namib times - 9 Dec 2014

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6412 TUESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website

Opportunities await in transport sector


International anti-corruption day

Marshallino Beukes

The Namibian Logistics Hub Forum was officially launched in Walvis Bay on Friday and at the event, hosted by the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, its Chief Executive Officer, Mr Johny Smith, noted that opportunities in the transport sector were very promising. Smith applauded the Namibian government for investing in major transport infrastructure to link Namibia with the neighbouring countries. This investments include Port development, Rail development, (Links with Angola, Botswana, and Zambia), Road deve-

Mr Johny Smith

lopment (Links with Angola, Botswana, and Zambia) and Air linkage development. Smith further emphasised the fact that the private sector should work together more closely with the Government in order to optimise infrastructure development. He compared the

SADC Region with a gigantic “shopping Mall” and expressed the hope that Namibia will and may become the “main entrance” of that Mall. “Namibia did not really understand the trade industry and expensive lessons have been learned in the past,” Smith remark-

ed. “About ten years ago all trade in the Region was done via South Africa, with Namibia having no connections to neighbours and no direct shipping connections,” he added. “Since then, the picture has drastically changed, with border Continues on page 3

Page 3

Wheels for Nampol

Page 4

Increase in port tariffs

Julia’s alleged murderer stays behind bars

Page 6

Grootbek is keelvol

Sharlien Tjambari

It has been two months since the death of Mrs Mutaleni (Julia) Ndjalukeni Jonas (43), a well-known and beloved Swakopmund resident and employee at the Rossmund Golf Club. Julia was supposedly poisoned by her estranged husband and her death came as a big shock to the coastal community. The incident happened on the morning of 8 October, at around 00:20. Mrs Jonas and her husband Mr Junias Jonas, allegedly had problems in their marriage and although they were still legally married, the

couple were separated for some time. Mrs Jonas had a protection order against her husband, which barred him from going near her, or her residence. The protection order followed after he attempted to shoot Mrs

Jonas earlier this year in August. Mr Jonas has since then moved to the Karibib area and returned home on the night of the tragedy. On his arrival, Mr Jonas reportedly bought drinks for the two of them.

After a while Mrs Jonas started screaming that she was poisoned by her husband. She was rushed to the hospital but there was nothing the doctors could do. She was already dead on arrival at the hospital. Mr Jonas ap-

Bladsy 8

Mrs Mutaleni (Julia) Ndjalukeni Jonas

peared again in the Swakopmund Magistrate’s court yesterday, facing charges of murder and breaching of a protection order.

The matter was postponed until 5 February 2015 for further investigation and legal representation. He remains in custody.

HIV-Aids wareness

Page 24




Hickory Creek Spur Walvisbaai oop ná verbeterings Liesl Losper Vrydag, was ‘n heuglike dag vir Spur-klante, toe die opgeknapte eet- en- kuierplek amptelik geopen is. Dit is nou onder dieselfde bestuur as die Spur op Swakopmund.

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813

Project Shine closing ceremony Sharlien Tjambari

Project Shine had their closing ceremony at the Municipality of Swakopmund. There were two representatives from each participating group. Prizes and certificates were given to the best performing groups throughout 2014.

The groups that participated this year were Hanganeni Primary School, Westside Advertising High School, More dant Life, St John Apostolic Faith Mission, Orusuwo Marketing/Sales Church, Swakopmund SpeMikkie Kriel cial and Para-Olympics Cell +264 81 286 9519 club, Necessity and ness Profession, Green bassador of DRC, Mondesa Green Ambassador and Coenita de Bairos Oruuano Protestant Unity Cell +264 81 128 0311 Church. In his speech, the General Manager of BannerClassifieds man Resources Mr Werner Ewald said “minimising waste includes penetrating News Desk community involvement, Maria Davel-Wallis an understanding of the

Cell +264 81 479 9844

economic value of waste and building stakeholder partnership with Governmental organisations and Non-governmental Organisations (NGO’s). I can say we have achieved this through Project Shine.” The prizes were sponsored by Plastic Packaging; the first prize of N$3 000 went to Orusuwo Church. Unfortunately, the representatives of Orusuwo Church were not present to receive their prize and certificate. The second Prize winner was Oruuano Protestant Unity Church, walking away with N$2 000 and

third prize went to Mondesa Green Ambassador. Project Shine was launched six years ago on World Environmental Day by the former Mayor of Swakopmund Ms Rosina //Hoabes. The fundamental goal of the project was to clean the main road from Swakopmund to Arandis of littering, especially glass bottles dumped on the side of the road. In 2008 the project included the shoreline between Henties Bay and Sandwich Harbour, aimed to remove litter from the beach and preserve our precious shoreline.

Een van die veranderings wat positiewe reaksie uitgelok het, was die sogenaamde “kinderhoekie - baie meen dit gaan ‘n trekpleister word vir gesinnne. Die speelplek spog met ‘n klimmuur waarteen die kinders kan uitklouter, en talle nuwe speletjies. Hulle het twee kinderoppassers wat die kleingoed sal help besig hou, terwyl die grootmense hulle gunstelingdisse geniet. “Ons is trots om ook melding te maak van die nuwe monitor skerms in die restaurant waar die ouers die speelplek kan sien en op hoogte kan bly van hulle kinders se doen en late.

Spur dra lank reeds by tot die opheffing van die gemeenskap, met onder meer ‘n sopkombuis wat hul steun geniet, skenkings aan die kankervereninging en verskeie ander gemeenNuwe klimmuur skapsprojekte.

Spur personeel

Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824

Swakopmund Office

(Fltr) Naeem Fortune (CEO), Zahra Fortune, Sheronese Rispel, Natalia Imbili, Theopolina Nambili, Anthea Lawrence.

Putting a smile on children’s faces Madelaine Laubscher

Advertising Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155

PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047

Africa Union Cargo (AUC) visited Kids Haven, a local children’s home, to hand out gift packages to 30 children for the festive season on Friday. The namib times was invited to join the event. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Naeem Fortune, said the Santa’s Shoebox Project is big and exciting, but there are no beneficiaries for this project in Walvis Bay, only Swakopmund and Windhoek. “We wanted to support our community thus we decided to visit our local children’s homes. The Kids Haven’s children and house mother was so warm and welcoming when we arrived. They took us on a tour around the house and play areas,” he said. Accrding to the CEO each child received a package containing toothpaste, soap, a story book, a toy, body lotions, clothing, baby products for the babies, deodorant and candy. “We also donated washing

powder, softener, dishwashing liquid, bleach and multi-purpose cleaner along with some bedding and magazines which is handy for the year ahead when the younger children need pictures for

school. This is a true haven for children, a beautiful home where everyone is brother and sister to each other with the staff being true angels walking on earth,” he concluded.

AUC staff members getting ready to hand out gifts

Fans celebrate SWAPO’s victory Sharlien Tjambari

SWAPO fans in Swakopmund celebrated the SWAPO victory this past weekend. More than 200 people attended the Swakopmund event. The celebration started off with a march around Mondesa. Songs of the liberation struggle were sung, and fans marched to the SWAPO office were the celebrations continued. This year, Swapo won 77 of the 96 seats in the National Assembly. The DTA of Namibia, the new official opposition, won five seats and the Rally for Democracy and Progress (outgoing official opposition) three seats. The coastal town of Swakopmund is now being referred to as “Swapomund” by Swapo members and supporters. This joke intensified on Saturday when Member of Parliament (MP) and Swakopmund Constituency councillor Germina Shitaleni also referred to the town as such. She was addressing a joyful crowd during the celebration of

Swapo’s election victory. Shitaleni thanked “Swapomund” residents for going out in large numbers on 28 November 2014 to vote for Swapo and its presidential candidate Hage Geingob, contributing to a landslide victory for both party and

Geingob, who is now President-elect. She also urged supporters to continue rallying behind the party for continuity of peace and democracy in the country. Celebratory events were also held in Arandis and Omaruru. (Source: Nampa)





Opportunities await in transport sector

Continued from page 1 in Africa are the big-gest concerns at the moment, Shaw said. Ms Sue Wo o d , t h e B r a n c h Manager of Savino Del Bene Namibia commented that the Namibian railway infrastructure was a big problem and had to improve. She also noted that the new Asycuda World System, used at Namibian border posts was a big challenge, but “when everybody understand the system, things will run smoothly.” She concluded by urging the Forum to be as sustainable and tough as a Welwitschia plant.

growth increasing with 107% in the last 5 years and Port volu-mes per year, escala-ting with 1,785 % in 12 years.” The number of truckloads per day increased from 182 during 2007 to 377 in 2012. By the year 2020 this number may increase to 586 truckloads per day. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group has advanced through the years, with branches in Lusaka, Zambia (2005), J o h a n n e s b u rg , S A (2008), Lubumbashi, DRC (2012), Sao Paulo, Brazil (2012) and a European branch, which will be opening

soon. The critical success factors for the Namibian Logistics Hub according to Mr Smith, are bigger and better Rail-, Port-, Air-, Road-, Borders-, and Intermodal linkages. Dr Andrew Shaw, an Associate Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Johannesburg) noted that Africa should start gearing up, as the African labour force was expected to overtake China's in the next few decades. He commented that in Africa, lots of roads are available, but not many are in good shape. Bribery and corruption

Marshallino Beukes

Namibia joins the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day against Corruption.

