The Shopper 11/27/13

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Shopper #1 Source For FREE Community News

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Inside This Week

Neighbors Speak Out about Shop Cal City - Read Weekly!

Wednesday • November 20 • 2013

Somber Hearts and Mixed Emotions

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Jim Lungaro of Jimbooo’s is relocating into Thornton and is looking forward to new challenges. The new Jimbooo’s location will be at 106 East Margaret Street (4 minutes south to previous location.). The new hours will be from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Jimbooo’s new menu will include breakfast items, a full salad bar, a lunch buffet, monster pork chops, ginormous hamburgers and for the first time ever, Jimbooo’s will finally be able to provide french fries as well as serve beer and wine. When asked about leaving, Jim has mixed emotions,

since he has grown up in South Holland and has been at his current location for approximately 20 years. He jokingly said, “Every location I’ve been at has ultimately been torn down!” Jim Lungaro would like to give a special ‘Thank You’ to Mayor Don DeGraff, Clerk Penman, Economic Development Director John Watson and all the Trustees for all their continued support. Jim is very excited about the new location which after 30 years in the restaurant business he will finally have a freestanding building. He’s also afraid of ballooning up since he will be serving French fries, Ginormous pork chops and the all you can eat buffets. He’s also trying a radical idea with warm fresh donuts with toppings accessible for customers Catering will also still be available and Jimbooo’s owners and staff are all excited about the brand new facility which will also include a party room to assist you in hosting all of your upcoming events. Jim would like to personally Thank the New Mayor of Thornton, Bob Kolosch and Village Administrator Jason Wicha, Village Inspector Russ Oberman, Bernie (Subway) Lubawy and the Village trustees. Thank you for showing confidence in us. “I will not disappoint you!” Jim is blown away by the reaction the town has shown from hearing about his move. Jim’s heart will always be in South Holland and is grateful to all of his faithful customers for the many years of Love and Support. Looking forward to seeing you at the new facility!!!


Dyer Magical Christmas Home Decorating Contest Members of the Dyer Community Foundation (DCF) will once again share their enthusiasm for the Christmas Holiday by sponsoring a “Magical Christmas” home decorating contest. In its fifth year, this year’s contest will concentrate on the magic of Christmas with the sights, sounds, and smells of the season. They carry a certain nostalgia allowing us to relive the magical moments of our favorite Christmas memories. Remember how you used to drive or walk around the neighborhoods looking at all the decorations. This year’s focus revolves around the resident that shows heart and soul while capturing the true meaning of Christmas! The “Residential Christmas Home Decorating Contest” is limited to residents within the city limits of Dyer, IN. Judges are members of the DCF and they will be out in full force at dusk on December 18, 2013 for judging eligible homes. First Place winners will not be eligible for First Place two consecutive years, but will be eligible for other awards. There will be prizes for first, second, and third place. Please note: Selection will not be based on the quantity of decorations but the quality of the entire display. Entry forms will be available at the Town of Dyer, Parks & Rec. Dept., and the Dyer Police Station. Contest details will be in the town’s newsletter, The Shopper, and Times in November’s editions. You can enter your own home or recommend a neighbors’. To enter, just mail or hand deliver entry form to: Dyer Community Foundation, Dyer Town Hall, One Town Square, Dyer, IN 46311 Deadline for entries is 3pm on December 13, 2013. Winners will be contacted by the DCF. For more info., email Dyercommunityfoundation@gmail. com or online at

NEW ADDRESS: 106 East Margaret St. Thornton, IL (Across from Thornton Village Hall)

Illinois Law Now!

Question: When can “no-fault” be used as grounds in a divorce? Answer: In Illinois, the no-fault grounds for divorce are based on the couple living separate and apart for a period of time, which is six months for couples who agree on the divorce, but two years for couples where only one member seeks the divorce. To file for a no-fault divorce in Illinois, at least one spouse has to have resided here for at least 90 days. Question: Does health care reform mean that the federal government can make life-and-death decisions for me and my spouse? Answer: That is a myth. The fact is that individuals, their doctors and their families will continue to make their own life-and-death decisions under the Affordable Care Act. Question: What are the responsibilities of a person who is named as the “agent” for a Power of Attorney for Health Care? Answer: A Power of Attorney for Health Care is a written legal document that outlines in advance who will make decisions for you if you are physically or mentally unable to make those decisions yourself. The person named as the “agent” has the authority to make all or limited decisions concerning your health care, including consent or withdrawal of medical treatment, even if doing so will result in your death. The agent can also be given the authority to make certain decisions after your death, on such things as making an anatomical gift, autopsies and the disposition of your remains. If the agent has no guidance as to your wishes, he or she takes whatever action is in your “best interest.” For more information about Illinois law, visit w w w. If you have a legal question, send it to

Say I saw it in The Shopper

2 November 20, 2013

Landlords, Budget-Minded new & recondit ioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Pa r ts & Show room. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free e s t i m at e s w it h r e p a i r s . Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. I nd ia na & C h icago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383

M r. F i x It R e p a i r a n d S c h e r e r v i l l e A pp l i a n c e . Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708429-7479, 219-865-6044

Business Opportunity Busi ness Oppor tu n it y : C&D mini moving, 25 yrs. in business. Truck, phone nu mbers a nd a l l mov ing equipment $10,000 retiring. 708-331-5450 or 219-9237025

The Heating & Appliance Repa ir Ma n. Ser v ici ng Met ro A rea. A/C, Ref rig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate w it h sa me day repa i r, or $ 25 service charge. Call Al. 708985-1623


Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.

— Isaiah 28:23

Attend the church of your choice.

Fall Musical Production Seussical The Munster Theatre Compa ny (the Performing Arts Department of Mu nster H ig h School) is plea sed to present the musical inspired by Dr. Seuss stor ies a nd cha racters, SEUSSIC A L, w ith book, music and lyrics by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Aherns. The Artistic Staff includes: Larry A Brechner Producer/Director; Carol Ly n n Brech ner a s t he P roducer/ Di rec tor/C horeog rapher; W i l l ia m Woods Music/Orchestra Pit Director; a nd Laurel Dem kov ich as Student Choreographer. SEUSSICAL is a musical that blends several stories from many of Dr. Seuss’s most famous books, and presents them in a mostly sung-through format. The Cat in t he Hat (Rohan Chatterjee) na r rates t he stor y of Hor ton, a n E leph a nt ( Ste v en C a r a her), w ho discovers a speck of dust containing Whos, including Jojo, a Who child sent off to General Gengus Khan Schmitz (Calvin Sanders) military school for thinking too many “thinks” by his parents, Mr. Mayor (Daniel Straka) and Mrs. Mayor (Alex Raycroft). The Grinch (Billy McDunn) also populates the tiny world of the Whos. Horton faces a double challenge-not only must he protect the Whos from a world of naysayers like the Sou r Ka nga roo (Rachel Ja m rose), and dangers, but he must guard an abandoned egg, left to his care by t he i r responsible May z ie L a Bi rd


An independent newspaper serving this area for over 50 years. ©The Shopper 924 E. 162nd Street • South Holland, IL 60473 –––––––––––––––––––– HOW TO REACH US ☎ (708) 333-5901 • 1-800-410-5250 Fax: (708) 333-9630 Web Page: Email: –––––––––––––––––––– CIRCULATION Published every week covering the towns of: South Holland/Thornton, Lansing, Dolton/Riverdale/Calumet City and Dyer/St. John. Our circulation is independently audited by CAC. –––––––––––––––––––– ERRORS We proofread all Classified ads. However, should a mistake occur, it can easily be corrected, provided it is brought to our attention. Call 708-333-5901 to rectify an error. We cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Adjustment for error is limited to republication. In any event, adjustment for errors or omissions is limited to the cost of the space occupied. –––––––––––––––––––– CLASSIFIED ADS The Shopper offers FREE non-business Classified Ads (20 word maximum). Business Classifieds are $20 for 20 words, $1.00 per word over. Place and read anytime at –––––––––––––––––––– NEWS Some content courtesy of News USA, ARA content, StatePoint and Family Features. email to –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE Friday 4:00 pm for the following week’s issue. –––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Fair Housing Laws which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, age, ancestry, parental status, source of income, military discharge status or housing status”; no matter how large or small the property. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.

Internet Edition

Caregiver: Mature, experienced, live-in caregiver. 24/7 companionship for you or loved ones. Meal prepa rat ion, med ic at ion m a n a g e m e n t , t ra n spor t at ion, bat h i ng , assistance dressing. Ver y reasonable mont h ly rate. Have re c om mendat ion s. (219) 488-4182

Pictured: Mayor (Daniel Straka), Mrs Mayor (Alex Raycroft), Cat in the Hat (Rohan Chatterjee), Sour Kangaroo (Rachel Jamrose), General Schmitz (Calvin Sanders), Gertrude (Morgan Papesh), Horton (Steven Caraher), Mayzie (Colleen Kifer), Jojo (Noel Fary). _____________________________________________

(Colleen Kifer). Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial presided over by Yertle the Turtle ( T homa s Spera n z a), t he i nt repid Gertrude McFuzz (Morgan Papesh) never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community are challenged and emerge triumphant. SEUSSIC A L w i l l r u n T hu rsday,

Carpentry/ Construction

November 21; Fr id ay, November 22; Saturday, November 23 at 7pm, and Sunday, November 24 at 2pm in Munster Auditorium. Tickets are $7 at the door (senior and student tickets $5). Tickets are available at the Auditorium Box Office on performance nights or in advance by calling: (219) 838-2235, by email at

Ceramic Tile

Custom Kitchen cabinets, i n s t a l l k it c he n s , r e p a i r f u r n it u re, doors & wood f loors, upholster chairs & boot hs. Midwest Custom Cabinets & Furniture, 2800 Bernice Rd., Lansing. 708530-0222 or 708-288-0196.

Chimney Repair

C er a m ic a nd g la s s t i le desig n a nd i n st a l lat ion, k it c he n s , b a t h s , f lo or s , anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492

Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block w indows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182

Ceramic Tile King. Rodded f loors from toilet. Rodded wall from shower. Call us we ca n stop t he mold. Free estimates. 708-953-4108

Cleaning Services House Clea n ing Homes, Condos & Busi nesses. Dependable & trustworthy. Bud get ple a si ng pr ic e s . Excellent references. Insured & bonded. 708-4740233 or 708-280-8399

WOW! Carpet Cleaning






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Shopper—NOV 2013

Appliance Repair

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HIGHLAND 9615 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 924-7840 HAMMOND 6747 Indianapolis Blvd (219) 844-9919 SOUTH HOLLAND 235w162nd (Rt.6) (708) 339-3111 CALUMET CITY  1700 Sibley Blvd (708) 891-2470

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

3 November 20, 2013

Financial Advice Column

Sharing Your “Bounty” Can Be Rewarding BOB KRYGSHELD Thanksgiving is almost here. If you have the financial resources to provide a comfortable life for your family, you have reason to be t ha n k f u l. A nd i f you ca n a f ford to sha re some of you r “bounty” with charitable organizations, you may want to be as generous as possible — because your gifts may allow you to both give and receive. By donating cash or other financial assets, such as stocks, to a qualified charity ( either a religious group or a group that has received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS), you help benefit an organization whose work you believe in — and, at the same time, you can receive valuable tax benefits. To illustrate: If you give $100 to a qualified charity, and you’re in the 25% tax bracket, you can deduct $100, with a tax benefit of $25, when you file your 2013 t a xes. T herefore, t he rea l “cost” of your donation is just $75 ($100 minus the $25 tax savings). Fur t hermore, if you donate certain types of n on- c a s h a s s e t s , y ou may be able to receive additional ta x benefits. Suppose you give $1,000 wor t h of stock to a charitable group. If you’re in the 25% bracket, you’ll be able to deduct $250 when you file your taxes. And by donating the stock, you can avoid paying the capital gains ta xes that would be due if you had eventually sold the stock yourself. To claim a charitable deduction, you have to be able to itemize deductions on your taxes. Charitable g i f t i n g c a n ge t mor e complex if you choose to integrate your charitable giv ing w ith your estate plans to help you reduce your taxable estate. The estate tax is consistently debated in Congress, and the exemption level has fluctuated in recent years, so it’s not easy to predict if you could eventually subject your heirs to these ta xes. Nonetheless, you

can still work with your tax and legal advisors now to take steps to reduce any possible estate tax burden in the years ahead. One such step might i nvolve est abl ish i ng a charitable remainder trust . Under this arrangement, you’d place some assets, such as appreciated stocks or real estate, in a trust, which could then use these assets to pay you a lifetime i ncome st rea m. W hen you establish the trust, you may be able to receive a ta x deduct ion based on the charitable group’s “remainder interest” — the amount the charity is likely to ultimately receive. (This figure is determined by an IRS formula.) Upon your death, the trust would relinquish the remaining assets to the charitable or ga n i z at ion you’ve na med. Keep in mind, though, that this type of trust can be complex. To establish one, you’ll need to work with your tax and legal advisors. Of course, you can also choose to prov ide your loved ones with monetary gifts while you’re still alive. You can give up to $14,000 per year, per individual, to as many people as you choose without incurring the gift tax. For example, if you have three children, you cou ld g ive t hem a cumulative $42,000 in a single year — and so could your spouse. Tha nksgiv ing is a fine time to show your generosity. And, as we’ve seen, being generous can be rewarding — for your recipients and yourself. Edw a rd Jones, it s employees and financial adv isors are not estate p l a n n e r s a n d c a n n ot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Fina ncia l Adv isor. Bob Krygsheld located at 501 W Exchange St. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2892.

Internet Edition

Day Care


In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smoke-free home. 2198 9 5 -3 5 47 w w w. hobartmontessori.

Electricia n : Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Chgo, IN, IL . Ser v ice upg rades, rewires & new construction. Trenching, garage electric. Commercial & residential. Free estimates. Major credit cards accepted. 219-8530085

Drywall Repair H a n d y “A l l ” D r y w a l l Repair, plaster repair, light const r uct ion, inter ior decorat ing & inter ior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

R e s i d e nt i a l E l e c t r i c a l : Circuit problems diagnosed a nd repa i red. Sw itch/ Outlet/Light Replacement sm a l l jobs OK ! C a l l for i n for mat ion/pr ici ng/ scheduling. 708-474-8260

Finance Finance: Cash loan paid to anyone receiving a monthly pension check of $400/mo. or more. Contact Maurice. 773-595-5847 or 312-8331071

Gutter Cleaning Kustom Electric. We offer a w ide va riet y of electrica l ser v ices for residentia l & c om m e r c i a l pr op e r t i e s . Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295

Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345

Home Improvement/ Repair A& A Ser vices. Plumbing, c a r pent r y, lock s, door s, elec t r ic a l, w i nd da mage repa i rs, roof top repa i rs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior discount. Insured. Free est i mates. 219-8652345 Disc ou nt Home I mpr ovement : D r y w a l l , carpentry, painting, small elect rica l, plumbing, ceramic, laminate flooring, glass block, gutter cleaning, a nd clea n outs. A lso handy man ser v ices. Ca ll. 708-207-0644

Legal Services A t t o r n e y / C PA J u l i o P i m e nt e l n e e d s c a s e s . Attor ney fees ; simple bankruptcy $ 600, divorce $400, income taxes, etc. 25 yrs. exp. 708-513-5518

Congratulations to our 3 winners from our Pumpkin Coloring Contest...

Suggested retail value


un. f t i e k a m it yours. s e e k c i n u . f a t i o e ak h You m . ces m make it yoursC i o h C You 29.95


Suggested retail value



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Tsince the bead bracelets.






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Dine-in only. Nov. 19-D ec. 3, 2013 only. Must bring this coupon for Free Churros

HOURS Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat: 11am to 9pm Sun: 11am to 6pm • Mon: CLOSED

Say I saw it in The Shopper

4 November 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Services


Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing & Repair. Free estimates. Illiana Woodworking. 708-297-8191

Qua lity Painting & Scraping Service. Interior a nd E x ter ior. Power washing, stain decks, regla ze w indows, strip w a l lp a p er, e t c . Fr e e est imates. Ca l l Norma nd 708-596-2170

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450

Plumbing Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blin k? For plumbing troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335

Batter y Back-up P u mps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we c a n f i nd . W it voet Plumbing 708-331-7335 Br a d for d-W h it e w at e r heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast insta llat ion. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500 Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i ns, rodd i ng, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, f lood cont rol va lves. Dra in Experts. 708-259-9721, 219313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full ser v ice plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Ca ll 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

Internet Edition

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Sid i ng, Rubber, Hot Ta r. Roof Cer ts. Free Roof I n s p e c t i o n s . License #104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted On l i ne Travel Agents Ne e de d . No e x p e r ie nc e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999

Help Wanted: Part & Full T i m e D r i v i n g O p p or t u n i t i e s . S e e k i n g CDL-A d r ivers to ser v ice la rge distribution center. Ve r y f le x i ble s c he du le s ava i lable. Pr ima r y t ravel area is 50-300 miles from Ol ney, IL . Mu lt iple stop. 888-385 -4127 w w w.

DO YOU NEED MONEY TO PAY FOR DAMAGES TO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS PROPERTY? *Fire, *Smoke *Windstorm or Hail *Vandalism *Theft *Roof Leaks *Toilet Overflows *Freezing of Plumbing, Heating or A.C., *Busted pipes *Weight of Ice, Snow or Sleet *Accidental Discharge or Overflow of Water or Steam *Water stains *Cracked Tiles *Sewer Backups *Collapse *Accidental Damages To: Carpets, Cabinets, Wallpaper, Siding, Racoon Damage & Many Others



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Say I saw it in The Shopper

5 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Throw the Snow SALE


10 OFF Any Boot


10 OFF

$ $75 Or More Carhartt Purchase

Purchase $75 Or More

Come See Our Latest Stock

Not valid with any other offer. Offer only good at Dyer and Munster locations. Expires 12/15/13

Not valid with any other offer. Offer only good at Dyer and Munster locations. Expires 12/15/13

Power Clear 418

Power Clear 621

Great for 1 or 2 Car Drives

Great for most paved drives






• 18” Clearing Width • Powerful Toro OHV Engine • Power Curve Rotor • Rotor Propelling • 2 Year Full Warranty Model 38272 Electric Start Model $399*


Power Clear 621QZR Great for most paved drives



• 21” Clearing Width • Powerful Toro Engine • Power Curve Rotor • Self Propelling • Throws Snow Up to 30ft • 2 Year Full Warranty Model 38451 Electric Start Model $569*

• 21” Clearing Width • 4 Cycle OHV Engine • Self Propelling • Throws Snow Up to 35ft • 2 Year Full Warranty Model 38588 Electric Start Model $769*

*Price subject to local dealer option. See dealer for warranty details.

Sale $499.99

Sale $679.99

with card

with card

-$50 You Pay





You Pay

Craftsman® 21” Electric Start SingleStage Snowthrower

Craftsman® 24” Self-Propelled DualStage Snowthrower

7296114 Limit 1 at this price

7314750 Limit 1 at this price




$ 99


DeWalt® Bit Sets or Saw Blades

red hot buy




Sale $169.99

red hot buy

-$30 You Pay

with card



DeWalt® 18 Volt Compact Drill & Impact Driver Kit

2302008. Limit 4 at this price. Case/bag may vary.

red hot buy 3455 Ridge Rd. Lansing, IL


DeWalt 16” Tradesman’s Tool Bag

2382891, 2392447, 2363281, 2209518, 2133262








1150 Sheffield Ave. Dyer, IN

1820 - 45th Ave. Munster, IN

Say I saw it in The Shopper

6 November 20, 2013

Homes For Sale

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale Top floor over lake, Lansing golf course, 2 bed, 2 bath, appliances, kitchen, dining sets. $91,900. Mike Kosich, Caldwell, 312-316-2314

Apartments For Rent

Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, C a l u m e t C it y. 2-b d r m ., 1-bath, full basement, a ll new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499

Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Har vey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900.

Apt . for rent : Ha r vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clea n, pay ut i lit ies, stove & refrigerator included. Also s le epi ng r o om for rent , pr iv ate bat h, f re e c able $500/mo. 708-596-7514


You are invited to take a journey to share in the true meaning of the Christmas season. Travel on foot as in Bible times. The journey will take about 20 minutes as you travel from Nazareth of Galilee to Bethlehem of Judea. Stop on the way to visit Mary, Joseph, and King Herod. Visit the inn and see how it felt to be told there’s no room available. See the shepherds tending their sheep in the field. Your journey will conclude with the discov­ ery of the Christ child born in a humble stable in Bethlehem. T h i s e i g h t- s c e n e w a l k t h r o u g h re-enactment of the Christmas story is a



*Based on typical installation. Not valid with any other offers.


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6th An

Saturday November 23 10am-4pm Hohman Avenue, Sibley and Fayette Streets

• View the movie — “A Christmas Story” Show times: 11:00am and 1:30pm General seating — first come first serve (Donations Appreciated) • Visit with Santa and elves • Story characters look-a-like contest • Cookie baking contest • Stardust Bowl and Strack & Van Til’s — turkey bowling • Cabela’s — pop gun prize contest

Journey Of Joy

Apts. for Rent : Ca lumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $625-$750/mo. + security. No pets. 708-589-5720



Apt. for rent: $750, Nice two bedroom apt. in So. Holland. Must pass credit screening, no utilities included. Rent and security required. 312485-5495

Held annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving

• South Shore Arts — kids arts project • Food vendors • Arts & crafts and garage sale vendors • Home Depot’s — Santa’s workshop • Vintage classroom: Free book giveaway and letters to Santa • Live holiday music And many more magical surprises!

Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551 Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . He a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $700/mo. $30 application free. 708491-9155 Ha r ve y, I L . Q u ite Neighborhood, building has on ly 2 apa r t ments, up & dow n . 1st f loor ha s 3 bedrooms, available now, $850/mo. + 1 mo. security. Sec. 8 OK. 708-720-1544

Calumet City Large 2 bdrm A pt s . Ha r d w o o d f lo or s . Stove/Refrigerator. On-site laundry, $800/mo. Call Mr. & Mrs. Harris. 708-251-8563 Large 600 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom apartment in B u r n h a m , I L . He a t , water, sewer, garbage included. New carpet and paint. $1,000 deposit. Rent $500. Call 219-742-8505 Apt . for rent : Ha r vey 3-bdrm. 15534 S. Tu r l i n g t o n . H a r d w o o d f loors throughout, ceiling f a n s, w a sher/d r yer i n basement. $700/mo. + 1mo. security. 312-909-2438

For Sale only $5 a piece ALL NEW: Labcoats, warm-up jackets, scrubs, and accessories with a variety of colors. Sizes XS-4X.

Make this Downtow n Hammon new holida d event yo y tradition ur favorite that is fill Enjoy IND ed with no OOR and O stalgia! UTDOOR ev for every member of ents and ac the family tivities ! • Horse and carriage rides

wonderful opportunity to present the gospel to your friends and neighbors as well as a great way to start the holiday season. Jesus truly is the reason for the season. Don’t miss the experience of Journey of Joy! Enjoyable for all ages. Mark your calendar now and come for a free 20 minute guided tour given on Friday, December 13 from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. and on Satur­d ay, December 14, from 4 - 7 p.m. at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church, 16556 Cottage Grove Avenue, Sout h Hol la nd, Illinois. For more informa­t ion, call 708/3310391.


Save this ad for future purchase.

708-889-1049 for more information Visit 5243 Hohman to get your punch card to enter into our drawing for a chance to win your very own leg lamp!

• Design your own ugly lamp shade

FOOT FACTS Dr. Michael McDermott D.P.M.

16250 Louis Avenue Suite A So. Holland, IL 60473

Athlete’s Feet

Hammond IS Happening! or call 219.512.4298 (Please note that calls are accepted 9am-7pm only) The Downtown Hammond Council is a Not-For-Profit organization comprised of VOLUNTEERS whose mission is to promote, beautify, and revitalize our downtown!

