E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive August 2018

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Joy Tessman

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50 Out of The Box ! Innovator

21 Maslow Hierarchy For KIDS


60 Education WORKS!

66 Turn Up the Heat with Face Book LIVE

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Really Important Stuff My Kids have Taught Me.

Optimizing Your Already Thieving Career

More the Just Talking and Listening

Functionality Space Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Terri Wildemann

Culinary Artist

Katie O’Reilly

Speaker, Author and Financial Coach

Daniel Djouder

Economic and Page 10 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Tracy Repchuk Social Media Ex-

Leslie Pogue Author,Speaker

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I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to this issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is: “Jump Out of The Box!” When it comes to disruptive innovations, here’s something to consider: “If you want to invent a new phone-stop thinking about the phone. But rather think only of functionality-without form. Then, create the least intrusive expression of that functionality. Then you have started the process of “Jumping Out of the Box”. Ideas can come from anywhere and brilliant designs can lay complete yet unexpressed in our spirits. For example: Paul Simon got the idea for one of his hit songs “Cecilia” by riding across a bridge in New York. The rhythm the wheels made crossing the bridge gave birth to the beat of the song. Frank Lloyd Wright downloaded the entire architectural design for Falling water within the time it took his client to ride from the train station to his house. There are countless other stories of brilliant ideas sitting within the innovator, creator or social change agent and being birthed out in an incredible manner. So the real question is… What greatness lies in you? What idea are you sitting on waiting to be birthed? Don’t wait for perfect conditions, logical connections or the approval of friends and family. When the idea is ripe and opportunity presents it self-jump!! Jump out of the Box!

I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford

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Education Wo

A New Series by Dr. Anissa McNeil “I tell th

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The Color Factory Museum in Ma

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What is the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory? Abraham Maslow suffered and never forgot his horrible childhood. Now through the tools of his education he successfully completed one of his lifetime goals: to research and explain how abuse of any kind effects a person’s entire life and personal development. After several years of research, he presented “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. Maslow’s theory has been featured in countless publications worldwide. It’s used as a reference in most social related studies including business, civic development and education.

Maslow’s theory illustrates how individuals evolve in their thinking and mindset based on a hierarchy of needs. This theory is applicable to kids, individuals, communities, and collective environments. Here Maslow’s theory is being applied to the playground and classroom environments.

How Does It Apply to Your Kids? Level 1:

The first level is physiological needs. For kids that includes breathing, food, water, health, and sleep.

security. For kids that includes not being bullied, inclusion instead of isolation, no cruel treatment, no harassment, and safety in selfexpression.

Level 2: The second level is physical security and interpersonal Page 22 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Level 3:

The third level is love and belonging. For kids that simply means the freedom to be, strong friendships, and a supportive family. Level 4: The forth level is selfesteem. For kids that includes confidence, achievement, respect

for others, kid-to-kid communication, debating, discussion, negotiating, and leadership.

Level 5:

The fifth level is selfactualization. For kids that includes morality, creativity, spontaneous problem solving, lack of prejudice,

So now that we’ve built the Hierarchy, let’s further describe the relationships.

Level 1 The first level is physiological needs. For kids that includes breathing, food, water, health, and sleep. At level 1physiological needs, If a kid experiences a long term lack in this area it literally shapes their value system. Page 23 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Kids develop a condition of poverty verses a season of poverty. They risk internalizing the perception that they are destined for poverty, lack and they never aspire to ascend past it. This creates insecurity and fear. Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Level 2 The second level is physical security and interpersonal security. For kids that includes not being bullied, Social inclusion instead of isolation, no cruel treatment, no harassment, and safety in self -expression. At level 2 Safety and Security, Kid’s need structure, order, se-

curity and predictability. That means perimeters of safety and freedom from danger, fear and all types of bullying. In certain families, this includes freedom from dysfunctional behavior

that leaves kids feeling unsafe. Households that have violence,

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substance abuse or any of the many types of mistreatment impact the child's experience at school. Some kids will escape into the books while others will act out their frustrations in the classroom. In either situation, the parents are responsible for not creating a safe environment for their kids. This condition exist in all economic levels just as substance abuse and other types of dysfunctions Subscription link etmmedia.net

Level 3 The third level is love and belonging. For kids that simply means the freedom to be, strong friendships, and a supportive family.

This is often

the case when both parents or the single parent

has demanding

careers. Often at executive levels, both women and men alike make an

At level 3 Love and belonging,

unrealistic commitment to their jobs.

kids need to feel there is some-

Unless one parent commits to the kids,

one standing behind them

there will be gaps in the children’s

cheering them on. Often par-


ents provide extensive food, shelter and material items but are technically “absent” from a relationship with their kids.

Homework, football games, recitals and one on one talks.

One of the ways to counter act the quantity of time is with quality of time. Telling them you love them. Setting aside time to spend with your children.

Reviewing their homework, talking to their teachers even if it’s by email. Make a sacrifice someplace else to give them more time.

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Look Who’s Talking



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Level 4 The forth level is selfesteem. For kids that includes confidence, achievement, respect for others, kid-to -kid communication, debating, discussion, negotiating, and leadership. At level 4 self Esteem, By achieving levels 1-3, level 4 is a given. Kids will naturally develop the right amount of self esteem.

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It’s important for kids to become really good at something early on in life. This authentic gift or talent creates an authentic case of “I like myself.” Once kids know themselves and like themselves, they are unstoppable. Every human being has several good qualities. As a parent, grandparent, teacher or coach, It’s your job to find that good thing and tell that kid about it. For some kids it may be something as simple as being wonderfully kind. Use build and grow words to build self esteem.

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Level 5 The fifth level is selfactualization. For kids that includes morality, creativity, spontaneous problem solving, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts. Self Actualization is the ability to create, imagine and innovate. To become independent thinkers and problem solvers. Every kid should be given the opportunity and encouraged to self actualize. We should approach raising kids like Micheal Angelo approached a sculpture. Pay attention to what they are demonstrating and lightly trace Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Them into themselves. This may take several tries but if you can help them capture their voice before they leave home, they will be happier people. Kids that find their voice are more powerful in their lives. They are less likely to become victims and more likely to be the ones that help save someone else. I have a saying

“Stubborn Children are a challenge until they grow up to become that emergency room doctor that refuses to let you die. “Or the one that walks into the fire instead of


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Summary Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if kids feel threatened, bullied, abused, or mistreated, it affects their ability to focus, learn, and ascend to the next level. It inhibits their ability to concentrate, think, create, problem solve, or selfactualize. If a child or person is unable to address or correct that need within the hierarchy, they will

become stuck or hardwired at a level less than their full potential. It’s important to consciously make sure children ascend through these levels of need.

Excerpts from The Playground Dynamic The Playground Dynamic pushes kids through the levels of Maslow’s theory both organically and through the playground dynamic exercises. If you're interested in getting a digital copy of The Playground Dynamic send email to Allyledo@aol.com Page 29 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Health & Wellness Channel Page 31 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Truth About The Flu Vaccine: Why You Won’t Need the Flu Vaccine This Year and Ever Again!

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Are you tired of being wiped out by a cold or flu that may take weeks to get over? Are you tired of the sore throats, the stuffed up noses, the coughs, the alternating chills and fever, and the sleepless nights that make you feel like death? What about those achy muscles? The lethargy? The listlessness? And what about the loss of productivity? And missing out on the big events of your life? This is flu season. It occurs every year in most parts of North America between October and March, with the peak season usually from December to February.

Google “influenza statistics” and you’ll get an article in Wikipedia telling you that between 250,000 and 500,000 people die every year worldwide from the flu. This includes 36,000 deaths in the USA. In Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada says the flu kills between 4000 to 8000 people. However these numbers are CONTROVERSIAL because they are ESTIMATES. Estimates. That means these are NOT actual numbers. They are numbers created


Lies, Lies and Statistics Do you expect to get the flu this year? I’m not joking. Do you expect to get a flu or a cold this year? Every year medical authorities warn you about the flu season. They implore you to get your flu shots. They talk about the dangers of getting the flu in the very young and the very old. Because you likely have young children or are in contact with the elderly, you, a healthy adult, still need to get the flu shot so that YOU don’t infect these other people. Or so the theory goes. There are plenty of statistics about the flu bug and its mortality rates every year.

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through simulation programs! Death certificates are filled out with the ACTUAL cause of death and when you look closely at them, what you’ll find is that the ACTUAL number of deaths due to the flu is much EXAGGERATED. According to the U.S. National Vital Statistics System in 2010, annual flu deaths were just 500 per year.

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This is far fewer than deaths from ulcers (2,977), hernias (1,832) and pregnancy and childbirth (825). This number is a far cry from the big killers such as heart disease (597,689) and cancers (574,743). The story is similar in Canada

Much Ado About Nothing Remember H1N1? The beginning of the flu season in 2008 – 2009 arrived with much fear mongering. People lined up for hours at flu clinics waiting for their shots. Governments all over the world stocked up on vaccine. In fact there were more doses of vaccine than there were people! They hoped for 100% compliance, but it was far less than that. I’d just spent three weeks in Sidney, Australia attending the World Masters Games with my

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husband and his Men’s Soccer Team. It was October 2009 and spring down under. They’d already gone through the winter. They’re the bellwethers for the flu season. The Australians reported that the flu season NEVER reached the pandemic levels that were predicted. But most reports here insisted that there was a pandemic.

Can the Flu Vaccine Make You More Susceptible to the Flu? The H1N1 vaccine actually made people sicker. Reports coming out of Hong Kong and Canada indicated a link between the vaccine and an INCREASED risk of more serious illness. The claims were denied of course. But in 2012, researchers at the British Columbia Centre of Disease in Canada confirmed what those medical authorities observed.

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According to the Vancouver Sun: Researchers, led by Vancouver's Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the [2009 H1N1] pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn't received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same unsettling results." ABC News also reported on the findings of Professor Collignon from the Australian National University: Some interesting data has become available which suggests that if you get immunised with the seasonal vaccine, you get “less broad protection than if you get a natural infection,' he said. 'It is particularly relevant for children because it is a condition they call original antigenic sin, which basically means if you get infected with a natural virus, that gives you not only

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protection against that virus but similar viruses or even in fact quite different flu viruses in the next year.' 'We may be perversely setting ourselves up that if something really new and nasty comes along, that people who have been vaccinated may in fact be more susceptible compared to getting this natural infection.'"

It’s Better to Get Sick What is contained in a flu vaccine is only an educated GUESS. Researchers pick maybe 2 or 3 flu viruses that look like they may have the highest contagious impact and they create the vaccine. If they guess wrong, people get sick. But you may still get sick, because it requires a couple of weeks for immunity to build up. There is a difference between building immunity with a vaccine and building it because you got sick. It used to be said that as you got older, you would actually have fewer colds and flus because you would’ve built up your immune system naturally. So it’s strange that over the years and decades, that you’re now told that the old are more susceptible to colds and flus.

I write so that you will think. Wouldn’t it better if you didn’t have to guess? Wouldn’t it be better if you could take care of yourself in such a way that colds and flus wouldn’t have to be a part of your life? In order to prevent anything, you have to know why something happens. So everyone in modern medicine says it’s the viruses. The problem with that theory is that it is inconsistent.

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Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people and compare symptoms, that there are always some with different ones? There may be similarities for sure. But there are differences. Then there are some of your friends who never get the cold or flu. And it’s not because they vaccinate. It’s because the bug isn’t to blame for the flu “epidemics” that occur every year.

Bugs Love or Hate the Environment You Create For Them In Chinese Medicine, we look for the reason why the body becomes weak. We also understand that when one part of you isn’t well, it can affect other parts. Nothing ever occurs in isolation. It’s not enough to kill the dreaded microbe, which is what vaccines do. A virus is being a virus and it’s dormant until conditions become ideal for it to thrive. This is taught in high school biology. Microbes love a warm, damp and dark place to grow: mucous. It’s not all bad. A certain amount of mucous is normal for

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lubrication and protection. But the more mucous (Chinese Medicine calls it Damp and Phlegm) there is inside your body, the more ideal it becomes to wake up those viruses. And what is the natural response of the body? The result of the battle going on internally is the build up of debris and toxic material. Then the body tries to eliminate all of this guck through the orifices or openings of the body, namely your nose, your throat, your mouth, your large intestine, your urinary track, etc. That’s the real reason why you get colds Subscription link etmmedia.net

you’ve created in your body that makes viruses flourish while you suffer. Let’s become a lot less hospitable to these critters!

You Have Control Eliminate Toxic Thoughts. Cultivate Healthy Ones. The only things that you have control over are your own thoughts, feelings, decisions, actions and the results you get. This applies for everything including and especially your wellbeing. Disease always happens when you’re afraid of it. Don’t talk about the flu season. Don’t get immersed in it. You’ll get the flu as soon as you believe it’ll happen. Don’t be among all the people who become hypochondriacs on an annual basis.

or flus. Your body is cleaning itself from the inside out. You’re going through a detoxification process. And while it’s happening you can feel worse, which is the feeling of death that so many people get. If you’ve ever gone through a voluntary detoxification, getting sick during a detox may also happen and for the same reasons.

So it’s not the germ. The germ is just being a germ. When there’s tons of food, all organisms on this planet will take advantage. It’s the internal environment that Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Listening and heeding bad news only creates more stress for you and stress is always an internal issue. It’s the sum total of the toxic thoughts and feelings that you adopt. Here’s some Chinese Medical anatomy. The Lungs are affected by most of the emotions: sadness, grief, anger, worry, etc. We know that everyone is born with both strengths and weaknesses. But we don’t know what they all are until we’re faced with crises which always create strong emotional reactions. Ever notice how confused you feel while you have the cold or flu? That’s because your physical condition reflects the mental/ emotional one.

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This is true cause and effect. So do something positive and constructive about the things that bother you. Don’t let them fester. Are You Acidic? The body is largely made up of water that transports nutrients, oxygen, hormones and other biochemicals. These are transported all over the body. The potential hydrogen, or pH, is a graduated scale that measures either acid or alkaline (basic) properties. A pH of 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH of 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. The pH factor in the blood stream of a healthy person is just slightly alkaline. You want to maintain the slightly basic pH as much as you can, because a lower pH or a higher pH, over time will adversely affect your health. The body tries to make adjustments but it can only do so much if you don’t make changes. You can do this by eating a diet that is 75% alkaline-forming foods and 25% acidforming foods. This is the right combination for constant energy production.

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How do you become acidic and therefore create abundant mucous? The factors include: • • • • •

A poor diet high in processed foods Pollution Exposure to chemicals Pharmaceuticals Toxic thought patterns

So, eliminate these acid-causing foods: • • •

White sugar White processed flour Common white table salt Subscription link etmmedia.net

And do these things: • Greatly reduce or eliminate bovine • •

• •

(cow) dairy products. Greatly reduce processed foods (it’s the chemicals!). Reduce protein (animal or vegetable) intake to 4 – 6 oz daily for men and 2 – 5 oz daily for women. Keep nuts to a small handful a couple a times a week. Greatly reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption.

Greatly reduce grains (except millet). The following foods produce an alkaline environment in your body, thus also keeping Dampness or Phlegm to a healthy level: All vegetables, including sea vegetables • All fruits • Millet (only alkaline grain) All sprouts •

Here’s how to eat them: Eat 5 to 8 servings per day of fresh vegetables, lightly cooked, steamed for instance, with just a few ounces of meat every day (if you eat meat). Eat organic as much as you can to eliminate more chemicals from the diet. •

Emotional and diet changes will support your immune system – it won’t have to battle internal pathogens all day long which creates stress which has a cost every day of your life. Make a decision to be well TODAY!

