CWL Magazine Issue #12

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Pelican Publishers Limited


t’s now our final issue for the year and we had a wonderful year thanks to you our valued readers! We truly appreciate your phone calls and emails as we value your opinions and we urge you to continue sending your suggestions.

In this edition you can expect a variety of information as we continue our drive to get all age groups involved in healthy lifestyle. Our articles in this issue are also guaranteed to help you cultivate a few new life skills. The area of wellness has been steadily gaining popularity on a global scale as both public and private health sector officials try to tackle significant increases in the cases of chronic and lifestyle related diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes and the various cancers, that are being diagnosed each year. In spite of this however, research has indicated that many persons still operate under the misconception that incorporating healthy lifestyle practices in their daily lives requires drastic and expensive changes. With this edition we sought to remind our readers that the concept wellness can be applied to all aspects of life, and in very simple, small ways. Wellness is a wholistic approach that does not only involve utilizing alternative medicinal therapies to treat illness, or sticking to diets as many persons seem to believe. Instead wellness incorporates taking steps to ensure that you function optimally in all areas of your life. The crucial idea is to ensure that all aspects of your entire being are catered for; leaving you feeling fulfilled and… well. In this edition we have articles that will do just that. From our Wellness section we particularly urge women to read the article Why Women Need their Beauty Sleep, which we guarantee will open their eyes about the benefits of getting those required eight hours each night. We also recommend the article Defeating Allergies with Herbal Remedies to help persons get over those pesky allergies with nature’s help. In our Lifestyle section we have articles to help you deal with anger, decorate your home, expand your business and get you on the path to wealth creation.

Editor-in-chief Dr. Henry Lowe

Editor-AT-Large Janet Wilson

supervising editor Denecee Weir



Dr. Hame Persaud, Dwayne Brown

Marketing/sales manager Denecee Weir Jodi-ann Barnes

photograph, Layout & Design Sheryl Clayton

Wellness and Lifestyle Magazine is published four times a year by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. © 2008 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers.

From our children’s section we also particularly recommend the article Kids Gone Lazy to help you rescue your children from the possible future of becoming couch potatoes. We want to say a special ‘thank you’ to Dr. Hame Persaud, featured on the cover, who has been contributing to the magazine over the past year. With his trademark wit, charm and wealth of knowledge, we have come to hold Dr. Persaud in high esteem here. Thank you Dr. Persaud for your invaluable contributions. To all our readers, we thank you once again for your support over the years and as always we urge you to send us your short stories, poems and comments at

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For Men Only

Tips To Keep Men Looking Their Best

Lifestyle page 40 Ways To Avoid Wrinkles

34 35 36 38 40 41 42


Interior Designing Basics Anger Management - Dr. Presaud Massage Therapy For Your Beauty And Health “Goodbye Dandruff” 6 Surprising Ways To Avoid Wrinkles Creating Gorgeous Eyes Looking Good Pregnant

Relationships 44 45 46 47

page 34

Interior Designing Basics

Wellness 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 26


Coffee….The New Health Beverage? Curb Your Appetite The Healthy Side Of Chocolate Defeating Allergies With Herbal Remedies Cholesterol - Foods That Help And Foods That Hurt Healthy Ways To Start Your Day Extraordinary Truths About Your Brain Grapes: So Healthy And Delicious Reflexology - Dwayne Brown Female Sexual Dysfunction Never Feel Tired Again! Exercise To Build Healthy Bones “Get Age Proof” Coping With Severe Menstrual Cramps Questions For The Doctor Why Women Need Their Beauty Sleep Health Myths Debunked


Sex: Myths And Facts How To Get Over Your Ex What Every Man Should Know About Women “Same Lover….better Sex?

Education 49 50 51 52


Best Foods For Men How To Make Yourself Irresistible To Women Solving Your Grooming Problems -


Kids Gone Lazy Developing Proper Study Habits New Mobile Phone Technologies In 2008 In Pursuit Of Excellence

Minding Your Business 54 55 56

Opportunities To Create Wealth How To Reap Success In A New Job Money Management -

58 59

Ensuring Your Legacy Lives On How To Start Investing

60 61 61 62 62

Smart Ways To Stretch Your Cash



Laugh! It’s The Best Medicine Did You Know? Building Your Vocabulary Brain Teaser Word Search


Do you want a remedy for Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer and type 2 Diabetes? This may sound too good to be true but it isn’t. Coffee, which is considered to be one of the most unhealthy beverages around, is now making headlines for reducing the risks of a number of diseases. This new discovery has many feeling that coffee may be the new wonder drug especially since it seems that the more of it you drink the better it is for your health.

Here are a few of the benefits of drinking coffee: Enhanced Mental Performance

Studying for an exam can be tedious, boring and unmotivating at times but a cup of coffee will give you that well needed energy to continue studying. Just one cup can improve your alertness, attention and wakefulness to facilitate better learning.

Lowers the risk of Parkinson’s Disease

There is now convincing evidence from a number of studies that proves that frequent coffee drinking decreases the risk of Parkinson disease, with the greatest number of exceptions being seen in women undergoing hormone therapy. Further research has also revealed that coffee and caffeine can ease the symptoms of this debilitating illness.

Prevents Cancers

Research also indicates that coffee drinkers were 50% less likely to develop certain forms of cancer when compared to non-drinkers, including, breast, colon, liver, oral and oesophageal cancer. Research further proves that espresso has the highest levels of anti- cancer compounds, methylpyridinuim, and black coffee has also been reported to be an effective cancer fighter as well.

Boosts Athleticism

The caffeine in coffee makes it a potent aid in enhancing athletic endurance and performance. Experts believe that caffeine stimulates the brain and the nervous system to do things differently, including telling you to ignore fatigue or recruit extra units of muscles in preparation for an intense athletic performance. The bottom line is consuming caffeine whether from coffee or another source can make you stronger, run faster and increase your stamina.

A Powerful Antioxidant

There is a significant presence of antioxidants within coffee beans. These antioxidants have been proven to mitigate your chances of developing cancers, heart disease, degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, and ageing. Additionally, the results from other studies clearly demonstrate that coffee contains four times the antioxidant level of tea.

Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

The Harvard Health Publication has reported that the antioxidants chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, in coffee are responsible for lowering our blood sugar and thus reducing our risk of diabetes. A coffee habit may also increase your metabolic rate, which can also fend off diabetes. Cont’d on page 13

October - December 08

Stock your home with healthy snack-foods. This means that your new snack food should include fresh fruits, tomatoes, carrots, granola bars, and high - fiber breakfast cereals. Brush your teeth, the change in flavor will help you to resist the urge to eat more. Wait 20-30 minutes before reaching for a second helping. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to process the “full” signal. So after you have had your main course wait 20 minutes before reaching for dessert, chances are you won’t feel hungry again.

Everyone is aware that overeating and eating the wrong kinds of food is the main culprit in weight gain. But what is it that makes us so hungry and how can we control it? The following tips will help you curb your appetite and allow you to eat just enough and no more. Eat every three to four hours, so that your blood pressure will not drop too low making you ravenous, causing you to overindulge. Eat fiber rich foods, especially unrefined foods that can stimulate appetite suppressing hormones that make you feel full. Eliminate unhealthy snack-foods from your home. This includes ice-cream, sweets, pastries, potato chips, and any other sugary or salty snacks. Eating these foods on a whim is responsible for making us overweight. These foods should be limited to a maximum of once per week or less.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

Drink soup. Satisfy your hunger with a bowl of vegetable soup. It’s tasty and it is usually high in nutrition and low in fat. Stay away from food when it is not time to eat. The mere sight and smell of anything edible can send cues to our bodies making us aware that food is near. This induces insulin secretion which makes us think that we are hungry. Get some exercise. Overeaters tend to have fewer pleasure receptors and this is why they tend to eat more. As a result they need to eat twice the amount of food as normal persons in order to get the same satisfaction. Research is now proving that exercise can suppress one’s appetite by increasing the brain’s receptors for pleasurable chemicals. Go to bed. Studies are now showing a direct link between a lack of sleep and being overweight. A good night’s rest helps to prevent the disruption of some of the hormones that trigger our appetites. Food is a necessity in our daily lives. However, we must master the impulse to eat whenever we want to as our health and survival depend on it.

Chocolate is the quintessential treat for many persons. It melts in the mouth with such delightful sweetness, smooth and delicious on the tongue. Chocolate can be so delectable that it is hard to believe that something so good could not be bad for your health. But new studies are now revealing that this decadent treat can actually make us healthier. Here are some reasons why you should spoil yourself with some chocolate. Chocolate lowers blood pressure Researchers at the University Hospital in Cologne, Germany gave 44 people with mild hypertension 30 calories of dark chocolate every day. After a period of four months the number of persons with hypertension dropped from 86% to 68% thanks to the antioxidant effect of dark chocolate. TLC for the skin Chocolate can give you smoother, healthier looking skin. In another study German researchers give 24 women a half cup of flavoniod enriched cocoa every day. After three months the women’s skin was moister, smoother and less scaly. The researchers believed that the flavoniods in chocolate absorb UV light and help protect and increase the flow of blood to the skin, improving its appearance. Mood Boost The carbohydrates in chocolate can raise serotonin levels in the brain, reducing stress and depression and creating a sense of well-being. Fat Burner Want a delicious way to shed those extra pounds? Chocolate is the answer. The doctors at the Imperial College in London say that chocolate loving men who eat this sweet treat are in better health than those who don’t eat chocolate. The research shows that chocolate

lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Brain Gains This one may sound too good to be true, but it is. Studies indicate that chocolate increases blood flow to the brain which can boost your memory, reaction time, attention span and problem solving skills. A healthier heart Chocolate can boost your heart health. The benefits of chocolate for the heart are many from increased blood flow, less platelet stickiness to proper blood clotting. These benefits can be attributed to the flavoniods in cocoa which can prevent both cell damage and inflammation. Yes, indulging in a bar of dark chocolate once in a while may have long term health benefits. It is even healthier when paired with a balanced diet. So next time you hesitate to have that piece of chocolate you’ve been craving, trust your body and let go of the guilt. It might be one of the healthiest decisions you ever make.

October - December 08

You have a runny nose, your eyes are itching, your face is swollen and you are constantly sneezing. And to make things worse you find yourself covered in rashes. According to the experts these are all signs of an allergy attack. Fortunately, there is no need for you to live with those endless rounds of wheezing, sneezing and coughing any longer. Herbal remedies is a great alternative to help reduce your allergy symptoms. Here are some herbal remedies to get your immune system in peak condition so that it can defeat those allergy symptoms:


It contains a number of chemicals that help to decrease the inflammation from asthma and allergies.


It has anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in reducing sinus problems and help you to breathe easier.


It is considered one of the best natural remedies to treat allergies. Eucalyptus works to calm coughs and alleviate nasal congestion. Furthermore, its potent vapor loosens mucus and is an antiseptic, a stimulant and it has antibiotic properties. It works best with steam treatments.

Irish Moss

The potassium chloride in this herbal remedy works to ease coughs and reduce congestion.


One of the safest herbs around. It reduces inflammation and provides relief for asthma and allergies.

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This herb has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties and it is most effective in treating skin allergies. Take care that you refrain from using this remedy if you suffer from hay fever. It can cause allergic reactions because it is a member of the ragweed family.

Chili Pepper or Cayenne

With its active ingredient capsaicin, this herbal remedy helps to desensitize the mucus that lines the airways, inhibiting the secretion of excess fluids and becoming inflamed when exposed to allergens.


This herbal remedy can be helpful in treating headaches and other symptoms of allergies. Please note, that pregnant women and breastfeeding women should not take feverfew. The good news is that it is possible to treat allergies. Although herbal remedies take some time to work effectively, used over time they have been proven to produce great results. However, it is best that you consult your physician or an integrative doctor who can advise you on the best remedies for your allergies.

There is no refuting the fact that eating a healthy diet is your best defense against rising cholesterol levels. Eating a predominantly plant based diet can get you on the right track to reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) in your body, and keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level. Bad cholesterols are dangerous to our health since they can clog arteries which can result in heart attacks or strokes. HDL cholesterol is considered as good because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attacks. Medical experts also think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it’s passed from the body. In trying to strike a balance between good and bad cholesterol in the body the types of foods we eat are critical. Certain foods can raise or decrease the level of bad cholesterol in our bodies while others do the same for good cholesterol, and it is up to you to strike the right balance and keep yourself in perfect heart health.

Try to eliminate the following foods from your diet: Bacon and Sausages These processed meats are rich sources of saturated fats which can wreak havoc on your body by clogging the arteries and increasing


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blood cholesterol levels. Try a less “fatty� option such as meat products made from lean proteins such as turkey.

Fried Foods These are loaded with trans-fats that not only increase your LDL level but simultaneously lower your HDL level as well. Trans-fats are mainly found in partially hydrogenated oils and it is this same oil that fast food restaurants use to cook their fries. So, the next time you go to your favorite fast food restaurant consider making a detour to the salad bar instead of heading straight for the combo menu. Baked Goodies Most of us cannot resist these yummy treats, but pastries can pose a serious threat to our health. All baked goods, even those that are homemade, are high in saturated fats thanks to the butter and shortening. No one wants to give up pastries totally but for the sake of your health treat yourself to baked goodies no more than once per week. Whole milk diary products Ice- cream, cheese, butter and milk are some of the richest sources of saturated fat, which is the # 1 cholesterol boosting culprit. Next time swap your ice-cream for a low fat frozen yogurt.

Try to incorporate the following foods in your diet: Soy Soy beans, soy nuts and any soy product can decrease the production of new cholesterol. A little can definitely go a long way; try eating 25 grams per day to help maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Red Wine Believe it or not red wine is indeed good for you. Red wine, which contains flavenoids, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory

properties that can help to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. However, more is not necessarily better. For women the recommended amount is one glass per day and two glasses per day for men. More than this amount can dilute its health benefits.

Apples The adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is undeniably true. Rich in both pectin and fiber, along with powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, apples can lower bad cholesterol while increasing the good kind. Salmon This fish is a particularly good source of omega 3 fatty acids which are considered to be the best of the “good fats.” Including more salmon in your diet can also decrease the bad cholesterol while simultaneously increasing the good kind. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables A recent study indicated that persons who ate four or more servings of vegetables per day had far lower levels of the LDL cholesterol than those who ate fewer or no servings. Among the most effective of the dark green leafy variety are spinach, collard greens and calaloo. Before embarking on a diet, you must consider cutting back on the amount and types of fats that you eat which can increase your cholesterol level. In this way you will improve your general health and well- being.

