E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive Fall 2015 Special Editon issue

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

BE AWESOME & Own it! A Look at Iris Apfel

Symtoms of A Toxic Workplace


Hierarchy of Needs For KIDS

Fall 2015

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Pamella Roland Versace, Oscar De La Renta


cia e p S ll


$4.99 USA (CAN $5.99) Female-Exec.com Digital edition included with current subscription

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Air Bubbles How to Navigate Through a Crisis


Conferences Fall 2015 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


have that Extraordinary L

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Life &

Don’t Blend In... E The Magazine For Today’s Female Executive Subscribe Here

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Look Who’s Talking

Yang Lan, Media Mogul, TV host. Yamg Lan is often called “the Oprah of China.” The chair of a multiplatform business empire, Yang is pioneering more-open means of communication in the communist nation. Full bio



Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity www.TED.com Page 4 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Special Segment

Our Humans

Symptoms of a Toxic WorkPlace. Kim Page

Pg 74

Humans Making a Difference

Message From the Editor’s Desk



Staying Calm in the midst of a crisis Part 1

46 Be Awesome & Own it.

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2015

Pamella Roland Versace, Oscar De La Renta



The brilliant Iris Apfel


Air Bubbles

Compassion in Extreme Circumstances.

By Cynthia Lardner

Maslow For Kids By A.Ledford

Get Ready to Select YOUR Target Market

Bac k to

By Tracy Repchuk


By Anna Corsaro &Daniel Djouder


Chicken Salad

Scho ol

By Kids for Kids

Protect Your Intellectual Property Abroad Part 1: China Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Certified Sustainable Farming


The No. 1 Reason We Don’t Start Own Business. By David Goodman

What Missing Vitamin Prevents Strokes? By Dr. Cherlynn Lee

why Our


Special Segment

The Planet



Stress-Free Pairing

Barbara Wiseman

The Wine Coach Laurie Forster


By Barbara Corcoran

Thula, Thula The Baby Rhino

128 Schramberg Vineyards


137 The most interesting Man in the World

The Gift Horse Part 1

Leslie Silton


by Bruce Wiseman


Summer/Fall Conferences Schedules 2015

It’s ALL Here!

By Bruce Wiseman Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 7

Some People Transcend every title and can only be called a World Changer. One of the World’s Favorite People Pope Francis Page 8 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

twitter.com/pontifex Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


Laurie Forster Althea Ledford

By Tracy Repchuk

The Wine Coach

Kim Page Author & Speaker

Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Barbara Wiseman

President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

By Jr. Chef Dara Yu

Cynthia Lardner

Atty, Social Advocate

Leslie Silton, Author

Aldeme Mitchell Fredrik Eklund Author & Million Dollar listing NY

Daniel Djouder

“Economic and Geopolitical Analyst”

Bruce Wiseman

Creative Director


Anna Corsaro Crisis Expert

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Dr. Cherlynn Lee

Life Coach, RN, NP, PhD

Barbara Corcoran Author

David Goodman

Franchise Expert & Shark Tank Panalist E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 9

What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to the Fall Special Edition of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is

Be Awesome and Own it! You have one life and you should be your brightest most spectacular self! Don’t apologize for a bright personality, the ability to bring people together or for having the heart to make a difference. You were wonderfully create that particular way for a reason. It takes courage to be unique, different, take the path less traveled or to be for first to arrive on new terrain. It’s like stepping out of formation and walking to the beat of a different drum. We see this often with entertainers, innovators and liberators. At first their ideas seam strange and then they seem awesome. When the Beatles first landed in the US back in the 60’s people didn’t know what to make of them. The more they criticized them, the bigger they got. When Michael Jackson first did the moon walk, people could not believe their eyes. They didn’t realize he was on his way to becoming a global phenomenon. People laugh and criticize what they don’t understand. But that Rare Bird, that unique light is what people stare at. That is often what makes them a star. If you never remember anything else about business and life, remember this-Don’t Blend In. The quickest way to being insignificant is to be invisible. Be Awesome and Own it. I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford

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Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2015

Pamella Roland, Versace,

Oscar De La Renta Page 12 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Pamella Rolan

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nd Fall 2015 www.Pamellaroland.com

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e Fall 2015 www.versace.com

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Oscar De La Re

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enta Fall 2015 www.oscardelarenta.com

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NHTRC 1 888 373 7888

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Get Ready to Select YOUR Target Market Page 23 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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There are a million ways to make money in this world. That being the case, wouldn’t you rather you were passionate about it? Many will tell you forget passion, well I disagree with that one, but there is one important step you must add to your passion, and that is selecting the target market. One of the most im-

Here are the criteria I go over with my clients: Top 6 factors when picking a niche. 1.

You need to pick something that motivates you to keep on going if it gets hard


Do you have knowledge about it, or would you have to pay for someone else to get the data or write the product for you? (I am recommending you pick something you know about)


Is there a hungry market, a built in audience that you can easily target?


Does this target market have money, and the ability to buy what you are offering?


Is there a problem you can solve, a pain you can eliminate, or an obsessive market you can serve?


Do you have a story you can integrate into it, or know of someone you can talk about to personalize the experience.

portant steps I take with my clients is to find out first what they are passionate about. Why sell something just because it makes money when you have no connection to that field at all? The list you’ll build and the effort will get you nowhere when it comes to your goals and

In general choose something you can: 1. Make money from 2. Streamline and automate 3. Continue or recur - can others make money for you (affiliate) or can you sell something once and have it continue to automatically generate month after month?

your long term mission. But before you go following your passion, your market selection is now the key to your success.

Page 24 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If it doesn’t satisfy those criteria, then this is a warning that your niche may not turn out to be the ‘cash machine’ or satisfaction you thought. These might be best kept as a hobby. Remember, you are trying to make money at whatever you choose, so you may need to keep looking. Once selected, you may need to go deeper by sex and age demographic. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

That’s a deeper topic that involves copywriting and keywords, but keep it in mind if you do everything else right, and it’s still not producing for you.

5. What type of hobbies do you have?

Your focus is to select the market/area you want to be involved in and start to wrap your strategy around a concept that fits the above criteria.

9. What problems can you solve with your

If you can’t think of one here are the top 7 markets as of right now: 1. Real Estate 2. Online Trading - Forex - Wealth Building 3. Internet 4. Fitness - Health - Beauty 5. Identity Theft 6. Credit Restoration 7. Early Retirement - Life Extension

6. What computer skills do you have? 7. What knowledge do you have? 8. Where have you traveled? knowledge? 10. What type of advice do you give out when asked? 11. What magazines do you read? 12. Do you have a bad habit you’d like to kick? 13. Are you married? Single? Got kids? 14. What have been your greatest successes? 15. What training or education have you had? 4 16. Do you like public speaking? Talking on the phone ?

If you want to find out what is currently trending - Go to: www.google.com/trends/hottrends The problem with ‘trends’ is they may not have staying power, that is why the above 7 are great starters - but also remember because of the competition in those fields -you have to niche it down very precisely.

Take the Questionnaire If nothing has sprung to mind yet, use these questions to help get you thinking. 1. What do you like to do? 2. What skills do you have? 3. How would your friends describe you? 4. What books do you enjoy reading? Page 25 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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You could literally ask yourself hundreds of ques-

Once your niche is selected then get all the

tions but I chose these ones as the top to help

knowledge you can about that area, or skill,

get you fine tuning what you would like to devote

or join the appropriate affiliate program, so

your time to. Realize that you know a lot of

you can start your 31-day plan.

things, and have skills and knowledge that are unique to you. Figure out your message, and DECIDE on a niche. Here are some places you can research infor-

Think old school when you set up your website brand, logo and unique selling proposition that make you easy to recognize, matches what your target market expects, and in 1 simple sentence lets them know what you can do for them.

mation about niche markets. You can take advantage of focus groups and social networking sites as well. This section will let you see if what you have chosen is a viable money-maker based on the searches or popularity of it.

Things to strive for: Become the best at your niche, and continuously strive to achieve that.

Search Inspirations: www.google.com/trends/ hottrends www.GoogleEasySearch.com 1. https://groups.google.com/ forum/?fromgroups#!browse 2. www.google.com www.Groups.yahoo.com and www.yahoo.com http://www.linkedin.com/ directory/groups/ Check out the top picks on Amazon or eBay You can also use research tools

Watch what the current person in that position does, and do it too. If you can, carve out your own niche pocket and create your own category. While you are building yourself to be number one, act like you are. Look for ways to be in front of your niche audience or target market constantly. Position yourself as a leading authority. Provide information on that topic or skill and then start to think about what you are going to produce or sell that fits that niche. Make sure your goals and your niche, align.

such as:

www.Alexa.com www.copernic.com

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About: Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing she has helped thousands of clients develop your brand, and launch your message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. For more information like the above get a copy of her #1 book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles at: www.Just31Days.com Get Tracy’s gift Instant Online Impact for free at: www.FastActionResults.com Page 27 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Symptoms of A Toxic Workplace: cv

A Shift in Mindset

By Kim Page The CEO of a major airline says publicly “employee morale is not my job”. The CEO of an environmental engineering company proudly admits she can “verbally discredit and humiliate an employee in one sentence”. An employee

wife, threatens to shoot police, sets his house on , and their house foreclosed on fire and then kills himself. He and his wife (she had cancer) were laid off because the banks were not willing to work with

of a pharmaceutical company is so overworked,

and conversations taking place in interviews, work-

overlooked, with no help on the horizon, and is get-

shops, networking events and in the news around

ting mixed messages from her heart and mind

the country as it relates to the current business en-

about the balance between work and living. In fear


of losing her job in a tough economy… she says nothing. The CEO of a large company is charged with domestic abuse which leads to his resignation/ early retirement. A Southern California man kills his Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

them… even though they had never missed a payment. These are just a few examples of the many stories

Is this a symptom of a deeper issue, residual fallout from our recent economic climate, or business as usual? The effect of an old corporate mindset has farreaching negative implications for our society as a Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

whole. Statistics shows us that stress, anger, de-

we look at things in this new century!

pression, violence and suicides increase during tough economic times, and that stress in general

Today’s organization is more in line with an eco-

leads to more diseases than we realize. Is this

system or the complex systems of the human

mindset really necessary to run a successful and

body rather than a machine; a living breathing sys-

profitable business? There are many companies, new and well established, who have successfully adopted a different mindset, and a different approach to how they lead and run their businesses. A new paradigm is already emerging. It really is time to adopt this new mindset, this new approach, and learn to embrace it to create Healthy Business Systems with a Vital-

tem of interrelated subsystems that must work together to maintain a balance to survive and to thrive. Because a company is made up of living breathing systems called “humans,” the organization itself should be treated as such. Taking this approach creates healthier, happier, more productive and engaged elements of the system. This can lead to much higher levels of success.

ity that not only enriches the organization and its

In his paper General Systems Theory, 1993,

members, but that has a positive impact on society

David S. Walonick, Ph.D., reminds us

as well.

that “Organizational and social systems must change in order to remain healthy. Both are

Old Rules – New World! The corporate organization can no longer be

open systems and are sensitive to environmental changes. A change in the environment can have a profound impact on an

viewed as the mechanical system that it has

open system. The

since the industrial revolution. Though

overall health of an

we have since passed through

organization is

other Eras as the Space Age

strongly linked with

and now the Information Age,

its ability to antici-

unfortunately, evidence indi-

pate and adapt to

cates that our “mindset” has


changed very little as it re-

change. Further-

lates to running and lead-

more, the health

ing businesses world-

of the environ-

wide. It’s been 200

ment is related

years since the In-

to the matterenergy

dustrial Revolu-


tion started!!

actions tak-

It’s time we changed how Page 31 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ing place in the social and organizational systems. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

A bilateral relationship exists between the environment and the components of all subsys-

toxic system? Like toxins in the human system,

tems operating within the environment”.

toxicity in the corporate system can lead to many

Healthy systems have a glow about them. Most

imbalances that affect the internal system itself and

people can’t put a finger on it, but they know it’s

also spills over into the external environment…our

healthy by the vitality, energy, the “good vibes” that the system emanates. It’s a direct reflection of what is going on inside. We can use this image in direct connection to the corporate system. Imagine an organization or company that

families and our communities.

Symptoms of a Toxic Workplace can include:

has a certain vitality, an energy that draws you in as a consumer, or a potential employee. It’s a place you want to be or be a part of, and you give

 Low Employee Engagement/


your absolute best to contribute to its success.

 Low Employee Morale

On the other hand, an organization that is “toxic”

 Doing more with less

internally can also be sensed externally by anyone who interacts with the business. It’s lost its vitality, the energy does not entice you, in fact, it repels you. You can’t put your finger on it unless, of course, you are part of that system, but you know it’s not healthy. We see this manifested as low employee engagement, high turnover, low

 Micromanagement  Conflict amongst employees  Bullying  High Turnover  Low Client Retention  Low Sales

client retention, lawsuits, layoffs and the list goes

 Lawsuits

on. Add to this list the higher costs associated

 Greed

with such behavior and you have a formula for

 Layoffs…and more


The stories, like the few mentioned in the introduction, are more common than you might think and some can be very disturbing. Could these stories or situations be the result of--or symptoms of--a

Page 32 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Any one of the above symptoms can cause problems within the organization. Combining two or more symptoms will certainly upset the balance and reduce the vitality of any workplace.

