Namib Times Virtual Edition

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Bye bars los


Marshallino Beukes Inwoners van Franckestraat, in die Vineta woonbuurt van Swakopmund, het hul ongelukkigheid en kommer teenoor die koerant uitgespreek, nadat 'n swerm bye wat 'n inwoner, ene mnr Ritter, blykbaar in sy agterplaas aanhou, twee honde gedood het.

Growth expected Page 2

Car accident in Swakop Page 3

Castro in Court Norwegian attacked Page 4

BE WARNED: Ms Liz Sibindi, Corporate Communications Manager with Rtd Commissioner Festus Shilongo, Head of security of the Namibia Ports Authority.

Namport scam warning Queen Mary 2 comes to town Page 6

Beauty Therapy Institute Page 7

DJ Messi Page 11

Leandrea Louw and Piquet Jacobs The Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) has received numerous queries with regard to bogus transporters calling customers claiming that they released containers from Namport on the customers’ behalf requesting a down payment as well. This was revealed at a Press Conference on Wednesday in Walvis Bay. This scam has been happening from late last year and the Namport gave an example on how these was brought under the attention of Namport in December scammers operate. “The scammers are somehow 2013. Down payment for the alleged delivery of a linked to our information, perhaps through our container usually ranges from about N$3 500 to N$8 000 employers or clients, where they pick a name of an whereas the scammers also claim that they are employed alleged Namport employee. They get all of with Namport. Targeted entities include schools, Namport's numbers as to sound legitimate. They churches, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's), call you saying that they have a container that Old Age Homes and some individuals countrywide, that belongs to you with a container number sounding have already fallen victim to this scam. very similar to any other container standing in the “We wish to advise the business community and the Port. They inform you that Namport is responsible general public to be aware of such calls and to confirm for the transport of the container but you first have the arrival of such cargo with Namibia Ports Authority to make a down payment of perhaps N$8 000. They before they act on any instruction of payment”, Ms Liz might tell you that you can pay the first half now Sibindi, Corporate Communications Manager of and the other when they deliver.” Namport said. “We also advise that such calls be reported “The customers and the public at large need to to the Namibian Police that will be able to act promptly to understand that Namport doesn't handle any this scam. We strongly condemn this action and we can transportation of cargo,” Commisioner Shilongo pull all forces together to act against this”. emphasised. Rtd Commissioner Festus Shilongo, Head of Security of “We are appealing to the public out there not to be Continues on page 2

Volgens mnr Petrus de Waal, eienaar van een van die dooie honde het die bisarre voorval Maandagoggend tussen 08:00 en 09:00 plaasgevind. “Ons het gehoor hoe die hond buite tekere gaan en met nadere ondersoek moes ons tot ons skok toekyk hoe duisende bye op ons geliefde Boerboel toesak”. Hy noem dat hy probeer het om sy hond te hulp te snel, maar die verwoede bye het ook op hom toegesak en ook hy, het heel paar steekplekke opgedoen. Die ontstelde mnr De Waal sê dat hierdie nie die eerste keer is dat die bye amok maak nie en dat hulle sommige dae nie hul huise kan verlaat as gevolg van die gevaar nie. Mnr Ritter word blykbaar van tyd tot tyd deur die Munisipaliteit genader wanneer 'n probleem met bye in die dorp ondervind word, aangesien hy 'n spesialis op die gebied is. Hy is egter Vervolg op bls 2

BYE SLAGOFFER: Een van die dooie honde


24 JANUARY 2014

Namport scam Sub-kontrakteurs trek glo aan kortste end CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Marshallino Beukes

overwhelmed by the value of the things that you are about to receive but let's think twice before paying money into these accounts. Accounts usually range from Nampost, FNB and Standard Bank. So far the Namibian Police has made progress and a few individuals have been questioned in regard to this scam and the investigations are still continuing”. “Stop doing business on phones, if you want to do business with Namport, come to Namport. We don't transport containers and agents are there to transport and facilitate the cargo.

Those who have lost their money, I myself personally blame them, they didn't expect anything and now all of a sudden they are about to receive a N$2 million container arriving from Netherland. On another note, from Namport's side all the cargo is secured”. Over 30 cases were reported to Namport where only a few of them have fallen victim to this scam by paying the down payment that was requested from them. If anyone has any information regarding this scam, they can contact Commissioner Shilongo at 0811 278 062.

Bye bars los VERVOLG VANAF BLADSY 1 nie 'n werknemer van die Munisipaliteit nie, het die Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, mnr Eckart Demasius beklemtoon. Demasius het aangevoer dat hulle in kennis gestel is van die gebeure en dat daadwerklike aksie teen die betrokke persoon geneem gaan word. “Dit is onwettig vir enigiemand om bye in die dorp aan te hou”, het hy genoem. Mnr Demasius het ook inwoners

gemaan om die Munisipaliteit onmiddellik in kennis te stel indien soortgelyke bedrywe opgemerk word. “Hierdie insident hoef nie plaasgevind het, indien dit vroeër onder ons aandag gebring was”, sê Demasius. Die inwoners se grootste vrees is dat dit dalk volgende keer 'n kind of selfs 'n volwassene mag wees, wat die bye ten prooi val.

WALVIS BAY OFFICE T 064 20 5854 F 064 20 4813 E ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS MARKETING / SALES Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher 081 602 2918 SPORT Otis Finck 081 299 1211

SWAKOPMUND OFFICE T 064 461866 F 064 46 1824 ADVERTISING MARKETING / SALES Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 MARKETING Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes 081 605 2595 Anri Jacobs 081 605 2595 PRO-PRINT Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 Moya Davids 064 20 5854