Starting your day off on a healthy note is the best way to set the foundation for success. Here are some ways to jumpstart your day the healthy way:

Touch the sky

You can jumpstart your mornings by stretching before rolling out of bed. A few minutes of stretching each morning is a great way to loosen your joints, increase your flexibility and decrease your chances of injury.

Treat yourself to a water massage

A relaxing morning shower is essential for starting your day off right. The warm water will soothe and massage your muscles loosening them from a sedentary night of sleep, increasing blood circulation and ease stress

Drink Water

Keeping your body hydrated after a night of sleep is important. Therefore it should be first thing that you put in your body every day.

Eat Breakfast

Our body needs to be refueled after going through such a long period without food or drink. Start your day off with a fibre rich breakfast that includes whole grains, fruits, low- fat proteins and green tea to help you feel energized and burn fat.

Think Positive

You must start every morning on a positive mental note. Banish every negative thought which can drain your energy and replace negative thought patterns with positive ones which can boost your energy and help you to get through your days successfully.

“Rev up” your metabolism October - December 08


Do we only use 10 percent of our brains? Does having a larger brain make you smarter? And why is it so hard to get that annoying song out of your head? There are numerous myths circulating about our brains. Some are based on a modicum of truth while others are based on obscure misinterpretations that have been passed down from generation to generation. Despite of the methods or beliefs that have caused these myths to develop the fact is that they have come to dictate the ways in which we view our brains and how they function. After a little research we’ve discovered some amazing facts about the brain, as well as bust a few of the more persistent mind myths. Having a bigger brain does not make you smarter. The size of your brain is not a good indicator of your intelligence at all. Neuroscientists have found no evidence to prove that having a bigger brain equates to bigger intelligence. Nevertheless, research is now suggesting that one’s intelligence may depend on when the brain’s synapses (the gaps between brain cells) form. Synapses normally grow and shrink during childhood and the teenage years, and neuroscientists believe that the patterns in which this occur can affect one’s intelligence. Your brain will not allow you to tickle yourself. No matter how hard you try, you can never tickle yourself. This is because the brain places primary focus on things that are happening in the outside world. This is to prevent important signals from being overwhelmed


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by the nonstop buzz of sensation caused by your own actions. For example, this would mean that you will not notice the texture of your socks, but you will be able to feel a soft touch on your cheek.

Losing one sense does not strengthen the other four. This has been a pervasive mind myth for many years, but it’s just that- a myth. Research has indicated that blind people were no better at detecting faint sounds, smelling or touching objects than sighted people. However, researchers found that blind people had better memories since they cannot depend on vision to give them information, strengthening their spatial memory in the process. The research also showed that blind people seemed to excel more in certain tasks when compared to sighted people because they take advantage of the brain space that is not being used for sight.

It’s your brain’s fault when you can’t forget that annoying song. Have you ever thought about a snippet of song and then had the entire tune start playing over and over in your head? You can blame this annoyance on your brain’s ability to recall sequences. Without this function getting through our daily tasks would be impossible. It is essential for us to remember sequences everyday, from the various movements involved in our daily activities to the correct route to our homes. It is also important for the storing of memories. We don’t use only 10% of our brains. This may come as a shock, but in reality you use your whole brain every day. If we used only 10% of our brains then damage to certain parts of our brains would have no effect on us. Furthermore, we would not be able to feel certain sensations and certain parts of our body controlled by specific areas of the brain and they would shrivel up and die from lack of use. The fact is that even the simplest tasks actually produce activity throughout the entire brain. Exercise is the best brain exercise. Believe it or not exercise is the most effective thing that you can do to maintain your cognitive abilities later in life. Studies show that elderly people who have been active all their lives do far better mentally than sedentary people of the same age. Exercising for 30 minutes daily increases the number of small blood vessels in the brain and in turn boosts the supply of oxygen and glucose to the neurons. So get active today! Computer games teach the brain to multi-task. In this age of video games, instant messaging and e-mail the ability to multi- task is a must. Action video games are effective tools for practising multi-tasking because they allow the players to pay attention to different things on the screen at the same time. A study conducted on a group of college students who played computer action games revealed that these students processed information faster, we better able to track several objects at once and had far better task- switching abilities when compared to non- players. Listening to classical music does not make kids smarter. There is no clear evidence to prove that listening to Mozart and Beethoven will make babies smarter. However there is evidence to suggest that children who learn to play a musical instrument can develop

better spatial reasoning skills than children who play no instruments. There you have it, some of the most pervasive mind myths debunked by the experts. And now that you’re much wiser about the way the brain works feel free to let your brain take advantage of the benefits we’ve outlined.

Coffee the new health beverage cont’d. Healthy teeth

The compound trigonelline which gives coffee its aroma and bitter taste has both anti-adhesive and anti-bacterial properties which help to prevent the formation of dental cavities. In the meantime, although coffee has no adverse effects on most healthy persons, it is not for everyone. Pregnant women, heart patients and persons at risk for osteoporosis are advised to stay away from coffee. From the numerous studies done on this controversial beverage it is becoming increasingly clear that drinking a moderate amount about 2-3 cups each day is not harmful and may perhaps be very healthy. However, the health benefits of your coffee depend on how you drink it. The more ingredients you add to your coffee, whether sugar, milk or chocolate, the less healthy it becomes. With all this in mind the next time you feel for that second cup of coffee don’t hesitate, go ahead and drink to your health.

October - December 08


enzymes that slow aging and in turn increase DNA stability and extend life span by 70%. Grapes may be the answer to age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and eye vision disorders such as myopia, glaucoma and other age related mascular degeneration.

Fruit lovers, weight watchers, nutritionists and doctors have every reason to love this delectable treat. The combination of the sweet, tart flavor, the crunchy texture and the beneficial compounds make grapes so delicious and healthy. Grapes have a number of ingredients that can prevent a number of chronic illnesses, including, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and age- related illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s why grapes may just be the healthiest fruit you eat: Flaveniods Flaveniods are powerful antioxidants which are responsible for the vibrant colours of fruits and vegetables and the more colourful they are the more of this essential nutrient they possess. Purple and red grapes are especially loaded with flaveniods. These antioxidants work to prevent and counteract the damage caused by free radicals in the body by preventing heart failure, heart attacks, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, age- related illnesses, cancer and other illnesses


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and symptoms. In addition, a lack of flaveniods can lead to easy bruising. So “what are grapes good for? Absolutely everything.”

Protects against cancer Studies are now revealing that grapes are potent cancer fighters. This can be attributed to its flaveniod- rich content which has been proven to halt the spread of cancer. A team of researchers from the Department of Food and Science at the University of Illinois discovered 10 new flaveniods in grapes. When these flaveniods work together they produce a synergistic effect that can hinder the overproduction of metalloproteinase enzymes which are responsible for cell growth and reproduction. In effect what grapes do is destroy cancer cells by preventing their growth. The fountain of youth Did you know that grapes can make you look younger for longer? New researches are now showing that resveratrol, a natural antioxidant found in grapes and wines, can influence the genes controlling the aging process. The researchers at Harvard Medical School found that resveratrol actually activates the

“A heart healthy treat.” The antioxidants found in grapes especially red grapes have antiinflammatory properties and can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides levels which are two primary causes of heart disease. Grapes are loaded with compounds that not only inhibit tyrosine kinases, a protein enzyme that triggers heart disease, but they also contain an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing the flow of blood to the heart. Better sleep Besides being packed with vitamins, minerals and all the other essential nutrients, grapes are a major source of melatonin, the sleep hormone which can prevent and cure chronic insomnia. Fights viruses Scientists are now discovering that grapes have an antimicrobial action, killing certain bacteria such as, e coli and streptococcus. Furthermore, the high concentration of tannin, another antioxidant found in grapes can help fight tumors and viruses. Although grapes may have a number of benefits for the body, doctors advise that there are a number of precautions regarding their consumption that must be adhered to: i) Persons suffering from obesity, ulcers and diabetes should refrain from consuming grapes and grape juice. ii) Do not eat grapes Cont’d on page 17

Our feet and hands are extremely important appendages, and one only has to think of losing the use of one or both them to for us to realize that. But the truth is we often tend to take our feet and hands for granted, noticing them only when something seems to prevent them from functioning as they normally do. What many persons don’t know however, is that our hands and feet can be powerful tools in helping the body to heal itself. How is this possible you may be asking? With a technique called reflexology. Reflexology is the act of applying pressure to specific areas of the hands and feet with the intention of producing a physical reaction. Although it has only recently gained currency as a wellness-related technique in recent years there is evidence to suggest that reflexology has been practiced by cultures as far back as that of the Ancient Egyptians as well as the Ancient Chinese and Japanese cultures. The purpose of reflexology is to reduce the emotional, physical and psychological stress and tensions felt in the body. When the body is stressed reflexology can be used to help revitalize and rejuvenate the body’s functions. It is also seen as a healing art because it combines self-awareness with therapeutic relaxation in order to encourage the body to function optimally, while also helping the participant to become more aware of his/her own body. Reflexology is usually performed on a person’s feet. It is believed by those who practice this art, that there are areas of the feet, hands, and even the ears, that correspond to other body parts. And when a Reflexology Therapist applies pressure or massages specific areas on the hands and feet they stimulate their corresponding body parts, which in turn helps remove blockages that exist in the “energy area” of that specific body part. It is believed that energy flows through ten zones called Meridians, which run throughout the entire body. In oriental medicine and martial arts, stimulating the meridians is believed to release vital energies that may be blocked around the body. The body according to reflexologists is reflected on the feet and hands. They believe our left foot and hands mirror the

left side of the body while our right feet and hands mirror our right side. The ball of the foot is said to mirror the chest and upper back as well as the heart and lungs. The toes and fingers reflect head and neck reflex areas as well as the internal parts they contain. The spine reflex area is said to run down the insides of the feet and hand, with the corresponding reflex areas for the arms and shoulders mirrored on the outsides of the feet and hands. The base of the long bones of the feet and hands are said to represent the body’s waistline, while sections of the body above its waistline are mirrored above this line toward the toes or fingers and those below the waistline toward the heels of the foot or hand. Internal organs lying above the body’s waistline are reflected by reflex areas above this line while those below the waistline are mirrored below this line. The relaxed state that reflexology brings to those who experience it, has also been associated with gaining deeper sleep, as well as relief from different aches and pains. It also provides relief from headaches and sinus congestion. Practitioners of the art of reflexology also believe that the therapy they do restores imbalances of the “life energy” what is referred to as “chi “ or “Qi” - within the body. Numerous case studies have also shown that reflexology provides several benefits, including: • The release of energies in areas which were previously blocked within the body. According to reflexologists this is proven by the fact that clients often experience tingling sensations and/or tiredness and may even fall asleep. This, they explain, is what is expected to happen when there is a clearing away of the blockage areas. • Reduced stress levels and a more positive outlook on life, with feelings of renewed energy, following feelings of deep relaxation and improved energy circulation brought on by reflexology techniques. • The elimination of harmful toxins the body has been harbouring. In reflexology circles it is said that if clients experience sinus congestion, nausea or headaches, these are symptoms of the process of the body getting rid of the toxins it had accumulated. These feelings should last no longer than 24 hours after beginning the treatment. And in experiencing these symptoms it is typically assumed that the therapy has been successful. Dwayne R. Brown has been a practising reflexologist and massage therapist for the past 10 years. He can be reached at Eden Gardens in Kingston at 978-1723 and 382-9242 or by email: drbdocbrown@ October - December 08


Has your sex life lost it’s “sizzle” because you suddenly haave become unresponsive to and uninterested in sex? For a number of women the answer to this question is a resounding YES. Studies are now showing that approximately three to four in every ten women will experience inadequate sexual performance at some point in their lives. The female equivalent of impotence is referred to as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD). When a woman becomes sexually aroused there is increased blood flow to her genitals which typically results in the following: • An enlarged clitoris and surrounding tissues (equivalent to a male erection). • Secretion of vaginal lubrication • Relaxation and widening of the vagina to permit intercourse. In the case of women with FSAD, while there may be the desire to engage in sexual intercourse their genitals fail to respond in a normal manner making sex painful or even impossible. This recurrent lack of response to


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sex is usually a source of stress for the woman and can wreak havoc on a relationship.

Some of the symptoms of FSAD are: • Little or no desire to have sex. • Difficulties in maintaining arousal during intercourse or a complete lack of arousal despite the desire to have sex. • Pain during sexual intercourse. • Inability to achieve an orgasm. FSAD is usually linked to both physical and psychological causes.


The physical factors that can impair a woman’s sex drive and her body’s ability to achieve an orgasm include: urinary or bowel difficulties, arthritis, headaches and other pain problems, neurological disorders and fatigue. Certain medications such as blood pressure medications, chemotherapy drugs, some antidepressants and antihistamines have also been shown to impair a woman’s libido. oreover, the hormonal changes that take place during M or after pregnancy or while breast feeding can play a huge role in decreasing a woman’s sex drive.


Psychological factors are the major cause of female sexual problems. These include: depression, low selfesteem, inadequate or ineffective foreplay, stress, fear of pregnancy and fatigue. One’s attitude towards sex can also influence sexual performance, and studies have shown that in cases where women are victims of incest or sexual abuse or where women experience feelings of shame and guilt about sex, their sexual desires can be adversely affected.


Other medical treatments include: Estrogen Therapy – This therapy, which comes in the form of a vaginal ring, cream or tablet, can improve a woman’s sexual performance by enhancing vaginal lubrication, improving vaginal tone and elasticity, increasing vaginal blood flow and also enhancing the woman’s mood to improve her overall sexual responsiveness. Other therapies such as, Androgen and Progestin therapy are very effective. However, they are still under investigation to test their effectiveness in treating female sexual dysfunction.

Women with sexual problems may benefit from a combination of treatments that are specially geared toward addressing medical as well as emotional issues.

Alternative Treatment A healthy lifestyle –You can start by avoiding alcohol and smoking which can severely dull sexual responsiveness. Start doing regular aerobic exercises, which have the effect of increasing your stamina and lifting your mood, helping you to feel more romantic more often. It is also important that you find time for leisure and relaxation. Being relaxed will allow you to be more focused on the sexual experience so that you can attain better arousal as well as orgasm, which will increase your overall satisfaction from sexual encounters. Pelvic muscles exercises – Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles that are responsible for pleasurable sexual experiences. Kegel exercises are done by tightening your pelvic muscle as if trying to stopping your stream of urine. Hold and count to 10 then relax and repeat. You can do this several times per day. Doctors may also suggest that you exercise with vaginal weights which include a series of five weights each heavier than the other that you can hold in place in your vagina. These weights will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and you can gradually work your way up to the heavier weights as your muscle tone improves.