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Dr. Johnny Lui An international best selling author of the book, Heal Your Concussion: How to Quickly and Effectively Get Back in the Game, speaker, physician and brain expert, Dr. Joanny Liu is an international leader in Chinese Sports Medicine and Chinese Sports Psychology. She has appeared on FOX TV, NBC, CTV and Global TV and has been quoted by ABC, CBS, The Boston Globe and the Miami Herald. One of Dr. Joanny’s major strengths is her deep understanding of the connection between one’s psychology and physiology, the defining criteria for successful living. She is well known for comprehensive solutions that create expected results. Feeling not yourself? Maybe it’s been a long time? Want to know what’s wrong in 20 seconds or less? Go to http://www.drjoanny.com/9 -signs-hidden-brain-injury/

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Part of a New Series “Train You www.karlamaree.com Page 44 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Types of Stress Part 2

ur Brain” by Karla Maree Page 45 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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About Karla Maree Karla Maree is a functional diagnostic nutritionist and

health coach who specializes in healing the body and restoring happy moods. Her fifteen years of practice has a special emphasis on correcting the brain’s neurotransmitter functioning. She is actively involved in both clinical and private client work, as well as teaching holistic brain-chemistry recovery to health professionals worldwide. She champions a formula for rejuvenating health and mood by focusing on key areas such as nutrient deficiencies and dietary imbalances as well as identifying and eliminating the instigators behind cravings, exhaustion, stress, hormone dysregulation, and insomnia. Using targeted amino acids, she has been enormously successful in eradicating all cravings, which ultimately sabotage so many clean-eating attempts. She is a firm believer in simplifying nutrition and uprooting destructive health myths. Karla uses specialized testing to identify specific causes of exhaustion and insomnia and uses her extensive knowledge of these difficult and often debilitating issues to design custom protocols to help guide clients back to vibrant wellness. Private Practice: Certified Nutrition Consultant & Certified Neuronutrient Therapy Specialist Nutrition Consultant, Nutritional Therapy Institute, Mill Valley, California Distance Instructor: Neuronutrient Therapy Institute, Mill Valley, California Nutritionist, Summit Estate Recovery Center, Los Gatos, California. Contact Karla at karlasnutrition@gmail.com or call 650-4305250. Visit www.karlamaree.com for further information. Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Alana is

conducting toxicity tests at her home in the Kern River Valley

Alana Tessman of the Kern River Valley is no stranger to oil spills. Alana lived in New Orleans during the BP Gulf oil spill disaster and saw first hand the devastating effects the oil had on the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), the marine life, as well as the surrounding communities. For the past two years she has been doing something about it.

Last year Alana started testing a very specific type of biological agent used to clean up oil spills on bird feathers. An Enzyme Additive type of bioremediation, as it’s called by oil spill response scientists, she found it not only cleaned the oiled feathers but also the effluent, or waste water, produced by the cleaning process. Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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She compared the agent to Dawn Dish Soap -- the leading product used in the cleaning of oiled birds for the past 20 years. Surprisingly,

Alana found that the bioremediation agent not only cleaned the feathers more effectively, but it also had the ability to immediately reduce the toxic properties of the oil, making it safer for both the responders and the birds, and also caused the oil to lose its adhesive properties so that it lifts off the feathers, both within the first 5 to 30 minutes of application. This was a groundbreaking discovery in light of the fact that most oiled birds brought in for cleaning have to wait 12 to 24 hours in order to make sure they are stabilized and hydrated before undergoing the rigorous decontamination process. Alana knew that a bird's natural instinct is to preen and attempt to clean it's feathers, thus, during this waiting period, they’re likely to be ingesting the toxic oil and/or inhaling the poisonous hydrocarbon fumes. As careful as the trained personal are, some birds don't survive this critical period while those that do often suffer long term consequences. By applying the nontoxic Enzyme Additive bioremediation product immediately upon capturing the birds, the toxic and adhesive properties of the oil are greatly diminished thus protecting the birds during this critical time. This experiment proved that oiled birds could be quickly freed of the petroleum sludge more effectively and with far less stress, while at the same time not creating a toxic

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wastewater that would otherwise have to be dealt with as hazardous material. With less trauma, the birds would be able to be returned to the wild more quickly to take care of themselves.

Science fairs further set the stage for Alana's groundbreaking work After taking first place in the Kern County Science Fair, third in the California State Science Fair and finishing as a semi-finalist in the national BROADCOM MASTERS competition, Alana went on to develop a new protocol for cleaning oiled wildlife with this same agent. Not only would the animals benefit, the whole system of dealing with the toxic wastewater (it takes an average of 200 gallons of water to clean one bird) was successfully refined as well. With now more than 192 oiled birds and 103 marine mammals that have perished, what does Alana think about the Santa Barbara oil spill cleanup? “It's crazy to have such a big spill just a few hours away on the California coast. It seems a lot different from the BP spill because it looks like there's not a lot going on to clean it up. I'm really glad though that they're not dumping dispersants on it, but it's just really frustrating that there is a bioremediation solution and they're not using it. It's made me realize the urgency of doing this work and proving the effectiveness of this particular EA oil spill agent. What's great about it is that it doesn't introduce non-native microbes, it's not just a nutrient that will wash away, it's an enzyme that can attach itself to the oil molecules and break it down for the native microbes to digest. All that's left afterward is CO2 and water - it's just a great meal for the microbes and everything is left clean and protected.” — Alana Tessman

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Technical write-ups of her new bird and wildlife cleaning protocol include immediate onsite application of the EA agent by handlers with the use of spray bottles and aerosol mists. The oil cleaning agent used in her science project, manufactured under the name Oil Spill Eater II, can be applied in the bird and wildlife holding areas. Such a measure ensures that, once the oil spill victims reach the cleaning facility, a more thorough and exactly timed application blankets the animals while awaiting treatment. This new procedure also includes aerated holding tanks with water quality meters which measure toxicity levels as the bioremediation agent treats the effluent.

Alana advances her experiments to validate EA Oil Spill Technology as 'First Response Tool'

Alana conducting adhesion tests to Watson Bros. Precision Balances in Burbank

But Alana didn't stop there -she continued her study and experiments conducting toxicity and adhesion tests on the three types of bioremediation agents listed on the EPA NCP (National Contingency Plan) listings. Her goal this year was to determine if bioremediationbased protocols would be an effective 'First Response' tool. In her study of oil spill cleanup issues, Alana found out that the current Bioremediation Fact Sheet, which

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government agencies use to determine when and how these agents are used, is 14 years behind the times. It is also missing current science on the more advanced applications currently available and uses of this oil spill technique. Alana learned from the BP Gulf oil spill that applying chemical dispersants broke up the oil into smaller droplets, sinking them into the water column. This process was utilized over the course of the spill with the incorrect understanding that the oil would become more available for microbes to digest. In actuality, subsequent studies showed that the dispersant used -- COREXIT -- created an oil droplet many times more toxic than the

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Alana has conducted rigorous experimentation using the highest quality equipment and meters Likewise, Watson Bros. Precision Balances in Burbank, CA allowed her to use one of their analytical scales, which weighed to the 10,000th of a gram, in order to test oil adhesion to the feathers. Not satisfied with her experimental procedure after the first round, Alana upped the test medium from four 1000 ml beakers to four 10 gallon fish tanks, adjusted a few other parameters, and retested everything finishing the night before the California State Science Fair. Having skipped a grade in middle school, Alana ended up taking one of three honorable mentions in the Senior Division of Toxicology out of 36 participants during her first year competing at the high school level. Right on the heels of the Science Fair, the Santa Barbara oil spill took place on May 19, 2015 bringing home the importance of her work.

already toxic oil (one study showed as much as 52 times more toxic than untreated oil). She also found that there were many gaps in the research which have not proven the effectiveness of dispersant technology. More importantly, research studies neglected to reveal the damage that dispersants could do to our oceans, as well as the harm to wildlife and especially to people.

It has been difficult for her to watch as the days go by, knowing that nothing but fairly ineffective mechanical clean up has been used on this spill while these much more effective bi-

For her second round of toxicity and adhesion experiments, Alana was fortunate enough to enlist the support of local businesses. GeoTech Engineering in Orange County allowed Alana to use their sophisticated mini Rae3000 meter and their Horiba meter to test the toxic VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds*) and parameters such as pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and total dissolve solids. Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Alana conducting toxicity tests at GeoTech And, I would have known that by now the natural Engineering in Orange County microbes would have already been breaking down the oil and cleaning it up. Honestly, I think it's really sad that they aren't doing anything like that and that they are instead just trying to have people pick it up, put it in orange plastic buckets and haul it away to pollute another site or wipe rocks down by hand. It’s like they’re using cave man technology at a time when current proven methods are sitting right there waiting to be used.” — Alana Tessman

LAEO and Alana Tessman working on parallel tracks have joined forces How does a 13 year old young sci-

remain unused. Nevertheless, Alana remains unfazed by the questionable response to the Santa Barbara spill; she knows the time is coming for a more enlightened approach to the oil spills which constantly occur throughout the USA. When Alana was pointedly asked the following question, her response was quick and sure.

What would you do differently if you were in charge of the Santa Barbara clean-up? “I would have immediately sprayed the EA (Enzyme Additive) bioremediation agent on the spill which would have immediately lessened the toxicity and adhesive properties of the oil, which in turn would have protected the wildlife, shoreline, rocks, etc. ... Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

entist, knowing what she knows about truly effective oil spill response, get the attention of the authorities who are supposed to know better? Luckily she's gained the attention of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO), which has been leading the way to more effective and nontoxic oil spill clean up solutions. In fact the LAEO had independently made some of the very same important observations which Alana has made over the course of her research. During the BP spill the LAEO was one of the very first on the GOM coastline assessing the damage and looking for better ways to remediate the worst oil spill in U.S. history. That historic environmental disaster further compelled the LAEO to seek out every organization, as well as individual scientist, in the country

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which was committed to a developing safe and effective oil spill response plans. This endeavor went even further as the LAEO looked at every possible process and procedure, material and product which might offer a better way than the inferior protocols routinely used today. LAEO and Alana have formed a unique partnership. The LAEO Environmental Solutions Institute Division is currently in the process of having her various tests and conclusions peer reviewed for publication. In this way the results, along with other testing they have been conducting, can be shared with policymakers and government agency scientists. “Our research has irrefutably concluded that the U.S. is way behind the curve on oil spill clean up technology. Industry with its space -age drilling and excavation technology use stone-age methods for cleaning up their hazardous chemical spills. We are working independently to change that since the U.S. EPA and other responsible agencies have not gotten the job done”, said Diane Wagenbrenner, Vice President LAEO. “Our Science and Technology Committee will collaborate with young scientists like Alana along with industry and regulators to force advancement to take place in this field”, she continued. With deepwater drilling expanding in the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico and U.S. Atlantic waters, LAEO has expressed deep concern over deficient spill countermeasure plans, that despite lessons learned during the BP spill, are readily signed off as okay by U.S. officials who are supposed to be acting as our environmental protection trustees. According to their research paper,

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A Call for a Twenty-First-Century Solution in Oil Spill Response, the U.S. National Contingency Plan in its current state guarentees harmful impacts to our oceans and shorelines. Alana's next step will be learning how to navigate the tricky (some might say oily) waters of policy and bureaucracy. Government agencies would do well to enlist the skills of these next generation scientists who seem to already be filling in the gaps in the relevant areas of research. Doing so will assist in the formulation of methodologies and materials necessary for a considerably more effective response to oil spills in the future. Endnotes *Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are toxic petrochemical gases emitted by crude petroleum and therefore present at all oil spill sites. The specific VOCs which are associated with oil spills include the following harmful inhalants: • Benzene • Toluene • Ethylbenzene • Xylene For more Information Contact: Diane Wagenbrenner Vice President Operations Science and Technology Coordinator Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization Ph: 858-531-6200 diane@theearthorganization.org dianeearthorg@att.net

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What I know to be true... Education Works! A New Series by Dr. Anissa McNeil


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This column is dedicated to the lives of foster children and orphans worldwide. A time to discuss the issues and concerns of foster children and an opportunity to share the triumphs of their lives. As a former foster child, I know all too well the challenges of creating a life and livelihood without the guidance of a parent. Orphans and foster children are one the most vulnerable children. Many atrocities happen to our children and school may be very difficult to access and attend. Yet alone to graduate. Education was and is my tool to create the life that I want. The US Department of Education report that we have 400,000 foster children of which 56% graduate from high school. Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The US Department of Education report that we have 400,000 foster children of which 56% graduate from high school. 2224,000 foster children will not graduate from school and within 18 months of emancipation from foster care 40-50% of foster youth become homeless. The stats are stacked against us, but education can be a ray of hope in this dark land. Indeed, it was for me. I used education to create a sustainable life and to avoid experiencing life challenges which come with instability such as homelessness. The first step on this road was graduating from high school, then college, and on to complete my doctoral degree. Every step of the way I had to work because I did not have family Subscription link etmmedia.net

support to help while I attended school. I didn’t lose faith because education was working to create sustainability and to achieve my goals.

within 18 months of emancipation from foster care 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

The US Department of Education report that we have 400,000 foster children of which 56% graduate from high school. 2,224,000 foster children will not graduate from school and within 18 months of emancipation from foster care 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

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The stats are stacked against us, but education can be a ray of hope in this dark land. Indeed, it was for me. I used education to create a sustainable life and to avoid experiencing life challenges which come with instability such as homelessness. The first step on this road was graduating from high school, then college, and on to complete my doctoral degree. Every step of the way I had to work because I did not have family support to help while I attended school. I didn’t lose faith because education was working to create sustainability and to achieve my goals.

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By Tracy Repchuk 7-Time International Bestselling Author and On Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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nline Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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First of all let me give you a brief introduction to live video streaming. Live video streaming means that you can stream video live from a device, generally a Smartphone to anybody else who happens to have the app installed either on their Smartphone, computer or tablet device as well. Having live video streaming is a bit like having your own TV station, you can broadcast your own programming anytime that you want, however, unlike with a real TV station where you need a studio with lots of cameras and lighting, lots of expensive equipment and highly trained technicians, with Facebook Live all you need is a Smartphone and the app. Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Now of course the concept of video streaming has been around for a while with Meerkat, Blab, Periscope and others, but what the competitors don’t have is the power of Facebook behind them and when Mark Zuckerberg wants something to work, you can imagine the resources he will pour into it.

How can you use Facebook Live? The ways to use this app are only limited by your imagination. You can film a workout like one of my clients who have a fat and pain reduction process called Block Therapy.

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You can select a topic and chat over a cup of coffee - think a tamer version of Jerry Seinfield’s Coffee with Comedians. You can point it at yourself and talk Play a musical instrument or broadcast your band rehearsal to start promotions Do a product demonstration such as make up application or hair styling Start an “Ask” series on your topic Read your book and answer questions after If you own a restaurant you could have the cameras rolling in the kitchen or demo how to make certain dishes

How can you use Facebook Live for Business? Besides using it in ways I Page 69 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

described above, there are some big benefits to using it for your business such as brand building, establishing yourself as the authority, connecting more intimately with your followers, and staying ahead of your competition. so you can get as big an audience as possible

Facebook Live Best Practices Now that you have determined you’re going to use Facebook Live, it’s time to get some good practices in place. 1. Let people know ahead of time when you’re going to broadcast Promote via Facebook - you can also do a shout out Subscription link ETMMedia.net

to your followers on Twitter, and if you’re aiming at a business audience then probably making a post to your followers on LinkedIn would be a good idea as well.

Something else that you can do is to send an email to your list of course, just like you would if you were holding a webinar or something like that and of course you should post the date and time on your blog so that your blog followers can tune in and also anybody who happens to find your blog through an internet search can also login and find out when your broadcast is going out. 2. Ensure when you go live when you have a strong connection. WiFi tends to work best but if you can’t find a nearby network then you’ll want a 4G connection.