The Anti-Corruption Commission, Erongo Regional office will have awareness activities today, to share information with the general public on the importance of the day and information on corruption in general. This International Anti-corruption Day has been com-

memorated annually on 9 December since the passing of Resolution 58/4 on 31 October 2003 by the United Nations General Assembly. Namibia has since been observing this important Special Day. The aim of the world wide commemoration is to raise awareness on corrup-

tion and to highlight the UNITED Nations Convention against Corruption. On this day the ACC office in Swakopmund, will have a stand at Shoprite to share information on corruption related matters. Members of the Public are invited to the information sharing session. Report corruption at

ACC Erongo Regional Office or 064418300 or Toll Free Line: 0800 222 886




Nampol is geared up Madelaine Laubscher

The Trustco Insurance (Legal Shield) Group handed over quad bikes to Nampol yesterday, in order to make it possible for Nampol officers to patrol off-road areas during the festive season.

Commissioner Nelumbu with Mayor Uillika Nambahu and staff members

Four quad bikes have been handed to Nampol. According to the Branch Manager of Trustco Walvis Bay, Ms Julia Kashaka, they hand over the bikes to

Good News Number Plates and Car Licences are now optional extras in Walvis Bay. The traffic department ignores these vehicles.

What happens when these cars cause an accident? Contributed

Nampol on a yearly basis that started in 2008. “I would like to start with a festive greeting to everyone. It is the time of the year where Namibians start to descend on the coastal town, famous for its relaxed and harmonious atmosphere. However while the rest of the region start to take things slow, the law enforcement agency has to remain vigilant and work hard to ensure our peace. Without them, the festive season could be filled with fear and dread. The job of those unsung heroes will be immensely difficult without the assistance of the private sectors. It is with all those thoughts in mind that Trustco Insurance will avail quad bikes to the law enforcement agency to allow them to patrol the coastal areas,” she said. The Mayor shared her thoughts around Trustco handing the bikes to Nampol. “I feel deeply privileged to witness yet another annual commitment by Trustco, namely the handing over of the quad bikes for use by the Namibian police during the festive season. Trustco has over many years religiously donated these bikes to Nampol and by doing so, extended their range over dunes in an effort to ensure affective law enforcement, crime detection and prevention. The benefits of having quad bikes at the disposal of the police specifically during the festive season are self

4 December Ndeitapo Uuyambo (19) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 13 February 2015. The accused is on bail. Rudolf Autanga (34) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 February 2015. The accused is on bail.


Petrus Junias (28) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 9 December. The accused is in custody. Martin Heita (37) appeared on a charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 11 December. The accused is in custody. 5 December Paulus Nepunda Iikond-

ja (38) appeared on a charge of dealing in a dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 11 December. The accused is in custody. Patrick Keib (25) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 28 January 2015. The accused is in custody. Lindsy Noble (19) ap-

ly busy with illegal behaviour on off-road areas. The bikes are very useful tools in terms of accessibility in these areas. We thank you very much as usual and we assure that these bikes will be used for the intended purposes. The cr iminals will not have a safe haven with the assistance of the quad bikes. It will enhance our crime prevention efforts. We believe we will be successful. I wish everyone all the best for the festive season. We will make the Erongo Region a safe place to be,” Nelumbu concluded.

Mayor Uillika Nambahu delivering her speech


Court Walvis Bay

evident. Accordingly, we continue to appreciate your involvement in community activities as a model corporate citizen. I would like to assist the police to optimally use these bikes to achieve the lowest crime incidents during this season. Please double your effort to ensure that your presence is felt everywhere,” she said. Commissioner Nelumbu ensured that Nampol will make proper use of the bikes and reiterated that there have been many incidents in the past where they were able to use the bikes productively. “Criminals are usual-

peared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$400. Lucky Marvin Abraham (30) appeared on a charge of use of a vehicle without the owner's consent. The matter was postponed to 11 December. The accused is in custody.

Correct emergency numbers for Walvis Bay AMBULANCE

LIFE LINK 085 9247 ST GABRIEL 085 955 STATE 216 300


216 300 218 911


081 922 219 052 081 922

12 DECEMBER 2014






Tripartite Free Trade Area shifts gear Namibia, with 25 countries from the Common Markets of East and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC), and Southern African Development Countries (SADC) Regional Economic Communities (RECs) have been involved in trade negotiations for the past 3 years. The negotiations aim to establish the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) which will create a market, estimated at 600 million people with a GDP of U$ 1 trillion. Anchored on the three pillars Market Integration, Industrial Development as well as Infrastructure Development, the objective is to establish a large single market with free movement of goods and services and business persons. This is expected to boost intra-regional trade by removing tariff barriers between the RECs and harmonising customs procedures and trade facilitation measures. Maria Immanuel, Trade & Investment Policy Analyst at the Namibia Trade Forum (NTF), says the current negotiations focus on Market Integration and will be conducted over two phases. The first phase has been ongoing for the past three years focusing on Trade in Goods. Phase two will focus on trade-related aspects such as Trade in Services, Intellectual Property Rights, Competition Policy, Trade promotion and Competitiveness. Negotiation status: Immanuel say, the current negotiations in Trade in Goods, aim to liberalise movement of goods. She adds that negotiating countries will exchange tariff concessions based on reciprocity. “The aim is to liberalise as many goods as possible, effective immediately once the agreement has been ratified. The liberalisation of tariff between the three RECs will allow countries to open up their markets to each other in order to boost intra trade in the Tri-partite region,” says Maria Immanuel. Namibia is reportedly negotiating as part of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) due the common external tariff with members’ states

Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland. The Tri-partite countries have adopted the acquis principle (“that which has been agreed”) as one of the negotiating principles. “Essentially this means that tariff offers can only be exchanged between those countries which don’t have existing preferential arrangements with each other,” says Maria Immanuel. SADC countries will therefore offer each other tariff concessions based on what is already achieved in the region. As a result, SADC countries will not necessary exchange new tariff concessions since SADC has already established a free trade area in 2008. The same principle applies to other Regional Economic Communities involved in the TFTA negotiations. Ms Immanuel explains that since most COMESA members are also party to the SADC trade protocol, SACU is left to negotiate tariff elimination with COMESA’s non-SADC members as well as the EAC members (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania) as well as Egypt. Maria Immanuel cites the example of Tanzania which is party to the SADC trade protocol. Here the acquis principle will prevail whereby the basis of negotiations will be based on the SADC free trade area. This means that, tariff offers to the EAC will only be made to the other four countries. Moreover SACU hopes to engage in tariff negotiation with Ethiopia – presently one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.

The parties are said to have agreed to eliminate all existing non-tariff barriers to trade, and not to impose any new ones, while working on measures to simplify and harmonise trade and customs documentations and procedures. The way forward: The Tripartite Trade in goods negotiations were envisaged to be completed in June 2014. Due to unforeseen financial constraints negotiations are however nine months behind schedule. The 3rd Tripartite Summit of Head of States and Government originally scheduled to take place in Egypt this month was postponed to February 2015. It aimed to launch the Agreement establishing the Tripartite Free Trade Area. Some countries including Namibia earlier indicated their reluctance to sign the agreement in the absence of tariff offers and relevant trade rules. “Practically speaking, one cannot have an FTA without tariff liberalisation, Rules of Origin as well as Trade Remedies and Dispute Settlement mechanism,” says Immanuel. Namibia’s offensive interest in the Tripartite FTA: As Namibia prioritises its industrialisation agenda under the “Growth at Home” framework, the Tripartite FTA will come as an opportunity for Namibia to expand its regional market access. Namibia’s new potential markets will be Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Egypt as well as Ethiopia. Maria Immanuel says the expansion of regional markets would stimulate domestic industries

through development of regional value chains. This, she says, will mean Namibia needs to expand or grow its industrial base in order to be able to fully benefit from regional market access arrangement. “Through our consultation with the private sector, it was identified that exports of products such as beer, cement, salt, pharmaceutical products, dairy products and fish (horse mackerel) have the potential to be exported and expanded into East Africa and the Egyptian markets,” she noted with products already exported to these markets set to benefit from lower to zero customs duties. This trade arrangement will provide Namibia with an opportunity to diversify its international market access. It is therefore important for Namibia to invest in its manufacturing sector by focusing in the production and supply of goods and services which offer a competitive advantage. About the Namibia Trade Forum: The Namibia Trade Forum is an agency of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The company was launched on 6 June 2006 as a “Section 21 company”. Its main objective is to institutionalise Public/Private dialogue and cooperation with emphasis on international and domestic trade as well as investment policies as stipulated by the fourth National Development Plan (NDP4). NTF serves as the highest Public/Private partnership on international and domestic trade, and investment matters of government.

