n non, Di rector of South Regional Services and Cherise Mayberry-Miles, a long-standing Board Member and devoted volunteer. Proceeds from the Compassion In Action Award Dinner directly support Catholic Charities Emergency Services Programs in the South Suburbs. This past year, 18,000 persons received groceries from the Catholic Charities food pantr y and 5,000 mea ls were served at the Monday evening supper prog ra m. A not her 1,80 0 fa m i l ies ut i l i zed t he clot h i ng ba n k, wh i le more that 11,000 individuals received assista nce w it h rent, ut ilit ies a nd shelter as t hey struggled for basic needs. Reser vations for the dinner are $70 per person, and tables of ten are $ 70 0. Spon sor sh ip oppor t u n it ie s are available as well as space in the Tribute/Ad Program Book. For more information or to make a reservation, please contact Lauren Grinage, at 708-333-8379 or ema il
Large 600 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom apartment in B u r n h a m , I L . He a t , water, sewer, garbage included. New carpet and paint. $1,000 deposit. Rent $500. Call 219-742-8505 Apt . for rent: Har vey 3-bdrm. 15534 S. Turlington. Hardwood floors throughout, ceiling fans, washer/dryer in basement. $700/mo. + 1mo. security. 312-909-2438 Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Lansing. Everything new, first floor. 219-614-3994 or 708-895-2658
Dyer, Schererville & St. John Chambers of Commerce
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Beautiful So. Suburban homes for rent. Section 8 welcome. 312-7889554 Home for rent: Dolton, 2-bdrm. complete remodeled brick house. A/C, appliances, garage, $1000/mo. + deposit. 708-715-7443 Home for sale: Sauk Village, 3-bdrm., 1-bath, 6 room house with 2-1/2 car garage. Refrigerator & stove. Credit check, sec. 8 ok. $1,100/mo. 708-935-5558
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: 2-bdrm. Condo in Lansing. Heat & Hot water included. $950/ mo. Heated pool, off street parking. For info. Call Barb. 708-474-1139
Why your local school can decide your homes value ARTHUR V. VEAL IV Here is another good reason to get involved in your communit y. If you a re consider i ng sel l i ng your home then you want to make it as appealing as possible to potentia l buyers. In order to do that your home and your homes community need to have the amenities that home buyers want. This is especially true for school systems. S c ho ol s y stem s a re one of the best indicators of how proper t y va lues will do in an area. When the market turns south, t he a re a s t h at h ave a bet ter school system w i l l a lways fa re bet ter than areas with a poorly ranked school system. Let me explain, it’s a vicious c ycle t hat happen s i n some communities. The community has to budget and to make budgets work t he administration w ill take funds or choose not to increase funds to the local school system. After a l l, seniors a re usua l ly t he most voca l citizens in a community because they have the time to be voca l and seniors don’t compla i n about school s y stem s be c au se t hei r k ids a re out of school. While families that have kids are busy working and raising kids and don’t have the time to pay attention to the inner workings of their communit y. Then, once t he school system begins to deteriorate, the community becomes less
CENTER OF ATTRACTIONS Electrologist & Boutique
Electrolysis, Manicure, Pedicure, Skin Care, Massage, Hair Weave, Ear Piercing, Body Wrap, Waxing, Notary Public, Fashionable Hats
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Tickets available for purchase at:
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desirable for new families and the area struggles to sell property so the owners are forced to lower their home price in order to sell. This directly affects the seniors who want to move because they don’t need the 4 bedroom home that they raised their kids in. However, who wants to buy a four bedroom home? Not another senior, not a new family that doesn’t have kids in school yet. No, the most logical buyer is a family with school age kids and if that family has a choice between your home and a similar home in a better school district than guess who wins? The moral of this story is get involved with your c o m m u n i t y. F i n d o u t how your school system i s doi ng. P ut pressu re on your cit y council to improve the school system. It may mean the difference between selling your home for a gain or a loss. Unt i l nex t we ek ... A r t h u r V. Ve a l I V i s managing partner of We Buy Houses Home Services LLC. WBHHS specializes i n buy i ng homes at re a sona ble pr ic e s a nd selling those homes thru a specialized rent to own program. If you need to sell your home but want a fair price give WBHHS a call or visit our website at Let us make an offer on your home today, what have you got to lose? Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177
Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
3232 Ridge Rd. #4 1/2 • Lansing, IL 60438
Chance to win an Apple iPad and Door Prizes
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
13 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
DATES: 11/5-11/18
616 Torrence Ave., Calumet City
(708) 862-3939
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 9am-10pm Fri-Sat: 9am-11pm • Sun Noon-8pm
14922 Chicago, Dolton, IL
(708) 841-2161
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 9am-10pm Fri-Sat: 9am-11pm • Sun 11:30am-8pm
10 14
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12pk Btls
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available. Furniture Showroom 708-389-3000 Gulbransen piano. Say I saw it inupright The Shopper
Bought 6 years ago for $1,000. Asking Office $750. SpaceCall For Chuck Rent (219)793-6154 Office Space: South Holland WASHER C l e a n , vDRYER a r i o u sWhite s i z eLg s, Front load washerfor and dryer accommodations doctors. in EXCELLENT condition Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., $300 for each!!!!Secure 708-508-2048 expressways. bldg, lve msg Mike 708-339-8068 parking. TempurPedic PetsCloud-Luxe mattress, (top of the line) with foundation and mattress, king size, used 5 months, very clean. Cash buyers only, over $4,000 new, $2,900 firm. 219-864-9910 Baldwin organ $2,000 organ, for $1,000 firm. Optelec low B e a umachine, tiful A m e rasking ican vision $2,900 Bobtails!! 14 weeks old UTD $1,450. 708-331-3127 on Vaccines and Dewormed Great personalities a $65 each, all for $145and obo. wonderful addition to your Will separate. Curved old fdouble a m i lVictorian y ! $bed 3 0 4ft. 0 . LionsDenExotics 708-781high; Early American high 3559 back floral loveseat, 40yrs. old; China cabinet. 708-6476052
b u m p e r s a n d c u s h i o n s. $1450. Call 708-309-5478 Beautiful oriental type rug 7’ x 11’, exc. cond., $200 Call 708-309-9595 FOUNDsweet dark gray tabby/white male cat. Dolton Custom built Dale Ernhardt around 144th & Chicago Sr. electric golf cart with Road. email dalfire497@aol. diamond plate tool box, com $4,000. Call 708-309-5478
Lostfloor & Found Solid brass lamp ( 3 way lighting) “ Artemis Studio” $45; “Stiffel” table brass lamp, $30. 708-481-6907 RC A 2 0 ” c o l o r T V $ 4 0 . Assorted Hubcaps $3 each black plastic !” pipe .25c per p t . m o t o r f ro m Ma y t a g washing machine $25. diving Lost and white boardCat: free.Orange 219-365-8458. female, declawed in front. “Ethan Octagon Side Very shy.Allen” No collar, lost Sept. Tablein( Rockwell Walnut), Subdivision $75. Drop 16th Leaf Foyer Table (Cherry), in Dyer. $500 Reward upon $75. 708-481-6907. return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986 “Magnavox” 20” Color TV, Cable Ready, $30. “Toshiba” 14” TV, $25. “Toshiba” VCR Player, $5. VHS Tapes, 2 for $1. 708-481-6907. Bed sheets twin size, $2. Bed sheets full and queen size, $3. Bed sheets king size, $5. 708481-6907.
Question: My teenage son will be working on a farm this summer, and naturally, I’m concerned about his safety. What programs are in place to help prevent farming accidents? Answer: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Internet Edition (OSHA) encourages states to develop and operate their own job safety and health programs, and OSHA approves and monitors Skill plate joiner $60; Natico those plans. Unfortunately, the rules aren’t enough to stem tile cutter $15; measuring the number of farming accidents which have held steady while wheel 12” wheel diameter the rates of injury and deaths in other risky industries like $15; baseballby gloves $5 each. the Chicagoland area. Flowers Darlene has been a staplehave construction dropped. B D Sander $15. 708-895 Petals is nation much more than the in&the Dyer, Indiana community for many Last year, Illinois led the in theavailable number of farming 3250 former Flowers by Darlene, as working well. The years, located at 1076 Joliet St.workplace 46311. This accidents which typically occur when on store equipment, hours havelivestock changedattacks, and it through is now f lorist,&however, recentlyorundergone Mens Womenshas summer near heavy farm open Monday thru Friday some big changes. clothing, size M&L $2 each; electrocution and suffocation in feed bins.from Your9:00AM best bettois 7:00PM. Saturday hours are from 10:00AM Fordouble starters, t he shop under new Mens breasted suits is to educate your child about safety issues (http://1.usa. form to 4:00PM andemployer the store about is closed onconcerns. Sunday. m a n aCarsons, g e m e nt .size Fa40R m i l y$20 mem b e r s a n d and gov/4ANXmq) talk to his your each. ShirleyTrish, 708-641-2691 You can also call and place special orders at co-owners Carol, and Linda Sanders If an accident should happen that results in injury, consider 219.865.1755. Finally, youyou canmay findhave them via have created a wa rm a nd professiona l attorney contacting an to discuss whether a legal Patio lounge chair with doors opened last facebook by searching Petals or emailing catmosphere u s h i o n re since c l i n e rtheir s, $1 5 ; case. Thursday, October The new ow ners them at Assorted flower vases,24. $1.50 come a nd t he ow ner s of have also renovated the shop and changed ea. Shirley 708-641-2691 Question: What do ISo do if my dog bitesmeet someone? the brand newThe Petals f lorist. Stop in and t he na me f rom Flowers by Answer: Da rleneIt’s toa timely question. insurance industry reports Living & chair, choose from a variet y of a lready made Peta Peta couch ls is determined to sat isf y that insurer’s costs tied to dog bites surged last year, with the dark trim with floral arrangements. If you have something each wood c u stomer w it hcane beaut iaverage f u l f lower claim jumping 12 percent or more on medical fees, legal sides, $65. Shirley 708-641specific in mind, you can also and call renter’s ahead arrangements, which come in great variety settlements and jury awards. Most homeowner’s 2691 order have flowers for liability your special a nd ca n be custom i zed to insurance i nd iv idua l and policies usually a dog clausesomeone. as part of Keep in but mind stunning preferences. TheSpirit new owners 1984 Sears Free mens are theirbringing standard coverage, thatthat mayPetals not becrafts enough to cover arrangements both weddings andsomeone funeral a great amount of experience them,and to liability bicycle 10 spd. rack. garage with damages in a civil for suit. If your dog bites kept, obo; Maganavox services, as well. So the you claim, need Petals.$50 Head designer Trish Sanders worked and you find yourself on the receiving endnext of atime dog bite console stereo & Flynn record for insurance any occasion, think of Petals! for ten years at Kelly florist, located in flowers report the incident to your company, but realize you player, nice $75. 708-877may also need to hire an attorney to defend you. 6387 Fo r s a l e : D o n a t i o n s o f Wanted: Movies, VCR or DVD Lawn mower self propelled Christmas Question: How find no out ifClint my legal problemNature is serious items,can no Iglass, Eastwood, or Briggs Stratton 5hp, body by Santa’s. 708-501-3470 Jackie Chan, TV with enoughMarva to warrant the services ofvideos a lawyer? Rove r, a l l oy d e c k . Be s t Answer: It’s easy. The Illinois Lawyer remote;Finder MP3 portable Service player, (www. mulcher ever made. Pull cord, operated cassette, CD’s Country/Pop/ by the Illinois State Bar or electric start. $99. Cal. City. 708-868-6438 cell 708-351- Association, offers consumers a referral to a qualifying lawyer. You can search the online directory free of charge by entering 9447 Watch our the field of practice, county and zip code. An option isfor to call the Used w/w-blk, w/tires four hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a DETAIL lawyer, who 215x70x15 also others one will provide an initial 30-minute consultation forSERVICE no more than each. 15 in., 15 in. aslo one $25. You are under no obligation to hire that lawyer. offers! FiVe Smile Clean new 195x70x15, reasonable Express Wash: $5 15419 South Park Ave. Self-Service: $2/Cycle prices. Call Rich. 708-341South more Holland, information IL For about Illinois law, visit www. 1049 If you have a legal question, send it South Holland to Car Wash
Golf clubs, Spaulding Wilson, B&D jig saw $15; Mikita jig mens r.h., woods, irons, saw $25; Panasonic movie putters, balls, all for $75/obo.; AFX8 VHS HD camera w/ 14 November 2013case $30. 708access.6,and Flowtron electric insect killer, 895-3250 $15. 708-474-5711
Cardioglide exerciser,sit down,full workout,Great Wa n t e d body : Mo torcycles, buy at $45.00 Call 895-4532 Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. R e cyear, l i n eany r model. $ 3 5 .Will 00 Any wheelch $ 1 8haul-away 5.00 Adu lt pick-up and for bedside commode $40.00 free! Email: ideabox@inbox. 708-687-4776 com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# New wheelch. never been used removable desk arms/ Wanted: Remington 870, legs 250.00 708-687-2112 good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708Bal Leveler. Like new. Very 625-1509 easy to level and chock your pop-up,$35.708-474-1707 Upright Kenmore freezer in great condition. $150 or best Kitchen hutch, coffee table, offer. Serious inquiries only. end tables, 27” - 36” T.V’s, 708-849-7048. Yamaha keyboard, printer stand, couch. Moving Wanted: Pay cash for must your sell. All reasonable. 708-220Mernards rebate/gift card. 0745 708-439-7736 Used coffee & end table w/ Wanted: Church needs hand stone h e l d type c a r dbases b o a r and d f glass ans. tops in excellent condition. Donated and good vacuum $175 for708-501-3470 both or bo. 708-698cleaner. 0508 wheelch. w/removable desk arms/legrest 1yr.old $175.00 new bedside commode still in box $ 55.000 708-687-4776
Changes at Flowers by Darlene
Local FOOT Caterer FACTS / Restaurant Dr. Michael SucceedsMcDermott in rough economical market D.P.M. wheelch. no footrest $30.00 shower chair $30.00 bedside commode $30.00 walker w/ wheels $30.00 lot of women close $1.00 708-687-4776
16250 Louis Avenue Suite AI would So. Holland, IL 60473
power wheel ch. shoprider for small person needs work $250.00 708-687-4776
like to personally thank all of you for welcoming us back into the restaurant. Hammer Toes Your support has been overwhelming. I know Hammer toes are actually a curling of the The shop for the whole family. toes. Sometimes these are flexible and can beare very tough out there so we haven’t things straightened with manipulation, or fixed which means they are always curled withraised arthriticany prices. Please book early to insure changes that don’t allow straightening. Many date is available. times corns are found on the topsyour of these toes. Surgery can be performed to straighten God Bless, these toes or occasional trimming of the corns can alleviate some of the pain. If you have any Jim and his entire staff. questions concerning hammer toes or any other problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.
BEEF $7.99
per pound
(If you’ve been nice.)
MUST MENTION THIS AD. 429 E. 162nd St., South Holland • (708) 339-0833 • CELL (815) 790•3611 • (219) 810-5629 • 877-44JBEEF
South Holland Car Wash
10 inch Radial arm saw, Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, Craftman, $100. 219-365- $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 2954 working cond. 708-891Wash, Dry, Vacuum,exc. Windows & Tires 6226 Not just a Self-Service Car Wash 708-550-4417
PHONE: (708) 333-2117
Left to right: Stylists Carol, Bonni, Marti, Karen, Rita. Not shown stylist Sharon and Receptionist Jessica.
MOSTACCIOLI $40.00 Pan $25.00 1/2 Pan 1021 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL
Jimbooo’s Catering
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
15 November 6, 2013
Rock, Readers Digest. Good condition reasonable. 708418-3275
2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , Atlantis green metallic, $14,495. 708-798-1668
Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221
2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic, $9,990. 708798-1668
Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats and high handlebars and Honda mini trail scooters and other mini bikes parts. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Used hand tools snap on wrenches, pliers, wratchets, sockets, screwdrivers, etc. One piece or whole set. Cash paid. 708987-8641
2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red candy metallic tineted, $14,995. 708-798-1668 2006 Ford Fusion SEL, Black clearcoat, $6,900. 708-7981668 2001 Ford Super duty F-250 Super Duty, Toreador Red metallic $8,900. 708-7981668 2008 Ford Taurus Limited, Alloy metallic, $11,995. 708798-1668
Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011
1973 Cadillac El Dorado Coupe. Always stored, original show room, new in and out, 14,000 miles, sacrifice $11,000, insured for more. 708-267-0723 or 708636-4350
For sale: 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer rare V6, A/C, 4W drive, 3rd row seats, full power, like new, heated leather seats, also aluminum r u n n i n g b o a rd s $ 5 , 7 0 0 . Worth much more. Call Jim. 708-267-0723 or 708-6364350 For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309 For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309. For sale: 1998 Mercur y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309 For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, one owner, silver with black top, good runner. 708-2757122 For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista cruiser, good runner, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896 For sale: 2000 Dodge Neon, 26MPG, 100,800 miles, new tires. Valued at $3333 as per Kelly Blue Book sell for $2,500. 219-322-6965 Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 L i n c o l n Towncar. 97,000 miles, silver, black canvas top $4,800; 1997 GMC Suburban. Burgundy, $3,500, senior owned. Good condition. 708-612-6788 2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804 $8,992. 708-8915400 2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400 2008 Nissan Altima Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400 2 0 0 7 Li nc ol n Town Car Stk#P2814. $15,992. 708-8915400 2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400 2009 Mercury Grand Marquis Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-8915400 2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400 2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400 2012 Ford Focus SE, Black, $15,900. 708-798-1668
Internet Edition
2 0 0 7 Fo r d F u s i o n S E , Tungsten silver metallic, $8,900. 708-798-1668
Wanted: Wonds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6. 708-527-4529
For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, well kept, 152K, $6,000 obo. 630-926-5443
For sale: 1930 Ford Model ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great for street rod build $16,900. 708-474-0514
SVEDKA VODKA $14.96 1.75L $8.46 750ml
CIROC VODKA $22.96 750ml
GREY GOOSE $23.96 750ml
KETEL ONE $24.96 1.75L $15.96 750ml
ABSOLUT $25.96 1.75L $17.96 750ml
BELVEDERE $38.96 1.75L $19.96 750ml
NEW AMSTERDAM $14.96 1.75L $9.96 750ml
DON JULIO $49.96 1.75L $29.96 750ml
PATRON $69.96 1.75L $31.96 750ml
JOSE CUERVO $24.96 1.75L $13.96 750ml
MAESTRO DOBEL $19.96 750ml
CROWN ROYAL $35.96 1.75L $19.96 750ml
CROWN ROYAL BLACK $39.96 1.75L $24.96 750ml
JACK DANIEL $39.96 1.75L $20.96 750ml
CANADIAN CLUB $16.96 1.75L
E&J BRANDY $17.96 1.75L $7.96 750ml
BAILEY’S $15.96 750ml
GRAND MARINER $26.96 750ml
1800 TEQUILA $29.96 1.75L $19.96 750ml
BACARDI RUM $16.96 1.75L
SEAGRAM’S V.O. $19.96 1.75L
JAMESON $39.96 1.75L $19.96 750ml
JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK $48.96 1.75L $23.96 750ml
JOHNNIE WALKER RED $29.96 1.75L $17.96 750ml
TANQUERAY GIN $28.96 1.75L $13.96 750ml
SEAGRAM’S GIN $13.96 1.75L $7.96 750ml
BUCHANAN’S SCOTCH $28.96 750ml
JIM BEAM $21.96 1.75L
REMY VSOP $31.96 750ml
HENNESSY V.S. $23.96 750ml
MARTELL $18.96 750ml
COURVOISIER VS $20.96 750ml
SALE DATES: 11/06 - 11/19 (While Supplies Last)
37 JOLIET DYER, IN • 219-865-8501
Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
16 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Coffee With The Mayor Includes Special Guest
Real Estate Specialists
Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We recently placed an offer on a home that has been on the market for over 6 months. We never got an answer back. Why do you think they did not answer our offer? Answer: You placed an offer on a home that apparently was of no interest to the sellers. In most cases that we have seen, when sellers do not counter a buyer’s offer, it is because they were insulted by the offer & do not feel the buyer is serious about buying their home. Just because a home has been for sale for 6 months, doesn’t mean sellers are going to accept low offers. Higher days on the market in this real estate market is not unusual. Even the nicest of homes may have higher market times. Also keep in mind that you may have
Auto Parts 4 tires and wheels for sale. P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690 4 Mustang Hubcaps. Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690 4 tires and wheels for sale. P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690 4 Mustang Hubcaps. Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690 For sale Four Michelin LTX M/S tires P245/65 R17. Good shape $100 for all four. 708921-4899
damaged your negotiations. The seller may not be willing to negotiate to a lower offer with you because of your initial low offer. Although this is a business deal, there are seller emotions involved. Has your Realtor attempted to contact the sellers Realtor? In most cases, that shou ld prov ide t he a nswer to you r question. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Il l: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Illinois. Coldwell Banker Residentia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com Personal Real estate Journal: www.