3. You also want to write a compelling description before going live and a great description will capture fans’ attention and help them understand what your broadcast is all about and that means they’re more likely to watch it right through to the end and they’re more likely to hear your message in its entirety.

If you have a weak signal the Go Live button will be grayed out and you won’t be able to broadcast so you want to make sure that you’ve got that ahead of time before you start to do your broadcast.

4. You should ask your viewers to follow you and receive notifications when you go live. Call out that your audience can tap on the Follow button on live videos and videos that were live and then opt-in to get notifications the next time that you go live. Again it gives them more notification so that they’ll know ahead of time

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invite their friends on Facebook to watch the video. Facebook recommends that you go live for at least ten minutes and you can stay live for up to 90 minutes so you’ve got a lot of scope there, a lot of time that you can use.

when your broadcast is going to go out. 5. You want to say hello to commenter’s by name and respond to their comment, because one of the great things about Facebook Live is that you can communicate with your audience, they can send you comments which you can read as you’re making your video and you can respond to them in real time. And your audience will be thrilled to hear you mention their name and answer their questions when you’re live. 6. You should broadcast for longer periods of time to reach more people because the longer you broadcast the more people are likely to discover you and they’re going to

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7. Broadcast from your business page versus personal to be able to access more features within Facebook 8. Finally Facebook recommend that you be creative and go live often. You can try different types of broadcast, try giving a talk to camera, try giving a webinar or a liveinar I suppose you could call it over Facebook Live, you could try how-to, lots of different things just to keep your audience interested, to keep them coming back for more. Don’t do the same thing over and over again because that’s just going to be boring, and you should go live frequently to keep your audience engaged. You know out of sight is out of mind so you want to make sure that people keep coming back for more and that they see something that’s going to interest them every time.

So I hope to see you on Facebook Live and shoot me a link when you’re live.

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Tracy Repchuk, is a 7-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an awardwinning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing background she has helped thousands of clients get their message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. Get a Free copy of her Facebook Live Authority Guide by texting GOBIG to 310-879-1975

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It’s deeply foreboding feeling knowing that world global stability and security are rapidly devolving. Even before the uncanny election of Donald Trump and his unpredictability as the presumed President-Elect, world leaders were already concerned about increased isolationism, a tipping of the economic scale from the West to the East, innumerably proxy wars, nuclear proliferation, and even the outbreak of another war, ostensibly a Third World War. Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin’s tsarist extremist and expansionist policy, fueled by his highly effective propaganda machine, the ability to use espionage, cyberwarfare, military force and diplomacy has undermined global security. Russia has and is playing an instrumental role in influencing elections both in the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU), while deflecting

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attention away from other significant crises and proxy wars, beyond Ukraine and Syria to the Baltic, Balkans and Eastern European Union regions, as well as in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region and the South China Sea. Concurrently, China has effectively used its financial prowess to expand beyond well beyond Asia, into MENA region and the EU, resulting in reliance upon and possibly allegiance to China. Simultaneously, China has been fortifying its military. The rationale is that the more unstable the world, the easier it is for Russia and China Subscription link etmmedia.net

Russia then uses its propaganda machine to feed fears of Islam and fuel the momentum in many countries to follow Great Britain’s lead in exiting EU. Russia is backing pro-Putin political candidates seeking to gain power in Germany, France, and Poland. ProPutin leaders are already in power in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, and Serbia.

to achieve their interdependent objectives. “Europe and Asia are competing with one another,” opined Ambassador Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). This has created a potentially volatile and highly insecure world when the reality is, as stated by Mr. Zannier, that "Security is inexplicable linked to peace." Uncertainty and Unrest in the Europe In Europe, democratic leadership is being threatened by Russia. Russia has been instrumental in keeping refugees flowing into Europe. Page 79 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Moldova is Russia’s latest conquest. On November 14th it was announced that Moldova’s first national presidential election had been won by proRussian supporter Igor Dodon. His opponent, Maia Sandu ran as a pro-EU candidate. Moldova, a former Soviet republic, following 1992 Russian military action experienced a breakaway region - Trans-Dniester – which is now considered a demilitarized zone governed by Moldova, Russia and Transnistria. This, according to Mr. Zannier is a frozen conflict, i.e. a situation in which active armed conflict has ceased without a peace treaty or formal resolution. TransDniester conveniently abuts Ukraine, which has suffered Russian aggressions beyond the illegal annexation of Crimea. On November 13th France's far-right leader Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Marine Le Pen, who is expected to run against French President François Hollande in May 2017, made the aberrant comment that ‘there was no reason for Europe to be scared of Russian President Vladimir Putin’, when experts, such as Anne Applebaum, have repeated stated that Mr. Putin is working to destabilize Europe which is facilitated when there is a lack of unity. Ms. Le Pen called the U.S. election a victory against the elite. She supports Brexit, believing that all EU members should be allowed the choice to exit or reconfirm their EU commitment. France’s far-right is known to have ties to the Kremlin. Significantly, in Germany, one, if not the strongest, EU leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s re-election in 2017 has already been threatened by pro-Putin fringe group the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD). Presently, the AfD had gained representation in ten of the 16 German state parliaments winning several elections this fall against Ms. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party. Germany is especially important to Mr. Putin both historically and based on its location. Page 80 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Germany is a neighbor to countries between its borders and Russia that are largely sympathetic to Mr. Putin. In Turkey, a key regional nation and a NATO member, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is disenfranchised once again by the EU, and by exclusion from ongoing American supported military action to retake Mosul, Iraq from ISIS and the similar plans to liberate Raqqa, Syria. Given the atrocities, including human rights violations and suppression of a free press, following the failed coup against Mr. Erdoğan, Turkey will be unable for many years, if at all, to show adherence to Rule of Law; a precursoro acceding to the EU. Mr. Erdoğan has

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by intelligence agencies in other countries, especially the United States, which has the world’s most comprehensive and elite intelligence network. The OSCE is responsible for monitoring the border between Russia and Ukraine, with both U.S. and Russian monitors providing daily reports. The OSCE has been unable to quell the ongoing Russian aggressions. “In a way this is worse than the Cold War. At the end of the Cold War there was arms control”, stated Mr. Zannier added that, “Dialogue is difficult in this situation.”

warmed up to the Kremlin. On November 2nd Mr. Zannier acknowledged that there is a, “Disease between Russia and Europe.” Mr. Zannier confirmed that conflict is appearing in the middle of Europe where the politics are extremely divided. Mr. Zannier cautioned that the "Divisions among key players are creating an accumulation of challenges.” The OSCE is the world’s largest intelligence agency comprised of 57 participating states in North America, Europe and Asia, including Russia. Given Russia’s membership, it questionable as to how much intelligence is shared Page 81 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Steven Pifer, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Director of its Arms Control Initiative, and former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, concurred, stating that, "I would have to say that, without question, this is the low point in U.S.-Russian relations since the end of the Cold War."

The Potential Impact of a Trump Administration

Even before the American presidential election, leaders and political analysts were already on edge. Brexit being a major cause for concern. Despite its NATO membership, the UK’s position on a range of issues has generated deep concern amongst the remaining EU members. Post-election has resulted in a plethora of leaders expressing grave concern that a Trump administration will accelerate issues related denigration of

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justice, security and adherence Rule of Law - the core precepts of democracy – and pursue a foreign policy based on isolationism. Patrick Stewart, Senior Fellow and Director, Program on International Institutions and Global Governance, had this to say: “Among its many implications, Donald Trump’s election as president calls into question the open liberal international order this country has championed and defended for more than seven decades. The edges of that order were already fraying, thanks to disenchantment with the global economy and the return of geopolitical competition, particularly with Russia and China. Trump’s triumph will accelerate its disintegration, by undermining the network of rules, institutions, and alliances that twelve presidents, Republican and Democratic alike, have nurtured since 1945. The results of the election suggest that the main threats to the liberal world order are no longer foreign but domestic.” This would certainly be the case if a Trump presidency and a Republican Congress opted out of NATO. Mr. Trump is

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correct in stating that the U.S. is only one of five member nations that is current on NATO dues as acknowledged by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, “The United States currently accounts for almost 70% of NATO defence spending, and has rightly called for a more equitable sharing of the burden. ”However, Mr. Stoltenberg correctly pointed out that, “On both sides of the Atlantic leaders have always understood that a stronger, safer and more prosperous Europe means a stronger, safer and more prosperous United States.

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upon “soft power” to pave the diplomatic path. "Soft power" is a method by which a country amasses influence without coercion or direct payment. Soft power includes everything from providing disaster relief, developmental aid and the promotion of democratic values. The purpose of dedicated payments is to increase goodwill. "Under Donald Trump ... I would be very concerned about the importance of soft power. It does affect our national security, and it’s a challenge even under ideal circumstances," stated Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

This partnership between Europe and the United States, embodied in the NATO alliance, remains essential for both.” International support for Trump has come from those politicians or countries who favor the dismantling of institutions, such as NATO and the EU, and China or who have significant ties to China, Russia or both. Globally many countries have entered into financial agreements with China or its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Elsewhere in World

In the Philippines newly elected President Rodrigo Duterte has been like the shifting sands. Mr. Duterte was elected shortly after the Philippines won a protracted legal battle in the Permanent Court of Arbitration against China over rights to the oilrich South China Sea. After his election, the U.S., along with other nations and human rights groups, criticized Mr. Duterte extra-judicial killings of alleged drug lords. His actions prompted the U.S. to halt sales of assault rifles to the Philippines. Now, Mr. Duterte is vacillating between allegiance to the U.S., a long-standing ally, and China. If the Philippines ultimately sides with China, it would potentially making freedom of navigation in and through the South China Sea more difficult and potentially more dangerous for other countries.

Elsewhere in the world, the U.S. has relied Page 83 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Afghanistan, after thirteen years of concerted effort by NATO and the U.S. to create a self-sufficient democratic government free of the Taliban, has been impacted by Russia’s support of the Taliban and is engaging in commercial activity with China, which will ultimately make it less depend on Western aid packages. Pakistan, another critical country, is also doing business with China. The corrupt Pakistani military is engaging in joint military operations with Russia. China’s interest in the region is securing the path critical to its $46 billion “One Belt, One Road” trade route, known as the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). CPEC is intended to expand China’s Asian economic and political outreach to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Iran, among others, as well as providing it with access to a sea route for trade. In Pakistan, CPEC runs from Pakistan’s Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea to China’s landlocked Xinjiang Province. In Afghanistan, the Sino-Afghan Special Railway Transportation, part of CPEC, connects China to Afghanistan. For Afghanistan it is a route by which it may sell its copper. The list simply goes on.

The Illusion of a United Nations Security Council

“When we deal with the larger issues that's

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when the United Nations becomes important,” stated Mr. Zannier.The truth is the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will not fulfill the obligations delegated to it by the United Nations Charter. China and Russia, along with the United States, the United Kingdom and France, are the permanent five (P5) UNSC members and have veto power, which Russia and China have misused over and over again. For many years, there has been a push to amend the United Nations Charter as it relates to the UNSC. Unfortunately, save Kofi Annan, during his tenure as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, who strong criticisms of the United

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Madeleine Albright, former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Lloyd Axworthy, former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland.

Nations earned him a Nobel Peace Prize while still in office, leaders currently in office fail to speak the truth that change is essential if there is to be world order. It’s those countries who are most affected which ought to be speaking out but, outside of the general complaints expressed during the annual September General Assembly meeting, they remain mute in demanding structural changes fearing any criticism might adversely impact their country’s security or pecuniary interests. Rather, its former statespersons who have been vocal in the criticism of the United Nations and, in particular, the UNSC. They include former U.S. Secretary of State

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The current lack of faith and mistrust in international organizations is also being experienced by the International Criminal Court, from which Burundi, Gambia and South Africa’s have withdrawn. It is expected that other African nations will follow suit as their governments feel that African nations have been unjustly singled out by the ICC. While the ICC has begun the prosecutorial process in two cases involving Russian aggressions, enforcement of any finding of guilt is the responsibility of the state involved or at the discretion of the UNSC, effectually rendering any finding of guilt not worth the paper it’s printed on.

Unity Mr. Stoltenberg concluded that, “In these uncertain times… above all we need to recognise the value of the partnership between Europe and America. It remains indispensable. So rather than deepening our differences, we need to nurture what unites us, and find the wisdom and foresight to work together for common solutions. Going it alone is not an option, either for Europe or for the United States.”

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About The Author Cynthia Lardner. J.D., M.A. Cynthia M. Lardner is a journalist, holding degrees in journalism, law, and counseling psychology. Her blogs are read in over 37 countries. As a thought leader in the area of foreign policy, her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking. Living in Den Hague or The Hague, she is currently looking for a challenging position in foreign policy, journalism, or social justice.


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Looking For A Franchise That Has The Best Mouse Trap? Here Are 3 of The Best! Written by: David Goodman

Founder of Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC * www.franchisebizconsulting.com

Welcome to the Franchise Forum. I think that May has come here way too quickly! But be that as it may (sorry for the play on words), it is here. Now, of course there are numerous catch phrases that highlight May. Some of the more familiar adages are: “Make Hay while the sun shines.” Or, “Reap what you sow”. How about, “April showers bring May flowers.” If you notice that they all seem to be centering on the fact that somehow something you do now, could facilitate something better to happen in the future. That has a certain element in it that all franchises have because they are set up to help you with the beginning segment of building a business so that you and your family, down the road, will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Follow The Rules? Or Make Your Own! I was enjoying breakfast at a hotel in Philadelphia last week while waiting for the hotel shuttle to arrive to whisk me off to the airport. As always I like to keep my ears perked to hear pertinent conversations about anybody who may be unhappy with their present job or career path.

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I overheard two businesswomen talking about the benefits they were collecting from their current company. As I listened more attentively I realized that what actually had been transpiring was a high level employment interview. Evidentially there was a job fair taking place and I was smack dab in the middle of it! I listened to what the employer’s representative was saying about her company. It was quite impressive. Some of the incentives were, high starting salary, after 5 years there is a 2 week paid vacation , health benefits, 401k, maternity leave, etc. As I listened, I realized that every one of the benefits were simply carrots laid out in front of the perspective employee designed to lock them into a lifetime of loyalty. In essence, there were rules that were laid out and if they are followed there would be a reward. After the interview was over, I approached the interviewee, introduced myself and simply said that I was listening to the representative's pitch and it sounds like a

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See the whole Video “Mousetrap verses Mouse” on YouTube http://youtu.be/Plz9JxsnhH4 great opportunity. However, if you own a franchise, for the most part, you make the rules by which you reap the benefits! You determine, your salary, time off for vacations, growth potential, ancillary career paths, etc. "Here is my card", I said, "The choice is yours". You reap 100% of what you sow! As an employer, you offer bonuses and incentive plans to your employees. You choose how much of the pie goes to them and what portion goes to you. (From those April showers, you decide how many May flowers you give away and how many you keep.) Later that

day, she called me and wanted to set up an appointment.

You May Have the Knowledge to Run a Franchise But Not the Experience to Start One. In the world of business most individuals are quite capable of running their own business. They are simply missing the, Who, What, Were, When and How of opening up a successful enterprise. That is what the Franchisor does. They guide you regarding all those questions. And because they, most likely, have been doing it successfully for years, they are expertly equipped to properly school you in the most effective, easiest and understanding manner. Who would not want a Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

successfully proven concept that is completely different but is exactly the same? And the "same" part of that statement has a long track record of being very, very successful. Now, what do I mean by that last statement? Sounds like jibber- ish or an oxymoron. Well, this is my thought process. Some of the most successful businesses have been born out of similar concepts and business products or services that are well known or seemed to be played out to tears. However, those businesses have still enjoyed a history of working very well because they contained a definite twist that earns it the right to be considered unique and different. Here is an example What could be more annoying than a mouse in your home? Well, over 100 years ago, the mouse trap was the answer. I would venture a guess that over one billion have been sold over the years. I would deem that a successful product and the business of producing them is, like wise, a killer business. Actually, killer is the operative word here! In today's age, we are now a society that is always thinking green and being more humane to animals. So, naturally there is now on the market the "humane" mouse trap; One which catches the animal and then allows the “humane” release into the wild. Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Now, I don’t know how many humane traps have been sold but here is the response I received from Google: (About 7,680,000 results 0.58 seconds). I guess that would indicate that quite a few have been Sold!