‘n Ontstoke sub-kontrakteur, mnr Andy McNab, voer aan dat QE Construction cc, 'n Swakopmund gebaseerde maatskappy hom blykbaar ingeloop het, met klagtes van 'n kontrak wat nie eerbiedig is nie, werkers wat afgerokkel is en die alomteenwoordige geld kwessie aan die einde van die maand, wat onder meer deur hom geopper is. Hierdie aantygings is ten sterkste deur QE Construction ontken. bevorder!”, het McNab uitgevaar. Die 'n Ontstelde en baie ongelukkige mnr Andy McNab, wat al diep spore in die boubedryf en ek was dus al daardie geld kwyt”, het 'n Namib Times het die terreinbestuurder van getrap het, het in die week besoek by die ontstelde McNab aan die koerant genoem. QE Construction, mnr Jacques Connan, in koerant afgelê en sy leed gedeel. Volgens Die feit dat boukontrakteurs nie 'n Werkers- Keetmanshoop telefonies kontak en hy het al McNab, wat die eienaar van PLOC Builders unie het om hulle te beskerm nie, is deur hom die beweringe ontken. Volgens Connan het is, is hy gedurende verlede jaar deur QE beklemtoon, nadat die die Arbeidshof hom hul firma die reiskoste van PLOC Builders, Construction 'n kontrak vir werk in skynbaar ook nie tot hulp kan wees om die vanaf Rehoboth na Keetmanshoop gedek en met hul aankoms daar, moes werk Keetmanshoop aangebied. Hy vertel dat hy gereedskap ook aan hulle verskaf word. op daardie stadium besig was met ander werk Hierdie geld is blykbaar aan die einde van die in die hoofstad en het dit blykbaar aan die maand afgetrek, maar mnr Connan voer aan betrokke firma gesê, maar hulle het hom dat die werkers aangedui het dat dit slegs by fisies gesoebat om die werk te aanvaar, wat hul salarisse afgetrek is en nie by die van hul hy dan ook gedoen het. Sy verhaal lui voorts baas, mnr McNab nie. Die eienaar van PLOC dat dit 'n “groot” Regeringskontrak was, Builders het egter getoon dat dit slegs die waarvoor die firma hom genader het en hy gereedskap was wat by die werkers afgetrek was onder meer verantwoordelik vir aanbouis, aangesien hulle blykbaar hierdie werk en die lê van teëls by die Tuberkulose gereedskap wou behou. 'n Bedrag van N$1 afdeling van die Keetmanshoop Hospitaal. 800 vir die vervoer is by McNab se salaris Die vorige sub-kontrakteur het, as gevolg afgetrek. Connan dui voorts aan dat PLOC van swak vakmanskap, nie die werk na Mnr Andy McNab Builders se manne ongelukkig met hul behore gedoen nie en PLOC Builders moes werkgewer was en dat hulle hom gevra het of ook hul kastaiings uit die vuur gaan krap, aldus McNab. Volgens hom beloop die kwessie op te los nie. “Dit is waar groot hy hulle nie direk onder die vlag van QE totale tender etlike miljoen Namibiese dollar. firmas lekker kry, want hulle weet dat 'n sub- Construction kon laat werk nie. Hy het hulle “Vir die eerste maand het alles voor die wind kontrakteur hom na 'n prokureur sal moet blykbaar dieselfde prys wat McNab hulle gegaan. Ek en my manne is op tyd en volgens wend en dit beloop duisende dollars”, is sy betaal het aangebied en dit is so aanvaar. “Ek ooreenkoms betaal, maar vanaf die tweede mening. Baie manne in die boubedryf moes het nie kans gesien om ±20 nuwe messelaars maand het ek begin lont ruik”, vertel McNab. al op hierdie manier hul swaarverdiende geld te soek nie en aangesien die werkers self na Hy het aangedui dat hul salarisse die tweede verloor, sê McNab. Hy en een van die my gekom het en ek hulle nie 'n hoër prys maand ingekort is en op navraag het die direkteure van QE, mnr Erasmus, het aangebied het nie, het ek geensins die bouterrein bestuurder blykbaar die feit dat hy blykbaar gedurende Desember 2013 byna in kontrak verbreek nie”, is Connan se gevoel. nie elke dag fisies op die werksterrein die kryt geklim, maar die Erasmus het in sy Hy ontken ten sterkste dat hy enigiemand teenwoordig was nie, as rede aangevoer “My voertuig geklim en weggejaag, met McNab van McNab “afgerokkel” het. Mnr Andy manne is hierna oop en bloot afgerokkel en kort op sy hakke. Hulle is blykbaar by die McNab het Connan se weergawe as leuens ten einde laaste moes ek tou opgooi, want al padblokkade, buite Swakopmund deur die afgemaak en aan die koerant genoem dat hy my werkers het na die groter firma polise tot orde geroep. “Dit is die tipe ding “beslis nie die saak hier gaan los nie en dat hy oorgeloop, voordat my kontrak voltooi was wat geweld (misdaad) en armoede 'n siviele eis teen QE Construction gaan

Electoral Act needs to change, say Swakopmund residents Jade McClune

A number of Swakopmund residents have demanded that parliament amend the country's electoral law to enable people to register without proof of residence. The residents are said to quired documents. qualified from taking part be particularly frustrated People residing in the in local authority elecby provisions of the law DRC (Democratic Re- tions. that require all potential settlement Community) ECN officials explained voters to have proof of are particularly aggriev- that the Electoral Act their water, electricity ed, as many are not able to makes provision for such and telephone bills (at show any proof of their cases, inasmuch as any least 12 months old) residence. person, who had prebefore they can be People at the meeting on viously been registered allowed to register for Sunday said they intend for municipal elections, the upcoming local au- to participate in the na- can make a deposition or thority elections. tional, regional and local statement under oath to Officials of the Electoral government elections, verify that the person in Commission of Namibia but complained that due question is a resident of (ECN) addressed a to certain requirements the town at which they public meeting at Swa- stipulated in the Electoral intend to vote. This would kopmund on Sunday, Act, many residents, who mean one deponent can where many residents are unable to provide verify the credentials of complained that they do proof of their place of ten people who do not not have any of the re- residence, may be dis- have any water, elec-

tricity, or telephone bills. Thus, those without all the necessary papers must bring a registered voter, who can make a statement under oath supporting the registration of those with the necessary documents, in order for such people to register for the upcoming local authority elections. Many residents at the meeting said that they thought it not a very practical approach, in view of the vast number of youth at the town and also, the conditions of the residents of the DRC, all of whom have no water or electricity bills to show, as these services are not currently provided to them.

The residents have proposed that the amendment of the electoral law should enable people to register to participate in all elections with their identity documents. Kashidinge Nghipuilepo, the Coordinator for General Registration of Voters in the Erongo Region, told the press that the ECN could not do much at present to meet the residents' demands, as the law would first have to be amended before any such concessions can be made. He said that the ECN is fully aware of the difficulties faced by shack dwellers living in informal settlement areas.

Growth expected in Namibia's construction industry The construction industry in Namibia should see strong, outputdriven growth as the industry is expected to grow in 2014. IJG Securities, a Namibian financial services company, expects the country to perform relatively well from a macroeconomic point of view as a result of prospects in construction. “Construction is definitely the big one for 2014 and it was actually a key industry for 2013 as well. We saw significant growth in the construction industry last year as a result of a number of huge projects, both in the private and the public sector. Certainly [in] 2014 we expect to see more of the same,” IJG Securities research analyst, Rowland Brown, told CNBC Africa. Following a below trend growth year in 2013 on account of drought conditions across Namibia. According to IJG Securities 2014 looks set to perform relatively well from a macroeconomic point of view driven by strong output in the construction industry. According to research specialists, Market Research, real construction industry value growth in 2013 and 2014 in Namibia has been forecast at 17.1 per cent and 16.3 per cent respectively. However, Brown added that construction is not the only industry where growth is expected in 2014, following a 'below trend' growth year in 2013 as a result of drought conditions across Namibia. “We expect to see a strong rebound in agriculture after fairly weak growth last year on account of the drought conditions that we had across the country and generally a big decline in livestock inventories,

and some slight decline in horticultural, particularly agronomic production of certain grains,” he indicated. “For this year we also expect to see a rebound in tourism but not huge, strong growth. The other sector is wholesale and retail trade where we've seen expansive fiscal and monetary policy over the past few years and we expect that to help support growth in wholesale and retail trade as well.” Namibia's expansive monetary and fiscal policy is also expected to remain in place in 2014 however these macroeconomic policies could put pressure on the Bank of Nigeria to increase rates. “The conservative view is that the monetary policy position will remain unchanged but my personal view, and the view of IJG, is that we may see a rate hike this year in Namibia. Generally, our rates have followed South Africa's very closely; historically the reasoning behind that has been very similar economic conditions in the two countries as well as the fixed exchange rate between the two,” Brown said. “Now, we're starting to see very different economic conditions across the two countries and, as a result, and certainly as a result of these expansive fiscal and monetary policies, a lot of pressure has been put on our balance of payments, on our reserves and given that the primary mandate of the Bank of Namibia is to maintain the currency peg with the South African currency, there's a high chance that we may see an interest rate hike in Namibia towards the end of the year.”


24 JANUARY 2014


Een sterf in ketting-botsing Car accident in Swakop Marshallino Beukes

Two cars, a red Volkswagen Polo and a white Ford Ranger collided around 13:30, at the intersection of Moses //Garoëb and Rakotoka Streets in Swakopmund. The driver of the Polo and two of his four passengers sustained serious injuries and were transported to the State hospital. The other two passengers, as well as the Ford Ranger’s driver were not injured. Eye witnesses' testimonies caused a bit of confusion, after their versions differed. Police investigations continue.

