M REAL Magazine 2020 Media Kit Short Version

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Introduction I know you’re busy. How can you not be in a world that moves at so fast? Wouldn’t you enjoy a nice pause to breathe in and connect with all that makes life REAL again. At the very least wouldn’t you like to find a brief moment for something to make life easier? Of course, so I encourage you to take a break and flip through the stories in M REAL Magazine. You might find the inspiration needed to tackle a new project or go to a place or destination you can’t wait to experience to recharge your momentum. Our team of contributors and writers bring REAL engaging content with the flavor of the inside scoop, relatable videos and stories; challenging experiences and authentic lifestyles which ultimately gives the reader that personal moment of pause; to breathe and become smarter, sharper, healthier and more focused to brighter days ahead.

salutation is add to end of editor notes is to say: Hopefully, you’ll have enjoyed simply slowing down. Stay open to new possibilities! “Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.” – Leonard Cohen


Table of Content Editorial-1

Introduction Editorial Staff Editorial Calendar

Content Management Group –6 Marketing-8

Women’s Organization Chapter Management Support ETM Network Social Media Marketing

Circulation-10 Base Circulation Social Media

Rates & Dates-12 Advertising Schedule-18

Miles at Montreux Boplicity Click to Play

Editorial Staff Hammond Bdouldin, Editor-in-Chief M REAL Magazine Success Talk for Men

Copy Editors

Karla Maree, Sr Editor Editorial Department Andrew Cameron Graphic layout

Channel Editors

Dr. Anissa McNeil, Channel Editor ETM Education Channel Caitlin Chen, Channel Editor ETM Finance Channel Gay Thomas Wilson Channel Editor ACTIVATION Etm Spiritual Health & Wellness channel Sharon Mitchell, Channel Editor SocialPoli Channel Paul and Teresa Lowe, channel Editors Lifestyle Channel

Editorial Calendar Jan 2020

Feb 2020

Mar 2020

Apr 2020

1 5 2020

2 5 2020

3 5 2020

4 5 2020

Articles Due

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Articles Due

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May 2020

Jun 2020

Jul 2020

Aug 2020

5 5 2020

6 5 2020

7 5 2020

8 5 2020


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2 5 2020

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1 15 2020 2 15 2020

2 16 2020 3 15 2020

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Sep 2020

Oct 2020

Nov 2020

Dec 2020

10 5 2020

11 5 2020

12 5 2020

3 16 2020

4 15 2020

4 16 2020

5 15 2020

5 16 2020

6 15 2020

6 16 2020

7 15 2020

Articles Due

Articles Due

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Ad Sales Close

9 5 2020

7 16 2020 8 15 2020

8 16 2020 9 15 2020

Articles Due

Articles Due

9 16 2020

10 15 2020

Articles Due 10 16 2020 11 15 2020

Our Writers M Magazine and ETM Media have over 200 writers worldwide. Our writer base is growing daily as we build expertise on a wide range of subjects. Our writers are both men and women, with expertise in business, technology, lifestyle, travel, food, wineries, fashion, health, wellness, finance and much more.

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Since the founding of M REAL Magazine, we developed the unique practice of only working with practitioners and professionals. M Magazines does not work with freelance writers. If there is a Yoga article written, it’s written by a Yoga expert. If there is a Human Rights or Trafficking article, it is written by an expert , professional or passionate advocate. This practice proved to be advantageous in establishing the ETM Interactive media platform.

M REAL Magazine has awesome columns and features men want and need to connect with. Features such as the Men’s Haberdashery column we’ve named “Threads”. Each month Threads features designers from around the world with designs for a wide range of taste and target groups.

Also, there’s CUTS. CUTS brings the new looks men are rocking these days. From short-short to long, breaded or wavey. Cuts features the many ways men are expressing themselves. A man’s head and face is a canvas of his total look,

Many of us are tired of stumbling over the same obstacles that have held us back, feeling exhausted and weary of the start and stop cycles of the recent interruptions to our lives and often time feelings of uncertainty about how to start again? In these moments, we really need to keep moving ahead because action creates momentum that can create the impossibilities be

made possible, so the importance of momentum in you cannot be understated! Momentum Speaks podcast is all about exploring momentum. How it works, what is momentum, understanding how the practical concepts of momentum are within your grasp, identify and eliminate energy drainers that keep pulling you backwards, we will also explore, how momentum will help realign your focus from opposition to opportunities – and generate the type of momentum that leads to consistency and traction to moving you forward. So, together with my guests, authors, speakers, and coaches, we will have insightful commentary and great topics of discussion that will help you discover the potential and power of momentum that draws and pulls you closer to a purpose to achieving things on purpose.

Geographic Reach United States Australia Bangladesh Canada China Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya New Zealand Philippian South Africa South Korea

Growth and Quality in Circulation

E Magazine has the largest concentration of Female Executives in the United States. Based on our marketing strategy and global reach, E Magazine’s goal is to be the largest concentration of Female Executives globally.

Total Circulation 1.9 Million Rate Base 1.7 Million • E Magazine host columns for the top women’s Organizations which they circulate and distribute directly to their members.

• E Magazine is building alliances with other major networks, products and services. These alliances have large marketing bases which could increase E Magazine’s subscription base by another 10 Million.

Additional markets and Circulation Opportunities • E Magazine has over 200 writers and plans to grow that writer base to 500 plus. Each of these writers circulates their articles and content within their own large networks and mailing lists. We will encourage writers to share articles, create hashtags and their social media networks. • PR firms and Authors: E Magazine is approached on a daily basis by PR firms and publishing houses to feature their Authors books. E Magazine requires that they include the magazine link as part of their marketing material. • Subscriber are encouraged to share E Magazine articles and content with their networks.

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Digital Rates Base Circulation 1.7 Million Double Page Ad 3/4 Page Ad Full Page Ad 1/2 Page Ad

$174,750 $140,175 $109,500 $ 74,000

Inside Front Cover 1 Back Cover

$184,000 $140,000

Premium Page Rates

Additional Ad Space Website Blocks and Banners Dailey Social Media Posting Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Jan 2020

Feb 2020

Mar 2020

Apr 2020

1 5 2020

2 5 2020

3 5 2020

4 5 2020

Articles Due

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Articles Due

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Articles Due

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May 2020

Jun 2020

Jul 2020

Aug 2020

5 5 2020

6 5 2020

7 5 2020

8 5 2020


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2 5 2020

Articles Due

1 15 2020

2 15 2020

2 16 2020

3 15 2020

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Sep 2020

Oct 2020

Nov 2020

Dec 2020

10 5 2020

11 5 2020

3 16 2020 4 15 2020

4 16 2020 5 15 2020

Articles Due

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9 5 2020

7 16 2020 8 15 2020

5 16 2020 6 15 2020

Articles Due 6 16 2020 7 15 2020

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Ad Sales Close

8 16 2020 9 15 2020

9 16 2020

10 15 2020

12 5 2020

10 16 2020 11 15 2020

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