For sale: Goodyear tire & rim size P205-75R14 white wall $32. 708-333-9520
Trailers Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557 Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517
Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241
Truck for sale: 1997 GMC Sierra Z71, Ext. cab 5.7L engine, 4-speed auto transmission, newer tires, toolbox, never plowed snow $3,495. 708-877-6158
Miscellaneous Items For Sale
‘Coffee with the Mayor’ is held every month at the Dorchester Senior Center. This Saturday, State Senator Napoleon Harris will be the special guest speaker. Mayor Riley H. Rogers invites all residents of Dolton every month to bring their issues and concerns— where he can personally answer them and work on resolving them. These coffees are for one purpose - to make the Village of
For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478 For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035
For sale: Big men’s clothes, 2X-5X $10-$20; Bedroom furniture, black 3pc. set, 1 yr. old mattress included, $700. 773-610-9689
For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $250. 708-906-9265
For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Canadel, all wood, round pedestal table, 4-chairs, 18” leave, honey color, and linen. Excellent condition $350. 708-351-3196
Bring in canned goods for the Lansing Food Pantry and get a $3 coupon for a discounted ticket.
For sale: Cabinets new kitchen & bath, colors light dark, extras from large job. South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706
For sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Cherokee rims, and tires $300. 708-465-8544
For sale: Plywood 5 sheets, 3/4 thick $10 each; fireplace brick w/mantel, tools and screen $95; bakers rack, nice 4 shelf storage $35; one mission chair. 219-365-8166
For sale: V inyl ver tical blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside mount, w/headrail, cord & chain, corner valance, size W: 130” x H: 70” & W:77” x H: 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265
For sale: Anthearn miniature HO train. Santa Fe #601, 2 engines, 10 cars $150 with track an transformer. 219-226-0380
Fo r s a l e : C r e d i t c a r d machine. Chase Paymenttech Verifone VX610. Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227
Dolton a better place to live. No concern is too small or too large to be addressed. You cannot ma ke a positive change in your Village unless you are concerned and involved. Take advantage of this monthly opportunity and be heard. Bring critique, criticism and suggestions to the Mayor. We hope to see you on Saturday November 9 at 8:30am at the Dorchester Senior Center.
any large 16” pizza OR
Farm equipment: For sale, John Deere 1010 crawler loader. Rebuilt engine and reverser. Needs under carriage $1,500 obo. 219-680-6694
any super 18” pizza
YOU GOTTA HAVE IT. Must mention coupon when ordering. Not good with any other offer. Expires 12/4/2013
3651 Ridge Road, Lansing
TF South Rebel Players Present:
Footloose Stage Adaptation by DEAN PITCHFORD and WALTER BOBBIE Based on the Original Screenplay by Dean Pitchford Music by TOM SNOW
November 7, 8 and 9, 2013 Dr. Henry L. Hertz Auditorium 18500 Burnham Avenue Lansing, Illinois
Please note time change…
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Play at 7:00 p.m. Tickets available at the door Adults : $8 Students and Senior Citizens: $7 Children 12 and under: $5
708-895-2630 219-972-2630
Say I saw it in The Shopper
17 November 6, 2013
What About the Students Left Behind?
Internet Edition
What I Know About
Charter Schools
It all sounds great in the public relations spin …
But Urban Prep Charter School would devastate your neighborhood, public schools and community
What I know is that I don’t want millions of my tax dollars Urban Prep Academy is attempting to put a charter junior high/high school in taken away from all District 205 kids toin thesupport this area. Here’s some truth they’re not putting press releases. a few of the PUBLIC SCHOOLS ‘lucky ones’. • Our school boards have already voted to oppose Urban LOSE Prep. 1. I know that discrimination anywhere makes losers of all of us. Girls are just as important as boys, and they FUNDING shouldn’t Urban Prep wouldon use taxpayer money to serve A SELECT have a private charter school take •their money to spend a small number of boys who win a lottery. FEW BOYS ONLY. Girls are prohibited from admission.
2. I do know that many charter schools exaggerate graduation and college acceptance rates. 3.
• A charter school will drain millions in taxpayer money our public schools,inleaving millions less to serve all I know that all children, including mine, have a rightfrom to high quality education their neighborhood public school. students. When we cut funds for everybody to serve only thethe eliteother few lucky ones, we are not doing right by our children.
• The taxpayer millions lost forever to the charter will 4. A charter school will create layoffs, program cuts and District 205 may be forced to close school buildings.
force more staff layoffs and deep program cuts that will hurt all remaining students in their neighborhood schools.
Our high schools are already raising standards and making progress. Urban Prep’s devastating drain on taxpayer money will cut curriculum to serve a few while remaining students pay the price.
Urban Prep will divide our community and drain millions from our public schools.
Charter School Meeting Wednesday November 20 at 5:00pm
Urban Prep will divide our community and drain millions from our public schools.
Visit and our Urban Prep Survey to express your opinion of the Urban Prep Charter School. For more information call 708-255-4083
Dinner and Refreshments at 4:00pm Township URBAN Thornton Thornridge High School Auditorium Opposes Prep PREP 15000 CottageUrban Grove Ave Dolton, IL 60419
Charter School
For more information call 708-255-4083
Districts: 133, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 152.5, 154 & 205
Say I saw it in The Shopper
18 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
To Burn, Or Not To Burn W hile some parts of the state a llow burning of yard waste, there are still several restrictions in place It’s that time of the year again; when leaves turn shades of bright orange and red, then fall to the ground, covering your lawn. The best thing to do with fallen leaves is to mulch or compost them for use as fertilizer on your lawn or garden. You can also use a wood chipper to mulch leaves and fallen branches. W hy do e s t he s t ate r e s t r ic t w h at ca n be bu r ned by resident s ? Because smoke from the open burning of trash or yard waste contains harmful pollutants, some of which are highly toxic, and can harm your family’s health. Because this pollution doesn’t stay on your property, it can also harm your neighbors’ health— especially those with asthma, allergies or emphysema. This pollution can also be bad for the environment because it contributes to ground level ozone and fine particle pollution. However, if no alternatives exist, and you decide to burn your yard waste, there are limitations on how that can be done. The burning must take place in a wellvented container (a burn barrel is not wellvented), and only leaves, tree branches and For sale: Child’s dresser, mirror, and headboard. High quality knotty pine. $300.00. 219-365-2574 For sale: (2) 42” wide whitew as hed Oa k , b a t h r o o m vanities, no tops. $100.00 per each 708-895-5255 For sale: Walnut dining table w i t h f i v e c h a i r s. G o o d condition $75. 708-474-5648 For sale: Afred Dunner ladies 3/4 winter coat, black size 12. Never worn, $45 cash only; 1 hip length biege winter ladies jacket, button & zipper, size med. never worn, $35. 708-877-6174
twigs can be burned. A properly vented conta iner keeps t he f ire under control while allowing oxygen to feed the f lames and reduce excessive smoke. A screen on top prevents ash and other debris from drifting into the air. Materials, such as refuse, household trash and outdoor waste, plastics, tires, building materials or other debris, treated wood, asbestos or any other non-vegetation material cannot be burned. If the fire creates a pollution problem or becomes a nuisance or fire hazard, the fire must be extinguished. Burning of any kind in Lake, Porter, Clark, and Floyd counties is prohibited. Some cities, towns or counties may have local ordinances that are stricter than the state rules, and some communities may ban burning altogether. If so, residents must comply with those ordinances even if the fire is allowed under state law. You should check with your local fire department, health department, city, or county government officials to see if local bans or restrictions are in place. To lea rn more about open burning, contact IDEM (India na Depa r t ment of Environmental Management) at (888)2098892 or visit the IDEM website at www.idem.
For sale: Furniture early American 3-piece wall unit, $299, table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, $299 or both for $499. 708-903-1611 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747 For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478
For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $25 ea; 1-black size large, good condition. 815462-6930 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300 Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300
Santa Claus Comes to South Holland
Friday, December 6, 2013 • 6:00 PM So. Holland Community Center 501 E. 170th St.
Riley’s Corner
Prostate Cancer RILEY ROGERS Ot her t ha n sk in ca ncer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in American men. The latest American Cancer Society estimates for prostate cancer in the United States are for 2010. * About 217,730 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed * About 32,050 men will die of prostate cancer W hat is prostate cancer? Prostate c a ncer i s a ma l ig na nt (c a ncerou s) tumor (grow th) that consists of cells from the prostate gland. Generally, the tumor usually grows slowly and remains confined to the gland for many years. The prostate gland is an organ that is found only in men located at the base or outlet (neck) of the urinary bladder. The main function of the prostate is to produce some of the substances that are found in normal semen. Semen is the fluid that transports the sperm to assist with reproduction. A man can manage quit well, however, without his prostate gland. In young men, the normal prostate gland is the size of a walnut. During normal aging, however, the gland usually grows larger. The estimated lifetime risk of being diagnosed with the disease is 17.6% for Caucasia ns a nd 20.6% for African Americans. The lifetime risk of death from prostate cancer similarly is 2.8% and 4.7% respectively. As reflected Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891, 1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN. 1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN
in these numbers, prostate cancer is likely to impact the lives of a significant proportion of men that are alive today. What are prostate cancer symptoms and signs? In the early stages, prostate cancer often causes no symptoms for many years. Slow urination is a frequent sy mptom. As a matter of fact, t hese cancers frequently are first detected by an abnormality on a blood test (PSA) or a hard nodule (lump) in the prostate gland. Occasionally, the doctor may first feel a hard nodule during a routine digital (done with the finger) rectal examination. The prostate gland is located immediately in front of the rectum. Early detection and treatment is the key to survival from this type of cancer. The word screening refers to testing to find a disease like cancer in people who do not have symptoms of that disease. The goal of screening is to find it early and hopefully it can be treated more effectively. T he A mer ica n Ca ncer Societ y recommends that men thinking about prostate screening do so early. Men with a history of prostate cancer in their family should start screening as early as 30 years old. African American men as early as 40, Caucasians and other ethnic groups at 50 years of age. Remember early detection is the key. Please don’t wait. Get screened.
2 antique brass table lamps w / f ro s t e d g l as s s h ad e s. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN 1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN 1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN.
Thornton Township Public Notice The regular schedule Thornton Township’s Board of Trustees Meetings to be held on November 12, 2013 and November 26, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. have been cancelled. The next meeting of the Thornton Township’s Board of Trustees will be held on November 19, 2013 at 8:00 p.m. in the Boardroom, at Thornton Township Hall, 333 East 162nd Street in South Holland, Illinois. Jacqueline E. Davis-Rivera Thornton Township Clerk
New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN HP Photosmart 7520 printer in box. Warranty until 4/2014. Print, copy, scan, fax. 2-sided printing. Auto-doc feeder.$100. 708-474-4132 SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 Moving Sale: Wooden ladders various sizes, tools, book case, oak entertainment center, tv, ladder brackets, paint, wallpaper, computer table. 708-846-0015 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075 Men’s winter coats size 3X for $25. Other mens 3X shirts for sale also. Call 708-299-2921 day bed twin sz. w/mattress w/bedding never been used 2yr.old redoing room white fram $1oo.99 708-687-4776 wheel chair $20.00 708-6872112
$49.95 $49.95 $49.95
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This is a FREE event for South Holland children up to age 12. Refreshments will be served, and each registered child will receive a small gift from Santa! Register between November 4 & December 4. Pictures will not be provided. (Parents are encouraged to bring their camera to get a picture of their child(ren) with Santa.) Special Visitors from the North Pole!!!
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Say I saw it in The Shopper wheel chair $25.00 new wheel chair never been used $275.00 708-687-4776 2ride lite wheel chairs $25.00/55.00 3 wheel scooter comes all apart used very little? 708-288-2221 Pre-Lit 9’ Lakeview Pine Quick Set Artificial Christmas Tree Brand new. 125.00. 708543-6379 SENTRY Combination Lock FIRE-SAFE. 1.2 cu. ft.Brand new in the box . 125.00.708543-6379 Dressers (retro 1950-60’s) men’s $225, ladies $200, deep drawers, solid wood, will email photos, beautiful, call 219-322-2127 to see. oak entertainment center on casters with glass door and drawer, sharp. 49x17x47 lwh. tv space 28x27. $40, 219-7658791 Oak corner curio cabinet, mirrored, lighted, glass shelves,$100. Handmade wooden keepsake box $50. Total Gym $100. Will email photos. 708-872-7040 Small sofa sleep (Twin Size) and Tan recliner. Excellent condition $250,00 312-5204698 Cell Lansing Area wheel chair 20.00 708-6874776 wheel chair 20.00 3 wheel sc0ter 2 batts./charger? 708687-4776 Qn headboard w/mirrors and glass/wood nightstands $200. Thomasville sofa $200. Black dishwasher $100. 708333-7158 For sale: Gas powered side walk edger Craftsman $60. 708-268-7075 Qn headboard w/mirror, nightstands, including 2 additional mirrors $200. Thomasville sofa $200 and BlK dishwasher $100. Call 708-655-6331. Must sell. Ventra transit/debit card with $165.50 on it. $155, call 773-272-8315. Solid Wood Dining Room table 6 chairs w/OvalTable 63x43 without leaflet. $200 Very good condition. 708646-9570 1950’s desk w/chair $125; matching dresser w/wood framed mirror $150 (all solid knotty pine). Come see it, can email photos. 219-3222127 For sale: Snowblower MTD, 3HP 21”, 2-cycle, pull start, good shape, $100 beat the rush. 708-268-7075 For sale: Couch $150; best offer, clean 7-1/2 L 3-1/2 D neutral color, perfect shape, globe lamps, Victorian style $20 each; 3-way more. St. John, IN. 219-558-0153 For sale: Color TV $15; 32 in. door $100 80x32. 708-4742541 Fishing motor must sell. 7.5 HP Mercury outboard, short shaft rope, start runs great, tank, hose included. Must see. 815-557-3212 For sale: Black 3/4 length coat w/fur lining. Cuffs and collar. Pristine condition, $30 never worn. 815-463-0345 For sale: Large TV table, black glass top, $100; large coffee table $100; king size quilt, green bedspread $10; rod iron round table $60. 708333-7461 For sale: 2-square marble top tables, $40 pair; magazine rack wooden $50; 2 door Amish cabinet blond 6” high $200. 708-333-7461 Fo r s a l e : 1 5 x 1 8 i n c h e s, bookshelf blond 6ft high $150l green velvet upholstered chair $150; music cabinet $60 Taylor made. 708-333-7461
19 November 6, 2013 For sale: Men’s 15 lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 9, bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834
For sale: Tire P205/70R15, u s e d o n l y 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s, Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel $35. 773-785-7247
For sale: Lawn spreader made by Scott’s rotary style. Excellent condition $18. 773785-7247
For sale: Ladies 10lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 8 bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834
Internet Edition For sale: Lawn and leaf sweeper 26” wide. Made by lambert. Brand new never used. I paid $125 to purchase $85. 773-785-7247
For sale: Tan couch and loveseat, good condition $50 for both or best offer. 708420-6660
For sale: Fine china service for 8, never used, includes platter, gravy bowl. Asking $50. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834 For sale: Range hood almond $18; machine hand book $50; gas lawn mower $50; two blue & gold lamps. $25 each. 708-460-5001 Laminated flooring multilook collection, 3 boxed $30; Duro heat, portable kerosene heater $50, like new. 708-4749331 For sale: Snowblower, Toro CCR 1000, 3HP 20:, light weight, easy to use, ready for snow $165. 708-339-8349 For sale: Utility trailer 4x8 new tire and lights $150. 219229-9595 For sale: Animal carrying cages various sizes. Made by petmate, like new as low as $10. 773-785-7247 For sale: Child’s wooden rocking chair, old fashion design, very solid. $18. 773785-7247
Expires 12/31/13
100% Guaranteed Tune-Up Includes: √ Test for Gas Leaks √ Check Gas Valve √ Clean Burners √ Clean Ignition Assembly √ Clean Interior of Vestibule √ Check Motor
√ Check Fan Bearings √ Check Starting Capability √ Check Air Filters & Flow √ Check for Combustible Materials√ Inspect Flue and Diverter √ Lubricate Moving Parts √ Check Furnace Wiring √ Adjust and Check Pilot √ Check Limit Control √ Check Belt Tension √ Check Thermocouple √ Check Fan Control √ Measure Volts/Amps √ Check All Safety Devices √ Inspect Combustion Chamber √ Check Wiring √ Check Heat Exchanger for Leaks √ And Much More…
Expires 12/31/13
Warming Up the Holidays Thornton Township Serves 1500 Hot Cooked Meals for Thanksgiving. Please Join Us!
Sunday November 17, 2013 12:00 - 4:00 pm South Suburban College Fitness Center 15800 S. State St. South Holland, IL
hornton Township Supervisor Frank M. Zuccarelli continues to provide a social service safety net to all seventeen municipalities that encompass Thornton Township. For more information, call 708-596-6040. JOYCE M. WASHINGTON Trustee GERALD “JERRY” JONES Trustee NORBERT CIPOWSKI Trustee STAFFORD OWENS Trustee
FRANK M. ZUCCARELLI Supervisor 333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, Illinois 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 ext. 3128 TTY 708-596-0408 • Fax 708-596-3207
Say I saw it in The Shopper
20 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
On Forgiveness During the Holiday Season, most people plan family reunions. These e vent s a re u sua l l y plea s a nt a nd enjoyable. However, family gatherings can be difficult if there is conflict and hurts from the past. W hen we have be en hu r t t he f i rst a nd nat u ra l response is t he desi re to hu r t back or engage i n r e v en ge. Re v en ge m a y g i v e one momentar y pleasure and relief but the consequences usually escalate the conflict and increase the pain of broken relationships. A more helpful way of healing broken relationships is through the process of forgiveness. But how does one forgive? First, forgiveness takes time and prayer. Instant forgiveness may be mere pain avoidance. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his letters from prison states that, “Violence precedes justice, lawlessness pr e c e de s or der a nd de s t r uc t ion
Wartime Remembrances
precedes peace.” Likewise the pain of conflict precedes forgiveness. Accept the pain and pray for healing. Second ly, ex ter na l i ze t he pa i n by journa ling. Pa in is a mea ns of protecting ourselves from repeated pa inf u l ex per iences. If we do not remember a destructive experience we may repeat the event. Journaling releases t he mind f rom hav ing to remember and the endless recording that repeats the events over and over again. You may also write a letter to t he of fender who caused t he pa in expressing your honest feeling. But do not mail the letter! Read it to yourself until the memory of the event loses its pain. Thirdly, pray for the offender asking God to help you to be able to wish the person well. With God’s grace and the healing power of the Holy Spirit you will come to a point of being set free from the pain.
