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Date: 10 July 2021

CONTENTS Acronyms Executive Summary Acknowledgements

1. Introduciton ................................................................................................................... 1 2. Leterature Review .......................................................................................................... 2 3. Methodology .................................................................................................................. 4 4. Situation Analyses .......................................................................................................... 5 5. Discussion & Arguments ................................................................................................ 6 6. Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 9 7. recommendations ......................................................................................................... 11 8. Refrence ...................................................................................................................... 12

Acronyms -

WCC Women & Children Cluster SYC Somali Youth Cluster) PWD Persons with Disabilities Cluster MCC Marginalized Community Cluster HDC Humanitarian Development Cluster HRC Human Rights Cluster UNSOM United Nation Somalia mission UNSOM HRPWG Human Rights Protection Working Group FMS Federal Member State FGS Federal Government of Somalia AU African Union UNDP Untied Nation Development Program CRDP Convection Rights Persons Disabilities NCC Notational Consultation Council

Executive Summary

Deeply analysed and interpreted report for the Somalia inclusive for all election through group discussion and focus groups discussion for the 40 persons from the civil society clusters in Somalia. The participants demographics is male 22 and female 18 for the two days discussion through zoom virtual conference The report reveal the women political participation limitation and denial of universal rights for federal states, federal parliament and government leadership. Majority of the participants the responded very law participation the women in the decision making organs. Women, the marginalized, and people with disabilities in Somalia are denied universal rights as a result of this and other activities. In Somalia, stereotypes, attitudes, and beliefs drive irrational prejudice against marginalized people including persons with disabilities. Exclusion of the public services the health care, education; employment and development worsen the situation of the marginalised people in the urban and non-urban areas in the country. In the election great human rights abuses and violations accrue to the people participating the election mainly the civilians voting. These people suffer punishment after the election. The rights of 2.5 million IDP distanced people in more than 1,000 location is deliberately annihilated and violated by the actors in the area federal state and federal government.

Acknowledgments We acknowledge the role of the respected individuals, groups and organizations that made great contribution to the Report planning, design, drafting and facilitation of the workshop discussions. That lead us the achievements of informative Report. With full explanations and analysis presenting an inclusive for all election in Somalia. Similarly, we thank the civil society clusters and individual member organizations with huge contribution that made the technical work coordination and the collection of the information from the respondent of the workshop and the discussions. Finally we thank to the professional consultant and the team who made their utmost endeavour for the production of Report document as an official book contributing inclusive for all election referral in the country the next elections

Women And Children Cluster legislation Advocacy Consultation Workshop JPHR Joint Program of Human Right

1 INTRODUCTION Somalia, is a country recovering from a decades of a political instability and civil war that threatens one of the Africa's most worst conflicts affected countries, where political path has not been easy. Post conflict nation, that started state building from the Arte reconciliation summit in 2000. In addition to the severe security challenges, the country had to deal with political differences and paralysis, which were at times abrasive and harmful to the country's young democracy.1 The last president election of the incumbent president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed "Farmajo" was elected as the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, the limited voting and intra-clan "2016 electoral process" for tenth Federal Parliament and President terms came to an ended on February 2021. The outgoing Parliament and President both expected to transfer on the duty of their constitutional mandate to their successors in a democratic and dignified manner as a measure of success.2 Somalia is country heading election 2021 for parliamentary 275 MPs for the house of the people and 54 the upper house senate., each federal state two polling stations and Banedir region for mixed team MPs from the Somaliland and the MPs Banadir clans.. The election model in Somalia has been indirect the MPs election voters will be 101 delegates selected from the clan members 3 After Somalia's central government fell apart in 1991, civil society organizations (CSOs) moved in to plug the gap in governance and offer essential services. The civil society clusters youth, humanitarian, Human Rights, Disability, Journalism, Marginalized People, Women and children. Human rights protection ,freedom of expression and inclusive for all social land government. 4 The federal states of Somalia made historical agreement for the electoral procedures and regulations the year 2021. The members made 15 articles agreement for the election 17 September 2021 in Mogadih at village Somalia. The Mayor/Governor Bandir region, the federal state president of the Hirshable, Juboland, Galmdug, Puntland and Soutwest, Somalia federal government president HH Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo 5