Grapes: So healthy and delicious cont’d.

if you have a tooth cavity as this will only intensify the destruction process of the tooth. iii) You should not eat grapes with a large number of food products including milk, melon, beef, beer and fish. Grapes are one of the healthiest treats and these bite-size morsels are packed with tons of wholesome goodness. If you are looking for a solution for all that ails, grapes are the answer.

Therapy – Counselling can play a vital role in treating women with sexual dysfunction as this usually entails coaching in sexual foreplay and stimulation techniques. Furthermore, having an open and honest discussion with your partner can make a world of difference in your sexual satisfaction.

Medical Treatment

Doctors usually adjust or change certain medications that may have a negative effect on sexual performance.

October - December 08


3. Eat smaller meals every three to four hours.

According to the American Diabetic Association eating three small meals and two snacks daily can keep your blood sugar level and energy level stable all day. Large meals demand more energy to digest which can leave you feeling lethargic. For each meal you should be getting the bare essentials including, a mix of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, and there are more than enough ways to incorporate these within smaller portioned meals.

4. Watch your caffeine intake after noon.


o you find yourself frequently complaining about feeling tired? If your answer is yes then it might be that you are to blame. Studies have shown that our level of energy is closely tied to the foods we eat, how we sleep and how we cope emotionally. And if bouts of fatigue have become regular parts of your daily routine then a change of routine might be just what the doctor ordered.

Here are 12 ways to tackle some of those energy stealers in your life. 1. “Rev up” your brain with omega 3s. Keep your brain cells healthy and keep yourself feeling alert by eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as tuna fish, salmon and walnuts. 2. Eat breakfast even when you don’t feel hungry.

You’ll be more vivacious. Studies show that persons who eat breakfast feel better both physically and mentally than those who skip the most important meal of the day.

Consuming two to three cups of coffee daily can leave you feeling quite energetic, but drinking too much coffee, and drinking it in the afternoon or evening can cause your quality of sleep to take a nose dive at night, leaving you groggy, the next day. If you want to feel energized ditch that afternoon coffee for an energy drink.

5. Indulge yourself in a refreshing water massage.

Feeling burnt out? Splash some water on your face or take a shower to zap those energy busters. According to the findings in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55% of the study participants reported that water therapy successfully increased their energy levels. It turns out that a little H2O can take the edge off when you feel overwhelmed.

6. Vent your emotions.

Keeping your fear, anxiety and stress all “bottled up” will only make you more tired and frustrated. Discussing your feelings with someone with a listening ear can prevent your emotional problems from sapping your stamina.

7. Be a good Samaritan.

Random acts of kindness can help put a little pep in your step. In fact, one study published in the Journal Health and Social behavior showed that volunteering can lead Cont’d on page 25

October - December 08


Weight bearing, high-impact or resistance exercise is the best exercise for building bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It is also the ideal form of exercise for persons who do not have low bone mass, are frail or who already have osteoporosis. Some of the best exercises for building stronger and healthier bones are: Weight lifting, jogging, hiking, racquet sports, stair climbing, dancing, step aerobics, jumping, running sports and any activity that requires your muscles to work against gravity.

What is the best way to improve the strength of your bones? Through exercise of course!!! Not only does exercising improve muscle strength, it also makes the bones work harder, which helps to build up bone mass. Exercise keeps bones strong and healthy by causing the muscle and tendons to pull on the bones, stimulating the bone cells to produce more bone. Your bones can be seen as a long term investment. If you deposit a lot of exercise while you are young, you will end up with strong, healthy bones later in life. Trainers and doctors advise that the more bone mass you build before the age of 25 or 30 the more you will be able to benefit during the years of gradual bone loss. Moreover, it can help you to sustain bone density later in life preventing the debilitating bone disease osteoporosis.


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Thirty minutes of resistance training daily will do more than just make your bones stronger, it will improve your heart health, your balance and coordination. Here are some additional exercise tips: • As you build strength, remember to increase weights or resistance rather than repetitions. • Remember to drink enough water whenever you exercise. • For the best result in building stronger bones, combine several different weight bearing exercises. • In order to improve your overall health, it is best to combine resistance training with aerobic exercise. Being active is the key to having strong bones. Remember what you do for your bones today can determine what your bones will do for you tomorrow.


What will happen in the future? Arthritis is one of the most common chronic illnesses worldwide and the number of arthritis cases is on the rise each year. Experts from the Arthritis Research Campaign in the United Kingdom estimate that approximately one in five of us will be feel the poke of arthritis by the age of 65. How to fight it now Regular exercise is essential in preventing arthritis in the future. Exercise creates stronger more flexible joints, while a sedentary lifestyle will cause the muscles to weaken, increasing the odds of developing arthritis. While exercising however, you should try not to abuse your joints since festering injuries can lead to old-age pain.


What will happen in the future? Bladder weakness is an uncomfortable and upsetting condition that affects about 24% of people over the age of 60. How to fight it now In order to prevent this condition from occurring in the future, Kegel exercises are a must. This involves squeezing your pelvic muscles as if you are stopping your flow of urine. This should be done at least three times daily and continuous practise will result in greater muscular control, which can halt accidental leakage later.

Sciatica You can fight all the illnesses associated with old age if you start now. Hearing loss

What will happen in the future? Presbycusis or old age deafness is a common condition which usually results from changes in the inner or middle ear of a person or from complex changes along the nerve pathway leading to the brain. How to fight it now You can prevent Presbycusis now by avoiding prolonged noise exposure and by staying active and eating a diet high in antioxidants. Start protecting your hearing today by eating seedy fruits like pomegranates, cranberries, nuts and beans. In the long run these are far better for your ears than those deafening nightclubs.

What will happen in the future? Acute lower back pain can be considerably uncomfortable and it affects about 70% of men over the age of 55. Start building your core strength today to ensure that you are among the lucky few who don’t suffer in the future. How to fight it now Always maintain proper posture when you sit. Poor posture puts a lot stress on your back, leading to fatigue and stress on your joints and nerves. Furthermore, keep your piriformis muscles loose by doing regular stretches as damage to these muscles are the most common cause of sciatica. You can try these stretching techniques at home: 1) lie on your back with your knees bent to your chest and, 2) lift your right ankle over your left knee and pull into your chest, hold for 4-6 seconds, then repeat with your other leg. Cont’d on page 23

October - December 08



ore than 50% of all women have experienced severe menstrual cramps or “dysmenorrhea” before and can attest to how debilitating it can be. Some women experience primary dysmenorrhea, which is usually the result of the increased activity of the hormone prostaglandin in the uterus. Other women experience pains from secondary dysmenorrhea, which often results from an underlying disease or a structural abnormality either inside or outside the uterus. The pain and discomfort that some women experience may make it next to impossible to perform daily tasks effectively for a few days during each menstrual cycle. Painful menstrual periods are often marked by a cramping pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, the woman may experience a sharp pain that comes and goes or a dull, aching pain. Very often painful periods may be accompanied by back pain, headaches, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Here are some suggestions from the Mayo Clinic on treating severe menstrual cramps:

You can treat severe menstrual cramps by using an integrative approach which involves the use of conventional medicine and alternative medical techniques.

Medical Treatments

For secondary dysmenorrhea the treatment options available are: • Antibiotics which can treat infections. • Surgery to remove fibroids, polyps, or to treat endometriosis.


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• You can reduce your discomfort from severe cramps by using over - the - counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen such as, Aleve. • In extreme cases physicians usually recommend low-dose oral contraceptives that will prevent ovulation which can reduce the production of prostaglandins in the uterus. In this way reducing the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps.

Self - care

The following can serve as your guide to help reduce those usual aches and pains associated with the menstrual cycle. • Drink warm beverages to help ease cramps. • Try to keep your legs elevated if lying down or lie on your side with your knees bent. • Do a light circular massage with your fingertips around your lower abdomen. • Eat light but frequent meals and start eating foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates such as, fruits, vegetables and whole grains and foods that are low in salt, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. • Exercising regularly is a must. Exercising regularly produces endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers. • Getting adequate rest will make the body less vulnerable to pain. • Some women find relief through stress relieving activities such as, yoga, meditation, and acu puncture. If the pain and discomfort is too severe and you experience serious abnormality with your menstrual cycle consult your physician immediately.

What are health implications of living like a couch potato? It’s a given that everyone needs to sit back and relax once in a while, but too much one-on-one sessions with the TV, remote and couch can prove dangerous to your health. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to one or more of the following health problems: spiraling weight gain, coronary heart disease, stress, stroke, weak bones, muscles and joints, feelings of anxiety and depression, high blood pressure and the list goes on.

What can I do about my wild mood swings? Everyone is entitled to blow off a little steam now and then. However, if you have a habit of losing your temper very often this may be a sign of bigger problems. Doctors advise that you should look at the context, intensity and duration of your mood swings. In most cases mood swings can be related to depression. Some self-help methods you can try to help you lighten up are working up a sweat and getting the required daily amount of sleep. Exercise stimulates brain-cell creation, counteracting the stress your brain cells suffer during a bout of depression. Furthermore, by staying up late, you might be activating certain stress neurotransmitter systems and sleep can help to counteract these. If these natural fixes don’t work for you it’s time to see a doctor.

Is it necessary to replace my toothbrush after have been sick? Doctors usually advise that it is best to change your toothbrush after you have been ill. This is because illnesses like the flu, the common cold, and strep throat can all incubate on your toothbrush, prolonging and/or spreading illness. This is not always the case however. If you want to be safe you can rinse your old toothbrush thoroughly in an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine or boiling water then shake off the excess liquid and let the bristles dry completely. This is not a guarantee however because the bacteria never die and in most cases continues to thrive in warm, moist conditions.

Just by walking for half an hour each day you can greatly reduce your risk for a number of major medical problems. If you want to maintain good health you have to stay active and there are a variety of easy ways to do that. You can go swimming, dancing, walking or jogging around the neighbourhood or even working up a sweat at the gym. You have no excuse to be living like a couch potato so start moving towards a healthier you today.

Get “Age Proof” Cont’d

Prostate Cancer

What will happen in the future?

It is the most common cancer in men over 75 and one of the top five killers of men worldwide. As the prostate gland swells, men usually experience incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

How to fight it now Practicing a healthy lifestyle today is your best bet against prostate cancer. Eliminate fatty foods from your diet and start eating more fruits and vegetables and other fibre rich foods. Moreover, young men who exercise on a regular basis can significantly reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Additionally, experts are now saying that ejaculating on a regular basis may now prevent prostate cancer. The Australian Cancer Council found that ejaculating more than fives times a week in your 20s and 30s reduces your risk of prostate cancer in your 60s and 70s. The future is in your hands, it is possible to beat the ravages of old age today by being proactive about your health. Remember however that it is always best to seek the advice of your physician before embarking on any treatment. October - December 08


New research reveals that poor sleeping habits may make them more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes.

Most women know that nothing ruins a good complexion like a lack of sleep, but according to recent evidence spoiling your flawless complexion might be the least of your worries. New studies are now revealing that poor sleeping habits can increase a woman’s risk of diabetes and heart disease. Researchers at Duke University Medical Centre have found that a lack of sleep does more harm to cardiovascular health in women than men. Their study indicated that poor sleep in women was associated with more psychological distress and higher levels of biomarkers which are usually linked to an elevated risk of heart disease and type II diabetes. Furthermore, another study conducted at the University of Warwick among 6,592 participants showed that the women in the study who slept for five hours or less at nights were twice as likely as the women who slept the required 7-8 hours at nights to get hypertension. The study, however, showed no difference between the men who slept for 5 hours or less and those who slept for 7 hours or more. Dr. Edward Suarez at Duke University believes that testosterone played a significant role. He speculates


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that while testosterone may cause sleep problems, it can also reduce some of the physiological changes that can boost the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In his study those men who experienced the greatest difficulty in sleeping also had the highest levels of testosterone, which is known to reduce the amount of heart damaging inflammatory proteins. Women also tend to sleep less soundly than men. According to statistical evidence about 40 percent of adults - more than half of them women - experience occasional difficulty sleeping. Moreover, a 2002 poll done by the National Sleep Foundation illustrated that women were more likely than men to suffer from insomnia and to suffer more daytime sleepiness.

The role of biology and sociology

Researchers at the National Sleep Foundation found that a woman’s biology was to be blamed for sleep deprivation. During menstruation many women have a great difficulty in sleeping due to tenderness in their breasts, headaches and cramps Furthermore, the study also showed that pregnant women experienced interrupted sleep more often than other women, and also that menopausal women experienced disturbed sleep, most frequently due to hot flashes. Researchers also claimed that the stresses of daily life can have a significant effect on the sleeping patterns of women.

Never feel tired again


to boosts in your self-esteem, mood, physical health, happiness, satisfaction with life and your sense of control over your life. 8. Drink more water. Staying hydrated will keep your energy up. Your blood consists mainly of water and even mild dehydration can cause the blood to thicken forcing the heart to pump harder to carry blood to your cells and organs which can result in fatigue.

The dangers of disrupted sleep Although it is normal for women to have more

disturbed sleep than men, it is dangerous for them to continuously average an hour or two less than what they need. Continuous lack of sleep has been shown to pose these dangers to women’s health: • Decreased glucose tolerance - This can increase her blood pressure and interfere with her ability to concentrate and may even contribute to excess drinking. • Depression - Sleep experts say that a lack of sleep in women is linked to depression, which studies show, is more common in women than men. • Weight gain - Health experts say that poor sleep may be the key to explaining why women are more likely to pack on those extra pounds than men. Researchers at Columbia University found that people who sleep two to four hours are 73% more likely to become obese than those who sleep for 7-8 hours. Eating right and exercising on a regular basis may be necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. However, sleeping is an essential aspect of healthy living as well, and its significance should not be taken lightly. In other words ladies, a good night’s rest goes way beyond just beauty sleep, so make sure you get all you need.