I Promised You 3 Awesome Businesses That Are the Best “Mouse Traps” in Their Respective Business Arenas.

Why 911 Restoration? · Proven business model · 8 month – 18 months 100% ROI The ideal franchisee / candidate: · Driven · Sales Oriented · Customer focused

Support and Training: ⚫

That is the real theme of this month’s franchises. Nothing really new but the uniqueness or twist is in the usage or marketing of the product or service and the training geared towards service and understanding the psychology of the potential customer. These franchises have proven to be successful.

⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

911 Restoration provides nationwide 24/7 emergency response specializing in water damage restoration, mold remediation, and fire damage restoration. Our franchisees are passionate professionals that take pride in providing quality and world-class customer service because they take pride in where they live and believe that everyone deserves a fresh start. Here is an excellent franchise that serves a need not a want. And this “need” is in a huge growth mode. Although this may seem appropriate for just for men, I have been told that the main ingredient is sales and marketing. (And the franchise has professional teams who are specially equipped to help produce leads; complete with a 24 hour call center and a variety of, on staff, consulting professionals.)The franchisee is trained regarding whom to hire and then those employees are professionally trained. Of course the franchise, also, welcomes husband and wife teams.

Lead Generation (in-house marketing) 24/7, 365 days live in-house call center to take service calls and warm transfer to franchisees Success Development including assistance with local networking/marketing Estimating/Billing Development Department Business Management Training Operational support Financing and purchasing assistance Ongoing support

As you know, whenever I recommend an opportunity, one of the primary prerequisites I look for is lifestyle. This next one is a little off that theme because it is a restaurant in nature. And by definition the hours typically keep in cadence with the dinner and late night snack hours. However, some individuals will find this not to be a problem. This one is very intriguing. I happen to really love the concept. This is a restaurant with a cold kitchen! Nothing is cooked, baked, or oven prepared! Very simple to operate. If you like fine wine, fine dining, unusual but very sound opportunity, you should absolutely look at this one.

Virgola - Oysters & Italian Wine Bar

A clean, efficient & stylish wine & oyster bar. Low barrier to entry / start up cost. High sales per square foot. Sexy atmosphere. Easy to operate. No gas line or venting required. Unique concept.

Please Contact David Goodman (818) 578 8706 for more details Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Virgola - Oysters & Italian Wine Bar, a unique dining experience established in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, is expanding its business operations by offering franchises throughout the United States. Twenty years in the restaurant industry led owner, Joseph Marazzo, to create a distinct oyster bar concept that has gained local and national media attention. Motivated by neighborhood residents’ fond memories, Joseph repurposed the cozy, six foot wide space in a way that is artistic, intimate and comfortable but still evokes the history of what was affectionately called “the alley”. Virgola’s innovative cocktails and exclusively Italian wine list, including its own Virgola Prosecco, take you on a tour of Italy. Affordably priced oysters, for which Virgola has become known, accompany selections of crudo, caviar and imported Italian specialties - all carefully curated and produced in a heat-free kitchen.

At Huntington Learning Center our success is achieved through reaching our solitary goal: the success of the student. Our franchisees are dedicated to helping students of all levels reach their highest potential, and our corporate team is dedicated to helping franchisees achieve theirs. As we continue to expand and add centers across the country, we are actively seeking highly motivated, success-oriented individuals who share our high standards and commitment to excellence. With Huntington Learning Center you can fulfill your dreams by helping a young person achieve his. As you explore the opportunities and support we provide, you will discover we offer one of the most rewarding franchise business available today.

Ultimate Business Opportunity… Absolutely No Investment Required!! Of course there are some individuals who simply cannot even put together 10 K to get their business aspirations off the ground. And to those individuals or anyone looking to supplement their income, I have a special bonus program specifically designed for all my “E” magazine readers. I will personally send you a check for up to $2,000 for anyone who sends me contact information (name, address, phone number and email address) of anyone who is interested in a franchise and through my efforts becomes a franchisee. Of course there are certain restrictions. Please call for further details. GOOD FRANCHISE HUNTING!

Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC

Professionally Find A Fabulous Franchise...Free!

David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303 Email Address: david@franchisebizconsulting.com Website: http://www.franchisebizconsulting.com

If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life out of the hands of others and finally seizing your own destiny, please call me.

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Financial Literacy

For Today's C Suite Executives

A New Series-Coming This Summer By J Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Jon L. Bowles Financial Advisor Page 95 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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When we don’t manage our time, our time will manage us. Many people use the word multi-tasking and are proud to say that they can do it. However, research shows that as much as we would like to think that we can do it, our brains are only able to focus on one task at a time. You can read about it here in the Harvard Business Review . What is really happening when we are working on two tasks at once is that our brain is rapidly switching between the two and this will slow us down. There are a couple of productivity strategies that I think are valuable. Time blocking can help you make more sense of your days and weeks. I like to look at the week on Sunday and plan out the rest of the week intentionally. This involves concentrating on only one main task for certain periods of the day. Reserve your most productive time for your most important tasks. I am a morning person, so I reserve the morning hours for writing and planning tasks that require me to be the most focused. Also, for that one thing that has been nagging me that I have been putting off, I tell myself to “just

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do it’ so I don’t have to think about it anymore. Then I look at the days and see where the appointments are and also where I can fit in other tasks like business accounting, filing, marketing projects, and meetings. Think about your meetings to see if they are truly necessary since they can be time wasters. Some people like to designate certain days for the same activities so they don’t have to Subscription link etmmedia.net

constrictions they have. I encourage you to try it for two weeks and see what happens. We each have certain blocks of time to work each day. You have started on Task A, but then you get a phone call and you switch to Task B on the second day. Then someone called you for a different reason, you have a meeting, and you feel you need to work on Task C on the third day. Task A is still waiting to be finished, and the distractions keep coming. In this version of organizing your time, you would start with Task A and make it your primary focus of every block of time, with the others secondary, until you get it finished. Then the confidence that you have received from completing that task will propel you on to the next. At the end of a month you will look back and see the projects that you have completed instead of a varied amount of tasks that are in different parts of completion. worry that they won’t get done. Also, block some time for yourself for exercise, going out to do something fun, or just relaxing with your family. It is more likely you will do it, if you feel you have time. Another productivity concept I want to discuss is something I read about called “The 90 Day Year” by Todd Herman. Entrepreneurs and business people can especially relate because of all the projects and time Page 99 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Other great time saving strategies include putting all of the important dates on your calendar for the next six months or a year. Put down what is im-

portant to you. Sit down with your family and plan what you would like to do for vacation. Is there a place in your day where you can make more time for yourself? If you need to gather yourself in order not to feel

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rushed in the morning, set your alarm clock for 15 minutes earlier. Take a look at your schedule in the morning and set your intentions for the day so that you truly get done what you need to accomplish for the day. Use your favorite planning tool, whether it is paper like my book, The Queen’s Journal or an online planning system. Do not use a long To Do list which tends to keep you in a state of being overwhelmed. Prioritize all of the tasks on that long To Do list and do the most important one to three things for the day. See if you can eliminate the rest of the items on the list by delegation to others or put them on your calendar for a different day. If you absolutely have too many tasks for your day, see if you can enlist the help of an assistant or someone in a department that can get the task done faster and more efficient than you can. Do you get out during your lunch hour? Fresh air and change of surroundings can give you a break from your current train of thought so you can get a new perspective. This can directly relate to how productive you are on a certain project. That diversion away from your desk can help give you an attitude reset and keep you

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focused for the rest of your day. I used to make it a point to leave my desk during lunch every day. I would visit the local deli or take a bus down to the market to get a bite to eat. All the sights and sounds of the city would make my lunch hour like a small adventure. Maybe I would see something interesting in a shop window or meet my husband for great Chinese orange chicken at our favorite lunch spot. When you feel that late afternoon slump and you have a project due, set a timer for the task and race the clock to see if you can get Subscription link etmmedia.net

I will leave you with these thoughts about time. It is so precious because we can never get it back.

✓Take a few minutes each day to calm yourself and be grateful for everything you have.

✓Keep a running list of what you

are grateful for and when frustrations come, think about that list.

✓Think about the people you love,

even if they seem to be causing you stress, and how your life would not be the same without them.

We recently had the horrible shooting tragedy in Florida which put many people into a state of mourning. The Tony Awards were on that night and the actors were wearing silver ribbons in support of the victims and their families. Actor, Frank Langella, received his award for Best Lead Actor in a Play and instead of a long list of thanking people he said:

done ahead of schedule. If you have a long commute home, plan to use that time to your advantage so when you get home, you are truly home and present with your loved ones. Keep your boundaries between work and home as defined as much as possible. Determine that after a certain time in the evening, you will tell yourself that you will not do anything work-related and practice it often. This is one way to give yourself some space to do what it is important to you and make it easier for you to rest and be refreshed.

"When something bad happens, we have three choices: we let it define us, we let it destroy us, or we let it strengthen us.” We can choose to move from negative emotions which will kill our ambition to positive ones that will propel us forward to greater achievement. We accomplish this by being thankful and putting our frustrations into perspective which is excellent use of time and energy. Managing your time and emotions brings more freedom to do what is most important to you. Live each day with zest, make time for yourself, and go do great things!

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The TheIntuitive IntuitiveLeader Leader--

Smart Whole


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At an event last night two like-minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The En-

chanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate and work with the messages that come because they give you needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there ....

so exciting!

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Dr. Barbara Young Speaks...

What is Policy Advocacy?

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What is Policy Advocacy? Policy advocacy is defined as active, covert, or inadvertent support of a particular policy or class of policies.

What is a Public Policy Advocacy Group?

Public Policy Advocacy groups (also known as pressure groups, lobby groups, campaign groups, interest groups, or special interest groups) use various forms of advocacy in order to influence public opinion and/or policy. They have played and continue to play an important part in the development of political and social systems. Groups vary considerably in size, influence, and motive; some have wide-ranging long term social purposes, while others are focused on and are a response to an immediate issue or concern. Motives for action may be based on a shared political, religious, moral, health or commercial position. Groups use varied methods to try to achieve their aims including lobbying, media campaigns, publicity stunts, polls, research, and policy briefings. Some groups are supported or backed by powerful business or political interests and exert considerable influence on the political process, while others have few or no such resources.Some have developed into important social, political institutions or social movements. Some powerful advocacy groups have been accused of manipulating the democratic system for narrow commercial gain, and in some instances, have Page 106 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

been found guilty of corruption, fraud, bribery, and other serious crimes. Lobbying has become increasingly regulated as a result. Some groups generally ones with less financial resources, may use direct action and civil disobedience and in some cases, are accused of being a threat to the social order or 'domestic extremists.’ Advocacy encompasses a wide range of activities that influence decision makers. Advocacy includes traditional activities such as litigation, lobbying, and public education. It can also include capacity building, relationship building, forming networks, and leadership development. Policy change can be big or small. It can be petitioning your school board to require , healthier cafeteria meals. It can be urging your government to invest more in schools or make child tax credits permanent, or make more children eligible for health insurance. Or it can be mobilizing your contacts to speak out on a critical cause, in person or online. Some Examples of real world advocacy groups include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • •

• •

Planned Parenthood Action Fund. United Farm Workers of America. Humane Society Legislative Fund. American Library Association. United States Chamber of Commerce. MoveOn.org Political Action. American Civil Liberties Union. Center for International Policy. Child and Domestic Abuse Combatting Bullying

**Research is beginning to explore how advocacy groups use social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action. Subscription link etmmedia.net

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“In America, we consume twice as many material goods as we did fifty years ago. Over the same period, the size of the average American home has nearly tripled, and today that average home contains about three hundred thousand items. On average, our homes contain more televisions than people. And the US Department of Energy reports that, due to clutter, 25 percent of people with two-care garages don’t have room to park cars inside and another 32% have room for only one vehicle. (…) And still one out of every ten American households rents off-site storage - the fastest-growing segment of the commercial real -estate industry over the past four decades.” Joshua Becker: The More of Less

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The common tendency is that we all are hoarders. We buy, get, and own more and more stuff day by day. We hoard clothes, shoes, bags, drawings of our kids, postcards, mugs, jewelry, and much more. They take more and more space, but we don’t want to get rid of these things for several, mostly emotional reasons. And this tendency also goes beyond our homes and personal lives: we do the same thing at work as well. Besides the hoarding of physical goods, we also store more and more digital information, intentionally or not: e-mails, downloads, documents, presentations, pictures, charts, etc., thinking they’ll be useful “one day,” sometime in the future.

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Of course, in many cases, it makes sense to store and keep these items, since they have real business value. But they become outdated and unnecessary more often than we realize. We have to face with one of the biggest challenges of the digital age: information overload.

Information Overload While working, we get more and more information each day. We also create more and more. It is unavoidable. It is a part of our everyday life. We not only have to store this huge volume of content, but also need to process everything: we have to understand, analyze, and work with. We have to respond, take actions, and make decisions. Page 113 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Statistics show that the average person today processes more information in a single day than a person in the 1500s did in an entire lifetime (before printing was invented). [Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/science/science-news/8316534/ Welcome-to-the-information-age-174newspapers-a-day.html]

Have you ever thought about the impacts of this? The volume of information gets especially crazy when we accumulate it within the organization over time. There are more and more enterprises with the challenge of having hundreds of millions(!) of documents, increasing every day, stored in many different systems. Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Dealing with this amount of content is a real problem that creates a serious headache for many.

Information Hoarding

Indeed, a big percentage of this information that you store and process is really useful. But at the same time, much of them are just waste. We tend to keep documents and e-mails not only because of their real business value, but because of we “like” them, or consider them to be “possibly relevant” in the future.

But the chance we never open these items again is actually very high.

(I have to admit I am not an exception either.) Also, many documents become outdated over the time, and we don’t clean up. This massive information overload results in that finding the information we need to get our jobs done takes more and more time. Sometimes we cannot even find what we are looking for, and we re-create the same content, over and over again. This leads to more and more duplicated and multiplied content, and besides the find ability challenges we have to face with, it is also hard (or sometimes impossible) to decide which document is the most valid, upto-date version.

These challenges all drive us to the conclusion: we need something that helps. The first thing to consider is de-cluttering. Identifying the clutter in your information inventory is not as easy as it might sound, though. Some techniques you can use:

Organize: Using folders in file structure, e-mails and other information management systems is evident, yet many of us don’t use its full potentials. We can create folders and subfolders, and organize our files and e -mails into these, to improve quick findability in the future. For example, you can order your e-mails into folders by customer, project, event, year, etc. It’s always up to your preferences, defined in advance. I have a separate folder for Events, where I add a sub-folder to each conference and workshop I speak or teach at. To keep it clean, I also created a sub-folder called “Past” for the events in the past.

I also have a separate folder for customer projects as well as community engagements. (Illustration A)

The result is more time spent with searching and less success with finding what we need.

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Filter: Filtering for e-mails

Filter out: Similar to filtering

which you need to get a task done is a great feature most e-mail clients provide. You can do this in your file browser as well as in most content management system. For example, you can filter for particular persons in the From field, specific customer names or stock signs in the subject, attachments, etc. A great bonus is that you can save these filters for future use in most of the email clients.

for specific content, you can also filter out what you do not need. This might be a temporary filter, for your current needs, or you can permanently delete the items which are identified as clutter by these filters. For example, contracts that are older than five years, specific document formats like PDFs, or e-mails where the subject contains some specific keywords.

