Trainer Nabil Hakeemi CV

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Curriculum Vitae Personal Data: Items Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Home Telephone Mobile Number E-mail Martial case Number of children

Details Nabil Saif Ahmed Al-Hakeemi 8/8/1969 Shi'b Salman , AlQaherah district , Taiz Governorate ,Yemen 04258963 733331638 - 777491711 Married Three Sons and two daughters

Qualifications No. 1. 2. 3.



Graduation Date

Bachelor's degree in Accountancy Commerce Diploma in Accountancy Development Secondary





National University Yemen - Taiz


National Institute


Al-Sha'ab secondary Yemen - Taiz school

Yemen - Taiz

Specific Courses: No. 1. 2.




Implementing Org.

Certified Training of Trainers (TOT) Course

Social Fund of Development International Academy for Certified Trainer Training & Development UK-KSA branch Certified Trainer with International Academy for Effective Training Skills Training & Development G.T.C -USA KSA International Centre for Training and Its Effect in Administrative Sciences & Recent Productivity Systems Amman, Jordan


Course Duration



133 hrs


60 hrs


60 hrs


60 hrs

Practical experience:

training and institutional support Officer

Job Title

The Chairman of the Committee on services

June 2004 to October 2007


April 2001 to April 2006

The local Council in , AlQaherah district , Taiz Governorate

Social Fund of Development Taiz branch


Tasks and Responsibilities 1. Preparation of preliminary studies, analysis and identification of needs for projects on institutional support concerning community associations and institutions, local councils and executive offices. , Or specialized consultants to study the requirements and then discuss it for both approval or exclusion. - Preparation of plans for projects which had already been examined in accordance with the mechanisms of the Social Fund of Development . - Preparation of project financing proposals for training and institutional support to the section and then developed in the framework of the network computer system 2. Following-up of the implementation of the approved projects in the plan through: 3. Opening accounts in the banks and feeding these accounts each funded account depending on the funding organization for any projects. 4. Communicating with consultants ,trainers and coordinators who follow training courses – the establishment and training of community-based committees-community partnerships and consultants field survey) and sitting with them to identify their roles and responsibilities, authorities and functions required of them for the implementation of these projects. 5. Reviewing training programs , training materials and field consultants action plans before going down the field and beginning implementation. 6. Conclusion of contracts with consultants and suppliers regarding the abstracts rates agreed in the contract. 7. Following -up to consultants while working in the field duties for debugging and performance evaluation. 8. Executing qualitative training programs for both consultants and project beneficiaries. 9. Assessing and measuring the impact of their implementation. 10. Make some social studies, analysis and prioritization of the needs of the community social service projects. -Assignment of consultants the procedure for social studies and analysis and prioritization of community social service projects and review all studies resulting from field work. -Implementation of training programs in management development and institutional building of the civil associations and institutions for some section that have a lack of this 1. Studying and reviewing topics and reports transmitted which is included in the agenda of the meeting of the local Council and on the level of implementation of plans , programs and development projects in the areas of SOA. 2. examining and analyzing the topics and reports forwarded by the head of the local Council for displaying the administrative body and opinion. 3. following-up the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the local Council, its governing body and submitting periodic reports on the ten levels 4. 2

The Yemeni Council for maternal and child care in Taiz

Labor and Social Affairs in Taiz – Gifts Management

Job Title Director of the Department of defense and social rehabilitation

October 1999 to February 2001. July 1995 to October 2000 January 1995 to September 1999.

The productive families project Community Development Taiz BranchMinistry of Social Affairs and employment

July 1998 to August 1999

Labor and Social Affairs in Taiz


March 1990 to December 1994.

