CWL Magazine Issue #17

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Publisher Pelican Publishers Limited

Welcome to the first issue of the Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle Magazine for 2010! The year is shaping up to be a difficult one financially, emotionally, and physically. However, we hope that this issue will provide you with vital information and tactics to tackle a number of obstacles. According to a number of health experts, both locally and overseas, there is an increase in the number of individuals being diagnosed with cancer at a younger age. This can be attributed to numerous factors, not the least of which are health and lifestyle practices. As such this issue of the magazine will focus on a few of the problems faced by cancer patients and survivors. We have decided to go the unconventional route however and focus on how these individuals can improve certain aspects of their lives while battling the disease or after overcoming it, rather than focus on the disease itself. So the article ‘Putting your best face forward while fighting cancer’ will prove to be an interesting and enlightening read; in addition to our look at alternative medicine and how it can be of use in treating cancer. In addition to these articles, the magazine is chock full of useful information to assist with other areas of life. With the continuing uncertainty in the job market, be sure to check out our new ‘Healthy Wealth’ section, which features articles on how to cope with redundancy and properly handle your finances. The ‘Fitness Corner’ features a contribution from physical trainer Omar West, who in this issue will speak to the importance of weight training. Also check out our delicious but healthy Carrot Cake recipe in the Recipe Corner. The Mental & Spiritual Wellness section includes features on the healing powers of prayer as well as the mind and body benefits of yoga. Our special Travel section provides a few tips on how travelers can deal with common travel issues such as jet lag and will be particularly useful during the typically heavy summer travel period. Last, but not least, our Questions for the Doctor section is contributed by Dr. Jacqueline Campbell; so be sure to send in those burning questions and you just might see it featured in the next issue! The Entertainment section will, as usual, provide you with fun crossword puzzles, jokes and did you know trivia. The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle Magazine would also like to thank the Environmental Health Foundation for its continued support of the magazine and its mission. The Foundation has been making strides in its promotion of wellness island-wide. Its annual Wellness and Lifestyle Week will be hosted in April under the theme ‘Invest in your wellness and save on healthcare tomorrow’. Look out for our new contributors who will be providing expert advice on a variety of your concerns in our continuous drive to provide you, our readers with factual and useful information. The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle Magazine appreciates all your calls and emails and we encourage you to continue to give us your feedback by calling us at 978-8377 or 978-0048 or by emailing pelicanpublishers@cwjamaica. com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Editor-in-chief Dr. Henry Lowe

Editor at Large Mrs. Janet Lowe

EditorIal & Production Nordia Johnson Gillian Baldeo

Contributors Dr. Jacqueline Campbell Dr. Hame Persaud Dr. Michael Harvey Rev. Dr. Carlton Dennis Nordia Johnson John Linss Omar West Gillian Baldeo

Marketing/sales manager Nadia Willie

Layout & Design Shane Dennis

Photograph Contributions Shakti Mind Body Fitness SandWest Gym The Caribbean Wellness and Lifestyle Magazine is published quarterly by Pelican Publishers Limited in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. © 2010 Pelican Publishers Limited No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Pelican Publishers Limited Suite # 8, 39 Lady Musgrave Road Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 978-8377 | 978-0048 Fax: (876) 978-0602 Email: Website:

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 |

Features Physical Wellness | 3-18 3•Alternative Cancer Treatments: Giving You All The Tools For Survival 4•The Breast Is Best: Winning The Fight On Formula? 6•Blood Testing Made Simple 7•Stress Suffers Skin - A Case Of Neurodermatitis 8•4 Reasons You Are ‘Fake’ Hungry 10•Ease Any Stomach Pain 12•New Pap Test & Mammogram Facts 13•Your Body’s Biggest Enemy: Sitting Disease 14•Ask Your Chiropractor 16•Walk Yourself Thin 18•Questions For The Doctor With Jacqueline Campbell

Fitness Corner | 19-22 19•The Importance Of Weight Training

Mental & Spiritual Wellness | 23-27 23•Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Relief 25•The Healing Power Of Prayer 26•14 Tips For Feeling Happier At Work

Lifestyle | 44-48

Health Technology | 28-34 28•What If The Internet Breaks Down 29•Connecting For Health

44•7 Tips For Proper Face Care 45•10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship 46•Eat Yourself Beautiful 47•Delicious Carrot Cake 48•Putting Your Best Face Forward While Fighting Cancer

Healthy Wealth | 35-39

Travel | 49-50

35•Giving Your Finances A Physical 37•Surviving Redundancy – Low Budget Living 38•6th Annual Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion -2010

For Men Only | 40-43

40•9 Tips To Win Her Over 41•Read Her Dirty Mind 42•Grooming Parlour: All Your Shaving Questions Answered 43•The Fit Man’s Heart Risk

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

49•Trust Your Gut 50•Beat Jet Lag

Entertainment | 51-52 51•Did You Know? 51•Jokes 52•Threesomes


here are many instances where people have survived in spite of having been diagnosed with fatal cancers. The reasons behind this are many. A lot of people are trying alternative treatments for combating cancer. In addition, radiation and chemotherapy, two usual treatment options for cancer patients, are emotionally and physically draining. Most of the alternative treatments available are based on the fact that cancer is a physical symptom of imbalance in emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well being, and bringing all these back into balance would treat the cancer affecting you. 1. The first step is to heal emotions and has been found to be very effective in this eliminate stress. Emotional stress leads to regard. increased production of adrenalin which culminates in high blood sugar and low 6. The body has to be cleansed of viruses, bacteria and fungi. These organisms are levels of oxygen leading to fermentation and responsible for causing disruptions in the mutation of cells leading to cancer. Hence, Krebs cycle leading to cell mutation and healing these negative emotions is critical for cancer. The parasites have to be de-wormed treatment. Two of the usual modes adopted from the body. are hypnotherapy and counseling. 2. The next step is avoiding stress. Any kind of 7. Toxins like mycotoxins, chemicals, alcohol, antibiotics, etc., have to be thrown out of stress will enhance the cancer cells and thus the body. The detoxification has to extend to have to be avoided. Jobs can be changed, other organs such as the gall bladder, colon places of residence can be shifted, etc., with and the kidneys. the aim of keeping stress at bay. 3. Reducing stress calms the autonomous 8. The body PH has to be re-alkalized. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped. nervous system and hence the cortisol levels A healthy diet rich in antioxidants should be in the body decrease. Yoga, aromatherapy, adhered to. The diet should be rich in anti meditation, and other relaxation techniques cancer foods which aid in getting the body help with this. Laughter therapy is also very rid of cancerous cells. Cancer cells cannot commonly used for this purpose. Laughter survive in an alkaline environment. lowers blood pressure, and boosts the immune system which kills the cancer cells. 9. The inner belief that cancer can be cured has to take deep roots. This confidence in the 4. Melatonin levels have to be increased since system would aid in treatment by enhancing this is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell progress. growth and the regulation of the immune system. Daily sessions of meditation can 10. Believing that God would help is very calming increase melatonin levels for the desired to the mind and body. Faith in God is proven effect. to increase confidence levels and bring about good health and mental well being. 5. Many natural products possess immune system boosting properties. Recovery from -Source: cancer should support the immune system and its components. Wheat germ extract Alternative Cancer Treatments: Giving You All The Tools For Survival Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 |

“Ok, so we’ll need to get some blood work done.”


ost individuals have heard that statement from the doctor on a few occasions. But what does he/she mean exactly, when referring to ‘blood work’? Your blood can be screened as a method of detecting a variety of problems and depending on your age, screening for certain diseases makes a lot of sense. Below we outline the protocol, for screening in your 20’s, 30’s and beyond. IN YOUR 20’s Cholesterol: Get your first test at age twenty and at five year intervals thereafter, if the result was normal. Ask for a fast check of your LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and triglyceride (blood fats) levels. This is important because just knowing your overall cholesterol level is not good enough. Knowing the levels of your LDL, HDL and triglycerides will help you determine how much at risk you are for a heart attack. A healthy target is LDL below 130 milligrams per deciliter (or lower if you have diabetes), HDL over 50mg/dl and triglycerides under 150mg/dl. Blood sugar: Your body’s ability to metabolize sugar is an indicator of how well insulin is functioning in your body. Even if you do not have an insulin dysfunction that points to diabetes, being insulin resistant can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease. Get your first test at 20 and continue to do so yearly if you are slightly overweight or have additional risk factors such as high blood pressure or a family history of diabetes.

Despite 45 being the recommended age to begin testing, fewer women are risk free; as such some experts recommend getting tested at an even earlier age. Aim for under 100mg/dl (100-125 is an indicator of pre diabetes, while 126 and above indicates diabetes).

between 0.4 to 4.5.