Increase in Port tariffs

The Namport Board of Directors has approved a port tariff adjustment of 6% across the board for the year 2015.

This tariff hike will be effective as of 1 January 2015 and there will be no second round of tariff discussions, due to the late approval of

the tariffs by the Board of Directors, an official memorandum from Namport reads.

Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Swakopmund Tides

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish

Walvis Bay Tides


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Riv er

Mile 72

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30



Port Log

Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies





LHU…investing in the future of Namibians Sharlien Tjambari

Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU) had a signing agreement with Gobabeb Research and Training Centre at the Langer Heinrich Uranium offices last week Thursday, 4 December.

Mr Theo Wassenaar receiving the cheque from Mr Simon Solomons of LHU

Langer Heinrich Uranium signed the agreement with Gobabeb Research and Training Centre that stipulated that they will be providing funding of N$ 284 000 per year for the next five years, which is a total amount of N$ 1.42 million, commencing in January 2015 for Gobabeb's Internship Program of Scientific Training for Namibia's sustainable future. The program will benefit at least four aspiring Namibian Scientists or Environmental Managers on a five month field course said the Managing Director of Langer Heinrich Uranium, Mr Simon Solomons. According to Mr Solomons, the program is unique in Namibia as it provides close mentorship with a strong emphasis on both rigorous scientific investigation

and practical relevance for the mining industry. Some of the money will assist Gobabeb to obtain formal accreditation from the National Qualifications Authority for this courses, narrated Mr Solomons. The Gobabeb Training and Research Centre was established in 1962, the non-profit Gobabeb Centre is still recognised as a leader in the science behind sustainable management of dry lands. Gobabeb has also built up a network of connections to other institutions of learning, to particular scientists and environmental professionals and to government authorities. Gobabeb Research and Training Centre is on the edge of the Namib Sand and Sea World Heritage Site.

Nam2kili 2015 challenge: Climbing Kilimanjaro Sharlien Tjambari

In September 2015, two Namibians will set out on the journey of a lifetime to raise funds for Children with Cancer in Namibia (CHICA) by climbing to the peak of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in the world. The Nam2kili is a challenge set up by André Louw and Anri Jacobs in association with the Cancer Association of Namibia, with the vision of raising funds and awareness for CHICA, and does their part to fight against cancer. “We are climbing to the peak of Africa to raise money for CHICA. By pushing our bodies to the ultimate limit, we hope to encourage those fighting cancer that they can overcome great challenges. With a positive and determined mind you can conquer almost anything,” said André and Anri. Nam2kili has a passion for children and raising awareness in the fight against cancer. The team will commence with the climb on 22 September and will reach the summit at 5895 meters above

sea level on the seventh day. The team is seeking sponsorship for the cost of the climb as well as for the 48 kilometer to be covered up to the Uhuru Peak. The profit raised will go to CHICA in association with the Cancer Association of Namibia. To support this course please contact Anri Jacobs on 0818929893 or André Louw on 0812449047. CHICA Namibia is a support group for children with cancer and it falls under the umbrella of the Cancer Association of Namibia. Their aim is to provide assistance to children with cancer, from the time of diagnosis, recognising the inevitable disruption to family life when a child faces vigorous and often lengthy treatments for cancer.

Anri Jacobs and André Louw


9 DECEMBER 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.


Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times


reader’s comments

600 stemme laat

"Jerusalem: Weerklink Vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van Walvisbaai het verskillende kerke saamgewerk aan ‘n Christusfees met die oog op Kersfees. Izél van Ellewee: Wat n grap! As christene enigsins oor die waarheid om gegee het sou nie een kerk of mens kersfees gevier het nie.

Maar... “Keep telling yourselves that”! Marianne Bissett: Ai tog, dis so jammer dat jy so voel. Dis so wonderlik om ons Here se ver-

jaardag te vier. Maak nie saak watter datum dit is nie, maar gaan eintlik mos oor die vreugde fees van ons Verlosser wat gebore is.

Grootbek op Dinsdag

Banke sal huis in orde moet kry Opinie deur Marshallino Beukes

Maand na maand moet lojale kliënte van sekere banke soos bedelaars in ellelang rye vir hul swaarverdiende geld bakhand gaan staan en dit blyk asof hierdie banke nie daadwerklike aksie neem om hierdie uiters frustrerende scenario stop te sit nie.

Scammers on the prowl again With the Festive Season upon us, scammers are getting active again in various ways and the community is warned to be vigilant. Loretha Mara: Contact number in Swakop please. They came to my house last week. I did not let them in.


THIEVES Rellyn Fainsinger Detlof-Wismer: Do you have a Swakop number?

Padkos vir oordenking “Daarom sê Ek vir julle: Alles wat julle in die gebed vra, glo dat julle dit al ontvang het, en dit sal vir julle so wees.” Markus 11:24

Verlede week was dit weereens die geval in Swakopmund, met klante wat vanaf die oggend tot namiddag by finansiële instansies, selfs tot buite in die warm son in lang rye moes staan. By ‘n sekere bank moes meer as 40 kliënte na toemaaktyd binne die klein perseel saamdrom, ten einde gehelp te kan word. Hierdie is ‘n probleem wat onmiddelike aksie vereis. Die feit dat daar te min tellers is, kan nie as ‘n verskoning voorgegooi word nie, aangesien hierdie instansie veronderstel is om kennis te dra van hul kliënte-basis en dienooreenkomstig hul takke moet

beman. Van die banke vergeet dat daardie klante, wat hulle so behandel, hul salarisse betaal, ongeag die hemelhoë bankkostes en ander fooie wat ook nog opgedok moet word. Hierdie instansies sal daardie fooie, waarmee hulle kliënte so swaar belas, moet aanwend om hul persele te vergroot en meer werkers aanstel. Dit is werklik onaanvaarbaar dat lojale kliënte aan hierdie tipe diens blootgestel moet word. Van die os, op die esel. Dit is vakansietyd en besoekers is alreeds besig om hulle gereed te kry om die

lang pad na die kus, vir ‘n welverdiende blaaskansie, aan te pak. Plaaslike besighede sal hulself in rat moet kry om top kliëntediens te lewer. Dit is kommerwekkend dat sekere besighede se werknemers steeds nie weet wat die term, kliëntediens, behels nie. Op ‘n vraag aan ‘n kassier by ‘n sekere besigheid in Swakopmund, of daar nie by hulle iets soos “service with a smile” bestaan nie, was die antwoord dat indien ‘n klant nie eerste glimlag nie, gaan sy dit ook nie doen nie! I rest my case…

Don’t Drink & Drive!

9 DECEMBER 2014 12 DECEMBER 2014



Early Christmas for people living with disabilities Sharlien Tjambari

The Children’s Parliament and Circle of Hope group organised an early Christmas lunch for people living with disabilities on Saturday at the Meduletu Hall in Mondesa. The purpose of the Christmas lunch was to motivate the Swakopmund youth and its community to continue assisting the less privileged. “We want to develop our community into focused and informed people. We want to show the Swakopmund community the importance of ubuntu’’ said Ms Sushmita, a member of parliament from the Namibian Children's Parliament, Erongo Region. Circle of Hope is a youth group formed in 2011 by Ms Victoria Joel with the intension

of supporting her community wherever she can and in whatever way she can. The group has 15 members and is focused on offering help and support to vulnerable and neglected people in society such as the elderly, children and those living with disabilities. The group offers help and support through direct engagement with

Disabled people enjoying their lunch

the community and through requests from other groups or NGO’s. The support is not necessarily material, it can also be advisory and social support where possible. Their mission is to effectively provide help and support in Mondesa and Swakopmund to all those vulnerable and in need of help. The lunch was complemented with

gifts essential for their daily needs. An audience of 200 people were expected at the Christmas lunch. Circle of Hope and Children’s Parliament target group is people with disabilities. According to Ms Victoria Joel, the Christmas event for people living with disabilities is under the theme of “eradicating exclusion and

(Fltr) Ms Sushmita Mutjavikua, Johanna Benson, Namibia para-olimpic gold medalist and Ms Sara-Leigh Elago promoting accessible society for all. It also served as a platform to create awareness and collect a da-

tabase on the people living with disabilities in the Swakopmund community. A group of people also

travelled from Walvis Bay to join the rest in Swakopmund.