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A New Mindset

The Fear of Change: Homeostasis

The Famous Einstein Quote that we see across the internet now more than ever states; “We can-

The challenge with any type of organizational or

not solve our problems with the same thinking we

individual change is Homeostasis: A tendency

used when we created them.” We need to

for a system or organism to stay the same forcing

change the way we think. We need to change our

it to stay in its “Comfort Zone”. Fortunately, the

perceptions and our methodologies. Old business

better we understand homeostasis, the less

strategies are no longer as effective as they once

power it will have. Homeostasis shows up

were. Consumers are becoming more con-

as Fear regardless of whether the change is good

sciously aware of certain business tactics espe-

or bad.

cially in Sales, Marketing, and Leadership, and they [we] are demanding more value, transpar-

In addition to fear emerging in our own mental

ency, and truth. The same is true for employees.

reasoning, we also encounter homeostatic fear

The new generation of workers coming into the

among family, friends, colleagues and clients.

workplace has a completely different perspective

This is an expression of natural resistance to any

on what is acceptable and what is not. Work/Life


balance, collaboration, respectful treatment, opportunity, and flexibility are just a few. The philosophy of leadership has evolved some-

In his book, Mastery, Dr. George Leonard discusses the power of Homeostasis. This is the

what over the last few decades; however, a new

main factor that stops change. Dr. George de-

evolutionary leadership is fast approaching. Con-

scribes his despair with the current state of the

scious Leadership is making its way into our busi-

world and how it is at war with homeostasis. "The

nesses and social circles bringing about a move-

trouble is that we have few, if any, maps to guide

ment that, while not widely adopted yet, it is being adopted by innovative thinkers and thought leaders across the country and will be the New Leadership model for the future. But, change can be difficult, painful and slow

us on the journey or even to show us how to find the path. The modern world, in fact, can be viewed as a prodigious conspiracy against mastery. We're continually bombarded with the promises of immediate gratification, instant success,

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Detox - Incremental Change

organizations through protest. Another example

Like the human body, certain levels of toxicity can

can be found with employee morale. When morale

lead to a variety of diseases; there are many types

is down it is passed on to other employees like a

and levels of severity within the disease itself.

contagion. In fact, in his book “Emotional Conta-

From the common cold to pancreatic cancer, an

gion” John T. Cacioppo, describes this process in

imbalance in the human body can vary. The same

greater detail. An Emotional Contagion is where

concept holds true with the corporate organization.

the emotional state of an individual affects others in

And like the human body, it’s better to detect toxic-

his/her surroundings. Cacioppo states that “while

ity early preventing further damage. While some of

an emotional contagion is not a disease… the

these symptoms seem harmless or just part of run-

mechanism is still the same”.

ning a business, some are more damaging than others. However, when you begin to combine the

A lower level of toxicity is where intervention can

symptoms together, it becomes apparent that the

have a profound effect. The process of detoxifying

system has become more and more imbalanced.

is not disruptive and the prognosis is good if caught

Some subsystems appear to react to this imbal-

in time. However, more severe symptoms can cre-

ance and perform the functions that are required

ate more damage and more aggressive actions

to fight the disease. See any correlations here? An

may be required. It’s better to identify and open

example of this would be the “Occupy” movements

our eyes to the early warning signs making incre-

where individuals join together to fight the per-

mental changes that produce

ceived disease within the corporate structures of


lasting results. In

the large institutions and

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theory, even the smallest change can have a profound impact on the system as a whole. This is referred to as a developmental approach.

Systems Theory and Chaos Theory Revisited

individual parts.

According to David S. Walonick, Ph.D., in his paper on General Systems Theory: There are three general approaches for evaluating subsystems. A holist approach examines the system as a

We cannot begin to look at organizational change without revisiting Systems Theory and how it impacts our ability to make large scale organizational change. However, as I wrote earlier, we need to look at the organizational system as more organic in nature and opposed to one that is mechanically structured. Systems theory will force us, as leaders, to broaden our perspective. We will become

complete functioning unit. A reductionist approach looks downward and examines the subsystems within the system. The functionalist approach looks upward from the system to examine the role it plays in the larger system. All three approaches recognize the existence of subsystems operating within a larger system.

Chaos theory is beginning to teach us much about the nature of

change in our organizations and

more conscious about how our decisions affect the whole of ronment and

the system and the envinot just its

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social institutions. Nonlinear relationships among system components is a pathway to the introduc-

Collaborative Leadership Style – Less Hierarchical, More Holistic

tion of institutional change. The challenge comes in

There are companies today

the discovery of those relationships and the under-

a serious look at their or-

standing of the dynamics of these systems. The plan-

ganizational structure,

ning of change involves the application of this knowl-

looking outside the tradi-

that are taking

edge. Organizations and social systems operating within a chaotic environment are being continually challenged to maintain their purpose and structure. The paradox,


however, is that larger and more established struc-


tures are usually less able to change. The inertia re-


sulting from their size (e.g., the number of people) makes it difficult to introduce planned organizational or social change. Large institutions generally encompass well-established patterns. The stability of these structures makes them less able to adapt to environmental and internal system


changes. All things being equal, small structures can adapt to change more efficiently than larger ones. Larger organizations do have a bigger challenge as

chanical ap-

they look to make changes, even small, incremental

proach. A

change. This is usually why they either look to outside

more leading-

consultants and experts to come in and assist, or do

edge style creates an en-

nothing--maintaining the status quo.

vironment of collaborative and connected teams. W.L

While Chaos theory helps us understand these issues,

Gore & Associates is a good

nature also teaches us that without chaos, without cri-

example of a company going outside the tradi-

ses, transformation cannot occur. In Nature‌ chaos

tional hierarchical approach, adopting a team

always precedes transformation.

based lattice type structure. The following

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statement is taken directly from their website, describing their Culture “A

Team-Based, Flat Lattice Organization

Our Culture

initiative. There are no traditional organizational charts, no chains of command, nor predetermined channels of communication. Instead, we communicate directly with each other and are accountable to fellow members of our multi-

How we work at Gore sets us apart. Since Bill Gore

disciplined teams. We encourage hands-on innovation, involving those closest to a project in decision making. Teams organize around opportunities and leaders emerge. This unique kind of corporate structure has proven to be a significant contributor to associate satisfaction and retention. We work hard at maximizing individual potential, maintaining an emphasis on product integrity, and cultivating an environment where creativity can flourish. A fundamental belief in our people and their abilities continues to be the key to our success. W.L Gore and Associates is not a small organization either. With over 10,000 Associates in over 30 countries, they consistently appear on Fortune’s Top Companies to Work For List. Their approach fosters a culture based on TRUST and Appreciation which is a sign of a system filled with Health and Vitality!


Focus on the company’s higher purpose that engages

the company in 1958,

Employees today are making it clear that they

Gore has been a team-

are finding it difficult to get behind their com-

based, flat lattice organiza-

pany’s mission and vision. They want a mis-

tion that fosters personal

sion that ignites the passion within them, which

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is difficult when the stated mission focuses en-

Program and Save the Children, while BCG pulled

tirely on shareholder value and profits. When it

its consultants off client projects to provide on-the-

comes to a company’s mission and vision, the

ground support in Haiti following the earthquake In his

deeper meaning, purpose, and intention must be

book, “Working for Good: Making a Difference While

communicated. It’s the deeper purpose that helps

Making a Living, Jeff Klein discusses this topic in greater

to generate excitement, dedication, innovation,

detail. The principles of Conscious Capitalism incorpo-

and higher performance through engagement.

rate this idea of a company’s deeper purpose. Jeff

Connection=Engagement, most people need to

states that “Working for Good guides our thoughts and

feel connected to something important, they need

actions to create businesses that value more than a fi-

to feel they are making a positive impact in their

nancial return on investment, respect people and the

work. And of course, be appreciated for their ef-

planet, deliver broad-based service to society and pro-


mote widespread wellbeing". Finding a deeper purpose or embracing a “service to community” program is one

If it is difficult to find the “deeper purpose” in your

the quickest and easiest ways a company can re-

core business, then you can always find a deeper

engage their associates.

purpose by giving back to the community. Going

Embrace a healthy system of conflict resolution

back to Fortunes Top Company List at position #2 we find Boston Consulting Group. The following statement comes straight from Fortune’s Top List description for BCG.

Every organization, no matter how “conscious” or how healthy the system is, experiences conflict. Conflict is not something we

They (employees) are drawn by the firm’s generous pay and a commitment to social work: Its Social Impact Practice Network (SIPN) offers a chance to work with the U.N. World Food .

Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

need to fear,

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because without it, we cannot grow. We know this

personal beliefs, behaviors, and emotions at home

is not new information, but it is important to revisit.

as we enter the workplace. This “mantra” is part of

Many organizations still struggle with handling con-

the reason why many feel so disconnected and dis-

flict in a healthy manner. Even though conflict is

contented today. Successful Entrepreneurs know

normal and necessary, it’s our approach, it’s how

differently. They bring every aspect of themselves

we work through our differences, that matters. It’s

to their work. It’s that passion and emotional invest-

unresolved or unhealthy approaches to conflict that

ment to their deeper purpose that leads to their ulti-

create high levels of toxicity in an organization.

mate success. Let’s explore this a bit further.

A typical mindset that has carried over from the Industrial Revolution is the idea that Business in NOT personal. As business professionals, we can’t take what occurs in business personally. This is the mantra recounted over and over again and adopted by the vast majority of corporate leaders. That’s not only old paradigm thinking, it doesn’t even make sense. If we really thought about that idea, or felt it intuitively, we know it’s nonsense. Think about it! Business organizations are made up of human beings. It’s impossible to leave our

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We bring all of our core beliefs and behavior patterns to work with us every single day. In her book “Don’t Bring It To Work: Breaking the Family Patterns that Limit Success”

Dr. Sylvia Lafair sheds light on this psychosocial aspect of relating in the business world. Our patterns are developed during childhood as we learn to cope with family dynamics, and these patterns cannot be separated or “turned off” just because

Continued on Page 42

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we enter a corporate building. It’s this pattern that comes to the surface when conflict occurs. Our “buttons” get pushed, and most of the time it’s subconscious. We don’t’ realize that a pattern has just been activated. Dr. Lafair teaches us how to resolve conflict in the business environment by what she calls the OUT Technique. Observe the behavior and discern underlying pat-

A detailed report can be found at gallup.com. The impact of engagement, productivity and turnover can be significant. The cost of employee turnover is not always apparent but when we take a closer look the correlation is obvious. The following is a list of critical factors:

terns, Understand and probe deeper to discover

 Loss of productivity

the origins of these patterns, and Transform the

 Replacement cost

behavior by taking specific actions toward change.

 Vacancy cost  Learning curve

By embracing a healthy approach similar to Dr.

 Training expense

Lafair’s, we gain trust and respect for each other

 Declining team performance

by understanding that we all have “baggage”. We

 Stagnant or declining revenue

can then find compassion for and empathize with


each other creating a safer place to resolve the

When companies take the time to

differences that come up.

dig into the numbers, then take

Engagement, Productivity, and Profitably

the steps to make the changes necessary, the bottom line impact is realized. An example of this who

Of course, the biggest question is "How does employee engagement and morale affect the bottom line?". While every company and situation is different, there are numerous stories and studies that show the direct correlation between engagement, productivity, and higher profits. Gallup has done many studies in this area.

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comes from a Fortune 250 company took employee turnover seriously. By uncovering the reasons behind their high turnover rate (20%) and creating a plan of transformation, they discovered the

 Cost of turnover $24,311,066  Plus litigation expense with EEOC. On a positive note, the CEO of the Environmental Engineering Company, who was men-

formula that reduced employee turnover

tioned in the first paragraph, made the mindset

from 20.2% to 8.4% over a period of 5

shift to a more conscious and aware leadership

years. This resulted in a savings of 24.8

approach. She not only experienced a dramatic

Million Dollars Annually!

increase in employee engagement and morale, but the company exceeded all goals the follow-

In yet another company, which experi-

ing year and revenues increased by over 50%.

enced an equity buyout situation due to the

She also managed to make a positive shift in

death of the founder, resulted in workplace

her own physical health.

bullying and other forms of conflict. The company experienced:  Declining growth in US business.  Highest level of employee litigation expense in company’s history.  Employee turnover rate of 37%  Employee morale in a downward spiral due to a lack of leadership and new ownership.

Since every company and situation is different, a full evaluation of the workplace is critical to determine the level of current toxicity (low morale, engagement etc.) and the associated savings, potential revenue gains and a strategy for moving forward.

Summary Like the human body, our lifestyle guarantees that we will experience a certain amount of toxicity in our lives. Whether it’s from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the thoughts we believe. Our history has dictated a “way of doing business” that over time has become toxic to our emotional state of being and our society as a whole. We, as Leaders, have an opportunity to change all that.

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Business is the thread that weaves the fabric of our society. If we are willing to change the quality of that thread, we can weave a different fabric and ultimately wear a whole new garment!

Kim Page is the founder of Workplace Vibe. Her mission is to be the catalyst for positive change in the workplace and beyond. Contact kimpage@workplacevibe.com or visit www.workplacevibe.com and schedule a FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call.

The Most Powerful Voice.

Is the one in your own head. Page 44 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Awesome is Ageless A look at the brilliant creative genius of

Iris Apfel

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Before we take a look at Iris, I’m reminded of the day my mother told me. “You know dear, you don’t have to wear all your jewelry at once and I said to myself- That’s what you think. “And then I found a kindred soul in Iris Apfel.

Iris is what every women should aspire to be spectacular , bright and brilliant. Never Blend in. Be Awesome and don’t apologize for it. Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Born Iris Barrel in Astoria, Queens, New York, Apfel is the only child of Samuel Barrel, whose family owned a glass-andmirror business, and his Russian-born wife, Sadye, who owned a fashion boutique. Both were Jewish.[ She studied art history at New York University and attended art school at

the University of Wisconsin. As a young woman, Apfel worked for Women's Wear Dailyand for interior designer Elinor Johnson. She also was an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman. In 1948, she married Carl Apfel. Two years later, they launched the textile firm Old Page 49 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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In 2005, The

Costume Institute, at the Metropolit an Museum of Art, in New York City premiered on September 13, 2005,

World Weavers and ran it until they an exhibition about Iris Apfel's style entitled retired in 1992. From 1950 to 1992, Rare Avis (Rare Bird): The Irreverent Iris Apfel. The exhibition's upbeat success, organized Iris Apfel took part in several deby StĂŠphane Houysign restoration projects, including Towner, [4] prompted an work at the White House for nine initial traveling presidents: Truman, Eisenhower, version of the exKennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, hibit at Carter, Reagan, and Clinton. At age 90 in 2012, Apfel was a visiting professor at University of Texas at Austin. Apfel consults and lectures about style and other fashion topics. In 2013, she was listed as one of the fifty best-dressed over 50s by The Guardian.

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the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, Florida, the Nassau County Museum of Art

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in Roslyn Harbor, New York, and later at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History in Boynton Beach, Florida is in the conceptual phase of designing a building which will house a dedicated gallery of Apfel's clothes, accessories and furnishings. Iris has dozens of wonderful videos on YouTube. Where she discuss her Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Life and her theory of fashion which are closely knit together. Her carefree approach to the wonderful and whimsical is something to note and adapt in our own lives.