IN YOUR 40’s C-reactive protein: Do this check in your forties if you are at intermediate risk for a heart attack or stroke, if you have a slightly elevated level of cholesterol, a large waistline, a history of heart disease in your family or HIV: if you are overweight. A healthy Get tested at least once if you target would be 2 milligrams per are having sex. It would also be liter or lower. a good idea to get checked along with your partner before becom- IN YOUR 50’s AND ing intimate and anytime you BEYOND have reason to suspect that you Vitamin D: might have been infected. Approximately three-quarters of women are Vitamin D defiIN YOUR 30’s cient, putting their bones at seThyroid function: rious risk. While supplements An overactive or underactive are a good help, they are unforthyroid can lead to a plethora of tunately, not enough. Women other symptoms such as depres- in particular should get their sion, weight loss, or skin prob- Vitamin D levels checked if they lems such as eczema. A blood are younger than 65 and at risk test to determine TSH (thyroid of osteoporosis. If over the age stimulating hormone) is usu- of 65, it is advisable to get your ally recommended for women levels checked along with a bone in general at age 35, or for those density test. Extremely low levels who are having trouble conceiv- of Vitamin D have been linked ing or have a family history of to breast cancer and other conthyroid problems. Before going ditions; however, experts are not to have your thyroid tested, try yet of the opinion that earlier to set aside some time to relax testing is required. A healthy taras stress can throw off the num- get would be 30 to 74 nanograms bers. A healthy TSH level ranges per milliliter.

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Blood Testing Made Simple

b) Regular exercise or pleasurable physical activities. c) A highly motivated, dedicated state of mind directed to appreciating the almighty Power of God. Below, I will speak to how stress in one’s life can manifest itself as a skin problem Let’s look at the case of E.H. a 50-year-old female patient of mine for a few years. She complained of rashes on her palms and the soles of her feet, as well as itching and sweating in these darkened flat rashes. All her vital checks and laboratory tests were normal. Her body weight was within normal range (120lbs for her 5ft 0”height). She had quite a few underlying stresses (financial and family related) and she lived in a rather turbulent neighbourhood to boot. These problems were only compounded by her skin problem, which was very

STRESS SUFFERS SKIN- A case of NeuroDermatitis

Contributed by: Dr. Hame Persaud

embarrassing for her, and caused her to lose much sleep. She tried numerous home remedies and over the counter medications, none of which helped in any significant way. I put her on a treatment of mild tranquilizers, anti-depressant medication and steroid creams, to which she made a positive response. She did not return for treatment for about six (6) months and when she did, her symptoms and signs were back to where they were in the beginning. In fact, they had gotten worse. Her financial, family and health woes were making her even more depressed than ever before. At this point in time I had to try some new strategies. I am pleased to say that once the strategies were all implemented E.H. got well and stayed well. She applied her skin medication regularly and is now being weaned off

all her night medication (antidepressants and sleeping pills.)

E.H’s STRATEGIES 1) SHE TURNED TO THE LORD: she attended her weekly church services and read her Daily Word and Bible daily. She gained solace and support for her own spiritual well-being. 2) SHE GOT PHYSICAL AND MENTAL SUPPORT: by walking with her church brothers and sisters daily, for half an hour at least, during the week and one hour on the weekend. She also got good ideas to work and earn. 3) SHE SURROUNDED HERSELF WITH POSITIVE INDIVIDUALS: friends who could encourage her rather than the ‘complaineritis’ friends who would spend hours talking about their woes. She learnt to counsel these quickly and made simple excuses to get on with systematic healing. 4) SHE FOLLOWED A BALANCED AND SIMPLE NUTRITIONAL PLAN. MESSAGE: IF WE SEEK WE SHALL FIND THAT A HEALTHY BODY WILL BE ACHIEVED BY A HEALTHY MIND.

Stress Suffers Skin - A Case Of Neurodermatitis


t is a well known fact that what goes on inside (our minds) is reflected on the outside (our bodies). The beauty we see in the form of flowers, plants, beautiful people, or creative expressions in the animal and mineral world are all reflections of perfection provided by God. Anything less may be of our own doing OR a negative perception due to poor nutrition and a depleted or abused body. To restore God’s creative power in man, we need the following: a) Good nutrition through wholesome well-balanced food and vitamins, adequate fluids, dental care and sunshine.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 |

4 REASONS YOU ARE ‘FAKE’ HUNGRY Have you ever felt like your mind was playing tricks on you? Did you really just see what you thought you saw, or feel what you thought you felt? The brain can be quite the prankster and where it relates to your health and diet, you need to be extra careful that you don’t succumb to those ‘fake’ hunger pangs. Below we highlight a few situations that can lead to fake hunger and what you can do to combat it.


Eating the wrong foods – If you find yourself craving sugary foods or you feel hungry shortly after you’ve had a hearty meal, chances are you’re not really hungry. If your meal was high in simple carbohydrates and low in or devoid of fiber, protein and healthy fats, what you’re experiencing is probably a drop in blood sugar and not hunger. To combat the feeling, go have a healthy snack like fresh fruit, or half a whole grain bread sandwich.


Emotional hunger – Our appetites tend to act up when we’re bored, stressed, anxious or lonely. Instead of gorging yourself with ice-cream or other junk, take a brief walk, listen to music, or call a friend and chat up a storm. You can also take a cold shower and use the time to think about what it is that you’re really craving: food or something else.


Sleepy hunger – According to medical experts the hormones leptin and ghrelin manipulate the sensations of hunger and fullness, the latter stimulating the appetite whilst the former tells the brain when you’ve

| Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

had enough. A lack of sleep leads to decreased leptin levels but increased ghrelin levels. Being tired in the daytime can lead you to overindulge in sugary, nutrient deficient foods in order to get that ‘sugar rush’. Of course, this rush doesn’t last forever and only leads to a crash and resurgence of ‘hunger’ that only feeds the vicious cycle of snacking and crashing. If you get that hunger pang in the mid afternoon and you’ve already eaten, try taking a brisk walk, or snacking on some nuts.


Thirsty hunger – Sometimes you really might just be thirsty, but we often confuse the two. Drink a glass or two of water and wait a bit to see if there are any changes in how you feel. If there is, that means you were perhaps just slightly dehydrated. At the end of the day, there is no mistaking true hunger, your growling stomach will ensure that you cannot ignore it either! If you are truly hungry, eat something, but remember to choose wisely and try not to go too long between meals as this can cause you to overcompensate when you do eat.

4 Reasons You Are ‘Fake’ Hungry

We all know how embarrassing and downright painful abdominal problems can be sometimes. From a stomach ache to persistent gas to mortifying diarrhea, we’re here to give you expert tips on how to control them. Ease Any Stomach Pain



a common cause of diarrhea is actually mild food poisoning. Many of us have heard of, or experienced Montezuma’s revenge while travelling to another country. The loose bowel movement is primarily caused by your body trying to adjust to the unfamiliar bacteria in the food you eat when you’re away from home.


fix: there really is no quick fix for food poisoning and you just have to let it run its course and your body flush itself of the toxins. If you’re hit with the urge to go, at an inconvenient moment, Pepto-Bismol will provide some relief; however, if you’re travelling, Imodium is a better bet as it slows down how quickly fluids travel through the intestines.



while many of us would rather hide the fact that we pass gas, it’s a natural occurrence that signals how healthy your body is. It is caused by eating green vegetables, unpeeled fruits, fizzy drinks or swallowing air. You take in extra air if you talk with your mouth full or eat too fast, are nervous or drink with straws.

Quick fix: over the counter medications such as Mylanta

or Beano are good if you have a gas problem, the latter being particularly effective if vegetables cause your system to have a huge blowout.



some women expect cramps during their period, but what about the nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach that come along with it? Hormones cause the uterine muscles to contract, which is what causes these cramps.


fix: try taking an Advil or Ibuprofen at least 12

hours before your period begins and every 3-6 hours for the next 3 days. | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Bloating Cause:

bloating can be caused by a number of things, including menstruation or constipation.


fix: stay away from the salt as this causes water retention and gassy foods like broccoli and cauliflower. If you are not lactose intolerant, eating yogurt with live and active cultures (this should be on the label) will help regulate your digestive system.

Ac i d R e f l u x Cause:

lots of individuals suffer from this condition, particularly at night when they lie down. It is caused by acid travelling from the stomach to the esophagus and throat. It differs from heartburn in that its sufferers experience pain in the chest, bouts of coughing and sore throats.


fix: If your doctor does not prescribe something, you can try Prisolec, which is available over the counter. For those of you who do not want to rely on pills cut back on, or avoid drinking, smoking or eating late at night.


Cause: Once you’re not expecting, you don’t have to put up with a sick stomach.


fix: You probably have the cure for this problem sitting in your kitchen somewhere. Ginger has long been used to alleviate nausea. It’s not yet precisely known why ginger works so well on a nauseous stomach, but some speculate that it is due to a speeding up of how quickly food moves into the small intestine.

After-eating pain Cause:

having too much to eat, eating too quickly or eating the wrong thing.


fix: you need to eliminate all that fast food and take a little more time to savour your meals. If you’re not a big fan of fast food, but you’re still experiencing pains, you may have gallbladder disease. It is more prevalent in women than men and you need to see your doctor for treatment.


Cause: it is a myth that not going to the bathroom multiple

times per day means you’re not healthy. Not everyone goes out with the same frequency.