For sale: 7 foot Christmas tree from American Sales, like new, color is green not prelit $75 or best offer. 708420-6660
For sale: Whirlpool gas dryer auto temp. control VGC white new over $100 sacrifice $200. Ready for service. Lansing. 708-439-9801
For sale: Craftsman 80,000 BTU torpedo heater with kerosene can $75 obo. 708420-6660
For sale: Plastic window shutters 14-1/2”x62-1/2” beig e, 4 pcs. $20; Yard machine snow blower, pull start 3.0 HP 21” wide, good condition $80 Tom. 219-3740549
For sale: Hewlett Packard 20” computer monitor with detachable external speakers $30 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: 36 inch Toshiba tube t e l e v i s i o n w i t h re m o t e. Excellent condition $50 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: Craftsman table top scroll saw, like new with extra blades $45 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: Fellowes power shred 220C large paper shredder. Great for office or home, heavy duty type, very good condition $215. Calumet City. 708-891-3432
For sale: Old cigar boxes Lefton plates 1973 signed steranko super girls calendar o l d m a c h i n i s t b ox l i v e tropical plants all sizes. 708418-0343 For sale: Simmer shallow well pump w/well point bar lights signs and other related bar items, vintage wood train set. 708-418-0343
Finally, you may consider going for counseling. A good therapist can enable one to see the buttons that are being pushed inside of us which is causing us pain. Forgiveness is hard work and takes time. So why forgive? Jesus demands us to forgive. “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matt. 6:14-15) W hy does Christ demand forg iveness ? We ca n on ly receive forgiveness if we forgive those who have hurt us. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves that sets us free to enjoy the love and healthy relationships we can have with our relatives during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Rev. Dr. Albert Vander Meer South Holland Ministerial Association
For sale: 35mm camera’s 1926 Map of Cook County.1940’s and 1950’s railroad calendars, 35mm slide projector 16mm films and box. 708-418-0343
For sale: Computer desk work station, has space for desktop computer; file drawer $25; 32” analog TV $20. 219-845-0583
For sale: Two Hoover vacuum cleaners, asking $15 each one. Contact Paul. 708-6200286
For sale: New multi color Xmas lights 100 add a set $2.50 each; 100 icicle light set, new $3; Xmas houses $8. 219-836-8505
For sale: Laser Discs alum stud puncher model ET5 old fishing items old books sports items Nascar baseball hockey basketball. 708-4180343
For sale: Draw-tit htich 10,000 lbs. $75; Security light, 8x11 $25; Montior 17 inch $25; gray water tank 22 gal. wheels, and hitch $45.,708747-8221
For sale: Brand new never opened VHS tapes, 50lb. box. 8 penny nails, great for roofs and siding. Used VHS tapes. 708-418-0343
Disstorn hand saw like new used twice 28” 12 points per inch $15; brace and bits from early 1950’s offer. 708-4745711
For sale: 20 shot glasses $40; 10-tote bags $20; electric panasonic shaver $10; iron & glass shelf $75. 708-753-0551
Womens winter coat and jackets by Jones New York and snuggle $10 to $50, large ex-large, exc. cond. 219-8368505 For sale: Turkey platter 18in $9; 14in fiber optic angle with harp $8; 16in talking Xmas tree. $7. 219-836-8505 For sale: Fisher Price, smart cycle $50; women’s Harley Davidson chaps, size medium $75. 708-889-0579 For sale New spring garage door $100 offer. Call now. 708-418-1098
Treasured Letters From The Past MARJORIE ALICE DEVRIES I’ll admit it. There’s not an organizing bone i n my body. Ra ndom r e c eipt s de c or at e t he inside of my purse. I can dig for a Target receipt for twenty minutes, and I’ll keep pulling up the same White Castle receipt instead. However, my husba nd is t he k ing of organization. He’s the one who made a file system for our finances—and even our laundry. So when I was looking in my office cabinet, and I amazingly found another batch of WWII letters of Sgt. Robert Buetow addressed to his wife, my husband’s only response wa s : “T hat d o e s n’t s u r p r i s e m e , Margie.” Wel l I for one, wa s e c st at ic to f i nd more treasured letters! Sg t. Rober t Buetow s er v e d w it h t he 5 4t h Armored Field Artiller y Batta lion, stat ioned s ome w her e i n Fr a nc e during 1944. His w ife, Lu, lived in an upstairs apartment on Milwaukee Ave., in Chicago. This is a short V-mail I found amongst my sweet, ne w l y-fou nd batc h of WWII letters: May 31, 1944 My precious pet, ( Int e re st ing ni ck n am e choice here) No mail from you for me today, but I’m more than satisfied with all I’ve been receiving lately. Honey, I’m so much in love with you that being away from you like this is
worse than any physical pain could ever be. After I get back home, I guarantee that I’ll never go anywhere without you by my side. I’ll probably be just like a big baby, but you’ve always been my darling mommy, so I know you won’t mind. It w a s p r e t t y c o o l this morning, but this afternoon and right now it’s quite nice. I won’t be able to write more than this one page tonight, and tomorrow night I won’t be able to write at all, but I’m sure you’ll understand. You know, honey, I’m a very lucky guy to have a wife like you. I’ll never be able to figure how I could be so lucky. (This was probably stated, in order to make-up for the “precious pet” intro.) That ’s all until next t ime, d arling, so good night, sweet dreams and a million kisses. Your “darling who is crazy about you” Bob Marjorie Alice DeVries is a f reela nce w r iter devoted to sha ring t he priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique w indow into a life that once was. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r omt hepa to f i nd out more, or w r ite to : Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 K i l la r ney Dr ive, D yer, I N 46 311. Now of Facebook! “Like” at: w w w. f a c e b o ok .c om / TreasuredLettersFromThe Past For sale: Curio cabinet with light, like new $100 obo; Free nicknack w/cabinet. 708862-5706
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. File No D13136036 on October 24, 2013. Under the assumed name of STRINGSONG with the business located at 17910 WENTWORTH AVENUE, LANSING, IL 60438. The true name and residence of the owner is CHERYL KAPTEYN, 18051 LORENZ, LANSING, IL 60438, USA. MARY RENEE HALE, 17910 WENTWORTH AVENUE, LANSING, IL 60438, USA.
Save the Date!
P.E.N.S. First Annual Open House
We dnesday, November 13, 2013 Campus SILVER land STERLING th Hol A FREE 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., SouGET KARISMA PENDANT.*
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Suggested retail value
un. f t i e k a m it yours. s e e k c i n u . f a t i o e ak h You m . ces m make it yoursC i o h C You 29.95
For sale: Portable electric heater MFG. Delongi oil filled radiator type with thermostat hardly used 1500 watt $27. 708-333-9520 For sale: Electric Motor 1/3HP. Phase 1 1.25 AMPS 1725 RPM type SS $18. 708333-9520 Antique 1920’s speaker stand 4’-0” tall b/o. Antique 1920’s weed & grass trimmer single wheel operation before weed whackers b/o. 708-333-9520 Rubber base moulding white 36” lg. new 1/2 price $1 each; garden pitch fork $4; post hole digger auger type $5. 708-333-9520
Suggested retail value
It’s our gift to you.
No strings attached. No purchase required. Offer limited to first 100 customers.
Karisma is an easy-to-use system of sterling silver jewelry with over 400 interchangeable jewelry inserts. So you can change your earrings, necklace,
in a w o t r e t is g Pre-re FREE PENDANT ad! iP r o t e l b a T Gal axy
or bracelet to match your every outfit and every activity, every day. interchangeable jewelry ring, inserts. So you can change your earrings, necklace, And you can win more Karisma jewelry! Just for coming every in, your nameoutfi will be entered in ourevery activity, every day. ring, or bracelet to match your t and
For sale: Electric heater $5; women’s small gallery down coat $8; Goose down quilt in original bag, full size $15. 708-331-2444
Come on in and see KARISMA, the most exciting jewelry concept since the bead bracelets.
And you can win more Karisma jewelry! Just for coming in, your name will be entered in our
Come on in and see KARISMA, the most exciting jewelry concept since the bead bracelets. GET A FREE STERLING SILVER KARISMA PENDANT.* *Jeweled insert sold separately.
Fre e Cre dit Class for Attende es over 25!
(Som e restrictions apply.)
All guests will receive a gift bag and will be ente red in a raffl e for gas cards and other great prize s!
Aston-Drake Lfie, like dolls 3 to choose from one Asian American, make offer. 708333-9520
GET A FREE STERLING SILVER KARISMA PENDANT.* l sold separately. e emaiinsert To pre-register, or for more information, pleas*Jeweled Your 3rd Generation Jeweler for • Quality • Integrity • Service . or call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2315 3338 Ridge Rd., Lansing • 708-474-9235 Tues., Wed., Sat. 9:30 – 5:00 Thurs., Fri. 9:30 – 8:00, Closed Mondays Master Jeweler
For sale: new 55 gallon aquarium tank, new complete, kit 16 gallons, many types of animal cages, great for Christmas. Call anytime. 708-877-6577 Oak kitchen table and four capt.chairs with caster wheels, $250; small dorm refrigerator $40; manual miter saw $15. 708-889-0350
Say I saw it in The Shopper
21 November 6, 2013
Speaking Of Seniors
Misunderstanding Costs Senior Money! WOODROW WILCOX A new client of ours had just turned 65 and started using Medicare. She went to a doctor that she knew for her welcome to Medica re v isit. She assumed that everything would be fine. She got a surprise. She t houg ht t hat because she showed the doctor’s a ssista nt t hat she was new to Medicare, t he assista nt wou ld automat ica l ly k now that she was there for a w e lc ome t o Me d ic a r e v isit. That was a fa lse assumption. The doctor t hat she visited was a gynecologist. He was not able to give a w e lc ome t o Me d ic a r e wellness exam. He could only give a “preventative yearly exam”. According to t he doctor’s bi l l i ng a s s i s t a n t , M E DIC A R E NEVER PAYS FOR THAT. The doctor expects t he pat ient to pay t he bi l l since Medicare won’t. The m isu ndersta nd i ng w i l l 15 pc. glass oven ware set, never used, $15. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834 Black and Decker 10 speed blender, never used $15. Call Judy leave message. 773-2061834 Emson big boss multi blender $10, never used. Call Judy leave message. 773-2061834 12 inch electric skillet, never used $10. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834 For sale: 2-pantry cabinets 18”x24”x84” $70; double bowl white bathroom vanity top, soap dish + side splash and faucets 67x22 $150. 708285-1107
cost our client money. To avoid problems, ask questions when you visit a doctor, clinic, laboratory, or hospita l. Ask if t he proposed medical service is covered by Medicare. If not, ask about alternative t reat ment s or ser v ices t hat wou ld be covered by Med ic a re. Av o i d misunderstandings that may cost you money later. Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill c a se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. He has saved clients of t hat i nsu ra nce agenc y over one million dollars by cor rec t i ng med ic a l bi l l er rors t hat were caused by mistakes in the Medicare system. Wilcox wrote the book SOLVING MEDIC A R E PROBLEM $ (w w w.solv i ng med ica re which is available from A ma zon and Barnes & Noble.
For sale: Milwaukee drywall screw gun $80; skill saw worm drive 7-1/4in $80; Senco compressor 2-HP-4.3 gal. tank $90. 708-285-1107 For sale: Panasonic 15.6 volt + batteries and charger $40; 14 old silent movies $35. 708285-1107 For sale: Monster high boy dolls in boxes. Holt Hyde and Duece Gorgon $25 each. 708285-1107 For sale: Bed slide out unit for pick-up truck $150. 708285-1107 For sale: B&D electric grass edger $25, 3HP electric grass edger $25. 708-271-0387
For sale: Nails: 16D 50-lbs. 3-1/2” roofing 50lbs 1-1/2”, drywall 50-lbs. 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711
New games never opened. Candyland, Chutes & ladders $5 each; small bookcase $12. 708-877-6157
For sale: 10 gal. western crock $80; 5 gal. western crock $70; receding pipe threader $45. 708-210-1711
For sale: Crib, high chair, car set $100 for all. 708-339-0725
For sale: Accumaulator and evaporator for S10 Blazer $50. 708-210-1711 For sale: Designer gowns size 10 $15; shoes, new never worn, size 10 $15. Can’s mss this buy! 708-862-5323 For sale: Christmas decor: Hallmark ornaments, tree skirts, tree top star, slv gold garland, white angle candle h o l d e r, l o t s o f d e c o r. Reasonable. 708-877-6153 Free: Fridge side by side, 2 yrs old. You pick up, like new. Ask for Brian Robinson. 7739878-7991 For sale: Remnant carpet from quality carpet 94L-48W $30; color beige; indoor antenna $15; round table with detachable leg. $10. 708849-6273 For sale: Mens winter jackets S&M $10 each; hats scarves, ties, shirts $2 each; women’s shoes 9-9-1/2ww $5-$10 pair. 708-877-6157 For sale: Analog TV Zenith 13” w/remote $30; 19” RCA no remote $20 both work good w/converter box. 708877-6157 For sale: Womens black leather belted jackets, size large $50; fake fur coat size 16 $50. 708-877-6157 For sale: Concrete magnesium bull float with 5 handles 45” by 8” used only 3 times, $110. Terry. 708-6705220 Elevated toilet seat with safety bars paid $80, asking $40. 708-877-6157
For sale: Drill press 4 chilton auto repair manual, air compressor, generator make offer. Bob. 630-667-8456 New Vicci trumpet cleaning kit included $225; 2 school desks 1 wood $15 each; piano bench $20; misc. lampshades $5. 708-335-0627 Ladies coat 2X $15; round shelving $15; entertainment unit $50; Rolling backpacks $20 all; Dog grates $15 each. 708-335-0627 Assorted quilts bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907 Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-4816907 Bed sheets twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4 each; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 Honeywll 40” long baseboard heater $25; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $25; DJ records $1 each. 708-4816907 Stiffel bras table lamps $20$20 each; decorative wall pictures and mirrors; Toshiba 14” TV cable ready $20. 708481-6907 Large over the dresser mirror $15; ornamental wall mirrors, wood 2 drawer file cabinet $15. 708-481-6907
Internet Edition PFAFF 1222 sewing machine made in Germany $75 obo; Toshiba 14” cable ready TV $20; Honeywell 40” long electric heater $25. 708-4816907
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044
Automotive Services
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
Carpentry/ Construction Custom Kitchen cabinets, i n s t a l l k i t c h e n s, re p a i r furniture, doors & wood floors, upholster chairs & booths. Midwest Custom Cabinets & Furniture, 2800 Bernice Rd., Lansing. 708530-0222 or 708-288-0196.
Cleaning Services House Cleaning Homes, Condos & Businesses. Dependable & trustworthy. Budget pleasing pr ices. Excellent references. Insured & bonded. 708-474-0233 or 708-280-8399
Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana Computer and TV repairs. BIG T Technologies. Windows installations, virus removal, virus removal hardware and software specialist. Call Larry. 773-407-3591 Computer Repair. A plus certified. Broken laptops bought, refurbished ones sold $150, repairs, $50/up. Spyware specialist. Save Ad. 708-268-7075
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Taqueria El Ranchito
Core Aeration
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
2 Tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708-4816907
Rancho Grande
Fertilization Programs
Chimney Repair
Business & professional code section (770 ILCS 95/) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, according to (770 ILCS 95/) Self-Service Storage Facility Act. I at public sale by competitive bidding on ending on November 15, 2013 at 10:00 am for units located at Compass Self Storage, 2556 Bernice Rd., Lansing, IL 60438. The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes and appliances. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as-is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Compass Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid. Sale is subject to adjournment. B1033 Rickey Jackson, B1065 Tracy Lofton, B1080 Loretta Anderson, B1108 Harold Wade, B1207 Lamonica Bell, B1264 Demetria Bender, B1354 Ronnie and Frank Dukes, A1024 Coy S. Wade, B1016 Amadou Dime, B1429 Lelia Morgan, A1052 Terrell Mckenzie, A1011 Raghav Pyakurel and A1054 Marilyn Rich.
Bush Trimming
Cer a m ic a n d g l a ss t il e design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492
Computer Sales/ Repair
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708-596-2320 219-789-2320 South Holland, IL 60473
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
22 November 6, 2013
Concrete Work
Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523
Electrician: Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Chgo, IN, IL. Service upgrades, rewires & new construction. Trenching, garage electric. Commercial & residential. Free estimates. Major credit cards accepted. 219-8530085
Day Care Joyland Home Day Care, 247, planned curriculum and activities. Serving ages infant thru pre-schoolers. 708-2483718 Labibbes Headstart 8am1pm, before & after-school care, 6am-8am then from 3pm-5pm. Daycare also. Certified Degreed teacher. Miss Johnson. 708-915-0258 In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295 Residential Electrical: Circuit problems diagnosed and repaired. Switch/Outlet/ Light Replacement small jobs OK! Call for information/ pricing/scheduling. 708-4748260
Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
Internet Edition
Home Improvement/ Repair
Knowing God through Personal Weakness
A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328 Discount Home Im p r ove m e n t : D r y w a l l , carpentry, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, laminate flooring, glass block, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. Also handyman services. Call. 708-207-0644
Miscellaneous Services Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing & Repair. Free estimates. Illiana Woodworking. 708-297-8191
Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450
Throughout my childhood I always felt like a square peg trying to fit into a circular mold. No matter how hard I tried to fit in-----I’d always end up being the object of someone’s joke or prank. I remember one event where God turned the table on a group of pranksters. I had joined the Youth Choir in hopes of developing meaningful relationships with the other youth at my church. I loved singing, but I struggled to stay in key. My voice always fluctuated between 2nd soprano, alto, and tenor. One day the director-musician decided to let me lead a song. “Me? You’re going to give me a song to lead?” I couldn’t believe my ears! The director and a few of the older teens who led most of the songs were so supportive. “Yes, Ann, we want you to lead this new song, you’ll do great.” We went over the verse a couple of times, and the rest of the rehearsal was focused on the chorus of the song. T hat fol low i ng Su nday, sta nd i ng before the congregation, the director beckoned for me to come to the front and take the mic. When I opened my mouth, a clear, soulful, melodious voice sang through me that I had never heard before.
Not only was I awed at the sound of my voice, but others were too, as they stood with shocked and surprised faces at what they heard. I didn’t find out till later that I had been set up to fail. But God received glory that day when He enabled me to sing with the voice of an angel. Apostle Paul wrote that God chooses pe ople w hom t he world c on sider s “weak” to put the strong to shame, and selects those that the world considers insignificant and treated with contempt, to depose the arrogant and proud so no man can boast of his superiority before God. I’m still a square peg, there’s nothing about me t hat wou ld d raw world ly attention. Yet, I continue to pra ise God for my inabilities------because my inabilities (weaknesses) allow God to repeatedly do the impossible through me. So, to all of my square peg friends, REJOICE for you are in a position for God to do great and mighty things through you for His glory. For questions and/or comments, send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, P.O. Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438. Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354
Painting Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re - g l aze w i n d ow s, s t r i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241
Pet Care Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901
Veterans Day Benefit Fair SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH 10am-2pm Thornton Township Hall 333 East 162nd St., South Holland, IL
• Record Keeping • Care givers support/training • Homeless veterans • Federal benefits for veteran dependents and survivors
333 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Phone 708-596-6040 • TTY 708-596-0408 • 708-596-3207 ext. 3128
Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335
Thornton Township is hosting a Veterans Benefit Fair to assist veterans with various challenges. Representatives for all various armed forces will be on hand to advise all veterans.
• Life Insurance • Education benefits • Health & life insurance benefits • Home loan guarantees • Burial & Memorial benefits
Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne an d all , h e re’s t h e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335
Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693
Say I saw it in The Shopper
23 November 6, 2013
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois
The Teachers’ Forum JUDITH PADGETT Forgiveness - why do we have such difficulty at times extending it? I think it is because we have all these expectations of others. We have these pre-written scripts in our hearts of how relationships should work. When someone unwittingly fails to meet our criteria we feel hurt or offended. Yet, what happens when others cannot measure up to our criteria? Do we become resentful or bitter? Do we seek revenge or withdraw? Do we terminate the relationship? How do we handle it, when the ideal is overshadowed by the reality of life? We can hold a grudge, we can play the martyr’s card, yet who really wins? The truth is a lthough we may not intend to, we often fail others. Therefore, the critical component to any relationship is forgiveness, without it, no relationship can w ithstand the onslaught of time. In add it ion, we of ten st r ug g le w it h understanding another’s perspective. We only have our point of reference to refer to and our understanding is often limited and at times infantile. We are all flawed, fallible and fragile that is the material that we have to work with, that is the reality of our life. Interestingly, we want others to forgive us when we let them down. Often we may struggle with forgiveness because we feel that we are letting them
off the hook. Yet, we can entrust this situation to God and know that He knows all things and He is the only perfect judge. He will handle everything as He deems best. There is great freedom and peace in knowing this, and relinquishing the above into His capable hands. Moreover, we will not be able to extend forgiveness until we understand how much we have been forgiven by God. The truth is In ou r per for ma nce or iented culture it is hard to comprehend that an unconditional love could be so freely given... It is hard to comprehend that God can love us no more or less, than He does right now, because His love is not dependent upon our performance. He loves us unconditionally right here and now in our flawed state. He only asks is that we accept the atoning sacrifice of His son for our sins (to sin means to miss the mark, to not measure up to an expectation). We all have expectations, even God, and the miracle is that the debt has been paid in full on our behalf, all we have to do is believe it and accept it. When we begin to grasp the depth of God’s forgiveness we will then have the supernatural capacity to forgive and love others just as they are…Only then will we be able to pay it forward.
Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
Garage Sales in South Holland
Garage Sales in Calumet City
Nov. 7th, 10-5; Nov. 8th, 9-5; Nov. 10th, 8-5. 1911 E. 169th Place, So. Holland, IL. Fifty 100% wool coats, $20$30; winter white coats $30$50. Misc. items.
Nov. 9th, 9-4; Nov. 10th, 9-2. 500 East River Oaks Drive, Calumet City. Garage sale in the office: Clothing, furniture, and accessories nearly new.
Help Wanted
Garage Sales in Dolton
O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999
November 9th, 10-4. 14823 Grant Street, Dolton, IL. Dressers, kitchen hutch, f l ow e re d v a s e s , l a m p s , clothes, dishes, cocktail table, end tables, small fountain, remote-controlhelicopter, TV, bedframe.
Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225 Help Wanted: Drivers: Gully Transportation CDL A - 1 Ye a r E x p e r i e n c e Ho m e EVERY WEEKEND! Awesome benefits & Great Pay!! Call Don! 800-566-8960 Help Wanted: Dolton Animal Hospital. Par t time receptionist cum kennel assistant needed. Apply in person at Dolton Animal Hospital. 708-849-2608
Garage Sales in Lansing Nov. 8th-9th, 8-3. 3536-171st. St., Lansing. Antique furniture, stereo’s, records, tools, misc. items, bicycles, brand new cedar sidings.
Nov. 7-8, 10-6pm. 13250 Avenue M, Hegewisch, IL. Vee & Walter Wojcik Estate Sale. 70 years accumulationContents of 2-bdrm. home, basement & garage. 5-kitchen tables & chairs sets, bedroom set, living room furniture set, cabinet, 2-sewing machines, sewing items, Christmas, tools, antiques, more.
Homes For Sale
Internet Edition Apts. for Rent: Calumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $625$750/mo. + security. No pets. 708-589-5720 Apt. for rent: South Holland, 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-7749100 Apt . for rent: Har vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean, pay utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514 Apt. for rent: Calumet City, very quiet bldg. 2-bdrm. Apt. located near Lansing. $750/ mo. + security & credit check. Available Nov. 15th, no pets. For more info. Call. 708-8682590
Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale
Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551
Apartments For Rent
2 Bedroom Mobile Home in Burnham, IL. Older home in good condition in a quiet community on the river. $1000/down and $100/month for 36 months with good job history. Lot rent is $390/ month. Call 219-7428505.
Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900.
