9 volunteers from 5 countries tell about their range of experiences while restoring the rakia house in Bela Rechka, Northwest Bulgaria
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the texts compiled and translated Radmila Mladenova editor Herbert Heuss the photographs took Marieke Hannink, Herbert Heuss, Steffan Inführ, Fabian Scholz, Lars Thoma and Boris Velkov design Raycho Stanev published by New Culture Foundation novakultura.org
©All rights reserved
РАКИЯ, ДОБРОВОЛЦИ – ЗА КАКВО СТАВА ДУМА? Õåðáåðò Õîéñ Èäåÿòà çà ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà ñå ðîäè, äîêàòî ñå ðàçõîæäàõ èç ñåëîòî. Òîãàâà íàó÷èõ êàêâà å èñòîðèÿòà íà òàçè ñãðàäà, êàê ãîäèíè íàðåä å áèëà ìÿñòî çà ñðåùè çà õîðàòà, íå ñàìî ïî âðåìå íà ðàêèåíèÿ ñåçîí, ìÿñòîòî áèëî ñïðåòíàòî è ñêúòàíî äî ðåêàòà â åäíî îò çåëåíèòå ïðîñòðàíñòâà, íî âå÷å íå òîëêîâà ñïðåòíàòî – êàçàíúò, ñúðöåòî íà ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà, áèë îòêðàäíàò, à ñãðàäàòà – ðàçðóøåíà. Èäåÿòà áåøå ïðîñòà: äà âúçñòàíîâèì ñãðàäàòà è ïî òîçè íà÷èí äà âúðíåì òîâà ìÿñòî çà ñðåùè íà õîðàòà â Áåëà ðå÷êà. Çà ùàñòèå, International Bauorden* , åäíà äîáðîâîë÷åñêà îðãàíèçàöèÿ ñúñ ñåäàëèùå â Ãåðìàíèÿ, ïîäêðåïè èäåÿòà, êàòî èçïðàòè ìëàäåæè äîáðîâîëöè îò öÿëà Åâðîïà, à ñúùî è ìàëêà
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* Èìà íÿêîëêî íåçàâèñèìè êëîíà íà Internationale Bauorden â Ãåðìàíèÿ, Øâåéöàðèÿ, Àâñòðèÿ, Õîëàíäèÿ, Áåëãèÿ è ò.í. Äîáðîâîëöèòå îò êîÿòî è äà å ñòðàíà ìîãàò äà ïðîâåðÿò çà ïðîåêòè è ëàãåðè, êàêòî è äà çàÿâÿò ó÷àñòèå íà òåõíèòå èíòåðíåò ñòðàíèöè. Âèæ íàïðèìåð www.bauorden.de .  ïîñëåäíî âðåìå “Áàóîðäåí” ñè ïàðòíèðà ñ áúëãàðñêàòà ÍÏÎ ÔÀÐ – Ñäðóæåíèå çà äåìîêðàòè÷íî îáðàçîâàíèå: óë. Ñâ. Ñâ. Êèðèë è Ìåòîäèé No 37, åò. 1, îôèñ 2, Áóðãàñ 8000 /Áúëãàðèÿ Tel./Fax: +359 56 821585, e-mail: far_bs@2plus.bg. Ëèöå çà êîíòàêòè: Âèîëåòà Êüîñåâà.
RAKIA, VOLUNTEERS – WHAT’S THAT? Herbert Heuss The Rakia House idea was born while strolling up and down the village. Than, I learnt the story of this house, how it has been for ages one of the meeting points for the people, not only during the rakia roasting season, the place neatly settled near the water in one of the green spots but not neatly any more – the kazan, heart of the rakia making, has been stolen and the house demolished. The idea was simple: to rebuild the house and by that giving back this social space to the people in Bela Rechka. Fortunately, the International Bauorden*, a volunteers’ organisation based in Germany, supported the idea, both with sending young European volunteers, and a small grant for construction materials. The Bauorden is a significant example for volunteers’ work in Western
Europe. For more than 55 years now, the Bauorden sends volunteers all over Europe supporting social projects. And indeed, the volunteers not only spend their holidays; they even pay their travel expenses by themselves. The volunteers want to help directly, want to meet others from all over Europe (and not only Europe), without borders of race, religion, ideology. Quite a difference to the past volunteers’ experience in the Eastern European countries, and something to explore for young people, now. The Rakia House Project marked a new step in the local development, too. For the first time, after many astonishing cultural events in the village, here was a project with a direct social impact. The production of Rakia is in itself a social event; however, in this rural area it is one of the few income generating activities local people traditionally are bearing. Our volunteers’ contribution in this field opened up new perspectives for the community, and the immediate environs. New ideas, from activities in the nearby Roma neighbourhood school to
the local Cultural Centre (the former Chitalishte) emerged in the discussions and talks after our project finalised. For the Nova Cultura Foundation, such socio-cultural activities became a new field to be explored, too. This booklet presents the eight days of the Rakia House reconstruction, and the team of volunteers. Many more people contributed during the whole process: Mitko, who not only added to the scraffitti decorating the house but also cared for constant water supplies; Niki, who was lifting the spirit by beans and vegetables; or Vasko, who provided all necessary tools and materials (and fine rakia as well). And this booklet reflects our various experiences volunteering in Bulgaria. For me, an ever surprising thing is the self-organisation of volunteer groups, where everybody finds her or his place and contributes to the whole reconstruction process. However, we have to admit that there was still work to do: water supplies and electricity needed to be connected; something the local community
had to do in order to make use of the kazan. Already the water is running, and we look forward to September, when the Rakia season starts – and maybe to meeting some of our volunteers again, degusting some results.
