CWL Magazine Issue #13

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Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited

Editor-in-chief Dr. Henry Lowe

As we begin to plan for and welcome the New Year, we here at Pelican Publishers Ltd. would like to start off by wishing you, our readers a wonderful and productive 2009. 2008 proved to be a relatively good year for us and we have none other than you our dedicated readers and our stakeholders to thank for that. As usual we truly value your opinions and are grateful for every letter and e-mail we receive from you, and we urge you to continue sending your comments and requests as we aim to provide content that matters to you. As we highlight the arrival of this New Year, along with the opportunities to make a fresh start, we sought through this edition of the magazine to help you turn over a new, “healthier leaf” in the story of your lives. Studies consistently show that people continue to put off incorporating the positive lifestyle practices that will guarantee them good health well into their golden years. One of the main reasons given for this reluctance is unwillingness among most persons to simply take the time to research these healthy lifestyle practices and later implement them in their daily lives. In this edition we have articles guaranteed to help you make that new healthy beginning that you’ve been putting off for so long. At the very outset we’ve provided you with 12 Healthy Resolutions for the New Year, which if actually put into practice will guarantee that a better you will evolve in 2009 to 2010. Additionally, we also have articles paying specific attention to helping you to easily incorporate foods and exercise techniques into your daily routine that will help to boost your overall energy levels. As obesity levels continue to rise within Jamaica and the wider Caribbean, we urge you to take a look at the article “Obesity and Your Brain”, which is sure to open your eyes to the potential dangers of poor dieting. With this edition we are also launching a new feature of our magazine, namely our “Herbal Remedy Corner”, which is designed to educate you about the medicinal values of garden variety herbs and plants, which often go overlooked by the average person. As we continue to push the notion that the concept of wellness is applicable to all dimensions of human life, we also have some interesting articles to help you make fresh starts in your personal and professional lives. From our “For Men Only” section we highly recommend the article “Men Stop Cheating” which presents a scientific exploration of the negative effects of cheating on their significant others. There is also an article (Men Put Your Libido into Overdrive) which is geared towards helping men take their sex-lives to the next level. For our single ladies who are getting on in years but haven’t managed to settle down and start families, we have an article that will provide some coping strategies – “45, Single and Lonely: A Woman’s Worst Nightmare”. From our Minding Your Business Section we recommend the articles “Creating a Career Portfolio” and “Networking Basics” which are guaranteed to help give you an edge as you try to boost your professional image. As we face another year that is guaranteed to be filled with challenges and victories, we would like to encourage you our readers to make the most of this opportunity to turn a new page in your lives, and to dedicate yourselves to putting forward the best that you possibly can. Once again we would like to thank you for all your support over the years and as usual we urge you to send us your short stories, poems and comments at HAVE A HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!

Editor-AT-Large Janet Wilson

Production manager Denecee Weir

supervising editor Vaughn Davis

RESEARCH & PLANNING Denecee Weir, Vaughn Davis

Writers Dr. Hame Persaud Patricia Fletcher Dr. Henry Lowe Dr. Diane Robertson Richard Grossett

Marketing/sales manager Denecee Weir Jodi-ann Barnes

photography, Layout & Design Sheryl Clayton

Wellness and Lifestyle Magazine is published four times a year by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. © 2009 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers.

Pelican Publishers Limited Suite #8, 39 Lady Musgrave Road Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 978-8377 Fax: (876) 978-0602 Email: Website:

Healthy Lifestyle

page 13

Health Recipe

page 25 How to get the perfect smile

page 42 Blackberry Vs Iphone



5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Healthy Resolutions For The New Year Watch Your Back! Easy Ways To Stop Pain Before It Starts Obesity And Your Brain A Lifelong Journey In Wellness – Patricia Fletcher The Power Inside – 4 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy Level Marijuana: Potential Medicinal Purposes Herbal Remedy Corner Healthier Food Choices Health Recipe Corner Can They Handle It? The Challenges Of Complementary And

15 16

Resveratrol – The Power Antioxidan Put A Halt On Diseases- Steps To Prevent Some Of The Most

17 18 19 20

Alternative Medicine For Nurses - Dr Henry Lowe

Common Lifestyle Illnesses

22 23 24 25 26

Acne Myths Questions For The Doc. Workout Myths Busted! HowTo GetThat Perfect Smile Peace & Love – Ensure Good Health, Prosperity & Lasting

27 28 29 30 31 32 33

How Exercise Makes You Happy Home Décor On A Tight Budget Don’t Choke – Easy Solutions For Your Throaty Problems Going Green At Home. Look Years Younger -15 Tips To Hide Those Signs Of Aging What Your Parents Didn’t Tell You About Parenthood Colour Therapy For Any Lifestyle - Prof. Pearl Gopaul

Friendship - Dr Persaud




Stressed But Sexy: How To Maintain Your Sex Life When You Are

35 36 36

45, Single And Lonely. A Woman’s Worst Nightmare Real Men Do Pilates. Make Him Want You

Stressed Out

For Men Only 38 39 40

42 43 44 46

48 49

Men, Put Your Libido Into Overdrive. Stop Cheating! Its Bad For Your Health Are You Cheating On Your Girlfriend?

Believe it or not you

probably are

Education & Technology


Minding Your Business


Blackberry Bold Vs Iphone 3G A College Student’s Guide To Personal Finance. Environmental Health Officers – Richard Grossett Online degrees: What You Should Know.

Ways To Save Money In 2009 Creating A Career Portfolio -Make a bigger impression while on the Job hunt

50 51 52 53 54

Motivating your employees Tips for a successful interview Is your small business Healthy? Give it a check up Networking Basics- Portraying yourself in a positive light. Boost Your Business: 7 Simple and highly effective marketing strategies for small business

Work Place Wellness Eliminate Office Stress How Are You Feeling Today - Diane Robertson Eating Healthy On The Job Decorate Your Desk: Relieve Your Stress


Entertainment 55 56 56 57 58

Brain Teasers Laugh Parade Quotable Quotes Go Green Puzzles Wellness Glossary


the doctor might find. For most men this means getting their prostate glands checked, and for women this means mammograms or pap smears. As invasive as these tests are they really are for your own good and you will be better off for having done them.

It’s the New Year, and since it’s never too late to make a new beginning why not let the new year catch you taking steps to improve your overall health. Here are a few healthy resolutions you can borrow to help you do just that, provided you actually keep them of course.

Drink more water

This is perhaps one of the best decisions you can make to improve your overall health. Water keeps the body hydrated and stimulates proper blood circulation, as well as helps to give you glowing healthy skin.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

These treats are filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and tons of other healthy compounds that promote proper health functions within the body. Doctors recommend five servings of each per day but you can start slow and gradually increase your daily servings.

Eat a healthy breakfast as often as possible

It’s not considered the healthiest meal of the day for no reason. Studies are showing that persons who skip breakfast are more likely to become obese, develop diabetes and/or have heart attacks.

Get tested

People have a tendency to put off doing certain medical exams because they are either too invasive or they are afraid of what

Spend more time outdoors

Fresh air and a little sunlight will work wonders for your health, especially when your typical day involves spending hours behind a desk and computer.

Become more active

The health benefits of exercise are too many to list but often people ignore them because it involves actual work. But you don’t have to go from couch potato to exercise spokesman in one fell swoop. You can simply resolve to walk a specified amount of steps each day or avoid mechanical transportation on specific parts of your weekly journeys. Starting small can be just the start you need.

Visit your dentist more than once

Oral health typically becomes a concern for most people only after they are on the verge of losing their teeth. You can skip that pain and anguish by scheduling more than the solitary visit to the dentist the average person makes each year. It’s far easier to maintain a healthy mouth than it is to fix a unhealthy one.

Find time to sleep more

As easy as this one might sound, most people get far less than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. In fact most people average around six. Developing proper sleeping habits helps you to maintain your energy levels throughout the day, and function at higher capacities. Do yourself a favour and get some sleep. Cont’d on page 13

January - March 09

You sit at your desk and work for hours in order to meet your deadline and you danced all night in those incredibly sexy high heels. Does this sound like you? If it does then it sounds like you are a prime example of a person at risk for developing back complications. Back aches affect millions of people worldwide and statistics show that it is the number one orthopedic problem. It is usually caused by muscle spasms and degeneration of the disks in the spine and can be disabling if not taken care of immediately. However, doctors advise that the best way to avoid back pains is to actively try to prevent them. Make these simple changes and watch yourself leave back pain behind.

Wearing High Heels

For women a pair of stilettos can make you look and feel sexy, but they can also cause some serious damage to your back. This is because, high heels usually shift your weight forward, causing you to arch your back in order to maintain balance. Staying in this position for hours puts a lot of stress on your back muscles and ligaments. What you can do There is no safe way to wear high heels. However, if you cannot give up wearing stilettos, then don’t wear them too often and wear them only on special occasions. Experts suggest that you can opt for thicker heel shoes, which will give you a better balance. However, wearing comfortable flats is always your best bet against back strain.


Any sitting activity places excess pressure on your back, but driving places an even greater amount of pressure on your spine. This is usually because of the increased vibrations on the road. What you can do Experts advise that while driving it is best to sit without slouching with your back supported against the seat. If you cannot be seated comfortably after adjusting your seat get a pad or cushion to boost your lower back and during long trips stop every 45-60 minutes to stretch your legs or stand.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

Heavy Lifting There is a right way and a wrong way to lift and carry a load. For instance, carrying a heavy box or basket on your hips too often will result in excessive strain of the muscles and ligaments on one side of the body. What you can do In order to reduce the strain on one side of your body, it is best to carry your load in front of you, next to your abdomen. In this way you are giving your arms a mini-workout instead of giving yourself a severe back pain. Sitting Our bodies were not designed for the seated position. This is because the experts say that the seated position places a huge pressure on the spine. Research indicates that up to six times more pressure is placed on your back when seated as compared to lying down. So if you spend up to eight hours per day at your computer slouching and leaning back you are placing excessive pressure on your back, pelvis and gluteal muscles. What you can do Although the seated position is not suitable for your back, there are a number of things that you can do reduce the amount of stress that is placed on your back while seated. You can choose a chair that can support your back and adjust the chair so that when seated your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle by placing them flat on the floor or on a footrest if required.

more studies are needed to determine optimal weight and biological mechanisms associated with obesity and dementia, these findings could potentially decrease the number of people diagnosed with dementia and lead to an overall better quality of life,” May Beydoun stated in a subsequent interview.

In case you needed yet another reason to steer clear of obesity, recent studies are now showing that cultivating good eating habits can go a long way towards preserving your mental health. According to research published by May. A. Beydoun, H.A. Beydoun and Dr.Youfa Wang, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, their analysis of obesity and dementia follow-up studies published over the past two decades shows a consistent correlation between the two illnesses. The research findings were made public in May last year. According to the study, being obese can increase your risk of dementia which is the progressive decline in one’s cognitive functions by factors outside of ageing by as much as 42 percent, while increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 80 per cent and the risk of vascular dementia by 73 percent. On the flip side being under weight, according to the study, was shown to increase the risk of dementia by 36 per cent. The researchers attribute their findings to a comprehensive and systematic review of 10 existing studies that examined the relationships between dementia and its subtypes and various measures of body fat. Based on their analysis of the findings of seven of the studies, they concluded that “baseline obesity compared to normal weight increased the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 80 per cent on average”. The findings cited in the team’s research were based on studies conducted in a number of European countries, including Finland, Sweden and France, as well as the United States , and contained middle-aged and older adults. “Currently, Alzheimer’s disease is the eighth leading cause of death among the elderly population in the United States . While

Meanwhile, the problem of obesity may pose significant implications for Jamaica ’s future because according to the most recently published Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions in 2006, five per cent of the nation’s children below the age of five are overweight for their height. The survey further stated that boys accounted for two-thirds of the children believed to be overweight. The survey also confirmed that the children from rich families had the highest prevalence of being overweight, followed by children in middle-income families, with poor ones being the least overweight. Earlier this year Daniel Epstein, World Health Organization public information officer was quoted as saying that “obesity and obesity related diseases are now becoming a disease of poverty…even if [people] are poor they can get more caloric intake”. The findings of the Survey of Living Conditions 2006, however, shows a reverse in recent trends in scientific thought as members of the poorer classes are now typically thought to be most at risk for obesity since healthier food choices are often replaced by fast foods due to their prices and convenience. In the meantime, research has also shown that in developing countries, there are about 250 million obese adults, with obesity occuring more frequently in women than men, even at younger ages. Studies have also shown that for the English-speaking Caribbean , the higher frequency of obesity among women ranges from one and a half (1.5) to 5 times higher than in men. Adapted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (2008, May 7). Obesity Can Increase Dementia Risk By Up To 80 Percent, Study Suggests.

January - March 09

When Patricia Fletcher was diagnosed with having an overactive thyroid in 2000 she thought her life was all but over. Little did she know it would be the start of a journey in wellness practices that has seen her grow from strength to strength, and poised to go even higher. “One of the reasons I got involved with wellness practices was that I had an overactive thyroid, and I had a goiter in my neck that was making me lose weight. I was seeing an endocrinologist and the prospects of coming out of it seemed very dim… Then I discovered the rebounder and after using it I was completely rehabilitated. Doctors told me I would have to do surgery and be on medication for the rest of my life, but I [never] had to do any surgery and my doctors eventually took me off medication,” she said. The rebounder, Fletcher elaborated, was a miniature trampoline. Using it helps to strengthen the body, Fletcher noted, as the vertical exercises it supports stimulates the efficient movement of lymph fluids upwards, which is the direction our lymph valves are naturally structured to allow for movement. The exercises also cause us to work against gravity, which also helps to strengthen the body. Having discovered the potential that the rebounder – a mini trampoline – offered, Fletcher, who is also a certified nutritionist, decided to take a closer look at the possibilities of marketing it to persons experiencing similar health symptoms.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

“When I started with rebounding I started to challenge the medical system. So I started to do research and go to medical conferences, and I realized that there was a niche market for persons who knew about the lymphatic system for the rebounder.” She went on to certify herself as a reboundologist and then aggressively began marketing the rebounder locally. It happened next that while giving a demonstration on the rebounder at an expo at the Jamaica Alumina Company (JAMALCO) some years later, employees from the company invited her to help them establish a wellness programme, and later offered her a job. “I worked for them for four years part time in their wellness programme and it stirred a lot of questions in me. They kept setting goals like I had to reduce the incidence of cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension by at least fifty percent, and I would achieve that in six months and so on,” But when some of her older clients started to lose ground it spurred Fletcher to get back to the drawing board to get answers. And in doing so another opportunity to spread her wings emerged. “I decided to find out why they were losing some of their ground so I went back to the libraries and into the journals to see what is causing this, why is this happening. It led me to an article and near it I saw a conference being advertised with a training segment. In 2004 I signed up for the training in wellness programme development, which they called population health management systems. That conference was a world opener,” “After the conference I decided that more people needed to know about and be a part of wellness. And even though this is something I would never have

done before I started offering training programmes to persons and companies. And even though my time at JAMALCO was coming to an end because they were expanding the factory, it couldn’t have come at a better time,” Soon enough she was hosting wellness training seminars all over the country as well as in Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. Her success escalated in 2005 when after soliciting the Ministry of Health for sponsorship for her wellness courses they took her on contract to produce a corporate wellness guide, titling her a corporate wellness consultant. Since then she has been in high demand by companies and smaller specialised groups seeking to expand their knowledge of wellness, and she hasn’t looked back since. “I enjoy how I deal with nutrition now more than before, its good to see persons one on one but in talks I get to deal with more persons. At least one day a week I still see persons one on one but I do mostly groups and I get to travel more,” she said. Fletcher has also branched out even further in the wellness field, successfully starting her own spa, specializing in massage therapy. Asked what she thinks the future of wellness will be in Jamaica in ten years, Fletcher had this to say. “Wellness will be even stronger in ten years because more persons will have awakened to the fact that they can do something about their health, and not because their relatives and so on died of diabetes means they have to sit and wait for it to come. 80 percent of the deaths caused by lifestyle diseases can be avoided by lifestyle changes and wellness is the key to that,” she said.

You pull yourself out of bed every morning, drag yourself to the bathroom for a shower, fuddle your way through breakfast, then drag yourself off to work, and wondering why you always seem to feel so tired. Does this sound like you? If it does, then it sounds like you could use a pick me up, and trust us you‘re not alone. The truth is that many persons are actively having their energy zapped by their own lifestyle choices and they don’t even know it. Excessive work, large amounts of junk food and stimulants and lack of sleep are things that form part of a daily routine for a lot of people but in fact these are some of the biggest energy stealing culprits around. Another truth however, is that by carrying out specific activities we can train our bodies to stop wasting some of it’s precious energy. Interested in banishing that annoying sensation of always feeling tired? Then read on for a few helpful hints.