Quick fix: don’t worry too much if you don’t go out every

day, and if this is combined with symptoms such as gas or bloating, increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Being a couch potato can also contribute to being constipated, so try to get at least a half hour of exercise every day and drink lots of water. If this does not help, over the counter laxatives such as Metamucil or Dulcolax should. Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 |

NEW RULE #1: A woman should start getting yearly pap tests at age 21, regardless of how long she’s been sexually active. Previously women were advised to begin getting tested 3 years after first becoming sexually active or at age 21, whichever came first. Now they’re being told that regardless of when they first became sexually active, they need not get tested unless they have reached 21. The reasoning behind this includes the fact that most pre-cancerous cell changes or growths that are picked up under age 21 disappear without treatment. The treatment for abnormalities increases premature birth risk and invasive cervical cancer is rare under 21. Not all doctors are in agreement that testing need not be done until a girl is 21 and would still encourage early testing.


f you’re a health conscious woman, you probably should subscribe to the importance of getting a pap smear done at your yearly gynaecological checkup. That’s usually how often it’s suggested that you get the possibly life saving test done. The American College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology has thrown women a curveball, however, by issuing new guidelines for pap smears and mammograms. Below we break down the new rules, so you know what you need to get done on your next doctors visit. It could save your life.

NEW RULE #2: Women between the ages of 21 and 30 no longer need to do annual tests. Unless you have a specific medical reason for doing them more often, it is now recommended that you get tested every two years.

NEW RULE #3: If you’re over 30 and have had three negative pap test results 3 years in a row, you can wait 3 years between tests. This has to do with how slowly

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cervical cancer develops, hence a test done every 3 years will catch cancer or pre-cancer early enough to cure it. Also, due to the likelihood of women over 30 being monogamous or in a long term relationship, they are at a collectively lower risk of developing cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes from new partners. However, if you’ve had abnormal results on previous tests, it is recommended that you still have the test done. If you have any reason to suspect that your partner isn’t being faithful, still schedule those yearly exams. If you are 65 or 70, have had three negative tests in a row and no abnormal results in 10 years, then you may stop taking the test altogether. Keep in mind that these new guidelines don’t mean you should blow them off, as you still need to get tested for STD’s and have your internal organs checked, among other issues.

Mammograms According to a government panel of doctors and scientists in the United States, a woman need not have her first mammogram until the age of 50 and not 40 as was traditionally the case. They have also concluded that breast self-examinations are not useful and women do not need to do them. The Medical Community is however divided on the issue and quite a few doctors have opted to disregard the new recommendations and are still recommending that women aged 40 and older have an annual mammogram and continue to do their breast self-examinations.

New Pap Test & Mammogram Facts


ccording to a poll conducted by the Institute for Medicine and Public Health, some individuals may spend as much as 56 hours per week just sitting down. These people are either staring at a computer screen for work or leisure, driving or watching TV. Women it also seems, may be more sedentary than men, due to less active jobs or playing less sports. While you may think you have a pretty energetic lifestyle, we still spend a lot of time sitting on our butts; and it’s killing us. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are just a few of the diseases that are on the increase the world over, due to a lack of activity and improper eating habits, among other reasons. All this sitting down has actually spawned a new medical field of study called ‘Inactive Physiology’, which looks at the effects of our increasingly sedentary lives and Instead of this

the new epidemic termed ‘sitting blood fats under control have shut disease’. down. Also with less feel good hormones (such as dopamine) Technology, increasingly hectic circulating to the brain, sitting professional lives, the Internet and around all day can make you more ‘must see’ television, have all but prone to depression robbed us of all the actual activity that used to be a part of our lives. Don’t think that just a bit of exercise Practically everything can now be will do the trick. Turns out an hour done online; whether its paying bills, in the gym may not be enough to a job or meeting friends, and the counteract 8 or more hours of consequences of such easy living are sitting, hence the reason lots of profound. Sitting for an extensive women, despite consistently working period of time prompts the body out, still have trouble losing weight. to shut down at the metabolic level So what can you do to counteract and whenever the larger muscles, the problem? Try ramping up the which were meant for movement, amount of energy you burn when are not utilized, circulation slows you’re doing everything but exercise. down and fewer calories are burnt. Just like a computer, if your body sits idly for an extensive period of Fat burning enzymes start switching time, it will shut down and use less off, your body begins to use less energy; but regular activity will keep sugar and research has shown that your metabolism revving. Below, for every 2 hours spent on your we provide a chart to guide you, if bum, the chance of your developing you’re not sure which moves to do, diabetes increases by 7%. Your or which will make a difference. risk for heart disease also goes up, because those enzymes which keep

Calories burned per hour

Sitting at your desk Riding the elevator Shopping online

83 128 96

Calling for takeout Talking on the phone seated E-mailing a co-worker Watching TV Playing a seated video game Total Calories

Do this

Calories burned per hour

115 509 147

96 102

Stand at your desk Take the stairs Shop the mall (walking briskly and carrying packages Cook at home Pace while chatting

96 64 32

Walk to her office Make out Play Wii

128 96 178


128 147


- Based on a 140lb woman

-Adapted from Women’s Health

Your Body’s Biggest Enemy: Sitting Disease

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 | 11


alking is an excellent way to get in shape and shed those extra pounds. Whether you do it on a treadmill while watching your favorite TV show or walk around your community with your iPod, walking is one of the easiest and cheapest forms of exercise.

However, study after study shows that walking 30 to 60 minutes a day at a moderate pace reduces major health risks substantially and has a significant impact on your weight. Besides, the best exercise programme is the one that you actually do on a regular basis. Health professionals stress that the key to reaping the health and fitness benefits of physical activity is to choose a regular, moderate exercise programme that you enjoy and can stick with for life. Walking definitely fits the bill.

You can walk anytime, anyplace, with no special equipment. All you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes and a good attitude, and you are on your way! Anyone can do it, no matter what your current fitness level; just tailor the intensity of your walk based upon your individual abilities How to walk and goals. It is always best to check with your doctor before starting an exercise programme, especially if you In addition, the benefits of walking are numerous: have been sedentary for some time or have any it allows you to escape stress, burn calories, boost ailments. your energy, tone your leg muscles, maintain good • Warm-up by starting at a slow and easy pace posture, lower your blood pressure, raise your and gradually building up your speed; and at HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce your risk of the end of your workout, slow down over the diabetes and osteoporosis. last five minutes or so. Naysayers perpetuate the myth that walking does • The key to fitness walking is pace. That is a you no good; that you need intensive exercise for brisk walk, not a gentle stroll. A good average weight loss and improved cardio vascular fitness. walking speed is 3 to 4 miles per hour. 12 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Walk Yourself Thin

• To lose weight, it is more important to walk for • Play your iPod or audio books. time than speed. You burn the same number of calories whether you run or walk a mile; you • Join a walking group – you will keep each other accountable for walking each week. just get there faster if you run. • Treadmill and outside walking provide equal • Change your walking route; there’s nothing worse than the same route every day benefits and burn the same number of calories. A slight incline of 1% most accurately reflects • Wear a pedometre and challenge yourself to outdoor walking, and you can adjust the levels walk more steps each week. to mimic varied terrain. • Sign up for a charity walk and train for it. • Take full breaths, inhaling and exhaling completely. • Walk on a track (Emancipation Park) and see how many laps you can do.

Stay Motivated • Go for a hike on the weekend. Check out Keep your walking workout interesting so that Castleton or the Blue Mountain trails. boredom does not set in. Otherwise you will skip one day, then another and before you know • Monitor your increase in fitness, weight loss, it your routine is out the door and you will be etc. - making progress is a great motivator lounging on the couch. There are many ways to stay motivated: Make walking a part of your daily routine. If you commit to a regular walking programme you’ll • Make it a social activity. Take friends and family lose weight and feel and look great. along; it is much more fun if you have someone to chat with.

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 | 13

Questions for the Doctor with Dr. Jacqueline Campbell


: What does it mean to have diabetes – the body’s inability to properly process the and is there really a connection between amount of sugar that gets taken into it, broken what I eat and the disease? down and sent into the bloodstream is called diabetes (also called “sugar” in Jamaica and the : I will begin by establishing that there English-speaking Caribbean) or to give it its is a direct connection between diabetes scientific name, Diabetes Mellitus. and food; a fact that diabetics have to come to terms with very quickly. Someone is diabetic when either the body cannot make insulin, or the insulin does not Food, it has long been established, is the staff work as it should, and as a consequence, the of life. It provides our bodies with the fuel/ glucose is unable to enter the cells normally. energy needed to carry out their functions, and This results in glucose building up in the body, also gives us a certain amount of pleasure and which can lead to serious consequences. enjoyment. Some of the food we eat contains sugars and starches (carbohydrates) which Diabetes is a serious and widespread disease breaks down into glucose (a simple sugar) in our that affects people of all ages, including adults bodies and gets absorbed in our bloodstream. and children, in both developed and developing countries. In a well-functioning body, a signal is given that glucose has entered the bloodstream, and an Diabetes is also called the “silent killer” because organ called the pancreas releases a substance in most cases the early symptoms of the disease known as insulin. The function of insulin is to do not show up, so people can have the disease move the sugar from the blood to each cell where and not know until some of its harmful it is used as fuel to provide the energy needed consequences begin to be manifested. And yes, for day-to-day and other activities. In this way, it is a disease that is responsible for millions of insulin operates much like a key, opening the deaths. door to cells in the body. If you are diabetic, you may be asking, “ So what When this process does not happen, it is usually do I eat now? ” I will answer that question in a sign that something is wrong. This ‘something’ my next article. Dr. Jacqueline Campbell B.Sc (Hons), M.Phil (Pharmacology), M.B., BS is a family physician whose special interests are Pharmacology and Alternative/ Complementary Medicine. Excerpted from “A Patient’s Guide To The Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus” by Dr. Jacqueline E. Campbell. Copyright © 2009 Jacqueline Elaine Campbell. All rights reserved. Posted with permission of the publisher. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. 14 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Questions For The Doctor With Jacqueline Campbell

Fitness Corner


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Dip. W MSCh .MPSP ract. (Eng land) .