Calumet City Large 2bdrm Apts. Ha rd w o o d f l o o r s. Stove/Refrigerator. On-site laundry, $800/mo. Call Mr. & Mrs. Harris. 708-251-8563
Top floor over lake,Lansing golf course, 2 bed, 2 bath, appliances, kitchen, dining sets. $91,900. Mike Kosich, Caldwell, 312-316-2314
Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1-bdrm. $650/mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845
A p t . f o r re n t : D o l t o n , 2-bdrm. Heat included, $900/mo. + sec. private parking. Sec. 8 welcome. Available now. 708-299-8995
Large 600 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom apartment in B u r n h a m , I L . He a t , water, sewer, garbage included. New carpet and paint. $1,000 deposit. Rent $500. Call 219-742-8505 Apt . for rent: Har vey 3-bdrm. 15534 S. Turlington. Hardwood floors throughout, ceiling fans, washer/dryer in basement. $700/mo. + 1mo. security. 312-909-2438 Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Lansing. Everything new, first floor. 219-614-3994 or 708-895-2658
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Beautiful So. Suburban homes for rent. Section 8 welcome. 312-7889554 Home for rent: Dolton, 2-bdrm. complete remodeled brick house. A/C, appliances, garage, $1000/mo. + deposit. 708-715-7443 Home for sale: Sauk Village, 3-bdrm., 1-bath, 6 room house with 2-1/2 car garage. Refrigerator & stove. Credit check, sec. 8 ok. $1,100/mo. 708-935-5558
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: 2-bdrm. Condo in Lansing. Heat & Hot water included. $950/ mo. Heated pool, off street parking. For info. Call Barb. 708-474-1139 Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177
‘For People Who Really Care About Their Dogs’
We’re THAT Good! $3 OFF $2 OFF your order of $4 OFF your order of your order of $12 or more OPEN DAILY AT 4PM
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HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:00 A.M.-6:30 P.M. SAT. 7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS
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(708) 333-6200
politics neighborhood issues ugs g violence traffic weightissues vio po... tell us what’s on your mind! p religion g p police smoking g drugs g violence traffic
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068
Beautiful American Bobtails!! 14 weeks old UTD on Vaccines and Dewormed Great personalities and a wonderful addition to your f a m i l y ! $ 3 0 0 . LionsDenExotics 708-7813559 FOUND- sweet dark gray tabby/white male cat. Dolton around 144th & Chicago Road. email dalfire497@aol. com
Lost & Found
Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16th in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986
Wanted Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Remington 870, good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708625-1509 Upright Kenmore freezer in great condition. $150 or best offer. Serious inquiries only. 708-849-7048. Wanted: Pay cash for your Mernards rebate/gift card. 708-439-7736 Wanted: Church needs hand held cardboard fans. Donated and good vacuum cleaner. 708-501-3470 Fo r s a l e : D o n a t i o n s o f Christmas items, no glass, no Santa’s. Marva 708-501-3470
24 November 6, 2013 Wanted: Movies, VCR or DVD Clint Eastwood, Nature or videos Jackie Chan, TV with remote; MP3 portable player, cassette, CD’s Country/Pop/ Rock, Readers Digest. Good condition reasonable. 708418-3275 Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221 Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats and high handlebars and Honda mini trail scooters and other mini bikes parts. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Used hand tools snap on wrenches, pliers, wratchets, sockets, screwdrivers, etc. One piece or whole set. Cash paid. 708987-8641 Wanted: Wonds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6. 708-527-4529
2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804 $8,992. 708-8915400 2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400 2008 Nissan Altima Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400 2 0 0 7 L i nco ln Town Ca r Stk#P2814. $15,992. 708-8915400 2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400 2009 Mercury Grand Marquis Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-8915400 2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400
For sale Four Michelin LTX M/S tires P245/65 R17. Good shape $100 for all four. 708921-4899 For sale: Goodyear tire & rim size P205-75R14 white wall $32. 708-333-9520
Trailers Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557 Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517
Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241
Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011
2012 Ford Focus SE, Black, $15,900. 708-798-1668
Truck for sale: 1997 GMC Sierra Z71, Ext. cab 5.7L engine, 4-speed auto transmission, newer tires, toolbox, never plowed snow $3,495. 708-877-6158
2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , Atlantis green metallic, $14,495. 708-798-1668
Miscellaneous Items For Sale
For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, Say saw it 152K, in The $6,000 Shopperobo. wellI kept, 630-926-5443 Sears 6000 BTU Casement air cond. $200, times. For sale: 2003used Ford 3Explorer 708-288-3641 Eddie Bauer rare V6, A/C, 4W drive, 3rd row seats, full Mulcher lawn mower Briggs power, like new, heated Straton 6hp engine runs, leather seats, also aluminum starts, looks great, $85. Also r u n n i n g b o a rd s $ 5 , 7 0 0 . 225x75x15 Goodyear tire, like Worth much more. Call Jim. new. 708-753-0021 708-267-0723 or 708-6364350 Tricycles, 2 foldup type and reqular $15 each. Exc. cond.; For sale: 1999 Durango SLT bi-fold doors, new 6 panel 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but 24” white 3 sets $40; concrete Transmission needs service. float no handle, $35. 708-895$1000 708-946-2309 6026 For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Tarp heavy duty green canvas Malibu LS Leather interior, 26’x34’ new cond. $100 obo. Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. leave message. 708-837-9814 Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309. Chest freezer 5.4 c ft. white, like new used 1-year; Five For sale: 1998 Mercur y drawer dresser, walnut 48” Villager GS Blue Great Buy high 31” wide. 708-672-4999 for your money! $1800 708946-2309 Four tan padded chairs, $20; multiple wooden kitcehn For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, chairs, $5 @ set of six, $25. one owner, silver with black 708-672-4999 top, good runner. 708-2757122 Remodeling bath: Beautiful etched glass shower doors, For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista standard width used on year cruiser, good runner, almost form Loves, orginally $170. no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. For sale, $60. 219-669-3151 wagon. 708-501-2896 Two end tables, one coffe For sale: 2000 Dodge Neon, table with glass top inserted 26MPG, 100,800 miles, new Wicker bottoms, medium tires. Valued at $3333 as per stain, exc. cond. $60. 219Kelly Blue Book sell for 365-9256 $2,500. 219-322-6965 Two double strollers, $20; Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 L i n c o l n Sleigh crib w/mat $50; high Towncar. 97,000 miles, silver, chair $10; AB mach. $20; baby black canvas top $4,800; 1997 walker, $10; car seats. 708GMC Suburban. Burgundy, 439-8788 $3,500, senior owned. Good condition. 708-612-6788
2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic, $9,990. 708798-1668
For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray 10 ProCD player w/soft rack Whirlpool gas dryer (basic case-$150. 708-259-7478 model) like new super clean, For sale: oak white color, Seasoned new $585 sacrf. firewood, yrs. old. Will $250. Please2 leave message. deliver, stacking is extra. Call Thanks, 708-895-4671 Phil. 219-742-3035 7 piece Cherry oak wood For sale: 8ft. table bedroom set.slate $250.pool 312-477w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, 9871 brass stick holder, rules book, Lingerie chest 7-drawer, $50. tips, chalk, and owners Calumet City. 708-862-0970 manual $250. 708-906-9265
2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400
Hayward 2 0 0 7 Foone r d Fhorse u s i o npower SE, sand filter $250; entry Tungsten silver easy metallic, saris with hand rails, $175; $8,900. 708-798-1668 deck ladder, $75. Call Joe. 2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red 216-365-9838 candy metallic tineted, XM tuner708-798-1668 with car kit house $14,995. kit and boom box, lots of 2006 Ford Black extra stuff. Fusion Call forSEL, complete clearcoat, $6,900. 708-798list, $200. 219-865-0729 1668 AB Lounger $10; weight set, 2001double Ford Super duty F-250 $50; jogging stroller, Super Duty, Toreador Red $125 firm; infant walker , $10; metallic 708-798little Tikes$8,900. rid-on $35. 2191668 750-9195 2008 Forddouble Taurusbike Limited, Schwinn rack, Alloypet metallic, $11,995. $20; carrier 17x24 708$10; 798-1668 Tan umbrella bas, $5; folding table 2 x 4 $10. 708-895-6160
Graco infant carseat, like new, Snoogle body 1973 $25. Cadillac El Dorado pregnancy C o u p e . Apillow, l w a y s Orig s t o r$65, ed, $20.00. month baby original3-6 show room, newgirl in clothes a n d o unew. t , 1 4$4ea.708-790,000 miles, 1569 sacrifice $11,000, insured for more. 708-267-0723 or 70884” dual reclining sofa, 636-4350 green, exc. cond. $150; small walnut curio exc. For sale: 1930cabinet, Ford Model cond. $75. 219-865-1520 ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great Tappan 5 $16,900. bur ner for street stove, rod build bisquit & black, good cond. 708-474-0514 $75; Above stove convection microwave, black, exc. cond. Auto Parts $85; kitchen aid washer, dryer, both. 219-9334 tires $100 and wheels for sale. 6467 P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. Tool boxes, VCR, luggage, $250obo. 773-450-1690 electric sander, cable boxes, pet food 4 M u s tbowl, a n g cdHcase. u b c a708ps. 889-0414 Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690 Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike in exc. asking 4 tires andcond. wheels for $185 sale. or best offer. 708-214-8559 P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690
Bedroom furniture triple For sale: Big men’s clothes, dresser 70” long, Bedroom matching 2X-5X $10-$20; mirror chest furniture, black(Armoire) 3pc. set, 138” yr. wide pecan immaculate clean old mattress included, $700. traditional wood from. Bay 773-610-9689 Furniture $250. 708-862-0970 For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Like new Whirlpool Canadel, all wood,window round air conditioner, 26” wide, 18” 22” pedestal table, 4-chairs, long. 8000 BTU 1 leave, honey color,can andcool linen. level in home $125 obo.$350. 708Excellent condition 285-1815 708-351-3196 Men’s WilsonCabinets golf clubs, irons, For sale: new putter woods, bagcolors shoes,light rain kitchen & bath, gear; grill 22 inches dark, weber extras from large job. round, $50. 708-849-6273 South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706 Hosta plants, $100; plant flox 50 plant. 708-474-2541 Foreach sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Rhino 24” mountain biketires $45; Cherokee rims, and Magna 26” mountain bike, $300. 708-465-8544 $52. 708-333-7432 For sale: V inyl ver tical Baseball gloves and bats. blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside Rawlings, Easton, Wilson kids mount, w/headrail, cord & gloves or bats, $5 ea. size Adults chain, corner valance, W: gloves, bats, ea. x708130” x $25; H: 70” & $10 W:77” H: 333-7432 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265 Sauder computer desk with desk Fo r chair, s a l e medium : C r e d ioak t ccolor ard shelf, m a c little h i n cabinet e. Ccan h atext se picture, $50 Verifone firm forVX610. both. Paymenttech 708-263-7956 Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227 For sale: Plywood 5 sheets,
4 Mustang Hubcaps. the TM 3/4 thick $10 each; fireplace Excellent condition! $75obo
Eye Site
for all 4. 773-450-1690
brick w/mantel, tools and screen $95; bakers rack, nice 4 shelf storage $35; one mission chair. 219-365-8166
Day Beds...............$88
Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr.& Loveseat...$498 Gene Ossello Futon with Pad.....$198 Sofa Family Practice of Optometry Bunk Beds...........$168 Recliners.............$248 833-835 East 162nd Street Bedroom Sets......$389 Chests..................$66 South Holland, IL 60473
Foot Glaucoma Treatment or Leg Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Cramps Optometry since 1942 at Night? FREE LAYAWAY Eye Care forCall theDr. Whole Family Paul Stepanczuk E-Z CREDIT • NO CREDIT CHECK Munster | Contact (219)Lenses 836-9488
Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome
Eye Examinations
Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields
Foot & Ankle Podiatry Services On site X-Ray, Ultrasound, Orthotics. Shoes, and Sandals
Internet Edition
The Reviewer
While the movie is visually stunning, I was sort of bored with the plot and set up... BRIAN GRABINSKI
pat ter n s c ompa re d to their adult counterparts. Schools were created with the sole purpose to train young men and women to become Commanders of Earth’s Space Fleet. One you ng cadet is Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. He is youngest child in his family. Both his sister a nd brot her f lu n ked out of t he academy for t heir ow n reasons, but C o l on e l H y r u m G r a f f sees unlimited potential w i t h E n d e r. A f t e r a n Ender’s Game (2013) altercation with a bully R - 116 m i n - Act ion | at school, Colonel Graff Myster y | T h r i l ler - 18 was impressed w it h October 2013 (USA) Ender’s actions not that he did it, but why he did SYNOPSIS : The it that he promotes Ender I nter nat iona l M i l it a r y to Command School. Is seek out a leader who can Ender t he student t hat save the human race from Ea r t h needs to save a n a l ien at tack . Ender humanity or will all hope Wiggin, a brilliant young be lost? m20, ind,2012 is recr uited a nd June I didn’t hate Ender’s trained to lead his fellow Ga me, but ot her t ha n soldiers into a battle that GODvisuals, WITH which US pretty good will determine the future are pretty much standard of Earth. nowadays, not hing stood out as original or R E V I E W : Ba s e d on spectacular. I was sort of the novel by Orson Scott ex pect ing interga lact ic C a r d , E n d e r ’s G a m e space battles, but instead starring Harrison Ford, w e w a t c h E nd e r p l a y Asa Butterfield, and Ben simulations via his Kinect Kingsley tells the tale of computer simulator an alien invasion of Earth ANNAwar M. CAISON and play zero gravity and Peter, its only chance for the focus of inspiration for this whenlaser I was diagnos tag. I of thought ending sur v iva l experienced may be in many t he walks writing, faith the When the prescrib s pret t y pred ictable the risk hands of a teen walk yearwithwa following hisf if initial Jesus on the increasing and I just sat inalternative my seat was surg old boy. Sea Is this movie the stormy of Galilee. One particular walk waiting to be wowed. If What if next generation of sci-fi of faith began after prayer that included an a mistake? ‘Twilight’ is to tween franchises or is and it just a unusual vision a command to enter table?girls, How come G then is disappear? to watered down of the house of a version Gentile soldier and ‘Ender’s explain Game’ cancer W tween boys. allme thethrough th Starship Troopers? the gospel to him and his household (Acts It has heal drama high school, 10). I n Homes t he nea f ut u re, ofr non-Jewish people of were As thebut scheduled aliens and spaceships Earth wasto attacked by anand with believed be unclean, any Jew who neared I became i i n s tbecome ead of g l i t worried ter y alien insect-like species entered their home would also and until called the Formics. unclean. But PeterTheir obeyed vampires Jesus’ call half to naked from 1wolf John 4:17. Ne purpose was to into eliminate walk with Him the housemen. of Cornelius. This summer I’ll W i le t he mov i s “Wate hu mthat a n itday y iPeter n order tono race On learned ofhpeople BibleieStudy visually stunning, I was colon i ze t he pla net a s were excluded from Salvation in Christ as in my home on Tu sor t Spirit of bored w it h t he their own. the A brave pilot he witness baptism of the Holy on 7:00pm – 8:30pm b plot a nd set up. named Mazer Rack ham Cornelius’ household. 31.If Ifyou you’d like t a re be neit her a ga mer(or orletter) for piloted his jet through Throughout our life awe will called email a teenage boy, this is not swarm of enemy fighter to take numerous walks on the water with exploring Jesus’ call movie for you. Unless sh i p s aEach n d walk s a c r iwill f i c elead d toa an Jesus. increase walk on the water w you are a huge fan of the hof i mour s e lfaith f i nin o r d e r t o Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture books, then I recommend destroy thepeople mothership. the town of Samaria did, many the Lord. There is no just of tous wait it. I’d The enemy others did, retreated and so willinto we. Each willto rent For questions and/ atchof ‘Sold ier ’ tooracaison@s space, but Earth wasn’t be challenged to step out ofsay our wboat email ‘Starship Troopers’ play me at: A goi ng to and let cross a n at t ack comfort seemingly treacherous canorwrite ‘Halo’, Churc happen waters again. to know Jesus more. video games like Community ‘Starcraft’, or ‘Dead Space’ Wit h of t he complex One many walksitofy faith for me was Dolton, IL 60419. instead. of the invasion, Earth’s m i l ita r y gover n ment Hose real that carts, upright size On Very large of Glazbo a scale 1-10, umbrella, decided young people made by Ames or Suncast, white canvas dark strips $50 giveAlien this one a 6snowblower, were thecond. only as ones very good low with as $9 Iobo. 5hp My 2¢ -Bstart, $200. 708-560menta l capacit y to ea.t he 773-785-7247 electric Ai handle complex thought 0780 u Dutch boy and Dutch girl, re You can read more of my reviews online at: kissing ceramic 22 inches. tall 8HP Troybilt Rototiller, runs un $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox good, $85; Craftsman garage & tube TV with stand, $20. 708- door opener 2 remotes, $25. E 754-0462 708-441-9493 M 70
“Walk On the with Me!” Pa
South Holland Dental
Lan new app App Par Glen 708-
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15475 South Park, Suite 108A South Holland, IL
The Rep Are Dry 1623
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Visa & MasterCard accepted
Say I saw it in The Shopper
25 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Collectibles crafts Alison’s Arts & Crafts 2817 Jewett Ave. Downtown Highland 219-791-3983 (After 10:00 a.m.)
2625 Ridge Road, Lansing 708-474-2710
For sale: Child’s dresser, mirror, and headboard. High quality knotty pine. $300.00. 219-365-2574 For sale: (2) 42” wide whitew as hed Oa k , b a t h r o o m vanities, no tops. $100.00 per each 708-895-5255 For sale: Walnut dining table w i t h f i v e c h a i r s. G o o d condition $75. 708-474-5648 For sale: Afred Dunner ladies 3/4 winter coat, black size 12. Never worn, $45 cash only; 1 hip length biege winter ladies jacket, button & zipper, size med. never worn, $35. 708-877-6174 For sale: Furniture early American 3-piece wall unit, $299, table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, $299 or both for $499. 708-903-1611 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747 For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478 For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $25 ea; 1-black size large, good condition. 815462-6930 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300
Christ Our Savior Catholic School
900 East 154th Street, South Holland, IL
Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 9:00am - 3:00pm
REX NEWELL is a professional speaker and appraiser with over 20 years experience. Rex is a noted speaker at libraries, historical societies, banks, YMCAs, church and senior citizen organizations, and has been a guest speaker on FOX TV. Feel free to call with confidence.
Seeking Crafters and Vendors Table Space is $30 per Table
Farm equipment: For sale, John Deere 1010 crawler loader. Rebuilt engine and reverser. Needs under carriage $1,500 obo. 219-680-6694
For more information and application call 708-333-8173 or email
Booth Space Available
For sale: Anthearn miniature HO train. Santa Fe #601, 2 engines, 10 cars $150 with track an transformer. 219-226-0380
Holiday Craft Show
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2013 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sponsored by: (BMO Harris Bank Logo attached) QR Code:
Sponsored By:
ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE FRI, DEC 6 - 6:30 - 8:30 SAT & SUN, DEC 7 & 8 - 12-4:00
Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300 Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891, 1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN. 1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN 2 antique brass table lamps w/fros ted g las s s hade s. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN 1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN
1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN. New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN HP Photosmart 7520 printer in box. Warranty until 4/2014. Print, copy, scan, fax. 2-sided printing. Auto-doc feeder.$100. 708-474-4132 SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 Moving Sale: Wooden ladders various sizes, tools, book case, oak entertainment center, tv, ladder brackets, paint, wallpaper, computer table. 708-846-0015 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075
FIREARMS ART WORK Curios · Relics Bronzes · Oil Paintings Old Shotguns Water Colors · Etchings Modern Weapons Statuary · Pottery · Fine WAR SOUVENIRS Sterling Helmets - Daggers · Medals COINS Wings · Pins - Badges All Silver & Gold Coins Swords - Knives Indian Head Pennies German Uniforms Bullion Pieces ART GLASS GLASSWARE Tiffany · Struben Depression · Fiesta Loetz · Durand Carnival · Fine Crystal FURNITURE Fine Pottery · Crocks Dining Room Sets Stoneware · Hummels Bedroom Sets JEWELRY Hall Trees · Floor Lamps Diamonds · Fine Costume Hoosier Cabinets Sterling · Gold Rings Bookcases · Curio Cabinets Hat Pins · Wrist Watches China Cabinets · Oriental Pocket Watches Rugs Fine Table Lamps
Men’s winter coats size 3X for $25. Other mens 3X shirts for sale also. Call 708-299-2921 day bed twin sz. w/mattress w/bedding never been used 2yr.old redoing room white fram $1oo.99 708-687-4776 wheel chair $20.00 708-6872112 wheel chair $25.00 new wheel chair never been used $275.00 708-687-4776 2ride lite wheel chairs $25.00/55.00 3 wheel scooter comes all apart used very little? 708-288-2221 Pre-Lit 9’ Lakeview Pine Quick Set Artificial Christmas Tree Brand new. 125.00. 708543-6379 SENTRY Combination Lock FIRE-SAFE. 1.2 cu. ft.Brand new in the box . 125.00.708543-6379 Dressers (retro 1950-60’s) men’s $225, ladies $200, deep drawers, solid wood, will email photos, beautiful, call 219-322-2127 to see. oak entertainment center on casters with glass door and drawer, sharp. 49x17x47 lwh. tv space 28x27. $40, 219-7658791
1950s MODERN FURNITURE Herman Miller · Heywood Wakefield · Knoll
TOYS Cars & Trucks Wind-Up Toys Pre-1960 Dolls · Banks Marbles · Slot Cars Robots Pedal Cars · Barbies GI Joes MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Fountain Pens · Postcards Clocks · Old Photos Political Items Guitars & Amps Slot Machines · Jukeboxes Beer Signs · Old Quilts Children’s Items Neon Clocks Old Tapestry Old Shaving Gear Advertising Items
Paintings - Etchings - Prints
Rolex · Omega · Cartier Patek Phillipe · Hamilton Audemars Piguet · Gruen Bulova · Waltham Longines · Corum
CALL REX NEWELL 708-868-5428 219-513-0715
Estate Sales/Cleanouts/Buyouts
Top $ for coins, Gold, Silver & Jewelry We purchase single items to entire estates
INTRODUCING OUR FREE GOLD/SILVER/JEWELRY & COIN MOBILE SERVICES LET US COME TO YOU FOR FREE REGARDLESS IF WE PURCHASE Oak corner curio cabinet, mirrored, lighted, glass shelves,$100. Handmade wooden keepsake box $50. Total Gym $100. Will email photos. 708-872-7040 Small sofa sleep (Twin Size) and Tan recliner. Excellent condition $250,00 312-5204698 Cell Lansing Area wheel chair 20.00 708-6874776 wheel chair 20.00 3 wheel sc0ter 2 batts./charger? 708687-4776
Solid Wood Dining Room table 6 chairs w/OvalTable 63x43 without leaflet. $200 Very good condition. 708646-9570 1950’s desk w/chair $125; matching dresser w/wood framed mirror $150 (all solid knotty pine). Come see it, can email photos. 219-3222127 For sale: Snowblower MTD, 3HP 21”, 2-cycle, pull start, good shape, $100 beat the rush. 708-268-7075
Qn headboard w/mirrors and glass/wood nightstands $200. Thomasville sofa $200. Black dishwasher $100. 708333-7158
For sale: Couch $150; best offer, clean 7-1/2 L 3-1/2 D neutral color, perfect shape, globe lamps, Victorian style $20 each; 3-way more. St. John, IN. 219-558-0153
For sale: Gas powered side walk edger Craftsman $60. 708-268-7075
For sale: Color TV $15; 32 in. door $100 80x32. 708-4742541
Qn headboard w/mirror, nightstands, including 2 additional mirrors $200. Thomasville sofa $200 and BlK dishwasher $100. Call 708-655-6331. Must sell.