2. LITERATURE REVIEW The civil society organizations, traditional leaders and the political parts in Somalia put pressure the federal government of federal states and the federal government of Somali for the electoral work to the stakeholders of Somalia reach an agreement for the national election the year 2021. The civil society play great role the restoration of the public and private infrastructures in the country after the government clopped 1991 that lead instability 6 The federal states of Somalia made historical agreement for the electoral procedures and regulations the year 2021. The members made 15 articles agreement for the election 17 September 2021 in Mogadih at village Somalia. The Mayor/Governor Bandir region, the federal state president of the Hirshable, Juboland, Galmdug, Puntland and Soutwest, Somalia federal government president HH Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo 7 southwest Somalia federal state traditional elders send message to te federal government of Somalia and federal state to reach agreement the election for the 2021. The elders put pressure the parts to apply election as normal once very year in the country. The elders warned any delay that may cause armed conflicts and war.8 agreement reached the elections of Somalia in high level meeting between the Banadir regions Mayor/Governor, Federal state presidents and federal government president. The meeting took place in village Somalia the office of the President HH Mr. Mohamed abdullahi Farmajo. The parts seems to come close for the several contentious issues of the elections. 9 Hawiye clan traditional elders made their concern the delay of the election after consultation. The elders made press statement after servile hours talk for the changes of election schedule and types of election. The elders warned any extension of parliament and presidential. The elders warned lack of census for the type of elections the country is heading 10 Somalia civil society organizations, scholars and human rights activist send their role for the Somalia election. The civil society meeting focus the current situation of the Somalia political stability elections. Members participating the meeting send statement to the international community, federal states and federal government leaders to reach an agreement for the 2021 elections. The members in the meeting warned any attempts of extension for legislation and president 11 opposed the one person’s one vote election in the country. There has been campaigns from some other federal states to oppose one person’s one vote election in the country. The traditional elders supported the idea of indirect election with traditional elders of other federal state. Southwest Somalia state is key allay of the federal government that accepted one person one vote. 12


the traditional elders from the federal state send message for the Somalia federal government, federal states and political parts contesting for the elections to make census for the national electoral time table. The message came in time the leaders of Somalia are having meeting in Badioa for agreement the kind of election the country may head. 13 International Community Pressures for Elections 2021 Somalia’s international partners* welcome the successful conclusion of the Federal Government of Somalia – Federal Member States (FGS-FMS) summit in Mogadishu. We commend Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble for his leadership of this process, as well as the Federal Member State Presidents, the Governor of the Banadir Administrative Region, and other political figures who engaged constructively in the talks. We thank President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmaajo’ for his appeal on 1 May to revert to the consensus-based 17 September electoral model. 14 The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern about the continued political impasse and disagreement among Somalia’s political leaders on the model for elections. The members of the Security Council therefore called on all parties to reject violence and resume dialogue as a matter of urgency and without precondition 15 Somalia’s parliament has removed Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre in an unexpected vote of noconfidence, the speaker of parliament said.Holding a press conference Saturday after the voting, the speaker, Mohamed Mursal Abdurahman, accused the government of Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre of “ineffectiveness.” 16 International partners* welcome the arrival of participants for the summit of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member State leaders, to be held in the protected area of Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport, and announced to begin on 22 March 2021. We urge them to convene quickly and to show leadership by building on the Baidoa Technical Committee proposals of 16 February 2021 to implement the 17 September 2020 electoral model and proceed to elections without delay 17 the occasion of International Women’s Day, the United Nations in Somalia commends Somali women for their immense contributions to peace and development in the country and calls for decisive action by Somali leaders to ensure gender equality and full participation of women in all spheres of life. Ahead of Somalia’s upcoming elections, the United Nations in Somalia urges all Somali stakeholders to honour the commitment made to implement the agreed 30 per cent women’s quota when electing the representation for the Upper House and 11th Parliament. 18 Somalia’s international partners are deeply concerned about the continuing impasse in implementing the electoral model agreed on 17 September by President Mohammed Abdullahi Farmajo and Federal Member State leaders. We urge Somalia’s top political stakeholders to demonstrate leadership in the