TEL:934 -0418 Diabetic Foot Care * Corns – Callous * Ingrown Nails - Fungal Nails

Di e t E s s en t i a l s

Imagine this scenario: You’ve started an exercise programme with great enthusiasm about the prospect of improving your health and enhancing your physical appearContributed by: Omar West ance. You’ve modified your nutritional habits as suggested, and joined every aerobics class the neighbourhood gym has to offer. However, as months go by you realize you are no closer to your fitness goals than the day you started. As your motivation and enthusiasm fade, your exercise programme comes to a halt. This is a common scenario experienced by fitness participants who neglect one critical component of fitness, weight training. Weight training, often referred to as resistance training, is exercise that utilizes an external resistance to build or enhance muscular strength, endurance, hypertrophy and muscle balance. Since all these elements are required for good health, fitness and quality of life, weight training is one component of the fitness process that should not be ignored. Let’s examine in greater detail, the vital role resistance training plays in weight loss for good health, improving bone density and strength, and correcting muscle balance or poor posture.

Weight Loss for Good Health If you are obese or overweight you are at greater risk of suffering from serious and potentially life threatening health conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease and stroke. Body mass

The Importance Of Weight Training

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index (BMI) is one way of determining whether your weight falls within a healthy range. The formula to calculate BMI is: Weight in pounds (Height in inches) x (Height in inches)

x 703 = BMI

Now that you have your BMI, compare status with these standards: BMI 18.5 or below 18.5 – 24.9 25 – 29.9 30 or above

STATUS Underweight Normal Weight Overweight Obese

Another good indicator of health risks is waist circumference measurements. Waist measurements above 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men present a greater risk of heart disease. Studies show that reducing your weight and waist circumference measurements within an acceptable range, significantly reduces your risk of developing health problems. An effective exercise programme for weight reduction must include resistance training. In order to achieve long term success in any weight reduction programme, it is imperative to increase your metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food and drink into energy (burning calories). During this process, calories in food are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. Resistance training can increase the rate at which this process occurs by increasing lean muscle mass. Research shows that an increase of only three pounds of muscle can increase resting metabolic rate by seven percent. By incorporating weight training into your regimen and increasing muscle mass, your body will be more efficient at burning calories. This means that even at rest your body will be at work burning unwanted body fat. Many women are hesitant to participate in weight training for fear of getting too “bulky”. It is physiologically not possible for women to get “bulky” by weight training. Rather, they can add overall firmness, strength and tone. Men can get “bulky” from weight training mainly because of testosterone, primarily a male hormone.

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Improve Bone Density muscles improve balance and protect bones from damage in and Strength As you grow older you lose some bone mass. As this occurs your bones lose calcium and other minerals then become less dense and more porous. Further bone loss can lead to osteoporosis and fracture. Osteoporosis is a major determining factor in the quality of life of older adults. Although everyone is susceptible, postmenopausal women are especially prone to osteoporosis. The good news is that you can take steps to increase bone strength and decrease the chances of having a fracture. One way of doing this is with weight training. Research has shown that weight training facilitates bone formation and increases density and strength. Increased bone density and increased muscle strength will drastically improve quality of life in your older years. Since weight training increases muscle mass, it is also an additional benefit to your bones. Bigger, stronger

case of a fall.

Muscle Balance and Posture Muscle balance is an important aspect of your body functioning at an optimal level. It can be affected by muscle strength, flexibility or endurance. As an example, when one muscle or muscle group is stronger than the opposing muscle or group, it creates a muscle imbalance. A joint is basically a pivot point and its alignment is affected by the pull of the muscles around it. If a muscle is short it will restrict the normal range of motion, and hold the opposing muscle in a lengthened and weakened position. A loss of muscle balance may cause lower back discomfort, old injuries to constantly recur, or apparently random aches and pains. Imbalance may also be the underlying cause of tightness and poor posture. There are many problems

associated with poor posture that have long term negative effects on your body. These problems will not only affect the way you feel but also the way your body looks. Once the weakness is identified, stretching and strengthening can assist in correcting imbalances and poor posture. As an example, lower back pain is frequently caused by weakness of the opposing abdominal muscles. When inflammation and pain has subsided, using resistance training for strengthening of these weak muscles along with stretching of the shortened hamstring and gluteus maxumus may assist in correcting the imbalance and alleviating the pain. A common imbalance that affects posture is shortened back extensor and hip flexor muscles versus weakened abdominal and gluteus maximus muscles. This imbalance may result in an anterior pelvic tilt and often causes lower back pain. Resistance training will assist in correcting this posture by strengthening the abdominal and gluteus maximus muscles while flexibility training stretches the back extensors and hip flexors.

The Bottom Line Weight training is not the panacea to weight loss, great health, or perfect posture, however, it should not be neglected. Any effective fitness plan must include weight training, cardio training, flexibility training, sound nutritional practices and proper rest. Omitting any one aspect of training could result in a lack of progress toward your fitness goals.

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If you think you may suffer from any health condition mentioned above, get a diagnosis from a medical professional. Only after this diagnosis can a personal trainer properly design an individualized fitness plan to address your health concerns. Everybody won’t necessarily respond the same way to one programme. For this reason, a personal trainer will play an important role in developing your fitness plan. If a personal trainer is not available to you here are some general guidelines for weight training: • Warm up before performing weight training exercises. Do not use stretching as a warm up. Stretching a cold muscle could easily lead to an injury. • Choose successive exercises that don’t involve the same muscle group. • Choose a total of 8 to 10 exercises that work the major muscle groups. • Choose a weight that allows you to perform 8 to 12 repetitions to muscular fatigue. • Do bigger muscles (gluteus maximus, quadriceps, etc.) before smaller ones (biceps, triceps, etc.). • Don’t forget to breathe. Exhale on the concentric portion of the exercise (lifting the weight) and inhale on the eccentric portion (lowering of the weight). • Cool down and stretch at the end of your workout. Omar West is a certified fitness trainer at SandWest Fitness Studio. He may be reached for comments at 876-977-7176 or sand_west_

Mental & Spiritual Wellness Stress, fear and anxiety are facts of life. However, if you have suffered anxiety symptoms for a long period of time or you don’t know how to manage this stress it can be seriously detrimental to your health. Excessive anxiety can wreak havoc on your life. It can interfere with your ability to function and if it goes untreated you may even experience health and emotional problems as well. This disorder can manifest itself in a variety of emotional, behavioural, and even physical symptoms, which vary enormously from person to person. In addition, chronic anxiety and stress may worsen existing conditions, illnesses and ailments.

Yoga for Anxiety & Stress Relief


f you pop pills to keep your anxiety at bay, or have strongly considered it, you may want to contemplate a natural alternative to controlling the stresses of life. Why not shelve your anti-anxiety meds and, instead, trust your mind and body to the revitalizing powers of yoga.

Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Relief


The most common symptoms people who are experiencing anxiety and stress may notice are: • Anxiety or panic attacks • Muscle tension • Chest tightness • A feeling of being constantly pressured, hassled, and hurried • Irritability and moodiness • Physical symptoms, such as stomach problems, headaches, or even chest pain • Allergic reactions, such as eczema or asthma • Difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia) At its

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worst, stress overload may raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process.

• Strengthen and stretch the spine • Improve strength and joint flexibility • Reduce anxiety and muscle tension • Improve muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina • Promote relaxation • Reduce the symptoms of many chronic diseases (e.g., arthritis and thyroid disorders)

Yoga, by its very nature, seems to be the perfect panacea for stress disorder. This ancient practice of controlling the body and mind originated in India a few thousand years ago and is now becoming quite popular By reducing perceived stress and in the West. anxiety, yoga appears to modulate stress response systems. This, in The word Yoga derives from the turn, decreases physiological arousSanskrit word “Yuj” meaning to al -- for example, reducing the heart yoke, join or unite, and it does just rate, lowering blood pressure, and that - bringing together the mind, easing respiration. body and spirit to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life. Breathing & Yoga


“Yoga is more than just exercise; it is a science,” says Dádá Parávidyánanada, Yoga Instructor and meditation teacher at Kingston’s Ananda Márga Yoga Centre. “It combines several techniques to cope with and reduce stress, and ensure an overall feeling of well being,” he says. It can be said to provide the combined benefits of breathing exercises, stretching exercises, fitness programmes and meditation practice in one technique.

Yoga places great emphasis on breathing techniques. That is, making the breathing deep, rhythmic and effective to create balance. Proper breathing is essential for good health. Most people don’t realize that improper breathing can cause a lot of problems ranging from general fatigue and anxiety to heart disease and cancer. This is because cell health is dependent on sufficient oxygen supply.

Dádá says that practiced at least daily (but preferably twice a day in the morning and evening) yoga’s benefits, both psychological and physical, are unlimited. Yoga helps to: • Relieve stress • Balance the mind • Calm emotions • Increase sense of well being • Tone and massage all internal organs • Improve blood circulation

Physical exercise of any kind will help people with high levels of anxiety. However, dedicated yoga practitioners have the added bonus of an improved appearance through better posture, muscle and skin-tone. Yogi Dádá says all yoga postures (known as a’sanas) stretch and relax the muscles and skeletal system, and improve the body’s overall flexibility, and the physical release through these soothing movements helps create a sense

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of calmness and well-being. If the stresses of life are taking a toll on your mind and body, yoga is a good natural remedy. If you are unable to locate a reputable yoga studio in your area, you may consider purchasing a DVD or video that allows you to practice yoga in your home.

