E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive November 2015 issue

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Living in Gratitude Women in Transition

A New Serires by Author Linda Rossetti

while Expecting Wonderful Things to Happen A sit down With Kathryn Hall YOYOYOUUU

Celebrity Chefs do the



Holiday Fashion Ralph Lauren SHERRI HILL Anna Sui MADAME

Closed Borders:

A Crime Against Humanity

PARIS Bombing Updates


r Sp g n i v i g nks


November 2015

$4.99 USA (CAN $5.99) Female-Exec.com Digital edition included with current subscription Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Do The 10 Day Cleanse and fit into that Little Black Dress. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Sometimes A Trip Home is What’s Needed

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d to Relaunch a New Future.

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Look Who’s Talking

Yang Lan, Media Mogul, TV host. Yamg Lan is ofter called “the Oprah of China.” The chair of a multiplatform business empire, Yang is pioneering more-open means of communication in the communist nation. Full bio



Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity www.TED.com Page 4 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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11 Message From the Editor’s Desk


Feng Shui

For Harmonious Holiday Gatherings


Special Segment

Our Humans Closed Borders A Crime Against Humanity By C. Lardner

Dr. Janet Woods

Holiday Fashion


Coats Gowns

Ralph Lauren Anna Sui MADAME SHERRI HILL

Living in Gratitude


A sit down with

Kathryn Hall

76 The PARIS Bombing!

A Nation in Crisis.



Culture has Strategy for Breakfast Excerpts from Peer Drucker

Women & Transition

84 Navigate The Holidays By Etiquette Expert

Rachal Isgar


Reinventing Work & Life A new series by Linda Rossetti


Protect Your Intellectual Property Abroad

Thanks Giving Special Segment 3 Complete Dinners The Best Basics!

By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder

Part 3: India

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The world stands in support of the Citizens of Paris. Our Hearts & Prayers are with you.

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Turkey & Wine -Perfect Match

The Wine Coach Laurie Forster

The Gift Horse


Part 3

170 LIFE Happens


By Jacquues McNeil

5 Special Segment

The Planet

122 Do the 10 Day Celebrity Cleanse & Get $50 Free

Presentd by Lawrence Anthony Earth Org.


130 Here’s some research that lays bare a rather

David Goodman


You Can Fit that Little

Black Dress.


It’s time to Get Serious About Water.

By Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval


Franchising Pit Falls Women Need to Avoid



Gratitude in Spite of YOUR Secret

Addiction and The Holidays

We’ve Got it All Here at


Stunning Marketing Misconception. By Bruce Wiseman Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Kathy Williamson E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 7

Subscribe and Connect

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Althea Ledford Editor

Rochal Iscar Etiquette Expert

Dr. Janet Woods Lifestyle Expert

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Author and Speaker. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


Laurie Forster

The Wine Coach

Corelean Chavis Author and Health

Kathryn Hall Vintner

Cynthia Lardner Barbara Wiseman

Chef Rich Mancini

Atty, Social Advocate

President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

Alina Estrada

Author and Health Advocate

Robbie Motter Aldeme Mitchell Creative Director

Daniel Djouder

“Economic and Geopolitical Analyst”

Bruce Wiseman

NAFE Global Coordinator


Anna Corsaro Crisis Expert

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Kathy Williamson Author and Speaker.

Author Jaques McNeil

David Goodman Franchise Expert

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 9

What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to the November Issue of

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. Our theme is Living in Gratitude while Expecting Wonderful Things to Happen featuring Vintner Kathryn Walt Hall. Before we launch into this month’s issue and in light of recent tragic events in Paris, let’s take a minute to really be grateful for our loved ones and friends. We have only to wake up in the morning and that alone is something to be grateful for. Despite the dozens of aggravating events that can take place in a day from parking tickets to waiting in line, to bad reports, kids in trouble, issues in the office and so on. Any one of these events, once lined up from the perspective of a “real tragedy” , would still cause you to be grateful for your simpler lot in life. We can truly lend our hearts and minds to the people of Paris during this thanksgiving season. Each life lost could have been one of our friends, relatives or neighbors. In fact, as we now live in a global village, they are our friends, family and neighbors. As we enter this holiday season, let’s each work hard to make the world a better safer place.

I hope you enjoy this issue.

-Althea Ledford

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Ralph Lauren Anna Sui MADAME SHERRI HILL Coats&Gowns

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Ralph Lauren

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Anna Sui

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Women & Transition Reinventing Work and Life

A New Series by Linda Rossetti Based on her New Book Women & Transition

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Meet Linda Rossetti Author & Advocate of Women & Transition

Linda Rossetti focuses on women’s development through research, advocacy and writing. She also serves as Managing Director for Golden Seeds, LLC, an angel capital network for women -led entrepreneurial businesses. She previously served as Executive Vice President for Human Resources and Administration for Iron Mountain; Board and Compensation Committee member for Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates; and CEO of EMaven, Inc., a venture capital backed tech start-up that was sold to Perot Systems, Inc., now Dell Corporation. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from Simmons College. Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

What You Need to Know about Women and Transition: Reinventing Work and Life. Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life introduces a new way of thinking about the events that shape women’s adult lives – like marriage or childbirth or job loss - and offers a step-by-step toolkit designed specifically for women in transition. The book chronicles the real life transition story of author Linda Rossetti, a Harvard MBA, veteran vc-backed tech start-up ceo and mom, and the stories of more than 200 other women who shared their transition experiences with her. The book repositions transition as positive and optimistic, a substantive departure from the negative characteristics typically ascribed to it. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Rossetti was inspired to write the book because of a gap she perceived between the narrative of women’s progress in society and what she encountered in her own life and in the voices of women who participated in her research. From her research Rossetti concluded that transition is widely misunderstood in our society and that the skill sets required to navigate it are underdeveloped. Rossetti reasons that this lack of understanding can translate into women misinterpreting the early signs of transition – a route that very often includes a personal narrative of failure or self-doubt for women. While the book highlights women’s transition both women and men can transition. What is gendered about transition is a woman’s response to it. Rossetti argues that this response is highly influenced by how women are socialized. Women’s socialization affects a woman’s voice; her access to reliable sources of recognition and support; and her beliefs regarding what’s possible thanks in large part to our male-normed society. The last factor is further complicated by the care roles that women frequently hold. Overall women’s socialization influences a woman’s belief system about what she could’ or ‘should’ do, critical inputs to the transitioning process. Page 29 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Women & Transition is told in three parts: understanding transition; the mechanics. of transitioning; and navigating transition. In understanding transition Rossetti defines transition; explores the differences between change and transition; and introduces a universal framework for transition. The mechanics of transitioning introduces the transitioning process and presents eight specific transitioning tools suitable for transition over the arc of women’s lives. In navigating transition Rossetti explores barriers to transition, lessons learned from women who’ve transitioned and ‘how to’ get started.

The story is told through vignettes of real life women making the text and its toolkit highly approachable. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Women & Transition serves as a cornerstone to a broader effort spearheaded by Rossetti to build the capacity for transition in women.

E Magazine had an opportunity to speak with Linda as she’s launched her new book Women and Transition. Let’s Listen in as

Linda shares her own experience with the challenge of self fulfillment and transition. (click to listen)

Rossetti argues that in order for women’s progress to accelerate the capacity for transition needs to be developed in women in parallel to renewed policy and programmatic efforts designed to address the cultural, governmental and workplace barriers that exist today for women and a growing but small number of men who hold care roles. Page 31 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Feng Shui for Harmonious Holiday Gatherings Dr. Janet Woods

Social gathering during the holidays can create some of the most memorable times of the year for friends and family. Whether it is an intimate lunch for two, or a huge traditional family sit down dinner. To make this event truly special consider using the Art of Placement, known as Feng Shui. Using this Asian principle will support you in creating an environment where your friends and loved ones can sit, and really savor the love you have put into your holiday celebration. Feng Shui, The Art of Placement is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. Your environment impacts you on many levels. Using the art of Page 34 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Feng Shui allows you to create harmony in your home and bring peace to social gatherings.

Psychologists have documented that by decorating our home and planning celebrations, you create feelings of happiness that increase our endorphins and trigger serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is known as the “feel good” hormone.

It Starts with the Table A round table is the best shape when planning a dinner party for a group of people. It means everyone is equal and able to Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

allow easy access to all chairs around the table. It is better to use a fabric tablecloth because it is warm, soft and tactile. This helps people to feel comfortable and relaxed. This also represents a special event to many people. Keep the fabric fairly plain and choose a white, ivory or pastel color. Light colors will open the heart and bring warmth to the table. Be careful with the color red when using a tablecloth. Red has been know to agitate and over stimulate certain individuals, and is the color we use in stop signs. It is best used as an accent color, or a pop of color to add a little drama. Try to avoid strongly contrasting stripes, checks or jarring abstract designs that can also agitate some individuals on a subconscious level. In restaurants contrasting patterns and checked tablecloths are use to make you eat faster. That is not what you want for your guest. You want them to linger and enjoy the wonderful meal you have taken time and energy to create just for them. Using fabric tablecloths softens the edges of sharp corners. if you need to use a rectangular table, the softness of a tablecloth helps the conversation to flow freely, and keeps the energy flowing gently throughout participate, with no one person dominating the celebration. There will be lots of movement so conversation will flow smoothly creating an atmosphere of connectivity. Your dinner table is the focal point of the meal. Place your dinner table in the middle of the room, which allows energy to flow throughout the room, and openness. You will need to remove any furniture pieces that are not being used that day. So if you have a display hutch or buffet you will not be using, get it out of the way. This will create more energy in the room and Page 35 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the room.

Table Top Decor Your table decor needs to be the brightest thing in the room to create a focal point and prevent dinner conversations from splintering off. Start with a round or octagon mirror in the center of the table. In Feng Shui mirrors are used to double the energy and intensity of a space.

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You can also add a mirror to the wall in the dining room. If you hang the mirror so it reflects an outside view of a garden or beautiful landscape, bring that into the dining area uplifts the energy of your celebration. Lighting plays a key role in creating a nurturing environment. Candle light is the easiest way to set the tone of a party.

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Place pillar candles or tea lights at varying heights to enhance the ambiance of the meal. Whenever you light a candle it will become a focal point and draw everyone a little bit closer. Make sure that they are not too tall, so that they do not create divisions between dinner guests. I do not recommend scented candles at the

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dining table. You want the food to simulate the appetites of your guests. Maintain harmony by balancing active and contrasting colors in your decorating. Be careful not to have too many decorations so that the eye, mind and senses are not over-stimulated. You will want to invite an even number of guests, so that everyone has someone to converse with. Be sure to keep the lights low and soft, and decorate with soothing earth tones like orange, gold, green and brown for Thanksgiving, and for the December festivities use lots of whites, gold, silver, and the last trend, copper. For Thanksgiving, you can incorporate a centrepiece of orange flowers to encourage conversation, or display vegetables, such as pumpkins, gourds, and cranberries to symbolize good health and longevity. You can also use Ivy in your arrangement as it symbolizes fidelity. For the Month of December when celebrating Hanukah use glass beads, the color silver, cobalt blue and white. For Christmas add pine cones which in Feng Shui are symbolic of friendship, and poinsettia flowers in red, pink or white. It is also fun to add tree ornaments as decoration to your table top. Another popular celebration is Kwanzaa.This is when you can use lots of yellow flowers,

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red napkins or candles as accents, and soft greenery as part of your table top dĂŠcor. Avoid using holly and pine tree branches on dinner table, as people will subconsciously 'flinch' from the sharp edges and prickly points from these seasonal trees and bushes. I know pine branches are used quite a bit in floral dĂŠcor.

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They may also contribute to sharp tongues and arguments at the celebration.

The Unseen Focal Point Music is a focal point that can set the tone for your celebration. It is a vibrational key that unlocks the senses. Make sure your choice of music is lively and happy. Use music without words. There are plenty of conversations going on, so music with words can be distracting, if you are not dancing. Use classical, jazz or piano music, which has been known to clear the mind, and energy of a space. Be sure that the volume is not so loud that people have to talk over it. Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Harmonious Seating Holidays are a time when loved ones gather to share their lives and a meal. There is also the possibility of unfinished emotional issues and negative memories between people that can derail a perfectly good celebration. Using the Art of Placement can help you to bypass these unpleasant situations and bring harmony to the dinner table. By using some key placement rules you can use seating arrangements to put people in their best power positions.

Rule Number One: Do Not put the husband at one end of the table and the wife at the other. This is called the head Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

the room without having to turn their heads. This is called the “Command Position”. This position is the furthest position away from the door and is supported by the back of a wall. If there are two or more entryways, the focus should be on the doorway most used by

your guests.

Rule Number Three Do not place unfriendly guest across form each other. This is known as the “Conflict Position. At this position the guest is constantly staring into the energy field of the person and begins to remember all the reasons they dislike them. To avoid this issue, position guests who are unfriendly on the same side of the table, and place a person or two in between them. When they are separated and on the same side, it takes more energy to start a fight.

Rule Number Four Be sure to support new guests and the vulnerable people at the celebration by seating them with a solid wall behind them. The solid wall represents support and a feeling of belonging. This is how we want all of our guests to feel.

Rule Number Five

and the tail position. On a subconscious level this is a position of conflict and can lead to tension for your guests. This is as if they are both firmly on opposite sides. It may look good at the movies, but does not work in real life. Proper placement would be for one partner to sit at the top of the table and the other to sit to the right or left of the other partner. This shows the guests there is unity and collaboration in the relationship.

Rule Number Two: The hosts should be facing the entryway to the room. This enables them to see people entering Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

It is very important when planning your celebration to use comfortable chairs. Wrought iron chairs may look beautiful but they are not very practical. Spending several hours seated at a table requires plenty of cushions. You may want to use chairs that have some cushion, or have fabric covers. Fabric implies softness and formality. If seating people of varying ages make sure that the children have the less comfortable chairs and that the adults get the most comfortable ones.

In Conclusion Using Feng Shui, the Art of Placement is a natural, holistic and intuitive way to celebrate the upcoming holidays. When you take the time and energy to create an environment that feeds the soul, nurtures the senses and creates harmony, you create lasting memories and joy for your loved one and guests.

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Changing Lives Shellie Hunt Founder & President

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Living in Gratitude A Sit Down with


Kathryn Walt Hall Page 43 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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busine United

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athryn Walt Hall

esswoman, community activist, and d States Ambassador to Austria. Francis Xavier Lalanne

Kathryn Walt Hall is the proprietor of HALL Wines and WALT Wines, and has been involved in the California wine industry since her family f irst purchased a vineyard thirty years ago. She has had a distinguished career as a successful businesswoman, community activist, and as the United States Ambassador to Austria.

one of the nation’s f irst and largest aff irmative action programs.Subsequently she worked as an attorney and businesswoman in Dallas, Texas,where she was president of an inner city development company and par tner of Hall Financial Group, Inc.

Craig & Kathryn Hall

Kathryn and her family have been grape growers in Mendocino County since 1972. The Walt family owns 63 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, Gamay, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc in the Redwood Valley and has sold their grapes to such wineries as Fetzer, Parducci and Beringer. Kathryn managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992, and during this time she produced Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon under the label WALT Vineyards.Kathryn began her public career as assistant city attorney in Berkeley, California.Later she joined Safeway Stores, where she was responsible for developing and administering

Long committed to social issues, Kathryn has served on numerous non-profit and institutional boards, addressing issues related to social care and mental health. She cofounded the Nor the Texas Food Bank, served on the U.S. House of Representatives Hunger Advisory Committee , and was the director/vice president of the Texas Mental

Listen to November 2015 Interview

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Health Association. Kathryn has served on the National Advisory Council for Violence Against Women and as a trustee of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. From 1997 to July 2001, Kathryn served as the United States Ambassador to Austria. During her term as Ambassador, she worked hard to promote American wine in Austria and Europe. Since her return to America, she has resumed her role as proprietor of HALL Wines along with her husband Craig. Continuing upon her experience promoting American agriculture inToday’s Austria, in SeptemPage 46 E The Magazine for Female Executive

2001 she was appointed to the United States Depar tment of Agriculture’s Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) for international trade. Kathryn is fluent in both French and German, earned an B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, a joint MBA from UC California, Berkeley & Columbia University and a J.D. from the University of California Hastings College of Law. Together with her husband Craig, they have four children.

“When I wake up in the morning, every morning, I look at the vines and I think How Lucky I am.”

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Artist Lawrence Argent

Hall Wines Highlights Nearly 700 HALL wine lovers converged on the grounds for a western-style bash on Saturday, September 12, 2015. Guests received bandannas upon arrival, noshed on farm-to-table bites, western style by Feast Catering, took scenic hayrides through the vineyard on a luxurious horse drawn carriage with leather bench seating, kicked up their spurs to the country band Twang Ditty and, of course, enjoyed the delicious new 2012 Kathryn Hall Cabernet which awardwinning Director of Winemaking Steve Leveque should be quite proud of considering the cabernet received 97+ points from Robert Parker. At HALL Wines, we pride ourselves on being leaders in innovation, while being Page 47 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

cognizant of our beginnings. We take this to heart in every aspect of HALL Wines from our vineyard practices and winemaking techniques to our tasting rooms and the facilities on our properties.

In the Vineyard & Winemaking Practices At HALL, we are passionate about environmental responsibility and sustainable stewardship of our land. All of our vineyards have been certified organic by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF). Farming organically involves committing to two principals: ecological production and maintaining organic integrity. Additionally, production methods must conserve soil, pollute little, and promote a healthy ecosystem. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

We value the land and we also value its creation, which is why we continue the tradition of hand picking all of the grapes throughout our estate vineyards. Once the grapes are brought to our winemaking facility, we process the grapes with innovative techniques to ensure the highest standard and quality of our wine. We have been using a cutting edge digital optical sorting machine to help us achieve this. The machine uses lasers and sensors to identify which grapes meet the requirements that we set and allow only the finest fruit to reach our fermentation tanks, barrels, and finished wines.

Winery Facility & Visitor Center The Halls acquired the historic Bergfeld winery in 2003 and have merged history with innovation with the state-of-the-art, LEED® Gold certified winery.