9. Breathe from your belly. Experts say that when we are stressed we tend to take “chest breaths.” It is best that when you breathe in, your belly should be round and fill like a balloon and on exhale your belly should slowly deflate. 10. Follow the 15 minute rule. A good night’s rest is essential for boosting your energy, productivity and memory. So if after a long day you can’t fall asleep within 15 minutes, or you find that you constantly wake up and can’t get back to sleep within 15 minutes, then get out of bed and do something that is relaxing to you. Ideally you should avoid watching television or surfing the web because they can be distracting, but if it relaxes you then go ahead. Once you start feeling sleepy try going back to bed. Making sure you get the right amount of beauty sleep is very important to keeping your body energized. 11. Get some exercise. Exercise can be classified as a wonder drug, not only does it give you a better night’s rest; it also acts as a stimulant. So schedule your workouts in the mornings or afternoons when you need a boost the most. 12. Leave your grudges in the past. Nursing a grudge will make you feel more tired than ever as your mind and body reacts as if it is under chronic stress. This will trigger an increase in your blood pressure and heart rate and potentially resulting in a weakened immune system and eventually exhaustion.

October - December 08


which volunteers where placed in ice-cold water revealed that people may be more susceptible to colds if they become chilled after exposure to the virus. 2. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day it’s good for you. This belief is definitely fiction. Although it is essential to drink water in order to stay hydrated, you don’t need to drink eight glasses per day. Your recommended fluid intake is usually met just fine with the foods that you eat such as milk, juices, fruits and vegetables. Moreover, if you live in a temperate climate and are not engaging in any form of tiring activity, it’s best to listen to your thirst instead of following the eight glasses of water a day rule. 3. Chocolate gives you acne. This myth is officially busted, chocolate does not cause acne. Studies show that acne is caused from other factors such as, stress, over washing of the face, hormones, skin type and pollution.

Get the latest information on common health beliefs that may be fact or fiction. Have you ever wondered if carrots are really good for your eyes or whether an apple a day really keeps the doctor away? Our foreparents may have been on to something when they passed on these snippets of wisdom, but just how accurate are these highly recommended health myths? It turns out that there are a number of conflicting viewpoints when it comes to our health and when placed under close inspection some of the more popular health myths did not pass the test. We investigated some of the most popular health myths and some of our findings may shock you. Read on and you will find out. 1. Staying out in the cold and wind with wet hair will give you a cold. Your mother may have known what she was talking about when she told you to cover –up before going outside in cold weather with wet hair. Believe it or not, this myth is true. We typically catch colds are by interacting with viruses transmitted by inhaling an infected person’s sneeze or cough or by touching an area that has been touched by an infected person and transferring it to your nose or mouth. However, recent studies have shown that the weather can also increase your chances of contracting a cold. A recent study in


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4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. They may not always be able to keep the doctor away, but an apple is a day is still a healthy choice. They are rich sources of quercetin, an antioxidant that is responsible for strengthening the immune system to protect against diseases. Apples are also high in fibre and contain Vitamin C. 5. Sugar increases hyperactivity in kids. This is one of the most persistent health myths around, but it is definitely false. Researchers have found no evidence linking sugar to hyperactivity in kids or adults. So if your child starts “bouncing off the walls” don’t blame it on the sugar. It’s better to blame it on youthful exuberance. 6. Carrots are good for your eyes. Your grandmother may have been on to something when she told you to eat your carrots. But it turns out she was only tricking you into eating your vegetables. Carrots are very nutritious and they are rich sources of vitamin A and Fibre, but eating them won’t improve your vision. Vitamin A is naturally stored in the body and without it your eyesight may suffer. However you would have to be on a vitamin A starvation diet before your body runs short of its natural reserves of it. 7. Feed a cold, Starve a fever This pervasive myth is false. You should feed a cold and feed a fever too. Whether you have a fever, a cold or

both, your body needs nutrients in order to heal. If you or your child does not want to eat solids, noodle soup, juice or even ice-cream will be good alternatives. 8. Swallowed gum takes seven years to pass through your digestive system. Regardless of what you may have heard, the bubble gum you accidentally swallowed as a child is no longer in your stomach. Although the components of the gum are indigestible it will “pass� in a mass and will not stick to your insides. Furthermore, it moves through the digestive tract at about the same rate as any other food that you eat. 9. Reading in dim light or sitting too close to the TV will hurt your eyes. This may be hard to believe but sitting too close to the TV or reading in dim light will not hurt your eyes. The eye is an amazing instrument that is remarkably durable for reading, tracking and seeing. Both practices may cause minor but temporary eyestrain.

10. Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight. The fact is no foods can make you lose weight. Some foods contain caffeine which can speed up your metabolism only for a short time. However, it is not enough to make you lose weight. So you can file the coffee and peanuts diet, the water and lettuce diet and all those other hair-brained diets in the useless category. These health myths will always be around. However, it is up to you to distinguish between what is fact or fiction regarding your health and wellness.

Want to do your body a world of good? Here’s how. Start eating these super – foods and you’ll get an instant upgrade in your health. Bring on the Bananas! Why is it healthy?

Bananas are a great source of quick energy and are rich in potassium and magnesium which is needed to regulate blood pressure, heartbeat, nerves and prevent stroke. As a superior source of Vitamin B6, bananas can also boost your immune system, help to form red blood cells, guarantee a well- functioning nervous system and support protein metabolism. Not a banana lover? Tomato products, orange juice and beans are other rich sources of dietary potassium.


Why is it healthy? Guava has a higher amount of lycopene than any other plant food including watermelon and tomatoes. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that fights prostate cancer. It is also a rich source of potassium, one cup contains 688 milligrams which is 63% more than what you will find in a medium banana. Guava may also be the best high-fiber food around, there’s almost 9 grams of fiber in every cup!

Hooray for Oatmeal! Why is it healthy?

Oatmeal contains B Vitamins to relieve stress and it is a rich source of fibre and zinc for a healthy prostate.

Oysters are terrific! Why is it healthy?

There is something to the myth that oysters are the food of love. You can love your body with just a few oysters each day. Oysters supply the body with the antioxidant mineral zinc. Zinc is involved in a number of the body’s processes, from producing DNA to repairing cells. Research goes even further and reveals that oysters can protect against cellular damage which can lead to prostate cancer. Also, the sexual functioning of the male’s reproductive system may also be enhanced with zinc. Cont’d on page 31 October - December 08


Men don’t need to have rock hard abs, more money than they can spend or extraordinary good looks to attract women. Contrary to popular belief, not all women are attracted to these superficial qualities. Instead most women want men of substance who are confident, respectful and honest. But if you are one of those guys who just can’t seem to catch a break with the opposite sex don’t give up just yet. Here are some tips to always keep them wanting more. Exude an air of confidence. Women cannot stand men who are awkward, nervous, stammer or are unsure of themselves in their presence. A lack of confidence will definitely turn off any woman. If you want to be more irresistible to women then having confidence is a must. Don’t overdo it by being cocky or lying about yourself. Just be yourself and go for it. Call her by her name. When you call a woman by her name it is a sign of respect and for them it can make the conversation seem even more intimate. For most women the sound of their names is like sweet music to their ears. So the next time you are talking to a woman be sure to include her name in the conversation. Look her in the eye. If you’ve only just met her the last thing any woman wants is to feel like she is being undressed by your eyes, or that you’re staring at her chest or trying to avoid eyecontact altogether. When you look a woman in her eye it is a sign of respect and you are showing her that you are interested in getting to know her as an individual and not just as an attractive trophy piece.


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Find out what her interests are. If you want to make yourself irresistible to a woman, you have to go that extra mile and find out the things that interest her. Get her to talk about the things that she is really passionate about. If you don’t understand her interest, don’t put her down or criticize them because that’s a guaranteed turn off. You can tell her “I’m not too familiar with that person or thing,” and ask her to explain her reasons for you. A man who goes out of his way to make a woman feel special and shows that he cares is definitely a keeper. Have a great sense of humour. Women love men who are entertaining and who can make them laugh. A good sense of humor will bring an instant connection to any conversation. Show her that you are an interesting guy. Lighten up and make her laugh! Be attractive We’ve all at some point seen a couple who seem completely mismatched. It may be that the man is handsome and the woman not so much, or vice versa. But this just goes to show that looks don’t necessarily give you the edge when it comes to starting relationships. What does matter however is putting yourself together properly and stylishly on a consistent basis. How you treat yourself is easily an indication of how you may treat her, obviously making it a major selling point for you. Listen more, talk less A big turn off for women are guys who constantly chatter away about themselves without giving her a chance to say anything about herself. Don’t try to

Best foods for men cont’d Rice is nice.

Why is it healthy? Brown rice is without a doubt one of the best foods for guys. It is not only fibre rich; it is rich in other nutrients as well, such as potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and zinc. All the things that men need to stay healthy.

impress her! Get to know her and give her the chance to get to know you as well. Treat her as you would to be treated you. Forget the whole “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” thing. The fact is we are all humans. Be courteous to her, show her love and respect and she will do the same for you. On the road to understanding women you must recognize that we are more alike than you think. Be virtuous One of the main reasons why some men are losers in love is because they try to go to bed with a woman right away. If you want to have a lasting relationship with the woman of your dreams do not try to sleep with her as soon as you meet her. Save yourself the trouble and get to know her before taking it to the next level. Be truthful Women cannot stand a man who tells lies. Create trust by being a man of your word. Call her when you say you are going to, don’t lie about being interested in the thongs she enjoys, and don’t exaggerate who you are or what your accomplishments are. Be upfront about everything and I guarantee that she will find your honesty refreshing and irresistible.

Salmon got it going on! Why is it healthy?

Pink salmon is overflowing with omega 3 fatty acids which can lower your risk of prostate cancer and give you a healthy heart. Besides, salmon is also a healthy treat for women too.

Cabbage is the best. Why is it healthy?

Did you know that cabbage is possibly the most potent cancer fighting food? In fact, according to scientists at the Stanford University, Sulfhoraphane, a chemical found in cabbage that increases the body’s production of enzymes, can boost your level of cancer- fighting enzymes higher than any other plant chemical. You can add cabbage to your burger to have a satisfying crunch, as a sandwich topping or as a side salad. There you have it, the best of the bunch. Seven super foods that are guaranteed to promote optimal health. Make some space for them at your table and you will see an incredible improvement in your health without a prescription.

Hopefully, these simple pointers with give men new insights into the qualities that women find most attractive, and lead to even greater success in their dating lives. October - December 08


Looking one’s best takes time, patience and attention to detail, and in today’s society where looks are just as important as brains, and pharmacies have entire sections dedicated to men’s heath and grooming a man has no excuse for not keeping up his appearance. For those men who might be a little behind the learning curve when it comes to taking care of your appearance here are some tips from top barbers and other experts to help you polish your grooming skills.

Get a handle on thinning hair. It is usually hard for most men to give in to hair loss, but it is an inevitable part of life for most of them. However men can still maintain some control over hair loss. Barbers advise that if your hair starts to thin out, use driers and lighter styling products, such as pomade, or none at all. This will prevent the hair follicles from being glued together and ensure effective hair coverage. However, if there is no hope for your thinning hair, do not resort to hair plugs or a comb over. No matter the head shape, a clean cut is always the best choice.

Send those dark, puffy circles packing. That “fleshy luggage” under your eyes is a normal part of a man’s genetic blueprint. Nevertheless, they can look unsightly and really annoying to any man with half a care about his appearance. You can get rid of your baggy eyes by using a specially designed eye balm or cream and smoothing it on gently. The skin around the eyes is very gentle so don’t rub too hard or it will just make things worse. Smoking and sleeping without proper elevation can also make your bags bigger so sleeping with a pillow is recommended. You should also drink lots of water and stay out of the sun.


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Body odor

Get shiny teeth.

Guys it’s impossible to exercise without getting a B.O, but you can control it by washing as soon as you are finished exercising and using a deodorant that doesn’t just mask odors with a heavy scent. You should also ensure that the products you use both target and neutralize bacteria.

Experts say that teeth whiteners with high bleach concentration will work faster to get your teeth whiter. If you are looking for a home whitening kit choose one with a carbamide peroxide concentration of at least 10 percent or you can see a professional.

Say goodbye to breakouts.

Lock down on razor bumps and irritated skin.

We all know that acne can be a real pain but you can put a stop to recurring pimples by washing your face with a mild cleanser twice per day. In the same breath however, the best way to beat acne is to stop it before it starts. Dermatologists advise that you can start by ensuring that you keep oil and grit away from your face. The also recommend that you wash your pillowcases, wipe phones before using them and avoid resting your face on your hands.

Putting an end to unattractive razor bumps has a lot to do with one’s shaving tools. Using a shaving cream or gel, a sharp razor blade changed at least once per week, an aftershave, balm or moisturizer and a shaving brush is strongly recommended by dermatologists to reduce shaving bumps and irritation.

Degrease your locks. Relieve Sunburn Is your skin sizzling from the scorching sun? Soak a clean wash cloth with cool milk and apply it like a compress. Doctors say that the lactic acid and the soothing temperature of the milk will help to ease inflammation. Taking pain relievers such as Advil or Aleve after exposure can also reduce swelling and slow the deluge of damaging chemicals triggered by UV light.

Get the best hair cut ever. Want a nice-looking head of hair every time? You have to form a link with the person behind the blades. Choose a barber that has superior expertise in his craft and trust his ability to suggest what looks good. Make sure that your barber is one who is willing to offer ideas rather than just taking directions and make sure his hair looks good too.

You have probably noticed that when you wake up in the mornings your hair tends to be really greasy. This is because the high levels of testosterone accelerate oil production. But you can beat the grease by braving the cold. Taking shampoo rinses under cold water helps to close the oil producing pores in your skin. One of the more highly recommended shampoos is Redken for Men Retaliate Antidandruff Shampoo. A man must look his best at all times so don’t start slacking off now. Remember you only get one chance to make a first impression.

October - December 08


Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things is an aim many persons share and the home is no exception. In fact our home is one of the most essential elements in our world. Homes should not be seen as a mere four walled structure with a roof. The home speaks volumes about your character, it is an extension of yourself and it allows you to make a lasting impression on others. Today home décor comes in a variety of styles, themes and materials and you can be your own interior designer. Add a little personal touch to your house by keeping these design elements in mind:



When planning your home décor project having a theme is essential. The theme is your guiding factor while decorating. It is the reflection of your likes, your hobbies and your tastes. You can either opt for a general theme for the entire house or a specific theme for each room. For example, you can create a tropical paradise theme for the entire house or you could model one room after the ocean, the forest, your favorite colour, movie, a night club or any theme that suits your fancy. Furthermore, the theme can be subtle such as, a series of contrast or a series of patterns which are reminiscent of each other. The possibilities are endless and there are tons of ideas that you can try.