The Healing Power Of Prayer

Contributed by: Rev. Dr. Carlton Dennis


he biblical record is replete with episodes of God’s healing power in response to the prayers of His servants. And, in addition, there are numerous testimonies of persons who were healed by God after prayers were offered for them. Thus, there is overwhelming evidence that God is quite able to restore failing health that threatens physical life.

through prayer as, if one lacks faith in prayer as a means to healing, one may not call. Thus we may deduce that the person seeking healing should believe that he could be made well through prayer.

Secondly, the text declares that the leaders (elders) of the church should offer the prayer. It is my belief that official leaders of a church, whether they have the office of elder or not, would qualify James 5:14 & 15 gives a to make this prayer. perspective on the healing power of prayer and it is this Thirdly, the prayer should be perspective that this brief coupled with the ‘anointing article will address. with oil’ in the name of Jesus. Some believe that the Firstly, the text invites the anointing with oil refers to person who is sick to initiate medical attention in addition the process by calling for the to prayers. Since all healing is leaders of the church. In done by God, He can choose fact, it urges the sick in a to heal with or without commanding way to make medicine. So there could be this call. Inherent in the call some merit to this view. of the sick, is their faith or belief that healing is possible Verse 15 makes an important Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 | 21

14 Tips For Feeling Happier At Work

comment about the nature of prayer which is that it must be a prayer of faith; faith being the conviction that something or someone is trustworthy (e.g. we sit on a chair fully convinced it will not break with us.) Faith, in this case, is in a personal God who has demonstrated on numerous occasions that He is quite able to heal. The verse also assumes that the person praying is a person of faith, for one would not be able to pray a prayer of faith unless one is a person of faith. After this God will respond by raising the person from the sick bed and forgiving him of any sins. This should not lead us to assume that the sickness was the result of sin. The text is simply saying that God, being gracious, will not only heal the body but the soul also. It is extremely important to note that God is the healer. Note a few things with me as I conclude: the word sick is used in the general sense, so it refers to anyone who is sick; the term leader is also general, referring to leaders in any church. The anointing with oil is general also but the prayer must be specific in its nature and there is only one Healer. If you are ill, I would entreat and encourage you to call the elders, so you may be healed.


Tips for Feeling


eing happy at work depends a lot on how much you happen to like, love or loathe your job. If you find yourself not feeling as enthusiastic as you once did, there are a few simple steps you can take to help boost your mood. Ensuring that you are comfortable, having a few small pleasures in which you can indulge throughout the day, working smart and using your time wisely can mean a lot more happiness at work.

YOUR WORKSPACE 1. Check for eyestrain – if you use your hand to shade your eyes and they feel relieved then your workspace is too bright. Try to tone down the brightness levels on your computer screen, use a glare shield or speak to your superiors about overly bright office lighting. The same goes for a workspace that does not get enough light. 2. Utilize proper desks and chairs and take the time to adjust it properly. 3. Sit up straight. 4. Consider a modest splurge. Could a few desk accessories help you be more organized or your desk more pleasant? Photos of loved ones, friends, an attractive location or a flower can do wonders. 5. Don’t keep fattening treats around – while you may really crave that bar of chocolate or handful of M&M’s after a hectic meeting, it will probably just end up adding extra unwanted pounds. Particularly if you sit at a desk all day, gorging on junk is the last thing you want to do. 6. Take the time to clean up all those loose papers that have piled up around your workspace. Clutter can actually make you more anxious; particularly when you cannot find that important document your boss would like to see immediately.

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Happier at


YOUR DAY 1. Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as you can. Constantly putting them off just makes the task more difficult and getting them done can be a huge relief. 2. If you accept responsibility for a task, pretend that it has to be done by next week or this weekend, so you don’t just agree because the deadline seems far away. 3. Be honest about how you spend your time. You may feel overwhelmed but did you really work hard? How much time did you spend just surfing the Internet, chatting or texting, looking for items you can’t find or doing someone else’s job? 4. Go outside at least once for the day and take a brief walk. Sunlight and activity help your focus and mood and facilitate better retention of information. 5. If you cannot go outside, take a two-minute break each hour or so. Studies have shown that a break can boost how much you retain. 6. Do not let yourself get too hungry. 7. Make a lunch date with someone outside of the office every now and again. 8. Don’t overly concern yourself with things you do not need to know.

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HOW COULD THE INTERNET BREAK DOWN? Is it even possible for the Internet to completely shutdown though? In actuality sections of the net go down all the time, but most people don’t even hear about it unless some large geographical area or popular site is affected. For example, the death of Michael Jackson resulted in a flood of individuals trying to access sites such as Google News and Twitter; rendering them both temporarily inaccessible. Just a few years ago Pakistan’s attempt to block its citizens from

accessing YouTube within that country, resulted in a two hour worldwide blockage and hackers had actually managed to kick the entire nation of Kyrgyzstan off the Internet. These examples indicate two primary vulnerabilities: (1) a technical collapse or (2) an attack. The Internet’s resiliency however, lies in it being so decentralized, as such if one section breaks down, the network calculates how to get around the disruption. A complete system blackout is therefore difficult to envision, as something or someone would have to figure out how to disrupt core Internet protocol or attack the domain name system

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(DNS) which identifies the address of every computer that is attached to an IP network. THE SCENARIO: WHAT WOULD BE THE RIPPLE EFFECT? COMMUNICATION: You wouldn’t be able to get information from email or the Web. News organizations would be unable to communicate internally or use the Web to disseminate news. Which could lead to a number of catastrophes, particularly where safety is concerned. Governments, too, would have trouble communicating internally and broadcasting emergency information.

What If The Internet Breaks Down


lthough it may seem infallible, or perhaps the thought had never crossed your mind, the Internet is definitely vulnerable to a technical collapse or cyber attack. This would lead to mass chaos in practically every sector, including healthcare. Whenever there is a disturbance in your Internet service, it can be a highly irritating inconvenience. Perish the thought of not being able to update Facebook statuses, check email and send messages! On a more serious level, if you rely on the system for a job or your business, a breakdown can quickly cost you thousands of dollars. For example, if you owned a supermarket, quite a few of your customers would not be able to pay for their goods with a simple card swipe, nor could they withdraw any cash from ATM machines to pay for it. Companies would need to resort to faxing and phone calls in the absence of email, hospitals and other healthcare centres would likely run short on supplies and even electricity supply could be affected. Most people cannot fathom reverting to pen and checkbooks after becoming so accustomed to Points of Sale (POS) and e-commerce transactions; we would probably lose our minds! It has been more than 20 years since the Internet’s system was last overhauled and the widespread uproar caused by short breakdowns of popular sites such as Twitter and Youtube has provided just a glimpse of the havoc a system wide failure would wreak. The Internet is no longer a toy, but a system that has become integral to our economies by making us more efficient. Unfortunately, it also means we’re now dependent on it.

Connecting for Health How Multi-Media Healthcare Social Networks Improve Health and Wellness

FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Airplanes, trains and some roads rely on IP networks and much travel would grind to a halt, disrupting the movement of people and goods around the world HEALTH CARE: Quite a few medical records are stored on computer databases and without a network, a healthcare provider would have to be where a particular record is stored, to access it. Pharmacies and hospitals would have difficulty accessing records and keeping supplies in stock. Also, with so many individuals turning to the Internet for quick, simple (and sometimes not so simple) medical remedies, treatment and advice via online medical journals and communities, if the Internet were to completely break down they would no longer have this option.

related searches on Google alone, which is the most popular Internet search engine.

Contributed by John Linss

“Social Media” is clearly past being a fad in many countries and has now become a mainstream focus for many enterprises and individuals. The following statistics demonstrate this fact. • 80% of Americans use Social Media in one or more ways (Forrester).