Ms Victoria Joel, Chairperson of the Circle of Hope



Seasons greetings We are almost at the end of yet another busy year and for some of us its still not over So before you all go on leave‌. Just a small note of thanks from MNK property real estate board and staff members we would like to thank our dearest customers for their support through out this year(s),we wish you and your family a blessed festive season and best wishes for 2015. Please feel free to come to us for all your property needs. Best wishes

MNK property real estate board and staff members

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12 DECEMBER 2014


Coastal Vocal Blog presents Christmas Gospel show ENTERTAINMENT

The “Coastal Vocal Blog”, as they call themselves, are a group of young people that came together, with the aim of reaching people through music.


WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 14 Dec: The Mission to Seafarers annual “Carol Service” will be celebrated on Sunday at 18:30 in the Chapel of St Nicholas at the Mission to Seafarers. ALL WELCOME. * 18 Dec: Woermann Brock - Blood Clinic. * 28 Dec: A Fire, Dance & Music Extravaganza - Carnival of Flames at Desert Explorers at 19:00

SWAKOPMUND One of the many guest artists - Elize Dentlinger

Started by Mr Danny Morkel from Walvis Bay, this group is showing tremendous potential as they are constantly busy with the developing of people and themselves. They recently toured to Cape Town to go and record their first album. Earlier this year the group had a very successful cam-

paign throughout Namibia, raising in the wider community the awareness of “Woman and Child Abuse.” Starting to create “change” among the views of young people whom at this stage of the year are very vulnerable to the exposures of drugs and alcohol, the Coastal Vocal

Blog is bringing a show to the community of Swakopmund. The show will be themed “Christmas Gospel”. The show will feast a host of artists, Monique English, Steffi English, JR Cupido, Salvadore, Vernice, etc… It has also attracted a number of guest

artists such as Elize Dentlinger, Christo, Joshua, OJAY, and ‘Silent Angel’ to name a few. NBC Presenter, Ms Theoline Brandt will be the co-host as the Master of Ceremonies. This is in totality a community driven project. It is especially planned prior to the main Festive

Activities, to create unity and awareness amongst our people. Tickets are N$30 per person and the show will be hosted at the Tamariskia Community Hall on 9 December 2014. Admission fees can also be paid at the door and the show will start at 19:00. Contact 081 125 5288 for further details.

* EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 9 Dec: Christmas Gospel Show at Swakopmund Town Hall at 19:00. * 9 Dec: Vortrag - “Swakopmund 1892 - 1915" eine Bilder - Dokumentation zusam mengestellt von Immo Böhlke at 19:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. * 19, 20 & 22 Dec: The Award Winning ZIP ZAP CIRCUS at the SWAKOPMUND INDOOR CENTRE. * 20 Dec: Opening of Anita Steyn Art Studio Exhibition of paintings & ceramics at Woermannhaus - Galery at 17:00.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.



Lube Marketing (Pty) Ltd and Castrol Marine Sundowner's Cruise 2014

(Fltr - back) Leon, Erica, Patric, Quintin, Joel, Leroy, Emile and Nicky (Fltr - front) Carl Heins, Patrick's spouse, Christa, Corlize, Andrea, Ockie and Walter Nicky, Quintin, Leon, Emile and Ockie

Patrick Pomain and his loving wife

"Prost" on Castrol Oil

Joel and Quintin

Nicky, Leon and Leroy

Christa, Erica and Corlize

Patric and Leon

At the drags



Friends enjoying each others company

Chenice never disappoints, always looking on point

Girls looking good

Old friends

Jeronette and Zeenad smile for the camera

Xergio and Ndeshi having a good time







VACANCIES Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Branch Manager – Swakopmund Purpose of the position: • Effective and profitable management of the branch through achieving the set targets • Enforcing company policy and procedures Qualification and knowledge: • Commercial Degree / Diploma • Valid driver's license • At least two years experience at managerial level

Skills: • Must be a trader • Must be able to negotiate effectively • Basic knowledge of accounting • MS Office literate • Verbal and written proficiency in English and Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate • Must be able to take own initiative • Achiever Key performance areas: • Planning, organizing, motivating, co-ordinating and controlling of all branch activities Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to:

The Operations Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd. Head Office, Windhoek E-mail: Closing date: 15 January 2015 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.


The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Must be willing to relocate to different branches as requested • Male candidates between the ages of 27 and 35 will be given preference





Rezoning from Single Residential to General Residential 1 on erf 3163, No.38 6th Street, Walvis Bay.

Notice is hereby given in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality to rezone a portion of Local Street between Kruis Street and Albatros Street, behind developments in local streets: Flamingo Street and Pelican Street and this portion is then to be subdivided into 2 portions: The rezoning will be from Local Street to Local Business. This proposal is indicated on the locality plan which lies for inspection during office hours at the Town Planning Office at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, and Municipal Notice Board, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any person objecting to the approval of this application as indicated above may lodge objections, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned in writing, not later than Tuesday 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (081 170 0960)

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Medium Density Residential Development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay (081 170 0960)

9 DECEMBER 2014 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE High Court of Namibia Case No: I 4076/2013 In the matter between: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA v/s WEST AFRICA INSPECTION SERVICES CC Pursuant to a Judgement granted by the above Honourable Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by public auction, Wednesday 17 December 2014 at 10:00 at, Unit No 9 & 10, Kelso P a r k , Wa l v i s B a y, namely: 2 x Office Desks 3 x Office chairs 1 x HP Printer 2 x Computer Unit sets 1 x Small filing cabinet 2 x 2 door filing cabinets 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x KIC Double door freezer 5 x HP Printer Ink holders 1 x HP Printer 2 x Office Chairs 2 x Office desks 1 x Delly laptop with bag 1 x Toshiba laptop with bag 1 x 2 Door filing cabinet 1 x Labino Torch 1 x Tester NCTO 213 in bag 1 x Sonaest (tester) in bag 1 x Temperature thermometer MT695 1 x Insize Measuring tool in box 1 x 40 Piece tap & die set in blue box 1 x Gammatec NDT Block & Case Utcalibration 1 x Top Tronic tester 2 x Containers (used as office space) 1 x Pioneer CD player 1 x 2 Door filing cabinet 2 x Cygnus Thicknis testers in bag 1 x T-Scan tester in box 2 x CCM Powercam 6 x Office chairs 3 x Computer unit sets 1 x HP Server box 1 x Canon printer 1 x Insent (books) 2 x Big homemade office desks 1 x Homemade table (metal) 1 x Bosch Grinder 5 x Grinders 2 x Western Instruments (red/black) 8 x Inverters Thermamax TSA 250 5 x Inverters Thermamax 200 1 x Inverter Thermamax 100 8 x Safety helmets 140x Ardrox cans (400

ml) 1 x Small Generator 1 x Box with gasbottle fittings 4 x Gasbottle fittings 5 x Gaspipes 2 x Hammers 1 x Bid 3 x Connectors in plastic 4 x Plastic containers with screws 1 x Metabo grinders 2 x Torches/lamp 1 x Hilti Drill 14x Packs welding rods 4 x New Crown grinders in box 1 x Metal toolbox with tools 6 x Wire cup brushes 1 x Red Grinder 270x Pipe filters 200x Metal block pieces 1 x Plastic chair 1 x Wooden holder with small fittings for gass used 48x Electrical cable connections 4 x Electrical cable (leads) 1 x Mat-weld in box 1 x Regulator in box 1 x Pipe with regulator in box 22x Metal block pieces 1 x Colenta film prosessor 1 x 15 Hanger film 2 x Film prosessors box made with stainless on stand Pile of films 1 x Flasbox with red light 1 x Canon Printer 1 x Lenover Lap Top 3 x Plastic chairs 1 x Filing cabinet 1 x Grammatec light 1 x Office desk 1 x Stainless tank 1 x Wingding gear 1 x Vacuum pump 2 x Trolleys

1 x Bench 1 x HMT turning machine 1 x HMT Bandsaw 1 x A Huster drilling machine on stand 1 x Ryobi pedestal drill 1 x Metal cutter 6 x Drums 1 x Gasbottle 2 x Small metal tables Metal to work with 1 x Airstream Compressor 1 x Thermomax CUT100 Invertor on stand 2 x Movable room divider (selfmade) 1 x Metabo DS 200 Grinder 4 x Angel Grinder 7 x Sweiss machines 7 x Sweiss toolhammers 8 x Sweiss headcovers 1 x Gassbottles with pipe 1 x Pipe frame in box 3 x Benches 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x Homemade table 1 x Vice 1 x KIC Double door freezer 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x Filing cabinet 2 doors 1 x Filing cabinet 3 x Office chairs 2 x Office desks 1 x Computer system unit 1 x Canon printer 1 x Opel Corsa with canopy Registration No: N 17163 WB Terms: Cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Walvis Bay 14th day of March 2014. GOVERNMENT ATTORNEY, nd 2 Floor, Sanlam Centre Independence Avenue, Windhoek, Namibia