Fishing motor must sell. 7.5 HP Mercury outboard, short shaft rope, start runs great, tank, hose included. Must see. 815-557-3212
Ventra transit/debit card with $165.50 on it. $155, call 773-272-8315.
For sale: Black 3/4 length coat w/fur lining. Cuffs and collar. Pristine condition, $30 never worn. 815-463-0345
Say I saw it in The Shopper
26 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!
ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758
*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.
15% OFF Labor* Expires December 4, 2013
For sale: Large TV table, black glass top, $100; large coffee table $100; king size quilt, green bedspread $10; rod iron round table $60. 708333-7461 For sale: 2-square marble top tables, $40 pair; magazine rack wooden $50; 2 door Amish cabinet blond 6” high $200. 708-333-7461 Fo r s a l e : 1 5 x 1 8 i n c h e s, bookshelf blond 6ft high $150l green velvet upholstered chair $150; music cabinet $60 Taylor made. 708-333-7461 For sale: Men’s 15 lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 9, bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834 For sale: Ladies 10lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 8 bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834 For sale: Fine china service for 8, never used, includes platter, gravy bowl. Asking $50. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834
For sale: Hewlett Packard 20” computer monitor with detachable external speakers $30 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: 36 inch Toshiba tube t e l e v i s i o n w i t h re m o t e. Excellent condition $50 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: Craftsman table top scroll saw, like new with extra blades $45 obo. 708-420-6660 For sale: Fellowes power shred 220C large paper shredder. Great for office or home, heavy duty type, very good condition $215. Calumet City. 708-891-3432 For sale: Whirlpool gas dryer auto temp. control VGC white new over $100 sacrifice $200. Ready for service. Lansing. 708-439-9801 For sale: Plastic window shutters 14-1/2”x62-1/2” beig e, 4 pcs. $20; Yard machine snow blower, pull start 3.0 HP 21” wide, good condition $80 Tom. 219-3740549
• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates
South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~
Disstorn hand saw like new used twice 28” 12 points per inch $15; brace and bits from early 1950’s offer. 708-4745711 Womens winter coat and jackets by Jones New York and snuggle $10 to $50, large ex-large, exc. cond. 219-8368505 For sale: Turkey platter 18in $9; 14in fiber optic angle with harp $8; 16in talking Xmas tree. $7. 219-836-8505 For sale: Fisher Price, smart cycle $50; women’s Harley Davidson chaps, size medium $75. 708-889-0579 For sale New spring garage door $100 offer. Call now. 708-418-1098 For sale: Curio cabinet with light, like new $100 obo; Free nicknack w/cabinet. 708862-5706 For sale: Portable electric heater MFG. Delongi oil filled radiator type with thermostat hardly used 1500 watt $27. 708-333-9520
For sale: Range hood almond $18; machine hand book $50; gas lawn mower $50; two blue & gold lamps. $25 each. 708-460-5001
For sale: Old cigar boxes Lefton plates 1973 signed steranko super girls calendar o l d m a c h i n i s t b ox l i v e tropical plants all sizes. 708418-0343
Laminated flooring multilook collection, 3 boxed $30; Duro heat, portable kerosene heater $50, like new. 708-4749331
For sale: Simmer shallow well pump w/well point bar lights signs and other related bar items, vintage wood train set. 708-418-0343
Antique 1920’s speaker stand 4’-0” tall b/o. Antique 1920’s weed & grass trimmer single wheel operation before weed whackers b/o. 708-333-9520
For sale: Snowblower, Toro CCR 1000, 3HP 20:, light weight, easy to use, ready for snow $165. 708-339-8349
For sale: 35mm camera’s 1926 Map of Cook County.1940’s and 1950’s railroad calendars, 35mm slide projector 16mm films and box. 708-418-0343
Rubber base moulding white 36” lg. new 1/2 price $1 each; garden pitch fork $4; post hole digger auger type $5. 708-333-9520
For sale: Utility trailer 4x8 new tire and lights $150. 219229-9595 For sale: Animal carrying cages various sizes. Made by petmate, like new as low as $10. 773-785-7247 For sale: Child’s wooden rocking chair, old fashion design, very solid. $18. 773785-7247 For sale: Tire P205/70R15, u s e d o n l y 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s, Mounted on Dodge/Chrysler wheel $35. 773-785-7247 For sale: Lawn spreader made by Scott’s rotary style. Excellent condition $18. 773785-7247 For sale: Lawn and leaf sweeper 26” wide. Made by lambert. Brand new never used. I paid $125 to purchase $85. 773-785-7247 For sale: Tan couch and loveseat, good condition $50 for both or best offer. 708420-6660 For sale: 7 foot Christmas tree from American Sales, like new, color is green not prelit $75 or best offer. 708420-6660 For sale: Craftsman 80,000 BTU torpedo heater with kerosene can $75 obo. 708420-6660
For sale: Two Hoover vacuum cleaners, asking $15 each one. Contact Paul. 708-6200286 For sale: Laser Discs alum stud puncher model ET5 old fishing items old books sports items Nascar baseball hockey basketball. 708-4180343 For sale: Brand new never opened VHS tapes, 50lb. box. 8 penny nails, great for roofs and siding. Used VHS tapes. 708-418-0343 For sale: 20 shot glasses $40; 10-tote bags $20; electric panasonic shaver $10; iron & glass shelf $75. 708-753-0551 For sale: Computer desk work station, has space for desktop computer; file drawer $25; 32” analog TV $20. 219-845-0583 For sale: New multi color Xmas lights 100 add a set $2.50 each; 100 icicle light set, new $3; Xmas houses $8. 219-836-8505 For sale: Draw-tit htich 10,000 lbs. $75; Security light, 8x11 $25; Montior 17 inch $25; gray water tank 22 gal. wheels, and hitch $45.,708747-8221
For sale: Electric Motor 1/3HP. Phase 1 1.25 AMPS 1725 RPM type SS $18. 708333-9520
Aston-Drake Lfie, like dolls 3 to choose from one Asian American, make offer. 708333-9520 For sale: Electric heater $5; women’s small gallery down coat $8; Goose down quilt in original bag, full size $15. 708-331-2444 For sale: new 55 gallon aquarium tank, new complete, kit 16 gallons, many types of animal cages, great for Christmas. Call anytime. 708-877-6577 Oak kitchen table and four capt.chairs with caster wheels, $250; small dorm refrigerator $40; manual miter saw $15. 708-889-0350 15 pc. glass oven ware set, never used, $15. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834 Black and Decker 10 speed blender, never used $15. Call Judy leave message. 773-2061834
For sale: 2-pantry cabinets 18”x24”x84” $70; double bowl white bathroom vanity top, soap dish + side splash and faucets 67x22 $150. 708285-1107 For sale: Milwaukee drywall screw gun $80; skill saw worm drive 7-1/4in $80; Senco compressor 2-HP-4.3 gal. tank $90. 708-285-1107 For sale: Panasonic 15.6 volt + batteries and charger $40; 14 old silent movies $35. 708285-1107 For sale: Monster high boy dolls in boxes. Holt Hyde and Duece Gorgon $25 each. 708285-1107 For sale: Bed slide out unit for pick-up truck $150. 708285-1107 For sale: B&D electric grass edger $25, 3HP electric grass edger $25. 708-271-0387 For sale: Nails: 16D 50-lbs. 3-1/2” roofing 50lbs 1-1/2”, drywall 50-lbs. 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711 For sale: 10 gal. western crock $80; 5 gal. western crock $70; receding pipe threader $45. 708-210-1711 For sale: Accumaulator and evaporator for S10 Blazer $50. 708-210-1711 For sale: Designer gowns size 10 $15; shoes, new never worn, size 10 $15. Can’s mss this buy! 708-862-5323 For sale: Christmas decor: Hallmark ornaments, tree skirts, tree top star, slv gold garland, white angle candle h o l d e r, l o t s o f d e c o r. Reasonable. 708-877-6153 Free: Fridge side by side, 2 yrs old. You pick up, like new. Ask for Brian Robinson. 7739878-7991 For sale: Remnant carpet from quality carpet 94L-48W $30; color beige; indoor antenna $15; round table with detachable leg. $10. 708849-6273 For sale: Mens winter jackets S&M $10 each; hats scarves, ties, shirts $2 each; women’s shoes 9-9-1/2ww $5-$10 pair. 708-877-6157 For sale: Analog TV Zenith 13” w/remote $30; 19” RCA no remote $20 both work good w/converter box. 708877-6157 For sale: Womens black leather belted jackets, size large $50; fake fur coat size 16 $50. 708-877-6157
Emson big boss multi blender $10, never used. Call Judy leave message. 773-2061834
For sale: Concrete magnesium bull float with 5 handles 45” by 8” used only 3 times, $110. Terry. 708-6705220
12 inch electric skillet, never used $10. Call Judy leave message. 773-206-1834
Elevated toilet seat with safety bars paid $80, asking $40. 708-877-6157 New games never opened. Candyland, Chutes & ladders $5 each; small bookcase $12. 708-877-6157
For sale: Crib, high chair, car set $100 for all. 708-339-0725 For sale: Drill press 4 chilton auto repair manual, air compressor, generator make offer. Bob. 630-667-8456 New Vicci trumpet cleaning kit included $225; 2 school desks 1 wood $15 each; piano bench $20; misc. lampshades $5. 708-335-0627 Ladies coat 2X $15; round shelving $15; entertainment unit $50; Rolling backpacks $20 all; Dog grates $15 each. 708-335-0627 Assorted quilts bedspreads and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1-$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3-$5 each. 708-481-6907 Sure-fit sofa covers $20; loveseat covers $15; large chair covers $8; decorative toss pillows $1 each. 708-4816907 Bed sheets twin size $2 each; full size $3 each; queen size $4 each; king size $5 each. 708-481-6907 Honeywll 40” long baseboard heater $25; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner $25; DJ records $1 each. 708-4816907 Stiffel bras table lamps $20$20 each; decorative wall pictures and mirrors; Toshiba 14” TV cable ready $20. 708481-6907 Large over the dresser mirror $15; ornamental wall mirrors, wood 2 drawer file cabinet $15. 708-481-6907 2 Tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan Allen sofa $125 obo. 708-4816907 PFAFF 1222 sewing machine made in Germany $75 obo; Toshiba 14” cable ready TV $20; Honeywell 40” long electric heater $25. 708-4816907
Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & reconditioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts & Showroom. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 The Heating & Appliance Repair Man. Servicing Metro Area. A/C, Refrig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate with same day repair, or $25 service charge. Call Al. 708-985-1623 M r. Fi x It Re p a i r a n d S c h e re r v i l l e Ap p l i a n c e. Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708-429-7479, 219-865-6044
Automotive Services
Buying junk cars and trucks, project muscle cars,running or not. Up to $600 cash, also motorcycles. save this ad. 708-268-7075
Carpentry/ Construction Custom Kitchen cabinets, i n s t a l l k i t c h e n s, re p a i r furniture, doors & wood floors, upholster chairs & booths. Midwest Custom Cabinets & Furniture, 2800 Bernice Rd., Lansing. 708530-0222 or 708-288-0196.
Ceramic Tile Cer a m ic a n d g l a ss t il e design and installation, k i t c h e n s, b a t h s, f l o o r s, anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492
Chimney Repair
Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block windows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182
Cleaning Services House Cleaning Homes, Condos & Businesses. Dependable & trustworthy. Budget pleasing pr ices. Excellent references. Insured & bonded. 708-474-0233 or 708-280-8399
Computer Sales/ Repair Computer Repair: VIRUS REMOVAL SPECIALIST. We fix everything for $65.00. Call Mike at Computer City 708401-4431. serving Illinois and Indiana Computer and TV repairs. BIG T Technologies. Windows installations, virus removal, virus removal hardware and software specialist. Call Larry. 773-407-3591 Computer Repair. A plus certified. Broken laptops bought, refurbished ones sold $150, repairs, $50/up. Spyware specialist. Save Ad. 708-268-7075
Concrete Work Concrete + Patching. Steps, walks, patios, driveways, steps patched correctly first time. Low prices, Licensed, Bonded. Small jobs, free estimates. Dennis, D.W. Concrete. 708-418-0523
Day Care Joyland Home Day Care, 247, planned curriculum and activities. Serving ages infant thru pre-schoolers. 708-2483718 Labibbes Headstart 8am1pm, before & after-school care, 6am-8am then from 3pm-5pm. Daycare also. Certified Degreed teacher. Miss Johnson. 708-915-0258 In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smokefree home. 219-895-3547 w w w. h o b a r t m o n t e s s o r i .
Drywall Repair Handy “All” Drywall Repair, p l a s t e r r e p a i r, l i g h t construction, interior decorating & interior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid
Say I saw it in The Shopper
27 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Enterprises, LLC
Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Furnaces
S&S Concrete
We will beat all Written Estimates!!! CONCRETE, BASEMENT LEAKS DUE TO FOUNDATION CRACKS, CAULKING & COATING Basement Leaking? We Can Help!
MOST MAKES AND MODELS Quality Service at Competitive Prices *$20.00 OFF WITH THIS AD*
708-895-5433 219-865-6044
Jeff Scott
FAX (708) 757-7230 EMAIL:
• Integrity • Reasonable Rates
• Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised
708-481-1380 AWNINGS
25 Years Experience
We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks
Tim Rietveld
Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL
Overhead Door Company Rick Uittenbogaard
FREE ESTIMATE 708-480-5193
Brian Caputo’s
• Garage Doors • Operators • Installation • Service • 31 Years Of Excellence
SouthWest Concrete
Locally Family Owned and Operated since 1946
Commercial & Residential Concrete Specialist of • Driveways • Sidewalks • Patios • Garages • Stamp & Color • Decorative Concrete Overlay FINANCING AVAILABLE In-House Financing Commercial Snow Plowing Removal • Ice Control
708-514-0457 Brian
Free Estimates CHEAP RATES SENIOR DISCOUNTS • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Demolition • Roofing Repairs • Gutters Cleaned • Hauling • Small- Tree Removal • Basement Clean-Outs • Fence Repairs • Storm Damage Repairs NO CHECKS Call Anytime. No Job Too Small
708-220-7576 Licensed. Bonded. Insured
BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS
1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640 We Accept MASTERCARD & VISA
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Thermal Comfort Inc.
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Heating & Air Conditioning
24/7 Emergency Service Insured& Licensed 28 yrs of Experience
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
Senior Discounts Air Conditioner or Furnace Cleaning $49.95
708-474-5940 219-865-6060 1820 45th Ave., Munster
11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake
• Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements
Over 20 Years Serving the South Suburbs GUARANTEED REASONABLE RATES ALL PLUMBING GUARANTEED FOR 24 MONTHS • Financing Available.
Licensed & Bonded Lic# 305522
Property Management & Real Estate Sales Licensed in Illinois & Indiana Robert & Les Bogs
708.895.1411 Let Us Help You Manage Your Property
Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available www.coronadoremodeling
Home Based Services 16300Louis LouisAvenue Avenue 16300 SouthHolland, Holland,ILIL South
708.596.3050 708.331.2005
708.672.6111 708.596.5500
SIDING Home Based Services
Louis Avenue J&J16300 ALUMINUM
•South VinylHolland, Siding IL 708.331.2005 • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Guard Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff South Holland 16300 Wausau Avenue &South Beecher, IL IL Holland, 708.596.5500 708-946-6090 “You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”
CONSTRUCTION Tuckpointing, Chimney Repair, Brick Replacement, Gutters, Pressure Washing, Carpentry & Other Small Home Improvements Full Insured All Work Guaranteed
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
708.672.6111 LIVING/CARE
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
2681 Route 394 Crete, IL SENIOR
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
Genous Plumbing & Rodding
GET IN 16300LISTED Louis Avenue South Holland, IL OUR A-TO-Z 708.596.3050 DIRECTORY TODAY! CALL: 708-333-5901
2681 RouteAvenue 394 16300 Wausau IL IL SouthCrete, Holland,
Quality Work at a Fair Price Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Sidewalk & Decorative Concrete Work • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone)
2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing
Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.