The marriage of social networking (online communities) and high quality multi-media healthcare information is contributing to opportunities for improved health and wellness around the world. Traditionally, people have gotten • Baby Boomers are Using Social Media: 70% of consumers age information from their doctors, 50 and up said that their ontheir friends, and their family but line community was “very” this approach does not always reor “extremely” important to sult in the best outcomes and sufthem. So much so that almost ficient patient clarity. 70% of them log on daily or several times a day. (AARP As Internet access becomes more and the Center for the Digital pervasive, especially at broadband Future). speeds, individuals now have far more access to high quality, evi- • 80% of people no longer trust dence-based healthcare informamarketing messages from tion than ever before. In addition, companies but rather rely on they are being exposed to natural, word-of-mouth and peers for alternative healing, and wellness decisions on products and soconcepts that have been demonlutions (Forrester). strated to improve overall health. • More than 90% of people make buying decisions usIncreasingly, people are turning ing input from someone else to the Internet, social networks, (DoubleClick). and social media for information and support for their health • Embracing community for related activities and decisions. most organizations is now In one recent month there were becoming a matter of “table more than 4.6 billion healthcare stakes”, 87% of companies

Connecting For Health

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find it important to their overall strategy, 59% of companies report they already have it as part of their strategy and 28% are adding it (Equation Research). However, many businesses and governments are still struggling to understand how to leverage social media to its best effect. A “Build It and They Will Come” mentality does not suffice. Some organizations do not understand that people will not normally decide to spontaneously start interacting and connecting without a concrete motivator or driver. To a certain extent, the same mentality relates to content distribution as well. Many organizations are struggling to understand how best to leverage the digital healthcare related content they have available internally as well as the subscription-based content they purchase. Often it just “sits there” and is not fully utilized. Consequently, withfigure 1 out real differentiation, the value of content is often dif- Search Engine Optimization evant inbound links. ficult to measure. far more effective. It has been proven that social In addition, organizations This is because the nature media improves visibility in are learning that social me- of the social web encourages the search engines because dia dramatically improves participation: sharing, vot- social interaction has an insearch engine visibility across ing, commenting and linking. herent relevance that static the board. The content dis- Popular social content gets ex- content often lacks and the tribution and linking ben- posure/traffic and can result engines are tuned to detect efits of social web participa- in a substantial number of rel- that relevance. Web searchtion makes link building for Article Cut for online purposes

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Healthy Wealth


ouldn’t it be great to win the lottery or inherit a windfall from a long lost relative? Just imagine paying off all your debts and living in financial bliss for the rest of your life. We all have these fantasies from time to time; but let’s get real! You likely have a greater chance of being eaten by sharks than winning a multi-million dollar jackpot. We recommend a more realistic approach to wealth creation. Just as you go to your doctor for an annual physical, why not give yourself a financial checkup? A review of your finances will identify potential problems and strategies to improve your “financial fitness” and secure your financial future; and it’s much more practical than relying on blind luck.

Giving Your Finances A Physical

Here are some tips to get are you spending each month? Is your personal finances in your income greater than your order: expenses or vice versa? Exactly where is your money being spent? Identify your financial The purpose of a budget is to be goals able to pay down debt while savWhat are your financial priori- ing money so you can eventually ties and goals? Are your spend- get ahead. ing habits matching up with your priorities and helping you reach Make a commitment to your goals? Re-stating your priorisaving ties and goals will set the tone for We understand that there are the rest of your financial check- lots of demands on your money up, since you now have an idea these days but you must make savof what you hope to accomplish. ing a priority. An easy way to get Take future plans and major life started is to pay yourself first evevents - job changes, getting mar- ery month. Deposit 10% of your ried, having children, buying a monthly salary in your savings achouse – into consideration when count yourself or set up automatdesigning your financial plan. ic deductions from your chequing account. Evaluate your budget and spending Do you have a rainy day cash reThe first step to improving your serve? Nothing is more important financial health is creating a than having an emergency fund monthly budget so you can iden- in times of crisis, e.g. losing your tify where your money comes job or sudden illness. We recomfrom and where it goes. This will mend you have at least three to six allow you to set your spending months of living expense tucked and saving priorities. How much Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 | 27

away in a bank or money market Investment checkup account. What is the return on your stock, bond, or mutual fund investDon’t overlook big expenses you ments? Are you satisfied with pay just once or twice a year -- such their performance or is it time to as your insurance premium, prop- make some changes? How about erty tax, vacations and Christmas your retirement account; have you shopping budget. Put away small calculated what you need to save amounts of cash each month for to meet your retirement goals? these major expenditures so you Ensure that your investments are don’t have to go into debt to pay properly diversified and that they these bills. are the right vehicles to help you achieve your investment goals. Eliminate your debt Review your outstanding debt obAsset protection ligations and monthly bills. If you Are the major assets that you canare trying to eliminate your debt not afford to replace adequately (especially high-interest credit covered by insurance ( i.e., car, card debt), decide if you can spare home)? It is important to look more to reach that goal. Prioritize at whether or not your assets are your spending and use the money properly protected. What about saved from cut backs to reduce life insurance to protect your famyour liabilities. With careful bud- ily in case of death, and long-term geting and a little willpower you care insurance to protect your can eliminate your debt. main income in the case that you are disabled and unable to per-

form your job duties? It is critical that you have proper insurance to protect your dependents from financial disaster and that you re-evaluate your insurance needs each year to make sure you are covered to the full extent. Estate planning Ensure your will or estate plan is up to date. Do you have a will or trust that guarantees that your loved ones are protected in the event of your incapacity or death? Contact a lawyer that specializes in estate planning and get your affairs in order. Regular checkups are as important for your physical wellbeing as they are for your finances. A complete assessment of your finances (at least once a year) will help to keep you financially fit and allow you to look ahead to a financially secure future.


osing your job can be a stressful and emotional experience. You go through a roller coaster of emotions; initially shock and betrayal, then anger and sadness. Fears of financial insecurity may only compound your feelings of being pushed time, it’s important to use to the edge. it wisely. Don’t rush in to The key to surviving redundancy spending or investing this lump is to take control of your sum. Get financial advice so situation. First, don’t take your you don’t make rash decisions job loss personally. This may that you may regret later. Think be easier said than done; but about putting the money in a remember that redundancies high-interest savings account reflect an organization’s for three to six months while financial situation during times you explore your job and of economic uncertainty, rather investment options. than your ability as a worker. In other words, it is not about Budget for the essentials: Add up all your essential bills, such you! as rent or mortgage payments, Next, take control over your utilities and food, to know finances - this is of paramount exactly what you need to cover importance when the future is your basic monthly costs. This so uncertain. Not everyone gets will allow you to easily budget advanced warning that their for the essentials. job is being made redundant so you may not have been Prioritize your bills: Pay your prepared for this. Ideally, you bills in order of importance. should have had an emergency This will ensure that you don’t fund for worst case scenarios, accidently run out of money like redundancy. That is, at least three months savings to meet unexpected expenditures. If you didn’t, take it as a lesson learned. Start putting any spare money in the highest-paying savings account you can find.

Surviving Redundancy – Low Budget Living

before the most important bills are paid. For example, if the mortgage is due this week but the phone bill does not need to be paid until next month do not waste your money on the phone bill now. Prioritizing your bills will help you survive until you have a steady income again. Expense diary: To cut back on non-essential spending keep a diary of all your expenses for a month. Write down everything that you spend and what it was for. By separating your wants from your needs, you will see where you have been wasting your money. This exercise will give you a few extra dollars that can be put towards essentials. Spend frugally: You are living on a reduced income, so spend frugally. This is as good a time as any to look at your expenses and cut all non-essential spending. Examples of ways to do this are: • When doing your grocery shopping, make a list and

Here are a few other strategies to get you through this stressful time: Plan wisely: As a redundancy payment may be the last pay cheque you receive for some Surviving Redundancy – Low Budget Living

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stick to it. Forego the impulsive buys until you are on a more secure financial footing. • If you really want to save money, cut back on eating out. This is a budget busting habit that is worth breaking. You will save thousands of dollars each month. • Nix the gym membership. Keeping healthy should be a priority during this stressful period but there are more cost effective ways of keeping fit. Buy or rent exercise tapes or go walking with friends. Cut cable television and go local. It is money that could be better spent elsewhere. Plus, it is an opportunity to become aware of what is really happening in Jamaica. Cash not credit The best way to cut down on spending is to ditch the credit card and go with cash. You spend more when you use credit cards because it doesn’t always feel like “real money”. Whereas if you actually see the money leaving your hand, you tend to think harder about purchases and, in the end, spend less. Renegotiate your debts If you’re struggling to pay your mortgage it may be a good idea to ask your lender if you can take a payment holiday for a month or two. This way, you may be more likely to keep your home instead of it being repossessed. The same applies to credit card debt. Explain your situation to your banker and have them work out a repayment plan so you are not further burdened by escalating high interest. Redundancy does not have to be a devastating experience. It can be a time of renewal and new opportunities; not only for your career but also for your finances. 6th Annual Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion -2010 30 | Caribbean - July 2010 CaribbeanWellness Wellness&&Lifestyle LifestyleApril April - July 2010


uring the last fifty years the major cause of death and disability in Jamaica has changed from communicable and infectious diseases to chronic noncommunicable disease conditions. Self-report and examination confirmed the prevalence of obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and high cholesterol to be 25%, 25%, 8% and 12% respectively. These alarming statistics are reason for concern and indicate that the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases remains very high in the Jamaican population and may be increasing. Jamaica could save up to J$2.8 billion annually in medical costs for treating chronic non-communicable diseases, by pursuing healthier lifestyles.

of public awareness of the role of the individual and organizations in achieving and maintaining a well society. To this end, EHF will be hosting its 6th Annual “Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion” from April 22-23, 2010, under the theme “Invest in your Wellness Today & Save on Healthcare Tomorrow”. Our exciting series of events will begin with a grand Awards Ceremony & Dinner on Thursday, April 22, at 6:00 p.m., in which individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to wellness and healthy lifestyles in and around Jamaica will be honoured for their tremendous work. It will also feature a presentation under the theme by a distinguished guest speaker. Limited tickets for this event are on sale.

Exacerbating the burden of high medical costs in the treatment of chronic illnesses is low productivity experienced through absenteeism by workers due to illness. As a developing country, high productivity levels are crucial for our country’s development and success, and ought to be pursued fervently.