2. 3.

Once you have developed a theme an assessment of your needs is necessary. You must keep in mind the things that you like or dislike and let it be your guide. Moreover, you must eliminate those items that don’t fit with the theme décor of your room or house or you can alter them so that they can fit with the theme. When decorating your home, colour is integral in helping to create an ambience. It is said that colour

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is the single most important element in transforming the look of your home décor. The colour of the fabrics, furniture, shelves, sofas, beds and accessories must accentuate your room or home décor theme. If you want to add a little colour to the space add some cushions and rugs. These will make nice floor décor additions. Moreover, flowers and paintings can go a long way to add a little freshness into your home. You can choose flowers and paintings with the correct colour selection that will match the home décor accessories and the theme. Be sure to blend colours to suit your style.


Fabrics are essential for adding comfort and warmth to your home. If used judiciously, you can transform any building into a home. When decorating your home you should maintain harmony by using the same or similar accent at least three times around the room. For example, pillows, curtains and tablecloths could have similar colours.


You can never underrate the wonders of fine artistry in your home. An artistic piece will add that special touch that you have always wanted. Depending on your theme, the artifact could be an original painting, a sculpture, an antique chair or any artifact that would suit your unique taste.


Your home décor cannot be complete without furniture. Furniture not only defines your home décor it also allows you to make a bold proclamation about your lifestyle, taste and culture as it relates to your theme.

The elements mentioned above are guides that will help you to formulate a plan for your home decorating exercise. It is now up to you to use your imagination and creativity in order to transform your house into a home. Happy Decorating!

• The mind gets restless, there is no peace.

Contributed by: Dr. Hame Persaud “What is Anger?” According to Swami Lalitananda “Anger is described comparatively as a sudden violent outburst, like the sudden appearance of a dark raincloud from a clear horizon, making lots of noise with flashes of lightening, giving a sudden heavy downpour.” It arises from someone, who has had high expectations unmet, indicating a powerdriven individual in whom passionate or discordant states have swept aside their peaceful spiritual state. Frustration in not getting one’s material desires can also create anger. At the end of the day it is certain that not dealing with your anger can leave you devoid of energy and peace. “Who gets Angry?” All of us from time to time, unless we become like Christ or the Buddha. Even so, I have read of Jesus whipping the gamblers out of the temple.

“How can we resolve Anger?” 1. Practice daily prayers and meditation to achieve a peaceful state. Lord Buddha was unruffled by abuses and curses that would have made him angry. He explained to his accusers “If you try to throw fire into water, it will be put out. [But] if you put fire into a blazing fire, it will only increase. Spiritual values and religion make us aware of God’s power beyond our petty selves and create a state of contentment as well as the ability to be satisfied with little. (A) Near Death Experience... A Woman was recovering from a heart attack when God appeared to her vividly in a Dream. “Thank you God,” “How many years more do I have to live?” The Lord said, I will give you forty years more.” “Hey, Wow, Whoohoo, Wow!” she shouted in jubilance. After making a full recovery she had a tummy tuck, breast lift and face lift. The last thing was a new hairdo. And after leaving the hair stylist looking totally different, a bus suddenly got out of control, ran onto the sidewalk and slammed into the woman, killing her instantly. When she got to heaven the woman started arguing with God.“I thought you were supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, so how come you made me die after promising me that I’d live for forty more years,”God took a closer look at the women then said “Is that you Janet, I didn’t recognize you.”

in awe. “Well don’t just sit there gaping with your mouth open, say something!” she shouted at him. “Darling for one thing,” the husband said. “After all these years, you still have wonderful eyesight.” 3. Learn to deal with provocation and abuse. A fact of life we all must accept is that our ideas will often conflict with those of others and this can provoke conflicts. Remember any man can fight but it takes a bigger man to walk away. (C) Gettin it right...Teacher: “What is the shape of the earth Johnny?” Johnny: “Round, Miss!” Teacher: “OK, how do you know that it is round?” Johnny: “All right, all right, it’s square then. I don’t want to stand here all day arguing with you!” 4. See the positive solutions quickly . When there is war, anger and hatred practice channeling thoughts of peace, goodness, love and patience. (D) Love always conquers... A husband and wife were having a heated argument and both got so angry that they stopped talking to each other and did not look at each other for the rest of the day. With tensions still thick in the house after the argument they decided at bedtime to put up a blanket along the bed to keep them apart as they slept. In the middle of the night, the wife, who started to feel a little lonely, stretched her arms in the air and sighed, “Mmmm, I am so lonely I could kiss a cat.” Feeling just as lonely as his wife, the husband softly replied “Meow.” 5. Face the situation squarely. When a misunderstanding arises take steps to quickly correct the problem. (E) Solve problems and laugh - An elderly woman noticed that the children would start to laugh and point at her while shouting “Rusty cat” over and over. This continued for a week then she decided that she was going to put a stop to the insulting name calling. The following day she marched into the school and demanded that the teacher explain why the children kept calling her “Rusty cat”.After a few seconds the teacher quickly figured out what the

2. Appreciate your pure spiritual qualities. Accept that we are all frail human beings, and that things like sickness, old age and death cannot be “How does getting angry affect us?” avoided. • It can raise our blood pressure. (B) Deep appreciation...A married • Fretting and fuming can make couple decided to go to bed, after their our nose run, and sinusitis can 50th wedding anniversary. “Look at me, develop. look at these sags and bags all over,” the • Our stomachs can get acidic, causing wife said looking in the mirror. “My belly pains, gastritis and ulcers. is hanging down, my breasts are touching • The skin can get hot, itchy and my knees, my face is all wrinkled, there develop wheals. are bags hanging from under my eyes.”She Cont’d on page 37 • Sleep becomes restless. turned to see her husband looking at her October - December 08


As you lie on the table beneath the crisp, fresh sheets, soothing music lulls you into the moment. The smell of sage envelopes the air and you hear the calm sound of massage oil being warmed in your masseuse’s hands. Your entire being cries out for those therapeutic hands to work their magic and ease all your pains and stresses. The session is now underway and it seems as if the problems of the world have faded into oblivion and you don’t want this moment to ever come to an end. Although a massage can leave you with a pleasant after glow, what if it could combat cancer? What if your sleep, mood, digestion and overall body work could be improved by massage therapy? The truth is there are no “what ifs?” Research is now showing that an invigorating massage can be very helpful for the following:

Cancer Treatment When combined with conventional medical treatments, massage therapy can be an effective cancer treatment. Doctors usually prescribe it as it helps to relieve anxiety, pain and fatigue in cancer patients. Boost the immune system Persons who participate in regular massage sessions had an increased number of natural killer cells which studies show can defend the body from viral and cancer cells.


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Anxiety Studies show that getting a regular massage can reduce anxiety in depressed children and women with eating disorders. These studies further indicated that massage can reduce anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in adults who are trying to quit smoking. Better lymph movement Lymph is the fluid that drains waste from the cells in our bodies. The pumping effect of muscle contractions produced by massage allows lymph to move freely through the body. The pressure of massage also increases blood flow that can help to reduce swelling after surgery. Improves blood circulation The manual pressure of massage increases blood flow to the treated areas. The increased blood flow carries more nutrients and oxygen to the muscles to help repair and revitalize the body. Beautiful Skin Regular doses of massage therapy can give you beautiful skin by stimulating the sebaceous and sweat glands. The increase in blood flow produced by massage also supply the skin cells with nutrients and oxygen. More blood at the skin’s surface can also give you a rosy, healthy glow. Pain Relief The next time you think about popping that pain pill, try a reviving dose of massage therapy instead. Soreness and stiffness of our joints and muscles result when our

overworked muscles produce lactic acid. Massage works by improving the circulation to the muscles to flush these out. Regular massage sessions lead to a gradual release that eases the pain.

Positive mental attitude Massage can give you a better outlook on life. It has been shown to increase the body’s production of the “feel good” endorphins and the mood-enhancing hormone serotonin while simultaneously decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, boosting your self-esteem in the process. Massage therapy has a number of other benefits including: •

Assisting in shorter, easier labor pains for expectant mothers.

Gives you a better posture.

Relieves the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Helps children with diabetes.

Helps athletes to prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts.

Reduces blood pressure.

The connection between the mind and body is increased through massage therapy.

The power of touch cannot be denied; it has the power to relax, realign and rejuvenate. So for you health and general well-being “live a little” and give massage therapy a try today!

Anger Management: Successful Actions Cont’d

problem was and began to explain.“I am sorry for this misunderstanding,” she told the woman. “I was just teaching the children about personalities and I explained that you, a prominent member of our society is called an aristocrat. The children must have heard the word and thought it was “rusty cat.” The woman started to laugh, and soon enough everybody in the room was laughing too. 6. Respect people from all walks of life. Trying to push others around and take advantage of them can cause distrust, disrespect and sometimes boiling anger. As the golden rule says, we should always strive to treat people the way we want to be treated. Allowing yourself to see good in others and trusting them is a sure way to gain inner peace. (F) A quick conversion in love...A relationship coach was on his way to address a gathering about Valentines-Day Love. As she drove a taxi operator, who was in just as much a rush as she was, suddenly pulled over in front of her and blocked her. The relationship coach was terribly upset and angry with the taxi-driver and began to scream and shout. Then suddenly she saw the man wind his window down, push his head out the window and blew her a kiss. The coach was completely surprised by the appreciation and immediately calmed down. She realized that even though she was the one who was to be teaching others to love, the taxi-driver taught her the same lesson instead. 7. Keep your cool – count to ten Instead of responding to a tense situation with more anger, give yourself the time to calm down before you deal with the situation. (G) Controlling Anger....A man was pushing a stroller down the street looking more frustrated by the minute. Inside the stroller a child was crying and screaming. The man pushing the pram was saying “Okay Johnny, keep cool. Keep cool Johnny before you do something you might regret Johnny.” Thinking he could offer the man some assistance, a Reverend walked over to the man and said “I see little Johnny is giving you some trouble.” The replied, “No I’m Johnny, he is Robert.” 8. Keep spiritually evolved company – Get involved with a Bible study-group, Church-group, Meditation, Prayer--group, Familygroup or some kind of structured programme. Move away from stressful, anger driven situations, keeping company that is pleasant, positive and harmonious, ultimately resolves anger. (H) Goodness follows good...An Englishman, a Scottsman and an Irishman all ended up at a hotel, with only three rooms avaiable; a room of fire, which the Englishman stepped forward and took, a room of nails, which the Scottsman took and finally a room of flies, which the Irishman had no choice but to take. The following morning, the three men met up in the hotel lobby. After a wide yawn the Englishman said that he did not sleep well, because no matter how much he rolled over he couldn’t help getting burned by the fires in the room. Next, the Scottsman said he hard a horrible night’s sleep because he kept getting stuck by the nails in his room. The Irishman, who was looking very fresh, said he had a good night’s sleep. “I had a bed of flies. All I did was kill one and all the rest of the flies harmoniously went to funeral,” he said.

October - December 08


Dandruff is a common scalp condition that

affects many persons. The condition is usually characterized by excess itching and flaking of the scalp. The cause of dandruff is still largely unknown but new studies are now revealing that a yeast - like fungus Malassezia Golobsa which lives on the scalp is possibly the cause. Factors that are responsible for triggering an increase in malassezia include, stress and fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, poor immune system, Parkinson’s disease, weather changes and persons recovering from a heart attack and stroke. There is no cure for this chronic condition but it can be easily controlled through the use of anti-dandruff shampoos and a few home remedies. Some dandruff treatments are: Anti - dandruff shampoos Persistent dandruff can be treated with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Frequent washing of the hair with a gentle shampoo can remove the oil and dead skin cell build-up on the scalp. Doctors and beauticians also advise that the shampoos that are used in the treatment of dandruff will lose their effectiveness after a while; therefore it is best to rotate shampoos. Here are some of the most highly recommended shampoos: • Selsun Salon, Head and Shoulders and Keracare These dandruff fighting shampoos contain the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent zinc pyrithione which works by reducing the fungus that causes dandruff.


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• Neutrogena T Gel or T- Sal and Ionil T These tar based shampoos helps to control conditions such as, dandruff, sebohheric dermatitis, and psoriasis by slowing cell turnover. • Selsun Blue This shampoo contains the agent Selenium Sulphide which can help to prevent cell turnover and reduce the number of malassezia. However the user must use with care, Selsun Blue can damage chemically coloured hair, gray hair and blonde hair. It is best to use as directed and rinse hair thoroughly after washing. • Triatop and Nizoral Triatop is the over- the- counter strength and Nizoral is prescription only strength. These shampoos contain the powerful anti- fungal agent ketoconazole which has proven to work where other shampoos have failed. Home Remedies There are a number of home remedies which can help to control dandruff. • Massaging the scalp with an oil moisturizer on a frequent basis will rejuvenate a dry scalp.

• Tea tree oil has an anti-fungal effect when mixed with shampoos and oils. Massage this mixture into the scalp and let it set for 10-15 minutes before rinsing the hair. • A vinegar rinse is also effective, as it helps to restore the hair to its correct pH balance. • Massage coconut and castor oil into the scalp twice per week and you will see a difference. • Rub olive oil into the scalp and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing the hair. •

A healthy diet can prevent and cure dandruff. Reduce your intake of sugars, starches, fats and oils which can cause nutritional deficiencies that will cause an unhealthy scalp resulting in dandruff. You can start increasing your intake of foods that are rich in the B Vitamins especially vitamin B6 and the healthy fats.

Your mental and emotional state of mind plays a huge role in contributing to your dandruff problem. You must ensure that you are in the best of health emotionally by taking steps to improve your emotional problems in order to get rid of physical problems such as dandruff. It is best to consult your doctor or dermatologist if the dandruff is persistent to find out which treatment is right for you.

