Somalia Disabled People Cluster Report

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Somalia Disabled People Cluster Report

Summary SDPC Somalia disabled people cluster is forum that provides the Somalia PWDs persons with disabilities and DPOs disabled people organizations. With members of the DPOs disabled people organization and institutions providing service to the PWDs education, protection, employment and advocacy for the rights of the persons with disabilities in Somalia. This reports covers the works of the cluster in the last year mainly the last weeks in the December more than 10 event organized the cluster with partner UNSDOM and UNDP. In this report contains 3 event: 10 December 2018 Commemoration international human rights day, 09 December 2018 Training CRPWDS Convention Rights Persons With Disabilities and 03 December 2018 International disabled Day of Disabled People Commemoration in Somalia Thanks

1. Commemoration international human rights day On Monday 10 December 2018 Somalia disability people participated the commemoration of the international human rights day in the 70 anniversary. The day is marked all over the world and in Somalia. Tens of ceremonies held in Somalia by the civil society organization, regional state and federal government of Somalia. PWDs cluster organized the event with partnership the UNDP Somalia civil society program and implemented IEDP center. The event was held in Mogadishu at Peace Hotel participated more than 50 persons from the PWDs persons with disabilities and DPOs and the community. The event was to high light the CRPWD convention rights persons with disability which Somalia federal government ministry of the human rights and women development signed 02 October 2018 in the New York the united nation headquarter. This year Somalia PWDs see different from the other year the government signed the convention and the draft bill disability agency is in the parliament. The participants realized the role of the PWDs persons with disabilities and PDOs for the protection and promotion of the human rights and the CRPWD in the country. Where the capacity development for the activists is key source contributing the empowerment of the PWDs in the country. Deputy chair of the NDC with members thanked to the stakeholders of the Somalia human rights working and the groups organized the event the IEDP center, UNSOM and UNPD Somalia for their work and commitment to raised up the rights of the persons with disabilities

2. Training CRPWDS Convention Rights Persons With Disabilities

On Sunday 09 December 2018 Somalia disability people cluster organized training for the CRPWDs convention rights persons with disabilities in Mogadishu for the member of the PWDs persons with disabilities, DPOs disabled people organizations and the civil society who are member of the key actors in the community to implement disability people rights protection The training participants were 45 who has participated on day training for the 60 articles of the CRPWD convention rights persons with disabilities which an international human rights right protocol serving the PWDs persons with disabilities in the world nearly one billion out of the 7.5 billion population in the world IEDP center focal point implementing the training has organized the works where the trainees where given training materials and the guideline and Somali version CRPWD boos published. The facilitators where both male and females who presented inter active lectures deliverable where the participants acknowledge their presentations Mr. Abdullahi Hussein Osman the chairperson of the IEDP opened the training and distributed the certificate for the participant who most of the thanked with information and convention they have leant with Somalia version book distribution. Mr. Ali Abdullahi Salad the chairperson of the NDC closed the training and thanked to the participant for their commitment to learn the convention which Somalia government signed October 2018 and will be adopted soon. The PWDs persons with disabilities and DPO member should learn this convention that will enable them protection their lives, work and the people they are responsible.

3. International disabled Day of Disabled People Commemoration in Somalia On Monday 03 December 2018 The commemoration of the international disability is held in Mogadishu participated seventy persons from the civil society, DPOs disabled people organization the youth, women and traditional elders in Peace Hotel Mogadishu The participants of the event most of them from the disabled people and the DPOs presented their works and activates for the disabled people rights protection and promotion and the livelihood. Some of the participants who were disabled people presented their attitude for the disability. Some disabled people presented that disability is not inability, while some other presented their concerns for the PWDs in the community. Some other groups expressed their hope to participated national laws and institution through participation. Mr. Abdullahi Hussein Osman opened the event and made overall introduction to the day for the PWDs in the world and the role of the Somali disability in the country. He said. We are part of the people who have equal rights in front of the law. And we have stand for our role in the community. Mr. Aden Hassan Ali member NDC national Disability Council said we thanks our government that made some kind of action towards PWDs established of national disability authority and signing the CRPWDs. He said we send message to the ministry of the constitution to participated the PWDs in the constitutional rights. Mr. Sheikh Omer member NDC thanked to the govern made his concern for the national disability rights bill which is hided work from the PWDs. He said we need to send message to the prime minister and the president to know what is going. Mss. Amina Mohamed Dhurow said we female with disability have more problem than male; we are discriminated from our people for the disability. There some girls disability begging in the streets. I say let us wake up and learn knowledge that can help us claim our rights in the community. Mr. Abdullahi Hassan Hussein the head of the disability people cluster thanked to the all participants for their time and participation the event. He said we disabled people have rights participate all national laws which can enable us to have good rights. We must participate the process for the laws and bills initiation and consultation. There some key bills that we should give priority like the national youth policy, national education bill, national election law, national political parts law and national employment law which all laws some passed and some in process that we can participate the consultation put in our role and rights.

Press Release The PWDs persons with disabilities in Somalia commemoration for the international day of the disabled people held in Mogadishu participated by seventy persons from the civil society and disabled people. Thanked to the government for their works the year 2018 signed the CRPWDs and passing national disability authority. Our message 

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The president, prime minister and the speakers of the bicameral parliament in Somalia to take action that help participate the PWDs persons with Disabilities and DPOs in the country. The ministry of the human rights and women should give the PWDs and DPOs cooperation and consultation for the process of building national disability authority. The ministry of the constitution should add the constitution commission for the disabled people and the quota of the disabled people in the parliamentary elections The civil society and the international community should support the advocacy and activities the DPOs and PWDs want to gain their rights for public and private as equal rights citizens for the non disabled people. The political parts should establish departments for the PWDs persons disabled and equal opportunities for the voters and election candidates of every political part in the country.

4. Appendix

10 December 2018 event 09 decmber 2018 training CRPWD WY78Y&fref=nf 07 decmber2018 meeting

03 December 2018 IDDP

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