John Baldessari

Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In 2009, HALL became the first winery in California to be distinguished as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Gold certified fullysustainable production facility by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Juaume Plensa

preservation of the environment and bringing innovation to Napa Valley. HALL Wines is always looking for new ways to provide support and dedication to the sustainable-living movement. We continue to reinforce our commitment to the health of the land, as well as that of the greater Napa Valley ecosystem”, notes Ambassador Kathryn Hall, HALL Wines owner and vintner. LEED® Green Building Rating System. Since then, we also received another prestigious award of LEED® Gold Certification for modern Tasting Room & high-tech Production Facility. In addition to our recognition through LEED® certifications, we are the first vineyard and winery to install an ECOtality electric charging vehicle station.

In the Community “Since launching HALL Wines, we have been dedicated to the Page 49 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Alyson Shotz Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Corporate Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast A further Analysis of the Concept-Althea Ledford

The origin of the quote appears to be Mark Fields, at Ford Motor Company, in 2006, who attributed it to Peter Drucker, although I have not found that exact quote by him. It is certainly the sort of thing Peter Drucker might have said, but I haven't been able to source the quote, and neither has anyone else. Peter Drucker often argued that a companies culture would trump any attempt to create a strategy that was incompatible with it's culture. Drucker did say Company cultures are like country cultures. Never try to change one. Try, instead, to work with what you’ve got.” Sourxe J. Martineez

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There is a reason culture be it the culture of a country or the culture of a company have a stronger determination of behavior than strategy. The next few paragraphs will diagram and describe ‘why” professor Duckers' statement was so accurate. Social Structures have a hierarchy of derivatives. Meaning the lower base derivative hae an influence on all subsequent levels (derivatives ). The following diagram shows how these levels have unfolded throughout history. culture is a derivative of human nature. Culture travels within the generations with the following characteristics:  Subject to geographical location  Evolving practices over hundreds and hundreds of years. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

 

Pop-Culture is considered a trend. Developing new cultures are not always considered trends. (vulnerable to change)

Cultures are dynamic with accumulation of traditions, superstitions, foods and various powerful images. Practices within a culture aren’t always logical. Understanding the practices of a group or culture before interacting with them at a significant level really impacts the management of contingencies. Cultures will shift and adjust with exposure to new information. However, the levels of change and the depth of change as a result of this new information vary greatly between cultures. Culture can contain absolutely non-logical practices that are cherished by a particular group.

Social structures are a derivative of Culture. The way we establish laws and civic atmospheres are directly designed to fit within their particular cultures. Social structures tend to have some element of logic. Social structures have more observable measurements thus making some element of contingency, planning or predictability manageable. Because social structures have an element of logic, infers it can be reactive and adjust to reason. Business sits right on top of social structure. It is also a direct derivative of human nature filtered through a specific culture, filtered through a social structure or set of laws.

For example, a football game where the fans paint themselves, and the players pour Gatorade on the coach -if they win, what’s the logic of that? And the answer is absolutely none. There are countless examples of mindless wonderment we, Americans and other countries as well- happily engage in. Culture does not have to line up with intelligence or logic to be practiced.

Before the onset of the internet and the era of instant knowing, business were highly tailored to the social structures they were planted in. Even when they went global each global subsidiary was tailored to adapt to that countries particular social structures.

The lack of logic as a evaluation tool means that the only way to understand a culture is to experience it and study it.

Businesses are actually social systems within themselves. The next set of illustrations will show how business culture is almost as entrenched as social cultures.

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All business have a legal structure framing their operations. There are operating limitations attached to the various type of structures. Sitting on business Legal Structure is the business’s culture. These could actually be interchanged as the culture an influence which legal structure a business needs to take. Business culture is the ore that drives an operation. Whether it’s driven from the topdown meaning the founder or owner creates that environment or it’s organically evolved from within by it’s team members. It’s a businesses version of family traditions. It’s the under current by which all the other team

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members recognize each other. Business culture runs deeper than branding, logo and color choices. It’s the blood stream of a business and It will not change easily. The finer points of Policies and Procedures are directly steaming from business culture. Outside of what’s state regulated, policies and procedures are simply enforce the companies culture. This last level is where the truth is revealed. If a company can adjust to a new marker from the inside out, then the culture is flexible enough to substain itself in the future. On the other hand, if a company has a culture that is out of sync, rigid or stagnant, it will began to die. If the written strategy doesn’t consider culture, it’s useless and will not foster change.

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Protect Your Intellectual Property Abroad Part 3: India By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder

“The Industry's at war. I think it's about control. You can make all of the financial arguments that the industry has been shooting itself in the foot, but it is an industry built on a foundation of ownership and exploitation of intellectual property rights.”

Don Rose Page 59 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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This is part 3 of a series of article to help you protect your intellectual property when doing business abroad, a hot topic for any company running international operations. Each part will focus on an attracting country for foreign investors. One billion potential customers. Yes, in India alone. That one is reason enough for many businesses to set foot in the markets of this spiritual land, and countless more companies are looking forward to following in their footsteps. The story doesn't end there, though. There are other good reasons that set India apart as a particularly attractive destination. For one, the language barrier is reduced, as English knowledge is widespread. This is an important point for American companies, that could tip the scale when compared to other hot markets such as China, which, despite possessing a staggering customer base of Page 60 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

two billion people, could prove to be more problematic language-wise than India.Moreover, given its historical ties with the West, India is a common law country. Anyone who has got even minimum experience in doing business abroad is well aware of what a game changer that is. When you have to explore the law of your target location to do business, and find out that you are actually able to understand it because it is built on similar foundations Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Patented Novelty

and thought process of the law you are used to back in your home country, you can be certain that that will save you from a lot of headaches. It goes without saying, that is even more important for a topic such as intellectual property, which is heavy on the legal implications. So, without further ado, let's head to the spicy atmosphere of India and see how you can bring over your intellectual assets to start your business ventures. Page 61 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

India is a signatory to all the most important international agreements and conventions about intellectual property. The two fundamental national laws regulating patents are the Patent Act and the Patent Rules. The fundamental principle for eligibility to be patented – beside the usual nonobviousness and industrial applicability – is novelty. It should be noted that in India this requirement is interpreted very strictly as it must be absolute. Inventions that are already known either inside or outside the country are not patentable. The only exception is when the original inventor divulged their discovery for experimental purposes, and for a maximum period of 12 months. Utility models are not patentable in India, but there is a workaround if you have also a patentable invention. Indeed, The holder of a patent or of a patent application patent may file a further application – known as Patent of Addition – to protect an improvement or modification of an invention. A patent of addition follows the fate of the original patent Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

from which it depends. For instance, if the addition application is successful, it will be granted for the residual duration of the original patent. On the same token, the addition cannot be granted before the original patent is granted too. On the other hand, it is worth noting that if the original patent is revoked it is possible to ask the conversion of the patent of addition into an independent patent.

Patent Procedure Patents last 20 years from the date you submitted your application. You can file your request in either of the two official languages: Hindu and English. If the invention is still not completed, but you wish to obtain a date of submission, you have the option to file a provisional application, which may contain only a provisional description stating the nature of the invention, which and must be followed within 12 months by a regular patent application. The Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks works through four Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

branches located in Kolkata (Calcutta), Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. Resident companies have to choose the branch nearest to their registered office. Foreign applicants have more flexibility, they can simply name a representative who has its headquarters close to the branch of their preference. The patent are granted on average between 3 to 5 years from the beginning of the procedure.A particular aspect of the Indian procedure is the obligation for the applicant to submit a statement within 6 months from the filing date, setting out in detail the parallel applications filed abroad corresponding to the same patent sought out in India. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

applicant to provide their answers in a timely – and possibly – rapid fashion.

Protection For Your Inventions

Within 48 months from the filing date an applicant needs to file a Request For Examination (RFE) to assess whether the invention meets the requirements for patentability. The observations of the assessor will be collected in the First Examination Report (FER), which will be available to the applicant in about 2 years. If the report contains a provisional refusal, the applicant has an undelayable period of 12 months to reply to all the objections. It is possible that the assessor will answer once again with a provisional refusal that needs a reply. So, it's in the best interest of the Page 63 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Contrary to other locations, the best way to fight patent infringements in India is in the courts. Proceedings can be started only after a patent was granted and within 3 years from an infraction. Typical duration of a trial is between 3 and 5 years. The cause can be established at the District Courts (District Court), or at the High Court if one of the parties calls for the invalidation of the patent. A patent holder can request an Ex Parte Interim Injunction – which is a provision that forbids the infringer to create counterfeited products – or a search-and-seize injunction, which allows the authorities to search the premises of the infringer and seize any non-genuine products.

Anything is a Trademark The Trademark Law of India complies with all internationally accepted standards. The range of trademarkable entities is the widest, contrary to other areas of the world. Anything that could be conceived as a distinctive sign can be treated as a potential Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

trademark, including – beside graphic signs – sounds, smells, colors or combinations of any of the above. The crucial points are that trademarks must be distinctive as such, and not misleading, offensive, immoral, or disrespectful to religious sentiments.


register your brand in two versions, one containing Latin characters and one in Indian characters. Both natural and legal persons can register a trademark. Similarly to patents, novelty must be absolute, both nationally and internationally. One caveat on the territorial scope of the registration: it is valid only in the Republic of India, with exclusion of any of the territories of Sri Lanka or Pakistan, regardless of any claims that India may have on them. The registration procedure can be either direct, or through the Madrid system by submitting your application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, which also allows you to obtain the registration in multiple countries with a single submission. However, if you choose the latter, be aware that your trademark will still be subject to Indian laws and undergo the appropriate procedural steps. Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The trademark needs to pass an assessment phase to verify that all legal requirements are met. If there are no incidents during this stage, then the registration will be completed on average in 18 to 24 months, else the delay could go up to 5 years.


is customary for the Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks (Indian Trademark Office) to have a hearing before the novelty assessment. It is strongly advisable that applicants attend, otherwise the office often assumes Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The registration is valid for 10 years from the date it was granted and it is renewable for an unlimited number of times for periods of the same length. The request for renewal may be filed within 12 months prior to the expiration date. After this deadline it is still possible to proceed to the renewal within 6 months for an additional fee. After being registered, it is mandatory to make use of the trademark for an uninterrupted period of five years, or you'll run the risk to incur into the revocation. This sanction is inflicted only after request from a third party, and only if the owner of the registration cannot provide sufficient evidence of correct use for the required time span. Examples of correct use include, but are not limited to: use on products, packaging, invoices, advertisement, exhibitions and events. The evidence must show the date and be related directly to the Indian territory. that the interest in the registration has ceased and rejects the application. After successfully passing the novelty examination, the trademark is published and third parties can oppose to the registration within 3 months, if law requirements are not satisfied. Beyond that deadline, it is possible to start a cancellation procedure within 5 years. If also that deadline has expired, the only option left is to ask for cancellation if the trademark remains unused. Page 65 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Keeping Your Brand Yours Trademark infractions are criminal offenses in India. The Police may start investigations and seize counterfeited products. Offenders may still be punished with penalties ranging from 6 months to 3 years of imprisonment and fines up to INR 50.000.00, which are equal to about $ 7.750. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

On the other hand, using the symbol ® in relation to an unregistered trademark is also considered a criminal offense. The symbols that can be freely used, even in the absence of registration, are the sign TM (trademark) to identify products, or SM (service mark) to identify services. Since the novelty requirement is so strict in India, it is also possible to act against infringers even in the case of a brand which is not registered on the Indian territory, by invoking the principles of fair competition. This is called a Passing-Off Action. It goes without saying, in such cases it will be necessary to prove to have a “reputation” (visibility) to defend on the Indian territory. NAMASTE! Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

DISCLAIMER: this article contains general information about legal matters. The information is not legal advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this article as an alternative to legal advice from your attorney or other professional legal services provider. You should never delay seeking legal advice, disregard legal advice, or commence or discontinue any legal action because of information in this article. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Anna Corsaro


She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. Her Consultant Group and she provide Advice and Training in: Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | CounterTerrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail: anna.corsaro@aol.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv

Daniel Djouder He is a Multilingual Economic and Geopolitical Analyst who works as team-member for Anna Corsaro’s Consultant Group. He holds an MA in Law and Economics with honors, an MA in International Relations and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence. He writes articles for Geopolitical Monitor Intelligence Corp., The Daily Journalist, and Forbes. Keep in touch with Daniel: Email: danieldjouder@gmail.com LinkedIn: Daniel Djouder Twitter: @DanielDjouder

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Our Humans Humanity Making a Difference.

Closed Borders: A Crime Against Humanity By Cynthia M. Lardner Attorney, Social Advocate, Journalist http://appearoo.com/DeverouxCleary Crimes currently being prosecuted or under investigation by the International Criminal Court all involve Arab or African countries, save the Ukraine. European countries have largely escaped ICC scrutiny. However, the refugee crisis in the European Union has created a factual scenario that may, if it has not already devolved into the commission of a crime against humanity. Specifically, those countries which have already closed off their borders to staggering numbers of beleaguered refugees, many of whom are children, woman and others who are ill and all of whom are certainly hungry and cold, have opened the jurisdictional Pandora's box. Page 70 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

To the right is a map showing refugee routes and border closings, and below is a timeline in brief: October 17, 2015

Hungary closed its

Turkish border, building a fence

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topped with barbed wire, to preclude the refugee route to Germany, the country of preference amongst refugees[i]. October 19, 2015


threatened to close its borders in response to a lack of agreement as to support by the European Union and suspends compliance with Schengen Agreement allowing for free travel to those lawfully within the European Union[ii]. October 24, 2015

Slovenia stated

it will follow Hungary’s lead and close its border to the nonstop influx of refugees at a cost of 80 million Euros; money that could be better spent on humanitarian relief[iii].

threaten to close their borders if Germany closes its own border; perhaps with the understanding that Germany was the preferred country[iv]. October 28, 2015

Austria indicates it

will be closing its border[v]. October 31, 2015

Austria and now Slo-

venia stated they are closing borders necessary for refugees to pass through to the northern and Western European countries creating panic amongst the refugees and spurring divisiveness within the European Union[vi]. October 31, 2015

Germany indi-

cated that is overwhelmed by the flow of refugees and is limiting the number of entry

October 25,

points to five where 50


refugees can be proc-

Bulgaria, Ser-

bia and Romania Page 71 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

essed per hour at each Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

October 31, 2015

The voice of reason

appears in the form of a joint statement issued by Union Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and International Committee of the Red Cross President Peter Mauer. Citing 60 million people having been displaced as a result of armed conflict:

They called on states to do the following to help bring about peace:

■ protect and assist displaced people fleeing insecurity, and help to find long-term solutions ■ ensure unhindered access to medical and humanitarian missions ■ condemn those who violate international humanitarian law ■ redouble efforts to find sustainable solutions to conflicts (Emphasis Added) [viii] That statement most certainly contained

■ rein in armed groups and hold them accountable for abuses, and stop the use of heavy weapons in populated areas Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

less than veiled hints that crimes against humanity were being committed in Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

violation international human rights law[ix], specifically the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the most relevant of which is the Fourth Geneva Convention[x], the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [xi], especially the Elements of Crimes, and the International Declaration of Human Rights[xii]. Both the Geneva Convention and Article 14 of the International Declaration of Human Rights guarantee the right to political asylum to which all 193 members of the United Nations are bound by to uphold. The most egregious violations of these treaties are considered crimes against humanity. Page 73 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The International Criminal Court has 123 member nations and investigates and prosecutes genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. For there to be jurisdiction for the prosecution of a crime against humanity under Article 7, there must an intentional act meeting the Element of Crimes, otherwise known as a prima facie case. Under Article 7, a "crime against humanity" includes “any inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health”, as well as ”persecution Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in para-

This is not human; we are not animals,” said Kawphar Zangana, an Iraqi refugee and father.")

graph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court.” In this case, there is a universally recognized right to seek political asylum.

Conclusion The statement issued by Mr. Ki-moon and Mr. Mauer outright called for the condemnation of those who violate international humanitarian law. Condemnation is commonly defined as censure, to pronounce guilty, punishment and sentencing. Certainly, if the practice of closing off borders continues, the ICC has jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute those responsible.

References Available upon request. Page 74 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

About The Author Cynthia M. Lardner holds a journalism degree, she is a licensed attorney and trained as a clinical therapist. Her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking understanding that everything and everyone is subject to change given the right circumstances; Standard Theory or Theory of Everything. Ms. Lardner has accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, as well as accounts under the pseudonym of Deveroux Cleary, and is globally ranked in the top 1% of all account holders for her outreach and influence. Having just relocated to Den Hague or The Hague, she is currently looking for a challenging position that will fully utilize her collective skill set.

cynthiamlardner@gmail.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The making of The War Room

The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The PARIS Bombing! The right, the wrong and thinly Veiled. By: Cynthia M. Lardner

Friday the 13th’s massacre attacks in


Paris by radicalized terrorists calling them-

French President Francois Hollande, in his

selves ISIL on bars, restaurants, a concert

speech to joint session of both houses of

hall and a stadium in which 129 people

Parliament, stated that France is “at war” with

died and more than 350 others were in-

Syria. While an interim 10 ten day ‘state of

jured, has resulted in international outrage

emergency” had already been called, Mr.

precipitating widespread media coverage.

Hollande asked for an immediate bill to be

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intelligence, France engaged in airstrikes in Syria. Ten fighter jets targeted sites, including a command centre, a recruitment centre for jihadists, a munitions depot and a training camp, in the terrorist’s stronghold in Raqqa, Syria, successfully dropping 20 guided bombs. Mr. Hollande stated that France’s military campaign against the terrorists in Iraq and Syria will only intensify. Mr. Hollande stated that France’s European allies were obligated to assist in protecting its citizens. During the same address, he referred to United States having already stepped up to do so. In essence, Mr. Hollande invoked Article Five of the Washington Treaty governing NATO members. Article Five requires NATO member nations to defend other members when faced with a threat. Article Five is a commitment clause or casus foederis requiring each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state to be an armed attack against them all. Article Five states: The Parties agree that an armed attack against one passed placing France under a three month “ state of emergency”[i]. This would effectively reduce constitutional rights while increasing the French military and police officers’ ability to conduct a thorough investigation.

or more of them in Europe or North America shall be

Over the weekend, with the assistance of U.S.