interest of the nation and to quickly resolve outstanding issues of implementation through dialogue and compromise, so that a credible electoral process can proceed as soon as possible. 19 The mandates of the Somali Federal Parliament and of the Government come to an end in August and September 2016, respectively. These institutions declared jointly at the end of July, conditions in Somali are not yet conducive to the conduct of one-person one-vote elections in 2016.. 14 the federal government and parliament ends September and February 201 national consolation council lead by the prime minister will lead the elections and the execution role for the power transition. 20 Somalia electoral conflict changed into gun fire after members of the national army open fire to highly organised electoral delay protest in the street of Mogadishu. At nigh the army launched attach to the base of former presidents and MPs and Ministries based in front of the village Somalia area 21 EISA has been working civic education awareness and training for Somalia Civil society Organizations. The youth, women, political parts and the PWDs the last years. The trainings, panel discussions and public speaking for election contributed much on the ground in the country. 22 3. METHODOLOGY Interactive sessions for the election work procedures brief in Somalia were used to conduct the research. Women and children, youth, humanitarian, human rights, marginalized community, and PWDs (persons with disabilities) are among the members of the civil society organizations clusters. ] inclusive election all report professional research report structure and methodology that will lead to future electoral referrals, guides, and corrections. Where the contributions of the participants constitute resource-rich raw materials for future action usage The data was gathered through participant group discussions, presentations, and recommendations, with professional experienced experts' facilitators and consultants leading the two-day sessions' work achievement and results of qualified election observers. Participants A total of 40 people from civil society clusters attended the two-day training and consultation: youth, disability, women and children, marginalized community, humanitarian and human rights. Each day, 20 participants (11 males and 9 females) addressed the identical themes. The total gender participants (22 men and 18 females) were close to gender equality over the two-day job planning process. The talks for the inclusive for all election in Somalia were led by participants with a specific theme and pointed to each individual cluster member discussion and the cross-section conversations. The teams' active participation aided the harvesting of supportive information that was analysed in the discussions and situation analysis, resulting in valuable conclusions, findings, and recommendations to the Somalia election stakeholders, including civil society, political parties, the international community, the federal state, and the federal government. 4

4. SITUATION ANALYSES Civil society organizations clusters Following Somalia's central government's collapse in 1991, civil society organizations (CSOs) moved in to fill the governance gap and offer critical services. Community Based Organizations have demonstrated their value for the restoration of public and private goods in the country by performing a variety of important roles, ranging from peacekeeping to conflict resolution to democratization, humanitarian aid, and delivering educational knowledge to Somali people. The data collected in the study was analysed with SPSS data analysis that presented the data in the charts, collected from the two-day workshop and decisions with discussions and arguments shared by participants from the clusters.

Figure 1 Shows Clusters Participation and Attendance for the workshop by Number

Figure 2. Shows the two Das Clusters Participation and Attendance for the workshop by Number 40 Persons 100%


Figure3. Shows the Gender Participation of the workshop Male 22 Female:18 Male: 55% Female 18%

5. DISCUSSIONS AND ARGUMENTS Somalia is a country in East Africa with a culturally oriented society that prevents women, marginalized people, and people with disabilities from the participation of in public and private sessions, as well as the decision-making tables organs. The restriction of women from political engagement originated from the primitive clutters and norms inside the Somalia culture that favour the male dominance in both public and private life. Women, the marginalized, and people with disabilities in Somalia are denied universal rights as a result of this and other activities. In Somalia, stereotypes, attitudes, and beliefs drive irrational prejudice against marginalized people including persons with disabilities. Exclusion of the public services the health care, education; employment and development the situation the marginalised people in the urban and non-urban areas in the country. Women and children Cluster: Exclusion, policy, leadership, and voting Elections In Somalia, women and girls account for more than half of the population. They have significant challenges in terms of social and political involvement. Discrimination in decision-making organs and tables is a factor that causes them to lag behind males. It is common in a culturally oriented nation like Somalia for women to be marginalized in leadership positions. When Somalia's civil war broke out, women and girls assumed responsibility for the household. During the time when the majority of men were fighting in civil wars, women and girls took over the public and