Labor and Social Affairs in Taiz


Head of the unions of the assemblies

Tasks and Responsibilities 1. preparation of plans and programs for social guidance . 2. preparation of plans and programs for the training and rehabilitation of juvenile supervised field studies relating to events. 3. supervise the activities of social guidance Centre for monitoring events. 4. periodic reporting on the activities of the Department. Prepare proposals to develop and improve the functioning of guidance and control and Management Center. 1. The examination of the submissions by the preparatory committees. 2. the members of the Preparatory Committee and the model regulations for use in the preparation of the draft statute. 3. review of the draft statute and amended in accordance with the Act and its regulations. 4. complete legal procedures to establish associations and cooperatives. 5. edit the notes for different media to advertise open for updated legal associations

Head of financial and administrati ve affairs

1. Receive guidance and review evidence proofs and then edit the Exchange bond cash or check and complete the signing beneficiary and Director General 2. revision sequence Assembly expenditure and receipts and Summation in a form and signature and guidance on automated system. 3. the work of the stage in the automated system to check the daily restrictions. 4. the automated system for posting in various accounts. 5. preparation of the inventory record

An Executive Director

1. preparing plans and programs to the Council and to the branch of the Supreme Council. 2. preparing of training plans and programs needed to develop and improve the performance of all actors and sectors involved in the area of maternity and childhood in the framework for coordination. 3. supervising all field studies relating to children within the County. 4. supervising all activities of the branch. 5. periodic reporting on the activities of the section. Preparation of a proposal

Social researcher and writer

1. recording all cases developed to take advantage of the Social Security Act. 2. preparing of financial statements for social security cases. 3. field studies to examine advanced cases in accordance with the General management plan and allocations section. 4. a trace of approved security situations to determine changes in beneficiary families. 5. the disbursement of financial receivables to beneficiary cases. Reporting on


Education Office of Mathematics and Science for grade 4 and 5 - basic education.

Period September 1989 to May 1990


Job Title


Tasks and Responsibilities 1. Teaching mathematic subject to students in grade 4 and grade 5 in basic education. 2. Assessing the level of student achievement. 3. Preparing the lesson class plan according to the methodology of Ministry of Education. 4. Preparing a monthly summary of the students' results . 5. Preparing monthly, mid-term and final tests for different levels of Education . 6. coordination of cultural and sports activities in the school .

Achievements: No. 1.








Activity achieved


Training for Trainers (TOT) in different areas of Social Fund interventions.

(150) consultant of Social Fund for development

Four(4) Courses in Training of Trainers (TOT)

(100) participants and participation from the Contracting officers in branches of the Social Fund for development.

Financing Organization Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

(2) two training courses for trainers (TOT) by methodology of (NLP)

(50) participants (officers and consultants) of Social Fund for development – Hodeida branch .

(8) training courses for trainers (TOT) by methodology of (NLP)

(200) participants of the decentralization support project Public works project team in each of IBB , Hadramout, financed by World Bank Abyan and Hajjah Governorates .

(5) training courses for trainers (TOT) by methodology of (NLP)

(125) participants of the youth project team in Jordan

(11) training courses for trainers (TOT) by methodology of (NLP)

(275) participants of the private Self-financing by the same sector , civil society organizations institutions and civil and volunteers from NGO's society organizations

(5) training course to prepare instructors in strategic planning in the field of health

(125) the participants of the of (health and the population)Office staff - Taiz

The European Commission.

(4) training courses to prepare trainers for community participation in health systems management

(100) participants of the Office of education staff,( health & population) and some consultants in Taiz

The European Commission.


Social Fund for development

Jordanian Development Fund




Activity achieved Making (9) training courses in the medium-term strategic planning for community associations Number of participants (25) participants per session

Beneficiaries (225) participants of associating members in NGOs , Governmental offices and private companies

Holding (3) three workshops For legal protection project in Taiz, for the preparation of annual Aden and Abyan Gov. operational plans

Financing Organization Community management project Japan ,World Bank , the British Oxfam , vocational training Fund and International Labor Organization

Oxfam-legal protection


(4) training community development planning

Members of local councils in each of the Almothaffar ,Almwast , Alsilw and Mawza'a Directorate in Taiz governorate


Training in the planning and development of mini and micro-Projects .