51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist

Page 77 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article

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Photo Courtesy of ABC News

the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security [ii]. Invoking Article Five will hasten the sharing of intelligence, heighten European action against arms trafficking, and improve concerted attacks against radicalized terrorists on domestic soil and abroad.

that, “This is not a traditional military oppo-

As for the type of military invention, Presi-

Britain’s M-15, which handles domestic sur-

dent Barack Obama addressing the G20

veillance, and M16, responsible for global

Summit in Antalya, Turkey, firmly stated


Page 78 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

nent. We can retake territory and as long as we keep our troops there we can hold it. But that does not solve the underlying problem of eliminating the dynamics that are producing these kinds of violent, extremist groups [iii].” “There’s also the role of surveillance, domestic and foreign, and getting private companies, like Apple, to allow the U.S. government access” by the National Security Administration (NSA)[iv]. NSA surveillance, the most elite and comprehensive program of its kind, will be augmented by programs already in place in allied countries, such as

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THE REFUGEE CRISIS Mr. Hollande, during yesterday’s speech, and Mr. Obama, at the G20, both reiterated that the Syrian refugees are just as much victims of terrorism as were the 129 brutally slaughtered in the Paris attacks this past Friday. To exclude the right of refugees to seek political asylum in the European Union and the U.S. would be a crime against humanity[v]. Despite an outcry over accepting refugees by several U.S. States, Mr. Obama “urged the U.S. to “step up and do its part” to help those fleeing the civil war[vi]”.

If the incident resulted in backlash against the refugees, it would be consistent with the terrorist’s radicalized view that those fleeing from Syria are also its enemies deserving to be punished. Closing the door only furthers the terrorist’s agenda. The other consideration is that ISIS recruits globally from outside of those sharing its ideology, preying upon those individuals who are disenfranchised and malcontent. Denying a safe haven to refugees only increases the pool of individuals from which ISIS can recruit[viii].

betrayal of our values… Our nations can wel-


come refugees who are desperately seeking

The radicalized terrorists also recruit from

safety and ensure our own security. We can

among those who lured by what is no less

and must do both,” Mr. Obama stated at the

that its blasphemous use of the term

G20 Summit[vii].

“Caliphate”. A Caliphate is a prophet sent

Presidents Obama and Hollande both stated

by God, not only to lead all of Islam but to

that there will be a better system of registra-

provide just governance[ix]. Abu Bakr,

tion for Syrian’s seeking refuge.

leader of the radicalized terrorists de-

“Slamming the door in their faces would be a

clared himself the rightful Caliphate on June 29, 2014[x]. The continued use of these names by the governments and mass media only Page 79 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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allows the terrorists to use mass media to

About The Author

tiate the blasphemous use of the words Ca-

Cynthia M. Lardner holds a journalism degree, she is a licensed attorney and trained as a clinical therapist. Her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking understanding that everything and everyone is subject to change given the right circumstances; Standard Theory or Theory of Everything. Ms. Lardner has accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, as well as accounts under the pseudonym of Deveroux Cleary, and is globally ranked in the top 1% of all account holders for her outreach and influence. Having just relocated to Den Hague or The Hague, she is currently looking for a challenging position that will fully utilize her collective skill set.

liphate, Muslim and Islam.


its advantage[xi]. During his speech, Mr. Obama was definitive in stating that ISIS isn’t a “state”. But, when we refer to it as ISIS, or as IS or ISIL, we inadvertently condemn the innocent Islamic population and perpetuate deepseated mistrust and rampant discrimination against them. In the few days since Friday’s attacks, peaceful Muslim people have already adopted the slogan “not in my name”[xii]. This writer suggests that it would serve humanity’s best interest in the fight against terrorism to call the group what it really is: “the radicalized terrorist group”. It would vi-

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Navigating The Holidays Etiquette Tips For A Smoother Holiday

By Rachel Isgar

Once November hits we start thinking about the upcoming holiday season. For some of us that is exciting and for some of us we associate it with a fair amount of stress. Some of us are very excited to take our china out once a year and plan a full holiday meal and put up holiday decorations. Some people simply choose to go away for some of the holidays so they don’t have to host company or holiday meals and can avoid family conflict.

No matter which religion you practice (or don’t) there are some common threads that getting ready for the holidays involve.

Page 84 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Table Settings What if I don’t own china or have enough nice dishes for a full table to set but I want to host Thanksgiving at my place this year?

 China is beautiful but not necessary in my opinion.  Perhaps we registered for china if we are married and feel like we have to use it. It is often passed down as an heirloom and has sentimental value too.  Table settings can range from one plate for the main course and one plate for dessert to multiple plates and courses. This is a personal choice of the host. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

acceptable in this day and age. You can also buy beautiful disposable silverware (caution some of these are a little tricky to cut into chicken or meat with. I have had many a plastic utensil break on me).

 Remember if you are a guest you are not typically the one doing the dishes.

 Think about how

There are numerous websites that show beautiful layout arrangements from simple to advanced. Know your stress level as a host or hostess so you can plan for a casual approach to entertaining so you can have fun with it and this starts out with figuring out your menu and dishes.

 Generally if the host is having fun, everyone else will follow the lead. If the host appears stressed that may wear off on company.  It is perfectly acceptable to assign guests different dishes to bring. You should know that there are beautiful knock off disposable china place settings which can be purchased at Costco, Smart and Final, Party City, etc… amongst other stores and this is very Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

many courses you are serving so you have an idea of the quantity you will need to buy before you get to the store.

 Thanksgiving can be a great time to teach your children to set the table if you have not done this yet.

 It is also a good time to explain why you use different sized forks and spoons with fancier meals. Sometimes adults don’t know the differences either.

Table Decorations 

Some people like to place name holders at individual seats so people know where to sit.  This can also be very helpful with holiday events where there are divorced parents with both in attendance.  These can also be helpful if you are trying to mix up the ladies and the men and the children.  Making the placeholders can also become a great art project for children prior to the holiday if they are seeking a way to be involved in the day’s planning and events. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Putting flowers or holiday themed decorations out at the table gives a very festive look.  Candles are also a great addition if young children are not present.  For a guest coming that is very craft oriented they may have a field day making some holiday decorations, but be specific on what you are asking them to do. Make sure you will have room at the table for decorations before putting too much thought into it.  Michael’s Arts and Craft Stores have tons of great ideas on display and the supplies you need to replicate. Page 86 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Invitations  Request an R.S.V.P. with a specific date on the invitation whether it is sent in the mail or electronically. As the host you need an accurate head count.  Don’t be surprised if a lot of people don’t R.S.V.P. even when you asked them to. In this case it is o.k. to follow up to see if they are coming. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Hosting In-laws or Your Own Parents

Holiday Arguments  A holiday meal is not the time for divorced couples to discuss issues. If there is business that needs to be taken care of then find a way to approach this before or after Thanksgiving so everyone can enjoy the day!

 If you and your spouse or significant other differ on how to handle conflict with company around figure it out early in your relationship. A quarrel with your mate can make a special day go south.

 If you have issues with your own child(ren) be careful to pick your battles and really limit it on the holiday. You all want to have happy memories later on.

 Don’t draw a third party into your issue.  If you need to vent to make it through the day

then go outside far away where no one can hear.

I have a brother-in-law that I adore. He told me many years ago that after three nights house guests can smell like fish (meaning that 3 nights is the perfect amount of time for a visit). If guests are traveling a far distance it is o.k. to also consider the option of a hotel for a portion of the visit even though this may be uncomfortable to introduce.

 Set a timeline for the visit before you

 

make the invite. Choose this timeline very carefully with your spouse or significant other. If your houseguests have airline tickets they will not be leaving early. Have an activity planned each day. Even if the event is an afternoon card game or scrabble game or taking the Grandkids to the park, it will give everyone something to look forward to and offer some structure.

 Take out food for dinner some nights of the visit is A o.k. You do not have to cook for your      

company very night nor should you be expected to. Your parents or in-laws should at least offer to pay for the take out food or eating out. Have some good movies on hand for watching at night after dinner. Keep up your regular exercise routine if you have one. Your houseguests will understand and you will need the break and mental release. Encourage your houseguests to take a walk weather permitting so you can get some time alone in your house. Allow and encourage in-laws to get involved. Everyone wants to feel needed. No one wants to feel like they are a burden. And, you may really need an extra set of hands if you are the host. If you have children this is a good opportunity for you to get a date night out while the Grandparents watch the kids for a couple hours (if they are able to do this). It also gives special bonding time for the Grandparents and grandchildren. You may need to bring this idea up….. If there is a real issue brewing in the house let the actual son or daughter of the In-laws be the one to deal with it.

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Hostess Gifts Do not under any circumstances show up for Thanksgiving dinner without a hostess gift or a dish for the meal (even if you ask the host what you can bring and they say “just yourself.”). If you want to contribute a dish to the meal ask the host or hostess in advance what you can contribute towards the meal so you are not duplicating. Great hostess gift recommendations are:

 Flowers  Bottle of wine  Pretty disposable

napkins for the bathroom (especially during the cold and flu season this is a great gift)

FLOWERS WINE GIFTS WINE GIFTS FLOWERS Don’t show up and regift something that may have been given to you by a member of the group you will be with. Also if you are even considering regifting make sure the item is in its original packaging and has never been opened.

If it is a food item make sure it is new and fresh. Thanksgiving reminds us to be thankful for what we have. Putting some advance planning into the holiday season and sharing some of the ideas in this article with your extended family can make the day special for everyone!

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Thanksgiving Special Segment Part 1 Featured Chefs Executive Chefs Rich Mancini & Roshni Gurnani

This year E magazine has devided the food segment into 2 parts. Part 1 is featuring two fantastic ExecutiveChefs and Part 2 has loads of the best basic dishes-the effort of over a dozen chefs around the country. Read, Enjoy and Share this issue with friends. It’s a great resource you can reference for years to come. Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Executive Chef Rich Mancini

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Biography With impeccable taste and a flare for excellent service, Chef Rich Mancini is quite at home in the kitchen.He has been chef to a host stars including the Rolling Stones, U2, INXS, the crew of Airforce 1, the movie crews for Chain Reaction, My Best Friend’s Wedding and more. Chef Rich has appeared on prestigious cooking shows as well… Chef Wanted where he won the title of Season 1 Winner and most recently Hell’s Kitchen 2013. After an 11-year stint as an acclaimed restaurant owner, Chef Rich is getting back to what fills his heart… catering to people directly. Whether its an inhome gathering, catering or a corporate party, the service is sure to satisfy with Chef Rich in the kitchen. CREDENTIALS Chef Rich Mancini solidified his talent as an acclaimed restaurant owner in North Shore of Chicago for 11 years. He is a certified Executive Chef – an American Culinary Federation member holding licences in both Chicago and the state of Illinois. EXPERIENCE Chef Rich has been chef to a host stars including the Rolling Stones, U2, INXS, the crew of Airforce 1, the movie crews for Chain Reaction, My Best Friend’s Wedding and more. Chef Rich has appeared on prestigious cooking shows as well…Chef Wanted where he won the title of Season 1 Winner and most recently Hell’s Kitchen 2013 SCHOOLING/TRAINING Chef Mancini attended the oldest culinary institute in the United States, Washburn Culinary. where he received world-class culinary and hospitality training. With the latest culinary techniques perfected, Chef Rich was able to take his training to some of the most prestigious celebrities of the day. Page 95 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Thanksgiving Menu Appetizers Cheese & olive platter w/ Crostini’s Turkey meatballs w/ tomato sauce

Salad Great fall greens w/ candied pecans, dried cranberries, mini heirloom tomato’s, blue cheese w/ a white balsamic dressing

The Bird Full roasted and carved fresh hoka Turkey/ giblet gravy

Sides Mascarpone and fontini mashed potatoes Fresh whipped red sweet potatoes w/ pecans and brown sugar Fresh green beans w/ crispy onions Homemade cranberry relish w/ walnuts and strawberries

Dessert Homemade pumpkin cheesecake w/ Chantilly cream

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Herb Butter Roasted Turkey Ingredients 3/4-cup butter, softened 1 1/2 teaspoons poultry seasoning 2 tablespoons garlic herb sauce mix (recommended: Knorr) 1 1/2 teaspoons crushed garlic 1 (32-ounce) bag celery and carrot party sticks 2 large onions, large dice 1 (32-ounce) container lowsodium chicken broth 12 -pound turkey, thawed if necessary 1-tablespoon salt 1-tablespoon pepper 3 (3/4-ounce) packets fresh herbs poultry herb blend (sage, thyme and rosemary) 1 lemon, thickly sliced Directions Watch how to make this recipe. In a small bowl, combine softened butter, poultry seasoning, garlic herb sauce mix, and crushed garlic. Use a fork to mix together until well combined. Cover and put in the refrigerator for 15 to 30 minutes, until firm but not hard. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Arrange celery, carrots, and half of the diced onions in the bottom of a roasting pan. Add chicken broth and set aside. Rinse the thawed turkey and pat dry. Use your

finger to carefully loosen the skin around the entire bird. Take the butter mixture and cut into large pieces. Place the butter pieces under the skin of the entire turkey. Rub the remaining butter pieces on the outside of the skin and season with salt and pepper. Stuff the inside of turkey cavity with remaining onions, fresh herb poultry blend, and lemon slices. (Truss if necessary.) Insert the pop-up thermometer at an angle about 3inches down from the neck cavity and 2-inches from the breastbone, in the thickest part of the breast.

Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in a high-sided saute pan. If using fresh beans, cut them lengthwise while you wait for the water to boil. Add salt and green beans to boiling water and cook until just tender. Drain beans and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking. Return the skillet to medium heat and add the butter. When butter is melted, add the almonds and cook until golden brown. Return the green beans to the pan, along with the juice of 1/2 a lemon, add salt and pepper, to taste. When warmed through, top with fried onions.

Place turkey on the bed of vegetables in roasting pan. Place in the oven and reduce temperature to 325 degrees F. Roast for 1 hour, then baste with pan juices every 20 minutes until thermometer pops up or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the turkey.

Pumpkin Soup

French-cut-green Ingredients 1-pound fresh green beans or frozen French-cut green beans Salt 1 to 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/4 cup slivered almonds (2-ounce package) 1/2 lemon, juiced Ground black pepper 1 can fried onions

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INGREDIENTS 2 3/4 pounds sugar pumpkin or butternut squash, halved and seeded 1 onion, peeled and quartered through the stem 2 shiitake mushrooms, stemmed, caps wiped clean 1 garlic clove, peeled 1/2 cup olive oil Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper 5 cups homemade or storebought low-sodium vegetable stock DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Cut pumpkin into 2-inch pieces. Combine pumpkin, onion, mushrooms, and garlic on a

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rimmed baking sheet. Add oil and 2 teaspoons salt; toss to coat, then spread in a single layer. Roast until pumpkin is tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife, about 30 minutes, rotating pan and tossing vegetables halfway through. Let cool, then remove skins. Transfer vegetables to a medium saucepan; heat over medium. Pour in 2 cups stock; puree with an immersion blender until smooth. With the blender running, slowly add remaining 3 cups stock, and puree until smooth. Bring soup just to a simmer. Remove from heat, and season with salt and pepper. Cover to keep warm.

Turkey Meatballs Ingredients              

Meatballs: 1-cup plain breadcrumbs 1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan, plus more for serving 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil 1/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley 1/4-cup whole milk, at room temperature 1-tablespoon ketchup, optional 1-tablespoon tomato paste 3/4-teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 large eggs, at room temperature 2 cloves garlic, minced sausage links, casings removed Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling

1 small onion, finely chopped 1-pound ground dark turkey meat  1-pound spicy Italian turkey  

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. For the meatballs: In a large bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, Parmesan, basil, parsley, milk, ketchup if using, tomato paste, salt, pepper, eggs, garlic and onions. Using a wooden spoon, stir to blend. Add the ground turkey and sausage meat. Using fingers, gently mix all the ingredients until thoroughly combined. Using a 1-ounce cookie scoop or a small ice cream scoop, form the meat mixture into 1 1/2-inch balls (22 to 24 meatballs). Place the meatballs on a heavy nonstick baking sheet, spacing apart. Drizzle with olive oil and bake until cooked through, 15 minutes. For the tomato sauce: Heat the olive oil in a large deep skillet with 2-inch-high sides over medium-high heat. Add the garlic, onions, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of the basil, the fennel, oregano and crushed tomatoes. Bring to a simmer. Cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens slightly, stirring occasionally, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in the remaining 1/4 cup basil. Adjust the seasoning with more salt and pepper if desired. Add the meatballs to the tomato sauce and simmer until the meatballs are heated through, about 10 minutes. Thin the sauce with chicken stock, 1/4 cup at a time, if needed.

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Turkey Meatballs Sauce: 1/4-cup extra-virgin olive oil 3 large cloves garlic, smashed and peeled 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to season 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more to season 3/4 cup chopped fresh basil 2 teaspoons finely ground fennel seeds 2 teaspoons dried oregano Two 28-ounce cans crushed tomatoes 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth, optional

Cranberry relish sauce 1 
lb. cranberries 2 
cups sugar 1⁄2
cup water 1⁄2
cup orange juice 2 
teaspoons orange zest, grated 1⁄2
cup almonds, slivered (optional) DIRECTIONS Combine everything (except almonds) in a skillet. Cook uncovered over medium heat until most of the cranberries pop open and the mixture is thickened, 7-10 minute. if desired, add almonds. let cool, and serve or refrigerate up to a day.