Start an exercise regimen You’re probably asking “How can I exercise when I’m already tired?” Well the fact is, exercise is one of the surest ways to build up the body’s energy level. We can tell from our arms and legs and the joints that bend them that the body was not meant to be stationary. Not to mention the fact that the more we exercise the more developed our muscles become, and with that the more strenuous activity we are able to endure. So it’s obvious then that keeping the body moving has the effect of increasing our overall energy and performance capabilities. So start exercising today and you will see how great the results can be.

Get more sleep Studies show that most persons only get approximately six hours of restful sleep each night, a full two hours less than the eight they should be getting. If you add that up it works out to approximately 60 hours of lost sleep per month and 720 hours of lost sleep per year. Not getting enough sleep is one of the worst things you can subject your body to. Sleep is the period when the body takes time to recuperate from the activities you’ve done all day, and get you ready for another round of activity. So when you deprive your body of its required amount of sleep you are practically guaranteeing that you will feel tired for hours on end. Do yourself a favour and get some shut-eye.

Eat your vegetables Turns out your parents weren’t just being tough on you when they told you to eat your greens. As it turns out green leafy vegetables are a rich source of B-vitamins, chlorophyll and magnesium, which all help the body to form Serotonin, which helps keep us energized and focused. They might not be the tastiest foods sometimes, but which would you prefer, eating more vegetables and having lots of energy or not eating them and living your life on the sidelines. Cont’d on page 11

January - March 09

Ganja, Sinsemilla, Kushumpeng, Collie, no matter what name people have come to term the plant, it is certain that no other specimen of plantlife on the planet has received as much admiration and vilification as that of the marijuana plant, known scientifically as cannabis sativa. For decades debates have raged, particularly so within the last 20 years, between die hard moralists touting the plant, by virtue of its ubiquitous use as a powerful narcotic, and those who advocate marijuana’s better qualities as to whether the plant is a gift or curse bestowed on the earth by Mother Nature. Advocates for liberal marijuana use have hinged their opinion on claims by scientific researchers that ganja not only has the potential for several medicinal purposes, but also has been scientifically proven to assist in the treatment of several common medical conditions around the globe. Here we will examine this claim based on the work and research into the medicinal properties of cannabis sativa by two eminent Caribbean scientists Dr Henry Lowe and Professor Errol Morrison. According to both scientists in their book Ganja: The Jamaican Connection cannabis has the potential if developed effectively to provide relief to patients suffering from asthma, glaucoma, and nausea and vomiting.


The effect of the cannaboid – a chemical extract from the cannabis sativa plant known as Amasol - on asthma was evaluated based on studies in animals as well as asthmatic patients in the Departments of Pharmacology, Physiology and Medicine at the University of the


Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

West Indies at Mona, Jamaica. Results showed that the patients experienced improved breathing functions for up to as much as one hour after initial administration.


Marijuana and its active ingredient THC have been shown to lessen one of the leading symptoms of glaucoma, intraocular pressure (IOP). The eye’s shape is normally regulated via IOP. An elevated IOP is a risk factor for glaucoma because it has the potential to cause the obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor – the clear fluid in the eye which regulates IOP – from the anterior chamber of the eye. According to Lowe and Morrison marijuana has been shown to reduce IOP “by an average of 24 percent in people with normal IOP who have experienced visual field changes. Concerns were raised by doctors however that the reduced blood pressure which typically accompanies cannaboid use may adversely affect blood flow to the optic nerve impairing the eye from functioning optimally.

Nausea and vomitting

Research has shown that in persons with a history or marijuana use the potential exists for it to offer relief from bouts of nausea and vomiting associated with persons undergoing chemotherapy when ingested via smoking. However it was shown to produce more powerful side effects in persons who had little or no experience with the drug in the past. Research has also shown however that with advancements in the development of medication for treating nausea and vomiting, medication currently exists which better helps to reduce the effects of these conditions.

One is then left to question the wisdom of choosing to use marijuana as a substitute for more conventional medical treatments when faced with these conditions. According to Lowe and Morrison in many cases the introduction of cannaboids, while providing relief, also produce unwanted side effects –such as nausea. But since similar statements can be said about the side effects of most if not all of the pharmaceutical drugs on the market the decision to use marijuana may still be viable. Both Lowe and Morrison however agree that further research into the possible and potential medical uses of marijuana must be conducted in order to properly quantify and categorize the magnitude of the effects in different clinical conditions, and to determine if the effects can be maintained over extended periods of time. As it stands however Lowe and Morrison are careful to recommend that ganja not be utilized on its own in attempting to treat any of these illnesses, but weighed against, and if chosen, used only as a supplement to conventional medical treatments. In spite of the ongoing debate about the benefits and disadvantages of cannabis sativa it remains a certainty that the decision to utilize it as a form of medical treatment is not one that should be taken lightly, and should involve careful deliberation that takes one’s personal medical history into account, as well as the fact that treatment results vary from person to person. Still, ideological shifts most often occur after radical action and if the reputation of ganja is to step beyond its current criminal status then it has to tried, tested and proven and the effort to do so must begin with each of us.

The Power Inside Ways to naturally boost your energy levels cont’d Cut down on your sugar and caffeine

In nature there exist dozens of plants that are useful for treating some of those pesky ailments that tend to bother us from time to time. In this edition we will focus on herbs that have been shown to help you deal with stomach and digestive problems.

These tend to get the body all worked up for short periods of time followed by prolonged periods of fatigue, so cutting back should almost instantly provide an energy boost. Research has also shown that excess sugars and caffeine can over time reduce the body’s metabolism, making you feel tired for longer periods. Healthy substitues can be found in foods rich in vitamins A, B and C, like fruits and vegetables and meats.



Bird Pepper

With these tips you have no excuse to be feeling so tired anymore. Maybe our next set of tips will be geared to help you find things to do with all your newfound energy.

Also known as: Pimento Leaves, All Spice Leaves, Clove Pepper, Cravo, Tabasca and Jamaica Pepper. The leaves of this plant, when boiled in a tea have been shown to dispel flatulence and relieve indigestion. It is also said to purify the stomach, aid digestion and relieve gas as well as to stop vomiting and relieve indigestion. The leaves of the plant, when used to make teas are also helpful in treating persons with pneumonia and flu-like symptoms, colds and menstrual pains in women.

Also known as: Cayenne Pepper, Chilies, Guinea Pepper, Paprika, Goat Pepper, Cockspur Pepper, Tabasco Pepper, Bell Pepper and Capsicum. The leaves of this herb when boiled as a tea have been shown to aid the digestive system by stimulating the production of gastric juices, however this is just one of the many ailments this herb has developed a reputation for treating. Ingesting this pepper will reportedly stimulate proper blood circulation in the body and help keep the heart healthy. In some circles it is also used to treat drug addiction as well as depression.

Good, old fashioned stretching at the beginning and end of your day is a great way to get the blood circulating at higher rates, which in itself is one of the best ways to get the body feeling energized. The increased flow helps to clear any areas of blocked energy in the body and helps it to stay loose.

Leaf of Life

Also known as: Love Plant, Love Bush, Live Forever, Bruja, Inmortel, Floppers, Wonder-of-the-world, Yerba De Bruja, Admirable, Life Leaf, Life Plant, Never Dead. The leaves of this plant when boiled into a tea are useful in treating stomach pains. It has been used to remove harmful bacteria from the intestines and therefore aid the digestive process. It has also been shown to help clean the bladder, as well as relieve colds, asthma and shortness of breath. *Information extracted from the book “Exotic Teas – The Caribbean and the Rest of the World”, available from Pelican Publishers.

January - March 09


You can make healthy food choices if you know more about these foods.

Wheat Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is by far the healthier choice. It is far richer in fiber because it is made from the entire wheat kernel including the germ, bran and endosperm. Breads labeled “wheat bread� however are typically made with only 25 percent whole-wheat flour and about 75 percent white flour. Whole wheat bread is the better choice because in addition to high amounts of dietary fiber it also contains manganese and magnesium. These nutrients help to maintain a healthy weight, lower the risk of type II diabetes, breast cancer and chronic inflammation.

Brown Eggs vs. White Eggs

Contrary to popular belief brown eggs are not a healthier alternative to white eggs. In fact, there is no nutritional difference. The difference in colour is due to the fact that white-shelled eggs come from white feathered hens whereas brown eggs come from red feathered hens. Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods. They are rich in vitamin B12, folate, the antioxidant Lutein, omega 3 and omega -6 fatty acids. And now that you know that there is no real difference between them feel free to enjoy yourself an egg today no matter the colour.


Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

White Meat vs. Dark Meat

The truth is that neither is better than the other and both can be enjoyed but in moderation. Although dark meat has a higher fat content than white meat it has more Vitamin B, iron and protein compared to white meat. It is also said to have selenium which is thought to help combat various types of cancer.

Salmon fillet vs. Salmon Steak

Salmon is truly a healthy treat; a rich source of protein, omega 3 essential fatty acids and low in saturated fat and calories. The difference between the two is that a salmon steak is cut in a cross section so it includes both sides of the fish and the skin. It also has lots of heart healthy fat under the skin and is more flavorsome. A fillet on the other hand is boneless and sliced lengthwise off the back. The added bones and skin because of the cut gives salmon steaks the edge in this competition, so a delicious salmon steak dinner may be the healthier choice.

Dark Raisins vs. Golden Raisins

Believe it or not dark raisins are not from red grapes. They are actually made from white grapes. The dark hue is as a result of being dried in the sun. Golden raisins are dried in warm air indoors and treated with Sulphur dioxide to retain their golden colour. There is actually no nutritional difference between the two types of raisins except that golden raisins tend to be moister and plumper.

Healthy Resolutions for the NEW YEAR cont’d Lose one unhealthy vice

Rather than trying to ditch all unhealthy vices in one fell swoop, a move which is most likely to fail, try eliminating them one at a time. For example, if you love drinking, smoking and sweet treats you can start by cutting out the sweet treats and let drinking be your goal for the following year.

Read more about health

Here’s another fun and healthy recipe to help you get on the right track with your diet but enjoy the ride as you do it. Introducing the Grilled Chicken and Mozzarella Panini Sandwich. This is a delicious grilled chicken panini recipe that is fast and easy to make, and what makes it even better is that you can add to it or substitute any of the ingredients to make something even more creative and delicious. Estimated Preparation Time: 15 minutes Estimated Cook Time: 20 minutes

Ingredients • • • • • • • • • •

4 boneless chicken breasts 8 slices of Italian bread 8 slices Mozzarella cheese 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 tomato, sliced Italian dressing


Preheat grill for medium-high heat. Brush chicken with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, rosemary, and garlic powder. Place chicken on a lightly oiled grill grate and cook for 7 minutes per side or until juices run clear and the chicken is no longer pink. Remove the chicken from the grill and allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes, and cut into 1/2 inch slices. Drizzle Italian dressing on 4 slices of the Italian bread and on chicken pieces. Add tomato and cheese and sliced chicken breasts to bread. Cover with remaining 4 slices, brush with olive oil and place on grill. Cook panini for 4 minutes per side or until cheese melts. Remove from heat and serve. Hopefully your panini looks as good as this one shown on

The more you know the better armed you are at preventing yourself from developing some of those lifestyle diseases that are associated with most of the health problems facing the world today. Penciling in five minutes per week to do a little reading might just save your life years down the line.

Stop putting off your fun time

Stress is the biggest health concern in most parts of the world and it has the ability to make you feel weak, sick and unhappy all at the same time. You can deflect this thorny issue by not listening to the voices telling you to put off your fun time in favor of work or any other of your responsibilities. Of course this isn’t a license to be irresponsible, but it is a license not to forget that life is for living not working. Find time to stop and smell the roses every now and then.

Reward Yourself

It’s not going to be easy to overcome those personal demons and achieve the resolutions you’ve set, so make sure you resolve to treat yourself after you’ve been successful in accomplishing them. Just make sure the reward doesn’t become a gateway to re-developing your old habits, that way you won’t have to make the same resolutions again come next year. There you have it 12 resolutions, one for every month, and all designed to get you on track to being in the best shape you’ve ever been. Let’s hope next year finds you not making another resolution to make healthier resolutions.

January - March 09


the use of alternative medicines. The study also showed that 65 percent of the sample group had used herbal medicines for treating some of their illnesses. As the importance of alternative treatments grows health practitioners, government, consumers and service providers will be increasingly expected to address issues related to these practices, particularly with regard to information, knowledge-base and regulation of the industry. With the increasing demand of this type of care by consumers nurses must now be prepared to play a significant role in helping health care consumers to become informed and empowered. Regardless of personal beliefs the nurse of the future will be required to play key roles as facilitators for various levels of counseling with patients regarding CAM techniques. In particular nurses will need to place emphasis on guiding patients’ decisions about the CAM choices available to them, and given the extensive use of such services and the scarcity of data concerning their safe use the nurse of the future must be able to help patients reap the potential benefits of complementary and alternative medicine while avoiding all harmful aspects of their utilization.

Nurses of today are many things to many people, functioning in a variety of settings: as caregivers, researchers, knowledge seekers and critical thinkers. Scientific and technical advances and the global approach to healing and health care management have broadened the roles of nurses while increasing the opportunities and responsibilities. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) represents that subset of practices that are not an integral part of the conventional health care. These practices are not taught widely in medical schools or generally available in hospitals. Internationally there are five recognized categories into which CAM techniques fall: • Alternative medical systems – which includes acupuncture, homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. • Mind Body Interventions – which includes meditation, hypnosis, dance, music, art therapy and prayer. • Biologically Based Therapies – which includes herbal, special dietary and individual biological therapies. • Manipulative and Body Based methods – which includes chiropracty and osteopathy. • Energy Therapies – including therapeutic touch. Whether they are referred to as traditional, alternative, unconventional, complementary or integrative, the trend is clear, patients are looking for new ways to cure their ills, maintain fitness and they are going outside the mainstream health care system to find them. A 1998 study commissioned by Blue Cross of Jamaica indicated that 89 percent of the 1000 Jamaicans surveyed were aware of


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Nurses are also well-placed to bridge the communication gap between patients and physicians, ensuring that those patients who combine alternative methods with conventional methods break their silence on this potentially hazardous practice. Indications are that the majority of patients combine both alternative and conventional practices but approximately 70 percent of them fail to inform their doctors, putting themselves at risk for the ill-effects of incompatible treatment options. As personalized caregivers nurses are positioned to gain the trust of patients and persuade them to discuss their alternative practices in non-judgmental ways. Additionally, nurses often provide interventions that address the psycho-social aspects that may get overlooked in an environment increasingly driven by technical and health care management pressures. Examples abound of patients whose recovery has been aided by the personal attention showed to them by nurses, with gestures as simple as asking them about their day, or spending a few extra minutes in conversation. However, in order to hit the ground running as we prepare for the future it is urgent that our nursing students as well as those already in the system expose themselves to CAM techniques, whether in or outside of the classroom in spite of any feelings of disdain about them. Effort will also need to be made by government health officials to ensure that specified levels of certification in CAM practices and techniques become mandatory for all nurses in the island. Nurses have always been a vital part of the health-care equation, but in the present century where people are living longer and the field of medical care is granting more and more credence to advances achieved by CAM techniques the contribution of nurses will become increasingly more important. In the face of this our nurses would do well to conduct a process of self-examination to see if they are ready to participate in this new medical era or watch as it passes them by.


rom as early as the early 1800’s scientists in Europe and the United States have been pondering the cause of what they have now termed the “French Paradox”, in which French nationals, whose diets are notoriously high in saturated fats, have continuously exhibited low levels of coronary heart disease. In the last five years or so however, scientists believe that they’ve not only found the answer to the ‘paradox’, but are well poised to break new ground in healthcare with all the potential benefits they’ve discovered along the way. And what’s the agent at the centre of all this discussion, a naturally occurring chemical compound called resevratrol. Resveratrol is classified as a phytoalexin, a class of antibiotic compound produced by plants as part of their natural defence against disease. While it can be found in eucalyptus plants, pine trees, peanuts and lilies, it is found in its highest concentration in grapes, particularly in the fruit’s skin. In the early nineties red wine made from grapes was pinpointed as the possible answer for the French paradox as the French are also notorious for their heavy consumption of the drink. After it was deconstructed it was posited that red wine’s high resveratrol content accounted for the heart healthy symptoms exhibited by the French. According to an article in Life Extension magazine entitled “Cutting-Edge Technology Available Today” by Terri Mitchell, reseveratrol is a potent antioxidant which helps to stop damage to the body caused by free radicals – atoms and/ or molecules in the body which attack healthy cells. The article also stated that resveratrol “enhances nitric oxide in the body”. According to scientific research, nitric oxide helps to relax blood vessels in the main arteries of the heart, enhancing blood flow. Resveratrol is also one of the first natural compounds to show consistent evidence of blocking many of the stages of cancer. Its potency in this regard, scientists advocate, is in its ability to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells, in contrast to chemotherapeutic drugs which damage both types of cell.

bones from their point of origin. The highest results were shown for persons with renal, pancreatic and breast cancer. Additionally, in his study of the effect of resveratrol on pancreatic cancer cells, Dr Paul Okunieff, chief of radiation oncology at the J.P Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rocehster Medical Centre in the United States, found that resveratrol interfered with the mitochondria or energy sources of the cancer cells and following radiation treatment the cells died. Ordinarily radiation alone does not do much damage to the mitochondrial membranes of cancer cells. Meanwhile, preliminary studies have also shown that resveratrol may have the potential to stop the process that initiates Alzheimer’s disease; help treat spinal cord injuries and persons who have suffered strokes; protect against skin cancer and activate a longevity gene. Much of the research being conducted into the agent is still in its infancy but it is without a doubt that the emergence of resveratrol as a suitable area of study within the scientific community has guaranteed a future of novel and exciting treatment options for persons suffering from some of life’s more common ailments. Resveratrol is available in the form of supplemental extracts, but for those seeking a source closer to home try organic grapes – grown with natural fertilizers and pesticides - and red wine.