* There are various independent branches of the Internationale Bauorden in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium &ct. Volunteers from any country can check for projects and camps and apply for participation on their websites. See for example http://www.bauorden.de/. Lately, the Bauorden partnered with the Bulgarian NGO FAR – Association for Democratic Education. “St. St. Kyrill and Methodius” Str. 37, et. 1, Office 2, 8000 Bourgas /Bulgaria, Tel./Fax: +359 56 821585, e-mail: far_bs@2plus.bg. Contact person is Violetta Kyoseva.
ФАБИАН ЩОЛЦ Ôàáèàí êàðà àëòåðíàòèâíàòà ñè âîåííà ñëóæáà âúâ Âèåíà, êúäåòî ðàáîòè â æèëèùå çà áåçäîìíè õîðà. Çà ïðîåêòà â Áúëãàðèÿ èäâà ïî âðåìå íà äâóñåäìè÷íàòà ñè îòïóñêà. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèë? Òî÷íî â ìîìåíòà, ïîíåæå ïðåäè ïåò ìåñåöà ñå èçíåñîõ îò âêúùè, áèõ ñå îïèñàë êàòî äîâîëåí è êóïîíÿñâàù. Íà 19 ãîäèíè ñúì, îò Àâñòðèÿ. Æèâåÿ âúâ Âèåíà. Õàðåñâà ìè äà õîäÿ íà ðàáîòà, çà äà ñè ïå÷åëÿ ñàì ïàðèòå è äà æèâåÿ ñàìîñòîÿòåëíî. Íå ñïÿ ïî ìíîãî, ïîíåæå ÷åñòî èçëèçàì äà ñå ñðåùàì ñ ïðèÿòåëè. Èìàì ìíîãî – êàê äà ãî êàæà – èçòîùèòåëåí íà÷èí íà æèâîò. Ìëàä ñúì.
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FABIAN SCHOLZ Fabian does his alternative civilian service in Vienna working in a residence for homeless people. He came to the work camp in Bulgaria during his two-week holiday. How would you present yourself? Right at the moment, because I moved out from my parents five months ago, I would describe myself as content and having fun. I am 19, from Austria, I live in Vienna. I enjoy going to work to earn my own money and live independently. I don’t sleep very much cause I go out a lot to meet people. I have a very – how is it called - exhausting lifestyle. I am young.
The best moment of the day? Definitely, the best moment was when I first saw how lunch was served. I really enjoyed sitting on the rug, eating this typical Bulgarian food. And especially this village-made bread. It was very tasty. And then taking a sunbath, relaxing. Today everything is very relaxing. That’s not like in Austria that everything has to be planned, there has to be a high schedule: you have to accomplish this and this aim in a specific time, so it’s cosier. It’s more talk with the people, learn about them.
МАЙКЕ БАКЕР Ìàéêå ðàáîòè êàòî ïèàð â êîìïàíèÿ çà ÿäðåíà åíåðãèÿ è îñåí òîâà ìíîãî ÿ áèâà âúâ ôîòîãðàôèÿòà, åäíî îò õîáèòàòà é. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Àç ñúì Ìàéêå îò Õîëàíäèÿ è ñúì íà 29 ãîäèíè. Íåîòäàâíà íàâúðøèõ íà 29, êîåòî áåøå ìíîãî ïðèÿòíî ïðåæèâÿâàíå, çàùîòî ïîêàíèõ ñåìåéñòâîòî è ïðèÿòåëèòå ñè íà äåãóñòàöèÿ íà âèíà è ñòàíà äîñòà êúñíî. Õàðåñâà ìè äà èçñëåäâàì Åâðîïà è äà íàó÷àâàì îùå çà íåÿ. Ìîìåíòúò íà äåíÿ? Äíåñ áåøå âòîðèÿò íè äåí îò ïðîåêòà çà ïîñòðîÿâàíåòî íà ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà è åäíà îò èäåèòå áåøå äà âçåìåì íîâè òóõëè è êåðåìèäè çà ïîêðèâà è ñòåíèòå íà ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà, òàêà ÷å Ìàðèêå – äðóãîòî ìîìè÷å îò Õîëàíäèÿ – è àç îòèäîõìå
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2 MAAIKE BAKKER Maaike works a PR in a nuclear company, and is quite good at photography, just one of her hobbies. How would you present yourself? I am Maaike from Holland and I am 29 years old. I recently got 29, which was very nice, because I invited my family and friends for a wine tasting and it got really late. And I love to explore some more of Europe. The best moment of the day? Today we were on our second day to build this rakia house and one of the ideas was to get new bricks and new tiles for the roof and the walls of the house, so Marieke – the other Dutch girl – and I went for a walk up the hills with Slavcho. And of course, we could not
communicate in any way except non-verbally. And well, we did a lot. We had a lot of laughs going up the hill, making sounds of a car. Like: ‘How can we get the tiles downhill?’ Like: “Vrrrruuum” and Slavcho was like: ‘Yeah!’, thumbs up. Here and there, there is a large stone or brick and the car has to move from the left to the right to get up the hill. We had beautiful sightseeing going up, beautiful flowers. Marieke and I coming from Holland we would think that there will be piles of brick and piles of tiles waiting for us. And we were already questioning: ‘Why are we going up so high? ’ This was not a normal place to have tiles. And then we realised seeing a few walls that we had to bring the tiles and the bricks ourselves. It oooh was a lovely experience, it was very nice!