Tag: Simple and often under-

(Illustration A)

valued feature is to tag the emails and documents. While we can organize into one folder every item, unlimited number of tags can be used. Therefore we get more freedom for organizing and filtering.

Use automatic rules: Everything described above can be automated in most of the e-mail clients. You don’t need to select the same filter criteria again and again: save it and enjoy, anytime in the future. By using these tools, you make the first, very important step towards better organizing your digital assets. They help you to achieve better productivity. And they also help something “behind the scenes” you might have never considered so far: Search.

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Search Applications I am sure you use Search every day. On the internet, Google and Bing are the big ones. If you look for books on Amazon, the interface you get is also searchdriven. So is Yelp when it comes to restaurants. Or Expedia for travels. Probably you also have one or more search application(s) in your organization, which you can use to look for enterprise content such as customer agreements, payment history, product details, project information, financial charts, marketing campaigns, and much more. As a search expert, I can see though how everyone is struggling with understanding how these applications actually work. These search applications are like magic “black boxes.” And while it’s true we usually cannot have any impact on their work inside, we can do several things to improve the quality of results. First of all, let’s see what these engines can do to provide responses (results) to your questions (queries). Search is an action with the intent of getting relevant and useful content which helps you to get a particular task or job done. Search is usually initiated by some user interaction: in most cases, entering a query, choosing some filtering options, or navigating by a menu. Page 116 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Search can be intended for a single document or item, or a small set of documents. For example, looking for accommodation for your family vacation. Searching for the current lunch menu in your office’s cafeteria. Or gathering purchase history of a customer. Search also can be exploratory search when you want to explore the available options and collect the useful pieces for your current need. For example browsing a travel agency’s website, gathering ideas where to go for family vacation. Or overviewing the latest documents in your department, to get a sense what your colleagues have been working on recently. Behind the scenes, every search process is supported by a search engine. This is a

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one which directly interacts with you, the user. When you enter your query on the user interface, select the desired option, or use the pre-defined filters to express what you are looking for, this component of the engine receives your query, tries to understand, analyzes, processes, then requests the desired items from the Search Index.

software or software package which receives your input (query), processes it and returns with the “responses” (search results), within a second. The results have to be reliable and relevant. There are several search engines, with different features and limitations, as well as different strengths and weaknesses. The goal of this series is to provide a general insight into what you can expect from various search applications - without diving into the deep technical details. To understand the basics, it’s enough to know that each search engine contains three main components: The first component is called Query Processor. This component is the

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Search Index is a huge store for everything that can be searchable by the system. The search engine doesn’t go directly to the myriads of information storing systems to collect what you need. Instead, it stores and maintains a special “inventory” which is called Search Index. This search index is responsible for storing what should be findable, and providing the relevant results when a query happens. How the content goes to the index is the responsibility of the third, Indexer component. Whenever you create new content in a system which is connected to search, the content gets noticed by the Indexer, then crawled and processed, and in the end, it will be stored in the Search Index. Same happens when you modify something that already has existed - the Indexer processes it, and then updates the proper entry or entries in the Search Index.

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It’s an interesting thing that many of us talk about SEO (”Search Engine Optimization”) when it comes to web content, but we don’t even consider that the same concept does exist in our organization as well. When we add a new blog post or article to our website, we try to optimize its metainformation, structure, keywords, and much more to make it have a higher Google position. But when it comes to internal documents in our office, we don’t really care. But we should! The techniques at the beginning of this article were introduced to be used to optimize content for your own use. But actually, these methods optimize content for findability as well. The better your content is, the better the search engine can work with it. It’s an easy win, isn’t it?

Website http://aghy.me

on SharePoint and Enterprise Search. Her most recent books are “SharePoint 2016 Search Explained” and “Google Search Appliance Retirement Explained”. (See more on her Amazon Author page.) Due to her passion and zest for the IT field, since the year 2008, Agnes has been consistently receiving the prestigious MVP award (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional). She has also been awarded several times since 2013 as one of the Top 25 Influencers in SharePoint and Office 365, both in Europe and Globally. She has also delivered hundreds of speeches regarding Search and Information Architecture around the globe, i.e. in Singapore, USA, Canada, UK, Denmark, Germany, Peru … and the list is endless. (See more on her list of Events, and her Speaking page.)

Twitter @molnaragnes

About Agnes Molnar,

Agnes Molnar, managing consultant and CEO of Search Explained, specializes in Information Architecture and Enterprise Search. Agnes studied Information Technology at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and way before the completion of her Masters, she had already started off in the field of IT. She was certified as a Scrum Master in 2012 and was entitled MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer) in 2006. Apart from her blog work, Agnes has also written as well as co-authored various books

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Coming This July

A New Column by Kimberly Ferguson is an entrepreneur, learning & develo career development facilitator, trainer/speaker and certified educator an

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opment consultant, nd T.V. Host

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Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Imagine this—You are seated at an upscale restaurant with one of your best clients and then handed a wine list thicker than a college textbook. You want to pick out the “perfect” wine to impress your client but everything looks like it is written in a foreign language. After only a few minutes the server asks if you have made your selection so you decide to order the most familiar thing on the menu. You are not sure your selection will coordinate with your meals and it costs more than your boss will tolerate for a client dinner. By the time the bottle arrives you have broken out in a cold sweat and are ready to take a big gulp! The good news is that understanding the three

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main ways wine lists are organized is the first step to preventing this from ever happening to YOU. There are three primary types of wine lists: those organized by the grape varietal, by geography or where it is made, and by flavor profile. Keep in mind that some lists blend several of these methods. Let’s explore each of these three types of wine lists:

1. By Grape Varietal.

Organized by the main grape

variety used to produce the wine, this type of list may be further organized by country or state. Thinking of the grape varietal first and the origin second is an American trend. Many European countries are trying to focus on the grape varieties despite regulations

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that ban the top rated wine from listing them on the label. Sections for the popular varietals, e.g., Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, are usually listed, as well as an “other varietals” category for white and red. These lesser known varietal sections can often be more interesting, and is where many bargains can be found!

By Geography

This wine list is organized

by countries of origin and often has the more specific subcategories, like the regions or state, which is the traditional type of wine list. If you love French wines, this type of list makes it easy. Flip to the French section and then look at what regions or wines are offered. The grape varietal used may (or may not) be listed next to the wines in this type of list. This is not an issue for most wine from the US since the wine is usually

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labeled by grape varietal, e.g., Chardonnay or Pinot Noir. The European wine industry, however, tends to focus on the region and assume we know what grapes are grown. Even though the principal grapes of Burgundy are Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, they won’t appear on the bottles of Burgundy’s finest wines.


This type of list is a relatively

new approach that is organized by the flavor profile. A typical category might be fruity whites or powerful reds and the wines in that category may be ordered from mildest to fullest. This allows diners to look for the type of wine they enjoy and then order options in the same flavor category. Your favorite grapes or countries may be located in many different categories. Once you get the hang of these lists, they are tons of fun. They don’t require any special knowledge of geography or grapes—just a knowledge what you like. Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Now you should have a better understanding of the three most common ways that restaurants organize their lists. The geographic and grape varietal lists will account for 80% of the lists encountered, but the progressive list may be a growing trend. The next time you take an important client (or that special someone) to dinner they will be impressed with your ability to find the right wine in no time!

More Secrets to Ordering a Great Bottle of Wine Every Time! Do Your Homework: The first step to ordering a great bottle happens before you arrive at the restaurant. See if the wine lists are online. If so, you can get an idea of what they offer and do a bit of research. If not, you may want time after you are seated to digest the wine list and narrow down your choices. The easiest way to do this is to order sparkling wine to begin. Italian Prosecco or Spanish Cava are usually my choices since they’re tasty, affordable and pair nicely with most appetizers.

Speak Up: Ask the sommelier or server for sug-

gestions. Most are eager to help and have tasted most (if not all) of the wines on their list. Those of us who have chosen wine as a career enjoy drinking wine every night but don’t necessarily have large budgets. Sommeliers and servers will know the best bargains because that is what we are drinking at home!

Don’t Break the Bank: If you are on a budget but don’t want the client to know that, point out a wine in your price range and then ask for an alternate suggestion. Any good server will recommend something within $10 of the wine you pointed out. Don’t go for the least expensive bottle, however; look for the second or third level wines.

The lowest priced wines are actually marked up the most, sometimes 4 or 5 times cost, whereas higher priced wines might only be marked up 2 times cost.

Get the Point: Let’s face it, we are not experts in French, Spanish or Italian but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying the wine right? If you find a great wine you want to order but are afraid to pronounce it, look for the Bin Number listed to the left of the wine. Many restaurants use these as a method to organize their wine inventory. If the list does not list bin numbers, then point to the wine in question and any astute server will get the message.

Hidden Gems: Resist the temptation to order the cult favorites like Opus One or other highly sought after wines with name recognition. These wines are expensive because, like Gucci or Cartier, the brand’s status is part of what you are paying for. Many times you can find wines that are similar in quality for much less, especially if you are willing to try lesser known grape varietals or regions. Ask your sommelier or server. They will be able to recommend the best buys.

Keep on Sipping: Try to taste as much as you can at home or at free in-store tastings. Retail wines are usually only marked up 30-50% over cost as opposed to the standard 2-3 times markup at a restaurant. Experimenting at home will give you the experience to order great wine you’ll love when you are out!

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Laurie Forster

The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce. Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!

For FREE secrets to make wine easy and FUN!:


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Now Airing on WBTVN.TV

Contact Katie Katie O’s Food Carnival, 108 W. Germania Place, Chicago, IL 60610 Email Katie@ktofoodcarnival.com* Phone 312 787 01490 Website: ww Page 126 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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About Katie Culinary Artist Katie O’Reilly is famous for her over the top culinary designs, complex and layered flavor profiles, global range, and creativity. Katie’s weekly TV show “Katie O’s Food Carnival” features inspired living and culinary adventures. Her variety show like segments keep viewers constantly entertained, with interesting guests, exciting food, and insider culinary tips.

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About Schramsberg Schramsberg Vineyards is America’s House of Sparkling Wine. Producing world-class sparkling wine since 1965, Schramsberg Vineyards sources from over 115 diverse cool-climate vineyards from across 120 miles of coastline. This vineyard variety provides Schramsberg with the perfect Page 130 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

balance of fruitful aromas and flavors, along with a delightful crisp acid backbone, all of which is required to produce these stunning sparkling wines. Crafted under the time-tested Méthode Traditionnelle process, with each bottle going through

secondary fermentation within Schramsberg’s historic caves, each bottle of sparkling wine produced is a testament to the quality and dedication that has come to be Subscription link etmmedia.net

The Wines: Schramsberg uses the Méthode Traditionnelle technique to create its nine distributed sparkling wines: the signature vintage dated Reserve, J. Schram and J. Schram Rosé; the classic vintage dated Blanc de Blancs, Blanc de Noirs, Brut Rosé and Crémant; and the multi-vintage Mirabelle and Mirabelle Rosé. Since the 2001 vintage, the winery also produces the J. Davies Cabernet Sauvignon, made exclusively from grapes grown in the Schramsberg estate vineyards on Diamond Mountain.

Focused on quality: Producing just 60,000 cases annually, Schramsberg Vineyards is focused on the finest and most complex handcrafted sparkling wines in California. Schramsberg’s premium wines are crafted in very limited quantities: an average of 1,500 cases of J. Schram and 1,000 cases of Schramsberg Reserve are made each year. Rivaling the best of Champagne, Schramsberg wines are clear favorites amongst wine professionals in blind tastings conducted annually.

Handcrafted: Most of Schramsberg’s viticultural and winemaking practices are carried out by hand: grapes are hand-harvested, the wines are handcrafted, the bottles are stacked and riddled in underground caves. The J. Schram, Schramsberg's top Chardonnay offering is even hand-labeled.

Cool climate diversity: expected by sparkling wine lovers.

Located on Diamond Mountain in the famous Napa Valley, the winery’s history dates back to its founding in 1862. Founded by Jacob Schram, Schramsberg is the second oldest bonded winery in Napa, and is home to the oldest hillside vineyards and oldest hand-dug wine caves in Napa. Restored by Jack & Jamie Davies in 1965, the winery has never looked back as it defined itself as a true American icon. Page 131 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Schramsberg Vineyards blends Pinot Noir and Chardonnay harvested from a broad array of cool-climate vineyard sources, including NapaCarneros, Sonoma-Carneros, Anderson Valley, Sonoma Coast and the Marin Coastal area. The winemakers draw from over 90 individual vineyards to create over 200 base wines each year. These wines are then used to create Schramsberg’s distinctive sparkling wines.

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2006 J.Schram From the inception of Schramsberg’s efforts in 1965, the winery has sought to achieve the greatest elegance and individuality possible in our sparkling wines. J. Schram epitomizes Schramsberg’s philosophy to create a wine in which no effort has been spared and no care has been omitted. Representing only 3% of the winery’s annual production, the Chardonnayfocused J. Schram blend is assembled from the very best base wine lots of the approximately 250 produced each year. This special bottlingis dedicated to Schramsberg’s founder, Jacob Schram, and has been a great success since its premier 1987 vintage was released in 1992.Cluster samples from over 100 cool-climate vineyard sources are pulled several times before the optimal pick date for each block is selected. Complexity within the wine is gained through both oak barrel and stainless steel tank fermentation. Additional layers are provided through small lots that undergo malolactic fermentation, enriching aromas and

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infusing creaminess on the palate. Our J. Schram is aged for over six years on the yeast in Schramsberg’s historic Diamond Mountain caves; each bottle is then riddled by hand, and finished with an exceptional brut dosage. J. Schram is quite appealing on its own as an apéritif or enjoyed with fresh shellfish, caviar on toast point, smoked salmon, tangy and sharp cheeses, seafood brochettes, cedar-planked lobster, mesquite-grilled quail, or Serrano ham & porcini risotto.

2012 Blanc De Blancs

Blanc de Blancs (white from white), made from Chardonnay, is the counterpart to the Blanc de Noirs (white from black), made from Pinot Noir. Blanc de Blancs was the first wine Schramsberg produced in 1965 and was America’s first commercially produced Chardonnay-based brut sparkling wine. Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs gained international recognition in 1972 when then President Nixon served the wine at the historic “Toast to Peace” in Beijing, China.The Schramsberg style of Blanc de Blancs is dry and crisp. Small lots of

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Location malolactic- and barrel-fermented wines are added for complexity. The wine is aged on the yeast lees in the bottle for two years prior to disgorgement. With its vibrant, fruitful and crisp nature, this sparkling wine will maintain its freshness, structure and refined finish for many years, even decades following its initial release. While this wine can be enjoyed by itself as an apéritif, it is also perfect with fresh oysters and other shellfish, crab cakes, ceviche and grilled sea bass. It is also delicious with lemon chicken and Thai curries. Serve with aged Gouda or other hard cheeses, and as a counterpoint to soft triple creams.

1400 Schramsberg Road, Calistoga, CA 94515 Phone: Visitor’s Center: 707-942-4558

Phone Business Office: 707-942-6668 Fax: 707-942-5943

E-mail: info1@schramsberg.com Website: www.schramsberg.com

Tasting Notes “The 2012 Blanc de Blancs has bright and fresh aromas of grapefruit, lime, green apple and white apricot. The fragrance of fruit is complemented with hints of yeast, white flowers, spicy ginger and fresh honeycomb. The lime, tangerine and pear flavors are tart and refreshing on entry. The palate is crisp with long lingering acidity.” – Winemakers Keith Hock and Hugh Davies Page 133 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Work Trotter Where Work, Fashion, and Travel Gallop

New Column Coming in June by Staci Hargraves Page 135 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Designing MultiFunctional Spaces::

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I have often come across people who are confused about decorating a large room in their home. They end up buying very large furniture that does nothing to make the room feel cozier or functional. When you have a great room, it is a good idea to make it multi-functional and take advantage of the large space. Without adding walls, you can make the space serve different purposes for the entire family.

Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

Using these techniques will help you create mini havens for each member of your family including yourself. Havens are mini-feel good spaces that are created to provide individuals their own identity and space within a larger space.

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2 In your plan, chalk out areas where the family can sit together and spend time. These can be areas to watch the television, to play video games or board games. Use easy and comfortable furniture like couches, ottomans and recliners to create distinct conversational areas. Use a day bed to visually divide the large area into two distinct functions.

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It is important to understand the function of the space around which you will be designing before you get started. On a piece of paper, draw a rough floor plan. Decide the areas you would like to create in your great room. Correct placement of the furniture can help you divide the space without actually putting up walls.

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Continued on Next Page

3 Create A cozy corner Once you have created conversational areas, also plan for a cozy corner for some quiet time. In a corner, place a small rug and an armchair or two. Stack books in a book shelf behind the armchairs and install a floor lamp. Drape a throw over the arm chair to make it appear warm and inviting. Finally tie the cozy corner together with a small coffee table.

4 Demarcating specific areas for specific functions is not difficult. Make use of interesting area rugs to visually divide the room. When you place furniture around an area rug, it behaves like an anchor and ties everything around it quite distinctly. You can also make use of wooden screens to divide the room without compromising on the design aspect of the room.

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Always remember to leave adequate space to move around the furniture easily. People navigating in the room should be able to walk with ease without bumping or having to move the furniture around. The walkways should never be blocked with small dĂŠcor like floor lamps or side tables. As a rule of thumb, keep a three feet distance between the furni-


Finally, make use of circles. Circles depict flow and are much easier to navigate around. Instead of a square center table, consider using a circular one. Choose patterns on the upholstery that have a circular pattern or curves that makes the multi-functional room easy on the eyes as well.Multifunctional spaces are terrific to decorate and design. I invite you to make it special by including your family and/or loved ones who will be using the space to be involved. It makes it more fun and everyone can take ownership in the results.

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Landing on Your Feet and Putting Down Roots 21 Rituals to Transform Your Life and Interior Space

by Sherry Burton Ways

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At an event last night two like -minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The

Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It

was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there .... so exciting!

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and and work with the messages that come because they give you

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“The Writer’s Edge” A Series by Dr. Shira Bush, CEO, author, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and devel Page 146 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Role of Women as Activist.

, "The Book Creator" an international speaker, loper of advanced book marketing systems. Page 147 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Over the past few months, I have been writing about women having a voice. I think it’s beneficial to review where and how your voice and activism connect both socially and politically in addition to the challenges and opportunities uniquely available to women for addressing domestic and global issues.

The circumstances create the need, and the need, when it is great enough, creates the circumstances.

According to Amherst College, social activism is an intentional action with the goal of bringing about social change. If you feel strongly about a cause and are working towards a change, you could be considered an activist. An activist is anyone who is fighting for change in society. An activist can be anyone attending a rally against taxation increase, a politician fighting against international human rights abuses or a mother of a child killed by a drunk driver talking to students about drinking and driving. Social activists consider the larger picture – how can they find ways to end injustice and to create strong communities, which encourage economic, social and psychological health?

-Jose Saramago

Social activism is the promotion and guidance used to cultivate changes in business practices, business policies or the Page 148 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

government to influence social change. The duties of a social activist include communicating with policy makers, researching the cause(s), and organizing responses for the media. Social activism commonly focuses on conditions that directly impact the standards of living for those who are exposed to it. Some of the societal problems that have become a platform for social activist groups include medications, pesticides and chemical systems. A social activist is required to speak Subscription link etmmedia.net

Activism has played a major role in ending slavery, challenging dictatorships, protecting workers from exploitation, protecting the environment, promoting equality for women, opposing racism, and many other important issues. Activism can also be used for aims such as attacking minorities or promoting war. Activism has been present throughout history, in every sort of political system. Yet it has never received the same sort of attention from historians as conventional politics, with its attention to rulers, wars, elections, and empires. Activists are typically challengers to policies and practices, trying to achieve a social goal, not to obtain power themselves. Much activism operates behind the scenes.

with a wide variety of people both within the group and opposing groups. According to Brian Martin in the Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice, “Activism is action on behalf of a cause, action that goes beyond what is conventional or routine. The action might be door-to-door canvassing, alternative radio, public meetings, rallies, or fasting. The cause might be women's rights, opposition to a factory, or world peace. Page 149 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

There are many varieties of activism, from the face-to-face conversations to massive protests, from principled behavior to the unscrupulous, from polite requests to objectionable interference, and from peaceful protests to violent attacks. Activism is not well defined, so different people often have somewhat different ideas of what constitutes activism. Activism is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. It all depends on the cause and the actions, and a person's judgment of what is worthwhile. One person might say that a protest is a valuable defense of freedom and another person might Subscription link ETMMedia.net

say that it is a dangerous attack on human rights. Social activism seeks to identify causes and sources of social inequality on all levels whether it is hunger, homelessness, poverty, under-employment and poor education. Working in conjunction with social agencies to provide essential services to under-served populations, social activists lobby to change policies that limit social and economic opportunity both domestically and globally. A political activist is someone who is involved in the political process for the sake of promoting, impeding or raising awareness of a certain issue or set of issues. Political activism typically involves engagement beyond just voting, whether it be through protest, demonstration or lecture. Political activists consider voting to be passive involvement. In contrast, political activism involves taking a clear stance on an issue, voicing an opinion and working to ensure that the change desired by the political activists comes to fruition. Political activism is most effective when conducted with large groups. Community organizers and political leaders see the most sweeping change when the voices of demonstrators and activists draw a great deal of attention. This is why creative acts of resistance by political activists are usually more powerful.

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Demonstrations of political activism aimed toward ending a corrupt or unjust system tend to be more disruptive. This sort of activism sometimes becomes violent. Extreme activists use these methods to disrupt an oppressive system, call attention to its flaws and terminate it. Despite this, many strands of non-violent political activism exist. Within any movement, there can be a variety of beliefs and emphases. Some people and groups in the peace movement oppose any involvement in war or war-making, whereas others are primarily concerned about nuclear weapons, land mines, or a particular war. Subscription link etmmedia.net

writers and leaders; some who are part of the movement and some who are largely independent of it. For example, the feminist movement has supported activism through the network of individuals and groups, has fostered learning about tactics, and has offered an understanding of the problem of patriarchy through women sharing their experiences and through feminist writers presenting ideas that illuminate and inspire their readers. The Women’s March on Washington was unprecedented in scale as a social movement, not just in sheer volume of attendees, but in the array of issues it encompassed, and the diversity at all levels of leadership, from national to local. The executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, Linda Sarsour — a Brooklyn native, mother of three, and now one of the national cochairs of the Women’s March on Washington Other social movements include labor, held this past January, has been working at feminism, environmental, gay and lesbithe crossroads of civil rights, religious freean, animal rights, and disability. Movedom, and racial justice for 15 years. Once an ments provide an important context for activism in several ways. They constitute aspiring English teacher, she joined the Arab a network of individuals and groups that American Association in its infancy, succeedis a source of communication, advice ing founder Basemah Atweh, her mentor, as and inspiration. They provide a learning executive director with Atweh’s death in 2005. environment, with activists drawing on In a recent interview with Katherine Cusumano the experience of other groups to discov- for W Magazine in the article, “The Women of er possible solutions. They provide a the Women's March: Meet the Activists Who framework or perspective for underAre Planning One of the Largest Demonstrastanding society, its problems, possible tions in American History,” “I grew out of the futures, and ways of bringing about shadow of 9/11,” Sarsour said. “What I’ve seen change. This framework, or belief sysout of bad always comes good, is that solidaritem, develops out of the experience of ty and unity, particularly amongst communities activists, combined with the ideas of of color who feel like they’re all impacted by Page 151 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Subscription link ETMMedia.net the same system.”

“Heck, I didn’t even consider myself a feminist,” she told Cusumano. “And it wasn’t because I’m not a feminist — I just didn’t really know what it meant.” (Now, she’s very much a feminist, and very much an activist: “I think I’ve at least earned that title out of this,” she said.) “It’s given a lot of the people involved in it a new outlook on what female leadership is supposed to look like,” said ShiShi Rose, a writer and activist who operates social media — especially Instagram — for the Women’s March. Tamika Mallory who is an experienced gun-control advocate and civil rights activist who previously helmed the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network said, “What we have been doing is ensuring that thevoices of women across this country, women of color, that their voices are heard and that we are the mouthpiece to be able to speak on their behalf, and to ensure that this movement looks like what it means to be a woman in this country.” According to Bonnie Eisenberg and Mary Ruthsdotter in the “National Women’s History Project, 1998, ”Women and girls today are living the legacy of women’s rights that seven generations of women before us have given their best to achieve.” Alice Paul, that intrepid organizer who first wrote out the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, Page 152 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

said, “I always feel the movement is sort of a mosaic. Each of us puts in one little stone, and then you get a great mosaic at the end.” Women working together and adding their small stones to the grand mosaic, have increased their rights against all odds, nonviolently, from an initial position of powerlessness. We have much to be proud of in this heroic legacy, and a great deal to celebrate on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Rights Movement. Sabrina Schaeffer, executive director of the conservative Independent Women's Forum (Kellyanne Conway has a seat on Subscription link etmmedia.net

she said. "Women who have been erased are drowning." Brian Martin raises the issue of the boundaries of what is called activism. Someone working on a campaign may spend time listening to the news, reading and sending e-mails, phoning others, participating in meetings, and writing a grant proposal. None of this is out in public, such as joining a rally or blockade, but an essential part of what makes such public events possible. It is useful to distinguish between "direct action" or "front-line action," which people are putting their bodies on the line, and doing support work usually behind the scenes. Without the support work, the frontline action would hardly occur. This is analogous to military forces: only a few troops are engaged in fighting, with vastly more personnel involved in accounting, cooking, maintenance, and a host of other support activities. the board), said, "Gender is not the whole story." American women share common struggles but different experiences, which is why "women's rights" remain so divisive and why its tent is so broad. Karla Holloway, a professor of English and Law at Duke University who focuses on African American cultural studies, said, “Conversations that fixate on the achievements of Hillary Clinton come at the expense of mothers working minimum wage jobs to keep their families above the federal poverty line. As some women become more visible, others disappear. Women who are elevated are still vulnerable," Page 153 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Those involved in behind-the-scenes work, in support of a cause, can be called either activists, supporters or members of an activist group or movement. This is a matter of definition but has a wider significance. For many people, especially in social movement groups, concerned about the world's problems, there is status to being called an activist. This can lead to a valuing of dramatic and visible direct action and a corresponding devaluation of routine, less visible activity such as answering correspondence or handling accounts. On the other hand, some people who take action do not think of themselves as activists. In their minds, they are simply doing what is Subscription link ETMMedia.net

necessary to address a pressing problem. Are you doing what is necessary to address a pressing problem as an activist, supporter, volunteer or a member of an activist group or movement? Regardless of the definition, how are you contributing to the world today, tomorrow or the next day either domestically and/or globally? Are You Interested In Writing A Book? Call To Schedule Your Complimentary Accelerated Book Creation Consultation Session (A $500 Value) By Calling 818209-1863. Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part of a series by Lily Sanders Page 158 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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As a business coach in New York’s financial district who specializes in career enhancement, I honor you for your successes and for seeking career enhancement in your field. How can you optimize your already thriving career? And how can you optimize your already thriving career without sacrificing peace? One of the reasons some people hit ceilings in their career is that they are taking an entrepreneurial approach rather than a purposeful approach. So what do I mean by that? When we modify our approach, and reframe our behavior, the potential is there for the best results, every time. The application, however, is in your approach. The first thing you need to do for career enhancement is find your one thing. If you are already established and have a thriving career, chances are that you already found it. Great! Are you driven by it though? Perhaps you currently have a thriving career, but lose sleep from fear of hitting a ceiling. You put stock into the mental noise and have difficulties tuning out the chatter in the mind, and suddenly your one thing has been obscured. Are your producers driven by one thing? Do they even know what their one thing is? Page 160 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Here lies much of the problem and the reason why your company may hit ceilings. Your producers must also know their one thing and whatever their passion, skill, or one thing may be…it must be recognized, and must become their purpose. There is a vast difference between an entrepreneurial approach and a purposeful approach. That difference will either keep you hitting ceilings, living with stress, living with too much on your plate, or getting extraordinary results and peace of mind. Which do you choose? The most popular approach, but not necessarily the best, is an entrepreneurial one. It is well meaning, as we race off to Subscription link etmmedia.net

would you ever want to put more stress on an already high pressured environment?

do what needs to get done enthusiastically, but because we all naturally have limitations, we will eventually hit a ceiling. Then we get disappointed and start to buy into the chatter in the mind that tells us what we can or cannot achieve or who we can or cannot become. So when we hit that ceiling, we bounce up against it… again and again. It’s a vicious cycle that always runs hand in hand with the allencompassing and unproductive mental, physical, and emotional condition. Stress. The financial services business is unquestionably a fast paced environment aligned with the background static of sharp risk, market and regulatory pressures, and moment to moment strides to grow and enhance your shareholders values. Knowing this, why

Page 161 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you were to take a purposeful approach, it commits you to grow continuously, where you are always asking, “What are my options, here?” There is tremendous value and weight of importance in knowing your passion, or your one thing. Every day should be one big thing, with one small bull’s eye focus, if you will. Much of my career enhancement coaching uses a focusing question that in turn, narrows down those choices to the next thing you should do. Annually, quarterly, monthly, daily, in this meeting, and so on. This is goal setting to the now. The next thing I do as your career enhancement coach is teach time blocking, counter-balancing, and implement accountability. This is critical in the finance world. In this environment, the stable companies and continuously growing ones will be those that can take these challenges, and turn them into opportunities. This can only be done consistently with a leader who takes a purposeful approach and requires the same from their managers and producers. Your career is not your purpose, rather your career is guided by your purpose. The catalyst to career enhancement is your purpose. That purposeful approach is what will grow you and your company to heights that see no boundaries, and have no ceilings of achievement no matter what the circumstance, For more spiritual guidance, pick up a copy of “Truth To Triumph”. And know that I love you. ~Lily Sanders Subscription link ETMMedia.net

because it is always seeking that next option. This is how to realize career advancement. If you want to optimize your already thriving career, it will begin with the one thing you put into place. Life doesn’t just line up for you. You need to place the first domino and put it in motion. This is why having a career enhancement coach like myself is essential. Let’s analyze this. What’s the current language of your managers and producers? Do they blame a shift in the market on a blip, or a glitch? Perhaps they blame it on an anomaly? Do they say, it’s a bad month? Do they fight the reality of a situation and toss responsibility elsewhere, and perhaps on other people within the Page 162 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

company? How many times have you heard someone say, it’s not my job? Do you notice others simply hoping that things change for the better? Do they feel this is the best they can do? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you need a coach like myself to partner with and implement accountability within your walls. Managers and Producers with accountability, investigate the problem. They take ownership of the problem, and address the reality of the problem rather than toss blame or make excuses. Accountable people look for solutions to the problem. Accountable Presidents, CEO’s, Managers, and Producers alike will absorb Subscription link etmmedia.net

setbacks and keep moving. They see no ceiling of opportunity. Accountable people are results oriented and never defend actions, skill levels or lack thereof, models or systems that were put in place, or relationships that just aren’t getting the job done. They address the situation or problem and take the necessary actions to change it. They bring their best at whatever it takes without holding back. If you cannot be accountable, you will have difficulties achieving the extraordinary results that you are so capable of, if working with the right career enhancement coach.It is the best choice for extraordinary results. I am not a cheerleader, A career enhancement coach is the highest form of an accountability partner. although I can be very uplifting. I provide frank and objective feedback on performance, keep dialogue open while generating on-going expectation for heightened productivity, and help provide critical brainstorming when needed. Given the opportunity as your career enhancement coach, my mission would be to hold you accountable, teach you how to goal set to the now, assist in counter balancing your life…not just your work-life, and help you condition your mind to tuning out the mental noise in this fast paced environment, and having overall peace. You are only successful when everything is your life is enjoyed and has peace. There is peace in stability. You can have success without sacrificing peace. Don’t let anyone tell you that this is not possible. Not only is it possible but is essential for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

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The lie you have been told is that we need to balance our life. The truth is that balance is impossible, but counter balance is what is critical for extraordinary success professionally, personally, and relationally. Success will require passion, focus, accountability, counter balance, and conditioning the mind to observe the constant static in the background that perhaps seems normal and goes unnoticed. What is your mental dialogue saying? And what part of that are you identifying with? Statistics say its takes sixty six days to form a new habit. Success habits are built over time, and the most successful people in the world did not get there alone. So let’s do this! I look forward to partnering with you as your career enhancement coach. Those who are not in New York City can easily be coached by me, personally, via Skype, e-mail and telephone. Thanks to today’s technology, I now coach across the globe. I honor you, as you take the powerful choice toward career enhancement. Not only will you optimize your already thriving career, but you will open the door to all of life’s opportunities and achieve the unprecedented results others only dream of! Please click on this link to receive my FREE EBook “7 Steps to Optimize Your Already Thriving Career”.

http:// ueslifecoach.com

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More than Just Talking Communication Strategies Amplify Mentoring

By Danielle Joworski, B. Sc., B.Ed (Adult Education), PGCert Educat Author | Speaker | Writer | Content Educator http://www.daniellejoworski.c

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g & Listening:

tional Leadership com.