The second day of activities – April 23 – will see public lectures and seminars which seek to empower attendees with relevant and current tools and techniques aimed at improving their quality of life both now and in the long term. Speakers will address the different dimensions of wellness, such as physical, emotional, social and financial wellness. Primary and secondary school students will be targeted to attend the morning seminar, while corporate professionals, civil servants, tertiary level students and the general public are invited to attend the public lectures. Attending these events will be at no cost!

Essentially, a substantial proportion of Jamaica’s disease burden relates to correctible lifestyle habits and behaviours. Recommendations from the Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2007-8 include, among others, “an increased awareness of the risk posed by unhealthy behaviour and obesity.” It is therefore a matter of utmost importance that requires urgent attention from all stakeholders. The repercussions of not addressing these key areas will be devastating on the health and wellness of the Jamaican population, and the Jamaican economy.

EHF’s “Wellness & Lifestyle Promotion” has been successfully staged each year for the past six (6) years, which speaks to our commitment to fulfilling our mantra of “enhancing the quality of people’s lives”. It is also testament to the loyal support of the private sector and other interests in partnering with us in these The Environmental Health Foundation exciting and innovative wellness initiatives. (EHF) has as its mandate – the heightening We invite you to join with us in creating a shift from treating illnesses to preventing them through healthy lifestyles for the body and mind. Contact us: Tel: (876) 927-3040 | Fax: (876) 978-0602 | Email:

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azor bumps, ingrown hairs, nicks and cuts, whatever your shaving issue is, we’re here to help. Check out our expert answers to your most prickly shaving issues below.

ues: I tend to get small nicks you’re through to prevent itching when I shave. Should I be and irritation. using a razor with fewer blades? ues: Is there really a difference between using ns: A razor with fewer blades may not necessarily solve canned shaving gel as opposed your problem. Ensure that you to cream that is applied with a are adequately preparing your brush? skin before shaving. The way to ns: No. A shaving brush do this is by washing with warm just helps to make daily water and this will help to soften the hair and open up your pores. shaving a bit more pleasant This should allow you to get a while producing a richer lather, much closer, yet irritation free softening hair, reducing the likelihood of ingrown hairs and shave. giving you a nice massage in the ues: Lots of men are now process. shaving their chest, stomach ues: My shaving cream is and armpits. What’s the best way very thick, so much so that to get rid of hair in these areas? it really clogs my blades. It feels ns: Trimming these areas really good on my skin though; can get tricky, but as long as is there any way I can reduce this you’re careful it doesn’t have to clogging? be that hard. First you need to ns: You may not like the wash and dry the area you’ll be answer, but the best way to shaving, then lightly dust it with reduce the clogging is to switch baby powder. It is recommended your shaving cream. It may feel that you use an electric clipper good on your skin, but chances or a pair of scissors to trim most are if it’s clogging your blades of the hair’s length. Moisten that much, it’s probably doing the area with warm water, apply the same to your pores. shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth. Do not ues: What is the most try to rush the process, if you common shaving mistake don’t take enough off at first men make? you can always go back and shave ns: The biggest mistake guys some more, but there is no way make when shaving, is going to put back what you’ve shaven against the grain of hair growth. off. Apply soothing cream when








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If you do this, you’re just begging for ingrown hairs and irritated skin. Always follow the direction in which the hair grows and if you’re not getting the super close shave you want, after you have shaved with the grain, lather up again and go against the grain.

Q ns: Before you shave ensure A that your face is moistened with warm water, which softens

ues: Are there any tricks that I can use to keep my stubble under control longer?

the beard, relaxes face muscles and opens up the pores. This should enable you to get a close shave and the closer you shave the longer you’ll be stubble free. ues: How often should I change my razor?

Q ns: If you happen to feel a A drag on your razor then it’s time for the head to be replaced. This may occur after every six or seven shaves. If your blade is not sharp enough you will not get a close shave or an even shave.

Are electric razors better Ques: than regular shavers? ns: Not at all. Electronic A razors, particularly those with rotating heads may cut your hair in all manner of different directions, which leads to ingrown hairs.

Grooming Parlour: All Your Shaving Questions Answered


t is not uncommon to hear people refer to, from time to time, relationships which they see as ‘good’. But what is a ‘good’ relationship really? Does that mean never fighting, or spending lots of time together, or is there more to it? Read on for ten signs you can look for to determine if you are in a good relationship.

cause you do not want to be alone you able to let go of the anger or 1. Kindness: You should want to be kind to your partner and your is unhealthy and could also bedo you hold on to it with the jaws partner should want to be kind to come dangerous. of life? In a healthy relationship, you. This includes curbing those you and your partner are able to ‘I want to have my own way’ 5. Method of conflict resolumove past this anger and get back tion: in every relationship, you or ‘I’m always right’ tendencies. to a place of harmony. This is not will have disagreements/fights Instead of always focusing on how to say it is an easy process, or that and it is not so much the disagreeyour partner can make you hapit happens instantaneously, howment that matters, as it is the pier, focus on how you can make ever an unwillingness to let go of way in which you resolve it. It your partner happier. Finding anger could be a sign of some hidis important to have a method joy in being kind to your partner den resentment. for resolving issues and not just and not being a control freak, is brush them aside. Also when you 7. Listening, understanding, aca critical component of a healthy do fight, fight fair. Name calling cepting and learning: do you relationship. and being intentionally hurtful feel that your partner hears, unare definitely not healthy. derstands and accepts you and do 2. Spontaneous warmth and affection: it might sound like a you do the same? It’s a good sign cliché but does thinking or being 6. Letting anger go: whenever you when couples are able to share and/or your partner get angry, are with your partner make you feel feelings or secrets with each other all warm and fuzzy inside and do without fear of being judged. you affectionately display these 8. Sexuality: you and your partner feelings? This is another vital asshould have a warm and affecpect of a healthy relationship; tionate sexual relationship where that is being able to see the good you both feel free to be spontain each other, not just the faults neous and share what gives you and enjoying being with the perpleasure. son regardless. 9. Freedom to be yourself: being 3. Laughter and fun: being able able to pursue what brings you joy to just play around and let your with a supportive partner by your hair down with each other is also side contributes greatly to the staanother sign of a healthy relationbility of a relationship; that is as ship. This shows that you each long as what it is you are pursuing appreciate the other’s sense of hudoes not undermine the relationmour and will most likely be able ship itself. to cheer each other up during difficult periods. 10. Trust in your love for each other: a healthy relationship 4. Enjoying time spent together must include a solid foundation and apart: Is your partner just of trust, which will help the reabout your favourite person to lationship when the going gets spend time with, but you’re still ok rough. Do you still trust that even spending time with other friends when you and your partner disapand pursuing separate interests? point or hurt each other that the It’s important to spend time tolove will still be there? People ofgether, but it’s also important to ten claim to love others yet have spend time apart, as this enables no trust in them; however a great you to grow as an individual and level of trust is essential to making ultimately contribute more to the a relationship healthy, happy and relationship. Being emotionally whole. dependent and spending all your time with your partner, only be-

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

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reduces the damage done by free radicals, which cause skin to age early. The berries also contain malic acid, an astringent which can help with tooth discolouration. Also eat – blueberries, oranges and kiwis.

Wild Salmon

Eat Yourself Beautiful

Why they make you beautiful – they are a premier source of omega fatty acids which naturally beautify the skin and reduce inflammation more effectively than most other foods. Also eat – mackerel and sardines.


ant glowing skin, lustrous hair and whiter teeth? The secret may very well be in your kitchen. Read on for the 5 foods the beauty experts swear by:


body, which makes your skin Why it makes you beautiful – appear plumper and less red. not only are they good sources of low fat protein that are key Sweet Potatoes in fostering hair growth, but Why they make you beautishellfish also contain high lev- ful – they are full of fiber and els of zinc, which fights acne Vitamin A, which help boost and boosts the immune system. the immune system and keep Shellfish also contain panto- your skin fresh, smooth and thenic acid, a B vitamin that clear. A derivative of Vitamin A, tretinoin, is the main ingrepromotes shiny hair. dient in quite a few prescription Also eat – oysters, clams. acne and anti-wrinkle creams. Also eat – carArtichokes Why it makes you beautiful rots and – one artichoke contains 25% tomatoes. of an adults daily quota of fiber, which makes it an excellent detoxifier that helps to promote clearer, more radiant Strawberries skin. Another ingre- Why they make you beautiful – it’s loaded with Vitamin dient, rutin, c, which boosts the immune helps to reduce system and stimulates collagen inf lammaproduction. Collagen in turn tion over the 34 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Fights Acne

Boosts Immunity Enhances Hair

Improves Glow Reduces Wrinkles

Whitens Teeth Decreases Puffiness Speeds up weight Loss

Eat Yourself Beautiful

Delicious Carrot Cake

Delicious Carrot Cake


ou may be watching your waistline but there is no need to throw in the towel on delectable desserts. This healthy and delicious carrot cake recipe is a great way to indulge your sweet tooth while getting your fruits and veggies. Plus, it’s easy to make with added fruit to make it nice and moist. You’ll love the amazing taste of this spicy carrot cake.


2 cups whole wheat flour 2 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. ground allspice 1 tsp. salt 1 1/4 cups brown sugar, packed 2 cups grated carrots 2 eggs 1 cup vegetable oil 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup almond milk, soy milk, or rice milk 1 1/2 cups crushed pineapple, drained 1/2 cup crushed walnuts


Preheat the oven to 350°F. Mix all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl: flour, baking soda, baking powder, the spices, salt, and sugar. Mix carrots, eggs, oil, vanilla extract, milk, and pineapple together and add to the flour mixture. Blend until “just mixed.” Fold in the walnuts. Pour into a greased 13×9×2 pan. Bake for 4550 min at 350°F until a knife inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Cool completely and then frost with cream cheese frosting.