COUNTER SALES PERSON · Young, energetic, positive, honest person with excellent sales and administrative skills needed to join our team. · Computer Literate: Word, Excel, OMNI (Advantage) · Create Sales Orders · Invoicing / cash handling · Assist and resolve customer complaints QUALIFICATIONS / EXPERIENCE: · Grade 12 · Code 08 · Well spoken/written English, Afrikaans · German an advantage · Computer literate · Sales / Stock experience Position available immediately! Please mail shortened CV with contactable references to: or fax: 064 403 267

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From Single Residential To General Residential 1 CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Hotel Pension), to proceed before rezoning is approved ON ERF 12 MEERSIG, CORNER OF 8th ROAD WEST AND KOVAMBO NUJOMA AVENUE In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect an Accommodation Establishment (Hotel Pension) on the site. The existing buildings will be demolished to allow for the new development. The purpose of the rezoning is to make the zoning of the site correct for an Accommodation Establishment; the purpose of the consent is to allow development of the site to proceed before the rezoning is approved. The current zoning of the site allows the erection of an Accommodation Establishment only with consent of the Council. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (081 170 0960)


Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office Trading Hours Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 12h45 14h00 – 15h30

14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)

Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)

Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)

Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants)

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by

private transaction, the following single residential erwen to staff members: NAME Abraham KP Haufiku M Jansen DESCRIPTION Erf 6481 Kuisebmond

Erf 6477 Kuisebmond Erf 3262 Narraville AREA 318 m² 318m² 367 m² ZONING Single Residential Single Residential Single Residential


Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Thursday Driving license rene-

wals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving

licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests

until 23 December 2014 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, the Properties Clerk can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours.

Any person objecting to the proposed sale may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017,

Walvis Bay, before or on 26 December 2014 Jack Manale Manager: Housing and Properties Tel: (064) 201 3338 Email: jmanale@


Friday 08h00 – 12h45 Monday Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/ 14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/

Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)


PURCHASE PRICES N$52,788.00 N$52,788.00 N$66,427.00 Full particulars pertaining to the proposed sale will lie for inspection by interested persons



PROPERTY TIMES Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


KOMMISSIE VANAF 2% EIENDOMME TE KOOP GESOEK NOORDE KARIN 081 128 3319 LANGSTRAND EN SWAKOP CHARLENE 081 147 5705 KURT WALVISBAAI 081 242 6713 *Swakop hoekerf N$620 000 nuwe uitbreiding *Swakop woonstel N$1,133m 3 bed, 2½ bad,1 motorhuis *Swakop N$1,750m plot en plan huise 3 bed, 2bad, 2 motorhuise op groot erf. *Langstrand Seefront erf N$2.060m *Dolfynstrand N$1,545m Seefrond 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise keuse met meubels N$1,648m *Dolfynstrand N$1,339m Woonstel seeuitsig 3 bed, 2 bad 2 motorhuise met meubels *Dolfynstrand dupleks dorpshuis N$1,777m ,3bed, 2½ bad, ooplan kombuis leefarea Binnebraai met seeuitsig het 2 motorhuise. *Walvis dorp N$865 000 2 bed, 2 bad, 2 braais, 1 motorhuis *Walvisbaai sentraal naby skole N$1,236m winskoop woonhuis op baie groot erf 3 bed,2 bad,3 motorhuise *Meersig nuwe dorpshuis N$1,399m, 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise *Meersig N$1,740m prys verlaag Gewaarborgde offers welkom 3 bed huis met 2 bed Woonstel 5 motorhuise *Meersig N$1,854m of te huur N$10800 p/m Erf 1250m huis 412m² 5 bed, 3 badkamers , 2 sitkamers 2 braai kamers,kombuis 2 motorhuise en stoor kamer *Meersig ext1 erf N$721 000 OP SKOU *Kaapstad Durbanville Swakop Fruit & Veg 15 tot 17 Desember Walvisbaai Shoprite 18 tot 20 Desember of persoonlike afspraak 8 nuwe ontwikkelngs vir 2015 oordragkoste ingesluit woonstelle vanaf N$569 900 Dorpshuise vanaf N$899 900 en vrystaande huise vanaf N$1,049,900 Namibiers 20% deposito 80% lenings beskikbaar Slegs 16km na Stellenbosch en 25km a Kaapstad met vervoerdienste KURT GRUNSCHLOSS SEL 081 242 6713 Kantoor 12 Peter Dixon Str Lagoon Propertypowerwvb@gmail. com

TO RENT !! 50 meters from beach! Vogelstrandt December special!!!! 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan, lovely view 2 garages, also available gym, pool and laundrette. Available from 1 December 2014 Rent: N$ 7650.00 Vogelstrandt!! One bedroom jewel, unfurnished with garage, no pets gym, pool and laundrette in complex rental : N$.00 Mile 4 area!! First come first served! Pets allowed!!! Luxury 3 bedrooms, 2 /1/2 bath, beautiful kitchen, open plan with braai and fire place, two garages, court yard, alarm, balcony, small pets welcome, prepaid elect. Rental: N$ 7800.00 Mondesa ext pets allowed! 2 bedroom flat, 2 bath room, beautiful kitchen, Furnished plus garage. ”koopkrag” water included Rental: N$6500.00 for sale!!!! Vineta ex 23!! Brand new home! 230 m/2 3 bedrooms each with “on suite bath room” huge mod kitchen, inside “braai” laundry/scullery,tv connection, alarm. outside toilet and double garage; Price : N$ 1.6 m For sale ! 20 meters from the sea!!! Vogelstrandt One bedroom flatlet, cosy and cute !plus garage. Also available in complex gymm, pool and laundrette, Price: N$750,000CONTACT : Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates 081 127 2736 TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Narraville met oopplan kombuis + badkamer. Sekuriteits deur, diefwerings N$ 2 900.00 p/m Deposito onderhandelbaar. W/L ingsl. Vir enkel persoon of twee. Skakel: 081 327 9800 Narraville


TO RENT: Narraville, Walvisbaai 2 slaapkamer woonstel met ingeboude kaste + stoof en tanem garage. N$ 4500.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel Aunty Ann: 205 958 081 452 6408 FOR SALE Meersig - Walvis Bay: 803.5m² erven with approved plan. Going for N$950 000 Alpheus: 081 122 9115

TO LET - WALVIS BAY HERMES N$ 4700 - 2 bed flat, garage excl. w & e. N$ 5170 - 2 Bed flat, 1 garage excl. w & e. CENTRAL N$ 3200 - 1 bedroom flat, excl. w & e. N$ 9500 - 3 bed townhouse, 1 garage excl. w & e. LAGOON & MEERSIG N$ 4000 - 1 Bed flat with garage excl. w & e. N$ 10 500 -5 bed house, garage excl. w & e. N$ 13 000 - 3 Bed house, garages excl. w & e. NARRAVILLE N$ 3000 - 1 bed flat. incl. w & e. KUISEBMOND N$2000 - Bachelor flat in NHE area excl. w & e. N$ 6500 - 3 Bed house, garage & 1 bed flat excl. w & e. INDUSTRIAL N$ 9900 - brand new 150m² workshop with offices. N$ 16 335 - new 297m2 warehouse with offices. N$ 18 676 - new 297m2 warehouse with offices. N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf. N$75 000 - 2000m² warehouse with offices. N$ 85 000 - 2500 m² warehouse in prime area with offices. Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089 TE HUUR: Narraville 2 slaapkamer woonstel, volledige badkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, geen garage. N$ 4 000.00 p/m N$ 2 500.00 deposit Beskikbaar 2 Jan 2015 W/E ingsl. Kontak Elbie: 081 304 5446