She was friends with Duke Ellington and a host of artist, musicians, designers and Presidents . She’s been the one to know for decades. (Above) Whoopi Goldberg seen here interviewing Iris for a segment on The ViewABC. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Briya inspires compassion through fashion by making fun, fa

concerned global citizens and dedicated change-makers to t their full potential in underprivileg

With the purchase of each Briya bag, you will be providing employment and other essential resources needed stricken communities

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ashionable purses and bags that allow adventurous spirits, travel in style while also helping women and children reach ged regions around the world.

school supplies, uniforms, textbooks, vocational training, d to empower women or children living in povertys across the globe.

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l a i ec

p S l o o ch

S o kt

c a B

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What is the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory? Abraham Maslow suffered and never forgot his horrible childhood. Now through the tools of his education he successfully completed one of his lifetime goals: to research and explain how abuse of any kind effects a person’s entire life and personal development. After several years of research, he presented “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. Maslow’s theory has been featured in countless publications worldwide. It’s used as a reference in most social related studies including business, civic development and education.

Maslow’s theory illustrates how individuals evolve in their thinking and mindset based on a hierarchy of needs. This theory is applicable to kids, individuals, communities, and collective environments. Here Maslow’s theory is being applied to the playground and classroom environments.

How Does It Apply to Your Kids? Level 1:

The first level is physiological needs. For kids that includes breathing, food, water, health, and sleep.

security. For kids that includes not being bullied, inclusion instead of isolation, no cruel treatment, no harassment, and safety in selfexpression.

Level 2: The second level is physical security and interpersonal Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Level 3:

The third level is love and belonging. For kids that simply means the freedom to be, strong friendships, and a supportive family. Level 4: The forth level is selfesteem. For kids that includes confidence, achievement, respect

for others, kid-to-kid communication, debating, discussion, negotiating, and leadership.

Level 5:

The fifth level is selfactualization. For kids that includes morality, creativity, spontaneous problem solving, lack of prejudice,

So now that we’ve built the Hierarchy, let’s further describe the relationships.

Level 1 The first level is physiological needs. For kids that includes breathing, food, water, health, and sleep. At level 1physiological needs, If a kid experiences a long term lack in this area it literally shapes their value system. Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Kids develop a condition of poverty verses a season of poverty. They risk internalizing the perception that they are destined for poverty, lack and they never aspire to ascend past it. This creates insecurity and fear. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Level 2 The second level is physical security and interpersonal security. For kids that includes not being bullied, Social inclusion instead of isolation, no cruel treatment, no harassment, and safety in self-expression. At level 2 Safety and Security, Kid’s need structure, order, security and predictability. That means perimeters of safety and freedom from danger, fear and all types of bullying. In certain families, this includes freedom from dysfunctional behavior that leaves kids feeling unsafe. Households that have violence,

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substance abuse or any of the many types of mistreatment impact the child's experience at school. Some kids will escape into the books while others will act out their frustrations in the classroom. In either situation, the parents are responsible for not creating a safe environment for their kids. This condition exist in all economic levels just as substance abuse and other types of dysfunctions Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Level 3 The third level is love and belonging. For kids that simply means the freedom to be, strong friendships, and a supportive family. At level 3 Love and belonging, kids need to feel there is someone standing behind them cheering them on. Often parents provide extensive food, shelter and material items but are technically “absent” from a relationship with their kids. Homework, football games, recitals and one on one talks.

This is often the case when both parents or the single parent

has demanding

careers. Often at executive levels, both women and men alike make an unrealistic commitment to their jobs. Unless one parent commits to the kids, there will be gaps in the children’s lives. One of the ways to counter act the quantity of time is with quality of time. Telling them you love them. Setting aside time to spend with your children. Reviewing their homework, talking to their teachers even if it’s by email. Make a sacrifice someplace else to give them more time.

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Level 4 The forth level is selfesteem. For kids that includes confidence, achievement, respect for others, kid-to -kid communication, debating, discussion, negotiating, and leadership. At level 4 self Esteem, By achieving levels 1-3, level 4 is a given. Kids will naturally develop the right amount of self esteem.

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It’s important for kids to become really good at something early on in life. This authentic gift or talent creates an authentic case of “I like myself.” Once kids know themselves and like themselves, they are unstoppable. Every human being has several good qualities. As a parent, grandparent, teacher or coach, It’s your job to find that good thing and tell that kid about it. For some kids it may be something as simple as being wonderfully kind. Use build and grow words to build self esteem.

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Level 5 The fifth level is selfactualization. For kids that includes morality, creativity, spontaneous problem solving, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts. Self Actualization is the ability to create, imagine and innovate. To become independent thinkers and problem solvers. Every kid should be given the opportunity and encouraged to self actualize. We should approach raising kids like Micheal Angelo approached a sculpture. Pay attention to what they are demonstrating and lightly trace along the edges to help free Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Them into themselves. This may take several tries but if you can help them capture their voice before they leave home, they will be happier people. Kids that find their voice are more powerful in their lives. They are less likely to become victims and more likely to be the ones that help save someone else. I have a saying “Stubborn Children are a challenge until they grow up to become that emergency room doctor that refuses to let you die. “Or the one that walks into the fire instead of


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Summary Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if kids feel threatened, bullied, abused, or mistreated, it affects their ability to focus, learn, and ascend to the next level. It inhibits their ability to concentrate, think, create, problem solve, or selfactualize. If a child or person is unable to address or correct that need within the hierarchy, they will

become stuck or hardwired at a level less than their full potential. It’s important to consciously make sure children ascend through these levels of need.

Excerpts from The Playground Dynamic The Playground Dynamic pushes kids through the levels of Maslow’s theory both organically and through the playground dynamic exercises. If you're interested in getting a digital copy of The Playground Dynamic send email to Allyledo@aol.com Page 63 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Think Big Your Purpose is Out There...

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Protect Your Intellectual Propert Abroad Part 1: China By Anna Corsaro and Daniel Djouder

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“Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.”Bill Gates Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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This is part 1 of a series of article to help you protect your intellectual property when doing business abroad, a hot topic for any company running international operations. Each part will focus on an attracting country for foreign investors. China is a massive marketplace that attracts investments from all over the world for its unlimited potential and countless opportunities. If you are one of those who have plans to do business in the fascinating land of the Red Dragon, or if you have just started your activities there, then take your time to check that you have put everything in place to ensure that your intellectual property (IP) is safe and protected. This is not an overstatement: IP has never been as important for business as it is in the 21st century. Your product, your brand, and your know-how are the key that sets your business aside and allow it to really stand out from the mass. If you let unauthorized third parties misappropriate these exclusive assets, the result will be that your company will almost literally bleed money. Unfortunately, this problem is somewhat more serious in China than it is in the United States or Europe, but still the authorities of the Asian giant have done a lot of excellent catching-up and now there are many tools available to the foreign investors that want to prevent IP theft. Read on if you want to discover what you rights are and how you can protect your IP in China.

Copyright Done Right Copyright in China operates in a very similar fashion as it does in western countries and it is automatically established upon creation of an original work. This mechanism was implemented by the provisions of the Berne Convention, which China is a signatory to. The kind of works that are protected by copyright are the traditional ones, i.e. architectural designs, engineering projects, literature, visual art, music or sound recordings, plays, films, software, and so forth. Be careful though, especially those of you who deal in designing, since the copyright on 2D designs does not extend automatically to the 3D objects which are actually created from those designs. The less inconvenient way to overcome this obstacle is through a contractual provision that expressly recognizes your copyright on the physical 3D structures that are built from your drawings. Now that we've cleared up how the copyright comes to existence, remember that being the legit owner of the copyright on a creative work and effectively enforcing that right are two very different things. So let's delve deeper and have a look at your options to defend yourself when someone tries to steal your ideas. China instituted a system of voluntary copyright registration, which happens to be relatively simple and cheap. For this reasons we highly recommend taking advantage of it, since it will make your life way easier, especially to collect evidence for legal action, not to mention that it will save you a good deal of money in legal expenses. The competent authority for this is the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC).

There are also other alternatives in case you don't want to proceed to the registration. Those are generally not recommended as the best options, but they are still useful under certain circumwhen you want to protect Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive stances, for example Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

your drafts, since registering every single one of them could become a very cumbersome and taxing process.

First things first, forget about the old trick of sealing your work in a self-addressed envelope that you subsequently mail to yourself to obtain a certified date from the postmark. That's certainly a classic, but it is not really so effective and the validity of your evidence can be questioned in court. The number one precaution to adopt is to keep all proof of the creation and of the ownership of your works, this goes in the form of anything that can attest to those conditions, from receipts, to emails, letters, recordings, and whatnot. The second precaution is to diligently put the author's name, creation date, and the © symbol - or equivalent captions such as All Rights Reserved - on all your creative works. The last security measure is to deposit a copy of your work with a Chinese notary. This is usually preferred to the registration if you want to keep your work from the public for a certain amount of time. One last word about doing works on commission. You have to request an explicit clause in your contract that names you has the holder of the copyright of the commissioned work. Absent that, Chinese law dictates that the copyright will belong to your client.

Be the First to File for a Patent There are two ways to obtain a patent in China, either through applying for a national patent with the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), or as part of the national stage of an international patent (PCT) application. The PCT application is a particular procedure that allows you to apply for a patent in each one of the contracting parties of the Patent Cooperation Treaty by submitting a single request to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, principle Page 69 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Switzerland. Either way, once your invention lands in China to be evaluated for a patent, the process will be as follows. Your invention needs to be completely original and susceptible of industrial applications. The Chinese patent system works on the First to File, so be aware that if you decided to delay filing your request then you will not be eligible to the patent if someone else registers it before you do, even if you were the one who developed the invention earlier. Both your starting application and your actual invention will be reviewed, but you will have to file a separate request for the invention examination within three years of your original submission. The average delay of the whole procedure is about 35-40 months to obtain a patent. Chinese patents are not recognized in Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan. This means that you will have to send separate applications for each one of those areas. Nevertheless, there is a simplified procedure in Hong Kong that allows you to extend the validity of a Chinese or UK patent in that territory. There are two simple steps: 1 – you have to file your extension request within 6 months of submitting your patent application in China or the UK 2 – similarly, you will have to register your patent in Hong Kong within 6 months of obtaining it in China or the UK.

Don't Mess with My Patents Let's see what you can do if you think that someone is trying to steal and then patent one of your invention. If the application process is still pending, you can submit observations to the SIPO concerning the non-conformity to legal requirements of the patent application you wish to oppose to. You have time to do so from the publication of the application until the patent is actually granted. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

If, on the other hand, someone else has already obtained a patent on one of your inventions, then you have to file an instance for nullity to the SIPO, their ruling can later be appealed to the Beijing Intermediate People's Court and finally to the Supreme People's Court.

Now let's have a look at your options if someone is simply counterfeiting your inventions or using them in violation of your patents. Before you do anything else, you must be extremely diligent in collecting evidence of the infraction. This is a crucial step that will greatly boost the chances of success of any course of action you choose later. When collecting evidence you will need a Chinese notary to record them, this is necessary to prevent that they might be challenged for authenticity at a later stage. There are three ways to deal with patent violations: 1 – You can send a letter of formal notice warning the offenders to cease their actions. It is a quick and cheap solution, but unfortunately it yields mixed results. Most likely, wellestablished companies with a good reputation will be the most receptive, while small businesses might disregard your message completely. 2 – You can also start an administrative infraction procedure at the local SIPO. The advantages are that it is a faster and less expensive choice that undertaking legal action, as we are about to see in a moment. On the other hand, the SIPO cannot order compensation for damages, and also the only place to appeal its decisions is in the court. 3 – Last option, you can take the dispute to the judges. It is definitely the most expensive choice and for these reasons it requires to be

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pondered thoroughly before moving forward. The average delay to deliver a first-instance ruling goes from 6 months to one year, then you will have to add 6 months more to conclude an appeal.

Registering Chinese Trademarks 商标 Trademarks are a tricky subject for westerners in China, due essentially to cultural differences. When registering a trademark, it is advisable to do so both in Latin letters and ideograms. If you don't, be aware that Chinese customers have a habit to try to transliterate names of foreign products and brands with local ones that sounds similar, but whose actual meaning may be misleading or outright inappropriate. Ideally, you would also register alternative transliterations that are visually different, but sound the same, to avoid attempts from competitors to deceive buyers. Just as for patents, trademarks registered in China are protected only on the territory of the People's Republic, therefore Macao, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are excluded. You can register a trademark either one of two ways: 1 – you can submit your application to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China (SAIC) and you will need to wait about 9 months for the procedure to complete 2 – you can go through the Madrid System, which is an international agreement that allows you to register your trademarks in the signatory nations of filing a single application to the WIPO. COM solution will take about a year before your request is fulfilled.

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Countering Counterfeited Trademarks The Chinese system works on the principle of First to File also for what concerns trademarks. If someone tries to register a copied trademark of one you legitimately registered the first, the law offers you ways to correct the situation. One form of protection is take action against a pending trademark application. You can oppose to the registration of a trademark within 3 months of its publication. Beyond that

deadline, you still have the option to asking for the cancellation of the copied trademark. Moreover, similarly to patents, for counterfeiting and other trademark law infraction you can seek relief through either administrative or judicial procedures. If you opt for the former, you will need to get in contact with the SAIC, while if you decide to go with the latter you must to address the court that has territorial jurisdiction on the area where the infraction occurred. One last word about unregistered trademarks. The enjoy limited legal protection, but be aware that it is almost always an uphill Page 71 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

battle in the court. Usually this involves not only providing the proof that you own a trademark that predates the one you contest, but also that the offenders were aware of that situation beforehand and proceeded anyway. In the real word this is extremely difficult prove, unless your trademark is already notorious in China.