Internet Edition

Apt. for rent : Sout h Holla nd, 2nd f loor, ver y large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water i ncluded. Secu r it y deposit required. $840/mo. 708-774-9100

Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity

Home for sale: 658 Price, Calumet City. 2-bdrm. Full basement. Back ya rd. Ga rage great investment. Low pr ice $16,900. Ma ke offer. Today. Better Home R.E. 708-825-9593

Lansing, 18408 S. Torrence, 2 n d f l o o r, 1- b d r m . Appl ia nces, tena nt pay s elect ric, ca r pet. 708-4180629

VOLUNTEER, sponsorship, member, and vendor opportunities available…join us! Like us on Facebook to receive event notifications or visit us at

Athlete’s feet is caused by a fungus which is commonly found associated with the feet. It is characterized by a burning or itching of the sole of the foot or between two toes. Many times the skin appears very moist but can also appear dry with peeling skin. It usually begins as small brown blisters with clear yellowish liquid inside. These usually turn darker when peeled to reveal red, sometimes raw skin. Prescription medications are many times needed to control the disease. If you have any questions concerning athlete’s feet or any other foot problems, please stop by or call my office during office hours.


Say I saw it in The Shopper

7 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition


SKYY-VODKA 1.75 LT $19.96

JIM BEAM 1.75 LT $21.96

REMY MARTIN V.S.O.P. 750 ML $31.96


GREY GOOSE 1.75 LT $49.96 750 ML $22.96

CIROC VODKA 1.75 LT $49.96 750 ML $22.96

KETEL ONE 1.75 LT $24.96 750 ML $15.96

SEAGRAM’S VODKA 1.75 LT $15.96 750 ML $8.96


MACALLAN 12 YEAR 750 ML $44.96

MACALLAN 10 YEAR 750 ML $34.96

CROWN ROYAL 1.75 LT $35.96 750 ML $19.96


BAILEY’S 750 ML $15.96

BACARDI RUM 1.75 LT $16.96




JOSE CUERVO 1.75 LT $24.96 750 ML $13.96

DON JULIO 1.75 LT $49.96 750 ML $29.96 BLANCO

JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK 1.75 LT $48.96 750 ML $23.96

HENNESSY V.S. 750 ML $23.96

CANADIAN CLUB 1.75 LT $16.96

E&J BRANDY 1.75 LT $17.96 750 ML $7.96

CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY 1.75 LT $17.96 750 ML $7.96

COURVOISIER V.S. 750 ML $20.96







FIREBALL 750 ML $12.96

MAKER’S MARK 750 ML $22.96


SVEDKA VODKA 1.75 LT $14.96 750 ML $8.46

RUM CHATA 750 ML $15.96

ABSOLUT 1.75 LT $25.96 750 ML $16.96

PATRON SILVER 1.75 LT $69.96 750 ML $31.96


NEW AMSTERDAM VODKA OR GIN 1.75 LT $14.96 750 ML $9.96

UV VODKA 1.75 LT $11.96

RONRICO RUM 1.75 LT $12.96

JACK DANIELS 1.75 LT $39.96 750 ML $20.96

GRAND MARNIER 1.75 LT $58.96 750 ML $26.96

JOHNNIE WALKER RED 1.75 LT $29.96 750 ML $17.96

SEAGRAM’S V.O. 1.75 LT $19.96






BELVEDERE 1.75 LT $35.96 750 ML $19.96

JAMESON 1.75 LT $39.96 750 ML $19.96

TANQUERAY GIN 1.75 LT $28.96 750 ML $13.96



C.K. MONDAVI 1.5 LT $6.96

CELLAR NO.8 750 ML $7.96

MARTELL 750 ML $18.96

1800 TEQUILA 1.75 LT $29.96 750 ML $19.96


SEAGRAM’S 7 CROWN 1.75 LT $17.96









24 Pk Cans

12 Pk Btls

12 Pk Btls

12 Pk Btls





SALES DATES: NOVEMBER 18th - 30th 2013

Pictures are for illustrative purposes only and may or may not represent actual products. Kennan Liquors is not responsible for typographical errors and will not honor any misprints nor mistakes.

Please Remember To Drink Responsibly


37 JOLIET DYER, IN • 219-865-8501

Say I saw it in The Shopper

8 November 20, 2013

Apt. for rent: Calumet City. 2-bdrm., carpeted, A/C, heat i nc lude d . $ 8 6 0 /mo. + security. No pets. Available now. 708-891-1555 Apt. for rent: Calumet City. Large one bedroom : Includes heat and water, in qu iet 4-f lat, sen iors welcome. Bus route $600 + security. 708-895-7855

Apt. for rent : 2-bdrm or 3-bdrm. located in Burnham $750-$900. 219552-5767 Apt. for rent: Hammond, IN. 2-bdrms, renovated new windows, tenant pays gas and electric $725 a month, 4417 Hickory. 708-243-9670

Homes For Rent Home for rent : La nsing, 3-bd r m. 2-bat hs, cent ra l A/C, fireplace, appliances i n c l u d e d . Ut i l i t i e s n o t included. $1350/mo. + sec. 219-718-3370

A DOR A BLE C A LUMET CITY HOUSE-Quiet Neighborhood, 3BR, H a r d w o o d F l o or s , A /C , Stove/Refrigerator, Washer/ Dr yer, Garage, Basement$1250 plus sec u r it y- NO PETS Section 8 OK - 708259-3487

FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning for RESIDENTS OF LANSING who ARE IN NEED.

Patients will receive: • Oral Exam • Oral Cancer exam • Teeth Cleaning • Fluoride Application • Blood Pressure

Internet Edition Home for sale: Sauk Village, 3-bd r m., 1-bat h, 6 room house with 2-1/2 car garage. Refrigerator & stove. Credit check, sec. 8 ok. $1,100/mo. 708-935-5558

Hammond South, Indiana house for rent. 3-bd r m., 1-bath. Garage, fenced yard $885/mo. + security deposit. 219-923-7295 or 219-3084788

Home for rent : Ca lumet C it y. 3 - b d r m . 2 - b a t h s , c ent r a l A /C , appl ia nc e s i n c l u d e d . Ut i l i t i e s n o t included. $1,350/mo. + sec. Call Algie. 708-868-3554

Home for rent : 4-bdr m. Dolton, newly remodeled. Section 8 ok. Utilities not included $1100 per month. Garage, huge backyard. 708214-0463

Home for rent: Sauk Village. Adorable 3-bdrm. bath with linen closet, eat in kitchen, C /A . Fe nc e d y a r d , s ide driveway. $950 + sec. Call 708-785-9497

We Gladly Welcome

All Former Komo’s Customers NO SALES TAX - On Fresh Meat

Appointments are most Tuesday mornings. To make an appointment call: 708.474.7717 The FREE Dental Exam and Teeth Cleaning is a community ministry of the New Hope Church Dental at 3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL


Meat Chop



2123 NorthWinds Dr., Dyer

(Behind Dunkin’ Donuts in Briarwood Commons on U.S. 30)

Phone 219-322-8760 · Fax 219-322-8762

Open Mon.–Fri. 8am–7pm · Sat. 8am–6pm · Sun. 10am–4pm

Accepts: Visa / Master Card / Discover / EBT Cards IL & IN

Check out our website:


... tell us what’s on your mind!

Readers voicing their opinions, thoughts and concerns


You are cordially invited to our Christmas Open House on December 6th & 7th this year. We are trying something new and having vendors, such as Scentsy, knit scarves, candles, purses, jewelry, etc. If you know of anyone who sells unique hand crafted items and would like to be a vender, please have them contact the salon at 219.322.9454 Christmas Gift Cards are now ready. Buy $100 gift card and receive $20 Intrigue Holiday Cash FREE! During our Christmas Open House we will be offering some discounted services. • Manicure $15, • Pedicure $25, • 1/2 Hour Massage $25, • Woman’s Haircuts $17, • Men’s Haircuts $15

Schedule 3 Massages For $150 (Normally $180)

Do you enjoy exclusive discounts? Join our VIP Text Club, text A197 to 36000.


Residents of Calumet City have probably received a post card introducing the new “Shop Calumet City” program. This project, the brainchild of Alderman Thaddeus Jones is designed to boost the local economy, support our local business community and generate revenue for schools and other municipal projects. It’s a great idea. Probably long overdue. It also seems to be somewhat incomplete in its scope. In recent months, we’ve seen several major businesses pack up and leave town (Sears, Old Navy, etc.). Numerous small businesses have had to shut their doors, as well. River Oaks mall looks like a ghost town sometimes; Wentworth Woods looks even worse. Shopping local is the responsibility of citizens in communities everywhere, isn’t it? I often hear people grumble, “THEY need to put more stores here.” Well, the fact of the matter is, WE need to make setting up shop here in Calumet City a profitable endeavor. But shopping local is a two-way street. Businesses need to understand how to promote themselves and provide top-notch customer experiences for their local clientele. Owners can’t complain about a lack of customers if they’re just sitting and waiting for us to come. It’s the responsibility of those people running the businesses to give customers a good reason to spend money with them. We want to support you! But you have to let us know you’re there. You have to show us how we will benefit from shopping with you. You have to be a real part of the community and create real value for the people in our neighborhoods. Then we’ll happily patronize your store. That’s the give and take of a shop local program. I think both lanes on this two-way street could use some repairs. Hopefully Alderman Jones program will be a step in the right direction. Speak Out is your chance to express your opinion, anonymously. You can e-mail us at Please keep your comments as short as possible. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the author.

If you like reading Speak Out, check out Speak Out Online for more postings. Find Us On

Say I saw it in The Shopper

9 November 20, 2013

Project Based Learning Christ Our Savior Catholic School has i nt roduced Project Based Lea r n i ng to provide 21st century skills to its students in all grades. The program challenges students with an open-ended “Driving Question.” Students work together in small teams to research and work-through a project in a logica l sequence to answer the driv ing question. The final product is presented to the class in oral presentations, artwork, visual and sound media and other creative outlets. The fifth grade students are tackling the “Kindred Project” which will help them learn about their family histories. As they learn about their own families, they will also research the past few decades of American culture and how our culture relates to their family history. The students use the skills they’ve learned in social studies, language and fine arts and technology. Fifth Grade teacher Maura Smyth said, “Students will learn a lot of new information and retain it through different means that will be presented in both typical and not so

typical ways.” A s each pa r t of t he project is developed, students will achieve a deeper understanding of the material taught, and it will raise their awareness of American culture as well as motivate them to further study their own families. A Christ Our Sav ior Catholic School education incorporates a Christian faithbased education with high standards, strong motivation, effective discipline and an atmosphere of caring to promote excellence and high quality student performance in a safe suburban setting. The school located at 900 East 154th Street in South Holland, Illinois, offers pre-kindergarten for three and four year olds and a full day kindergarten through eighth grade curriculum. Financial assistance is available. Please call the school office at 708-333-8173 for information and to schedule a tour. Additional information is available on the school’s website at www. and on its Facebook page.

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent Condo for rent: Lynwood, L a k e s hor e D r. 2-b d r m ., 1-3/4 bat h, A/C, Ba lcony. Washer/Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Faci ng L a ke. $1100/negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177

Avoid Big Clinics & Long Waits!

Rooms For Rent Room for rent : Fu l ly f u r n i s he d r o o m i n m y home. Includes gas, electric, c able (i n room) a nd k it privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544

Internet Edition

Room for rent : Fu l ly f u r n i s he d r o o m i n m y home. Includes gas, electric, cable (i n room) a nd k it. privileges. W/D available. $100 per week. Call Algie. 708-868-3554

FOUND- sweet da rk gray t abby/w h ite ma le c at . D olt on a r ou nd 14 4t h & Chicago Road. ema il

Lost & Found

Office Space For Rent Off ice Space : South Hol la nd C le a n , v a r iou s sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, pa rk ing. Mi ke 708339-8068

Pets For Sale: 11# Black female Pood le /Pomera nia n to loving family. UTD on shots a nd v acci nat ion s. $ 350/ OBO. 708-476-1819

Wanted Wa nted : Running or not snow blowers, lawn mowers, roto t i l lers, pressu re washers, old mini-bikes, gas engines, parts & tools, cheap 219-484-7376 Wanted: Old beer cans and old beer ca n col lect ions. Will buy, sell or trade. 219836-8907

Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16t h in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text any time. 219779-1986

Wa nt to Buy : Postca rds from the 1930’s & earlier. Especially holiday postca rds, a nd ot her postca rds too. (tol l f ree) 1-877-202-1563 Wa nte d : Motor c y cle s , Broken, Un-f i x able, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ex t. 91872#

~ Celebrating Our 40th Anniversary ~

OPEN HOUSE Friday Nov 22nd and Saturday Nov 23rd Refreshments will be served

Call Dr. Paul Stepanczuk

Munster | (219) 836-9488

Foot & Ankle Podiatry Services

On site X-Ray, Ultrasound, Orthotics. Shoes, and Sandals

To Our Friends and Customers,

May your blessings be many When Thanksgiving is here And your joys be plentiful All through the year.

Styles By Marti The Shop for the Whole Family 1021 E. 162nd St., South Holland


pa, Grand art th is Sm d Stran is ing carpet ft. so so

Customers still enjoy the same personal service and the great selection available to them over the last 40 years. We are pleased to announce that we recently expanded the store with the addition of many antiques and vintage pieces. Come in see what is new! • Hundreds of Lamp Shades in stock • Complete lamp repair service • Antique & Vintage Lamps • Custom made lamps

• Finials • Gift Certificates • Antiques & Vintage pieces 1810 45th St. Munster, IN


Hours: Tuesday through Friday ~ 9:30 to 5:00 & Saturday ~ 9:30 to 3:00



17843 Torrence Ave • Lansing, IL 708-474-9565

Visit us online at Hours: Mon - Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10-4pm, Closed Sunday

Carpet • Laminate • Vinyl • Hardwood • Providing Excellent Customer Service Since 1961

$15; 1.50

hair, cane 641-

mens rage avox cord 877-

elled y by Be s t cord City. 351-

four one one able 341-


case. Question: What do I do if my dog bites someone? Answer: question. The insurance industry reports Say I sawIt’s it ina timely The Shopper

that insurer’s costs tied to dog bites surged last year, with the Wa nt e dclaim : Old Ha m 12 mond small neumatic air average jumping percentWanted: or more on medical fees, legal csettlements o n s o l e oand rgan s , awards. L e s l i e Most pinn na i ler a nd a renter’s 1”x 36” jury homeowner’s and spea kers,policies old tube g uita r abdog e l t /liability G ” dclause i s c . as s apart n d eofr insurance usually have amplifiers, old juke boxes, stainonary mounuted and their standard coverage, but that may not be enough to cover old vibraphones. Call 219- an spllitting maul. 708-532damages and liability in a civil suit. If your dog bites someone 801-0955 8337 and you find yourself on the receiving end of a dog bite claim, report theLawnmower incident to your insurance Wanted: with A s ecompany, t of c h ibut ld realize t r a i n iyou ng BNS engine, running or wheels for a 20” bike and a may also neednot to hire an attorney to defend you. busted up. 708-753-0021 ma nua l ha nd pencil 708-532-8337 Question: How can I find out ifsharpener. my legal problem is serious Wanted: Small motorcycle enough to warrant the services of a lawyer? any shape, reasonable price, Automobiles Answer: It’s easy. Illinois log splitter a ny The shape or Lawyer Finder Service (www., operated by the Illinois State pa r ts, Mercur y pump for Conversion Van For saleBar or Association, offers consumers a referral a qualifying lawyer. power washer. 708-474-8221 Rental.to15-passenger van. You can search the online directory free of by entering Deluxe. Nocharge mileage charge. Wanted: D icode. s c ouAn nt option sp e c iisa lto Ver y the field ofToro-snow-blower practice, county and zip the model CCR2000E. 708-868- clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, hotline at (888) 662-3851 to receive the name of a lawyer, who 6988 800-650-0011for no more than will provide an initial 30-minute consultation $25.nted You are under no obligation Wa : Compa n ion 1-2 to F ohire r that s a l elawyer. : 2003 Ford days weekly. Leave complete Explorer Eddie Bauer rare phone nu mber. 219-922For more information about law, visit V6,Illinois A/C, 4W drive, 3rdwww. row 8891 If you seats, have afull legalpower, question, it likesend new, to Wanted: If you could donate heated leather seats, also a t w i n bed set. I wou ld aluminum running boards Worth much more. appreciate it, arm thanks. 708- $5,700. 10 inch Radial saw, Sears Mirro electrical smoke house, Ca ll Jim. 708-267-0723 or 527-4529 Craftman, $100. 219-365- 708-636-4350 $35; Crown pallet jack 5000#, 2954 exc. working cond. 708-8916226

PHONE: (708) 333-2117


Would you like to have an impact on the lives of needy children around the world? You can do that this year by partnering with Samaritan’s Purse who has been sending gift- filled shoe boxes around the world for children living in desperate situations. It’s amazing to think that small items we often take for granted in the U.S. – soap, a toothbrush and pencils—can bring excitement and hope to a child living in extreme poverty overseas. The Operation Christmas Child, which was started in 1993, collects filled shoe boxes every November to be sent overseas to more than 90 countries to children suffering from war, famine, disease, natural disaster, and poverty. Each gift is a tangible expression to a hurting child that they are loved and not forgotten. Operat ion Ch r ist mas Ch i ld For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 L iter V8 Ru ns but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309

For sa le : 199 8 Merc u r y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309


Eye Site

Dr. Jay Gulotta Dr. Gene Ossello Family Practice of Optometry 833-835 East 162nd Street South Holland, IL 60473

For sale: 2000 Dodge Neon, 26MPG, 100,800 miles, new tires. Valued at $3333 as per Kel ly Blue Book sel l for $2,500. 219-322-6965

For sa le : 2005 Buick Lacrosse, low miles, 60k. Very good condition, fully loaded. Asking $8,500. Leave message. 708-744-2851

For s a le : 19 9 8 L i nc ol n Tow nc a r. 9 7,0 0 0 m i l e s , si lver, black c a nv a s top $4,800 ; 1997 GMC S u b u r b a n . B u r g u n d y, $3,500, senior owned. Good condition. 708-612-6788

For sale: 1996 Chevy 1500C ExtendedCab V8 4.8L. Vortex Air intake,Chrome Bedrails, To w i n g pkg. A/C, Cr u ise,Ti lt,Power windows&locks. Cd,AM/FM 128676 Miles Fair Condition. 708-308-4348

Four conveniently located offices in Merrillville, Schererville and Valparaiso NEW LOCATION - MUNSTER

Glaucoma Treatment Laser Co-Management Cataract Co-Management Optometry since 1942

8213 Calumet Ave. Munster, IN 46321 (Next to Chipotle)

• Medicare Supplement Plans • Medicare Part D - Prescription Drug Plans • Medicare Disability Plans • Medicare Advantage Plans

219-736-7800 1-800-821-0604

Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Retinal Photography Automated Visual Fields

She deserves the best

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Area Code & Phone Number

Private Party Ads


$10/week IL and IN

$25 for 4 weeks, 20 words in IL and IN

Free ads run if space is available.

Fred M. Ulayyet Licensed Insurance Agent


3334 Ridge Road Lansing, Illinois 708-474-0349


1 ______________

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We carry a line of clothing for your SPECIAL people • Wheelchair Dresses • Hospital Gowns • Snap-Back Dusters S-M-L-XL-XX

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10% discount for 4-12 weeks 15% discount for 13 weeks or more

For sale: 1994 Ford F150 4x4 w it h c ap. Rebu i lt motor $1800 or best offer. 708-8418655

Insurance Services

Classified Ad Form

$20/week for 20 words In IL or IN ($25/ week both zones) ($1 each addl. word, 40 word max)

2003 Toyota Corolla LE, si lver, f u l ly loaded, pw r. lock s. 135,6 87 m i les, 1- o w n e r, $ 10 , 0 0 0 . We l l maintained. Serious inquires only. 708-271-7631

Senior Care


Business Ads

For sa le : 20 05 Ch r y sler 300C, silver, Hemi engine, sun roof, chrome wheels, backup sensors, 96,000mi, great shape, only $7,900, call 219-365-0441.

Get the best in Medicare Supplement Insurance!

Eye Care for the Whole Family Large Selection of Designer Eyewear Prescriptions Filled Saturday and Evening Hours New Patients Welcome

church at 219-365-1100. The hours they are open during the collection week of November 18th - November 25th are as follows: Mon, Thurs, & Fri Nov 18th, Nov 21st & Nov 22nd hours are: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tues & Wed Nov 19th & 20th hours are: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Sat – Nov 23rd hours are: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sun – Nov 24th hours are: 1:00 p.m. – 3 p.m. Mon – (Last day to drop off shoe boxes) Nov 25th hours are: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. If you want more information about the organization that sponsors O p e r a t ion C h r i s t m a s C h i ld y ou may v isit their project’s website at

Turning 65 or Older?



Internet Edition

encourages ca ring people to pack empty large shoe boxes (wrapped in Christmas paper or plastic boxes the size of a child’s large boot box) with school supplies, toys, hygiene items, ot her s m a l l g i f t s, a nd p er s on a l notes. For many of these children, the shoebox gift will be the first gift they have ever received. Anyone can participate in Operation Christmas Child and the time to pack a shoebox gift is now! Village Church in Dyer Indiana at 14849 W. 93rd Avenue, Dyer, is once again one of the drop off centers for South Lake County. They are located bet ween St. Joh n a nd Dyer in St. John Township on 93rd Avenue near Sheffield Road. There will be someone there to collect your boxes and prepare them for their destination. If you need additional information you may call the

For sale: 1991 Oldsmobile Grand Marquis, 4-door, V-8, blue interior, white interior, color privale. Selling $4,500. 95,000 original miles, nonsmoker. 219-322-8168

For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista c r u i s e r, g o o d r u n n e r, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896


Operation Christmas Child Collection

For sale : 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309.



10 November 20, 2013

Household Items under $250 and Pets under $100

Stand Out!

We have 100’s of free ads submitted each week. To assure your ad is printed, please select the $10 option above.

Add a border - $5/week Add a picture - $5/week (can only be applied to paid ads)

708-331-1111 1-800-410-5250 FAX

708-333-9630 The Shopper


Say I saw it in The Shopper

11 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition






HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 am to 9 pm, SUNDAY 8 am to 6 pm South Holland Store Open Sunday 11 am to 7 pm Sugardale

California Fresh

Smoked Ham Shank Portion


Broccoli Crowns





California Sweet Whole

Indiana Kitchen

Peeled Baby Carrots

Spiral Sliced Half Ham



1 Lb. Pkg.


$ 99



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US No. 1




Grade “A”

Frozen Norbest Turkey 12 - 24 Lb.

