Disparity Humanitarian aid Report Somalia 2021

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negative attitudes and stigma, and a severe shortage of assistive devices and mobility aids. Poverty was also identified as a major barrier to the inclusion of people with disabilities. Many stakeholders said people with disabilities were often part of families described as the ‘poorest of the poor’. The findings indicate that while much is being done by SDC to promote people’s rights in Somalia, the programming and advocacy tends to focus on children in general. Throughout the review there was an underlying problems is lack of national strategic plans and statistics people with disabilities. Beside discriminative process of humanitarian aid lack CRPD skills for the Humanitarian actors on the ground. Regarding disability there seems to be a focus on theoretically what should be done (ideal scenarios) and not what can practically be done (strategies for action). This could be due to a lack of disability training in the past. Overall, SDC team identified their own lack of skills and knowledge related to disability, but demonstrated commitment and willingness to learn and increase SDC’s support for people with disabilities. Partners also indicated their own lack of disability awareness training. Indeed, much of the review evidence points to the need for capacity building in disability awareness for SDC staff and some partners. Continuous professional development of all SDC staff is needed around disability, with opportunities for collaboration and sharing ideas for best practice. III. Summary of recommendations The report recommends for the international humanitarian communities to continue working closely with local authorities, Federal States and Federal government of Somalia. And th e national NGOs and civil society organizations to ensure local resources cover the priority needs of all people identified to be in need of humanitarian assistance. The international donors, partners and Somalia federal government should insure implementation of the international humanitarian aid principles and sanders. The main recommendations on how to include DPOs and persons with disabilities in humanitarian and development programmes in Somalia are suggested to various actors such as Somalia Federal Government, International Communities, UN Agencies, Humanitarian communities, etc. These recommendations should be applied across various sectors, including but not limited to: water, sanitation and hygiene; food security and livelihoods; shelter and settlements; health care; Education, Livelihood, etc.

Disparity Humanitarian aid Report Somalia 2021


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