(10) trade associations in Taiz

Training course in project planning (the proposals) and presentations to donors

(7) associations of marginalized groups in Taiz governorate

French designer Organization for solidarity and development (DIA)

(2) two training courses in strategic planning in health

Health departments managers directorates Taiz governorate

The European Commission.

A training course on how to set up operational plans and linking them to modern educational concepts

Directors of departments of education Office in Taiz governorate directorates

By UNICEF Organization .

Holding (3) training courses in the medium-term strategic planning for community associations the number of participants is (25) participants per session

Yemen-Youth Union - IBB branch, development forum ,volunteers in life makers Group and NODOZ Organization .

Holding simplified courses in accountancy ,administrative development and institutional building of Local associations of water users .number of participants in each session is (25)

Water users associations of women and men in both Alklae'ibh and Alsawa'a- Taiz Governorate / Wadi Bani khawlan, Qa'a Gahran Area Dhamar Governorate / Say'oun , Hadramout Governorate .







Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Community-based water management project Japan & World Bank








Activity achieved Simplified accounting training and management development and institutional building of private local associations for water users . training courses in financial planning and management development and institutional building of local associations for water users Training course in organizing financial operations of community committees for the community rehabilitation program (C.B.R)


Financing Organization

Water users associations of the General Authority for water resources Taiz branch

Water resources authority - Taiz branch

Water users associations belongs to water and soil conservation in Taiz, Hodeida and Hajjah, Ibb, Lahj and Hadramout Governorates

Project of water and soil conservation with funding from the World Bank

Community committees for the community rehabilitation program (C.B.R) in Taiz, Ibb governorate

Holding (4) simplified accounting training courses for community associations and institutions the number of participants in each session (25) participants and participation

Yemeni society for poverty reduction-zabčd-blind community - Taiz-branch, Association of the deaf – Ibb city and Charitable Society for the Development of women-Beit Al Faqih

Holding (5) simplified accounting course for the community associations and institutions the number of participants in each session is (25)

Talok Association of rural womenwomen's Development Association Al-Khansa society in Alwazaih /AlDHabab - social Association of rural women- for women's development in Wadi Arash

Implementation (10) simplified accounting training courses for community associations and institutions the number of participants in each session (25) participants and participation

Association of tailors craft-tradescarpenters Association craftcraft and Construction Association-Association of hairdressers craft-craft walmknik welding societyOwners Association almaaoz craft-craft Photographers Association-Association social horizon craft-the society for women's development


Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Self-assistance development and selfreliance in rural areas (IDAS) financed by G.T.Z Organization

Social Fund for development











Activity achieved Implementation (7) simplified accounting training courses for community associations and institutions the number of participants in each session (25) participants and participation Training course in organizing financial operations of craft enterprises


Financing Organization

Red Eve women's social, women's social, tirade new Valley to marginalized groups, alkhrazin of marginalized groups, the Youth Forum, Yemen for the rights of the child and ambulant

French designer Organization for solidarity and development (dia)

A range of electronic and electrical trades workshops, air conditioning and refrigeration of the electronic and electrical trades Association

EPSP (GTZ) private sector development programme

Audit and evaluation of the financial position for (5) associations

Al-Zahra women's Developmental Association in AlMakha'a , the Badu horses society in Mawza'a , AlIshraq Society, women's Social Development Society , AlBozoogh Social and charitable Society –Taiz Governorate.

Holding(4)training courses in management development and institutional building of the civil associations and institutions, the number of participants in each session is (25)

charitable associations in the field of women development, Yemeni society for poverty reduction -zabÄŤd-Society of blind Taiz and Society of the deaf & dumb -Ibb

Holding (3) training courses about Development concepts and project lifecycle

Secretaries General of local councils and specialized committees (17) Districts in Taiz governorate

Training in the planning and development of mini and micro-projects.