private sectors, mostly small businesses, where women own more than 90% of small businesses in the country, devoting all of their resources to the family's survival. Women secured 24% out of the 30% the federal government parliament in the tenth parliament. Women's political participation in the next election, in 2021, is unclear. Some studies have found that women can reach their 30% quota, while others have found that women's roles in elections have changed or decreased, with women securing less or more than their quota. Youth Cluster: Exclusion policy, leadership, and voting Elections According to the national strategic plan, youngsters make up the majority of the population. More than 75% of the Somali population is under the age of 25, and officials frequently emphasize the youth, who make up the bulk of the population, in their decision-making institutions and public remarks. Majority of the national army is made up of youngsters; hence youth policy plays an important role in national security. It is common for adolescents to be excluded from leadership positions in policy and decision-making bodies. In elections, young people make up the majority of votes for candidates who are utilized as a tool to produce leadership without the participation of young people. This demonstrates that juvenile rights are restricted to propagandist oral phrases for public discourse and election voters. Persons with Disabilities Cluster: exclusion policy, leadership, and voting elections Somalia has a large number of PWDs (people with disabilities), estimated to be more than 15% of the population. Primitive culture, which is extensively prevalent in the nation, portrays individuals with disabilities as misfortunes and people without a purpose or value in society. Long-standing prejudice against PWDs has created a chasm in society; education obstacles have resulted in a lack of skills, causing the majority of PWDs to live below the poverty line. Local efforts for an inclusive for all awakening that promote the formation of Disabled People Organizations in civil society that provide basic services such as education, employment, and political involvement campaigning. As a result, Somalia signed the CRPD, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The bill for the National Disability Agency was introduced in the year 2019 and the bill for the National Disability Agency was introduced in the year 2018. The national disability legislation is now being drafted by the government.


Humanitarian Development Cluster: the IDP Displaced People exclusion policy, leadership, and voting elections Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in Somalia due to conflict and natural catastrophes, and they are housed in hundreds of camps. The vast majority of these individuals rely on humanitarian aid. They were discriminated against in the election for their origin regions and the dwelling area since they were in a new location different than their home. Millions of Somalis are unable to vote for their country, which is a violation of basic human rights and the federal constitution of Somalia. These persons are at a disadvantage in terms of their displaced status. Marginalized Community Cluster: exclusion policy, leadership, and voting elections Hundreds of minor tribes in Somalia were denied compensation at the national meeting Art Djibut in 2000. Four main clans and one have clan shared political power and dividends in Somalia. The 4.5 in Arte Djibuti denies hundreds of tribes their rights based only on their involvement in the peace. (These clans were not involved in the civil war) The majority of these clans are victims of Somalia's decisionmakers and the international community. Small clans of marginalized people, most of whom are professionals, produce technology, provide service, and operate in Somalia's resourceful regions. These districts, regions, and areas, which were well-known for these individuals, were either not invested in the military administration or were taken over by armed clans during the civil war. Human Right Cluster:

the Citizens exclusion policy, leadership, and voting elections

Exclusion from social and political life is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Somali Federal Government Constitution, and the intentional conventions that Somalia has signed. Human rights violations are said to have occurred as a result of the 4.5 power sharing and the 30% female representation in parliament. Women have the right to run for seats with a majority of more than 30%. This is an unreasonable agreement that has to be changed. Both the international community and the Somali government should take responsibility for ensuring that all voters, including youth, women, marginalized people, and persons with disabilities, have equal access to the nomination of electoral committees, voter selection, and electoral observation.


6. CONCLUSIONS The research clearly demonstrates the election's concerns for the majority of the public, with the voiceless suffering from a lack of involvement in the country's social and policy issues. The civil society clusters, which represent hundreds of organizations working on the ground for the Somali people in a variety of areas and sectors, came to an agreement in two days of virtual discussions facilitated by the IEDP Centre, the Institute of Education for the Disabled People, which coordinated the Somali Disability Cluster and funded the UNSOM HRPG. 1. Women & Children Cluster Women and girls make up the majority of Somalis, yet their political involvement is restricted to a 30 % quota. This restricts the cistern's ability to participate in the leadership. Women are only allowed to compete in reserved seats. Women and girls will be victims of Somalia's existing power sharing, which is in violation of the rights of the majority of the population, particularly women, who are the country's main breadwinners and peacemakers. Somali Youth Cluster (SYC) The bulk of Somalis are young individuals who are discriminated against in the top leadership and important legislative positions. The young are required to participate in election coordination teams, and voters are unlikely to vote for the candidates. The issues are diverse. Huge sums of money, racial discrimination in elections, and political control by persons over 40 years old are all factors. Without a larger role for young in the country's election and decision-making processes, the country's future will be uncertain. Illegal migration will be pursued by the young in order to obtain foreign nationals, which is a popular market in youth political involvement. The present generation of leaders are expatriate youngsters with dual citizenship. These may jeopardize the lives of millions of young people who are willing to die in the dangerous meditation waters. Persons with Disabilities Cluster (PWD Without a national census, there are a large number of PWDs in the Somali community, although international PWDs estimation census in nations without a national census is more than 15% of the population. Without a role and representation in the people, the figure in Somalia may be far higher. Surrounded by long-term social and policy marginalization. The bulk of them are poor and lack a high level of education as well as legal and professional abilities. The Disabled People's Organizations (DPOs) took action to advocate for the inclusion of PWDs in social and political life. Somalia became a member of the CRPD, and it now has a great responsibility to be inclusive for all. PWDs have no voting rights in municipal governments, federal states, or the federal government. PWDs were intentionally discriminated against in the national election legislation, 9

electoral committees at the federal, state, and federal government levels, and election voters. In addition to the observation team. Discrimination against people with disabilities and people with disabilities in elections is a violation of the CRPD and other international laws.