To let in Walvis Bay excl. water and lights

all available immediately

Beautiful spacious 2 bedr. located centrally. Kitchen with lounge & guest toilet. Upstairs: 2 bedrs with full bathr. N$ 4950.00 Town House Situated Centrally in Town, Walking distance from all amenities: features 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, open plan lounge kitchen (b.i.c) Single garage. Price N$ 6 800.00 Big modern double story house Fairways Walvis Bay. N$ 11 500.00 Open plan lounge to kitchen, built in stove & cupboards, sep. scullery Indoor braai/bbq. 4 bedr, 3 bathrooms. (2 of the rooms have en suite). Tandem garage. Yard is pet friendly. CALL 0818081548 to view or our Offices 064 20 9444 FOR SALE IN WALVIS BAY: Attention investors or first time buyers new developments Fairways Walvis Bay at affordable prices! N$ 996 000.00 UP TO N$ 1 750 000.00 call or mail us for more information: 0812775080 0811292427 or 0812775080 House to buy in Walvis Bay with lots of space - big office plus sep. entertainment room, indoor braai and his and hers toilets. Big, spacious open plan lounge to kitchen with scullery and lounge area. 4 Bedr, 3 Bathr. Garages parking for 6 cars. Price N$ 1 985 000.00 call 0812775080 to view Neat as a pin family home. This house offers: 4 bedr, 3 bathr, 3 garages. Open plan lounge to kitchen to entertainment area with built in BBQ and bar. Sep. guest room with toilet and shower. Sliding doors onto wooden deck overlooking the beautiful well-maintained garden Price N$ 2 130 000.00 erf size 950 squares

call Nikki 0811 2924 27 to view

TO RENT: 450m² Warehouse + office to let available from 1st February 2015 Contact Charmaine tel. 064-221343

W/Bay Central 3 bed, 2 bath unit with garage. Furniture Included. N$ 995 000-00 Barry 0815757474 TE KOOP GESOEK: Walvisbaai Narraville 3 slaapkamer huis, met ingeboude kaste, twee badkamers + garage te koop gesoek. Prysklas: ± N$ 950 000.00 Kontak: 081 304 8973 Swakopmund CBD Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Contact: 081 247 3026 WOONSTEL TE HUUR Vineta - Swakopmund: Groot kamer met Kitchenette. Agter in erf. N$3000.00p/m W/E ingelsluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 081 323 3531 Ook beskikbaar in Desember vir Vakansie verblyf. LOOKING FOR A HOUSE TO BUY: 2/3 bedrooms, double garage. Meersig or Lagoon area Price range: 1.8 - 2 million From Jan or Feb Contact: 081 323 6378 TO RENT: Omukumo Properties CC Walvis Bay (CBD) Good business opportunity, 3 x bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, double garage on a busy road. Near WCC Recovery Indongo Toyota NAMPOL road) Physical Address: House no 257, Erf 1121 Nangolo Mbumba Street, Walvis Bay N$ 12 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Lease period 12 months or more Available 01 January 2015 Please call: 081 218 9526 081 292 7764 Email: omukumoproperties@

Walvis Bay Weighbridge Sale of CC 18 Sectional Title Warehouses 9 for sale from N$ 1420 000-00 9 to rent @ N$ 55-00 p/m² + VAT Claudia 081 127 7783 FOR SALE: Walvis Bay Meersig house 190m² Modern 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Tandem garage parks 4 cars. Panhandel Erf 795m² Price N$1 350 000.00 Mobile 081 303 8987

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE Newly Built Houses!!!! Be the first owner of brand new house. Swakopmund / Walvis Bay Price on request SHAMELLE 081 4788 499 / 064412320 m

“HUISIE BY DIE SEE” HENTIES BAY NEW SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE FREESTANDING 2 & 3 bed houses. Choose from 3 different house types. Get yours from only N$ 477 000-00 now! Emily 0812930335 Ndana 0812781731

FOR SALE Mondesa - Swakop: 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, Open plan (Kitchen, lounge, dining room). Single garage, High boundary walls, alarm system. Burglar bars. N$830 000.00 Contact: 081 258 2317 081 143 8793 FOR SALE Meersig - Walvis Bay: 803.5m² erven with approved plan. Going for N$950 000 Contact Alpheus: 081 122 9115 ELEGANCIA INVESTMENT Narraville Stunning house 4 bedroom house, kitchen, lounge, study 2 bathrooms, double garage, huge erf Plus 2x flats Rental income: N$ 5 000.00 p/m N$ 1300 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480 COASTAL ESTATES Swakopmund: For sale: New house. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan lounge, Dining room. Kitchen with eye level oven. 5 burner gas stove. Indoor braai. Scullery. TV dish, alarm. 2 Garages. N$1 700 000.00 Call: Hannes: 081 149 8777 Irma: 081 368 4469 Jan: 081 270 8005 FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924

TO RENT: 1 bedroom bachelor flat. BIC, open plan kitchen, Water incl. Pre paid electricity. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Plus deposit. Immediately available. Fairways Estate. Contact: 081 246 5411 081 369 1444 WANTED: Looking for a room to rent in Kuisebmond. Can move in immediately. Price range N$ 500 Contact: 081 473 6346 WOONSTEL TE HUUR NARRAVILLE: 2x1 slaapkamer gemeubileerd. W/L ingsl. Enkellopende persoon. Kontak: 081 757 4876 HERMUS WALVISBAAI: Eenslaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar vanaf 2 Januarie 2015. Net 1 persoon. W/L ingsl. Onderdak parkeering. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit vooruit betaalbaar. Geen diere of kinders nie. Skakel: 081 814 1473 081 124 6948 064 207 819

TO LET SWAKOP CBD Shop space 80m² N$ 5 500.00 p/m MILE 4 3 Bedr Townhouse D/ Garage Pet Friendly N$ 7200.00 FREE STANDING 3 Bedr, D/ Garage Entertainment area. Huge Erf Pet Friendly N$ 8000.00 p/m WAREHOUSES FROM N$ 12 000.00 CONTACT US TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033

WANTED: I am urgently looking for a place to rent. Should be in a secure area, Mondesa / Mahetago / Tamariskia. 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen. Water included, prepaid electricity. Own toilet. Price range N$1000.00 - N$1500.00 Contact: 081 881 7623 TO RENT: 2 Bedroom flat to rent in Narraville available 1 January 2015 with garage. W/E incl. N$ 4 800.00 p/m No deposit payable. Contact Cal-lee: 081 303 4970 for viewing. Sam Nujoma Avenue 171 Narraville


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES




ENTERTAINMENT Social club house of the Walvis Bay Municipality at Jan Wilken stadium is reopening for the festive season on 9 December 2012 throughout December. Lets welcome the festive season at the Social Club House with live djs. PLEASE BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND JOIN US AS WE celebrate Human Rights Day onWednesday. Free entrance!


GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685

REMOVALS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.


BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: bayjoinery@ymail. com PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS:

For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. ELECTRICAL & GENERAL MAINTENACE House wiring New wiring Existing wiring Home appliance Switch boards Electrical motors Starters Maintenance New installations J.A Barnard 081 261 4499


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Mobile: 0814093522 email: Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Samsung Air conditioning Installer. Call Gunther anytime over festive season. 081 63 86 300 Stitch & Laundry Repair of clothing etc Washing, Drying, Ironing, of clothing, Curtains, Towels and linen. Manufacture and repairs of curtains etc. Canvas repairs. Loose carpets high pressure deep washing. Collections and deliveries Trading over festive season Contact person: Jennifer 0815863260

Josef driving School In Swakopmund and Walvis Christmas Special We offer driving lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay for more than 10 hour for N$90 per hour and get 1 hour free. N$ 150 for Natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructorfailing is not an option. We're working through Christmas and New Year, we'll prepare you for The year 2015… Contact: 0814183595 or 0812969477

Namib Times


A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia The device that really help Smokers to quit or change the Bad Habit. You choose your flavor, your own vaporizer size or color or style. You choose how much nicotine in your E liquid. We stock a wide variety of vaporizers with chargers from N$ 250.00 We stock spares for twisp, evod and many others. We have beautiful e pipes in stock for N$ 1 100.00 More than 80 flavors for N$ 40.00 on 10ml bottle 30ml E liquids for N$ 110.00 Visit Largo Video for FREEDOM on your habit. Tel: 205 525 081 407 5773




Contact Remax Properties for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065238342 / 0814175141 Swakopmund 064464033 / 0818709950 Walvis Bay 064212440 / 0816051984

Namib Car wash Grand opening Lots of opening specials * Super high ramp * Interior & exterior polish * Industrial vacuum clean and many mpre We are situated right next to Mega Stationers Andre: 081 304 0232

PRAYER Also come see a miracle never seen. We invite every true prophet, evangelist or any one who is just curious to come see. Mathew 5 vs 16: “Let your light shine before the people so that they can see your good works!! For more info 081 764 3606 DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Infertility, irregular loss of menstruation/period. Manhood, witchcraft treatment and protection, calling someone back from faraway, bad dreams, remove tokoloshi, relationship, nightmare, loss of memory. Diseases like: Asthma, clonic malaria, teary eyes, poor vision, high blood pressure, swelling of feet/stomach, diabetes etc. Kids below 5 years and a d u l t s o v e r 7 0 f re e treatment. WALVIS BAY Contact: 081 857 0100.