Want to achieve younger, wrinkle- free skin? Follow these simple steps: Step 1 Start with the essentials: i) Avoid the sun as much as possible. Overexposure to sunlight can destroy the skin. ii) Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the main causes of wrinkles. iii) Moisturize your skin daily. Your skin can dry out very quickly if not cared for properly. Step 2 Sleep on your back Research indicates that sleeping in certain positions every night may lead to the formation of sleep lines. These are lines that do not disappear when you wake up in the mornings but become etched in the surface of the skin. Sleeping on the side causes wrinkles on the cheeks and on the side of the face and sleeping face down can caused a furrowed brow. Reduce wrinkles by sleeping on your back. Step 3 Don’t Squint Instead of squinting your eyes to see someone or something start wearing reading glasses. The American Academy of Dermatology says that when we squint our eyes, it causes a strain on the facial muscles


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forming a groove beneath the skin’s surface. This groove will eventually become a wrinkle. Always keep your eyes wide open and start wearing sunglasses which can prevent sun damage to the skin around the eyes and prevent you from squinting.

Step 4 Choose cocoa instead of coffee New research is now revealing that cocoa has numerous benefits for the skin. It contains two dietary flavonols, epitcatchin and catechin which protect the skin from sun damage. This will increase circulation to the skin cells that have been affected by dehydration, making the skin look and feel smoother. Step 5 Don’t wash your face too often If you wash your face too often, then you might be washing away the barrier oils and moisture which protect the skin from wrinkles. Dermatologists advise that you should wash your face twice per day. Step 6 Eat Soy A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition states that a soy - based supplement containing vitamin, fish protein and extracts from flaxseed, white tea and tomato can make the skin look firmer within 6 months. Aging with the inevitable formation of wrinkles is one factor which we cannot control. However, we can continue to put our best face forward and maintain a healthy skin into old age by preventing some wrinkling.

Are you ready to break out of your boring neutral coat and black mascara routine? Well here are some easy steps you can follow to create “beautiful eyes.” Before starting you need to ensure that you have all the beauty products and accessories you will need including, a mirror, tweezers, flat brush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and paper towel or tissue to wipe off excess eye make-up. Once you’ve assembled all these then get ready to have those sexy, seductive eyes you’ve always wanted.

Step 1

Shaping your eye brows will open up your face and make your eyes seem larger. It also defines your eyebrows keeping you looking young and youthful. Start by combing your eyebrows into their natural shape. Then, with a pair of tweezers, pull the hair out in the direction that it grows in. You can pluck outwards from your nose to the edge of your eye. While shaping your eyebrows you should make sure that you keep your eyebrows symmetrical by checking them in a makeup mirror.

Step 2

Always curl your lashes before you apply any make-up for an eye opening effect.

Step 3

Blend concealer under the eye. After you have blended the concealer wet a small, flat brush and rub it across a black cake liner. Pull the upper lid taut and gently push the brush underneath into the lash line. This will define your eyes, making them more outstanding.

Stept 4

Trace the upper lash line with a thick, smudgy pencil eyeliner. If you want the “smoky eyes” effect use a thick black or dark brown pencil, and blend it upward with your ring finger. The colour should be sheer by the time you reach the brow bone.

Step 5

Dust translucent powder over your eye lids to keep the colour in place.

Step 6

Add more dimension to the colour by brushing a powder shadow over the lid that will enhance the effect that you want to create. If you want to add more dimension to smoky eyes you can tone down the colour with a lighter colour such as soft taupe, or use green or grey at the top.

Step 7

A coat of mascara will complete your look. In order to emphasize your eye lashes and make your eye more desirable pull the wand through the outer lashes towards the temple, the inner lashes towards your nose and the center lashes up towards your forehead. There is no need to apply mascara to your lower lashes as it tends to make them look spidery. With just one coat on top, simply blinking will tint the bottom ones sufficiently. By following these simple steps every girl can have gorgeously styled eyes, as well as the confidence that comes with knowing that you look your best.



here is absolutely no reason for you to not look your best during those nine months of pregnancy. You need it, you’ve earned it and most of all you deserve it.

No matter how much you hear others complimenting you on your “glowing” complexion, your luscious hair and your overall attractiveness. Most women know that the dark side of pregnancy includes, uneven skin tone, varicose veins, bloating, break outs and, gasp, stretch marks! However pregnancy does have its good side, in fact pregnancy can do your body a world of good and the truth is you can look good, even great during pregnancy by playing up your pregnancy attributes. The stretching baby bump cannot be avoided, but there are lots that you can do to stay beautiful during your pregnancy and even after the delivery. Here are some tips. • Drink lots of water during pregnancy to keep your skin hydrated and to prevent those unwanted stretch marks. Moreover, you and your baby need water because it helps to flush out toxins leaving you with glowing skin. Also water is helpful in dealing with the acidity that will come later on in the pregnancy. • Continue exercising during pregnancy. Not only does this help to make delivery easier but it helps keep your skin cells oxygenated and glowing fresh. Consult your doctor first to find out which exercise you can perform during pregnancy. Remember that regular exercise during the nine months will work its magic during pregnancy and beyond. • A deep tissue massage is useful in reducing stress and preventing stretch marks. • When you are pregnant there is an added bonus, your hair will look more lustrous thanks to oestrogen and increased blood circulation. Enjoy this benefit of pregnancy as your hair will go back to its normal growth cycle after


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delivery. To keep your hair looking its best, wear it in styles that are flattering to your unique taste. Avoid any form of extreme experimentation such as going significantly shorter or trying a more drastic colour. It is quite okay to continue to colour or highlight your hair, but be on the safe side and consult your doctor or hairstylist first. • During pregnancy the body gets very tired from carrying around the extra weight and so pregnant women should ensure that they sleep well every night to give their bodies the rest that it needs. The sleep will also give your skin time to rejuvenate and keep it looking good. • A pregnant woman should not give up make-up completely. If wearing make- up makes you feel confident and beautiful then go ahead and put some on. It will be good for you, but be sure to stay away from make-up that can irritate you or cause your allergies to flare. • You can still be a “fashionista” even while you are pregnant. Pregnancy is now seen as a veritable status symbol for celebrities, making pregnancy fashion a hit now more than ever. Not to mention that shopping for some fashionable maternity wear can work wonders for your self confidence. In the same breath however, while looking good during pregnancy should be a priority, you should not sacrifice your personal comfort. Your pregnancy wardrobe should include, form fitting outfits that will accentuate your newly formed curves and your other pregnancy attributes, empire styled tops and low rise maternity pants. Furthermore when it comes on to footwear comfort and safety is key so replace your heels and wedges with a lower heel or some cute ballet flats. • Eat foods rich in vitamin C and E as well as Zinc as these can make you and your skin look and feel beautiful. • Always keep a steady check on your weight during the pregnancy. This can prevent stretch marks from forming. Above all, pregnancy is a wonderful experience which should be celebrated. Gone were the days when pregnant women hid their baby “bumps” under frumpy shapeless clothing. Today women are flaunting their bulging bellies with confidence. Make your pregnancy a “hip” event in your life. After all being pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t look stylish and feel like a model!


October - January 09

Does size really matter? Is it true that men with big feet and hands have you know what….? There is a lot of misinformation circulating about sex and our writers decided to put some of these sex and romance notions to the test. Here’s what we found.

Women prefer taller men

This is definitely true. Men who are 5’ 9” or more do have an advantage over shorter men. Most women find taller men to be more attractive than their shorter counterparts. Professor Allen Marzur of Syracuse University conducted a study and found that taller men were more likely to get married and have more children than shorter men. They were also more likely to have affairs because more women found them to be more appealing than shorter men. However, this is an inference and does not apply to all cases. Bottom Line: Size matters.

Men love to kiss with lots of tongue

This notion is false. You may think that all guys are really into french kissing, believe it or not, most guys are really into the soft yet sensual kiss. According to experts, there are different types of kissing that men prefer that do not involve any tongue action. One such kiss is the “sliding kiss.” For this kiss you start by kissing him softly around the perimeters of his lips, then you


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brush your mouth across his cheeks and then you start nibbling his jaw line. Bottom Line: Men think that innocent kisses are hot.

Most women orgasm during intercourse. This notion is definitely a myth. Studies show that only 30% of women are likely to achieve an orgasm during penetration. This is so because, the clitoris is located outside the vagina instead of inside and as such most women need stimulation of the clitoris by hand or a vibrator during intercourse in order to achieve an orgasm. Clitoralrgasm is by far the best and most common orgasm.

Bottom Line: The penis is not enough. Condoms are 100% safe

Although condoms are a highly effective form of contraception and a great way to prevent STIs, they are not 100% safe. Condoms can and do break during intercourse so it is best to use condoms in conjunction with other contraceptives such as the pill.

Bottom Line: Condoms alone cannot work. Men think about sex every 7 seconds

This is another myth, according to Men’s Health Magazine only a small

amount of men, approximately 23%, think about sex several times for the day. Once a man hits his mid to late twenties other parts of his life becomes equally important as sex such as work, stress, bills, arguments and money. In others words, real life can dampen a man’s sexual urges. Bottom Line: Not all men are not sex maniacs.

Having sexual intercourse while standing up, urinating after intercourse or jumping up and down after intercourse will prevent pregnancy. In reality none of these activities have been proven to work and cannot prevent pregnancy. Bottom Line: Abstinence and practicing safe sex is your best bet against unwanted pregnancy.

Sex is good for headaches This notion is true. During the female orgasm, endorphins are released which are powerful pain killers. Bottom Line: Headaches are a bad excuse not to have sex.


o your ‘significant other’ has ended the relationship and left you feeling like your entire life is now in shambles. In one fell swoop he/she has taken away the thing that consumed so much of your time and energy and has left you to pick up the pieces alone. Depression starts to set in and the only thing you want in this world is to get back with your ex. But the sad fact is that your ex will not be coming back. Getting over your ex can feel next to impossible sometimes depending on how deep the relationship was, but it definitely can be done. Although it may seem easier said than done, with the guides listed below, you’ll be picking up the pieces of your shattered heart and your self-respect in no time. 1. Make a clean break If you are still in love with your ex and they don’t reciprocating those feelings then you are better off making a clean break. In most cases ex-lovers hardly ever make good friends. 2. Take your ex off that pedestal Your ex- lover no longer deserves special treatment. So stop idolizing him /her and making them out to be something that they are not. Do not gaze at your ex’s picture lovingly, do not rush to answer their phone calls or emails and definitely don’t go out of your way for your ex. The phrase ‘ex’ does after all mean that they should remain in your past not your present. 3. Hang out with your friends Now that your ex is out of the picture, it is time to spend more time with your friends. Hanging with your friends can go a long way to help get your head straight and you will soon realize that there are better fish in the sea. 4. Let out your pent up anger and frustrations It is natural to blow off some steam after the break-up of a relationship. Try writing a letter to her pouring out your pain and sorrow and then disassociate yourself with it by throwing it away or burning it. You can even talk to a friend who will listen. Letting out your anger and frustration is therapeutic and it helps you to let go of the painful past.

5. Enjoy your newfound freedom Freedom is always exciting and as newly single person there are tons of activities you can partake in, especially those that you were never able to enjoy because your “other half” wasn’t interested. So get out of that glum mood and indulge yourself. It is your life, live it the way you want to. 6. Get closure If you can seem to get it in your head that the relationship is actually over, your ex owes you the courtesy of making it crystal clear that there is no chance of the two of you ever getting back together. It is important to end any hopes of reconciliation between you two because the sooner you know this the sooner you can start the healing process, and this is what therapists refer to as closure. 7. Don’t try to get your belongings back Unless it’s something of great emotional or material value, like a family heirloom, or a diamond necklace you’re better off not contacting your ex to get it back. Let’s face it, the emotional torture you will go through from being in the presence of your ex-lover just to re-claim a pair of jogging shoes or a blouse is just not worth it. At the end of the day they are replaceable material things, not worth retarding your emotional progress for. 8. Take charge of your life again Start setting goals and challenging yourself, learn a skill, go back to school, anything meaningful that you have always wanted to do for yourself. The possibilities are endless and the world is your playing field. The sooner you start setting these goals and knocking them over, the sooner you will remember that there is more to life than relationships. 9. Meet someone new No one expects you to stay in the doldrums for long. After you have gotten over your ex, it’s time to hit the dating scene again nothing is more refreshing than meeting a new and interesting person. So go out there and start feeling good about yourself again.

October - December 08


It doesn’t matter how sly or quick the glance, a woman always knows when you are looking at her breasts. Do not make the mistake of asking a woman why she is angry at you; she will only get angrier for you not knowing the reason for her anger. More than anything else women love a man with a good sense of humour. A good woman is just as excited about a gift that costs nothing as she is about a very expensive gift. The strangest gift that shows that you have been listening is worth far more than any luxurious diamond ring to her. It is useless to argue with a woman if you are not going to win. Women appreciate it when you ask them questions about themselves. It is essential that you explore the unknown in the bedroom. Having sex the same way every time will make her want to seek some fun outside just for variety. Believe it or not, sometimes women want to have sex when you don’t and for you to not deliver on such occasions will put you in a terrible light. The only acceptable pick-up line for any woman is “Hi my name is (your name). What’s yours?” For a woman a spontaneous kiss can be compared to a man’s winning a free ticket to his favourite sporting event. You can sweep her off her feet with flowers on days outside of Valentine’s Day, anniversaries or her birthday.


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If you want to locate her G-spot, aim for it and then ask if your aim is correct. Her job is just as important as yours. The idea of love at first sight is attractive to women in theory, but terrifies them in practice. One follow-up call is acceptable to an unreturned phone call, two will be considered stalking. Love does not mean never having to say you are sorry. It means having to say you are sorry over and over again, in new and different ways, everyday, every week and every month, even when you don’t want to, every year until God grants you his mercy and you finally die, blissfully. We’re sure that having finished reading this article lots of men are scratching their heads, wondering why women make themselves so complicated. Despite all of our preconceived notions about women, they will always remain a mystery, and one thing is definitely for certain, men need all the help we can get.

So you’ve been with the same person for a while now and your bedtime routine is the same boring episode week after week This isn’t healthy. Thankfully, recharging your sex life can be easy and a whole lot of fun. Here are some ways to catapult your sex life from boring to mind blowing: • Romance and good sex are closely connected. Rekindle the romantic flames in your relationship and your sex life will get a boost. It’s all about making each other feel special again. For a busy couple who is always working and is just too tired for an intimate encounter, a weekend getaway is the perfect way to revive your sex life. Relationship experts agree that most couples tend to have more sex on romantic getaways. • In order to make your passionate encounter less predictable and more out-of-sight, just go for it! Don’t just wait for the scheduled time . Act on your erotic desires whenever they strike. Does the sight of him washing his car start you engines or does the sight of her walking around in a tank top get you really hot and bothered? When you give in to your lusty desires, the sex can be steamier and better. • Another way to steam things up in the bedroom is to forget yourselves for a second and start focusing on giving the other person their most pleasurable experience ever. Give your significant other a sensual massage, and explore their untapped “hot spots” like their ears, nipples, and feet. Focus on their reactions, listening keenly for grunts, moans or rapid heartbeats and target those areas. Later you can try a little rolereversal.