Marshallino Beukes

Drie vragmotors en 'n Nissan bakkie was in die vroeë oggendure van Woensdag in 'n ketting ongeluk betrokke. Die ongeluk het tussen Swakopmund en Usakos, ongeveer 30km buite Usakos plaasgevind en die bestuurder van die bakkie is noodlottig beseer. Die oorledene is ge¿dentifiseer as mnr Deogratia Ngapangwe Tjihukununa (37), 'n werknemer van Namiba Airports Company (NAC), waar hy vanaf 2008 as Lughawe Bestuurder vir Walvisbaai lughawe


diens verrig het. Een vragmotor wat 'n padskraper vervoer het, het blykaar (volgens inligting van iemand wat op die toneel was) teen 'n vragmotor van Namibian Breweries, wat in 'n teenoorgestelde rigting op pad

was, geskuur en die bestuurders het beheer oor die padreuse verloor. Die oorledene, wat op pad na Windhoek was, het agter die trok met die abnormale vrag gery en ten tye van die ongeluk het 'n derde vragmotor,

op pad vanaf Swakopmund, ook in die botsing betrokke geraak. Mnr Thihukununa is opslag dood en moes met behulp van die “Jaws of Life” uit die voertuig gesny word, terwyl die vragmotorbestuurders slegs ligte beserings en skok opgedoen het. Inligting rakende die presiese oorsaak van die ongeluk is baie vaag,

aangesien geen samewerking vanaf die polisie se media-woordvoerders in die Erongo Streek ontvang is nie. Die koerant het Woensdag en Donderdag gepoog om offisiere, wat veronderstel is om amptelike inligting aan die media te verskaf, te kontak, maar tevergeefs, aangesien hulle skynbaar in vergaderings was.


24 JANUARY 2014

Castro in court Piquet Jacobs

Agbortoko Castro Ayuk-Errey (photo) who was arrested in connection with fraud amounting to approximately N$ 9 million on 21 November 2013, brought a formal application in which his defense petitioned the court to have his existing bail conditions amended on Tuesday in Walvis Bay. Magistrate Nicolaidis extended bail to 19 March 2014. She also ruled that bail conditions remain as is for the accused, that his passport remains in the possession of the court and that he must report weekly to Walvis Bay police on Fridays. She also barred the accused from the premises of JCS Seafood and instructed him not to make any contact with Mrs Emelda Gertze. Castro was arrested on 21 November 2013 on a charge of fraud. He appeared before Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis and was granted bail of N$20 000 on 22 November and the case was postponed to Tuesday, 21 January 2014. Attorney Garoy September represented Ayuk-Errey and informed the court of his client's wish to have his bail conditions amended on Tuesday. September requested specifically that

stand trial and informed the court that the accused was in the process of disposing of his fixed assets, she reasoned. “He had property in Walvis Bay which he sold and his property in Windhoek is being advertised for sale” his client's confiscated passport be handed back she pointed out. She also pointed out that most of the money that disappeared had not being recovered yet (only a small portion) and that it was traced to Cameroon. September Castro in the dock f u r t h e r r e a soned that Castro had been living in and that the condition which stipulates that Namibia for twenty years. Castro report to a police He was married to a station once a week be Namibian national, had kids at school and had rescinded. fixed properties in WindProsecutor Ivann Victory Tjizu opposed the request hoek. Castro was appabrought by September and rently unemployed and expressed concern on be- without an income after he half of the state. She relinquished his shares. pointed out that the accus- However, he still owned ed was regarded as a flight 5 0 % s h a r e s i n J C S risk and originally hails Trawling (Pty) Ltd, the from Cameroon. The like- company that owned the lihood existed that the fishing vessel which the accused may flee and not complainant company

used all the time until last year to catch their fish. September pointed out that Castro had ample time to flee but did not do so and that the forensic report which was due was still outstanding. The State Prosecutor pointed out that the accused almost defrauded the com-plainant to a point of bankruptcy and Board members resolved to pay from their pockets to facilitate the compilation of the forensic report which is an expensive enterprise. September requested the court not to attach too much to the value involved as the amount involved merely forms part of normal business expenses. According to the accused’s defense a list of expenses, that makes up the N$9 million, was handed to the Minister of Fisheries whereby the company illustrated their expenses and therefore the need for a fishing quota. The accused was thus made a scapegoat to con-vince the Minister that additional quotas were needed and did not steal the money he is

Norwegian researcher attacked on shore Jade McClune A Norwegian fisheries researcher working on the Dr Fridthof Nansen research vessel was beaten to within an inch of his life and thrown on the ground during an apparently unprovoked attack last week. The research vessel docked at the Port of Walvis Bay and as is the custom, the Norwegian man went ashore, where he was apparently attacked by multiple assailants. The motive for the attack is not yet clear. The man was severely beaten and knocked down. The fisheries researcher, who works as part of the maritime crew on the Dr Fridthof Nansen, suffered serious injuries and had to be urgently transferred to a hospital in Windhoek for treatment, said communications director Kari Østervold Toft of the VG Institute in Norway. He could not confirm reports that the attackers used a stun gun, but said the victim sustained significant injuries to his face during the attack. According to the communications director, there were several witnesses to the assault at the scene. “As far as we are informed, the police arrested several perpetrators”, Toft told VG Nett. As is very often the case, no police spokesperson could be reached for comment yesterday to confirm the status of the victim or the perpetrators. Officers at the ministry

of fisheries and marine resources at Swakopmund could also not provide any details regarding the assault. It was however learnt that the victim, who has not been named for fear of further reprisals, has since regained consciousness and is expected to return to Norway within a matter of days. It was reported in the Norwegian press that he has since recovered sufficiently to be able to talk to the crew on board the vessel and that he is recovering from the trauma. “Fortunately it ended well,” Toft said. “We are familiar with that region and also with the local conditions in Walvis Bay. We have been working in Namibia since 1991, but I cannot remember that we have ever experienced something similar," he remarked. The Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is owned by NORAD (the Norwegian Agency for Overseas Development), but the ship is run by the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen. The ship was built in 1993 and is the second oceanographic research vessel to bear the name Dr Fridtjof Nansen. The research vessel regularly cruises along the west coast of Africa, to gather samples of the marine environment and the state of the fishing stocks, with local researchers on board as an integral part of the crew.

Hof bevind Marshall onskuldig Otis Finck

Mnr Ivan Marshall (foto), 'n welbekende besigheidsman van Walvisbaai sê hy is verlig oor die afhandeling van 'n saak waarin hy tereggestaan het op 'n beweerde klage van ernstige aanranding op Mnr Curt Engelbrecht. Marshall is Dinsdag omstreeeks 14:00 in die Magistraatshof op Walvisbaai onskuldig bevind en vry- die teenwoordigheid van verskeie mense versoek om my gespreek van die aanranding klagte teen hom as gevolg vrou uit te los" het Marshall aangevoer. van 'n gebrek aan genoegsame bewyse. Hy is op 14 Na vier dae verstrek het, het hy 'n oproep ontvang en is meegedeel om na die polisiestasie te kom Desember 2012 gearresteer nadat omdat daar aantygings van aanranding Engelbrecht 'n kriminele klag teen hom gemaak is en omdat Engelbrecht 'n kriminele gelê het en aangevoer het dat Marshall saak teen hom geopen het. "Ek het my na die om aangerand het en sy been gebreek het polisiestasie gehaas en is deur die ondersoek tydens 'n voorval by die Cantina nagbeampte ingelig om by die hof aan die meld klub. die volgende dag". Volgens Marshall het hy die betrokke Marshall is borgtog van N$800 toegestaan aan na 'n baie lang tydperk besluit om 'n en het toe 'n prokureer aangestel om hom te klub te besoek omdat sy vrou se niggie verdedig. Hy het voorts gesê dat hy geensins uit Windoek by hulle kom kuier het en enige kriminele oortredings teenoor sy naam graag wou gaan dans. "Engelbrecht was het nie en vier keer voor die hof moes plaerig teenoor my vrou toe ons by die verskyn het as gevolg van die aantyging wat klub aankom. Engelbrecht teen hom gebring het. Hy het Ek was onder die indruk dat hy hom met die sage as 'n vernederende ondervinding en my vrou misgis het en het haar aan hom 'n verkwisting van kosbare tyd bestempel. voorgestel. Toe my vrou en ons gas die klub verlaat om vars lug te gaan skep het ONSKULDIG: Ivan Marshall "Nou het die waarheid geseëvier. Dit is egter ooglopend en nou baie duidelik dat die hy hulle sonder my medewete agterna gesit en probeer om hom aan haar op te dring buite die persoon wat my beskuldig het daarop uit was om my klub. Sy was onsteld en het my kom verwittig en ek het aansien te vernietig. Uiteindelik kan die feit dat ek aan haar uitgewys dat hy (Engelbrecht) onder die onskuldig bevind is nou die onware gerugte en die leuens invloed van alkohol was en vir hom op die dansvloer in wat die rondte doen oor my weerlê" het Marshall ten