According to Mitchell’s article, research by scientists in Austria has shown that resveratrol blocks the spread of cancer cells to

January - March 09


Like most persons you may think that if you are free from such chronic diseases as hypertension and diabetes, then you’re in good health. However, in reality this may not always be true. If left unchecked warning signs can transform into serious problems in the future. The way you live today will ultimately determine whether you will enjoy a long and healthy life tomorrow. Here are some ways to put a stop to some of the most common illnesses. Hypertension Did you know that you can have high blood pressure for a number of years without having any symptoms? Furthermore, uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to other health problems such as, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and kidney diseases. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood that your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in the arteries. The more blood the heart pumps and the narrower the arteries, the higher your blood pressure. How to prevent it Step 1- Check your blood pressure and pulse on a regular basis and if they are high consult your physician. Please note that the top blood pressure number should be less than 140 and the bottom number should be less than 90. Step 2- Your diet plays a critical role in preventing high blood pressure. Therefore, it is important that you eat a low fat, high fibre diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Step 3- In order to prevent hypertention it is essential that you maintain a healthy weight and live an active lifestyle. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every day and this will help you to maintain a healthy weight and keep you active. Step 4- It is also important that you take your supplements. Ask your doctor about fish supplements which contain omega -3 fatty acids. Research indicates that omega- 3 can lower blood pressure in persons with normal and high blood pressure. Step 5- Learn to manage stress in your life and practice healthy coping techniques such as deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and getting enough sleep at nights.


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Diabetes This is a condition in which blood glucose (blood sugar) levels are higher than normal and is high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. There is no cure for diabetes, but there is much that you can do to prevent and control it. How to prevent it Step 1- Eat healthily by choosing foods low in fat and calories and eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You should also strive for variety in your diet in order to prevent boredom. Step 2- Regular exercise is paramount in preventing diabetes and maintaining a healthy weight. Step 3- Remember to take your supplements. Talk to your doctor about ginseng supplements. Research suggest that this herb can help lower blood glucose levels after meals and lower average blood glucose levels over a three-month period.

Osteopenia Osteopenia is a condition in which your bones get weaker and are not as dense as they should be. It is an intermediate stage toward developing osteoporosis. How to prevent it Step 1- Eating calcium rich foods such as yoghurt, milk, enriched rice, soy milk, cheese, broccoli, and seaweed help to build and strengthen bones. Additionally including Vitamin D in your diet is important as it helps you to absorb and use calcium. Step 2- Weight bearing activities is another critical element in building bone density and preventing osteopenia. There are two types: weight bearing cardio activities, such as brisk walking, stairs climbing, aerobic dancing and tennis; and weight - bearing strengthening activities which include lifting weights. Step 3- If you are not getting enough calcium from food, ask your doctor about calcium and vitamin D supplements. The adequate daily intake for calcium is 1,300 mg for ages 14-18, 1,000 mg for ages 19-50 and 1,200 mg for ages 51 and older. They are most effective when taken with meals several times per day. Do not wait for a diagnosis that will suddenly and dramatically alter your life. You may be at risk for chronic illnesses without being aware of it, but you can prevent these diseases by taking the necessary steps now in order to enjoy a long and healthy future.

Proposals, meetings, deadlines, bosses who fancy themselves dictators, conniving co-workers, and we haven’t even gotten to the cafeteria food yet. No doubt next to the home the office is the primary source of stress in the life of the average individual. And unless you start taking steps to manage that stress it’s only a matter of time before it starts to manifest itself in self-damaging ways. These could range anywhere between a prolonged but mild annoyance and the overwhelming urge to run into your office with some sort of weapon and do damage. In many cases people often tend to overlook just how stressed out they are, because they all think that it will eventually pass if they ignore it long enough. The fact it however that stress like any other emotional issue, can and most often will accumulate if left unchecked, which makes dealing with it a must. And since everyone could do with a few pointers here are a few tips to help KO some of those work-related stresses.

Decorate your workspace When we place things in our space that we associate with feelings of relaxation and/or calmness then we can help to quickly substitute feelings of stress and annoyance with positive emotions. Your decorations can take the form of pictures of friends and family, pictures of your favourite cartoon character or celebrity personality, an action figure, one of your children’s toys, it doesn’t matter as long as it creates a mental change of pace for you while looking at it

or playing with it.

Your body can only go for so long


Group Therapy This involves getting a few of your workmates together to spend a few minutes wasting time. This works best in a time that is outside of your coffee break time or your lunch hour, because knowing that you shouldn’t be doing it makes it all the more adventurous and therefore more likely to help you relieve stress. Get some friends and arrange to meet some time between your coffee break and lunch time, or some time between lunch and quitting time, then spend the time shooting the breeze. You will feel so much better.

Take a walk Just getting up from around your desk and taking a walk around the outside of your office, or just to the bathroom and back, if you work in a more slavish type area, can help you to relieve stress. Walking helps to get the blood circulating, and the body working, which can make you feel much better after being seated for a prolonged period.

Listen to your body Everybody has their limits and trying to push these limits can be very unwise, and can lead to stress. If you know that you are capable of functioning for two-hour bursts, before needing a break then don’t try to push for three or even four hours because you will lose out.

before needing a recharge and it is wise to keep yourself on track by anticipating your down periods and taking steps to relax.

Keep an organized work area Nothing reminds us of how much we need to do, in addition to cleaning up the mess on our desks than the presence of clutter on our desks. The clutter in most cases reflects the state of one’s mind, and simply reorganizing your desk can have the same effect as a mental re-organizing process, which has the effect of putting things in perspective. You will see that it becomes easier to organize all your tasks for the day when you yourself are organized.

Stay Positive This one probably sounds like a broken record but it only does because it works. As a great man once said, there are two ways to handle tough situations: you can change them, or change the way you look at them. You can stop being stressed out when you decide that you don’t want to be stressed anymore, and this comes after developing a positive outlook. A good way to do this is by repeating a mantra each morning telling yourself to stay positive all day, or putting up little signs or reminders to stay positive. Trust us it -works. January March 09


mechanism that protects it against numerous bacteria and viruses encountered in our environment. Today science has recognized that for as long as the body’s immune system is intact bacteria, viruses, and fungus will not have any adverse effect on one’s health. Here are a few priorities for a keeping a healthy immune system. • Keep away from Alcohol, sweets and fats. • Stick to low fat milk yogurt, and low fat cheese. • Include in your diet beans, legumes, nuts and peas, also fish and other oceanic nutrients such as kelp, Nori Irish moss and wakame. • Have lots of dark yellow and dark green leafy vegetables. • Supplements such as Vitamin C., pomegranates and other high anti-oxidants are important. The next step in our journey is the notion of body cleansing, which has two sub-categories: external and internal cleansing. Do you feel okay today? Are you feeling strong and healthy or could your energy level do with a jump start? If you are in the category of persons who always feel sluggish and tired then as luck would have it this article is exactly what the doctor ordered, and you didn’t even need to visit his office to get the advice. And even if you consider yourself a health nut then you should still read on since there is always room for improvement. The first stop on the road to feeling well is that of your diet. If you are eager to stay healthy then you have to start eating more of those foods you already know you should, specifically plants, vegetables, fruits and herbs. These contain live, vital, organic elements which help combat the energy zapping and illness inducing compounds inside the body. Additionally, when you eat raw uncooked vegetables, fruits, and seeds and nuts, these foods act as an intestinal broom in swabbing the walls of the intestines of accumulated impurities. A lot of consideration should also be given to the methods with which we prepare the foods we eat in order to ensure that we gain their maximum nutritional benefits. Most of us are so used to traditional cooking methods that we’ve conditioned our taste buds to refuse to accept food preparation in any other form. Deep-Frying, over-seasoning our foods with salt or other flavour enhancers as well as over-sweetening our foods with sugars and related confectionary delights are just some of the bad habits we need to break. The method of preparation utilized is one of the most significant factors impacting how food is assimilated into our bodies. And since the assimilated foods are used to build tissues that are used to renew and replace body cells that are damaged, it is in our best interest to consider healthier methods of food preparation.

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The next stop on the road to a healthier you is your immune system. The immune system is the body’s own defence

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External Cleansing

If you are serious about “feeling well” then you must start drinking more clean, pure water and bathing in non polluted water. As long as the ocean water is clean, ocean baths provide therapeutic and recreational exercises. Hot spring baths with high mineral content provide energy, soothe muscle pains, improve the blood circulation and detoxify the body’s lymphatic system. Also regular exercise strengthens the immune function while lowering the risks of cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Internal Cleansing

Toxins and mucus constantly accumulate within the body. They usually trigger sinus and respiratory conditions, as well as cell degeneration. As a result it is very important that we take steps to detoxify our bodies at regular intervals. A powerful detoxifier is the Aloe Vera gel taken over a period of 7-14 mornings as directed by your practitioner. Garlic is also a powerful detoxifier and should be included in your diets. Nutritional supplements can also be a big help, since they can replace the nutritional needs to the body that are absent from our foods. Internal cleansing also involves trying to harmonize the body and the spirit, and one particularly useful method in doing so is by conducting regular deep breathing exercises and/ or meditation. There are dozens of other factors that can contribute to you having the healthier, better you that you’ve always wanted. But with these introductory steps you should be able to get yourself on a path that you can later go on to customize to suit your specific health needs. This is the beginning of a NEW YOU, a more positive transformation of self, so don’t waste time getting started, it will be well worth it, guaranteed.

Snack in moderation No matter how healthy or small the snack is it will add up and start affecting your body negatively if you eat too much of it. Rather than have your “snack drawer” by your desk you should give it to a friend at work, who isn’t likely to eat your food, to keep and dispense to you. This way you have someone helping you to control your eating habits and stay healthy. Forty hours a week multiplied by fifty-two weeks per year amounts to 2080 hours. This is the amount of hours the average worker spends on the job each year. Subtracting the hours we spend hitting the snooze button each day it doesn’t take a genius to know that we spend most of our adult hours at work. With that in mind it makes sense to ensure that proper eating habits form as big a part of your workday routine as everything else. Here are a few tips to ensure you maintain a healthy diet on the job.


Pack a lunch every now and then

When you eat a healthy filling breakfast you are less likely to overeat at lunch, which is particularly bad considering the amount of factors that typically influence us to make poor food choices once we step outside of our homes. Having a healthy breakfast should also hopefully keep you full until lunch fending off the urge to snack before and after lunch, which will make maintaining proper eating habits a much easier task

Instead of just restricting yourself to buying whatever they have for sale at your office cafeteria, try packing a lunch that you know will have all the daily health requirements you will need, and will also give you control over the choices and portions you want. You can also pack a few healthy snacks to make sure you don’t give in to such temptations as chocolate and potato chips provided by your cafeteria.

Cut back on those fast food lunches It’s no secret that if you eat something long enough you will get tired of it, and the same can be said of cafeteria food. That said a lot of people choose fast food simply for the sake of adding variety come lunchtime. However the combination of too much junk and fast food and spending half the day sitting around a desk can be devastating for your weight and overall health, so do yourself a favour and limit your fast food consumption on the job to just once a week.

Use your willpower. Instead of having three pieces of chicken teach yourself to be satisfied with just two, and instead of bathing your vegetables in fatty salad dressing try eating them without it. These are just some simple ways you can train yourself to cut down on those extras that often do us more harm than good.

Don’t skip breakfast

Drink water Try switching your regular beverage of choice with some water a few days out of the month. And since we all know the benefits of drinking water – hydrates the body; helps the digestive function, helps concentration, etc – it doesn’t take a genius to see why this is a good decision. With these tips you should hopefully be on your way to taking better care of your body during those hours when you are grinding it out behind the desk.

January - March 09


and stress free. The pictures will serve as constant reminders of the fact that outside of the workspace there are persons who love and appreciate you for who you are as a person. With the constant reminder that what you do at work does not define who you are as a person, all your boss’ ranting will seem far less threatening, and in turn cause you less stress.


For most persons their workspace is the place where the most hours of their lives are spent. Most workspaces nowadays tend to consist of a large desk with a computer and large stacks of paper, and in most cases employees do little to try to change that for fear of seeming unprofessional. However there are many values that can be derived from creating a more personalized workspace. Chief among these benefits is stress relief, since in many cases our desk is the place we have to retreat to no matter what kind of day we’re having.

Motivational Words

With that in mind here are a few pointers to help you transform your desk into the stress-busting workspace that you can be proud of.

Without a doubt we could all use words of encouragement from time to time and what better way to improve your day than by keeping a few on hand around your desk. Keep copies of your favourite quotes and reminders on or around your desk to help get you in a better mood when all your work related tasks have left you down in the dumps.

Get Rid of Paper Clutter

A Small Potted Plant

The rule of thumb is that at least fifty percent of your desk should be visible at all times, otherwise you are projecting disorganization and inefficiency. This can in turn become a source of stress for you as it creates the impression that there is always something to be done. Take the time to invest in trays, bins, binders, folders and drawers, and ensure that everything on your desk has a designated space and purpose. The confidence you feel from having a clutter free desk will help alleviate some of your workplace annoyance.


Keeping pictures of persons for whom you have very strong feelings on your desk is a sure way to keep yourself motivated


Who says only children should play with toys. When we look at our desks each day and see nothing but things that remind us of how much work there is to be done, it can create a very overwhelming effect and cause a lot of stress to build-up. However, having a toy or similar gadget on your desk can help to neutralize the need to feel and appear like a professional at all times by reminding you that there is life outside of work. They also help to remind that life is to be enjoyed not spent slaving away behind a desk.

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According to the principles of feng shui – the ancient Chinese notion of decorating one’s personal space in order to release life energy – plants are have a strong and vibrant energy and stimulate growth and development, so introducing a small potted plant into your space might be just what you need to stimulate your personal growth and development at your office.

Candy Jar/Dish

As you share sweet treats with your co-workers this can help to reduce the stress levels of the entire office, making for a much better overall work environment, which is the best medicine in relieving workplace stress. Though some may decide not to partake of your candy, just the knowledge that your intention is to share them with everyone else may be the sweet thought that brightens the rest of their day.

January - March 09


Acne is a skin condition that needs no introduction. Any person over 13 knows exactly the kind of effect moderate to severe acne can have on one’s feelings about their personal appearance, and their social life as well. That’s why there are so many acne medications, treatments advertised each day in magazines, television and online. Still, the preponderance of information has also given rise to a steady stream of misinformation about treating acne, and to help keep you on the right track we’ve busted a few of them.

Washing your face often helps you get rid of acne The fact is that constant washing and rubbing of the face can actually irritate your pores and cause acne to develop rather than go away. Your best bet is to wash your face twice a day with regular soap and water and your hands. Your diet can cause acne Continuous and extensive research has not found a connection between our diets and acne. So despite all you may have heard about oily, fatty foods causing acne, it actually doesn’t make a difference. Still if you notice that you have a breakout


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after eating specific foods then you are probably better off cutting back on those.