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It’s A Canadian Thanksgiving! Asia, UK, Canada and the US. Today Roshni is a highly innovated and passionate chef with over 15 years of industry experience. She has a unique fusion style of cooking, blending different cultures together. Her hard work and dedication has brought her to where she is today. In 2009 Roshni was awarded Chopped Champion on the hit Food Network show Chopped. In 2009 she was also the first Chef in Boston to introduce healthy restaurant style quality food into college campuses and was featured in the Boston Globe Newspaper. This triggered the healthy food scene throughout colleges in Massachusetts. Roshni’s wide travels and vast knowledge and hunger for the culinary world has awarded her as being one of the top 5 Indian chefs in USA by India Currents magazine, in 2011. In 2011 Roshni was also invited to be

Biography A native of Canada, Roshni has always been interested and passionate about food. Since the tender age of 7 she wanted to be a chef and her career began at the age of 13. She started her path to become a chef at a local diner bussing tables and prepping vegetables. After graduating from The culinary Institute of Canada, Roshni began her travels around the world to gain knowledge and experience in different cultures and foods. She has cooked in 5 star hotels, Country Clubs, restaurants, colleges and private homes is Page 98 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the featured chef for Masala, Mendhi, Masti in Toronto Canada, North America’s largest South Asian festival. In 2012 Roshni was a contestant on the very popular FOX TV show Hell’s Kitchen with Michelin Star chef GordonRamsey. Today Roshni is a Culinary Professor at the Art Institute of America in Houston Texas. She is also a chef consultant and private chef. She feels that “there is never an end to flavors and foods.” “Food is a journey not a destination”.

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Sautéed Brussels sprouts with turkey bacon and onions

Fall fresh roasted veggies

1lbs Brussels sprouts 1/2 lbs turkey bacon chopped 1 red onion julienne 1 clove chopped garlic 1/4 cup white wine 2 tbs butter

1/2 cup baby carrot steam on 1 cup parsnip peeled 1 lbs red bliss potato 1 cup peal onion peeled 1 head garlic chopped 1/2cup olive oil 1 bunch Rosemary 3 tbs maple syrup Salt Pepper In a late boil mix oil, maple syrup, garlic. Add veggies and coat evenly. Spears on a sheet tray and top with rosemary sprigs. Bake on 400' for 15-20 mins

Challah French toast with fresh berries and walnut maple reduction

Baked side of salmon with pickled vegetables 1 side salmon 1 bunch dill 2 lemons sliced 1/4 lbs butter cubed 1/2 cup cauliflower 1 cup pearl onion peeled 1 cup radish, halved 1 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup sugar 2 tbs kosher salt 2 bay leaf 5 cups water

1 loaf challah bread 1 dozen eggs 1 cup cream 2 cinnamon sticks 1 juice of orange 2 pints berries of choice 1 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup bourbon Powdered sugar Cooking spray

In a pot boil water, cider, sugar, salt, bay leaf, once boiled turn off and pour liquid over vegetables and let soak for 7-10 minutes, strain. Arrange salmon on platter surrounded by picked vegetables

Whole Roasted leg of lamb with fresh orange and mint jus

In a bowl whisk eggs, cream and orange juice, add cinnamon sticks and place in fridge over night.

Spray non stick plan with cooking spray and put on medium Place salmon on a sprayed heat. Dip and coat slices of cookie sheet, top with butter, dill, bread and seat in pan on each and sliced lemon, bake on 350' side until golden brown. for 15 mins In a pot add syrup and bourbon and simmer on low for 30 mins Cut and Place cooked fresh toast on a plate, top with syrup mixture, fresh berries and powdered sugar.

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Heat skillet, melt butter, add Brussels sprouts and bacon, sautéed for 6-8 minute, add garlic and onion, sautéed for 5 mins, deglaze with white wine, summer for five minutes. Serve. Can top with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

1 leg of lamb 6 oranges 1 bunch of mint 1 cup red wine 1 head garlic peeled 1 tbs dry chopped rosemary 1 pint yogurt 3 oz tomato past In a bowl mix yogurt, tomato paste, garlic cloves, 1/2 cup red wine, Rosemary and coat over lamb. In a roasting pan place lamb covered and bake on 350' for 30 mins and the. Uncover and continue baking for 35-40 mins for medium. In a pot squeeze oranges and add the orange, add the mint bunch with steams and 1/2 cup wine, simmer on low for 30 mins. Pour over lamb before serving

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Part 2 The Best Basics Individual Holiday Dishes

Turkeys Traditional Baked Turkey Ingredients: One 20 pound fresh whole turkey, giblets and neck removed from cavity and reserved  3 sticks of unsalted butter, melted, plus 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature  2 teaspoons salt  2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper  2 teaspoons granulated garlic  Cheesecloth  Roasting pan Foil 

1) Rinse turkey with cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Let stand for 2 hours at room temperature.

2) Place oven rack on lowest level in oven. Heat oven to 450 degrees. Fold a large piece of cheesecloth into quarters and cut it into a 17-inch, 4-layer square. Immerse cheesecloth in the melted butter and let soak. 3)Place turkey breast side up, on a roasting rack in a heavy metal roasting pan. Remove the pop up cooking timer that comes with the turkey. It's best to use an instant-read thermometer because it is much more accurate. Fold wing tips under turkey. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon each salt, granulated garlic, and pepper inside turkey. Fill large cavity and neck cavity loosely with as much stuffing as they hold comfortably; do not pack tightly. Tie legs together loosely with butcher's twine. Fold neck flap under, and secure with toothpicks. Rub turkey with the softened butter, and sprinkle with remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, granulated garlic, and pepper. 4) Lift cheesecloth out of melted butter, and squeeze it slightly, leaving it very damp. Spread it evenly over the breast and about halfway down the sides of the turkey; it can cover some of the leg area. Place turkey, legs first, in oven.

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be golden brown. The breast does not need to be checked for temperature. If legs aren't fully cooked, baste turkey, return to oven, and cook another 20 to 30 minutes. 7) When fully cooked, transfer turkey to a serving platter, and let rest for about 30 minutes. Slice, serve, an enjoy!

Special Thanks To Gillian Larson, Founder of Reality Rally and the Reality Rally Chefs As major contributors for this segment. Cook for 30 minutes. Using a pastry brush, baste cheesecloth and exposed parts of turkey with butter melted butter. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue to cook for 2 1/2 more hours, rotating the pan and basting every 30 minutes and watching pan juices; if the pan gets too full spoon out juices (reserving them for gravy).

For more information Visit www.realityrally.com

5)After the third hour of cooking remove and discard cheesecloth. Turn roasting pan so that the breast is facing the back of the oven. Baste turkey with pan juices. If there are not enough juices, continue to use melted butter. The skin gets fragile as it browns, so baste carefully! Cook 1 more hour basting after 30 minutes. 6) After this fourth hour of cooking, insert an instant-read thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh. Be careful not to poke into a bone. The temperature should reach 180 degrees (stuffing should be between 140 degrees and 160 degrees) and the turkey should Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Cornbread D


Deep Fried Turkey Ingredients

Smoked Turkey Ingredients   

1 (12 pound) whole turkey, neck and giblets removed 1 (20 pound) bag high quality charcoal briquettes hickory chips or chunks

Directions 1. Place the charcoal into the bottom pan of the smoker. Light the coals and wait for the temperature of the smoker to come to 240 degrees F (115 degrees C). Lightly oil grate. 2. Rinse turkey under cold water, and pat dry. Place hickory chips into a pan with water to cover. 3. Place turkey onto the prepared grate. Add 2 handfuls damp chips at start of cooking, then a handful every couple of hours during the cooking process. Leave the lid on - DO NOT keep looking at turkey, or you will let the heat out! Continue smoking until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches180 degrees F (82 degrees C), or keep going until the coals die out.

1 (10-pound) turkey 2 tablespoons House seasoning, recipe follows 2 tablespoons of your favorite dry rub 3 to 5 gallons peanut oil Cooks Note: To measure the amount of oil needed to fry the turkey, place turkey in fryer, add water to top of turkey, remove the turkey and the water line will indicate how much oil will be needed to fry your turkey. Having too much oil can cause a fire. The pot should not be more than 3/4 full or the oil could overflow when the turkey is added.

Directions Wash bird inside and out, and allow to drain. Rub turkey all over with House Seasoning. Coat turkey with dry rub. Allow the bird to sit until it reaches room temperature. Heat peanut oil in a turkey fryer or a very, very large stockpot to 350 degrees F. Lower turkey into hot oil, very carefully, making sure it is fully submerged. Fry turkey for 3 minutes per pound plus 5 minutes per bird. Remove turkey from oil and drain on paper towels. House Seasoning: 1 cup salt, 1/4 cup black pepper & 1/4 cup garlic powder. Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container for up to 6 months. Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/ recipes/paula-deen/deep-fried-turkeyrecipe.html?oc=linkback

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Oyster Cornbread Dressing Ingredients 2

1/2 pounds cornbread


sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter, plus more as needed  2 cups mediumdice celery (about 6 medium stalks)  1 cup peeled, mediumdice celery root, also known as celeriac (about 1/2 medium celery root)  3/4

cup small-dice red onion  Kosher salt 2

tablespoons finely chopped freshthyme leaves  1 tablespoon celery seeds, crushed  Freshly ground black pepper  1 1/2 cups stock or lowsodiumchicken broth  12 fresh oysters, shucked and liquid reserved  3 large eggs, lightly beaten  1/4

cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves.

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Dressings To save time, you can make your cornbread ahead of time and freeze it. If you don’t want to make your own, buy a pan of good-quality cornbread at a bakery or specialty-foods store.

Special equipment: An oyster knife has a broad, thin, but sturdy and rigid blade. Some have a small hook at the tip to help wedge open the shell. An oyster knife shouldn’t be sharp. The blade has to be just thin enough to insert into the tightly closed shell and strong enough to pop the shell apart without snapping or bending.

Game plan: The heat and time required to safely cook stuffing that’s packed into a good-size turkey usually results in a breast with the flavor of sawdust. The stuffing should be cooked to 160°F, the same internal temperature required for the turkey, so you’d think it would work perfectly. But when the bird is at 160°F and ready to serve, the stuffing (insulated against the oven heat by the bird) is still undercooked and needs at least another 90 minutes in the oven. Which is why preparing your stuffing separately, as done here, is ideal. The cornbread needs to dry in the oven overnight, so plan accordingly.

Instructions 1. Heat the oven to 275°F and arrange a rack in the middle. 2. Using your hands, crumble the cornbread into pieces no larger than 3/4 inch onto a rimmed baking sheet. Spread into an even layer and bake for 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and let the cornbread dry out inside the oven overnight. 3. The next day, transfer the cornbread to a large bowl and set it aside. Heat the oven to 350°F with the rack in the middle. Coat a 13by-9-inch baking dish with butter; set aside. 4. Melt 1 1/2 sticks of the measured butter in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the celery, celery root, and onion, season with salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. 5. Add the thyme and celery seeds and cook, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper and transfer to the bowl with the cornbread. 6. Drizzle the stock or broth and the oyster liquid into the bowl and stir until completely incorporated. Fold in the oysters, eggs, and parsley. 7. Transfer the stuffing to the prepared baking dish. Cut the remaining 1/2 stick of butter into small pieces and scatter them over the top of the stuffing. Bake until golden brown on top, about 40 minutes.

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Apple Cornbread Dressing Ingredients 

          

1 recipe Easy Cornbread, chilled and cut into 3/4 -inch cubes (or about 9 cups of your favorite cornbread) 4 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/2 stick), plus more as needed 2 medium Gala or Pink Lady apples, cored and medium dice 2 medium Granny Smith apples, cored and medium dice 4 medium celery stalks, medium dice 1 medium yellow onion, medium dice 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon ground sage 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 cup dry white wine 1 1/2 cups stock or low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth 2 large eggs lightly beaten

Instructions 1.Heat the oven to 375°F and arrange a rack in the middle. Coat a 13-by-9-inch baking dish with butter and set aside. 2.Place the cornbread in a large bowl; set aside. 3.Melt the measured butter in a large frying pan over medium-high heat until foaming. Add the apples, celery, onion, salt, sage, and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion has softened, about 8 to 10 minutes. Add the wine, stir to combine, and cook until the wine is almost all evaporated, about 2 minutes. 4.Pour the apple mixture over the cornbread, add the broth and eggs, and stir until combined and thoroughly moistened. 5.Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking dish and spread it into an even layer. Bake uncovered until the top is golden brown, about 35 to 40 minutes. Remove to a wire rack and let cool for at least 5 minutes before serving. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Cornbread Dressings Pies and Cobbl continued


Roasted Chestnut, Sausage & Cornbread Dressing Ingredients 

         

1 medium carrot, peeled and roughly chopped 1 medium onion, roughly chopped 1/2 bunch fresh sage 1 1/2 lbs loose hot sausage 1 lb roasted chestnuts (peeled and chopped) 1 cup low-sodium chicken stock 5 cups of cubed corn bread 1/2 cup heavy cream 1 large egg extra virgin olive oil freshly ground sea salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375F and butter a 9x11 baking dish. 2. Puree the carrot, onion, and sage in a food processor until you have a fine pulp. 3. Brown the sausage in a large skillet with a little extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. 4. Once the meat has browned nicely and the fat has rendered, remove with a slotted spoon and place in a large mixing bowl. 5. Add the vegetable pulp to the skillet and saute until most of the moisture has evaporated. 6. Season with salt and pepper. 7. Add the cooked vegetables to the mixing bowl along with the sausage, cornbread, and roasted chestnuts. 8. In a separate bowl mix the chicken stock, cream, and egg. 9. Add this mixture to the large mixing bowl, season with more salt and pepper and fold everything together. 10.Pour into the baking dish and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the dressing is golden brown. (Tent with foil if it browns too early).

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Boysenberry Cobbler Mixture 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/3 cup sugar 4 cups boysenberries 1/8 cup water 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Batter topping 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons soft butter 1 egg, slightly beaten 3 tablespoons milk

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In a saucepan mix cornstarch, sugar, and water. Add berries and cook on medium to medium high heat until mixture is thickened, about 15 minutes. Add butter and lemon juice. Pour into an 8" baking dish. 3. Prepare the batter by mixing all of the batter ingredients and beating with a spoon until the batter is smooth. 4. Drop the batter over the berry mixture. Bake 25-30 minutes at 350°F 5. Let cool. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


enough of the liquid into the flour mixture so it comes together in a rough ball; do not overwork. Discard the remaining liquid. Divide the dough in half and wrap each half in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 2 hours. To make the filling, in a bowl, toss together the apples, the 1/2 cup sugar (adding more to taste if the apples are tart), cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon juice.

Peach Cobbler Ingredients:

 3 lb. peaches, peeled, pitted and each cut into 8 slices

 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbs. plus 1 tsp. granulated sugar

 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbs. firmly packed light brown sugar 2 1/2 Tbs. cornstarch 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice 1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg 1 Tbs. unsalted butter, cut into small pieces  1 batch cobbler dough (see related recipe at left)  1 egg, lightly beaten Vanilla ice cream for serving (see related recipe at left)

   

Directions: Preheat an oven to 425ºF. In a large bowl, stir together the peaches, 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbs. granulated sugar, the brown sugar, cornstarch, lemon juice and nutmeg. Transfer to a 2-quart rectangular baker and scatter the butter pieces on top. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the cobbler dough 1/4 inch thick. Tear the dough into 3-inch pieces and place on top of the peach filling. Brush the dough with the beaten egg and sprinkle with the 1 tsp. granulated sugar. Bake the cobbler for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 350ºF and bake until the topping is browned, 50 to 60 minutes more. Transfer the pan to a wire rack and let cool for about 20 minutes. Serve the cobbler with vanilla ice cream. Serves 10 to 12.

Apple Pie

Preheat an oven to 400°F.

Ingredients: For the pastry:  2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour  1 tsp. salt  2 Tbs. sugar  10 Tbs. (1 1/4 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces  10 Tbs. cold vegetable shortening, cut into pieces  7 Tbs. ice water 1 tsp. distilled white vinegar For the filling:  2 1/2 lb. baking apples, peeled, cored, quartered and cut lengthwise into slices 1/2 inch thick  1/2 cup sugar, plus more as needed  1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon  1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg  1 Tbs. fresh lemon juice  2 Tbs. unsalted butter, cut into pieces  1 egg yolk  1 Tbs. heavy cream

Directions: To make the pastry, in a large bowl, stir together the flour, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center, add the butter and shortening and, using your fingertips, rub them into the flour mixture until small, flat pieces form. In a cup or small bowl, combine the water and vinegar. Using a fork, gently mix just

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On a lightly floured work surface, roll out half of the dough (leave the other half refrigerated) into a 12inch round about 1/8 inch thick. Fold the dough in half and then into quarters and transfer it to a 9-inch pie dish. Unfold and gently press into the bottom and sides of the dish. Trim the edges even with the rim. Roll out the remaining dough into a 10-inch round about 1/8 inch thick. Turn the apples into the pastrylined pan, mounding them slightly in the center. Dot evenly with the butter. Brush the edges of the dough with water. Fold the dough round into quarters and unfold over the apples. Press together the top and bottom crusts to seal, then trim the edges flush with the rim of the dish and crimp to form an attractive edge. In a small bowl, beat together the egg yolk and cream and brush over the pastry. Make a few slits near the center to allow steam to escape. Bake for 25 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F and continue to bake until the apples are tender (insert a knife blade through a slit) and the top is golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes more. Transfer the dish to a wire rack and let the pie cool for at least 20 minutes before serving. Makes one 9-inch pie; serves 8.

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Pies and Cobblers


Pour the filling into the warm prepared pie crust and bake for 50 minutes, or until the center is set. Place the pie on a wire rack and cool to room temperature. Cut into slices and top each piece with a generous amount of whipped cream.

Pumpkin Pie Ingredients

1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 cups canned pumpkin, mashed 1 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg plus 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 cup half-and-half 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, optional 1 piece pre-made pie dough Whipped cream, for topping

Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Place 1 piece of pre-made pie dough down into a (9-inch) pie pan and press down along the bottom and all sides. Pinch and crimp the edges together to make a pretty pattern. Put the pie shell back into the freezer for 1 hour to firm up. Fit a piece of aluminum foil to cover the inside of the shell completely. Fill the shell up to the edges with pie weights or dried beans (about 2 pounds) and place it in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, remove the foil and pie weights and bake for another 10 minutes or until the crust is dried out and beginning to color. For the filling, in a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese with a hand mixer. Add the pumpkin and beat until combined. Add the sugar and salt, and beat until combined. Add the eggs mixed with the yolks, half-andhalf, and melted butter, and beat until combined. Finally, add the vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger, if using, and beat until incorporated.