Green Beans


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

12 November 20, 2013

“Walk On the Water SSC Volleyball Team Advances with Me!” Part 3 to National Tournament

For sale: 1999 Honda Civic, r uns g reat, black 4-door, sunroof, automatic 170,000 mi. $4,500/obo. 708-9534108

ood 477-

$50. 70

2004 Chev y Monte Carlo $4,995 plus $350 tax.; 2004 ANNA M. CAISON Hyundai Sante Fe compact focus for this when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. SU V $Peter, 5950 the plus $16oftainspiration x. w wwriting, w.cheapcarshammond. experienced many walks of faith When the prescribed treatment failed, com (We finance). 877-818following his initial walk with Jesus on the increasing the risk of survival, my only 4726 stormy Sea of Galilee. One particular walk alternative was surgery. What if they make of faith after prayer a mistake? What if I die on the operation 1999 Chevbegan y Express 3500 that included an unusual vision plus and a$172 command to enter table? How come God won’t just make the Cargo van $2,450 house of aTrailblazer Gentile soldier and explain cancer disappear? Why does He choose to tax;the 2002 Chevy him heal me through the scalpel of a surgeon? m ethe c h agospel n i c stop e c i aand l a his n d household (Acts drives, $1950 10). needs Homestrans. of non-Jewish people were As the scheduled date for the surgery p l believed us $ 1to3 be 7 . unclean, w w wand . any Jew who neared I became increasingly distressed cheapca rsha m entered their home would also become and worried until the Lord spoke to me (Weunclean. finance).But 877-818-4726 Peter obeyed Jesus’ call to from 1 John 4:17. Next week part 4 of Cornelius. This summer I’ll be leading a Women’s 1 9 9walk 4 Fwith o r dHim S uinto p e rthe d uhouse ty Bible Study “Water Walking with Jesus” c o nOn t r that a c t oday r bPeter o x- slearned e r v i c eno race of people were excluded from Salvation in Christ as in my home on Tuesday evenings from truck-Diesel workhorse with dual strong, low hewheels witnessand the baptism of the Holy Spirit on 7:00pm – 8:30pm beginning June 26 – July mi le diesel household. eng ine $ 3995 Cornelius’ 31. If you’d like to attend send me an plus $280 tax; 2003 y will be called Throughout ourChev life we email (or letter) for the address. We will be Impala sporty, 4-dr. vehicle. to take numerous walks on the water with exploring Jesus’ call to Peter to “Come,” and $4995 plus $350 tax. w w w. Jesus. Each walk will lead to an increase walk on the water with Him and how this cheapca rsha m of our faith in Him. Samuel did, Peter did, passage of scripture impacts our walk with (We finance). 877-818-4726 the town people of Samaria did, many the Lord. There is no charge to attend. others did, and so will we. Each of us will For questions and/or comments, send an Antiques/Classics be challenged to step out of our boat of Suburban email to . Or you IV District B Coach of the Year and The South College Women’s Region 1973 Cadillac El Dorado comfort and cross seeminglyVolleyball treacherous write at:Region Anna Caison, c/oMelva New Smith (Thornwood High School, Teamcan won the me 2013 IV SSC’s C o waters u p e . to A lknow w a y sJesus s t omore. r e d , District B Championship Communitylast Church, South Ave., Holland resident) and Julia Novotny week 14801 after Lincoln original show room,walks new of infaith One of many for me was 60419. defeat i ng MoraDolton, i ne VaILl ley Com mu n it y (Il l ia na Ch r ist ia n Hig h School, Sout h a n d o u t , 14 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , College in five sets. The Lady Bulldogs will Holland resident) made the Regional Allsacrifice $11,000, insured for in the National Tournament Tournament Team. Hose real carts, upright size Very compete large Glazbo umbrella, more. 708-267-0723 or 708- now A/C & Heating For more information, Coach Babcock rom canvas November 2013, at Owens made by Ames or Suncast, fwhite dark 21-23, strips $50 636-4350 very good cond. as low as $9 Community obo. Alien 5hp snowblower, College in Toledo, Ohio. All of can be reached at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2575. ea. 773-785-7247 electric start, $200. 708-560- liveAir Suburban College is located at 15800 the games will be broadcast on Conditioning www. SouthTuneAuto Parts 0780 up $59.95. S.Repair State St.,&South Holland, Illinois. Dutch boy and Dutch girl, replace air conditioning For sale : Tires and rims. Head Coach Larry Babcock was named kissing ceramic 22 inches. tall 8HP Troybilt Rototiller, runs units. Licensed, insured Denali GMC rims $350 Jeep $50 pair, 25 in. Magnavox & bonded. 25 Yrs. Cherokee rims, a nd t ires good, $85; Craftsman garage tube TV with stand, $20. 708- 4door 2 remotes, $25. Tow E x bar p e rfulton i e n c eMfg . 5,000 PG $250. 708-465-8544 tiresopener and wheels for sale. Un i roy a l P235/75R15 W. 754-0462 708-441-9493Excellent tread. load Mechanical, P205/65R15. 2” ba l l uInc. se d 708onc e. wa ll tire used, ver y good 4 M u s t a n g H u b c a p s . O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. Perfect 703-8385, for 219-680-0944 RV to car $75. condition $40. 708-474-6488 Excellent condition! $75obo $250obo. 773-450-1690 708-474-6488 for all 4. 773-450-1690

iple hing 38” lean Bay 0970

dow 22” ol 1 708-

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ats. kids dults 708-

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Internet Edition

The “Real Life” Real Estate Column

Using credit after a bankruptcy ARTHUR V. VEAL IV Last yea r a lone over 1 million people in t he Un ited States f i led for ba nk r uptcy. Even since t he ba n k r uptc y laws changed a few years back, bankruptcy is still a part of f i n a nc i a l pl a n n i n g i n A me r ic a . How e v e r, i f you have gone t h r u a ba n k r uptc y or a re consider i ng goi ng t h r u a ba n k r uptc y t hen you probably know how tough it is to get a straight answer about if a bankruptcy is right for you. If you ask a bankruptcy attorney if it makes sense to do a bankruptcy they a l most a lways say yes. Most of the time people don’t wa nt to seek out adv ice f rom ot hers because ba n k r uptc y is not ex ac t ly somet h i ng most people want to talk about. But it is important to do your research and ma ke su re ba n k r uptc y is the right step for you. But what about after the bankruptcy? Ve r y l i t t l e t h ou g ht i s e v er g i v en to w h at you shou ld do a f ter a b a n k r u p t c y. M o s t people a re so rel ieved to be f i n i s he d w it h a ba n k r uptc y a nd t he creditors that they don’t put much t houg ht into credit afterwards. That is a problem. You see if you don’t establish new credit then by credit standards your bankruptcy doesn’t get seasoning behind it. In other words, creditors don’t give you points for NOT usi ng you r cred it after a bankruptcy. You must establish new credit or your t imeline stands still. For example, you can buy a new home after about 2 years from Fu r t u ra Advent u rer H/T P265/70R17 ra ised wh ite le t t e r s u s e d t i r e . G o o d cond it ion. $ 50. 708-4746488

t he date a ba n k r uptc y is discharged. However, if you f inish your bankruptcy, wait 2 years without using your credit and then apply for a loan y ou w i l l p r o b a b l y b e denied. Creditors don’t cou nt not usi ng cred it a s b e i n g r e s p on s i b l e . Cred itors on ly cou nt payments and open credit lines as proof that you are responsible. T he be st t h i ng you can do is what’s called a pa ssbook sav i ngs loa n ac c ou nt . It i s a sm a l l secured loan with a local bank that borrows against money that you put into a CD with the bank. Once you pay it of f t hen you get your money back. Its almost like a savings and loan account. It has very low interest and is ver y safe. This is better than the secured credit card offers a nd h ig h i nterest auto loan offers that you will receive after bankruptcy and you can’t be denied for this type of loan. Finally, remember that you need to have at least 3 lines of cred it on you r repor t s A FTER t he ba n k r uptc y and you MUST keep them in good standing. So i f you a re goi ng t hru or f inished w it h a bankruptcy then you must remember to establish new credit. Use that new credit in the most responsible way. It is the only way you will show ever yone that you are ready for stronger credit opportunities. Till next week, Good luck and God Bless and remember… If you want to sell your house on terms check out our informative website at w w w. for more information. Brand new tires P235/60SR14 raised white letters 2 tires $60 each. 708474-6488

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

13 November 20, 2013


Internet Edition



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Say I saw it in The Shopper G o o d Ye a r e a g l e G T P195 = 6 0H R15 bl a c k w a l l tire, brand new $50. 708474-6488

Trucks Truck for sale : 1997 GMC Sierra Z71, E x t. cab 5.7L engine, 4-speed auto transmission, newer tires, toolbox, never plowed snow $3,495. 708-877-6158 2007 GMC Savana cut out 16 foot box truck, perfect for business. 157K miles. Asking $15,000- contact Len 708232-6577

14 November 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Items For Sale New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/ mo., Daybed w/mat t ress $ 4 8/mo., bu n k b e d w/ mat t re s s $ 56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc liv ing room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 w w w. factor ybedd i ng f u r n it u re. com

For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w /a c c e s s or i e s . L i g ht , 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $250. 708906-9265 For sale: (2) 42” wide whitew a she d O a k , b a t h r o om vanities, no tops. $100.00 per each 708-895-5255 For sale : Craftsman generator 3600 Watt, never used in service. $350 firm. 708-333-4357

For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478

For sa le : Cu stom wood blinds 35-1/2” H x 58” W and 43” H x 82” W, $240/obo. Ca l l for deta i ls. 219-9234578

For sa le : S ea sone d oa k firewood, 2 y rs. old. Will deliver, stack ing is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035

2007 Hoveround Tra nsporter GL Scooter $500 ... 2007 Bruno Van Lift - $ 800 or $1,200 for both. Call 219-313-9144 for more info.

Internet Edition

For sale: Dining room set, heavy dark oak table and six c h a i r s, $ 4 0 0. L i k e ne w, non ne got iable. 773-26 30885

Speaking Of Seniors

Medicare Records Needed Update

For sale : Hammond Sounder Organ f rom t he ‘ 7 0 ’s i n g o o d w o r k i n g condition. $200 or best offer. 219-865-2437 For sa le : Rose china complete service for 12. 16 c ups & saucer s, ser v i ng bowls, platters, $ 60. 219838-2446

WOODROW WILCOX On November 12, 2013, a sen ior cit i zen cl ient visited our office to ask for help with a Medicare related med ica l bi l l problem. The client is from Merrillville, Indiana. An agent in our office l i s t ene d to t he c l ient and said, “I think this is a problem for Woody to handle.” I met with the client, listened to his story, a nd decided to phone Medicare with him. What I suspected was correct. Medica re had not updated t he senior citizen’s insurance records for almost three years. He retired in December 2010. It was November 2013. But, Med ica re record s still said that this client was employed and on his employer sponsored group health insurance plan. In one month, the man will have been ret i red a nd off his former employer’s i nsu ra nce pol ic y for THREE YEARS. The bad information w a s g u m m i n g up h i s med ica l bi l l cla i ms. Medicare was not ca lcu lat i ng t he cla i ms amounts correctly because Medicare had not updated the man’s file for almost three years.

For Sale: MTD power snow thrower. Heav y duty tread tires. Used once. Excellent condition. Owner manual. $300.00 or BO 708-275-6674 For sale : PROFORM J6 SI TREADMILL. Power incline. EKG monitor. programmed exercise program $250.00 or BO 708-275-6674


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Today, we started the pr o c e s s of c or r e c t i n g Medicare’s bad records. In about a mont h, our cl ient w i l l be a ble to contact his doctor to ask that the doctor resubmit the incorrectly processed cla ims. We saved t his cl ient a lot of ha s sle, headache, and money. All the help that I gave this client was FREE OF CH A RGE. The ow ners, managers, and staff of this insurance agency really do care about our senior citizen clients. Does your i n s u r a nc e a genc y “go the extra mile” to help its senior citizen clients? If not, why not? Note : Woodrow Wi lcox is the senior medical bill c a se worker at Sen ior Care Insurance Services in Merrillville, Indiana. Wilcox has helped clients of that insurance agency to save over one million d ol l a r s b y c or r e c t i n g medical bill errors that were caused by mistakes in the Medicare system. He wrote the book Solving Medicare Problem$ which is available at Amazon, B a r n e s & Nob l e , a nd w w w. s ol v i n g m e d ic a r e

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

15 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

A Fabulous 50’s Christmas The Towle Theater opened its doors in 2003 and Jeff Casey, Managing Director, had a large task in front of him. Try to find a holiday show that is unique and will appeal to audience members of all ages. After looking at all of the holiday shows that were already written, he decided to create his own show. Harkening back to Hammond’s hay day and a simpler time, “A Fabulous 50’s Christmas” was conceived. With a cast of five, a small orchestra combo and a few pieces of furniture, magic was born onstage that year. The show captures the spirit and joy of Christmas just as the Perry Como and Andy Williams TV Christmas specials did from years gone by. Since that first production, the Towle Theater has produced “A Fabulous 50’s Christmas” annually to sold out houses. Jeff Casey states “I had no idea what the response would be the first year, but after the positive experience, I knew we should make it a annual event. We have had audience members who see the show ever y year. We welcome you to treat your entire family to Hammond’s very own Holiday Tradition and make it one of yours”. The challenge each year is to reinvent the show. Even though the title remains the same, the show will change depending on the cast members. The Towle has featured as few as five cast members and as many as twelve ranging

guitar, harp, the list could go on. Each year the song arrangements and commercials change to keep is fresh as well as the set and costumes.

Pictured, left to right, Dan Ball, Rachelyn Primm, Ian Rigg, Lauren Demerath, and Cornelia Miller. ______________________________

in ages from 7 to 85 years old. The cast also brings their personal and individual talents to the show. In the past, actors have tap danced, played the autoharp, saxophone,

Prosecutors Secure 50 Year Sentence In Road Rage Incident

Riley’s Corner

Thanksgiving Thoughts

RILEY ROGERS Tha n k sg iv ing is t he t ime to feel gratitude to God for all the good things in life. It is a time to acknowledge the good deeds of fellowmen and be thankful. Life can be very trying. When your child is hungry, your body wracked with pain, or you have no idea where you and your family will find financial resources, it’s hard to find something for which you can be thankful. So, for just a few minutes on Thanksgiving Day, step outside your situation and take time to be thankful for the smallest blessing. Find something, no matter how small, to be thankful for because in giving thanks, you will be lightening your load, even if for only a moment. Thanksgiving Poem Thanksgiving thoughts are the kind of

thoughts that we should have all year long. For it is the folks with thankful hearts whose lives are filled with song. We should take time for kindness to those we hold most dear, And just extend a helping hand to others through the year. Let’s set aside some quiet time and share it with a friend. For friendships brings a special joy and pleasure without end. So may the blessings of this day that I would ask for you, Now fill you with Thanksgiving Peace that lasts the whole year through! Wa r m w i s he s for Thanksgiving, Mayor Riley H. Rogers




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pulled over near 105th and Hoxie. Cruz also stopped near 105th and Hoxie. Pernell then reached out of the window of his car with a gun and shot at Cruz, hitting Cruz in the left eye. Pernell then drove off. Cruz died as a result of his injury. Ba sed on a w it ness’ descr ipt ion of Pernell’s vehicle, Pernell was located and arrested a short time later. The witness also identified Pernell in a line up. Cook Cou nt y Judge Ca rol How a rd sentenced Pernell to 50 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections yesterday during a hearing at the Leighton Criminal Courts Building in Chicago. St a t e’s A t t or ne y A l v a r e z t h a n k e d Assistant State’s Attorneys Mercedes LuqueRosales and Sheri Bennet and the Chicago Police Department for their work on this case.

Senior Christmas

Meet the company who knows comfort inside and out. But especially inside.


A South Holland man was sentenced to 50 yea rs in t he Illinois Depa rtment of Corrections for the shooting death of a man following a road rage incident in 2009, according to the Office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez. Mikel Pernell, 34, of the 400 block of East 162nd Street, South Holland, was convicted in September of First Degree Murder in the death of 30-year-old George Cruz of Burbank. According to prosecutors, on September 18, 2009, Cruz was driving northbound on Torrence Avenue near 108th Street when he realized he needed to make a left hand turn at 105th Street. Cruz changed lanes, accidentally cutting off Pernell’s vehicle. Pernell then drove alongside the passenger side of Cruz’s vehicle, yelling at Cruz. After Cruz apologized and said he needed to turn at 105th Street, Pernell drove off and

wonder f u l

Chicago;VanDrunen DrunenHeating HeatingCo;A07377;5x7-4c Co;A07377;5x7-4c(b1) (b1) Chicago;Van


This year the show stars Dan Ball (Schererville), Lauren Demerath (Chicago), Cornelia Miller (Chicago), Rachelyn Primm (Chicago) and Ian Rigg (Orland Park, IL). The Musical Director for “A Fabulous 50’s Christmas” is Elizabeth Tuazon (Tinley Park, IL). “A Fabulous 50’s Christmas” r uns four weekends, November 30, December 1, 6-8, 13-15, 20-22. Show times are Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 2pm & 8pm and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are only $17 and must be paid for in advance are non-refundable. Group rates are available. There is no late seating. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to curtain. The Towle Theater is located in beautiful downtown Hammond at 5205 Hohman Avenue. Parking is available just off Fayette Street and only steps away from our alley entrance and across Hohman Avenue from the front entrance. For tickets or more information please call 219-937-8780 or visit

6/18/13 1:28 PM

6/18/13 1:28 PM


Renee Wilson (Harpist) & Kathy O’Brien (Laugh-ol-ogist)

The holidays are a time to enjoy traditions, share laughter, and create memories. Join us for special presentation of traditional holiday music with Chicago’s own Harpist, Renee Wilson. Renee has been playing harp professionally in Chicago for over 20 years, and holds a Master of Music Performance degree from the University of Northern Iowa. She began studying harp at the age of 10 with Mary Jo Green, Second Harp with the Lyric Opera of Chicago. Renee has been Principal Harp with the South Bend Symphony in Indiana since 1990, and is half of the duo harp show “Harping on the Classics”. Joining Renee, is Kathy O’Brien, Laugh-ol-ogist from Ingalls Hospital. Kathy is a Registered Nurse and Certified Laughter Leader with the World Laughter Tour. Great memories will be created, guaranteed!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Doors open at 10:30 AM Pre-Registration is required

Participants must register in person, except for a spouse in the same household.

So. Holland Residents Registration Begins October 28 at 11:00 am Non - Residents Registration Begins October 29 at 11:00 am Ages 55 and Older Welcome!

Cost: $10.00

Contact Cindy more information.

South Holland Recreational Services 501 E 170th Street • South Holland, IL 60473 Phone 708-331-2940 • Fax 708-331-3202

The Village of

South Holland Faith, Family, & Future

The Village of

South Holland Faith, Family, & Future

The Village of

South Holland Faith, Family, & Future

Say I saw it in The Shopper

16 November 20, 2013

Balloon Classes

Internet Edition

Real Estate Specialists

Real Estate Questions & Answers CATHY & JIM HIGGINS Question: We are ready to sell our home. We’d like a 2nd opinion from you on what we need to do to get our home sold.

Nearly every Saturday night, children gather to learn how to create new and different balloon projects during balloon classes at It’s My Party, in Dyer, Indiana. During the November 9th balloon class, students created balloon columns which were donated to area nursing homes, schools and retirement communities in honor of our Veterans. These balloon creations were used to help decorate for area Veteran’s Day activities. Over 20 balloon columns were created and donated. A l l ch i ld ren a re i nv ited to at tend balloon classes at It’s My Party. There is no

experience necessary and all age levels are welcome to attend. Parents are welcome too! Every Saturday, a different project is created. The class meets at 6pm at It’s My Party. On Sat u rday, December 14 a l l a re welcome to attend a balloon class where we will make balloon Christmas Trees to be donated to area nursing homes and retirement facilities. The class will be held at It’s My Party at 835 Joliet Street, Dyer, Indiana at 6pm. For more information, contact Amy at 219-322-7777. See pictures of our popular balloon classes on our website at

WE BUY HOUSES NOW We Work With: ·Little or NO Equity ·Behind On Payments ·Facing Divorce ·Need Debt Relief Fast ·Already in foreclosure What Do You Have To Lose? Let Us Make You an OFFER On Your House Today!


Fo r s a l e : Ne w s l o t machine $250; deluxe card table $100; five bar stools $50 each; slate pool table $500; TV with stand $50. 708-333-4482 For sale: Snow thrower 29” path, 6 for ward 2 reverse speeds. Be ready for winter! Jan or Tim. $475 obo. 219845-0583 For sale: Day bed complete w it h mat t ress, bron ze frame, like new $250. 219218-3457

Answer: First, don’t overprice your home. If your asking price is too high, you will get few showings. You run the risk of having your home sitting on the market a long time with no takers. Your home shou ld look fabu lous, sparkling clean & as updated as your budget allows. Have you ever noticed the used cars on a new car dealer’s lot? Dealers are getting top dollar for those used cars because they gave the cars a 100+ point safety inspection, repaired or replaced broken items, and fixed the dents and repainted the scratches. They’re also cleaned and polished inside and out. They are in like - new condition. Don’t ma ke you r home d i f f ic u lt to show. If you’re serious about selling your home, then you must make it easy for potential homebuyers to see it. If you make it difficult, you’re telling buyers that you’re not really serious about selling your home, and they’ll move on to the next available listing. Buyers want to see your home on their schedule, not on yours. Your home should be on a lock box and ready for showings at all reasonable hours during the week. Don’t be the star attraction during show ings. How you feel about t hose sa lespeople who fol low you a rou nd the store while you’re trying to shop? Do t hey irritate you? Ma ke you feel 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovat ion in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heav y. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573 For sale : Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747


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ANY Adult Tae Kwon Do Program

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ANY Adult Hapkido Program New Students Only

Exp. 1/15/14

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14785 W. 101st St., Dyer, IN


Look Us Up On

Oak corner curio cabinet, m i r rore d, l ig hte d, g la s s shelves, $10 0. Ha nd made wooden keepsake box $50. Total Gym $100. Will email photos. 708-872-7040

wheel chair 20.00 3 wheel sc0ter 2 batts./charger? 708687-4776 wheel chair 20.00 708-6874776

$15 or more

$12 or more OPEN DAILY AT 4PM

$20 or more


416 Ridge Road, Munster





“Let Me Show You How My 30 Years Experience Will Help”

18061 Dixie Hwy., Homewood, IL


For sa le : 2-mens leat her jackets, 1-deep dark brown, s i z e X-l a r g e , p e r f e c t condition $25 ea; 1-black size large, good condition. 815-462-6930

Dressers (retro 1950-60’s) men’s $ 225, lad ies $ 200, deep drawers, solid wood, will email photos, beautiful, call 219-322-2127 to see.

$3 OFF $2 OFF your order of $4 OFF your order of your order of

This year, do something for you! Let Martial Arts help you shed the pounds and get fit like never before. No obligation to purchase anything!

For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478

We’re THAT Good!

The Ultimate Holiday Present TRY IT FOSR 2 WEEK

uncomfortable? That’s how potentia l home buyers will feel about you if you’re the star attraction during showings. So get out of the house before a scheduled showing. Rejecting that first offer. Real estate agents will tell you that they have seen this happen many times: The first offer is often the best offer. The buyer who makes the first offer on your home is motivated and ready to make a deal. However, that first offer might be lower than you’d like. Instead of feeling insulted about it, take a deep breath and be willing to negotiate. If you reject that low offer, you run the risk of having your home sit on the market for a longer period of time and you could end up taking much less than what the first offer would have brought you. In a buyers’ market, many buyers make a low offer to see how negotiable you might be, but may be willing to make a much higher offer, if you’re willing to negotiate. Don’t reject it. Counter their offer. Remember, you don’t have to sign the contract unless you are agreeable to all the terms. E-mail us your Real estate questions at: Call Cathy & Jim Higgins for our opinion on your Home: Ind: 219-865-4361 Ill: 708-828-3304. Licensed Broker/Realtors in Indiana & Illinois. Coldwell Banker Residentia l Brokerage Website: www.Cathyhiggins. com. Personal Real estate Journal: www.


708-418-4444 MIKEBuder

A Local Christian Businessman

Say I saw it in The Shopper

17 November 20, 2013

From The Publisher

PARENT - Job Description (Part 2 of 2) ARLO KALLEMEYN As Posted on the internet This is hysterical. If it had been presented this way, we aren’t sure any of us would have done it!! POSITION: • Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma, Mother, Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop JOB DESCRIPTION: • Long term, tea m players needed, for challenging, permanent work in an often chaotic environment. • Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills a nd be w illing to work v a r ia ble hou r s, w h ich will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. • Some overnight travel required, including trips t o pr i m it i v e c a mpi n g sites on rainy weekends a nd end less spor ts tournaments in far away cities! • Tr avel ex pen se s not reimbursed. • Extensive courier duties also required. POSSIBILITY FOR A DVA NC E M E N T & PROMOTION: • None. • Your job is to remain i n t he s a me p o s it ion for years, w ithout complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: • None required –

unfortunately. • O n-t he -job t r a i n i ng offered on a continually exhausting basis. W A G E S A N D COMPENSATION: • Get this! You pay them! • Offering frequent raises and bonuses. • A ba lloon pay ment is due when t hey turn 18 because of the assumption t hat c ol le ge w i l l help them become financially independent. • When you die, you give them whatever is left. • The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more. BENEFITS: • While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal g row t h, u ncond it iona l love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right. GOLDEN PARACHUTE: Grandkids P.S. For ward this to a ll the PARENTS you know, in appreciat ion for everything they do on a daily basis, letting them know they are appreciated for the fabulous job they do… or forward with love to a nyone t h i n k i ng of applying for the job. Arlo Kallemeyn Shopper Publisher and big fan of being a dad.