Wearing makeup prevents you from having clear skin While some make-up can cause clogged pores and bad acne, there are now brands of make up which are labelled noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic which are geared towards preventing make-up related break-outs. Some make-up also contains benzoyl peroxide and salycilic acid which have been proven to help fight acne related bacteria on the face. Acne is caused by too much sex While scientific research has shown that androgens, which are the hormones we all begin producing after beginning puberty, do contribute to the development of acne, as well as stimulate sexual desires, there is no evidence to suggest that sex has any effect on acne generation. This myth was likely generated to dissuade young adults from having sex before marriage. Sweating cleans your pores In addition to sweating, vigorous activity stimulates oil production, which when combined with perspiration, heat and friction can actually stimulate acne production on the face, back and chest according to scientific research.

My uncomfortable itch down south is getting worse, what should I do? It seems like you have a case of tinea cruris better known as jock itch. Jock itch is a fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs, and is typically caused when fungi in the area starts to rapidly multiply and spread. Our bodies are home to millions of fungi and bacteria, and among the fungi is a class called dermatophytes, which thrive in warm, moist areas such as the groin and inner thighs, especially when they are not dried properly. This is a problem that in most cases can be treated without a visit to a doctor since overthe-counter powders and antifungal creams tend to be very helpful. In some cases persons may require prescription strength antifungal medication and so a doctor’s visit might be in order in those circumstances. You should also take care to keep the area clean and dry as much as possible.

I’ve been having pains in my back what can I do to stop it? Back pain is a very common health issue, in fact most people have back pain at some point in their life. However it mostly affects people who do lots of heavy lifting or carrying or persons who spend prolonged periods sitting down or in other uncomfortable positions. Back pains should normally go away after two days but and if it doesn’t you should contact your physician as soon as possible. Still, there are things you can do to help alleviate your pain including: placing a flat board beneath your mattress to help keep it firm, which will help keep your back straight; maintaining proper posture at all times; avoiding sitting in bucket shaped seats for prolonged periods. When bending down you should go down on one knee and avoid stretching your back, and when lifting heavy objects you should bend your knees and keep your back straight.

I’ve been diagnosed with angina in the past but it has been happening more frequently lately. Am I going to have a heart attack. Angina, which is a very common symptom of coronary artery disease –also known as heart disease – is always a cause for concern for doctors and when they start to occur with more regularity it could mean that your condition may be worsening. Angina is a pain in the chest that is often accompanied by a feeling of intense pressure. When the pattern of angina changes change this is known as unstable angina which many doctors believe is the first sign of a heart attack. Your best option is to see your doctor or physician right away so that tests can be done to determine the nature and extent of your symptoms.

I have a constant urge to urinate all day, even after I have just gone. And when I do urinate only small amounts of urine are passed out and sometimes it burns. What’s wrong with me? You could have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTI’s typically develop when bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney and begin to multiply in our urine. Although urine, which is produced by the kidneys, contains salts and waste products it doesn’t typically contain bacteria. Treatment for UTI’s typically involves a regiment of antibiotics in addition to other medication to help alleviate other problematic symptoms. It is recommended that persons drink lots of water during and after being treated for a UTI as the bladder cleanses itself every time it is emptied. Patients are also urged to avoid spicy foods, coffee and smoking. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided as it can cause bacteria to spread further into your urethra.

Should I breastfeed my baby if I have a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)? An STD can affect the breastfeeding of a newborn infant, depending on which STD you have contracted. STD’s such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea do not affect your child as they are not passed on through breast milk. Additionally the medication prescribed for both is often given directly to babies and therefore won’t pose a risk if they are given to the baby indirectly through breast milk. However STD’s such as syphilis and herpes are transmitted through contact with infected sores, and can pose problems if there are sores on or around your breast or nipple. You should also contact your doctor to find out if an adverse effects have been detected when women breastfeed while on medication prescribed to treat your STD.

January - March 09


No matter what all the commercials tell you, no matter what corporate executives may be saying about their latest miracle drug, the fact is that we all already know the key to getting and keeping that firm sexy body we all want. And no matter how much we try to ignore or get around it the fact is that getting a great body means making friends with that dreaded word - exercise. That said, there are right ways and wrong ways to go about exercising and since persons utilizing the wrong methods are at risk of developing serious injuries or worse, we’ve provided a list of workout myths to help keep you on the right track with your personal health.

Intense weekend workouts compensate for no workouts during the week For many it may seem like common sense to push their body twice as hard to make up for missed exercise regimens, however, according to medical professionals overexertion is one of the leading causes of personal injury. Overexertion is more likely to cause your muscles to get sore rather then develop effectively enough to build proper muscle or increase your stamina. And in their weakened state your muscles are very prone to becoming injured. You are better off trying to fit short light workouts into your busy schedule than waiting until the weekend and going all out.

If you’re not sweating then you’re not working hard enough On many occasions when star athletes or fitness spokespeople are portrayed a lot of emphasis is placed on showing up how much they sweat. That has conditioned


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us to equate sweat with working hard. Because of this association many people tend to overlook the real reason the body sweats, which is to control the body’s temperature. As the sweat evaporates from our skin’s surface it begins to cool us down. And while some persons’ body temperature can spike enough to produce sweat during light workouts, others can remain completely cool during very intense workouts. As such, using how much we sweat as a measure for the intensity of a workout is just plain wrong.

Swimming is a great way to lose weight Because of its reputation for working all the body’s muscles at once swimming is a popular option for many trying to lose weight, However, according to Eric Harr, author of the book The Portable Trainer, swimming may not help you lose much weight unless you intend to swim for hours each day. The reason for this, Harr says, is that the buoyancy of water supports the body as we swim and does not allow us to burn as much fat as if we were moving on our own power - as we do in running or aerobics. So while swimming can be a good option if you want to sculpt your body or increase your lung capacity, it may not be the best option for those trying to shed a few extra pounds.

Your muscle turns to fat if you stop exercising regularly While many advertisements promise to transform your fat back into muscle the medical fact is that fat and muscle are two different things, and it is impossible for one to be converted into the other. Muscle is a lean, hard, firm and tight tissue, while fat is a soft, bulky, voluminous, lumpy yellow color tissue that sits on top of our muscle. And while muscles can atrophy because of lack of exertion they will NEVER turn into fat. It is however possible to exercise and decrease the amount of fat that sits on top of our muscle, helping us to get the kind of body we want.

They say you only get one chance at a first impression, and there is no greater tool a person can have to help make sure the first impression they make is great than a happy smile. And the great thing about smiles is that they work just as well with second and third impressions too. For a number of reasons people often tend to shy away from smiling, be it insecurity about their teeth, a genuine belief that their faces aren’t attractive or even a genuine attempt on their part to maintain a serious disposition. However it has been proven that smiles have the power to help alleviate even the most tense situations, as well as improve the dispositions of persons they are directed at, and with benefits such as these (and more) there is no reason for anyone not to have a great smile in their storehouse of expressions. If you’re interested in having a smile that makes you the envy of everyone in the room here are a few tips to give you that great smile.

Practice good oral hygiene – If there’s one thing

that can make a great smile bad, and a bad smile worse it’s bad dental hygiene. It should go without saying that you should brush and floss regularly, making sure to involve some mouthwash as often as possible. And on top of that, regular visits to the dentist should always find a place within your schedule. This way you’re gauranteed to have people staring at your mouth for all the good reasons, and you’ll have the confidence to flash your smile any time you feel so inclined. It’s important to note however that you don’t need to have perfect teeth to have a great smile, as long as you keep them as healthy as possible you’re already headed in the right direction.

Practice your smile – Like everything else worth

having in life it takes practice to make your smile a winner. While looking at yourself in the mirror as you brush your teeth in the bathroom make a habit of flashing yourself your best smile. Keep working on getting your smile better and before you know it your smile will be great, maybe even captivating enough to make

you a smile model. You can also try copying the smiles of persons you admire. It might just feel awkward at first but with enough effort you’ll have that winning smile you want.

Get your whole face involved – When people

look at each other we don’t just look at mouths, we look at a person’s entire face. And when we expand a smile to involve our cheeks and our eyes the effect can be quite beautiful. How can you involve your cheeks? By allowing yourself to smile as wide as possible and letting your face do the rest. Getting your eyes involved however may require some practice. One trick is to get in front of a mirror and try smiling while covering the bottom half of your face. You will know when you’ve struck smile gold when you see it.

Keep a happy thought stored in your mind – Our best smiles occur naturally while we’re in the

throes of laughter. And if you want to generate a real happy smile then the best remedy is to keep a funny personal joke stored in your head then use it when the time for smiling comes around. Try to find a thought that makes you feel genuinely happy or satisfied and you’re sure to produce the best smile you can when the time comes.

Let yourself smile for extended periods – When you put a conscious effort into keeping your face fixed

in a great smile for extended periods you will find that it becomes much easier to find your smile when you need to. This one might require a little care as it can come across as creepy to be seen smiling all the time but your smile will be a whole lot better for having tried this technique. Not to mention smiling can help you relax because of what we’ve been conditioned to associate smiling with, so don’t feel too surprised if you find yourself actually wanting to keep your smile on after you’ve started. Smiles are contagious and the sooner you start flashing them the sooner you’ll receive them. And when you’re flashing a great smile that is full of confidence it’s guaranteed to make you feel better too, so what are you waiting for, get smiling already.

January - March 09


LOVE - When we have love in our hearts, we see only good. We achieve inner harmony and happiness. We take the beam out of our eyes to see the splendour in all. We remove false impressions. A man and a woman in love walk on air, with joy in their hearts. (Love is patient, Love is kind) After an interesting and animated speech, the speaker full of enthusiasm and joy asked if anyone had any questions. After a pause the speaker told the audience that any questions could be written on a piece of paper. At the end he received only one paper with the word “ASS” written on it. He smiled and said with love in his words. “I got one question paper, but instead of writing a question the enthusiastic sender only wrote his initials or his name.” By the grace of God we are all blessed. We have been blessed by God with these two “seed-factors”: Peace and Love. When we activate the “PEACE” in our lives and “LOVE” in our hearts, we gain better HEALTH and HARMONY, through CARING and SHARING; and we can increase our PROSPERITY, JOY and FULFILLMENT in the World. PEACE means quietude, it refers to an inner state of mind which is unruffled by any stress. Conversely when we are not at peace, our energies are sapped. What does a bald headed man say to his comb? “I will never part with you”. Like that pair PEACE & LOVE go together. (Peace in Progress) A preacher had problems delivering his speech on Sundays due to painful teeth and later illfitting dentures, and because of that he could only manage between ten and fifteen minute sermons. Then one morning he took a whole hour instead of his comfortable half an hour. Half of the congregation was so bored that they left half way through the sermon, but a few of his dedicated followers stayed, then asked the preacher, “Why did you take so long? You were very boring.” The preacher replied “It was like I couldn’t help it. I picked up my wife’s dentures as I was rushing out to make the service.”


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HEALTH - When we have peace and love, we feel and demonstrate good health. When we are lacking in peace and have only noise and confusion all the time, we feel sick ultimately. When we are negative and have not love, but only hate, we will continue to be sick (Long liver). A reporter was interviewing George Burns “Is it true that you take ten (10) drinks per day Mr. Burns?” “Yes, I do.” “Is it true that you smoke 15- 20 cigars per day?” “Yes, I do.” “Is it true that you still womanize after 90 years now? “Yes, I do”. “What does your doctor say about all of this?” “He is dead”. HARMONY - This means no discord. When we have love, peace and harmony how can we have discord. We see daily the harmony in NATURE and PEOPLE, we develope spiritually (Seeing Oneness in All). (Achieving your true potential) Wife: It says here in the paper darling that Socrates claims that the average person speaks ten thousand words per day”. Husband: But remember darling, you are far above average.. (The Challenge: Working out things beyond Disharmony) New Husband: Darling, I wish you could make bread like my mother. Wife: I will, once you start making dough like your father.

CARING AND SHARING - When we care and share, we are true millionaires. To see the joyful expressions and the lights on the faces of others when they express genuine gratitude is invaluable. (Caring- It Happens in Stranger Places and Forms) Angry Boss: Why were you late yesterday young man? Penitent Employee: (Blushing) I got married, Sir. Boss: OK, OK. That’s a logical excuse. But, don’t let it happen again! Employee in Retreat: Thank you, thank you. Boss shouting in distance: Get back to work and wipe that silly smile off your face. PROSPERITY JOY AND FULFILLMENT - Constant peace, love, and being in total control of ourselves can make us enjoy good health and true prosperity. The main thing I have learnt is to get up early in the morning. (Getting What You’re Looking For) Boss to secretary: Where do you keep the files I am looking for? What system do you use? Secretary: “We use the Biblical system here sir.” Boss: What the heck do you mean Biblical system?” Secretary: “It’s simple. Seek and you shall find.” (Finding opportunities for Fulfillment) The doctor ordered the patient to go to the sea and dip his feet in salt water. He went to the seaside and before entering the beach area, he went to the hardware store and bought himself two large buckets. He then went to the lifeguard and asked, “How much do you charge for a bucket of sea water?” The guard looked him straight in the face with a blank look and said, “That will only be $1.00 per bucket, sir”. The man paid his $2.00, collected the water, then went up to his room in the hotel and dipped his feet in the salt water whilst enjoying the T.V. By the end of the day, he returned to the seaside, and fortunately he saw the same lifeguard. But before he said anything else, he observed the water level was way down (the tide had gone out). He said to the guard. “Seems you had hectic business today, eh? You have emptied half the ocean”.

Everyone understands that exercise has a number of physical benefits and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, did you know that getting fit can improve your mental health as well? In fact, studies dating back as early as the 1980s have found that exercising regularly can help boost the mood of persons suffering from mild to moderate depression. In fact according to well-known fitness instructor Aeon Wright, when you are active you are less likely to feel stressed, you are better able to deal with problems, you feel a sense of well-being and you are better able to interact with others.

Let’s examine how exercise can truly make you happy Mood Boost

New studies show that regular exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild depression. According to research engaging in aerobic exercise for 30 minutes daily can have a calming effect. Researchers believe that this is due to the changes in the various brain chemicals during exercise, with an increase in endorphins and a decrease in cortisol and other stress hormones. Moreover, going for a brief walk or jog can have an instant positive effect and if you want to make exercising more enjoyable consider exercising with a friend or join a class; social interaction has been proven to be effective in dealing with depression.

Improved Self-esteem

With regular exercise, you are taking steps towards improving your health and your overall appearance. This will give you a feeling of

control and confidence which will filter through to other areas of your life.

Relieves Stress

Need some time off from your worries? A workout at the gym or a brisk walk may help you to blow off some steam. The American Council on exercise reports that through regular exercise the hormones and other chemicals that build up during periods of intense stress are broken down. Studies prove that exercise can also relieve nervous tension by decreasing the electrical activity of tense muscles.

Better Sleep

Exercise helps you to get a good night’s rest. This is so because physical activity tires the body out, making you less likely to toss and turn at nights. Exercise also decreases stress hormones, which often contribute to insomnia. Exercising is invigorating for the body and mind and you can gain a renewed sense of peace through physical activity. Spread happiness around and get physical today!

Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary; the place where you can let your hair down, relax and feel completely comfortable. Therefore you have all the reason you need to keep your home décor exciting and refreshing. And just in case you are a little strapped for cash here are a few tips to help you transform your home into the sanctuary that you deserve.

Paint – Paint is an interior decorator’s best friend. Adding a

fresh coat of paint is one of the most effective and inexpensive methods to enliven a room in any house. Where a room had a lighter shade you can completely transform it by opting for a darker more robust colour to give it an entirely different feel. You can even try mixing and matching colours by painting a wall in vertical stripes of different colours.

Change your drapes – Changing your style of curtain can

add a new feel to a room especially when they are in colours that add extra colour. Opting for thinner drapes where thicker drapes were previously being used can also work wonders by allowing more light into a room, which creates the illusion of extra space.

Add flowers – Adding a few flowers, whether real or fake, is not only a great way to add some extra colour to a room but they can also be used to create elegant centerpieces in a room making the room seem more expansive as your visitors are drawn to them.

Get Art – Paintings or sculptures are a great way to give a

room a touch of culture, and replacing or introducing artworks within any room can create new impressions for both visitors


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and homeowners alike. And there are dozens of places to get inexpensive works of art, not to mention the option of creating something yourself.

Fabric is your friend

– One way to spice up an old worn couch is by covering it with a nice piece of fabric, and when done properly it can easily pass for a designer job. You can also try replacing your table cloth and your placemats with new pieces of fabric, as well as decorative covers for dressers and tabletops for a fresh injection of colour in a room.

Move stuff around – As heavy as they

sometimes can be, unless they are actually built into the floor there’s no excuse for you to avoid moving your furniture around every now and then. By simply moving one item to another location the feel of a room can multiply significantly, so you can just imagine what can happen if you moved around all the furniture in a few of your rooms.