• You don’t have to share a passionate encounter in the bedroom alone. Change your routine by sharing an intimate moment somewhere taboo with a hint of danger. For example, you can make love in the backseat of your car and if this doesn’t tickle you and your partner’s fancy you can try another room such as, the living room, kitchen countertop, bathroom or anywhere that you like. This “naughty” factor will add a little excitement to your lackluster sex life. • Take your time in the bedroom and focus on foreplay. A mindblowing passionate encounter is not just about the intercourse. You and your partner can try having foreplay for at least one day, getting each other all worked up. This is guaranteed to make the sex hotter than ever. • Another way to increase your anticipation for that out-of-sight passionate encounter is to hold off sex for a few nights and you’ll both be dying to get your hands on each other. Waiting enhances anticipation making you more turned on making sex even better and more exciting. Try these moves to blow partner’s mind • You can make your lovemaking unforgettable by gently exhaling on each other’s skin. This will give a steamy, soft heat to all your sensitive areas, making you shiver from head to toe.

• For greater stimulation in the missionary position, you can try to hook your knees over his shoulders. Sex Therapists believe that this angle will put more pressure on the clitoris, making you better able to achieve an orgasm. • Stroking can do wonders for passionate lovemaking. You can use your fingertips to slowly caress your skin. This sensual touch will give you a tingling sensation that will wake your body up for a passionate encounter. • You can put a fun spin to the whole domination scenario by pinning his hands while you’re on top. This will be a sweet torture for him because all he wants to do is to touch you. However if this is not your preference, you can ask him to take control. • Make your passion more intimate by making love sitting up. In this position you get to do more with your arms and hands and the lovemaking is even better with your torsos pressed together. Remember the basics of any solid relationship are honesty, good communication and feeling comfortable with each other. If you want to have a healthy sexual relationship you must be willing to explore the unknown. And when your sex-life picks up it is sure to spill over into other areas of the relationship.

October - December 08



To identify and implement the needs for sustainable development in Jamaica in the areas of health, the environment and education. The appropriate programmes will then be funded by grants from our strategic investments and with our alliance partners.


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Our vision for the future is one in which the Environmental Health Foundation is a recognized leader in enhancing the quality of people’s lives. We embrace the challenge of strengthening the capabilities of the Environmental Health Foundation and seizing strategic opportunities to achieve this vision.

Every parent wants to do the right thing when it comes to their child’s health and well-being. From the moment their children enter the world parents are obliged to ensure that they encourage their children to lead healthy lifestyles via the foods they provide and the activities that they allow them to participate in. However, for most kids today the playground and playing football in the backyard have given way to watching television, spending hours on the internet and playing video games. If your children seem to fit into the couch potato category, and if you find yourself among the 80 percent of all parents who, according to sociological studies, feel responsible for their child’s weight and physical fitness then you stop worrying. It’s not too late to get your child off the couch, and here are some tips to help you do it.

Put a limit on screen time

Although it may seem difficult to break the stranglehold that the Internet, TV and video games have on kids, parents should lay down the law and limit the amount of “screen time” their children are allowed to have each day. As a substitute for the lost screen time some form of physical activity should become a must.

Power Walking

According to the experts there is no better way to start a fitness program than by walking. There are countless opportunities to walk daily, so you

can easily do more of it. You can also try incorporating walking into your child’s daily routine by insisting that he/she walks to school if he/she lives close by, or walks around his/her neighbourhood or backyard. To make it even more fun you can encourage their friends or family members to join them.

Be a good example

If you want your kids to be active, you must be active as well. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski, a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in the United States “a parent’s active lifestyle will serve as a stimulus for a child”. Therefore, it is crucial that you set a good example for your children by making physical activity a priority for yourself as well.

Make family time fun time

Plan a weekend family activity such as, flying kites, running, riding bicycles or any other activity that involves physical activity. You can make it even more fun by starting little competitions and offering prizes to the winners.

Start a routine

Set a certain time for physical activity each day. Get up early with your children to do jogging or jumping jacks after dinner. Start with moderate exercise routines and gradually add new activities to the routine as you and your children become more fit.

Let your child lead the way

For many children participating in organized sports is a great way to

stay f i t . However, sports are not the only option. If your child loves to read, you can walk or ride a bicycle to the neighbourhood library. If your child loves art and nature you can take a nature walk to collect leaves and rocks that your child can use to create a collage, or you can turn on your child’s favorite music and dance. Remember that every child is different and the important thing is to do activities that your child will enjoy.

Let your child get busy around the home Assign your child physical household activities such as cleaning the yard, cleaning the house or washing the car.

Including physical activities into your children’s lives will do much more than keep them at healthy weights and in good shape. Encouraging your children to be physically active at an early age sets the foundation for a lifetime of good health and fitness and will be sure to contribute positively to their overall state of well-being all throughout their lives. So what are you waiting for? Go get your kids and get active already.

October - December 08


Do advanced readings

Getting good grades and having educational success is depends highly on your work ethic and your study habits, and studying for exams can be made easier by being efficient, organized and consistent. Keep in mind that success is the result of hard work and working towards goals. But where does it all begin? The answer to this question is in the classroom.

Here are some study tips.

Create a study schedule

Choose times when you are at your mental peak that is, when you are wide awake and alert. Some people are ‘morning people,’ while others are ‘night people,’ choose your times accordingly. Make a study timetable and then schedule certain hours for specific activities. In your schedule ensure that you have a10-15 minutes break in each study session and study at the same time everyday to establish a study habit. Be realistic; do not plan to study for six hours if you know that you can’t manage to do that.

Practice Time Management

If you are juggling a lot of responsibilities, developing good time management skills is a must. You must set priorities, and then do things in priority order. Allocate a reasonable amount of time for accomplishing specific tasks each day.

Avoid Cramming

This is not a good idea because it strains your memory processes, drains your energy and causes pre-exam anxiety. Moreover, cramming usually results in low academic performances. It is best to review your notes two to three weeks before an exam. In this way, you are not pressured to study at the last minute and you will have ample time to prepare for your exam.


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Always study before a class that requires discussion and/or frequently has tests and pop quizzes. Doing advanced readings for your classes will actually prepare you for the next lesson. Furthermore, you should always review your notes after each class. This will help to condition your mind and increase your memory retention.

Select the right setting for studying

Choosing a good physical environment should be a big part of your study habit. Always aim to select a conducive environment for the purpose of studying where you can concentrate with minimal distractions. Libraries, student lounges and private rooms are best. Avoid places that make you feel very comfortable.

Take Notes

If you want to be successful in your exams taking accurate and concise notes is essential. Learn to jot down keywords or important information that your instructor discusses in class.

Reward your studying

Always try to reward your successful study session with something you like, such as watching your favorite movie, having a delicious healthy snack, calling a friend or spending time with friends. Take breaks and be realistic about what you can accomplish in one study session. Good study habits are a great tool to have in the “toolbox of life.” And following the guides mentioned above will give you the necessary workings for academic success.


number of new technologies exploded on the scene in 2007, from Facebook and Nintendo Wii to the hottest trend in mobile phone technology, the iPhone. Although 2008 is now coming to an end it is not too late to examine the newest developments in technology this year.

Check out these latest trends in mobile phone technology: GPS Phones These phones have become more widespread in 2008 and mobile phone giants Nokia, Samsung and Sony Erickson are the major manufacturers of this newest upgrade in cellular phone technology. Moreover, these phones come fully equipped with Sat Nav functionality which can store maps and give you access to over 100 countries and 15 million points of interest. They can also be updated regularly. The experts also believe that it is in the area of GPS together with location based services where innovation will truly occur in mobile phone technology this year.

Camera phone upgrade Last year saw a major improvement with megapixellage of camera phones, ranging from 3-5 mega pixels upwards. This year expect to see camera phones reaching 5-8 mega pixels. You can expect to see improved image stabilization features as well and other features taken from digital phones all designed to improve picture quality. Furthermore, 2008 is the year that we have seen cellular phones and cameras unite to give increasing use of auto focus, improve flashes, less

lag in taking pictures and more phones on the scene with optical zoom.

Mobile Internet This year we have seen mobile phones with new technologies that will make web browsing on our cellular phones more convenient and easier. The experts predict that 2008 is officially the year of the mobile web, with faster data rates and fully functional browsers that offer a proper desktop web experience on your mobile phone. Added to this is improved processing power and bigger memory. Mike Evans, a writer and search blogger believes that these web innovations will launch mobile internet into the stratosphere. Gaming Phones Gaming phones are making a major comeback in 2008 with the launch of Nokia N- Gage platform as a way of downloading mobile games over the air and a new series of mobile phones with improved graphic capabilities that can take advantage of the new N-Gage platform. Gaming phones are a hot trend that promises to be around for 2008 and beyond. October - December 08


For many the only path out of poverty is through education, and a college degree is definitely one of the best investments you can make. In today’s world a Bachelor’s degree is worth over thirty million dollars over forty years. Frederick Douglass the black American scholar noted over 150 years ago “Education is power.” As you stand at the cross roads after high school you may be torn not knowing which direction to take. However, bear in mind that the sacrifices you make today in your pursuit of a higher education will be worth it in the end as a college degree is forever and the benefits that you will reap can never be erased or broken. Here’s why a college education is the route to success:

Secure Future

The benefits to be derived from having a tertiary education are limitless. The number of job opportunities available to you are greater and statistics show that most leaders are college graduates. Moreover a college degree gives you the opportunity to have a career that is both professionally satisfying and intellectually stimulating, challenging you to tap into your potential and perform at your highest level. Additionally, it gives you a secure future that comes with a stable profession that can “ride out” any economic storm.


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The potential to earn wealth

If you are a University graduate you will be able to command more money than a person who did not attend college. This will in turn enable you to live a better lifestyle. Under Jamaican Labour laws on average a person with a Bachelor’s Degree will earn a minimum of 40,000-45,000 dollars after tax on a monthly basis. While a high school graduate will earn far less than this amount.

A well rounded individual

The benefits of having a tertiary education can go beyond earning a large sum of money. Earning a college education is a life affirming experience. It shapes your communication skills, expands your knowledge base and exposes you to diverse people and ideas. It will open up a new world that challenges and inspires you in ways both big and small and your confidence will grow in the process.

Personal Achievement

Earning a University degree can give you a great sense of accomplishment. For instance, becoming the first member of your family to graduate from university is a tremendous honour, one that will reward your

parents for raising talented children while inspiring others to pursue their own dreams.

Transform dreams into reality

If you have always dreamed of becoming a scientist, a college education will give you an opportunity to make your dream a reality. A degree will help you to qualify for any field that you are interested in. So if you want to be an inventor, doctor, lawyer or an artist you can train in that specific field and be a qualified professional in your dream job. Tertiary education will ultimately become a legacy for future generations. In most cases the children of college educated people usually go on to attend universities themselves and as a result the value of good education is ingrained in their psyche. With so many benefits to be gained the possibilities are endless. There has never been a better time to make the decision to seek higher education. Remember that huge rocks can be moved with muscle power, but it is the brain power that tells you how to move it and what to do with it.

For many the idea of wealth conjures up images of money, luxury, happiness, comfort, prosperity, good health and in some cases excess. However, while most of us aspire to someday be wealthy, the idea of building wealth can be a daunting task. One may be led to ask “Where should I start?” and “How do I prioritize my objectives?” However, if you want to build wealth, first you must have clearly defined goals. This means that you must have an idea of what it is you want in life that will truly define you as a wealthy person. After you have done this you can focus on what opportunities you can use to build wealth. The story is told of a man who had a simple idea and was able to build that idea into an empire. Yet this is not true for all cases, so what does it take to truly succeed in an environment that is rife with competition.

Here are some highly recommended strategies that will help you to achieve your goals. Start Early The age that you start saving and investing will determine how much wealth you will build. For instance, a man age 22 starts saving $10,000 out of his monthly salary with an annual interest of 8%. After ten years he stops contributing and let his stakes grow. While a woman waits until she is 42 to start putting away $10,000 out of her monthly salary also growing at 8 % per annum. You will find that by the time they retire at age 65 the young man will be a multimillionaire with a net worth of 5 million dollars and she will only have a net worth of less than 2 million dollars. Need I say more?


Have an eye for opportunity You must always have a passionate desire to do things better by improving constantly and you should strive be creative, resourceful and innovative. This means recognizing a chance to start a business or a way to earn extra income that you may have previously ignored. In Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

today’s society utilizing your skills may go a long way. You can put your decorating, mechanical, creative, cooking and business skills to good use. Do not put limits yourself you could build on an idea to invent a new product or service that can revolutionize society and help you to build wealth.

Discipline If you want to create wealth you must be disciplined. Resist the temptation to deal with the unimportant or easiest things first and focus on accomplishing the essential things instead. Enthusiasm and Diligence Recognize that you must work for long hard hours with little pay when you are starting out in order to prove yourself to your colleagues, others around you and when you are selling a product or idea. Good Judgement The ability to make a wise decision and quick thinking are essential tools in building wealth. There are times however when making a bad decision pays off, especially if you walk away from it with a valuable lesson. Confidence If you believe in your self and your ability to succeed you are already a very wealthy person. Having

self-confidence means that you are innovative, creative, determined and willing to challenge what others believe. At the same time you must recognize that you are not always right and there are certain things that may be impossible to accomplish. If the criticisms are constructive you must be able to change your direction rather than dismissing the comments as pessimistic. Wise Investments Be a good saver and an even better investor. Invest in “rock solid” investments over a period of time and watch the power of time work for your investments. Here are some ways to increase your odds of creating wealth:

Finally your tactics have paid off and you have landed your dream job through a carefully planned and organised job hunting strategy. However, like most new recruits you may find yourself with the dilemma of not knowing what you can do to be successful in your new job.

i) If you don’t see your money then you won’t spend it, make your monthly investments automatic.

All of us must recognize that every new position, be it a change to a new company, a promotion or a transfer all come with a new set of challenges and opportunities to make more money, to be more successful, to be more recognized and the list goes on.

ii) Ensure that your money is working for you and not against you.