Trade Secrets Traditionally a trade secret is any non-public information that has a commercial value, and it's treated as confidential. Luckily, this definition works in China too. Any conceivable little piece of information that is valuable to your business and it's not in the public knowledge can fall in this category. Some examples are: drawings, models, operational procedures, customer lists, suppliers, pricing, contract terms, contact lists, and many more. There is legal action available for your trade secrets, but the hard truth is that the only real way to protect them is through prevention. In fact, once your secrets are exposed the only option left is to engage in costly legal battles where the downsides often outweigh the upsides, considering that your sensitive information may be brought to the attention of an even wider audience. Confidentiality agreements, information access restrictions, non-competition clauses, and - where applicable - exit interviews are your best bet to keep your secrets safe. These apply to your employees, as well to your suppliers and customers, both during the negotiation phase and when the agreement is in force. If you want to know more about this I refer you to our article Prying Eyes Defend Your Business From Corporate Spies appeared on March 2015 Issue of E The Magazine For Today's Female Executive.

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this article contains general information about legal matters. The information is not legal advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this article as an alternative to legal advice from your attorney or other professional legal services provider. You should never delay seeking legal advice, disregard legal advice, or commence or discontinue any legal action because of information in this article.

If you still have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Anna Corsaro She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. Her Consultant Group and she provide Advice and Training in: Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | Counter-Terrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail: anna.corsaro@aol.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv

Daniel Djouder He is a Multilingual Economic and Geopolitical Analyst who works as team-member for Anna Corsaro’s Consultant Group. He holds an MA in Law and Economics with honors, an MA in International Relations and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence. He writes articles for Geopolitical Monitor Intelligence Corp., The Daily Journalist, and Forbes. Keep in touch with Daniel: Email: danieldjouder@gmail.com LinkedIn: Daniel Djouder Twitter: @DanielDjouder

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Our Humans Humanity Making a Difference.

Meet Dr. Pedro Jose Greer Click & Listen (3 mins) to this Social Giant share his story about Our Humans.

INNOVATOR: Dr. Pedro José Greer, Miami’s pioneering physician of the people Source NBC Latino by Alessandra Hickson, @aphickson Dr. Pedro José Greer, Jr. is an American physician best known for his dedication to taking medicine out of the hospital and into the streets and commu-

at the Florida International University School of Medicine. Dr. Greer has medical students go out with teams, including social workers, to understand patients in the context of their environment. He is founder of the Camillus Health Concern, a Catholic charity sponsored by the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, which delivers health services to thousands of homeless people in Miami-Dade

nities where people least obtain medical care. He is Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Chair of the Department of Humanities, Health and Society

County, and the St. John Bosco Clinic, which serves disadvantaged people in Little Havana. He was awarded a MacArthur “genius grant”in 1993 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of

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Freedom in 2009. He has been a board member of the American charity for the homeless, Comic Relief and believes his greatest accomplishment is “convincing my wife to marry me.”

“He’s Hungry Too” A 6 Year old homeless child is teaching us what we’re suppose to do. Think About somebody else.

hookers, alcoholics, runaways, or people who have simply lost their way. His story is also the story of all the people whose lives he has changed forever, and it proves that hope exists for every person, no matter how dire his or her circumstances.

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Waking Up In America Dr. Pedro Jose, Author "Waking Up in America" is the compelling, inspirational autobiography of a man who has emerged as a pioneer in the field of caring for the growing population of impoverished and homeless Americans and as a force for social change. Dr. Pedro Jose Greer, the son of Cuban immigrants, has traveled from the trash-littered, drug-infested streets of one of America's toughest neighborhoods to the offices of corporate and political power brokers. Throughout his odyssey, he has become known for his tireless efforts to bring health care to society's "untouchables" -- homeless drug addicts, Page 75 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Air Bubbles Staying Calm in the midst of A Crisis. Part 1

By Althea Ledford

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True purpose is as much a spiritual process as it is a physical one. Often, to get through the difficult times you have to dig deep in your spirit, mind and body to reach that next level. You’re probably asking what does this have to do with the title of this article “Air Bubbles” and why is it titled Air

Air bubbles are the favorable, sometimes unexplainable coincidence that happen in the midst of a crisis. Bubbles?

For example, getting exactly what you need at the right time to carry you on a little further. It’s getting enough air to breathe on the way up. Air bubbles are not the total solution, they are indications that you’re going in the right direction. Page 77 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Air bubbles are just enough of whatever it is you need to maintain and inch forward through a difficult situation. If you’re impatient like me, you’d rather be alive or dead, but that in-between is true torture. This article is about using your air bubbles and winning the challenge. Before we jump into the article, I wanted to give you a perfect example of the proper use of air bubbles during a crisis. This is from the actual live events of an Apollo 13 crisis which starts with “Houston , we have a problem”. And over the next several minutes a group of talented engineers figured out and implemented an answer bringing all the astronauts home. In reality, this was an appropriate time to panic. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Don’t waste precious minutes panicking. The concept of Air bubbles came from a Navy Seal training tactic which essentially says: Even if you think your dying, don’t panic. Those final minutes of staying calm and thinking could be what saves your life. This entire concept is counter intuitive. Panicking, temper tantrum, giving up are all normal reactions to “the last straw” in a crisis. Be Prepared for things to go wrong. Correction, be prepared for a few things to go wrong. In order to be prepared, you need to take the following steps. Page 78 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Step 1) Master your terrain to the best of your ability. Once you realize you’re not in complete control of your situation, you want to off set that disadvantage with being as informed as possible. Become a quick study in all situations. The reason is some thinking and logic will transfer into several situations. If you can recall it and use it, your that much further ahead. Training is planning to win. Training under duress (stress training) is planning to win in adversarial, unpredictable conditions.

Step 2) Anticipate and prepare for several types of failures along the way. A failure/crisis is just a delay if your prepared for it. When a crisis occurs , the less energy and stress spent addressing the crisis, the more energy reserved for constructive progress through your overall process. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Step 3) Be focused, prepared and determined instead of blindly optimistic. In a perfect world everything will pan out but that rarely happens. Most people that do any type of highly competitive sports, challenges or life risking tasks will tell you-any given day a slight shift in events can change an outcome.

An important lesson from the past. Amelia Earhart failed to master the use of her radio. Prior to her transatlantic flight, she only learned enough of her radio’s operations to meet her minimal flight needs. If nothing went wrong, her level of radio operating skills would be considered adequate. However, based on the risks of her trip and the opportunity for failure, she should have know enough about all of her equipment to take it apart and put it back together again. While we can’t say for certain, but it’s very possible, if she had learned to change and understand the settings on her radio, she could have saved herself or she could have given rescue teams more opportunities to save her.

& Don’t Go still and maintain selfcontrol.

The best way to get around this is to 1) decide to not lose it and remain calm. 2) Realize your plan and back up plans should be implemented. 3) Just because you’re not having fun doesn’t mean you’re not being effective so stay the course.

Step 4) Don’t Go Rogue It’s in our human nature to reach the end of our ropes and that usually happens under the scenario of “one more thing”. Meaning if one more thing happens, I’m going to lose it. These are usually the most important times to be


When creating back up plans, realize your going to be under duress when you have to implement them so make them easy. Also, make sure your plans will work so test them out before you need to use them.

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Discern Your Support team before the crisis In a fox hole, with your hair on fire is not the time to learn who your friends are or to sort which friends are a best fit for certain situations. You must know who your friends are before you need them. You must also be the type of friend you want to attract. Below is a napkin trick I use to help illustrate types of friends and ideal friends in a crisis. We all have friends that are clean shaven, drive great cars, neatly pressed with everything in order. They are wonderful to take into a meeting or invite to a party because they look the part of success. These types of friends/associates are what I call clean neat napkins. On the other had we all have friends and family members we would never take to a meeting or have them even answer the phones in our office for fear of what they would actually say. It could be an aunt or grandmother that really speaks her mind-unedited. When friends come over they feed then and proceed to tell everybody all your business. Or a brother or uncle that carries a 6 pack of beer “ just in case” . They laugh real loud, have a heart of gold and looking for an excuse to party. This is the group I call rough around the edges. So here is the situation. If your down, distressed and need to be helped with no questions asked, who are you going to call? If you selected the rough around the edges group, your right. Many times your neat napkin friends will not put anything at risk or lift a finger to help you. They are only there if it’s smooth and easy or something to be gained. Whereas your rough around the edges friends may just be the ones to get out of bed to help you - if you needed them. You must learn to discern your friends before you’re in a pinch.

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In what state of mind or mental room are You Waiting for your Answers? What most of us do and should absolutely not do is visualize, internalize and rehearse a problem. What we should do is visualize, verbalize and earnestly anticipate a solution. It’s a habit for most of us to see a problem or series of issues and mentally line them up all together. Then we start a mental tape of rehearsing the details of the problem in our heads. We also give details, elaborate on the impossibility of solving them. What we’re actually doing is putting energy and mass to the integrity of the problem. This is a direct

road to giving up. If we stand in a dark space, we can’t expect an enlighten answer . Also, when we stand in a dark space and whine or rehearse the problem we’re telling ourselves an enlighten answer is impossible. Whining is quite effective as long as people are listening and becoming as frantic as we are. Whining feels great for a little while but we have to stop it.

Dark thoughts or a dark mental mind set weakens you physically, mentally and spiritually. These are all the personal resources you you’ll need to pull from in order to solve the problems. Page 81 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The first thing we should do in times of crisis is speak the outcome that we want. Despite what you’re looking at, you must know and believe that solutions are as much a possibility as the crisis itself. Crisis usually has reversible and irreversible parts. So you’re speaking to and taking steps for the parts of your crisis that have opportunities for solutions. Think of this process as a grass planter or machine gun. The more positive

bullets you shoot out there, the more opportunities for great solutions you’re creating. Likewise the more you plant positive grass seed, the thicker and greater your opportunity for solutions. Just because life presents you with a temporary set of facts doesn’t mean you have to accept them without adding your own intention. You intent, prayers or purpose does impact your overall outcome. So when crisis happen, and they always will, you have a multi prong approach. 1) restate the facts in the opportunity for a positive outcome. 2) communicate your hurt or stress just to get it out of the way. 3) communicate the outcome you want to experience. 4) take steps in that direction. As many steps and strategies as possible. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Women Thrive Worldwide advocates for change at the U.S. and global levels so that women and men can share equally in the enjoyment of opportunities, economic prosperity, voice, and freedom from fear and violence.

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We ground our work in the realities of women living in poverty, partner with locally based organizations, and create powerful coalitions to advance the interests of the women and girls we serve.


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The atrocities confronting our world are as old as time. Some are horrifically violent acts, often perpetuated upon those most innocent, especially women, children, the infirm and, yes, even our elders. Others arise out of negligence, sometimes under less than optimal conditions. The majority of acts are the off-spring of historical hatreds, biases and prejudices. There is nothing I or anyone else can say or do to ease the sheer suffering of the victims and their Page 84 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

families, or their communities, villages, churches, mosques, temples and synagogues. I do not purport to know the depth of despair experienced. Nonetheless, it is so abundantly easy to proclaim my compassion and empathy. Hopefully no one reading this feels any differently. “I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization,� penned late author and journalist Robert Ebert. This inspires deeper consideration as to the meaning of empathy and compassion. Upon solid Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Compassion in Extreme Circumstances By Cynthia Lardner

foundational spiritual teachings, I

also feel the pain of the perpetrator’s families and villages who, more often than not, have thrust upon them guilt or a shame that is not merited, thus shattering even more lives. This scenario has unnecessarily played itself out time and time again in the domestic and foreign media. Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

One example that has never left the minds of Americans is the April 1999 Columbine shootings. A dozen students and a teacher were fatally shot, and twenty-four more students were injured by two high school senior boys, who then took their own lives. Scores of students, educators and community members were forever left with scars transcending the physical. The public was quick to blame the parents of the two boys who were not just shooters but had suffered the loss of their own children. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Casting a wide net of compassion for one another Dylan Klebold was one of the boys responsible. His mother, Susan Klebold “…was not only grief-stricken but also wracked with guilt. She thought about killing herself, spontaneously cried, and refused to say her last name in public.” But while I perceived myself to be a victim of the tragedy, I didn't have the comfort of being perceived that way by most of the community. I was widely viewed as a perpetrator or at least an accomplice since I was the person who had raised a "monster". “A year after the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999, a Pew Research Center poll found 85% of Americans thought it was the job of parents to stop school violence .” This has been true in all of the copycat school shootings occurring since Columbine. A decade after Columbine Mrs. Klebold wrote Page 86 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

that she still could not believe the “…horror and anguish Dylan caused. I cannot look at a child in a grocery store or on the street without thinking about how my son's schoolmates spent the last moments of their lives. Dylan changed everything I believed about myself, about God, about family, and about love.” Dylan parents, Thomas and Susan, were interviewed over an eight year period by Andrew Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

kind people whom I would gladly have had as parents myself. How did Mrs. Klebold survive? She cites an “unexpected blessing” being the “…few occasions I was contacted by the parents of some of the children killed at the school. These courageous individuals asked to meet privately so we could talk. Their compassion helped me survive.”