Pumpkin Cheese Cake Ingredients

Pecan Pie Ingredients 

1 cup Karo® Light OR Dark Corn Syrup  3 eggs  1 cup sugar  2 tablespoons butter, melted  1 teaspoon Spice Islands® Pure Vanilla Extract  1-1/2 cups (6 ounces) pecans 1 (9-inch) unbaked OR frozen** deep -dish pie crust

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Mix corn syrup, eggs, sugar, butter and vanilla using a spoon. Stir in pecans. Pour filling into pie crust. 3. Bake on center rack of oven for 60 to 70 minutes (see tips for doneness, below). Cool for 2 hours on wire rack before serving. **To use prepared frozen pie crust: Place cookie sheet in oven and preheat oven as directed. Pour filling into frozen crust and bake on preheated cookie sheet.

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Crust: 1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 3 tablespoons light brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 stick melted salted butter Filling: 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, at room temperature 1 (15-ounce) can pureed pumpkin 3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk 1/4 cup sour cream 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. For crust: In medium bowl, combine crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Add melted butter. Press down flat into a 9-inch springform pan. Set aside. For filling: Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add pumpkin puree, eggs, egg yolk, sour cream, sugar and the spices. Add flour and vanilla. Beat together until well combined. Pour into crust. Spread out evenly and place in oven for 1 hour. Remove from the oven and let sit for 15 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours.

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Gluten-Free Vegetables

Stuffed Winter Squash Ingredients 3/4 lb. ground turkey (95 percent lean) 3 Tbs. olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced (4 tsp.), divided ¾ cup of chopped tomatoes 4 acorn squash, halved and seeded 1/8 tsp. cayenne, plus more for sprinkling squash 1/8 tsp. cumin 3 ½ oz feta cheese 1 ½ oz toasted pine nuts small bunch chives, snipped 1 red pepper, chopped 1/3 cup quinoa ( make sure to rinse quinoa well before cooking)

Candied Beets Beets are a great source of folate, iron, B complex, vitamin A & C, beta-carotene, magnesium and potassium. Beets have a natural sweetness to them making them perfect as an additive to side dishes and salads.

Ingredients 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 cups pealed & steamed cubed beets, 1/2- to 1-inch cubes ½ cup chopped walnuts

Endive & Red Cabbage Salad w/Feta Endive is a lettuce that most people do not utilize enough. This cool weather leafy green is most notably known for its high quantities of vitamin K per serving which the body needs to coagulate the blood. It is also high in vitamin A for eye health, the phytonutrient kaempferol, which is being studied for ovarian cancer cell inhibition. Red cabbage has ten times more vitamin A than green cabbage because of the dark pigments involved. It also contains two very important phytonutrients that are essential to eye health and preventing macular degeneration, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Preparation Preheat oven to 400. Place cut squash face down in a 9×13 casserole dish and bake until tender, 35 to 40 minutes. Boil water and prepare quinoa following directions on box Heat oil in pan on medium heat. Add cut tomatoes and garlic until soft and then add ground turkey, a pinch of cayenne, cumin and 1 teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until browned. Transfer to bowl and cover. Scrape out baked squashes, forming 1/4 inch thick bowls. Combine squash with meat mixture, quinoa, pinenuts, feta cheese and chives. Divide among squash halves, and return to the oven. Bake until warmed through and tops are browned. 12 to 14 minutes.

Combine brown sugar, orange juice, butter, salt and pepper in a large nonstick skillet. Cook over medium heat until the sugar and butter are melted and starting to bubble. Stir in beets and walnuts and cook until most of the liquid has evaporated and the beets are coated with glaze, 6 to 8 minutes. Serve hot or warm.

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Ingredients 2-4 cups endive 2-4 cups red cabbage ½ cup of feta 2 stalks of celery ¼ cup of finely chopped walnuts A few dashes of salt and pepper 2 tbsp of lemon juice 5 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp of red wine vinegar This is made to order depending on how many people are eating. Combine equal amounts of endive and red cabbage.

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Thanksgiving Sides and Vegetables Gluten-Free Desserts

Apple Crisp For the filling: 6 medium apples, peeled, cored, and diced 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons raw honey 1 teaspoon lemon juice

For the topping: 1/2 cup almond flour 1/2 cup certified gluten-free whole oats 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 1/4 cup raw honey 3 tablespoons unsalted butter


Preheat oven to 375 degrees In a medium bowl, combine the apples, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons honey, and lemon juice. Stir together until apples are coated evenly. In a separate bowl, whisk together the almond flour, oats, salt, remaining cinnamon, and pecans. Use a fork or your fingers (it's messy, but effective) to mix in the remaining honey and butter, until the topping has a crumbly consistency. Arrange the apples into a 9-inch pie dish or baking dish. Cover with the crumble topping. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Apple crisp is best served immediately, when it's warm. It can also be served at room temperature. Store, covered, in the refrigerator up to four days.

Pumpkin Ravioli

Carribean Lobster Paella

.Filling 1 Hard Squash Butternut Olive Oil Salt Nutmeg Parmesan Cheese Grated 2 Tblsp mascarpone cheese

Yield: 4 portions Ingredients Amounts  

Pasta Dough

1 ½ Cups Semolina Flour Fine Grind 1 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour ½ tsp Kosher Salt 3 Eggs XL 2 Tblsp Olive Oil

Filling, Peel and seed squash cut up into med size cubes toss in 2 Tblsp of Olive oil lay out on a sheet pan and roast at 300 till very soft. Pass cooked squash thru a food mill, grind into a mixer on low add mascarpone cheese Parm cheese and mix add nutmeg and salt to taste and let cool. Pasta dough, sift the semolina flour, salt and AP flour into a bowl, make a well in the center in a separate bowl whisk the 3 eggs till blended. Add olive oil and eggs to center of the well and with your hands mix until the dough well blended, let rest for 30 min Assembly, Rough dough into thin strips using a pasta rolling machine put filling into pastry bag and pipe 2oz of filling about 1 inch apart egg wash the edges of the pasta and between each filling cover with another layer of dough and cut with a ravioli cutter let rest for 30 min.

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                

Garlic cloves, coarsely chopped 3 ea. Sweet onion, cut into large dice 1 ea. Celery rib, including leaves, chopped 1 ea. Poblano pepper, large, split, 1 ea. seeded and ripped coarsely Chouriço 4 oz. Bay leaves 2 ea. Tomatoes, ripe, diced, or 3 ea. 2 cups/473 ml diced canned tomatoes Saffron threads ½ tsp. Risotto, parcooked 2/3 cup or other short-grain rice Caribbean lobsters, (1 ½ lb.) 2 ea. still squirming Oranges, juice of 2 ea. Fish or lobster stock, ½ cup or low-sodium natural clam juice Mussels, rinsed and debearded ½ lb. Sea salt Ground black pepper Olive oil, as needed

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1. Preheat your oven (or smoker) to 500°F/260° C, or its highest level. 2. In a wide, metal pan, place ¼-cup of olive oil, the garlic, onion, and celery. Put it in the oven and let cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion softens, 8 minutes. Add the green pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the color brightens and they turn a bit brown.

3. Add chouriço, bay leaves, tomatoes, and saffron. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes, simmering Ingredients: the “sauce” in the oven. Add 1 lb Chorizo (small dice) 2 Large Sweet Potatoes (small dice) the risotto and stir. 4. Split the lobster from head to tail. Scrape the entrails out of the body and head cavities. Clean the vein in the tail. Crack the claws with the back of a French knife or whack with a meat mallet. (This permits the claw meat to cook in approximately the same time as the tail.) Add the orange juice and stock to the sauce. Place the lobster halves on the sauce, spooning some onto all parts of the lobster. 5. Back to the forno. Cook for 10 to 20 minutes, then add the mussels. Cook for about as long again. When it is done, the lobster tail meat will be firm (not dry—that’s why you spooned the sauce over it). The mussels will be open and the rice cooked through. Add salt and pepper to finish. The chouriço and the natural brininess of the mussel and lobster juice add salt; do taste before you salt. 6. Serve in the casserole dish with big spoons, claw crackers and picks.

Brussels Sprouts

Chorizo & Sweet Potato Hash



1 Large Red Pepper (small dice) 1 Honey Crisp Apple (1/8” x 2” strips) 1 tbs Minced Garlic 1 Red Onion or Spanish Onion (small dice) 2 Tomatillo (small dice) 1/3 Cup Grated Parmesan TT Salt TT Pepper 2 Oz Oil 2 tbs Unsalted Butter 4 Oz White Cooking Wine Mascarpone Cheese Cooking Instructions: Put a large sauté pan on high heat and let pan get hot. Add oil to pan and let oil get hot. Add your small dice Chorizo and render down the fat aprox 2 minutes. Add the Sweet Potato and let cook for an additional 3 minutes, tossing the mixture about every 30 seconds. Add your small dice Red Pepper and continue on high heat for an additional 2 minutes again tossing every 30 seconds. Add your Onion and Garlic and cook down until onion becomes slightly translucent. Add your Tomatillo and White Wine to deglaze the pan. Once wine is reduced to 1/3 add your butter and mix well tossing until melted. Add your Parmesan by half until you have it at a consistency of your liking and serve. After Plating take about 1 tablespoon of mascarpone per plate and Garnish with a cannel on top of hash. **This Recipe can also be made into a stuffing by adding some Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme and some large dice day old bread at the very end and then baked for about 6 minutes at 400 degrees

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1 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts 3 tablespoons good olive oil 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Read more at: http:// www.foodnetwork.com/ recipes/ina-garten/roastedbrussels-sprouts-recipe2.html? oc=linkback .

Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut off the brown ends of the Brussels sprouts and pull off any yellow outer leaves. Mix them in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour them on a sheet pan and roast for 35 to 40 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. Shake the pan from time to time to brown the sprouts evenly. Sprinkle with more kosher salt ( I like these salty like French fries), and serve immediately. 1999, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, All Rights Reserved

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Thanksgiving Sides and Vegetables Co

Carrot and Ginger Rice with Mint .

Yields: 4–6 servings This is a good example of how easy it is to take a basic concept and turn it into something unique simply by changing the base ingredients. Rather than simply having white rice cooked in water or stock, I’ve used aromatic jasmine rice and infused it with Ginger essential oil.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup jasmine rice 1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt 2 cups carrot juice 5 drops dōTERRA Ginger essential oil 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint

Glazed Spicy Sweet Potatoes

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees (400 convection).

Yield: 4 Servings

2. Coat large baking dish or roasting pan with oil.

This side dish adds a vibrant, tropical flavor to any meal.

Ingredients:     

Directions 1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (325 convection). 2. Heat a 1- or 2-quart saucepan over high heat until the heat can be felt radiating from the surface of the pan when your hand is held about 6 inches above the bottom of the pan. 3. Add olive oil to the pan and tilt the pan to coat evenly. 4. Add rice and salt; stir frequently to keep from burning. When rice starts to turn opaque, remove pan from heat and gradually add carrot juice. 5. Add Ginger essential oil and place lid on the pan (or cover tightly with foil if a lid isn’t available) and place in the preheated oven; bake for 30 minutes. 6. Remove from the oven and let sit covered for 10 minutes. 7. Remove cover and fluff rice with a fork. 8. Stir in the chopped fresh mint and serve hot.




 

4 tablespoons butter, melted 4 tablespoons honey Juice of 1 lime 2 teaspoons ground allspice 8 drops dōTERRA Cinnamon Bark essential oil 5 drops dōTERRA Ginger essential oil 2 pounds orangefleshed sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch thick slices Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Fresh thyme sprigs for garnish (optional)

Note: The sweet potatoes can be prepared in advance and then reheated in the oven to heat through.

3. In large bowl, stir butter, honey, lime juice, allspice, and Cinnamon and Ginger oils together until blended. 4. Add sweet potato slices and toss to coat before placing on baking pan in a single layer. Note: If a bowl large enough to mix everything together isn’t available, place the potatoes on the baking pan and pour the glaze over the potatoes, tossing on the pan to coat as evenly as possible. 5. Arrange the slices in a single layer in prepared dish or pan. 6. Season potatoes with salt and pepper. 7. Bake the sweet potatoes for 10 minutes and then stir to coat with glaze. 8. Continue baking another 10– 15 minutes or until tender and slightly caramelized. 9. Transfer to bowl and garnish with fresh thyme leaves, if desired.

To purchase the doTERRA essential oils in these recipes, please contact: B.J. Miller email consultbj1@aol.com Phone 323.209.8130 http://www.mydoterra.com/bjmiller

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sauce mixture and simmer for a couple of minutes uncovered to reduce the sauce. Transfer the beans to a serving dish and pour the sauce over them.


Macaroni & Cheese


Ingredients 1/2 pound elbow macaroni 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon powdered mustard 3 cups milk 1/2 cup yellow onion, finely diced 1 bay leaf 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1 large egg 12 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded 1 teaspoon kosher salt Fresh black pepper Topping: 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup panko bread crumbs


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large pot of boiling, salted water cook the pasta to al dente. While the pasta is cooking, in a separate pot, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and mustard and keep it moving for about five minutes. Make sure it's free of lumps. Stir in the milk, onion, bay leaf, and paprika. Simmer for ten minutes and remove the bay leaf. Temper in the egg. Stir in 3/4 of the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Fold the macaroni into the mix and pour into a 2-quart casserole dish. Top with remaining cheese. Melt the butter in a saute pan and toss the bread crumbs to coat. Top the macaroni with the bread crumbs. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and rest for five minutes before serving.

String Beans Ingredients 1 pound fresh green beans, trimmed 3 tablespoons light soy sauce 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon white sugar 2 tablespoons sesame oil 2 teaspoons minced garlic

Directions 1. Place the green beans in

a large saucepan or pot with one inch of water. You may place them in a

steamer insert if you have one. Bring to a boil, cover and cook for 5 minutes, they should still be firm and bright green. 2. In a small bowl, stir together the soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sugar; set aside.

3. Heat the sesame oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook until starting to brown. Add the green beans and stir to coat with the oil. Stir in the soy

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cranberry Sauce


Directions Empty a 12-ounce bag of fresh or frozen cranberries into a saucepan and transfer 1/2 cup to a small bowl. Add 1 cup sugar, 1 strip orange or lemon zest and 2 tablespoons water to the pan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves and the cranberries are soft, about 10 minutes. Increase the heat to medium and cook until the cranberries burst, about 12 minutes. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the reserved cranberries. Add sugar, salt and pepper to taste and cool to room temperature before serving. Read more at: http:// www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ food-network-kitchens/perfectcranberry-sauce-recipe.html? oc=linkback

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Turkey and Wine-Perfect Together! Laurie Forster The Wine Coach


people that love food and wine, Thanksgiving just might be the perfect holiday. It is the one time of year we assemble where it’s about dining and thankfully no major gift giving is involved. The traditional meal in our house consists of the infamous turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and maybe some green bean casserole to Page 114 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

round out the plate. With so many different dishes in one meal it may seem like finding a wine that pairs with everything is as likely as balancing the budget. With a little work however you can find some great wines that can handle the variety of dishes found on a Thanksgiving dinner table. As far as the budget goes we’ll leave that to Washington. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Sparkling Wines are great way to start your turkey dinner especially if they have a touch of sweetness or at least ample fruit. This allows them to stand up to the spices and herbs that are found in most of the side dishes. Try a Champagne or sparkler that is not Brut or bone dry. Extra Dry styles are the next step up in sweetness and you can find great examples in many price ranges from Italy, France, Spain or California. One of my personal favorites is Italian Prosecco. Made in the Veneto region of northeast Italy, Prosecco has fruit flavors of apple and citrus and many are frizzante or semi-sparkling making them softer as well as food friendly. There are several white wine grape varieties that have both the fruit and acid to handle a Thanksgiving feast. My favorites include Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Pinot Gris and Viognier. You can find great domestic wines that fit this bill or if you are feeling adventurous look to France, Page 115 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

South Africa or Australia. If you cannot bear to be without Chardonnay, try a lighter unoaked style from California, Australia or New Zealand. These will usually say unoaked, unwooded or virgin on the bottle to indicate they are not aged in oak barrels. These Chardonnay have fresher fruit flavors and retain more food friendly acidity than the bigger oaky styles. Don’t forget red wine. According to recent studies by the Wine Market Council red wine is preferred by 60% of wine drinkers so you’d better have some red wine options at the table. Fortunately there are several reds that will be a great addition to your Thanksgiving festivities. Pinot Noirs are a great option because they not only have great fruit flavors but enough acidity to stand up to the salt and acids found in many of the Thanksgiving dishes. Syrah and Zinfandel are also good choices with jammy fruit and a touch of spice to complement the flavors on your plate. Zinfandel is a California specialty but you might look to its Italian relative Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Primitivo for a change of pace. If you want to spice things up try a Syrah (aka Shiraz) from California, Washington, Australia or the Rhone Valley in France. To add something new to this year’s dinner start with a sparkling wine to loosen everyone up and then serve several white and red wines with the meal. Then everyone can compare how each wine pairs with the various side dishes as well as the Turkey. It adds a modern twist to your traditional meal!