Court Report Walvis Bay 20 January 2014 · Marchellino Koopman (29) appeared on two charges of negligent or reckless driving and no driver's license. Matter is postponed to 29 April 2014. · Nghilivali Kavaifanwa (28) appeared on two charges of negligent or reckless driving and no driver's license. Matter is postponed to 28 April 2014. · A sentence of twelve months imprisonment, pay a N$4 000 fine or have his license suspended for three months was given to Frederick Albertus Van Wyk (53) upon finding him guilty on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Risto Kweenda (34) was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, N$4 000 and his license suspended for three months on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Pieter A J De Witt (25) was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, pay a N$4 000 fine and his license suspended for three months on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Li Hui (50) was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, pay N$4 000 and his license suspended for three months on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Bohitle Giacomelli (31) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter was postponed to 21 January 2014. · A sentence of 3 months imprisonment or pay a N$1 000 fine was given Clive Jeneke (41) on a charge of drugs-possession or dependence-producing substance. · A 17 year old boy was found guilty and sentenced to 8 weeks imprisonment or pay a N$1 000 fine on a charge of negligent driving. · Carlos Vahongaifa (30) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter was postponed to 8 May 2014. · A warrant of arrest has been issued for Qin Zhao Jian (23) on a case of bribery. Accused is still at large. · Festus Asino (28) and Joseph Nakambunda (26) appeared on 3 counts of the anti- corruption act corruptly using office or position for gratification. Matter is postponed to 3 April 2014. · Siegfried Mujue (31) was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or pay a N$4 000 and prohibiting him to apply for license and learners license for the next three months on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Donald J De Koker (35) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive bloodalcohol level and driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Matter is postponed to 26 March 2014. Accused is on bail. · Elrico Busch (40) was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, pay a N$4 000 fine and his licence suspended for 3 months on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Immanuel Shikongo (44) appeared on a charge of maliscious damage to property. Matter is postponed to 30 January 2014. · Martin Namwaandi (23) was found guilty and sentenced to pay a N$3 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment and his license suspended on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. · Merlinda Johanna De Villiers (44) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Matter is postponed to 30 January 2014. · Mervin Kamies (45) was found guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or pay a N$500 fine on a charge of drugs possession of dependence producing substance. · Mathew Emvula (27) was found guilty and sentenced to 8 months imprisonment or pay a N$2 000 fine on a charge of theft.

harm. · Jesselonia Christina Murphy (41) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 29 January 2014. · Johannes Joseph (30), Kanisus Hangula (19) and Dantel Leaonard (27) appeared on charges of robbery and trespassing. Matter is postponed to 27 March 2014. · Michael Bossie Narib (43) appeared on charges of assault, malicious damage to property and obstructing the messenger at the court in the execution of his duties. Matter is postponed to 28 January 2014. · Agbortoko Castro Ayuk-Arrey (45) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 19 March 2014. Accused is on bail. · A case of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act has been withdrawn against Julius Kalele (28). · Bernard Thomas (39) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault). Matter is postponed to 20 March 2014. · Kasheeta Toiva (19), Joseph Hamukonda (20), Tangeni Shinyengu (21), Teofelus Andreas (22), Gideon Daniel (23) all appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 19 March 2014. · Titus Imbansu (39) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 20 March 2014. · Lisias Negandjo (29) appeared on a charge of attempted theft. Matter is postponed to 13 February 2014. · Gabriel Petrus (29) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 13 February 2014. · Lenard Rittman (35) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 23 January 2014. 22 January 2014

· Gabriel Menas (30) appeared on a charge of murder. Matter is postponed to 18 March 2014. · David Parvin Danny (27) was found guilty and discharged on a on a charge of robbery. · A sentence of 6 months imprisonment or pay a N$2 000 was given upon finding Fritz Eugene Basson (24) guilty on a charge of discharge of a firearm. · Muyunga Whisco Sibungo (21) appeared on a charge of rape. Matter was postponed to 27 February 2014. · A charge of assault (Common and indecent assault) was withdrawn against Peter Nakanene (28). · Paulus Kapenda (38) appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving, no driver's license ad failure to ascertain damages. Matter is postponed to 24 February 2014. Accused on bail. · A charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument was withdrawn against Frieda Nakanyala (30). · Paulus Gabriel appeared on a charge of attempted rape with an alterative charge being indecent assault. Matter is postponed to 25 February 2014. Accused on bail. · Martin Mwaamenanage (23) and Victor Shiweda (24) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 27 March 2014. · Ashton Kisting (25) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 24 February 2014. · Prince Swartbooi (18) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. · Two minor boys appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 26 February 2014. Accuse released in the care of their guardians. · A warrant of arrest has been issued for Roland Haiko Coleman (35) and Sammy Audrey Tack (28). Accused is still at large. · Robert Jackson (18), Brain Swartbooi (23), Arnold Ouseb (19) and a fifteen year old boy appeared on charges of robbery. Matter is postponed to 26 February 2014. · Clemens Nghhimwasha (23) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or pay a N$1 500 fine on a charge of assaulting a member of the police. · Mathew Johannes (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 8 May 2014. · Chiradza Silence (27) and Gobah Lawmen (23) appeared on a charge of possession of suspected stolen property and receiving of stolen property. Matter is postponed to 26 February 2014. Accused is in custody. · A case of possession of stolen property has been withdrawn against Gobah Lawmen 21 JANUARY 2014 (23). · Ivanton Charles Marshall (44) was · Siyongo Mishake (34) appeared on a found not guilty and acquitted on a charge charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 23 of assault with intent to do grievous bodily January 2014.

24 JANUARY 2014




24 JANUARY 2014

Live with intention Anri Jacobs

Over the last few days and weeks, my mind has been recycling the thought of vicarious living over and over day after day. Living vicariously means that you're not experiencing life yourself, but using someone else's experience as your own, creating a false reality in some sense. One of my friends who was born in Namibia, but now lives in Hiroshima, Japan recently wrote a blog in the output of people who are on my friends list but on vicarious living. She sharply captures the haven't talked to in five years, or even worse, I don't essence of vicarious living. We all so easily fall remember who they are in the first place. It's so easy under this especially since the arrival of Facebook, to get sucked into glancing through windows into the lives of others because it keeps us from looking to name but one social media. We have become obsessed with other people, deeper into ourselves which, admittedly, can be a lot obsessed with their lives, and knowing what they more difficult. It's so much more entertaining to see who from college has kids or who's got a new car or are doing every second of every who likes this article than to sit day. Why do we have to be availand study Japanese for fifteen able every waking second of the minutes. day? Some people even become I see this thing on Tumblr a lot angry if you are not available to where people post selfies of them every second. I won't lie, I other people or pictures of other am also one of those people who people doing things they wished are constantly taking pictures they could do/were doing right and uploading to Instagram. I then/could look more like etc. think the most important thing is while I know the people on to be careful to not let it become Facebook (most of the time…) I a necessity in life. We tend to think I end up doing the same feed off social media as if we kind of thing. Being able to only need the approval of everyone in see the sides of people that the world. Do it for yourself and Anri Jacobs they're allowing us to see often no one else. Do it to share your story, to tell your story and not to look for approval. leaves me thinking “What if I…. Went straight to grad school? Had kids already? Cooked more Vicarious Living by Lizbet Palmer “Why are we so obsessed with other people? I'll be gourmet food? Read more? Wrote more?” the first to admit that whenever I have a free The list goes on and on. I find it harder and harder to moment I love to hop on Facebook and see what's live in the moment and enjoy where I am because up with the people out there in internet land, even if I'm trying so hard to live in the moments of others. all the posts are the same because my last free But that shouldn't be the case at all. I definitely don't moment was literally only two minutes before. want my memories of my twenties to be more of Don't get me wrong, I think Facebook is a great way other people than myself. All that to say I'm not to share our lives with others, and for expats that completely quitting Facebook, but I definitely am makes it especially valuable. But how much of me going to start cutting back. scrolling through my newsfeed is actually trying to It shouldn't be my go to time filler. One of the mottos intentionally communicate with those with whom I I've tried to implement is “Live with intention.” I want to maintain solid relationships? A lot of days think it's time to start doing more of that.” Someit's almost next to none. I'm too busy trying to take thing to think on.