Farm equipment: For sale, John Deere 1010 crawler loader. Rebuilt engine and reverser. Needs under carriage $1,500 obo. 219-680-6694 Vent ra t ra nsit/debit ca rd with $165.50 on it. $155, call 773-272-8315. For sale : A nthearn miniature HO train. Santa Fe #601, 2 engines, 10 cars $10 0 w i t h t r a c k a n transformer. 219-226-0380 1950’s desk w/chair $125; matching dresser w/wood framed mirror $150 (all solid knotty pine). Come see it, can email photos. 219-3222127 Roper washer and gas dryer for sale older model white asking 160.00 or best offer as-is sale 708-205-6342 For sale: Little Tykes 3 tables and chairs. Tables $5 each, chairs $1 each. Take all for $13. 219-845-0583 A nt i q u e 192 0’s s p e a k e r stand 4’-0” tall b/o. Antique 1920’s weed & grass trimmer s i n g l e w h e e l op e r a t i on before weed whackers b/o. 708-333-9520 Rubber ba se mou ld i ng white 36” lg. new 1/2 price $1 each; garden pitch fork $4; post hole digger auger type $5. 708-333-9520 For sa le : 10 ga l. wester n crock $ 80 ; 5 ga l. western crock $70 ; receding pipe threader $45. 708-210-1711 For sale: Monster high 2 pk. Boy-girl dolls. Draculaura a nd Clawd wol f or Abby Boninable and Heath Burns. $50 each. Combo pack. 708756-0519 For sale: Panasonic 15.6 volt + batteries and charger $40; 14 silent movies $35. 708285-1107

Internet Edition

Leather office chair. Swivel, heig ht adjust, a r m rests. Retail $120, yours for $25. 219-864-1962. Assorted quilts bedspread and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3 -$5 each. 708-4816907 L a rge over t he d resser mirror $15; ornamental wall mir rors $ 20-$ 30 ; wood 2 drawer file cabinet $15. 708481-6907 2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan A llen sofa $125 obo. 708481-6907 “Pha f f ” 1222 sew ing machine (made in Germany) $75 obo; Toshiba 14” c able ready T V $ 20 ; “Honey wel l” 40 : long electric heater $20. 708-4816907 Stiffel 2 pc set of brass lamps $10 0 ; some st i f fel t a ble lamps $20-$20 each; brother MFC-210 printer, fax, copier, scanner (6 functions in 1) 708-481-6907 Cha mpag ne a nd w ine glasses (crystal 6 pc. for $10; cr ystal decantners $5-$15 ea. 708-481-6907 Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 each. 708481-6907 Golden opportunity books, NW Indiana & So. Suburbs I L , $ 2 5, 10 0’s d i s c ou nt coupons, fine dining, fast foods, sports services. 708849-7722 Hooker Enter ta i n ment Center, l i ke new, Med ia u n it s, upper g la ss/lower wood doors. Adj. Center light bridge w/shelf. $250.00 219-865-9666

For sa le : Tay lor made 3 drawer music cabinet, blond $60; silverware sets, green velvet upholstered cha i r $150; 2 black floor lamps 5ft & 6ft tall. 708-333-7461 For sa le : K ing size g reen q u i l t e d b e d s pr e a d $10 ; Amish 2-door glass blonde cabine 6’high, $200; blond book shelf 6ft tall 15x18 inch $150. 708-333-7461 For sa le : Rod iron round table $ 60 ; pa i r squa re m a r b l e t op t a b l e s $ 4 0 ; magazine wooden rack $50; la rge T V table/g la ss top $100; large varnished table $100. 708-333-7461 Na i l s : 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” r o o f i n g 5 0 l b s . 1-1 / 2 ”, drywall 50 lbs. 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711

Su it c a s e s (for t r av el ) $ 5 each; garment bags $3 each; sma l l k itchen applia nces $5-$10 each. 708-481-6907 7 ft pool table $275; Emerson Microwave $25 all VGC. 708333-0576 Washer Machine - $100 773531-5478 ROCK ING CH A IR GR E AT CONDITION ..$40 312-7583970 CHRISTMAS TREE PRE-LIT WITH STAND.. $30 312-7583970 V i nc i Tr u mp et i nc lude s cleaning kit $200 708-3350627 ROUND SHELV ING UNIT $ 2 0 , Tw o w h i t e a r m e d d i n i n g c h a i r s $ 4 0 ,C a r s jacket $10 708-335-0627

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was filed by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. File No D13136036 on October 24, 2013. Under the assumed name of STRINGSONG with the business located at 17910 WENTWORTH AVENUE, LANSING, IL 60438. The true name and residence of the owner is CHERYL KAPTEYN, 18051 LORENZ, LANSING, IL 60438, USA. MARY RENEE HALE, 17910 WENTWORTH AVENUE, LANSING, IL 60438, USA.

Notice is hereby given, that on Friday, 12-20-13 @ 12PM a sale will be held at 18220 Torrence Lansing IL 60438 to sell the following article to enforce a lien existing under the laws of the State of Illinois against such articles for labor, services, skill or material expended upon a storage furnished for such articles at the request of the following designated persons, unless such articles are redeemed within thirty days of the publication of this notice. Damage Autobody, 1971 Oldsmobile Vin #3J57H2M109016 for lien of $7500; 2002 Toyota Vin #5TDBT44A42S072734 to be sold @ 5330 W 25th Ave., Gary IN 46406 on Fri., 12-06-13 @ 12PM

For sale: Milwaukee drywall srew g u n $ 80 ; sk i l l saw worm drive 7-1/4 in $ 80 ; Senco compressor 2-HP -4.3 gal. tank $90. 708-285-1107 For sale: Bed slide out unit for pick-up truck $150. 708285-1107

South Suburban Housing Center and Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing present

Mayor Riley H. Rogers

Inaugural Ball Fundraiser Saturday, January 4th, 2014 Reception 6pm * Dinner 7pm Black Tie / Evening Attire

State of The Village Address

Dinner – Cash Bar Live Band – Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes

RSVP to 708-896-7001 Dorchester Banquet Center

Foreclosure Assistance Workshop for Homeowners and Renters

Saturday, November 23, 2013, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Sauk Village, Municipal Center 21801 Torrence Avenue Sauk Village, IL 60411

Are you a homeowner concerned about defaulting on your mortgage or dealing with foreclosure? Are you a renter in a building in foreclosure? Obtain Information from Expert Attorneys and HUD-Approved Housing Counselors on: 

 Foreclosure Prevention Techniques Loan Modification and Mortgage Fraud Scam Awareness Information  Renter’s Rights During and After Foreclosure  Resolution Options for Families in Foreclosure  

What to Expect if Building Becomes Bank-Owned Assistance Grants for Families in Mortgage Distress

To reserve or obtain more information call: (708) 957-4674, x 28

Sponsored by:

1515 E. 154th St. • Dolton, IL $100 ticket

Village of Sauk Village Mayor David Hanks

Say I saw it in The Shopper

18 November 20, 2013

NEW PAR AFIN M ACHINE W I T H WA X $ 3 5, 4 D o g Crates $10 each, two chair discovers $30 each 708-3350627 D y er- A m a n a 17. 9 c u . f t Re f r id g e r a t or/13.1 c u . f t Freezer(on top). Very good condition $200 OBO. Picstexted or email; Tom-219588-5182 Dyer- Selmer Flute, Music Stand, Metronome, Quinlan & Fa bi s h Bo ok 1, s he et music, and totebag; $75 Tom 219-588-5182. Small sofa-light blue/cream color-$110 Table Lamp-Base i s G r a y s t on e - $ 3 5 G o o d Condition 312-520-4698 cell Lansing area For sa le : Cra f tsma n law n mower a nd s n o w b l o w e r, u s e d o n e season, both for $225. Call Rick, leave message. 630781-2317 For sa le : 50 or so t i n advertising signs, most $5 each. Seaside cera m ic pictures tiles, most $5 each. Lansing. 773-647-0032

Look Great! Feel Great! Try Our New 3-Step Show Room Shine.

Only $1.00 With any Wash or Fast Pass per visit. (Regularly $5.00)

For sale: N guage track by atlas misc. never used $50. 708-862-4167 For sale: Walnut wood adult r o c k e r, w a l nut w o o d magazine rack, sharp cash r e g i s t e r. Mo de l x e10 5 4, Con n st udent t r u mpet model H1713060. Call. 708895-0628 For sale: Taihei (Taihri) six piece place setting service for eig ht A r istocrat gold design-great for Holiday’s, punch bowl set. Call. 708895-0628 For sa le: K id’s sw ing set, fully assembled, 2 swings, slide, mon key ba rs. Ta ke away “Free” wou ld need open truck to haul. 708-3332429 Na nsh ing 4 piece lu x u r y w indow set includes t wo, 578x84 inch panels with 2 rope t ieback s. Beaut i f u l chocolate bronze $30. 708210-1542 For sa le : 3 V HS f i l ms of Chicago Bears, narrated by Jack Brickhouse from 19561963. 3 for $25. 708-535-9354

Easy Clean Car800-287-1701 Wash We do birds, bugs & tar!

Lansing 2626 Bernice Rd. (Behind Lansing K-Mart)

Schererville 1779 U.S. 41

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For sale: Simmons baby crib with mattress included, exc. cond. asking $75 obo. Call. 708-895-5623 if interested must pick up. For sa le : Cha ng ing table dresser, exc. cond. asking $75 obo for pickup only if interested. 708-895-5623 For sale: Black 3/4 coat, fur l i n i ng c u f f s a nd c ol l a r. Pristine condition. 815-4630345 For sale: Beauty shop items: Shampoo chair, shampoo bowl, st yling cha ir, law n furniture, glass top table, with 6 chairs and cushions. Call. 708-418-8461 For sa le: Two litt le Tykes tables, five chairs, tables $5 each, chairs $1 each. Take all for $13. Jan. 219-845-0583 For sale: PS4 console with extra controller $250 obo. Still in box, never opened. 708-646-9570 Na nsh ing 4 piece lu x u r y w indow set includes t wo 57x84 inch panels w it h 2 rope t ie-back s. Beaut if u l chocolate bronze $30. 708210-1542 Snow blow er Tor o S -2 0 0 3-HP all tuneup. runs like new $75. Push gas lawnmower, runs execellent $40. 219-931-6473 For sale: Space heaters $3, good shape/price. 773-6464873 For sale: jeans, pants, size 34x34, 36x34, exc. cond $5 each. Wall art sizes: 42 x38, 28x36, 25x212, 33x38, 13x17, 9x22, $25 each. 815-717-6508 For s a le : L i f t w/remote control, 3-slings for lifting f rom bed to seat, 2 receivalbe batteries, will lift up to 350#’s more info. 219365-8679

Offers expires 12-4-13

THORNTON TOWNSHIP Human Relations Commission Frank M. Zuccarelli, Supervisor

Spirit of Thornton Township

Internet Edition

Frigidaire upright freezer, good condition $100 ; nite s t a n d 2 0 x 18 x 2 4 $ 2 0 ; 2 printers 4p one in box. Make offer, fa x machine, needs ribbon, make offer. 219-9230314

Wartime Remembrances

Treasured Letters From The Past

Tw o c o o k i e j a r s f r o m Nei ma n Ma rcus, a cou r t jester Teddy bear, and Xmas bear, paid $120. Asking $40. 708-974-1674


2 Hoover vacuum cleaners ask ing $15 each. Contact Paul. 708-620-0286

that debt. Don’t tell me I shouldn’t send you money, because I’m glad I’m able to do so. After all, you’ve sent me plenty of things, including money. Are you still having trouble with that arm of yours, darling? I hope it’s well by now. You’ve got to take good care of your arms (and that ain’t all) so that you can squeeze me good and tight when I finally come home to you for good. Mommy*, your daddy** is feeling fine, and begs to report that he loves you more than anything else in the world. That love for you will go on forever and ever. That practically brings me to the bottom of this page, so that means it’s time for me to sign of f again until next time. Your everloving daddy, Bob

C A P SA LUTES YOU! for buying WAR BONDS… reads the caption from a W WII poster—as seen i n t he newest Capta i n America movie. I know one thing. The Cap wouldn’t solute me if he saw all my Dunkin Donuts receipts. All that money I spent on coffee, a nd possibly a donut, cou ld’ve been used to bring down the national debt. Sg t. Rober t Buetow sacr i f iced t i me w it h his family to ser ve our c o u n t r y, a n d s a v e d money, too. He didn’t do it to frequent the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru. This war hero served w it h t he 54 t h A r mored Field Artillery Battalion, stationed in France during 1944. Here’s a letter he wrote to his wife about the money: June 2, 1944 Sweetheart darling, N o m a il f r o m y ou yesterday or today, but that’s okay ‘cause I know there’s some on the way. I’ve got a little surprise for you. As I told you some time ago, I’ve been saving as much as I could out of the money I draw each month, and I’ve finally saved up the amount set as a goal to send to you. Tom or row I’m sending you fifty dollars, which should come in handy. If you don’t really need it, send it in to the government to help pay off

Wireless printer HP officejet $25; Hoover carpet cleaner $75; Navigon GPS$20; Hand truck $5. 708-895-6160 S o u n d p r oj e c t o r 16 M M Rever $65; large theatrical movie posters, glossy stills all collector items, had to find. Call info. 219-972-3511 Projector table with outlet, easy tot ca rr y $20 ; super 8MM f i l ms. L i ke new i n boxes, must see. Call info. 219-972-3511 H a d t o f i nd pr oj e c t ion lamps, brand new 1/2 price to fit 16MM Reg. 8 Super 8 slides plus other uses. Call info. 219-972-3511 Craftsman 4 in 1 laser trac with 60” tripod, new never used still in original box, new $80, now $45. 708-4745711 Stov e $150 ; ref r iger ator $200 ; Dr yer $135; washer $165 ; del iver y ava i lable. 708-895-4147 Electric heater 1500 watts $25; security light 11x8 $25; computer monitor 17 inch. $25’ draw tite hitch pulling large trailer 10,000lbs. $75. 708-474-8221 Avanti dorm size fridge 2.0 Cu. ft. $45. 708-474-6488 Panasonic movie AFX8VHS HD camera with accessories a nd case $ 30 ; t ripod projector screen $ 5; V HS tapes Gr u mpy Old Mea n $1.708-895-3250 Westbend 12-30 cup coffee ma ker $20 ; Milawee heat gun $10; Natico tile cutter $ 5; measur ing wheel 12” wheel dia meter $10. 708895-3250

Mommy *& daddy** No need to call the DCFS, friends. These are just nicknames. Marjorie Alice DeVries is a f reela nce w r iter devoted to sha ring t he priceless treasure of war letters, each one a unique w indow into a life that once was. Visit: w w w. t r e a s u r e d l e t t e r s f r omt hepa to f i nd out more, or w r ite to : Ma r jor ie DeVr ies, 948 Killarney Drive, Dyer, IN 46311.

For sale: 175 Watt outdoor Mercury vapor lamps. Most are new 6 lamps $5 each or $ 20 ta kes a l l. Glenwood. 708-525-6061



any large 16” pizza OR

Mint coat: Azurine, finger t ip len g t h, w h it e, f r om Evans Furrier. Exc. cond. 708-474-9331



any super 18” pizza


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Say I saw it in The Shopper

19 November 20, 2013

Become An Entrepreneur

What’s Your Big Idea? KEVIN BRADLEY Ruben’s Mexican Grill, 336 4 Shef f ield Avenue (In pla za sout h of 81st Ave.) in Dyer, Indiana, is celebrating their second anniversary. This Fiesta Gra nde, a t wo week celebration of two years i n busi ness, cont i nues through December 3rd. Ma ny specia ls a re running, including dollar domestic and two dollar imported beer, Tuesday features half price fajitas, We d n e s d a y h a s h a l f pr ic e m a r ga r it a s, a nd Su nday k id s u nder 10 eat free with a paid adult me a l . T here i s a l s o a coupon in today’s Indiana edition Shopper for free chu r ros…a sweet f r ied fritter desert treat served w it h f re sh st r aw ber r y slices, strawberr y sauce and chocolate sauce. “We have different specials on different days, so people c a n c om e m or e t h a n once a week a nd enjoy something else. We want to see people more than once a week,” says Chef Ruben. Owner, Executive Chef Ruben Calvo states, “We began with a simple small menu, using old family recipes, which has grown as we have g row n. We want to keep everything as fresh as possible and sta r t ing simple a lso made t h i ngs ea sier on the staff. We don’t want to complicate things too much. We add items which are frequently requested by customers (Such as this columnist’s favorite… enchiladas!). We also have food delivered 3-4 times a week to a lways have Fi sh i ng motor mu st sel l 7-1/2 HP Mercury outboard, runs great, rope start, must s e e . S h or e s h a f t , g r e a t condition. Call Paul. 815557-3212 For sale: Wooden TV stand 26x16-1/2x26 $35. 708-8956724

t he f reshest. We ma ke everything fresh, even the tortillas and salsas.” Ruben says, “We have a responsibi l it y to ou r customers. When people go out to eat, they want to have a n ex perience. W hen people go out, it is a celebration. It is our job to ma ke su re t hey enjoy it. No one said it would be easy, but it is v er y g r at i f y i n g . I a m over whel med by ou r great staff, some of whom have been with us from the beginning. We work together like a family. It is so important to have that kind of relationship. Me and my wife (Hilda) work well together. She deserves most of the credit. She is the head of the operation. I get to do the fun stuff. Our son, Ruben III, also works with us. We have a sign that says: ‘Team: A group of people working together to make each other look good.’ We stress this to our employees. Our mission statement is : ‘To cook g reat tast i ng food a nd serve it in a friendly and ef f icient ma nner.’ This is easy to achieve with a great team.” A great business begins with a great idea, a g r e a t pr o d u c t , a nd followed up with flawless e x e c u t i on b y a g r e a t team. Congratulations to Ruben’s Mexican Grill on your two year anniversary, and finding your recipe for success. Stop in and enjoy their anniversar y specia ls. Quest ion s or comments may be sent to kevinbradley@columnist. com. Good luck, K.B. Beanie babies collection. All new great condition. Ca ll Paul. 815-557-3212 Di n i ng room table $ 375 ; chair lift $800; 16 food boat 65 HP Mercury motor, best offer. Chilton repair manual $20 each; air compressor $200. Bob. 630-667-8456

Internet Edition

Family Literacy Night The South Suburban College’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Program is hosting their fourth annual Family Literacy Night event on Thursday, November 21st from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. The public is invited to join SSC to find out about community literacy while enjoying stories and presentations. There will also be free books for children, raffles and refreshments. There will be special local guest authors in attenda nce including Ma ria Ba rnes (Ha mmond, IN), Ma rga ret Jones-Scott (Markham, IL) and Art Burton (Phoenix, IL). Barnes has written several children’s books including “I Can Drive” and “Starship Fuel”, under the pseudonym Mari Lumpkin. Jones-Scott explains in her “Living Lessons, A Journey of Struggle and Redemption” how she learned to apply metaphysics principles to the understanding and the meaning of overcoming life’s challenges. Burton, an SSC History instructor, will be answering questions from guests and selling signed copies of one of h is book on A f r ica n Americans in the Wild West–“Black, Red and E nc yc lop e d i a br it t a n i r e 1965 all volumes w/books of the years. 1966-1974. Science and the future books 19691974 $125, exc. cond. 708596-6724 Baseball spikes Asics Tiger brand. All new many colors and sizes some professional models $25 pair. Paul. 815557-3212 Round table detachable legs 29high $10 ; picnic basket complete with dishes $10; indoor antenne $15; coat 1ft. $5. 708-849-6273 S ol id w ood d i n i ng ov a l table, 5-chairs with 3 leaftlet $70. Vita body slimmer workout mach i ne. Great for poor c i rc u lat ion . Pe ople w ho have back problems or no time to work out. Best offer. 708-280-8399 300 National Geographics $.50 cent each; 25 grinding w heels $75 ; g la ss rou nd endtable $100; tarp for pickup $40. 708-753-0051 Canary, Parakeet breeding c a g e s 2 3 -1/ 2 ” L x 16 -1/2Wx16”D $ 25 each ; Bird cage stand 6’ tall $10; Parakeet play stand/table $12. 708-478-8976

Deadly.” I l l iter ac y i s a n i s sue t hat c a n be debilitating in so many ways for adults who never received the proper instruction. Adu lts who a re unable to read have a much more difficult time with many daily activities that others may take for granted, along with a clear disadvantage in today’s compet it ive job ma rket. SSC’s Of f ice of Com mu n it y Educat ion ad m i n isters t he Adu lt Volu nteer L iterac y Tutor i ng Program in addition to General Education Development (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL), and Adult Basic Education (ABE). For more information about Family L iterac y Nig ht or t he Adu lt Volu nteer L iterac y Prog ra m, please contact Christopher McElroy, coordinator, at (708) 596-2000, ext. 2558, or email CMcelroy@ssc. edu. This event is sponsored in part by the SSC Foundation South Suburban College is located at 15800 S. State St., South Holland, Illinois.

Oak kitchen table with four capt. chairs, caster wheels $250; college dorm refrig. $40; miter box saw $15. 708889-0350 Double bowl white bathroom vanity top. Soap dish side splash and faucets, 67x22 $150 for all. 708-2851107 Umbrella fold-up st roller $10 ; booster ch a i r w it h tray,clean, hardly used $20. 708-877-6088

Accumulator and evaporator for S10 Bla zer $50. 708-210-1711

Elect r ic g rass edger $ 25; 3H P g ra ss edger $ 25 ; receding pipe threader $45. 708-217-0387 Zenith 13: TV w/remote $30; 19” RCA no remote $15 both work with converter boxes. 708-877-6157 Rot at i ng C h r i st ma s t ree sta nd $ 25, new ga mes Ca ndyla nd or Chest & Ladder $5 each; small book case $12. 708-877-6157 Indiana State police cup, black w/gold trim $ 5; Jay Leno book “Leading w it h my chin” from 1996 $10. 708333-7432 Roadmaster 26” mountain bike ver y good condition $40; starlin castro b o b b l e h e a d $ 10 P a u l Konerko bobblehead $ 6. 708-333-7432 7 pc. dining room set solid wood $250; matching hutch $250. Leave msg. 708-3331490 Fridgidaire gase 30” selfcleaning stove, white clean $100 obo. 815-723-9184

Need Food? Need Clothes?

Stop by any Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 9:00a.m.& 1:00p.m.

Large aluminum turkey pot with rack & hook $60; 1950’s 36” ra in la mp $265; Pa na son ic A M/FM rad io with speakers $50. 708-2710387

Catholic Charities

Si x te en s Skei n s of Au nt Lidia’s white yarn, 60 yards ply $2.00 for each; Skein quantity carpet 95x49 beige $30; TV antenna $15. 708849-6273

South Suburban Services

16100 Seton Drive South Holland

Spotlight on Alumni Ivan brown

South Suburban College,

Complete comforter set for queen bed, f lower design $30. 708-333-9225

Business, Associate Degree, 2006

Delsy black leather suitcase w/wheeler 21x27 $10. 708333-9225

Business, Bachelor’s Degree, 2008

Roosevelt University, Keller Graduate School of Management, MBA, 2011

Follow Us On Twitter! Find out The Shopper specials FIRST! Keep Up With Local News

“I buIlt my confIdence and the emotIonal IntellIgence I carry wIth me today durIng those years at ssc,” saId Ivan.

Ivan Brown, Burnham resident, has achieved much educational and career success since his graduation from South Suburban College in 2006. Ivan has already earned his MBA and currently works as a Human Resources recruiter for Loretto Hospital in Chicago. He also recently started BHR Consulting to assist small businesses with their HR needs. “The most important aspect of my education was the intimate class setting and the relationships I had with my instructors there. The Business Program and counselors put me on the right track to further my education and prepare me to be successful when I was pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree and MBA. Going to school at SSC was one of the best decisions I ever made.” (708) 210-5718 • 15800 S. State St., South holland Il 60473

Say I saw it in The Shopper

20 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Collectibles crafts TIMES GONE BY


Estate Sales/Cleanouts/Buyouts

Alison’s Arts & Crafts 2817 Jewett Ave. Downtown Highland 219-791-3983 (After 10:00 a.m.)