Electrical Rodding As Low As $15 •High Efficiency Equip. •Duct Cleaning •Blow In AtticInsulation
708-268-0693 708-891-9488
3455 Ridge Rd., Lansing
1150 Sheffield Ave., Dyer
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing
219-365-0006 708-895-0006
“The Guy From Indiana”
THE GUTTER GUY • Minor Exterior Repairs • Expert Craftsmanship
Concrete Raising GET LISTED IN OUR A-TO-Z DIRECTORY TODAY! CALL: 708-333-5901
NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR Family Owned - 40 Years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Residential -Commercial IL & IN Licensed & Insured Free Estimates
708-333-8951 Dan M. Matejko
• Tuckpointing • Chimney Rebuilds • Glass Block Windows • Chimney Liners • Chimney Rebuilds & Repairs • Porch repairs
(708)425-8635 (219)992-9351 We Make House Calls
Ask For Doug
Rob’s Tuckpointing, Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate
708-877-6860 No Sundays.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
28 November 6, 2013
Electrician: Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Chgo, IN, IL. Service upgrades, rewires & new construction. Trenching, garage electric. Commercial & residential. Free estimates. Major credit cards accepted. 219-8530085
C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450 Ken Movers. Best prices in town. $65/hour. 708-2526354
Kustom Electric. We offer a wide variety of electrical services for residential & commercial properties. Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295 Residential Electrical: Circuit problems diagnosed and repaired. Switch/Outlet/ Light Replacement small jobs OK! Call for information/ pricing/scheduling. 708-4748260
Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345
Home Improvement/ Repair A&A Services. Plumbing, carpentr y, locks, doors, electrical, fence repairs, rooftop repairs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior d i s c o u n t . In s u re d . Fre e estimates. 219-865-2345 Home Repair & Improvements. Carpentry, painting, drywall repairs, locks, lights, fans & more! Licensed, bonded & insured. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Fair prices. Call Mark 708-841-2328 Discount Home Im p r ove m e n t : D r y w a l l , carpentry, painting, small electrical, plumbing, ceramic, laminate flooring, glass block, gutter cleaning, and clean outs. Also handyman services. Call. 708-207-0644
Miscellaneous Services Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing & Repair. Free estimates. Illiana Woodworking. 708-297-8191
Quality Painting & Scraping Service. Interior and Exterior. Power washing, stain decks, re-g laze w indow s, s tr i p w a l l p a p e r, e t c . F r e e estimates. Call Normand 708-596-2170 Easley Painting, Interior, Exterior, Powerwashing, deck sealing, staining drywall, t a p i n g , w i n d ow g l a z i n g siding & soffit repairs. Quality materials, workmanship. Senior discounts. 708-7583241
Pet Care Dog Tr a i n i n g K-9 Behaviorist. Is your dog hard to handle? Need obedience work? Call The Training Company. We offer in home training, obedience classes, hourly rates. 219-230-7109 or 219-200-7901
Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blink? For plumbing troubles o ne and all, here’s th e number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Battery Back-up Pumps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we can find. Witvoet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Bradford-W hite water heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast installation. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976 J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, drains, rodding, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, flood control valves. Drain Experts. 708259-9721, 219-313-8652
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Financial Advice Column
What’s Your Big Idea? On October 5th, 2013, Lee Blink was sleeping peacefully at home when she w a s aw a kene d by the ringing of her phone at 12 : 30 A .M. Upon answering, she discovered it was t he D yer pol ice calling…calling to inform her t hat someone had driven their car into her business, Arrow Cleaners, located at 921 Sheffield Ave, Dyer, Indiana. W h e n s h e w e nt t o i nspect t he scene, she d iscovered t hat a 23 year old man had indeed driven right through the front of her business with enoug h impact to ta ke out a large window, the entrance door, part of the brick wa ll, and destroy some floor tiles. The man was also seriously injured and had to be airlifted to a Chicago hospital. A loca l construction company quickly boarded up the wall and installed a temporary lockable door, sec u r i ng t he bu si ne ss a nd enabl i ng L ee to remain open while under construction. Three weeks later, October 26th, the brick and mortar wall has been restored, but Lee is still boarded in. The large window must be custom made and won’t be ready for another two weeks. Lee says, “It was nice t hat t hey cou ld boa rd it up so fast, but I miss my v ie w. I fe el l i ke I am in jail behind these boa rd s. It se em s ug l y now.” Hav i ng be en i n business since 2002, she w a s qu ite acc u stomed to that view. Lee posted a sig n out side let t i ng c u s t ome r s k now t he y Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full service plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Call 708-8919488, 708-268-0693
Plan for Longterm Care Costs BOB KRYGSHELD
KEVIN BRADLEY are open but, she says, “People come and poke their head in (sheepishly), they are hesitant to come in to a business that is all boarded up like this.” However, Arrow Cleaners, 921 Sheffield Ave, Dyer, In. is open, and their wall should be completed in just a couple more weeks. Lee grew up in Seoul, Korea, where she graduated from Sew ing and Design School and worked in t he ga rment i ndust r y, relocat i ng to A merica in 1973, when she married her husband, Bob, a n A merica n who w a s work i ng i n Korea at the time. Her sewing background a llows her to also offer expert alterations. Un e x p e c t e d t h i n g s happen. How we sustain our business or our-self depends upon how we react to the unexpected. Lee is working through an unfortunate unexpected occurrence; one day at a time, continuing to serve c u s t om e r s , k e e pi n g a positive outlook. Perhaps not h i n g s hou ld c om e a s u ne x p e c t e d t o u s . Nowadays it appears that strange is the new norm. Perhaps these unexpected things are just things. In busi ness, a s i n life, it is impossible to pred ict t he f ut u re. We must si mply do ou r best, look i ng a head, and attempt to prosper w it h t he ca rds we a re dea lt. Quest ions or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com. The man who hit the building is recovering at home. Good Luck. K.B.
Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Siding, Rubber, Hot Tar. Roof Certs. Free Roof Inspections. License#104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558
... tell us what’s on your mind!
Readers voicing their opinions, thoughts and concerns
I have an idea on how to save the Government some money. They should eliminate the office that is responsible for overseeing the “National Do Not Call Registry” program. The bureau isn’t working hard enough to eliminate the problem. My number is on that list, but I still get unwanted calls. Sometimes seven times in one day! Speak Out is your chance to express your opinion, anonymously. You can e-mail us at Please keep your comments as short as possible. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the author.
924 E. 162nd St., South Holland, IL 708.333.0773
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November is Long-term Care Awareness Month. A nd when it comes to long-term care — such as a stay in a nursing home or the services provided by a home health aide — you’ll want to plan for the potential costs involved. Of course, you might think that you’ll always be able to live independently, w it hout requ i r i ng a ny assistance — and perhaps you w ill. However, t he odds aren’t necessarily in your favor: About 70% of Americans who reach the age of 65 will need some form of long-term care in their lives for an average of three years, according to estimates from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. And every type of longterm care is expensive. Consider these numbers, taken from the 2013 Cost of Care Survey produced by Genworth , a financial security company: • The nationa l average rate for a private room in a nursing home is $83,950 — a jump of 24% over the past five years. And it’s not much cheaper for a semiprivate room in a nursing home — the average cost is $75,405 per year, up 23% from five years ago. • A full-time home health aide costs, on average, $44,479 per year. If you had to spend more than $80,000 per year for a nursing home, and you needed to stay in that nursing home for several years, what would it do to your savings? How would it affect all your financial goals? Ma ny people t h i n k Medicare will pay for longterm care expenses, but that’s just not the case. In reality, Medicare only covers a small percentage of long-term care costs, which means it’s typically up to the individual to foot the bills. You’ve worked hard to position yourself for an enjoyable retirement, so it’s important to protect your income and assets f rom potent ia l ly huge long-term care costs. How
Help Wanted O n l i n e Tr a v e l A g e n t s Needed. No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999
can you deal with these expenses? Essentially, you have a couple of options. First, you could “self-insure” by incorporating long-term costs i nto you r f ut u re budget — but, as the above numbers indicate, t hat could be pretty expensive. You r second choice is to “transfer the risk” of incurring long-term care cost s to a n i nsu ra nce c ompa ny. A f i n a nc i a l professiona l ca n assist you in choosing the right solution for your individual needs. However, as important as it is to address costs, and ways of meeting them, it’s also necessary to look at some of the other factors that may be connected with the need for longter m ca re ser v ices. To illustrate: If you were to enter a nu rsi ng home, you might be suffering from a physical or mental disability that could keep you from handling your own affairs. So you may want to consult with your legal advisor to discuss a durable power of attorney, which would allow you to delegate your financia l decisions to a relative, close friend or anyone else you might choose. Prepa r i ng for t he u nex pected, i nclud i ng long-term care, takes time and careful planning. So why not obser ve Longt er m C a r e Aw a r ene s s Month by getting started on your plans? It can be time well spent. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your loca l Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones operates as an insurance producer in California, New Mexico, and Massachusetts through the following subsidiaries, respectively: Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C., Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mex ico, L.L.C., and Edwa rd Jones Insura nce Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
Bob Krygsheld located at 501 W E xcha nge St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 6722892 Member SIPC. Help Wanted: SecondHome Daycare is looking for an experienced daycare worker. Who can work weekdays and weekends. Call. 708-528-2225
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
29 November 6, 2013
Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer
Trouble Below MIKE BUDER W hat do prospective buyers see when they head down the stairs to your basement? Some say that kitchens and bathrooms a re t he big gest dea l breakers for home sellers in the south suburbs of Chicago. However, you might want to take a look at your basement. Could the dark dungeon at the bottom of the stairs be the real culprit? If the first thing my buyers see as they head down the stairs is dark wood paneling, cha nces a re t he dol la r signs have started dancing i n f ront of t hei r eyes. Dropped cei l i ngs w it h stained tiles? Cha-ching! More $$$$ signs. Vinyl or asbestos f looring tile from the 50’s. The buyers insta nt ly sta r t heading back up the stairs shaking t heir heads say ing “no way”. You c ou ld s p end a fortune to refinish your basement but you may not get back your investment. However w ith the right prepa rat ion a nd some paint you could at least sway the buyers from “no way” to “okay”! Lighten up t he ba sement w it h some neutral paint, make sure to replace the stained ceiling tiles or primer and paint the ceiling with a fresh coat of paint. Cover t he older st yle f looring with a good quality pad and some economically priced carpeting. Make sure that any missing or burnt out light bulbs are replaced. For showings, let any natura l light in and make sure you have plenty of lights on. Have Help Wanted: Drivers: Gully Transportation CDL A - 1 Ye a r E x p e r i e n c e Ho m e EVERY WEEKEND! Awesome benefits & Great Pay!! Call Don! 800-566-8960 Help Wanted: Dolton Animal Hospital. Par t time receptionist cum kennel assistant needed. Apply in person at Dolton Animal Hospital. 708-849-2608
Garage Sales in South Holland Nov. 7th, 10-5; Nov. 8th, 9-5; Nov. 10th, 8-5. 1911 E. 169th Place, So. Holland, IL. Fifty 100% wool coats, $20$30; winter white coats $30$50. Misc. items.
Garage Sales in Dolton November 9th, 10-4. 14823 Grant Street, Dolton, IL. Dressers, kitchen hutch, f l ow e re d v a s e s , l a m p s , clothes, dishes, cocktail table, end tables, small fountain, remote-controlhelicopter, TV, bedframe.
Garage Sales in Calumet City Nov. 9th, 9-4; Nov. 10th, 9-2. 500 East River Oaks Drive, Calumet City. Garage sale in the office: Clothing, furniture, and accessories nearly new.
any seepage repaired by a licensed contractor that will give a transferrable wa r ra nt y. Even if you don’t correct the seepage, get a proposal or estimate to fix it. In Illinois, you w ill have to disclose it so it will become part of your negotiation with the buyers. If your basement is unfinished, then seal a ny non-str uctura l cracks and give the walls a coat of paint designed specifically for concrete walls. In a weekend, you can transform a dungeon feel i ng space to one where a buyer sees usable space for the future and do e s n’t a ut om a t ic a l l y t h i n k cha-ch i ng w hen they head down the stairs. Oh and while you are in t h e b a s e m e nt , s w e e p away a ny cobwebs a nd ma ke su re you ba n ish t he creepy crawlers as well. Discovering spiders, crickets and evidence of other creatures living in the basement is bound to ma ke some buyers a nd agents say “eww, no way”. If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @ r em a x . ne t , Web s it e : w w w.BuderHomes. com. Facebook Fr iend request Mike Buder: your c om ment s a r e a l w a y s welcome. Search for properties online at w w w.
Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman
Garage Sales in Lansing Nov. 8th-9th, 8-3. 3536-171st. St., Lansing. Antique furniture, stereo’s, records, tools, misc. items, bicycles, brand new cedar sidings.
Garage Sales Outlying Illinois Nov. 7-8, 10-6pm. 13250 Avenue M, Hegewisch, IL. Vee & Walter Wojcik Estate Sale. 70 years accumulationContents of 2-bdrm. home, basement & garage. 5-kitchen tables & chairs sets, bedroom set, living room furniture set, cabinet, 2-sewing machines, sewing items, Christmas, tools, antiques, more.
Homes For Sale
Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551
2 Bedroom Mobile Home in Burnham, IL. Older home in good condition in a quiet community on the river. $1000/down and $100/month for 36 months with good job history. Lot rent is $390/ month. Call 219-7428505.
Internet Edition
Rooms For Rent Room for rent: Fully furnished room in my home. Includes gas, electric, cable (in room) and kit privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544
Office Space For Rent Office Space: South Holland Clean, various sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, parking. Mike 708-339-8068
Calumet City Large 2bdrm Apts. Ha rd w o o d f l o o r s. Stove/Refrigerator. On-site laundry, $800/mo. Call Mr. & Mrs. Harris. 708-251-8563 Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, Ca l u m e t C i t y. 2 - b d r m . , 1-bath, full basement, all new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale Top floor over lake,Lansing golf course, 2 bed, 2 bath, appliances, kitchen, dining sets. $91,900. Mike Kosich, Caldwell, 312-316-2314
Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Harvey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708-6995900. Apt. for rent: Calumet City, 1-bdrm. $650/mo. Tenant pays utilities. 219-677-7803 Apt. for rent: Lansing, 2-bdrms., refrigerator and stove included. Tenant pays utilities. $850/mo. Freshly painted and carpeted. 708829-2713 Apt . for rent: Lansing , 1-bdrms. from $699-$730, 2-bdrms. from $885-$925. Includes heat, water and cooking gas. No pets. Ask about specials. 708-474-4845 Apts. for Rent: Calumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $625$750/mo. + security. No pets. 708-589-5720
A p t . f o r re n t : D o l t o n , 2-bdrm. Heat included, $900/mo. + sec. private parking. Sec. 8 welcome. Available now. 708-299-8995 Large 600 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom apartment in B u r n h a m , I L . He a t , water, sewer, garbage included. New carpet and paint. $1,000 deposit. Rent $500. Call 219-742-8505 Apt . for rent: Har vey 3-bdrm. 15534 S. Turlington. Hardwood floors throughout, ceiling fans, washer/dryer in basement. $700/mo. + 1mo. security. 312-909-2438 Ap t . f o r re n t : 1 - b d r m . Lansing. Everything new, first floor. 219-614-3994 or 708-895-2658
Homes For Rent Home for rent: Beautiful So. Suburban homes for rent. Section 8 welcome. 312-7889554 Home for rent: Dolton, 2-bdrm. complete remodeled brick house. A/C, appliances, garage, $1000/mo. + deposit. 708-715-7443 Home for sale: Sauk Village, 3-bdrm., 1-bath, 6 room house with 2-1/2 car garage. Refrigerator & stove. Credit check, sec. 8 ok. $1,100/mo. 708-935-5558
Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent
Apt. for rent: South Holland, 2nd floor, very large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water included. Security deposit required. $840/mo. 708-7749100
Condo for rent: 2-bdrm. Condo in Lansing. Heat & Hot water included. $950/ mo. Heated pool, off street parking. For info. Call Barb. 708-474-1139
Apt . for rent: Har vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clean, pay utilities, stove & refrigerator included. Also sleeping room for rent, private bath, free cable $500/mo. 708-596-7514
Condo for rent: Lynwood, Lakeshore Dr. 2-bdrm., 1-3/4 bath, A/C, Balcony. Washer/ Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Fa c i n g L a k e. $ 1 1 0 0 / negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177
Apt. for rent: Calumet City, very quiet bldg. 2-bdrm. Apt. located near Lansing. $750/ mo. + security & credit check. Available Nov. 15th, no pets. For more info. Call. 708-8682590
Beautiful American Bobtails!! 14 weeks old UTD on Vaccines and Dewormed Great personalities and a wonderful addition to your f a m i l y ! $ 3 0 0 . LionsDenExotics 708-7813559 FOUND- sweet dark gray tabby/white male cat. Dolton around 144th & Chicago Road. email dalfire497@aol. com
Lost & Found
Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.
Catholic Charities South Suburban Services
16100 Seton Drive South Holland
Wanted: Small motor cycle any shape, reasonable price, Mercury pump for power washer, hose and nozzle for power washer 1800 P.S.I. 708474-8221 Wanted: Schwinn bicycles with banana seats and high handlebars and Honda mini trail scooters and other mini bikes parts. 708-987-8641 Wanted: Used hand tools snap on wrenches, pliers, wratchets, sockets, screwdrivers, etc. One piece or whole set. Cash paid. 708987-8641 Wanted: Wonds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6. 708-527-4529
Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. Discount specials. Very clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-6500011 For sale: 1999 Lexus ES 300 Gold, moon-roof, leather, well kept, 152K, $6,000 obo. 630-926-5443
Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16th in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text anytime. 219-779-1986
Wanted Wa n t e d : M o t o r c y c l e s , Broken, Un-fixable, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ext. 91872# Wanted: Remington 870, good or fair condition. 3” mag hunting version. 708625-1509 Upright Kenmore freezer in great condition. $150 or best offer. Serious inquiries only. 708-849-7048. Wanted: Pay cash for your Mernards rebate/gift card. 708-439-7736 Wanted: Church needs hand held cardboard fans. Donated and good vacuum cleaner. 708-501-3470 Fo r s a l e : D o n a t i o n s o f Christmas items, no glass, no Santa’s. Marva 708-501-3470
Need Food? Need Clothes?
Wanted: Movies, VCR or DVD Clint Eastwood, Nature or videos Jackie Chan, TV with remote; MP3 portable player, cassette, CD’s Country/Pop/ Rock, Readers Digest. Good condition reasonable. 708418-3275
For sale: 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer rare V6, A/C, 4W drive, 3rd row seats, full power, like new, heated leather seats, also aluminum r u n n i n g b o a rd s $ 5 , 7 0 0 . Worth much more. Call Jim. 708-267-0723 or 708-6364350 For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 Liter V8 Runs but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309 For sale: 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309. For sale: 1998 Mercur y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309 For sale: 1999 Mazda Miata, one owner, silver with black top, good runner. 708-2757122 For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista cruiser, good runner, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896 For sale: 2000 Dodge Neon, 26MPG, 100,800 miles, new tires. Valued at $3333 as per Kelly Blue Book sell for $2,500. 219-322-6965 Fo r s a l e : 1 9 9 8 L i n c o l n Towncar. 97,000 miles, silver, black canvas top $4,800; 1997 GMC Suburban. Burgundy, $3,500, senior owned. Good condition. 708-612-6788
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Say I saw it in The Shopper 2005 Suzuki Forenza Wagon. White, 29,000 original miles. Tape/CD, AC/PW, Remote start, keyless entry. Garage kept. $7,150. Afternoon, Evening. 708-895-2392 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS, Stk#P2804 $8,992. 708-8915400
30 November 6, 2013 2008 Nissan Altima Stk#P2807 $14,992. 708-8915400
2009 Mercury Grand Marquis Stk#P2812 $16,992. 708-8915400
2007 Lincoln Town Ca r Stk#P2814. $15,992. 708-8915400
2011 Toyota Sienna Van Stk#11685B $27,992. 708891-5400
2011 Jeep Liberty Stk#P2707 $15,992. 708-891-5400
2011 GMC Acadia Stk#11730A $28,992. 708891-5400
2004 GMC Envoy, Stk#P2805 $10,992. 708-891-5400
Internet Edition
2012 Ford Focus SE, Black, $15,900. 708-798-1668 2 0 1 0 Fo rd Fu s i o n S E L , Atlantis green metallic, $14,495. 708-798-1668 2005 Ford Escape Limited, silver metallic, $9,990. 708798-1668
Garage Sale!
2006 Ford Fusion SEL, Black clearcoat, $6,900. 708-7981668
Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both Not For Print
2011 Ford Fusion SE, Red candy metallic tineted, $14,995. 708-798-1668
2008 Ford Taurus Limited, Alloy metallic, $11,995. 708798-1668
Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone and an additional $5 for the Indiana zone
Items for Sale or Directions (Only 12 words)
2 0 0 7 Fo r d F u s i o n S E , Tungsten silver metallic, $8,900. 708-798-1668
2001 Ford Super duty F-250 Super Duty, Toreador Red metallic $8,900. 708-7981668
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DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 12 Noon It’s a pleasure serving you!
1973 Cadillac El Dorado Coupe. Always stored, original show room, new in and out, 14,000 miles, sacrifice $11,000, insured for more. 708-267-0723 or 708636-4350
For sale: 1930 Ford Model ”A” Coupe with rumble seat, all original, runs great, great for street rod build $16,900. 708-474-0514
Auto Parts 4 tires and wheels for sale. P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690 4 Mustang Hubcaps. Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690 4 tires and wheels for sale. P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690 4 Mustang Hubcaps. Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690 For sale Four Michelin LTX M/S tires P245/65 R17. Good shape $100 for all four. 708921-4899 For sale: Goodyear tire & rim size P205-75R14 white wall $32. 708-333-9520
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Machinery Consignment Sale: Mon., Nov. 18, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Nov. 4, 2013 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Nov. 8. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. (MCN) WORK AND TRAVEL***6 Openings Now, Full Time Travel, Paid Training, Transportation Provided. Must be 18+. **BBB rated Company - Apply Online or www. 1-916-273-2879 Extremely Fun Job! (MCN) HAVE FUN AND FIND A GENUINE CONNECTION! The next voice on the other end of the line could be the one. Call Tango 1-800-912-2133. FREE trial! (MCN) $14.99 SATELLITE TV. Includes free installation. High speed internet for less than $.50 a day. Low cost guarantee. Ask about our FREE IPAD with Dish Network. Call today 1-855-331-6646 (MCN) PERSONAL CREATIONS - Personalized Holiday Gifts. Order now for 25 percent off your order of $19.00 or more (regular priced). To redeem this offer, visit www. or call 1-800-906-0383 (MCN) HAVE PAYDAY LOAN$? Want to GET RID of Payday Loan$? Get Payday companies out of your pocket now! Call Now! No obligation. 1-800-971-6210 (MCN) SUPPORT FOR MACs. Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Office, Creator, software and hardware conflicts or failures. 15+ years experience. Call Slayton Solutions at 515360-8100 for contract information and get 3 months FREE with annual support contract...and peace of mind that you have the support you need (MCN) The newest farm machinery locator website featuring equipment dealers. Farmer to Farmer ads across the Midwest! Check us out today! (MCN) Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-263-4059 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800357-4970 (MCN) SAVE on Cable TV-Internet-Digital PhoneSatellite. You’ve Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 888-583-4941 (MCN) DirecTV - Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Call Now! Triple savings! $636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800-991-2418 (MCN) DISH TV RESELLER - SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800390-3140 (MCN) Cut Your STUDENT LOAN payments in HALF or More Even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST, Much LOWER Payments. Call Student Hotline at 1-855-387-3305 (MCN)
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Say I saw it in The Shopper
31 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
C A l e nD A R
of events
also, post & view events at
Thursday, November 7
l Alpha-1 and COPD Support Group Meeting Nov 7 from 5:30-8:30pm. Come Join us for Alpha-1 and COPD Awareness Month. Dr. Dumont will be speaking about COPD and Tom Corron will be speaking about his journey with Alpha-1. We will also have a very special video to watch and a chance to win a prize in our basket raffle. A light meal and beverages will be provided and patients, family, and friends are welcome! Sponsored by Baxter. Please RSVP by November 4th to The Center for Visual and Performing Arts 1040 Ridge Road Munster IN 46321.