JUSTINE WALVIS BAY CLEARANCE SALE All stock must go. Phone and find out or make an appointment to view. Stock will be at the office as well, between 9 and 2 (206286). Books available at Dolphin Shoppe, Sentrum Apteek, Lagoon chalets and restaurant. DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Contact Hannah: 081 124 2151

Namib Refuse Removers Furniture removals Garden & building rubber Yard cleaning Remove trees Contact: 081 244 1342


Please find my cat Lily. She’s on medication and might not survive on my own. Lily went missing early Thursday morning 04/12/2014 She’s a house cat and very friendly towards people. N$ 1 000.00 reward will be (paid) to the person who brings Lily to us. Tel: 081 142 5910 081 287 5679


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




FOR SALE: 2003 Toyota 2.7 Bakkie N$ 62 000.00 neg. 2005 Toyota VVTI 2.0 N$ 80 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 580 6105

Horseriding lessons, Ponyrides, and Outrides everyday into the Namib Desert at the Swakop river bed plots. Contact 081 124 6626


FOR SALE: 1998 BMW M2 Evo 2 Regensberg edition 6 speed, manual 150 000 km. N$ 95 000.00 Negotiable. Contact: 081 376 2436 081 400 9979 after 17:00

Organic young christmas gees fresh from farm to sell. Contact 081 124 6626

VACANCY Fleet controller needed for an existing transport company. Experience will be an advantage but not a necessity. Forward your curriculum vitae to invest.vacancy@gmail. com


FOR SALE: Toyota 4.5 EFI Land Cruiser D/Cab, with 50mm “tralies”, 2005, full house with ARB bull bar, safari snorkel, full Old Man Emu suspension, extra fuel tank (200litre), dual battery system, F/Door central locking, running boards, water tank, Land Cruiser mags, 90% tyres thread, rear replacement bumber with double sparewheel brackets, radio/cd player, seat covers, stage one chip, 273000km. N$270000 including VAT negotiable. Steel/Aluminium canopy optional extra @ N$15000. Contact 081 496 5450 For Sale: Toyota Hilux D/Cab 2.5 turbo diesel intercooler, 2007, 200 000km, bull bar, tow bar, extra diesel tank, dual battery system, and suspension lift. N$175 000 including VAT negotiable. Contact 0814965450 FOR SALE: Pajero for sale 3.5 V6 Manual. N$80 000.00 BMW 320i Automatic 2014 model. N$440 000.00 3.3 4x4 Dubble cap Toyota Bakkie 2013 Model N$390 000.00 Contact: 081 180 0909 FOR SALE: Ford Cortina 3.0 Engine + gearbox. In a running condition as is. Cell: 081 687 7059 FOR SALE: 2007 Jeep Wrangler, 3.8 V6 126 500 km 3 door. Original rims incl N$ 150 000.00 Contact: 081 271 6857 FOR SALE: 2002 VW Polo Classic 1.6 N$ 38 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 653 3721 FOR SALE: 2002 Jetta 4, White N$ 50 000.00 Contact: 081 245 8989


Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE FOR SALE: Second hand furniture. Best quality in Town. Lapaloma building Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay Contact: 081 324 1285 081 255 5809 TREASURE CHEST NEXT TO WB HARDWARE SWAKOP Cell: 081 210 0800 Tel: 064 405 602 WE BUY, SELL, PAWN Quality Furniture, Tools, Household goods, Appliances, etc. At competitive prices. COME HAVE A LOOK!!

Pick A Bargain We buy and sell second hand furniture & household appliances BEST PRICES IN TOWN Louise - 081 032 4865 Guts - 081 259 3175 C/o 11th Road & Nangolo Mbumba Drive W/Bay

We Turn Your Assets Into CASH!

064220387 0811475333 We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value

GARDENING FOR SALE FAN PALMS FOR SALE, Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300

Rosy cheeks parrots for sale. Contact 081 124 6626

5 Green Valley Avenue Tel: +264 (0) 64 220607 Fax: +264 (0) 64 220646 E-mail: P.O. Box 2239, Walvis Bay Namibia


Requirements · 5 years traceable Experience · Must have Trade Certificate · Work responsibly and reliable in Maintenance + new buildings Needed immediately.

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Available for the festive season. Fully furnished 2 bedroom flat, CBD walking distance to Lagoon, DSTV, Wifi. Call: 081 226 2521 081 558 0136 for more information

Hand Deliver CV to Logi Plumbing cc Philip str. Unit 13 Cell 081 395 1652

ACCOMMODATION: Still need a place to stay December??? 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom. 1 garage. 6 Sleeper. DSTV, Alarm. Fully furnished. N$1500.00 per day or N$400.00 per person. Contact: 081 180 0909


HOLIDAY FLAT FOR TWO: N$ 350.00 per day 10 December 4 January 2015 Tel: 064 202 875 HOLIDAY ACCOMODATION: Looking for a safe and secure place to stay; look no further N0 10, Blue Sands, Lagoon has a two bedroom flat available for occupation immediately. Contact Madam Mwahata: 081 234 3544

YOSHI GUESTHOUSE IN WALVIS BAY: Is spotlessly clean, quiet and very beautiful. En-suite rooms and DSTV. We are in Moses Garoeb Street behind the Police station in town. Call 081 148 6387 or 081 140 5392.

TO HIRE TO RENT: Bubble machine Create an amazing atmosphere with thousands of bubbles cascaiding down. Ideal for: Kiddies parties: amuse kids for hours Weddings: Replacement for confetti First dance through a cloud of bubbles Backdrop for wedding photos Make your special occasion truly amazing. Contact: 081 335 6987


VACANCIES Dune 7 Adventures is looking for a Bar man Contact: 081 626 3404


OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders * Generators * Welders * Saws and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@ Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact: 081 146 4770 064 418 150 6m Containers to Rent Phone Karin / Chandre at 064 209 166

SITUATION WANTED EBBY: A 36-year old lady is looking for housekeeping, cleaning, ironing work. Mondays to Fridays or sleeping in work. Contact: 081 499 0901 JOB WANTED: A 27-year-old lady looking for domestic work or office cleaning work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. Am a born again. Contact: 081 720 4094 JOB WANTED: A 34-year-old, looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Have 4 years experience. Very hardworking. From Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 473 6346 TINA: Ek is ;n 40-jarige-dame opsoek na 2/3 dae kantoor skoonmaak of huiswerk. Kan Maandae, Woensdae of Donderdae wees. Bereid om onmiddellik te begin. Kontak: 081 362 3400 HELENA: A 26-year old looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig, Lagoon, Narraville or Langstrand. Very hardworking, trustworthy and is ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 651 7571 JOB WANTED: A lady is looking for work in Walvis Bay,.Mondays to Fridays. Anyone willing to help I can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 361 3147





namib times Please note that the closing date for our Holiday Supplement will be:

Wednesday 10 December 2014 Please ensure that your booking and artwork reaches us by latest 12:00 Don’t miss out on this exciting issue



Talitha Kumi Christian Academy - Children of Promise Ministries Award Ceremony Thursday 20 November was a very special day for the learners of the Talitha Kumi Christian Academy in Arandis. The annual Award Ceremony Celebrations took place and a very big crowd of proud parents packed the Arandis Community Development Centre to witness their children being awarded a certificate for a very fruitful academic year. The TKCA is a small private school in Arandis that promotes and catalyzes children regardless

of their background. Dedicated and enthusiastic educators teach learners in small class groups of less than 15 learners. During this ceremony each child was rewarded with a certificate of appreciation.

(Fltr) Sirka Kahirimonga, Borris Kavendji, Lee-candice Hoseel and Asley van Wyk enjoying themselves while performing in the Final Song!