Booth Space Available Top $ for coins, Gold, Silver & Jewelry We purchase single items to entire estates


INTRODUCING OUR FREE GOLD/SILVER/JEWELRY & COIN MOBILE SERVICES LET US COME TO YOU FOR FREE REGARDLESS IF WE PURCHASE Crafter sewn Christmas tree sk i r t $ 25 ; Rot at i ne t re e sta nd $25; orna ment Hallmark ornament candle holders, ga rla nd t ree top star. 708-877-6157 Mens w inter jackets s &M $10; ties, hats, scarves, dress & casual shirts $2; womens shoes 9-9-1/2” w w $5-$10. 708-877-6157 Electric motor 1/3HP phase1 1.25 amps, rpm 1725 types $18; conduit bender $9. 708333-9520 Life like dolls Ashton Drake 3 to choose from. 708-3339520 “Oster” large deep fryer $20; “Rowenta” 2pc. toaster $ 8 “Lady Dazey” 1400 table top hair dryer $20. 708-481-6907 For sale: 6-1/2” fiber optic Christmas tree w ith ornaments, like new $40. 219-322-9141

Appliance Repair Landlords, Budget-Minded new & recondit ioned appliances. Future Appliances, Sales, Service, Pa r ts & Show room. 2249 Glenwood-Dyer Rd, Lynwood 708-758-5556 Marios Appliance Service. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Free e s t i m at e s w it h r e p a i r s . Warranty on jobs. Service N.W. I nd ia na & C h icago Suburbs. 3838 West 147th Street, Midlothian. 708-7520383

Ceramic Tile King. Rodded f loors from toilet. Rodded wall from shower. Call us we ca n stop t he mold. Free estimates. 708-953-4108

Chimney Repair

Caregivers Caregiver: Mature, experienced, live-in caregiver. 24/7 companionship for you or loved ones. Meal prepa rat ion, med ic at ion m a n a g e m e n t , t ra n spor t at ion, bat h i ng , assistance dressing. Ver y reasonable mont h ly rate. Have re c om mendat ion s. (219) 488-4182

Carpentry/ Construction Custom Kitchen cabinets, i n s t a l l k it c he n s , r e p a i r f u r n it u re, doors & wood f loors, upholster chairs & boot hs. Midwest Custom Cabinets & Furniture, 2800 Bernice Rd., Lansing. 708530-0222 or 708-288-0196.

Ceramic Tile C er a m ic a nd g la s s t i le desig n a nd i n st a l lat ion, k it c he n s , b a t h s , f lo or s , anywhere. I will make your project beautiful. Call Brian. 312-320-8492

Cleaning Services House Clea n ing Homes, Condos & Busi nesses. Dependable & trustworthy. Bud get ple a si ng pr ic e s . Excellent references. Insured & bonded. 708-4740233 or 708-280-8399

Day Care In-Home Montessori. Ages 2-1/2 - 6 years. Indoor and outdoor activities. Nutritious snacks provided. Christian family, dog-free and smoke-free home. 2198 9 5 -3 5 47 w w w. hobartmontessori.

Crafts & Gift Items, Home-Baked Holiday Cookies, Gently used “White Elephant” Items and Delicious Goodies to enjoy with your morning coffee. ($2.00 for Coffee & Goodies)

H a n d y “A l l ” D r y w a l l Repair, plaster repair, light const r uct ion, inter ior decorat ing & inter ior painting. Cell 708-514-0217, phone 708-841-2523. Stanley McDavid

Finance: Cash loan paid to anyone receiving a monthly pension check of $400/mo. or more. Contact Maurice. 773-595-5847 or 312-8331071

Electricia n : Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Chgo, IN, IL . Ser v ice upg rades, rewires & new construction. Trenching, garage electric. Commercial & residential. Free estimates. Major credit cards accepted. 219-8530085

Gutter Cleaning Includes cleaning of rooftop, gutters, flushing of down spouts. Free rooftop inspection. Call today, free estimates. 219-865-2345

Home Improvement/ Repair A& A Ser vices. Plumbing, c a r pent r y, lock s, door s, elec t r ic a l, w i nd da mage repa i rs, roof top repa i rs, toilet repairs, misc. repairs, senior discount. Insured. Free est i mates. 219-8652345 Disc ou nt Home I mpr ovement : D r y w a l l , carpentry, painting, small elect rica l, plumbing, ceramic, laminate flooring, glass block, gutter cleaning, a nd clea n outs. A lso handy man ser v ices. Ca ll. 708-207-0644

Personal Trainer to the Real Estate Consumer Kustom Electric. We offer a w ide va riet y of electrica l ser v ices for residentia l & c om m e r c i a l pr op e r t i e s . Fully insured! Credit cards accepted. Please call. 708670-2295 R e s i d e nt i a l E l e c t r i c a l : Circuit problems diagnosed a nd repa i red. Sw itch/ Outlet/Light Replacement sm a l l jobs OK ! C a l l for i n for mat ion/pr ici ng/ scheduling. 708-474-8260

Christmas House Walk

M r. F i x It R e p a i r a n d S c h e r e r v i l l e A pp l i a n c e . Washers, dryers, refrigerators and ranges. $20 off repair with this ad. 708429-7479, 219-865-6044

Business Opportunity

Zeta Psi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa will host the 17th Annual Christmas House Walk on Sunday, December 8, 2013 from 11:00AM- 4:00PM. This much anticipated event will feature homes festively decorated for the Holidays. The homes that will be featured are in the St John, Dyer and Crown Point area. The group also sells the famous ‘Tri Kappa Cheeseballs’ during this house tour. This event is a great way to gather new and creative decorating ideas. It is a



The Heating & Appliance Repa ir Ma n. Ser v ici ng Met ro A rea. A/C, Ref rig., Washer, Dryer, Stove. Free Free Free estimate w it h sa me day repa i r, or $ 25 service charge. Call Al. 708985-1623

Busi ness Oppor tu n it y : C&D mini moving, 25 yrs. in business. Truck, phone nu mbers a nd a l l mov ing equipment $10,000 retiring. 708-331-5450 or 219-9237025

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M.

Drywall Repair

Electrical Fireplace/Chimney Repair: Glass block w indows. Tuckpointing, brick & stone work, chimney sweep. Small jobs contractors won’t do. Free estimates. Call Al. 708217-6182


wonderful start to the Holiday Season. All proceeds are returned to the Tri Town area to support Charity, Culture and Education. Tickets may be purchased from any Tri Kappa member. They are also available for purchase at Louie’s Hallmark and Ambiance in St John and Brumm’s Bloomin Barn and Hoosier Highlander in Highland and White Hawk Country Club in Crown Point. For more information about the House Walk, contact Lynn Hoeksema at 365-0981

Your House Stinks MIKE BUDER S or r y i f I of fende d y o u …b u t y o u r h o u s e stinks. Houses smell. Yep, every single one. Oh, they don’t all smell bad…but they all carry their own fragrance. A fragrance called the death of a sale if it stinks. Unfortunately, in the grand scheme of preparing a home for sale, house smells are the last t hink t hat sellers seem to think about. Probably because I have yet to meet a seller who smells their ow n st i n k y home. Not once has a seller said to me “I know my house smells b a d”. No m a t t e r h o w diplomatic an agent tries to be when listing a stinky house, telling a seller their home smells bad seems to offend them more than tel ling t hem t hat t heir home is worth less money than they thought. May be it ’s be c au s e when you l ive i n you r home you become immune to all the smells that “outsiders” definitely notice. This is why I feel that is it part of my job to be upfront and honest w it h sel lers about t he odor s t hat w i l l be a n obstacle to successfully ma rket i ng t hei r home. Please Mr. and Mrs. Seller, don’t shoot the messenger! Your Realtor is just trying to help you to get your house sold and a “house a’la stinky” is going to be a problem. Some of the most dead ly (yes, t hey could kill the sale of your

home ) smel l s a r e t he obvious. The granddaddy of stink is cigarette or cigar smoke. The next would be the pet smells, especially t he c at l iter boxe s or mothballs. Then there are the subtle smells that can also be a buyer turn off such as dirty sheets and laundry, moldy smelling bathrooms, dirty diapers. Then there are the weird cooked food smells (by the way-never cook fish or cabbage while trying to sell your home), garbage cans (empty them every day). Overcompensating with to many air fresheners or candles can offend a sensitive nose and make your buyer wonder what you’re covering up. So…if you’re selling your home, go outside to clear your nasal passages, then step inside and take an i mpa r t ia l wh i f f or a sk someone you trust to do it for you. Hey, -- you can even ask your Realtor! If you are looking to buy or sel l rea l estate ca ll Mike Buder at RE/ MAX 2000 (708) 418-4444, E -m a i l : m i k e b u d e r @, Website: www. Facebook Fr iend request Mi ke Buder: your comments are always welcome. Search for properties online at w w w. Mike Buder A local Christian Businessman

Say I saw it in The Shopper

21 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

Christ Our Savior Pledges To Be Drug Free

Strategic Planning for a Prosperous Life

Life Coaching DEE COLLINS DUNA MIS WOM A N & R E A L AW E S OM E M E N E M P OW E R M E N T SEGMENT: Are you really grateful? Do you realize that your problem is nothing compared to someone else? W hat is a problem? I define a problem as an obstacle in your way that you have the power to eliminate or overcome. Thanksgiving is here again for you to take the time to give thanks for every last one of your problems. You should be grateful that you are doing well because if you are reading this column you really don’t have a problem. Some people don’t have their sight, so say “Thank You Lord.” Some people are mentally challenged without comprehension, so say “T ha n k You Lord.” Thanksgiving is a national holiday primarily celebrated in the USA for us to take one day and make it a sacred time to give thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the preceding year. As a strategic life coach, I challenge you to STOP reflecting on the past and focus on your future. Give thanks with a grateful heart for everything you have been through this year and make it your stepping stone for your harvest to appear. I Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Too many people allow their problems to produce complaints,

which are blessing blockers. A woman of power, a long w it h a host of rea l awesome men are to always maintain their posture of gratitude, because it is the problem designed for their life to bring them into their purpose. A purpose driven life shifts you into a place that your leadership abilities must be developed, so you can learn how to solve problems and lead others to their place of power (Dunamis). Leaders thrive off of creating solutions to problems with a grateful heart. Allow this Thanksgiving holiday to be like none other. Implement these strategies in sequential order so you can experience a harvest of blessings in 2014. 1) Give thanks for your biggest problem, 2) Find someone else w it h t he same problem, and encourage them to do the same, 3) Be a blessing to the person who helped cause the problem or someone who downed you because of the problem, and 4) With sincerity send a thank you card to the person who contributed to the problem. These strategies are not easy but necessary. They are designed to shift your paradigm and position your heart to receive blessings just for you! Visit us on the website: Tune into Dunamis Woman & R.A.M. Real Talk on every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

Legal Services


A t t o r n e y / C PA J u l i o P i m e nt e l n e e d s c a s e s . Attor ney fees ; simple bankruptcy $ 600, divorce $400, income taxes, etc. 25 yrs. exp. 708-513-5518

Problems at your kitchen sink? Water heater on the blin k? For plumbing troubles one and all, here’s the number you should call. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335

Miscellaneous Services Furniture & Cabinet Refinishing & Repair. Free estimates. Illiana Woodworking. 708-297-8191

Br a d for d-W h it e w at e r heaters, hydromatic sump pumps. Fast insta llat ion. Witvoet Plumbing 708-3317335 Protector of City’s Health. Troy Maatman Plumbing, Inc. Shop: Troy Maatman 708-474-7976

Batter y Back-up P u mps give you peace of mind. We have the best one, the finest we c a n f i nd . W it voet Plumbing 708-331-7335

Painting Qua lity Painting & Scraping Service. Interior a nd E x ter ior. Power washing, stain decks, regla ze w indows, strip w a l lp a p er, e t c . Fr e e est imates. Ca l l Norma nd 708-596-2170

Call The Plumber. Sewers, d ra i ns, rodd i ng, water heaters, sump pumps, low water pressure, f lood cont rol va lves. Dra in Experts. 708-259-9721, 219313-8652 Genous Plumbing & Rodding Electric rodding done for as low as $15. Full ser v ice plumbing. Credit cards accepted. Ca ll 708891-9488, 708-268-0693

Roofing Chuck’s Discount Roofing Roof repairs, New Roofs, ReRoofs, Ins. Work, Shingles, Sid i ng, Rubber, Hot Ta r. Roof Cer ts. Free Roof I n s p e c t i o n s . License #104-005561. Free Estimates. 708-672-0043 or 708-935-5558

Help Wanted On l i ne Travel Agents Ne e de d . No e x p e r ie nc e necessary. Work from home. Excellent pay. Med/health insurance available. Free training. Call 219-661-0999

Help Wanted: Part & Full T i m e D r i v i n g O p p or t u n i t i e s . S e e k i n g CDL-A d r ivers to ser v ice la rge distribution center. Ve r y f le x i ble s c he du le s ava i lable. Pr ima r y t ravel area is 50-300 miles from Ol ney, IL . Mu lt iple stop. 888-385 -4127 w w w.

J.E.M. Plumbing & Sewer, rod any line $55/up; drains, water lines, pumps, water heater, faucets, toilets, same day service. 219-845-7589 or 708-896-0500

Movers C&D Mini Moving. No j o b t o o s m a l l . Fre e estimates. Please leave message 219-923-7025, 708-331-5450

activities which included skits, reflections, pledges, locker decorating, and art work. Pictured are students tying red ribbons around one of the trees surrounding the school campus. For more information about Christ Our Savior Catholic School ca l l 708-333-8173. V isit ht t p ://w w w. or see the COS Facebook page.

Students at Christ Our Savior Catholic School i n Sout h Hol la nd recent ly pa r t ic ipat e d i n a Re d R i bb on We ek celebration. The theme of Red Ribbon Week was “A Healthy Me is Drug Free”. Red Ribbon Week is an annual awareness campaign concentrating on the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, drug and violence abuse. Students engaged in a series of week long



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Say I saw it in The Shopper

22 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whatever you need done, you’ll find the solutions right here!

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential electrician specializing in old homes. Small jobs no problem. Emergency service available. Licensed • Bonded • Insured

Senior Discount 10% Free Estimates* South Holland, IL • 708-822-7758

*Restrictions Apply Install circuit breakers. Small jobs o.k. Licensed & Insured.



15% OFF Labor* Expires December 4, 2013

Homes For Sale

Home for sale: 1278 Hirsch, C a l u m e t C it y. 2-b d r m ., 1-bath, full basement, a ll new windows, central air, 2-1/2 car garage, big back yard. Reduced $55,000. Call. 708-891-3876 or 219-6179499 Home for sale: 658 Price, Calumet City. 2-bdrm. Full basement. Back ya rd. Ga rage great investment. Low pr ice $16,900. Ma ke offer. Today. Better Home R.E. 708-825-9593

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Sale Top floor over lake, Lansing golf course, 2 bed, 2 bath, appliances, kitchen, dining sets. $91,900. Mike Kosich, Caldwell, 312-316-2314

Apartments For Rent Apts. For Rent: Lansing. 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Heat & water incl. New paint & carpet. Close to shopping center. Section 8 welcome. Call 708-9327499. Equal Housing Opportunity Apts. For Rent: Riverdale, Har vey 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, carpeted, A/C. Heat included. Mike @ 708-3398068 or Catherine @ 708699-5900. Lansing, 18408 S. Torrence, 2 n d f l o o r, 1- b d r m . Appl ia nces, tena nt pay s elect ric, ca r pet. 708-4180629 Apts. for Rent : Ca lumet City, 2&3-bdrms., 1-bath. Tenant pays gas and electric. $625-$750/mo. + security. No pets. 708-589-5720 Apt. for rent : Sout h Holla nd, 2nd f loor, ver y large 1-bdrm., A/C, heat and water i ncluded. Secu r it y deposit required. $840/mo. 708-774-9100 Apt . for rent : Ha r vey 2-bdrm. $700/mo. Clea n, pay ut i lit ies, stove & refrigerator included. Also s le epi ng r o om for rent , pr iv ate bat h, f re e c able $500/mo. 708-596-7514 Apt. for rent: $750, Nice two bedroom apt. in So. Holland. Must pass credit screening, no utilities included. Rent and security required. 312485-5495 Apt. For Rent: Lansing, 2 bedroom, fully r e n ov a t e d , w a t e r & appliances included, near 176th Place & Torrence. 708-275-3551


• Gutters • Downspouts • Siding You Also Receive: • Quality Workmanship • 10 Year Labor Guarantee • Lifetime Material Guarantee • Reasonable Rates

South Holland • 339-3510 ~ We’re Bonded & Licensed ~

Apt. for rent: Dolton, Large, 1 b d r m . He a t , w a t e r, refrigerator, stove and free parking included. $700/mo. $30 application free. 708491-9155

Home for rent: Sauk Village. Adorable 3-bdrm. bath with linen closet, eat in kitchen, C /A . Fe nc e d y a r d , s ide driveway. $950 + sec. Call 708-785-9497

Ha r ve y, I L . Q u ite Neighborhood, building has on ly 2 apa r t ments, up & dow n . 1st f loor ha s 3 bedrooms, available now, $850/mo. + 1 mo. security. Sec. 8 OK. 708-720-1544

Hammond South, Indiana house for rent. 3-bd r m., 1-bath. Garage, fenced yard $885/mo. + security deposit. 219-923-7295 or 219-3084788

Calumet City Large 2 bdrm A pt s . Ha r d w o o d f lo or s . Stove/Refrigerator. On-site laundry, $800/mo. Call Mr. & Mrs. Harris. 708-251-8563 Large 600 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom apartment in B u r n h a m , I L . He a t , water, sewer, garbage included. New carpet and paint. $1,000 deposit. Rent $500. Call 219-742-8505 Apt . for rent : Ha r vey 3-bdrm. 15534 S. Tu r l i n g t o n . H a r d w o o d f loors throughout, ceiling f a n s, w a sher/d r yer i n basement. $700/mo. + 1mo. security. 312-909-2438 Apt. for rent: Calumet City. 2-bdrm., carpeted, A/C, heat i nc lude d . $ 8 6 0 /mo. + security. No pets. Available now. 708-891-1555 Apt. for rent: Calumet City. Large one bedroom : Includes heat and water, in qu iet 4-f lat, sen iors welcome. Bus route $600 + security. 708-895-7855 Apt. for rent : 2-bdrm or 3-bdrm. located in Burnham $750-$900. 219552-5767

Condos/Townhomes/ Duplexes For Rent

Wa nte d : Motor c y cle s , Broken, Un-f i x able, Unwanted, Rolling-chassis’s. Any year, any model. Will pick-up and haul-away for free! Email: ideabox@inbox. com or 641-715-3900 ex t. 91872#

Condo for rent: Lynwood, L a k e s hor e D r. 2-b d r m ., 1-3/4 bat h, A/C, Ba lcony. Washer/Dryer, refrigerator, stove and garage, recently remodeled, Faci ng L a ke. $1100/negotiable + utilities & security. Sec. 8 welcome, available immediately. 219513-6177

Rooms For Rent Room for rent : Fu l ly f u r n i s he d r o o m i n m y home. Includes gas, electric, c able (i n room) a nd k it privileges. W/D available. $120 per week. 708-770-1544 Room for rent : Fu l ly f u r n i s he d r o o m i n m y home. Includes gas, electric, cable (i n room) a nd k it. privileges. W/D available. $100 per week. Call Algie. 708-868-3554

Office Space For Rent

Homes For Rent


Home for rent : La nsing, 3-bd r m. 2-bat hs, cent ra l A/C, fireplace, appliances i n c l u d e d . Ut i l i t i e s n o t included. $1350/mo. + sec. 219-718-3370

For Sale: 11# Black female Pood le /Pomera nia n to loving family. UTD on shots a nd v acci nat ion s. $ 350/ OBO. 708-476-1819

Home for rent : Ca lumet C it y. 3 - b d r m . 2 - b a t h s , c ent r a l A /C , appl ia nc e s i n c l u d e d . Ut i l i t i e s n o t included. $1,350/mo. + sec. Call Algie. 708-868-3554

Wanted: Old beer cans and old beer ca n col lect ions. Will buy, sell or trade. 219836-8907 Wa nt to Buy : Postca rds from the 1930’s & earlier. Especially holiday postca rds, a nd ot her postca rds too. (tol l f ree) 1-877-202-1563

Apt. for rent: Hammond, IN. 2-bdrms, renovated new windows, tenant pays gas and electric $725 a month, 4417 Hickory. 708-243-9670

Home for sale: Sauk Village, 3-bd r m., 1-bat h, 6 room house with 2-1/2 car garage. Refrigerator & stove. Credit check, sec. 8 ok. $1,100/mo. 708-935-5558

Wa nted : Running or not snow blowers, lawn mowers, roto t i l lers, pressu re washers, old mini-bikes, gas engines, parts & tools, cheap 219-484-7376

Home for rent : 4-bdr m. Dolton, newly remodeled. Section 8 ok. Utilities not included $1100 per month. Garage, huge backyard. 708214-0463

Off ice Space : South Hol la nd C le a n , v a r iou s sizes, accommodations for doctors. Ready. Near Ingall’s Hosp., expressways. Secure bldg, pa rk ing. Mi ke 708339-8068

A DOR A BLE C A LUMET CITY HOUSE-Quiet Neighborhood, 3BR, H a r d w o o d F l o or s , A /C , Stove/Refrigerator, Washer/ Dr yer, Garage, Basement$1250 plus secu r it y- NO PETS Section 8 OK - 708259-3487


FOUND- sweet da rk gray t abby/w h ite ma le c at . D olt on a r ou nd 14 4t h & Chicago Road. ema il

Lost & Found

Lost Cat: Orange and white female, declawed in front. Very shy. No collar, lost Sept. 16t h in Rockwell Subdivision in Dyer. $500 Reward upon return. Please call or text any time. 219779-1986

Wa nt e d : Old Ha m mond console orga ns, L esl ie spea kers, old tube g uita r amplifiers, old juke boxes, old vibraphones. Call 219801-0955 Wanted: Lawnmower with BNS engine, not running or busted up. 708-753-0021 Wanted: Small motorcycle any shape, reasonable price, log splitter a ny shape or pa r ts, Mercur y pump for power washer. 708-474-8221 Wanted: Toro-snow-blower model CCR2000E. 708-8686988 Wa nted : Compa n ion 1-2 days weekly. Leave complete phone nu mber. 219-9228891 Wanted: If you could donate a t w i n bed set. I wou ld appreciate it, thanks. 708527-4529 Wanted: small neumatic air pinn na i ler a nd a 1”x 36” belt/G” disc. sa nder stainonary mounuted and an spllitting maul. 708-5328337 A s e t of c h i ld t r a i n i n g wheels for a 20” bike and a ma nua l ha nd pencil sharpener. 708-532-8337

Automobiles Conversion Van For sale or Rental. 15-passenger van. Deluxe. No mileage charge. D i s c ou nt sp e c i a l s. Ver y clean eqpt. 708-692-5468, 800-650-0011 For sa le : 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer rare V6, A/C, 4W drive, 3rd row seats, full power, like new, heated leather seats, also aluminum running boards $5,700. Worth much more. Ca ll Jim. 708-267-0723 or 708-636-4350 For sale: 1999 Durango SLT 5.2 L iter V8 Ru ns but Transmission needs service. $1000 708-946-2309

For sale : 2000 Chevrolet Malibu LS Leather interior, Fully Loaded. No Sunroof. Engine needs service. $1000. 708-946-2309. For sa le : 199 8 Merc u r y Villager GS Blue Great Buy for your money! $1800 708946-2309

Auto Parts For sale : Tires and rims. Denali GMC rims $350 Jeep Cherokee rims, a nd t ires $250. 708-465-8544 4 Musta ng Hubcaps. Excellent condition! $75obo for all 4. 773-450-1690

For sale: 1990 Olds. Vista c r u i s e r, g o o d r u n n e r, almost no rust. $1100/obo, 9 pass. wagon. 708-501-2896

4 tires and wheels for sale. P205/65R15. Excellent tread. O n l y u s e d f o r w i n t e r. $250obo. 773-450-1690

For sale: 2000 Dodge Neon, 26MPG, 100,800 miles, new tires. Valued at $3333 as per Kel ly Blue Book sel l for $2,500. 219-322-6965

Tow bar fulton Mfg 5,000 load 2” ba l l u se d onc e. Perfect for RV to car $75. 708-474-6488