– Little trinkets and space savers can have a very nice, cozy effect on a room, especially if they are done with a specific theme in mind. The best part about this tip is that virtually anything can be turned into a knick-knack with a little ingenuity and effort. With these tips creating a great new look for your home while keeping your budget in mind shouldn’t be too hard a task. Remember it’s not the size of the room or the size of the budget, it’s the size of the imagination decorating the room that counts.


re you waking the dead with your constant snoring? Still can’t get relief from that gritty sore throat? Here are some easy remedies for your throat problems.

Sore Throat

The dry scratchiness and painful swallowing are what make a sore throat a real “pain.” However, you can easily get relief from your sore throat by following this simple home remedy: 1) Juice 3 whole lemons and put the juice into a glass. 2) Add a teaspoon of honey and take the mixture every 3 to 4 hours for relief from your irritating sore throat. Lemon in tea is another way to treat a sore throat. This is an effective remedy because sour foods typically stimulate saliva flow which helps control bacteria and lubricate the tissues.

Hoarse Voice

Shouting and talking non-stop all day can take a heavy toll on your voice box. So the best way to pamper your voice is to lubricate it. Gargling with salt water is an effective method of doing so and it also kills the bacteria in the mouth. You can also lubricate your throat by drinking lots of water. Moreover, if you must speak loudly, ensure that you keep your voice at the same pitch while projecting farther in order to prevent strains to the vocal cords.


Some persons deny that they snore and others are blissfully unaware that they do, but this condition can lead to serious health complications. You can avoid snoring by doing the following: 1) maintaining a healthy weight. 2) Keeping your head at an elevated position in bed. 3) Avoiding alcohol and sedatives before going to bed. 4) Sleeping on your side and 4) Keeping your nasal passages clear by inhaling steam or applying a few drops of eucalyptus or other mentholated oils on your pillowcase.

Sleep Apnea

This is a potentially dangerous sleeping disorder in which breathing stops and starts frequently. The blockage of the airways causes you to wake up at least six times per hour as a result, you usually feel tired after a night’s sleep. Furthermore, this condition can increase your risk of heart attack and hypertension. The treatment for sleep apnea is similar to that for snoring with maintaining a healthy weight, refraining from taking alcohol and sedatives before bed and keeping your nasal passages open. Remember that if any of the symptoms persist; consult a physician before they get worse.

January - March 09


While the colour green has always been associated with trees and wildlife, the colour has in recent years been associated with the quest to champion conservation in the face of the continued misuse and overuse of the earth’s natural resources. While ‘going green’ has turned out to be a big deal – thanks to environmental lobby groups all over the world – it doesn’t just have to be the responsibility of governments to make changes that will affect households and individuals. You too can join in the fight to lessen our dependence on Mother Nature’s resources and here are a few practical ways you can start in your own home. Install solar powered cells

While installing solar cells admittedly can put a hefty dent in your wallet, researchers have proven that in the long run solar cells can drastically cut your energy bill by reducing your reliance on electricity provided by the power companies.

Make your products



With vinegar, soap and a little baking soda you can create a solution tough enough to clean some of your not so tough messes, helping you to cut down on the amount of harmful chemicals you have circulating in your home. This is especially good if you have young children running around your house.

Use rechargeable batteries

By using rechargeable batteries we conserve the resources involved in manufacturing, storing and disposing of the batteries, which can be very harmful to the environment when not properly


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put away. You will also be surprised to see how much money you save per year on non-rechargeable batteries by having a set of batteries ready to plug into your small appliances.

Buy recycled products

Recycling is one of the oldest yet still effective methods of conserving. Using recycled notebooks, plastic bags and other stationery helps to reduce the amount of our renewable resources that are utilized in the production of our so-called household necessities. As an example you will save dozens of trees from being cut down by using recycled paper, and the list goes on.

Use cloth napkins

This will generate the same benefit as using recycled paper, it saves trees. By simply using cloth napkins and washing them at the end of the week we drastically reduce the amount of trees cut down for the sole purpose of making napkins. Quite the long term-benefit when you think about it.

Use ceiling fans instead of air conditioning units

Ceiling fans have the benefit of cooling a room down for a fraction of the cost associated with operating an AC unit. According to scientists running a ceiling fan consumes the amount of energy equivalent to a 60 watt bulb, which is approximately 98 per cent less than the amount of energy consumed by the air conditioning unit.

Buy appliances Energy Star logo



You’ve probably seen the name ENERGY STAR in computer-related magazines or shows and thought it was some brand name. The fact however is that this logo certifies that the appliance you have bought is guaranteed to use less energy, save you money and help protect the environment.


If humans had their way our bodies would never show any signs of age. But the truth is that as we grow older our bodies start to wrinkle, our skin gets thinner and paler and starts to hang loose off our bones. However, even though aging is a natural part of life there are some things you can do to reduce the more visible signs of ageing. Here are a few to get you started: Get a good night’s sleep

Nothing makes your body look tired and haggard faster than not getting your daily required amount of shut-eye.

Stand up straight

When you stand up straight you look taller, thinner and according to beauty experts, five years younger.

Don’t spend too much time in the sun

Nothing makes us look healthier than vivaciously tanned skin, but standing in the sun may not be the best bet for getting that tan since its rays are a major contributor to prematurely aging skin.

Drink lots of water

Keeping your skin hydrated is a major way to keep your skin operating optimally, which will keep your skin looking healthy and young.

Cut back on alcohol, tobacco and caffeine

These dehydrate the skin and cause wrinkles to develop quickly. Smokers tend to get dry patches, dark circles and saggy skin much earlier than non-smokers.

Whiten your teeth

Yellow teeth can make you look older, so whitening them will give you a dramatically younger looking smile which in turn helps make your face look younger.

Keeping your body active is an age old trick to keeping yourself looking and feeling young, since muscles that are in use age much slower than those which aren’t. Not to mention exercise helps to relieve stress, which is also a major contributing factor to prematurely aging skin.

Don’t squeeze pimples, boils or acne on your skin Doing so can leave permanent marks on the skin which can make you look much older, when compared to those who have clearer skin.

Use vitamin E based creams and lotions

Applying these all over the skin help the body to remain soft and supple.

Take Omega 3 fatty-acid supplements

Omega three fatty acids are an integral part of the membranes that surround skin cells and are a key component of the lubricating layer that keeps skin supple. Scientists belive that taking 1000 mg’s per day of these essential fats can help heal dry, scaly skin.

Get manicures and pedicures

Healthy looking fingers and toes help your hands and feet to look younger and more attractive.

Wear gloves while cleaning with harsh products Long term exposure to those abrasive cleaning agents will leave your skin dry and haggard, wearing gloves can help you avoid all that.

Use oil-free and water-based moisturizers

These don’t clog your pores like their oil-based counterparts will.

Never go to bed with makeup on

This clogs your pores and cause you to look older by virtue of all the acne complications it will cause.

January - March 09


We’ve all been there, telling ourselves and others how we’re going to treat our own kids when we have them, how we’re going to raise our kids right and make sure our kids turn out great. The truth is we only have the luxury of saying things like that until we actually have kids. Once you have children you’ll be surprised at how difficult raising them can get, no matter how many documentaries you’ve watched or baby books you’ve read. Read on to find out about some of the ‘joys’ of parenthood that your parents probably forgot to warn you about.

No alone time – You’ll be surprised at how little time you

actually have left for yourself outside of taking care of your baby, working, eating and sleeping. We all know that babies require round the clock care but exactly how much time ‘round the clock’ constitutes never quite sets in until you have one of those nights when its 4:00 am and the baby just won’t go back to sleep even though you’ve been rocking it for the last three hours and you’re already exhausted from a long day at work.

Your kids will embarrass you – We’ve all silently

judged the parent with the baby throwing a tantrum in the supermarket, probably thinking that our children will be perfect little angels all the time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Remember your kids are little people trying to make their way in the world and as they grow they are going to make missteps which will often cause you some form of embarrassment. Whether it’s screaming because they want a toy in the middle of a shopping mall or letting out one of your private home anecdotes while you’re talking to their teacher.

You will constantly second guess yourself – There will be times when you feel like you’re always doing the wrong thing. You may feel like you’re letting them play too much or too little or saying “No” to their requests too much or too few. The point is that there won’t always be a right answer and you will have to find your own way sometimes and the fear of making a decision that could hurt your child will leave you frozen solid, and constantly second guessing yourself.

You’ll want to change the world – No more just

expecting the government to do something about pollution or global warming. Once you have kids your entire world view changes as you literally want to make the world a safer, better place for your children to live in and it won’t take much encouragement to get you involved in the things that will make the world seem even just a little better for your child.


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You’ll care about things you never thought you would – This is an especially unusual issue to deal with for men who have daughters. They might find themselves going out of their way to learn about rhythmical dance or ballet because it’s the hobby their child has chosen. The need to feel and look tough or cool will pale in comparison to seeing your child smile with glee as they do something they love

How much you can cope with – This doesn’t have to

do with what you can put up with from your children, it has to do with what you can put up with just so you can take care of your children. You might desperately hate your job, but you’ll find yourself putting up with it so you can provide for your child, or you might not have the best relationship with your child’s other parent but as long as your child is better off in the end you’ll find yourself putting up with them.

the rebuilding color. Lilac is vanity.

My knowledge in colour therapy came from my perspective as an Educator, Practitioner, and Entrepreneur in the field of Massage Therapy for over 25 years Chromotherapy, sometimes called colour therapy or colorology, is an alternative medicine method. It is claimed that a therapist trained in chromotherapy can use colour and light to balance energy wherever a person’s body is lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. Colour Therapy can be used for any problem whether, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual for specific problems as well as an over all relaxation therapy. Colour Therapy can be used safely and effectively - either alone or alongside any other therapy, whether complementary or orthodox medicine - for adults, children, babies and non-human animals alike. (However, no complementary therapy should ever be considered as an alternative to orthodox medical advice.) Colour energy can be the catalyst for our healing process and encourages normal and healthy workings of the body. Colour Therapy should not be something you just go to a therapist to ‘have done to you’. Colour is everywhere and should be utilized as part of our everyday life. A professional Colour Therapist can explain and advise you on how you can use colour at home for health and wellbeing. The aim is to refocus a dull organ into a bright one by light application through particular colored glasses. We discuss below colour in visualization therapy. The Western world mourns in black. They marry in white. Colours vibrate at a particular rate. A colour is what it is because of its vibrations. Different vibrations in light bulbs reflect the colour that they produce. Strobe lights do have a particular effect on me because of their vibration patterns. Brilliance is seen as the universal intelligence. White represents cleanliness. Red represents power and the power to direct the power. Rose is spiritual beauty. Pink is romantic and affectionate. Orange represents gut instinct to speed up or slow down. Peach creates the feeling of a safe environment. Brown is a stable earthy colour. Yellow gives the idea of striving. Gold is a colour of having arrived it does not seek it already has found. Green provides balance and peace as in the Muslim concept of heaven and “He makes me lie down in green pastures”. Turquoise represents emotional control. Blue represents knowledge. Indigo is devotion. Purple reflects time in all of its dimensions. Violet is

Plum already has what others are striving for. Grey is between sweetness and sorrow. Silver is for waxing and waning. Pearl is the colour between acceptance and rejection. Bright yellow poui trees, a setting sun or a rainbow with its myriad of colours including purple and violet are said to be healing colours. In the Northern Hemisphere the polar lights known as the aurora borealis are a very welcome sight. Lights are part of the spectrum of energy waves ranging from radio waves, cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible lights, to infrared waves. Fall and spring in the temperate zones of the world are also very pleasing times to the eyes and ultimately the spirit. Colour captures our attention and throws us into the dance of beauty surrounding us. I know that these sights turn my moods into happier ones. Colours vibrate into our own body. Colour functions as an ambassador to nature as it brings to our energy, bodies, spirit, and soul and minds the messages of nature. This was the basis of putting stained glass windows into churches so the light radiating through them would motivate our souls. The sunrays were used for healing. The Hindus and the Egyptians used gems and sunlight in healing processes. A suntan is still seen by many as radiating health. Certain mosques were tiled with certain patterns of colour to help uplift spirits of the faithful. So too is the intended effect in the use of pigment for body ornamentation and the light coming through crystals. Sun light has a full range of colour. Lack of sunlight in winter gives people the blues or what some call seasonal affective disorder. Artists use colour to convey their meaning. Some light bulbs deprive you of factors that maintain your blood calcium levels so the colour reflected in light is a critical agent. There were seven basic colours each with a complementary colour. Red with turquoise, blue with orange, orange with blue, yellow with violet, green with magenta, gold with indigo, and violet with yellow. Thus two other colors have been added turquoise and magenta. The first seven colours were matched to the seven chakras. It is said that the more conscious we are of our surroundings the more colours we perceive. Persons are associated with auras. The colours surrounding the body are called the rainbow field. The colour of a person’s aura is determined by their state of health. Breathe in the colours of a beautiful vista it helps make you feel better. Think of a bright blue light in the centre of your forehead focus on it and feel energized and rejuvenated. The colour blue also represents knowledge. Keep looking out for more in the next issue. For more you can email the writer at

January - March 09


Sex can be a real stress-buster, but it’s no stretch of the imagination that your sex-life can take a nose dive when the hardships of life take over. When you factor in work deadlines, balancing work and personal relationships all while trying to absorb the ever increasing amount of information it takes to just function in today’s world soon enough your once active sex-life can seem like a distant memory. But not to worry we have a few tips to help you ressurect your sex life even in the face of all that stress you’re dealing with.

Get help -

If there are ways to minimize the amount of obligations you have on your plate then find them and let them help you. The more personal time you have the less likely it is that stress will creep into your life and unhinge things, leaving you more time to concetrate on enjoying your sex life.

Take a sex day off – This is essentially a

day off where you committ to only having sex or letting out some aspect of your sexual side. And don’t worry about finding the time to take a day off because if you organize your to do list in-terms of your highest to lowest priorities you will see that there is always room to move things around. Besides, if you were sick you couldn’t function on a given day anyway, so consider your sex-day off a sick day for your mental health.

Set the mood – Taking the time to

set the mood beforehand can help to relieve the stress and rekindle


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your desires. Try turning the lights down low or substituting them for aromatic candles which also have the added benefit of helping you relax with the power of soothing smells. To complete the mood try having some of your favourite music playing in the background. The combination of soft lights, soothing smells and good music should get you completely relaxed and in the mood for what is going to happen afterwards.

Play through the pain – Rather than letting

yourself get even more stressed out by the fact that your sex drive seems to be dwindling just tell yourself that you don’t have a problem and make yourself work overtime on trying to rekindle your sense of passion. Actively try to find ways to transform your sex life back into what it was or even make it better. Soon enough you should find that your old desires will find their way back into your system and you will be back on your way to having your sex-life back to normal.

Take a long shower – Sometimes the idea of

a long shower can itself be relaxing, but nothing beats the real thing. Allowing water to wash over your muscles can have the effect of easing the tension within them and setting your mind at ease. To enhance the feeling you can try aromatic body washes or body oils. Floral scents can have a calming effect, while lavender scents help to ease the mind.

Try something new – No matter how stressed

out you are it’s a virtual guarantee that your sexual appetite will restart itself if you add a new, exciting dimension to it. Successfully trying a new position or product will undoubtedly have you looking forward to trying it again and again, which will see you rekindling your sex life in no time.