Swakopmunder on Queen Mary 2 Only one Namibian was lucky enough to get a job on the Queen Mary 2. Heiko Lorenz (23) is a hotelier, who originally hails from Swakopmund. He studied hotel management at the Cape Town International Hotel School in Cape Town, South Africa, before taking a job on a luxury liner, the Queen Elizabeth 2, where he worked for some time before he transferred to the ultraluxurious Queen Mary 2. He works in the pursers' office and handles transactions, foreign exchange and international currencies on the ship. Heiko's mom, Mrs Pat Lorenz, says she is extremely proud of her son, who has had the great fortune of travelling far and wide and visiting countries all around the world as part of his job. She says that working on a LUCKY MAN: Heiko Lorenz on board of the Queen luxury liner is a “stun- Elizabeth II ning opportunity for seeing Heiko when the Swakopmund, before any young person who Queen Mary 2 docks at the young hotelier has hopes to travel and see the Walvis Bay har- to get back to his duthe world". ties on one of the bour on Saturday. The Lorenz family are They will spend some word's most opulent looking forward to quality time together in cruise ships.

Queen Mary 2 comes to town

The luxury cruise liner, Queen Mary 2, will arrive in the Port of Walvis Bay at 06:00 on Saturday morning. The Queen Mary 2 is a top of the It's china and crystal all the way, no range cruise ship and boasts 15 matter the time of day. Queen Mary Otis Finck restaurants and bars, 5 swimming 2 is not a steamship. It is powered by "Hoe moet ek my registreer wanneer die mense wat veronderstel is om die proses aan my te pools, a casino, a ballroom, a theatre, four diesel engines, with additional verduidelik dit nie vir my in Afrikaans, my moedertaal, kan doen nie? Jy moet asseblief loop kyk and the first planetarium at sea. gas turbines that drive her four There are also kennels on board for electric propulsion pods, as well as wat gaan daar aan," gebied 'n verbouereerde stem my oor die foon. the pets, as well as a nursery for the power the ship's hotel services. Groot was my opgewondenheid toe ek DinsdagSince her Maiden Voyage in January middag, gewapend met my Namibiese Identifikasie gebroke Engels en plaas haar groen SA ID boekie en ou kids. 2004 she has sailed almost 1.5 milThere are three classes of passenDokument, die pad na die stem registrasie punt stem registrasie kaart op die tafel. Die beampte tel dit op en terwyl sy dit besigtig verduidelik sy in Engels wat lion nautical miles including over gers, or levels on board. Britannia is aandurf maar nog groter was my teleurstelling toe ek my opwagting daar maak. "Ek is hier om my te kom benodig word van 'n persoon om te kan registreer. the least expensive level, followed 200 Atlantic crossings, 419 voyages registreer sodat ek kan stem," basuin ek trots uit met “Nee nou weet ek nie meer so mooi nie. Gee maar lie- by Princess. Queen's class is the top and called at 177 ports in 60 die intrapslag. "I am sorry but I don't understand wers my papiere laat ek loop,” sê die dame en verlaat of the line. The service is outstan- countries. More about the Queen Afrikaans," weerklink die antwoord uit die rigting van haastig die saal. ding, they say. The maitre d'hotel Mary 2: Category: Luxury. Entered 'n tafel genommer een en laat my vir 'n wyle “Its you again!” sê sy baie ontsteld toe sy my weer sien. greets every guest by name, and the service: 2004. Guest capacity: 2620. “Yes, I am here to register,” stomgeslaan. "Ek wil my kom antwoord ek. “Oh you speak wine steward appears moments after Gross tonnage: 151,400. Speed: 28 registreer sodat ek ook kan stem," Ingeriesh,” wil sy sarksties weet. you sit down to take wine orders knots probeer ek weer. "I don't understand “Yes I do,” antwoord ek. “Oh, you with dinner. nor speak Afrikaans. I talk Ingeriesh.


It is International or do you understand Oshiwambo"? Nou hoe nou gemaak? Wat gebeur met die oumense of mense wat nou nie so goed met die rooi taal vertroud is nie wonder ek in my binneste. “Is daar enige iemand hier wat Afrikaans praat?” wil ek hardop en gefrustreerd weet. Al die beamptes se koppe draai na my en my geagiteerde stemtoon laat stap onmiddelik die toesighoudende polisiebeampte nader. "What's going on? What's wrong here?" wil sy weet. "Ek is hier om my te registreer en wil weet wat gebeur met die mense wat nie Engels verstaan of praat nie. Hoe help julle vir hulle?" soebat vra ek. "Why?" wil sy weet. Ek verduidelik dat ek 'n lid van die media is en dit is onder my aandag gebring dat Afrikaanssprekendes hierso sukkel om hulle te registreer as kiesers. “Ingeriesh prease” laat hoor sy met vraende oë. “Oh, you come from the media,” reageer die registrasie beampte. “You are not from around here and we shall not talk to you” snou sy my toe. “If that's the case I am going to report what's going on here to your supervisor,” lig ek haar in en verlaat die saal om die hoofbeampte vir die registrasie punt telefonies te vertel wat ek so pas ondervind het. Hy belowe om die saak onmiddellik op te neem. Ek betree weer die saal en neem plaas langs 'n dame in die lyn op pad na tafel nommer een. “You want to legister?” hoor vra ek die beampte. “Sorry?” vra antwoord die dame. “Do you have ID or baptism papers? “I don't know” antwoord die dame stammerend in

just want to make things complicated!” stotter sy. “No, not at all. The fact that none of you are able to speak and explain the registration process and the requirements in Afrikaans make things complicated,” lig ek haar in. Ek was regtig beïndruk met die registrasie proses vanaf daardie punt af vorentoe. Nadat ek my identifikasie dokument by die eerste tafel getoon het is ek in Engels na 'n tweede tafel verwys waar 'n ander beampte vir my 'n vorm ingevul het en 'n paar vrae in Engels gevra het om dit namens my te voltooi. Dit was opvallend dat sommige Oshiwambo sprekendes wat na my daar aangekom het in hulle moedertaal gehelp is terwyl nog een ander Afrikaanssprekende dit nie verby die eerste tafel gemaak het nie. Ek het sowat 45 minute gewag toe is my vingers geskandeer, 'n kop foto van my geneem en ek is in Engels versoek om my handtekening by 'n aangewese plek aan te bring. En siedaar, na 'n uur spoeg 'n masjien toe 'n plastiese stem registrasie kaart met my besonderhede daarop vir my uit. Dit is net 'n jammerte dat heelwat mense van hulle voorreg om te registreer sodat hulle kan stem, ontneem word. Hulle vind die proses ontoeganglik aangesien dit gepaard gaan met kommunikasie verwante tekortkominge en ook onbehulpsame registrasie beamptes. Van die oumense met wie ek gesels het sien en bestempel dit as 'n vermorsing van tyd. Uit simpatie vir


24 JANUARY 2014



THE ART OF BEING BEAUTIFUL: Ilana Lourens explaining some of the courses on offer to the interested invited guests.