Try these wines to liven up your Thanksgiving feast: Mionetto Prosecco NV, Veneto, Italy Made from Glera grapes, these sparklers from the Veneto region of Italy are made in a variety of styles from frizzante, which in Italian means slightly sparkling, to fully sparkling like Champagne. Prosecco tends to be fruitier than Champagne or other dry sparklers making it more accepted by a wide range of wine and beer lovers. Fruity, but dry, this lively wine is the perfect way to start off your Thanksgiving feast. Add a touch of peach nectar to a Prosecco, and you have what’s called a Bellini. Salute! (Retails $18)

Allan Scott Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is crisp and refreshing and goes with so many different dishes especially salads, appetizers, white meats and seafood. Some of the best New World Sauvignon Blancs come from New Zealand specifically the Marlborough region. New Zealand is made up of two islands; Marlborough is in the northern part of the south island. This wine has lively acidity and aromas of herbs, grapefruit and passion fruit. The fruit flavors along with its crisp acidity will help this wine stand up to all your turkey sides. (Retails $16)

Willamette Valley Vineyards Whole Cluster Pinot Noir, Willamette Valley Jim Bernau, owner and founder of Willamette Valley Vineyards, is obsessed with making the best Pinot Noir that the Willamette Valley can deliver. The Whole Cluster Pinot Noir uses a process similar to that in Beaujolais, France delivering a softer wine that has aromas much like that a fresh fruit berry salad. The balance of fruit, acidity and structure in this wine make this a perfect accompaniment to your Thanksgiving meal. (Retails $22)

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Celebrate Harvest 2015! There is an exciting feeling we get from something NEW. Whether it be a new piece of clothing, a new car or maybe a new house, the feeling is exhilarating. Same goes for NEW wine! One special wine is available just weeks after it is har-

Beaujolais Nouveau. This Nouveau will be released on November 19, 2015. vested—

These wines travel from Beaujolais, in the southernmost part of Burgundy, to destinations around the world for their "official" release on the third Thursday of November. Beaujolais is a region that makes mostly red wines from the Gamay grape known for its fruitiness, soft tannins and food friendly acidity. About half of the wines made in Beaujolais are bottled early for the Nouveau release and the other half spend time aging in oak barrels until being released in the spring. Nouveau wines are seen by some as a way to celebrate the harvest and gauge the quality of the more "serious" wines to be released in the spring. Winemaker Georges Duboeuf is credited with developing the idea of Nouveau to help find a unique way to create demand for Beaujolais. He felt that these wines could be released within in weeks of harvest increase cash flow for wineries that typically could not sell their wines till later in the year. By the 1970s Nouveau was a tradition in Paris and eventually all over the world. On the day of the release at midnight the wines would be transportedto Paris and other destinations where eager wine drinkers would gladly purchase these affordable wines. Through Page 117 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

marketing and other means this became a day of celebration where parties and events drove consumption and purchase of Nouveau. Most producers in Beaujolais use a unique process called carbonic maceration to create these fruity wines. Unlike traditional fermentation the grapes are not crushed and in fact the fermentation happens in-

side the grape itself. This process creates fruity wines with soft tannins that are reminiscent of fruit salad. In general, Beaujolais Nouveau is made for early consumption and its flavors can fade after six months or so. Serve these wines slightly chilled at maybe 60-65 degrees to taste them at their best. Wine snobs and wine enthusiasts sometimes don’t view Nouveau as a “serious wine” but they miss the point. Nouveau is about celebrating the harvest and all the hard work that went into that year. These wines are not produced for critical acclaim. Instead, they are meant to be fun wines that appeal to a wide variety of wine drinkers. Not all the wines from Beaujolais are the light, fun and fruity like Nouveau. Wine drinkers looking to see the best of this region should consider trying Beaujolais from one of the ten best villages. These 10 form the Cru appellations which include St-Amour, Juliénas, Chénas, Moulin-a-Vent, Fleurie, Chiroubles, Morgon, Régnié, Brouilly, and Côte de Brouilly. Moulin-à-Vent, for instance produces full bodied and structured reds that have the ability to age for up to twenty years. The fact that Beaujolais is a great pairing to an American Thanksgiving feast is reason enough to enjoy these wines or introduce them to your guests. So grab a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau or a Cru Beaujolais and celebrate the harvest of 2015!

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Laurie Forster

The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce. Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

The Sipping Point

With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!


For FREE secrets to make wine easy and FUN!:

http://thewinecoach.com/videoseries/ sommeliersecrets.html Join The Wine Coach® Wine Club:



Laurie for your next corporate, client or fundraising event! More Info:


WATCH Laurie!

Ever wonder what wines to have or avoid if you suffer from headaches, allergies or just want to cut some calories? Well Dr Oz and Laurie Forster, The Wine Coach have the scoop!

Click Video below or click link www.TheWineCoach.com/Scandal

Laurie was Just on Fox News WATCH http://tinyurl.com/k6suu6z

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Here’s some research that lays bare a rather

Stunning Marketing Misconception. By Bruce Wiseman

Here’s some research that lays bare a rather stunning marketing misconception. The misconception is on the part of business owners as to what marketing the public pays attention to. Check it out. Review, Inc. conducted two surveys in May/ June of this year. First, they conducted a survey of 1020 business owners, executives, and marketing managers. They asked them to identify which advertising medium they believed was the most effective for their business. In other words, on Page 130 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

what marketing channels were they spending money. See the results at illustration A.. Perhaps not surprising to you. But then they surveyed 1,000 consumers. They gave them the choice of the same advertising channels and asked them which of them they trusted the most. Surprise. It shouldn’t be a surprise because:  90% of customers say buying decisions are influenced by online reviews. Yep, 90%!  88% trust online reviews as much as personal referrals. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Illustration A.. Illustration B..

That’s right, a 2014 survey of 2,100 consumers regarding their attitudes about online reviews found an eyepopping 88% of them said they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. (Note the declining "No" graph on the right. It declines from 33% in 2011 to 13% in 2014). Page 131 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Gift Horse Part 3

Maggie and Parker are finished working at the library for the day. Parker does not trust the librarian. Is she right? or unnaturally cynical? Meanwhile: it's time for the friends to head out.

By Leslie Silton Page 137 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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At her station, Elizabeth Browning was facing the computer monitor but her unseen hands were at rest. Mentally reviewing the plan she was focused on, she decided they were making good progress. It was unfortunate that human pleasure signals tripped a particular hormonal wire in the pituitary, causing a flow which would inevitably bring a smile to her face. Even after all this time, the feeling of her facial skin being stretched still didn’t feel very comfortable. If Elizabeth had had her way, she would have disabled those muscles a long time ago. But of course that would have been a grave tactical mistake. Humans set enormous store by these smiles. Never mind. It was a small price to pay. Vig hanish dal. ( Never forget.) The reason for being here preceded all. Vig hanish dal. She did miss being able to speak Minda more often. That was the one real drawback about being here. Human own. For that thought she was rewarded

by a pleasure sensation emanating from language couldn’t hold a candle to their the gills hidden behind her ear coverings which required no engagement of her human parts. The tantalizing flutter which turned on her internal sensors continued flowing. Mutely she received her reward. Her way was better, she concluded. No fuss. No smiles. In the meantime, there was a pile of special requests to be logged before her work day was over. She hurried back to her duties.

Page 138 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Standing by the top of the stairs, Parker Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

show by putting her arm through Maggie’s. That’s how they warded off bounders. Show of force. Or let them think we’re lesbians. It didn’t matter. Either way, it worked.

there’s a man is looking at us.” whispered to Maggie, “Don’t look now but I think Maggie looked in the direction of Parker’s slight nod. Deep inside the room she saw a man standing near Ms. Browning. It looked like he was patting her arm. Oh, look at that. Ms. Browning, always the cool customer, has a friend. Or a honey. Well, well. She’s human after all. But now he was looking their way. It was an intrusive look for someone who was an utter stranger. Parker didn’t like it and made a Page 139 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Parker scowled at the man. “I don’t think he likes me,” she said. vv“Like you? He doesn’t know you,” Maggie noted with a small chortle. The man continued looking at Parker in a decidedly interested way. Parker reminded herself she was a New Yorker. She knew how to handle his kind. She would not look away. She would not knuckle. “Let him look. I’ll tell our Daddy on him,” Maggie whispered with an impish smile. “Right …” Parker agreed, and they both laughed. Enough was enough. Parker did look away. He didn’t win anything anyway. They both decided he would have to enjoy the sight of their backs as they departed; that little would have to suffice. In fact they both agreed they would never even deign to speak to a person of his ilk, (whatever that ilk was) and had another good laugh. Walking down the stairs felt good to their legs after all that sitting, until Parker reminded them with a dramatic moan, “Oh, god, we have to go outside again.” “Can’t be helped,” Maggie replied as she tied on a fur hood while Parker deftly twisted her long blond hair into a knot on top of her head and stuffed it inside a knit Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

ski cap. Wrapping her scarf around and around her neck, she made sure to cover her mouth as well. With a mutual nod, they each took a breath as they pushed through the exit. The cold wind hit them broadside. “Ridiculous,” said Parker, her mouth well muffled. “But hey. It’s New York.” Huddling at the corner of the street with their backs to the wind, Maggie asked Parker, “Are you coming to dinner? Barbara’s making brisket.” “No, I can’t.” “She’s also making home -made biscuits even as we speak …” “Shut up. I can’t. I have to finish this paper. I typed everything into the computer in the den the last time we were there, remember? I should have put it on my laptop but I didn’t. And they aren’t networked … so I can’t. Anyway, now there’s just this last bit. I’ll meet you in the morning. Bring me a sandwich? … Besides, Richard said he might call again. End of the night here is morning there.” She didn’t dare miss his calls. Maggie felt herself biting her lip. As if Richard would inconvenience himself to work out the 5-hour difference between London and New York. That man really really really irked her. Well, that was nothing new. Parker punched her lightly on the shoulder. “I’d better be there to take the call.” (If he calls. Richard was pathetic. His promises

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were unreliable.) “Okay. Love you. See you tomorrow.” Parker grabbed the sleeve of her friend’s coat. “Please don’t say anything to Evan. Not yet. Okay? I know you. But this is my fight. I have to learn to stand up to him … what’s the use of graduating from college if I still can’t deal with my own father.” “Okay.” (Grrrr.) Maggie turned east, Parker headed downtown.

Back inside the reading room, Arthur’s hand was still resting on Elizabeth Browning’s arm, albeit discretely. He liked the feel of her cool, humanoid skin.

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Just touching it made the fluid deep inside the small pockets within his shoulder blades quiver with pleasure. The brief caress also stirred the corresponding fluid in the wells behind his ears, making them fibrillate silently. It was very erotic. Too bad there was no place to go—and no time. As much as he liked life on this planet, he had to agree with Elizabeth. The fake skin covering their ear valleys was Page 141 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

a nuisance. On the other hand, any discovery of the extra ear holes would constitute a dead give-away and ruin decades of hard-won ground. The anomalies between their divergent races would have to continue to be tolerated. For now. “Well, I must be going. Oscar is waiting. The man simply can’t do a thing unless I am there to direct him. Have Nick keep an eye on our prospect. She’s coming along very nicely.” With that Arthur swept grandly out the door. Once gone Elizabeth hurried through her work. She had no intention of leaving things to Nick. How many times had she explained to Arthur that Nick could not carry a firearm without a permit, but he just brushed it off. One of these days Nick would use that stupid thing—and then what? Oh, no. She didn’t like Nick one bit. It was just that he had certain skills and some necessary brawn. But she didn’t have to like him. He had been an unsatisfactory but necessary replacement for James. Which mention of the longdeparted defector was still disconcerting, even after all this time. Elizabeth simply didn’t care to follow where those thoughts would lead. On this Mission she had seniority over Nick. He would do as he was told. After she logged off the computer, she retrieved her coat from the employee closet. Downstairs she paused at the entrance, checking to make sure Arthur’s limousine was Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

already gone. He was. Good. Sometimes he liked to sit there, like some foreign diplomat, flaunting the no-double-parking law, just to enjoy the effect. Foreign? Oh, definitely. Except that no one would recognize Mindar’s symbol anyway, so he used Oscar’s Venezuelan special visitor status and flag instead. Outside it was incredibly cold. No extra bits of warmth even though the sun was sending long shafts of light flaring dramatically down the street. Elizabeth noted again that her back itched. She was going to have to find somewhere safe to shed—soon. In the meantime, she wanted to find out if their little Earth Girl was still really worth all the effort. If not, they could end this now. Personally she didn’t care a hill of beans one way or the other, but Elizabeth needed to see for herself, again, to be sure. She would have no qualms about shutting down the Maggie Malone Project even Page 142 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

though Arthur would have to be convinced. If Maggie was as good as he thought, the girl could make them a fortune. Elizabeth had no qualms about making a fortune at the expense of one human being. Even after her decades here, she felt no loyalty to the human race whatsoever. Their only value was their usefulness. Those not useful were open to discard. Blending with the other pedestrians, bending into the wind to allay the worst of its effects, Elizabeth was an Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

expert in knowing how to be comfortably overlooked. She could easily be just one more attractive woman wearing the upscale ‘uniform’ of good, grey herringbone wool coat with the black velvet collar fashionably turned up, a pair of Jackie O-dark glasses and high black suede boots. Over her hair was a baby-soft black pashmina tied with the ends wrapped around and around and knotted in the back, her chin and throat well-protected. It wasn’t enough to really keep out the cold but it would have to do. Page 143 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Following Maggie was easy since she knew exactly where the girl was going. Therefore, Elizabeth could afford to reflect, even as she walked along as a fair clip. The winter months of cold here were abominable. There were times when she thought she couldn’t wait anymore to get home and stretch out her natural length on a large, flat, warm rock in a desert region: The Noave Coalition would be quite perfect right about now. They gave very good service. As a less expensive alternative, there was always the Juno Sanitation Waste Region. Much more economical. Not as service-minded and often littered with useless but attractive lay-abouts … still, one could manage to come across the occasional fellow reptile worthy of coiling with—which thought produced a well-hidden blue mottling on her chest and a kind of hormonal vibration. It was nearly her favorite sensation and even the biting cold couldn’t dampen the effect it was having. Elizabeth recognized she was having a moment of happy self-gratification. A few yards further on, she picked up the dropped thread of thoughts that had brought it on. She knew the scenario only too well: you go to Juno because you have to; you go to the Noave because you can. Naturally the itching and the molting is never anything to write home about, but if Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

you need to save money, you go to Juno and sometimes … just sometimes … you unexpectedly meet someone that maybe you can nest with. That’s Juno for you. After all, an egg is an egg … By now the blue mottling with its sensual vibration had descended to her torso, circling her thighs. It paused, climbed back up to her waist line and paused again. Which handsome reveler had she coiled with who had reminded her of this lovely reward? Vendeeth? No. He had annoyed her with his fawning. Ky-phan? No. Not him, either … although he had managed to hold her attention longer than usual. But when he told her he planned to eat their egg, that truly disgusted her. An egg-eater. Meaning: a baby-killer. Remembering that made the pleasurable buzz begin to fade. A picture came to mind. Far-jhan. That’s right. Far-jhan. Young and muscular. He knew how to coil. And squeeze. Too bad there hadn’t been enough time to make an egg with Far-jhan. She had quite fancied him. A gust of wind reminded Elizabeth she was catching up to Maggie too quickly, so she slowed down. The sensory recall of that languid coiling under the warm comfort of the twin red suns of Mindar caused the mottle to blaze again. Elizabeth stopped. Closing her eyes, Page 144 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

she felt like she was at the center of a storm. She waited. In a minute or so the storm was over. She knew the mottling was gone. She could afford to be flexible about such matters, as long as she could stand being Elizabeth, that is—wearing this humanoid skin. This was the real work that counted. Not the library. Because of the real work, she could practically hear the credits accruing in her home planet account. Day by day. Caching. Ca-ching.No, she wouldn’t be stuck here forever. That was the thing to remember. If she couldn’t find Far-jhan again, she’d find someone else. Since we live a very long time, even one more decade is acceptable . In fact, by her calculations, one more decade and she would have enough set aside Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

for a proper retirement. By Earth standards she would be filthy rich. By Mindarian standards, she could enjoy a reasonable life of moderate leisure for decades thereafter. In the meantime, there was Arthur. Arthur. Most of the time, she was satisfied with their relationship. He really could provide a most satisfying squeeze, but whatever he might promise in the heat of the moment, she was pretty sure Arthur knew very little about nesting. Her musings were interrupted when Elizabeth saw Maggie enter the Park and head purposely down a familiar path. Actually she was glad when Maggie finally sat down on a nearby bench. Walking was so uneconomical. Slithering never tired one out. She picked a bench on the other side of the path, took a book out of her tote bag and opened it. It would allow her to Page 145 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

continue her observation, herself unobserved.Suddenly, miraculously, the brute force of The Montreal Express subsided. It sometimes happened that way, for reasons best explained only by meteorologists. The world seemed to quiet itself and come to rest. Sitting on her own favorite bench, Maggie looked around. She could imagine the whole city was sighing with relief. Little remained of the intense blowing. It felt like the mercury was actually climbing. The cloud cover had been torn to small pieces even as the last bit of good light turned the underside of those same clouds a celestial pink and gold. On a bench some yards away, Elizabeth was reminded that at home on Mindar no one ever had to suffer through these inopportune seasons. That’s when she felt another pang of loss for her home planet shear through her because, in its own stark way, it was quite beautiful. Well, well, she thought. That would be the feeling of … never mind. She had no heart. Literally. Her body looked authentic. Naturally. She had certainly paid enough. Her cheek muscles gave way because her endocrine system worked quite well and she felt a momentary, ruthless sneer spread itself on her face as a frisson of hate shot through. Now that wasn’t an entirely objectionable sensation. Now let’s just see what our Maggie is doing these days. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Think Big Your Purpose is Out There...

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Time To Get Serious About Water!

Water–A Fundamental Human Right!

towards irreversibly toxic because of repeated and cumulative oil and hazardous chemicals spills.

This is Part I of a series of articles and blogs we will be sharing with you about WATER; protecting it and making it available to all life, and, eliminating the fear of its scarcity forever.

We researched, identified potential remedies, and over the past five years have worked hard to implement effective water clean-up solutions. And by working with industry and all parties, effective clean-ups are happening! We have advocated for and published materials on a unique bioremediation technology that for the first time in spill history, is now strongly in position to restore some of the worst festering spill

There is growing excitement at the U.S. Headquarters of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization about our expanding water protection and preservation programs. You have heard much about our projects for cleaning ocean and fresh water environments that are trending Page 148 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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A message from the International President: Barbara Wiseman Hello! Welcome to our on-going environmental news column in EMag! We are going to utilize this wonderful opportunity to present interesting educational information so that you can play an even bigger part in preserving and protecting Earth’s waters and all life through the daily choices you make. We want to bring practical information to you. We are not about spreading bad or scary news, but about spreading constructive news and information. Yes, we talk about the problems, but, also, about technologically sound and easy-to-implement remedies and answers. We want to actively engage with you, and other likeminded groups and organizations, to multiply those who are beneficially influencing the direction of our society’s culture, and to promote practical and realistic environmental solutions. When I co-founded The Earth Organization with Dr. Lawrence Anthony, we wanted to bring a new brand of environmentalism to the world described under a term we coined: Cooperative Ecology ™.