Friday, November 8
l LineaR Laboratory’s 1st Anniversary It’s LineaR Laboratory’s 1st Anniversary!! Come out and help us celebrate in 70’s style Enjoy food, costume prizes, music, & networking. Friday, November 8, 2013 9:00 PM - Until. The Endzone @ Beggars Pizza 369 E. 147th Street Harvey, IL 60426. Tickets $10 @ LineaR Laboratory, 260 W. 162nd St. South Holland IL. Call (708) 333-5463 or purchase online at
Saturday, November 9
l American Legion Pancake Breakfast American Legion Auxiliary Edward Schultz Unit 697 will host its pancake breakfast on Sat., Nov. 9 at the Post, 18255 Grant St., Lansing (just south of Park Plaza and the clock tower). Included are all-you-can-eat pancakes prepared by the Lansing Copper Muggers Club, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit cocktail and choice of coffee, milk, or juice. Proceeds benefit activities to support service members and veterans. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for ages 3-10, and free for those under age 3. l Blood Drive An additional American Red Cross blood drive will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Fuel Fitness, located at 1516 N. Main St. in Crown Point. l Friends Book Sale Friends of the Library Book Sale November 9, Members only 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. General Public 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Membership available at the door. There is an ongoing book sale located in the Fiction and Beyond Department. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Holiday Craft Show Christ Our Savior Catholic School will have a Holiday Craft show on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9am-3pm. For more information, call 708-333-8173 or email Seeknig Crafters and Vendors. Table space is $30/table. Located at 900 East 154th Street, South Holland, IL. l SSGHS Meeting South Suburban Genealogical & Historical Society will meet on November 9 at 7pm, at the Hazel Crest Village Boardroom, 3000 West 170th Place, in Hazel Crest, at 10:00 a.m., for their general meeting. Program for the day will be “Beecher Mausoleum and the American Mausoleum Movement” Come and hear about her efforts to bring back dignity to final resting places. Refreshment will follow the program in the SSGHS Family History Research Library on the west side of the building. Non-member welcome for a $3 non-members fee. Visit our website at www. or check us out on Facebook or call 708-335-3340. l Humane Society Pancake Breakfast The Humane Society Calumet Area is hosting their annual AYCE Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, November 9th from 8am-1pm at the Bethel Church. The church is located at 3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road in Lansing. Tickets are $5 per person and available now at the Humane Society Calumet Area or at the door. We will also be selling various HSCA merchandise, such as t-shirts, car magnets, tumblers, and more.
All proceeds of the breakfast will benefit the HSCA animals. For additional info on the breakfast, please call (219) 922-3811. l Lego Days Lego Days will be held on Saturday, November 9 from 2-3:30 p.m. Children ages birth through grade 5 are invited to drop in and build Lego masterpieces, which will be displayed in the Youth and Teen Services department for a month. No sign up is required. For more information, contact 708-474-2447 or visit the library’s Web site at The Lansing Public Library is located at 2750 Indiana Avenue. l Mission Garage Sale Lansing Presbyterian Church Mission Garage Sale on November 9th 8a – 1p. Household Items, Clothes, Toys, Holiday Decorations, Plus Much More. Proceeds Benefit Local Missions. Donations Welcomed. 2625 Ridge Road, Lansing 708-474-2710. l St. James Holiday Fair/Pierogi & Bake Sale November 9th 9:00am To 4:00pm. Homemade nut & Poppyseed rolls, kolacky, clothespin cookies, strudels & more. Light lunch available. Vendors will sell their goods, too. 45th & Kennedy Ave, Highland l All You Can Eat Chili Supper Saturday Nov. 9th, 4:30PM to 7:00PM. All you can eat Chili dinner, includes salad, cornbread or garlic bread, dessert and coffee or lemonade. Cost $8.00 Adults, $4.00 ages 9 and under. There will also be a Bake Sale. More info, call 219.365.5288. Zion United Church of Christ, 14804 W. 113th Avenue, Dyer, IN. 46311. l Turkey Dinner Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Lansing, Illinois, will host a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings on Saturday, November 9, at 5:00 p.m. in the school gym, 18144 Glen Terrace Ave. Priority seating is available to all who will be attending the 6:00 p.m. Saturday worship service. Tickets are $9.00 for students in 7th grade through adults. Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade are $6.00. Carry-out meals are also available (at 4:30 p.m.) for $9.50 each. No exchanges or refunds please. 300 tickets will be sold. Contact the church office at 708/474-7997 to reserve your place by November 3, 2013. All proceeds will benefit Trinity Lutheran Scholarship Fund. Thrivent Financial will be matching funds. l Co-Ed Basketball Program The Crossroads YMCA Hammond Branch, 7322 Southeastern Ave will be holding its coed basketball program for toddlers and youth beginning November 9. The toddler division will consist of age groups 2-3, and 4-5; the youth division will consist of grade groups K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Players in grades 2-5 will have one practice during the week. Games will be held on Saturdays from November 9 – December 28. Cost per child is $37.00 for members and $67.00 for non-members. Team sponsorships are available for $100.00 with your name on the team’s T-shirts. For details, contact 219845-1507 x235 or e-mail dclayton@crymca. org. Members can register online atwww. l David Phelps Concert At Olivet David Phelps in concert at Olivet Saturday, November 9, 7 p.m. Centennial Chapel at Olivet in Bourbonnais, Ill. With comedian David Pendleton. 2013 Homecoming and Family Weekend celebration Cost: $34.95, $24.95 or $19.95, based on seat location For more information or to purchase tickets: or 815-928-5791.
Sunday, November 10
l Veteran’s Day Tribute Calumet City Cultural Center, 760 Wentworth Ave., Calumet City, IL. November 10th from 3:00pm To 4:00pm. The Calumet City Historical Society will commemorate Veteran’s Day with a special tribute to the military history of the Schrum family, the descendents of the family who originally
inhabited our Heritage Cabin. Presented by Fred Schrum, himself a military veteran, we will look back on the military roles played by some of the members of this family who helped shape the early history of our community. Admission is free, refreshments served. l Speed Dating Wine. Beer & Chocolate Tasting, Sunday Nov 10 at the White Rhino, 101 Joliet St, Dyer, In. Social Hour 5pm. Complimentary Hors d’ Oeuvres. RSVP NOW!!! REGISTRATION MANDATORY. Tickets $35. Call or Text Now !! 219-805-3283 to register. Safe and Pressure Free Environment, Diverse Crowd, Attire Upscale Casual. or 219-805-DATE.
Monday, November 11
l St. John Garden Club Meeting The St. John Library and the St. John Garden Club will co-host Speaker Master Gardener Susan Eleuterio at the Monday, November 11th , meeting at 6 PM. St. John Library is located at 9450 U.S. 41. Susan’s presentation is titled “ Folk Beliefs & Garden Lore “. She is a a professional folklorist and educator, as well as beekeeper who lives in Highland. The St. John Garden Club will have their business meeting following the presentation. The public is always welcome and attendees do not have to live in St. John or have a garden.
Tuesday, November 12
l “Are You Aware” November 12, The Seniors who meet at Redeemer Church, located at 651East 166th Street in South Holland invite you to attend their next meeting. Our program for that day is Barbara Ferrari, a speaker from Ingalls Senior Life who will speak on “Are You Aware” – ways to stay in your best health. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. and following the program, refreshments are served. A free-will offering is taken to cover the cost of our programs. We welcome you, and look forward to seeing you at our meeting. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the church office at 331-4100..
Wednesday, November 13
l Pilates Class Dyer Parks & Recreation is offering a Pilates Class on Wednesday nights from 7:007:55pm beginning Nov. 13 and running through Dec. 18 at the Plum Creek Center (222 Schulte St., Dyer, IN). The fee for this class is $45 for Dyer Residents and $49 for Non-Residents. Pre-registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Veterans Entrepreneurial Boot Camp The Illinois Small Business development Center at Governors State University is hosting their 11th Veterans Entrepreneurial Boot Camp on Wednesday November 13, 2013 beginning at 8:00 AM. Registration will start @ 7:30 AM CST. This event is FREE to all Veterans, Active Duty and National Guard personnel. There is a $30 charge for non-Veteran attendees.
Upcoming Events
l Seeking Crafters Dyer Parks and Rec is seeking crafters for their 12th Annual Holiday Shopping Spree & Craft Show which takes place on Saturday, November 23rd from 10am-3pm. Held at Kahler Middle School in Dyer. Booth spaces 8x8 are $42.80 w/out electric; $53.50 w/ electric. Register from now until November 12th. For more information, call 219-8652505. l Bridal Show Lansing Country Club Bridal Show on Sunday, November 17th from 12-3pm. Free to all brides, friends and families. Vendor applications are still being taken. 18600 Wentworth Ave., Lansing, IL 60438. For more information, call 708-474-9102.
l Adult Book Discussion Reality Check adult book discussion will meet on November 14, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lansing Public Library. The book discussed will be “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt. Copies are available at the upstairs circulation desk. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438 l Information Session Learn how to earn your Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree in School Psychology at Governors State University at a special informational open house on Friday, November 15, from 5 to 7 p.m., in room D1497. For more information, contact or (708) 534-4379. Additional information may be found at w w Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois. l Amvets Fish Fry Amvets Fish Fry. Friday, Nov. 15th from noon - 8:00 pm.. Amvets Post #43. 14032 Torrence Ave. Burnham, Ill. (708)862-9540. On the menu: Walleye, Lake Perch, Shrimp, Bluegills, Chicken & 1st Mate combo (perch, shrimp, scallops). Dinner includes - Cole slaw, Cottage cheese, Potato salad, fries, bread & coffee. Dinner prices starting at $8.50 and up. Carry outs available. Public Welcome Same chefs, (Chris N. & Tom P.) same quality!. l Seeking Authors For Local Author Book Fair The Merrillville Branch of the Lake County Public Library, 1919 W. 81st Ave, Merrillville, is seeking authors for a Local Author Book Fair on Saturday, November 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. This event will let authors will get a chance to meet patrons and sell their books. Registration for a table is $20. After October 25, the late registration fee is $30. Interested authors can pick up a registration form at any of the Lake County Public Library’s ten locations, or they can call the library’s Marketing Manager at 219-769-3541, ext. 315. l BLAST! (Babysitter Lessons & Safety Training) November 16th 9am-1pm. Interested in being certified for babysitting? Join Dyer Parks & Recreation’s “BLAST! Babysitter Lessons & Safety Training” Class which takes place on Saturday, November 16 from 9am - 1pm at the Dyer Town Hall Activity Room B. “BLAST!” is a 4 hour course which includes a course completion certificate, program materials (includes a student manual) and training in pediatric first aid, household safety and fundamentals of child care. Please bring a snack and drink. This class is for ages 11-15 years. The fee is $25 for Dyer Residents and $27 for Non-Residents. Pre-registration is required at the Dyer Parks & Rec. Dept. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l AMAZI Craft Fair Faith Church in Dyer, IN will be hosting the AMAZI Craft Fair on November 16th from 9-2. “Amazi” is the African Rwandan word meaning “water”. There will be something for everyone with beautiful home decor, creative crafts, jewelry, fashions, holiday decorations and much more. Faith Church will also be having a delicious Bake Sale and lunch available for purchase. This event is FREE, so come and enjoy the AMAZI Craft Fair. Right before the holidays, you can have a great shopping experience knowing that you are helping those in need. For more information, please contact amazicraftfair@
l Sears Retirees Group Meeting Sears “Best” Retirees Group Meeting at Tom’s Restaurant, 894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City , IL. Meets on the first Monday of the month except when a holiday fall on that date, then it is the second Monday. July is annual picnic. No meetings in December.
Say I saw it in The Shopper
Trailers Trailer for sale: Blk/Gry mobile concession trailer Dbl axle, 2 propane tnks, 4 sinks, serv window, electricity Call 708-466-8557
obituaries Faron
Memorial service for Philip E. Faron was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on Sunday, November 3. Mr. Faron was born March 30, 1949 and died October 30, 2013. He was the husband of the late Sandra (nee Burns). Son of Marcella (nee Rogicki) and the late Edward Faron. Father of Jeff (Christina) and Dan (Dawn) Faron. Grandfather of 6. Brother of Cyndi (Rick) Larkins. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).
obituaries obituaries
Funeral service for Betty A. Hrebenyak (nee Duchesne) was offered from Smits Funeral Home on Saturday, November 2. Mrs. Hrebenyak was born December 22, 1977 and died October 29, 2013. She was the mother of Emily, Noah, and Kaylei. Daughter of David Duchesne and Victoria Garcia. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.
Funeral service for Johanna Schaap will be offered from Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church on Friday, November 8 with Rev. Richard Zekveld officiating. Ms. Schaap was born October 15, 1925 and died November 3, 2013. She was the Sister of the late Henry (late Johanna) Schaap, late Adriana (late Bert) Voss, late Jacoba (late Andrew) Lenting, late Jacob (late Marie) Schaap, late Garrit (Ida) Schaap, late Art (late Janet) Schaap, late Lena (late Julius) Jacobs, late Cornelia (Stanley) Zwier, John (Betty) Schaap, and the late Bertha (late Kenneth) Anema. Interment will be at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.
Memorial service for Frances A. Strand (nee Anderson was offered from Village Woods on Wednesday, November 6, with Rev. Dr. Robert Shaner officiating. Mrs. Strand was born August 26, 1913 and died November 1, 2013. She was the Wife of the late Glenn O. Strand. Daughter of the late Frank and late Sigrid Anderson. Mother of Ruth (George) Tamminga, Bruce (Terry) Strand, and Priscilla (Robert) Begani. Grandmother of 4 and greatgrandmother of 3. Sister of the late Ruth Gustafson and the late Pearl Fredrickson. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.
32 November 6, 2013 Trailer for sale: 2004 Aerolite CUB Hybrid travel trailer. Ev e r y t h i n g w o r k s w e l l . Asking price $7500, Please call after 5:00 708-895-3517
Trucks Truck for sale: 1993 Ford F-150 Super cab XLT, Lariat styleside 5.0 EFI V-8 engine, electronics, 4-speed, auto transmission. 134,000 miles, $2,200. 219-923-0241
Directory South Holland...
A Community of Churches
Calvary Community Church
16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor
Peace Christian Reformed Church
833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor
Internet Edition
Truck for sale: 1997 GMC Sierra Z71, Ext. cab 5.7L engine, 4-speed auto transmission, newer tires, toolbox, never plowed snow $3,495. 708-877-6158
Miscellaneous Items For Sale For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478 For sale: Seasoned oak firewood, 2 yrs. old. Will deliver, stacking is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w/accessories. Light, 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $250. 708-906-9265
Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *
Church Directory
166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor
315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor
Good Shepard Lutheran Church 16500 Woodlawn East, S. H. Pastor Rev. Michael Udoekong Sunday Worship...9:00 a.m. Bible Class...........8:15 a.m. (708) 331-7706
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. * * * * * * *
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******
Good Shepard Lutheran Church
16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor
Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church
Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *
Protestant Reformed Church
1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak, Pastor Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:00 p.m. * * * * * * *
Redeemer Lutheran Church
651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor
Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class .............8:15 a.m. *******
First Christian Reformed Church
163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
First Reformed Church
15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life
Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444
Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. * * * * * * *
Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor
For sale: Kitchen/dining set. Canadel, all wood, round pedestal table, 4-chairs, 18” leave, honey color, and linen. Excellent condition $350. 708-351-3196 For sale: Cabinets new kitchen & bath, colors light dark, extras from large job. South Holland, call for sizes. 708-557-2706 For sale: Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $400; Jeep Cherokee rims, and tires $300. 708-465-8544 For sale: V inyl ver tical blinds: 3-1/2”-slate, outside mount, w/headrail, cord & chain, corner valance, size W: 130” x H: 70” & W:77” x H: 65”, color: Rose $225. 708906-9265 Fo r s a l e : C r e d i t c a r d machine. Chase Paymenttech Verifone VX610. Still in box, never used. Plastic still on. Paid $1000, selling $900/obo. 708-2508227
Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******
Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church
For sale: Big men’s clothes, 2X-5X $10-$20; Bedroom furniture, black 3pc. set, 1 yr. old mattress included, $700. 773-610-9689
For sale: Plywood 5 sheets, 3/4 thick $10 each; fireplace brick w/mantel, tools and screen $95; bakers rack, nice 4 shelf storage $35; one mission chair. 219-365-8166 For sale: Anthearn miniature HO train. Santa Fe #601, 2 engines, 10 cars $150 with track an transformer. 219-226-0380
Farm equipment: For sale, John Deere 1010 crawler loader. Rebuilt engine and reverser. Needs under carriage $1,500 obo. 219-680-6694 For sale: Child’s dresser, mirror, and headboard. High quality knotty pine. $300.00. 219-365-2574 For sale: (2) 42” wide whitewa shed Oa k , b a t h r o o m vanities, no tops. $100.00 per each 708-895-5255 For sale: Walnut dining table w i t h f i v e c h a i r s. G o o d condition $75. 708-474-5648 For sale: Afred Dunner ladies 3/4 winter coat, black size 12. Never worn, $45 cash only; 1 hip length biege winter ladies jacket, button & zipper, size med. never worn, $35. 708-877-6174 For sale: Furniture early American 3-piece wall unit, $299, table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, $299 or both for $499. 708-903-1611 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovation in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heavy. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale: Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747
You Are Invited to
Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church
Lynwood United Reformed Church
3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Nick Van Beek
1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor
Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m.
Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
New Hope Church
A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America
First Reformed Church
3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels
3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor
Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******
St. Jude the Apostle Church
Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******
880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor
Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******
Our Saviour Lutheran Church Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******
19058 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1886 Sue Devermann, Pastor
First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144
United Presbyterian Church 16440 Cottage Grove 333-0921 Rev. Doug Cater
Worship Service ..................... 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School ..................................................9:15 a.m. *******
Protestant Reformed Church Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******
Worship Service ...10:00 a.m. *******
Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. *******
1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ........................ 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******
Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478 For sale: 2-mens leather jackets, 1-deep dark brown, size X-large, perfect condition $25 ea; 1-black size large, good condition. 815462-6930 two story wooden ladder excellent condition $60.00 708-672-7178 Si d e by Si d e Fr i g i d a re Refrigerator, 26 cu.ft. $250. 708-528-2300 Computer Hutch, cream color. 54”H, 24”D, 42”W. $200 708-528-2300 Oak Table with 6 chairs. Table expands to 6 ft. $250 708528-2300 Cedar chest. 42”w x 19”d x 18 1/2”t. No key. On rollers. Pretty good shape. $100.00. 219-776-9891, ldgtreke4@ Dyer, IN
33 November 6, 2013 Cherry veneer round coffee table 19”h x 42”d & 2 end tables 23”h x 28”d. Glass tops. $225.00. 219-776-9891,
1971 Dawn & friends doll case, dolls, clothes, etc. Good condition. $85.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN
1960’s Ideal Toy Co. 2 Tammy dolls, clothes, accessories. Good condition. $125.00 or b/o. 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN.
2 antique brass table lamps w/f ro st ed gla ss sh a des. Approx. 23” tall. $40.00 pair. Good condition. ldgtreke4@, 219-776-9891, Dyer, IN
Internet Edition
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RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (877) 210-4130 Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help those in need! Your vehicle donation will help US Troops and support our Veterans! 100% tax deductible Fast Free pickup! 1-800-263-4713 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 GET CASH TODAY for any car/ truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-8645796 or VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills +4 FREE only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Blue Pill Now! 1-888796-8870 Bundle & Save on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than $20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-291-4159 Immediate Opportunity for Men and Women. Entry-Level Oilfield Jobs Starting at $64,000-$145,000/ Year. No Experience Necessary. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message 1-888-450-4902 ACTORS/MOVIE Extras Needed immediately for upcoming roles $150-$300 per day depending on job requirements. No experience, All looks needed. 1-800-561-1762 Ext A-104, for casting times/ locations.
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Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Citizens Financial Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2631 Highway Avenue Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Avenue Highland Library 2841 Jewett Street Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Avenue Ultra 8401 Indianapolis Blvd.
Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Citizens Financial Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Rd. Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Road Phillips 66 323 Ridge Road
Altered Images 100 Eagle Ridge Drive American Family Insurance 133 East Joliet Street Citizens Financial Bank 7650 Harvest Drive Coldwell Banker 20 E. U.S. Highway 30 Schererville Chamber Office 13 west Joliet Street Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet Street Sears Hardware 1150 U.S. Highway 30 Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41
Say I saw it in The Shopper
34 November 6, 2013
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Neighbor 2 Neighbor JANICE MINTON-KUTZ
AMERICAN DOLL HALLOWEEN PARTY AT JEAN SHEPHERD CENTER: Pictured here at the Sunday October 27th, 2013 Halloween Party hosted by the Lake Ridge Women’s Club are: Jennifer Minton, 8, in scream mask, and sisters Tijana, 8, Mija, 6 and Maja, 10 Klajajic of Crown Point. Also pictured along with the American Girl dolls to be raffled off that day are Jean Shepherd, St. John Township Trustee, Debbie Thill and Rebecca Holwerda. Some 50 little girls and their parents and grandparents came for a fun, girly girl day of singing, dancing and buying new clothes for their cherished American Girl dolls. *** CALUMET AREA INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION TO HOST ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING: To the manufacturers out there-CAIC asks--”do you know the difference between GHS and GGE?” OSHA does and will be enforcing one on December 1, 2013. To get into safety compliance, go to the CAIC meeting at Arcelor Mittal 13500 S. Perry, in Riverdale on Friday November 8th, 2013 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Presenters that day include Robert Groszewski, President, Safety Training Services, Hammond, In and Bill Coulehan (retired) OSHA. Tab is $40 for members and their guests and $50 non-members. Online registration at www. or phone them at 773-928-6016. ***
COLDWELL BANKER SCHERERVILLE HALLOWEEN PARTY: As usual, the party people at CB Schererville, decided to treat themselves and their clients to a costume/ Halloween party this past October 31st. Led by Broker Manager Jim Oster, who this year dressed as a ‘housewife” (pictured here with his Brokers in a variety of costumes). Also pictured that day are the winners of the costume contest-- Kent Magnuson as “Dallas’ JR Ewing” and Linda Schnittker as Liza Minelli in “Cabaret” as one of the Kit Kats. The hugely talented longtime Administration Assistant at Coldwell Banker, Linda does the decorating at the office celebrations and she created her own costume from ‘scratch’ pun intended! As Always, Coldwell Banker stands ready to help
with all your real estate needs in Illinois and Indiana. Call us at 219-865-9911. *** SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHOP: Set for Wednesday November 6, 2013 at the Riverdale Resource Center, 13725 Wabash Avenue, Riverdale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and hosted by US Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02). Registration and refreshments promptly at 9 a.m. Topics include: Access to Capital; Contracts and RFPs; Business and Marketing Plans; Resources for Small Business Owners. Guest presenters include: Melinda Kelly, Chatham Business Association; Selena Sizemore, Chicago Urban League; Roberto Escalante, USDOT Transportation Resource Center; Eva Brown, Women’s Business Development Center; Frank McNeil, Illinois Department of Transportation; Sharron Matthews, Healthcare and Family Servcies; Mark Burford, A and D Property Services and Prisilla Cordero, Illinois Small Business Development Center at GSU. For more information call 708-679-0078 or visit ***
1970 Barbie Country Camper w/tent, table, 2 stools & 2 sleeping bags. Good condition $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891, Dyer,IN 1966 Francie/Casey doll case. Empty. Pretty good shape. 2 inside pockets & drawers & doll areas. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com, 219-776-9891. Dyer, IN L i k e n e w Ve r a B r a d l e y h i p s t e r. D o o d l e D a i s y pattern. Adjustable strap. 10”w x 11” t. $40.00 or b/o., 219776-9891. Dyer,IN. New youth roller blades. Youth sizes1-4; adjustable. B l u e & s i l v e r. $ 4 0 . 0 0 ., 219776-9891, Dyer, IN Boys size 2 black hockey skates. Brand new! $35.00 or best offer. ldgtreke4@yahoo. com 219-776-9891 Dyer, IN HP Photosmart 7520 printer in box. Warranty until 4/2014. Print, copy, scan, fax. 2-sided printing. Auto-doc feeder.$100. 708-474-4132
Internet Edition SAMSUNG 52” T.V. GREAT CONDITION....BEST OFFER 312-758-3970 Moving Sale: Wooden ladders various sizes, tools, book case, oak entertainment center, tv, ladder brackets, paint, wallpaper, computer table. 708-846-0015 For sale: Laptop mini, good battery, wireless Windows 7, webcam $125. 708-268-7075 Men’s winter coats size 3X for $25. Other mens 3X shirts for sale also. Call 708-299-2921 day bed twin sz. w/mattress w/bedding never been used 2yr.old redoing room white fram $1oo.99 708-687-4776 wheel chair $20.00 708-6872112 wheel chair $25.00 new wheel chair never been used $275.00 708-687-4776 2ride lite wheel chairs $25.00/55.00 3 wheel scooter comes all apart used very little? 708-288-2221
Pre-Lit 9’ Lakeview Pine Quick Set Artificial Christmas Tree Brand new. 125.00. 708543-6379 SENTRY Combination Lock FIRE-SAFE. 1.2 cu. ft.Brand new in the box . 125.00.708543-6379 Dressers (retro 1950-60’s) men’s $225, ladies $200, deep drawers, solid wood, will email photos, beautiful, call 219-322-2127 to see. oak entertainment center on casters with glass door and drawer, sharp. 49x17x47 lwh. tv space 28x27. $40, 219-7658791 Oak corner curio cabinet, mirrored, lighted, glass shelves,$100. Handmade wooden keepsake box $50. Total Gym $100. Will email photos. 708-872-7040 Small sofa sleep (Twin Size) and Tan recliner. Excellent condition $250,00 312-5204698 Cell Lansing Area wheel chair 20.00 708-6874776
wheel chair 20.00 3 wheel sc0ter 2 batts./charger? 708687-4776
378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland
For sale: Gas powered side walk edger Craftsman $60. 708-268-7075
Office/Dental/Retail Space Available
Qn headboard w/mirrors and glass/wood nightstands $200. Thomasville sofa $200. Black dishwasher $100. 708333-7158
Qn headboard w/mirror, nightstands, including 2 additional mirrors $200. Thomasville sofa $200 and BlK dishwasher $100. Call 708-655-6331. Must sell. Ventra transit/debit card with $165.50 on it. $155, call 773-272-8315.
ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION BRANCH 195-LADIES WHO LUNCH: Pictured here at Carlos Lorenzetti’s Restaurant in Chicago Heights are Jo Merlo, Lansing, Dorothy Frego, St. John and Cathy Bolda, Calumet City. The women are all active members of the ICF (chartered in 1965) based at St. Victor’s Church in Calumet City. Meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month, Jo, Dorothy and Cathy are involved in apostolic ministry and donate much time to charitable works including the Calumet City Resource Center. For information contact Jo Merlo at 708-8957725. *** LANSING VETERAN’S MEMORIAL HONOR GUARD TO HONOR NATION’S WOMEN VETERANS: Wanted for Veteran’s Day, “The Year of Military Women” local veteran’s groups are seeking all women currently serving the military or Veteran’s of our Country’s armed services. The women military will be honored on Sunday November 10th, 2013, 2 p.m. at the Lansing Veteran’s Memorial, located at the Lansing Airport, Burnham Avenue and Glenwood Lansing Road. By way of backstory, April 2013 to April 2014 is being recognized as the Year of Military Women. This year long event will honor women in all branches of our military: Army, Navy; Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard. An exhibit which opened in April 2013, includes Leadership Symposia, Commemorative coins, books signings and events around the world to honor these brave women. For more information go to MilitaryWomen. At the November 10th event in Lansing, all women currently serving in the military or Veteran’s of our Country’s Armed Services are invited to attend and participate and be recognized for their service. For information call Rich at 708-862-7731 or Larry at 708-4743049. *** HOME MADE PIEROGI SALE AT ST. HEGWIGS IN HEGEWISCH: At $6 per dozen these delicious dumplings will be available thru the 1st of the New Year. Choose from potato, cheese and onion, sweet cheese, or sauerkraut. Cal the Rectory at 773-646-0300 or their cell, 773-499-5730. Talk to Fr. Mike or his wife Helena. St. Hedwig’s is a Polish Catholic Church on 134th Street between Mackinaw and Buffalo, just west of Avenue O. *** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.
Solid Wood Dining Room table 6 chairs w/OvalTable 63x43 without leaflet. $200 Very good condition. 708646-9570
Condo Lady says must see! Exceptional 2 Bed, 2 Bath condo. Larger end unit. Eat in kitchen facing the forest preserve. Office/Laundry room in unit. Elevator, Heated Garage, Flexicore construction.
Betty O’Brien Condo Lady
Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins
• Complimentary Market Evaluation • We’ll Provide Answers to all of your Real Estate Questions • We’ll Advise you on what you need to do to get your home ready for sale! • • • •
We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • 26 Years of Experience
See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 100+ Homes the Past 2 Years for a Reason!
1950’s desk w/chair $125; matching dresser w/wood framed mirror $150 (all solid knotty pine). Come see it, can email photos. 219-3222127 For sale: Snowblower MTD, 3HP 21”, 2-cycle, pull start, good shape, $100 beat the rush. 708-268-7075 For sale: Couch $150; best offer, clean 7-1/2 L 3-1/2 D neutral color, perfect shape, globe lamps, Victorian style $20 each; 3-way more. St. John, IN. 219-558-0153 For sale: Color TV $15; 32 in. door $100 80x32. 708-4742541 Fishing motor must sell. 7.5 HP Mercury outboard, short shaft rope, start runs great, tank, hose included. Must see. 815-557-3212 For sale: Black 3/4 length coat w/fur lining. Cuffs and collar. Pristine condition, $30 never worn. 815-463-0345 For sale: Large TV table, black glass top, $100; large coffee table $100; king size quilt, green bedspread $10; rod iron round table $60. 708333-7461 For sale: 2-square marble top tables, $40 pair; magazine rack wooden $50; 2 door Amish cabinet blond 6” high $200. 708-333-7461
NEW LISTINGS available. Spectacular lake views, 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious eat-in-kitchens. Utility rooms, w/laundry in unit. Dinning room. Master bedroom bath w/tub & seprate shower and walk-in closet. Elevator, Heated garage, Flexicore.
Betty O’Brien
Fo r s a l e : 1 5 x 1 8 i n c h e s, bookshelf blond 6ft high $150l green velvet upholstered chair $150; music cabinet $60 Taylor made. 708-333-7461 For sale: Men’s 15 lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 9, bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834 For sale: Ladies 10lb. bowling ball, shoes, size 8 bag $10. Call Judy leave message. 773206-1834
Say I saw it in The Shopper
35 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
Happy Birthday 11/02 Mark “Happy Birthday” Miss You & Love You Carol & Pickles
Birthday Happy Anniversary 11/05 Mark “Happy Anniversary” Miss You & Love You From Pickles
On This Date - November 6 1850 1st Hawaiian fire engine
1885 US mint at Carson City, Nevada directed to close
1923 USSR adopts experimental calendar, with 5-day “weeks” 1966 1st entire lineup televised in color (NBC)
1989 US marshals & FCC seize pirate radio station WJPL in Brooklyn THEME: CHILDREN’S BOOKS
Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.
ACROSS 1. Ottoman title 6. Goes with flow? 9. Recipe amt. 13. Partner of pains 14. Calendar mo. 15. Singer Abdul 16. Rope spiral, e.g. 17. Cultural Revolution leader 18. _____ room 19. *”The most distinguished contribution to American literature for children” medal 21. *”The Wind in the _______” 23. *___ Spot run!” 24. Move slowly and carefully 25. Onomatopoeia for collision 28. Rodeo Drive tree 30. Winter hat feature 35. Fusses 37. Toothed groomer 39. New Zealandian minority 40. Eight bits 41. *”The Giving ____” and “The Magic ____ House” 43. Equal exchange, like swap 44. Leaning 46. Make a picture 47. Can be smoked or tied 48. Natural ribbon alternative 50. Glitch 52. Romano or Barone 53. Supreme Court count 55. More, in Madrid 57. Gandhi, to many 61. *Bigg’s neighbors 65. Cover story
66. Marienbad, e.g. 68. Launch or throw 69. Colorado ski resort 70. One less than jack 71. “Sesame Street” regular 72. Lion’s share 73. Talk, talk, talk 74. Film amount, pl. DOWN 1. TV’s “____ Stars” 2. Advil target 3. It must go on? 4. Basil, chives and bay leaf, e.g. 5. In R.E.M. stage 6. Awarded to “Breaking Bad” 7. Sheep sound 8. *Like Eric Carle’s bear 9. *Adjective for Sarah 10. Plague symptom 11. Like Food movement 12. *Clifford the Big Red Dog’s feet 15. Horse mouthpiece 20. Don’t just stand there 22. Rocks to some 24. Plunge 25. *King of the Elephants 26. Temple’s innermost sanctuary 27. Recurring theme 29. *Ruler of rings or flies 31. Reckless 32. Reduce 33. Something in the air 34. *a.k.a. Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint 36. American women’s magazine 38. *Ivy’s best friend 42. Hindu religious teacher 45. *Comic book reporter and Snowy’s master 49. Between “ready” and “fire” 51. Assemble for dinner, e.g. 54. Foul 56. About 1.3 cubic yards 57. “Yes, ____!” 58. “The Sun ___ Rises” 59. Shakira’s don’t lie? 60. Aid in crime 61. Long and lean 62. Pryce, of fictional Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce 63. *Like Cruella de Vil 64. Gets the picture 67. *Princess’ cause of insomnia
Say I saw it in The Shopper
36 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
2014 BUICk
Leatherette, keyless, Full power, Wheels, And More Stk#B1622 MSRp ..................................$25,085 Circle Discount ......................$1,586 Conquest ’99 or newer .............$500
22,999/ 229 mo.
2014 GMC
3rd row seating, wheels, keyless and much, much more! #T15529 FREE MAINTENANCE INC. MSRp..........................$35,260
40 IN STOCk Best Lease of the Year!
0% For 60 Mos!
2014 GMC
SLE, Full power, Wheels, Touch Radio, and more! Stk#T15586 MSRp.............................$34,215 1000 SUPPLIER Discount...........................$2,716 BONUS AVAILABLE Rebate..............................$1,000 Trade-In............................$1,000 Bonus 99 or newer...................... FREE MAINTENANCE INC.
29,499/$239 mo.
2014 GMC
4x4, SLE, Full power, Touch Radio and more! #T15510 MSRp.............................$42,515 1000 SUPPLIER Discount...........................$3,916 BONUS AVAILABLE Rebate..............................$1,000 Trade-In............................$1,000 Bonus 99 or newer...................... FREE MAINTENANCE INC.
36,599/$299 mo.
2014 BUICk
3rd row, wheels, leather, keyless and more! Stk#B1625 MSRp ..................................$43,680 Discount ................................$3,181 Rebate....................................$1,500 Conquest ’99 or newer ..........$1,000
37,999/$369 mo.
‘07 dodge Charger Wheels,power,sunroof,x-clean,#B1410B.................... $11,999/$179 mo. ‘05 Jeep Grand Cherokee 8 Cyl, Leather, x-clean, 80k, #T15295A...............$12,899/$189 mo. ‘10 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid, wheels, Full power, only 60k, Certified! #T15330A............................................................$12,899/$189 mo. ‘07 GMC Acadia SLE 3rd Row, Wheels, keyless, #T453684A ..............$15,889/$249 mo. ‘10 buick Lacrosse CX 1 owner, x-clean, Full power, New body style, Certified! #B7205......................................................... $16,889/$258 mo. ‘07 Chrysler 300 Touring,Chromewheels,sharp,only 40k,#B1377A ......... $16,899/$258 mo. ‘10 buick Lacrosse Leather, Wheels, 40k, #B1481A.................................. $16,899 ‘10 Chrysler Town & Country Touring Edition, 3 rows, only 40k, #B1565A............. $18,999 ‘12 buick Verano Full power, wheels, save $$$ only 19k, CERTIFIED!..... $19,899 ‘10 buick Lacrosse CXS Touring Edition, fully loaded, roof, NAV, CERTIFIED! #T15520A....................................................................... $19,899 ‘11 buick Lucerne CXL Leather, wheels, 1 owner, 40k, x-clean! CERTIFIED! #B1457A ........................................................................ $20,998
Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, roof, wheels, Goldmist, 1 owner, CERTIFIED! #B1468A ........................................................................ $21,998 ‘11 GMC Terrain SLT Leather, roof, loaded, 1-owner, 40k, CERTIFIED! #T15593A...................................................................... $22,899 ‘10 dodge Charger R/T HEMI, Chrome Wheels, NAV, Roof, 30,000 miles #T15609A...................................................................... $22,899 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Chrome Wheels, Only 7,000 miles! Wow! CERTIFIED! #B1424A .................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 buick Regal Leather, Wheels, Heated seats, 30k, CERTIFIED! #B1282A.....................................................................$23,899 ‘10 buick Enclave AWd All Wheel Drive, CXL, Leather 3 Rows 40k, CERTIFIED! #T15540AA ............................................................................... $23,899 ‘11 buick Regal Turbo Leather, wheels, roof, x-clean, 20k!, CERTIFIED! #B1234A..................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 GMC Terrain SLE 1 owner, keyless, wheels, 14k, CERTIFIED! #T15441A................................................................................... $23,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra EXT Ext cab, 4x4, 1 owner, 16,00 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15459A................................................................................... $23,899
‘12 GMC Terrain Save $$$, 1 owner, only 10k mile!, #T15240A................ $23,899 ‘07 GMC yukon denali 20” Wheels, xxx, Roof, Only 70k #T15646A.................... $23,899 ‘11 GMC Terrain SLE-2 Wheels, radio, keyless, only 11k miles, CERTIFIED! #T15309A................................................................................... $23,998 ‘11 buick Turbo Auto, A/C, CD, 30,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15173A........... $24,899 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, roof, wheels, Black, 34k, Certified! #B1234B ....................................................................... $24,899 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXS Wheels, Roof, NAV, Fully Loaded, 24,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #B1549A....................................... $24,899 ‘12 GMC Terrain AWd N/wheel drive, sunroof, wow/10,00 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15566A................................................................................... $25,899 ‘12 buick Lacrosse CXL Leather, Wheels, Roof, Loaded Up, 1 owner, 30k, CERTIFIED! #B1439A ........................................................................ $25,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra Ext Z-71, Full power, X-Clean, Only 12,000 miles! CERTIFIED! #T15572A................................................................................... $26,899 ‘11 GMC Acadia SLE 3rd row, keyless, only 20k miles, CERTIFIED! #T15236A................................................................................... $26,999
2-Year/30,000 Miles
maintenance included!! ‘10 Cadillac SRX Luxury edition, wheels, roof, 50k, #B1503A................. $27,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra EXT Z-71, Wheels, Full power, Save $$, 7,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15503A................................................................................... $27,998 ‘11 buick Lacrosse CXS FULLY LOADED, NAV, roof, Leather, 20k, CERTIFIED! # B1353A ....................................................................... $28,899 ‘11 GMC Sierra Crew SLT, All Terrain, Leather, Wheels, 50k, Loaded CERTIFIED! #T15540A .................................................................................. $30,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew Z-71, Chrome Tubes, 1 owner, Only 13,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15626A..............................................................................$32,998 ‘13 GMC Sierra Crew Z-71, Tubes, xxx, Wheels, 12,000 miles, CERTIFIED! #T15680A..............................................................................$33,899 ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew All Terrain, SLT, Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 20k, CERTIFIED! #T15664A...................................................................................... $34,999 ‘11 GMC yukon denali AWD, Fully loaded, NAV, roof, wheels, 20k, CERTIFIED! #T15665A...................................................................................... $45,899
Payments2,000dueplustaxes,withapprovedcredit.*00-0460months@6.9%*05-1275months@6.9.Allnewcarpaymentsbasedon10Kmile,39monthlease. $2,000due,plusfirstpaymentandtaxwithapprovedcredit.
2440 45th St. highlAnd, in 219-865-4400 • ILL: 773-221-8124
Say I saw it in The Shopper
37 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
2013 Ford F-150
Rebates & Incentives $ of up to 9,000 (On Select Models)
XLT 302A Luxury Package Discount
XLT 5.0L Retail Cash Rebate
Ford Credit* Rebate (must finance with Ford Motor Credit)
Trade Assist Rebate (1995 or newer)
$ $
Ford Retail Customer Cash Rebate XLT Customer Cash Rebate
Van Drunen Ford
183rd & Kedzie • Homewood • (708) 798-1668 RIVERDALE Sibley Blvd.
175th St.
Ridge Rd. Kedzie
Ridge 183rd St.
Van Drunen Ford
5-Time Winner of the
prestigious President’s Award
Customer Excellence Award Winner!
Expert Body Shop • Free Estimates • We Repair All Makes
HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9am-9pm • Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-5pm
Say I saw it in The Shopper #
38 November 6, 2013
Internet Edition
SPARK LS #40265
2013 CHEVY
2014 CHEVY
CAMARO 1LS #L40026
2013 CHEVY
SONIC LS #L30062
2013 CHEVY
IMPALA 1LS #L40124
2014 CHEVY
2014 CHEVY
2014 CHEVY
1500 WORK TRUCK REG CAB #40683
17730 S. Torrence • Lansing
†Prices include all rebates, incentives and bonuses. Optional equipment extra. Plus tax, title, license and doc fee. Must qualify. +Year to date. Offers subject to change at any time. For all offers take delivery from dealer stock by 10/31/13. Pictures are for illustration purposes only and may not represent actual vehicle. Offers end 3 days from date of publication. Inventories based on combined Phillips dealerships.