Solomon for a book published last year on parenting ‘abnormal’ children called "Far from the Tree”. In an interview Mr. Solomon concluded: I began convinced that if I dug deeply enough into their character, I would understand why Columbine happened — that I would recognize damage in their household that spilled over into catastrophe. Instead, I came to view the Klebolds not only as inculpable, but as admirable, moral, intelligent and Page 87 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“It must be said that genuine compassion is not like pity or a feeling that others are somehow lower than you. Rather, with genuine compassion you view others as more important that yourself,” reflected His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We are teachers and we are students. In this instance, we can all learn from Mrs. Klebold. A good childhood gone awry is not so hard to comprehend. The bigger question is what do we extend within ourselves to other perpetrators of violent crimes? In my younger years, while on a meditation retreat, the now late Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, affectionately called “Thay”, asked the question, ‘If you were called and asked to go counsel an individual incarcerated for having participated in 9.11, would you go?’ The filled-to-capacity crowd became rather still. After mindfully allowing the seed to be planted, They explained that the perpetrators did not act Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Tragedies can create several levels of vict because they were inherently bad or evil but because they too had suffered; whether they or those they loved or had loved had been persecuted or abused; whether they suffered from disease or impairment that had gone unnoticed or untreated. Of course, there are also tragedies that occur from negligence – whether by act or omission. He explained that the compassion we extend to perpetrators is not that of acceptance of such atrocities, calling that “idiot compassion”, but that which we would extend to any other human being. The crowd began to physically shift about on their cushions and rugs reflecting first what had to have been their discomfort, soon replaced for most, as gauged by the energy I myself felt, to be a conscious and collective thought. What I know for sure is reflected in the words of Doe Zantamata, author of the Happiness in Your Life book series: Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Compassion dissolves anger. Understanding why someone behaves they do allows for forgiveness when they have mistreated you. Maybe they are insecure, or in pain, or maybe even they suffered some type of abuse in their lifetime, and you can see why they are the way they are. But when your compassion extends to excusing them for treating you poorly, over and over, it not only damages your self-worth, but prevents them from healing as well. Refuse to allow it to continue, for everyone’s sake. It will take a collectively pure and steady heart to apply that rationale to the cool the heated Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


discourse that has continued since the August 9, 2015 shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri shooting by police officer Darren Wilson. Without losing sight of our duty to as citizens communicate to our leaders that civil rights violations are of paramount concern, our nation must simultaneously begin the process of reconciliation and healing. The reality is that no one except Mr. Wilson will ever know what was running through his mind at the time he took Mr. Brown’s life. Regardless of his motivation or perceptions as to race, he will live with the knowledge that he took the life of another human being. That does not Page 89 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

make him less of a human being. Yet, nowhere in the media is empathy found. Taking a brief look at the facts, from a differing viewpoints, helped me to change the mental schema I myself had constructed, especially having just published an article titled “Rethinking Ferguson. One blogger wrote: Fast forward nearly two weeks later. You have been villainized as a racist by everyone in local, state and federal governments. Angry citizens by the thousands are chanting for vengeance, declaring you as a hater of black people. The media is on a frenzy, stoking the flames of disorder as you flee to an undisclosed location because of threats to kill you. You are a symbol of the criminal justice system, but you see something else unfurling before your eyes as you read newspapers and watch television from your hiding place. You always thought the system was about evenness and fairness, where justice is determined in a court room where evidence is presented challenged and evaluated before judgment is reached. But that’s not happening for you. You’re different. You’re a white cop. The dead kid is black. You’re guilty. Mr. Wilson concurred, "You're always looking, wondering if someone recognized you, if someone's following you. I take precautions wherever I go. From where you sit at a restaurant to where you drive. Everything runs through your head." On November 29, amid public outcry, Mr. Wilson resigned from the Ferguson police force with no severance pay citing security concerns. His attorney confirmed that Mr. Wilson will never again serve as a police officer. The fact that he had a new wife who became pregnant with their child went virtually unnoticed, as did the impact of the incident on their own lives. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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"We're just normal people," he said. "I just want to live a normal life." Compassion toward Mr. Wilson and his young family will not excuse what happened or diminish its effect on Mr. Brown’s family This concept was explored by David Klinger. Mr. Klinger, 57, is a professor in the department of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis who specializes in the use of deadly force. After conducting years of interviews, Mr. Klinger has written a book, “Into the Kill Zone,” which details the experiences of other officers who’ve shot and killed people. Mr. Klinger was inspired to pursue this career path after himself having been a police officer who fired a fatal shot. He was barely out of police academy when he took the life of a suspect to save the life of his partner. His efforts to disarm the suspect of the knife he was wielding were unsuccessful and he had no option but to fire a fatal shot. “I blamed myself for 20 years for not being able to wrest the knife from him,” reflected Mr. Klinger. Efforts to adjust, even with a smaller department, were unsuccessful. The process of healing has been arduous: What he has come to terms with is his guilt – which he says sometimes caused him to get angry with friends and family over even little things, or that brought on an anxious, uneasy feeling each year when the shooting anniversary came and went. After 20 years, he sought the help of a counselor, hoping to finally let it go. “You can articulate verbally why you did what you had to do,” he remembers the counselor saying. “Why can’t you get your heart to accept that?” That question struck a chord with Klinger. … “Shooting someone changes just about every cop who does it,” said a veteran officer Klinger interviewed, who “struggled mightily” after shooting two people in his career, killing one. “You’ll just never look at life in the same way.” This spring Mr. Klinger testified at a U.S. Civil Rights Commission hearing on deadly force: Often times, officers find themselves in too close, too quickly, and they don’t have any option other than to shoot their way out of it. That’s where I Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

really think we fall down in American law enforcement. Now, Mr. Klinger “…hopes to be a voice of reason in an emotional national debate, and an advocate for change.” Like Mrs. Klebold, Mr. Klinger is a teacher. In closing, consider the words of Sufi poet Rumi: In this earth, in this soil, in this pure field let’s not plant any seed other than seeds of compassion and love.

About the Author Cynthia M. Lardner holds a journalism degree, she is a licensed attorney and trained as a clinical therapist. Her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking understanding that everything and everyone is subject to change given the right circumstances; Standard Theory or Theory of Everything. Ms. Lardner has accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, as well as accounts under the pseudonym of Deveroux Cleary, and is globally ranked in the top 1% of all account holders. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Chicken Salad Sandwich By Kids for Kids By Jr. Chef Dara Yu

to k c a B Ingredients Amounts          

2 cups poached chicken breast, cut in ½ - inch cubes or shredded ½ cup finely chopped celery ½ cup apple, cut in ½ - inch cubes ⅓ cup mayonnaise 1 Tbsp. (half a lemon) lemon juice 1 tsp. salt ¼ tsp. ground pepper Your choice of bread 3 Tbsp. butter, softened Lettuce and Tomatoes

Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Optional 2 teaspoons

l o o Sch

curry powder

Method: 1. In a medium bowl, combine the chicken, celery, apple, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. 2. (If you are using curry powder, mix together mayonnaise and curry powder until incorporated) Stir in the mayonnaise, stir in little by little until you reach the desired consistency. 3. Spread butter on each slice of bread. Sandwich with chicken salad, lettuce and tomato. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Presents Jr. Chef Dara Yu fourteen yrs old, known as Dara The Bow Girl, made a splash into the culinary world by appearing on MasterChef Junior Season One in 2013. Wearing her trademark bow, she won the three layer cake challenge, the Beef Wellington Challenge, and led her team to win the restaurant takeover challenge at Drago Centro. In the Finale, Dara crafted a Tuna Poke and Seared Tuna appetizer, Shrimp and Scallop Won Tons in Thai Curry with Spot prawns for the main, and a Poached Pear in Ginger Miso Sauce with a Lemon Tuile as dessert. Since the show, Dara has staged (interned) at many high end restaurants in both Los Angeles, and NY: The Parish, Tasting Kitchen, AOC, The Montage Laguna, Hakkasan, Dominique Ansel, Bouchon Bakery, and cooked with Giada de Laurentiis and John Besh. She caters special events, and stays closely connected to the food world. She now has a web series where she interviews chefs, connects with her 15,000+ social media fans, Page 95 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and teaches cooking. Most recently, she signed with DreamWorksTV for a cooking web series, where she demonstrates DIY recipes for kids, and also advanced dishes for kids and adults! The DreamWorksTV episodes can also be accessed from her web channel, youtube.com/DaraTheBowGirl. She also teaches a cooking series for children at Williams-Sonoma Santa Monica, and contributes as a food writer for BeautyCon.com. As a result of Dara’s appearance on MasterChef Jr., Dara was invited to The White House in June 2014 for The Maker Faire, and received a House Of Representatives Award from local Culver City Representative, Karen Bass. Dara recently appeared in the August 31, 2015 People Magazine. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Cuvaison Brand Overview Established in 1969, Cuvaison produces Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grown exclusively on its estate vineyard in the heart of the world-renown region of Carneros in Napa Valley. Cooled by fog from the San Pablo Bay, the rolling hills of this certified sustainable estate has produced distinctive Chardonnay and Pinot Noir for over 30 years. Page 98 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Dedicated to a philosophy of producing vineyard-driven wines, Cuvaison employs block by block farming methods and a hand-crafted vineyard-to-bottle winemaking approach. The resulting wines are balanced and complex, showcasing the distinctive characteristics of this cool climate estate. Cuvaison is part of Cuvaison Estate Wines, the family-owned Napa Valley vintner which also farms Brandlin Vineyard, a Napa Valley estate on Mt. Veeder. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Certified Sustainable Farming "At Cuvaison, we are compelled to reduce our winery's impact on the environment. Going solar and being certified Napa Green are only a few initiatives which support what we are trying to achieve. Because there is a shared concern from the staff as well, we turn to our organization and grassroots networks with our staff, their family and friends to find ways of creating change from within." – Jay Schuppert, President

2012 Estate Syrah Just a superb year for Syrah from a cool climate vineyard. An axiom of winemaking is to grow varieties on the edge of where they will ripen. The soils and climate of our Carneros Estate provide the challenges required to tame the prolific Syrah vine and sharpen the characteristics that define this variety. Add in a long, cool growing season like 2012 and you have the makings of an excellent vintage. Our 2012 bottling boasts a full range of Syrahesque qualities; gamey, peppery, bacon-fat, mesquite, lavender and rosemary notes backed with brambly cherry, boysenberry and blackberry fruit. The palate is full-bodied with rich, jammy fruit, a touch of anise seed and long, silky tannins. - Winemaker, Steven Rogstad See more at: http:// shop.cuvaisonestatewines.com

2014 Vin Gris of Pinot Noir Our 2014 Vin Gris of Pinot Noir is quite bright and fresh, with a lovely bouquet of jasmine & wild strawberries backed by cherry and raspberry fruit on the palate with a nice lime and red plum accent on the finish. A delightful sipping wine to enjoy as an aperitif or with casual summer fare. See more at: http://shop.cuvaisonestatewines.com Page 99 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Cuvaison Estate Seri

The Cuvaison Estate Char blends of distinct vineyard the-art winery in Carneros. Steve Rogstad, brings its o balanced and complex win Carneros estate.


Cuvaison Estate Chardonnay Carneros Napa Our Estate Chardonnay is a carefully crafted blend of wines from 44 distinct blocks in our Carneros estate vineyard. Each block is vinified separately, using classic yet minimal winemaking techniques such as barrel fermentation, French oak aging and partial malolactic fermentation, all in harmony with the vintage. When blended, the Estate Chardonnay gracefully reflects the layered characteristics of Chardonnay to be found across our estate. Page 100 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

A light filled space by waves of vineya stunning architectu indoor and outdoor ings.

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rdonnay and Pinot Noir are 100% estate grown wines, blocks that have been vinified separately in our state-of. Each block, nurtured by hand and selected by Winemaker own distinctive character to the final blend. The results are nes that showcase the distinctive characteristics of our


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Cuvaison Estate Pinot Noir Carneros Napa Our Estate Pinot Noir is a carefully crafted blend of wines from 20 distinct blocks in our Carneros estate vineyard. Each block is vinified separately, using gentle winemaking techniques such as open top fermentation, gentle punchdowns, basket pressing and French oak aging designed to preserve the wine’s delicacy and freshness. As a blend, the Estate Pinot Noir eloquently expresses the terroir to be found across our Carneros estate.

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Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Laurie Forster , The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and

Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

For more info on The Wine Coach: www.TheWineCoach.com

radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce.

For FREE secrets to make wine easy and FUN!:

Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the

Join The Wine Coach® Wine Club:

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Stress Free Pairings Does the thought of selecting wines for your next party or business dinner make you feel queasy? You are not alone. Many people find choosing wine a stressful task, but it does not have to be. Think of wine as an

The wine and food should work together NOT overpower each other.

ingredient in the recipe for a particular dish, not an independent beverage. When selecting a wine it should taste as good or better when enjoyed with that dish as it does alone. The following guidelines help narrow your choices and create stress free pairings.

Match “like weights”

match the weight of the wine with the weight of the food— Specifically,

light fare with lighter bodied, more delicate wines, and fuller bodied wines with bigger foods. This is one of the food and wine concepts that is most intuitive. Most of us wouldn't think to

order a light, fruity Sauvignon Blanc with a fillet mignon. Con-

versely, a glass of hearty Cabernet Sauvignon doesn’t go well with a delicate seafood salad. Think of a boxing match—would you put a heavyweight in the

Think of your pairing strategy— Contrast or complement? We have all heard the sayings "opposites attract," or the converse, complementary partners make the best matches." Sound like relationship advice? Well it is, but these rules also create successful food and wine pairings. Contrasting uses diverse flavors to enhance the differences;

whereas complementary matches flavors to enhance the similarities. Think of a seafood dish in a creamy sauce. You could complement it with a rich, mellow white like Chardonnay or contrast it with a crisper white like Pinot

ring with a featherweight?

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Stress Free Pairings Continued...

Salt needs Acid Acid in wine is that tangy or sour sensation you get on your tongue. That pucker factor is found in crisp wines like Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Albariño to name a few. Salty foods

neutralize or soften acidity in a wine and need to be paired with higher acid wines.

Most meals should have at least moderate acidity. If the dish is particularly salty or briny, e.g., oysters, crabs, pickled items, etc.—look for crisp or high acid wines.

Fats Soften Tannins Tannins are naturally astringent substances found in grape skins, as well as other foods like walnuts. Tannins are perceived in our mouths as a sense of dryness.

Reds with firmer tannins are a natural pairing with a fattier dish like red meat,

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cheese or stew. Try a Cabernet Sauvignon with a bite of steak and notice how the tannins soften in your wine. Bold reds pair nicely with heartier dishes—Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec or Syrah.

Sweet with Spicy

Fruity or sweeter wines tone down spicy foods, whereas high alcohol, dry wines intensify the heat of spices. If you are serving spicy cuisine you need to find wines that are fruity and even a bit sweet to counteract.

Whites that work with spicy food include lush whites like Riesling,

Viognier, Gewürztraminer or Sauvignon Blanc. Reds that pair nicely with spicy dishes include fruity, lower tannin wines such as Beaujolais, Pinot Noir or Shiraz. In the end wine pairing is subject to personal taste.

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Chances are you and your dinner mates won’t always agree on what the best pairing is for each course but these rules can simplify selecting wine pairings. Next time you entertain you can concentrate on the most important pairing—


Laurie for your next corporate, client or fundraising event! More Info:


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The Sipping Point

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is written in Laurie's down to earth, practical style. Whether you are a wine novice or a seasoned enthusiast, you'll love this book. With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!