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sites in the world. In fact, heavily polluted Rio Bay in Brazil is about to be restored after decades of ‘no solutions’. And in Colombia, (see photo at left) a river flowing with oil is being restored. As we continue to make breakthroughs towards fully cleaning up some these most concerning locations we will keep you posted. In the mean time, the first point we want to brief you on are the consequences of dwindling clean water supplies on the planet–a situation that represents one of the most critical social and environmental challenges of this century. Important also, is the identification of the sources and reasons for this, some being correct and some, wrongly identified causes that we will be evaluating further. While there is ample evidence and educational materials describing the problem, we have selected an excellent summary covering our global water challenges to help put this situation in perspective for you. Below is a superb film segment by Running Dry-A Chronicles Group Production. We thank and acknowledge them for this incredible work and view it as a needful catalyst for igniting a Cooperative Ecology movement towards the implementation of real solutions to our impending water crisis. Over the past few months, we have identified other clean water technology Page 150 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

solutions that we believe will be significant and far reaching in water protections and preservation. We will release more information on these projects once we complete building the support organization for our science advisory teams launching the program. To be part of the solution or to participate with our Science and Technology Committee and Water Technology Projects, contact: Diane@theearthorganization.org. Thank you! And, by the way, did you know that elephants drink more than 50 gallons of water a day! See Lawrence Anthony’s herd thriving on our game preserve–it is a wonderful sight, water bliss and happiness!!! See this growing family by clicking here


(Click on titles to download) Cooperative Ecology-Fixing Oil Spill Response Systems Assessing Oil Spill Response Tools A Call for a Twenty-First-Century Solution in Oil Spill Response Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The making of The War Room

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Franchising Pit Falls Women Need to Avoid And the Best Franchises for November; The Season of Thanksgiving. David Goodman, President of Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC

Welcome to Franchise Forum. My name is David Goodman. I am the President /CEO of Franchise Biz Consulting. As a short re-cap; I have been in a variety of very successful business enterprises for close to 50 years. I have held or currently hold: RE, Life-Health, Executive Recruiter, Investment Banker and Food Preparation. Not a business licenses. I have a degree in Allied Health and was the Charge Nurse for a very large and prestigious hospital in Philadelphia. I, also, have the distinction of owning the #1 Dunkin’ Donut Shop in the country; I accomplished that by astute and “out-of-thebox” marketing techniques that I learned during my progression through the ranks of the Good-OldBoys Club” that dominated the business world of yesteryear. But enough about me, let’s talk

about Franchising.

Pitfall #1 Don’t Get Over Whelmed. Franchising can be the fastest, safest, and most financially rewarding way to covet the American Dream. But how can that be true? Here is the answer, pure and simple. Government statistics stated that almost 72% of the working population of this country would like to work to fulfill their own dreams and not someone else’s. I suspect women play an even larger part in those numbers, simply because there seems to be a huge gap between what their male counter- parts command for a salary and what the average female executive brings home. In an article I found on Google, “The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2014)”,

Catherine Hill, Ph.D., it stated, “On average women get 78% of what men get for doing the same job! Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Minorities may experience even worse gender gap non-uniformity…” Here comes my silver bullet for women, to sum it up in one word, “Franchising”. Do not succumb to Pitfall Number One which is, feeling that it would be too overwhelming to own your own business and then put the concept on the back burner or worse yet, on your wish list. Franchising, very eloquently, takes the guesswork out of the, Who, What, When, Where, Why, of starting your own money making machine. Want to own your own money making machine instead of being your boss’s personal printing press? Then take that first step. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

I recently spoke to a woman who did not have a lot of money or experience in much of anything but she loved pets. Let’s call her Josephine ( Josephine, Napoleon Bonaparte’s first wife loved her female pet orangutan. It is said that the simian was dressed up and ate the table, like a member of the family!). Now, Josephine had a ton of drive and determination. She was able to have her children finance her into a very unique Pet Motel Business. This business was very simple. All she had to do was find, kind, and responsible pet loving, people who would bring a pet into their homes while the owners went on vacation. This is a perfect business for a pet lover. It was perfect for Josephine.

Pitfall #2 Stop Wishing for It. I heard an old saying when I was about 20 years old, “One very rarely gets what one wishes for but one always gets what one expects!” That has stuck with me for almost 50 years and has really been the impetus behind my success. Simply broken down, it means when you wish for something you are relying on someone or something else to fulfill that action. However, when you expect something you typically make it

happen by relying on yourself. Do not be daunted by Pitfall Number Two. The underlying behavior or theme is self confidence breeds success. I read an article or heard the story (at my age it is sometimes difficult to discern which) about a now billionaire Hollywood Page 155 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

producer whose parents gave him/her a movie camera at the age of 10. He/she took movies of everything and anything. Of course it had to be extremely difficult for the parents to, time and time again, watch these child driven movies about of every topic from butterfly catching to an inside the bus view, of a school bus pulling away from the bus stop. But the parents constantly praised the child, no matter what. That helped to build up the confidence for this now Hollywood film making mogul. Did he/she have more abilities than others entering the field? Perhaps, or perhaps not, however, I will bet dollars to donuts or in this case hot buttered popcorn to caramel corn, that he/she felt like he/she could conquer the world… and he/she did! Franchising gives you the edge, the

You are not reinventing the wheel. You simply follow the system that has proven, via its history, to be successful and you will have the upmost opportunity to duplicate that winning pattern. self confidence to start the ball rolling.

I had the dubious pleasure of working with a woman whose husband was unemployed and had been for a few years. She knew she was stuck with a dead end job and her husband did not show much promise with landing a job any time soon. She wanted to give herself and her family a future. She came to me. After simply feeding her and her husband’s criteria and financial parameters into my proprietary computer generated software program, I was able to help her and her husband find a new concept in the retail food industry that has been very successful in Europe. However, it has just been introduced into this country! It should help revolutionize a certain segment of the fast food industry. And my clients will have virtually the first one the West Coast! It

could be the magic pill for all their financial concerns. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Pitfall #3 Don’t do it alone! Franchising can be very complicated or very simple, similar to buying a home. Do not fall prey to Pitfall Number Three. Very few people would ever think of seeing a home for sale sign and then knocking on the door for more information. Appearing at the door and announcing that they would like to see what’s inside! Of course the obvious problem is one of safety and protection for both, the prospective buyer and seller. But once again, there is another problem not as obvious to the buyer. The dynamics are such that the seller’s main focus is to sell that home. The seller doesn’t really care if it is right for the buyer. The buyer has very little safeguards. He/she will not know if: the neighborhood has kids the buyer’s age, whether the addition had

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been built according to code, the structure of the school system, the school bussing situation, near public transportation, restaurants, shopping, community pool availability, any peculiarities of the community such as (a PUD), etc. Franchises work in the identical manner. If you search for yourself, you could end up spending an inordinate amount of time and money, only to find out that the territory is not available or worse yet, you enter into a franchise that is simply not suited for you! I worked with a candidate who wanted a Home Health Care Franchise. She theorized that the industry was going to take off. She did research and learned that approximately 10,000 people turn 65 every day! And this should continue for another 20 years. To her, this was a natural winner. She wanted to be a part of this burgeoning growth industry. The expense was not that great, about 75K and some of that could be financed. She was all in. Fortunately she spoke to me before taking

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the plunge. After an in depth study of her temperament, personality, in addition to her needs, wants, desires, skill set and financial capabilities, I learned that she was not at all happy being around old people who were soon to be in hospice. Instead, I showed her a decorating business that fit her like the placing of the last piece to a complicated jigsaw puzzle. This business was female friendly and it: was low cost, no royalties, home based, no inventory or stock to keep, best discounts for name brand products, very flexible and family friendly hours, recession resistant, quick ROI, brand name recognition, etc. Always ask for help from a professional. It shouldn’t cost you any more in the short run and in the long run it could save you from entering into a horrible mistake.

Pitfall #4 Don’t Let Lack of Fund Discourage You. Here is a tricky topic. Pitfall Number Four of course, in order to buy a franchise, you are going to need some dollars to start. There are franchises for $20k and others for much more. That is the bad news, now the good news. There is actually no scale that dictates or can accurately predict success based on the amount of money you start with. I

have seen people who start out on a shoe string and hit a business niche that sets them up for the rest of their lives. Of course,

I see others who spend a huge amount of money and they simply carve out a steady but mediocre business. A lot of that has to do with finding the correct consultant who has been in the business world and knows the trends and ebb and flow of business. For the sake of time, I am simply going to note all the different opportunities that are the, somewhat, conventional forms of funding. Then I will simply mention my favorite of the out-of the-box, funding magic. SBA and preferred lender programs, 401K and IRA rollover’s, unsecured lines of credit-up to $150K, securities based loans, short term unsecured loans, merchant cash advances, and equipment leasing. Now, the one I am partial to; Family help or partnership is my favorite. Quite often a son or daughter, father, mother, or grandparent will help a family member secure a strong hold on a business which will alleviate financial strain for the rest of the family when that member either lives past his/her money or simply cannot financially sustain themselves. I

can remember my son calling me on the phone and telling me that he has it all figured out. When I am ready, he will find me the best and least expensive elder care facility. I told him, “Don’t worry, I already had it figured out.” He said, “Awesome, what’s your plan, Dad?” I said, “I am coming to live with you!” The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening.

Page 157 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Ideal Franchises for November This is the time of y

that theme I have

This is The Decorating Season At the core of the Gotcha Covered franchise opportunity lie compelling financial fundamentals and a uniquely flexible lifestyle. Low startup expenses and no inventory, receivables or bad debt, combined with high transaction amounts, high margins and minimal overhead, provide our franchisees with the ability to create extraordinary bottom lines within a surprisingly short timeframe. Gotcha Covered becomes even more enticing when you consider the lifestyle options of our model. Across our system, our franchisees operate in multiple flavors: single owner-operators (main or secondary source of income), spouses and/or family members working together, an executive model with staff and sales associates, and the fully evolved model of our system - retail locations with signage, dedicated business hours and full-time staff. Our franchisees can be what they want to be within our system, and we support whatever lifestyle goals they have. Gotcha Covered franchisees focus on selling inhome and commercial window fashions to the general public using proprietary graphic software. They go into customer’s homes or offices and use a laptop to show the client a virtual picture of what the window treatment will look like once applied while pricing the treatment instantaneously. This gives you an OVERWHELMING advantage over competition. Gotcha Covered brings design solutions to life, versus merely having to imagine what they will look like. Coupled equally.with exemplary training and support, no design experience is needed to enter this highly lucrative business. Men and woman excel equally. Page 158 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

House Guests this Time of Year Can Leave a Mess! Maid Brigade, Inc. is a professional home cleaning service with a focus on providing long term regular service to our clients. Maid Brigade is the first in the industry to offer a Green Cleaning system. All of our franchisees are certified to use this system. Cleaning green protects the health of our customers, and employees but most importantly, it protects the environment. We offer customized exclusive territories across the country and will tailor a market size to best suit your needs. Maid Brigade is ranked as a "World-class Franchise"the most prestigious award in franchising? Last year, over 94% of Maid Brigade franchisees rated the overall quality of Maid Brigade as good, very good or excellent. Our culture is based on integrity and strong positive relationships with everyone throughout the Maid Brigade organization. Our two different offerings are customized to the investment of skill levels of potential franchisees. Our National Sales Center will respond to your phone calls during, before, and after regular business hours. The staff is carefully trained to provide estimates and schedule service appointments. This allows the franchisee to focus on team building and customer retention.

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year of Thanksgiving. Keeping in cadence with e selected the ideal franchises for November..

Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC

David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303

Either Going to Visit Family or not Having Your Pet Underfoot. Love your dog? Thought of putting him a cage for a week or two upsetting? Now you don't have to. Introducing the #1 pet lodging alternative and the most unique pet franchise in the industry. Your cherished pet is cared for in a pre-screened private home by dog lovers. The business model has you/and or your staff providing round trip pick-up and delivery. Finally...loving pet care with no cages or kennels. Enjoy vacations and business trips without guilt. Low investment and exceptionally high returns. Easy to run. Simple to manage. And if you love animals...the perfect pet franchise. It's peace of mind for you and a "home environment" for that special member of the family. Some of these franchises are not available in all states. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell.

In summary, I very recently went to a meeting with a group of highly credible and credentialed financial planners. Their message was, “If you invest in the stock market, you are better off doing it through a professional.” I would simply reiterate, “Working with a professional franchise consultant, alleviates the waste of, time, money, and angina”. Save the indigestion for after the turkey, giblets and aunt Bertha’s pound cake!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Page 159 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Email : david@franchisebizconsulting.com Webite: www.franchisebizconsulting.com If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life away from others and finally seizing the reigns of your own destiny, please call me.

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Grateful in Spite of Your Secret Your Behavior Doesn’t Determine Your Gratitude Karen’s eyes frantically check out family and friends around the Thanksgiving table. Does anyone

know what’s going on inside of me? Have I been able to keep my secret hidden for one more holiday? Is my speech and behavior going to tell on me? Fear gripped her heart one more time. Holidays were difficult for Karen. It brought together family members which triggered her memories of abuse and neglect. She had risen so far above her past, yet she always returned to her addictive behavior of over-using prescription pills to mask her pain. No one knew, and that’s the way she wanted it. Lately she found herself over-using her prescription pills to get through the day at work. On the outside she portrayed having her act together, but inside she was in constant turmoil. She thought she could manage her life without resorting to the pills, but she found they helped her cope with the combination of the stress of her job, a young child in school, and a husband who just didn’t understand her desires to make an impact in the world. Page 162 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Karen dreaded what was going to happen next at the Thanksgiving table. It was a tradition in their family for each person to mention one or more things they were thankful for. Karen’s turn was approaching and she just couldn’t think of what to say. She didn’t feel thankful for anything. She wanted everything in her life to change, because she wasn’t happy at all. Her desire for more stuff in life didn’t pan out into the happiness she thought she would have from having those items. The relationship with her husband had gone sour several years ago and she was just hanging on the best she could. As long as she had her supply of prescription pills, she would be okay. Karen’s story is familiar to many female executives. When addictive behavior becomes the ruler of your life, you just added one more thing to your stress level. Page 163 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Whether the addictive behavior is drinking alcohol, using drugs, abusing prescription pills, gambling, overeating, or uncontrollable shopping, they all are used to avoid an underlying emotional issue that has not been resolved. Many times the person is not aware of these issues. They just know that they feel much better when they turn to their addictive behavior.

Underlying Issues How about you? Do you use an addictive behavior to avoid the emotional turmoil brought up by any of the following issues:  Emotional Hurt  Perfectionism  Insecurities  Peer Pressure  Low Self-Esteem  Rejection  Boredom in Life  Health Problems  Physically Abused  Sexually Abused Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

   

Loneliness Self-pity Codependency Self-hatred

If you have a secret addictive behavior, you can add to your list a constant fear of losing your job, or of massive embarrassment, if your boss, co-workers or associates discover your secret. Also, a fear that your family and friends will find out and will disown you. Being too afraid to seek help, your life spirals into one of hopelessness. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Ten-Year Addiction Beaten Throughout my ten-year addiction to pain medication, I kept my addiction a secret. I spent endless energy on hiding it from my bosses, my co-workers, my family and my friends. Although I kept it under control to the point I could function at work, it was draining to be on my good behavior all the time in order to avoid screw-ups. When I got home from work I would take more pills to help me unwind and escape. It took me ten long years of continuous relapses to find the right path out of my addiction. I initially got into my addiction due to a major medical problem. Then, I continPage 164 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ued to use the pain medication because it helped me deal with the emotions of hatred toward my parents. Once that situation was resolved, I thought it would end my addiction, but it didn’t. I rarely attended any support group, because after I completed the steps, I kept asking, “Now what?” No one had an answer. Once the doors opened for me to pursue my passion in life, which at that time was opening a crisis hotline, my entire life turned around in just four months! Why? Because

I was using my passion in life to reach out to love and serve others. That was in 1990 and I’ve never gone back to my addictive behavior. I discovered that when a person operates within their passion, they have so much emotional and physical fuel to keep them headed in the right direction. When I coach people with addictive behaviors, besides helping resolve the underlying issues, I help them identify what their passion is, even if it is not their career. Then we put together a plan on Page 165 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

how to use that passion in a life-long vision to reach out to love and serve others. The ideal situation is to learn how to make a great living while doing your passion.

Finding Gratitude If you are like Karen, not sure what you can be grateful for this season, instead of looking at tangible things, check out the following intangibles you can be thankful for: 1. Hope – because there is a way out of addictive behaviors, or any problem you’re stuck in. 2. Dreams – for your life and business. The passion you still have to carry out your Godgiven destiny indicates you have what it takes to carry it through. 3. Self-Actualization – you can change your inner world first by your thoughts, words, and actions, and then your outer world changes. 4. Emotions – even if you’re trying to escape the negative ones. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

You can choose the emotions that will inspire you to rise above your problems. 5. Love – it breaks all barriers, open doors you can’t open, heals the heart, and raises your life to new levels!

Tips To Improve Your Behavior After you have done some soul-searching this holiday season and know you want to improve your life but don’t know how, here are some tips to help you get started. 1. Plan ahead how you will react in a better manner to the people who push your hot buttons. Decide to either not engage in their conversation, or even how to excuse yourself and physically walk away from the situation. 2. To stop your emotions from getting out of control, causing you to resort to your addictive behavior, learn EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). This is a simple technique you can learn in five minutes. I have a free ebook on my website that teaches this technique Page 166 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and how to use it for various emotions and anxieties. If you’re out in public, you can excuse yourself to the restroom for privacy and use this technique to immediately calm yourself down. 3. Identify your negative thinking. Look at the last two weeks and write down all the negative selftalk. Now determine whether those beliefs are true. Decide which belief you will embrace. Your life is a result of your thoughts. To get different results, change your thoughts first. 4. Find a mentor to help you through this process. Be sure the person you choose has experience in successfully stopping addictive behavior and has gone on to live the life of her dreams. It’s easier to rise up and live to your fullest potential when you have someone encouraging and guiding you.