ХЕРБЕРТ ХОЙС Õåðáåðò å ïîëèòîëîã è å ïîñâåòèë ìíîãî ãîäèíè îò æèâîòà ñè â èçó÷àâàíå íà ðîìèòå, òÿõíàòà èñòîðèÿ, êóëòóðà, êóõíÿ è ëþáîâ êúì æèâîòà. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Àç ñúì äîáðîâîëåö îò Ãåðìàíèÿ, íî æèâåÿ â Ñîôèÿ. Êàê òàêà åäèí ãåðìàíåö å äîøúë äà æèâåå â Ñîôèÿ, ùå áúäå âòîðèÿò âúïðîñ íà èíòåðâþèðàùèÿò. Àìè, è òàêèâà íåùà ñå ñëó÷âàò. Àêöåíòúò íà äåíÿ? Óñúâúðøåíñòâàíåòî íà òåõíèêèòå ïî èçìàçâàíå ñ õîðîñàí îò ñòðàíà íà âñè÷êè äîáðîâîëöè.  íà÷àëîòî, âêëþ÷èòåëíî è àç, íÿìàõìå ãîëÿìà ãîòîâíîñò äà ïëÿñêàìå õîðîñàíà ïî ñòåíàòà, íî â êðàÿ íà äåíà âñè÷êè ñ ãîëÿìî çàäîâîëñòâî ìÿòàõà õîðîñàí. È âñúùíîñò âèäÿõìå
ðåçóëòàòà ïî ëèöàòà íà ìåñòíèòå íè ìàéñòîðè. Ìîÿò àêöåíò çà äåíÿ áåøå ôèíàëèçèðàíåòî íà îñíîâàòà çà êàçàíà, çàùîòî Áîðèñ áåøå ïðèãîòâèë åäèí ôóíäàìåíò îò ìíîãî õóáàâè êàìúíè, ïîäîáåí íà ÿïîíñêà ãðàäèíà, è ñëåä òîâà òðÿáâàøå äà ãè ôèêñèðàìå, êàòî ãè çàëååì îòãîðå ñ öèìåíò. Òðÿáâàøå äà äîêàðàìå äâà èëè òðè ïúòè ïÿñúê, à Áîðèñ áåøå òîëêîâà óìîðåí, âñå êàçâàøå: “Îô...” Ïðåç öÿëîòî âðåìå èçãëåæäàøå òàêà, ñÿêàø ùå çàñïè. Åäèí ïúò ñå ïîÿâèõ è ãî âèäÿõ äà ñè ãîâîðè ñ íÿêîãî è òîé êàòî ìå âèäÿ, âåäíàãà ñè ïîìèñëè, ÷å ùå ïîèñêàì äà íàïðàâè îùå öèìåíò. Êîåòî è íàïðàâèõ. Íî íàêðàÿ ñå ïîëó÷è ìíîãî äîáðå. È ñúâñåì íàêðàÿ, òîâà å ïîñëåäíèÿò ìè àêöåíò çà äåíÿ, îòêðèõ ñåêèðèòå è êàçàõ: “Ïîñëåäíà çàäà÷à.’ Áÿõ äîíåñúë ñúì åäèí îãðîìåí êëîí, ïî÷òè êàòî äúðâî è ìó êàçàõ: “Õàéäå äà ãî íàðåæåì íà ïàð÷åòà çà âå÷åðíèÿ îãúí.” Ïîñëåäíàòà çàäà÷à çà Áîðèñ. È íåÿ ÿ ñâúðøè äîáðå.
3 HERBERT HEUSS Herbert is a political scientist and has devoted many years of his life to studying the Roma, their history, culture, cuisine and love for life. How would you present yourself? I am volunteer from Germany, but I live in Sofia. How comes a German lives in Bulgaria would be the next question of the interviewer. Oh, well, such things happen, too. The highlight of the day: The improvement of plastering technologies among all the volunteers. In the beginning, including myself, we were very reluctant really to smash the plaster to the wall but by the end of the day everybody was quite happily sssshpluts splashing.
And actually we saw the effects on the faces of the local masters. My highlight of the day was the finalization of the fundament for the kazan because Boris prepared this Japanese garden-like fundament with very nice stones and then we had to fix it with concrete on top. We had to get sand two or three times and Boris was so tired, always he thought: ‘ Oooh …’ He looked like falling asleep every time. I went round the corner and saw Boris happily talking to someone and then he saw me and he immediately thought that I want to ask him to produce more concrete. Which I did. But finally it was quite nice. At the very end, this was the very final highlight, I found the axes there and said: ‘Oh, last job’; I brought a really huge branch, almost a tree and said to him: ‘Let’s cut this into pieces for the evening fire’. Last job for Boris. Well, he did it well.
МАРИКЕ ХАНИК Òîâà å ïåòèÿò äîáðîâîë÷åñêè ëàãåð íà Ìàðèêå êúì “Áàóîðäåí”. Õîäèëà å îùå â Ìàðîêî, Àðìåíèÿ, Óêðàéíà, Àâñòðèÿ è ñåãà ñå ãîòâè çà ñëåäâàùîòî ñè ñòðîèòåëíî ïðèêëþ÷åíèå. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Àç ñúì íà 29 ãîäèíè è ñúì îò Õîëàíäèÿ. Ðàáîòÿ êàòî èíæåíåð-ìåõàíèê. Æèâåÿ â ãðàä Àëêìàð, â çàïàäíàòà ÷àñò íà Õîëàíäèÿ. Îáè÷àì äà ïúòóâàì, îáè÷àì êèíîòî, ñïîðòà.  ìîìåíòà õîäÿ äà èãðàÿ áàñêåòáîë è ñêîðîñòíî êàðàíå íà êúíêè íà ëåä, ïîíÿêîãà òè÷àì. Îáè÷àì ïëàíèíèòå, çàùîòî Õîëàíäèÿ öÿëàòà å ðàâíà. Âñè÷êî å ïîä ìîðñêîòî ðàâíèùå, çàòîâà ìíîãî õàðåñâàì ïëàíèíèòå.