(10) trade associations in Taiz

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for Development

Social Fund for development

Training course in project (7) associations of marginalized planning (the proposals) and groups in the Taiz governorate presentations to donors

French designer Organization for solidarity and development (DIA)

(2) two training courses in strategic planning in health

Health departments managers directorates Taiz governorate

The European Commission.

A training course on how to set up operational plans and linking them to modern educational concepts

Directors of departments of education in Taiz governorate directorates


UNICEF Organization .


Activity achieved


Financing Organization

(4) training in the skills of community mobilization and Advocacy commissions for draft move to support and protect legal protection in Taiz, Aden women against domestic and Abyan Gov. violence, community and

Oxfam-legal protection

Training course for trainers in the designing and implementing of awarenessraising campaigns to promote women and defining their full rights under family law & international law

Advocacy commissions and lawyers public legal protection project in argument

Oxfam-legal protection

Training course for trainers for designing and implementing awareness raising campaigns

youth of democracy School

Sponsored by the school of democracy

Training course in preparing funding proposals and presentations to donors

Organizations Belong to Yemeni human rights Network .

Information and training Centre for human rights

Training course in preparing funding proposals and presentations to donors

Local authority of Mukha'a Directorate – Taiz Governorate

French designer Organization for solidarity and development (DIA)


Control your reactions to earn your customers

post office staff - Taiz branch

General Administration of Post Office


Change yourself to change your life Seminar

Prior graduates of various Faculties at Taiz University

Swedish organization children's Fund program(SIRAG)

Holding for (3) three workshops for the preparation of annual operational plans

the legal protection project in Taiz , Oxfam-legal protection Aden and Abyan Governorate








Holding(3) training courses on Employees of AlJumooriah Press communication skills, Corporation, Headmasters of networking and relationship some schools and managers of building. The number of administrative Communities of participants is (25) NGOs and volunteers in the participants per session Youth Centre from several Governorates


Self-financing of participants and their institutions



Activity achieved Implementation (7) courses in management skills (writing reports, drafting management meetings records and correspondence skills connection)

Financing Organization

Beneficiaries Youth volunteers of the Youth Center-Albareh Cement Factory staff , staff of local water Foundation in Hdaidah and Tihama Development Authority staff. Number of participants in each session is (25) participants

Fund of Vocational Training by European Union

Courses I participated in : No. Courses Title 1.










Training course on feasibility studies and Running of micro projects (how to build your own project) Participate as a participant and facilitator of the workshop for local rural development strategy. Training for trainers course for managing discussion methods in focus groups . Training course in developmental concepts and project life cycle. Training course in community committees formed and trained by a field application Participating in the workshop of simplified accounting system for associations Training of trainers in the area of development planning with community participation. Training course in analysis and identification of training needs. Training course about "Training and its impact on contemporary management productivity" Amman- Jordan. Training course in Participatory rural community assessment (P.R.A).

Organization by which course was hold

Period 14/3/1998 to 26/3/1998

International Labor Organization and the United Nations development program


World Bank - Ministry of Planning

From 25/04 to 27/4/2004

From 10/1 to 14/1/2004

From 13/04 to 23/4/2004

From 10/7 to 20/7/2004

From 5/3 to 15/3/2005

From 26/6 to 30/6/2005

From 11/9 to 20/9/2005

From 16/10 to 20/10/2005


Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development

No. Courses Title 11.

Training in strategic planning and preparing for a strategic plan.

Role in communication and negotiation Training in Participatory 13. Learning approach (PLA) . 12.








Period From 13/8 and 16/8/2006

From 27/6 to 31/5/2006 February 2007

Organization by which course was hold Social Fund for development

Social Fund for development Social Fund for development

Training course in community contracts for project officers.


Workshop on social equity

From 9/7 to 31/7/2007

Workshop on social observer programs , aftercare and applying principles of Justice and the juvenile reform

From 12/1 to 14/1/2008

Diploma in neuro linguistic programming (NLP).