Beauty Therapy Institute opens in Walvis Bay Leandrea Louw

Beauty Therapy Institute Walvis Bay opened their doors to students on 21 January 2014. The gap in the market has been filled by a well-established franchise originating from South Africa, founded by Sandy Roy 18 years ago this June. The Beauty Therapy this industry. assured education and Make-up, Manicure & Institute Walvis Bay is Entrance qualifications training within its sur- Pedicure, Business situated on the pre- are individually deter- roundings is still im- Administration, Chemises of Be Cute Well- m i n e d d u r i n g a n plemented, to ensure mistry and Cosmetic ness Centre, 31 Theo interview and accor- the profession of the Science, Anatomy and Ben Gurirab Street in ding to merit. Health and Skincare P h y s i o l o g y, B o d y Walvis Bay. This is an “Beauty therapy is a industry is maintained Slimming Electrical accredited educational practical application to the highest stan- Treatments, Exercise facility and offer qua- and attending practical dard”. Therapy, Nutrition and lifications in health, tuition is essential. Preferential interview Diet, Aroma Therapy beauty, nails, skincare Each module has a for employment oppor- Massage, Permanent and complimentary maximum number of tunities on completion Make-up, Basic and therapies. hours required, when of the courses will be at Advanced Make-up, They offer flexi Mo- you will qualify is Sorbet salons in South Holistic and Aroma dular training in 44 determined by how Africa and Be Cute Massages, Sports Massingular modules and quickly you master the Wellness Centre in sage, Stone Massage, 10 combination mo- skills”, said Lindi Lou- Walvis Bay. Pregnancy Massage, dules that are very cost rens. Flexi Modular courses Eyebrow and Eyelash effective. Men and “We want to ensure the include Manual Facial, Tinting, Brow Shawomen of all ages are dedication to quality Bridal Day & Night ping, Lash Extensions accepted and requireand many more. ments are a minimum qualification of grade 10 and a minimum age of 16 years. Enrolment can be done at any time of the year for any module(s) to be completed at the student's own time. The introduction of new, innovative concepts and courses forms an integral part of keeping up with the trends of the profession ensuring the industry's requirements are provided by the graduates. On completion of the courses graduates receive the respective Beauty Therapy Institute certificates which later on, can open doors to internationally recognised diplomas. Classes are given by Lindi and Ilana Lourens as well as Welma, owner of Be Cute Wellness Centre Walvis Bay, who are highly skilled and fully qualified educators with a number of years’ experience in

Visit our website at


24 JANUARY 2014


The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the Namib Times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die Namib Times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.

Namib Times Facebook Reader’s Comments Check the speedometer: Commuting in a taxi home Swakop-Walvis

DOLFYNPARK ‘n Kind reeds verdrink? Ek is ‘n ouer met kinders wat gereeld besoek aan die gewilde oord gebring het. Die afgelope vakansie het ’n veranderde Dolfynpark my egter so ontstig, dat ek alreeds weet dat die gewildheid van die oord beslis sal afneem vir besorgde ouers met kinders. Wat het die beplanners/stadsvaders besiel om die plek so om te dol? Twee ekstra glypype is opgerig...hoekom twee? Een sou dalk genoeg wees, met die area wat mense ontspan om teen die wind beskerm te wees daarmee heen. In my beskeie mening sou ek sê die glypyp teen die skuins helling langs die swembad, is heeltemal oorbodig. Dié area was absoluut ideaal waar ouers kon sit om ‘n baie goeie oog te hou oor die veiligheid van hul kinders in die swembad. En nou het daar alreeds ‘n tragiese gebeurtenis afgespeel, wat dalk sodoende verhoed kon gewees het. Ek hoop dit kan nog verwyder word ter wille van die veiligheid van ons kinders. Vra menings van gereelde besoekers voor iets so drasties verander word, ASSEBLIEF!! Sal graag ‘n antwoord hierop wil hê.

Maak tog skoon asb Graag wil ek vertoë rig aan die instansies wat verantwoordelik is vir die skoonmaak van die wandellaan reg voor Flamingo Cottages wat direk grens aan die see. Ons as gereelde stappers het opgemerk dat gedurende 2013 geen skoonmaak operasie geloods is nie! Die see het met hoogwater geneem wat hy kon en weer uitgestoot, van dooie flaminke, baba robbe, alle denkbare gemors van bote. Dis nie 'n mooi advertensie aan Des. maand se toeriste nie, en uiters onhigiënies.

Morne Visser Daar gaan my haat vir taxis nog n paar notches op! Andrew Meyer WAAR IS DIE VERKEERSPOLISIE???? Tussen die dorpsrade van Walvis en Swakop is daar seker maklik minstens 10 beamptes .... kan die 2 Munisipaliteite nie kragte saamsnoer en 30km pad vir almal beveilig nie??? Is dit dan soveel gevra vir permanente aksie teen die Taxi`s en ander spoedvrate en roekelose bestuurders nie. ?? Adri de Wee Some of us die, cause accidents, kill and destroy there and peoples life through there stupidity. Speed kills. Car are not toys to play with. If you want to play with a car, go buy one at pep and play with it. Kids are loosing mom's and dad's because of some peoples reckless and foolish behaviour. Vehicles are there to be driven responsibly and to take us from place to another, let us use it for that purpose and that purpose only. Stop killing yourselves and others. Rupert Smith Ek dank ons hemelse vader dat ek nie met die hooligan padvarke hoef te ry nie en voel jammer vir die wat moet ! Auda Nutting Omg! Katja Bär Glöditzsch Seriously?????? Ridwin de la Harpe Rupert Smith imports is net 180 gmerk. Klap di driver, but only once u've stopped Belinda N Mike This guy is a danger and should be off the roads. Broken speedo or not, he doesn't know how fast he really IS going. Bronvan Moonpie Croza Dankie Botswana Gerard Jensen At that speed the engine revs would be redlining. Damaged speedometer is more likely... Maamberua Undamuje Joel Maamberua You must be arrested the taxi driver sent to jail and banned from driving any vehicle in Namibia for atleast 6 years stupid people!!! you put other people life at risks!!! Leslie de Jager Hope you reported the driver???? Eddy Jr HoXobeb is dit lawis hamilton wat ry? of paul walker back from the dead to come complet the movie. Stephan Thiel In every tourist book about Namibia this

road is marked as a dangerous road because of accidents caused by speed and private races. Thats why we used the road behind the dunes to swakopmund. Mulenamaswe Sanchez I wud arrest him serious Richard Raymond Forbes He'd loose his front teeth when i pull him over . Wth was he thinking Cynthia Nunuhes ja hul ry slg!! and i'm commuting urgntly lkng fo sumthing cheap to gt us frm swkp to wby...cnt tke it anymo.. Thomas Sh Ankoshi That was between heaven and earth, Hanakey Limbo Jimmy Now we know why a height nu of road crush in Namibia I think all taxi should be lockd at 60 km per hour Monica Rossouw Schumann sit so 'n klomp nulle by daai getalletjie vir sy boete Omtae Titus Hangulah And u feel proud to post such a pic? shame on u that was your death point. what did u do about it? Aljarreau Kotze reporting, talk and u get bad mouthed by them, iam sure u knw Nelao Nelly Tuhemwe Omtae Tht is not pride, he is jus raisin awareness...if he culd tell one myt nt bliev bt u cn actualy see it for yoslf and h tryina show us how reckless sam drivers realy drive.