For s a le : 19 9 8 L i nc ol n Tow nc a r. 9 7,0 0 0 m i l e s , si lver, black c a nv a s top $4,800 ; 1997 GMC S u b u r b a n . B u r g u n d y, $3,500, senior owned. Good condition. 708-612-6788 For sale: 1991 Oldsmobile Grand Marquis, 4-door, V-8, blue interior, white interior, color privale. Selling $4,500. 95,000 original miles, nonsmoker. 219-322-8168 For sa le : 2005 Buick Lacrosse, low miles, 60k. Very good condition, fully loaded. Asking $8,500. Leave message. 708-744-2851 For sale: 1996 Chevy 1500C ExtendedCab V8 4.8L. Vortex Air intake,Chrome Bedrails, To w i n g pkg. A/C, Cr u ise,Ti lt,Power windows&locks. Cd,AM/FM 128676 Miles Fair Condition. 708-308-4348 For sa le : 20 05 Ch r y sler 300C, silver, Hemi engine, sun roof, chrome wheels, backup sensors, 96,000mi, great shape, only $7,900, call 219-365-0441. 2003 Toyota Corolla LE, si lver, f u l ly loaded, pw r. lock s. 135,6 87 m i les, 1- o w n e r, $ 10 , 0 0 0 . We l l maintained. Serious inquires only. 708-271-7631 For sale: 1994 Ford F150 4x4 w it h c ap. Rebu i lt motor $1800 or best offer. 708-8418655 For sale: 1999 Honda Civic, r uns g reat, black 4-door, sunroof, automatic 170,000 mi. $4,500/obo. 708-9534108 2004 Chev y Monte Carlo $4,995 plus $350 tax.; 2004 Hyundai Sante Fe compact SU V $ 5950 plus $16 ta x . w w w.cheapcarshammond. com (We finance). 877-8184726 1999 Chev y Express 3500 Cargo van $2,450 plus $172 tax; 2002 Chevy Trailblazer mecha n ic specia l a nd drives, needs trans. $1950 plus $ 13 7. w w w. cheapca rsha m (We finance). 877-818-4726 19 9 4 For d S u p e r dut y c o n t r a c t o r b o x- s e r v i c e truck-Diesel workhorse with dual wheels and strong, low mi le diesel eng ine $ 3995 plus $280 tax; 2003 Chev y Impala sporty, 4-dr. vehicle. $4995 plus $350 tax. w w w. cheapca rsha m (We finance). 877-818-4726

Antiques/Classics 1973 Cadillac El Dorado Coupe. A lways stored, original show room, new in a n d o u t , 14 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , sacrifice $11,000, insured for more. 708-267-0723 or 708636-4350

Un i roy a l P235/75R15 W. wa ll tire used, ver y good condition $40. 708-474-6488 Fu r t u ra Advent u rer H/T P265/70R17 ra ised wh ite le t t e r s u s e d t i r e . G o o d cond it ion. $ 50. 708-4746488 Brand new tires P235/60SR14 raised white letters 2 tires $60 each. 708474-6488 G o o d Ye a r e a g l e G T P195 = 6 0H R15 bl a c k w a l l tire, brand new $50. 708474-6488

Trucks Truck for sale : 1997 GMC Sierra Z71, E x t. cab 5.7L engine, 4-speed auto transmission, newer tires, toolbox, never plowed snow $3,495. 708-877-6158 2007 GMC Savana cut out 16 foot box truck, perfect for business. 157K miles. Asking $15,000- contact Len 708232-6577

Miscellaneous Items For Sale New Factory Sale Why Pay More? Futon w/pad $48/ mo., Daybed w/mat t ress $ 4 8/mo., bu n k b e d w/ mat t re s s $ 56/mo., 8-pc. bedroom set $95/mo., 8-pc liv ing room set $111/mo., queen pillow top set $48/ mo., EZ credit, no credit check. 708-371-3737 w w w. factor ybedd i ng f u r n it u re. com For sale: 2-15”-JBL Powered EON-Speakers w/ stands-$600. Numark 2Tray ProCD player w/soft rack case-$150. 708-259-7478 For sa le : S ea sone d oa k firewood, 2 y rs. old. Will deliver, stack ing is extra. Call Phil. 219-742-3035 For sale: 8ft. slate pool table w /a c c e s s or i e s . L i g ht , 5 sticks, brass stick holder, rules book, tips, chalk, and owners manual $250. 708906-9265 For sale: (2) 42” wide whitew a she d O a k , b a t h r o om vanities, no tops. $100.00 per each 708-895-5255 For sale : Craftsman generator 3600 Watt, never used in service. $350 firm. 708-333-4357 For sa le : Cu stom wood blinds 35-1/2” H x 58” W and 43” H x 82” W, $240/obo. Ca l l for deta i ls. 219-9234578 2007 Hoveround Tra nsporter GL Scooter $500 ... 2007 Bruno Van Lift - $ 800 or $1,200 for both. Call 219-313-9144 for more info. For sale: Dining room set, heavy dark oak table and six c h a i r s, $ 4 0 0. L i k e ne w, non ne got iable. 773-26 30885

Say I saw it in The Shopper

23 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition




S&S Concrete

Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Ranges, Furnaces

Enterprises, LLC

We will beat all Written Estimates!!! CONCRETE, BASEMENT LEAKS DUE TO FOUNDATION CRACKS, CAULKING & COATING Basement Leaking? We Can Help!

MOST MAKES AND MODELS Quality Service at Competitive Prices *$20.00 OFF WITH THIS AD*

Jeff Scott

FAX (708) 757-7230 EMAIL:

• Integrity • Reasonable Rates


• Drive Ways • Parking Lots • Bonded & Insured • Owner Supervised

708-481-1380 AWNINGS


FREE ESTIMATE 708-480-5193


Brian Caputo’s


For sale : Hammond Sounder Organ f rom t he ‘ 7 0 ’s i n g o o d w o r k i n g condition. $200 or best offer. 219-865-2437

Call Anytime. No Job Too Small Licensed. Bonded. Insured

Concrete Raising 25 Years Experience

We Raise Sunken Walks, Drives/Floors, Patios, Garages, Steps, Stoops, Pool Decks

Tim Rietveld P.O. Box 1327 Homewood, IL


Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Heating & Air Conditioning


24/7 Emergency Service Insured& Licensed 28 yrs of Experience

Senior Discounts Air Conditioner or Furnace Cleaning $49.95

Licensed & Bonded Lic# 305522


BIG SALE We Will Not Be Undersold! Guaranteed! Installation Extra, We Deliver Anywhere. Free Estimates. All Sales Are Final. CUSTOM MADE WINDOWS

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

708.672.6111 LIVING/CARE

Home Based Services 16300Louis LouisAvenue Avenue 16300 South SouthHolland, Holland,ILIL

708.331.2005 708.596.3050

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 16300 Wausau 2681 RouteAvenue 394 SouthCrete, Holland, IL IL

Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

Glinares Landscaping Fall Clean-Ups

Free Estimates

• Lawn Mowing • Sod • Bush Trimming • Perfect Edging • Power Raking • Fertilizing • Gutter & Downspout Cleaning • Retaining Walls • Brick Paving • Mulch • SNOW PLOWING Gustavo

(773) 562-0450 (708)362-1577

708-268-0693 708-891-9488


Genous Plumbing & Rodding Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

Property Management & Real Estate Sales Licensed in Illinois & Indiana Robert & Les Bogs


708-268-0693 708-891-9488

1-800-352-5625 1-773-734-3640 We Accept MASTERCARD & VISA

For sa le : Rose china complete service for 12. 16 c ups & saucer s, ser v i ng bowls, platters, $ 60. 219838-2446

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing Let Us Help You Manage Your Property

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

•High Efficiency Equip. •Duct Cleaning •Blow In AtticInsulation


Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing

Genous Plumbing & Rodding


2914 Bernice Ave., Lansing

2681 Route 394 Crete, IL SENIOR


708-268-0693 708-891-9488



Genous Plumbing & Rodding

Genous Plumbing & Rodding

1820 45th Ave., Munster



708.596.5500 708.672.6111


“The Guy From Indiana”

16300 Louis Avenue South Holland, IL

708-268-0693 708-891-9488

1150 Sheffield Ave., Dyer

219-365-0006 708-895-0006

• Repair Broken Water Pipes • Hot Water Heaters Installed • Gas & Water Leaks • Low Water Pressure Corrected • Sink, Bath Tub & Toilet Drains Opened • Sewer Power Rodding • Faucet Installed & Repaired • Sump/Ejector Pumps • Toilet Repair & Installation • Flooded Basements


3455 Ridge Rd., Lansing

11407 Wicker Ave., Cedar Lake

Electrical Rodding As Low As $15

Senior Discounts Free Estimates Electrical rodding done for as low as $15.00 Full Service Plumbing







Over 20 Years Serving the South Suburbs








Thermal Comfort Inc.

SENIOR DISCOUNTS • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Demolition • Roofing Repairs • Gutters Cleaned • Hauling • Small- Tree Removal • Basement Clean-Outs • Fence Repairs • Storm Damage Repairs NO CHECKS


Locally Family Owned and Operated since 1946



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Phone: (708) 510-8014 Bus. Fax: (708) 357-3995 Mobile: (708) 400-6841 SERVING THE SOUTH SUBURBS AND NW INDIANA SINCE 1958




THE GUTTER GUY • Minor Exterior Repairs • Expert Craftsmanship

708-895-5433 219-865-6044




Coronado Remodeling & Decorating, Inc.

Quality Work at a Fair Price Complete Remodeling • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair • Paint • Sidewalk & Decorative Concrete Work • Installs Fences Hector (cell phone)


Over ten years experience in South Suburbs References Available www.coronadoremodeling

ROOFING NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTOR Family Owned - 40 Years -All types of Roofing -Siding & Gutters -Sofit & Fascia -Insurance Work Residential -Commercial IL & IN Licensed & Insured Free Estimates

708-333-8951 Dan M. Matejko

For Sale: MTD power snow thrower. Heav y duty tread tires. Used once. Excellent condition. Owner manual. $300.00 or BO 708-275-6674

For sale : PROFORM J6 SI TREADMILL. Power incline. EKG monitor. programmed exercise program $250.00 or BO 708-275-6674

Fo r s a l e : Ne w s l o t machine $250; deluxe card table $100; five bar stools $50 each; slate pool table $500; TV with stand $50. 708-333-4482

Home Based Services 16300 Louis Avenue South Holland, IL

J&J ALUMINUM • Vinyl Siding 708.331.2005 • Seamless Gutters • Soffit • Fascia • Trim • Leaf Guard Since 1975 / Jeff Olthoff 16300 Wausau Avenue South Holland South Holland, IL & Beecher, IL 708.596.5500


“You’ll only do it once, so let us do it right.”


THE BRICK DOCTOR • Tuckpointing • Chimney Rebuilds • Glass Block Windows • Chimney Liners • Chimney Rebuilds & Repairs • Porch repairs

(708)425-8635 (219)992-9351 We Make House Calls

Ask For Doug

Rob’s Tuckpointing, Chimney & Brick Repairs No Job Too Small. Very Reasonable. Call For Estimate

708-877-6860 No Sundays.

For sale: Snow thrower 29” path, 6 for ward 2 reverse speeds. Be ready for winter! Jan or Tim. $475 obo. 219845-0583

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Day bed complete w it h mat t ress, bron ze frame, like new $250. 219218-3457 2 Bears chairs, from Solider Field renovat ion in 2001. Blue color. $300 obo. Very heav y. Must bring help to carry and large vehicle. Call 708-204-3573

24 November 20, 2013 For sale : Five black steel bookcases, 34” wide x 48” tall x 12” deep, $100; 3 office privacy dividers 5’ tall x 48” wide, $50. 708-772-2536 For sale: Healthride Exercise machine $75. 708-672-4747 For sale: Presto Matchless electric Bar B Q Grill 16” x 18”, excellent condition, $75. 312-802-1478



Funeral service for John “Jack” E. Cook will be offered from First Reformed Church on Thursday, November 21 with Rev. Mel DeVries and Rev. Matt Waterstone officiating. Mr. Cook was born November 11, 1930 and died November 15, 2013. He was the Father of Dwayne Cook. Brother of the late Robert Cook and the late Dorothy Hoekstra. Interment was at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.

Oak corner curio cabinet, m i r rore d, l ig hte d, g la s s shelves, $10 0. Ha nd made wooden keepsake box $50. Total Gym $100. Will email photos. 708-872-7040

Roop Sr.

A funeral service for David A. Roop Sr., was held from Smits Funeral Home in Dyer, IN on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 with Minister Jerry A. Cleek officiating. Mr. Roop was born March 31, 1951 and died on November 9, 2013. Husband of Cindy A. Roop, (nee Turner). Father of Marco (Gloria) Mendez, Tim (Tracy) Nossem, David Roop Jr., Tracy (Steven) Steffek, Christopher (Andrea) Roop, Eric (fiancé Sasha) Roop; Step-father of Angela (Scott) Deal, and Nicole (John) Dvorscak. Grandfather of 11. Brother of Ray (Debbie) Roop Sr., Elaine (Tom) Cortez, Chuck Roop, Sue Choate, George (Natalie) Roop, Mary Keith, the late Robert (Fay) Roop, and the late Randy Roop. Interment Calumet Park Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home (James E. Janusz Funeral Service).

obituaries Anderson

Funeral service for Marlene A. Anderson (nee Johnson) was offered from Redeemer Lutheran Church on Thursday, November 14 with Rev. Beverly Conway officiating. Mrs. Anderson was born February 14, 1933 and died November 10, 2013. She was the wife of Roy C. Anderson. Mother of Rhonda (Ed) Julliano, Roy “Randy”(Dawn) Anderson, Sandy Harkenrider, and Ron Anderson. Grandmother of 7 and great-grandmother of 3. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits, DeYoung-Vroegh Funeral Home.


Mass of Christian burial for Naomi L. Gedzun (nee Sheppard) was offered from St. Maria Goretti Church on Monday, November 18 with Rev. Len Dubi officiating. Mrs. Mr. Gedzun was born November 20, 1925 and died November 12, 2013. She was the wife of the late Florian Gedzun. Daughter of the late Gordon and Naomi Sheppard. Mother of Richard “Rick” (Susan) Hutchings, Michael (Phyllis) Gedzun, Sandra (Daniel) Vanderbilt. Grandmother of 8, Greatgrandmother of 6 and Greatgreat-grandmother of 3. Sister of Karen Martin three late brothers and two late sisters. Interment was at Good Shepherd Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

obituaries Cook Jr.

Mass of Christian burial for Edward P. Cook Jr. was offered from St. Michael the Archangel Church on Saturday, November 16 with Rev. Ted Mauch officiating. Mr. Cook was born December 15, 1937 and died November 9, 2013. He was the husband of the late Elizabeth “Betty” Cook (nee Meadows). Son of the late Edward and Vera Cook. Father of Ed (Carrie) Cook, and the late Thomas Cook. Grandfather of 2. Brother of Richard (Charlene) Cook and the late Thomas (Jean) Cook. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

Internet Edition

For sa le : 2-mens leat her jackets, 1-deep dark brown, s i z e X-l a r g e , p e r f e c t condition $25 ea; 1-black size large, good condition. 815-462-6930

obituaries Prayer service for Carolyn J. Alex (nee Kremsner) was offered from Thornridge Funeral Home on Monday,November 18 with Rev. John Zurek officiating. Mrs. Alex was born March 22, 1957 and died November 15, 2013. She was the wife of Nick Alex. Mother of Ashley and Katie Alex. Sister of Julie Edwards, Mary (Mark) LaCien, Rich (Kathy), Bill and Dave Kremsner. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Thornridge Funeral Home (Janusz Family Funeral Service).


Mass of Christian burial for Emeteria Urbano (nee Perez) was offered from St. Michael the Archangel Church on Monday, November 18 with Rev. Ted Mauch officiating. Mrs. Urbano was born February 25, 1920 and died November 11, 2013. She was the wife of the late Joseph Urbano. Daughter of the late Benigno and Teresa Perez. Mother of Irene (Lou) Cisneros, Joseph Urbano, and Mary (George) Arroyo. Grandmother, greatgrandmother, and greatgreat-grandmother of many. Interment was private. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.


Reconciliation God’s Way ANNA M. CAISON

My dad was an alcoholic. Everybody k new it except h i m. My mom, her brother and father and a few friends were his co-dependants. “Give that boy another chance,” grandpa would tell my mom. “He’ll be alright.” Dad was good at manipulating his inner circle out of money saying it was for food or a bill. They never confronted him about his addiction. Mom thought that if we moved away from his friends and old hangouts he’d stop drinking. Twice during my childhood we moved and at each place dad made new friends who loved to drink as much as he did. They separated a few times, but all dad had to do was look sad and say “You didn’t tell me the bills were due,” or “I didn’t know the kids needed money for school,” and, “It’s not my fault you didn’t tell me you needed money,” and mom would let him come back home. Never did he say, “I didn’t pay the bills because I drunk up my paycheck.” He never took responsibility for his drinking because in his mind he was not a n alcoholic! Reconciliation is the hallmark of the Christian faith. It is the means through w h ich we e x per ienc e he a l i ng a nd renewed fellowship. My dad had what the scriptures call “worldly sorrow.” What he needed was “godly sorrow” because godly sorrow leads to repentance. Repentance

You Are Invited to

Worship with Us. Bethel Christian Reformed Church

Lynwood United Reformed Church

3500 Glenwood-Lansing Road (West of Wentworth Avenue) 474-9226 Pastor Nick Van Beek

1990 E. Glenwood-Dyer Road, Lynwood 474-4100 Rev. Keith Davis Pastor

Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Church School ..................................................9:45 a.m.

Worship Services ..................... 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

New Hope Church


A Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

First Reformed Church

3642 Lake Street, Lansing 474-7717 Rev. Daniel Roels

3134 Ridge Road, Lansing 474-9610 Ken Kuiper, Pastor


Funeral service for Wendell A. Wegner was offered from Smits Funeral Home on Tuesday, November 12 with Rev. Daniel Gute officiating. Mr. Wegner was born February 13, 1930 and died November 14, 2013. He was the husband of Barbara A. Wegner (nee Warmelink). Son of the late Leonard and Frances Wegner. Father of Lisa (Jim) Morris, Rob (Michelle) Wegner, and late infant Cynthia Annette Wegner. Grandfather of 5. Brother of Ret. Col. Leonard W. (Muriel) Wegner. Interment was at Concordia Cemetery. Arrangements were by Smits Funeral Home.

i nvolves ack nowledg i ng a nd ta k i ng responsibility for wrongdoing before God and those who have been injured. It also includes a change in behavior. Only then can true reconciliation take place. O c c a s i o n a l l y t h e l o c a l c hu r c h is plagued with a type of addiction we don’t like to acknowledge. It causes just as much, if not more devastation to the Body of Christ as alcohol does to the family. The addiction I’m speaking of is Arrogance; an over inf lated view of oneself as being infallible and above correction by one’s peers. It’s a sin disease that can afflict anyone although it’s most common among leaders. People with this disease never admit fault in their wrong decisions and misjudgment of others. In their mind they’re justified in whatever t hey do because of t he position they hold. W hen confronted with their sin, spiritual addicts and their co-dependents will blame the injured person, circumstances, anything and everything except themselves. By the time my dad acknowledged his addiction it was too late. He slipped into a coma and died 2 days later before he could reconcile with his sons. For questions and/or comments send an email to . Or you can write me at: Anna Caison, PO Box 529, Lansing, IL 60438.

Worship Service ............................................ 10:00 a.m. *******

Our Saviour Lutheran Church Morning Worship ............................................9:30 a.m. Sunday School ............................................... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ............................................ 5:30 p.m. *******

19058 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1886 Sue Devermann, Pastor

First United Methodist Church 18420 Burnham Avenue, Lansing 474-1144

Worship Service ..................... 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School ..................................................9:15 a.m. *******

Protestant Reformed Church Worship in Chapel ....................................................8:00 a.m. Sunday School............................................................9:15 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary...........................................10:30 a.m. *******

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak Worship Services ........................ 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. *******

Say I saw it in The Shopper

25 November 20, 2013

Dressers (retro 1950-60’s) men’s $ 225, lad ies $ 200, deep drawers, solid wood, will email photos, beautiful, call 219-322-2127 to see.

2 tier occasional table (solid cherry) $75 obo; Ethan Allen side table walnut $75; Ethan A llen sofa $125 obo. 708481-6907

wheel chair 20.00 3 wheel sc0ter 2 batts./charger? 708687-4776

“Pha f f ” 1222 sew ing machine (made in Germany) $75 obo; Toshiba 14” c able ready T V $ 20 ; “Honey wel l” 40 : long electric heater $20. 708-4816907

wheel chair 20.00 708-6874776 Farm equipment: For sale, John Deere 1010 crawler loader. Rebuilt engine and reverser. Needs under carriage $1,500 obo. 219-680-6694 Vent ra t ra nsit/debit ca rd with $165.50 on it. $155, call 773-272-8315. For sale : A nthearn miniature HO train. Santa Fe #601, 2 engines, 10 cars $10 0 w i t h t r a c k a n transformer. 219-226-0380 1950’s desk w/chair $125; matching dresser w/wood framed mirror $150 (all solid knotty pine). Come see it, can email photos. 219-3222127 Roper washer and gas dryer for sale older model white asking 160.00 or best offer as-is sale 708-205-6342 For sale: Little Tykes 3 tables and chairs. Tables $5 each, chairs $1 each. Take all for $13. 219-845-0583 A nt i q u e 192 0’s s p e a k e r stand 4’-0” tall b/o. Antique 1920’s weed & grass trimmer s i n g l e w h e e l op e r a t i on before weed whackers b/o. 708-333-9520 Rubber ba se mou ld i ng white 36” lg. new 1/2 price $1 each; garden pitch fork $4; post hole digger auger type $5. 708-333-9520 For sa le : 10 ga l. wester n crock $ 80 ; 5 ga l. western crock $70 ; receding pipe threader $45. 708-210-1711 For sale: Monster high 2 pk. Boy-girl dolls. Draculaura a nd Clawd wol f or Abby Boninable and Heath Burns. $50 each. Combo pack. 708756-0519 For sale: Panasonic 15.6 volt + batteries and charger $40; 14 silent movies $35. 708285-1107 For sale: Milwaukee drywall srew g u n $ 80 ; sk i l l saw worm drive 7-1/4 in $ 80 ; Senco compressor 2-HP -4.3 gal. tank $90. 708-285-1107 For sale: Bed slide out unit for pick-up truck $150. 708285-1107 Leather office chair. Swivel, heig ht adjust, a r m rests. Retail $120, yours for $25. 219-864-1962. Assorted quilts bedspread and coverlets (some quilts handmade) $15-$20 each; decorative toss pillows $1$2 each; duvet covers asst. sizes $3 -$5 each. 708-4816907 L a rge over t he d resser mirror $15; ornamental wall mir rors $ 20-$ 30 ; wood 2 drawer file cabinet $15. 708481-6907

Church Directory Good Shepard Lutheran Church 16500 Woodlawn East, S. H. Pastor Rev. Michael Udoekong Sunday Worship...9:00 a.m. Bible Class.........10:30 a.m. (708) 331-7706

Internet Edition

Stiffel 2 pc set of brass lamps $10 0 ; some st i f fel t a ble lamps $20-$20 each; brother MFC-210 printer, fax, copier, scanner (6 functions in 1) 708-481-6907 Cha mpag ne a nd w ine glasses (crystal 6 pc. for $10; cr ystal decantners $5-$15 ea. 708-481-6907

Directory South Holland...

A Community of Churches

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Avenue 339-1133 Alfonzo Surrett, Sr. Pastor

Peace Christian Reformed Church

833 East 168th Street 331-7755 Timothy DeVries, Interim Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 6:00 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

Education Time ......9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ...10:00 a.m. *******

166th & Cottage Grove Ave. 331-0391 Rev. Richard Zekveld, Pastor

315 East 161st Place 339-7790 email: Rev. Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor

Cottage Grove Christian Reformed Church

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. *******

Covenant United Church of Christ

1130 East 154th Street 333-5955 Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr., Pastor Sunday School .......9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship .....7:30 a.m. .................... & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study......... Noon Thursday Prayer/Bible Study ....................7:14 p.m. *******

Good Shepard Lutheran Church

16500 Woodlawn East 331-7706 Rev. Michael Udoekong, Pastor

Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church

Tues. Bible Class ..11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Cl..7:00 p.m. Sunday Service ......8:00 a.m. Sunday School .....10:00 a.m. *******

Protestant Reformed Church

1777 E. Richton Road, Crete 672-4600 Rev. Nathan Langerak, Pastor Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:00 p.m. *******

Redeemer Lutheran Church

651 East 166th Street 331-4100 Beverly Conway, Pastor

Sunday Worship .....9:00 a.m. Bible Class ...........10:30 a.m. *******

First Christian Reformed Church

163rd & South Park Avenue 333-8211 Rev. Bernard Tol, Pastor

Worship Services....9:30 a.m. ....................... & 5:30 p.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

First Reformed Church

15924 South Park Avenue 333-0622 Rev. Matt Waterstone, Sr. Pastor Rev. Mel DeVries, Pastor Anthony Bolkema, Director of Worship & Community Life

Sunday Worship .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....11:00 a.m. *******

King’s Community Church 600 West Route 6 333-5444

Worship Services..10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......9:00 a.m. Wednesday.............7:30 p.m. *******

Worship Service .....9:30 a.m. Sunday School .....10:45 a.m. Channel 6 Tues. ...10:00 a.m. *******

Spirit of God Fellowship 16350 S. State Street 331-1234 Dr. John F. Sullivan, Pastor

Sunday School .......9:30 a.m. Kids Church ..........10:45 a.m. Worship Wed. .........7:30 p.m. *******

St. Jude the Apostle Church 880 East 154th Street 333-3550 Fr. Ignatius Anale, Pastor

Weekday Mass .......8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass .......5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses ......8:00 a.m. ... 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Sat...4:15 p.m. *******

United Presbyterian Church 16440 Cottage Grove 333-0921 Rev. Doug Cater

Worship Service ...10:00 a.m. *******



We have many local businesses that help us distribute The Shopper every week. Stop by and pick up your copy every week!