Íàé-ñèëíîòî âïå÷àòëåíèå îò äíåñ? Ïðèñòèãàíåòî íà êàçàíà, çàùîòî âå÷å ãî áÿõìå ÷àêàëè òîëêîâà âðåìå. Òîé å íàé-âàæíîòî íåùî â ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà, äîáðå å ÷îâåê äà âèäè çà êàêâî ðàáîòè. Èçìàçâàíåòî íà ñòåíèòå ñ õîðîñàí ñúùî áåøå ïðèÿòíî. Ïðåäè ñúì ðåäèëà òóõëè, ïðàâèëà ñúì è äðóãè íåùà, êàòî áîÿäèñâàíå, íî íèêîãà íå áÿõ çàñèëâàëà õîðîñàí êúì ñòåíàòà.
MARIEKE HANNINK This is Marieke’s fifth voluntary camp, organized by Bauorden. So far she has been to Morocco, Armenia, Ukraine and Austria, and at the moment she is getting ready for her next construction-work adventure. How would you present yourself? I am 29 years old, I live in the Netherlands. I work as a mechanical engineer there. I live in Alkmaar, in the west of the Netherlands. I like travelling, I like movies, sports. At the moment, I play basketball and speed skating on ice and sometimes running. I like the mountains because Netherlands is all flat. Everything is below sea level, so I like the mountains very much.
The highlight of the day: The arrival of the kazan because we already waited for it for so long. It’s the most important thing in the rakia house, it’s good to see what you work for. Smashing concrete to the wall, that’s nice, too. I did some bricklaying before, and other things like painting, but never smashing concrete against the wall.
... все още
МАРИАНА АСЕНОВА Ìàðèàíà âîäè ñâîÿ ðóáðèêà âñåêè ÷åòâúðòúê âúâ Âåñòíèê Äíåâíèê íà òåìà èíôîðìàöèîííèòå è êîìóíèêàöèîííè òåõíîëîãèè. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Êàçâàì ñå Ìàðèàíà è ìàé íàïîñëåäúê ñúì ïîâå÷å îò Áåëà ðå÷êà, îòêîëêîòî îò Âèäèí, êúäåòî ñúì ðîäåíà, è îò Ñîôèÿ, êúäåòî ñúì ïðåêàðàëà ïîëîâèíàòà ñè æèâîò. Ïîñëåäíèòå ïåò ãîäèíè ìàé íàé-äîáðå ñå ÷óâñòâàì òóê, â Áåëà ðå÷êà. Èíà÷å ñúì æóðíàëèñò. Îò ñàìîòî, ñàìîòî íà÷àëî ñúì òóê, â òîâà, êîåòî ïðàâèì, è ìè å ìíîãî íà ñúðöå. Íåùîòî, êîåòî íàé-ìíîãî òå âïå÷àòëè: Äíåñ áåøå ïîâå÷å îò åìîöèîíàëåí äåí. Ðÿäêî ìè ñå ñëó÷âà òàêàâà ñèëíà åìîöèÿ. Íå ìîãà äàæå äà ÿ îïðåäåëÿ, íî íàé-ñèëíî ìè áåøå âïå÷àòëåíèåòî îò ìàéêàòà â òîâà öèãàíñêî ñåìåéñòâî, â êîåòî ìúæåòå ñà èçðàáîòèëè êàçàíà. Òÿ áåøå óíèêàëíà, èìàøå íåâåðîÿòíî èçëú÷âàíå. Ìíîãî èíòåðåñåí êîíòàêò,
ìíîãî äúëáîê îò ïúðâà ñðåùà. Ïúðâîòî âïå÷àòëåíèå áÿõà çëàòíèòå é çúáè, íå áÿõ âèæäàëà ÷îâåê ñ òîëêîâà ìíîãî çëàòè çúáè è òî îòïðåä, íî â ñúùîòî âðåìå àêî òîâà óñåùàíå çà ìåòàë å ñòóäåíî è îòáëúñêâàùî – òî÷íî êîëêîòî ñòóäåí è îòáëúñêâàù å ìåòàëúò, òîëêîâà òîïëî èçëú÷âàíå èìàøå ñàìàòà òÿ è óñìèâêàòà é. Íÿêàêúâ òîê, íå çíàì êàêâî ñòàíà, íÿêàêâî äîâåðèå, íÿêàêúâ ìíîãî äúëáîê êîíòàêò îò âðàòà, îò: “Äîáúð äåí, çäðàâåéòå àç ñúì Ìàðèàíà”.  öÿëàòà ñóìàòîõà äîðè íå é çàïîìíèõ èìåòî. Çàùîòî íèå ñå çàïîçíàâàõìå åäíîâðåìåííî ñ òðèìà ìúæå, òðè æåíè, åäèí áóëþê äåöà, òàêà ãîëÿìà ôàìèëèÿ. Âñè÷êè íè ÷àêàõà, òóòàêñè ñëîæèõà ìàñàòà, êàôåòà, íåùà çà ïèåíå. Íàé-åìîöèîíàëíî çà ìåí áåøå åäèí ìîìåíò, äîêàòî íèå ñè ãîâîðèì ñ ìúæåòå çà êàçàíà, òÿ ìå äðúïíà çà ëàêúòÿ: “Èñêàì, Ìàðèàí÷å, äà òè ïîäàðÿ åäíè öâåòÿ, êîèòî äà ñè íàñàäèø, è ìè ïîêàçà íåéíèòå êàê èçãëåæäàò âå÷å ãîëåìè. È âå÷å êàòî òðúãâàõìå ïîëóîêîí÷àòåëíî, çàùîòî ïîëîâèí ÷àñ íå ìîæàõìå äà ñè òðúãíåì, òÿ ìè êàçà: “È êàòî ìèíàâàì ïðåç Áåëà ðå÷êà, ùå òè ñå îáàäÿ, èñêàì åäíè êàðòè äà òè õâúðëÿ òàêà êàòî íà ïðèÿòåëêà.”