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An Enchanting Mystery became a Riddle that could never be spoken ...only tasted

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About Schramsberg Schramsberg Vineyards is America’s House of Sparkling Wine. Producing world-class sparkling wine since 1965, Schramsberg Vineyards sources from over 115 diverse cool-climate vineyards from across 120 miles of coastline. This vineyard variety provides Schramsberg with the perfect Page 110 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

balance of fruitful aromas and flavors, along with a delightful crisp acid backbone, all of which is required to produce these stunning sparkling wines. Crafted under the time-tested Méthode Traditionnelle process, with each bottle going through

secondary fermentation within Schramsberg’s historic caves, each bottle of sparkling wine produced is a testament to the quality and dedication that has come to be Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The Wines: Schramsberg uses the Méthode Traditionnelle technique to create its nine distributed sparkling wines: the signature vintage dated Reserve, J. Schram and J. Schram Rosé; the classic vintage dated Blanc de Blancs, Blanc de Noirs, Brut Rosé and Crémant; and the multi-vintage Mirabelle and Mirabelle Rosé. Since the 2001 vintage, the winery also produces the J. Davies Cabernet Sauvignon, made exclusively from grapes grown in the Schramsberg estate vineyards on Diamond Mountain.

Focused on quality: Producing just 60,000 cases annually, Schramsberg Vineyards is focused on the finest and most complex handcrafted sparkling wines in California. Schramsberg’s premium wines are crafted in very limited quantities: an average of 1,500 cases of J. Schram and 1,000 cases of Schramsberg Reserve are made each year. Rivaling the best of Champagne, Schramsberg wines are clear favorites amongst wine professionals in blind tastings conducted annually.

Handcrafted: Most of Schramsberg’s viticultural and winemaking practices are carried out by hand: grapes are hand-harvested, the wines are handcrafted, the bottles are stacked and riddled in underground caves. The J. Schram, Schramsberg's top Chardonnay offering is even hand-labeled.

Cool climate diversity: expected by sparkling wine lovers. Located on Diamond Mountain in the famous Napa Valley, the winery’s history dates back to its founding in 1862. Founded by Jacob Schram, Schramsberg is the second oldest bonded winery in Napa, and is home to the oldest hillside vineyards and oldest hand-dug wine caves in Napa. Restored by Jack & Jamie Davies in 1965, the winery has never looked back as it defined itself as a true American icon. Page 111 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Schramsberg Vineyards blends Pinot Noir and Chardonnay harvested from a broad array of cool-climate vineyard sources, including NapaCarneros, Sonoma-Carneros, Anderson Valley, Sonoma Coast and the Marin Coastal area. The winemakers draw from over 90 individual vineyards to create over 200 base wines each year. These wines are then used to create Schramsberg’s distinctive sparkling wines. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

2006 J.Schram From the inception of Schramsberg’s efforts in 1965, the winery has sought to achieve the greatest elegance and individuality possible in our sparkling wines. J. Schram epitomizes Schramsberg’s philosophy to create a wine in which no effort has been spared and no care has been omitted. Representing only 3% of the winery’s annual production, the Chardonnayfocused J. Schram blend is assembled from the very best base wine lots of the approximately 250 produced each year. This special bottlingis dedicated to Schramsberg’s founder, Jacob Schram, and has been a great success since its premier 1987 vintage was released in 1992.Cluster samples from over 100 cool-climate vineyard sources are pulled several times before the optimal pick date for each block is selected. Complexity within the wine is gained through both oak barrel and stainless steel tank fermentation. Additional layers are provided through small lots that undergo malolactic fermentation, enriching aromas and Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

infusing creaminess on the palate. Our J. Schram is aged for over six years on the yeast in Schramsberg’s historic Diamond Mountain caves; each bottle is then riddled by hand, and finished with an exceptional brut dosage. J. Schram is quite appealing on its own as an apéritif or enjoyed with fresh shellfish, caviar on toast point, smoked salmon, tangy and sharp cheeses, seafood brochettes, cedar-planked lobster, mesquite-grilled quail, or Serrano ham & porcini risotto.

2012 Blanc De Blancs Blanc de Blancs (white from white), made from Chardonnay, is the counterpart to the Blanc de Noirs (white from black), made from Pinot Noir. Blanc de Blancs was the first wine Schramsberg produced in 1965 and was America’s first commercially produced Chardonnay-based brut sparkling wine. Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs gained international recognition in 1972 when then President Nixon served the wine at the historic “Toast to Peace” in Beijing, China.The Schramsberg style of Blanc de Blancs is dry and crisp. Small lots of Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

malolactic- and barrel-fermented wines are added for complexity. The wine is aged on the yeast lees in the bottle for two years prior to disgorgement. With its vibrant, fruitful and crisp nature, this sparkling wine will maintain its freshness, structure and refined finish for many years, even decades following its initial release. While this wine can be enjoyed by itself as an apéritif, it is also perfect with fresh oysters and other shellfish, crab cakes, ceviche and grilled sea bass. It is also delicious with lemon chicken and Thai curries. Serve with aged Gouda or other hard cheeses, and as a counterpoint to soft triple creams.

Location 1400 Schramsberg Road, Calistoga, CA 94515 Phone: Visitor’s Center: 707-942-4558

Phone Business Office: 707-942-6668 Fax: 707-942-5943

E-mail: info1@schramsberg.com Website: www.schramsberg.com

Tasting Notes “The 2012 Blanc de Blancs has bright and fresh aromas of grapefruit, lime, green apple and white apricot. The fragrance of fruit is complemented with hints of yeast, white flowers, spicy ginger and fresh honeycomb. The lime, tangerine and pear flavors are tart and refreshing on entry. The palate is crisp with long lingering acidity.” – Winemakers Keith Hock and Hugh Davies Page 113 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The No.1 Reason Why We Don’t Start Our Own Business And 3 Easy Franchises To Help You Get Started!

Written By David Goodman Founder and CEO of Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC Happy September and welcome to Franchise Forum and my name is David Goodman. I am the founder of Franchise Biz Consulting. We have about 500 franchises in my directory. My guidance and expertise is completely free and hopefully valuable to anyone who is looking to stop the craziness of working to make their employers wealthy when they should be directing their energy to make Page 116 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

themselves wealthy. September is synonymous with the beginning of school and the number one thought that pops into one’s head is buying all those new spiral and marble covered note books, new necessary books for classroom discussions, new clothes, new friends to meet, perhaps new school to attend, new subjects to tackle, etc. The operative Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

word here is “New”. Which is why, whenever we hear the word “New”, most of us have an immediate pang in our heart and a pit in our stomach because new means, unfamiliar and/or strange.

The Secret Sauce of Entrepreneurship!

Government studies have shown that 72% of the working population would like to be their own boss but the lack the vision of Page 117 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

knowing the Who, What, Where, When, How, etc of entrepreneurship. Most of us reject doing something new because the fear of the unknown is clipped on to that word, “New”. So, although the daydreaming may be apparent, that is where it starts and ends…as a dream that cannot be perceived as ever entering into reality. And to that I say, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

“Poppycock, balderdash, blarney, hooey, rubbish, mumbo jumbo!” Why do I say all that? Because the modern world has given everyone who wants to be their own boss but does not know where to begin a foolproof template. It is called a Franchise. When I say foolproof, I really mean a structured program and system designed by successful people to guide anyone who is willing to follow the recipe to a successful outcome. Of course it is not 100% foolproof. However, with the right guidance one can hope to attain success. The basic premise is that it is foolish and risky to re-invent the wheel. And that, in essence, is what you do when you start your own business from scratch. With a franchise the blueprint for success is systematically laid out. Interestingly enough 85% of every franchisee has had no or very little experience with the franchise they ultimately choose. The franchise training is so comprehensive that one need only follow the tutelage of the franchisor to achieve the best opportunity for success. That is how it is designed. Distilling it down to the most common denominator, the franchiser relies on the franchisee to help grow and prosper the brand and the franchisee seeks support and personal success from the franchiser. This symbiotic relationship is the backbone of the franchise business. It is totally a win-win process.

The One Thing A Franchise Cannot Do. There is an issue that really needs to be addressed at this time. One might feel, “Okay, I get the point. I need to look for a franchise.” However, there is an inherent problem with that line of thinking, “What franchise do I

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choose?� That is where the franchise consultant comes in. I will explain using a very appropriate analogy. I know that, personally, I have bought 7 homes during my lifetime and in each case the thought of finding a home that completely fits my needs was way too overwhelming for me to accomplish on my own. I went to look for a realtor who I could trust and would listen to my criteria such as, style of home, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, location, school system, shopping, neighborhood feel, condition of home, vehicular traffic, is it in an airport air lane, what is a fair price, plus so many others questions too numerous to mention. I know I could never in a million years attempt to do this without the aid of a professional. Well guess what? Why would any sane person feel that they could be

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happy and successfinding a franchise business without the aid of a franchise consultant? Oh, by the way most consultants, including myself work at no cost to the potential franchisee! That is correct, we are free! When was the last time you received a service for free? You see the system is designed so that we only get compensated when the candidate purchases a franchise. And that compensation is not inflated even one dollar more than anyone who decides to not use a franchise consultant. Oh, by the way, when you go to a franchise that you selected on your own, that franchiser is certainly going to be biased regarding their enterprise. If you decide to employ a consultant they should have no direct affiliation with any particular company so you are generally assured of speaking to the business entity that will most suit your personality, ability and financial wherewithal.

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3 Universally Known Brands That Are Known To Help “Newbie’s” Get Started I have found 3 new gems I would like to recommend. Mainly because my experience has shown me that if you follow their suggestions, you will have a high opportunity for success. They are not difficult to operate and they will allow you a nice lifestyle while offering you an opportunity for substantial success. First is: Founded in 2004, Flip Flop Shops is the authentic retail chain exclusively devoted to the hottest brands and latest styles of flip flops and casual footwear. Its mission is to help people “Free Their Toes®” and embrace the relaxing benefits of flip flops and casual footwear for a healthier, low stress lifestyle. In addition to being an Environmentally Responsible RetailerTM, one of the company’s major initiatives is to throughout the United States, Canada, the Creduce stress levelsand raise funds and awareness for the American Heart Association. The company began franchising in 2008 and now operates shops globally aribbean, South Africa,,and the Middle East. The executive

team boasts more than 50 years of experience building and growing some Page 120 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

of the world’s fastest -growing franchise concepts, category leaders and some of the world’s most well - known brands, including Cold Stone Creamery, Moe’s Southwest Grill, Nike and OfficeZilla.com. Flip Flop Shops has been awarded the International Council of Shopping Centers' prestigious "Hot Retailer Award," and ranked for the fifth consecutive year on the Inc. 500 | 5000 list of America’s fastest - growing private companies Here is another “No Brainer” I love this one because it eradicates the main problem with having a retail store, that being, what to buy for inventory, what is in style, how does one profitably get rid of the styles that are the “slow movers”? There is one main product here, “Money”! And this one is recession proof, to boot! In the past decade, the number of check cashing outlets in the U.S. has more than tripled as more and more people have found it provides a level of convenience and service not available from traditional banks and finance companies. Cash Plus, founded in 1984, is one of the first companies to apply franchising techniques to the check cashing industry and has developed a "next generation" retail business system which is generating unusually high returns. Currently, core Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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services consist of check cashing, payday advances, wire transfers, and money orders. As a complement to the core services, supplementary products and services serve important roles in the business attracting new customers, encouraging repeat business, and/or increasing the dollar value of customer transactions. Depending on demographic factors, these supplemental services may include the following: mail box rentals, ATM machines, utility bill payments, Cash Plus Mastercard debit card, prepaid phone cards, notary public service, photo identification cards, copy and fax services, bus pass/token sales, stamps and envelopes, pre-paid phone service, mortgage lending service, and lottery sales.\ I have such a love for offering a business that affords one an amazing lifestyle and potential for growth and/ or scalability with a truly world class brand. This one has it all.

Top 3 reasons our industry is a great investment: 1. The cruise industry is booming. 37 new cruise ships will debut between now and 2018 to meet the growing demand for this dream vacation. 50 million Americans say they want to take a cruise in the next 3 years. 2. Booking a cruise can be complicated. That’s why 2/3 of all cruises are booked through a travel agent instead of a website. Page 122 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

3. Cruising has the highest repeat factor of any vacation with 9 out of 10 cruisers say they will cruise again. Our model is focused on building loyalty and creating Customers For Life. 4. With an Expedia CruiseShipCenters franchise, your clients can own a retail travel agency that’s connected to their community – backed by the most recognized brand in travel. As a full service travel agency specializing in cruises, each of our franchises offers customers Expedia prices AND the personalized service needed to navigate a spectacular vacation experience.

Powered by Expedia – Expedia CruiseShipCenters franchisees benefit from Expedia’s $39 Billion in buying power on a wide range of travel products (not just cruises) and a globally recognized brand in their local retail business.Retail Returns Equity – Our Franchise Partners build equity in their business as they create a retail presence in their community, develop a large team of Vacation Consultants and grow their database of repeat customers.Proven Franchise Model – Our mature franchisees generate an average of $4.25 Million in sales each year*. In 2014, we awarded 25 new franchises -- more than any other year in our 27 year history. For additional information, please call or email David Goodman: 818 578 8706 david@franchisebizconsulting.com

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Ultimate Business Opportunity…


The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Absolutely No Investment Required!! Of course there are some individuals who simply cannot even put together 10 K to get their business aspirations off the ground. And to those individuals or anyone looking to supplement their income, I have a special bonus program specifically designed for all my “E” magazine readers. I will personally send you a check for up to $2,000 for anyone who sends me contact information (name, address, phone number and email address) of anyone who is interested in a franchise and through my efforts becomes a franchisee. Of course there are certain restrictions. Please call for further details. GOOD FRANCHISE HUNTING!

Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC Professionally Find A Fabulous Franchise...Free!

David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303 Email Address: david@franchisebizconsulting.com Website: http://www.franchisebizconsulting.com If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life out of the hands of others and finally seizing your own destiny, please call me.