Janet settled in front of the television, comfortable in her thick, warm sweatshirt and old pyjama bottoms, eating a bowl of icecream. “So what if it’s Friday night and I have nowhere to go or anyone to go there with,” she thought to herself. Taking another healthy scoop of ice-cream it occurs to her that this is the fourth consecutive month that she had started the weekend like this, and by all indications the weekend was going to unfold the way it always did. She’d fall asleep watching TV on Friday night, do chores all day Saturday then visit with her married best friend Claire for a few hours before coming home and wasting away in front of the television. On Sunday it was church then home again. As she sat there playing with what was left of the ice-cream in her bowl the reality of her life hit her like a ton of bricks. Her 46th birthday was only weeks away, she had no boyfriend or prospective one, and she could practically hear her biological clock ticking away like the ominous countdown of a bomb moments away from exploding. She’s spent most of her life hungrily climbing the professional ladder and she’d gotten where she wanted to be, a decent job, nice house, nice car, nice savings account. But as she sat there watching the bluish tint of the television cover her it suddenly dawned on her – she was lonely. The prospect of getting older with no-one to share your life with, especially when society has led you to consider yourself past your prime, can be partcularly difficult for a single woman to deal with. But the truth is that you don’t have to let it get you down. In fact as long as you are healthy and in a healthy mental state you have no reason to let turning 45 send you spiralling into a depression that will only serve to rob you of opportunites to have the things you want. The first step in your turnaround, according to Jane Ganahl, editor of the book Single Women of a Certain Age is changing your perception of being single. “Become the person you want to date! If you want a vibrant, successful person in your life, work hard to make yourself the same. People of either sex who feel diminished by being single will come across that way,” Ganahl asserts. The next step ladies, is to force yourself to get out of the house and meet people. Contrary to popular belief there is no meeting place where singles gather to hook-up with each other, you

have to actively seek out places and involve yourself in activities and hope you meet someone. You can try scholarly courses in areas such as information technology or auto repair, or you can do volunteer work in churches or other goodwill organizations. Your next bet is to launch pre-emptive strikes against feelings of loneliness, according to an article posted on www. it helps to schedule activities on days when you are most likely to feel lonely. That way you’ll be too busy to think about how lonely you are. And don’t wait till Friday morning to start planning an activity for Friday night, try planning way in advance say for example on Tuesday. The next step is one that a lot of women have problems coming to terms with. Most of them have very specific criteria for men they claim they could become romantically interested in and this is often their own worst enemy. With such a high bar on who you see yourself dating you could be eliminating a bunch of men who could make you just as happy as the types you claim to be interested in. So ladies it might be in your best interest to lower your standards a little. Not so much that you include the outright losers, but just enough to widen your net. Your life isn’t waiting to start after you’ve accomplished the things you think will validate you, life is happening today, right now. So stop letting it pass you by as you sit in your house moping, get out there and see what the dating world has to offer. And if you approach it ambitiously enough, with these tips in mind, a couple of years from now you and your significant other will be laughing about how hard you thought life was back when you were single.

January - March 09


Women are g e n e r a l l y conditioned to let themselves stay on the receiving end of romantic interest because it’s largely considered unlady-like to make romantic advances to men. In fact some consider it as just plain desperate. But the times are changing ladies and with all the strides women are making in the social and professional arenas its about time that you started getting more aggressive in the romance department as well. Since it’s far easier said than done to get over years of conditioning to let yourselves wait on men to take you, here are a few tips to help you speed up the process.

Stay close to him – The logic behind this idea is that how close

you stand to a man suggests how intimate you would like to become with him. When you stand within arms reach of a person it sends the message that you want to be touched since it is highly unlikely that the person will avoid touching you in the first place. So, ladies, when you stand so close to him that he can’t help but touch you, you’re sending the right message.

Position yourself openly towards him – You stand openly

when you present your full body squarely in his direction. This essentially suggests that you are giving him the opportunity to have his way with all parts presented to him, a clear sign of romantic interest.

Copy his body language – As they say imitation is the sincerest

form of flattery, and when you copy the way he moves and carries himself it suggests that you admire his movements and by extension him as well. It may seem awkward to him at first but soon enough he will get the picture.

Accentuate your best features for him – If your best

features are your breasts, or your butt or even your legs, find outfits that accentuate these features for him and make sure he knows that you wore them for him. With this technique he will get a sneak peak of what may be coming to him, a move that is sure to make him want you.

Let innocent touches linger – Fix his collar and touch his neck

or check the time on his watch while grabbing his wrist and let the contact linger a little. When you are constantly putting your body against his for extended periods of time he will have no choice but to think that you want him to make a move.


Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine


ention the word “pilates” to most men and almost immediately they think of a bunch of women with their bodies stretched and contorted in all sorts of weird positions. But according to fitness trainers and experts all over the world, the notion that pilates are exercises for women only is a misconception. Pilates was in fact created by a German-born gymnast and boxer called Joseph Pilates, whose aim was to help develop the body’s core muscle groups, namely the spine, abdominals, hips and lower back. The technique immediately found favour with female dancers and gymnasts and for years attracted a mostly female crowd. However in recent times the exercise technique has been rediscovered by male professional athletes and fitness trainers around the world, who are more than impressed with the results. Some of the men on that list include, pro-golfer Tiger Woods, NBA star Jason Kidd and most of the men on the New Zealand cricket team. If you’re still not convinced, here are some health benefits that taking a Pilates class can provide for men in particular according to experts. The Exercise: 1. Reduces risk of prostate cancer in men over 50 Doctors believe that the deterioration of a man’s pelvic floor muscles can predispose him to developing prostate cancer after he passes 50, but by practicing pilates men over this age can strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, effectively reducing their risk of developing prostate cancer. 2. Reduces tension in your muscles Men’s muscles tend to become very tight and inflexible during continuous exercise, especially where that exercise focuses on strength training through weight-lifting. The stretching exercises associated with pilates can help to ease the tension in muscles causing them to become more flexible and relaxed allowing the body an increased range of motion. 3. Provides back pain relief With its focus on helping to realign the spine to its natural ‘S’ position, pilates will help to undo the damage done to your lower back muscles caused by the use of poor posture throughout the day as we slouch in front of computers or the television. 4. Helps increase your natural strength and stamina By focusing on developing your core muscles – muscles found around your spine, hips, abdominals and lower back – through toning and stretching them, as well as correcting your posture your natural strength and stamina will increase as your muscles start to function optimally.

January - March 09


Up until a man reaches thirty it’s a forgone conclusion that we have massive sexual appetites. After that age however, when the hormone responsible for giving us that sexual energy, testosterone, starts to gradually dip then things start to get questionable. Whereas a man could have had sex ten times a day when he was in his teens and early twenties, once he hits thirty more than twice daily is asking too much and those Viagra commercials seem a lot more appealing. Not to worry though men, there are ways to naturally boost your libido and get you in the mood more often. We can’t guarantee that you will be doing it as often as you did when you were younger, but with these techniques you should definitely see marked improvement.

Exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet

We know you’ve seen this sentence before in every health magazine you’ve ever picked up in your life but that’s only because it’s true. Getting regular workouts and eating a balanced diet helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which enhances testosterone production. According to scientific research body fat breaks down and absorbs testosterone, especially around the stomach area. So your best bet is to stay in shape.

Cut down on alcoholic drinks

To paraphrase the drunken porter in Shakespeare’s Macbeth alcohol stimulates desire but takes away from the performance. Not to mention excessive drinking can lead to impotence, which is a problem no man wants to deal with.

Stay stress free

When your mind is at ease you give your body the leeway to function at its best, especially in the sex


department. On the other hand when the body is weighted down by the tensions caused by stress it can cause us to feel tired and completely disinterested in sex.

Eat aphrodisiacs

Some foods have been proven to stimulate sexual desires and incorporating these into your diet can do a world of good for your libido. Oysters are full of fertility-boosting zinc, while chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins which help create a feeling of all around well being within the body.

Be physical with your partner outside the bedroom

Constantly touching your partner in sensual and erotic ways will keep you in a constant state of arousal making enjoying sex a much more natural experience.

Herbal supplements

Herbs such as ginko biloba have been shown to improve blood circulation to the brain and sexual organs, helping to boost your feelings of sexual arousal and happiness. Also, the ‘yohimbe’ herb, which is known as natural Viagra has been shown to improve erectile potency as well as help combat sexual dysfunction.

If you’re a man and you’re actively thinking about cheating on your spouse, you might want to think twice before you go through with it because you could end up dead. No we don’t mean that your wife or girlfriend will kill you if she finds out, although that is a likely possibility. According to recent scientific research the pressures of trying to sustain a relationship with a wife or girlfriend and a mistress can lead to the generation of intense migraines in men that can eventually cause blood vessels in the brain to burst, sometimes fatally. President of the Italian Society for the Study of Migraines, Lorenzo Pinessi, a Neurologist by profession, told a conference in Milan, Italy earlier this year that after studying hundreds of male patients who experience constant migraines, those who were worst affected were continually unfaithful to their committed spouses. “It can trigger extremely strong migraine attacks lasting up to three hours. In three to four percent of cases they may cause a cerebral aneurysm. The danger increases if the relationship is illicit or extra-marital,” Pinessi said. The headaches, Pinessi went on, could be exacerbated by the use of “performance enhancing drugs, physical strain and psychological stress caused by the need to keep the relationship a secret”.

Strangely enough, Pinessi noted, there did not seem to be any such reaction in women. “It would appear that men have a more severe feeling of guilt when cheating, which leads to increased stress and tension,” he said. His advice to serial cheaters, stop cheating and schedule a brain scan with your doctor as soon as possible to determine your brain’s health status. Meanwhile, Pinessi also noted that the more sex the cheater has outside of his steady relationship the more at risk he/she becomes for developing the killer migraines because of the heavy strain placed on the heart. Additionally, the position that one chooses could also have an effect. Pinessi says that cheaters are better choosing positions that don’t put too much strain on the heart, particularly those which have the man on his feet for extended periods. Some of the more outrageous positions listed in books such as the Kama Sutra are also out.

January - March 09


There once was a time when cheating simply meant that you either kissed, had sex with, or did something sexual with a woman other than the one you’re in a committed relationship with. In the present age of emotional sensitivity however, the dividing line between cheating has been blurred and shifted all over the place, and now things which may have seemed perfectly harmless to men are now acts of infidelity. In order to save men from a bunch of arguments that they will never win, here are a few of these new acts that have now come to be classified as cheating according to the opposite sex. Dancing closely with another woman – According to an online survey women consider the way a man dances with a woman as indicative of the way they would like to handle the woman in the bedroom and therefore if he starts to dance closely with another woman he has automatically crossed into unfriendly territory no matter who he is dancing with. So even in dancehall circles where close dancing seems to be the order of the day, a man is better off standing with his arms folded, enjoying the music rather than trying to dance with another woman. Sharing an emotional relationship with another woman – If a man has a woman who he keeps as a close confidant, it is highly likely that his significant other may consider it what is now called emotional cheating. Women like to know that they are the most significant woman in their man’s life - after his mother and grandmother of course – and the thought that there is another women who can get their man to open up about serious things, perhaps even better than she can, will drive a woman insane with jealousy and she will consider you cheating on her. Continuous flirting – If your woman finds out that you have on ongoing flirtatious relationship with the hot, young receptionist at your office prepare to have it out with her because she will definitely think you’re cheating. Its one thing to make a flirtatious remark to a woman you probably won’t meet again but when there is a specific woman who you’ve made a routine out of flirting with it suggests that there may be more than passing interest there. This is easily classified as cheating. Cyber-sex – These days one of the newest crazes in the chat rooms all over the internet is to have cyber sex, which basically involves typing out all the sexual things you would like to do to another person, and in extreme cases masturbating. An online survey found that virtually all women asked, considered this to be cheating since it suggests that you are seeking sexual gratification outside of your committed relationship, no matter how harmless it may actually be. Having a close female friend you never mention to her – It’s natural to have friends that your woman doesn’t know anything about, chances are they are people who aren’t really that important to you so it doesn’t matter if she knows them or not. But if you have a close female friend that you have never told your woman about then it’s highly likely she’ll consider you to be keeping secrets of a really personal nature from her. Cheating like many things is a relative concept and it’s recommended that you and your partner get together and discuss what you both consider cheating to be before you both get involved any further. Still with the aforementioned pointers you should be able to steer clear of the doghouse because of suspicions of cheating.


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To identify and implement the needs for sustainable development in Jamaica in the areas of health, the environment and education. The appropriate programmes will then be funded by grants from our strategic investments and with our alliance partners.


Suite #15, Eden Gardens, 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I Te: (876) 927-3040/978-0653, Fax: (876) 978-0602 Email: Website:


Our vision for the future is one in which the Environmental Health Foundation is a recognized leader in enhancing the quality of people’s lives. We embrace the challenge of strengthening the capabilities of the Environmental Health Foundation and seizing strategic opportunities to achieve this vision.

It’s not surprising if you are one of the dozens of consumers all over the world still trying to decide which of the two hottest headsets available now that you’d like to get. Understandably it’s a hard decision since there is so much talk being generated about both the BlackBerry Bold and the iPhone smartphones. So to help you decide which of the two you’d like to get here’s a side by side comparison based on specifications for both phones that we’ve picked up all over the internet.

Dimensions Blackberry Bold: 127mm in length, 66mm wide and 12.7mm thick. It weighs 133g. iPhone 3G: 115.5mm length, 62.1mm wide and 12.3mm thick, weighs 133g.


BlackBerry Bold: 480 x 320 resolution. iPhone 3G: 480 x 320 resolution. Most reviewers give the upper hand to the Blackberry’s screen in terms of its visuals, however the iPhone’s screen scores big the durability department since it is far more scratch and dent resistant.

User Interface

Blackberry Bold: Trackball and typical Blackberry menu functions. iPhone 3G: Touch-screen display.

Storage Capacity

Both phones are available in 8 GB and 16 GB.

Operating Systems

Blackberry Bold: The Bold sports the updated version 4.6 of its trademark software. Its new features reportedly include DocumentsToGo which allows for easy reading and editing of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documents, full html email support and iTunes integration. iPhone 3G: The iPhone runs on Apple’s own operating system, OS X, and although it doesn’t support basic features such as cut and paste, the phone’s operating system gets a passing grade from tech-nuts all around.

Battery Life

Blackberry Bold: 5 hour talk time iPhone 3G: 8 hour talk time


BlackBerry Bold: 3G HSDPA, plus integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. iPhone 3G: 3G HSDPA, plus integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


Blackberry Bold: 2 megapixel with flash iPhone 3G: 2 megapixel without flash


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We could go on and on about either phone, and the truth is which phone you choose depends largely on which brand you’ve been a fan of longest. Corporate types tend to prefer the Blackberry because of its versatile e-mail and document viewing capabilities, while the average joe consumer tends to prefer the iPhone because of its internet capabilities. However both phones are quite capable of making converts out of their biggest detractors and show that manufacturers aren’t hesitant to set an extremely high bar with their products to please their consumers.

Most young college students often find themselves in the awkward position of relying on their parents to finance their education as well as most of their other expenses, while putting themselves on the road to personal independence. And for many students in this category college is the first place where they find themselves actively needing to manage their own finances since in most cases they receive monthly or weekly allowances from their parents to use as they please.

student loan money runs dry or if mom and dad come up short on cash for whatever reason.

Take advantage of student discounts

Tons of places offer student discounts but for some of these places if you don’t ask then you’d never find out that they do. Needless to say it’s always better to spend less than you have to.

How to create a career portfolio

Like all things in life however, proper money management requires practice, and many a rookie college student has found him/herself out of pocket before their next allowance is due because of poor money management techniques. To help keep you out of this sticky situation here are a few useful tips you can use.

Talk to someone who’s been there

You’re never too old to ask for advice, and you should do it at the first sign of financial difficulties. In most cases colleges have Student Services Centres that will provide you with help and advice in managing your finances. Plus there are bound to be dozens of ordinary students like yourself on the campus who have learned over the years to put to good use the allowances they get, and can provide you with practical solutions.

Set a budget and stick to it

The best way to keep track of your money is to categorize where it all should go. Allot yourself specific amounts for specific needs, books, groceries, entertainment and leisure making sure to allot more than you will need in case of unforeseen circumstances. Having on paper a plan as to where each penny is to go will make you feel much better about spending your money.

Try to save money between semesters

If you get the chance to work during the Christmas or summer holidays ensure that you put away a little nest egg for a rainy college day. This money will definitely come in handy if your

Borrow and/or buy second hand school supplies

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that getting something for free is always better than paying for it so if you have the opportunity to borrow a laptop or textbook you need then don’t pass it up. Not to mention second hand supplies are always cheaper than brand new ones, so as long as they’re in good working condition then buying them is a no-brainer.

Eat in your cafeteria

Most people will tell you that if you want to save money you should cook meals yourself. The truth is that a lot of the time the school cafeterias have reasonably priced food and when the cost of using these is worked out it’s comparable or perhaps only slightly more expensive than cooking your own meals. Still if you can strike a balance between eating in the cafeterias and cooking for yourself you’re well on your way to saving money on the cost of feeding yourself.

Bargain hunt

As stupid as it might sound there’s nothing wrong with walking from store to store find the best price on macaroni. If you add up the spare dollars you would have saved had you bothered to go to another store that offered a lower price on an item you wanted I guarantee you will be surprised at how much the final figure is. With all the classes and coursework you’ll be doing the last thing you need is to have your financial life giving you unnecessary grief. And with these tips and a little will power you should be well on your way to having a stress free financial life while you’re in college.