4 MARIANA ASENOVA Every Thursday, Mariana publishes a feature in her column on information and communication technologies in Dnevnik, one of the leading Bulgarian newspapers. How would you present yourself? My name is Mariana and lately it seems that I am more from Bela Rechka than from Vidin where I was born or from Sofia where I have spent half of my life. The last five years I seem to feel best here, in Bela Rechka. Otherwise I am a journalist. From the very beginning I am here, in what we do and it’s very much at my heart. Your strongest impression of today? Today it was more than an emotional day. It’s not often that I experience such a strong emotion. I cannot even define it, but my strongest impression was the mother in this Gypsy family, in which the men made the boiler. She was unique, had an incredible energy about her. It was a very interesting contact, very deep from the first meeting.
day ...still
I was first impressed by her teeth. I had never seen somebody with so many golden teeth, and especially front teeth. But at the same time as much as the metal seemed cold and off-putting, just as much her smile felt warm. It was some kind of electricity, I don’t know what happened, there was trust, some very deep contact from the door, from: ‘Hello, I am Mariana’. In all the turmoil, I didn’t even remember her name. Because we were welcomed, at the same time, by three men, three women, and whole gang of children, it was a big family. They were all waiting for us; they instantly laid the table, offered coffees and things to drink. The most emotional moment was when – while we were talking with the men about the boiler – she pulled me at my elbow and said: ‘I want, Marianche, to give some flowers to plant them.’ And she showed me how hers looked like, already grown big. And when we were leaving almost finally – because we had been trying to leave for half an hour already - she told me: ‘And when I pass through Bela Rechka, I am gonna call you, I want to throw some cards for you, now that you are a friend.’
ЛАРС ТОМА Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Êàçâàì ñå Ëàðñ, ðîäåí ñúì â Ãåðìàíèÿ, à ñåãà æèâåÿ â Øâåéöàðèÿ, â èçòî÷íàòà ÷àñò. Èìàì ñåìåéñòâî, äúùåðÿ ìè å íà 12 ãîäèíè. Ïî ïðîôåñèÿ ñúì àäâîêàò. Òóê ñúì, çàùîòî îáè÷àì äà ðàáîòÿ íà îòêðèòî, ìíîãî å ðàçëè÷íî îò ðàáîòàòà ìè âêúùè. Èñêàì äà ðàáîòÿ ñ äðóãè õîðà îò ðàçëè÷íè ñòðàíè è ðàçëè÷íè ïîêîëåíèÿ. Òîâà ìè å òðåòèÿò ëàãåð ñ Ôîíäàöèÿ “Áàóîðäåí” è ìèñëÿ, ÷å íÿìà äà å ïîñëåäíèÿò.
Íàé-õóáàâîòî îò äíåñ? Î, äíåñ áåøå ëåñíî! (ñìåå ñå) Çà ïúðâè ïúò âèäÿõ ôóíêöèîíèðàù êàçàí â ñúñåäíîòî ñåëî, Äîëíà Áåëà ðå÷êà. Áåøå ìè ìíîãî èíòåðåñíî. Áÿõ èçíåíàäàí êîëêî å ïðîñòî äà ñå ïðàâè ðàêèÿ.  Øâåéöàðèÿ çà âñè÷êî èìà ìàøèíè. È ïðåäè ñúì ïèë ðàêèÿ, íî íå ñúì ñå çàìèñëÿë êàêâî å íóæíî, çà äà ñå íàïðàâè.
LARS THOMA How would you present yourself? My name is Lars, I was born in Germany and now I live in Switzerland, the Eastern part. I have a family; my daughter is 12 years old. I am a lawyer by profession. I am here because I like to work outside; it’s very different to my work at home. I like to work with other people from different nations and different generations. This is the third time I go with Bauorden Foundation and I think it’s not the last time.
The best thing about today? Oh, today it was easy! (laughs) I saw for the first time a functioning kazan in the next village, Dolna Bela Rechka. It was very interesting for me. I am surprised by it – how simple it is to make rakia. In Switzerland you have machines for everything. I have drunk rakia before but I never considered what it takes to make it.