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riorproject.org Page 125 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization's Baby Rhino Orphanage at Thula Thula Lawrence Anthony’s Thula Thula Receives Baby Rhino Orphan. This First New Arrival is Rather Large by Tree Trunk Standards! Above you can see one of our first new arrivals playing with a tree trunk. This baby lost his mom to poachers and is just beginning to recover from the traumatic experience. The goal with all orphans is to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Return to the Wild. The care of these Rhino’s is a 24/7 job, requiring expertise, patience and love. One of the many tragic fallouts of the poaching crisis is the orphaned young rhinos that are left behind once the mothers have been killed. A rhino calf depends entirely on its mother for food and protection from predators. Losing its mother in infancy often has a deadly outcome for the calf. Our Mission: To reverse the decline of the plant and animal kingdoms and our environment through education and cooperative action. Because None Survive Alone. Page 126 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Our work not only addresses endangered species like Rhinos and Elephants, but also focuses on promoting and implementing effective technologies for removing chemical pollutants from Earth’s waters, a major situation threatening marine creatures and all life on earth. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletters, blogs and educational materials at: SUBSCRIBE

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“Why do we so mindlessly abuse our planet, our only home? The answer to that lies in each of us. Therefore, we will strive to bring about understanding that we are – each one of us – responsible for more than just ourselves, our family, our football team, our country, or our own kind; that there is more to life than just these things. That each one of us must also bring the natural world back into its proper place in our lives, and realize that doing so is not some lofty ideal but a vital part of our personal survival.” Lawrence Anthony, Babylon’s Ark: The Incredible Wartime Rescue of the Baghdad Zoo

If link doesn’t work copy and paste this link below in new window. http://www.theearthorganization.org/laeosthula-thula-baby-rhino-orphanage/ Page 127 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

A message from the International President: Barbara Wiseman Hello! Welcome to our on-going environmental news column in EMag! We are going to utilize this wonderful opportunity to present interesting educational information so that you can play an even bigger part in preserving and protecting Earth’s waters and all life through the daily choices you make. We want to bring practical information to you. We are not about spreading bad or scary news, but about spreading constructive news and information. Yes, we talk about the problems, but, also, about technologically sound and easy-toimplement remedies and answers. We want to actively engage with you, and other like-minded groups and organizations, to multiply those who are beneficially influencing the direction of our society’s culture, and to promote practical and realistic environmental solutions. When I co-founded The Earth Organization with Dr. Lawrence Anthony, we wanted to bring a new brand of environmentalism to the world described under a term we coined: Cooperative Ecology ™ .

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The Gift Horse Part 1 A novel by Leslie Silton

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“… sing of the building of the horse of wood, which Epeius made with Athena's help, the horse which once Odysseus led up into the citadel as a thing of guile, when he had filled it with the men who sacked Ilium” Samuel Butler Page 129 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part One New York City Chapter One

“Yikes!” Maggie and Parker shrieked in unison. Maggie cast a look over her shoulder at the nearly horizontal scarves and coattails of pedestrians hurrying down the street. She decided she wouldn’t have been surprised if dogsleds mushed by men with frozen beards suddenly came racing by. For sure The Montreal Express was out in full force, pushing normally winter-hardened New Yorkers into any available doorway or building for shelter. The girls hurried under the portico, in through the revolving door to the cavernous foyer. At least she and Parker would be inside for a few hours while the battering ram of bitter cold continued to hammer down on the city outside. They joined the lineup of ex-pedestrians. Parker huddled close behind Maggie who was still pulling off her mittens, stuffing them into the deep pockets of her down-filled duffle coat. “This is ridiculous,” Maggie said to no one in Page 130 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

particular. Others were welcome to comment or not. After all, this was New York City. A brief monologue by a disgruntled citizen was considered normal. The main branch of the library was one of her favorite places on any day. The bitter cold had merely hurried their arrival because the girls had already planned to spend several hours working on homework assignments anyway. “Hey!” Maggie yelped when someone bumped her. Turning around to glare at the Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

His hooded face was looking down at the floor. She looked down, too. His footgear was sneakers and heavy gym socks. Ah. A Tourist. “It’s all right,” Maggie offered diplomatically.

“Everyone wants to get

inside.” With that she turned away. Now that they were indoors, talking was a lot easier because the wind would not be ripping her words right out of her mouth.

Being in the

queue meant they would all be shuffling forward like prisoners on a chain-gang for the next little while. Parker was first to pick up their discussion where they last left off. “Remember: it was war,” she said while




scarf. Maggie got down to business unbuttoning the top of her coat, pulling open the knot of her own scarf—a mere five-foot wonder.

Her re-

sponse to Parker’s argument was violent shakes of her head. offender, she heard a muffled, “Sorry.” The unidentified Someone was swathed in a large, second-hand army coat, their face hidden by a wolf

“Listen, babe,” said Parker. “A lot of people think it’s hip to mock the idea.” Maggie replied, lowering her voice to a husky

fur-edged hood tied up like a funnel. Maggie

whisper, “Yeah, some people also think everyone is

sized him up. She was pretty sure it was a ‘he’.

out to screw them.” Raising the volume back to nor-

Obviously on the way to some remote location in

mal, she said, “What’s that about, hunh?”

the Arctic, making a last quick pit stop in civilization to borrow some good reading material. A red

While waiting for Parker to top that, she lost fo-

scarf peeked through at the throat. (Useful for

cus as the image of Leonardo da Vinci’s extraordi-

waving at search-and-rescue planes.)

nary “Il Cavallo” crossed her mind. She had been making copies of this and his other equine drawings for the past month.

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Too bad they couldn’t go to Milan for the unveiling of the real thing. Maggie knew that all things Italian could send Parker over the moon. As for Maggie, she was blissed out just considering the monumental



Parker tapped her on the shoulder.



Parker was smirking at her. “No, listen,” Maggie said picking up where she left off. “You simply can’t walk around thinking everyone has a hidden motive. You just can’t live your life that way.” Parker shrugged. “Well, of course, not everyone is dangerous and untrustworthy. But when are you going to get it through your head that there are some bad hats out there. The trick is to be able to recognize who they are.” “Oh, phooey,” said Maggie. Signaling a time -out, she wiped the smile off her face. This particular ongoing discussion tended to be fairly intense so entertainment breaks were a necessity. Maggie Page 132 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

had it down to a science. She launched into her favorite gag: a pantomime of Simon Legree. Just a few deft motions.

Twisting the ends of long

(imaginary) mustache ends while silently demanding The Rent, she quickly morphed into Poor Thing begging piteously. Then Maggie mouthed in silence the famous, “But I can’t pay the rent!” As Legree, again, she strangled Poor Thing, which was Maggie

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proved of their hi-jinks and aimed a frown at them both.“Excuse me, but we’re not in church,” Parker replied in a loud whisper, thereby partially disproving the notion.

However, all

around the lobby there was plenty of low-volume chatter, foot stamping, hand-warming activity echoing. Also every time someone new entered, the wind would whistle loudly through the revolving door, announcing a new escapee had arrived. The girls smiled at each other. And rolled their eyes. The long queue was growing longer as more people hurried in. The security checker was falling way behind. Parker pushed Maggie on the shoulder. “You’re such a goof. Hey, energetically throttling herself, gurgling dramatically. But she couldn’t keep a straight face and burst out laughing. Parker laughed, too. It might be an old chestnut but it was still very funny. Even The Tourist just behind Maggie horse-laughed except that when she turned around, she saw that his face was still covered. She shrugged. The lady standing in front of Parker, however, a proper

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maybe they’ll set up sleeping cots. We won’t have to go back out there at all,” she replied, halfseriously and they both giggled. The rigid shoulders of the lady in front continued to demonstrate how thoroughly she disapproved, but The Tourist behind them apparently did because there was chortling coming from deep inside the fur-edged funnel. Maggie turned around a Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

third time to have a friendly word but whoever he was, he was still turtled in his coat, so she gave it up. Well, it was that cold. She could still feel it in her bones, too, so she gave her hands another blood-stirring shake. Meanwhile, the funny had worn off. Parker was ready to enter the fray of their long-running discourse again. She tapped Maggie on the arm. “Listen, missy. People with bad intentions don’t wear long, greasy mustachios and twist the ends while leering.” “You think?” Maggie replied, then executed a reprise of her favorite moment—Poor Thing getting strangled by Legree (another funny self-throttling). Both girls laughed out loud.

As it

happened, they had also finally reached the front of the line. Their backpacks, having been inspected and found innocent of weapons, drugs or liquids that could spill, they headed for the stairs. The affronted matron ahead of them took a final moment to harrumph loudly, turned left, heading for the elevator. “Oh, geez. I don’t think she’s here to borrow

still,” she ordered. “My question remains: So,

books,” Parker whispered, nudging Maggie’s arm.

do you know what to look for?”

“That’s the way to the Trustees’ Room on the

closely, she finished off with a determined, “Hmmm?”

second floor.” “You know this because?” “Richard and Emily took me to an event there once. Very luxurious.”

Leaning in very

Maggie didn’t like the way this was going. know enough,” she said, angling away.



would you be willing to turn down the very thing you

“Naturally,” Maggie said. “Anyway, laughing

want more than anything?” She let that sink in. She

isn’t a shooting offense … yet,” and they both

was sure she had Parker pinned down at last.“Listen

laughed again. Reaching the long stairway,

closely,” Parker answered back.

Parker guided Maggie to one side, allowing peo-

happened. The Trojans were total suckers for a trib-

ple to pass. “Stand

ute. The Greeks were their enemy. Hello? Look at

Page 134 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“You know what

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Some dictator thinks he has it all sewed up. What about Hitler? If he hadn’t gone on vacation during the Battle of Britain, we might all be speaking German and ‘heiling’ each other. But he screwed up. He even screwed up again. DDay even started without him! He was off having nookie with Eva when he should have been paying close attention. What about the White Russians? Hunh? They were the descendants of Swedish mercenaries—hired by the Russian nobles a long time back.

I mean, I’m sorry for

Nicholas and Anastasia and the royal family getting slaughtered …” (she shuddered) “… but that’s the thing.

The Russian people never

agreed to be ruled by a bunch of …” “Oh, no, no. That’s just too long a time to be carrying a grudge,” Maggie interrupted. “What?! What’s the matter with you? Of course it’s not!


Those Swedish mercenaries

were brought in like … enforcers … see? You’re a peasant. You’ve got no rights and no way to fight back. But you can bide your time. Injustice can really fester. Of course, the Czar thinks it’s all forgotten. But it’s not! So what if it takes a few generations? me.


Had they not been waging

war against the Trojans for nine years?

Peasants have nothing but

time, starvation, and backbreaking work, of course.

Why are

Finally, the Bolshies come along and they have the

Come on al-

perfect solution …” Here Parker aimed an imagi-

ready. I understand the Trojans were pretty sick of

nary gun and pulled the trigger. “Pi-chew! Pi-chew!

the fighting. Nine years is a long time … but see?

End of uninvited family dynasty.”

the Greeks suddenly giving gifts?

That’s how you do it. You work on your enemy—

Maggie shook her head. “But what if you can

you work on them—on and on—until they let down

show the other person something they didn’t know

their guard. They shouldn’t, but they do! When it

… like how Nicholas totally felt he was Russian …

comes to freedom, you can never let down your

like … he was their king and he had devoted his

guard.“Listen, Maggs, people never give up on

life to them. He built schools and hospitals. He did

something once they set their mind to it.

lots of good.”

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Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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“Except that it wasn’t really his money to spend! It was the wealth of his country,” Parker reminded her. “All those tiaras, Fabergé eggs, furs and jewels.


Maggs: tapestries, gilded furniture, chandeliers the size of baby elephants—ohmigod … all that stuff.

The whole

royal family and all the hangers-on, just making out like bandits while everyone suffered.

It was plunder!


member: it wasn’t his money. No wonder they had a revolution. Pi-chew, pi-chew …” and she blew away the imaginary smoke from the barrel of her imaginary gun with a grim smile. “Maybe he could have done what we did after the Civil War. You know—forty acres and a mule.” It was a weak comeback. In fact, Maggie felt like she was sliding towards a rift in the earth. “Sure. Go forth, peasant. Take this brace of oxen and make a living. Now you’ve got a chunk of forest. You’re free now. Hmmm? I don’t think so. Anyway, they got Communism instead,” and here Parker shrugged, a smug smile on her face. Maggie had to admit Parker was getting the upper hand, but she still wasn’t willing to concede. “So, okay. Nicholas should have made it be known that his allegiance was to the Russian people, that he had foresworn his Swedish heritage.” “Well, we don’t know if he thought about it or not. But the fact is he didn’t say it. Maybe it would have saved their lives … maybe. But I don’t think so. The only thing to do would have been to pack up the royal luggage, leaving behind all the jewels and painted eggs, furs, silk gowns—all their ill-gotten gain—and take the cheapest way home—rapido. Of course that takes a lot of personal integrity. Of course it requires some serious moral courage … I guess it could be done. Except that some people are not up to the challenge. Like the Romanoffs.” She pointed her finger and fired off another round. “Pi-chew.” Page 137 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Most Interesting Man In The World By Bruce Wiseman

I was 18 and researching which university I should attend when I stumbled across that most trusted source of information for male adolescents at the time… Playboy Magazine. It’s true. If I ever run for public office, you can leak this to the press. While some of my more intelligent classmates knew exactly where they were headed in life, I, frankly, didn’t have clue. As one of America’s most inspirational philosophers, Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Page 140 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

And so I did. As I cast about for ideas, Playboy published an article ranking the top 10 party schools in America. Arizona State was #1. But San Jose State, a mere hour’s drive from my home, was #2. Bingo. The school lived up to its name and, may the gods forgive me, I did what I could to push it to #1. I have grandchildren now so the details will have to await my autobiography, if I ever write one, but there is one vignette that may be of interest. On Spring break of my junior year, four fraternity brothers and I piled into a dilapidated ’55 Cadillac with a fractured Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

grill and one blinking headlight, and headed south of the border. Everyone was either a board surfer or body surfer. We crossed into Northern Mexico at Mexicali. From there we headed to the West Coast and then due South. When we got to Mazatlan, which was not the tourist destination it is today, we staked out a plot of ground in a park 50 yards from the beach. A Mexican kid would come by in the morning, sell us some fresh oranges and then shinny up a coconut tree and knock down some coconuts. We would machete the tops off of the coconuts and enjoy the meat and milk and the oranges for breakfast. There was a palm frond covered cantina right on the beach in front of us. We would surf all day, break in the afternoon for fuel at the cantina – tacos and beer – and head into town after the sun melted into the Pacific. The beer drinking carried over into the night. The nightlife in Mazatlan in those days was like something out of a Sergio Leone movie. Let’s call it…rustic. It was in these seedy saloons, where I was introduced to a slender, dark companion – the dusky colored Mexican beer named Dos Equis. I liked the pungent flavor and even then, perhaps as a harbinger of things to come, I liked the brand itself. We later traveled South to San Blas, lived on the beach next to an Indian village, spent a night in a hotel full of bats and scorpions and eventually headed back to San Jose; sandal wearing, brown bodied surfers. It was a cool look in those days. The hedonistic days faded when I began taking school more seriously and eventually taught at San Jose State. Beer and study for graduate school exams did not mix. While I saw the Dos Equis brand occasionally over the following Page 141 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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years, I hadn’t really paid it any attention for decades. So it has been a real delight and a trip down memory lane to come across the brand from a professional point of view and marvel at one of the most creative ad campaigns I have ever seen. Look what happens when creativity is brought to bear on in depth market research. Dos Equis, is now the top selling imported dark beer in the United States. But it hasn’t always been that way, not by a long shot. How did this happen? It started with market research – a lot of it. According to the ad agency (Euro RSCG), the research revealed “…that the greatest fear of young, male bar goers is to be thought of as boring.” The agency’s account director, Mary Perhach, noted, “We had a tremendous amount of research that showed us….Drinkers wanted to be seen by their friends, and by ladies as interesting.” So what did EURO and Heineken (the owners of the brand) do with this research? Take a look. There is a 30 second commercial here. And if you want to enjoy some advertising genius, click the others right below it. http://adage.com/lp/top15/ #mostinteresting. In fact, there are dozens of these spots all over the Net. This is advertising brilliance built from the foundation of deep market research that found a single “Button” among beer drinkers – they did not want to be seen as boring. The result? Dos Equis soared from being a second tier beverage player, to the #1 imported dark beer in America. I say, long live the Most Interesting Man in the World….Because when it was his time to go, he told God he’d take a rain check. Oh, and if you want to become the most interesting brand in the world, give us a call. We have the research team and creative associates that can propel your brand to the top of its category.