The best performers in Grade 1: Borris Kavendji, Ashley van Wyk, Innocent Katjikonde, Fridirick Hangula, Lee-candice Hosea, Tangeni Nakufy, Sirkka Kahirimana, Rauna Wilhelm, Astroes Murorua and Precious Nenebes

Melvin Somaeb, a 7 Grader addressing the audience with his “farewell� speech while the best performers in the different grades listen carefully in the back ground th




A weekend of speed Piquet Jacobs

This past weekend, the harbour town of Walvis Bay was host to exciting drag racing on Saturday, down Union Street. The enthusiastic spectators arrived early to ensure themselves of a good view of the racing. Once again, the traffic department closed both lanes of the street for the event. An amount of nearly fifty competitors pitched up to put their speed machines to the test, including motorcycles and quad bikes. Most of the participants were privateers who simply wanted to see what their regular streetcars are capable of. There were quite a few notable performances that had the crowd roaring, such as Lester Da Sliva with his GTi 6, Stuart Eksteen with his GTi 6R and Allen Martin with his Nissan Champ proved to be the fastest of the day with a speed of 12.636 seconds. Bikes Smit, Arno ZX14 10.300 Taljaard, Le Roy CBR1000RR 10.544 Husselman, MCAllen GSXR1000 10.692 Smal, Wentzel Hyabusa 10.728 Quads Bacalhau, Miguel Raptor 1 6.316 Bacalhau, Jesino Raptor 16.445 Cars Martin, Allen Nissan Champ 12.636 Stander, Freddie A45 AMG 12.860 Eksteen, Stuart Gti 6R 12.960 Da Sliva, Lester Gti 6 13.025 Hendricks, Mannez Golf R 13.237 Bok, Nathan Golf 6R 13.311 Haskell, Franco Golf Gti 13.436 Julie, Angew Subaru WRX Sti1 13.493 Naidoo, Awin Jeep SRT8 13.514 Muller , Fysal Golf 6R 13.640 Harris, Maganat Jeep SRT8 13.790

Benjamin, Athur Heyns, Esau Beukes, Mario Esterhuizen, Schalk Hammerslag, Keith Mostert, Jacobus Fransman, Munique Kagandeng, Raulito De Koe, Alucius Davids, Chadley Sternberg, Pieter Reschke, Robbie Beukes, Bradley Izaaks, Renzell Resandh, Giandro De Rebeira, Frank Van Der Kolf, Ivo Winkler, Heinrich Beukes, Waldo Smit, Fyzel Johannes, Christian Calaca, Lorenco Bacalhau, Miguel Bacalhau, Jesino Potgieter, Jacques Malherbe, Ignes Rodkin, Hayman Brandt, Danver Bertolini, Roberto Strauss, Granville Koopman, Dimitrio Roberts, Edham

Beukes, Duke Angula, Andrew

Gti 5 Lumina V8 Subaru Focus ST Polo Gti Focus ST Jetta 5 Jetta 5 Polo 1800T Golf R32 Golf Mk1 2000 Golf Mk1 2000 Ford Rb25 Mazda MPS Polo Gti Golf Mk1 2000 BMW 330d Honda Ep3 Navara SC Mazda 2000 Passat Golf Raptor Raptor Audi A1 Golf Golf 4 Gti Golf Polo Gti Bantam Corsa Corsa

Corsa 1400 Golf

13.960 13.964 14.325 14.366 14.495 14.500 14.503 14.732 14.744 14.814 14.861 15.211 15.212 15.217 15.246 15.280 15.516 15.534 15.542 15.940 16.086 16.159 16.316 16.445 16.555 16.592 17.044 17.119 17.220 17.960 18.404 18.645

18.722 21.055

Warming up for the race

Ready, steady, GO!

The fastest of them all

Blue Boys wen een, speel een gelykop Marshallino Beukes

Blue Boys sokkerklub van Swakopmund het die afgelope naweek hul Eerste Liga wedstryd teen Spartans gewen en hul wedstryd, Sondag, teen Ramblers gelykop gespeel.

Foto bo & onder: Blue Boys in aksie

Ope tennistoernooi in Swakopmund Alexander Forbes gaan vanaf 12-14 Desember die Senior Ope Tennistoernooi 2014 in Swakopmund aanbied en die sluitingsdatum vir registrasie is 11 Desember, om 11:00. Hierdie is die sesde jaar wat die toernooi aangebied word en sluit in enkel-, dubbel- en gemengde dubbelspel aksie. Kerstin Gressmann het verlede jaar die dames-enkelspel titel ingepalm, met 'n speler van Botswana wat die mansenkelspel gewen het. Die aksie begin Vrydagoggend om 08:00 op die Swakopmund Tennisbaan en geen tennisliefhebber mag dit misloop nie. Intreefooie vir die enkelspel beloop N$150; dubbel- en gemengde dubbelspel N$80 per speler en vir die enkel- dubbel- en gemengde dubbelspel kategorie, N$250. Die enkelspel finale gaan Saterdagoggend gespeel word, met die dubbel-spel kampioene wat Sondagoggend bepaal gaan word. Die kompetisie gaan Sondagnamiddag afsluit met die gemengde dubbelspel finale. Vir verdere inligting kontak: Jürgen Gressmann 081 128 6662, ilka @, of Werner Schuckmann 081 127 9379

Die Swakopmund - gebaseerde span het verlede seisoen in die land se elite liga uitgedraf, maar kon ongelukkig nie die pas volhou nie en is na die Eerste Liga gerelegeer. Hierdie naweek se tuiswedstryde op die Mondesa Stadion het weereens getoon dat hulle wel met die groot name in Namibiese sokker kan saamgesels, maar heelwat skaafwerk is nog nodig, indien hulle weer 'n posisie in die Premierliga wil beman. Hul wedstryd, Saterdag, teen Spartans is baie swak deur ondersteuners bygewoon en dit het beslis 'n rol in hul algemene vertoning gespeel, siende dat die wedstryd nie juis vermaaklik was nie. 'n Elf-meter skop is in die doodsnikke van die wedstryd aan die tuisspan

toegestaan, nadat nie een van die twee spanne daarin kon slaag om enige doele aan te teken nie. Blue Boys het doodseker gemaak van hierdie kans en die eindtelling was 1-0. Saterdag het hulle 1-1 teen Ramblers gelykop gespeel. Intussen het LHU Blue Waters hul wedstryd teen die huidige Premierliga kampioene, Black Africa, gelykop gespeel (0-0). Dit is beslis 'n groot prestasie vir die Walvisbaai span en hierdie gelykopuitslag gaan hulle beslis tot hoër hoogtes aanspoor. FNB Eleven Arrows se wedstryd teen nuwelinge, Unam, het ook gelykop geëindig (22). Die komende naweek gaan die twee Walvisbaai spanne weg-wedstryde teen Touch & Go en Benfica, onderskeidelik, speel.



HIV-Aids Awareness week concludes with sport day Liesl Losper

Saturday morning’s HIV Aids awareness programme organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sport in collaboration with Bernard Kamatoto was well attended. Local sportmen and - women, pulled their weight to make this day a success. The Navy Band accompanied the fun walkers from the fire station to the stadium.

There were 28 runners. The first three athletes received medals for their effort. The day was filled with soccer, netball and a boxing clinic hosted by Bernard Kamatoto.

The night ended with a boxing tournament and the trophies’ for the day were presented to the winners. Ms Aletta Karikondua Nguvauva of the Ovambanderu Traditional Au-

Collin Uazeua, Tjeripo Tjazuka, Ebson Kazanguui, Hendrik Kabooy, Maria Kazanguui and Erich Goeieman after the 10km run

Runners ready read to start the 10 km race

thority, motivated people to raise awareness of HIV-AIDS through sport. She encouraged the Youth to do sport to stay away from negative influence.

Maria Kazangurui celebrating

The navy band acompanied the fun walkers.

The runners receiving their medals are Erich Goeieman (1st man) Uatangua Naleura (2nd lady) Ananias Simon (3rd man) and Albertinus Goeieman (2nd man)

Ladies soccer team before they started their game

Ms Mara Kandjiriomuini (Ministry of Youth and Sport co-ordinator) and Ms Aletta Karikondua Nguvauva

Myl 68 Hengelkompetisie Altesaam vyftien hengelklubs het tydens die 5de en laaste Rots en Strand Interklub Hengelkompetisie by Myl 68 deelgeneem. Die hengelarea is vasgestel vanaf Trappies tot by Myl 68 se baai en hengeltye was vanaf 7:30 tot 15:30. Alhoewel die weer gunstig was, was die vangste maar swak, maar ‘n paar Bronshaaie het uitgekom, met swak witvis vangste. Die resultate van die dag was: 1ste Orca Hengelklub met 1,737 punte 2de: Mako Hengelklb met 1,724 punte 3de PenguinHengelklub met 1,614 punte Beste Binnelandse klub: Otjiwarongo Hengelklub met 1,667 punte Die drie top hengelaars van die dag: 1ste Johan van Wyk - Mako Hengelklub met 202.1Kg

2de Elrico Janse van Rensburg - Walvisbaai Hengelklub met 125.6Kg 3de Gareth Wolfaardt - Orca Hengelklub met 109.2Kg Die drie top Junior Hengelaars van die dag is: 1ste Immo Dresselhaus - Orca Hengelklub met 47.0Kg 2de Nols Diedericks - Hentiesbaai Hengelklub met 46.7Kg 3de Loandro Erasmus - Okahandja Hengelklub met 28.2Kg Die twee top dames hengelaars 1ste Carlien Steyn - Welwitschia Hengelklub 2de Veronica Nel- Hentiesbaai Hengelklub

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