ЩЕФАН ИНФЮР Âìåñòî äà õîäè âîéíèê, Ùåôàí äâå ãîäèíè å êàðàë ëèíåéêà âúâ Âèåíà. Ñåãà èñêà äà ó÷è çà æóðíàëèñò, èëè èñòîðèê. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Êàçâàì ñå Ùåôàí. Íà 19 ãîäèíè ñúì. Èäâàì îò Àâñòðèÿ, îò Âèåíà. Ïðåäè äâà ìåñåöà çàâúðøèõ àëòåðíàòèâíàòà ñè âîåííà ñè ñëóæáà è ïðåç îêòîìâðè ùå çàïî÷íà äà ó÷à, òàêà ÷å â ìîìåíòà èìàì äîñòà ñâîáîäíî âðåìå. Çàòîâà è ðåøèõ, ÷å èñêàì äà ðàáîòÿ, íî ñè ïîìèñëèõ, ÷å äîáðîâîë÷åñêàòà ðàáîòà èìà ïîâå÷å ïðåäèìñòâà îò ïëàòåíàòà, çàùîòî íÿìà òàêîâà íàïðåæåíèå è î÷àêâàíèÿòà íå ñà òîëêîâà âèñîêè. Êàêâîòî ìîæåø äà íàïðàâèø, ãî ïðàâèø. È ðàçáèðà ñå, èñêàõ äà ïîñåòÿ íÿêîÿ ÷óæäà ñòðàíà.
Íàé-äîáðîòî îò äåíÿ? Äâàìàòà ñ Ëàðñ óñïÿõìå ïî÷òè äà çàâúðøèì ñòåíàòà îò çàïàäíàòà ñòðàíà. Áÿõ äîñòà äîâîëåí, çàùîòî íèêîãà äîñåãà íå ñúì ïðàâèë ñàì ñòåíà. ×óâñòâàì ñå äîñòà óâåðåí, ÷å óñïÿõ. Áåøå ó÷åíå â ïðîöåñà íà ðàáîòà. Íèêîé íå ìè å êàçâàë êúäå òî÷íî äà ïîñòàâÿì âñÿêà òóõëà. À è å ïðèÿòíî ñëåä íÿêîëêî ÷àñà äà âèäèø ðåçóëòàòà îò ðàáîòàòà ñè. Êàêâî äðóãî íàó÷è ïî âðåìå íà ïðåñòîÿ ñè òóê? Íàó÷èõ ñå äà áúðêàì õîðîñàí è äà ãî çàìÿòàì êúì ñòåíàòà, òàêà ÷å ïîñëå äà íå ïàäíå èçâåäíúæ. Íàó÷èõ, ÷å å íåùàòà ñå ïîëó÷àâàò, àêî õîðàòà äà ðàáîòÿò, êîãàòî èñêàò, áåç íÿêîé äà èì êàçâà êîãà äà ðàáîòÿò. Àêî èñêàò äà ñè ïî÷èíàò, ñè ïðàâÿò ïî÷èâêà. Àêî ëè íå, ñå âðúùàò êúì ðàáîòàòà. Âñåêè ãëåäà êàêâî èìà äà ñå âúðøè. Ïîíÿêîãà íå å òîëêîâà áúðçî, êîëêîòî â íîðìàëíàòà ðàáîòà, íî ñè ìèñëÿ, ÷å õîðàòà ñå ÷óâñòâàò ïî-äîáðå.
6 STEFFAN INFÜHR Instead of joining the army, Steffan drove an ambulance for two years in Vienna. Now, he wants to study for a journalist, or historian. How would you present yourself? My name is Steffan, I am 19 years old. I come from Austria, from Vienna. I finished my civilian service two months ago, and I am going to study in October so I have plenty of time with nothing to do. So I decided that I wanted to work, but I thought maybe voluntary work has more advantages than work where you get paid, because it’s not such a pressure and the expectations are not so high. What you can do, you can do. And of course, I wanted to see a foreign country.
The best thing of the day: Lars and I, together we nearly finished the wall on the west side. I was quite happy because I’ve never done such a wall on my own. I feel quite confident because I did it. It was only learning by doing. Nobody told me where exactly to put which brick. And it’s nice after a few hours to see the result of your work. What else did you learn during your stay? I learned how to mix the concrete and to throw it on the wall so it doesn’t drop down suddenly. I learned that it really works if people just work when they want to; nobody tells them when to work. If people want to make a break, they make a break. And if not, they go back to work. Everyone looks what kind of work there is to do. Sometimes it isn’t as fast as normal work but I think people feel better.
