NAEYC Institute | Final Program 2018

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Tuesday 8:00–10:00 a.m. Brazos/206 8:00–10:00 a.m.

Adults need play, too! Fun team-building activities for every play personality Research shows that play supports adults’ work just as it does children’s development. Administrators and teacher educators will discover ways that adults and their workplace benefit when adults play and have a playful attitude. After identifying the eight adult play personalities and participating in games for each, they will leave with many ideas for fostering playfulness in their staff and themselves—and they’ll have had fun, too! Diane Goyette, Early Childhood Specialties LLC; Barbara Lynn, Wharton County Junior College. Training & Professional Development Programs

JW Grand Ballroom Salon 1 8:00–10:00 a.m.

Peer-based mentorship: A multifaceted peer support model EDvance at San Francisco State University has developed a multifaceted peer support model that pairs first-generation college students with veteran teachers as both pursue degrees. This model supports future teachers to learn from veteran teachers while they explore the field as a career and learn about the challenges teachers face. At the same time, veteran teachers benefit from what the aspiring teachers know about navigating a complex system of higher education. This presentation focuses on the mentorship design and highlights the impact on quality in ECE programs. Lygia Stebbing, EDvance, San Francisco State University; Ashley Williams, Office of Early Care and Education; Christine Nevarez, EDvance, San Francisco State University; Stephanie Estrada, Mission Neighborhood Centers; Karen Galicia, Mission Neighborhood Centers.

JW Grand Ballroom Salon 2 8:00–10:00 a.m.

The early childhood classroom: The teacher, the curriculum, the environment This session is focused on the research related to early childhood administrators and their understanding of early childhood pedagogy, including developmentally appropriate practices. An additional focus will be on the classroom design, or environment, and how that plays a role in early childhood teaching and learning. Participants will engage in conversation and discussion throughout the session regarding early childhood pedagogy, practices, and policies. One such practice we will discuss is teacher evaluation in pre-K through grade 3. Brian Kingrey, Iowa AEYC. Professionalism, Leadership & Ethics

JW Grand Ballroom Salon 3 8:00–10:00 a.m.

Making the case for a well-compensated early childhood workforce: Shaping new messages from the eight-state Moving the Needle on Compensation project Learn about the eight-state Moving the Needle on Compensation (MtN) project, facilitated by the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center. Hear about the work these states are doing to create/improve policy and funding strategies toward better workforce compensation and to reframe our messages around making the case for a well-compensated early childhood workforce to help garner better public and political buy-in around compensation. Practice reframing your messages based on lessons learned from the Frameworks Institute. Sue Russell, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center; Julie Rogers, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center; Megan Burk, Texas AEYC; Brandee Lengel, Nebraska AEYC. Advocacy/Public Policy

Educator/Teacher Preparation

2018 NAEYC Professional Learning Institute


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