Mario Steenkamp skryf Mario Steenkamp skryf: In Swakopmund is 'n groot probleem met boemelaars en straatkinders, ek het die afgelope tyd met paar mense gepraat en almal sê dat hulle nie meer Spur, KFC en Beryl's toe gaan nie oor dit. Palesa Martin We as the people can do something.. Where are the pastors and church people. Help daai mense en vat hulle in.. Are there no organisations to help these adults and kids... God says you are blessed to blessed other.. Ons moeni altyd net na die government kyk nie. Dink ook soms wat kan ek as mens doen om te help. Rozanne Kuhn Mense het al so baie vir die boemelaars gehelp,en hulle wil nie gehelp wees nie dis vir hulle makliker om geld op straat te kry Lana Lalie Bálhao Ek voel glad nie jammer vir hulle-ons almal struggle en hulle kan ook iets nuttigs doen....maar nee hulle verpes n mens en is 90% van die tyd dronk en as jy vrou alleen da ry of stop ini aand maak dit mens bang... Estie Steenkamp Ek mind nie om te help nie. Maar as jy vir 'n boemelaar of straat kind kfc kooo, en hulle reaksie is, "Ai, ek is al so moeg aan kfc geeet, het jy nie 'n geldjie nie" Is ek baie jammer. Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch Swakopmund het menigte male al genoemde huisvesting en kos aan gebied maar hulle WIL dit nie he nie... Hulle WIL op straat sit.. Gee Prinsloo Swart Sjambok. Sal gou die kamastige "ek te veel kfc ge-eët" probleem uitsort. Riaan Botes Sit hulle in kampe in ...dat die goed skoffel... Ndeshi Gabriel Most of these people do have families its just that they also don't want to be at home and look for work ,yet some you will understand and try to help them but if you help them the money you give them they spend on Alcohol nothing more . Its a pitty yes but really the government cant do everything for us but us standing up and do something the government is the people meaning us. Michelle Fourie ‘n Tyd terug het daai so klomp my verpes en aan die bakkie se deure geruk.....tot ek my 70kg boerboel agteruit gehaal het.....volgende keer maak ek sy band los! Dirk Kock Van die Boemmies is al telke kere gehelp. Werk, klere, cellfoon, geld. Hulle is na n week terug op straat. Vra my ek weet. Hulle het n Spirit van bedel op hulle. Hulle wil so lewe. Nie een is in n rolstoel nie. Ek ken

baie mense in rolstoele en almal werk vir hulle geld. Ek stem hulle is n probleem en die kinders ook. Hester Oosthuizen Hulle maak meer geld met bedel en dis nog taxfree ook as ek en jy wat voldag werk. Ek gee nie mee geld of brood nie. Wat die staat wel kan doen is om iets te doen oor die bevolkings ontploffing. Werk voorbehoeding nie mee nie? Thelma Kleinhans Gewoonte. Ek weet wat die bybel sê help jou medemens, maar die bybel sê ook, die wat nie werk ni, kan nie eet nie. Die GRN moet gerus iets doen, forseer die lot om te werk, rehabiliteer hulle. Enige iets! Peter Odendaal Het dit nog nie belewe nie Jacobus Hendrik Nog n ding wat ek al gesiet het veral in swk.daar by die oop stage(waar die kers mark gehou word). daar is elke dag n klomp wat dronk is en makkilanie pitte verkoop maar ek het so ook baie buite landers gehoor wat se hulle sal nooi weer trug kom nie want orals pla hulle die buitelanders. Dantago Birirob Please make sure to watch The Big Debate on 403 DSTV this week. U will be answered! Karen Smith Ongelukkig wil hulle nie gehelp word nie......ek het van die mensies al na my huis gebring...hulle laat bad, klere en kos gegee, selfs blyplek.......maar hulle soek dit nie......dis jammer want almal is nog gesond en kan pas hul net die motors op.....ten minste doen hy iets..... Elna Nel Ek stem .. vermy in die laaste tyd die trappies by Woolies parkering na Terf t kafee Hilaria Harases Its about time, totally geting out of hand, couldn't agree more!!!!!! Carina Ras If you stop giving, then they will stop begging. They have two working feet, two working hand en two working eyes en definitely a foul working mouth - What are the excuse for finding no work? They refuse to accept help from donating organisations. If you take the time to follow them then you will realise that they aren't even homeless or starving at all!!! They play on your emotion so that you will feel sorry for them and guilty for all the hard working money you earned. How is that fair??? Uta Himmel In many countries it is a crime to beg. It takes away the towns value. In Germany, Cheque Republic and even England the police will fine you for giving money to a begger.

24 JANUARY 2014




Rolls-Royce is a world leader in marine solutions, providing products, service and expertise to more than 30,000 vessels in the offshore, merchant, naval surface and submarine markets. It designs ships and its product range includes propulsion systems featuring diesel engines and gas turbines, propellers, thrusters and water jets. Rolls- Royce also provides manoeuvring and stabilizing systems and deck machinery. Around 30 per cent of Marine turnover is derived from service support activity, with a global network of sales and service offices in 34 countries. RollsRoyce equipment is in service with more than 2,000 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries. For Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty)Ltd, we are seeking to employ a high calibre candidate for the following position, which will be based in our Service Centre in Walvis Bay.

Service Engineers Propulsion Key responsibilities: · Work alone or as part of a team to repair or overhaul marine equipment and systems to meet specification and tolerances · Verify dimensions and clearances to ensure conforming to specification · Conduct tests and inspections to Quality Assurance / Quality Control standards · Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams and technical order to determine methods and sequences of assembly · Inspect, analyse, record calibration results and produce Service and Technical reports · Ensure that all work is done in accordance with applicable legal and Company procedures and instructions, including Health & Safety policies · Create an appropriate Customer log and monitor / be aware of customer issues · Knowledge share and support the on the job development of other service personnel where appropriate. · Troubleshooting and writing reports. Key technical/professional competencies: · Educated to Grade 12 & N3 or equivalent in a relevant discipline, with evidence of technical competence. · Trade Test Diploma · 5 years practical experience in an allied industry · A good understanding and knowledge of a range of products, systems, their functionality and applications, gained through previous technical experience · Verbal communication and written reporting skills in the English language · Practical computer skills · Commercial awareness Rolls-Royce offers an attractive remuneration package, and excellent career prospects within the wider field and the training opportunities that are inherent in a growing first class multinational organisation. To apply for this role, please submit your application letter, CV and supporting evidence of qualifications to: Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty) Ltd Calandra Beukes Office Manager Email: Closing date: 31 January 2014

24 JANUARY 2014

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE: 1/2014 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FENCE AROUND THE TENNIS COURTS ON ERF 1, ESPLANADE, WALVIS BAY Tenders are hereby invited for the replacement of the existing fence around the tennis courts on erf 1 Esplanade, Walvis Bay. 2. The following documentation shall accompany the tender document: · Certificate of Fitness · Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission · Certificate of Good Standing with the Receiver of Revenue for VAT purposes 3. Tender documents are obtainable from cashiers , Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264-64-201 3327, at a price of N$115.00 per set, (15% VAT included). Enquiries: - Ms van Heerden, Room 108, Telephone +264-64-201 3258 and e-mail mvanheerden@ 4. The tender clarification meeting, followed by a site inspection, is to take place at 09:00 on Friday 2014-0131 in Room 120 (Dolphin conference room) of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. 5. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documentation as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board before 11:00 on Friday 2014-02-14. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre may be used for the deposition of tenders. 6. Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderer's representatives who choose to attend in Room 120 (Dolphin Conference Room) of the Civic Centre directly after the closing of tenders. JAJ KRUGER Secretary Tender Board