12 ounces reduced fat cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1-1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 tsp lemon juice In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla; beat with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Serves: 12 Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle July 2010 Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April -April July- 2010 | 35| 35


he physical changes from cancer treatment can take a heavy toll on a woman’s self-esteem. Some women lose their hair, eyebrows and eyelashes while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, while others get dark circles under eyes, skin discolouration, dry and sensitive skin, blemishes, fingernail changes, and even yellowing teeth.

It is hard to feel beautiful when a disease is ravaging your body; but if there was ever a time to pamper yourself, this is it. If you like what you see in the mirror, you will feel better about yourself. A little beauty pampering will boost your spirits, and help you regain a sense of selfconfidence and control over your life. Here are some useful tips to help you put your “best face forward” as you undergo cancer treatment: • Skin may become dry, irritated and much more sensitive during chemotherapy and radiation. Moisturize skin to combat dryness and hydrate the skin, and always wear a sunscreen. • Avoid hot water, opting for warm water instead and wash with a gentle, non-drying soap. • Treatment may result in a dull or pallid complexion. Use a concealer to hide any spots or discolorations on the skin, dark under-eye circles and scars; next, blend in a foundation to even out your skin tone. Apply your foundation with your fingers, a sponge or a brush for a flawless finish. Finish with a bronzing powder on the cheeks and temples to give your complexion a natural, warm glow. • Eyebrows may become patchy or fall out completely. Use a brow pencil to define/replace eyebrows. When defining the brows, the simplest way is to follow the brow’s natural arch. Draw in short, feathery strokes for a more natural look, using a shade of eyebrow colour that matches your hair or wig colour. • Avoid false eyelashes and mas36 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

cara. When you’re going through treatment, your immune system is compromised and you’re more susceptible to infection from bacterial growth that may be in your mascara container or on the glue of the eyelashes. Hair loss, although temporary, is one of the hardest aspects of chemotherapy. It is often the first overwhelming confrontation cancer patients have with their illness. The key is to handle this change in whatever way feels right to you. If you’re comfortable going au naturel then embrace your baldness and accessorize with bold jewelry; wear beautiful scarves or hats; or buy wigs in different colours and styles. Maintain your nails. A side effect of chemotherapy for some is nail damage; they may become dried and cracked or you may lose your nails entirely. If you still have nails, cut them short and file them regularly; use a pretty polish to freshen them up and cover any imperfections. Avoid nail salons while undergoing chemotherapy. Even though salons are supposed to sterilize their implements, you cannot be sure. If you must have a professional manicure, take your own implements to guard against infection. Massages and reflexology have many health benefits and help to reduce anxiety, depression, pain intensity, and fatigue, and improve your overall sense of well being. Ensure that the massage therapist consults with your oncologist to get a thorough knowledge of your cancer and its treatment, the correct amount of pressure to use and what areas to avoid. Maintain regular dental care. Chemotherapy and radiation may result in dry mouth, gum recession and cold/canker sores. Use a topical fluoride treatment and have regular cleanings with clearance from your medical physician. Putting Your Best Face Forward While Fighting Cancer

as much as you can to avoid uncooked foods and raw or undercooked eggs. There’s an 80% chance that your traveller’s diarrhea is caused by bacteria, so you might want to travel with a few antibiotics such as Ciproflaxin or Zithromax or any one your family doctor may determine. It is also important to replace any fluids lost during your bout of diarrhea, and rehydration salts such as CeraLyte or a homemade version should do the trick.

It’s the one mortifying experience you hope you never have to endure. Some call it Montezuma’s revenge (probably because it is so notorious for occurring in Mexico) but whatever you may want to call it, traveler’s diarrhea is no fun.

The pharmaceutical industry until very recently did not offer treatment for the prevention of traveler’s diarrhea. Xifoxan and Travelan have now been developed for this purpose; however, the latter is not regulated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). New vaccines are to be developed, but the important thing to note is that none will be 100% effective. Avoiding the situation is the best way to avoid the illness, but of course this is not always possible.

While it more frequently affects visitors to developing countries, it can happen anywhere. Improper sewage treatment and food handling as well as contaminated water can all contribute to parasites or e- So what can you do? Your coli entering your food supply best bet is to take the proper precautions with what you eat and making you sick. and drink. In the end, if you The World Health Organization do have to face Montezuma’s (WHO) estimates that millions revenge, a sufficient amount of people get ill each day of fluids, rest and over the from food borne diseases counter medication should and thousands die. Usually help to minimize the effects of people are told to boil things an uncomfortable situation. in order to make them safe for consumption. This does not always work. Instead try Trust Your Gut

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The hypothalamus, which is located in the centre of your brain, is your body’s master clock, so to speak, which decides when it is time for you to wake up or go to sleep. When light signals travel through the retina to a section of the hypothalamus, the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the sleep cycle, is released. Travelling and crossing multiple time zones throws off melatonin production, however, leading to jet lag. Weary travelers have tried numerous remedies, such as vitamins, herbs and even acupressure, to find relief. Below we list a few of the most tried and perhaps true ways of resetting your inner clock. MELATONIN

The remedy

How it works

The results


If you are travelling eastward, try getting up early every morning, a few days before your trip and soak up the rays of a high intensity lamp (seeing that the sun isn’t up). If you are travelling to the west, stay up later and use the lamp in the evenings. Melatonin is commonly High density lamps mimic used to treat insomnia sunlight and can suppress and basically tricks the melatonin release in the body into thinking it’s body; hence helping to time to go to sleep. ward off sleep. On the day you are due to travel, take a melatonin supplement a half an hour before you go to sleep.

A number of trials suggest that melatonin intake decreases the time needed to establish a regular sleep pattern, diminishes the time it takes to fall asleep and reduces daytime fatigue. Other trials however have reported no benefits, and side effects such as headaches, irritability and nausea.

A study which simulated travelling from New York to Hong Kong found that light therapy recipients were on schedule at least four hours before non recipients. There was no improvement in jet lag however in long haul flight crews.

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Sedatives such as Ambien or Lunesta will help you sleep on those long flights and just before bedtime at your destination.

Amp up your protein and carbohydrate intake for about four days before your trip. Alternate between a day of high intake and a day of fasting (no more than 800 calories for the day). Salads, soups and fruits are good for fasting days.

Ambien and Lunesta are nonbenzodiazepines which attach themselves to certain brain receptors and stimulate the release of chemicals that relax the body and induce sleep. These sleep aids have little hangover effect and are best if you have at least eight hours to sleep.

Protein helps the body produce the chemicals needed to wake up and carbohydrates prepare the body for sleep. The fasting days rid the liver of any carbs it had in storage and readies the body to have its clock reset. A small study on National Guard troops, who were placed on the above diet before they flew across nine time zones, were less likely to suffer from jet lag.

Beat Jet Lag


1. Once a human 5. Men are able reaches the age to read fine of 35, he/she print better will start losing than women. approximately 6. Close to fifty 7,000 brain percent of the cells a day. The bacteria in the cells will never mouth lives on be replaced. the surface of 2. Your brain is the tongue. more active 7. On average, a and thinks man spends more at night about five than during months of his the day. life shaving. 3. The eye of a 8. If an identical human can twin grows distinguish up without 500 shades of having a gray. certain tooth, 4. People the other twin generally will most likely read 25% also grow up slower from with that tooth a computer missing. screen 9. Your thigh compared to bone is paper. stronger than

Did You Know?


concrete. 10. Over 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress. 11. Every three days a human stomach gets a new lining. 12. The DNA of humans is closer to a rat than a cat. 13. Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion. 14. The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.

A rastaman went to visit an old family friend. He knocks on the door and someone inside says, “a who dat?” The Rastaman answers: “I and I, Jah Rastafari, King of Kings, Lord of Lords: Conquering lion of the Tribe of Judah, son of Haile Selassie I.” The person inside replied: “a me one dey yah, an mi nah open de door fi so much ah oonu.”

An elderly Jamaican man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite Jamaican pastry, ‘Gizzada’, wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom and he would have thought himself already in heaven, for there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table were literally dozens of ‘Gizzadas’. He threw himself towards the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture. His parched

Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010 | 39

lips parted, the wondrous taste of the ‘Gizzada’ was already in his mouth, seemingly bringing him back to life. His aged and withered hand trembled on its way to a ‘Gizzada’ at the edge of the table, when it was suddenly smacked with a ‘dutch-pot’ by his wife...... “Move yu back-side!” she said, “Dem ya a fe you funeral.”

A Really Bad Day There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half of an hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, “Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I’ll buy you another drink. I just can’t stand to see a man cry.” “No, it’s not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I overslept and got to work late, then my boss fires me, then my car was stolen and the police said that they can do nothing about it. I get a cab to return home, and accidentally leave my wallet with my credit cards and cash on the back seat.” “I finally get home, and find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison.”

40 | Caribbean Wellness & Lifestyle April - July 2010

Locate all the letters in the diagram which appear exactly three times. A letter may appear many times in different styles, but you want only those which are exact triplicates. Rearrange the Threesomes letters to spell a common word.


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