Circle Buick 2440 45th Street Citizens Financial Bank 3853 45th Street Comfy Couch 2631 Highway Avenue Highland Chamber Office 8536 Kennedy Avenue Highland Library 2841 Jewett Street Lansing Cleaners 10351 Indianapolis Lincolns Restaurant 2813 Highway Avenue Standard Bank 2930 Ridge Road Thrift Center 2821 Highway Avenue Ultra 8401 Indianapolis Blvd.


Butterfingers 921 D Ridge Road Citizens Financial Bank 707 Ridge Road Family Christian 340 West 45th Street Gus Bock Hardware 1820 45th Street Howard & Sons 719 Ridge Road Lansing Cleaners 1652 Ridge Rd. Munster Chamber Office 1040 Ridge Road Phillips 66 323 Ridge Road


Altered Images 100 Eagle Ridge Drive American Family Insurance 133 East Joliet Street Citizens Financial Bank 7650 Harvest Drive Coldwell Banker 20 E. U.S. Highway 30 Schererville Chamber Office 13 west Joliet Street Schererville Town Hall 10 East Joliet Street Sears Hardware 1150 U.S. Highway 30 Strack & Van Til 1515 U.S. 41 Vision Point 1525 U.S. Highway 41

Say I saw it in The Shopper Gently used scrubs (medical uniforms) 2 for $3; white lab coats (new) $3 each. 708481-6907 Golden opportunity books, NW Indiana & So. Suburbs I L , $ 2 5, 10 0’s d i s c ou nt coupons, fine dining, fast foods, sports services. 708849-7722



26 November 20, 2013 Hooker Enter ta i n ment Center, l i ke new, Med ia u n it s, upper g la ss/lower wood doors. Adj. Center light bridge w/shelf. $250.00 219-865-9666

For sa le : K ing size g reen q u i l t e d b e d s pr e a d $10 ; Amish 2-door glass blonde cabine 6’high, $200; blond book shelf 6ft tall 15x18 inch $150. 708-333-7461

For sa le : Tay lor made 3 drawer music cabinet, blond $60; silverware sets, green velvet upholstered cha i r $150; 2 black floor lamps 5ft & 6ft tall. 708-333-7461

For sa le : Rod iron round table $ 60 ; pa i r squa re m a r b le t op t a b le s $ 4 0 ; magazine wooden rack $50; la rge T V table/g la ss top $100; large varnished table $100. 708-333-7461

Internet Edition

Na i l s : 16D 50lbs. 3-1/2” r o o f i n g 5 0 l b s . 1-1 / 2 ”, drywall 50 lbs. 1-1/2”, fence staples. 708-210-1711 Su it c a s e s (for t r av el ) $ 5 each; garment bags $3 each; sma l l k itchen applia nces $5-$10 each. 708-481-6907 7 ft pool table $275; Emerson Microwave $25 all VGC. 708333-0576

Garage Sale!


Address ___________________________________________ Town __________________________ Not For Print

Items for Sale or Directions (Only 12 words)

addl’ $5


CHRISTMAS TREE PRE-LIT WITH STAND.. $30 312-7583970 V i nc i Tr u mp et i nc lude s cleaning kit $200 708-3350627

NEW PAR AFIN M ACHINE W I T H WA X $ 3 5, 4 D o g Crates $10 each, two chair discovers $30 each 708-3350627

Garage Sales cost $10 for the Illinois zone and an additional $5 for the Indiana zone

Date __________________ Time _______________ Phone ___________________ Paper: Both

ROCK ING CH A IR GR E AT CONDITION ..$40 312-7583970

ROUND SHELV ING UNIT $ 2 0 , Tw o w h i t e a r m e d d i n i n g c h a i r s $ 4 0 ,C a r s jacket $10 708-335-0627


Invite 30,000 people to your next

Washer Machine - $100 773531-5478














DROP OFF OR MAIL TO: The Shopper • 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 PLACE ONLINE: Deadline: Friday 12 Noon It’s a pleasure serving you!

D y er- A m a n a 17. 9 c u . f t Re f r id g e r a t or/13.1 c u . f t Freezer(on top). Very good condition $200 OBO. Picstexted or email; Tom-219588-5182

Dyer- Selmer Flute, Music Stand, Metronome, Quinlan & Fa bi s h Bo ok 1, s he et music, and totebag; $75 Tom 219-588-5182. Small sofa-light blue/cream color-$110 Table Lamp-Base is Gray stone- $ 35 G ood Condition 312-520-4698 cell Lansing area For sa le : Cra f tsma n law n mower a nd s n o w b l o w e r, u s e d o n e season, both for $225. Call Rick, leave message. 630781-2317 For sa le : 50 or so t i n advertising signs, most $5 each. Seaside cera m ic pictures tiles, most $5 each. Lansing. 773-647-0032 For sale: N guage track by atlas misc. never used $50. 708-862-4167 For sale: Walnut wood adult r o c k e r, w a l nut w o o d magazine rack, sharp cash r e g i s t e r. Mo d e l x e10 5 4, Con n st udent t r u mpet model H1713060. Call. 708895-0628

For your convenience,


To promote your organization or event in The Shopper use this

“What’s Happening This Week” Form Organization Name _________________________________________________________ Event_____________________________________________________________________ Dates_____________________________________________________________________ Location __________________________________________________________________ Description of Event ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

is available at the following locations:

Calumet CitY • Harvest Thrift Store Wentworth & River Oaks Dr.

• Walt’s Food Center 1100 E. Exchange

18349 Torrence Avenue 3330 - 181st Place, Suite 103

• E Z Stop 191st & Burnham Avenue

Dolton • Fairway Finer Foods

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

South hollanD


• Community Center


• Restoration Ministries Thrift Store

Mail or Drop off this form at: The Shopper, 924 E. 162nd Street, South Holland, IL 60473 Email info to: Deadline is Friday for the following Wednesday’s issue.

• Calumet Bakery • Chamber of Commerce


15441 Cottage Grove Ave. 200 E. 144th

For more information, call ___________________________________________________


170th Street

351 W. 162nd Street

• Thornton Township 333 E. 162nd Street

• Walt’s Food Center

• Jansma Produce 3033 Ridge Road

• JJ Kelley’s 2455 Bernice Road

• Mitchell’s Convenience Torrence Ave. & Ridge Road

• Quik Scripts Ridge Road

• News Box 178th & Burnham Avenue

• Village Hall 3141 Ridge Road

16145 State Street

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Say I saw it in The Shopper

27 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

C A l e nD A R

of events

also, post & view events at

Wednesday, November 20

l Spring, Dip and Roll Wednesday, November 20th, 2013, 4:00pm. Make your own spring rolls and dipping sauces using bean sprouts from our Speedy Sprouters activity and other vegetables. Preregistration is necessary and begins Nov. 6. For grades 3-6. Pre-registration starts November 6th. Call 708-331-5262 to register. South Holland Public Library, 16250 Wausau.

Thursday, November 21

l Chansonettes Bring You the Sun, Moon and Stars! The Chansonettes will sing a delightful collection of show tunes and pop standards which include Sunshine, Lollypops and Roses, Moon River, Catch a Falling Star and many others. This wonderful event will take place at the South Holland Public Library, Thursday, November 21 at 1:30 in the afternoon. Refreshments will be served! The South Holland Public Library is located at 16250 Wausau Avenue. Call 708 331-5262 to register. l Paper Creations Class Paper Creations Classes November 21, 10:00 a.m. – Noon November project is Photo Vignette. This program is limited to 12 Lansing Library card holders. Your Library Card is needed to register for this program. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Game Day! Thursday, November 21 at 4 p.m.: It’s Game Day! Use our Nintendo Wii to challenge your friends at a number of sports with Wii Sports or work together to conquer Super Mario Bros. If video games aren’t your style, you can best your friends at Connect Four, Uno and much more! For more information, contact 708-474-2447 or visit the library’s Web site at The Lansing Public Library is located at 2750 Indiana Avenue. l Archaeological Lecture On Thursday, November 21, 2013 the South Suburban Archaeological Society will present an illustrated lecture by Caleb Kestle, titled “Colonial Mesoamerica: The Story of the Bones.” The presentation will take place at the Marie Irwin Center, 18120 Highland Avenue, Homewood. It is free and open to the public at will begin at 7:30 p.m.. For more info., call Will Kelley at 773-2686705 or Carole Yoshida at 708-403-1597.

Friday, November 22

l Annual Spaghetti Fest The American Legion Auxiliary Allied Unit 369 will present their “Annual Spaghetti Fest” on Friday, November 22 from 3-7pm. $6/person. All You Can Eat. Located at 1401 West Chicago Ave., East Chicago, IN. For more information, call 219-659-3962. l Lamp Shade House Open House On November 22 & 23, 2013 from 9:30am to 5:00pm at 1810 45th Street, Munster. The Lamp Shade House is celebrating our 40th anniversary. Same location, second generation family owed and operated. Stop by for refreshments and to see what is new. For more information email budpatty@

Saturday, November 23

l 12th Annual Holiday Shopping Spree & Craft Show Dyer Parks & Recreation is having their 12th Annual Holiday Shopping Spree & Craft Show on Saturday, November 23 from 10am-3pm at Kahler Middle School in Dyer, IN. All sorts of vendors and homebased businesses will be on hand displaying their products. It’s a great way to get some of your holiday shopping done! For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Soup Kitchen Come enjoy a FREE meal! Hope kitchen. Serving every month on the fourth Saturday

12:00-1:30. This months date is November 23rd. Lighthouse Community Church, 17500 Lighthouse Lane, Lansing IL. *two blocks west of Torrence on 176th* Any questions please call 708-474-9045. l Married Couples Ministry Discovering your best Marriage Workshop will be held at 1130 E. 154th St., South Holland on November 23 from 12-2pm. Have a “real” conversation about relationship challenges.

Sunday, November 24

l Michael Pippin Baseball Camp Attention Serious Baseball Players. South Suburban College Baseball Coaches will be hostin the annual Michael Pippin Fall/ Winter Sunday Baseball camp. The camp will be stariting Sunday , November 24 and run for 12 weeks. For details, please contact 708-596-2000 Ext. 2413 or email sruzich@

Monday, November 25

l Lansing Women’s Club Meeting Please feel free to join us for one of our monthly meetings to meet the ladies of the Lansing Women’s Club. Our next meeting is November 25th. We meet on the 4th Monday of the month, September through May. If you have an interest in your community and enjoy having lunch and socializing with other women, please feel free to join us. It is not necessary to be a Lansing resident. We will be meeting a J.J. Kelly’s on Bernice Rd. at 12:00 Noon. Please contact Barb Raczak at (708)895-3195 for more details. l ISON, Comet of the Century or NOT Calumet Astronomical Society Meeting on Monday, November 25, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Lake Central High School, St. John, Indiana (Enter via the west entrance) Open to the public, family friendly, and free. l 2013 Festival of Lights The Lansing Historical Society is pleased to announce the gala opening of its annual Festival of Lights exhibit from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Community Room, Lansing Public Library, 2750 Indiana Ave., Lansing. More than 30 Christmas trees and displays will depict holiday celebrations from around the world and here in town. The evening will feature Christmas music by the “Wolffgang” musical group. Refreshments will follow and then everyone will be invited to view the trees. Guests are invited to bring in burned out Christmas tree lights for recycling.

Tuesday, November 26

l Internship Fair at GSU The Office of Career Services at Governors State University is sponsoring the 2013 Health and Human Services Career and Internship Fair on Tuesday, November 26, from 3 to 6 p.m., in the Center for Performing Arts lobby on the GSU campus. For more information, call (708) 235-3974 or email career@govst. edu. Governors State University is located at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Illinois.

Wednesday, November 27

l Wag Your Tail Wednesdays with Santa Humane Society Calumet Area has partnered with The Indiana Welcome Center for Wag Your Tail Wednesdays with Santa. On Wednesdays, November 27th, December 11th, and December 18th from 3pm to 7pm, pet owners can bring their pets to have their photo taken with Santa. Photos are $5 each and $1 from each pet photo will be donated to the Humane Society Calumet Area. Both dogs and cats are welcome! The Indiana Welcome Center is located at 7770 Corinne Drive in Hammond.

Upcoming Events

l 2nd Annual Candy Cane Hunt Children ages 3-9 (with parent) will enjoy making a holiday craft, having hot cocoa and decorating cookies, all prior to searching for hidden candy canes outside in Elmer

Miller Park. Dress for outdoor fun, but if the weather is bad, we will move the hunt inside. Participants will meet at Plum Creek Center, 222 Schulte St. Once there, we will enjoy the indoor activities and then head outside with our hats and mittens on, for the Candy Cane Hunt, Sunday, December 1st from 1:303:00pm. The fee is $10 for Dyer Residents and $11 for Non-Residents. Advance registration is required at Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. by Nov. 29. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Model Railroad Open House Lake Shore Model Railroad Association will be having it’s annual Open House on Friday, Dec. 6 from 5-9pm and Saturday and Sunday, Dec 7-8 from Noon-4PM. Located at Calumet Park Field House at 9801 S. Ave G, Chicago, IL. For more information, call 708-877-6429. l Konnect with K’nex Monday, December 2nd, 2013, 6:30pm. Work alone or as a team making K’nex transportation structures. For Grades 4-8. Pre-registration begins November 18th. Call 708-331-5262 to register. South Holland Public Library, 16250 Wausau Ave. l Preview Illiana! Discover what Illiana Christian High School has to offer at our PREVIEW on December 5 at 7:00p.m. Parents and students interested in learning more about Illiana are welcome. Meet with faculty and administration, tour the campus, observe live teaching, and have all of your questions answered about Illiana. No pre-registration necessary. If you know of anyone who might like to know more about the school, please invite them to attend. Please feel free to contact the new Admissions Counselor, Liz Metcalfe, with further questions at 708-474-0515 ext. 49. l Chili Supper Chili Supper served with beverage and dessert on Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 from 5-7 p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 kids up to age 10. Carry outs are available. Thornton United Methodist Church, 712 Chicago Road, Thornton. For more information call, 708-877-5541. l Big Lights in the City See the spectacular lights, shop for that unique gift, or just stroll along the Magnificent Mile. Michigan Avenue has so much to offer;amazing window displays, great food, and many unique shops. This trip takes place on Saturday, December 7. Coach bus that will depart at 9:00 am and return at approx. 4:00 pm to the Dyer Town Hall. The fee for this trip is $25.00 per person and is for transportation only. You can register for the trip at the Dyer Parks & Recreation Dept. No need to drive to Chicago and pay for parking! Please park in the rear parking lot of the Dyer Town Hall. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult 18 and older. For more information, please call 219-865-2505. l Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol A play, Directed by Earle Howe and Betty Howe will be December 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 2013. Performances will be at Beatniks on Conkey, 418 Conkey Street, Hammond. 6 Performances Friday, Saturday, Sunday, December 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15, 2013. Showtimes 8 PM Friday/Saturday, 2 PM Sunday. Tickets $15, refreshments provided, doors open 1/2 hour before curtain. l Auditions for “The Mousetrap” Beatniks on Conkey announces on behalf of Hammond Community Theater, the auditions for Agatha Cristie’s “The Mousetrap”, the longest run play in England. Audition Dates: Sunday December 8th, 5-7Pm Monday December 9th 7- 9PM 2013. Beatniks is located at 418 Conkey Street, Hammond Indiana. For more info you can go to or call 219852-0848.


l Men Discover Your Bible with Us Join us at Cottage Grove Christian Reformed

Church, 166th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue (by the roundabout) in South Holland, Tuesday mornings from 9:45 – 11 a.m. We are studying the book of Matthew. For information call the church at 331-3091. We’d love to have you join us! l MOPS MOPS (Mothers of Pre-schoolers) is for all mothers of children ages infant to Kindergarten. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from September April, 9-11am. We enjoy good food, inspiring speakers, creative activities and just some time with other mothers who up to their eyeballs in diapers, potty training, Elmo and naptimes. Bring your little ones along as they attend their own fun program called Moppets. Hope to see you there. Peace Church 833 E. 168th St. South Holland l Sears Retirees Group Meeting Sears “Best” Retirees Group Meeting at Tom’s Restaurant, 894 Burnham Ave., Calumet City , IL. Meets on the first Monday of the month except when a holiday fall on that date, then it is the second Monday. July is annual picnic. No meetings in December. l Coffee Break Women of all ages are invited to Coffee Break, an informal Bible Study. We meet Thursday mornings (September - April) from 9:30 - 11:00 at Grace Reformed Church, 2740 Indiana Ave., Lansing, IL. We will be studying 1st and 2nd Samuel. For children, storyhour and nursery are provided. For more information call 4740180. l T.O.P.S. Meeting Meeting every Thursday at 5:30pm weighin and 6:15pm meeting. at the Lansing Presbyterian Church, 2625 Ridge Rd., Lansing. We are a family oriented organization for men, women, teens and children over 7yrs of age to promote a healthy way to lose weight. Come and learn with a wonderful group to give you support on your weight loss journey. For more information, call 708-895-4771. l Cutting Coupons for the Military The Lansing Business Women’s Association is cutting and sorting coupons for our military families overseas. The coupons can be used 6 months past the expiration date at their commissary. Join us on the first Monday of every month at the Lansing Public Library in the Community Room. We meet 9:30 a.m. – Noon and 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Bring you scissors and any coupons you may have. Questions call Pat Leck 708-323-5232. Lansing Public Library 2750 Indiana Ave Lansing IL 60438. l Food Pantry Covenant United Church of Christ, located at 1130 East 154th Street in South Holland, operates a Food Pantry in conjunction with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The Pantry is opened from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each Saturday. All eligible residents of Calumet City, Dolton and South Holland are served. A current photo identification is the only requirement. Food distribution is from Covenant North building which can be entered from South Greenwood Avenue. l Calumet Corner Chorus Women of all ages who love to sing are invited join the Calumet Corner Chorus Women’s 4-part Barbershop Harmony Chapter of Sweet Adelines International. Held on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm at the Christian Fellowship Church, 605 165th Street, Hammond, In. For more information, call 219-924-5478 or 708868-6685. l South Suburban Chiselers Learn the art of woodcarving or wood turning every Saturday from 9AM to Noon. Hosted by the South Suburban Chiselers at 16236 Vincennes Rd., South Holland. For more information, call 708-331-6011. l T.O.P.S. Meeting Meets every Wednesday PM in South Holland at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 651 E. 166th St. Weigh-In 5:15-5:45. Meeting 5:45-6:30. Visitors welcome. Call 708-913-4355 for more info.

Say I saw it in The Shopper

28 November 20, 2013



Rearrange the letters in each word to spell something pertaining to Thanksgiving Day.

Internet Edition




Engaged? Married? Have you recently been...

Birthday? Anniversary? Are you having a...

Well, why don’t you announce it in The Shopper and in return we will publish it on The Shopper website

On This Date - November 20 1888 William Bundy patents the timecard clock

1942 NHL abolishes regular season OT until WW II is over 1947 1st permanent TV installed on seagoing vessel (The New Jersey) 1969 Pele scores his 1,000th soccer goal 1981 Anatoly Karpov, USSR retains world chess championship 1986 UN’s WHO announces 1st global effort to combat AIDS


Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays, and Military announcements are free and run in The Shopper each week. Pictures can be returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Announcements are also accepted by email at Deadline for all announcements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday’s issue. The Shopper reserves the right to edit all content.



ACROSS 1. “The buck _____ here” 6. Augment 9. Like a jury unable to agree 13. Orca, e.g. 14. *Photographs in text messages 15. Wiser 16. Buddhist who has attained nirvana 17. Australian runner 18. Sign of life 19. *Movie host 21. *Like popular TV genre 23. Hot springs resort 24. Ski lift 25. Sensitive subject to some 28. Delhi wrap 30. Boredom 35. “____ Free” (1966) 37. *What a judge does on “Top Chef” 39. Straight muscles 40. Continental currency 41. Iron Age priest 43. Churn 44. Make more attractive 46. Major European river 47. “Fool me ____, shame on you” 48. Rodent and name of outdoor gear maker 50. Fungal spore sacs 52. Articulate 53. Coffin along with stand 55. Mozart’s “L’___ del Cairo” 57. *One Direction, e.g. 61. *Modern book 65. Architectural projection 66. Jelly-like stuff 68. *”Say Yes to the Dress” target

69. Calyx part 70. Emergency responder 71. Saint _____ of Rome 72. *American Idol’s Ryan Seacrest 73. Unidentified John 74. City in Belgium DOWN 1. Go to and fro 2. Through, to a poet 3. Pearl Harbor location 4. Surveyor’s maps 5. Arrangements 6. D’Artagnan’s weapon of choice 7. *Kourtney and KhloÈ’s sister 8. Beyond suburbs 9. Drag 10. Tangerine and grapefruit hybrid 11. Egg holder 12. *Multi-shaded Christian 15. Merciful one 20. Talked like a sheep 22. *”The Biggest Loser” isn’t supposed to do it a lot 24. Like a noble dignitary 25. At right angles to ship or plane 26. Known for its common red casing 27. Computer message 29. Like pink steak 31. Audition tape 32. *They’re on an iPhone screen 33. Carthage’s ancient neighbor 34. *From Disney to pop star 36. “Cheers” regular 38. *The Jonas bros 42. Interior designer’s focus 45. Cricket penalty 49. Sn, on periodic table 51. First-aid item 54. Bordered 56. Frustration, in print 57. *One of Miami Heat’s “Big Three” 58. Filling treat 59. Pitiful puppy cries 60. *”Teen ____” mag (1967-2007) 61. Besides 62. Have supper 63. Original garden? 64. R in RIP 67. Rock music style

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Taihei (Taihri) six piece place setting service for eig ht A r istocrat gold design-great for Holiday’s, punch bowl set. Call. 708895-0628 For sa le: K id’s sw ing set, fully assembled, 2 swings, slide, mon key ba rs. Ta ke away “Free” wou ld need open truck to haul. 708-3332429 Na nsh ing 4 piece lu x u r y w indow set includes t wo, 578x84 inch panels with 2 rope t ieback s. Beaut i f u l chocolate bronze $30. 708210-1542 For sa le : 3 V HS f i l ms of Chicago Bears, narrated by Jack Brickhouse from 19561963. 3 for $25. 708-535-9354

29 November 20, 2013 For sale: Simmons baby crib with mattress included, exc. cond. asking $75 obo. Call. 708-895-5623 if interested must pick up.