24 JANUARY 2014


DJ Messi Anri Jacobs

MesagNekongo's love of house music started way back when it was starting to become popular. Remember the fame days of DJ Cleo and Bojo Mojo? According to him most people don't figure out that there is a link between Kwaito and House. “House is actually a faster version of Kwaito” explains Mesag and adds that the reason house music speaks to his soul is that most South African and Angolan House Music is produced in their respective indigenous languages so you hardly understand what they are trying to say. According to him the secret behind today's house music is the inclusion of pure African beats. “The use of djembes, goma drums, carimbos, thumb pianos, etc. defines what African music is all about and gives you this good feeling of being a proud African. I do my own live mixes of course and the way people react to them is amazing and encourages me to have more love towards the hobby of being a DJ. The good feeling you experience when someone walks up to you and tells you that you're doing a good job.” Growing up, Mesag used to listen to classic music of the 90's, Ntombi, Brenda and then later Kwaito and Hip Hop, and now mostly enjoys House and Hip Hop. He loves a wide range of house musicians depending on the beats they produce. The only house musician who is inspiring as a unique vocalist among all of them to him is Professor. “Look for anybody who can sing like Professor in the House Music Industry and trust me you will find none.” he challenges. Mesag explains what differentiates or separates house music from other genes. “The difference is that house music consists of more happy and fulfilled songs compared to other genres where there is a balance between happy and sad songs. Another definition attached to house music is that people come together, celebrate, have fun and dance to every beat with any style of their choice.” When asked to share his secret on what it takes to get the crowd dancing, Mesag mentioned talent as one of the biggest components. “Not everyone can be a musician. The same principle applies to being a DJ. If it's not meant for you and people don't like your style it will be very difficult for you to entertain them. Confidence also plays a vital role. Those in attendance look towards you with expectations and in anticipation of what you're going to produce for them. I don't just focus on playing and repeating good and common music. I know how to mix different beats. Last but not least, the way you present yourself must be on parr with the standard and class of your fans.” Being a DJ is just one of Mesag's hobbies because he loves to see people happy and having fun. “I am a Geologist by profession and enjoy every part of it. I love being a professional more than being an entertainer. I only do Disc Jockeying occasionally and preferably on weekends throughout the year. I do have youngsters who are committed and who I train to turn tables from time to time.” Being a DJ means that you are part and parcel of the entertainment scene which can make you feel like being part of

a selected crowd. Mesag however says that he has not yet reached the “celebrity level” tag because he is not well marketed. “I prefer it that way because I get to surprise many people when they see me turning the tables and they are loving it” says the man who states that his main focus is to get the best out in the entertainment scene and to simply keep it going.” He perceives the lack of unity as the biggest hurdle for Namibians to overcome and says it's setting back his fellow country women and men's progress towards prosperity. “Namibians need to put aside Tribalism & Politics and unite. We have a vision set but the progress we have made so far is 10 years of the pace and behind. If we can put our political and tribal backgrounds aside, bring together all smart and ambitious people, device a plan and act on it accordingly, trust me our country's economy will start booming. All this can be achieved with the backing of The Namibian Government. For example instead of spending N$ 700 Million on one building, why can't we have part of this money invested in a giant irrigation project which will create employment and also cut on food imports?” he questioned. Mesag's short term goals is to succeed in every little plan he puts into action, be it daily, weekly or monthly. “As long as everything I plan gets achieved I am happy because I see progress.” Mesag is a man with ambition and passion for life and believes that he can make a change in this country and world. “Of course like everyone else I have the ability to make a change but not alone. What we need in Namibia is a team of determined Namibians willing to create a world that benefits every citizen. One potential this country has is to become SADC or Africa's economic power hub due to its political stability. We don't have enough population for consumption but we can be suppliers to most countries with massive population and high import rates. The key is just to study the business world and to discover what it is that other people need, how to get it to them, and that involves the Government to also play it's role of good partnership with other countries and also providing support where it's needed. Once that is in place, then we could find a way of producing enough products.” Geology and music is not Mesag's only passions in life. He is also a staunch entrepreneur. “I am encouraging my fellow Namibians to get into this field and those wil-ling to do whatever it takes not give up. This country needs Industries so we can reduce the high unemployment rate. We should not just focus on being dependent on tenders (temporary employment). Let's invest money in the right place. Stop thinking about getting rich quickly. Think about how what



WALVIS BAY * AUCTION - Bay Auctioneers, Every Saturday, Corner of Rikumbi Kandanga and 6th Street, Opposite Sea Pride. * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 31 Jan.: NPS - Banner Hoisting (Celebration Announcement) * 1 Feb.: Vlooimark (flea market) aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk, Walvisbaai, langs parkeerterrein van OK Portuguese Market Garden. * 2 Feb.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - SA Border War Commemoration 09:00. * 7 - 8 Feb.: NPS - Interhouse Athletics - Fast & Furious * 12 Feb.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 28 Feb.: NPS Introduction of Debutants (Cheese & Wine) * 28 March.: NPS - Talent Show - Feeling famous. * 12 March.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 9 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 26 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - 99 Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 27 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Annuel wreath laying ceremony by M.O.T.H. And German tradition verband Trekkopje 11:00. * 14 May.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 11 June.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 30 June.: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull * 1 July.: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. * 2 July.: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show * 3 July.: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. * 4 July.: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. * 5 July.: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. * 9 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 12 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. * 13 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00 * 16 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance day. * 13 Aug.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 10 Sept.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 4 Oct.: NPS - Festival Day - Festival Fiesta *************

SWAKOPMUND * Infinity Lounge - Karaoke night every Thursday. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre, starting on the 8th from 10am until 3pm. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. Resume February 2014. * EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: SHALOM MARKET 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 9 Feb.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Annual wreath laying, first at 10:00 at Swakopmund Cemetary for W/W1 Allied & Axis Forces, and Secondly at 11:00 at the Germann Marine Monument, Swakopmund. * 14 Feb.: Informations vortrag: Hilfe und Heilung auf dem Weg durch die Lehre Bruno Grönings um 19 Uhr, The Marble room im Hansa Hotel, geistigen. ***************

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 13:00/15:00 – 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 – 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30. * Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No.2 Brauhaus Arcade. * Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country-Our people * Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


24 JANUARY 2014


24 JANUARY 2014


Conch Cement & Steel Top achievers head out New Office and Warehouse for

Piquet Jacobs

Top achievers are getting ready to leave to their different destinations for tertiary studies. The newspaper took the time and talked awaiting confirmation from Unam to some of our top Gr 12 performers on Medical School and once he have it he how they feel about their results and to will proceed to Windhoek. Another find out what they have planned for option he has in mind is to study themselves. Ehren-Ray Feris, the top medicine in either Dubai or Cuba. performer of Duneside High School is He is happy and satisfied with his results. Ehren-Ray is definitely someone to be reckoned with, he has big plans for himself and is set on ploughing back into his country; he wishes to one day be practicing medicine in the North, “I want to be helpful where it is most needed”, he says. His advice to current Gr 12 learners is to work hard and smart, “put your party and social life on hold for now, this one year's hard work will determine the next 60years of your life”. Ricardo Barker from De Duine Secondary School is pursuing a career in electrical engineering, and is set to start his course this year at the Polytechnic of Namibia. This young man has set successful goals for himself and is eager Ehren-Ray Feris to achieve them, just as he reached his

Jack's Trading CC at the new industrial area, ERF 4481, BEHIND WEIGHBRIDGE, OPPOSITE NARRAVILLE LOCATION Big Sale for New Year until February 15th 32.5R N$75.99 42.5R N$77.99 Various Lip Channels & Steel Bars are also available. Ricardo Barker goals with his Gr 12 results, “I am satisfied with my results, I achieved my goals,” he said. His advice to learners goes out specifically to Gr 11 learners, to put in everything from the start, “start paying attention from the beginning, stay up to date and you will make it easier for yourself in Gr 12”.

Contact Person: Steven/Obama Tel:064-221699 Fax: 064-220699 Email: We open from Monday until Saturday !!!

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