January - March 09


Contributed by: Richard Grossett, Bsc. Environmental Health, Hons Member of JAPHI(Jamaica Association for Public Health Inspectors)


ost of us are fully aware of the crucial role played by health care professional such as doctors, nurses, pharmacist, medical technologist, and dentists. Physicians which range from pediatricians to surgeons and other specialist are trained to treat, cure and alleviate diseases, injuries and health problems by applying therapeutic measures which often include pharmaceutical drugs. Also most of these therapeutic measures would not be effective without the hands on health care services provided by nurses when individuals are being overcome by the sufferings of afflictions. Most illnesses would not be remedied without drugs such as painkillers and antibiotics, which are prepared and dispensed by pharmacists. Physicians would not be able to determine an effective treatment without first knowing what disease conditions a patient has, without serological tests done by medical technologists to confirm which pathogens exist in the blood and other body tissues. We are aware of the vital role dentists plays in ensuring the health of our mouth. However how much do we know about the health contributions made by the Environmental Health Officers which are also known as Sanitarians, Health Protection Officer, Public Health Inspector or Health Inspector? Most individuals believe the Public Health Inspector are workers who only visit residential premises to ensure adequate toilet facilities and proper solid waste management practice, they are not aware of the diversity of the Public Health Inspector’s career. In a nutshell the public health inspector’s role is simply to prevent, control and minimize disease conditions by focusing on the environmental and behavioral aspects which can result in countless diseases and environmental problems. The Public Health Inspector also enforces the Public Health Act and Regulations which act as a guide in executing health protection and environmental health protection duties. Public Health Inspectors are trained scientists who act as guardians or protectors of our health. However, they are usually highlighted when health hazards occur. The contributions that Public Health Inspectors make towards the health of the nation are not as obvious as other health professionals such as doctors, nurses, etc. This is because these other health practitioners provide their health services after we become ill hence their association with our health is clear. Some of the sectors where Public Health Inspectors apply their technical skills, and scientific knowledge to promote and maintain the public and environmental health are as follows:

Food Safety

Public Health Inspectors carry out food inspection at all food establishments such as supermarkets, food shops, restaurants, food processing plants and also issuing food establishment licenses if the establishment meet public health standard . The Public Health Inspector also has the authority to close unsatisfactory establishments. Health promotion, health interviews and examinations are also carried out at food handlers’ clinics by Public Health Inspector, on individuals who handle food that are being sold to the public. This will help to determine if a food handler’s permit is to be granted.

Meat Inspection

Thi s includes ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection carried out on pigs, oxen, goats, sheep etc. to ensure that these animals do not pass any pathogenic diseases into our food chains. Meat that is fit for human consumption is stamped and passed. Due to the high incidences of tumors, cancers and fibroids in our population we should always ensure that the meat that we consume is stamped. Poultry inspection is also done at poultry processing plants. In large plants the Health Inspector may inspect up 12,000 chickens per hour!!!. Such Health Inspectors are highly skilled and trained to scientifically locate and detect diseases conditions within seconds. On some products such as whole chicken and corned beef you will find indications that the product was inspected and passed.

Water Quality Control

Public Health Inspectors are also responsible for the testing of drinking water safety. The potabilty of water is determined by conducting chlorine tests and sending samples to the public health lab for microbiological analysis. These tests are carried out at water


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supply facilities such as water treatment plants, reservoirs, wells, springs, rivers etc. the aim of preventing the incidence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever. Occasionally water supply sources have to be abandoned and/or treated due to dangerous bacteria or viruses which the Public Health Inspector has discovered.

Vector Control

Fatal vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, elephantiasis are caused by mosquitoes. Public Health Inspectors help to locate and eliminate mosquito breeding sites by dispatching vector control teams which spray and oil mosquito breeding sites. Since the 2006 malaria outbreak in Jamaica, Public Health Inspectors islandwide have been actively conducting Malaria surveys in communities, screening individuals, implementing mosquito control programs to control the malaria cases. Rodent and fly control programs are also implemented since these pests are carriers of leptospirosis and gastrointestinal diseases respectively.

Port Health

Public Health Inspectors who are based at airports and seaports ensure that diseases from foreign countries are not brought into the island from infected passengers, pets, and materials. If diseases are suspected the Public Health Inspector is authorized to quarantine the vessels until the disease cases are treated and are no longer contagious.

Occupational Health and Safety

Health hazards can occur in workplaces such as accidents, injuries and the development of diseases and health disorders such as cancer, asbestosis and noise induced hearing loss. The Public Health Inspectors may also be an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist and they ensure that protective gears are available, working conditions are suitable and the environment is not detrimental to workers’ health.

STI’s Control

There are Public Health Inspectors who are employed as specialists called Contact Investigators who conduct STI’s control programmes. Their roles include interviewing infected persons, facilitating screening, referring them to treatment and locating all individuals who have sexual relations with the infected persons. These specialists are working to promote healthy sexual behaviors and safe sex, the role they play are particularly vital in controlling the spread of the deadly HIV/AIDS virus which is of utmost concern both locally and globally. Public Health Inspectors may inspect license premises including barbershops and hairdresser salons, markets, bars, ships, slaughter houses and even morgues. Though Public Health Inspectors are generally suited to numerous sectors, some receive additional training to become specialist in these sectors. Some of these specialists are in Veterinary Public Health, Vector Control, Building Plans and Development, Wastewater, Occupational Health and Food Safety. Public Health Inspectors are always in high demand in Jamaica and in other countries. The work is so diverse that the impact of the profession affects almost all aspects of our life, such as our food, children, homes, work, recreation, water and so on. Despite the small number, Public Health Inspectors have help to eliminate and/or control a number of diseases that were endemic in Jamaica such as cholera, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, malaria and dengue fever. Public Health Inspector’s job is as important as that of any other in the health profession since the focus is on protecting our health through prevention. This can be supported by the saying that “prevention is better than a cure”, especially since many disease and their conditions result in irreparable emotional, physical or economical consequences, and that is if the disease can be cured.

Institution Health

Under the Child Care Regulations the Public Health Inspector promotes and protects the health of our children including preschoolers by carrying out inspections at early child institutions such as basic schools, daycare centres and nurseries. These along with other institutions such as other schools, hospitals, clinics, infirmaries are all inspected to ensure that they meet public health standards.

Environmental Health Control

Public Health Inspectors also enforce the Public Health laws as they carry out environmental health risk assessment and environmental health pollution prevention. Proposed burial sites are inspected to determine if there will be contamination of ground water supplies and the immediate environs. Measurement and monitoring of air quality, toxic waste and noise pollution from factories are also done by Public Health Inspectors to minimize contamination of the atmosphere and the environment.

January - March 09



n today’s fast-paced world where people are finding it harder and harder to pursue a higher education while working full time online degrees can be a real lifesaver. Needless to say the internet has given birth to the information age making it possible for transmission of information all over the world in literally seconds. And not surprisingly educational institutions, as well as several other types of organizations, have capitalized on this technological breakthrough to offer training and educational courses to interested persons all over the world. Still, distance education has not been introduced without a few drawbacks, which every person contemplating this method of study should be aware of before going any further. The first and most important consideration that must be undertaken before pursuing an online degree is whether you will receive a real, accredited degree at the end of your studies or something not worth the paper it’s printed on. According to fake degree expert John Bear, co-author of Degree Mills, faking degrees is a billion dollar industry with thousands of fake online degrees and diplomas sold every week across the globe. Some fake degree operations, called degree mills, are straightforward about the nature of their business telling their customers that they are providing identical copies of degrees from real schools, complete with watermarks and school seals. Others, however, are far more complicated telling victims that their courses are fully accredited and legal, even though they require no actual work on the part of their “students”. Some go a step further to provide “verification” services to fool persons calling to verify whether a degree is real or to find out whether individuals truly attended the “schools” from which they received the fake degree. The fake degree operations which are considered most dangerous however are those unaccredited programmes that provide work and exams for their students but which are in the end unaccredited by regional and/or national education boards. Having undergone all the work they needed to earn what they believed was a legitimate degree the participants emerge no more qualified than before and out of pocket for the cost of the programme.


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The website, which aims to help eliminate online degree scams, offers these seven signs to help indicate whether an online degree is a scam or a phony. •

It promises a degree in no-time.

• You can’t contact real, living persons about the programme. •

Online forums and blogs have nothing positive to say about the programme.

• The respective government education agencies have never heard about the programme. • The site talks about getting your degree without elaborating about the educational requirements to help you do so. • It sounds too good to be true financially and in terms of the work requirements. • You can’t find out whether the programme is accredited. Another issue most online degree programmes don’t prepare its students for is the possibility that their degrees will be treated with disdain by employers. Because of the prevalence of online degree scams their reputation has taken a major hit and needless to say many employers are very skeptical about hiring on the basis of online degrees, especially for persons with postgraduate qualifications. According to a 2001 survey of human resources professionals by, only 26% of the respondents considered an online degree as credible as a traditional one, 61% considered the online degree acceptable but less credible, while 13% found the online-earned degree unacceptable. Online graduate degrees were found to be as credible as traditional ones by only 37% of the respondents. The study also showed however that specific industries were more tolerable of online degree holders. The industries with the best numbers from the Vault study were Internet/New Media with 70% projected acceptance, Technology (46%), High Tech (44%), and Marketing/Media(29%). Areas like Medicine and Law based on the study were the least likely to accept online credentials.

Still, at the end of the day there is no real reason to discount

pursuing an online degree as the experience can be just as rewarding as earning a degree from a traditional institution. Your best bet before you start however is to do your homework on the school or agency offering the programme and ensure that it is reputable and accredited. Good luck.

By now we all have been inundated with talk of the economic crisis in the United States and all the negative spin off effects it is projected to cause globally. While most of us in the Caribbean are yet to truly feel the effects of the economic crisis the fact is that it is only a matter of time before we do, and with that in mind we should be taking all the preventative measures we can, as we would when facing a natural disaster. No matter our economic and financial standing, none of us can truly predict the force with which the economic crisis will affect us and our families and so our best bet is to start taking steps to batten down so we can be ready when things really start to hit home. It is however a virtual guarantee that the Caribbean should start to feel the effects by April next year. And to help you with the looming financial storm here are a few tips to cut costs and save money in 2009. • Review your diet as well as your spending on groceries to see if you can come up with cost effective ways of providing healthy, inexpensive meals. Buy goods in bulk where possible and try to devise creative meal plans so that all areas of your diet are catered for. • Eliminate impulse buying from your life. If you were to add up all the money you spend on things that are not absolutely necessary you are guaranteed to startle yourself at how much money you actually waste on things you don’t need. But if you simply can’t do without some luxury items then create a budget for them and force yourself not to go overboard. • Cut or drastically reduce your credit card debt. Credit cards are perhaps the number one cause of unnecessary debt for the average consumer, so if you can drastically reduce your dependence on them you are already on the path to saving money. When you do utilize your credit cards however, make special effort to pay your bills on time to avoid penalties. • Trade your gas guzzling vehicle for one with much better mileage in order to save on weekly petrol expenses. Ensuring that your tyres are properly inflated and that your car is regularly serviced will also help you to save money on gas. You can also consider carpooling with friends to collectively save on your gas expenses. • Get rid of the “throw away” mentality and force yourself to recycle more of your belongings. If your shoes are scuffed or slightly damaged consider repairing them rather than replacing them; and rather than buying a new outfit whenever you plan to go out, consider mixing and matching old outfits to give yourself a new look. • Another way of cutting costs is to make some of the foodstuffs you typically buy from the supermarkets. So instead of buying fruit drinks from the supermarket how about making your own, or making pies and jams from old fruit. You can also consider starting your own fruit or vegetable garden. Ever consider growing tomatoes in a pot


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in your backyard? Well now might be the time to stop thinking and start practicing. • Make an effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that you can save on the amount of money you spend at the doctor each year. Doctor’s fees and the cost of medication can be very high and anything you can do to reduce your spending on these would be in your best interest. • Make a conscious effort to find ways to entertain yourself that don’t require spending too much money. Rather than spending $3000 or $4000 to go to a party or to a nice restaurant, consider having dinner parties at home where each guest is asked to bring a dish. • Utilize text messages instead of lengthy phone calls, they cost less and can be just as effective. • Reduce the amount of times you use your electrical appliances such as washing machines, irons and dryers as these utilize large amounts of energy. •Shop around for the safest banks to do business with, as well as those whose interest rates are comparatively lower than others. (Adapted from the Flair Magazine article “24 Ways to Cut Costs, Save Money” published on Monday October 20)

Letters of Recommendation

As another of the customary documents required in any formal interview it would again be remiss of you not to have these as part of your portfolio. You should also take the opportunity to continually update your letters as you go higher up the ranks of your field.

Samples of your best work

Traditionally only persons in the art and design fields felt the need to develop career portfolios as their work obviously required visual representations of their skills. In recent times however persons in office related occupations have been utilizing career portfolios to create lasting impressions on their prospective employers, having realized that they are far better tools than a resume and application letter in presenting a rounded picture of who you are professionally. And while some persons like to go with the traditional binder, technology has allowed us to create even more elaborate designs that can be stored on personal storage devices or even the internet. The initial process of developing your career portfolio can be quite time consuming but once its up and running you will find that maintaining it will be a simple process. Not to mention you will have the added bonus of having an up to date record of your achievements that you can reach for whenever a job interview arises.

What should you include in your career portfolio:

Mission Statement or Summary of your Career Goals

This will convey in a nutshell for your prospective employer all that you stand for professionally, and which should also explain how your skills and attitudes will benefit any company to which you are employed.

Your Resume

As this is the standard document that is required by employers in all interviews it would be remiss of you not to include one in your career portfolio.

A list of qualities



You should provide a detailed exploration of your professional experience and interpersonal skills that you have developed up to the point of your job interview. This section should be very clear cut and specific, elaborating on the successes you have had in conducting your work related tasks.

A List of Your Awards and/or Special Achievements These are guaranteed to give you an edge while searching for a job since a special award from recognized personalities in your field is a major selling point for any employer.

Any salesman would tell you people are always more comfortable buying something that they can examine and evaluate for themselves. Therefore in selling yourself to a potential employer having samples of your best work on hand for the employer to evaluate will always work to your advantage.

Copies of your Certificates and Degrees

To ensure that there are no questions about whether you are certified in your field copies of your certificates and degrees, which hopefully are from reputable universities and/or colleges, should be included in your portfolio.

Information on Community Service or Volunteer Work

This type of information shows that you have diverse interests and are more than willing to be a team player, having worked with various other groups in the past to achieve special goals or objectives. With a career portfolio you are guaranteed to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the candidates vying for jobs in the professional arena. Not only will it say you are organized and efficient, depending on the nature of your portfolio it may also speak volumes about your creativity and efficiency. With that in mind get yourself on the track to standing out in the world of work and get started on your career portfolio today.

January - March 09


Give praise in front of others The one thing better than being appreciated by someone is being shown appreciation in front of other people. Public acknowledgement can be a great motivator because it not only makes the person receiving the compliment feel appreciated but it also boosts the employee’s reputation among those who don’t know them giving them respectability. Not to mention they may also feel the need to work twice as hard to maintain the reputation that was publicly bestowed upon them. Use bonuses Needless to say money can be a great motivator for employees since most employees only view work as a means to get paid, rather than a central part of their lives. So when faced with the possibility to increase their earning potential most employees will respond by motivating themselves.


ou don’t have to look far in any organization or place of business to find employees who think work is a drag, and they have good reason too. In the world of work it’s easy to fall into a routine of monotony. You get to work, pound it out until your coffee break, get back behind the desk until lunch, which provides the only period of undisturbed happiness even though the hour always seems to fly by faster than you realized, then it’s back to your desk until quitting time. As a manager/ surpervisor it’s more or less the same except you have the added task of keeping your employees on point. It is a universal truth however that it is much easier to work alongside people who are motivated and enthusiastic about their jobs, not to mention people like these tend to work harder as well. So it’s in any supervisor’s best interest to keep his staff motivated. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done. Boost their confidence by acknowledging good work Make it a point to find something that each of your employees does well and compliment them regularly about it. Make sure your compliment is about something genuine and ensure that you are sincere in letting them know how their task benefits the organization. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and it will go a long way towards an employee’s confidence to know that management thinks what they do matters.


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Give your employees a reason to care Studies have shown that most employees lose their appreciation for their work not because they aren’t getting the incentives they want but because they don’t have a reason to care about the goals of their organization. There are dozens of people who volunteer in companies or non-profit organizations for no money, why? Because they believe in the work. If you can give your employees a reason to believe in the work your company does then you won’t have to motivate them, they will do it themselves. Break the monotony Even the most productive of workers will start to lose focus due to the monotony of office procedures. The best managers accept that this will happen and take proactive steps to help employees deal with it. In dealing with this, more innovative companies have opted for scheduled playtimes within the office, or regular company outings with very positive results. Use reverse psychology by prefacing tasks given to them with “I don’t know it you can handle this” When phrased in such a manner any employee worth his salt will try to go out of their way to prove to their employer that they can handle the task given to them, essentially motivating him/herself. Be careful not to use this technique too often however as it can come across as condescending, and can have the opposite effect.