Gratitude Never Ends This attitude of gratitude extends beyond this holiday season. It is your choice to be grateful, whether or not your behavior is where you want it Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

to be today. Choose the right attitude, change your beliefs, and empower yourself by focusing on your dreams. The world is waiting for your vision to be fulfilled.

Gratitude is not in things; it is in us. Kathy Williamson is an Author, Speaker and Addictions Coach. Her Out Of Addiction Forever™ program transforms addicts and their families into productive, thriving people who impact their world—without being swayed by the disease model. www.ProfessionalsRiseUpAndLive.com

Kathy Williamson Speaker, Author & Trainer Professional Addictions Coach P.O. Box 11660 Prescott, AZ 86304 (928) 925-5410 Kathy@MyFriendIsAnAddict.com www.MyFriendIsAnAddict.com www.OutOfAddiction.com www.OutOfAddictionTraining.com Page 167 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Briya inspires compassion through fashion by making fun, fa

concerned global citizens and dedicated change-makers to t their full potential in underprivileg

With the purchase of each Briya bag, you will be providing employment and other essential resources needed stricken communities

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ashionable purses and bags that allow adventurous spirits, travel in style while also helping women and children reach ged regions around the world.

school supplies, uniforms, textbooks, vocational training, d to empower women or children living in povertys across the globe.

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E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 169

Click and Listen as E Magazine interviews Author Jaques McNeil. In Life Happens, 30 Strategies for Triumphant Living, Jacques McNeil will share words of encouragement that provide hope for those times when you encounter unpredictable events. Living a triumphant life, is not a perfect, formula-based life, but an overcoming, Christ-centered life. Through compelling stories, inspirational writing, and faith-filled declarations, she encourages you to stand strong in the midst of life's challenges. "This book is exceptional in its presentation of God's truth in a way that resonates with women across a broad spectrum. Women will be able to think critically about themselves, their relationships and God's presence in their lives, despite life's circumstances. I was moved, challenged and inspired to develop to a deeper, more meaningful life with Christ based on this clear, concise exploration of triumphant living." Elaine Walton, Psy.D. Director, Women's Resource Center, Azusa Pacific University "Life Happens...", and when it does, few are equipped with practical, effective strategies to deal with the elements which are presented during the storm. Within this literary gem, Lady Jacques McNeil pens from her own experiences, her time tested strategies, which have brought great freedom to her own person, granting her entre' to walk through her storm as a victorious woman. You will find yourself reading this offering over and over again, with each re-read, extrapolating something new, different and meaningful from the text. Empower yourself by allowing these strategies to cause the overcomer to be awakened in you! Dr. Judith McAllister International Minister of Music, Department President, Church of God in Christ, Inc. Jacques McNeil's passion is equipping women with the tools necessary to courageously live a life of purpose. She is the founder and president of W.I.T.N.E.S.S. Book Club, a licensed Evangelist, motivational speaker, corporate image consultant, professional development consultant, and an instructional designer at UCLA Health Systems. She is the wife of David McNeil, pastor of Transforming Lives Community Church, COGIC and they live in Los Angeles, California with their miracle daughter, Micaela. Page 170 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Available Now at

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About Linda & Robin the corner office because they are simply gifted, or well-connected, or both. But research shows that we far overvalue talent and intellectual ability in our culture. The fact is, so many people get ahead--even the gifted ones--because they worked incredibly hard, put in the thousands of hours of practice and extra sweat equity, and made their own luck. And Linda and Robin should know-they are two girls from the Bronx who had no special advantages or privileges and rose up through their own hard work and relentless drive to succeed to the top of their highly competitive profession.

Grit to Great: How Perseverance, Passion, and Pluck Take You from Ordinary to Extraordinary. In Grit to Great, Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval tackle a topic that is close to their hearts, one that they feel is the real secret to their own success in their careers--and in the careers of so many people they know and have met. And that is the incredible power of grit, perseverance, perspiration, determination, and sheer stick-to-ittiveness. We are all dazzled by the notion that there are some people who get ahead, who reach Page 172 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In a book illustrated with a cornucopia of stories and the latest research on success, the authors reveal the strategies that helped them, and countless others, succeed at the highest levels in their careers and professions, and in their personal lives. They talk about the guts--the courage--necessary to take on tough challenges and not give up at the first sign of difficulty. They discuss the essential quality of resiliency. Everyone suffers setbacks in their careers and in life. The key, however, is to pick yourself up and bounce back. Drawing on the latest research in positive psychology, they discuss why optimists do better in school, work, and on the playing field--and how to reset that optimistic set point. They talk about industriousness, the notion that Malcolm Gladwell popularized with the 10,000-hour rule in his book Outliers. Creativity theorist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi believes it takes a minimum of 10 years for one's true creative potential to be realized. And the

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Linda's Other Publications authors explore the concept of tenacity--the quality that allows us to remain focused and avoid distraction in order to get the job done--an increasingly difficult task in today's fragmented, cluttered, high-tech, connected world. Written in the same short, concise format as The Power of Nice and leavened with the natural humor that characterizes Linda's and Robin's lives-and books--Grit to Great is destined to be the book everyone in business needs.

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Both Books Available on Amazon

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 173

We’ve Got it All Here at


National Association of Female Executive

Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country.

About NAFE

Would a group of women sharing their dreams…supporting, encouraging and Page 174 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits, Information on the Southern CA networks can be found at www.wrnafe.com The network meeting Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

From the Desk of Robbie Motter.,NAFE Global Coordinator Congratulations to New York Nafe Director Roxanne Natale who just launched her New York Nafe Network, Roxanne worked for Nafe in New York for many years and now she is a financial advisor,and actually works in the same building that Nafe Headquarters is located on Park Avenue. If you live in New York City or have friends in New York have them contact Roxanneat rnatale@ewsnyc.com to get invited to their next Nafe meeting.


Our San Antonio Nafe Network WELEAD (Women Executives Leading Empowering and Developing) is working on a New Logo and will be changing their network name to NAFE San Antonio. They have a great network so contact their President Tiffany Tremont at ttremont@silotechgroup.com to learn more about their monthly meetings. December 11th from 7:45 am to 10:15 am in New York City at the Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, Nafe will host their annual Nafe 2015 Nafe Women of Excellence Awards where 14 dynamic Women Leaders will be honored, go to http:// www.workingmother.com/meet-2015-nafe-womenexcellence to see their photos and all their great accomplishments as well as other information on the event which is always wonderful with lots of networking that takes place. If you are not a Nafe member we invite you to join other dynamic women from across the Globe today and become part of the Nafe family. Here is a link where you can join online. http://online.icnfull.com/ wmm/?action=SUBSCRIPTION Membership is only $39.00 a year.

fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests then you pay the restaurant direct for your meal. like eating right now? Using this simple technique, my choices changed to a healthier fare. Instead of a cheese tuna melt, coke, and french fries, I’d glance through

WWW.NAFE.COM Page 175 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

As your Nafe Global Coordinator I welcome the opportunity to meet you via email, on the phone or in person I can be reached at rmotter@aol.com or you may call me anytime at 951-255-9200, let me know how I can assist YOU!. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Meet one of our

NAFE Women

Donna Petri

Financial Service Professional, Indianapolis, Indiana Donna Petri- Financial Service Professional, Indianapolis, Indiana says “I joined NAFE-Women in Networking to further my networking opportunities to expand my financial services practice. But it is so much more. Connections, Community, and Causes. What started out as a somewhat selfinterest endeavor has turned into an altruistic mission. Helping other women connect, achieve their goals and working with them to better our community has been so .rewarding. I am looking forward to Page 176 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

helping our organization grow and assisting in recruiting more members. I like that our organization’s membership consists of a wide range of women in various stages of our lives. The diversity helps each of us gain a better prospective and enriches our understanding of others. Mary Aurtrey Nafe Women in Networking in Indianapolis, Indiana says " Donna has been an inspiration and an invaluable asset to NAFE/Women In Networking. Donna volunteered to be our Treasurer. Donna, thru her point of contact, ensured that our organization became 501(c)(3). Thru Donna’s connections with the local Chamber of Commerce, she assisted NAFE/WIN to become a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Donna’s focus has been to continue to assist our organization and members so we may continue to build our organization and assist our community, Donna Petri, Financial Service Profesional,WestPoint Financial Group,Dpetri@financialguide.com

What NAFE Means to Me Holding 30 Year DOD Plaque- Gloria Hill Nafe Women in Networking, Indianapolis, Indiana says "NAFE/WIN is a professional women's organization that educates, trains, mentors, and gives women opportunities to venture out into the business world. It is life-standing in the community where it provides Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

food and clothing to homeless people throughout the community to include homeless Veterans. It's a great networking and volunteer resource, and also takes members where they may not have the opportunity to serve and meet people from various background and statue. As the NAFE/WIN Membership Chairperson, I have recruited numerous members over the past 15 years. Some have retired and are still members, and some have moved on to other places. It is a rewarding opportunity especially in helping others to reach their goals (personally and professionally)."

grafts, numerous surgeries. then 11 months later I discovered that I had brain tumor, having lots of treatments. To me, 'my life was over" I was just waiting to fade away..Then one day I met Robbie Motter Global Coordinator for Nafe.She encouraged me to join this group of ladies in business. I was wondering why? I have nothing to offer, I then discovered that it's all about women with "heart" encouraging each other no matter what you do or not do. we can just sit and listen or share our experiences in life. I also learn a lot from their main speakers a different topic every month.

Mary Aurtrey Director of Nafe Win says "Gloria has done an outstanding job throughout her tenure with NAFE/WIN. As the first and only Chairperson for NAFE/WIN, she has conducted Membership Drives, assisted with Food, Clothing, Linen, and Toiletry Drives to help causes in the community. She recruits members and ensure that theyrenew their membership when it is time. She keeps membership records for each member. Gloria is a U.S. Army Veteran, an Accountant, and is the recipient of several Financial Management Certifications. She serves hot meals to homeless Veterans, and provides information to them, whenever needed. She also helps the organization at other events such as conferences and conducts membership business. She is also a very valuable asset to NAFE/Women In Networking".

Nicole Farrell, FRENCHNOTE NTERTAINMENT. Ambassador Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce, Menifee/ Sun City Women's Club ,Michelle's Place Breast Cancer Resource Center Survivor- Public Relation,Member National Association of Female Entrepreneur, Menifee & Murrieta Buzz Entertainment Reporter

To me Nafe is a Life saver it gives me a New Lease on life. I now have a lot to share with my " sisters" and most of all I learn a lot from them. Thank you for the opportunity NAFE

What’s New at NAFE

What NAFE Means to Me What Nafe Means to Me...It means everything to me.. I was a recluse after 15 years of being in the public eye, being an Entertainer. Then I had breast cancer, I had complications, skin Page 177 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Join NAFE at any of these WestCoast Networks

Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Global Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. ARIZONA Phoenix Impact for Enterprising Women – A Nafe affiliate network contact director Joan Howard 602725-3246 email joanhoward@cox.net website www.impactforenterprisingwomen.com CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Nafe meets the 2nd Thursday starting in January 2016 at Mimi’s Café 4025 California Avenue, Bakersfield, Director Cheryl Hughley Phone 661-421-5861 Email Cheryl_hughley@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Bel Air (coming soon) Director LaDonna Roberts 323-806-3433 email ladonnaroberts@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon

Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am at, Ramano's Macaroni Grill 12380 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Director Lynne Martin, 714-357-4159 email lynneCmartin@gmail.com http://www.meetup.com/wwwnafecoastal-com/ U Tube Video coming soon Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Callendar’s 5773 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90232 . website is www.nafelosangeles.com Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.comPlease check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/RkSuoZaGrJc Menifee Nafe Network meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill (formerly Boston Billie’s Restaurant ) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Director Robbie Motter, NAFE Global Coordinator 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/ cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ HspfWnbAI4w

Central Orange County Nafe meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at Coco’s Restaurant 14971 Holt Avenue, Tustin, CA, Director, Sheila A Caruso, 949 -330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/fj2iy3x5i9E

Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter,951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WmClfV9VcMA

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North San Diego County Nafe Network (Carlsbad/Vista/San Marcos) Coming in January 2016 contact Director Luz Paez 951-966-8277 email marketingwithluzpaez@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Mimi's Cafe 10909 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Contact Director Vivian Haire, Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector Phone 951-380-0211 or email vvnhaire@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Riverside Nafe Connector meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Drive #7a Riverside, CA 92507 contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/vQT80UAUm-k San Fernando Valley, starting in January , contact Director Carol Pilkington 661-3134578 or email carol@carolpilkington.com for more information U Tube Video coming soon San Francisco/Bay Area Network 4th Thursday 6:15 PM Call Director for meeting location. Director Stone Love Cell 510 565 4425Home office 510 972 0528 or emailStonelove@stoneologys.com Meet up Page http://www.meetup.com/SAN-FRANCISCO-BAYAREA-NAFE/events/225941823/ U Tube Video coming soon South Bay Nafe Network, meets 4th Tuesday 6:30 pm @ Cozymel’s Mexican Restaurant 2171 Rosecrans Ave Manhattan Beach, Ca 90245 contact Director Alina Estrada 562-313-1190 or email info@nafesouthbay.com join us on Meetup.com/southbay-nafe-network www.nafesouthbay.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/1V83aqOxEWk

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South Orange County Nafe Network Morning Coffee meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Microsoft Store, 578 The Shops at Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA (Upstairs in mall) For information and/or to RSVP Contact Director Mikki St Germain, 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nafe.soc U Tube Video Coming soon Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 11:45 AM at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com Meet up page: http:// www.meetup.com/members/159937202/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/OZqKdhKUf5o Wildomar Nafe Network meets 4th Thursday 6:00 PM D’Canters Restaurant 32100 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter Nafe Regional Coordinator 951-255-920 or email rmotter@aol.com http://www.meetup.com/MenifeeMurrieta-Wildomar-Nafe-networks/ events/224726252/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ okj-UzaTbM4 COLORADO Denver Coming soon contact Director Nancy.i.gaines@gmail.com 314) 378-1611

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Join NAFE at any of these East Coast Networks

DC Washington DC Greater Washington DC Women’s Network, Mary Greene, Executive Director 202=5808884, email gwwenet@gwwn.org Website www.gwwwn.org meets Sept thru June GEORGIA Atlanta Nafe Atlanta Network, Executive Director, Lisadouglas 404-913nafe email contactus@nafeatlanta.com ILLINOIS Chicago Coming soon Zsyke Tusa Director, 331-212 -0585 email ztusa@ecologicsolutions.com INDIANA Indianapolis Nafe Women in Networking (WIN) Mary Aurtrey, Director 317-894-942` or 317413-719 email m.aurtrey@sbcglobal.net Co Director Lotti McCallistor 317-905-3666 e,ail bes10@iquest.net meets 1st Wednesday each month at 11:30-12:30 at Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Center 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis. IN 46249 Check out their Utube Video Page 180 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

LOUISIANA Gretna Women on the Go, Director Rose Mary Ceasar, 504-366-6889 email rosemarycadam@bellsouth,net, regular meetings 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm MARYLAND Baltimore Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com, meetings at 1300 Mercantile Lane Ste 100 Largo Maryland 20774 Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net Facebook page www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Howard County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Pikesville Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network , Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com Denise Laws, Co-Director 443-527-7403 contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Prince George’s County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/ Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com

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MICHIGAN Detroit Women Empowering Leadership & Legacy (WELL) Director Donna Stallings 313-999-2211 email donna@syncfoundation.com. Contact Director for meeting location and time. MISSOURI St Louis The Professional Women’s Alliance STL, Director Ninoska Clarkin 314-991-6144 NEW JERSEY Northern New Jersey Professional Women New Jersey, Dee Marshall, Director 862-218-0076 email nafenewjersey@gmail.com NEW YORK New York City, Roxanne Natale, Director 917 -952-0681 cell, 646-647-2148 work, email rnatale@ewsnyc.com North Carolina Nafe North Carolina, Director Michele Rogers, 919-621-3310 Email nafenorthcarolina@gmail.com website is www.nafenc.com Utube video https://youtu.be/snLmjMtGS7A PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Women Interactive Network WINN< Director Dawn Pomaybo 412-963-6311 email info@Winpitt.org SOUTH CAROLINA Coming Soon, contact Director Jayne Jordan 843-532-1123, email ladyjj2u@gmail.com

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ttremont@silotechgroup.com President-elect: Tracy Cifone, trc@SSACPA.com VP of Events: Jacqueline Jackson, Jacqueline.jackson@utsa.org 210-458-2483 VP of Membership: Brooke Lanie, brooke.lanie@utsa.edu, 210-458-4288 VP of Sponsorship, Aaron Sams, aaron@samscct.com, 210-788-1034 VP of Marketing, Chris Slowey, sloweyrcpoa@yahoo.com, 210-569-0953 VP of Finance, Natasha Robles, nrobles@silotechgroup.com, 210-5690953 Secretary, Trudy Pape, tpape@cbharper.com, 210-396-1879 TEXAS Dallas P-31 Women Inc, Contact Connie Mitchell 214-404-6462 Midland Successful Women’s Alliance, Diector Mary Elena Duron 432-978-2009 San Antonio WELEAD (Women Executives Leading Empowering And Developing) www.weleadsa.org Meets at Flemings Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 2nd Wednesday of every month 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM Alamo Quarry Market, 255 E Basse Rd. San Antonio, TX 78209 President: Tiffany Tremont, ttremont@silotechgroup.com, 210-569-0953 Page 182 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Waco Women’s Information Network, Max Nolen Director 254-717-5188 max_nolan@us.aflac.com E The Magazine for Today's Female Executives edited by Althea Ledo who runs the LA Nafe Nework has 4 pages dedicated to Nafe so be sure and send her your news. allyledo@aol.com and mark in subject News or even stories for Nafe section. Here is the website for the Magazine www.female-exec.com Also send news to Paula Damiano for the Nafe E Newsletter her email is pauladamiano@hotmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Global Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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