БОРИС ВЕЛКОВ Áîðèñ ðàáîòè â Èíñòèòóòà ïî çîîëîãèÿ, êúì ÁÀÍ. Èíòåðåñóâà ñå îò ñëàäêîâîäíè ðèáè. Íàñêîðî ñå çàâúðíà îò ñïåöèàëèçàöèÿ â ßïîíèÿ, êúäåòî å íàó÷èë íå ñàìî äà ãîâîðè íà ÿïîíñêè, íî è äà ïðèãîòâÿ âåëèêîëåïíî ñóøè. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Êàçâàì ñå Áîðèñ Âåëêîâ, íà 33 ãîäèíè, áèîëîã. Ñ ðàêèäæèéíèöè íå ñúì ñå çàíèìàâàë äîñåãà. Ìàêàð ÷å èìàì ñòðîèòåëåí îïèò. Íà áðàòîâ÷åä ìè áàùà ìó áåøå åäèí îò íàé-äîáðèòå ìàéñòîðè â Êîïðèâùèöà, ìîæåøå äà ïîñòðîè êúùà îò îñíîâàòà äî ïîêðèâà, âêëþ÷èòåëíî âúòðå ðåçáîâàíèòå òàâàíè. È àç ñúì ìó ïîìàãàë. Êàê áåøå ãîðå íà ïîêðèâà? Áîðêî Îñàòà ìè ïóñíà ìóõàòà äà íàïðàâÿ ïîêðèâà. Ìíîãî âîëåí èçãëåæäàøå ãîðå íà ïîêðèâà. Ìíîãî ìå êåôåøå, ÷å ãîðå âÿòúð òå äóõà, ñëúíöå ãðåå, äúæä òå âàëè.  ñúùîòî âðåìå âèæäàø öÿëîòî ñåëî, êàòî
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7 BORIS VELKOV Boris works in the Zoological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science. He is interested in fresh-water fishes. Recently he came back from a specialization in Japan, where he learned not only to speak Japanese, but also to prepare delicious sushi. How would you present yourself? My name is Boris Velkov, I am 33 years old, biologist. I haven’t worked on rakia houses before. Although I have some experience in construction work. My cousin’s father was one of the best masters in the town of Koprivshtitsa; he could build a house from the foundation to the roof, including the ceilings from carved wood inside. And I have helped him. How was it on the roof? Borko the Wasp put it into my head to do the roof. He seemed very free up on the roof. And I enjoyed that I could feel the wind blowing, the sun shining, the rain falling. At the same time, I could see the whole village, it was like a
watchtower. And this idea about the rooster, I don’t’ know how it came up to me. At one moment, I saw this white chimney like a screen and I said to myself: ‘Here is the place to leave our mark’. And this rooster just came up as a symbol. I even went around the village looking for a rooster to take a picture of, to capture its outline. Because a rooster is a rooster, everyone has seen them, but how to depict it? To make is stylized and at the same time objective? And I found a rooster and took a picture, otherwise it would have come out differently. It was in the afternoon, very strange time – it was both scorching and raining and the roof was slippery. I broke some roof tiles into pieces. There was nobody around, and this was the most interesting thing – when I made the rooster I was on my own, everyone had disappeared somewhere. And I climbed up with a bucket full of small tile pieces. And I arranged them and glued them. I am really very fond of this rooster. It is a strong symbol. A symbol of awakening, of the day-light powers. At the same time, it is a very masculine symbol, very bright, positive, aggressive, creative. And the rooster rules the whole flock of hens. (laughter)
РАДМИЛА МЛАДЕНОВА Ðàäìèëà èìà äîñòà òàëàíòè è óìåíèÿ. Àêî íå áåøå òÿ, ðàêèäæèéíèöàòà ùåøå äà îñòàíå áåç àðò ìîìåíòèòå ñè. Ñåãà ïî íåÿ èìà êúùè÷êè íà îõëþâè, êàìúíè, ïàð÷åòà ìåòàë, ñêðàôèòè, êàïà÷êè îò áèðà – âñè÷êèòå âíèìàòåëíî ïîñòàâåíè è çàëåïåíè çà ñòåíèòå – è âúí, è âúòðå. Êàê áè ñå ïðåäñòàâèëà? Ðàáîòÿ êàòî æóðíàëèñò è ïðåâîäà÷ íà ñâîáîäíà ïðàêòèêà. Æèâåÿ â Ñîôèÿ, Áúëãàðèÿ. Íà 31 ãîäèíè ñúì, ìàêàð äà íå ëè÷è. Ïîñëåäíîòî ìè ãîëÿìî ïðåäèçâèêàòåëñòâî è ïðèêëþ÷åíèå áåøå äà íàïèøà òåêñòîâåòå êúì ôîðî èçëîæáàòà íà Àëåêñàíäúð Èâàíîâ - 360° Áúëãàðèÿ. Êàê áè îáîáùèëà àêöèÿòà? Òîâà, êîåòî ìå âïå÷àòëè ïúðâî, áåøå, ÷å âñè÷êè áÿõà ìíîãî áîéíè, íå ñå ïëàøåõà îò ðàáîòà. Âñè÷êè èäâàõà íàâðåìå è áÿõà èñòèíñêè
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8 RADMILA MLADENOVA Radmila has lots of talents and skills. Without her, the rakia house would have stood without its art. Now, you find snail houses, stones, metal pieces, scraffitti, beer caps, all carefully placed and glued to the walls, inside and outside. How would you present yourself? I am a freelance journalist and translator. I live in Sofia, Bulgaria, I am 31 years old although it’s difficult to tell. And my latest challenge and pleasure was to write the texts for Alexander Ivanov’s photo exhibition called 360° Bulgaria. The wrap-up of the event? What impressed me first was how everyone was really hands-on, let’s do it. Everyone was on time and really motivated. And every time we had a little bit of delay because we couldn’t find materials or there was some problem, I was so surprised to see that people
were frustrated because they didn’t have enough work. I also thought we had a kind of theatre of the senses, I have never plastered so I could discover how plaster feels in my hands. I don’t hammer things very often, I don’t use all these construction tools very often, I don’t place tiles on a roof very often, actually that’s the first time I’ve done it, so this experience of building a house and building it together with other people was very strong. I really enjoyed the art part of it – everyone has their signature, picture or personal corner in the rakia house. I like how we involved the people from the village – someone gave a cable, some gave a cutting machine, someone brought us kompoti. It was a very rich experience, so I hopefully we have rakia this year!
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FOLLOW UP: ARTICLES AND MAILS Marieke Our journey back home went fine, although Maaike and I were very sad to leave Bulgaria. Some sips of Rakia in the train from Germany to Holland helped us to survive :), but actually I’m still quite sad. Difficult to get used to daily life again, spending 8 hours a day in the office, instead of breathing some fresh air, enjoying nature, mountains, lots of sun. It’s strange.... I think that I’ve never drunk more alcohol in my life than these two weeks in Bulgaria, never slept fewer hours a night for such a long time, but I never had any problems, always felt fine. Now I’m back home, I seem to experience the largest hangover ever, so sad that this wonderful period has ended... Fabian I’ve been working for one week too and it was quite hard to find back into the Austrian working style! Everything has to be on time and planned thus no more individual improvising what I really enjoyed in Bela Rechka! I prefer our working style in Bela Rechka. Maaike I just want to say that everyday I enjoy thinking about the nice time in Bela Rechka and Sofia with all of you! When do we start again? Next week?