So after sending out resume after resume you’ve managed to land that all important interview. Here are a few tips to help you sail past this stage of the job-hunting exercise and hopefully help you progress to the next stage – employment.

Research the company

You will surely impress your prospective employer if you’re able to recite facts about his company. It not only suggests that you are pragmatic and not afraid to immerse yourself in projects, it also suggests that you will hit the ground running by doing all the legwork necessary to succeed in your new post.

Be early

Punctuality is a quality that all employers respect because it shows knowledge of the concept of professional courtesy on your part, and also suggest that you appreciate the need for timeliness in the working world.

Dress appropriately

It is always better to be overdressed for an interview rather than underdressed. Dressing appropriately suggests that you are aware of the role appearances play in the professional world, and that you hold both the company and position you are being hired to fill with high esteem.

Practice responding to potential questions

When you practice your answers you will be much more comfortable in reciting them to your interviewer which will make you appear much more confident and strong, which are qualities all employers look for in potential employees. Ensure also that your answers are detailed and cover most of if, not all of the possible tangents that could develop based on the question asked.

Maintain eye contact

This also ensures that you come across as confident and strong to your prospective employer.

Take along a portfolio

Make it a two sided interview

Even if it has little more than a few extra copies of your resume and a list of references you should enter your interview carrying a portfolio. This suggests that you are organized and took the time to adequately prepare for tasks, qualities which are highly regarded by employers.

You don’t want to go to the extreme of interviewing your interviewer, which is typically construed as impolite, but you should ask questions about the position during the interview, particularly about what the job entails. This suggests that you have an active interest in the position and it is also a good segue to sell your skills which make you suitable for the job. Armed with these tips passing your interview with flying colours should hopefully be much easier than you imagine. Good Luck.

January - March 09



etting up a successful small business is no easy feat by any means. It requires years of heavy planning, heavy financial investment, the work of dedicated and motivated employees, and most of all a marketable product. Still, most small businesses tend to fail within their first year of operation and largely because their owners fail to take note of the warning signs that tell them how much of a future the company has. If you’re wondering about the health of your own business read on and see how it matches up. Who knows? You could be poised for serious growth or it might just be time to update your resume.

Check your net worth – According to financial mogul

Donald Trump the most obvious way of assessing the health of your business is by checking your net worth. After printing up a balance sheet showing your company’s assets (everything owned by your business and everything owed to you) and its liabilities (outstanding debts), then subtracting the value of your debts from the value of your assets you will arrive at your net worth. Successful companies have robust assets and minimal debt and therefore a high net worth. Insolvent companies on the other hand are the opposite, and are likely to close their shutters soon unless something drastic happens in their favour.

Check your customer base – Another obvious way

to establish the health of your company is to simply examine your list of primary customers. If your list of customers is barely allowing you to make ends meet then your business is in a bad way but stands the chance of turning things around if some strategic marketing techniques are employed. However, if your customer base will always keep you in debt then you may as well start counting down to the day when you’ll close up for good. Needless to say a customer base which allows you to meet all your liabilities and turn a profit at the same time is a sign of a healthy business.

What’s your company’s focus? – If your company is constantly trying to add a new specialty to its list of services this is a telling sign that your company is grasping at straws to find ways to make itself profitable. It shows that the primary product or service the company offers has not taken off as expected and is in need of support from other ventures. Continuously trying to introduce new products however is most likely to be a step


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in the wrong direction as it exemplifies funds that could have been channeled into seeking the professional assistance you need to make your primary product a success.

Do your competitors consider you a threat? – If

you’ve been in business for a while and your competitors still don’t consider you a threat then it is quite clear that your products and services aren’t having the effect that you expected. You have to ask yourself what your competitors are doing that makes them register with their customers more than your business, and then find ways to approximate it in your business.

Are your employees constantly leaving? – If your

employees are constantly moving on to greener pastures then it’s quite plausible to assume that your company does not offer much prospects for career growth or financial gain. No matter how awful some bosses can be, if the company offers true scope for development then keeping its employees won’t be a problem. But if the company keeps losing employees then it’s quite possible that the health of the business is in jeopardy.

Be the one to break the ice

Once again, having gained the confidence to go to forums where they can network a lot of people still come away emptyhanded because they sit back and wait for others to engage them first. Even if it means putting your foot in your mouth you should always try to be the first one to engage the others in the room. If nothing else it says you have lots of self-confidence an attribute which instantly makes others gravitate to you in the long run.

Practice introducing yourself

Any business executive worth his salt will tell you that there are two keys to success in the professional world, knowing the right people and doing business with the right people. The obvious question then is how does one get to know the right people in order to do business with them. The answer has been around for decades and it’s called networking. Still the thought of having to network but knowing exactly how to go about it is one that can drive any upcoming professional crazy, especially when there are other people who seem to have the innate ability to walk into a room and instantly become the centre of attention.But just like any other ability in this life, with enough practice even the biggest introvert can become a networking genius. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Keep telling yourself networking is an investment not a nuisance

In the same way that actors are constantly asking themselves what their motivation is when they are about to begin a scene, you have to keep reminding yourself why the positives of networking outweigh the negatives. If you keep your eyes on the prize then pursuing a difficult task always becomes that much easier.

Ask open ended questions

Having mustered enough courage to put themselves in forums where they can network, many people often falter in engaging others because they ask ultraspecific questions. Rather than asking questions which elicit yes or no answers try asking questions or making comments that give people the room to sound off at length on various subjects.

While you might feel a little awkward doing this at first, practising your introduction can make a world of difference. It helps you to introduce yourself in a smooth, confident and completely natural way. And once you have this part of the conversation down you can spend more time working on tailoring the conversation to suit the nature of the event you are attending, and the persons involved.

Have personal stationery or paraphernalia

It’s easy to forget a name someone told you in the middle of a conversation, but it’s much harder to forget that name when it is attached to a tangible object given to you by that person. Do yourself a favor and get business cards printed up so you can hand them out at business forums. And if you want to be particularly memorable you can try getting different types of stationery such as pens or even keychains.

Follow up

The best way to ensure that a person remembers you after an initial conversation is to actually contact the person yourself afterwards. You don’t always need to have a specific reason to contact the person, sometimes just calling to say hello can work wonders too. Continuous follow up will help ensure that you are among the first persons your contact considers calling when a good opportunity comes along. January - March 09


No matter what their size is, the primary goal of all businesses is to turn a profit, and the only way to do it is to get your target consumers to do business with you. That however requires that people know your business exists, where to find it and what services you offer. And in order for that to happen you need to market yourself effectively. Here are a few tips from some experts to help get your business on the path to being popular and profitable.

Utilize your contacts – People tend to underestimate the

amount of contacts they actually have by discounting people they’ve met and interacted with both in and outside of their professional circles in the past. Even if a person does not seem to fit the criteria for your target market, they could know others who do and could just as easily pass on your brochure, or business cards or numbers to them on your behalf.

Align yourself with charities and community organizations – It may seem as though you’re in it for the wrong reasons but there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking a little self-promotion while you give back to your community. Pick a cause that feeds directly into your target market and spread some goodwill, while making sure those involved know exactly who to thank.

Focussed Networking – It doesn’t take a genius to

Establish Yourself as an Expert – If people regard you as

Ensure that your employees are able to sell the company on the spot – Stage seminars with your

Advertising – This is the most effective method available to all

understand that being in the same places as persons within your target market will put you in the perfect position to sell your products and services. Take the time to learn of any significant events, both formal and informal, which you can attend and meet the people to whom you can sell yourself and your company.

employees that will ensure that they are able to explain the goals and services of your business at the drop of a hat. In this way they should always be in a position to present a clear, concise, calculated and confident explanation to a prospective customer that can generate future sales.

Make specific aspects of your business unique – In

today’s business environment there are dozens of methods you can use to make yourself unique to your customers, but the trick is to remain consistent. Attributing specific taglines to specific products or have novelty items created and distributed to your


potential customers or having contests and giveaways are just some of the methods you can use to get started.

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an expert in your particular area of business then they are certain to want to toss business your way. There are dozens of ways to get yourself out there, including speaking at seminars, publishing articles in local newspapers or magazines or volunteering at related events. In time people will come to associate you with your product, and you may be able to generate sales based on your reputation alone.

scales of business and when utilized properly it can work to any business’ advantage. Advertising in newspapers and on television gets the specific message that you want out to your target market in exactly the format that you would like and has the potential to reach thousands of prospective customers at once. The key to the longevity of any business is to ensure that customers always know where to find it and how to access the services it provides, and effective marketing is the key to achieving that goal. With these strategies you should be able to launch your business into the profit margins that you know you deserve.

The Right Door

You are a participant in a quiz. The quizmaster shows you three closed doors. He tells you that behind one of these doors there is a prize, and behind the other two doors there’s nothing. You select one of the doors, but before you open it the quizmaster deliberately picks out a remaining empty door and shows that there is nothing behind it. The quizmaster offers you a chance to switch doors with the remaining closed door. Should you switch doors?

Answer: Yes. For the disbelieving few: consider the situation where there are 1000 doors instead of 3. After you have chosen one door, the quizmaster points out 998 of the 999 doors that are left, that do not contain the prize. Should you switch to the other remaining door? Of course! If, out of 999 doors, the quizmaster deliberately leaves that door, chances are very large (999/1000) that it is the right one!

Wise Traveller

Every day Fred takes the train to travel from his work back to his home. Usually he arrives at the train station at 6 o’clock and exactly at that moment he is picked up by his wife. Yesterday evening Fred took an earlier train without telling his wife and arrived at the train station at 5 o’clock instead of the usual 6. He decides to walk part of the way to meet his wife as she is coming to pick him up. After meeting her Fred drives home and arrives ten minutes earlier than his normal home arrival time. How long was Fred walking for when he eventually met his wife?

Answer: Fred’s wife needed to drive ten minutes less than Which Hat is which?

In a small village in the middle of nowhere, three innocent prisoners are sitting in a jail. One day, the cruel jailer takes them out and places them in a line on three chairs, in such a way that man C can see both man A and man B, man B can see only man A, and man A can see none of the other men. The jailer shows them 5 hats, 2 of which are black and 3 of which are white. After this, he blindfolds the men, places one hat on each of their heads, and removes the blindfolds again. The jailer tells his three prisoners that if one of them is able to determine the color of his hat within one minute, all of them are released. Otherwise, they will all be executed. None of the prisoners can see his own hat, and all are intelligent. After 59 seconds, man A shouts out the (correct) color of his hat! How does man A know the colour of his hat.

Answer: From the fact that neither B nor C gives an

answer, we conclude that both these men have insufficient information to determine the color of their hats. Let us start with man C. He must be seeing at least one white hat on the heads of A and B (if he would see two black hats, he would know that he is wearing a white hat). Man B therefore knows that he and/or A is wearing a white hat. Since he cannot give an answer, he must be seeing a white hat on A’s head (if B would see A wearing a black hat, he would know that he himself wears a white one). From the fact that neither C nor B can give an answer to the jailer’s question, A finally concludes that he is wearing a white hat!

usual, which is five minutes less in the direction of the station and five minutes less back home. Therefore, Fred met his wife at five minutes to six. He had walked already since five o’clock, so he walked 55 minutes.

DJ Contest

During a recent music festival, four DJs entered the mixing contest. Each wore a number, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 and their decks were different colours. DJ Skinf Flint came first, and only one DJ wore the same number as the position he finished in. DJ Slam Dunk wore number 1. The DJ who wore number 2 had a red deck and DJ Jam Jar didn’t have a yellow deck. The DJ who came last had a blue deck. DJ Park’n Ride beat DJ Slam Dunk. The DJ who wore number 1 had a green deck and the DJ who came second wore number 3. Can you determine who came where, which number they wore and the colour of their deck?

Answer: # Name

1 Skinf Flint 2 Park’n Ride 3 Slam Dunk 4 Jam Jar

Wore Deck Colour 2 red 3 yellow 1 green 4 blue

October - December 08


“Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid of standing still.” Japanese Proverb “Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of a genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.” Mark Twain “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.” Samuel Johnson “I don’t know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” Bill Cosby

Flying With A Blonde

There were two blondes going to California for the summer, they are about two hours into the flight and the pilot gets on the intercom and says we just lost an engine but it is all right we have three more but it will take us an hour longer. A half hour later he gets on the intercom again and says we just lost another engine but its all right we have two more it will take us another half hour though. One of the blondes says, “If we lose the two last engines we will be up here all day.”

Army Cadet

A drill sergeant had just chewed out one of his cadets, and as he was walking away, he turned to the cadet and said, “I guess when I die you’ll come and dance on my grave.” The cadet replied, “Not me, sir! I promised myself that when I got out of the Army I’d never stand in another line!”

A Talkative Public Bathroom “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” Harvey Fierstein “An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body but an evil friend will wound your mind.” Buddha “I know of no more encouraging fact than the ability of a man to elevate himself by conscious endeavour.” Henry David Thoreau “He who rejects change is the architect of decay.” James Harold Wilson “Don’t ask for a light load, but rather a strong back,” Proverb

56 Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine

Leaving Minnesota for Colorado, I decide to make a stop at one of those rest areas on the side of the road. I go in the washroom. The first stall was taken so I went in the second stall. I just sat down when I hear a voice from the next stall... - “Hi there, how is it going?” Okay, I am not the type to strike conversations with strangers in washrooms on the side of the road. I didn’t know what to say so finally I say: - “Not bad...” Then the voice says: - “So, what are you doing?” I am starting to find that a bit weird, but I say: - “Well, I’m going back to Colorado...” Then I hear the person say all flustered: - “Look I’ll call you back, every time I ask you a question this idiot in the next stall keeps answering me.”

Investigating A Homicide

A police detective was investigating a homicide. As he questioned the on-scene officer, he learned the body was that of a young woman. The body was found with a bowl over her head and a spoon stuck in her back. The on-scene officer asked what the detective thought had happened to the woman. The detective responded, “I think it’s obvious. A cereal killer got her!”

by Dave Fisher -

January - March 09



Zero to 200

Acupuncture The technique of inserting fine needles into various points of the body with the aim of relieving pain for therapeutic purposes.

be cured by continually giving them small doses of substances which in large doses would produce symptoms of the ailments being experienced by the sick individual.

Acidophilus A compound found in varying amounts in dairy products, particularly milk and yogurt. It has been reportedly used in the prevention and treatment of uncomplicated diarrhea, as well as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections.

Hydrotherapy The use of hot and cold water for the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease.

Aromatherapy The therapeutic use of essential oils extracted from plants to treat bodily ailments. Balneotherapy The use of hot springs and mineral waters to treat pain, increase circulation and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Cachunga Massage A traditional Persian deep tissue massage that focuses primarily on the breasts of females. Detoxification The elimination of toxin build up in the body through lymphatic massage using essential oils. Homeopathy An alternative medicine therapy which advocates that persons can


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Paraffin Treatment A treatment in which heated paraffin wax is applied to body parts (mostly feet or hands) to help eliminate toxins as well as softening the skin. Usually administered to enhance a manicure or pedicure. Phytomedicine The practice of using whole or specific parts of plants to create a therapeutic cure for an ailment Self-Healing A concept among alternative medicine practitioners that given the right stimulation the body is capable of healing itself.

High Blood Pressure

When a physician remarked on a new patient’s extraordinarily ruddy complexion, he said, “High blood pressure, Doc. It comes from my family.” “Your mother’s side or your father’s?” I asked. “Neither,” he replied. “It’s from my wife’s family.” “Oh, come now,” I said. “How could your wife’s family give you high blood pressure?” He sighed. “You oughta meet ‘em sometime, Doc!”

Dog Gone Poker

A man walked by a table in a hotel and noticed three men and a dog playing cards. The dog was playing with extraordinary performance. “This is a very smart dog.”, the man commented. “Not so smart,” said one of the players. “every time he gets a good hand he wags his tail.”

Visceral Manipulation The gentle massage of the accessible internal organs Vitalism The concept that living systems and organisms have an energy that is not present on non-living entities.

Ans. to Puzzle

Antioxidants Chemical compounds found in the skin of heavily pigmented fruits and vegetables that have been shown to reduce the effects of free radicals on the body.

Naturopathy A system of therapy which relies almost exclusively in natural remedies such as air, water and sunlight.

A couple had been debating the purchase of a new auto for weeks. He wanted a new truck. She wanted a fast little sports-like car so she could zip through traffic around town. He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but everything she seemed to like was way out of their price range. “Look!” she said. “I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds or less. And my birthday is coming up. You could surprise me.” So, for her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale. Services will be at Downing Funeral Home on Monday the 12th. Due to the condition of the body, this will be a closed casket service. Please send your donations to the “Think Before You Say Things To Your Wife Foundation.”

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