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https://issuu.com/nafelosangeles/ docs/_magazine_april_2016_issue_1_ Mentoring is no different. It’s reliance on an individual’s desire to grow and develop on a personal and/or professional level creates an avenue for a connection to be formed between two people. The ability for people to strengthen this connection in order to achieve results and some type of agreed upon Return on Investment (ROI), is reliant on the ability for people to communicate effectively with each other, and adapt their styles as the relationship changes. As the needs of each individual changes. I share in The ATHENA Prodigies that communication throughout a mentoring process is not static; it is fluid and needs to flow to meet the needs of the dyad. Challenges and barriers along with personal growth and development will change the Page 168 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

needs, type or style of questions being asked and responses being provided by both the mentor and mentee. The ability of the mentoring pair (dyad) to adapt how they communicate with each other over the duration of their relationship will have an impact on their results. Think back to how you have maintained value-added relationships. Do you relate to each other exactly the same as when you first met? Has your communication style or approach changed over time? How did you know to adjust your style or approach? In a similar fashion to personal relationships, the ability to flex or adapt communication styles and approaches is pivotal if members of a dyad are to maintain and build from the pillars I have discussed in past columns: the desire to mentor or be mentored, the strengthening of the Subscription link etmmedia.net

emotional connection, and the dualcommitment towards a path of success.

Effective communication involves more than just having a few, practiced skills and experience in a toolkit. It can encompass distinguishing how a mentor or mentee learns most effectively, what their personality is, or language, cultural or generational differences and more. In The ATHENA Prodigies, I focus the process of effective communication on the incorporation of personal elements that can provide a sense of emotional value to either individual in a dyad. As part of any roadmap established by the dyad, and discussed in my last column, it should include dedicated time engaged in conversation around goals and results, needs and barriers, assessing skill or knowledge gaps and defining next steps. How the dyad evolves their communication with each other as their roadmap is followed can be indicative of the ROI on the mentoring relationship.

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1 Communication Strategies to Boost Mentoring Success

Face-to-Face Having a face-to-face conversation with someone else can make you feel so much more vulnerable than talking to someone electronically. You can’t hide your actions or emotions as well when somebody else is looking at you, whether it be in person or via a video communication. You also can’t hide if you are distracted by your cell phone, video game, co-workers or friends stopping into to see you. This means that the attention level and engagement between the dyad should be higher as distractions and the ability to be opaque are limited. Closing office doors in a workplace setting, closing a door or moving to a quiet room in a house or classroom for parents, teachers and caregivers, creates a sense of privacy. This enhances the creation of a safe environment needed that I discussed in the April column, nurtures any feelings of vulnerability and helps to create that bond of trust between the dyad.

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Being face-to-face can also create a sense of intimacy and increases the emotional connection within the dyad, as the opportunity exists for emotions driving behaviours and actions to be picked up via facial expressions and body language; visual cues that are lost when using voice-only communication. These cues may provide hidden clues to struggles and barriers that a mentor or mentee are experiencing and may become the cog in results if not identified, discussed and resolved.

2 Ask open ended questions For a mentee, open-ended questions allow for more details to be learned; these details can be what links concepts or processes together (e.g. How would I best learn how to ‌ ? Why do we have short-term and longterm goals? How would I apply using fractions in real life? ). For the mentor, being asked open-ended questions draw on their knowledge at a deeper level, usually causing them to have to reflect on what they know and their

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experience in order to formulate the best possible answer or provide the mentee with more than one scenario or answer to the question. This reinforces the mentors expertise and sense of confidence in not only being able to provide a value-added answer, but to be able to communicate it in a way that someone else will be able to utilize their experience. The use of open-ended questions allows for mentors to create case studies and scenarios to challenge the mentees growing knowledge and experience. This requires a higher level of cognitive thinking and creates connections between knowledge and experience. These types of questions can create a bit of fun for mentors, as they can use their imagination faculties to be creative in constructing fun, theoretical scenarios for the mentee. From the mentees perspective, the use of these type of open ended questions really draws on their ability to connect multiple ideas and concepts together with details

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and can showcase the knowledge, decisionmaking, and problem solving skills that they have acquired.

3 Really listen This may seem obvious, but effective listening encompasses hearing what is being said but also listening to what is not being said. It encompasses the use of both passive and active listening and can include relying on your intuition to provide a holistic perspective of what someone is really trying to communicate. For a mentor, listening to the subtle undertones of discouragement, frustration or peaked curiosity and excitement creates a multi-dimensional style whereby they listen to words but hear the feeling. What is not being communicated by a mentee can highlight skill gaps, a growing area of interest or an area where the dyad needs to concentrate more effort on. There may be other underlying

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factors causing positive or negative emotions that are completely unrelated to the discussion at hand, but it is the mentors role to gently massage out any factors that may inhibit a mentees ability to succeed. For the mentee, listening is critical to learning a new task or activity correctly, the first time. To not only know something but understand the finite details that will assist them in moving forward in their development or hinder or erode what they have learned. If there is a safety component to something a mentee is learning, or a mentor is trying to help the mentee avoid making a mistake that the mentor learned through their own tribulations, mentees need to be intentional in their listening, and ask questions if they do not understand what was communicated to them or re-iterate what they heard to re-inforce the correct communication.

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Effective communication at any stage of a mentoring relationship, whether it be at the beginning, maturing or at its completion, can impact the materialization of the results and ROI from the dyad. This impact can be seen as

positive outcomes: increase sales, decreased inefficiencies, advanced knowledge and skill attainment, confidence, increased grades and improved behaviors. These high-level outcomes can typically be measured and assigned a value to depict the growth and development of a dyad. However, there are other positive outcomes that are more subtle but can have an equivalent Page 172 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

degree of impact on the ability for either a mentor or mentee to increase their finesse to responding to experiences in the workplace, home or classroom. When a mentee is exposed to a mentor whose has learned how to draw on their experience and flex their communication prowess over the course of the relationship, they have been exposed to a wide range of styles and processes which they can then impart and use on others. Whether it be a people leader to a team member, parent to a child, teacher to a student, becoming skilled at sensing when they need to relate to somebody else in a different manner, and then possessing these skills can impact their ability to collaborate, Subscription link etmmedia.net

make decisions with others and be clear in their own communication. For a mentoring dyad, effective communication can result in early adjustments made to the roadmap so that mistakes and misses are avoided early on, or effective transfer of knowledge and skills that is right the first time. It can be the corner-

stone to the development and growth of the emotional connection between people or can be the cog that delays results or makes them more difficult to achieve. When a roadmap for success has been established and ROI’s defined, how the time that a dyad spends in conversation with each other is utilized is critical. Being effective communicators across the changing landscape of a mentoring relationship can fuel the desire and emotional connection between the dyad, resulting in each individual feeling valued for their contribution not only to the success of the other, but to the continued growth and development of their own skills.

About Danielle Joworski B. Sc., BEd - ADED Danielle Joworski holds has woven elements of writing throughout her career as a leader and educator. In 2015, she made the decision to be authentic to her true calling and resigned from her corporate life to spend more time with her family and nurture her dream to write. Her first book, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls, was an international best-seller and represented her own journey of empowerment. As an adult educator and trainer she is an advocate of using critical reflection as a powerful learning tool and uses it to mentor others. Her writing focuses on empowering women by sharing lessons from her own professional experiences across different industries and leadership positions while working fulltime as a wife and Mom. Danielle focuses her time on growing her knowledge by pursuing a Master’s degree and giving back to her community by volunteering for causes that support the empowerment of girls and bring attention to mental health. To discover more about Danielle, you can visit her website at: http://www.daniellejoworski.com.

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betterment of ourselves, our communities, and the world. We have the opportunity to have a global relationship not just with others globally but The WGC Internation- also to network amongst ourselves al Adventure Summit to create projects was created to bring individuals together for far beyond anything any of us the

could do as individuals. There are members attending from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and more. We will be doing our own business expansion with other global experts, sharing our knowledge

and brainstorming with each other. We will serve as global citizens as the lives of the children you will meet during the WGC Humanitarian Aid project, whose lives will be changed forever as will ours.

The WGC Gateway Training Program provides service to women of all race, creed, religion and circumstance to support them in becoming part-time or full time business owners and entrepreneurs. We assist women in becoming active participants and leaders for themselves, their communities, and the world. The Program helps them uncover their talents and discover ways that they can contribute to society and the workforce. It engages all aspects from self-esteem, image, communication, business strategy, product development, to marketing and exposure. This unique 90 day program also provides them with opportunity, tangible skills and techniques from opening their own LLC to creating their business plans and all the way to customer sales. Page 175 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Founder/CEO of The Women of Global Change Female Executives joining together to lead the new economy. The Year of the Woman is 2016 and female executives are on the rise in America and beyond. Many organizations and publications are ushering in the new wave. It is not too long ago that women received the right to vote, coming so far, and still there is a long way to go for equal rights. Such organizations and top companies that are known for having higher percentages of women employed includes Bright Horizons, Nordstrom, Mayo Clinic, and Starbucks. Many other organizations offering women in training in business have appeared on the horizon as well, such as The Women of Global Change Summit and WGC Gateway Program, STEM, LeTIP, NAFE (National Association of Female Executives) and also publications of additional support can be found in E Magazine (Female-Executive), Ms. Magazine, Avant Garde, and Entrepreneur Magazine. With the majority of the workforce currently being women, and with women being 80% of the consumers in the US, this gives incredible power for standing up and stepping in for the year of the women: 2016. Ladies, it is time for us to lead united... YOU are the change the world is waiting for.

More about Dame Shellie Hunt can be found at

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Michal Mael Michal’s worldly experience and exotic background makes her the perfect ambassador for Nature’s gems. From international businessmen and women, to Beverly Hills celebrities, and everyone in between, Michal uses her expertise to place the exact crystals needed giving them what they desire in both home and work environments. She designs pieces specifically based on what’s missing, giving them access to it, and energizing their lives, and has developed her own technique and system of Energy Positioning Placement ™. Michal travels from continent to continent several times a year to hand pick the best gems from mines in China, Viet Nam, Brazil , Peru, Morocco, to Timbuktu for our clients.

Elle febbo From Foster Homes to Harvard Law, Elle Febbo, now a best selling, award winning author, is also the CEO of Febbo Media, Associate Producer of the Emmy acknowledged, “Project: Forgive”, keynote speaker, globally published journalist and child advocate. Last year, Elle was acknowledged by Jane Seymour and the Open Hearts Foundation for her work with Big Brothers Big Sisters, receiving high honors with an award for service and a check for $10,000. in support of her efforts, which she donated to Big Brother’s Big Sisters of Ventura County. Elle serves as a Contract Adviser for the National Writers Union and was recently elected as the Southern California Chapter Chair in recognition for her efforts to reach the masses and open doors for the voices of writers from around the globe in association with the International Authors Coalition. Her company, Febbo Media is designed to make books, products and business matter, through collaborative cause marketing, and her workshops, seminars and lectures are designed to take business leaders, authors and entrepreneurs to the next level through service and collaborative affiliation, with the message that anything is possible when the like-minded and likehearted come together to make it happen.

Munni Irone

Founder of Peace 4 Arts Awards

Munni Irone has received numerous civic and global awards such as The Philanthropist Queen of Beverly Hills, Adame Commander Award by the royal family of Europe, and teacher of the year award along with several philanthropist awards. Even though, she much prefers to be know as “Munni the Philantropist”. She is CEO of MJD Film Productions and is associated with multiple charitable organizations in the United States and worldwide. Munni conducts workshops to help leaders find their purpose, defining self-images, getting deep into their core with honesty in their lives. She believes that this is the only way that they can attain balance within themselves.

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Changing Lives Shellie Hunt Founder & President


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Celebrate the wisdom of the sandbox— the witty, innocent, surprising, and yet completely sensible things that kids say and do. A little book with a big heart, Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me combines deceptively simple life lessons with engaging images that together not only offer insight but inspire joy. Kids see the world in a way that adults don’t, so glimpsing life through a child’s eyes offers a fresh—and often funny— perspective. Kids encourage us to be open-minded: There are a lot of different ways to get to the top of the jungle gym. To be fearless: Jump right in or you may change your mind about swimming. To aim high: Even babies grab for things just beyond their reach. To be kind to yourself: Sometimes you need a Saturday on a Wednesday. To follow your own path: If the flowers you draw don’t look like anyone else’s, that’s good. And to stay young: Go barefoot!

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Tune in to the chatter on the playground, and remind yourself how simple everything really is. Cynthia (“Cindy”) L. Copeland is the New York Times best-selling, awardwinning author/illustrator of more than 25 books for adults and children. She has sold over a million books in seven languages and her books have been recommended by Oprah, Regis Philbin, Ann Landers, and the hosts of Good Morning America. In 2011, she became CocaCola's "spokesmom" for the company's Family Night program. Before her first book was published at age 29, Cindy worked as an editor and as a newspaper journalist. She’s a graduate of Smith College. Cindy lives in rural New Hampshire with her family. She Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Five Steps to Transform Your Business and Enrich

GREG BRENNE Visionary business leader Greg Brenneman has written the 21st-century companion to Stephen Covey’s classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Like Covey before him, Brenneman believes that true business success and personal fulfillment are two sides of the same coin. The techniques that will grow your business will also help you achieve a rich, purposeful, and integrated life. In Right Away and All At Once, Brenneman takes what he’s learned from turning around or tuning up many businesses?including Continental Airlines and Burger King?and distills it into a simple, clear, 5-step roadmap that anyone can follow. His 5 steps teach you how to prepare a succinct Go Forward plan, build a fortress balance sheet, grow your sales and profits, choose all-star servant leaders, and empower your team.

Available now

For more than thirty years, Brenneman has seen these steps foster dramatic results in a variety of business environments. But ten years ago he realized that he could apply these same business principles to improve his life and build a lasting moral legacy.