For sa le : Cha ng ing table dresser, exc. cond. asking $75 obo for pickup only if interested. 708-895-5623



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NETWORKS BARBER COLLEGE SHOP CUTS VET’S HAIR FREE ON VET’S DAY: Pictured here in front of the barber college, 508 Burnham Avenue, Calumet City, are Kurmaski Barfield, NBC President; Dennis Wilhelm, Quarter Master VFW Post 8141; Jathel Wanzo, NBC student and US Veteran; Eric Schneider, First Ward Alderman, Calumet City; Thomas Mazinski, Past Commander, VFW Post 8141 and Antwan Branch, NBC Student and US Veteran. Seated is Rich Dominiak, Assistant Adjutant, American Legion Post 330. Many of the NBC students are US Veterans themselves and NBC offers financial aid to US Veterans who qualify. For more information about Network’s Barber College, visit http://www. The college barbers cut Veteran’s hair on Monday November 11, 2013 free of charge. Bravo to a great group of guys! *** THORNTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO HOST NOVEMBER FUNDRAISING SUPPER: Set for Wednesday November 20th, 2013, from 5 to 7 p.m. the TUMC will offer Turkey Tetrazzini served with salad, roll, beverage and dessert. Tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for kids 3-10 and under 3, free! Carryouts are also available. There will also be a Thanksgiving Eve Service with Holy Communion. All are welcome! The church is located at 712 Chicago Road, Thornton, Il and is under the Pastorship of Rev. Norval I. Brown. ***

COPPER MUGGERS/AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY HOST PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The breakfast feast was celebrated at American Legion Edward Schultz Post 697 in Lansing on Sunday November 10, 2013 with the Muggers doing a great job of flipping pancakes and the ladies auxiliary dishing up the scrambled eggs, sausage and the rest of the delicious meal. The adults were assisted by Cub and Boy Scouts from Troop 276. Pictured here are: Matthew Martinez, 15, Troop 276; Max Pastore, 12, Louie Pastore, 9, Troop 247, Guy Hart; Debbie Recker; Donna Murphy Chairman, Ladies Auxiliary; John Danielson and Norm Gifford. It was so much fun that people had trouble leaving that day. Special thanks go to the Post 697; Boy Scout Troop 276; Copper Muggers Club; National Pasteurized Eggs; Strack & Van Til and Whole Foods. The Post Family includes American Legion Post 697; Sons of the American Legion Squadron 697; American Legion Riders; Edward Schultz Chapter 697. The Copper Muggers were formed in 1968 and gives back 100% of the money they raise to community groups and organizations Bravo to the Copper Muggers and the Ladies Auxiliary! ***


to our Nation’s Veteran’s of America’s Armed Services, past, present and future REMEMBERING THE YEAR OF MILITARY WOMEN! Guest speakers that day included US Rep. Robin Kelly, and 8 year military veteran Sgt. Sharon P. Allen, who gave a stirring depiction of what it was like to be deployed in Iraq for 11 months. Her high profile job was driving a fuel truck thru the desert in a combat zone. Not for the faint hearted by a long shot and during her talk, Sgt. Allen made us all very aware of the war through her eyes, ears and senses. She made light of the fact that most did not believe that she was actually in the war zone until she began relating the day by day examples, and by keeping her sense of humor in tact. The day of remembrance was delightful, not too cold and hardly any wind. Some of the hundred or so who came that day brought lawn chairs and there were men, women and children of all ages. The late Sp4 Ernie Paolone earned the “Soldier of the Cycle Award,” and it was presented to his widow Claudia Paolone by Larry Grzywinski, Assistant Honor Guard Coordinator. Pastor Susan P. Devermann of our Saviour Lutheran Church, Lansing gave the invocation and prayer for our troops. A fitting finale was the hauting “Taps” as played by Neil VenHuizen of the Memorial Honor Guard. Participating Veteran’s Organizations included: Lansing Veteran’s Memorial Ceremonial Honor Guard; Lansing American Legion Post 697; Lansing VFW Post 7600; Calumet City American Legion Post 330; Calumet City Post 8141; South EastSide Vietnam Vets Organization and the South Suburban Chapter of the Marine Corps League. Lansing resident Pete Matrenec was presented with the “Soldier of the Cycle Award” for his participation in veteran’s events. As always, the energetic LVM event coordinator Rich Dominiak was the sparkplug that gets things moving and keeps them moving with lots of help from his friends! Bravo to all concerned who put on this wonderful Veteran’s Day Service! ***

DYNASTY CL ASSIC CARS AND LIMOS OFFER A STYLISH RIDE: While on her travels, N 2 N came across this 1940 Black Cadillac Imperial with a full boat overdriveV12 Engine. The car was photographed on Burnham Avenue across from the Burnham Woods Golf Course one sunny afternoon recently. It was the wedding chariot to carry a bride and groom to the chapel. This particular Caddy was reportedly belonging to the Wrigley Family in the 1940’s. It is also a replica of the car Chicago gangster Al Capone reportedly favored. The plush car seats 6 plus the drive, it has cushy grey velour interior, is fully air conditioned and well heated for fall and winter months. Other cars in the Dyasty Classic Car garage include a 1956 white Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, the type that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban used for their celebrity wedding. Or how about a 1960 Bentley S1? The Beatles owned the Bentley S1 to chauffeur their musician friends Jimi Hendrix and Roger Daltrey throughout London to clubs and parties. For more information on these elegant cars visit www. or call 630-985-1168. *** ST. COLUMBA HOSTS TIMOTHY TEGGE SHOW: This is how TV host Johnny Carson started--as a magician. Timothy will create some “mesmerizing magic” on the St. Columba playhouse stage this Friday November 22nd, 2013 starting at 7 p.m. Location is St. Columba Parish Hall, 13323 S. Greenbay Avenue, Chicago (Hegewisch). There will also be “vivacious vaudeville and clever comedy” live on stage and suitable for all ages. Call for tickets ($7 per person) at 773646-2660. Prepare to be dazzled! *** For inclusion in Neighbor 2 Neighbor, please call Janice at 708-302-8585 or write to her C/O Coldwell Banker, 20 E. US 30, Schererville, In 46375 or e-mail her at janice.mintonkutz@

Say I saw it in The Shopper For sale: Black 3/4 coat, fur l i n i ng c u f f s a nd c ol l a r. Pristine condition. 815-4630345 For sale: Beauty shop items: Shampoo chair, shampoo bowl, st yling cha ir, law n furniture, glass top table, with 6 chairs and cushions. Call. 708-418-8461 For sa le: Two litt le Tykes tables, five chairs, tables $5 each, chairs $1 each. Take all for $13. Jan. 219-845-0583 For sale: PS4 console with extra controller $250 obo. Still in box, never opened. 708-646-9570 Na nsh ing 4 piece lu x u r y w indow set includes t wo 57x84 inch panels w it h 2 rope t ie-back s. Beaut if u l chocolate bronze $30. 708210-1542

30 November 20, 2013

Snow blow er Tor o S -2 0 0 3-HP all tuneup. runs like new $75. Push gas lawnmower, runs execellent $40. 219-931-6473

Tw o c o o k i e j a r s f r o m Nei ma n Ma rcus, a cou r t jester Teddy bear, and Xmas bear, paid $120. Asking $40. 708-974-1674

Craftsman 4 in 1 laser trac with 60” tripod, new never used still in original box, new $80, now $45. 708-4745711

For sale: Space heaters $3, good shape/price. 773-6464873

2 Hoover vacuum cleaners ask ing $15 each. Contact Paul. 708-620-0286

For sale: jeans, pants, size 34x34, 36x34, exc. cond $5 each. Wall art sizes: 42 x38, 28x36, 25x212, 33x38, 13x17, 9x22, $25 each. 815-717-6508

Wireless printer HP officejet $25; Hoover carpet cleaner $75; Navigon GPS$20; Hand truck $5. 708-895-6160

Stov e $150 ; ref r iger ator $200 ; Dr yer $135; washer $165 ; del iver y ava i lable. 708-895-4147

For s a le : L i f t w/remote control, 3-slings for lifting f rom bed to seat, 2 receivalbe batteries, will lift up to 350#’s more info. 219365-8679 Frigidaire upright freezer, good condition $100 ; nite s t a n d 2 0 x 18 x 2 4 $ 2 0 ; 2 printers 4p one in box. Make offer, fa x machine, needs ribbon, make offer. 219-9230314

S o u n d p r oj e c t o r 16 M M Rever $65; large theatrical movie posters, glossy stills all collector items, had to find. Call info. 219-972-3511 Projector table with outlet, easy tot ca rr y $20 ; super 8MM f i l ms. L i ke new i n boxes, must see. Call info. 219-972-3511 H a d t o f i nd pr oj e c t ion lamps, brand new 1/2 price to fit 16MM Reg. 8 Super 8 slides plus other uses. Call info. 219-972-3511

Electric heater 1500 watts $25; security light 11x8 $25; computer monitor 17 inch. $25’ draw tite hitch pulling large trailer 10,000lbs. $75. 708-474-8221 Avanti dorm size fridge 2.0 Cu. ft. $45. 708-474-6488 Panasonic movie AFX8VHS HD camera with accessories a nd case $ 30 ; t ripod projector screen $ 5; V HS tapes Gr u mpy Old Mea n $1.708-895-3250

Internet Edition Westbend 12-30 cup coffee ma ker $20 ; Milawee heat gun $10; Natico tile cutter $ 5; measur ing wheel 12” wheel dia meter $10. 708895-3250

Di n i ng room table $ 375 ; chair lift $800; 16 food boat 65 HP Mercury motor, best offer. Chilton repair manual $20 each; air compressor $200. Bob. 630-667-8456

For sale: 175 Watt outdoor Mercury vapor lamps. Most are new 6 lamps $5 each or $ 20 ta kes a l l. Glenwood. 708-525-6061

E nc yc lop e d i a br it t a n i r e 1965 all volumes w/books of the years. 1966-1974. Science and the future books 19691974 $125, exc. cond. 708596-6724

Mint coat: Azurine, finger t ip len g t h, w h it e, f r om Evans Furrier. Exc. cond. 708-474-9331 Fi sh i ng motor mu st sel l 7-1/2 HP Mercury outboard, runs great, rope start, must s e e . S h or e s h a f t , g r e a t condition. Call Paul. 815557-3212 For sale: Wooden TV stand 26x16-1/2x26 $35. 708-8956724 Beanie babies collection. All new great condition. Ca ll Paul. 815-557-3212

Southeast • 20 E. U.S. 30, Schererville, In 46375 • (219) 865-9911 For detailed information on these and other fine properties Visit Open Sat / Sun 1-4

Round table detachable legs 29high $10 ; picnic basket complete with dishes $10; indoor antenne $15; coat 1ft. $5. 708-849-6273 S ol id w ood d i n i ng ov a l table, 5-chairs with 3 leaftlet $70. Vita body slimmer workout mach i ne. Great for poor c i rc u lat ion . Pe ople w ho have back problems or no time to work out. Best offer. 708-280-8399


Any house. Anytime. Anywhere.

Open Sun 1-4

Baseball spikes Asics Tiger brand. All new many colors and sizes some professional models $25 pair. Paul. 815557-3212

Office/Dental/Retail Space Available

Open Sat / Sun 1-4

378 to 1,000 SF 625 E. 170th St., South Holland 1310 Hollow Tree, Crown Point $314,900 3 br, 4 ba 2-story w/finished basement & 3-car garage on .25+-acre lot. Hardwood floors. See-through fireplace.

3723 W 217th St, Matteson $184,900 Charming 4 br, 1.5 ba Victorian in quaint neighborhood. Vintage details are perfect. Original doors & trim. Updated kitchen & baths.

18863 Cherry Ln, Lansing $182,900 Sharp 4 br, 2 bath quad w/related living. Updated kit w/Pergo flrs, skylight & appl. Htd Florida rm. Fam rm w/fplc. Newer roof. Bsmt & more.

Gina Musolino

Cookie Zeleznik

Cookie Zeleznik




Open Sat 12-2

Open Sat 1-4

Schedule Appointment

3491 Ronald Rd, Crete $159,900 3 br, 2.5 ba home w/2228 fin sq ft + 672 sq ft bsmt. New vinyl siding, triple-pane & garden windows. Huge fam rm w/fplc. Tree-lined bkyd.

751 E 164th Pl, South Holland $95,900 Beaut large 3 br, 2 ba tri-level on huge corner lot. Oak cabs & blt-ins. Table space. Hdwd flrs. Lrg fam rm w/ fplc. Conv in-town location.

Lansing $199,900 4 br, 2.5 ba home backs to park & walking track. Newer furn, c/a, roof & sprinkler sys. Fully-fenced yd & hot tub. Fam rm w/fplc. Frml din.

Robert Showalter

Cookie Zeleznik

Michael Kosich






Condo Lady says must see! Exceptional 2 Bed, 2 Bath condo. Larger end unit. Eat in kitchen facing the forest preserve. Office/Laundry room in unit. Elevator, Heated Garage, Flexicore construction.


219-796-3403 South Holland $169,900 Rehabbed 3 br, 2 ba brick split-level w/refin hdwd flrs. Kit w/new cabs, granite, ss appl & new drs to patio/yd. Remod baths. Large fam rm.

Lansing $162,900 Well-maintained 4 bedroom, 2 bath quad-level home in a picturesque area of town. Updated kitchen w/ ceramic floors overlooks the family room.

Lynwood $124,900 3 br, 2 ba ranch in lovely neighborhood. Liv rm & eat-in kit w/French drs to patio & bkyd. 2-car finished gar. Extra-wide driveway. Bsmt.

John Nugent

James Banasiak

Cookie Zeleznik



Calumet City $84,900 Lrg 3 br, 2 ba brick home w/newer furn & new roof. Hdwd flrs, 2.5-car gar and more! All appl. Lrg clean bsmt. Alum trim, sec drs & windows.

Lansing $79,900 3 br, 2 ba home across from Lan-Oak park. Org wdwrk & hdwd flrs. Newer roof, furn, windows & 200 amp elec. Liv rm w/wbfp. Bsmt. Sun porch.

James Oster

Kent Magnuson

Robert Showalter




Condo Lady

Considering a Move? Call Cathy & Jim Higgins

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Calumet City $84,900 Large 5 br, 2 ba Cape Cod w/full part-fin bsmt. Newer windows. Liv rm w/fplc, addtl kit upstairs, all appl & more. 2.5-car gar. Corner lot.

Betty O’Brien

• • • •

We’ll take you step by step through the entire process! Experts in the coordination of your Sale & next Purchase! Licensed in Illinois & Indiana for your convenience We are committed to the highest standards of Professionalism, Integrity & Client Service. • 26 Years of Experience

See what we do at Email: Call: 708-828-3304 We Sold 100+ Homes the Past 2 Years for a Reason!

Calumet City $79,000 3 br, 2.5 ba TH in newer gated community. Cust cabs, appl & over-sized windows. C/a. Lrg master ba. 1-car garage, maint-free ext & more.

Lansing $67,000 3 br ranch with sun room/rec rm & almost 1000 square feet. Brick, stone and aluminum exterior. Appliances included. Side driveway to garage.

Lansing $56,900 2 br brick condo on 3rd flr overlooking crtyd. New carpet thruout. Close to 294. Lots of closet space. Laundry in 1st flr. Sec bldg w/balc.

Shirley Rucker

Gina Musolino

Maureen Nesbitt





Lansing $52,900 Nice 5 bedroom, 1.5 bath home with fenced yard and 2.5-car garage. With some work you can have a lot of equity in a short period of time.

Dolton $50,000 4 bedroom, 3 bath ranch with breathtaking views sitting on almost .5-acre. Set up for related living over the attached garage.

Riverdale $35,900 Super clean 2 br brick ranch w/full basement. Eat-in kitchen, nice-size brs, encl porch & 2-car garage. Close to Metra & downtown Riverdale.

Kenneth Peach

David Olaoye

Tami Malloy




NEW LISTINGS available. Spectacular lake views, 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious eat-in-kitchens. Utility rooms, w/laundry in unit. Dinning room. Master bedroom bath w/tub & seprate shower and walk-in closet. Elevator, Heated garage, Flexicore.



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Title 847-824-8290

Concierge/Home Warranty 800-493-1181

Relocation 800-323-9565

Previews 888-572-Home

Commercial 800-838-7922


Betty O’Brien

Say I saw it in The Shopper

31 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition



2013 BUICk


Wheels, Full power, keyless,Touch Radio, Backup Camera



2013 GMC


MSRp .................................... $27,200 Circle Discount ......................... $2,202 Rebate ..................................... $1,000


22,999/ 229 mo.


1.9% For 72 Mos! available




2013 BUICk


Wheels, Full pwr, keyless, Touch Radio And More!

Leatherette, keyless, Full power,Wheels,Touch Radio And More! Stk#B1622 MSRp .................................... $25,085 Circle Discount ......................... $1,586 Conquest ’99 or newer ................ $500


MSRp .................................... $24,470 Circle Discount ......................... $2,072 Rebate...................................... $1,000


2014 BUICk


REgAL TuRbo Tu

Leather,Wheels, Loaded Up,Touch Radio And More! Stk#B1284 MSRp .................................... $31,530 LAST OF THE Circle Discount ......................... $2,031 2013’S Rebate...................................... $1,000 Bonus Cash................................ $2,500 FREE MAINTENANCE INC.


23,998/ 1.9% F


or 72 Mos! available

25,999/ 1.9% F

or 72 Mos! available

750 Owner Loyalty

2014 GMC


DoubLE CAb


All New Sierra,Wheels,pwr,keyless,Heated Mirrors,CDAnd More!

MSRp ................................... $32,310 Circle Discount ........................ $2,311 Own Any GM product .............. $1,000 Rebate..................................... $1,000 Trade-In 99 or newer...................$1,000 FREE MAINTENANCE INC. Bonus Cash....................................$500


26,499/$259 mo.

2014 GMC

2014 BUICk


31,199/$259 mo.

31,999/$289 mo.


‘08 Chrysler PT Cruiser


All New Re-designed!

2014 GMC



All NewSierra,Full 4doors,pwr, keyless,HeatedMirrors,CDAndMore! Stk#T15701

MSRp .................................... $38,765 60 SIERRAS IN Circle Discount ......................... $3,466 STOCk WE’RE Own Any GM product ............... $1,000 Rebate ..................................... $1,000 DEALING Trade-in ‘99 or newer ............ $1,000 FREE MAINTENANCE INC. Bonus Cash.................................. $500

31,799/$289 mo.


Local Trades NOT Auction Cars and Rentals

GM Certified BuiCk LaCrosse ModeLs in stoCk 2010-2013



Stk#B1641 Leather, Wheels,Touch Radio,keylessAnd More! MSRp ................................ $36,135 30 IN Circle Discount ..................... $2,136 STOCk! Rebate..................................... $500 Conquest ‘99 or newer.......... $1,500 FREE MAINTENANCE INC.

3 Rows,keyless,Wheels,New,Touch Radio And More! Stk#T15588 MSRp .................................... $35,260 60 ACADIAS Circle Discount ......................... $2,561 IN STOCk Rebate...................................... $1,500




750 Owner Loyalty


GM Certified GMC terrain ModeLs in stoCk 2010-2013

‘03 Cadillac Sedan deville

‘11 buick Regal CxL

Leather, Wheels, Heated Seats, CERTIFIED! #B1094A.................................................. $17,899/$269 Mo. #T15438A ............................................................

‘03 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT

‘12 buick Regal

‘10 buick LaCrosse

‘10 buick Enclave AWd



Leather, Wheels, Heated Seats, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B1282A................................................................ $23,899

Leather, Wheels, 40K #B1481A............................................................... $16,899

All Wheel Drive, CXL, Leather 3 Rows 40K, CERTIFIED! #T15540AA ........................................................... $23,899

Touring Edition, 3 Rows, Only 40K #B1565A..............................................................


20” Wheels, XXX, Roof, Only 70K #T15646A .............................................................. $23,899

3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, 80K #XXXXXX ................................................. $13,899/$219 Mo.

Full Power, Wheels, Save $$$, Only 19K, CERTIFIED! ............................................................................... $19,899

Leather, Roof, Wheels, Black, 34K, CERTIFIED! #B1234B................................................................ $24,899

Full Pwr, Keyless, 1 Owner, Only 22,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15666B .................................................$14,899/$229 Mo.

Touring Edition, Fully Loaded, Roof, NAV, CERTIFIED! #T15520A .............................................................. $19,899

1 Owner, Full Pwr, Save $$$ #T15360A ................................................$14,899/$229 Mo.

Leather, Wheels, 1 Owner, 40K, X-Clean! CERTIFIED! #B1457A................................................................ $20,998

‘05 Jeep Grand Cherokee

8 Cyl, Leather, X-Clean, 80K #T15295A .................................................$12,899/$189 Mo.

‘10 Chevrolet Malibu

Hybrid, Wheels, Full Power, Only 60K, CERTIFIED! #T15330A .................................................$12,899/$189 Mo.

‘07 GMC Acadia SLE

‘10 Chevrolet Malibu LT ‘11 Toyota Camry ‘07 Chrysler 300

‘10 Chrysler Town & Country


‘12 buick Verano

‘10 buick LaCrosse CxS ‘11 buick Lucerne CxL

‘11 buick LaCrosse CxL

Touring, Chrome Wheels, Sharp, Only 40K, #B1377A ................................................. $16,899/$258 Mo.

Leather, Roof, Wheels, Goldmist, 1 Owner, CERTIFIED! #B1468A................................................................ $21,998

3 Rows, X-Clean, All Wheel Drive, 60K #B1354A.................................................. $16,899/$258 Mo.

Hemi, Chrome Wheels, NAV, Roof, 30,000 Miles #T15609A ............................................................

‘08 Mazda Cx-9 AWd

MSRp ............................. $43,680 Circle Discount .................. $3,181 Rebate............................... $1,500 Conquest ‘99 or newer.......... $500





38,999/$359 mo.

2-Year/24,000 Miles

maintenance included!!

GM Certified GMC sierra ModeLs in stoCk 2010-2013

Auto, V6 GT, Leather, Roof, Only 80K #T15426A .................................................................. $6,899

1 Owner, X-Clean, Wow, Only 70K #B1453A..................................................$10,899/$189 Mo.

Leather, 3 Rows,Wheels,Touch Radio And More!

WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE ‘12 GMC Terrain ‘12 GMC Sierra Ext Wheels, Keyless, Wow, Only 8,000 Miles, CERTIFIED!


Limited, Wheels, Leather, Pwr, 60K #T15593B .................................................. $9,998/$139 Mo.



‘10 dodge Charger R/T



‘07 GMC yukon denali

‘11 buick LaCrosse CxL

‘11 buick LaCrosse CxS

Wheels, Roof, NAV, Fully Loaded, 24,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #B1549A................................................................ $24,899

Z-71, Full Power, X-Clean, Only 12,000 Miles! CERTIFIED! #T15572A .............................................................. $26,899

‘09 Chevrolet Tahoe LT

1 Owner, Chrome Wheels, 3 Rows, 4X4, 70K #XXXXXXX............................................................. $26,899

‘10 Cadillac SRx

Luxury Edition, Wheels, Roof, 50K #B1503A................................................................ $27,899

‘10 GMC Acadia SLT

Loaded, Leather, Roof, Wheels, 37,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15613A .............................................................. $27,899

‘11 buick LaCrosse

Fully Loaded, NAV, Roof, Leather, 20K CERTIFIED! #B1353A ............................................................... $28,899

‘11 GMC Sierra Crew SLT

All Terrain, Leather, Wheels, 50K, Loaded CERTIFIED! #T15540A ............................................................. $30,899

‘12 GMC Sierra Crew

‘11 GMC Acadia

Z-71, Chrome Tubes, 1 Owner, Only 13,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15626A .............................................................. $32,998

‘09 Chevrolet Silverado LT

Fully Loaded, Every Option, Fully Doors, NAV, CERTIFIED! #B1404A................................................................ $34,899

3 Rows, Wheels, Keyless, Only 30K!, CERTIFIED! #T15610A .............................................................. $24,998 Ext Cab, Wheels, X-Clean, Full Pwr, 30,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15649A .............................................................. $25,899

‘12 buick LaCrosse CxL

Leather, Wheels, Roof, Loaded Up, 1 Owner, 30K, CERTIFIED! #B1439A................................................................ $25,899

‘11 Chevrolet Avalanche LTz ‘12 GMC Sierra Crew SLT

All Terrain, Leather, Wheels, Loaded, 20K, CERTIFIED! #T15664A .............................................................. $34,999

‘12 GMC yukon SLT

Leather, 3rd Row, Sunroof, 20’ Wheels, Only 8,000 Miles, CERTIFIED! #T15306A .............................................................. $39,899


2440 45th St. highlANd, iN 219-865-4400 • ILL: 773-221-8124



Say I saw it in The Shopper

32 November 20, 2013

Internet Edition

2013 Ford F-150

Rebates & Incentives $ of up to 9,000 (On Select Models)





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