By Elizabeth Radkova (24 hours newspaper) EUROBRIGADE FIXES A KAZAN FOR RAKIA There is a nuclear physicist, sociologist and lawyer in it Like the Phoenix bird out of the ashes came the rakia distiller in the village of Gorna Bela Rechka. The revivers of the village distiller were a nuclear physicist and a sociologist from Holland, a lawyer from Switzerland, two Austrian students, a Bulgarian ecologist from the Bulgarian Academy of Science. Three years ago, Herbert Heuss passed accidentally by the demolished building. People explained to him that there used to be the village distiller. Unknown thieves took the copper distiller, breaking through the thin wall of the building it was kept. When the village was left without this important unifying center, people had to roast their rakia in the distiller of the neighboring village. Touched by the heavy plight of the villagers in Gorna Bela Rechka, Herbert decided to restore the gleam in the grandfathers’ eyes. Through International Bauorden he summoned volunteers from all over Europe and arrived to mend the evil. Six foreigners and two Bulgarians pulled up their sleeves and only in ten days erected the new building for the distiller – this time with solid walls to avoid new mishaps.
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The Regulation on the definitions of the types of alcoholic beverages, raw materials and the technology for their production, promulgated in the State Gazette, issue No 68 from August 22nd, 2006, enumerates the qualities which beverages should have in order to be called grapes-, wine-, marc- and fruit rakia or rakia from fruit marc. The list attached to the definitions is quite detailed and the requirements for the different rakias are varying and include origins, raw materials, productions methods, percentage of volatile substances, percentage of ethanol and methanol, specific organoleptic characteristics, etc. I will spare you much of this information to provide only the essence: “Alcoholic beverage with a minimal content of 36% alcohol which is produced by means of distilling wine, fortified wine, fruit marc or fermented pulp.” The first records of the production of this noble beverage in our motherland date back from the end of 16th century. Initially, our ancestors preferred predominantly wild-growing forest fruit and grape marc as raw materials, mainly in the semi-mountainous regions. In recent times, grape is most often used as raw material for rakia production. Other popular fruit sources are plums, damson plums, apricots, and pears. Potential producers
should know that the quality of the fruit - its water and sugar contents - is highly important for the quality and quantity of the resulting distillate. Other fruit which can undergo miraculous metamorphoses are quinces, fogs and even acacia blossoms. As an orienteer for raw material – rakia ratio, I can quote 4 to 6 litres of rakia from a 100 kg of plums or 6 to 8 litres of rakia from 100 kg of damson plums. The acquisition of a certain amount of fruit is just the first step down the road towards the sweaty rakia-glass. The fruit should ferment at minimum 15-16°C. During the fermentation process, sugars turn into alcohols. The higher the container’s temperature, the faster the fermentation. It’s good to know that pitted fruit, after staying for some time, add an unpleasant bitter tang to the rakia. This can be avoided by removing these woody particles in advance or by adding 2% of wood ash afterwards. To increase the fire water production, people often add sugar to the marc. Just to gain an idea, 1 kg of sugar yields around 700 ml of rakia. As the initiation of young Masai men involves the killing of a lion, the initiation of young Bulgarians (including myself) until recently involved the roasting of rakia. Nothing can compare to the cosiness and men’s solidarity in the heated, smoky and dimly lit distillery. There is a smell of roasted pork fat and onions, and the inarticulate hiccups of the semi-drunk rakia makers. The next stage is the distillation itself, known also as the ‘roasting’ or ‘boiling’ of the rakia. It takes place in copper distillers of various capacities. The fermented mixture (marc) is placed into the distiller; then the lid is closed and fitted with dough made of flour and water. A fire is lit under the distiller, its aim being to heat up the mixture and cause the evaporation of different alcoholic fractions. The alcoholic vapours are directed to a tube (pipe) and later down to a
spiral-shaped serpentine constantly cooled down by running tap water. The lower temperature in the serpentines causes vapours to liquefy and so, from the end tip of the serpentine, there comes out the much-desired liquid. To ensure a long-lasting and smooth fire, one should use bigger pieces of firewood. It’s not recommendable to have a too strong fire, the most critical time being the moment when the first fraction of rakia starts dripping. Due to the lower temperature of its boiling, methyl alcohol rushes first down the piped installation. It has a specific and highly toxic effect and should be avoided. That’s why the first fraction has to be thrown (500 ml to 100 kg of marc) or to be used for window washing (it’s very good for this purpose). After the true rakia starts dripping, one should constantly observe the level of alcohol, the taste, aroma and pipe temperature. The indicators for determining the duration of this process are too subjective, so it’s good to have around an experienced rakia maker. When the alcohol level drops down under 35%, the fractions of higher alcohols start coming out, they are poisonous, too. Sometimes, the resulting distillate doesn’t have sufficiently good qualities. In such cases, one way out is to make secondary (and sometimes tertiary) distillation. In principle, every subsequent distillation results in rakia of a higher quality, higher alcoholic degree, but less in quantity. A must for the distillation of good rakia is to have bonegrown vegetables sizzling on the live coal. To turn good, the rakia needs to mature for a couple of months. The longer it matures, the better, especially if it is in high quality (oak) barrels. And finally, something very important: good rakia goes well with a good appetizer.