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Your life

EMAN He found he could make better decisions by carefully taking the most important facets of his life?faith, family, friendship, fitness, and finance?into consideration. Brenneman’s inspiring examples, from both his business and life, demonstrate the astounding effects these 5 steps can have when you apply them right away and all at once. About Greg Brenneman Greg Brenneman is the full time Executive Chairman of CCMP Capital, a large private equity firm. Mr. Brenneman plays an active leadership role in executing the Firm's overall strategy while remaining actively engaged in completing transactions, developing strategies and coaching the senior management of CCMP's portfolio companies. Mr. Brenneman is one of the leading business turnaround executives in the world. Prior to joining CCMP in October 2008, he served as Chairman, CEO and/or President of Continental Airlines, Burger King and PWC Consulting. In each of these cases, he led a turnaround of the company capstoned by dramatically improved Page 183 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

customer service, employee satisfaction, profitability and financial returns of up to 15X the money invested. In 1994, Mr. Brenneman founded Turnworks, Inc., his personal investment company. Mr. Brenneman serves as Lead Director of The Home Depot, Inc. and on the Board of Director's of Baker Hughes, Inc. He also serves on the Board of CHI/St. Luke's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, and is on the Board of a number of other CCMP portfolio companies. Mr. Brenneman is an Emmy Award winner and the Author of Right Away & All At Once, Five Steps to Transform your Business and Enrich Your Life. He holds a Masters of Business Administration degree with distinction from Harvard Business School, Bachelors Administration of Business in Accounting/Finance, summa cum laude from Washburn University of Topeka, Kansas, inducted into the Kansas Business Hall of Fame and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Commerce degree from Washburn University.

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About NAFE

Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams… supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits, Information on the Southern CA networks can be found at www.wrnafe.com The network meeting fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests then you pay the restaurant direct for your meal.like eating right now? Using this simple technique, my choices changed to a healthier fare. Instead of a cheese tuna melt, coke, and french fries, I’d glance through WWW.NAFE.COM

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The NAFE Success Up conference tickets are selling and all the vendor slots are sold out, you can go towww.wrnafe.com and see all the bios of the speakers and the entertainers all whom are amazing, we also set up a nafe facebook page where we post items on the conference as well that link isLink for conference page https://www.facebook.com/ NAFECONFERENCE2017/?fref=ts Subscription link etmmedia.net

The cost for the tickets are $90.00 and include continental breakfast, lunch, snacks all the speakers and entertainers and shopping with the vendors, opportunity drawings and door prizes. If you are using a credit card you can purchase your ticket on thewww.wrnafe.com website if you are using a check make it payable to Robbie Motter dba SuccessUp Conferences and mail to Robbie Motter 27701 Murrieta Road #216 Menifee, CA 92586 that wrnafe.com website has all the speakers and entertainers bios for you to view as well they are all amazing.

We also have a nafe facebook page where nafe members can go and introduce themselves as well as tell us what you do and if you have some specials to share let us

know that as well here is that link https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/197601170355640/

Congratulations to Tiffany Tremont the Director of nafe San Antonio, Texas and her company, check this out Governor Abbott's State of the State address Please visit the link 85th Session Chamber Archived Broadcast for January 31, 2017 @10am, Duration 02h 31min below. http://tlchouse.granicus.com/ MediaPlayer.php? view_id=39&clip_id=12511 Page 185 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you advance to mark 1:23 of the Governor’s State of the State Address, you will see that Governor Abbott honored Silotech and Tiffany Tremont on the House floor. As a Service Disabled Veteran, Woman, Minority Owned Small Business, she was honored and humbled to represent San Antonio (Military City) in Advanced Cyber, Enterprise IT, and most importantly job growth in Texas. These are some of the other awards she and her company Silotech have received 2016 Inc. 5000 Ranked #1065 2015 Inc. 5000 Ranked #2178 2016 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2016 AFCEA International Women in AFCEA Appreciation Award 2015 San Antonio Business Journal – Tech Flash Titans Award – Cybersecurity 2015 San Antonio Business Journal CEO - C-Suite Award – Small/Medium Business 2015 San Antonio MED Week – IT Firm of the Year 2015 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2014 San Antonio Business Opportunity Council’s (SABOC) MED Week Award for Excellence in Contract Support 2014 San Antonio Business Journal Women’s Leadership - Business Leader of the Year & Entrepreneurial Leader TO contach Tiffany Tremont Silotech Group, Inc. 10100 Reunion Place, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210.569.0950 M 210.748.0707 ttremont@SilotechGroup.co m Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Congratulations to Murrieta nafe member Reatha Reedus who with her daughter Dr. Desiree Reedus recently help to put together with the GFWC Riverside Women’s Club a very successful GO RED Event at the Riverside Women’s Club. Also congratulations to NAFE/Women In Networking in Indiana who has become partner with the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), which recognizes and celebrates the diverse and historic accomplishments of women by providing informational services and educational and promotional materials. The network President said “One of the benefits of being a partner with the NWHP is we can post our events with them, and they have the capability to publish them on a broader scale for us, e.g., in Indy and other states! NAFE/WIN is currently in their Women’s History Newspaper “The Gazette”. We are looking for different avenues to expand knowledge about our 501 ( c ) (3) organization and to grow. This along with other venues hopefully will put us further on the “map”. Our website is currently under construction and being updated by NAFE/WIN’s Webmaster Jay Fitzsimonds” Robbie Motter, nafe global coordinator is putting together a quote book and is looking for your favorite quote, here is the information that is needed and who to send it too, you can send up to three quotes, the quotes should cover Business, Fun or Health. Here is where you send them and you have until March 1at to get them in.This book is a nafe Western Region Conference Fundraiser As a nafe member I would like you to be a part of “Heartfelt Sayings” a spiral-bound book that includes your favorite quote about business, health or just plain fun. Simply submit your quote (it can be your own or someone else’s) in 50 words or less by March 1st . Also include your name, business name, e-mail and Website. Page 186 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

E-mail the info to JoLynn Vensel at jmv9465@gmail.com. The book will be available for purchase at the April 22, 2017, Success Up nafe Women’s Conference. Please take this free opportunity to share your tidbits of wisdom with like-minded professional women! Don't delay get them to JoLynn today and in subject of the email add Quotes for nafe book. The deadline is firm so take time today and get your quote in. You may send two or three quotes. If you have any questions on this please don;t hesitate to give me a call 951-255-9200 You know what my two quotes will be: It's All About "SHOWING UP" as showing up is like a treasure map, you never know what treasure you will find. My second one is "The POWER IS IN THE ASKING" Magichappens when you ask and opens doors you never even imagined. So Members SHOWING UP in this book is a great opportunity for YOU! So don't delay do it today. A large group of nafe members are off to Catalina and Mexico on a cruise so watch for photos in next months From the Desk of Article and March 8th I am on the way to Hawaii to celebrate my 81st birthday and also to meet our Hawaii active and inactive nafe members. My birthday also falls on International Women’s Day and I always knew I was an International Women. Until next issue I wish you Health, Happiness and continued success. And please know you can call me anytime at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com, as I am always here for our nafe members across the globe. Robbie Motter, nafe Global Coordinator

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Angel believes we should never stop educating ourselves. For her first leg of education at the beginning of college she chose psychology once she had satisfied that education she pursued business and law. Currently she is in pursuit of a marketing education when that education is satisfied she is sure she will find a new education interest to pursue.


Angel Toussant I first met Angel through my Riverside nafe director Joan E. Wakeland and was very impressed as to what a dynamic women she is. She also recently joined our Riverside nafe network. I also had the opportunity to hear her speak at several locations and she is amazing. I asked her to speak for some upcoming nafe meetings, which are in Menifee, Murrieta and Temecula and I am looking forward to those presentations. Angel Toussant was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and at age 37 moved from Anchorage to Northern California. She remained in Northern California until April, 2016 at which time she found her new home in Murrieta,California. She said “my proudest life accomplishment is raising two phenomenal daughters. I love to say I can die a happy person if I accomplish nothing else in life because of the relationship I have with my girls. I am confident my relationship with my daughters is well above average and I am confident they feel the same way, despite the many parenting mistakes I made along the way”. Page 187 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Her career choices are as varied as her education choices She has held positions from teachers aid to police officer and many careers in between. Currently, she is providing monitoring services for parents who are required by the courts to have supervised visits. She consider myself a serial entrepreneur, because she continually invests in endeavors that provide her the opportunity for her to grow a healthy income while doing what she loves to do, which is to always find new ways to help others around her, be it family, friend, or stranger. She has written and published two journal books. The first was for recovering addicts (out of print) and the second one is for goal‑setting. She is currently writing a personal growth book which she plans to publish by year end. She owns an online store (LifesPowerStore.Com) thttp:// lifespowerstore.com/ hat sells, educational/ personal growth books, and other educational, inspirational, motivational tools and products. Her hobbies, like her education and careers are varied. She enjoys golf, horseback riding, photography (nature and wildlife), snow skiing, boating, jet skiing, jewelry making, hiking, bike riding, and graphic design. Angel can be reached by email angel@atsmartdecisions.com Subscription link ETMMedia.net

Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Global Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. ARIZONA Phoenix Impact for Enterprising Women – A Nafe affiliate network contact director Joan Howard 602725-3246 email joanhoward@cox.net website www.impactforenterprisingwomen.com CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Nafe meets the 2nd Thursday starting in January 2016 at Mimi’s Café 4025 California Avenue, Bakersfield, Director Cheryl Hughley Phone 661-421-5861 Email Cheryl_hughley@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Bel Air (coming soon) Director LaDonna Roberts 323-806-3433 email ladonnaroberts@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Central Orange County Nafe meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at Coco’s Restaurant 14971 Holt Avenue, Tustin, CA, Director, Sheila A Caruso, 949 -330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/fj2iy3x5i9E

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Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am at, Ramano's Macaroni Grill 12380 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Director Lynne Martin, 714-357-4159 email lynneCmartin@gmail.com http://www.meetup.com/wwwnafecoastal-com/ U Tube Video coming soon Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Callendar’s 5773 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90232 . website is www.nafelosangeles.com Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.comPlease check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/RkSuoZaGrJc Menifee Nafe Network meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill (formerly Boston Billie’s Restaurant ) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Director Robbie Motter, NAFE Global Coordinator 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/ cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ HspfWnbAI4w Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter,951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WmClfV9VcMA

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North San Diego County Nafe Network (Carlsbad/Vista/San Marcos) Coming in January 2016 contact Director Luz Paez 951-966-8277 email marketingwithluzpaez@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Mimi's Cafe 10909 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Contact Director Vivian Haire, Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector Phone 951-229-8343 or email vvnhaire@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Riverside Nafe Connector meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Drive #7a Riverside, CA 92507 contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/vQT80UAUm-k San Fernando Valley, starting in January , contact Director Carol Pilkington 661-3134578 or email carol@carolpilkington.com for more information U Tube Video coming soon San Francisco/Bay Area Network 4th Thursday 6:15 PM Call Director for meeting location. Director Stone Love Cell 510 565 4425Home office 510 972 0528 or emailStonelove@stoneologys.com Meet up Page http://www.meetup.com/SAN-FRANCISCO-BAYAREA-NAFE/events/225941823/ U Tube Video coming soon South Bay Nafe Network, meets 4th Tuesday 6:30 pm @ Double Tree 1985 E Grand Ave El Segunda, CA 90245 contact CO-Directors Alina Estrada 562-313-1190 or emailinfo@nafesouthbay.com or Eleanor Oliver Co-Director email Eleanor.oliver12@gmail.comjoin us on Meetup.com/southbay-nafenetwork www.nafesouthbay.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/UY9kHIy1o34

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South Orange County Nafe Network Morning Coffee meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Microsoft Store, 578 The Shops at Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA (Upstairs in mall) For information and/or to RSVP Contact Director Mikki St Germain, 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nafe.soc U Tube Video Coming soon Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 11:45 AM at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com Meet up page: http:// www.meetup.com/members/159937202/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/OZqKdhKUf5o Wildomar Nafe Network meets 4th Thursday 6:00 PM D’Canters Restaurant 32100 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter Nafe Regional Coordinator 951-255-920 or email rmotter@aol.com http://www.meetup.com/MenifeeMurrieta-Wildomar-Nafe-networks/ events/224726252/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ okj-UzaTbM4 COLORADO Denver Coming soon contact Director Nancy.i.gaines@gmail.com 314) 378-1611

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DC Washington DC Greater Washington DC Women’s Network, Mary Greene, Executive Director 202=5808884, email gwwenet@gwwn.org Website www.gwwwn.org meets Sept thru June GEORGIA Atlanta Nafe Atlanta Network, Executive Director, Lisadouglas 404-913nafe email contactus@nafeatlanta.com ILLINOIS Chicago Coming soon Zsyke Tusa Director, 331-212 -0585 email ztusa@ecologicsolutions.com INDIANA Indianapolis Nafe Women in Networking (WIN) Mary Aurtrey, Director 317-894-9421 or 317-4137197 email m.aurtrey@sbcglobal.net Co Director Lotti McCallistor 317-905-3666 e,ail bes10@iquest.net meets 1st Wednesday each month at 11:30- 12:30 at Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Center 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis. IN 46249 Check out their Utube Video

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LOUISIANA Gretna Women on the Go, Director Rose Mary Ceasar, 504-366-6889 email rosemarycadam@bellsouth,net, regular meetings 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm MARYLAND Baltimore Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com, meetings at 1300 Mercantile Lane Ste 100 Largo Maryland 20774 Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net Facebook page www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Howard County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location

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Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Pikesville Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network , Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com Denise Laws, Co-Director 443-527-7403 contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Prince George’s County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/ Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com

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MICHIGAN Detroit Women Empowering Leadership & Legacy (WELL) Director Donna Stallings 313-999-2211 email donna@syncfoundation.com. Contact Director for meeting location and time. MISSOURI St Louis The Professional Women’s Alliance STL, Director Ninoska Clarkin 314-991-6144 NEW JERSEY Northern New Jersey Professional Women New Jersey, Dee Marshall, Director 862-218-0076 email nafenewjersey@gmail.com NEW YORK New York City, Roxanne Natale, Director 917 -952-0681 cell, 646-647-2148 work, email rnatale@ewsnyc.com North Carolina Nafe North Carolina, Director Michele Rogers, 919-621-3310 Email nafenorthcarolina@gmail.com website is www.nafenc.com Utube video https://youtu.be/snLmjMtGS7A PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Women Interactive Network WINN< Director Dawn Pomaybo 412-963-6311 email info@Winpitt.org SOUTH CAROLINA Coming Soon, contact Director Jayne Jordan 843-532-1123, email ladyjj2u@gmail.com

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ttremont@silotechgroup.com VP of Events: Jacqueline Jackson, Jacqueline.jackson@utsa.org 210-458-2483 VP of Communications: Chris Slowey, sloweyrcpoa@yahoo.com, 210-569-0953 VP of Finance: Natasha Robles, nrobles@silotechgroup.com, 210-5690959 Our website address is www.nafesa.org.

TEXAS Dallas P-31 Women Inc, Contact Connie Mitchell 214-404-6462 Midland Successful Women’s Alliance, Diector Mary Elena Duron 432-978-2009 San Antonio

NAFE San Antonio Network (Formerly We Lead) Meets at Norris Conference Center @ North Park 618 NW Loop 410, San Antonio TX 78216 2nd Wednesday of every month 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM President: Tiffany Tremont, ttremont@silotechgroup.com, 210-569-0953

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Women’s Information Network, Max Nolen Director 254-717-5188 max_nolan@us.aflac.com E The Magazine for Today's Female Executives edited by Althea Ledo who runs the LA Nafe Nework has 4 pages dedicated to Nafe so be sure and send her your news. allyledo@aol.com and mark in subject News or even stories for Nafe section. Here is the website for the Magazine www..FemaleExecutivweMagazine.com Also send news to Paula Damiano for the Nafe E Newsletter her email is pauladamiano@hotmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Global Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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