Lets examine some of the key issues that new recruits face in a new position and how they can deal with them.

Remember that wealth creation does not mean consistently raking in lots of money and the principles involved in creating wealth are not always easy. But with the guidelines above and a lot of discipline you will be on the right track to creating wealth in no time.

When you start a new job, remember to always put your best foot forward. Be proactive ask around and find out what problems need to be fixed. You may be surprised how quickly you will get an opportunity to fix a long -standing problem. By doing this you are building the trust and credibility that you will need to succeed in your new position. The relationship that you have with your boss is critical. Never assume that you and your boss are on the same wave length, chances are you are not. Talk to your supervisor and get his/her opinion on what you can do to create success in your new position. Then compare it to what you have so that you know exactly what your boss requires from you. In your new position you must know that the only behaviour that you can control is your own. If you think that you can control the behaviour of others you are fooling yourself. You can only influence the behaviour of other through your own behaviour. There is an old adage which states “How you act shouts so loudly I can’t hear what you are saying.” It is essential that you have crystal clear Cont’d on page 57

October - December 08


Faced with rising inflation, reduced disposable income and increased expenses, people are finding it more and more difficult these days to save their money. And with virtually every kind of financial institution reminding you that saving is a must, people whose disposable income just can’t seem to reach that far have more than enough cause for concern. However, allowing yourself not to save can cause you just as many headaches down the line, so instead of just throwing your arms up in defeat, practising better money management skill might be just what the doctor ordered.

Here are some tips to help you put away some cash for a rainy day. Tip # 1-Prioritize your expenditure Decide on the items that you need the most. Start with the necessities such as, food, utility bills, mortgage or rent, insurance and motor vehicle. Move on to the “should haves” which include clothing, furniture etc. Finally go to the items that you would like to have. Having done this you should see how much money you have after all your needs have been taken care of, which will put you in a better position to save. Tip # 2 – Be a savvy shopper Look for the best deals on your grocery and clothes shopping. It is also useful to bring a list when shopping for groceries, making sure to purchase only those items you’ve written down. Without a list you may end up buying things that you don’t need or didn’t budget for, causing you to overspend. You can also clip coupons and which can save you between 10-15% of the purchase price. Furthermore, be on the lookout for sales and shop around for specials and carefully compare prices. Although it is not popular in Caribbean societies as yet, bear in mind that shopping on line can be another cheaper alternative. Although treating yourself to that Armani jacket can be a good thing, shopping for expensive brand name


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clothing and shoes on a continuous basis can put a “damper” on your purse or wallet. Be a smart shopper and incorporate clothing that is on sale or of cheaper brands into your wardrobe. At the same time however, there is nothing wrong with purchasing an expensive outfit once in a while.

Tip # 3 – Snip those extra credit cards Credit card debt is the # 1 cause of bankruptcy for many persons in the United States. You don’t need to have three, four or even five credit cards, furthermore, you don’t have to use your credit card for every purchase that you make. Credit cards can cause you to splurge on items that you don’t need. If you take a month’s worth of credit card bills, calculate the interest that you are paying then multiply it by 12, you will be stunned by the amount of money that you are wasting on your credit cards each year. And when you factor in late charges and penalties you will see that you are better off with one or no credit cards at all. Tip # 4 – Pay off your debts as quickly as possible Debt is a necessary part of our lives, you may be repaying the mortgage on your home or you need to repay your credit card bill every month. However, the goal is to have as little debt as possible. Don’t take on any extra debt unless you have a clear plan for repaying it. As simple as it sounds it is much harder to get out of debt with each debt you take on, so even if it means making uncomfortable sacrifices commit yourself to doing without until you’ve paid off some of those debts. Tip # 5 – Save on gas In recent times the price of gasoline has skyrocketed and motorists are using more of their disposable income just to purchase gas. In order to stretch your income why not consider taking public transportation to work for a few days or if you live within walking distance from work, try walking to work. Not only will you be stretching your money you will be getting good exercise

as well. You can also save your gas money by comparing prices at different gas stations and using the lower octane gas, depending on your type of vehicle. Also you can get the most efficient usage of your fuel by keeping your engine tuned and tires properly inflated and if you use air conditioning, keep the windows wound up once the hot air has been expelled from the car.

Tip # 6 – Save on your fun time People are often hesitant to cut back on their leisure activities for obvious reasons. They help us relax, destress and get ready for the work we have waiting for us. The truth is however that our leisure expenses are often far more than they need to be and could probably be put to better use. Instead of going on that Caribbean cruise why not think about staying at a local luxury hotel? There are tons of inexpensive ways to save your money while having fun. If you don’t have to spend your extra cash don’t do it, you’ll be better off. Tip # 7 – Cut those little expenses Do you have to buy that expensive lunch every day? Save your money and bring your lunch to work. Although it may not be the chic thing to do, if you spend $500.00 per day on lunch you are spending $10,000 every month on lunch only. Is it necessary to have your hair and nails done every week? This could be costing you $ 3,000 every week maybe more. Save any extra money that you earn from extra jobs, bonuses and medical insurance. Even the smallest things add up so spend wisely. If you cannot seem to get ahead in your financial goals, it could be because you may lack self-discipline when it comes to managing your money or you may be an impulsive buyer. It may be difficult to break bad habits but with a little patience and determination it can be done. Good money management means getting the most out of your money. Start stretching your cash today and you will see remarkable returns in the longterm.

How to reap success in a new job cont’d understanding of yourself first as this will enable you to have more effective interactions with others. Very few persons actually go into a new job with the perfect skills, expertise and knowledge required for the job. However, new recruits should have the aptitude to learn certain core skills on their own and to utilize them to their employer’s advantage. As a new recruit you should analyze the future needs of the business and identify the skills that you will need to capitalize on your performance. Taking the initiative to tend to these needs will further develop your skills, making it easier for you to gain career advancement. In your new position never assume that persons working with you, above you or below you will see things the same way as you do, because in most cases they don’t. Every single individual brings a different set of skills and attitudes to the table and they will see things from their perspective not yours. Even the smallest differences can result in misunderstandings. Although it is difficult to change people’s views, in order to gain success in a new position you must work on creating a commonly understood set of rules that everyone can contribute to and identify with. This will create a sense of unity, purpose and direction. In your new job it is important that you work on building a good interpersonal relationships with your boss and co-workers as it will filter to other aspects of your new position allowing you to achieve success in your new job.

October - December 08


You have a lifetime to live. Proper planning can reduce your chances of having to depend on others for financial support and help ensure that you have a legacy to pass on to your loved ones; two of the top worries for seniors. Working toward those goals isn’t as complicated as it might seem. In fact, if you have a savings account or investments, you’re already on your way. But that may not be enough. It is important to consider how insurance can help to protect your savings from unexpected costs. “One of the most common mistakes we see seniors make is to short-change themselves when it comes to life and health insurance coverage. A serious illness can eat into even large savings accounts and investment portfolios in a very short time.” Many people fail to realize their risk for illness and the impact that can have on their savings. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), over 30 percent of adults over age 65 fall each year. The non-profit organization Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE) notes that even when their children are grown, life insurance can still play an important role in preserving a couple’s retirement plans. While many nearing, or at retirement, think they no longer qualify for coverage, LIFE says that’s not always so. For those at risk of needing care in the future, long-term care insurance can play an important role in protecting savings too. And, while it may seem expensive, it’s still much less than the cost of care There are many insurance products that people can benefit from, however, it’s important that they take the time to understand what’s available, so they purchase a product that meets their needs and ensures protection from an event that could be financially devastating. Once your plans for the future are made, share them with your children. A recent survey found gaps in perception between elder adults’ actual decisions on long-term care issues and younger adults’ perceptions of what their parents’ viewpoints were. Misconceptions like these reinforce the need for communication between parent and child, and not just about health care plans. Parents should also share their preferences on how they would like be cared for in the future as well as how they would like to be remembered. Addressing these issues today can prevent future family conflicts and ensure that your legacy lives on according to your wishes.


Although many persons in today’s society are becoming more financially savvy, thanks to the world of information available on investing, there are still other persons who know nothing about investing. According to the experts the most frequently asked question from young investors is “How do I start investing?” The prospect of investing your money may seem exciting, but one of the most important elements of investing successfully entails the steps that you must take before you actually invest. In order to get the most from the money you save, follow these tips before you take the plunge: Set goals Determine what you want to save for and how much money you are going to save to accomplish that goal. After you have done this you can formulate a strategy on how you are going to achieve your goal. Think long-term investments If you want to be a successful investor you should learn what it means to invest. While there are a number of investors who gain or lose large sums of money in the short-term, the majority of successful investors know that investing consistently for a long period of time is the best way to protect their financial security. You must realize that successful investing is a long term process and not a short term bet.

Make sure that you are debt free Considering investing while you are in a debt is a big no. Financial experts advise that it is better if you pay off your debts before you decide to invest a penny in the stock market. For example, if you are a college student who wants to invest a portion of your student loan, don’t even think about any form of investing. It is better to pay off the loan and the interest expenses rather than trying to make gains in a account such as a savings, checking fickle market. or money market. This means that if you make $500,000 a year you should Control your risks have easy assess to approximately Financial experts usually advise that $250,000. In reality this may not you should not invest unless you are always be possible, very few of us ready and never buy anything you do can actually manage to save this not understand. amount of money for an emergency. However, you may never know Ensure that you are insured when an emergency may happen. It is essential that you have proper You could lose your job, have a family insurance in place before you start member fall ill or have a death in investing. This must include health your family. If these situations should insurance, auto insurance, disability occur you will need an emergency insurance and home insurance (if you fund to live on until you are able own your own home). Furthermore, to get on your feet again. Keep in the more income you generate, the mind that different investors need to more you are going to need the set up different levels of emergency protection that insurance provides. funds. A young single investor will Investing your money without not need to save as much as another adequate insurance is like riding a investor who is married with three motor cycle without a helmet, you children preparing for college. may never know when you will need it. With the tips above you can start making investing a habit that will Make certain that you have an lead you on the road to financial emergency fund in place independence. Financial planners usually suggest that you have approximately six months salary saved up in a liquid October - December 08


Blind Date

Taking pictures

A photographer for a national news magazine was assigned to get photos of a big forest fire. Smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane. “It will be waiting for you at the airport!” he was assured by his editor. As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air. “Fly over the north side of the fire,” said the photographer, “and make three or four low level passes.” “Why?” asked the pilot. “Because I’m going to take pictures! I’m a photographer, and photographers take pictures!” said the photographer with great exasperation and impatience. After a long pause the pilot said, “You mean you’re not my instructor?”

A blonde walks into the library A blonde walks into the library. She walks up to the counter, SLAMS a book down and screams at the librarian, “This is the WORST book I’ve ever read!” “It has NO plot and far too many characters!” The librarian looks up and calmly remarks “So, you’re the one who took our phone book…”

60 Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

Jeff’s blind date with Suzanne was bad from the start- in short, they loathed each other. Fortunately, Jeff had asked his friend to call him so he’d have an excuse to leave if the date wasn’t going well. When his friend called, Jeff pretended to be in shock. “I have to leave,” Jeff said to Suzanne. “My aunt just died.” “Thank God,” Suzanne replied. “If yours hadn’t mine would’ve had too.

Your Husband Gets It Double

This woman’s husband was cheating on her. The woman and her husband got a divorce and the woman went on with her life hating her ex-husband. One day she found a beautiful lamp lying in the streets. She picked it up and rubbed it a little bit. Suddenly, a genie popped out of the lamp! The genie said that it would grant her 3 wishes & that with every wish her husband gets the same thing only double! So, the woman thinks of a first wish... “I want to be rich!!!” So, the woman became rich, and the husband became twice as rich! So, the woman thinks of a second wish... “I want to be beautiful!!” So, the woman became beautiful, and the husband became twice as beautiful. “Okay”, the genie says. “This is your last wish so be careful what you wish for!” The woman thinks real hard and finally comes to a decision. “I want you to scare me HALF To Death!!”

The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Potassium to fire: a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make: 2,200 match heads, and enough Water to fill a tengallon tank. Infants aged 0-5 months who are not breastfed have seven-fold and fivefold increased risks of death from diarrhea and pneumonia, respectively, compared with infants who are breastfed exclusively.

A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from a lack of food. Death will occur after about ten days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.

Getting up early: definitely a ‘no no’ According to recent study in Japan among 3,000 participants, getting up early can result in a greater risk of developing heart disease, hypertension and stroke.

A hard working adult sweats up to 4 gallons per day. Most of the sweat evaporates before a person realises it’s there.


Stollen na: After- dinner drink, b: sweet bread, c: type of bean, d: meat pie.


Viscous adja: thick, b: rotten, c: runny, d: overcooked.

Shirr va: to mix together, b: bake, c: trim the fat, d: pound flat.


Florentine adj- served with a: eggs, b: rice, c: spinach, d: warm Italian bread.


Sugarplum na: fruit pie, b: liquor- soaked plum, c: ball-shaped candy, d: mulled cider sweetener.


Bower na: manual or electric tree trimmer, b: home vegetable patch, c: arbor or shady nook


Humus na: the sound of honey bees, b: organic soil material, c: a Middle Eastern dip made with chickpeas.

(2) b: Sweet Bread (4) b: bake (6) c: small ball-shaped candy (8) c: arbor or shady nook.



Answers (1) a: Fizzy (3) a: thick (5) c: served with spinach (7 ) c: dwarfed three (9) b: organic soil material.

Effervescent adja: Fizzy, b: transparent, c: overflowing, d: simmering.

Vocabulary Ratings 6-7 Good 8-9 Excellent 10- 11 B


Bonsai na: attack of Japanese beetles, b: paved patio, c: dwarfed tree.

October - December 08



These seemingly unreadable words show familiar proverbs that have had their vowels and spaces removed. For example, “A watched pot never boils” would be WTCHDPTNVRBLS. TWHDSRBTTRTHNN Can you figure out what these letters should be?




FRNDNNDSFRNDNDD Answer: Friend in need is a friend in deed.

Answer: Haste makes waste. Answer: One good turn deserves another




Answer: New broom sweeps clean.


Answer: Two heads are better than one.


Healthy Foods Fruits and Vegetables

Find all of the healthy fruits and vegetables that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.



Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine











Apple, Avocado, Broccoli, Carrots, Grapes, Kiwi, Lemon, Lentils, Onion, Orange, Pear, Peas, Potato, Spinach, Sweet corn, Tomato.

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