Marginalized Community Cluster The marginalized people are victims of the Somalia federal government's reconciliations and decisionmaking tables, which legalised before 4.5 political power sharing, giving prevailed rights and roles to Somalia's "four major clans" while humiliating hundreds of other clans for their only role in the peace. These people did not take part in the bloody civil war that resulted in the creation of four new armed clans and the deaths of non-armed clans. The 4.5 is being used as a solution for the Somalia peace process by civil society, the international community, Somali federal states, and the federal government. These individuals are barred from holding positions of power in the federal states and the federal government. Political involvement is a breach of international law, including the African Charter, the Human Rights Protocol, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Humanitarian Development Cluster The large number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), who number more than 2.5 million and are spread over more than 1,000 places, face a lack of involvement and rights in Somalia's democratic future. The power sharing is clan-based, and those who have relocated from their home areas have lost their privileges as citizens with universal rights in the host community. In the past and in the future, these persons have been victims of direct and indirect elections in the country. Human Right Cluster Pre-election and post-election breaches of human rights and laws are conceivable throughout the electoral process. In the day-to-day operations and procedural activities, election stakeholders may encounter conflicts of interest. Human rights abuses against individuals, groups, and organizations are rampant during this time of activity.




Members of the six clusters and member organizations submitted informed recommendations to Somalia election stakeholders in support of the country's execution of an inclusive election for all Recommendation to the Federal Governments The federal government of Somalia should insure     

The role of women, youth, disability, and marginalized people in elections The implementation of the CRPD and political participation for PWDs The role of women, youth, disability, and marginalized people in elections voting polls with no barriers for the physically challenged and the elderly Assertive technology for the blind and sing language for the deaf

Recommendation to the Federal States The federal states of Somalia should insure   

Inclusive voter registration for all the gender, disability, young, and minority persons Participation Special attention to people who have been discriminated against in elections through affirmative action plans Close cooperation and work with civil society and observers in the voting polls

Recommendation to the International Community The international community should insure    

All technical work coordination and decision makers are included in all elections Information, outreach, technical documents, ballot sheets, and palaces are all accessible to all electoral observation and coordination workers. use of assistive technology, as well as an accessible environment and area for persons with disabilities do not invest in exclusive elections that discriminate against people with disabilities, women, and minorities

Recommendation to the Civil society The civil society of Somalia should insure    

Inclusive of all voting rights and roles for people with disabilities, women, and minorities Inclusive of observation teams for people with disabilities, women, and minorities Preventing rights violations and human rights abuses Keep an eye on the election candidate and report without bias. 11


Reference 1. 8_EN.pdf 2. 3. 4.5. vity%20in%20Somalia%27s%20indirect%20election%20process%20%20Somali%20Dialogue%20Platform%20%282020%29_0.pdf 4. file:///C:/Users/abdullahi/Downloads/JS5_UPR24_SOM_E_Main%20(2).pdf 5. %20in%20Somalia%27s%20indirect%20election%20process%20%20Somali%20Dialogue%20Platform%20%282020%29_0.pdf 6. %20in%20Somalia%27s%20indirect%20election%20process%20%20Somali%20Dialogue%20Platform%20%282020%29_0.pdf 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.’ 22.


Somali Electoral Census time table

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Activity Electoral committees training The Preparation of the polling stations The uppers house senators elections The preparation of the house of the people voters The election of the house of the people MPs

Time 30 June – 05 July 2021. 30 June – 05 July 2021. 25 July 2021. 15 July – 10- August 2021 10 August – 10 September 2021.

The oath of the MPs and Senator and the elections of the speakers The Presidential Election Somalia

20- September 2021. 10 October 2021

The Contact

The IEDP Institute of Education Disabled People Email: Email: Website Address: Wadajir Mogadishu Somalia

The Somali Disability cluster Email: Email: Website Address: Wadajir Mogadishu Somalia


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