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As one of our clients said: “We live, as you know better than most, in a world where

information is the rising currency of real value. Your information, provided by solid, yet unique and innovative research technologies, thus becomes great wealth. JB – President. Best, Bruce

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Positioning creates “want” for your product and drives sales. Best, Bruce Bruce Wiseman President & CEO On Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com Bruce@brucewiseman.net Interested? Call us. 818-397-1401

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What’s The Missing Vitamin To Help Prevent Strokes? Dr. Cherlynn Lee

Life Coach, RN, NP, PhD

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Vitamin D and Stroke How does 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D) blood or serum level impact arterial health as it relates to a stroke? Well, causality is unclear and additional research is warranted, but recent studies conclude that low vitamin D serum levels with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis is highly associated with the risk of stroke. [1] In a recent study, vitamin D serum levels were measured for stroke outcome among 464 women who developed ischemic stroke and an equal number of women who were free of stroke through 2006 in the Nurses’ Health Study.

meta-analysis” established an association between low vitamin D levels with the risk of stroke. Dr. Qi Sun and his colleagues agree that “maintaining adequate vitamin D status may lower the risk of stroke in women”. [2] In addition, a vitamin D deficiency is also link to a more server stroke and an unfavorable 90 day recovery outcome. [3] More importantly, reliable evidence links vitamin D deficiency to stroke in both men and women, it is believed that such a deficiency increases the risk of stroke by 50%. The question you should be asking yourself right now is what exactly is a stroke, how

Senior author Dr. Qi Sun, MD et al, of the Nurses’

do I get the adequate amount of vitamin D per day,

Health Study article entitled “25-hydroxyvitamin D

and are there any other preventive measures to

levels and risk of stroke: A prospective study and

decrease my risk of stroke? As you continue to read your questions will be answered.

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Stroke Facts A stroke is a sudden impairment in brain functions. It occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either obstructed (ischemic stroke) or ruptures (hemorrhagic stroke). Statistically, of all strokes, 87% are ischemic. Furthermore, a stroke results in a portion the brain becoming damaged, without adequate blood supply brain cells start to die after a few minutes. The extent of the deficit post-stroke is based on the area of the brain that was damaged and how long after the stroke one received medical intervention. It is essential to Act FAST, remain calm, and take deep breaths. F is for face, because of sudden weakness on one side one’s smile/mouth can be uneven. A is for arm, weakness on one side of the body can

 More women than men have a stroke  Stroke is the leading cause of serious, longterm disability in the United States.  Stroke accounts for 1 of every 20 deaths in the United States  When considered separately from other Cardiovascular diseases , stroke ranks number 4 among all causes of death, behind diseases of the heart, cancer, and Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

make it difficult to lifting the arm

Vitamin D

S represents speech, a person having a stroke could

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that refers to a

have slurred speech.

family of compounds. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)

T is time, call 911 at the first sign of a stroke.

is the form synthesized from cholesterol in sun-

According to the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Stroke Statistics [4]:  Each year, 795,000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke  Approximately 610,000 of these are first attacks and 185,000 are recurrent attacks  On average, every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke Page 147 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

exposed skin or the superior bioavailable form of vitamin D supplementation. Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) is synthesized by various fungi and is used in many supplements and as a food fortifier. Vitamin D is stored in the liver as 25-HO vitamin D and when needed it’s activated to 1, 25HO vitamin D by the kidney. A healthy kidney and liver is essential for optimal vitamin D status. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

References Available Upon Request

Vitamin D Dietary Sources Salmon Eggs (organic) Calf Liver (organic, 100% grass-fed) Butter (organic, grass-fed) Shitake mushrooms

16 µg/100g 1 µg/ medium egg 1 µg/100mg 0.1 µg/10mg 0.5 µg/ ½ cup cooked

It is difficult to obtain the daily recommended allowance of vitamin D from dietary sources alone.

Vitamin D Recommended Dietary Allowance for Females The Recommended Dietary Allowance for females age 9 years-old -70 years-old and older are as follows: 9-13 600 IU/day 14-18 600 IU/day 19-30 600 IU/day 31-50 600 IU/day 51-70 600 IU/day 70 and older 800 IU/day Pregnant 600 IU/day Lactation 600 IU/day Researchers at UC San Diego and Creighton University states that, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D underestimates the need by a factor of ten. In short, the above level are set too low to meet the needs of health individuals. [5] Just a note (1 µg vitamin D = 40 IU vitamin D). Page 148 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Vitamin D Functions 

The primary function of vitamin D is to regulate calcium levels and minerals in the blood and tissue. A drop in blood calcium will trigger production of active vitamin D, which stimulates calcium absorption from the diet, plus increases the release of calcium from the bones, as well as reduce renal excretion.

Vitamin D also supports skeletal functions. It is essential for normal bone growth, maintain bone density, and increase calcium deposition into the skeleton. Plus, vitamin D is used in the prevention and therapy of bone disorders

  

Vitamin D enhances resistance to infection by boost the immune system and increasing the response of white blood cells. Plus, benefits cell growth particularly epithelial cells Adequate vitamin D blood level is known to reduce the risk of Colorectal and Breast cancer Vitamin D is the only vitamin whose biologically active form is a hormone Last, as mentioned above vitamin D can also reduce the risk of stroke

(Please note vitamin D has several other biological function/uses, the goal was to highlight the functions that pertain to the topic at hand)

NuWellnessTM Healthcare conducts all the above test http:// www.nuwellnesshealthcare.com/ Or (310) 419-4300 Make your appointment today, time is of the essences…… How to ensure you are consuming the correct amount of vitamin D per day and test your vascular health? Because, too little vitamin D can increase your chances of a stroke and too much can lead to calcification of soft tissue. Plaque in the carotid artery can led to a stroke as well. At NuWellnessTM Healthcare we have mastered precision nutrition therapy and highly effective prevention protocols. The functional blood test we perform measures not only the presents of vitamin D but if it is functioning accurately within the body. Plus, we not only measure your cholesterol level and assess various ratios, but we measure the size of the lipid (fat) in the blood stream. Knowing the size of a

Vitamin D Toxicity

lipid molecule is vital. Collective these assess-

Excessive vitamin D intake that exceed the body’s need may cause hypercalcemia and calcium deposition into soft tissue, renal calcification and calcification of other soft tissue such as heart, lung, and blood vessels.

ments and test enables us at NuWellness to

Stroke Prevention Test Arterial ultrasound Measure Carotid intima-media thickness. Small LDL IDL LDL Particle Number Lipoprotein (a) Fibrinogen C-reactive protein (CRP) Homocysteine Cholesterol/LDL ratio 25-hydroxyvitamin D PTH Page 149 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

implement a superior treatment plan. In addition, we conduct a full vascular screening to reduce your odds of a stroke. Our treatment plan includes blood analysis, body scan, and complete physical. In addition, we recommend the following: a healthy synergistic diet tailored to meet all your needs, highly effective supplements, and physical activity to achieve a healthier you. Note, there are several other risk factors for stroke in which is addressed one on one at NuWellnessTM Healthcare. It a fact that, small changes can make a big difference! Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Open meetings anyone can attend! Of course we want you to join NAFE! .

To Pre Register for the Spring/Summer Speakers Go To www.NAFELosAngeles.com:

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Star of the hit BRA The nation’s #1 real estate broker and star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing New York shares his secrets for superstar success and getting what you want out of life—no matter who you are or what you do. Ten years ago, Fredrik Eklund moved to New York City from his native Sweden with nothing but a pair of worn-out sneakers and a dream: to make it big in the city that never sleeps. Since then, he’s become the top seller in the most competitive real estate market on the planet, brokering multimillion-dollar deals for celebrities, selling out properties all over the city, and charming audiences around the world as one of the stars of the hit Bravo series Million Dollar Listing New York. Now, for the first time, Fredrik shares his secrets so that anyone can find success doing what they love. According to Fredrik, even if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson, you’ve been in sales your whole life because every day you are selling your most important asset: yourself. Whenever you influAvailable of Amazon ence, persuade or convince someone to give you something in exchange Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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AVO show Million Dollar Listing New York for what you’ve got—whether it’s a luxury home, a great idea at work, or your profile on Match.com—you are selling. And if you know how to sell the right way, you can live your dream. That is what The Sell is all about. Blending personal stories, hilarious anecdotes, and the expertise he’s gained from his meteoric rise, Fredrik has written the modern guide on becoming successful, a book that tells you how to recognize and cultivate your true talents and make the ultimate sell. From the importance of being

your most authentic self to looking like a million bucks even if you don’t have a million bucks (yet!), he shows how intangible factors like personality and charm can get you noticed and make you shine. He also shares his tips and tricks for preparing, persuading, and negotiating so that in any of life’s dealings, you’ll come out a winner. Whether you work on Wall Street or at Wal-Mart, aim to become the top seller at your company or want to impress a first date, The Sell will help you have more personal and professional success, lead a rich and fulfilling life, and have fun along the way.

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About Barbara Barbara Corcoran’s credentials include straight D’s in high school and college and twenty jobs by the time she turned twenty-three. It was her next job that would make her one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country when she took a $1000 loan to start The Corcoran Group. As one of the “Sharks” on ABC’s hit TV show, SHARK TANK, Barbara has ponied up her own money and invested in twenty-two businesses, competing to make those deals for all to see, then shepherding them to success.

Her newest book, SHARK TALES, takes you behind the scenes of her life and business and her ‘seen on TV’ venture capitalism. Barbara is famously brash and blunt, bold and courageous, and a brilliant identifier of opportunity and talent (often invisible to others).

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Barbara's Other Publications

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2015 Summer Conferences Women Business Technology Social Media

SEAT Consortium

July 19-22, 2015


International Start-up Festival Montreal ,Canada

July 9-12, 2015


Blogher Conference

July 24-26, 2015


B2B Marketing Forum

Oct 21-23, 2015


Virtual Conference Series

Aug 14, 2015

http://vc.marketingprofs.com/ strategy0815/

Mozcon Seattle, WA

July 14-16, 2015


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This list is updated monthly

WSJ.D Oct 19-21, 2015 http://wsjdconference.wsj.com/

Content Marketing World September 8-11, 2015 www.contentmarketingworld.com/

Incite Summit September 18-19, 2015 http://www.incite-group.com/ Techweek Sept 14-20, 2015 Nov 9-15, 2015 http://techweek.com/ INBOUND Tech and Marketing September 9-11, 2015 Inspired

Oct 18-21, 2015


Fortune The Most Powerful Women

Oct 12-14, 2015

http://www.fortuneconferences.com/ most-powerful-women-summit-2015/

Grace Hopper

Oct 14-16, 2015


Business innovation Factory

Sept 16-17, 2015


World Business Conf

Oct 7-8, 2015


Sustainable Brand

Nov 16-18, 2015


POP Tech

Oct 22-24, 2015


Celebration of Women in Computing.

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Join NAFE at any of these Southern California Networks Nafe is the largest global network for women with over 66,000 members and recently celebrated its 42nd anniversary, they are headquartered in New York with affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams, supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $30.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits. As the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator I invite YOU to join us at one of our monthly NAFE meetings. Our networks are made up of entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives and women working for companies or even women starting a business. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:30 am at Call Director Bobbi Tomsovic 714-492-9262 email btomsovic@yahoo.com for new location

Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Calendar's Restaurant 5773 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90232 323-937-7952 Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.com

Menifee Nafe Network, Lunch meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Robbie Motter, NAFE Western Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Page 160 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Robbie Motter, Director 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl

Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Network meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at The Wine Tailor 8916 Foothill Blvd, Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. (Corner of Vineyard & Foothill ). contact joanwakefield@gmail.com Director

Riverside Nafe Network Joan Wakeland Director Riverside Nafe Group, Director Joan E Wakeland, email joanewakeland@gmail.com, phone 909-721-7648 Group meets the 2nd Tuesday at The Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Dr #7A Riverside, CA 92507 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com

South Orange County Nafe network meets the 1st Thursday 6:30 pm at Sarducci’s 26701 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, CA Contact Mikki StGermain, Director 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com

Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 12:00 noon at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91320, Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-7944005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com

Please contact the Director of the Network you are interested in, and also please RSVP for meetings. We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200 We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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