From 12/1 to 14/1/2008

National Organization for Society Development

Diploma in Hypnotherapist.

From 22/04 to 26/4/2006

National Organization for Society Development

Attending a training course in smart reading

From 17 to 20/5/2008

Happy Family Club Center

Attending a training course in creative solutions for team leading.

From 4 January to 7 February 2010

The fifth component water sector- (GTZ) by CPS Center for creative solutions

Social Fund for development Social Fund for development International Organization for Penal Reform.

Field studies: -



Conducting social studies & analysis of the needs and priorities of some zones of directorates of Taiz governorate . Conducting Many studies to analyze and determine the needs for community associations and institutions, local councils and some service offices. Conducting analysis and identification requirements. Designing the training content by formulating objectives that fit the training gaps and bridging those gaps. Designing consistent with objectives formulated and for bridging the gap training supervision Supervising teams doing field studies to analyze and identify needs in accordance with the methodology (PLA) in the Directorate of Jiblah (Ibb Governorate ) for a term (50) days with the Social Fund for Development. Supervising for making a field study of the community resource inventory and a database in eight districts in the governorate of Taiz by mechanism of (PRI) for a month. Conducting a field study on Omran water basin for (7) months financed by (UNDP) from August 2008 until February 2009. Assessing of impact of training on accounting and professional software that Implemented for rural water projects committees in both of the Taiz and Ibb governorates during month of May 2009. 13




Assistant local expert for an international expert in assessing water basin committees in Imran and Abyan Delta water continued for the fourth component water sector of (GTZ) during the months of April and May 2010. Supporting local expert for an international expert and President of field survey teams to assess human resources development services in local water and sanitation financing of the second component (HRD) in water sector of GTZ during the months of June, July and August 2010. Conducting a field study to evaluate the experiences of the old legal teams, women's community leadership (lawyers grass) and select project needs legal protection and advocacy among all partners in the governorates of Aden ,Taiz ,Say'oun , Abyan , Almukalla and Hdaidah by Oxfam organization funded during the period from 20 November to 31 December 2011

Publications :       

A manual in management development and institutional building of the civil associations and institutions . guide on organizing financial operations in the civil associations and institutions. Strategic Planning Guide (interim) for community associations and institutions guide in the preparation of funding proposals Evidence in administrative and secretarial skills. Manual on training of trainers ( TOT ) in the skills and training techniques Guide on communication skills, communicate and influence

Miscellaneous Skills: 1st: Skillful usage of Computer o Word o Excel o Power point o Working with Internet . o Typing ( Arabic – English ) 2nd:Languages : o Arabic – Mother tongue . o English (V. Good ) 3rd:Another Skills : o Active Communication o Negotiation o Display and Presentation.

References: No.


Job title

Dr. AbdouAl-Kareem Trainer and workshops facilitator Thabit Engineer and Manager of Hayel Saeed Anam &Co. group - Aden 2. Eng. Khaled Sharaf Far'e


3. 4.

Ezzedine said Alasbahi General Director of the information and training Centre for Human Rights Dr. Taha Mohammad A doctor at Sana'a University and Taheri working in water and environment Centre


Phone Number 777143733 711143732


711045505 733241767 777187897



Professor Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Khalil. 5.


Job title An expert of training and psychological aspects. Republic of Egypt

General Director of health Office Dr. AbdoulNasir AlTaiz kabab


Professor Suad AbdulWali


Dr. Intilak Mutawakkil


Wameedh Shakir


Misk Aljunied

An expert in the field of development ‎GIZ GFA Food Security project‎Eng. ‎Post graduate in language studies‎

Phone Number


0122341994 711778776 34273666 34232442 34215344


A Doctor at Sana'a University and an expert in the field of Gender


An officer of program genderwomen's rights activist in Oxfam Organization


Yemen's partners



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